all order this we has been being in held compliance with Sunshine Law having been advertised at FR Atlantic City and notice was posted in the township clerk's office me post office Miss Post Office Atlanta County library and as well as all the schools of District this meeting is being recorded roll call Mrs anry Mrs B here Dr Serena here Mrs Jackson here Dr La Mrs Miller here Mrs perto here Mr Rogers here and Dr Nelson here motion to into exective session so moved second all in favor I okay okay you said all in favor resolve the pursuing in section 7 and the open public meeting act the public shall be excluded in the course of the meeting in uh involving discussion of legal matters attorning client privilege Personnel transportation and HIV the further resol of discussion such matters an executive session can be disclosed to the public when formal action has been taken on such matters or at any other appropriate time it further result the board may take action on items discussed in executive session now therefore be a resolve of the board will be in executive session for approximately 30 minutes can I get a motion to close executive session and reconvene an open session motion second Army all in favor iOS all right this meeting is being held in compliance with Sunshine Law having been advertised in press Atlantic City no is posted on the Township Clerk for B Landing post office MP Post Office Atlanta County Library as well as the schools in the district being being reported there are two opportunities to address the members of the board the board values and welcomes comments and opinions from residents as long as remarks are not personal and discourteous the public Comm uh comment portion of the meeting allows the board to listen to community members and to hear their opinions on school policy and operations first public portion is reserved for personnel persons wishing to speak about agenda items only the second opportunity following the action items is when residents May address the board on any school related issue each speaker is asked to limit their comments to 3 minutes you are not permitted to yield your time to uh to any any other the public comments portion of the meeting both during sessions during both sessions are not allowed to exceed 30 minutes upon being recognized persons wishing to speak should stand and identify themselves by name and address at this time can we please stand FL stes amice at this time take a moment of silence for PRI reflection at this time I'd like to make a motion to approve minutes of regular and executive sessions meetings of March 6 2024 three the second roll call question I'm sor questions roll call Mrs an yes Mrs bar same Dr sheno yes Mrs Jackson yes Mrs Miller yes Mrs CTO Mr Rogers yes Dr Nelson yes all right at this time we have two presentation will turn over for Dr Z thank you Mrs Bryant would you like to come on down hello P of Education uh our winner for April for the summer reading challenge is Ferguson St Hubert and miss canel his classroom teacher uh came to support him she was very excited when uh I emailed her that he won and her words about Ferguson is he's an Avid Reader and is reading above grade level at this time he works hard and puts forth a lot of effort into his work he is also a good friend to everyone in the class and we want to say congratulations to Ferguson conations what you know you have a really awesome teacher too thank you what's my one of my son's favorite teachers Mike could you roll the staff will to the monn please ready ready say it loud keep coming keep coming staff of the month St of the month all right you have a special stuff for the month in the house me missk you did you know that a congratulations afternoon boys and girls we have a very special announcement um in recognition of this is Elliot who is our buzzworthy staff member of the month for March I would like to read things that were said about Mrs Elliot some very positive comments so U Mrs ellot was nominated and chosen and recognized by her colleagues uh says Mrs Elliot is one of the most hardworking employees in the building she wears a a lot of hats which means she does many different things and has several roles helping students and staff she excels at supporting students throughout the building while also managing her own classroom not only does Mrs Elliot do this but she is doing it so well she steps up and shows up every single day and has been since she started working at has we are luy at Mrs Elliot at H she's a leader a member of several committees and has played an important role in helping many students succeed her focus is always on helping students her work ethic positive attitude and P do perspective is always appreciated so those ni thank you thanks Carl thank you get 10 finger a great hi everyone can I interrupt awesome so don't know that we have every month of the staff votes on the staff member to is amazing so I'm going to read a couple of things I am not nominating Miss rtis because she is constantly working to create a positive culture in a school Community the food drive was a huge success and much needed in our community the CEST days were not a positive impact on our school community in addition she always helps her students and colleagues to reach their goals and be successful that's what one person said but for this month what you don't know for the first time ever is that three different people nominated her so we have three different things so you are showing from the start she helps everyone she did the F Drive kind Club IRS and so much more and then the third person says she helps to organize a f Drive goes out of her way to help anyone in need she is well Lov my students and staff L for her kindness and general disposition so congratulations to miss RIS for being so much you have an amazing teacher but you're going do that thank Youk Dr hrom was that Mr line with too much coffee recording that one was shaking pretty bad actually recorded there you see stud recording say I was going to we can prove you guys a triod thank you guys and congratulations to the staff um as we Rec could meing f with immense gratitude and admiration for the incredible work that's been accomplished during this period our buildings and grounds Cal maintenance and Technology staff have truly outdone themselves and I feel compelled to express my heartfelt thanks to our buildings and ground team led by you Nelson your dedication to maintaining our facilities and ensuring they safe welcoming spaces for our students and staff is truly commendable your attention and detail and TI the efforts have not been unnoticed to our custodial staff led by B Thomas your hard working keeping our schools clean and sanitized is invaluable especially in these challenging times your commitment to creating a healthy environment for everyone is deeply appreciated and to our technology staff led by Anthony P and L pra your efforts in keeping our technological infrastructure updated security and advancement in the classroom technology are essential in today's digital age your expertise ensures that our students have access to the tools and resources they needed as they need for Success together you have demonstrated an extraordinary dedication and professionalism and I'm truly grateful for your hard work and commitment to our schools your efforts have not only enhanced the learning environment for our students but have also made a positive impact on our entire School Community since our last meeting I've attended the art expo at the Hamilton branch of the Atlanta County Library wonderful job by our art teachers uh attended the and assisted with our Lai players on Disney's Finding Emo thank you to Mr milder and the staff that contribute to the success of that wonderful event attended the PTA and cpag meetings held uh met and spoke with various stakeholders and community members including the Hamilton Township Historic Society to create Partnerships within the community met with all nonent staff today to discuss end of the year procedures and protocols with my uh with my central office staff and administrators that with the technology department and Motorola to discuss safety initiatives and implementation of new technology to enhance our saf protocols attended the district band and CH concert at Hass oist High School both are wonderful and I want to thank our music department and all the schools and um and for their dedication to the music program for your review PC of the registration enrollment discipline and HB reports for dates to remember April 15th at 7:00 will be our PTA meeting at 7:00 at William Davies May 1st will be our next Board of Education meeting right here um and it will be our budget presentation as well uh we on May 2nd of our DAV has been spring concert at 7:00 p.m. at the house Auditorium uh May 14th is the Davies choir stream concert at 7:00 p.m. in the house Auditorium May 17th is the 8 grade dinner dance 5:00 at dav's cafeteria we have another PTA meeting on the 20th of May uh school is closed on the 27th of May 29th of May is our 8th grade Awards night at 5:00 right here at D school cafeteria at and on May 30th the dragons Awards night at 5:30 p.m. and the DAV school at Mator this concludes my superintend there's uh and we do have a correspondence today it is from uh Mr cartr I'll pull it up now so I can read it to you dear Dr Zito and the Board of Education members I'm writing today to thank you while I wanted to see this in person at the board meeting meeting on Wednesday my family responsibilities precluded me for being able to do so as you can imagine four children and four school schedules keep us quite busy 13 years ago I was asked by the superintendent and Board of Education to lead the Sher school I'm so thankful for the opportunity to be part of their Shaner Team all these years I hope that I've done well in fulfilling the call to lead the staff and students and have consistently pointed us to the core purpose of our work our students these 13 years have been wonderful Journey for my family and me 25 years ago I began my journey in Hamilton Township as a student teacher at the H school I'll never forget Dr McCartney the principal of H of the time calling me early that summer to offer me a teaching position I couldn't believe it h was the school where I wanted to teach there were other options but my heart's desire was to be a teacher at H I still have the newspaper clipping advertising the position as I will forever treasure the opportunity over the next 11 years I would serve as a teacher and vice principal at h on my last day with the H sta in June 2011 after sharing with the staff how much I appreciated all the time I could serve students and families with them a teacher came up to me and told me that I would be back one day as the principal while I don't know if they could foresee it at the time I am so thankful that the next chapter of my journey to help students will take me back to the place where I began it is truly Anon honor to be named the next principal of the high school thank you for this opportunity thank you for believing in me I commit to you that I will lead the head school with the same core principles which I L Shaner with our students being the center of our work with respect and appreciation Daniel Cary this concludes my superintendent thank you at this time I open up public comments on any tonight's J hi good evening Lynn kman a half School 22e employee uh currently live in un Township I have some questions um unfortunately the it's about the insurance I have um some unknowns that I think a lot of us would like some resolution I'm looking at you since the pwork came for you um one thing for me personally I am not under a family plan under parent child but I don't see that here is that now not existing or is it no there's no changes to the any type of structural PL so it only says individual and family there's no allocation on the paperwork that you sent that says parent child for DOT for um in network out of work out of network out of pocket clost or anything of that sort so can we get clarification on that before yeah absolutely yeah I mean there's no change like I said there's no change to the structure of the plan they're structured exactly the same um as the state plan and the same as they were prior to 2022 when unaware of that um I think the hardest thing for us was your email came when we were in CL dismissal so we me personally ran home some of you know where I live at township ran home made dinner for my 81 year father came back because this is important to us this is my life this is my career um the and I did talk to from Brown and Brown she's always been very open I've spoken with her before but um I think that the medical like you said is the same my concern is the prescriptions um that does not seem to be equal or better and there is my concern and maybe we need to have a little more conversation because it seems like the deductibles are different right now uh on the paperwork that you had sent over for them it says 1,600 individual 3200 family currently we have 500 to and 1,000 um so there's my question again about that and then in the exclusionary part of it it says that it doesn't include immunization agents or any allergy serums and I know during this time some of us are struggling with the allergies but and that's an exclusion at this point so so we can take a look at all that details um the motion on the agenda tonight is to leave the state health benefits plan um if there if there is a a discrepancy where it's not equal than or better we will have to make that adjustment so that will be made but that's stuff that we we can look at the challenge is that it's all pending board approval so sharing stuff out too soon is it's kind of our our hands are tied um because so I did share it out as soon as I could um with uh the association in in um prev a couple weeks ago and then we just recently got the plan summ which where pain we just found out about this yesterday right and I think the break in between is what the struggle was yeah yeah we're going to be working with everyone to make sure that everything is equal or better and also so then this may not be the word of the law right then if this is what we're saying then we still can make tweets to it oh yeah absolutely yeah we're not no we'll make sure that and definitely the parent child thing right because that's a big difference that's yeah that's not if that's what that I'm yeah I'll have to look at that that there will be a parent to right because you know it's a big difference financially and then for those of us who did go into the state health plan which was quite a few I know I'd seen a dacent you know to change so our my amount and the people's amount that they kind know that the 10 to 15 people might go down ours are we still guaranteed at the same rate Health Plan um as part of the chapter 44 law is that contribution is based on salary it's no longer based on premium so it's completely dependent upon salary so there's no change with premiums for those so is it possible then could it be then based on because obviously I've been here in 22 years and ex said on that the top of the scale is it possible then to get the um all the other two direct to have an option now to switch or is it because if we're in one number you can't switch to another we would have to look at it's there's very specific restrictions on who can switch out of those plans um it's based on when you were hired how many years you in the plan um but that's something specifically we can look at someone now right now it's not open enrollment period that would have to be done en okay so then your answer then is it us we could go up then because now it's based on salary and not and that's regardless of whether or not we change PL or not we the Sal okay so you is there a way for you to for find out you have child and then forward that to the district thank you so much appreciate and for anyone else that's here that has very specific concerns about themselves if you shoot either one of us an email we'll come to the store and just work it all out with you guys please don't feel I think I think it was just so last minute that we just kind of wanted to have some you know openness with you guys because I you know it's not I'm always open about things me make sure to address I appreciate that I thank you for that and I I just you know respectfully would ask maybe in future endeavors we have a little bit more time like I scrambled and printed out your stuff and we're trying to find things that from where we were I don't have that part memorized it really came down to a timing issue with break and getting the actual plan summ and all that so I appreciate it thank you so much thank you hi my name is Susan I work for the district and I was in amaz landing so savings is good to me but I think in order to make everyone comfortable that you do say that this is equal or better then I think that we should had a presentation from the grou and we should have had everyone here to put what we have and what we still have to make everyone feel better about it being a better or equal president thing there's no information saying that so um I don't I would like to see the charts and then I would like to see that it is better or not and I also don't think I have a I plan on this thank you hi I'm Jane FL again and also been in the district for 23 years um my question is about the first person cont um and I thank you for your email and for your response to what you said to me um but I'm just really concerned that and I know this is an individual concern but people that have met they're out of pocket expenses they're not um Dana from Brown and Brown did not assure us 100% which obviously I know nothing is 100% that we're not going to have to pay and you know being on a lot of medications if I have to pay out of pocket because I made met my deductible is that something that the district is going to reimburse us for so I did clarify an email it is it will carry over so if you met your deductible that will carry in okay cuz that's not what Dana said that's why I was asking okay yeah I did get clarification on that today okay so yep all right thank you you're welcome all right if there's no else with that I just Davies I you are not on the agenda so my Davies team if you were here and you want to come up and give the the update on D come on up good evening my name is Mrs giens and I'm the one of the advisers for student council here at Will Davis Middle School and tonight we have Andrew Nelson who's a member of the New Jersey njhs and this is AA green she's the president of student council she's also in njhs and they will be reading off some great things that have been happening here at babies um in the past month and then upcoming events as well thank you student student council and kindness Club follow a very successful drive from January 22nd February 2nd to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King by giving back to the community babies collected more than 800 items and donated them to the local food bank here in me located at the First United Methodist Church of new Landing home runs from spray level that Don the most food items were trigged to the Duncan's breakfast the student council and kindness Club are currently holding clothing drive all items collected will be donated to the Goodwill store and a cover Township which recently head of fire and destroy all three the student council is planning on going on a field trip to the New Jersey state house Jun students will Tour the State House and participate in a simulation of how a law becomes a buil student council and njs njhs members continue to volunteer monthly helping the ster with the Community Food Bank here on a d every fourth Tuesday students bags of canned goods and frozen meats and rute them to the members of the community Mr LEF organized the annual staff and students volleball Madness prelims were held in March and today the semifinals and finals were played in front of the majority of the student body the entire set sixth grade and seventh and eighth grade black and red wings prev attended the events were live streamed and commentated by the media class for the remaining students to watch in class the winning team was participating staff students paid a $5 entry free snacks were also sold at the prelims a total of 93694 was raised and donated to PBIS for Student Activities Mr LEC also organized the annual staff and student bball tournament in feed all proceeds from this event were donated donated for health heart health awareness mon Miss Jones The Great 6p and NGS members have have been raising money for Childhood Cancer rning and Alex's Lemonade Stand at these events Ring Sports are underway near this year davus has a softball and baseball team their first games are next week the davus track team will hold their first meet on April 22nd the academic team will fourth place in the Northfield think day competition PB will be holding the fifth grade Day dance on May 10 the Davies music department was very busy in March has a number of exciting events in the next 8 weeks on Saturday March 2nd four Davies choir students performed in the all Jersey elementary honors choir at Washington Township High School Charlotte like Shan hson Molly mlin and GI on Tuesday March 26 over 70 Davies choir students performed at the T choir concert held at the H School last night April 9th the Davies band performed at Opress high school with the H and Opress bands for the tachet band in May the Davies and H bands will join forces to perform together at school for the first combined band spring concert on Thursday may7 on Wednesday May 8th the davies's Music Theater art bla and media departments will be sending over 100 students to participate in the Atlanta County team Arts Festival this number includes over 40 choir members and 20 band on Saturday May 11th eight DAV band students were perform with the all South Jersey elementary honors B at abig high school these eight students are Jaden Lewis VOR chamie Alon Lina young Emily mavity Eric rco Isaac Ru Jackson Dunn and Jake trelli on Tuesday May 14th the Davies choir will have their own spring concert at the D at the H School in the evening over students will be participa finally after a lot of performances and hard work the dav's music department will have their annual Pizza Awards party in the dav's cafeteria after school on Thursday May 30th is there any other public comments all right see none um open up for board Committee Member board member comments I had the opportunity to go to this year's challenge May and see the change and I'm just going to tell everybody that it has a profound effect on me I I don't even know how to describe it I went to um I suddenly didn't have I was supposed to be giving a training I suddenly didn't have to Dr zto sent you want to go to this yeah I thought I was going to observe nope I went in and I was going to roll and all the but at the end of the day I was kind of rolling my eyes going over to the school I'll be very honest like I saw what it was and it's about really having our students engage with each other as well as um really sharing and finding our differences and our strengths and um they did this in such a way that blew my mind I I I can't even describe to you how they engag the kids to get along with every single other person in the room and then I was able to sit in a group in which no kids really knew each other and um I I have to be honest I left in tears because of the sharing that they did and with such authenticity Y and and sincerity and um I want more like when we talk about our discipline and we talk about him every single month I always ask you guys know I always ask well what what do we do now like how do we get these kids that are fighting to be friends because they're going to have to go to high school together they're going have to this was it whatever whatever we could capture from this particular event and move forward with it I I urge some ideas to move forward with it and thank you for inviting me thank you thank you and I want to say thanks to Dr and and Mr William for bring that to our district we really appreciate it thank you this the second year just wanted to give a congratulations that we have a lot of students names on here that for trimester two that were recognized for principle and superintendent Awards so congratulations for their hard work and staff of course that keep them at and engaged every day which is not easy um and then congratulations to our staff of the month as well I always love seeing those adorable little faces and how those teachers like to celebrate so congratulations to all of them um I just wanted to say thank you for all the hard work and hopefully you guys had a good spring break and the kids came back recharge especially the teachers hope you guys came back recharge um and one last thing I think there is movie night this Friday right okay maybe I missed it I'm sorry all right and then um W okay won new won and the new sound system I guess it's the second time we the sound system um and I wanted to say thank you for the continued support of our teacher staff Administration for showing up on board nights it's important and and get to see a lot of teachers out here maybe not for the reason way we like to see it all the time but I can guarantee you our discussions were first questions in our minds were what did the teachers think when it came down to this insurance thing and our number one goal is to make sure that it doesn't affect you guys negatively so it's it's something we're discussing very much so all right I want to make sure that you guys were aware that that was the number one and number two question I think you started with first question and then it carried on so those are the questions of our concerns about that entire item all right um no other board member comments um move on to personnel and policy I will abely we have our Personnel meeting um just yesterday so we discussed we looked at some of the New Jersey school reports that are out with our district as well as some other similar districts to look at our performance in a course we're always looking at our student groups so keeping the um student achievement as our main goal um and how we can best support that our next meeting is April 23th I would like to make a motion to approve 9.2 through 9.21 as list do it together not separate right so 9.2 through 9.21 as listed and I would like to add a motion 9.23 to approve Linda Waldren and Jackie rusca as interim administrators at the rate of 450 per day as needed that would be 9.23 so 92 through 99 9.23 motion second second by by roll call I'm sorry comments or questions Mr anry yes Mrs bar yes Dr Serena yes Mrs Jackson yes Mrs Miller yes Mrs bro yes Mr Rogers abstain and Dr Nelson yes all right thank you uh at this time uh finance and operations um during the committee was discussed a transportation health insurance changes lighting PS of test and the day dispense spring spring break projects that were completed during the time and the next meeting for that committee will be April 23rd 2024 looking for motion so mo i a second any questions or comments I do have a question if is the insurance thing have to be passed um to terminate health benefits it does because State requires a 60-day notice to get out of that plan but I will um in fact the teachers want to hang after we can go over some of those things um after the meeting um not right we're not right our motion right now is just to pull out of the state health plan to get within that 60-day window okay when is the 60-day window it's um in order be so we have to have it in by May 1st um you know prior to July 1 starting so this is are deadline so to be clear it's it doesn't lock Us in it just allows us to move forward yes or okay thank you all right so we have a roll call please Mrs anchor yes Mrs bar yes Dr sh yes Mrs Jackson yes Mrs Miller Mrs P yes Mr Rogers yes Dr Nelson yes all right at this time uh curriculum committee M far yes so actually that's what we talked about in C the state report cards so I already covered that we also we met on Monday April it's been a busy week um and I would like to make motion to approve 112 through 1110 of list motion we have a second second by m BR questions comments none roll call please Mrs anchor yes Mrs bar yes Dr Serena yes Mrs Jackson yes mran yes Mrs pero yes Mr Rogers yes and Dr n yes all right old business see any I miss new business uh we like I had to have an item out problem there is um I want to add Jeff Wellington uh to the poll of inum ad that was originally passed on 23 am motion I I'll just make a new motion make it easier uh I make a motion to add Jeff Wellington to be the third person in the pool of interim administrators I have second second by Miss questions comments all right roll call Mrs ankor yes Mrs bar yes Dr Serena yes Mrs Jackson yes Mrs Miller yes mrso yes Mr Rogers yes and Dr nson yes bus see none all right public comment at this time um this time we receive public comments uh receive comments from the public in accordance with the board policy and participation of board hi maryer I just was obset by just kidding um I did want to recognized Debbie happy because she was on your list of retirees and she happens to be in the audience tonight she's been she's been professional with us for a long time and does a lot of great work so I wanted to make sure we recognized her thank you absolutely sorry about any other public comment okay at this time I would be entertaining a motion to adjourn motion motion by m second by m brown all in favor all oppos thank you