i' like to uh open the township of Hamilton committee meeting for March 4th to 2024 we stand for the flag salute please Carl would you like to Sure pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for [Music] all adequate notices this meeting has been provided pursuant to the New Jersey open public meetings law by posting a notice of this meeting on the Bolton board in the municipal building and by publication in the Press of Atlantic City and Star Ledger on January 6 2024 Mr cheek here Mr lws here Mr Vali here Dr Withers here mayor Shanker here can we have a moment of silence for private reflection thank you uh guest presentations we have none additions and deletions to lat agenda items to be considered for Action tonight we have one additional um 7 a.2 a business registration for Jack lion transient vendor license acrc 4524 to 4 1924 so moved second have Motion in second all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed eyes have it listen this is my Mom calling does anybody mind if I take it no go ahead please wish yeah true true Point um early public comment have no one signed up mayor okay um there are there's no nothing up for formal action on a discussion um number four public hearing adoption of ordinances ordinance 20 2070 2024 ordinance amending chapter 258 of the code of the township of Hamilton uh this one has to do with the penalties for legal dumping this is a public hearing anybody in the public like to speak motion to Clos public second Motion in second all those in favor signify by saying I I wait a minute did you want to speak yeah as far as illegal dumping when I grew up in Maz Landing lawdale ma Landing there used to always be these signs for $50,000 illegal dumping and $100,000 illegal when were they ever initiated because nobody ever they just dump everywhere everywhere you go through the woods whether it's darthy laurale anywhere there's vinand is full of trash all kinds of appliances furniture all kind whatever trash they can get they just throw it in there for whatever reason I think this is what we're trying to do here is to reinstate that to where cuz I don't know why they would take care of it at a Township level yeah all right thank you okay thank you um I'm sorry did we get that motion motion to close public second second all those in favor signify by saying I I eyes have it I'll accept a a motion to adopt this ordinance second I have a motion in second to adopt ordinance 2070 d224 uh there any questions or concerns R could we do a roll call on this please yes Mr te yes Mr LW yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes all yes and adopted all right very good uh introduction of ordinance we have none Awards bids contracts and change orders we have none Cent agenda this would include 7 A2 uh I will move a through E A through e you're going to hold out F sure okay second we have a motion a second to do a through e are there any questions or comments hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it resolution to support an initiative regarding regulation of construction sites and requirement to contain the spread of contaminants to the environment Brett you want to give us a little this isn't I just want to make sure this we all understand this isn't in this is u in no way are we we are not required to do any type of enforcement on this this is just awareness and a resolution of support um that um to make people aware that microplastics get in the environment um when you cut tracks or PVC pipe things like that will the sustainability team be um providing any literature on it or anything something that can go to the yeah they're going to provide during their uh green events I think this coming spring they told me that they're going to pass out some okay information for that so it's only informational mhm yes okay uh I'll move 7f second we have Motion in second any questions or comments hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed guys have it number eight Personnel resolution reporting Susan Hall as Clerk of in the office of the tax collector at $46,000 annually effective 31124 with a $2,000 salary increase upon SE successful completion of the three tax collector courses employment contingent of successful completion of employment physical and background check so Mo second a motion is second or any any questions concerns hearing none we do a roll call please Mr Chek yes Mr lws yes Mr patall yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker abstain four yes one exstension motion carries thank you B resolution appointing Glenn Warner as a regular part-time fire administrator at the hourly rate of $28 not to exceed $30,000 annually not to exceed 25 hours per week and authorizing the mayor to sign employment agreement make the motion second a motion in second are there any questions or comments just one question okay uh it's very um impressive well qualified applicant I just see that the applicant works at multiple several other places and how would he have time for hamilt as I asked that question earli I didn't I I really wasn't going to ask question his other positions are part-time as well so he has the ability to cut those hours back uh he has indicated that Hamilton will be his number one priority that's it thank you okay any other questions hearing none Rita can we get a roll call vote Please Mr Chief yes Mr laws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes all yes and carry approvals minutes regular meeting minutes of February 20th 2024 so move second a motion in second any questions or concerns with none all those those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it minutes of the executive session minutes meeting minutes of February 20th 2024 move second a motion is second any questions or comments hearing none Rita could we have a roll call vote Please Mr Chek yes Mr lws yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon mayor Shanker yes all yes and carry C bills bill list total 4,234 6698885619 so move second there motion second or are there any questions or comments heing none Rita can we get a roll call vote Please Mr cheek yes Mr laws yes yes Dr Witherspoon mayor Shanker yes I'm sorry yes and Carrie uh reports Mr administrator just want to congratulate Glenn on his appointment and very excited to see what he can bring to the position thank you Mr solicitor nothing to report thank you mayor Mr engineer just real quick uh the roof of leapy field uh was shingled today uh completely enclosed and uh they were supposed to be putting on finishing up the doors um but this is with her spoon went by this afternoon said the doors didn't appear to be up yet so we will hopefully be up next uh next day or two and uh CarMax is uh moving along um trying to keep the roads as clean as possible out there it's very muddy site um so we are on top of them as much as possible and uh at the next meeting we'll have a a list to uh forward to the council for the road program for next year or this year thank you yep uh Township committee members Dr Withers spin yes well Bob already told you oh I stole stole your glory that's okay you know what next time you go first but I did go over there to see um the concession stand being put up and I was very impressed with what I saw and then um and it looks good it looks good I can't wait till the completion so I did see that I'm excited because um also there's going to be a grocery store coming uh in Hamilton Township over by where Lane Bryant used to be near the chuckecheese and the discount um grocery store and food is high and they're going to have everything from organic to meats and all of that they they're not open yet but they will be open by the end of the month I believe like the 28th of March uh they'll be open so I was excited um to see that and um also I well this is too early but I will be attending the Atlanta County League of municipalities meeting but we'll have a meeting before it ends but I still will be I've already confirmed that I will be attending that meeting is going to be in Violin all right at 6:30 on the 22nd and that's my report thank you um I was going to mention the grocery outlet but she beat me to it uh yes March 28th is what I what I heard uh it'll be opening so another option for us in our town so that's a good thing uh I went out to the I was also out at leapy field over the weekend I went yesterday uh for the uh denafo hockey tournament 80 teams 80 teams from uh I think as far west as Pittsburgh as far north as Massachusetts um and they got all the games in Saturday in the rain um yesterday was a beautiful day and then the uh finals are next weekend well this weekend coming up so if you get a chance uh it's it's it's good hockey it really is um from the little the whatever you want to call them I guess the the PE not Peewee uh beavers yes yeah all the way up um and they uh they've got a couple of Raffles going trying to raise money the courts look great uh parking lot looks great and uh when I was there there was no roof well the shingles weren't on but but it does look good so it is coming along it's really exciting to see that work going on out there it's it's it's been frustrating for years when you go to other places and you see what they have and um then you would come to our place and you have to use Porta paties and that be nice sheds for a snack bar so it's really exciting to get to get to this point um and uh another exciting thing was we had all that rain on Saturday of course my phone starts blowing up with everybody on the lake the water's getting high what's going on text uh our Public Works director Mr Tilly he heads out opens both both new gates 12 in and the water started going down immediately so I'm sure that was a lot easier than going out there and yanking boards off of the old existing Coffer Dam and putting plugs in the pipes and all that stuff now hopefully we don't have to do that must be nice CHR no more buckets Brett you just couldn't get it done I mean he comes in damn that was a joke everybody that was a joke are you done good fun all in good fun are you done now all in good fun sure is yeah yeah I better be done now before I dig myself a deeper hole uh Reagan I'll see you soon Maddie I miss you I love you and I hope to see you soon thank you Comm mque well first of all I'd like to say it's a good thing we paid the new parking lot at leafy field I was there also so we're wearing out the asphal I was there today saw the the shingles going on and whatnot and the place is looking nice and taking shape it really looks good I also went by the dam and saw the new gates that were opened and they were working very well and if you go by the dam and you look under the 1920 and you see the turbulence water then you know the gates are open and that that was good to see and that's all I have thank you vman law yeah um I go past the field every day no um listen a great job they're doing out there um and as uh committee patali um put it it's just really nice to see um that field look more like the other fields that that we've seen in the in the um in the county and throughout the um Southern New Jersey area um I can recall those guys not having a field at all and for that to to start to look like a does now I can tell you it's a premier uh field in our league they you know they want to have All-Star games there they want to have Championship Games there they want to do more things there because it's such a beautiful space thank you for um extending that parking lot it's going to help um but I can't promise you we won't be parking on the grass too the only thing I want to say to you guys is this I I saw I went to uh visit um the pal uh which is the police activities league and I think that's what we're called to am I correct um Chief it's the police activities league right yeah I I I went to visit uh the one in um at caror township it's a indoor another another indoor facility that they built um but my reason for going there was just to find out how they were able to get it done what we can do um but there was they didn't put the burden on the township you know these guys got together and they decided to uh do a raise uh they got some grants they got you know um they put some elbow grease behind it and got a lot of sponsors and they got it done um it does take a lot to maintain it though it does you know cost a lot to maintain it and to to manage it so I know a lot of people in the community are looking for things like that but we need the commitment of the community much like what they did in uh at C Township the community if if this is something you really want um I suggest you get involved in the police activities League um come member um associate yourself with the board and start the discussions on how to get things like that done but the weight of that is monstrous on the township um the tax dollars that you know end up going into it not that is I don't believe is well worth it it's just that we have so many things overcome you know presently um so again you know I love uh what they've done I like even more how they got it done so let's uh buck up and work together all right thank you thank you uh I just like to uh mention we had a mayor's meeting um last couple weeks ago um it's nice to get together with the Mayors from the other towns and and share uh not only our problems but how we're working with those problems everybody's prepping to get into the budget season which we are heavy into that right now and how we control uh things we do to control the rising cost and how we adapt to it year to year cuz it never changes in the last couple years it's been worse than than uh than normal so um very interesting conversation um and it's just it was just good to be there uh the other thing that happened this past weekend was the PTA U auction which was um to say well attended is a mild understatement there was a lot of people there I don't know what the how much money they raised but it had to be a lot and that's that's great to see the community come out um and uh really it was an enjoyable event and I'm glad that they do it every year uh that's all I have I'd like to uh open it up to the public for public comment um I do have the number we raise uh $25,000 about I have a complaint again I didn't win anything uh I don't know you to ask Carl neither did I what and then uh so we had uh 320 326 baskets that were all donated U so thank you for everybody on the Das that did donate and thank you for both art and Carl for showing up it was great for you guys to be there um we had almost the entire School Board seven out of nine members were there we had uh representation from greater egg we had representation from Mica and eggh haror Township I believe and we also had a a Committee Member Gatt was there as well and then um I'm sorry Atlantic County Commissioner right is that the right title now and then uh we also um were able to uh uh give away a 50/50 which was over $2300 so um that that was the take-home amount so it was really uh quite impressive we were trying to beat our number last year which was around 2000 so we had about a 25% increase in baskets and about a 27% increase in re um from year over year so it was very successful and thank you again for everybody that participated and everybody that showed up and you're right the room was packed tickets were sold out and um it was uh non-stop from 4:00 until we got drawn the last basket at 10:00 so it was well attended and uh everybody I didn't think it would actually work where there's like no entertainment other than just the drawing of the baskets but that seems to be captivating enough so everybody would seem to be pretty happy with it great event y thanks very good thank you anyone else in the public move to close second motion is second close public portion all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed eyes hav it so we're going to adjourn with a motion to Executive session we have a Personnel matter we will have to discuss so I will uh I make a motion to move to Executive session second we have a motion a second all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed guys have it we we will be come now I was just going to say we will be coming back out correct that everybody agrees yes we're coming back out I there's strong possibility [Music] yes thank you all for coming so we are back out of executive session mhm okay um um we have a do we have a resolution for this you want to read the resolution please yes be resol by the township Committee of the township of Hamilton to terminate employment of Robert moldonado police recruit Academy level effective March 5th 2024 there's a resolution on the floor your pleasure I'll motion I'll second it motion to terminate we have a second are there any questions or comments hearing none can we do a roll call vote please Rita yes Mr cheek yes Mr laws stain Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes four yes one exstension motion carries okay make a motion to adjourn adjourn thank you we open up to the public second what's second yeah we're in the public we want to adjourn from the public session we have a motion and second to journ all those in favor signify by saying I I guys have it we are adjourned