I'd like to bring to order the township of Hamilton committee meeting Monday June 3rd 2024 would you please stand with me for the flag salute felma I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and Justice all adequate notice of this meeting has been provided pursuant to the New Jersey open public meetings law by posting a notice of this meeting on the bulletin board in the municipal building and by publication in the Press of Atlantic City and Star Ledger on January 6th 2024 and January 7th 2024 respectively Mr Chek here Mr LS here Mr patali here Dr Witherspoon here mayor Shanker here uh can we have a moment of silence for private reflection if we if we can if I may ask uh we lost a young man in our community he was a athlete at oakrest high school just graduated last year um and U member of the uh kns track team uh the young man lost his life in a motorcycle accident on Saturday um his name is Jeremiah St seren if I can ask you to please remember him in your prayers and his family thank you thank you thank you guest presentation No guest presentation Brent uh we have a proclamation oops this is a proclamation I'm very proud to present bill can you come [Music] [Laughter] up I've known Bill a couple years now always a pleasure my friend I've uh I known Bill a couple years now bill bill was one of the original senior citizen advisory committee uh members in 2015 we started and and I will say very active uh you were a big part of keeping it going along with others and getting it started from the ground up and um the township would like to give you this Proclamation for all your service the time you spent we really appreciate your efforts will whereas William Bill Smith has been a member of the SE senior citizens advisory committee since it's Inception in 2015 whereas for the past eight years bill has served the senior citizens advisory committee as co-chairman and whereas bill could always be counted on to help plan participate in the activities organized by the senior community within the township of Hamilton and whereas being a resident of the fairways Bill served Faithfully as a member in his community's homeowners association now therefore be it proclaimed at the township committee and the township of Hamilton County of Atlantic and the state of New Jersey on this day we tried to give it to this last meeting so it says May 20th it's not typo uh William Bill Schmidt in honor to his Devotion to the senior Council for pal thank you so much I appreciate sure I want to thank the committee for this award uh this President committee and all the Committees be all the committee me Township committee members before them for putting up with me for the n years and I'd like to thank um my wife Garlin for putting up with us Diane who's here and Jim who have been with us for quite a while and I want to remind everybody that's here you may not be a senior citizen but somewhere along the line you may be a caretaker when the meetings are posted and we have an expert coming and talking about different projects different ideas different things that will come up in the future I would advise you to attend the meetings on Thursdays the first Thursday of the month uh beginning probably in September because we one of the most satisfying things is to have somebody come up and say gee I'm glad I came gee I didn't know that was available and now I can be prepared so keep that in mind and again thank you thank you everyone I appreciate it and I guess I'll State the obvious here for anybody out there there's an opening on the senior citizen advisory please technically not yet Carl we actually yeah two openings actually um so please if if you're interested uh fill out the form online on our website and uh Diane and the rest of the the group could use the help so and they do a great job too Diane thank you so much for all your years of service too so um we will move on additions deletions to the late agenda items to be considered for Action tonight we have one item um to change to the bills list Bill list total is changing from 554 th859 3 to $753,000 oh I'm not introducing that I'll make the motion we have a motion we have a second second are there any questions or concerns Jane can we do a roll call for this and if I call you Rita I want to apologize now okay because it's going to happen go ahead Mr Chek yes Mr LW yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes all yes thank you early public comment on agenda items excluding items listed for public hearings we have no one signed up mayor okay discussions formal action may be taken presentation by cerie dispensary 4760 Black Horse Pike block 11 1134 lot 3.02 mrle recuse myself okay Mr Chek come on up front don't be shy I just would ask just make sure that microphone is on and that you speak directly into it please good evening I guess I'm doing okay um my name is Lum magazu and I have the honor of representing casaer which is an applicant for a retail uh cannabis license uh I am uh a little shy of doing 20 of these now around the state every Town's a little bit different but one of the things that we understand is that you are giving us uh your trust and your faith and your confidence so in I think we've had three or four meeting meetings already uh and preliminarily all of them have been helpful but we want to answer any questions that that may exist um to that uh Point I've now I'm going to introduce uh our applicant as well as the experts that we're going to be relying upon we have a PowerPoint and we also have uh for you the binder uh that that has um everything from the PowerPoint uh first James if you would introduce yourself good evening and thank you for the opportunity today uh my name is is James Tor Jr I'm the operator and founder of kasav hi my name is Lazar K thank you again for the opportunity I am the security uh technology company that will be handling the security for why you're here want talk a little about your security background uh well uh I I'm a retired narcotics detective with the DEA and Cher's Department out of pay County I did 25 years of uh law enforcement uh now I own a security company that I started in 2013 and I started doing the technology end of it the security remote guarding of it utilizing technology cameras speakers uh all real time with a component of a monitoring station that will secure the perimeter of the building uh 24 hours 16 hours uh 12 hours whatever deem uh fit uh for anything that occurs outside the property at any given time and moment we'll get back to J introduce yourself my name is Jay shulo I'm the civil engineer involved in the project so all three folks are going to have something to say about the PowerPoint U let me just give a little bit of background of what you have in front of you not all of this was shared with the public and I'll explain the reason why first an executive summary which is exactly the executive summary that we use when C first gave consideration uh for this application we then have U some things we're going to speak of in a moment the land use issu the zoning map the site plan which has benefited from a meet we met with your joint uh zoning planning folks your professionals they gave us a lot of input exterior picture of the existing structure rendering the proposed structure interior floor plan interior renderings what you also have are the resumés of Mr tunador uh senior and Junior Frank fika who's been assisting us last career who you met myself and Mr schul so that's the professional package now what I'd like to do is uh go through the PowerPoint uh and James if you come up with me for a second and uh I want to just indicate that you have in fact um you're aware of everything we're putting in the PowerPoint and you you've reviewed it in advance so let's Okay so let's go to the first one so this is uh just the zoning map that we're going to reference aware that and next one is also was one version the site plan goe the next one we're going to talk about all these what's the next one is the existing building okay exting the next one this is the rendering of the building that you anticipate putting up next one we're going to go through these more detail go ahead next is reviewed this already you authorized thisw this your security folks as well as in multiple times youe go ahead and uh just identify just briefly that's the going to be the rendering of the Interior next one same thing from different view next one okay so we'll go back to the very beginning we'll go into more detail but James while you're here I'd like you to tell the board a little bit about your experience your involvement uh facility that you're already in the middle of open speak briefly about my experience I've spent the last 10 years in the Cannabis industry on the CBD side I was a co-founder in a company called Green roads and we dedicated ourselves to manufacturing gummies sublingual tinctures applications such as coffees and teas and we would export those products uh across the US to uh different countries about 10 different countries we're in about 65,000 point of sale locations throughout the us including publ uh Hudson News and convenience stores uh throughout the US uh we became the largest privately held CBD company in the US and in 2021 we successfully exited I also was granted a dispensary license in Elizabeth New Jersey which I am opening in September uh aside from that I've also dedicated myself to real estate development in the last 10 years um and also opening and operating many Hospitality food and beverage businesses uh currently we found this property It's a Wonderful location and uh would you like me to speak about yeah why don't we go through just a little more detail does anybody any questions about his his experience first of all before let's go to back the back the design all right um so this is uh okay explain a little bit about why you chose design and then we the interior but as the exterior any particular reason care you know obviously we wanted to improve the site uh the parking we wanted to have a lot of lighting for security purposes uh to make sure that the property is secure during opening and closing hours and for our patrons who are going to be visiting us obviously they have good visibility to enter the property uh the exterior of the building is going to be completely uh secure we're going to have many exterior cameras including flood lighting for uh you know security and then uh the whole building although you have Windows those are just going to be for show uh we we don't anticipate having any actual windows for security purposes is just for the aesthetic uh uh of of the actual building uh you can right this is just another angle about let's talk about how this is going to set up respect to Security in sales for how the product is segregated how many employes uh so we're looking at four to six employees and that's going to entail a security guard in the front which is the orange area where it's labeled Lobby and then we'll have about two Bud tenders on the floor and the manager will serve as the inventory specialist inside the Vault Storage area who can also receive product when it comes in through the back which is the exit on the southern part of the image here uh so we'll have a a total of four on our slow days and then on our days where we have more volume we'll have the opportunity to incorporate another butt tender but just keep in mind that the manager will be versed in everything that goes on in the property so they can serve uh uh in the bud tenter capacity as well as in the vault storage area all right so the security officer will be in y area yes walk through when someone comes in so starting at the northern part of the image where it's SLB of Lobby you're going to have your clients that are going to come in and they're going to go to the reception on the far left corner and the security guard will check and scan their ID once he verifies that they're over the age of 21 they will be allowed or or open you know they'll have a button to push them through through the lobby front doors and now we're going into the teal uh area which is the sales floor we're going to to have display cases uh showcasing uh the product there will be no cannabis uh displayed on the on the floor there everything is packaged or incased uh so no one can actually touch any product or or misappropriate it and and leave with it we're going to have shelving on both sides and then we'll have a total of four POS stations however we'll have two two for in operation depending on how busy the day is uh one of those POs stations can uh work for the curve side up or for any consultation that needs to happen on the sales floor we'll be able to attend uh everyone at that FS so the bud tenders will be in between where it says fulfillment which is the green area at the middle uh of the image there and the POS counters uh the way this is going to operate is once the client makes his order the butt tender will turn around to where the Fulfillment window is and then they'll take the product uh the manager and the inventory specialist will be pulling the product from the shelving in the vault storage area and transferring that over to the Fulfillment area uh for the sale uh after that we're we have the Vault and storage area whenever we receive a product we're making sure that the product is received through the back of the building and that we're not introducing any other product through the lobby through the sales floor and creating a bad customer experience as well as creating risk for uh the delivery men as well as our employees so we'll be accepting the product through the back door the southern part that says Exit um and we'll be taking that directly into the receiving and delivery room uh for counting and then uh assessing that we have the right amount of product so that we can receive it um you'll see that there's an office there on the bottom left corner a break room for the employees and then our non-cannabis storage for any of our paper goods uh and any other product and paraffinalia that we're going to sell within the store you gave a lot of information let's work through some of those pieces first of all and to say very beginning you had to be appr commiss well I have been approved by yes andess many many years inv back and respect to the develop delivery of the product what type of vehicle used what we're seeing right now is depending on the manufactur are cultivators they can go from you know the small Compass Vans uh to mercedesbenz printers no traffic Trail no no and they're all uh my my understanding all non descript they don't say we're delivering Canabis no you're not very important Point uh respect the Vault Des you mentioned that there's no cannabis only no can purchas from the let's just go back to that why well you know obvious security reasons you don't want any this isn't um your your typical product that you can just grab and leave this is a highly regulated industry so that being said anything that we display on the floor will look like there's cannabis in it except it's just a package an empty package and then again security so then someone will come talk vend oh how many percentages [Music] are so so you know when it comes to revenue we're seeing about 50% is going to be your inore sales and then we're going to see a lot of curbside pickup and a lot of delivery so about 5050 only be one of those right well we all our employees have to get vetted by the the CRC and then we as theer now for those that actually come for someone who's never been there who's going to be very inquisitive and asking questions they can take about 15 minutes to get to park to get in you know have their conversation it's usually hey look I don't know what the product is but I feel this way do you have anything for my sleep or for my pain they make several recommendations and then they make the purchase and for those who are regular purchases come a regular time if we're not talking about parking getting out of your car and checking in it could be three to five minutes uh so that golf storage just ACC accp how right so the only people who will have access to the office and the VA stores receiving the will either be and uh we're hear a little bit from the security later you've engaged security expert and what we are not doing unlike when we met privately we're not going to show where all the cameras are we don't need everybody to know where the cameras are we can tell you that uh the entire security plan I think he already been given to police and we will continue be working the chief for consult and he will know exactly where everything is he will also know and the police department will know the am I correct about that yes um all right we're going to bring our other experts on but is there anything else that you want to add just a note on the security features aside from having exterior cameras everywhere we're going to have interior cameras throughout the facility I believe excessive uh because by law we have to allow that state law enforcement and local law enforcement have access to the security Canabis so at any point throughout the day or the morning of state law enforcement the New Jersey cannabis Regulatory Commission can look into the cameras and see what's happening at any moment and they don't have to request uh any access on top of that uh just to to harp on the security um each of those doors for the office the Vault um the hallway to get into the back office the sales floor they all have security protocols so you have to use either a fob or a key card to get in and access those areas and if you don't if you're a regular Bud tender you won't be able to access the Vault so this is a very uh high security uh property okay I'm going to bring up little so uh approximately on the outside of the of the building we're looking at maybe anywhere between 15 16 cameras uh constantly uh viewing the we're looking at maybe another 20 25 cameras on the inside uh we're going to use a remote guarding security system uh it's Technology based connected to a monitoring station which will be live so now every camera will become like a security guard as opposed to having one security guard in front now we're going to have 16 cameras uh night when the location is closed that will be monitoring anyone coming close to the building that's going to be with the analytics and AI which is Intruder detection so if anyone comes near the building let's say 20 we deem to see how many feet away we'll discuss that upon testing phase but it'll be 20 30 maybe 50 feet probably 20 feet from the building anyone who comes near the building there'll be a two-way talk down device where we'll be able to talk down to the person and let that person know that they're being watched and and that they need to leave the area because it's a prohibited area overnight there'll be a two-way talk down we'll be able to talk to them they'll be able to talk to us we'll be able to explain to them if they're just looking we can say listen you need to leave you can't be here you can come back the next day when the premises is is open if it's someone who is giving us a hard time and we see that it's probably someone trying to break in loitering then we go to a different phase now what'll happen is Intruder detective is right away so we deem it a threat and then we'll notify the analytics will notify us at the monitoring station monitoring station will then call the police department and dispatch uh uh police department uh vehicle to assess the situation uh ear I referenced the security plan I believe so I believe so continue to work with the police department absolutely not only we continue to work with the police department we're always going to be checking in with the client and the police department to make sure that analytics cameras and everything is connected uh we have what's called a touch sheet so our M what'll happen is once the site is live testing is is complete what we'll do is we'll have a manager assigned to the site and we're constantly making sure that all the equipment is correct and as working uh as it should be and will also be in communication with the police department to make sure that they have everything they need thank you uh just for the the benefit of the uh of the committee and the audience uh just a little about your background professional background so uh again Jason Chulo I'm a licensed professional engineer professional planner in New Jersey been doing this for 20 almost 25 years now what is it it's May 24 years and uh it's and uh I specialize in Land Development projects um I don't in I didn't intentionally get involved in cannabis on the regular but recently as you can imagine there's been quite a bit of it and I've been fortunate enough to do over 20 dispensaries I've done a handful of growth facilities couple manufacturing facilities um worked with clients that practice and have uh dispensaries in 39 different states and I've seen through them many different ways of handling projects such as these ranging in size from small on such as this to larger facilities um they don't usually get much bigger than 6,000 sare feet but some of them can be significant all right uh let's go to the very first I identify the Z map and then we're go through the this it is we are we originally looked at trying to save the building not just from an architectural perspective but from a site planning perspective and there were some challenges so um as you can see it's been kind of left into disrepair for quite a bit and people who know the area know that it probably needs to go so we do propose to remove it and it gives us two opportunities aside from fixing the structural issues and you know obviously appearance um we are able to get more parking on the site because of relocating the building we'll talk about that let's go to picture of the anticipated for the be able impr absolutely yes let's get to the site pl we talk about um there are some Chang consequ of the issues Mee how we sure so what you see there is um site plan that we prepared conceptually then the colors I'll explain in a sec but generally you'll see the lot is relatively small so it's surrounded by a larger parcel that at one point was planned to be developed and you can see that based on the stuff to the left and the right of where the colors are and a little bit in the rear that the restaurant operator encroached into the neighboring property by a good bit and there was at one point an easement to permit that should the rest of the project site around it be developed we've learned since then that that is Sunset and there's is no longer an easement so we are confined completely to the lot itself which is um uniquely small for as large as the area around it is but what we've done based on needs for this project which uh there isn't much relative to parking demand or Services because as you heard um James mentioned there's um only delivery vans that that come to the site and then separate from that there'll be trash trucks all of which fit around the driveway as shown here the green area you see around the site up near the around the building excuse me and up near the road um is new Green Space so the existing condition has the driveway loaded in this view to the right side so it's on the east side of the site and we to be compliant with do current standard we pull the driveway into the middle add a little bit of landscaping formalize that parking which right now is just paint kind of running wild and then in the back where it's gravel we would pave because as the township ordinance States we should have parking and loading pave and you'll see that the the building itself is more or less a square it's about 2200 ft in footprint the original building was about the same size and then there was a porch on the front of it so we're effectively doing is we're moving that porch and more or less sliding that building Mass forward so the rear setback you can see the light black line right off the rear lot line that was where the building goes to today and it's about 10 ft off the line what we propose is to slide the building up so that we can fit a driveway and parking spaces in the rear so it goes from 10 parking spaces in the ex excuse me 10 parking spaces required by ordinance as it sits currently 16 spaces exist and there's in this layout 21 so we add those five in the back plus the loading zone on the right side which today there's no loading zone a lot of stuff gets formalized in this Arrangement um the trash doors will be inside the building because it's going to be a little bit of domestic waste and hopefully not a lot but a little bit of cannabis waste and pursu to the CRC regulations cannabis waste has to be stored inside secure to be picked up by the um original delivery or supplier it's either an issue or it's outdated or expired whatever um we can't just throw in the trash nor can any other operator um in addition there's a sign that's up in the front corner that in the existing condition was there until I guess maybe this past winter when a storm took it down it might still laying on the ground actually that the the board we proposed to just pretty much replace it where it stands um other than that it's typical site improvements Landscaping lighting we don't need to do storm management we still have to go to Pinelands there's a lot of sight planning left to be done after this assuming we're successful in getting support from the committee but the intent is to stay completely within the project site not utilize any other partials as the previous restaurant had done and uh be compliant with current zoning I can bring back unless you have all done there is protocol CC I so the CRC will contact you and they'll tell you at to destroy the product in the facility uh they will call you and they will be on the on the cameras while you're destroying the product and then you lock it in a bin and with the contract that you you set up with uh your Waste Company they'll do a special pickup and then you pay for that special pickup and that's that's how you get rid of your cannabis race of I understand understand so yeah I think um we cover everything that uh I wanted to bring before the board certainly available for any questions uh again we Tred to be as thorough as possible without taking up your whole agenda tonight uh but to anticipate what your questions might be and then answer them uh but certainly available for any that we might not have anticipated uh we didn't talk about parkings we we will talk about that for the board but our par situation just because that will come up one of the things that's interesting procedur way this works out procedurally this is an amendment to the Redevelopment plan that covers most of the township and it gives the opportunity for the township to create Redevelopment plan standards associated with just this parcel we as it sits right now the parking requirement is the Township Code which is retail which is more than or less than what we show we have more than required Mr Watkins advised that in one of the last Redevelopment plans there was a site specific standard for parking created that was um in my view excessive but I'm not going to obviously we're not going to solve it tonight but that there were more parking spaces required than the ordinance requires we're going to have to work through that but in general we show what we think is probably more than necessary based on the retail square footage the number of employees um the second floor of this building if we are to do one if we're able to do one we'll be storage in office space for just the cannabis use not a separate office space or anything so it would be the same amount of employees whether it's one floor two the second floor would be about half the building and as I mentioned just office for that based on all the projects you've done what is your [Music] sense like the actual operation like CVS I guess it's kind of uh one of the things that's interesting how quickly people come in and out yeah it's not it's not intense like a it's more so I mentioned so we have probably half of the ones I've done in Atlantic City only there's nine open now I did six or seven of the ones that are open the uh vast majority of them don't have parking it's ear it's a little different then um we did one in narber city that's been open for probably six months now that has a couple remote parking lots and the concern is the same everywhere we go what about the lines in the morning before before they open up because the very first few that opened most of them are closer to Philly and people are coming over the bridge and they were waiting outside they weren't set up for it they weren't really actually had any parking so it became a thing um we have since opening the Handful in Atlantic City even a Memorial Day weekend when they have brand opening sales two or three people waiting outside everybody's kind of gotten used to the idea of how these turn over you don't have to wait in line because the product's not going to run out you don't have to be there early because you're not going to miss out on anything and most people don't want to wait in line I know I I can't stand it I don't know why anybody would do it but they did but that's no longer a concern and that's just progression of the uh you know the industry and one of the operators that we deal with that's in Michigan is their base but they have I think 14 or 15 different states they operate in and three or four of them they said it's like going into a convenience store and grab it it back and ships off Qui or drop it down they pay for it and they walk out other places they you know treat it like it's the most expensive product that ever exists and they're scared to death someone going to try to steal it we're in between here I mean New Jersey's planning it well but I don't think I mean security is Paramount I don't think it's going to be anywhere near as intense as we hope it is for their success but if they run it properly there's not and flux of people Frank you know it's kind of spread out and the online orders they talk about it's by appointment so they show up when they're told they don't just come in randomly it's it's set up really really well to be efficient thank you sure uh the um there's any other questions certainly we available try as much as possible uh we've got the whole team here to answer any questions we do need a res resolution of support before we can go to the next phase with the CRC uh oh there was another point that didn't come out testimony because uh this is uh a for this business to succeed it requires Continuous Flow so there will be no no allowance of anybody just hanging around there's not going to be any congregating it's not going to be a place to go to to see your friends it's a place to go to buy the buy the product and to leave and that's something that's very important we know that's also important to the township frankly it's important for our business plan we don't want people hanging around and this is not a place there are such things called consumption licenses this is not one of those applications this is just a retail like J said like a CVS okay thank you anyone on committee have any questions yeah I have um a couple maybe um on the security side um are you and you can answer from there um your camera system you talked a lot about what you're doing on the outside of the building on the inside of the building your camera is connected to the POS so that you can manage um ight entor theft and so on so forth yes they're all connected for posos we could monitor any camera that's on that site we can remove we could add we can ship we can just do just about someone comes in with a stolen credit card we need to trace it you can see who it is that's on the screen using card we make sure that that it's it's angled correctly so that we can see all the transactions excellent thank you yeah thank you um any other question question you already answered and that was are they going to that because the way it looked on the inside looked very Boutique is so I thought you know at first that maybe people would be able to consume inside the building but that's great to hear thank anyone else thank you very much appreciate you coming in um we'll move right to uh resolution authorizing local endorsement so moved second we have a motion in a second do we have any uh concerns questions Jane can we do a roll call for this please Mr LW yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes yes uh we also have a resolution authorizing execution of an escrow agreement so moved second we have a motion we have a second are there any questions or concerns hearing none Jane once again Mr LS yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes or yes thank you congratulations um I want to thank you for through the whole process that we have sat with you multiple meetings uh I think there's been three not including tonight you guys have been very professional and and we appreciate that and being that you made some changes to your your layout out there to help us digest what you're trying to do here is much appreciated and we wish you good luck thank you very much pleasure thank you who's talking about you I know oh my gosh shall I cheek yeah you want to sure you got him again IE alland for got him again I got to get a buzzer or something he's got a sandwich hanging on in motion to adjourn the Mee oh let's do it let's do it that's not right I heard his feelings thanks [Laughter] Emily it's bad when when they Le B it's bad welcome back hey all right make a motion to adjourn um let's go to B now what do you think we have a discussion seek authorization to advertise for rfps for special councel for COA Brad if you wouldn't mind or Ken whoever would like to field this one the new regs are coming down from the state um why don't you tell us what COA stands for basically it's cost a lot of money affordable housing standards are uh have been changed and they are getting set to be introduced to the municipalities um we're told sometime uh late summer in or early fall we're going to come through and we need special counsel to get eyes on them as soon as they come through so we want to get ahead of the perve here sure are we looking to set a limit on this monetarily or is it just whatever they've got to do to get us prepared for this not to exceed right now at 15,000 15,000 okay thank you committee any discussion the other this was budgeted for through special councel MH very no discussion um we need to do a roll call vote for a vote to give authorization pardon me voice yeah yeah need a motion motion second a motion and second are there any questions or concerns hearing none all those signify by saying I I all those opposed eyes have it uh there are no public hearings or adoption of ordinances and uh moving on to number five there are no introduction of ordinances so we're going to move to number six Award of bids contracts change orders a resolution authorizing the purchase of a sign board from the national Highway Products Incorporated not to exceed $2,934 so so move second whatever we have a motion in a second are there any questions comments just so everybody knows this sign was D we our sign was damaged in an accident we're just replacing it um Jane Mr cheek yes Mr L yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes oh yes thank you uh seven consent agenda we have letters a through e this is one of the shortest agendas dragging it on I am I'm trying to drag it out I can't I don't want to go too fast I make a motion to move 7 a through e thank you thank you second we have a motion a second yes yes second okay um on the consent agenda are there any questions or concerns yes I have a question okay uh on c um 7c um the approval to submit the Grant application and there was no fee on the resolution so how much are we talking what's the dollar amount so right now we're submitting to be um I guess allowed to have a grant contract with do um the cost estimate for the project was estimated around 300,000 so we're asking for 300,000 um typically they've been um in the last couple years been running around 220 to 250 so that's what it is the resolution was taken off of the do website they don't require to have the grant amount or the requested amount in that resolution at this time okay so but just for your knowledge that we're asking for 300,000 I just want you to know that it was no dollar amount no I understand and I I checked on uh the other uh municipality we've done before and last year's as well both of them and it was the same thank no problem any other questions all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed eyes have it we're going to move to eight personnel with heavy heart um we want to we are going to accept the resignation of William Schmidt from the senior citizens advisory committee effectively June 8th 2024 motion we have a motion do we have a second second second all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed we now officially have a vacancy Carl two two okay number nine approvals minutes regular meeting minutes of May 20th 2024 so move second we have a motion in a second all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed guys have it bills bill list total $753,000 signify by saying roll call Vote Yes Mr Chek yes Mr LW yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes oh yes reports Mr administrator I have nothing to report outstanding Mr solicitor nothing to report mayor thank you again Bob you're not going to let us down Mr engineer I'll keep us going there nothing to report besides leapy field uh the outside of the building has been painted um I think it looks really nice um the inside should be done by Thursday and uh hopefully wrapping up by next week of all the insid okay awesome very good hope yeah Township committee Dr Witherspoon yes I would just like to um thank the veterans committee for allowing me to participate on the program I was having problems with my voice but people were very very gracious to me so I really appreciate that because I know how patriotic the star spanger banner is do us I don't know what happened to my voice but I pushed through it and that was a very nice event it rained but they uh accommodated and came right on the inside and still had it and I thought that that was nice and coming up on June the 19th uh there's going to be a juneth celebration the Gaskill Park and um it's going to be a nice um they're doing it actually on the on juneth which is June 19th June 22nd there's going to be another one in mispa uh and that's all I have to announc thank you report rather former mayor patali uh just want to give a shout out to uh all the fire companies rescue squads Police Department Public Works everybody who was involved with the structure fire out in the wa section um I know they're taking uh donations for clothing and of course money whatever that to help the uh resident out that pretty much lost everything um I think Davis brothers out there on the Black Horse Pike in EHT is a drop off spot if you if you have anything you can drop off out there um but good job to everybody that that took care of that on Saturday afternoon um as Dr Witherspoon said juneth on the 19th at Gasco Park uh Hometown celebration on the 29th Saturday 10 till 5: I believe 10 to 4: 10 to 4: Hometown celebration and that's at w morill Park um and then uh National Night Out what's the date the six that's a Tuesday uh Gasco park again um so come on down for that hopefully we have great weather again as we've had the last couple years fireworks good time lights Night of Lights is the 17th of August why don't you come down and and and and and uh that you're going to take over my my my time here would you like us to add a spot for you yeah right under reports wait a minute I can add it right after a German anyway you ask to it lights August 17th we're going to have cardboard boat races also excellent excuse me excuse me Chief part me Chief do you mind coming back to the mic and just reiterating those dates please you mind coming to the mic August 17th that's that's okay that's one date I want all all the dates that we just mentioned June let's go through the whole thing while you're here yeah awesome uh that's that's really all I have for that so uh Reagan I'll see you later and Maddie miss you love you hope to see you soon thank you Carl thank you Chief you're welcome Chek uh I must say the Memorial Day ceremony was was nice compared to being outside in the rain we were in here and it was quite a nice event and also I Echo everything Bob said with leapy and uh it should be done by the end of next week so that's all I have thank you Deputy Mayor lws yeah um the uh Memorial Day celebration was awesome I I thought it was great I surprised uh to be asked to participate that way didn't know exactly what I was supposed to do there they did an outstanding job yeah stood I stood in there real well didn't I no great job though um it was uh and I think uh Dr Withers did an outstanding job she's very critical of herself but I thought she did an outstanding job with the presentation those two songs so thank you for that Dr won um the gentleman that spoke um man just wow powerful just just absolutely powerful um and the speech was extremely steeped in humanity um and uh in love and and I was I I'm not going to kid you I was moved by it um it's it's rare that you You' even hear a military person speak from that uh vantage point but uh he's right lives you know were at stake every time we go to war um and uh the risk certainly has to be justified by the reward and the fact that we have the freedoms that we have in America today is the reward so um we thank those guys for not just your service but also the lives that were lost in Limbs and so on and so forth uh to that point um I'd like to just speak briefly about uh Mr uh Jeremiah s sarin um I had the pleasure of knowing this young man since he's 10 years old I watched him go through our um elementary schools and our high schools and um just a fantastic young man um I beg you guys please slow down um I beg you guys to please keep an eye out for motorcycle riders I beg you young guys to just get away from the whole speed idea and and your Reckless abandonment and we are not Invincible um but to the love of that family um his mother has to be going through well she is going through some major things there is a group on me page um started um under Jeremiah Maya St sarin um but the entire um oakrest community and Maz Landing Community uh has been affected so if you have a student or you know of a student at the school please um wrap your arms around your kid show them as much love as you can and uh God is still on the throne thank you thank you um it was a bad week for Hamilton Township we lost a a a great young man and the Sheran family lost a home um both situations are are upsetting dire um the sheridans had nothing left but the clothes on their backs so uh if you can see it your way to help either one of these families um please do it has you know like I said it has not been a good week when it comes to this kind of stuff um I'd also like to reiterate that I thought you did great I don't know what you're talking about yeah and you know what thma you did so good so we're we're going to install a brand new sound system down at the uh Memorial Field for next year I can't wait right Brett when's that going to be done what it's done already excellent I dude I'll tell you what Hometown celebration something else it's government I'd rather not answer that question n very nice job everybody body involved with the uh ceremony you know one minute it's going to be outside it torrentially downpours and now it's inside and they flipped it over Public Works the police department everybody uh the fire department uh um did a great job it's always a very um moving um because I don't think everybody understands truly what Memorial Day is I think there's a lot of people who just don't get it I never allowed my family to have a barbecue on Memorial Day itself we've had barbecues but Saturday Sunday but not on Monday um I think it's the first time that I've ever seen a konel retired Colonel a marine no less um get emotional over a speech it was very very it was it was amazing really was so um thank you to all involved um and I'm going to now open it up to the public can I can I say one one thing I forgot I'm sorry go ahead um June will be the 80th anniversary of the day and uh we have a local man um who I know as Uncle Tim Tim Canary he's 102 years old he's already gone over uh I think it was four years ago he went over there and did a tour and um he was there on D-Day he battled of the Bulge all the way through uh he was a medic and he is back over in Europe now and he will be there on D-Day with uh I think I think there's seven others from our area that are with them and um um World News Tonight David mure every night this week uh he will be um giving a little story about it and I think Thursday night is supposed to be the big story so keep an eye out for that they interviewed um Tim he still works six days a week he's 102 years old he still drives he works at balini uh out there on Route 40 in Landisville uh shows up at 6:00 in the morning goes home around 2:30 sweeps the floor cleans the bathroom goes out and picks up parts so God bless him um his sister uh no his mom lived to 108 alen I believe 107 so um I'm I'm expecting him to make it to at least 107 he looks great so please take if you got the time catch it on the news and uh and see Uncle Tim well I mean how long ago was that I can't all right his sister worked at the pub I think that'll be more for everybody you know a Pat was at the pub for years [Laughter] so all right I'm losing control of the sorry I'm sorry reel me in man you guys want to talk or right I'll wait n ah God you know what I'm going to open this to public comment anybody in the public like to speak oh jeez move to close Jenny sis 4812 green Ashlan um I wanted to mention something about caie if I could or actually ask a question that's a highly walked area from cologne to Walmart and back again is there any consideration for a fence and back to keep people from cutting through their property there is fence there is yeah there is talk see that was easy good question thank you and I believe on the plans it shows sidewalks out front on their property anyone else oh yeah motion to close motion to close public portion second we have a second any questions all those in favor signify by saying I I the chair will recognize an adjournment so moved second motion and second any questions hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those oppose the eyes have it thank you all for coming