I would like to call to order the meeting of the township of Hamilton committee March uh Monday March 18th 2024 which please stand for the flag salute Dr wther I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting has been provided pursuant to the New Jersey open public meetings law by posting a notice of this meeting on the Bolton board in the municipal building and by publication in the Press of Atlantic City and Star Ledger on January the 6 2024 Mr cheek here Mr lws here Mr patali here Dr Witherspoon here mayor Shanker I am here okay can we get a moment of silence for private reflection thank you uh we have no guest presentations but we do have some proclamations to give out in honor of women's History Month uh we want to honor three people here that have uh gone uh up above uh what what people in this town do for a long time and uh we want to take a moment to uh to honor them so I'm going to ask committee man Chic committee man laws and committee committee woman wither spoon to uh present these proclamations good evening everyone I'm committee woman Thelma Witherspoon and I first want to thank all of the committee men and all of my colleagues for going along with me with this idea we have never honored women in Hamilton Township and women do so much and it's National Women's month and I wanted to make sure that we honored the women in Hamilton [Applause] Township so with that being said I'm going to be first and then my colleagues are going to come up and each one of them are going to present something to a deserving woman all of you are deserving but for our first person I would like to call Miss aen dicks Township of Hamilton Atlantic County Proclamation where as we would like to recognize Miss aen dicks during National Women's History Month aen moved to Hamilton Township in June of 1947 first residing on lenp Avenue and has lived on Park Road since 1979 where is a became a steward of the Cod and was nicknamed Lady of the Lake she was got the word old she was a Maz Landing Bowen and special events Association member from 1970 to the 1990s whereas alen dicks has contributed many years of dedicated public service including 29 years on the MUA board on the Hamilton Township Board of Education from 1993 to 1996 and has been a notary for the other public since 1978 late alen later worked in real estate and mortgage lending as well as for the South Jersey Gas Company for nine years in the 1990s aen was also elected on Hamilton Township committee for three years from 2012 to 2014 now therefore we the sworn members of Hamilton Township Committee in Maz Landon New Jersey do hear by Honor aen dicks during National Women's history months in maturity as established this 18th day of March in this year of [Applause] 2024 we have to add two things I wasn't born here but my DNA was on Main Street in 1866 because my great-grandfather owned the American hotel and my grandmother was born there in September of 1866 why am I still in maze Landing as a couple people sitting here who like me are water skiers I've been in the lake since I was 1 years old and that water skiing was my addiction in life and that's the two pieces now you got the whole story all right thank it wouldn't be it wouldn't be a without this so if you want to take a picture you know you can we're going to have to have this um reprinted up because it was a a little error so you know it has to be right you have somebody else's name on it no no your name is on it but we just have to correct something and we're going to do that so if you would like to take a picture and I was just want to say I'm so proud to know you thank you I met you doing my campaign this wasn't just done because you done my think that for I know you wouldn't but I just want you to know you well you are well deserving of this honor again let's give a round of applause To Miss [Applause] A thank you thank you [Applause] everyone all right that's a hard act to follow there next Proclamation goes to Ashlin [Applause] warer we would like to recognize Ashlin Dorne National women History Month ashon holds the title of Miss Southern Gardens team which is a prelim preliminary local title for Miss New Jersey team that is being held June 14th at the showbo casino ashlin's community service in initiative is high aiming w women in aviation it promotes Aviation to young women through Flight Training that she provides on her social media Pages called Flying Fridays and where as Ashlin has also partnered with the young Eagles program to provide five local girls with the opportunity to take the freedom introductory flight and one of them will also receive a $250 scholarship to continue their flight in training with local flight schools we the sworn members of the Hamilton Township Committee in manding New Jersey to hereby honor Ashlin bker during National Women's History Month in preparation as established this 18th day of March in the year 2024 [Applause] congratulations got to be in the foyer before we're finish all right these are necessary guys I'm getting old Township of Hamilton uh oh I'm sorry I'm uh committee man Robert LS uh serving as Deputy Mayor and uh if you guys want to really get a good laugh uh arts on vacation the next meeting so be here for that one that's going to be fun way um shortest agenda you ever seen in your life uh the township of Hamilton uh Atlantic County New Jersey Proclamation whereas we would like to recognize Miss Aila Davis like to ask you to hold all your applauds until we no just kidding just kidding just kidding just kidding all right uh Miss cecila Davis during National Women's History Month Miss Davis's remarkable dedication and impact through her leadership at Agape Water international Safe Haven a wish set her apart as a true Community hero whereas Miss Davis works at awish where she spearheads initiatives to rescue and support women and children facing domestic violence and assault and showcases her unwavering commitment uh to the well-being of our community members her tireless efforts in creating a safe haven for those in need make her an exceptional candidate for this esteemed recognition whereas in addition to her invaluable contributions to a wish Miss Davis extends her passions for the community uh for community service uh to our schools serving as a parah she played plays a pivotal role in managing our challenge uh student population demonstrating her commitment to nurturing and um nurturing a supportive educational environment for all whereas Miss Aila Davis embodies the qualities of compassion resilience selflessness and that that defines a woman of the year her impact resonates not only in the lives she directly touches but also in the um broader community Community I wholeheartedly recommend Miss Davis for this well-deserved honor now therefore we the committee of Hamilton Township the Swarm members of I'm sorry the Swarm members of Hamilton Township um Committee in Maz Landing New Jersey do hereby honor Miss Aila Davis during National Women's history month and perpetuity as established this 18th day of March in the year of 2024 congratulations Mr [Applause] think it's good get out of the [Laughter] way my gles I want people to know [Applause] that was uh truly wonderful um thma thank you so much for for bringing that to us it was a great idea and I look forward to doing it again next year bye guy yes hi sh bye Sydney bye Stan you can leave if you want to no stay no no no the budgets the most exciting part of the Year there they go okay uh let's move on lock the doors um additions deletion to the late agenda items to be considered for Action tonight we have one deletion 9 C uh Personnel resolution to appoint Mary Kelly as full-time temporary executive assistant Jeff GIF fund commissioner and administrator to the administrator effective April 8th through October 88th or until the leave of the executive assistant is exhausted this may be extended for an additional 30 days at an hourly rate of $45 an hour not to exceed 35h hour work week uh so this will be deleted from the agenda what's your pleasure so move second the motion in a second any questions all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it so 9 c will be removed early public comment on agenda items excluding items listed for public hearings we have no one signed up no one signed up okay see nobody's interested in the budget okay um 2024 the room got empty 2024 Municipal budget presentation turn it over to Brett great job thma she got the crowd in and out speaks people listen their popcorn with this no not at all it's not in the budget no good that's good that's good that's good we can't read the numbers we we it's hard to read our documents but it's okay just ni with you good [Music] evening um okay so we're going to introduce the 2024 budget 2024 budget teach challenges but this year we are looking ahead we're going to have uh several discussion points we're going to talk about the challenges of developing a budget during strained times how we got here what we were doing to make it work and some solutions we're going to discuss what's in the budget and we're going to look ahead and move forward and uh talk about some exciting things in 2024 challenges inflation impact for 2024 while the inflation right while the inflation rate slightly decreased uh from 2023 to 24 the costs of goods and services are still well above prior years we're competing with other towns in the private sector to secure qualified people for open position positions um employee health care is up 7.4% in 2024 workman's comp and general liability insurance increased $100,000 uh vehicle um vehicles and Equipment costs are up since Co um the average truck and police car has gone up about $15,000 in many cases even higher uh the fluctuation and uh utility costs it's hard to budget for fuel Natural Gas and Electric um last year it was up significantly this year it kind of leveled out but we have to budget for worst case scenarios uh Solid Waste Services in our landfill fees are up in 2024 we have more responsibilities in 2024 we have increased maintenance to aging public facilities parks and Roads equipment maintenance services and the price of Parts is up um we have increased compliance reporting and regulatory requirements our financial reporting our DP rep DP requirements things like that are all up and there's more of them we learned a lot in uh 20123 one was the contamination at the Public Works facility um we this year we joined the egy but the cost um is going to be realized in 2024 we also joined the Cyber jef uh to combat cyber security issues um many of you are are mindful were mindful of the uh cyber security hacks that were experienced at MGM and a lot of the private uh sector businesses in 2023 so um this was a recommendation to join the Cyber drift in 24 bad news we lost almost $2.3 million in Ral in 2023 um just as an FYI $20 million equals one penny on the tax rate so we're down a few steps prior to 2023 there are years with little or no tax increases to offset rable losses or to sustain inflation to the cost of goods services and the cost of again we lost $2.2 million in values from 23 to 24 over the past 6 years we've lost uh roughly $44 million in ratables this is another slide that just shows our our rable um fluctuation from 23 to 24 so in order to balance our budget we do have to increase taxes 1.9 C we are introducing a legal and balanced budget at 31,1 73,3 7228 so enough Doom and Gloom um tax increases don't just pay for catch up they fund New Opportunities 2024 budget has a lot of positives and the township is moving in the right direction so let's talk about some of the projects and possibilities for the coming year 2024 is a rebuild year we have actually added 18 commercial radal since this time last year and that's a list of them um not going to read through all of them but we've approved them at the last dozen or so Comm meetings what are we doing in 24 our goals we're looking at all grant opportunities looking for solutions to offset the loss of retail marketing time Township property to sell and to get back on the tax rolls uh we're partner ing efforts uh with redevelopers for CarMax modash cotton mill and several others that are in the works seeking potential Developers for a for areas in need of Redevelopment um areas like the race track the former Zer site Etc uh also supporting efforts to help the Hamilton Township Board of Education obtain grant funding to redevelop the duerson school more goals taking a hard look at Municipal fees and permits uh this includes construction zoning Public Works and animal licensing making sure we are consistent with surrounding towns and and the times regarding fines and penalties um recent example this is the Amendments we made to our legal dumping ordinance we're increas increasing employee training to help offset Insurance costs and strengthen our skill sets we just appointed a fire administrator during the last meeting um so we continue to get closer to one unified Township of Hamilton fire department um I've tasked him and the chief's tasked him with um applying for at least four grants this year we hope we can get more in and hopefully we get some of them uh we're really trying to recruit new volunteers and we're looking at any incentive programs uh that come down the road uh this year we're proposing an increase to our losap program and we are going to further evaluate the success of our pay to run program what else are we doing we're maintaining our current Staffing levels our staffing fluctuates between 128 and 132 so we we try to stay right around 130 employees uh we moveed most of our staff to hire deductible insurance plans we still have one contract to finish up um after the 7.4% increase we we still realized about a $30,000 um savings for moving the staff up to those higher plans uh we're not filling several open positions we're not filling one truck driver fulltime and these are full well this one's full-time full-time truck driver labor in public works full-time operation manager and public works three part-time special officers five part-time dispatchers and two two clerks what else are we doing we're cons we're continuing to invest idle funds last year Cindy invested funds and we actually made $700,000 which is which is very solid uh we're exploring all shared services opportunities and we're continuing to reduce debt we're paying down roughly $1.7 million in 2024 um so this is just a a graphic of the budget change through the since 2019 but you can see from 2023 to 2024 our budget's going to increase about $700,000 we're using less operating Surplus in this budget last year we used uh $4.5 million this year we're going to use about 4.1 million our debt history our our debt is actually going down from last year uh due to the $1.7 million dropping off uh so this slide you want to read it from from bottom up it's actually better to be lower um closer to the bottom is better this is where we rank in debt um with the rest of the county you could see that we're we're at 14 which is pretty good considering um how do your tax how do your tax dollars get divided up um amongst the county County and the schools and US we take 27% the county is 20% and the schools are 53% of your tax dollar how much will this budget cost the average taxpayer in 2024 uh the average home that's assessed at $165,600 will pay $608 in Municipal tax or about $31 more in 2024 um again this is this breaks down how the 16008 um is spent for all the services that we provide 35% is for Public Safety 177% is Public Works 41% is General government and 7% is the Capal improvements what do Public Safety Services include police police protection fire protection lowp Paper Run Rescue Squad Emergency Management court services animal control and code enforcement what do your Public Work Services include road maintenance and construction storm water inspection and maintenance flood mitigation lenpy Dam oversite Park maintenance and construction Recreational facility maintenance snow removal Street lighting and roadside litter bait men and clean communities Solid Waste is also a function of Public Works um this budget includes weekly trash and bulk waste collections uh we have B bi-weekly recycling it also includes all the landfill fees yard waste Collections and all the public education that goes along with these Services what do General government services include uh administrator's office um Human Resources the clerk's office statistics the finance department our auditing Services risk management Insurance uh legal and Engineering planning office planning board and and the industrial commission the zoning office and the zoning board uh construction fire prevention code enforcement tax assessment Abate abatement and affordable housing tax collection as well as uh it we do it for all of our in-house people as well as the fire departments and we provide IT services to um EG Harbor City as well through a shared service agreement what else is in the 2024 budget we're enhancing existing Services investing in Community Development maintaining improving the Township's infrastructure um we're also continuing the coordination efforts with our redeveloper to finish capping the landfill and we are continue to invest in our employees we're funding uh several public events in 2024 with this budget we have the Cove Beach and swimming the September 11th Memorial Veterans Day Memorial Day holiday tree lighting National Night Out the rabies clinic and the public works and police services for the Halloween parade in Hometown celebration so this is our uh pay you go program in 2024 we set aside over $400,000 in capital Improvement funding to continue to pay for municipal assets instead of B included in our pay youo program are three uh police SUVs outfitted um light Sirens computers soup to ncks um we're also going to introduce a recycling initiative in 2024 this has been um this is something that we applied for three years ago and we just haven't been able to budget for it we received something called the um recycling I'm trying to remember what the name of that grant that we got was recycling partnership which is a a grant opportunity that funds $15 of the cost of a 96 gallon recycling cart um this program keeps towns cleaner and recycling more it it actually decreases landfill fees from uh 8 to 18% that's significant when you're talking about a million dollars in landfill fees uh there's less clean up for public works and the sustainability um we're expecting a possible um decrease next year in our ACA fees if they go to full automation so if we get these carts we'll actually be ahead of the Curve and we won't have to purchase them after fact after the fact and we'll be able to enjoy those savings so this is another reason that we should switch over funding sources for this are are in capital Improvement fund recycling partnership Grant recycling trust fund and public work solid waste P you go we're also um upgrading uh some technology in the building here uh we we're going to put some surveillance out at the leapy park for our new new uh building that we just put up and the and the fields and we're proposing a surround sound system at Memorial Park this budget provides 5% of the required funding for up to a $2 million Capital ordinance uh the capital ordinance could fund things like roadway and drainage improvements improvements to Municipal infrastructure and complexes recreational planning and expansion Public Works equipment and Emergency Services equipment quick glimpse of the capital plan I don't want to T I don't want to get too in depth with this because it's not finalized but things that we do know we're looking at Paving various locations in Clover Leaf um Mammoth Drive in Harding Lakes Phase One it's a it's it's a long road so we're going to have to phase that one out uh out in mpo we're proposing to pave Deers Avenue Church Street Su Avenue and Jefferson Avenue and in riao we're looking to pave uh Salma terce and the cue saac at the end more drainage improvements for this year coming uh we're looking to um remediate the covert under River Road just past Freddy J's there's there's been an ongoing flooding issue out there for years that we're hoping to satisfy in this coming budget um and there's also another problem over on Tanglewood Drive that we are looking into um for this year to fund and hopefully finish up um Improvement Municipal complexes we have some HVAC repairs to make here at Town Hall and some upgrades at the Public Works facility I believe we're going to try to put some air conditioning out there um I've been in I was in public works for 18 years and uh there's no air conditioning in the building over there believe it or not so um something that we're looking to put in this year and and uh complete the public work of hbor we're also looking to purchase a new street sweeper um new D stormw requirements came down the road this year uh we have to satisfy those um we're going to service the Township roads and the parking lots um and we're going to Cle we're going to clean roads after special events right now we hire the ACA to to do the street sweeping it's very costly so I think investing in the street sweeper is a good move um leapy track expansion phase two we're looking we're finishing up uh phase one right now but we're looking at phase two uh the first thing we're going to do is purchase two new scoreboards for the two hockey courts that are out there um and we're right now developing um the second phase and we're not 100% sure what that's going to entail but we are trying to in 2024 trying to get the Pinelands and d and uh required permits to to move forward next year with some sort of construction um so these are um Capital Improvements that are funded by grants uh we have we we received an NJ do grant for Malaga Road and we're going to call it phase one because we we actually did so many phases out there we're starting over um getting $245,000 for malago Road this year uh we were approved for another dot grant for putting a bike lane in on Babcock Road and we plan on connecting that over to the County's bike bike path um we had a safe streets grant for Park Road sidewalks and pedestrian upgrades at $341,000 so this year in addition to whatever we do put aside for capital for road paving we'll have $678,000 in Grant funds which is significant um speaking of Grants um we're going to use two different grants to upgrade Underhill Park this year we have cdbg funding and we received a $70,000 Rec Grant uh we plan on putting ada8 sidewalks and crosswalks in to connect existing infrastructure the uh Christian clot Park all the way up to the Third Street Bridge uh we're planning on Paving old Egg Harbor Road with with in the limits of the Park from Route 40 up to the almost to the bridge um we're going to try to include some additional parking on ith Avenue um Ada renovations to the restrooms on the Lower Side fields and new Ada accessible Sports fencing for the whole facility ongoing capital projects from last year we finished up phase one of the lenp dam project which was the rehabilit ation of the PowerHouse and phase two will start in the summer of the actual Spillway and you can see in that picture on the right what the new Spillway is going to look like um another project that we're finishing up this year is the second phase of the fuel tank replacement project of Public Works the soil remediation portion is complete and we are actually planning to install the new tanks in the next couple weeks and hopefully have them up and running by the summer and the other project that we're finishing up is the um bathrooms and call box at the leapy tract we hope to have this done by early to late spring future planning sustainability and adopt the road program we're looking into further promoting Community litter of batement programs and add new volunteers groups further promote rigid plastic and their electronic recycling programs a lot of people don't realize that Public Works takes rigid plastics um that's that's very important I don't we're trying to get the message out there trying to keep these things out of our trash cans we pay for that we pay to get rid of that and when you put these rigid plastics in the landfill they do not break down they're there forever uh we're trying to enhance public awareness expand on the efforts of the sustainabil team and explore all grant opportunities that come down um infrastructure grants that we're looking at for 2024 federal and state uh restoration grants we were very successful last year in getting these grants we have um applications out there for next year we actually got one for 2025 for doing it Dennis Dennis Foreman or Den Dennis Foreman we got one for Dennis Foreman was a Safe Streets Grant um we're looking at Energy Efficiency opportunities uh Public Safety grants and recreational grants continue to invest in our community um Public Safety community events road paving and our Parks budget process um introduction would be tonight public hearing would be 28 Days Later April 15th if any amendments come up um on the 15th uh we would have to push off adoption but if there are no amendments we can adopt on April 15th questions comments from the governing body anyone have any questions comments I'll just I just want to make a couple comments to uh point out a couple things and and one of the most important slides you looked at tonight was a taxable tax value of this town uh we're down $44 million since 2016 we were down $2 million just last year a little over2 million so as you saw the importance of this Redevelopment is dire what we are seeing is right now we have several uh businesses more than several quite a few businesses that are coming into the area you saw CarMax is starting excuse me and there's a few others uh right behind them and we are working diligently with anybody and everybody who is interested in uh the racetrack uh and some of the other properties up and down the Black Horse Pike uh we're doing whatever we can to get them to to entice them to come here and once they're here we try and work with them in order to get some things moving along because I next year I'd like to see that going the opposite direction and and hopefully if some of these things get opened up in the next calendar year we should see some upward movement instead of the downward movement so very very important slide and I want everybody to understand how that all works and how it if that if you don't have ratables and H and every one of you are rable you all pay taxes but the businesses pay a lot more taxes and it helps us Run This Town much much better the other important thing I wanted to point out was the uh Investments that we made which Cynthia that was her idea last year to to do this um she promised me at least 500,000 and we got a little bit better than that which in turn uh allowed us to get back into the pay as you go practice which we haven't had that and and it's very important pay as you go used to help fund our fire trucks our ambulances police cars a lot of Public Safety stuff that we do every year every other year um and it and it it hurts when we have to bond that and we don't want to bond that we want to be able to buy that stuff keep our fire and and rest resue Squad and our Police Department in the vehicles that they need with the equipment that they need um but also doing it in a Smart Financial and fiscal way so I think that we're on the right road with this uh hopefully we'll see some more uh investment money come back and we'll be able to continue this uh overall I thought the budget was pretty good it it's better than last year and I hope and I think that it will be better next year so I'm looking forward to a good year thank you no other comments uh just once again same as last year everybody worked together um and uh and came together and listened and and had their input and then that's important from all as from all angles for somebody to speak up and and and also when they were told hey uh do what you can to cut back everybody chipped in and did what they could do y so and that puts us in a good position right now yeah thank you for mentioning in that Carl that's very true I mean this is the second year in a row when we went to departments and asked for cuts we're trying to get to a place and it's not an easy Road anyone else good job Brett good job s this women's Mark you can't leave her out good job Cynthia amen everybody Cynthia way to go great job great job uh so we have a resolution um to introduce do we need to vote on that or we good yes yes we need a resolution to introduce the 24 budget so moved second we have Motion in a second this hearing will be set for April 15 2024 uh Rita why don't we do a roll call for this Mr Chek yes Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes oh yes and carry thank you uh number four discussions formal action may be taken uh it's a on a shopping cart ordinance don't move this is something that I asked Brett uh to look into um you you drive around and you see a lot of shopping carts um out on 322 um and just kind of spread out all over all over the the shopping area so uh looked into had our solicitor look into it a couple other municipalities have these ordinances so put this together and it's just a tool that code enforcement can use basically to to go to the uh the businesses that have the shopping carts and say Hey you know get things cleaned up for the most part they listen when when they're asked to go and do it but a couple of them are a little slow to the to get things done and uh it's really hard to to say Stay classy maze Landing when there's shopping carts all over the place so it's uh I'd like to see this move along just to give code enforcement a a tool to help clean things up yeah like I think uh this is a very good Carl thank you for bringing it up and and bringing it to the Das um I was going to say the same thing um just hats off to uh committing M patal he he he noticed that there was an issue and he noticed it developing before it got too far down the down the pike he uh he took action and uh that's what you want from us up here you know you you want us to to protect our Township so thanks a lot Mr patali for um you know making sure we St on top of that and building a device where we can control it okay good we have made a motion I made I'll I'll second we have a motion in a second to uh to introduce introduce the ordinance well this was on as a discussion we were going to introduce it at the next meeting okay do that introduce it at the next meeting we'll okay so we don't need to do anything with this thing for Bob disc finish we discussed it oh all right be my one more so number c it close number five public hearings adoption of ordinance we have none number six introduction of or ordinances we have none uh number seven Awards bids contracts and change orders we have none we'll move on to number eight consent agenda anyone have anything they want to pull out anyone um I'll move a through M second we have a motion in second to move a through M are there any questions or concerns just um no um just a concern okay um I wanted everyone to know that the police department received a uh 2024 distracted driving Crackdown so if you are taxing or um while you're driving you're going to be stopped and ticketed so and that's a good thing because it's going to save lives but if you see the police coming to stop you they see you texting you doing I I have to admit I have been guilty I don't want to say sit act like I've never done it because I have done it but I'm not going to be doing it in April and I'm not going to be doing it at all anymore uh cuz you got to leave by example and but I wanted everyone to know that and I believe that the chief is going to put it out um right on the regroup Facebook regroup right they're going to put it out Facebook and regroup so people are aware this is going to be April 1st through April the 30th so I just wanted to make sure everyone was aw that that's it okay thank you um all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed let's have it Personnel a resolution to appoint Jason Erikson as full-time truck driver labor at $41,600 based salary annually plus annual compensation of $2,000 for possessing and maintaining a Class A commercial driver's license per Teamsters Local 331 one agreement so move second Motion in a second are there questions or concerns R could we get a roll call Vote for This Please Mr Chief yes Mr laws yes Mr Pali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes yes B resolution to appoint Jerell Jackson as a full-time truck driver laborer at $41,600 based salary annually plus compensation of $1,000 for possessing and maintaining a class commercial driver's license per Teamsters Local 331 agreement so move second we have a motion and second are there any questions or comments Rita roll call vote Please Mr Chief yes Mr lws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes yes carry thank you D resolution to appoint Stacy Underwood as a full-time Communications officer for the police department starting as excuse me starting at a step one salary of 4 $ 7,547 53 effectively 42424 motion second it have motion and second are there any questions any comments Rita could we have a roll call vote Please Mr Chief Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon mayor Shanker yes all yes and car e resolution to appoint Nicholas Barrett a full-time police officer for the police department and a step four of the C CBA with a salary of $68,000 3 $32 starting start date to be determined so move second we have a motion in a second are there questions concerns Rita roll call please Mr Chek yes Mr lws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon mayor Shanker yes all yes and Carrie okay uh approvals a minutes minutes of the regular Mee meeting minutes of March 4th 2024 so move second a motion in second there any questions or comments hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it B minutes of the executive session meeting minutes March 4th 2024 motion second we have a motion a second are there any questions concerns comments reic we have a roll call vote Please Mr Chief yes Mr laws yes Mr Pali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes all yes and Carrie C bills bill list total 1,794 12078 so move second motion we have a second are any questions concerns comments Rita roll call vote Please Mr Chi yes Mr laws yes tally yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes oh yes car move on to reports Mr administrator I just want to Echo what you said mayor about the cuts and uh the Departments working with the township it was it really was a tough year we cut significant money out of um our two biggest budgets which is the police and Public Works operating hopefully next year we can get back on track definitely it definitely was a it's a turning point year and and you know you you you keep asking and they keep delivering so we appreciate them doing the same with less anything else that's all I have Mr solicitor nothing to report mayor perfect you're working out great Mr engineer uh just quick uh statement regarding the Underhill project um we are going to be going out the bid with that in uh beginning of April MH um hopefully be awarding in May and then uh be under construction mid June or very good okay good anything else no I'll have a full list of the road programs uh the roads and their cost estimates at the next meeting okay yep excellent um Township committee members and because it's you know women's month Dr Witherspoon I'd like you to go first thank you so much mayor uh our first would like to again thank um all of my colleagues for supporting me in in um honoring women and they all went along they all agreed with my choice and I want to thank them again for that um also on Friday I will be attending the at Landa County League of municipalities meeting it's going to be at the Savory restaurant in violin and that's going to be at 6:30 and I'll be there good Lord's will and I also want to announce on March the 23rd his going to be an Atlantic City Women's March and it's honoring the late um lieutenant governor Sheila y Oliver uh the special keynote speaker will be the Reverend Dr Regina Thomas who's um she works for Women Health and civil rights advocacy director American Federation of teachers and she is the former um New Jersey Secretary of State uh this March is going to line up at Rhode Island Avenue and the boardwalk and start at 10:00 and the event is going to be at the Jim Wellen Boardwalk Hall on Mississippi and the boardwalk beginning at 12 noon so if you're not doing anything you're not able to come just know that I will be representing Hamilton Township thank you thank you Mr patali I want again I like to uh congratulate The Three A's uh AA Ash twin and aen AAA Triple A um and it was it was a great idea by uh Dr Witherspoon um to do that so thank her for that um of course and um I just want to say thank you to everybody who donated money to the uh Main Street Food Bank um they were the food bank was completely empty last week nothing they had nothing and uh uh I made a post on Facebook and said uh I I'll match up to 200 the first $250 and um I didn't think I'd get more than that maybe $300 and as of right now we're at $ [Applause] 5,555 but I also like to say don't forget there's you know three other food pantries in our town so don't forget about them St Vincent and um the Lundy Center and uh so if you if you didn't donate to this one and you'd like to reach into your pocket please uh send some money their way also so um that was uh that was really a good thing to to see that happen everybody all come together from town and and actually as far away as uh South Carolina sent me some money and uh as far north as hobok in New Jersey so it was uh it was I was kind of shocked but that's a good thing um and that's really all I have to say uh Reagan I'll see you later and Maddie I miss you and love you and I hope to see you soon thank you m i Echo the thoughts of the three ladies and it's just great every meeting if we could have someone from our community up here and just recognizing their achievements and their goals that that goes Way Beyond anything in my opinion also I was at leapy field looking at the new Fieldhouse the roof is on the sidings being installed the Mechanicals in the rough in stages are being done and the sidewalks have started to be uh installed on the outside so it's moving right along and it's looking like maybe a a summer finish date wouldn't you think Bob yeah yeah yeah I'm buying them time Bob that's all I have thank you leave yes um again and I'm sorry to to Echo everyone else but uh thank you m Witherspoon for the idea um it is definitely something we should do um I I'm just and this is first I'm hearing about the F bank issue so um committee M Pali thank you for that that's that's amazing right so you know Bible says we lack because we don't ask right so I guess uh you proved that point you you ask and we receive ask he shall receive he shall received right somebody read the Bible once all um but uh the um business that's there's a new business that's opening up in the township that I uh stopped in uh on um they opening I think the grand opening is on the 28th um it's the grocery outlet um really really nice people um they have plans to really really help you know in the community not just be a business and you know pay taxes but they actually want to help give back to the community um which is a novel idea these days the economy's uh pretty beat up and um as you see our budget has been you know uh Whitted down um but at the same time we're taking on a little increase and and in my opinion that that's necessary to to sustain uh your Township uh there's issues like uh you know obviously inflation but then there's things like raises you know cost of living you know raises that has to happen um in our Township these people do work hard in our Township you know our employees aren't just sitting around tooling the thumbs they they they work pretty hard and uh we want to make sure that we keep our employees uh so there's only one way to do that and this budget um is the step in the right direction so I thank you guys for putting together a solid budget I thank each each department for uh stepping up you know um especially in our Police Department where a lot of that budget has to go um it's it's you know you look at what other townships has to do in their budget and you look at ours and like it's amazing what we've been able to do uh with a little bit of money um but uh thanks to all you guys that put you know yourselves together and uh got in a room and hammered this whole thing out uh and that does you know I don't want this to slide by but our our mayor um uh actually had a big input in that you know there were some hard decisions that had to be made um and I want to thank you for for making them you know and we all had to take a look at it and we all have to say yay or nay and and you know we're all in agreement with them we stand lock step uh with mayor Shanker in this budget and um really excited about you know the direction of the township that's it thank you um and and I'll jump on the bandwagon uh what we did tonight with these three wonderful women um is just one of the best things we've done in quite a while um but I want to talk about another young lady who's pretty incredible I had the uh honor to um to go to Brianna erick's um Eagle Scout ceremony and I've I've been to a few of these and this this young lady is exceptional um so if you don't know about Eagle Scouts they have to do a pretty substantial project it's very it's some of it is daunting and the project she took on was to redo the um what do you call that room it's like a a rest room at the uh Rescue Squad yeah so she um did a excellent job along with a lot of friends and family that's I was an uncle of an eagle scout so I understand how much work is involved and they bring in all their friends and family and they get these things done and uh she is just a um a very bright intelligent young lady who was impressed by I was impressed by her because you know when when we sit up here as Township committee not just the five of us but everybody in the past Public Safety is number one it always is always has been and probably always will be so for her to pick a project that that really went down those those lines she's already seeing what's important to this town at a very very young age um and she that wasn't the only project she did she went outside and redid an entire picnic area for the rescue squad so she took what would have been a a very daunting project and and made it bigger what halfway through would she say I want to do this too so um very impressive very impressive young lady and it was an honor for me to be there um the only other thing I'd like to touch on was um's that paron me Brianna erck um the other thing I'd like to touch on and and you know I I don't want this to go by without everybody understanding without um without Carl Pat's um initiative to go out there and make sure that the food banks were full yeah you know we all and myself included we all want to make this place better want to donate money want to do the right thing but sometimes the Avenue unless it's right in front of you it just doesn't get done so I want to thank Carl for what he did uh I'm sure I'm embarrassing him right now but I finally saw Facebook do something good was uh cuz most of the times well sometimes it's not so Carl thank you so much it was an honor for me to be part of it um so with that I'm going to turn it over to public for public comment all right may I just one thing I forgot Thursday there's going to be an awards ceremony here oh yes oh the 28th the 28th 530 at 5:30 I do plan to attend I just wanted to make sure that that said that I forgot to say that the 28 28 yes 5:30 good job good catch yeah thank um now won't pull you over I would appreciate if nobody calls me on Saturday my son's getting married Saturday so I will just opened up the floodgates dude I will be turning my phone off congratulations so thank you congratulations that means call that means do not call me Bobby so help me God I will kill you I'll text you don't worry I won't call I'll text so uh yeah it's a it's a big moment for our family very happy so great kid anybody in the public like to speak Barbara cup morning Side Drive first of all I have to say 2024 and we celebrated women so thank you three deserving women tonight and I'm sure there's more to come this will not stop Carl I'm not embarrassing you but I Echo what mayor Shanker said Friday night when the post was made um Carl put his challenge out there I was shocked to see Sunday morning at that point 5,000 but there's this lovely lady at the church her name is Marie Harvey she's the person in charge of posting and the shelves were empty there's no doubt about it there was nothing they serviced 60 families I believe she said uh that Wednesday and were wiped out so Carl took her post many shares and she posted believe it was this morning that she could not believe the amount of food that was dropped off and it's still continuing and there are several um housing developments in our community that are doing their own drives for the food bank and uh I don't care if you're Rd or I but this is our community and I really really appreciate celebrating our own and taking care of our own so thank you thank [Applause] you anyone else move to close second I have Move Motion to close all those in favor signify by saying I I all those all those opposed eyes have it excuse me um adjourn uh do the uh yeah she's coming up with that is coming up so we can sign the um Proclamation for aen the the corrected one the correct one oh it's corrected already yes it's already yeah wow service how about a motion for adjournment I'll make the motion to adjourn I'll second it any questions okay all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed I