A new mic. This is enormous. How. I feel about this. All right? Thank? You all right, Can everyone hear me? Who I got a new I got a new mic. I'm loud now. All, Right? Um, good evening. Uh, I called to order the meeting, the Hamilton went in regional school committee at seven o'clock on Thursday April 25th 2024. And to begin the meeting. I'd like to invite you to join us in the pledge of Allegiance. To the flag of the United States. The justice as well. OK. Um, So, the first order of business this evening. Um, is as you know, Since. We Last met. We had an election. And. Our Regional Agreement says that, um uh after an election in this meeting, we will tabulate the votes, um, and make an announcement regarding them. Um, because, um Our elections are now run slightly differently, and the votes have been tabulated. We're not going to count them, but I am going to read the official results. Um, I did compare you'll see that there is an exhibit from both Hamilton and wham! And as our town clerks have done, And, I did the, um Match so we don't need to read them separately. Because. They are identical. They Did their jobs. OK? Um, So, as you know, we had, um one seat opened to F to fill a the remainder of a two year term. Um Trenton Honda received 540 votes from Hamilton 389 votes from when I for a total of 929 votes. The blank votes were 226 from Hamilton 107 from Wenham for a total of 333. The right in votes. Um Were, um From Hamilton zero from Wham and a total of eight and then there was a right in vote specifically for Courtney Ashwood, nine from Hamilton, zero from Wno, and a total of nine Um So. That means that, uh, for the two year term, Trent Honda has, um, been elected to the committee. Congratulations. And my understanding is the town clerk has informed me you properly sworn in and ready to go. Is that correct? That's correct. Alright, Welcome. Good to see you. Um Uh, next. We had two openings for a three year term. Um Julia Campbell received 531 votes from Hamilton 402 votes from Wenham for a total of 933 votes. Jennifer. Carr received 530 votes from Hamilton 390 votes from Wenham for a total of 924 votes. The Blanks were 446 from Hamilton 193 from Wenham and 639 for total. Write ins, uh, from Hamilton were 71 of or two for a total of nine and right in specifically for Courtney. Ashwood was 48 for Hamilton. Far from Wham and a total of 53. And that means that for the two slots, uh that Julia Campbell and Jennifer Carr have been elected to the, uh, three year term. On, the Hamilton win Regional school committee. It's Welcome back. I am I'm sworn in all right, and, uh, my understanding is both. Um, Julia and Jen have been properly sworn in and are ready to go for this evening. Thank you. Um Right? Any other members have any questions or Comment. Um I will say congratulations on everyone on beating the blanks. Um All right. Um Next up on our agenda. We have an opportunity for citizens. Comments, Um Oh did I skip something? No, OK. Um Oh. Yeah. I sort of introduced the members as we went along. Good? Yes. No. Do you wanna offer that we could Cuz it's a big So Um, yeah. No. I'll just move that we, uh, changed the agenda just to have this student rep speak before we open the Florida public comment. Um all right. I'll just, um Uh I. I mean I think we can just say if, um, without if there unless there's an objection. Um, I hear a suggestion that we might ask our student Rep Jake Collins to give his presentation ahead of citizens comments. Um Looks looks like that seems to work, Jake that work, OK? Right? Um I actually think it'll be nice? I hope I hope the citizens enjoy. It's always good to have us. Our student rep give a presentation. Um, for news for HWR MS. We have Um, our Spain trip just came back and are also our Taiwan trip. They had a great time and they would love to do it again, but sadly, some of them can't And we have We have the Decca National Conference is tomorrow and that's very exciting. We have a couple Hamilton one and people supporting us there. And. The prison concert went very well. We saw a lot of support there. And for sports we have track has the biggest team they've had in years and for baseball, they pulled out a 6 to 3 win against Newburyport Softball had a tough loss against Newburyport. And. The boys. Lacrosse won their first game of the year. Uh 13 to 3 to 13 to 9 against Ainsbury and the girls game sadly got canceled, but they are playing tonight. And for Miles River Middle School. We have 6th and 7th graders had their EL a MC a ST this week as well as they are having a play on May the fourth And for the elementary schools. We have A lot of M CS this week because the fifth graders and 4th 5th, 4th and 3rd graders all had their M CST this week as well as there was a special guest at Winthrop on the April 10th. Thank you. Thank you very much. Does. Anyone have any questions for Jake? All right. Um, Jake. Uh, did you say? I just had a quick question about the Decca nationals. Did you say that we had two people? Uh, I'm not sure about the number, but I know we have a T least one, but we have some people supporting us there. It's pretty impressive. Yeah. Great. Thank you for sharing that I appreciate it. Um So. Um, Jake. We always appreciate getting to hear right from the students. Um, it really means a lot that you take the time to come here. You are absolutely welcome to stay. And. We also understand that it's possible you may have other things to do. And. If You like homework, for example. And if you'd like to depart, you can do that as well. Um The one Thank you very much. Right, Um OK? Uh, Thank you to all of you. It's always good to hear that from the C, the students Um Alright, so next up. We. Have citizens Comments, Um we have an availability. Um to your comments, either, um, in person or on Zoom. Um, Any citizen who's wishing to wishing to speak if you're in the room, I would ask you to approach the podium when it's you know when it's your turn, and I'll give you We'll offer three minutes. I'm gonna ask if someone on the committee would be willing to be the timekeeper. David. Thank you, Um David will just give you a little heads up when you have about 30 seconds left. Um, when you approach the podium, I ask that you give, uh your name and address so that we can properly note um that for the minutes when we, um dock properly document, please know that citizens comments are an opportunity for you to be heard our job in listening to citizens comments is to listen. It's an opportunity for us to hear what you have to say. So it's not a back and forth. It's not a dialogue or a debate. It's our opportunity to hear what you have to say. Um, I ask, Um, just that you keep, uh your comments to those things that are within the purview of the school committee. And, uh, with that, I think we'll get started in the room. It. Looks like we have maybe a couple of people on zoom, but maybe we'll start in the room. Um And. I will just say, um, I'm Gonna say we'll go about 20 minutes. That goes till 730. Then. I'll do a little check in and see where we are at that point OK? Right. Good afternoon. First is up. My name is Nicholas White. I work at I work I work and live at 1 53 3, Woodland Mead and I do wanna appreciate the work of the committee both on Tuesday Night and here tonight so certainly as public servants we I really do appreciate the work and dedication but in terms of the, uh, decision that was made on Tuesday, uh, with regard to the mega mega project that was approved, I Just wanna reiterate my comments from Tuesday? I feel that the mill rate here in Hamilton is unsustainable and Or really puts an unfair burden on the community and the residents and I think it forces many people not to live in this lovely place. I also think that from my, uh uh, open space, Uh, perspective, uh, getting rid of some of the open space to put this mega operation in place, uh, is disingenuous or not consistent with why many of us moved here. And they also reiterate many of the comments on Tuesday regarding the character of small schools, which really is consistent with why many of us moved here. My. Some of my kids went to the public school here and really benefited from that small environment, so I would just urge. Um, the, uh, committee to obviously you're not gonna reconsider that. But. I did want to say that I will be very much in favor of of, uh, on the hustings, putting, putting out many, uh, supporters to try to turn this down. Comes to vote this fall because it really does do think it really doesn't um Doesn't do this town justice and I understand a lot of the pressures, uh, from a tax perspective, But. I just I really think that it's the wrong thing for this community. Thank you. Thank you. OK, um Mister. Tracy, Is there anyone on zoom that wants to speak. Anyone on zoom would like to speak. One. Just a second, Mr Musso. We. Wanna make sure we get your mic so everyone can hear you. Go ahead. Good. Eric. Hi. Good evening. My name is Eric Muster. I live And And. I appreciate the time tonight to speak. Uh uh, You know. I'm Sorry. We still can't hear. I'm not young kids. And so I'm in By the school consolidation project that is being put forth. Um, by this committee, um I want to say that I am. Adamantly opposed to this idea, and there is a growing cohort of not just young families. But elderly families, Um single people. Uh, local, Um just friends and Other community members in this committee are within this community that are opposed to this project. Um, and there are several reasons as to why we are. It's not just financial. It's not just because we're opposed to more development. It's not because Of, um increased traffic or or whatnot. The main idea and the reasoning behind being opposed to this Mega school for little Children is because it's not so not what is best for them. That's That's it That's the That's The main factor here, a mega school with first graders through 5th 5th graders. Of over 700 Children in one massive school is not what's best for them. Research has shown us this studies have shown us this other schools that have done this. It's not been successful. It's not It's not going to have a good outcome. That's Why all these families That have moved to this little community are so upset because we're going to lose out on why we moved here. The communities that we've built within the Booker school system have been fantastic. Just this past week. The principle Send out an email. And in the email, he said. The reason why our school is so great because it's so small. Word for word. And it's great because it is small. We know our principle. We know our teachers. We know all the staff. My son is a kindergartener and loves his school. He wants it to keep a small school. Right, Colton. You want to keep it a small school keep it as small school and so we have more little community members that realized that dramatic impact is going to have To create a high school size school for these little kids, it's going to completely change the town and It's not what's best for the school and we were willing to vote this project down because we know it's not what's best for our kids, and that's why we moved here for what's best for our Children and our education. So unless you're willing to risk this project failing which I hope you are not. I ask humbly. That you review the proposed idea? And keep our schools under the 300 threshold for each school. Do one at a time. 30 seconds state reimbursement for each school. And go through the process. I don't want to have an Ipswich situation happened where we lose out on schools on state funding. Because we have not listened to our voters were telling you right now we have over 500. Signees of a petition. That number is just gonna grow. It's not gonna get smaller. So unless you're willing to risk it. I humbly ask you to reconsider. Thank you all for your time. Thank you. Thank you. We have one more person on zoom. It will just continue. Continue on Zoom. Maybe Angela, Did You want to speak? That's okay. Okay. Um, is there anyone else in the room that would like to speak? Hearing Cheeseman 75 Pleasant Street one. I grew up here attended the Bucher school and center school. Over the last couple of weeks as blackboard I've received Many emails, um, mostly long on emotion as Might understand. Detailing Great memories of these three schools. But short on actual understanding of the process that's gone on over these multiple years as well as what the true costs are. Three elementary schools. Are really inefficient. You can make the arguments as to what size is the best. But the fact is It's being characterized as a mega school. Ashley the size proposed to just slightly larger than the average school in Massachusetts today. In, a town where my parents built for schools coming into a blue collar. Town at the time. Compared today, where the two towns having assessed value over $4 billion The idea that we cannot afford to stay at the art school for our students is difficult to understand. We have one shot at the state aid. It's a significant portion of the total amount. That we could obtain. The schools I visited with Dark Harvey and with Dr Tracy They are 70 year old schools, no matter what our memories are, they are out of date. They don't meet security. Don't need instructional. They don't need structural standards for the day. If you have any questions on that? I would suggest Go see the New Manchester Essex school or the Swamp Skit School? That's. The type of schools are our kids deserve And? Yes. It's gon be expensive and yes, I understand that our tax rates are very high, but the fact is, it's a critical portion of our Town to have state of the art schools. That's what really attracts it here. It's not The attraction is not for a Cutler school that has A myriad list of problems. That's My point of view, and I hope we go and used the largest possible access to the state aid because that's where dash hold help for our The town's country tax wise. Thank you. Okay? Um all right. It looks like we have maybe have someone new on Zoom You want to speak? I speak Let me. Just see if there's the first non zoom wants to speak. Yeah, maybe. You go ahead in the room. Can you hear me? Oh hold on one second one person in front of you. Go ahead. Yes. Can. You. Hear me, OK Terranova 54 woodland, meet, Um First. I want to thank the school committee for the time that's been invested in this, um I'm afraid for a number of reasons, and Mr Cheesman Mentioned this at the beginning of his talk. And that is the emotion associated with this project. Um This town is being torn apart. Hamilton's being torn apart when I was being torn apart. Fight over the turf fields is indicative of where this is going ahead with the school project. Case. You hadn't noticed our society is being torn apart. Because of issues. Issues like this on a small scale. Instead of Pushing Divisive issues. We need to find some way to compromise and the compromise is not going to come from a 740 students Mega school. It's got to be something smaller. And something that's affordable. There's going to be a lot of emotion over the next year as this subject is being taken into consideration. You have a responsibility. I know that you're aligned with the school district. But. You all live in this town. You live in Hambleton. You live in winter. Understand the responsibility that you have to keep this town together and not to push something that's going to continue to tear our towns apart. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next. We're gonna take, uh, person on. Zoom. Are you ready? Hi. You're on. You're you're all set. You have three minutes. Hi. Yes. I'm sorry. I can't really hear from the doom. For some reason it sounded like somebody was speaking. But. I couldn't really hear what was said just so for for you to know that it's kind of hard to hear. What's what's been spoken about over zoom. Um, In. Any case. I'll start to say this is Francesca Connors 343 Baby Road, former school Committee member and I've spoken in multiple occasion about the importance of small schools in a community like ours. Sorry. My son just came into the room. Ah! Ah, sorry. Can I. Just is there anybody else that can speak right now? Joey, please. Okay I'm gonna put Yeah. This is actually want to keep going. That's going to go into the mega school that I'm really hoping he doesn't have to do that. Um But. I wanted to say, really, I thought Many, many times about The. Importance of north Coast in different forums that were kindly offered by the School bending committee and the death strict gave opportunity to people to talk. I spoke about how little we know about the finance of all this and how many pieces are out there that are not just related to the building of the school, but a lot of other things that will be really important to talk about. As a community. Ah, And. How frustrating It is that different committees? Are not talking to one another, like finance committee pointed fingers to the other committee. The school committee point the finger to the town. The town point the finger to the school Building Committee. Nobody seems to really own The responsibility of this and will be nice to have somebody that actually owns it. That weekend that puts together all the pieces In any case where I really want to talk about his equity. I've heard. Equity being a big and maybe the only argument. Just support Consolidation. Let me tell you. Do. We really think about words when we speak? I grew up in a town that was divided into a part that was very poor. And apart there was wealthy. Two different elementary schools in two different places of the town. One that was catering. There was catering the wealthy group and one with the catering the poor part of town. That is Not equity. That's what it is. What we're talking about here. Like really consolidating through school, which have very similar demographic here. Very similar demographic. Very similar, Uh, Financial status. Very very similar. Everything really? And kids are all friends. I mean, saying that it's an equitable Issue. If we don't consolidate or if you don't address all the school at the same time, I think it's just kind of not not using words, the right way and kind of almost offensive to what in this world is an equitable right now, so I just wanted to raise this because I've heard it many, many times that the only argument brought up in support of business holiday shin and I just want to say Please don't do that. It just doesn't make any sense. And with this. I am concluding because my my toddlers is really right here behind me and doesn't let me speak. Thank you for? Thank you for listening and thank you for all that you're doing and appreciate you giving us the time to to speak today. Of course and just so you know, just so you know, it's it's a lot easier and clearer to watch on W camp because after this, we shut down the zoom link after community comments. But, I thank you, okay? Yep. Come on up. Hello. Good evening. Arrogant Tortorici 85 Woodland Mead. Um, I appreciate you taking the time to listen to us. I moved to Hambleton to bring my daughter to small school. I love the charming little town and Um, I just couldn't imagine dropping her off as a six year old at a mega huge school. I just I live near Cutler. I See all the little Children sprinting out at recess. Sorry, I'm getting emotional. What looking at the horses, and I just it's gonna We're gonna wipe out all the green space at the kids have and put a mega school with a parking lot, and all they have is their little courtyard. To go out to in the middle of the school, and I I just can't imagine that for our Children, and I just This is not why we came to this town and we're just over developing it and we want to walk to school with the families he want to the principal to know everyone we want to know all the parents and then then bring them to the high school when they're ready, not bring a first grader to a high school 80,000 square foot. Huge school. So, Please, Please Think of the Children think of their experience. What. We're robbing them of what? What we had when we were kids. Think of the school that you went to and think of what you're robbing the parents of when they bring their little scared first grader to a huge, huge school, so please rethink it. And I appreciate everything. Thank you. Thank you. Nancy McWhorter. 18 Cunningham drive. Um, do any of you people know who the colors are? Do any of you people know who the riches are. Do, do you? Not? You, sir? Over there. Do you know them? Do you know anything about the town? No, it's not. Okay. Well. There you go, so Nancy McCord is standing here in front of you 30 years ago, no sidewalks. In this town. Do. You know why we have sidewalks. To any of Raise your hand. Any of you know why we have sidewalks in this town. Because the richest son Died on Sagamore Road. By a double horse trailer. She said. Old money here. The town is changing. Do you know that to any of you people know that on Sycamore Road, he died. And she gave money to the town. To say I'm going to put aside walk and so nobody else's child dies riding their bike. On a narrow road. Being written over by a double horse trailer. I moved here years ago. There were no sidewalks. She funded us sidewalks. Do you know that? Do? You know the colors? Do you know that the rich family They did a lot for this freaking town. A lot for this town. I sat here and I talked to you. Two days ago instead, when I came here, they want to redo all the sidewalks. And. There was a lot of controversy with people even in my own neighborhood that stood behind me, and they wrote about me in the paper. And they said, Get out of our town, go back to the city you came from. I didn't want to a sidewalk, although I wanted with my sidewalk in front of my house to be refurbished because my house is a A circle and the sidewalks went halfway up and the rest of them because the town never maintain them. They just took it over. And I sat here and I said. I want my sidewalk refurbished the my daughter and my son could walk on a sidewalk and walk all the way around to go to Cutler School. That's why I moved here so my kids could walk to their elementary school. Do. You know I had people in my neighborhood said Oh, well, they can cut through my yard and I go. Well, that's really great in three years. Are you going to let my kids go through your rose bushes, and you know what? They shut that down because we couldn't go to Cutler anymore. So all those kids are all being bussed. They're all being driven by their parents and I am done with this mega school. Crap. I am done with these people who don't know the history of this town. We are a small community. Where Karen Karen. Anybody want to come here? My kids with special needs. My kid could not be in a school with 700 kids. He was five years old. They had a tape him to which chair so he could write his name. I am against any mega school. I couldn't even find my way around the high school on parents' night. Thank you. Thank you. So. Thank you so it's about 730. It. Looks like we've got someone in the room that is approaching the podium is Is there also someone on maybe one more on zoom, So. Let's do let's have one more in the room, and then we'll check in and like I said, You know Well, we may wrap up soon we had slated about 20 minutes, so I'm going to go ahead. Great. Thank you very much. Michael Madden Highland Street, Hambleton. Um As. I've been thinking about this for the past several weeks. A couple of months. Actually. I've been thinking about lots of different things to say. I spoke at length here the other night at the school Building committee, so I won't take up that much of your time tonight. But I echo the concerns of Everyone we've heard here tonight except for this gentleman over here, which, incidentally, I live in the neighborhood. Cutler. You. Don't. It's in your interest. That. The students move over there. I! Get that I understand that, but We've all heard comments, you know? Smaller schools are better. I've heard from a number of elementary school teachers that that is their point of view as well. Um, I have a daughter at Cutler school. She even said to me this morning I was trying to introduce the concept. Her In. Other words, she said. To me words said that that's scary. I wouldn't want to go to a big school like that. And I'm sorry. It is a mega school. In, a town like Hamilton's, and when it is a mega school, we're not in the suburbs of New York City or Chicago or anywhere else like that. But. I'd like to also approach it from another angle as well. I'm project manager being a project manager for 20, plus years, remember the project Management Institute. PM Me, the gold standard and Project management as P M P certification project management Professional. OPM owners project managers that we have on this project. I asked them, not one of them, or P m p certified. And I'm concerned because of that they're not managing this project the way it needs to be managed. So, for example, and have worked on a number of projects. The biggest thing that can derail a project are your key stakeholders. These people here tonight. People on the phone. And consume and the people that are going to vote next April. Daria key stakeholders and to manage your key stakeholders. You need to take two things into consideration those that are interested in the project from least interested, very interested on the X axis and those that have influence on the Y axis. All these people here are very interested and have a lot of influence because we'll all be voting next April. So far as it was mentioned, we have over 500 signatures that will not decrease it will only grow. So I would urge you all to please take it into consideration because a mega school like this will not get voted in next April. Thank you very much for retirement. Mr Tracy. Do we have someone that wants to speak on zoom. Think so okay. I think it is and this will be the last one I. Think will take on Zoom if that's um And then did you want to speak? Okay. Looks like no. Alright. Um it looks like we've got two people in the room that want to speak. Is that correct? Right? Mhm. Sure, we'll do two and then and then I'm going to check in with the committee. Go ahead. Kennedy newest elected selectman in Hambleton, very happy to be there to represent the residents of this town. I have two comments that I wanted to make actually three. The. First one is that I supported the building of a new school. The Cutler school. I believe that that school needs to be at the very least renovated, If not totally, um Rebuild. I think that our Children deserve that. The second thing I wanted to say was that I was just stressed during one of the meetings, the community meetings where Um The school superintendent was heard to say that they corridors in this new building will be so big that I can drive my jeep down it. And I worry that there's more concern about the status of this than there is for the well being of a child. I have a child who has special needs. He's older now. But a lot of people here are very concerned about the impact on their young Children. Kids are terrified. I can remember being terrified going into junior high as it was called when I was a youngster, it is terrifying and our Children are exposed to enough stress in their lives Day to day without incurring this additional stress they cannot settle down and study when they're so overwhelmed by their surroundings. And I've not heard a whole lot of concern about that. Which Concerns me and concerns the parents and residents here. And then the third thing I wanted to talk about was how this school district manages its finances. Last year. Um, there was, um, a stabilization fund that was incurred to put in the access funding from the previous year or years. Last year There was a significant significant amount of money in that I believe a few million dollars And. We've also been told that the high school needs a new roof to the tune of $2 million. Instead of investing that money in a new roof. This school district Invested that money in the athletic fields. What kind of a school district would put the physical needs of a school behind an athletic field. I urge you to three. Think your commitment to this mega school. I urge you to rethink where you put your maintenance money, and I urge you to think about the impact upon the young Children, the families and the residents in general in these two towns. Thank you. Thank you. So. I'm gonna have one more. And. Then I think we're going to wrap up the citizens comments? Boston Sharon Road. Um, Eric, you heard my spiel the other night. Um, we did move here for small schools. We didn't move. We had an optional Beverly, much larger school. We moved here. The small schools. They are in disrepair. We need to do something about that. A large school for this town is not the answer. We need to just fix what we have. And if it's if it's redoing color, and then do any other schools over time. That's the way to go. Like Mr Muster and Fuel said. This is about the Children. It is it is really scary for young child to introduce themselves to school, this massive school and its massive this town like something, someone said. Additionally, I keep on hearing. You know we're going to get all this funding from the state, which You know, I don't know if that's guaranteed. But You know, the $50 million is being claimed. And. Then I heard another number. That's $20 million from Winthrop's property sale afterwards that doesn't account for all the debt we incur afterwards. The numbers that have been run right now don't even include debt that is is comes after the project, the demolished of Winthrop The cleanup of Winthrop. What happens when we put housing on that afterwards. I know you want to separate the two but then they tied together. When. You put a new apartments over there for the NBT or whatever There's new housing projects that adds more students was the cost of sent one student to this quote school. Yeah 200 apartment units over there and then some into one him as well. That all is more debt for us. We're not doing this fiscally responsible. Across the board this this project team, the O. P. M or P m o team is not doing it fiscally responsible. The towns are acknowledging that the finance team seems to be overwhelmed with all these numbers. The school board. Follows it back to the rest of the committees. We're not. We're not doing the town justice and more importantly, as the other, German said. The Children. Keep the small schools repair we have keep the open spaces. We moved here for the small schools, the lack of overdevelopment and the open green spaces. Honor those things that make this town what it is today. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. Um, at this time, um Miller to the committee. But. I feel like we're going to close up citizens comments Um, I. Wanna thank you all very much for taking the time to come and share your views. Um, it's important to hear a wide variety of views, and I really do appreciate everyone taking the time. And for the respectful and thoughtful comments. Thank you. Um, next up on our agenda. I realized that I I didn't Give people the Protocols and Mission statement, So. I'm hoping people just jump up and say that they're, uh, who's interested in reading a small portion of our protocols? Julia. Thank you so much. This page two As elected members of the Hambleton one and regional school committee. We, including the superintendent, except the high Honor and trust that has been placed in us to ensure that the students of the district received the best education possible to that end, we hereby commit to the following in the conduct of our business. Number 11. A School Committee meeting is a business meeting that is held in public, not a public meeting. The committee will make every effort to ensure meetings are effective and efficient. Thank you? I appreciate it. Um alright and who would like to read a portion of our mission statement? David Franco wants it. There we go. Can. You speak right into the The Hambleton when UM regional School committee will lead and inspire a district that empowers administrators to seek innovation. Responsiveness and creativity and all aspects of district operations. Thank you. Um all right, and we have already heard from our student representative. So. Next up is the consent agenda. Does anyone have any items from the consent agenda that they would like to hold? Oh, David, If. You're willing, I'm ready for a motion consent agenda? Um, moved at the regional school committee. Um, except the consent agenda as written Do. You have a 2nd 2nd 2nd By John Karr. Um, there is no discussion on the consent agenda all those in favor. That is unanimous and the motion passes. Okay? Um so I am going to look to the committee. Um, on this next a new business. Um, you will see that, um, item G is the preferred elementary school option discussion. Um, I am going to just look to the committee to see whether people would like to move that up. I Only suggest that because I I suspect that many of the people here that's what they would like to hear about. Um Sure that's fine. I'm just looking for any objections about going out of order. Okay. Um, alright, Looks like that's what we're going to do, so we are going to move item G up, Um to the first, um New business item. Um, this agenda item is, um just to discussion. It's going to turn it over to Mr. Tracy is going to give us Um, an update and my vision on this item is that it's an opportunity for members of the committee to ask questions. So that we can have clarity. About. What where we are exactly right now in the process and what the next steps are. Um so that and I encourage the committee to ask your own questions. And. Also, if you have questions that you've received from the community to this is an opportunity to ask. Eric to you. Thank you. Just switch this over. Put together. A quick presentation, uh, kind of pulled some of the pieces from the other night. The Monday night School Building Committee meeting, So I just want to run through that at least kick off the discussion. As you know, we've been in the process of for a while. Now, um Completed Module one, Module two, and we're just at the end of Module three. Of the M s B a process module three requires a May 2nd submission for PSR, which is preferred schematic report. Which is basically everything we did during the feasibility study component of the process. That process. Excuse me. Jen has a question this screen so people could see. Yeah. We can do that. Thank you, John. I want to make sure that you guys can also that Trent and Jen and Julia, can you all see too? No If you pull that mike off and just put it on the seat. You can move the podium. There you go. Thank you all. Knowledge Group assistance. You. See it, Julia, right? Yeah. Can you guys I want to make sure the committee can all see it? Yeah, okay. Alright. Can you back up just a little bit, Eric. Sure. Suicide just outlines the process Msb a process that we started back in. 2022 Um, eligibility period We went through. We were eligible found eligible. We formed. The project team went through that process. Now. We're in the feasibility mode where at the end of feasibility study. And the feasibility study has a final report known as the preferred schematic report, which is really just saying, Okay, you've gone through the process, and in our case we've rounded down from 14 options down to a single option that gets submitted to the MSB A, and that goes through their approval process over the next few weeks and then Ultimately, the determined at their board meeting in June. Um Whether or not to invite Schools into the next module of which is schematic design. Schematic design takes you well into the fall. It's about it, probably about a seven month process is fairly long. Really extensive, so that would be our next step there. Hmm. The Statement of interest was submitted. Believe it or not, the 1st 1 2008. We've submitted six for the Cutler project, and I think four or five for each of the other two schools. Cutler was accepted. We entered the eligibility period in 2022. Um and that really just saying, Okay, let's get pieces of the puzzle together and move forward into the authorization with the school committee. We've gone through all of that. Form the project team in 2023 and then jumped into feasibility. From there. We'll go into schematic design with with an ultimate, um With an ultimate Opportunity to secure funding. For. Whatever project is chosen in April 2025 Town meeting. Is the current members of the building committee. Someone had asked me to Display this one. And then we have the eligibility period. If you go back to the beginning in November 3rd 2023. We were sent us. Uh, letter to be sent this letter to the MSB A, and it's really their letter about the certification of enrollment design. Hold on one second, just so you know if you go into the agenda for tonight, you can get this entire slide shows you don't need to keep this one's not, but I will post it. I got it at the last second before I got here, so we'll make this available. I will post it and I will can. I might just also interrupt. W Cam, Can I ask you a question is the screen That's being displayed is that, um Being filmed. Okay good, So. It's on. It's also part of the video that H W Cam is presenting right now. So. This slide is the the eligibility period certification of design enrollment when we were initially invited in Agreed with the M S B, a said we would love to be into the process. They went through a process of examining some options that were available to us after touring all three of our elementary schools, Um they were very willing to take on the Cutler project as one of the most needy buildings out of the three elementary schools. Um And all of these design Enrollment center about the Cutler property, and that was the s o. I. They accepted, so they they do their studies. They do growth and death rates and real estate sales and they go through a fairly sense of process. Um Then they come up with these design enrollments, all of which are anywhere between 30. 50 or 60 kids about? Excuse me, 5050 or 60 kids above, Um, where we're at now. So, For example, the 285 students School K 25 color if you just rebuild Cutler right now, we only have 252 149 kids in that building. So. They. They do build in cushion in each of the options, so the four options were presented to us and they said, if you want to move forward, and you believe that you would be willing to build these four options. Sign. This document move forward as approved by the school committee sent in and in November of 2022. Some of the coming Schedules are milestones. If you will we did the school Building Committee vote to select the pervert option last Monday. The School Committee meetings tonight. Obviously, school Building Committee vote to approve the PSR submission, and that's just that's the submission of everything that we've done. In the PSR process since about February. Until. Now it's probably about 1000 page document that gets submitted to the state. Um Then There'll be another school committee meeting next to next Thursday. Excuse me which we would actually vote. On. The grade refried reconfiguration, which is a requirement of the state. Any project where you're reconfiguring in your district. Any of the current models that are in place it has to come back before the school committee for approval. In this case, if if you go with the 740 students option there is a reconfiguration where you take all of the kids in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade and all three elementary schools. Put them in one building and then convert. The Bucher would be a pre K K. Early lot. Ernie Early Learning Center early childhood center. Um And. Then on the third, we would submit the PSR to, uh To the M S B. A And, then that goes off to their facilities Assessment subcommittee meeting that is a meeting They determined we haven't been told whether we're on the 14th of the 22nd. Basically they go through all of our information come up with a list of questions and we work with them to answer the questions related to the PSR submission. Early. June. We're going to do another community forum. We wanted to push it out because we wanted to get at least to the facilities Assessment subcommittee to see what the state was thinking with their questions and answers. Get that another fourth community option out there, then the board of directors meet in early. Excuse me in June in June, 26th They do it every other month meeting with just 2 June 26th would be anybody that did their facilities Assessment subcommittee meeting either in on the 14th of 22nd. We're not the only school district that would be involved in that we would be one of several, um, so the board of directors comes together. They take the recommendations from the subcommittee that subcommittee meeting and determine if they want to invite us into schematic design. You know they could also say no, Go back and tweak, tweak the design or they could they could definitely not agree with the choice that we make. So, um Again. We're still Really checking boxes for the MSB a along this process. Um, as you probably know. This outlines all of the original 14 options and the five arrows. I'll get closer in on those in a second, But. This was the initial tallies of, uh, the school building committee. When we were first asked to evaluate The The five options. And. Then they were asked to do it again. Leading into Monday night's meeting for the five options that were left on the table. Um and these are the results of those and the other than the code upgrade and the addition renovation. The scores were right around the same 99.699 0.3 100.1. Those. Those were the scores for those C 31 c 3334 all the new construction Um, so those that that was the result of the, uh, tallies going into the school building committee going into Monday night's meeting. And then We voted accepted options to see 3.4 as we know. Which brings us here tonight. Thank you. Thank you. Um, So. What I'm hoping will have an opportunity to do is we can just make sure that each committee member gets an opportunity to ask questions. So, um I don't know We can just go around. I don't know who wants to start. But. My thought is that we want to let everyone speak before anyone speaks again. Um So Questions. Questions. Amy. Um, I am curious about I know, I think it was either February or march? You presented the initial plans or the ideas to faculty. I was wondering if you got feedback from them about any of the plans that the faculty uh the elementary fact that I met with them back in February and just presented all of Everything that's been going on along the way they get all the same updates. Everybody else does they get all the same options to chime in on surveys and things like that? Uh, elementary schools are excited. Teachers are excited because Of where they're working. Now. I mean some of some of the some of the classrooms of tight Some of them are hot all the time. Some of them are cold all the time. So you know, uh, It's just It's a fantastic opportunity for them to really improve their working conditions and and, uh, gonna grow and grow along with kids in a really strong teaching and learning environment, so I mean I haven't had anybody come to me and say, Don't do this. No, just bring that up, because you know as Um, of course we're concerned about the students and their needs. But. Also. This is our faculty. Our teachers workspace, So. I think that's important to keep in mind when we're thinking about this new building. Thank you. Okay, Who else has questions? I apologize, Eric because I know we were supposed to meet so that we could talk about this and I'm supposed to be, you know, not here. Um, but, alas, this is how we are. And. So. That means that, um We. I didn't get to preview you with some of my major questions here. Um, but I do have first and foremost the biggest concern for me is that we succeed in getting funding from the state. I think that that is of utmost importance. And. I think that anything that we could do to jeopardize that would be folly. And my concern is that the outpouring of information from the community As. This project has neared. It's next milestone. Has been gargantuan. And. It makes me concerned. That we are leading the town after appropriating a million dollars for this feasibility study to a place where we're going to get nothing and that causes harm. But my My. My concerns here are not about what option Is actually coming before the committee but about process So. Um, I I think In thinking about this a lot that there might be a disconnect between the information that the committee is getting And the information in the community. That's the only explanation that I have for the what? Hundreds of emails that we've gotten at this point in time. Getting accosted at at Crosby's When I'm trying to buy something because Honda's a rare name, it turns out, um so That the the reason that I think that there might be a disconnect is because the committee Is constituted unlike any other committee in the entire town, as I can tell. There is a large number of people. You're you're the chair of the committee. There's a large number of people on the committee that are your direct reports or indirect reports. Correct. Several. Yeah. I think my account. It's less than it one less than a majority on the committee. And, then a large number of people on the committee are not actually members of the town. But it's not clear in any of the information that's been made available. Sorry. You're not talking about the school committee committee. You're talking about building committee. I think they're very important distinction between the two. So I think we just should make that course. Yeah. You were just saying committee, so I just and I was getting confused. Totally Get it? Yeah. Because. We are not direct reports to Eric. Everybody Here is town resident right? And? Everybody here was duly elected by the public and our statutory authority is is vested from that election, right? And that's where I think this committee is very different, right? There's not in order to be on a town committee in Hamilton's or when, Um you have to be a Member of the community, right? Um And so that that's where I think that that there's there's maybe not the same information that's getting to this committee as what's out in the public, and I do think that it's really hard if you have a committee constituted people that report to you for them to vote their true opinion, right? Um, I know that if I was on a committee And my boss had a vote. And. I had to raise my hand against that. That would be a hard thing for me to do right. I have I have there's a conflict of interest there. It doesn't mean that there was bias introduced. It means that there's a potential for bias being introduced. And. I also think that Yeah I just want to clarify what the what you're asking for. The committee is put together by the MSP a right, So. There's a requirement of who needs to actually be involved on the committee. The M S P. A requirement is that if you read it, it's It was interpreted very stringently by this group. Yeah, but it says you have to include one or more of you have to endeavor to include one or more of the following people. And then it lists a large number of people. But it doesn't list. It is the only person on there that I can tell that it's actually required is you Because it says, be a according to the MSB a document everybody else it says must include at least one right so they didn't constitute the committee. The committee was constituted as far as I can tell by this group. But It doesn't have its. There's no information publicly available. There is a question on the on the Building Committee website. How many people are actually town residents, and there's a link and if you go to that link it gives mostly the professional addresses. Of where people work in town. It doesn't actually tell you who is a town resident or not, And. The reason. I think that's concerning is that The impact is going to be on the town residents now people who have great information because they work in these environments. Such as schools definitely need to have a voice in an opinion. But I do think that when you're a town resident, and you're looking at it, it gives you pause about the process, right? Are people making a decision that are going to be affected. By the Negative aspects of the decision. And then again, I think that The other piece of information that the committee collected was in a survey that was sent out. And. The idea, of course, was to involve the public and ask them their opinion. And what have these options was going to be helpful. Um, but that survey was was Fundamentally flawed and I. Actually. I sent an email. To you. Indicating that it was fundamentally flawed and I think that there's a problem the reason it was fundamentally flawed for those that were on the email is that you can fill it out as many times as you wanted. So there's no way of knowing I think 100 and 73. People responded to it. It could be one person that responded to it. There's no way of knowing. So I think that if we're going to be Appropriating. $100 million from residents and $50 million from the state. We could spend money to get a polling company to actually determine what is going to succeed in the town. Because I fear that we're going to end up with a lot of time energy effort and money, and it's going to go to vote and it's going to get turned down. And then it's all on the taxpayers and we have the ability like I can't imagine it would be more than a few $1000. Maybe 10. But in the $150 million, you know, on the line. Environment. I think that getting a professional company to actually determine what the will of the voting public is would allow us to say? Are. We going for something that's not going to actually succeed. I'm done a lot of the faculty. Um, a lot of the faculty don't live here. Excuse me. A. Lot of the faculty do not live in Hamilton's Excuse me. Excuse me, Julia. Excuse me, Julia. Hold on one second Hold on, So. I just want to say I absolutely I'm thrilled that you're all here, Um And just to remind you that this is actually a business meeting and that takes place in public. It's not a meeting for you to participate, and it's actually distracting for us in terms of hearing if people are making noise, so I'm thrilled that you're here and I just want to encourage you to Allow us to do our work. Thank you. I couldn't hear what you said Julia. A. Lot of the faculty do not live in Hamilton. And when, um so I think they should. Also their point of view should also be considered as what I'm trying to say. Just because they don't live in the town. Okay, So, Eric. I want to give you the opportunity to there was there was a lot there and I just want to give you, Eric, Um, the opportunity to respond, And then I. And. Then David, too, is As, the representative to the School Building Committee If you have something to add to Have your point of view on or response. Go ahead. Thank you. The The building committee. Template If you will comes from the The M S B A and it was presented to this committee. Um Word for word. We basically took their template off of their website and talk to them about who has to be there. So Town managers. Town administrator selects board. Incom people, um When. We started this process. There were I want to say 21 or 22 people that were originally the original group and slowly but surely, as as as usually happens with long term committees, you you lose people along the way. So the The reality is the committee is really Reaching out to all these people in the community, so select board member of town. My town manager, Town administrator. To get them. As part of that committee, using the school committee member, and then there are other open slots for people in the community. So we have an architect. We had a contract attorney. We have, uh, building specialist. Excuse me engineering specialist, so they're really reaching out and trying to get some people with expertise. That whole document, then goes to the MSB A for their approval. They sent it to a legal team. Make sure That the You know the town administrators, the founder administrator, and then they approve it or not, they can send it back and say You need more people in this area or you. You know you don't have enough people in that area, so That was approved by the school committee and school. Excuse Me the school business. The M S B, a During the initial stages of the process. I think it was back in June of I think it was June 22. When that first was presented here to this committee and move forward to the MSB a. Now. It's dwindled as many committees do, and realistically, we haven't been filling voids. The director of facilities is not on there any longer. The principal who's leaving is not on there any longer, but the other principle is so that helped to fill the void. The Msb was okay with that. Um so we really just tried to continue to keep the body that's in place moving forward. That's how it just came together. It came together with people who are in the community. I think it should have people in the school district. You're building a school. They should have some, some say especially teachers. We have Two teachers and a couple of administrators on their from from school buildings and some of those positions are required, and some of them are not so. Am. I able to respond. Yeah as my my reading of the of the msb a document I'm not disagreeing with any of the things that they listed as preferred options, But they're all preferred. And so I just I think that in terms of Like, the the public seeing themselves in the committee again. I'm trying to talk about like what explains the disconnect between what I'm seeing in my in like I've been doing this for I was sworn in today and I've got You know 300 emails from Townfolk, right? Um, I think the disconnect is that they don't see themselves represented in the decision making process on that committee and I look at the committee and I really have a hard time disagreeing with it. But I think that that is part of the explanation as to why we're seeing this. Like very surprising to my mind, Maybe not to your mind, um, contesting of of the decisions that were made. Can. I ask a question, actually. Well. I'm gonna let David If you have anything just as from as a school building committee members. Can you talk into the mike David, Can. You use the mic. Sorry. Sorry usually don't need no, um No, I. I, actually, really like that idea. The idea of sort of a survey company because I mean there Two. Definite right. There's there's just too definite right now. This is a big school and its a lot of money. Everything else is sort of You know, measuring and what sort of Think makes sense right in we can go back and forth, right. We can disagree. I completely respect where you guys are coming from, But, you know It's a big school and it's expensive. Um You know, And. I've said this before, and I don't mean to sort of be little it minute by any means, But like You don't tend to hear from the people that agree with you. Right. Um so I do think that it's a great idea to sort of get a better poll of the community at large because this is a lot of money. It's on our It's It's. It's on us our our shoulders to be selling this to the public to try to get those votes. We have a very difficult task in this has to be voted. To be approved for different times, right? So that's gonna take a lot of work on us. Again. We can disagree on many facets of this. It is said it the other night. I will continue to say it. There's no perfect solution to this project it just trying to sort of look at it as a whole and see what you can sort of. Do To fix the most needs right to check the most boxes and it's you know, again, it's up to us to sort of try and get Truth or herds, at least of the voting majority to agree with us and that that's the best route for the town because again the big school a lot of money right now, and these are the new lights. By the way these energy saving energy, so I really like that idea, you know, I hear I. Hear what you're saying and even You know, sort of don't want to say it's confusing because I know exactly where you're coming. From. What? You're saying it, but like sort of this disconnect in how the committee was put together or sort of, like, Oh, here's some holes, right? They know what I mean like? That's important because we are starting to realize that there is sort of this disconnected message, right? And like I went home the other day, and like I mean you guys don't make me you know, most of you guys know me like I'm really hard cookie to crack whatever but like it was kind of panicky When I went home after my other like video. My wife was like, you know what's going on with you and I'm like I just got yelled at because I'm trying to build a school. You know, and I might get a town that I've lived in since 1986 in like I understand it's not a perfect solution. But like You know I'm not trying to harm anyone you know and like, and so like there is this disconnect and again. I respect where you got, you know where everything is coming from. You're shaking your head of me like why I'm telling you I'm hearing you, but I was I. Look at things holistically. I see things differently as an educator, as you know, an elected official as someone who represents the school district. I'm seeing things and the needs of this town and this opportunity we have You know to sort of get all this money and there's something lost right? Like we're 20 ft away and you're shaking your head at me and I'm saying I hear you and I respect you and we're just not agreeing Right. I'm trying to just Build a school right like and it's just funny to me that are being attacked for it. Right So. I like this idea and again. You know, the Eight emails. I got 10 emails. I got the 25 people in the room right now. Right? I've been at this nine almost nine years now. So I'm. I'm used to this. Excuse me. Um but I mean, I've also Always had every vote. I've had go. And like I said the people were support show up when the votes had at or they don't necessarily come to yell at me that I'm doing everything right? So Just something sort of keep in mind. But again. I kind of agree. I think it would be in our best interest to make sure that we're not going through all this work for nothing. Okay. Um, you know, I think Amy's next I'm going to everyone's going to get a turn. Go ahead. Amy already asked. You already speak question about but I have a response to trend Generally, I think I'm Gonna let everybody speak first, Um Ah! Don't. David. Go ahead. Sure, I'm totally in favor of a well constructed survey and and proper random sampling kind of approach to to how to get it short of an exhaustive survey. Although In a town this size it, It's actually possible do an exhaustive survey but at the very least, do a statistically significant one and, uh, and a questionnaire designed to not be loaded one way or the other in terms of its opinion, not steering to an opinion, but getting a Opinion neutral. Set of messaging in it in order to get a genuine view of Of alternatives. Now there's Going to be some questions about what alternatives you lay out in a survey light is to see Who will support which particular alternatives so You know there's that's not a simple overnight thing to design, but I absolutely think That one way to defuse the the heat in this is an issue in the community. We were all elected. To represent the whole community. Um And. We should therefore go out of our way to find out what the the majority vast majority of the committee really feels. We're getting a very strong feeling about what one group Fields, But I. Think. What? What trend is is proposing. Is probably about the only way to really ascertain. The opinions route rather than by the strength of who shows up at a meeting like this. We need to get that overall picture. So totally in favor of that. Gen. Um So As. Many of the people here have gotten multiple emails actually looked for Guess historical examples on what happens if this fails at town meeting And the best example I've been able to find is what happened in Ipswich. Um If. I'm, remembering the dates correctly, and I may not be They had a similar proposal to combine two elementary schools. In 2018. The fee for the new combined school was estimated at 66 approximately $66 million It failed. They had to start over at the beginning. They still don't have Guaranteed funding for a combined school. They're working on developing community support. But again. The combined school is the one that is still on the table. The big change has been the price tag. So instead of paying $66 million for a combined school. The estimates I was able to find on various websites were in between 90 million And, 100 and 15 million So by putting this off. Nobody's disagreeing that this has to be done. Like I think that's one thing we can all agree on. Our schools do not meet the needs of the community. They're not even up to code in many respects, and they dangerous. Ah! If. This fails if we can't get community behind us Are. We going to be looking at the same thing in five years, only with a 30 to 60% increase. I mean 100 and 50 Million is a hard number to swallow. But 200 to 225 million in five years. I mean, People might not I think this is the best option for the community and I've looked at the plants and there are things that You know? Oh I love and there are things that I'm like, Yeah. But I don't want to be on this committee in five years and have to come back to you guys and say We've got to do this, and it's gonna cost more. I mean if we just looked and again I'm a numbers person if we just looked at the estimates for updating Cutler and Winthrop with current numbers, we're looking at $200 million To do both. And. If this fails like We're going to have to come back to you, and it's not going to be a cheaper price tag. You know. I mean, even if we if everybody got what they wanted, and You know we were able to do whatever option we wanted. It's still going to cost more in five years, and it does now. Thank you, Julia. Sorry. I'll let you finish schools aren't gonna get any better. In between now and maybe 2028. So Julia. Um, I actually have a question for Eric. But before I do. Um, I know it's really enticing to villainize the school committee. Um, but I have a student at Booker. And I have a daughter who went to Winthrop. So You know I actually am living and I do know a little bit about this community. Um, but my question for Eric is Next week. What does a yes vote mean? Um, this might be a very long answer. And. What doesn't know Vote mean like, what are the consequences of a no vote And what are the what would happen with the yes Vote. So It actually isn't simple Answer with a yes vote if you you as a committee said Yes, we support the school building committees Answer. Then the project moved just continues to move forward meets them, I May May 3rd stated as voted on by the Spc voted on currently by the Spc. Okay. Can I. Just clear. I'm sorry. This is the same guy I just want to. It's the same question. The vote. It is. I understand that the essential Though it is technically to reconfigure the grades correct. Because because the current preferred option is reconfiguring. The grades as they stand now. There's a required vote now. You're you're saying if if you say if you guys all vote 70 to support the school building committee's recommendation The process moves forward. But. Are. We voting to reconfigure the grades or we're voting on this project both as the reconfiguration. You're accepting. Yes vote would be yes to both your your voting on the accepting the reconfiguration of grade, which which says you're accepting the project as voted by the school building configuration is contingent on the built right, Right. Right, right. You wouldn't reconfigure. The very, very clear configuration is contingent on The approval of the suggestion by the SBC. No vote If you just built for I'm Just gonna use the example build a Cutler school right? Where, a new collar school. Then. There's no real reconfiguration and you can just move forward. I would still say, Bring back to the committee to make sure everybody's on board. But No vote. To the recommendation of the school building committee. Um Has a couple of consequences time because it pushes things out further. Which is not a big deal when you're making an important decision and in my mind, but I think it's also, uh, an opportunity to say the building committee. Okay? We don't think this will fly. Just use as an example. We have a number of people here would say, You know we're going to vote against this at town meeting and we feel that way You can say no, we don't support the school building committee's recommendation. Send it back to the committee. To go kind of back to the table, but I think if you do that, you need to outline your reasons. Why very clearly so that they can go back and and come to another decision over that over the remaining five options that they started with. And, then that would push the process out, depending on how long Um the state would allow us. I think the state would just push us into the next Um, segment. They do them every other month, so The May To the two F A s meetings in May 1. We would get invited to if we stay on the current track. That would shift to, uh, June July. So. They will be two f A s so basically pushes. The project out a couple of months, which could impact the Possibility of getting it on town meeting for 2025. Okay, That's very helpful because the only because the schematic design process is about seven or eight months, so Does the M s B. A look at that. And say there's no appetite in this town for anything and we're not going to give you anything like that. Are we penalized. I had a conversation with them today because I was curious about that question myself. S B A wants to work with us. They want to CSB successful and the reality is they are comfortable if the if the community is comfortable, you know they're they're realistically looking at, okay. They want to project to succeed that? They're they're they're in the in the business of making. Make Sure. We're building schools and making sure our communities are happy with those schools, you know, because you know you may someday have to go back because you really want to show that you're working towards A realistic solution. Because if If it goes in all of a sudden you're building just a collar school. You're still submitting. So. It's for the other schools the roof at the high school. The Bucher schooled. Um Winthrop school, so Those things still are. Continue on. You know you want to you don't want to ever fall out of that, and Yeah. It's just I think it lengthens the process. And. I think you know, in a lot of ways this this opportunity for for I think as trends had a A deeper dive into the For the full spectrum of the community. I have a question, but I know Amy's been waiting. Go ahead. Um I just have, um, point of clarification, I guess and a concern. The. Concern is I did not receive hundreds of emails. So I, don't I'm a little confused emails. Yeah. So, Uh, I was gonna actually that was gonna actually say that separately that if if you if you are receiving, um we do have as part of our protocols that if you're receiving emails Um, that you that the rest of the school committee is not CC'd on, please. Um please forward them to the entire committee because I think while I did Receive. Tens of emails. Um I did not receive hundreds of emails so I haven't counted. It might be hyperbolic. Yeah, and I will and I will say I as as, um as the committee certainly knows, And I suspect the public probably also knows I am not much of a social media user, And. I do know, um from working with many of my colleagues. Sometimes If you are reading a lot of social media posts. Um, it feels like you're receiving a lot more emails than Um Yeah. Then you are because I have found as not a frequent user of social media. I often have a little bit of a different experience. Um, so anyway, and I didn't say that to know that you weren't being truthful. I just I want you want receiving all of the information? That's all. Um and then the other thing is just a point of clarification. Like your analogy about Eric being the boss of the school Building Committee. I. Don't think quite suits because of bus at a job you get paid for would have a different Air of like wanting to side with that person, then the way the school building committee is designed to be a collaborative, so I just wanted to also make that point of clarification because it is a confusing process. That's all. Can. I respond to that. Yeah, quickly, and then we do still have a long agenda. But. This is an important conversation. So yes, please do I I don't know if that's the perception of the people on the committee and interesting because if if I had somebody if there are teachers on the committee, right, so these teachers your their Busses Busses boss. Maybe. I included one more boss in there than necessary that that's that's an intimidating hierarchy. Right? And when you want to have everybody on a committee voice there. True opinion having a hierarchy on the committee is is something that could obscure that. Well. I'll just have some questions, but I just take this opportunity to say, I think both things can be true. I think it's super important to have teachers and administrators on the committee and I see your Point. I think both things are true. I don't know that square that circle. Um I'm gonna take my turn to out to ask a couple questions. Um, quick question when you're done, Okay. Um So what? What? I'm going to start with? I actually just have a clarifying question, which came from a member of the public and an email that I wanted to make sure that I understood. Um A member of the public asked something about the This is a very specific question, but I just want to make sure that I got it right. That, the number the school number of students is 740. And I believe that what the member of the public was trying to ask in an email was Since our actual number is lower than that. I. Think what she was trying to say is, is that would that be an additional at like with that? Is that room to grow or an add on But? It's not we would be if we went with this option we would be building for 740 students correct. So that the the MSP a Plan B A has a space summary and the space summaries designed about numbers they come up with, so they come up with 740 in this case, or 285. In the smaller case they are. There are larger than what you actually have in place because they they're doing the examination of the communities and looking at growth. Across both communities they're looking at, like as I said earlier home sales, death spurts, things like that. They actually build in two mechanisms for that they require all projects no matter what you're building. To have extra space. So the 285. As I said earlier. There's about 202 149 250 kids at the collar school right now, so there'll be this space for another 35 students. This currently in the grades one through five is currently 679 students in grades one through five. Um, so there's there's room there at the at the other end of the spectrum, so they do build it in in the second mechanism is they require You, while the architects to design and make sure they include future expansion, so whether that means putting something adding onto the building or going up. It just depends on what you're building and how you're building even for the smallest option if you build the 285 student option, you still are required to have To show you don't you're not building anything. You're just showing on plans like this is a spot that is appropriate for a future expansion of Classrooms. I think that's exactly I think that's the clarification I was looking for. I think I don't want to speak for this person. But I think that she was trying. I think she was asking about is the jump from the 679. 740 is that future expansion or are we looking at building a building the cost estimates at 740. I think the answer is we're looking at building a building at 740 correct and I just want to make sure because I think her question was a good one was her fear or I'm not. I. Don't know for sure, but was like Are we really looking at the cost is only for the 679. And then we would have an expansion. But really, we would be looking at 74 correct based on again this base summary where they say they'll take numbers of classrooms and sign their averages. 22 average is lower, but they average 22 and they just multiply it important part to think about all of these, um from the smallest to the largest, has, um Brum has extra sort of head count in there right for expansion, plus the other part, which can I've heard a little bit of confusion about is that every single plan needs to go through has to have some sort of option for future expansion population boom, every single plan that we put forward. So far has had at some point because I know it got noted the other night, you know, like, Oh. What's this dotted line for future expansion, Everything needs to have future expansion, which is really important to think about, especially in our case because the You know we're talking about what color school rather when Cutler was first built. It was immediately irrelevant. It was immediately Two small like literally, They open the doors. There was too small. So then they had to put extension units on the back, and that's how we got sort of into the mess we got into, you know, 60 years ago, so now the whole process is, you know, um is them building in the fact that it can grow right so again seven. 40 not gonna lie. It sounds like a huge school. I Not 100% comfortable with that number, but that isn't our total population. You know and again. You know, like, how do you get to that number, but like it's the fact that if they're, you know is more housing, because if the turnover right the, um you know, we're getting a lot more young families coming into the community, right? We have more people coming into the system. Hey, listen, I'm telling you right now you build a new school. People are moving to town, right? It's It's got to be on the MLS flyer, right? Excuse me so we know that's there but it But the thing is the M s P A has also figure that out, and they have now because they used to not do this right. This is another reason why the timing is so poor They now do factor in the fact that there you know to let all of this stuff Be able to grow and then should you need to add on at some point it would be, you know, faster and cheaper because you're sort of planning that in the initial stages. Sometimes it seems expansive. I mean and again. I'm not lying. I'm not going to say it's not. It is a big school but like part of this design is to Sort of To take care of all these problems all at once, right? They they've learned from their mistakes were trying as a community sort of learned from our mistakes again. Actually me. I've been doing this in a part of this project for eight years now, you know the first time you went through Cutler. When. I moved to town. I was I came to Bucher. My Kids have all been to Booker. So you know, I didn't know the The. Other school is as much until I got into this process and you know again, you go into the weeds, I think are sort of staff and you know our principles and our custodians would ever do a great job of sort of You know, making the schools look as good as they can. But in some cases, I mean they're polishing turds right there like these things are Are really just falling apart, crumbling infrastructure, and we have to sort of think about doing that. And when you actually start really touring it with professionals starting to look about what everything. Um You know what everything really is and how it's all piecemeal, literally piecemeal together, right and then, like trying to make a ta access ramps to these, At addition, so they put a ramp through the middle of a of a classroom right in in, you know, And. That's not a solution, right? And, um and again now you have to have you know classes in hallways because the The buildings are too small and they're not flexible, right? And really, when you're talking about like, why, Why do you want to brag about driving a jeep down the hallways so you can actually have students out in the hallways doing breakout War doing large scale projects. So when you actually walking to and from the hall, you're not running over one another worked in schools or if you have both both case scenarios and trust me, it's really a lot nicer Having all that. Breakout space and I've had. You know I've had the luxury of sort of working in a lot of new buildings, and I've seen a lot of great things happen. And you know again. I'm, currently in Beverly and You know that school is still considered brand new in this community and at school is drastically outdated and too small, you know, so you know, trying to learn from all of that and bring it into our community, right is where you start getting, um You know, getting all of this stuff out, right? Sort of important to sort of keep that all in mind. As, you know, try to get like this whole picture on on what makes the most sense, right? Alright. Um, thank you. Um, I know Jen has something to say, and it looks like David has something to say. And then, like I think this is a really good conversation, But I do also want to and I want to give it the time that it deserves and They also do I'm aware we have another whole agenda so But, you know, be mindful, Jen, go ahead. Whether we are school committee members like it or not. The project. That, the town of Hamlet but town of Hamilton's select board. As proposed to go in where the Winthrop School It is. Has become linked with ours. What? What. What what is beyond us? But the but we do not. I'm sorry to interrupt, but it is outside of our purview. What, the town of Hambleton chooses to do that is but I think not for us to say station. Is that People in the community don't know what the town of Hamilton's going to do. And. Is there a way for us to like. Find out at the very least, when they will know that, like I would just like to have a date to send to people and say like this is out of my purview, but This is what I know. Bye. This is the one time I say I like operating in a silo. It's our job to speak, concentrating on what the best school is right. It's not my job. I live in Wenham for me to actually try and think about what the town of Hamilton's going to do with the available of their space like and and I couldn't even possibly recommend that I don't even think they know they're looking for the I am going to jump in its I'm in a little bit of a Challenging position I was I was on I was the school committee representative to the Hamiltons master planning. Um which for those of you mean master planning is more of a visionary process. It's not in the weeds and detailed and specific And, so it wasn't spelled out explicitly, however. I will tell you and that document has not been. We have completed our work, but that document has not yet been approved and put forward by the Planning board and the board. So You know, but there was a lot of discussion. And. Those were public meetings. People can watch those meetings. There was a lot of discussion by members of various elected positions in Hamilton's about the interest in potentially developing that site. That being said there weren't a lot of specifics. I think that's smacking us upside the head. But Like it or not, it is really very much, even though I like I That's why I'm a little uncomfortable because I felt you know that was there's a hard wall there. It doesn't it's not. That's why I'm just purview to say what the town of Hamilton's chooses to do. Plenty of lobbying going on associated with that site. That that is an accurate statement. Where that ends. Uh um. So. Oh, I'm Sorry David, go ahead. Two things to Trent. Did You have emotion that you you wanted to make about two motions about the questionnaire or in the survey. And. Secondly. Is this something that you would recommend from your experience. In regards to fixing up the governance issues that you identified. I think at this point in time. Um Hmm. My guiding principle here is I want to make sure that we secure some state funding? I don't know what that looks like, because that's up to the voters. I think identifying what the voters are interested in supporting. Is key. And so I have I have two motions. Um I'll, um You know, do away with the suspense. The first is To contract with a professional polling company. Then. The second is to Delay the submission to the MSB until we get that information. Um at a time. Maybe you want to do that? Um, only in the interests of having all the information and the fact that we have a meeting next week week table The vote on hiring a professional polling company until we know how much it costs like I'm asking one week, so okay, so he had nobody is actually made a motion. We're just discussing so And this is no no, no, This is so because I, I'm going to ask a question related to this, Eric. I think that what you said, was that I think What you said. You tell me if I'm wrong. Was that One of the things that the MSB a I would listen to is if The committee. Wanted time or information about a specific area. It and I'm not agreeing or disagreeing. I'm just making clarifying question. It sounds like this could the specific area B About because part of their part of the feasibility process was community input. So Could it be that we want to just Check in on community input is that Like does it need to be the MSB A. Like, In other words, doesn't need to be about the building or can it be that like as part of this process we are curious about We did all these things for community and put we did we did the forum to to do that. I think I think it's 100% appropriate. So that being said So, I guess, um Trent, So. I guess I'm not. I don't want to. But I'm wondering if what you kind of were all saying. Is it a motion that That occurs today or is it emotion? Next week to look To put it on for next week is that is the question? Well I. I think that if we go forward and submit to the MSB, a The option that's on the table. Right. Now it's a gamble. And, So I think that? Oh, I know, but if we're if we're voting on, understand that I think I was actually I. Guess I think I'll just be honest with you. As you started speaking, I thought Oh, next week when we get to this voting item, he's going to make this motion. So I was wondering is by making it now. But. Then. I hear people's concern about? Well, I don't know how much that got, like, I just don't I'm looking for you to For. Like what? Your timeline, vision is like you're looking for a vote tonight. In anticipation anticipation that because it doesn't seem like we would have that information by next Thursday. I think that we just need to make sure that we get the That. The plan is to collect the information that's going to guide what gets submitted to the MSB A before we submit to the MSB, a And. So to my mind, you're looking to make the motion and take a vote on it tonight. I think that if we are going to if there's any plan to vote on the M s B option next week, there's no way we're going to have the requisite really was just clarifying question just to make sure that I understood what you were looking at. Um, I know you haven't actually made a motion yet. So. We delay the vote. Well. I think it would. It would need to think that you have if, if he passes be would then go into a of course. And. So my only question would be then for Eric, right? We were probably get pushed back, say a month. With the M F B a or two months or two months 27th of two minds. I think they're two months cycles think it would be a In the same way. I really agree that we should be, you know, start pounding our chickens A little also don't want to meet like where we are in the process and we have the rate at which I don't think it was slow us down, But. I. Don't concern us down will definitely right. I. It's a worthy cautious have two concerns, though one is Does. The delay push us So that we're not looking at an April vote, but we're looking at a right. I guess that or a fall vote, which is fine, but it's just a question and then Second is. Does the delay jeopardize us with the M s B A, which I think is a bigger question? I. Don't believe it does my car I had called them today specifically to say What happens if Given the tenor of you know the community. So. Um they were actually very good at saying we want your product to succeed. We want you to feel comfortable pushing something forward to the MSB, A Which in turn makes everything else smoother down the road. So the the there, you know. They're on board. I think it pushes us out, maybe a couple of months. It depends on how long it takes to get somebody on board. Get the surveys done. Get, get the information back, So. That's a timing thing. Um, I don't know if we would be on be beyond, um The town meeting in April, but we do have the ability to request special town meeting. In the summer and fall that it depends. It's whatever the town want to do, but we do have the ability to Request, a special time meeting as the school committee, um, in the interest of time. We're not discussing emotion, so I maybe just ask if somebody has a motion so that we could be actually discussing emotion. Sure move that the Hamiltons Madam School committee contracts with a professional survey or Pulling company. To determine the will of the voters around the school building project. Second sorry. Second by Amy, Come Burger. For clarification. I Yeah. I want to say I was that? I think the hesitation was not about the spirit. It was more about to make sure that the wording I think I think I don't want to speak for the country. But that was what I was editorialize. That was the same thing. Go ahead. In in your thought process right in. Um Are you thinking that We should be sort of saying Here's the proposed scenario. That's what we should be pulling directly. Or I think that we should I think that we should be asking people like if the goal is to determine what people are willing to support. I think we need to Put the options on the table committee. The the options that the committee considered on Monday. So not not all not going back. No. No, no, no, no, I think that, like I said that the there's been tremendous amount of work That's done. I don't want to, you know, dishonor that in any way. I do think that if we Opposed to people. Yes or no vote. We lose information right Anytime You make something binary. All of the continuous information has gone, um, for us to get the best idea of what is going to be supported. I think we put those options in front? Of people and see what happens similar to the way that you all did in the in those survey. Uh, I'll tell you a little bit fairy that, actually, you know, I don't want to take over this conversation, but I'll tell you what my fear is in that. No, I'm not going to look over there because they're not going to be happy with this, Um The By, giving the option of lesser money smaller. Vote. The smaller school It doesn't solve. All the district problem. In fact it solves very few. Of the district problems. It. Which point you're taking on a silly, very large right? It would be 100 currently estimated $106 million. Project. For something that only solves Best 30% of the district prop current district problems with the elementary school. Right. So the reason I'm sort of putting that out there right, And it's just sort of some of the some of the, um conversation is getting lost in the in the diligence that's happening with this, Um You know the building committee, right is the fact that like I mean? You know, I sort of gave the scenario the other day. If the if the Your town one mega millions and we had a billion dollars. Is rebuilding. All three elementary schools the way they exist, still the best for the town If money was not you take money off the table. In a analysis say I do not believe Rebuilding as we are is The best thing for the town. But. I have a multitude of reasons Why, Right. So, my I get nervous. Not saying yes or no. But. My hesitation comes from I am very Aware of this project, right? It didn't and and this is sort of falls into my general warehouse of You know what I do for a living What I've studied, you know, for all these years, Um and you know I have my trepidations in looking at all of this information. On myself. So when you obviously opening that up To people who aren't as privy to as much information as that. It can then sort of muddy You know money that Suggestion would say, Can I. Just add the survey is a survey. It's not going to direct how we vote, right? I mean it's information information that we will have, but say Everybody wanted the school and I didn't want it. I would still vote, however, so I'm just saying. It's a survey. We're getting information. It's not correct. We don't want to offer something that can give us information of how people might vote in that town meeting. So if we could change this survey, right, I, I just I just wanted to shape the survey Give, Every school Committee member of the opportunity to to include their essay if you will, on their view. To go with it so that you have the divergent views on the school committee needs to that's we can't have individual Like. We can't write individual That's not how the school committee works. We have to. Like what? I think Some of these questions or comments are about the design of the survey. So I. My point of clarification I was going to ask about your motion is I feel like it needs to be more specific about Who is designing the survey. What it says because we want to make sure people have the correct information when they're making these decisions, right. That's that's my concern is and I'll use this as an example because it's off the table. But like in my just my In my heart of hearts. I really thought Iron rail was the perfect place. I really did. I really thought that And. I was very sad when they that deterrent was determination was that that that was not the right place for a new school? It wouldn't be right to put Iron Rail on a survey to say, Do. You think Iron rail is a great place. Because lots of people probably would making that up. I don't know idea whether other people felt that way or not, but somebody else might think. Oh, yeah, That's a great idea, but it's not feasible, so we don't want to be. We. Don't want to give people options. We want to be really sure that We're giving people options of things that are real, and we don't want to like that's a really important we don't want. Sorry. I don't I'm trying to. I'm just I'm just being I think we're all on the same page. I think we We just want to be thoughtful about the pros, right? Yeah, I. I. Really. I think that, um You know, a A. Different approach to this would be having a first motion where we Um, charge the school building committee. To produce Data on the five options that were considered and the pluses and minuses as they saw them at the time that exists that already that already exists. Yeah, Okay, is it Is it? Is it like so complete that you would put that in front of Voters in this on the website. Okay. Now I've I've seen the one that's on the website. It's just You were just expressing that there wasn't the the information on the pros and cons, Right. Well, I mean, where I would still again are great. I didn't want to sort of say that to South. But, yeah, People just sort of don't understand what they're looking at. It's complicated again. So that's why I try to sort of again. I've said it many times had to be the Lightning Rod. I'm the elected school committee member here, Right. That's My Job, pushing that information out. You know it. That's how? What I see my role. As, right and and again, it's sort of The idea of, you know, having subcommittees to then go to committees is to actually have so you know, have people going in doing the deep dives, right? I mean? I know I'm preaching the quiet hair. But, You know the idea of going in doing those deep dives doing that having those, you know, long harvested long, tedious conversations going over all this. You know with Dana. I would have bet my house that this as soon as school was going to be At Iron Rail. Excuse me. And you know But like you go through there. Even. I filled out those You know we we started with what 1516 at first and in in, you know, 14, right? And you And you went through and you voted for everything. Does this meet this right Where. Where does this meet this requirement this requirement and you know you do get lost in it pretty darn easily. And even knowing what I'm looking at, it can get it got confusing at times. I have to imagine as educated as our populace is. That their eyes to start blurring when they look at that at some point, right, so like the information has been there. All along, right? The information is there It's a transparent process. However. If, You know you're not I don't mean this in a derogatory term, but like if it's not being explained to you and what it means, then it it's not really doing a good job of giving the information that you're looking for. So. I'm gonna just because I'm really am mindful that we do have a lot of other things on our agenda. And. I'm sorry. You're all going to have a late night and, um, I already told David Polito. I told him I ate a big dinner at 445 because I knew but Um Drake may so we have nothing to go home. Um, if I may just so Uh, I'm not sure that right now we're going to be able to design A specific survey. In this group right now. I'm not sure that we're going to be able to do that accurately does that do we need to design it? Or can we task task that that's what That's not what the motion says The motion doesn't say that, And. That was my point is the motion doesn't say that. Um I guess I want To sort of find a way to move forward but also You know, I don't know if that looks like Voting on whether or not to Create a survey. And Having an agenda item next week that says this is a proposed Method to get to that survey. You know I don't know. I'm just putting that forward because I don't know that And I. And. If you disagree. Please let me know. I don't know that that we're going to just sitting around here come up with the best possible survey. No. So possibly the motion. We should to between now and the next meeting to solicit proposals for from right. I mean the motion was just too. It was not specific. It was To contract with a polling committee. I mean a polling company to determine the will of the voters. Which, I. Think is pretty general, you know, So I mean it does say that we're going to do it by contracting with the polling company. Not that we're going to mean So. It is a little bit specific, so I don't know generally been very patient. Thank you, um so my concern with Putting, for example. Book Cutler and Winthrop on a survey as separate schools. That's not an option for us. That's what I was trying to say. We don't want to do things that are not an option, so Right. It's either Cutler or a combined school. The MSB is not going to give us permission to do Cutler and Winthrop with our current set. We could do whatever we want, but they're not gonna pay for it to pick money back to state. My problem with putting Cutler and Winthrop As separate schools. Is that there is no way for us to know. When. We're gonna get approved because we are going to have to go back to the MSB A most likely How long that approval will take And how much it will cost Jennifer might interrupt. I. Don't think I'm not sure, but I. Don't think I. Don't want to speak here? I don't think Trent was trying to say Put. I think that the the options would be The five from nothing. Renovate. Build, a new Cutler school. With the Cutler population or the combined School, Correct. Whatever the four options. That's five but I just don't think we can put a new Winter school on a survey. We don't know enough information, but I don't think I wasn't saying that. I wasn't I don't think we were saying, that's what I'm trying to say is, I don't think a new Winthrop school and I do and I do appreciate what John is saying, because we have gotten I've gotten many much feedback from people, mostly not an emails, but in public forums where people say, Well, it's fine. We'll just build Cutler and then we'll build Winthrop afterwards, and that's Very specifically not something that the state has offered us like that is not going to happen. The state has not offered us to build Winthrop. Um So Um, I do understand why you're saying that because that is sort of in the narrative in the wind that I mean it's one thing to say. Build Cutler at $112 million or build a combined school at $150 Million, but we can't say bill or we can't say accurately build cutlery at 112 and then in 6 to 5 to 7 years because we have no idea what the timeline is. We're gonna build Winthrop and You have no idea what it's going to cause. I. Don't think I. Don't think I don't I don't want to say I don't So. We're not going to figure out what is actually on the survey, But I. Don't think that was what was being suggested to help sum this up, right? Welcome to our life for the past for the past year, right there more than an answer to this problem. It is a very Very complex problem that even with the you know, decent amount of work that was put into it and options that we have, you know, there's nothing that That is Perfect. There's no perfect answer. It's just sort of trying to figure out what makes the most sense right and I think it does make the most sense. To make sure if we're doing all this work and putting all this time and money into it, that it is going to pass or not, So at least we don't look like Ipswich. I do, I will, I will say I and I and I and then I will say, My two cents is I do think it would be important to include the information for the public that the recommended option by the school Building committee is this? Because. I don't the work that you guys have done? I mean? In other words, you've been deeply steeped in this in the minutia of this very related way. It's funny, they it's been in the back of my mind and remember, really sort of verbalized before, but I've actually wondered if we should have Been hiring a marketing team the whole time to help Push. Let me finish my second. David. David! David! David! David over here! Talk to us. Please help explain the process of everything that's going on. So. That's stuff that isn't You know that Is it clear couldn't least be clear. So the conversation, Okay, I'm going to just interrupt because we are. I think we're outside the bounds of the motion right now, which is, um and I think the motion has been made and seconded and the motion that I have on the table is I moved to contract with a polling company to determine the will of the voters on the school building project. Does that seem accurate? Tent yes polling company to interpret that. Uh, yeah. Can. We make an amendment to the motion or No. Sure. I mean you can make one. I don't know whether it will get seconded. Go ahead to amend the motion to Um, moved to allow the school building committee to work with an outside vendor to create a poll. Second Ah! Okay, so the motion the amendment is To keep the wording of the motion, which is to contract polling company to determine the will of the voters on the school building process and to allow the school building committee to work with an outside vendor. Is that correct? Mhm. Yeah one second did that. I think Okay? Um oh. Work with the chosen vendor. Maybe I just I think we should saying in 19. Don't is that it's just the work back to the school building the school Camilla. I wasn't clear on who the, um, survey would be coming from like who the work would be coming from, And. I think the school building committee is the appropriate body. I agree. Is it? Can. I ask a question. Yeah. I don't Well, I hold on. I'm still into my Robert's rules question here, Which is that? I think that the I think that if the person who made the first motion accepts this, and then it becomes a friendly amendment, and we don't have to debate and discuss it, so it's becomes automatically part of the main motion, which we are still correct. Thank you so we are still within the main motion, which has now been a It's A. It's a friendly amendment accepted That. The School Building Committee would be The one test, we would be asking the school building from a day to do. To work with the outside vendors that correct that sounds good. You guys. Okay, Um Eric. Can. I ask your feedback on what you're hearing and thinking about the challenges that this conversation is, are many you look like you have a question. Every school building commitment. I think that Second part. Second part would be. Yeah pushes it over there, Eric Here's my concern. This evening. I was Basically told that I loaded the committee. Oh, yeah. And. I don't think it's inappropriate to ask for the school Building committee if there are people on this committee will feel the committee is loaded. Um, would it? I'm just throwing things out there? I'm not making a motion. I mean, is it the kind of thing that we put Select a couple members member or two from this committee. I mean, I don't know how it works. I don't know how we find the polling company. I don't know. Just hunt down. Right? I mean do we want a representative or two from the school committee to work with that vendor? Do? We Want to task. Eric with working with that vendor. Can I say for approval, like what do we want? I think if the motion is To have the school building committee work with a professional polling company to determine the will of the voters. And if all of us vote yes, And if that passes Then we are saying that we trust The school Building committee. That's what I? That's How. I see that vote And if you don't trust them, then you would probably vote. No. Okay so working with this professional company, this is good debate around the motion. That's that's on the table. Um, I'm going to just share my personal view. On the which is that, um I think Eric's point is a valid one and might make me vote. No on this and want to revert to having it be that some other body So, but I think your point is a good one that we could vote on this and determine whether we want to put it to the school building committee. Um Well. Maybe you should vote on the amendment if anyone wants anymore. Discussion on the amendment. We don't have to vote on the amendment because Trent accepted it. Okay. We don't do it anymore. So Um, So. Is there any more discussion on the motion at hand? I think Julia made a good point. That. It's on the table, and if we voted, it would go to the school Building committee if it were voted down. There's no reason we couldn't have another motion. Right? Mine's more of a question. Um, slope. We obviously don't know how much this costs, Vinnie. But is this something we would have to send out to bid over 50,000? Yes. Over. How much. I'm Sorry. 50,050 take a couple of weeks. I don't know how much it pulls up. I don't know That's why I was asking about it's going to be that much, but I don't. I. Don't think so either, but I just couldn't remember what the cut off was. Yeah, three beds either way. Um So I guess. I would Are. We ready to vote? I mean this is already a vote. Just to be clear that the motion is Sort of two parts now at this point Can. You read it again. I move to contract that the Hilton one original school committee contract with or I guess now that it's amended. I guess it's I move. We contract with the polling company to determine the will of the voters on school building project. And allow the school building committee to work with that outside vendor. Thank you. Hmm. I second that It's already been second was just clearing. I just asked her to read it again. Down. Um Alright. I It looks like we're ready to vote. I feel like I want to say something that I already said, But I We can vote. I guess I Not in love with the language. I'm not I personally think I'm. I mean I'm just be Frank. That seems off. Well I Yeah and I personally think I'm going to Vote. No, but not because I don't want a polling company because I think that Eric Has a really valid point about Optics, and I think he might be right, but it might not be best in the hands of the school building committee. Even though I I'm torn about that. Um Would you accept another amendment to the only Yes, we can only have one more amendment, and then we can't you only get two on one motion. Could You read it again. Give it a shot. Alright I move that we contract with a polling company to determine the will of the voters and the school building project. And to allow the school building Committee to work with the outside vendor. So. My amendment would be I'm not going to try to restate the whole thing. I'm just going to go for the words, um, that the school committee Um, in panel and add hock. Committee of the School committee members to work with you, outside vendor. Instead of the school building committee instead of school Building committee. Second Second. Can I second coming. I'm just writing. Yes, it's seconded by Amy number. Um okay. So, now the amended the proposed amendment. Everyone is getting quite more paper vote on the On what trench? Is that correct right. The proposed amendment is to say that, um we would get the polling company and the school committee would assemble and Adducts Committee to Work with the polling company correct. Correct, OK? We're ready to vote on the amendment voting on just all we are voting on is whether we would like to amend the motion to say the school committee will assemble an ad hoc committee rather than saying the school building committee. We'll work with the polling company. So that was not a friendly amendment. We will not right. This is just an amendment. We're going to vote. Only on whether it's not. It's not voting on the whole thing, whether you want to do this, you're just voting on amending the motion. Everybody clear on what we're doing. Any questions, all right. Alright, so All. Those in favor of the amendment. Okay. All those opposed. Okay. So that is 6 to 1 and the amendment passes. Okay, and now we are moving on to the main motion, which is, shall we Contract with the polling company to try to determine the will of the voters and create a school committee. The school committee will assemble an ad hoc committee to Do that work with the polling company. One last clarifying question. This is fun. Hit much myself in the face right now, Um Would the ad hoc committee, then. Sort of do the diligence do the work and then For approval from the bigger committee first, or then run everything and give And give the results after I think the policies say that these are advisory committees and so everything that they do is advisory to this committee, according to the crumpled, Bring it back here. I mean, in other words, my hope would be it would be Here's the pool. Here's the polling company like Okay? I'm good. We do realize this is going to cause another vote after this is going to be honest. Okay. Um I was going to announce at the end of our meeting. How Great. Our meeting times have been, but okay? Alright. Is everyone clear on the motion. It's okay. Next Week's meeting. Just got to look at short. All right? All those in favor. All right, and that is unanimous and the motion passes. Alright having done that is anyone have emotion moved to remove myself from the ad hoc committee Hate to break it to you want both committees? It seems like it would be counter and doing it. You can't be on it. I would. Well whatever you could think you could do any way way before they get to the BC would you make of me? Okay? David is if that trust me my concern, David, is that if you're not on it, we lose your expertise. I do too. I was just voted. That. We didn't want the SBC to be involved, and I feel like David is a lightning rod. I mean? I will just say My. My personal concern was the concern that Eric Mentioned, which was more around the direct reports that We're on the committee. And as we know that is not the case with David. He's No, that's true. Um You truly represented. Now you heard presented was saying that you are the opposite of a direct report to Eric. Um, so the same conflict doesn't arise with Um Hmm. That's How I viewed It also is how I viewed that. Comment. Um Do we have? So. Are we looking at two people. I would have to be three. I. Don't believe that the committee the policy stipulates. No, I think it could be any. I mean it can't be a four because it can't be us. But Um Do. We have any nominations. How many trends. Alright I heard one nomination for Trent. Trent, Would You accept that nomination? Okay. I'm going to do both at once, is anyone have another nomination? Nominate David Polito Second. Do. You accept that nomination nomination. Except sure, Okay. Any other nominations volunteered to do it. Plenty of Did you experience David is volunteering himself, all right? Um Anyone else? Nominations? Don't we have to get a second on that. Oh, Ah! I don't think we got a second idea of them. I don't think I have to. Did I Alright. Do I have another second on trends. 2nd 2nd on David. Alito second, Okay second and David Frankel second. Yes, okay. Um, I'm Truly exhausted. Um fair enough, okay? Any discussion. No. Well, no, but we need to three right unless you guys want to do three. What I thought we were looking for two people. I thought they were looking for. Oh. Okay. Well, all right, then. Ah! Okay? Okay? All right. Okay? All those in favor of Trent David Pulido David Frankel as the ad hoc committee to work with the Hypothetical polling company or the future pulling company on this pole. Not as unanimous in the motion passes. Okay? I hate to ask, But. Do. You have another motion. No. Just Did you really and you just were like, couldn't deal anymore. I think that we can talk about? Delay to the MSB a next week. I think they made that I think it may be all related and in Yeah, Thanks. Okay? By, um Hmm. Thank you all for that? Important conversation and everyone's willingness to stick with it. Alright. Um, Next up. Vote on the 2025 2425 change in the calendar. Eric. There are two Small changes to the calendar that was originally voted had gone back to the H W. A president Christine O. He's fine with the changes. Um, generally how we Work on count calendar changes. August 28th. Is actually the new date. It was the 29th. But. Um, we have We need that data bring a speaker in for the staff. So Similar to what we did. This year We moved on, Um, the orientation for grade sixth and nine back to Wednesday. The 28th And, then the graduation date after a long conversation with all of the superintendents and North Shore Superintendents Roundtable, we've all agreed to settle our, um Graduation date. Instead of the seventh, which would have been really a week later than just about everybody around here to bring it to the 31st of May next year in the room, the rule for the school, uh For. The Mass Department of Education is You can you can graduate 12 days previous to the original last day of school. In this case, it would be the 17th and you count back 12 school days, and that puts you on that weekend, so you can graduate Saturday the 31st and still be within the requirements of the department of Ed. It came up in a conversation with all of the superintendent's because they were All over the map. There were some of the 31st some of the seventh. Some of the fits something, so everybody's trying to move closer to that. Um 31st date Because we're on Saturday. We just moved it one week earlier. Do. You have any questions, comments? We have a motion. David So we're moving. The, the 2025 graduation date to the 13th may 31st and changing orientation Update. You updated calendars. I'm sorry I'm still going over the last decade. Tell me about, um, moved to Hamilton and, um, we just school committee approved the updated 2024 2025 calendar as presented. Second Second by Gen Car any further discussion. All those in favor. And that is unanimous and the motion passes. Okay? Office personnel agreement. Yeah, yeah. Eric or David, Do. You want to speak? I don't know which wants to speak David. Um, yes. So I don't know if everyone saw their email. Um, before we came It was just to us. I don't know that the office personnel did ratify. Their contract. Um, I believe earlier today. So now It's up to us to vote to approve it and Put it into effect beginning July 1 Hey, Um, can you start us off with the motion? And then if anyone has any questions, Um Yeah, so I vote Hamilton on a regional school district vote to approve the office personnel agreement for 2024 to 2027 as presented in the agenda. 2nd 2nd by Amy, Come Burger. Anyone have questions? All right. Um Very excited about that. Get that done. Um all right, all those in favor. Any opposed. All right, and it was unanimous and the motion passes. Nice work. Um, Eric. Do. We have that here to be Signed. Yes. Excellent, So we'll get that signed at the end of the meeting. And I'll bring him to chickens. Have him sign tomorrow. Fantastic Okay for you guys to sign. Fantastic, Alright. Um Next up is the superintendent. Summit of evidence to you, Eric. Thank you? This is the final submission of evidence that comes every year did the mid year earlier in February and Basically you just continue to add to that evidence along through the school year? And get the information available to you as you work on the Evaluation for the end of the year. Um All of this evidence is I'm going to continue to add to it can still doing Certain things still still building through the rest of the school year. But, this is this is the kind of the bulk of Uh, the things that are designed to align with the goals that I set beginning school year and also meet the tenants of the the administrator rubric for superintendents. You guys Some of you have been familiar with that you have in the past, so I just wanted to make sure that you had this on time so that you could have enough time to work through the process of, uh, Summit of, um, evaluation. I have a question on timeline. Do. We have this timeline? Great question I was going to say, I don't think we have the timeline and I'm not. I think, Eric. You and I have that hopefully on an agenda. We need to do that. I don't think we have a timeline, Do we? For, the for the evaluation. What day, it needs to be done. I think we've done that yet? No working on another. So. Um so we do need to do that, And I think it really needs to be, um We're in a different situation this year for the first year since I've been on the committee is that we didn't have any turnover. Um at the election, and so, um You know we don't have that sort of situation where people are rolling off and we need them to get there. Evaluation in beforehand. Um but, yes, next meeting and I probably should have put on this meeting, though. Frankly. I'm Glad I'm not Didn't. We need to talk about that timeline And when? When, um when people's evaluations are due, um And, Um, for those of you, which I think is just trying hasn't done this before the evaluation. We'll have a timeline about when the evaluation is due. And then a separate timeline for who and when the consolidated evaluation will be presented, and then we'll vote on it, But. We'll get that timeline. I think we should put that on next agenda? Um and hopefully I will awful offer. We will offer a Brief workshop. Um, for those of you who want to go to a workshop on how to do Um How to actually do the evaluation and evaluation itself is, um, the first time is a little bit daunting of a process just like Once you get going, It's fine, but just the it's very, um Very structured and the way that you have to do it. I just heard that I was going to spend Mother's day doing it. Excellent. Perfect. Yeah, that's when you have a penciled in on your calendar Mother's Day my next free time. Remember last year doing it. Excellent. Um Okay. Does. Anyone have any questions? Um, about the evidence? I mean take, you know there's obviously a lot there and take time to go through it and speak to Eric about about it. Anyone have any questions here? Okay? All, right. We'll be discussing this several times. Throughout the Uh um, I don't well, the after Summit of evidence. Yes, Um No. Are. You looking to have a presentation of the evidence. Is that what you're looking for? I don't need a presentation. But. Last year. It was everybody kind of wrote their own submitted that somebody think David did it last year submitted to one person pilot all And it was presented in June. Okay? Yeah, that's fine. Um, but certainly at any time. You know if you have Questions about something in the evidence that you want to dress and even even if you wanted addressed in a meeting, we can certainly do that. If you have something Um Okay? North Shore Education Consortium. So the attached exhibitors is, um All the superintendents in this area are required to be on the board of the North Shore Education Consortium and the Court Consortium just asked us To make this approved budget for 2025 available to each of our communities for for viewing. So you can understand some of the programs they have. It has a really nice breakdown of Who's involved in all the schools that are involved in this particular consortium. There are a number across the state with their mission and core values are talking a little bit about their school programs, and they're very specific does specialized educational programs for kids with, um severe disabilities. Kids that need, um Smaller classrooms and they take in. Uh, as you can see, they take in kids from Number of up to 20 districts now. Across their all of their schools. And this this is just their their budget breakdown and they just can ask us to bring it forward so that the school committees can at least see how things are being done. Each member, uh, pays a fee to be part of the consortium each year, which gives us a reduction in costs. Um For certain. Students that we send there. So if we send up Student to them. That. It may be a $50,000 program members who are paying annually we pay $5000 a year to be a member would get a reduced rate. Let's say $30,000 35,000 or something. So in the in the realm of special education is helpful to continue to find ways to reduce costs for a specialized program. So Um so history budget histories are here. Tuition rates are here so you can see what What's happening on a daily rate for specific schools. Each school has a specific type. Kids in the school there. There's a specific, uh, program specific for kids with Higher level autism. There's there's kids with autism and behavioral connections. There's another school for medical fragile kids, so they really take on students that are really difficult for us to keep in. You know our regular school buildings. They just need specialized attention, Specialist care, etcetera, So. There's just a breakdown they want. They want us to share it every year and I just wanted everybody to build a Take A. Look at it, and, um No. Because see how they're running. They actually Do a really good service. They're working with us right now. All the Groups to be able to Um, look at the way to condense bussing for transportation out of districts that that are really high cost for a lot of districts millions of dollars. In many cases. We're looking working with all of the 20 districts and NBC to try to figure out a way. Two. Kind of group transport. So if we got three kids and three connecting towns going to the same place we can set up everybody paying for their own transportation at $300 a day. You know they would combine it and reduce the rate. So there is really working with us to help reduce costs across the board. Okay? Questions. By can't remember. Last year there was this Stan Shal increase in the costs were paying for this correct. There was. Ah, yeah, there was a shortfall. And each of the communities was reassessed. Are. We going to be reassessed again this year. Okay. That was my question. Thank you. The the The rates will go up next year. Say that the membership rates they'll probably set those in May and then Generally they go up every few years? They haven't for a couple of years. They've been like $5000 Remember, nor tuition rates. Membership membership rate. Sorry membership tuition rates consistently go up every year. They slightly go up. It wasn't like 16% last year, 14%. They did not go 14%. Fortunately. They didn't go 14%. They were one of the few schools that didn't go 14%, wasn't it that they were, it was that they were allowed to go up to 14%. And. So we had to Make our budget guests based on the fact that they could potentially go up four PT in percent. Couldn't remember, Thank you, and then If. It's special projects occurring things like that the districts of member districts can can be assessed fees like there's a H back project that will be assessed the fee for Just part of being in the consortium and working part as part of the consortium. Other questions. Okay? Thank you. Okay. Um All right Next up. We have the policy subcommittee Um, it has brought forth and I policy discussion. Um And. So. The Policy subcommittee is, um Julia Jen and David Frankel is the chair, correct? Okay, So, um I would like to start this item off emotion I'd like to table this to a future meeting because it will take up along with what else has left. I think it'll drive us. To turn on or beyond side. I thought with what? I'm hearing motion to table a motion to table a future meeting. Future many do we have a second Second by Amy Come burger, Please Just get this done. Well, this is discussion. So I'm hearing from another policy member that you would like, not like to table it would not like to table it. I just want to vote on it. You want to kill it? So be Frank. If that's the vote and that's voting. You got to live with it. I I absolutely lived by the okay. So Right now we're discussing whether or not to table so policies doorstep for months. Hmm. We have other work that we need to be doing. Just Which is one way or the other. Putting this off for months. All right? Is there any other discussion? I just would like to point out that it's 930, right? Yeah. I think that there's a very good possibility that I would not give my utmost attention to it. I would say, um, I was just gonna say to you, but also the whole committee. We as a policy subcommittee will not be discussing this until it is voted on by the full school committee. Correct. Okay, so I I'm happy to table it. I feel bad that I'm split between two members, but either either way we can go forward or we can table But can we specify the date that we table it, too? So. It's like this is when it's happening because this has been put off, right? I agree. Multiple meetings. Well. Yes. I actually I was Because we have to at the After this we have to vote on the chair. I actually can't say that I will guarantee you that I'll put it on the next meeting, so I think you would need to specific specify that you want to table it until the next meeting, which I believe it would fit on. So Yeah. Do. You want to add that to your table Ng? Sure meetings next week. Is that correct? Okay? Hopefully that won't be as crowded agenda. Um yeah. Alright, so the motion is to table until the until this next week's May 2nd meeting. Second, okay? There any further discussion? You look like you have something to say. Honestly, like, just okay. Hard. Time keeping alright. Alright. Um alright, so the motion is to table until next week. All those in favor Discussion is unanimous and okay. All right. Um and okay. And that will get on next week's agenda. All right. At this point the way that this will work next is that we are going to reorganize the committee because we've had an election and we have actually don't have new members that we have newly elected members starting a new term. We're starting a new term. Um at this point, I will turn the gavel over to, uh, Mr Tracy, he will ask. He will Get nominations for the chair and we'll move forward from there. Away. My home actually need to use it here, but Um, thank you, everybody. I am currently taking nominations for the chair for the next school committee year. I nominate Dana Alero 2nd 2nd seconds all over Trent second. Do, You accept this nomination? Any discussion. Other nominations. No other nominations, Okay? Let's move to vote in favor of moving Dana Lara's the chair for the next school committee year. Looks like it's unanimous. Thank you. Thank you. Motion passes. I'm gonna hand this back now. Thank you. Didn't when I saw the agenda, I didn't really think that was gonna be a fun vote. Thank you all? Um At this point I would like to take nominations for the vice chair. Do. I have any nominations. I nominate Amy number for the vice chair. Amy, would you accept that nomination except There. Oh, do I have a 2nd 2nd 2nd by Juncker. Um are there other nominations for vice chair? Okay, curing none. Is there any discussion? Go any Yeah. Alright all those in favor. That is unanimous and the motion passes. Congratulations, Amy. All right. Um Next up. Um so we do have we need a secretary and warrant signer? Um And, um David. I will just say that David very graciously. Volunteered to be secretary and was Pretty specific that it was to get us through till the end. I think, but I don't want to say I thought I would great job. If if you decide you like me to continue, I would accept the nomination and I probably remember I was the secretary. Go, Um That, So I was really just trying to put an opening in case anyone is particularly one else's welcome willing, whole opportunity. Nominate David Plato as our secretary, actually don't hate it, so I do accept Alright. I heard a second. Um and I heard you accepting is there are there any other nominations for other people for secretary? Hearing none. All. Those in favor of David. Does Secretary, David Alito. I appreciate you guys actually have to vote all those in favor side right? That is unanimous in the motion passes 14 to nothing win, right, Um Next. I need a nomination for warrants. Signer. Does. Anyone have a nomination. I would like to be the Warren signer. I know that you have been the warrant signer David for a while, Um I just found that I Really liked coming into the office and seeing what's going on and actually seeing the operations and I really enjoyed it, and I felt like it kept me really connected. I'm willing to you know. Entertainment. If. You're still I just I would love the nomination, but I'm just putting my name out there. I'd be happy to nominate you. Campbell Iswaran signer didn't want loved it. I didn't want to take it away from him. No, no, no, Do I've enjoyed it, But I'm happy I will say the good thing which I know we're in the middle of it, But, I will say the good thing about Warren signer as we Um We do need a warrant signer. We also need a backup. Um I'll just be fully transparent that because we have most often asked a newcomer to do it, I have actually, I actually already asked, trying to feel would be willing to do it, which is But what is good about this is that We do need a backup and I'll actually just get ahead of ourselves. We'll ask. You also need to vote that anyone could sign a warrant. We don't ever want to be in a situation where Nobody as well. Nobody's available to sign We actually, um Well. I have. It's typically at three o'clock. On Wednesday, so I'm happy to be back right? It is definitely an availability issue like you definitely have to be available Logistics thing. So. Okay, So I'm Sorry. I derailed myself. So Julia Got nominated and seconded and she accepted. Right? Yes. Vote. Okay, Um all right, all those in favor. That is unanimous. And. The motion passes. Um and then do we want to Uh, do I hear have nominations nominations for the I. Guess I don't know if it's not an official position, but we really do need to have a backup can be nominate Trent Unda as our backup warrant signer. Excellent trend is that something time was available to do that. Excellent. And, um Well, we could take a vote first, um Is everybody Okay with that all in favor. The motion passes. Um all the backup really means is that Julia, if you know you're not going to be there, that Trent is the person you call, um And. Then it gets done. I do want to take if someone makes is willing to make a motion that we could all sign in case um That's a good thing to have on the books. David Oh, no. Who. Is our secretary Forgotten. Can. You make a motion that about all of us being able to sign the winner moved that the Hambleton School committee Um, allow All. Committee members to Side. Warrant. In an as needed basis. 2nd 2nd by gender. Alright questions on that. All those in favor. Um And the motion passes and that is an important one. Thank you, um and I did want to say it sounds like David Frankel is available, So. Maybe that's a good chain of command, right? Like you get but will not let it go unsigned, You know, Um it's good to know who's who is You know, I I also often available, but good to know. Be there in a pinch. Okay. Um yes, Spirit do we also usually choose a vice secretary? Oh, yeah, we do. And again. I'm not sure it's really an official position, but it actually comes up quite a bit that we need to have someone who's willing to be, uh, the backup secretary Vice secretary assistant secretary think that's what it is. Assistant Secretary. Do. I have any nominations? Thank you very much for assistant Secretary. I'll do it. Alright I nominate Jenn car car as assistant secretary, right assistant assistant secretary. Um All right, um Okay? Ah! Ah, Do we have any Discussion all those in favor. Congratulations, Jen and thank you very much alright. And the motion passes. Okay? Um I think we did it next up? Assistant treasurer. Update. Vinnie just have subcommittees. Sorry. Oh, I thought we wanted to know. We. Don't read. Reorganize them. Yeah reorganized. It says that But I have to be on next week's Yeah. That is my my I actually told people we were doing it next week. I'm sorry it is on there. I apologize. That is my error. Um Emotional Uh, next week. I moved to table subcommittees and actually liaisons next week. MM. Second subcommittee discussion the next week. You can't sorry. Second. Thank you, David. Goodbye, Gender, Um Alright, uh, all in favor. And that's unanimous and we will do that next week. My apologies on that. Um Yeah. Um okay, Assistant Treasurer update, Vinnie. So. Unfortunately Katie LaVoy, Our assistant Backup treasurer has resigned, She found a new job and this doesn't fit with the kind of every Wednesday demand. Kevin district treasurer and I went through the job posting posted it on school spring. We have three applicants right now, I'm just looking for guidance if anyone wants to be involved in the process, technically both treasurer's report directly to the school committee or do you want to continue with our past practice where Kevin and I go through the resumes interview and kind of bring our final candidate to you for approval. Can. I ask a question. I actually think I. Not sure, but I feel like when we hired Katie that we I believe it was Anna was. I think she reviewed the resumes? Is that accurate or not? I don't exactly remember that, but she certainly could have I just I. Don't remember voting on whether I wanted to say that I think maybe we did have a school committee member go and review the resume. I went back and looked at the minutes. You didn't take an official vote on it, but I didn't Notice it didn't We did vote on the on the appointment of her on the appointment of, um so I may be wrong about that. I could be wrong. Not sure. Um So your idea would be that you would bring forth the candidate that you and then we would correct that me and him kind of Interviewed. And how long do you anticipate that would take How long You said. Probably two weeks we could have a candidate. Discussion. Oh call the assistant treasurer twice a year. I want to just say, though, you know you have to have it. I will just say we had a situation. Whatever that was 34 years ago, where our assistant treasurer was critical. Like when you need them, you need them. So like This is while it is important to have well, it's not very often. It's really important I would. It makes me nervous not to have one. We really So this board so long I was the assistant treasurer. Yeah. You. Definitely from the start. Um okay, so well, um I. Mean. Does anyone have any mean? Vinny sort of asked him question of the committee? If it doesn't I don't not hearing any emotions. On that so Okay, so we'll look forward to having that and I think we did post the rent with the resume on and we voted to resume on. Maybe. That's just what I'm remembering. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Um okay, Committee reports Capital Finance. Um we were supposed to meet this week. Um Trent. I wasn't able to make it and I was definitely ill. So we did not meet this week. Sit down and reschedule meeting when is allowed? Do you know when the last time you guys met was I think I owe minutes for it Was it. March 11 March 11th. I have the minutes for it. You have the minutes. I think it was march? 11th. Okay, So you met in March? I was just so you did you met in March is what I'm Yeah. Okay, yeah. Okay? Um and 11th. Right, and you anticipate getting that on the books? Soon. Ah! Policy. Nothing. We're just waiting for me to Okay. Do. You have a scheduled meeting. No, no, no, we we have noticed Sign mint from this committee. Great, Okay. Um, this one All right, um Negotiations. David on me, and I actually not sure I can look it up. Tuesday. It's coming right up was Our. Next meeting is Tuesday. Obviously, we Ratified the Office personnel this evening and I think we're making Really? Good. Headway. Moving pretty quickly. With the teachers, so we'll see how Tuesday goes, but You know? I'm pretty optimistic. So Looking good. Okay? Um Mr. Secretary. Do you have a report for us? I. Don't think I actually requested one. Don't okay, so could actually just about to look at it. I was gonna say, Could we request I request that you bring one next time. Be good. Okay. Excellent. Um Thank you. Um All right. Eric back to you. Alright actually quick and dirty this evening last night, I had the opportunity to attend the annual National Honor Society ceremony, which is always fun. Um 34 new students to seniors and 32 juniors were in conducted into the group. If. You've never been. You. Gotta go. It's really you know, it's It's a great ceremony where each of the current members Has, an inductee that they speak about and they really speak from the heart and speak from you know their their connection with this with this particular person, um, either on a team or in theater or in classrooms or just in the community so really, really fun to kind of listen to the way Kids talk about each other and and really help to make the connections to the tenants of Nationalist society, So it's a fantastic ceremony. Job well done last night, and it was fun to do something where I didn't have to speak. I forgot it was last night. I really want to? I went to Beverly's a couple weeks ago, and I got to go to Hamilton's. It was good. Okay? Um, right. Is that it? All right, well, X Stole what I was going to talk about. I got to go last night. It was truly it was really lovely, Lovely And it's The. Kids are amazing when you hear them talk about each other and accomplishments that, um, it's a really low I don't know whether all National Honor societies do it that way, But it's so Nice to have they're just, you know, just the one the senior talking about the junior member and it's lovely. So. It was really nice recorded on. I don't think it was remember seeing someone taking photographs, but not taking pictures. I don't think yeah, Throw it out there, Eric. That. If, um you know, opportunities like that, where people Great for us to sort of go and represent that you can sort of give us a Email reminders. Yeah, absolutely. I really meant to it. I hate that It's slipped my mind. So Uh um. Okay? Let's see what work. Yeah. Exactly. Um, um okay, so I guess, um, I want to just quick to give some quick updates, Um, just to let you know that, um Janelle is going to be reaching out to the select boards. Um, in order to get the regional agreement meetings started. So, um, we all It was a request to wait until after the election because there was some turnover. Um, so that's exciting. She has agreed to try to Rangel that schedule Um, which is relevant to me trying to wrangle the retreat date schedule. Which brings us to our next topic, so I got 12345 people said they could do The August 9th. I'm not sure that Eric can do. August 9th And so I don't know whether that's a Friday Eric. Sorry Friday Friday. Okay. It's a Friday. The people I did not hear from where I could do it by. Gosh August 9th Well done. Wow. Okay. Sorry for not answering. You know, that's Retreat Oh my gosh. That's August 9th Okay and hours we don't have exactly but I'm we're looking at probably like a 9 to 1. Yeah like something like that. I think 92 something like that. Um, awesome. Thank you so much. Um I think I'm not going to say anything else, I think, um, well, except that So not counting tonight. Who wants to take a guess. At. What are many are meeting length has been so far for fy 24. 90 minutes 1945 You must be a numbers guy. One hour 46 minutes, Vinnie Cuban track. Spreadsheet in front of, um alright, um, but again, you know, it's not a stated goal anywhere. My dream, though, was keep it under two hours. And so that's kind of exciting. That's why I contributed 20 to 30 minutes. Um all right. Um, Does anyone have any questions for me? I have a Quick clarifying question for the group. Um, we are We just sort of created our subcommittee tonight. So. Now. We have to post when we meet, correct? Yes because there's three committee care we meet remotely, Yes. Yep. We'll talk. Yep and as we've discussed many times, you can have as many scheduling conversations as you want, and you cannot violate open meeting law. As long as you're just talking about scheduling. Um okay. Ah! Alright topics for future meetings, Anyone I just wanted to make sure that we added the MSB a submission. Date discussion to next week. Yes. I think it's yes. We are already Uh, There's an item on there. Not? Sure. It's something that exactly, But yes, there is an M. S B A. It's wording changed to vote. Yeah, um We'll work on that. But guard Liss that would be the appropriate place to make a motion or would be within the bounds of that agenda item Regardless. Um, that sounds like you're looking at To specifically discussion around delaying the timeline due to the pole. That's correct. Um We had mentioned at an earlier meeting, too. Discuss Next steps on the change to school start times. Truth be next meeting just If. We could do it before the Hmm. So your ins for the school year ends. Yeah. Yeah, because Okay, definitely is going to affect teacher contracts if we decide to change anything, Yeah. Um Okay? And then What did Julia just It was something Julia said earlier. That was like making sure that's on the agenda. Subcommittee. Oh, subcommittee. Just something that's on there. That's already there. Um Yep. Um Okay. Anybody have anything else. Motion to adjourn. Have a 2nd 2nd. All right. All the Is there any discussion? All those in favor. 49 9 49. That's not even 10 o'clock.