good evening I call meeting for regular public Mee meeting is being held in compliance with the Sunshine Law having been advertised with press land City and the notice posted in Township clerk's office M land post office missa post office L County Library as well as all school and districts meeting being recorded [Music] um I get a roll call please Mr dier here Mrs bar here Dr Serena here Mrs Jackson here Dr L here Mrs Miller here Mr here and Dr Nelson here uh can I get a motion to convene into executive session motion second all right uh all in favor all opposed resol pursu of section 7 and 8 the open meetings ACT public meetings ACT public shall be excluded from portion of the meeting involving the discussion of legal matters attorney Cent privilege personnel and hip be it further resolve the discussion of each sub subject matter in executive session can be disclosed to the public when formal action is being taken on such matters or at any any other appropriate time any further resolve the board may take action on items discussed in executive session now therefore be resolve the board it will be an executive session for approximately 30 minutes [Music] [Applause] you can everybody takeing seats this meeting is being held in compliance with Sunshine Law having been adoc City and poed the township clerk's office post office M post office L County Library as well as District being there are two opportunities to address the members of the board the board values and weal comments the options opinions of the residents as long as remarks are not personal and discourteous the public comment for por of this meeting allows the board to listen to the community members and to hear our opinions on school policy and operations the first public portion is reserved for persons wishing to speak about agenda items only the second opportunity following the action items is when residents May address the board on any school related issue each speaker is asked to limit their meeting uh their comments three minutes and are not permitted to yield the time to another the public comments portions of the meeting are in both sessions will not exceed 30 minutes upon being recognized persons wishing to speak should stand identify themselves by name and address roll call please R can I getbody please stand for a FL SLP [Music] America this time we'll take a moment of silence for private reflection this time can I get a motion to approve minutes of the budget Workshop ethics Workshop meeting on March 2nd 2024 regular and executive session meetings of April 10th 202 motion second roll call questions Mrs anry yes Mrs bar yes Dr Sereno yes Mrs Jackson yes Dr laal abstain Mrs Miler yes Mrs Paro yes Dr Nelson yes at this time I'll turn over to Dr Z for the presentations thank you at this time can I ask Mrs Brian to please come down and present the reading challenge winners for May good evening Taylor Martin and Mr Chin's fifth grade class is May's winner for the summer reading challenge U Mr Chin said she is a wonderful student she's always working diligently in class and congratulations Taylor [Applause] [Music] con our next our next recognition um I would like to call Dr Holstrom and Mr Kowalski down please uh this is a really exciting time we had some students record ored and I thought this was a really really amazing program and I wanted to make sure that the community got to hear what we were doing thank you good evening one everyone I just wanted to invite Roman Mason and Nick to come [Applause] down many things going on at the that we're very proud of and one of them being what is happening in our information center Center we have a TV broadcasting um program that is just blooming and so Mr uh KY had sent one of our videos to ESPN I'm going to read the letter because we got a response and and the gentleman says he is the executive producer of ESPN in their Connecticut offices he says I hope this letter finds you well I'm reaching out not only as the executive producer at ESPN but is a true admirer of your recent live streaming commentary done by your uh during your vallour initially when Mr K suggested I tune in I must admit I was skeptical I wonder how impressive can this really be but I'm delighted to say that my doubts were completely unfounded your performance was outstanding capturing the essence of the game and Clarity with enthusiasm that was truly remarkable your professional demeanor and playful analysis and seamless interaction with the game did not go un notice it is where to find such natural Talent combined with a genuine passion for sports broadcasting Roman as a primary anchor you were exceptional setting the tone and Pace beautifully Nick and Mason your insights and Analysis added significant depth and perspective enhancing the overall broadcast immensely at ESPN we continually seek out emerging Talent who brings fresh perspective and innovatives approaches to sports journalism your team's performance was a bright indicator of potential future stars in sports commentary the world needs great and enthusiastic reporters dedicated TR where therapy and sports are else well keep these grades up practice hard and safe Focus this was a letter from ESPN shatting out the amazing things that our students are doing and Mr K is going to just read something quickly good evening board members administrators and everybody my name is Mark walski I'm the media teacher here at William dav's Middle School uh to me this recognition goes beyond uh their commentary at the uh volleyball bandness tournament it goes it it talks about their personality it talks about um they're the personification of good students and good people and I'm I'm just really proud of them so congratulations you guys very proud of me [Applause] 1 two three thank you guys [Applause] [Music] congratulations all right to keep the party rocking can we have the April staffle of the month videos please ready ready say it loud St come on keep coming keep coming St of the month St of the month [Music] all right we have a special shot for the mons in the house [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] congratulations that was last month's video so we're going to pull up this month's video grab it off of the oh I'm sorry I have [Music] that and while you you know what while you're doing that I'm going to hit something so you can get set up okay all right so [Music] so it takes a really special person to volunteer all of their time to help out the community and I want to take a moment to ask Michelle McFarland you would pleas come down [Applause] I can't thank you enough for all that you've done for our schools and our students throughout the years so excited to see you go I'm so excited to see that you'll stay with us maybe not in that position but St through for a little while we're so happy to have you and we do have some special guests anybody back there that want to come on down I have family members over come on down it want to surprise you guys I couldn't get everybody but I got some of you guys down here to make sure cele I want to thank you guys for coming down and I want to say that you appreciate everything you've done let's give them a nice round of applause [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sry and one you good almost okay I get you back on and one of those people are right here in this room so this D mon works with our classroom in this wilber's room she does an amaz amazing job along with helping out the rest of our classes she never complains she shows love and compassion every single day for example when there was a bowling trip that got cancelled and our students were naturally disappointed she went on a break and bought a Bowlin set to to the gym it's not me so congratulations to the staff of the month Miss sweenie wo hello there hello there hello so I'm sorry to interrupt we a very special announcement teachers I would students know every mon for who they would like to see and this month we have Mrs said by her people that she works with in recognizing her for this month it says Mrs Wagner never stops advocating for her students she works tireless Tire tirelessly but again she works tirelessly to ensure that are receiving instruction and when working with know that they have someone they count on and that works to make sure they have everything that they need this is wag your students are so lucky to have such a hardworking and supportive teacher what do you think about that [Music] right congratulations thank you so much okay one more time he's my friend hello all right go ahead go in and start singing okay [Music] all right we have a very special staff of the month in this room Quest can you tell it who who is it congratulations all right thank you to everyone I hope you guys thanks thanks for getting that together for me I appreciate it at this time we would like to celebrate our retirees and I would like to ask uh representatives from the Sher school please come on down that's [Music] [Music] you good evening I know this isn't about me but I have to say I'm really sad to be up here to report that an bucknam will be retiring from Hamilton Township after 27 years of service where is she on down [Applause] not that this will be a surprise to those of you who know an but an has committed herself to our youngest students and their families as the preschool case manager and school social worker she's been an amazing advocate for our babies as she calls them and I cannot picture life in Hamilton Township without her she's been the first face of Hamilton ship for so many of our families of students with special needs and she has welcomed them warmly into the district an has made it her mission to ensure our families have access to as many quality resources and services as possible and to that end she started the resource Fair it's evolved over the past I don't know how many years maybe 10 into the huge Spring Carnival and resource Fair you'll see this May 18th don't forget um Ann's goal was to get 60 vendors at the fair and she has realized her goal this year this is an outstanding opportunity for a families to learn about Community Resources in all areas an has been a colleague and a friend for many years and I will miss her terribly but I'm happy that she'll have the opportunity to travel has some big plans and spend lots of time with her grandbabies [Applause] congatulations [Music] good all right let's go have school good evening everyone it is my pleasure to be here tonight to recognize Mrs Sandra zachai Nord if she wants to come on down Sandy where are [Music] yours as Mrs Nord Journeys her way down here with me I want to speak a little bit about her remarkable Journey that she's had had within the Hamilton Township School District with 29 years of dedicated service to education 25 of those years have been spent nurturing young minds at the H School her impact is truly immeasurable Mrs nord's versatility shines through with the various roles she has undertaken in those 25 years from librarian to basic skills instructure instructor to a home room teacher for both fourth and fifth grades having touched the lives of well over 2,000 students throughout her career Mrs nord's influence extends far beyond the classroom can't look at you I'm not going to cry her commitment to supporting guiding mentoring and instructing has undoubtedly left a lasting impression on each individual she has encountered myself as well as we celebrate her accomplishments tonight we also recognize the profound Legacy she leaves behind a legacy of passion dedication unwavering commitment to the betterment of her students and the education profession as a whole Mrs nord's impact will continue to resonate within the hearts and minds of those fortunate fortunate enough who have called her teacher let us express our deepest gratitude for your years of service and the countless lives you have touched thank you Mrs Nord your tireless dedication and the indelible Mark you have left on Hamilton toship school district is recognized and appreciated Mrs kak would be next to our for our next test honor I would like to honor Miss debie Hackley if she would mind coming down here [Applause] all right it is such an exciting day to celebrate the remark remarkable work of Debbie py a par professional who has been integral part of our Hamilton Township educational Community for almost 20 years Debbie has dedicated her heart and soul to so many students over her years she's more than just a pair professional she's been a mentor a friend and a Guiding Light for students and colleagues her patience patience and kindness for others it's very much appreciated in the classroom she is known as the child Whisperer because she can reach the needs of our students so many different ways um and the every child feels valued and appreciated by the work that um Debbie has done with them I asked Debbie to make a list of some of the teachers she has worked with over her years so you can see it's a very long list um so she has impacted so many students over her time in the district and we celebrate her as she joins her new journey in retirement but she will be very much missed at [Applause] this now the D School good evening we actually have a lot of teachers that were losing this year to retirement so I'm going to begin to call some of them down Miss [Applause] Townson Miss Townson actually left us in December but she's being recognized as she should be she has been here for 20 5 years she is UNL unwaveringly dedicated to our students she has a genuine love and care for our students they miss her we miss her one notable quality of her amongst many is her participation in the no food left behind program this is a program we ured that any extra food items that were collected throughout lunch are donated to our local food pantry so she not only embodies the spirit of our school and our school Community but she's giving back and helping connect to our our town community for thoughtful actions not only nourish our students through the kind words and the no food left behind but her kindness sense of empathy that she shares with her students um have been an invaluable president here in our school so congratulations on [Applause] retirement then the next uh teacher we are going to see is Mr Alo [Applause] [Music] so I went into the staff closet to pull out some files and I have some information on when Mrs El actually applied for her teaching certification couple years ago and it says here at the bottom she's done a notable job as a World Language career uh teacher in her first year at William Davies she truly cares about her students and works diligently to ensure their success I highly recommend her and I'd like to find out who wrote this because it's on paper they don't do this anymore but there's no name to thank them for doing that she is everything that they've said throughout this observation she has been an integral part at dav's for an impressive 25 years as an ESL teacher she's dedicated her expertise and impact on our students and colleagues remarkable she consistently demonstrates the passion for her teaching and the commitment she has to our ESL students who are learning English her innovated approaches to instruction along with her nurturing and supportive classroom environment makes her an asset to our school community and we will miss her her contributions over the year have last a lasting and and a positive impact on generations of students and she's an extraordinary educator so congratulations on your retirement [Applause] our next teacher that is require retiring is Miss [Applause] Luca so Miss Luca is an eighth grade teacher here and the only words I could find is is just a true gem to her 22 years of dedication she teaches math she has given up time to teach students geometry when they needed that extra class he um has I walk into her room and she's writing all over her uh death we have we have white tops okay can do that but the're wrting all over um she her indepth knowledge of math is just amazing she not only enriches her lessons but she inspires those around her and I go in there for observation and I walk out learning cuz she does me want to go in there as well she's encouraging there's many days where she says Jen you got this pushes me so I'm she Fosters a positive and empowering learning environment or her students feel confident and they Excel she's gone up to the high school to learn extra things just so she can come back and bring it to our our teachers to help our students her passion and her ability to connect has made her has made her a member of our student School community that we will miss we are fortunate to have had her [Music] [Applause] and I'm glad he came tonight because it's Mr Weber and he is shy of public [Applause] what do you say about Mr Weber he's been here for 31 [Music] years 32 sorry 32 he's finishing his 32nd year he he in he loves learning he is dedicated to education he has a passion for ELA he's uh the instilling of that love of learning in students he creates an environment that he makes them C curious and their knowledge is just flourish within his roomm if you don't know Mr Weber then you don't know anything about the Phillies he knows everything about theil he loves the philes I'll go in there and he I will never forget I was in his room he called a student up he named it Philly cuz a kid said I like the Phillies he's like you don't know this player and made him sit back down he's like how do you not love that so everything is about the philes with Mr Weber he is a an ability to really pulling real world examples that resonate with the students his passion for everything his does just emulates you the student and not only as a principal but my own daughter had him last year and she loves reading now she writes amazing when she we had Christmas last year all she wanted to do was get books and poems and all she talked about was well this is what Mr rber read with us this is what he wrote with us she has grown and it has thank you not as a principal but [Applause] as and our last retire is Miss C [Applause] what do you say about Miss PA for this meeting all of the ad I we sat down to talk about the teachers that were leaving and what a difference they made for us so I have to do the honor because Mike had said I've worked with her for a long time and I please have the honor of talking so I'm going to let mik do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys um I theal talk de cell uh 33 years she started in 1989 I was in school about that was the movie on that r one song Wass hold on a Honda for was $15,000 um on a serious now I would like to say thank you to all the reti I have Fon gr debie Capal on retirement from teaching from the DAV school we got to honor someone who has dedicated three decades of her life of shaping and mind as a teacher for fre decades that identified the true spere of teaching education action and commment that sucess every student she has talked walk through the doors and always be in her friend her heon is far behind the the curriculum that she teaches she seals in her students not only knowledge but also values of kindness ver ISS and compassion as that force on a new chapter of retirement we celebrate her profound impact of Life of countless individuals who sit there toight and down here as well one more teachers as well [Music] leg toy as an educator will endure far behind a from the classroom even in home hearts and minds of all who have priv of learning from her May for your un un commitment to education for Li many students teachers and more people all conr on your will to serve retirement you be missed jooy your retirement in the next chapter in your life [Applause] [Music] hello everyone um Mrs Debbie Brown couldn't be here tonight I tried really hard to encourage her to come but that's just the person she is she doesn't like all the attention but she is an unbelievable employee we love having her on our team for so many years she worked in one of the most difficult um challenging classes and never complained always stayed when our buses were late she would never leave her students she just wanted to make sure they were safe on the bus before she left so we're really truly going to miss this is Debbie Brown and congratulations everyone [Applause] um Mr nson I know you prepared a very lengthy elaborate speech your retirees uh Katie come on now [Applause] uh kti is my secretary she's been my secretary for 15 years uh but she's been here for 30 3 years he retired uh last year uh on behalf of everyone here I want to thank you Katie for your 33 years of service your friendship we deeply missed what your legacy will live on in countless lives you have cluster happy retirement k [Applause] [Music] all right my retirees all right my tyes at this time I'd like you guys to come up and stand facing the audience please [Music] we get everybody get everybody good okay good all right board members can you get up behind [Music] [Music] so we like to try this new tradition we started last year we're going to see how this works out Mr CL at you going to take the picture jump up I don't know where you going to be standing all right the board members behind you guys we're going to count to three and we'll get this thing going ready I'll go 3 2 1 ready ready to smile 3 2 [Applause] 1 congratulations congratulations hi we're going to take a 10-minute recess hi at this time we're going to continue on with the meeting uh turn back Dr for superintendent thank you Dr Nelson uh what a wonderful occasion to celebrate retirement marks the culmination of dedicated service and those teachers Sur have a lasting impact on countless students it's amazing to the impacts of volunteerism through our PTA and the dedication of efforts truly enrich our educational experience for students and contribute to the overall well-being of our school community and F fantastic for our winners for that ESPN award and for our uh reading challenge winners at this time I'd like you guys to take a look at the registration for the month enrollment discipline reports and the HIV reports following uh that this these are the dates for uh to remember on May 2nd we have our which is tomorrow we have our Davies h b spring concert at 7:00 at the house Auditorium on the 10th we have the fifth grade welcome dance here at Davies at 5:00 uh on May 14th is the Davies choir spring concert at 700 p.m. in theorum on May 17th is the 8th grade dinner dance at 5:00 here in DAV Cafeteria on the 18th we have our Spring Carnival and community resource fair that will be 10 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. here at the head school it's a wonderful wonderful time uh many resources uh for families we hope everyone comes uh we have our PTA meeting on May 20th at 7:00 at the D school cafeteria the school is closed on the 27th for Memorial Day may29th is 8th grade Awards night at 5:00 in the DAV school cafeteria on May 30th we have the dragons award night at 5:30 p.m. here in the cafeteria Davies June 6 is the dav's 8th grade barbecue at The Cove uh June 12th is the 8th grade celebration ceremony at 4:00 at oakrest high school and our next Board of Education meeting will be on June 26 at 5:45 here at D this concludes my superintendent report thank you Dr at this time we'll receive comments from the public onight agenda items in accordance with the board policy of participation at a board meeting each speaker is asked to limit their comments to 3 minutes you're not permitted to yield your time to any other seeing none UL the uh comments of board [Music] members um I just wanted to congratulate again all the retirees um may you enjoy that freedom that's coming your way and thank you for all you've done for the students over [Music] your other board members I'd like to say thank you to all the teachers uh prayer professionals and secretaries alike that are retiring this year there's a lot of time to put in one place I think it's one of the things we being lost in our next generation where they move around every 3 years but um I think it's great and we we will miss you all and thank you very much at this time I would turn it over to Miss Miller for the personnel and policy committee um the policy committee met on April 24th at 5:00 we talked about bylaws policies Personnel bus drive job descriptions annual appointments organizational chart and PB our next meeting is on June 19th I'd like to make a motion to approve Administration committee items 9.2 through 9.34 as recommend second motion by Miss Miller second by M Bar questions comments none call Mr Zer yes m bar yes Dr Serena yes Mrs Jackson yes Dr L obstain from 9.14 and yes to the [Music] rest Mrs Miller yes Mrs Paro abstain from 9.14 and 9.28 yes to yes Dr Nelson yes is there any new hires here tonight we do we have some Mr ster and I know we had we have a plethora of new hires coming to this so if you need any assistance I know we have uh Mrs bones and some others here to help you John's very own van away Mrs St hello I'm going to really make colen do most of the work tonight but I do have um Sarah Steckler I met this evening is here she's going to be an ESL teacher at the DAV school and Sarah is here with her husband Nick and their baby Charlie is this is [Music] bona hey I have a list we've been busy in preschool so we're um expanding I'm sure U many of you know we're expanding by three classrooms next year and then we have some movement within the district so we've been quite busy doing interviews but um before I talk about the um preschool positions I wanted to introduce Miss Amy Dennis um Miss Amy Dennis has been a par professional in our district for a few years and um we're recommending that she be the registrar for the district I can't think of anyone um better to meet all of our families and welcome them to Hamilton Township than Amy Dennis she's here with her beautiful family we have um Asher Hudson and yal accompanying her she they all attend um the H school and we're so happy you're here [Music] [Music] Amy okay um so for preschool teachers we have um Kylie bakeley she has worked in a local private provider for the past couple of years and we're really excited that be part of our team we have TN vanter there I'm sure many of you recognize haris she was a president of our PTA for several years she was a pirate professional at chainer for many years and now she'll be back as a preschool teacher at chainer so we're thrilled your back that's Beretta with her sorry okay then we have Brook the clerico over here she's been teaching for a couple years and we're thrilled that she's part of our team here at Hamilton Township and we're recommending Alexis gray as well but I don't see Alexis here there were so many people I couldn't find her but um she'll be a great addition she's no um stranger to Hamilton Township she's done all her student teaching here she was worked at Shaner last year as well as this year um so we're excited she our staff and last but not least we have Julia Perna she's here with her family Julia she did her student teaching at hes um and but now she'll be coming over to Sher and joining our team so we're thrilled to have [Applause] you thank you congratulations and welcome if you guys don't mind if all the new staff could you take a picture out with uh Mrs deer so we can put you in our newsletter please and then you don't have to stay feel free after that if you want to take off pleas [Music] at this time I'll turn it over to uh Chris for a public hearing on our 2425 budget so this is the opportunity for anyone that would like to ask any questions about the budget the budget is on the agenda for anyone the presentation if anyone would like to look at that anybody has any questions you can come up to the m right see you no questions on the budget we'll close the public hearing on the budget thank you [Music] I a motion to approve resolution to adopt the budget and requisition the taxes items 10.4 and 10.5 all right so I'll make a motion to adopt the 2024 budget as submitted and approved by lenon County Office of Education for for the resolution and motion to authorize a ba requisition the payment of taxes from the township of Hamilton as approved of [Music] 20242 questions comments roll call please this a yes Mrs bar yes Dr Sereno yes Mrs Jackson yes Dr L yes Mrs Miller yes Mrs PTO yes Dr Nelson [Music] [Music] yes at this time I'd like to Mo make a motion for annual appointments of items 11.1 through [Music] 2021 by Miss questions and comments n r Mrs yes Mrs bar F Dr Serena yes Mr Jackson yes Dr laa yes Mrs Miller yes Mrs Berto yes and Dr yes the sign I'll turn over to Dr leok for the finance and operations um our committee met on Monday April 23rd uh items that we discussed during our committee were the transportation bid which was due on April 30th the regulation for use of facilities the facilities use fees and then bell times for the upcoming school year at this time I motioned to move 12.2 through 12.17 second by Dr fro questions and comments none Mrs Anor yes Mrs bar yes Dr Serena yes Mrs Jackson yes Dr laa yes Mrs Miller yes Mrs PTO yes and Dr Nel yes thank you Dr now have Miss bar give us our curriculum committee sure the curriculum committee met on April 23rd the items discussed it was a light month in curriculum but we discussed summer curriculum savis the new um Ela program arriving for St to have in time for the end of the year as well as the Daniel S training for Teacher observations which is on point for the transition with Genesis I would like to motion 13.1 through 13.3 second second by Miss an questions and comments none roll call please Mrs I yes Mrs bar yes Dr Sereno yes Mrs Jackson yes Dru yes Mr Miller yes Mrs P yes Dr yes thank you m any old business none new business I have a comment um I just wanted to acknowledge the pet therapy program again at Shaner uh we got our latest update um last week and it went very well um within the school they were visiting the dog uh his name is Austin in some of the special needs classes and there's plans for his visitation to uh continue um it sounds like we're going to have him coming into the chainer school uh more times each week and kind of um expanding to the rest of the students that are there as well everybody knows who Austin is at this point um so you know to just kind of give some of the other kids some time as well so just wanted to give a quick update on that um and then the second thing that I wanted to mention was uh week of the young child um which was I want to say two weeks ago at Shaner also um that Friday they had a family day in the morning and it was so well attended it kind of blew me away to be honest there was parents everywhere in the cafeteria there was you know they had snacks and stuff and and books um gave a quick presentation about the importance of play with the kids at this age and for me personally it really kind of hit home because it tries so hard to get the kids to play and gave you some some ideas and things to consider and then um we got to go to the classroom and hang out with kids her a bit also so it was it was a very um it was a very nice event and I'm glad to have been able to be a part of that thank you mron any other all right at this time I receive comments from the public importance uh with board policy on participation in a board meeting seeing none executive session I would entertain a motion motion thank you Dro all in favor all opposed thank you thank you