i' like to open the uh Township of Hamilton committee meeting for Tuesday February 20th 2024 please stand for the flag salute I pled to the flag of the United States of America and to the republ for it stands one nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting has been provided pursuant to the New Jersey open public meetings law by posting a notice of this meeting on the bulletin board in the municipal building and by publication in the Press of Atlantic City and Star Ledger on January 6th and January 7th 2024 Mr Chek here Mr laws here Mr patali here Dr Witherspoon here mayor Shanker here can we have a moment of silence for private reflection thank you uh addition deletion late agenda items to be considered for Action tonight we have an addition and a deletion the addition is number 12 and executive session for the municipal housing liaison fa vacancy it's a Personnel matter uh deletions 3A discussion of the same Municipal housing leaz liaison vacancy I'll make a motion to approve the late list second we have a motion and second are there any questions concerns all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed the eyes have it early public comment on agenda items excluding items listed for public hearings we have no one signed up mayor okay discussions formal action may be taken um Item B Columbia Care New Jersey LLC the cannabis for medical marijuana facility with an accessory five class five retail cannabis use of block 134 lot 14 uh so first we would have to talk about authorizing a drafting of a site specific Redevelopment plan Mr Mayor myself okay [Music] G good evening uh Emily given uh Redevelopment Council for the township um we met on January 9th the Redevelopment subcommittee um with Columbia care who is now um trading as the Cannabis um Columbia care was a little bit misleading to Consumers and so the Cannabis kind of gives a their name gives a better description of what they actually do um and they found that to be more effective than Columbia care um so they they coming into the township um any facility would be would have that branding the Cannabis as opposed to Columbia care um they currently have a location within the township um that cannot get NJ doot access permit approval so they're not able to utilize the site for the purposes for which it was built they are um under a Redevelopment agreement and they came to the committee with um a proposal to loc in the um LX building um and the Redevelopment subcommittee found the proposal to be um very positive and would be very positive for the township as a whole to have this facility that's been empty for over 10 years um be utilized in a productive way um again we already have a Redevelopment agreement with the group for the medical licensing um committee had discussed also allowing recreational use as well um the idea here would be that the medical use would be first and foremost um and without that medical use a retail operation would not be permitted to locate here um we would work with um the Township's engineer and planner with regard to developing standards within a Redevelopment plan but this particular facility would require a specific Redevelopment plan to allow for a medical and recreational use at this location um and again the Redevelopment subcommittee when we met on January 9th was very impressed by the presentation uh so we wanted to take it to the full committee to get your um authorization to proceed with drafting a Redevelopment plan that would allow for the medical and recreational use together um medical being foremost um and then we would work with uh the engineer planner administrator to develop the standards that are necessary lighting security security will be 24/7 cameras um improvements to the parking area just to ensure that the site is in fact safe enough to the standards that the township would like to see there so just so everybody realiz is they they already had a Redevelopment plan with us for the other site so this is basically the process that would need to be done to move them or allow them to this other site correct correct and they would also have to um they they are permitted um under the State Licensing to transfer from one site within the township to another so they have to submit for that to the town but that something permissible yeah okay committee I have a question MH um when I was looking at the packet I saw it as you stated it was at L Max yes so it's the building connected yes it is to that now would our ordinance have to be amended because I was under the impression you would be correct that it would have to be amended we could not it could not be connected so that's why um I'm asking for permission based off of the recommendation of the Redevelopment subcommittee to draft a a site specific Redevelopment plan that addresses that issue but only because this is a medical and recreational use combined not simply just recreational use so um that would that would be addressed in this new Redevelopment plan that would permit this location that is not a standalone structure on like on a separate pad site um to be utilized for this particular use and it's the type of use that um is adjacent to it the fact that it's been um vacant for over 10 years um and that it will improve the condition of the area truly what Redevelopment is supposed to be for um to ensure that they the goals of the township are met in terms of revitalizing the area bringing in an economic benefit and also bringing in other Security benefits to the entire um facility oh do we have to amend the ordinance or are you telling us to do something totally separate from separate from amending that ordinance it will be specific to this site which you are permitted to do Under the Redevelopment law is Adopt a plan that is specific to this location and only this location which is what we did for the the other location that they have it's what we did for mod wash recently it was done for CarMax we we adopted a a zoning plan Redevelopment plan specific to that particular project in that location and I'm specifically talking about cannabis correct yes right that's so we would not have to amend the overall cannabis ordinance but we would adopt a specific plan that um takes the place where it conflicts it would supersede that other plan it would allow for the medical and the recreational in this location uh it would still be a conditional use they would have to meet all of the conditions that are drafted into the plan and that committee adopts but it would be specific to this site and it would not be utilized anywhere else in the township so it with this set of president for other people that want to come in with cannabis well this is specific to the medical licensing along with um and it would only set a precedent if that's what committee wanted it's not a requirement to um just because you adopt it for this particular location for this particular applicant that you would have to then adopt it for because each case is looked at for the particular facts and circumstances of the case this location according to the presentation and the feeling of the entire Redevelopment subcommittee which consists of engineer planner administrator uh two committee members and zoning and planning members that this is a um good location for this particular use the medical and the uh retail I'm not disagreeing that it's a good location my concern was that the way the ordinance was written what it says so basically we have to ignore that and rewrite something else sep so I we are we are going to incorporate the requirements that are specific to licensing enforcement all of that will be the same for this particular location it's just that for this location uh we are going to draft a site specific plan that allows this use here in this location than so that's what we would do tonight you would author the drafting of that plan and then it would come back to you and you would review it read it ask questions about it if you're happy with the content and the way it's going to to to work then you would refer that to the planning board and the planning board would take a look at that make sure that it's consistent with the goals and objectives of your master plan then it would come back to committee for a full public hearing and adoption okay thank you is this particular use on um impede any of the other businesses are we going to hurt any of the other businesses in that General vicinity do we have any information on that has anybody so we did discuss that at the subcommittee uh to ensure that there were no um restrictions on any of the other leases within that area and the Cannabis um was looking into that um they did not believe so the realtor who is working with them and is familiar with the other businesses in the site um indicated that there was no concern with that there were no restrictions on that okay all right because there's a McDonald's like right okay all right and again for for cannabis uses for any of the retails consumption is not permitted on site that you have to you know you come and and you have to go um so with regard to an impact on other uses there's no lering there's no hanging out there's no using in the parking lot there's none of that um so I was just more concerned with the other businesses having something to say about it I would like I know you're right I mean it's it's I just think for for the public too though I want I want to understand what the restrictions are for that that entity and they are monitored 247 and so they do have to do reporting um and if that is a concern I'm sure that you know someone from McDonald's would probably voice that to us okay um but the realtor again was present at the meeting and said that he had had discussions and we can confirm that before we move no it's fine I want somebody just like every uh cannabis location their licenses are renewed yearly yearly do not have to renew them so um I think they're going to make sure that things are done right it's very important to them um the other thing I want to mention to uh Dr Witherspoon's point this is kind of a unique place because while technically they are not uh it's it's not a standalone building that building was built at a different time than the Lomax building or the Toys R Us so Toys R Us was built then they built the other building um or Office Depot right and simply the fact that they don't because they share a common wall is because they're cons is the reason they're considered um the same building they could put a wall down the one side of the building and then they would technically be considered two buildings but that's at the cost of about $600,000 so this is one of the reasons why and and as you mentioned many of the other businesses that have come in recently it's one of the reasons why Redevelopment is so important because there are with certain developments different little hurdles that we have to get past and you have to look at what's best for the overall picture um the things that are put into the ordinance is so we have that control to say no we don't want to do it for this particular piece of property because it just doesn't work um so I just wanted to make it clear that this though it's technically not a separate building it it kind of is but that's the rules of the rules um anybody else have any questions comments oh it's it's not a separate building no technically no no they were buil at a separate time though but if we create something tonight we're giving them permission to to use are they going to buy that building uh I or they went they would they would but I think they're only we're tonight we're only you authorizing us to draft plan to draft the plan for it so we don't come up with the rules More Design criteria everything that you guys will want to see where it goes to the next thing sure that's all tonight is okay no approval and then the next not to jump ahead but the next thing is to amend the escrow agreement which they already have but it has to be specific to this location so basically we're just doing we would be moving everything over um to a new location correct from the previous location to this location and this would be just for the planning portion of it not approval of it but the planed right we're approving the plan done to put together a [Music] plan okay committee do we have a resolution J you have two resolutions you want to entertain a resolution or your pleasure I'll make motion to entertain the resolution could you read the resolution please so everybody understands okay this would be the first resolution would be for the site specific Redevelopment plan be resolved by the township Committee of the township of Hamilton to authorize the Redevelopment attorney to draft a site specific Redevelopment plan for Columbia Care New Jersey LLC doing business as the the Cannabis block 1134 L 14 that's the first resolution I'll make the motion but there's no way I'm going to remember all that we have a motion we have a second um are there any questions or comments can we do a roll call vote on this please Mr L yes Mr patali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker I'm going to abstain abstain okay all right so three yes personal reasons three yes motion carries he smokes then we have a resolution authorizing Redevelopment attorney to draft an amended ESC escro agreement Columbia Care New Jersey LLC or the Cannabis I I'll move that I'll second we have motion and second authorizing drafting Amendment escro agreement do we you want to read that prior to voting sure you read that real quick Jane be it resolved by the township Committee of the township of Hamilton to authorize the Redevelopment attorney to draft an amended escrow agreement for Columbia Care New Jersey LLC doing business as the Canabis block 1134 lot 14 any questions hearing none give you a roll call please Mr lws yes Mr patali yes Dr with yes mayor Shanker abstain three yes motion thank you everyone uh we'll move on to C Pleasant Valley Farm request for Farmland preservation designation block 11321 Lots four 7.01 and 8 Brett would you give us a oh I'm sorry I'm I apologize rich I moved on to see and we almost forgot about you we're down here on number six now let's go right to so so we I just uh announced what C was pleasant Valley's request for Farmland preservation designation um Brett could you give us give everybody a little background on this that's EXA that's exactly what this is the property owner at uh Pleasant Valley Farm which is located right behind Walmart cross Route 40 is Seeking a Farmland Assessment of his property in the growth Zone we sent this over to the planning board for their review and it seems as though they agree with the request and see no inconsistencies with the master plan okay um the applicant is looking for a letter of support from the township for his um proposal to the County Agricultural board I believe they've already gotten County support I believe so yes all right so are we the last and then it would go to the state yes okay all right committee so basically they just wants this this property just for Farm F been a farm for forever right around 100 years yeah they just want to make sure it stays that way mhm and doing this um this precludes like years and years from now after they're you know gone that we still not I'm sorry we'll still not be able to build anything else there it deed restricts the property farming okay okay I'll entertain a motion so Move Motion we have a second I'll second it any motion is second are there any questions concerns Jane can we do a roll call vote on this please we can yes is this a straight motion or are we doing a resolution here you have a resolution we do not have them prepared I understood it was just a discussion yeah this is just uh us yeah it's just a draft a letter so we can just do a motion correct yeah yeah let's just do a motion okay very good thank you Mr CH yes Mr lws yes Mr Pali yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor sh yes oh yes thank you uh number four public hearing adoption of ordinances uh a ordinance 2068 2024 an ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits to establish a cap Bank in accordance with njsa 4A 44-454 um this is a public hearing anybody actually before we do that do do you just want to real quick I know we went over this before there might be somebody new here you never [Music] know so the budget law requires um to the appropriation cap limitations um when you're exceeding beyond the 25% which is allowable by law to increase another 1% to 3 and a half% um and this allows this doesn't U put you on the hook to raise taxes in any way um it just gives you the bandwidth in the event that we have an appropriation that could exceed the cap and we don't have a revenue to support it it doesn't have anything to do we could have a money tree with revenues um and we're not permitted to increase increase our Appropriations beyond that 3 and a half% with this Cola ordinance okay and it also allows to bank two years of those uh limitations okay thank you appreciate it uh this is a public hearing anybody in the public like to speak move to close public a motion and a second to close public portion all those in favor I all those opposed the eyes have it uh I'll entertain a motion to adopt this ordinance so move Motion in a second to adopt ordinance 2068 2024 are there any questions concerns R Paul please Mr cheek yes Mr lws yes Mr patali yes Dr Withers yes mayor Shanker yes oh yes thank you B ordinance 2069 d224 Bond ordinance of the township of Hamilton in the county of Atlantic state of New Jersey amending and supplementing the bond ordinance 20 34-223 reconstruction of the township fueling station finally adopted by the township on 320 2023 to increase the appropriation therein by $200,000 and to increase authorization of bonds or notes by $190,400 brilliant idea by the way thought the deputy mayor all right um this is a public hearing anybody in the public like to speak move to close public we have a motion to close the public portion we have a second are there any questions hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those oppos the eyes have it make a motion to move ordinance 2069 d224 second we have a motion and second to adopt ordinance 2069 2024 there any questions or comments just one question is this going to be the only increase I hope so all right that's it uh Jane Mr CH yes Mr loss yes Mr patali yes Dr Withers yes mayor Shanker yes all Yes uh introduction of ordinances public hearing will be held on March 4th 2024 excuse me and ordinance 20 2070 2024 an ordinance amending chapter 258 of the code of Township of Hamilton penalties for littering and illegal dumping so this is the ordinance we introduced last meeting that is going to find people and we did establish that this is both public and private property correct okay committee any questions so when you say private property how does a person illegally dump on somebody's property their own property Brett would you like to it's like any other illegal dumping they they don't illegal dumpers don't know if it's public or private there's a good chance that if they're trying to throw a couch out of the back of their pickup truck could land in somebody's private residence and this just gives us the ability to find the person if we catch them I mean I could see if the lot was empty but a house somebody come up there drop a couch on you seen it happen even but even empty lots like out in you know the whus section misp section of the township okay um empty lots people own empty lots out there and Tech typically they get filled up with trash it's just like our property out BR so so that I'm not reading more into this um does that preclude one from dumping something on their own property it's private that's that's more of a a Code Enforcement issue so that that has nothing to do with this the other thing that this does is it establishes a fe a fine schedule for littering heighten fine schedule for act for littering um Ken I think you raised that from up to what it was 100 up to $2,000 yes it increases the violation of the ordinance for littering there's some other uh Parts under that section for example overflowing trash cans or tires or or other uh violations and it does reinstate the uh the violation from $100 minimum up to 2,000 but the enhanced violations are for the legal dumping which goes from 2500 to the much larger penalty to the her uh to deter that type of action okay so let me ask this question because this is something that happens um out at leapy and in even at Underhill those trash cans get you know pretty full sometimes birds come in they pick and stuff up they lit it around will this you know will this open up a door for people to be fine for you know stuff that they have no control over in in in that in that respect well I [Music] don't you couldn't get a f for okay I just want to make sure that that doesn't become an issue not for an overflowing trash can but if you throw a bottle oh no you yeah absolutely absolutely yeah Ken's driving down the street and throws a tissue out the window he's he's getting fried for the record I would never do that just wanted to make an example just okay thank all right um what's your pleasure committee motion I'll second okay we have a motion a second for ordinance 2020 2070 2024 uh public hearing to be held March 4th um you want to do a roll call for this Mr Chek yes Mr laws yes Mr patali I just want to also say that there's up to a $1,000 reward for illegal dumping so just let people know keep an eye out and you could make a few shekels is that a yes yes that's a yes starting to Riot in here they're going to go crazy oh my God don't throw a gum wrapper out your window illegal dumping not just littering although I believe there is a fine for littering also so I'm going to put a camera right on my Dash we're going to catch everybody um Dr Witherspoon your vote Yes you're a yes I'm a yes I'm yes I'm sorry I thought I said yes I thought you did you did Dr withp yes mayor Shanker yes oh yes number six Awards bids contracts and change Wars a resolution awarding a contract to VSP vision care to provide vision insurance coverage for a 2-year period from 3124 to 22826 cost not to exceed $18,000 [Music] motion second a lot of glasses motion second or any questions concerns um I see on here that we have to sign this that we have to sign this on um lack of disclosure page three saying that we didn't um get a campaign contribution that's because the contract over 175 right I'm just wanted to make sure everybody saw that we have to sign it right they have to sign it that that they didn't they have they didn't contribute over okay because it's over 17 all right that's that's make all right uh any other questions roll call vot Please Mr cheek yes Mr L yes Mr patali yes Dr Withers yes mayor sh yes oh yes number seven consent agenda which is a lot of coin drops so a lot of coin keep your dollar bills handy uh what's your pleasure committee uh a through H right CU I want to discuss that okay we have a motion for a through H do we have a second second have motion second there any questions or concerns hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed guys have it uh let's talk about I resolution supporting the United States Department of Transportation proposal requiring that railroads maintain accurate electronic information about rail Hazmat shippings in a train mayoral uh I [Music] just wanted to to to I I I know Dr withis also wanted to pull this out um want to give us can you give us a little bit of background on this Brett I know this was brought up by uh this was requested by the uh River Council Fred Acres um he's looking for uh resolution of support um to the US do or increased notification if there's a um derailment uh of a train that is hauling um Hazmat materials specifically um at locations that cross the gr carba River that's what his concern was um this is just a resolution of support [Music] um to that cause there's been quite a few if you follow the news over the last couple years um in Ohio there was a a train that derailed and uh contaminated one of their largest rivers and there was U massive uations and things like that Downstream and this is just um in putting in place a more of a proactive alert system for for The Rail lines it's not specifically a railroad but like a Crossing where the it's the railroad crossings so um most of these are for freight trains not necessarily for passengers I I think what I was trying to do was imagine in my mind where the railroad you know CU it's like 23 of them in Hampton Township that's according to this resolution they're just Crossings yeah you know what I'm saying that's what I was trying to mhm actually most of the most of the crossings are outside of the township okay um there is one or two that are real close to the border near bua that gber Township um but again I he's probably seeking support from all the neighboring municipalities for this understand I understand but it wasn't specifically Hampton Township that's something no any Crossings um that would affect the great Egg Harbor waterers shed all right thank you Mr your pleasure committee I'll make the motion to adopt the resolution supporting US Department of Transportation proposal requiring the railroad to maintain accurate electronic information about real Hazmat shipments and a train second a motion and second or any more questions or concerns just one question now how would we we're supporting this I don't have no problem with it but how would this information who would be responsible for getting this information I'm sure it would go to uh the railroad railro companies are responsible give that information out right exactly so we would once we do this I mean p we go to Emergency Management Emergency Management okay that's thank you okay okay any other questions all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed the eyes habit Personnel a resolution appointing Christina lozitsky as qualified purchasing agent for the township of Hamilton effect of 11 2024 until a successor is named I that's a question I have no problem with this you say it's a until a successor his name are we looking for anyone else no that's just the language that we have to put in there for the qpa appointment that's fine thank you they always put that in there to mess us up I never saw that I'll move 8 I second Motion in a second are there any questions hearing none all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it nine approvals minutes regular minute meeting meeting minutes of February 5th 2024 I'll make a motion to approve the minutes from February 5th 2024 have a motion we have a second uh any questions hearing no questions all those in favor signify by saying I all those opposed the eyes have it uh B bills bill is total 1,669 78249 yeah I was pretty motion we have a motion we have a second second there a motion a second or any questions or comments question page three purchase order 24- 000010 the Landy County Treasurer for the central Municipal Court I know that we had as a town Town ship done a resolution to go to H mhm I understand that the judge rejected it which I didn't know that that was a part of the process MH and I understand that there was an appeal that was done where are they with with the appeal I don't believe there was an appeal was it it's still from understanding and the Ono discussion still under the discretion of the assignment judge and the AOC uh so it's my understanding that there're still reviewing uh that aspect of it uh and the resolution that was passed so it's my understanding there's not an official rejection as of now it's still on the review um but there is no pending appeal in a so Hamilton the lawyers from Hamilton did not appeal this that decision from the judge I'm not aware of any file and appeal so that means we're still locked in with the county yes we are still the county at moment I mean I don't agree with the judge's decision but you know I'm not the judge either I don't I I didn't agree with that decision because we done it in enough time and we would have saved the taxpayers a lot of money it would have saved us a lot of money just for the record you know I just had to say that of course you know people I mean things happen and you know it's out of our control I just never knew that the judge had to make the decision after the township had voted that's what I didn't understand I didn't know that the the discretion to allow the formation of joint municipal courts or Central mpal Court and the dissolution of Courts is ultimately up to the assignment judge his review and the AOC as well so that's a the stage where the process is at at the moment but it's still under review so it could reverse or it might not reverse it could be either approved or rejected at that point a decision would have to be made but it's my understanding is still on a review but he already rejected it so he didn't he didn't officially reject it he just has not approved it oh he has not approved it but it's still under review the plan hamon's plan is still being reviewed by the judge that's correct because and what I I'm just I just want for the record he approved the L City in pville I mean it's in the newspaper my knowledge that's correct right so I didn't understand why he approved them and didn't approve him in Township that was my issue our our understanding ultimately comes down to the feasibility and he's still collecting all the information to be able to report back to the stakeholders so that's what we're waiting this thank you any other questions hearing none can we get a roll call vote Please Mr cheek yes Mr lws yes Mr P tally yes Dr Witherspoon yes mayor Shanker yes uh reports Mr administrator um last Wednesday we met up I reported at the last meeting that we were going to meet up at the uh Powerhouse to have a demonstration on the new floodgates there um happy to report that they are fully operational at this time so the first phase of the dam replacement complete um they plan on starting the spillway projects Sometime Late summer um um late August early September so they're still on schedule original schedule good yes very good anything else Mr solicitor nothing for me thank you mayor Mr engineer just quickly uh the leapy field um roof is almost complete uh they're going to be tar papering it uh this week and then shingles should start in the next uh week or so um I'd like to thank the um Police Department for um finding someone that actually was out there uh and started operating a uh Machinery uh and on the property and the police department found this person these people and uh it it saved hopefully it it deterred people because they could have damaged the building and it would really would have been unfortunate for both you know the township and the um contractor so I wanted to thank the police for finding those people okay anything else uh that's it okay thank you uh Township committee Dr Witherspoon um I don't have a report but I do want to say that I saw in the report that there was going to be an Employee Appreciation Day in May I thought that was very nice you know for morale and I see that there's going to be uh on March the 23rd of pile Extravaganza at the head school from 12: to 2 I just wanted to make mention of that because it was inside of the report that's all I had to report okay thank you committee M um second annual Gail lates PTA basket Auction Saturday March 2nd 6 pm at the Davy School correct uh doors open at 4:30 so you can go in there and look at all the baskets last year how many baskets were there6 196 baskets um really had a good time lot of people a lot of a lot of fun um and last year they raised $117,000 for the PTA and that money is used to rent buses to take kids on trips to pay for the trips um because cuz obviously the money's just not there like it used to be so this is what gets those kids out to to see the to see the world other than their school so um like I said it was a really good time there's going to be a lot of baskets there's a lot of a lot of great things you can you can win there and uh really had a good time and um this year it's named after Gail lates who uh unfortunately we lost last year in April and she was a uh she was the she was the the go-to person for anything that had to do with the schools I mean you could if if somebody had a question about how to get kids in the school or anything you pick up the phone you call Gail and she was there and she would she really loved all the kids every kid in this town she loved and uh unfortunately we lost her too soon and it's really nice to see that the the PTA and the school um agreed to to name this function after her so that's that's really really nice um also I'd like to say I'd like to congratulate uh ACCC and their baseball team oh yeah for getting their own baseball field um I think that's really nice it's going to it could draw some more kids to ACCC um so having their own their own field I think uh will be a really good thing and um and maybe some of the younger kids in town that play baseball can go over there and catch a game watch some college some college baseball they uh currently they play down at the old stadium in Atlantic City um what's it called surf surf surf stadium and it's that that really wasn't able they weren't able to call that home you know they had to drive all the way out there so really nice to see them and and I'm happy to see the college investing in themselves and in our town so that's a really really good thing um other than that that's really all I have to say uh Reagan I'll see you soon Maddie miss you love you and I hope to see you soon thank you laws okay my turn yeah twist it up a little had a great meeting with um a couple nonprofits this week uh actually last week um uh one was uh a wish um gape Water international Safe Haven um they're looking uh to acquire U building um to help uh women who have been you you know um displaced battered of children and so on and so forth um but really interesting um Concepts as to how they you know wish to deal with it the uh director Miss Davis um supposed to been an hour meeting which turned into a three-hour meeting um with some local pastors um who've uh decided to give them their help um and I told I told them that you know we do whatever we can to help the citizens of Hamilton Township ship uh in that area also um so just uh happy to be you know to see our citizens our you know people in our community wanting to help people in our community um if you look at some of our neighboring towns like Atlantic City and you know Pleasantville and some of the other areas there's a lot of funding there a lot of money goes into those uh townships with programs and stuff like that we don't generally get that out here in Hamilton Township so to see someone um actually you know carrying that load for us is is helpful and uh I directed them to our Police Department uh told them reach out to um uh Chief San Bron in order to uh set up some type of uh relationship where they could get calls um anytime there's a issue um I think uh avanzar has been a a big um uh organization in this in this uh Township that does a similar thing but they handle not the township but they handle the entire County um and and they're big and they do a lot of great things this is kind of uh a breakaway piece of that so I'm really excited about that also met with uh Reverend Dawson this uh weekend who's uh hoping to uh develop a church here he does a lot of community events he lives here in our Township and uh he has a church down in Woodbine right now um they're doing some pretty great things um believe it or not you know what he's done in the community there has turned that Community around tremendously so I'd love to see that happen with our youth in Hamilton Township he's got the kids involved in um in the church pretty heavy and it keeps them out of you know Harm's Way and keeps them out of trouble um so I'm just very happy to report that those two organizations are are excited about doing some things here in Hamilton Township thank you minan CH thank you uh I batting bat clean up today following Mr Watkins and Brett around I too was at leapy field and like he reported there'll be under roof hopefully by next week and anyone in construction if you're under roof in February that's huge for the rest of the fit out come this spring so that was nice to see I also went to the PowerHouse to see the uh operation of the new gates and whatnot and very very impressive the whole operation was very impressive and someone in construction as long as I have it was just really neat to see I've never seen anything like that it was very enjoyable so that's my report thank you uh I have nothing to report so I'm just going to move to public comment anybody in the public like to speak go R ahead step up to the mic I real quick uh Bill Chrisman 539 pine needle drive and I'm also your representative to the great Egg Harbor River Council and I'd like to thank you uh for passing uh the resolution supporting this and though it got it doesn't explain exactly what it is but I'd like to take a moment to explain to you what you approved okay and I'd like to thank Brett for spending the time with Fred acres to get this to you uh it's really important as we know what we've seen over the last couple of years especially out in Ohio with the Palestine train accident it was brought to our attention at the river Council which we are one Hamilton Township is one of 13 municipalities in the great Egg Harbor wooder shed starts up in Berlin goes all the way down to Summers point though we don't have that many train crossings or over the river Crossings here in our Township there are many Crossings in the other 12 municipalities and it was brought to our attention about a year ago from Upper Township to the great Harbor River Council and it was asked because if you go down Route 50 going down um South you'll all see the Train the train Bridges going over great Cedar Creek and over Tu tuo River there's quite a few of them and they're not in real good shape and questions have Arisen since the palestin accident from fire departments wanting to know well what there are some trains going over these rivers and in our townships how do we know what what the trains that we see are carrying so they they brought that to to us to ask us do we know being we're a federally funded uh National Park Service committee the GRE Harbor River Council um do we know about the trains so we we inquired to find out what exactly is involved with these trains and we were surprised to learn learn man there's very little information and very little um demand put on these train carrying companies to to let us know what they're carrying so we went to the state of New Jersey and they said well basically we have some rules where if you see a train car it'll say is it toxic or not okay it's toxic or it's not toxic well that that kind of leaves a lot to to think about okay um if a train were in an accident either at a train crossing like you said Dr with a spoon or one of these Bridges maybe fails and and a train goes into tuckaho River how do we know what is in that train car we really don't so we then found out from the state that it's up to each municipality to come up with uh an ordinance or find out and set their own standards of how they want to address this with the train companies which are private and go through their municipality so we contacted train companies and they really didn't they kind of told us go pound sand it's really none of your business what we're carrying well it is it really is not that we We Care What They're carrying but we we really want to know if there were an accident or a tragedy sure how how do there our responders respond to it and and are they able to okay and even though the train may be marked as non-toxic we don't know what's in those train cores we don't know so as a river ccil we got together with all the representatives of the 13 municipalities including us and we came up with a resol resolution that will fit each municipality and we can go and register with the state so as you said you know yeah we will know they these train companies this will force them to let us know what it is their act what materials are they carrying through our municipalities and we need to know that it's for the safety of everyone and it's I think it's really important and and even though it doesn't affect us as much it does Upper Township and it doesn't up in Berlin and it doesn't further up if there would be a tragedy 10 miles out of our community that water would come down to us so we'd want to know how to deal with it also so I just want to I want to congratulate you thank you again Brett for your time put in with Fred Fred would be here tonight but he had some surgery on his shoulder and he's not in real good shape so uh Denise and I as your representatives would like to um thank you and and this is really an important thing it's more than just what it says written there but it's uh it's protection that I think our our waterers shed and and and as human beings we we need to know what's what's going in for better protection of the public so thank you again very much thank you thanks for bringing it to our attention so appreciate it anyone else in the public like to speak I'll keep it short um uh we wanted to thank the school board would like to thank you guys again for your support and speaking and and getting some of our actions out there so we appreciate it and two things came from our last meeting one is that we would like to establish a quarterly update a formal presentation to this uh body on what we're doing and uh report on some of our numbers such as the HIV which is a bullying numbers because uh still there's a lot of perception that there's still a lot of fights in our schools and um social media is not helping it the last one I think it was last weekend or two weekends ago there was a dance and it was reported that one of our teachers got his leg broken and the school was going to be closed for two days uh two weeks was it two weeks I two weeks I think um the reality was that there was a some kid uh got shoved by the bathroom and as the teacher was responding out there um he I guess slipped on his own foot and just stumbled didn't fall over didn't break a leg um so we want to help try to get rid of some that misnomer and then in full disclosure get their numbers I mean the numbers you if you come to our school board you can see the numbers because we present them but use this platform to get them out to a wider audience um along with anything else you guys would like to hear about and then additionally we'd like to also offer and extend um what we did for Mr laws and that was to take you guys on a tour the schools because it's uh you know Bobby law has been there quite a bit and um he hadn't been in the buildings for a few years and from his perspective it's changed a ton and so we'd like to extend that to you guys as well and keep it more ad hoc than than um a formal date where you know the the concern about us trying to you know make sure we only have good kids in the hallways and stuff like that uh it was kind of I was late to a meeting and uh the superintendent took around the building and so it wasn't planned and got to see what it was really like um in in davies's because we do agree two years ago it was an issue and we've worked very hard for the last two years cleaning up the hallways with lots of different activities including changing out a lot of administration and uh we'd like to show you the results of that and help U help help have you guys help us just you know get rid of some of the rumors that it's still a you know like combat zone if you will I'd like to say um thank you I know um at our last meeting I mentioned that I I love the fact that you come in and actually report to us the fact that you're willing you know to do that that's impressive we've never had that um and I think to your point um it's important to dispel myths you know at least here you have a platform where you can reach the masses I know you go to a Schoolboard meeting and it's probably crickets it's probably not a whole lot but a lot of people want to complain but they don't show up you know when when there's meetings um I like to say that that that your willingness to come in and actually report to us and you've been doing it on your own um but I just I want to applaud you and and in the school board and your superintendent what a great job you guys are doing um and I think what you guys are doing there can actually work outside of the the school also um um and how we uh work with our children how we address our our kids in the community so yeah and we're contining trying to extend into the community and we look for any opportunities so forth so I want to say thank you and um like just for your awareness last month we reported we had in the month of uh January we had one fight across all the schools MH so even though people said that we had I think seven fights the other day it was actually ESS that had the fights yes and um we we moved our buses around just to what the police department had suggested uh because there was continued presence in l escalations in some of the neighborhoods that we're going to have to drop kids off in so we we uh held our buses a little bit longer just so the police could do their job and we weren't injecting more kids into a potential problem and that was interpreted as there was a fight in our school and there was guns and knives and all kinds of crazy stuff so we're never going to get rid of the rumors but um if we can expose more light on it and um get reach to more of an audience we'd like to be able to do that and we like to use your platform if possible so so social media is always much more exciting than real life I don't understand why or how that happens I guess there was a big fight teachers breaking their legs yeah and I think it's a good idea that you know at least this is an opportunity that people can not only people that are here but the people that watch the videos can uh understand what's really going on and I'm sure there's a lot of parents out there that are concerned and you know they're hearing that this is going on in the schools when it's not true um but unfortunately Facebook it's on Facebook we even have teacher uh we have parents or people that say they are parents and then they uh say that their child they said there was a fight and the first thing we do is we look up in our role decks to see if there because we found them 75% of them don't even have kids they don't even live in our state and whatever reason they not find it fun to start rumors like that so yeah wow and we we had pretty good relationships with most of these uh people that own these particular pages mhm and then we can get them removed uh when we find there's truly misinformation so yeah yeah sad but unfortunately it's true thank you all right thank you Dr Nelson Dr Nelson may I ask one question real quick um to your point about the uh the relationships you guys have with the uh social media companies does that give you guys uh the ability to see what's happening with kids and like that are doing the bullying and stuff like that and you know cyber bullying and stuff does that give you guys any um Insight yeah so we know the moderators that's about as far as it goes reach out to them and say hey can you remove this post we used to have some pages including the PTA okay but it was a full-time job to moderate it okay and it was became so negative we shut it down and we had thousands of followers wow um which of most of them weren't even in our Township so we again we found that it was more Nega doing more damage than good so we shut down for that reason but yeah the only interaction we have is with the moderators and ask them in favors to shut you know remove a thread because it's causing harm versus excellent thank you thank you again anyone else from the public like to speak Frank shanin member of the Atlanta County Board of Agriculture and uh New Jersey Farm Bureau we would like to thank you for your support of Mr burner's uh resolution thank you you're welcome you're welcome anyone else make a motion to close public comment second motion second any questions concerns all those in favor signify by saying I I all those opposed the eyes have it uh we will now adjourn to Executive session with the proper motion U mayor yes I just wanted to say what an excellent job did the township Tax Collector's annual report was okay I meant to mention that yeah okay phenomenal job it was phenomenal job I just wanted to make sure I said that for the record okay um we need a motion to adjourn to Executive session we will excuse me we will not be coming back out right okay we have a motion I'll make a motion second any questions all those in favor signify by saying I I I all it's opposed guys have it all right up