##VIDEO ID:c9MH2I-hS5g## [Music] like to call an order the meeting this meeting is inion held in compliance with Sunshine Law having been advertised in cranic city and those posted at the township clerk's office B post office missa post office L County Library as well as all the school all the schools in the district meeting is being recorded a roll call please now m m bar here Dr sharena here M Jackson here Dr laa here Mrs Miller mrto here Mr Rogers here and Dr Nel here yeah the doors are locked um i' like to make a motion to convene for into executive session second all in favor I post I have it resol is pursuing of section seven and8 the open public meeting act the public shall be excluded from por of the meeting the following discussion of legal matters attorney Cent privileges Personnel Transportation via further resolve of discussion such matters in executive session can be disclosed to the public when formal action is to be taken such subject matter or and any any other appropriate time the further resolve the board may take actions on items discuss executive session now therefore we result the board will be in executive session for approximately 30 minutes I get a motion to close executive session and reconvene public session moot motion second second second all in favor all right all right have it this meeting is being held with compliance sunsh the Sunshine Law having been advertised in press Atlantic City notices posted in Township Township clerk's office M Landing post office Misa post office Atlantic County Library as well as old schools in the district this meeting is being recorded there are two opportunities to address the member of the board the board values and welcomes comments and opinions for from the residents as long as they are not personal discourteous public comment portion of this meeting allows the board to listen to community members and to hear opinions of the school policy and operations the first portion follow portion is reserved for the persons wishing to speak about agenda items only the second opportunity will follow the action item is when the residents May address the board on any school related activity each speaker ask to limit their comments to 3 minutes you're not not per permitted to yield your time to another the public comment portion of this meeting during both sessions will not exceed 30 minutes upon being recognized persons wishing to speak uh should stand identify themselves by names and address at this time can plag United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation at this time take a moment for Silence of private reflection thank you a motion to approve minutes of regular and executive session meeting of June 26 2024 move second second by Nancy roll call Mrs anchor yes Mrs bar yes Dr Serena here yes Mrs Jackson yes Dr yes Mrs Pera yes Mr Rogers yes and Dr Nelson yes there's no presentations this time I'll turn over to superintendent Dr zto for report thank you Dr Nelson good evening everyone I'm thrilled to be before you today to share the incredible work and progress we've made as a school Community this summer as we prepare to welcome the students back I want to express my sincere gratitude to all who have contributed to our success first and foremost I want to thank the board of education for their unwavering support and commitment to our schools Your Presence at our summer events and dedication for our community has been invaluable I'd also like to acknowledge the tireless efforts of our central office and administrative teams your hard work and commitment Have Been instrumental ensuring that our schools are ready to provide a topnotch educational experience for our students a special thank you goes out to our administrative team and teachers who work the extended school year Program Camp blue star and the summer empowerment Academy your Innovative approaches and commitment to Excellence have set the stage for a successful school year our transportation department has been working diligently to provide the best experience for our students and their families we've recently ended our Consortium agreement with the greeg Regional School District Although our bond with the school is as strong as ever we are forging our own destiny and have entered into direct contract with Shephard bus company additionally we recently hired new bus drivers and drove our own summer program using Hamilton Township buses which was a total success moving forward we will continue to enhance our transportation department to provide better service to our community our F Food Services team deserves recognition for their outstanding work in providing nutrition meals for our student during the summer programs and preparing for the upcoming school year for our technology department thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to keeping our technology safe and staying ahead of the curve regarding the newest technological innovations I want to express my deepest appreciation to our staff who have gone above and beyond to create welcoming and inspiring learning environments for our students your dedic ucation and creativity are truly inspiring finally I'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our buildings Grounds Maintenance and custodial workers your tireless efforts have transformed our schools into beautiful and functional spaces without your hard work we could not open our doors on time or provide such a positive learning environment for our students as we embark on the new school year I'm filled with optimism and excitement together we can create a vibrant and enriching learning experience for all of our students thank you for your continued support and dedication I do have some corresponden the Board of Education members this is from Tony Richardson she wrote dear Board of Education I want to express my sincere appreciation of your support of my role as an administrator although I completed one year in this position I value what I've learned and it will last a lifetime I'm proud to be now now be led by such a great team of Administrators as I begin the 2425 school year in a teaching position I will continue my education to per to pursue what is next I simply wanted to say thank you for all you've done Tony Richardson for uh for your review please see the registration enrollment for the month discipline reports which are done um uh the following are the dates to remember Wednesday and Thursday August 28th 29th 2024 is our staff PD which started today Monday September 2nd our schools close for Labor Day Tuesday and Wednesday September 3rd and 4th we will have our staff PD on um Thursday September 5th will be our first day of school for all of our students Wednesday September 25th will be our next Board of Education meeting 5:15 for executive and 545 for the regular session and our back to school nights are Davies on September 9th which will be an early dismissal for Davies only sheener September 10th early dismissal for sheener only and H September 12th early dismissal for Hass this concludes my superintendent report thank you thank you Dr at this time we open up for board member comments I just wanted to welcome everyone back I notic they have came back today but um wishing you a very um wonderful school year as you get underway I know there's a lot happening um but thank you for all you do and wishing you a happy school year thank you Nancy any other board member uh I wanted to say um I can't be more proud of the way we rep the school administration represented themselves at National Night Out um I did get there a little late but as always this the tents were packed and all lined up for our schools and give away of books I saw all Administration there so thank you very much exper each other uh but uh everybody else was there so thank you very much I know that some of you don't live very close and um You probably uh are here more than you are at home but I want to let let you know that it does it doesn't go unnoticed uh the township committee members um are always proud to see you guys out there they um they they talk more and more about our school and what the schools are doing and how proud they are at the township meetings if you ever get a chance to watch any of those on YouTube um they do have lots of questions about it um they they were here repr they were here to see the uh backpack and bar uh Barber event that was um Tuesday and I wasn't able to come first thing but I was towards the tail end of it and I was told that there was a line outside the door 200 200 deep um to show up we ran out of supplies which is a a good thing and a bad thing um that means it was very well received next year we'll be more prepared I guess we'll have more backpacks um the township and um the elected officials have uh said they will donate backpacks themselves um they're proud of everything that you guys have done there so I wanted to say thank you very much and to the PTA for assisting with everything they do even over the summer they were here earlier on the kindergarten um stuff and actually I think they're having a meeting right now as we talk so I want to say thank you to the PTA if anybody wants to get involved the PTA always looking for um help it can be as little as raising your hand to help out or um Tak more of a official role with him he always could use the help um and I don't know what happened this summer but it was very short um so I'm sure you guys are all feeling it but the buildings look great I know that the kids are excited to get back I know my son isn't but um but I'm sure the teachers are that has nothing to do so thank you very much for all the hard work and look forward to a great year um at this time do we have any public comments on tonight's agenda items uh seeing none we'll go to the personnel and policy committee um M Jackson I wasn't on the last one that's okay well M Jackson was so the personnel and policy um committee met on Tuesday August 20th um was myself Dr Nelson and the administration um we discussed items including lateral movements new hires job changes um and some new policy changes um our next meeting scheduled for Wednesday September 18th um sorry and I have a motion to approve sorry 9922 what was it 99 92 to 91222 922 please motion a motion from Nancy a second second thank you uh roll call please I'm sorry any questions comments hearing none roll call please Mrs anchor yes Mrs bar yes Dr Serena yes Mr Jackson yes Dr l stained from 9.10 yes Mrs Miller yes Mrs P yes Mr Rogers yes and Dr Nelson yes any new bu we had an amazing new staff orientation with 70 people here our new hires from this year and our new hires from um that started after new staff orientation last year and it was really great um tonight I think everybody was exhausted but I do have Aon masin is here she is our new um School social worker at the H school and will be the case manager for grade five I get it right this time yeah congratulations thank you thank you welcome order all right finance and operations Dr leof um our committee met on Monday August 19th at 4 pm the committee discuss reviewed finance and operational needs um can I have a motion to move items 10.1 through 10.19 first Miss Anor second by Dr Sho questions or comments here n local Mrs I yes Mrs B yes Dr s yes Mr Jackson yes Dr L obain from 10.8 yes the US Mr Miller yes Mr BR abstain from 10.8 yes to the rest Mr Rogers yes Dr Nelson yes Dr uh curriculum committee [Music] M all right the curriculum committee met on August 19th virtually we discussed um the implementation of the Danielson model summer curriculum um all of the updates with that Hilton Township will be hosting an njpsa Workshop top this year and then we also looked at school goals District goals and the alignment of our strategic plan with all of those goals there was a lot um this month in our PR can I please have a motion to approve 112 through 1111 as listed motion by Miss anchor a second second by Miss Jackson questions comments here none roll call please Mrs yes Mrs bar yes Dr Sero yes Mrs Jackson yes Dr L abstained from 11.9 yes to the rest Mrs Miller yes Mrs BR yes Mr Rogers yes and Dr Nelson yes all right old business um I wanted to bring up a motion uh to repost advertisement for the duerson building on uh request for interest in purchase uh it's the same process we went through maybe 6 months ago and we're ready to reopen it again as it's required by law for us to do we have a couple people that are maybe interested it so we need to follow through with the process um so can I get a second second any questions or comments on that hearing none roll call Mrs Anor yes Mrs bar yes Dr sheno yes Mrs Jackson yes Dr L yes Mrs Miller yes Mrs pero yes Mr Rogers yes and Dr yes any other old business new business new business um at this time we'll open up for a public comment receive comments from the public in accordance with the board policy and participation of board meetings seeing none hearing none um executive session and with one more comment from um board member Christin thank you I'm sorry to regret that then my resignation will be in for the next board meeting um and I just wanted to say a few words if you guys don't mind I would like to apologize to the residents of our community for not being able to complete my term with the Board of Ed I thank you all for your confidence and for your vote in the past two elections my decision was not an easy one but I do feel at this time that I'm not to get this responsibility the full attention it deserves it was suggested to me to run for the board ofed because of my skill sets however my real decision to run was because I felt a debt of gratitude to the school system we moved here when my daughter was in fifth grade in our past District I fought for years to get her help in learning to read and be on great level in man I received no help however in one month of being in Hamilton Township Mr carpan noticed her and came to me about getting her help from that moment on she flourished year after year with amazing teaches to that point she is now she received minimal assistance going into high school and is killing it in college and she loves to read I owe this District so much for the time effort and empathy they gave my daughter my son started preschool here and recently graduated from babies his experience at our schools was phenomenal as well where my daughter needed support my son needed enrichment and he excelled because of it I was elected in 2020 and we've had so many changes in the past four years I'm so proud to be here for the GR ruling interviews and process to hire Dr zto his passion for this job and what he has brought to the table has been significant I have seen him systematically change the culture of our schools from struggle stress and negativity to an environment of more peace inclusion and motivation I want to thank our teachers for guiding our students from a world of pandemic to a world of normaly all the Transitions and expectations that were put upon you were not fair and yet you endured and you came out the other side fighting for our students academic success and their mental health you understood the task even though you were never trained or asked your opinion I thank you all you are an asset to your profession thank you to my fellow board members thank you for your service your heart and your ability to hear all sides we do have a diverse and honorable board I feel comfortable knowing as I leave that our kids are in good hands I do ask that you continue to work on our transportation issues I do ask that you continue to involve our students at board meeting I ask for increased peer programming I suggest reading the surgeon general's report regarding isolation and loneliness our biggest epidemic and I suggest action in addressing this epidemic in our school and with our Community Partners the Surgeon General providing an advisory just yesterday stating that parental stress is an urgent public health issue and I hope that this District can address the stress of parenting and support parents in new ways as a main street vendor and a hockey mom and the private therapists in our area I look forward to seeing everybody in the community and I want to thank you all so much for this big learning experience thank you thank you Krist you're going to be missed Fair Winds following C and I can't believe it's been six years since we got Co we got a new superintendent everything else it's been a fun ride for sure well worth the pay right definely [Laughter] zero all right um at this time I would like for to ask for a motion for adjournment motion second all in favor I have thank you