good evening everyone I would like to call the March 5th 2024 Hamilton Council uh meeting to order this meeting is being held with the benefit of public uh open public meetings act uh as required by uh public notice by as required by the open public meetings act um Madam clerk can I please have the role Miss Phillips here Mr wh here Mr Ty here Mr Carabelli here Mr is absent uh ladies and gentlemen please rise for the uh salute to the flag and then please remain standing for the invocation plge Alle to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all dear Lord continue to watch over us let us remember to seek love and compassion in our relationships with others and not Glo over praise or let Pride blind us from your will let us continue to pray for those suffering loss or depression as always continue to bless our country and Township and may we as a government represent the best interest of our community we ask all these things in your name amen amen amen Madame clerk first up we have the minutes from December 19th 2023 yes for your consideration can I have a motion I'll make a motion to approve a minutes I'll second roll call Mam CL Miss Phillips yes Mr yes Mr yes Mr yes Z next we have communications see1 is the joint Proclamation from mayor and Council for Irish heritage month 2024 I'm going to let councilman Ty uh read that um Commendation that Proclamation course us sure whereas Hamilton Township has a rich tradition of cultural and ethnic diversity is evidenced by the background and Heritage of its citizens and whereas long before The Great Wave of Irish immigration in the 1840s people of Irish ancestor ancestry were defining and defending our nation as Irish born Commodore John Barry and general Steven Mand f for our country's Independence and whereas the story of the Irish and America and Hamilton Township is an important part of the history of our country and this month in particular on St Patrick's Day we pay tribute to Americans of Irish descent who have shaped our nation and influenced American life and whereas Hamilton Township's Irish American community and citizens alike will celebrate the Irish heritage through St Patrick's Day parades a galic mass Irish flag raisings and cultural celebrations and events now therefore be it jointly resolved by Mayor Jeffrey s Martin and this Council of the township of Hamilton in the county of Mercer in the state of New Jersey that the industry talent and Imagination of the Irish Americans have enriched our Commerce and our culture their strong record of public service has fortified our democracy their strong ties to Family Faith and community of strengthen Hamilton Township's character and the Irish are a significant reason why Americans will always be proud to call ourselves a nation of immigrants and be a further resolved by Council that in recognition of the Heritage and character of the Irish American citizens of Hamilton and that in this time of celebration of their Heritage we do hereby Proclaim March 2024 Irish heritage month in Hamilton Township and we call upon all hamiltonians to observe this month by celebrating the contributions of Irish Americans to our nation thank you councilman Tha next up we have communications uh to this is for the St Patrick's brand Marshals worthy individuals and I have uh uh councilman um whan who's going to do the pleasure of reading that Proclamation this is a resolution of commendation to Kevin and MaryAnn mirer 2024 Grand Marshals the 37th annual St Patrick's Day Parade whereas Kevin John and MaryAnn Mera are bestowed the honor of being selected the 2024 Grand Marshal for the 37th annual St Patrick's Day parade and well as Kevin and MaryAnn are lifelong area residents born in Trenton and resided in Hamilton for 50 years Kevin being one of eight siblings and MaryAnn one of three and whereas Kevin and MaryAnn have two married children Killian and the spouse Kate and Kelly rose and Mike two granddaughters ke uh Cali Ray and feter Rose and her oldest son Kevin otherwise known as KC who passed away in 2008 and whereas Kevin and Maryanne are founding members of award-winning nonprofit organization City of Angels which is formed as a first ever all volunteer community-based Grassroots Recovery Center and both have been recognized for their chatable work in the community as well as obtained several awards from multiple organization and be jointly resolved by Mayor Jeffrey s Martin and the Council of Township of Hamilton in the county of Mercer in the state of New Jersey that Kevin and Maran mirror will be and hereby are commended for the honor bestowed upon them by their peers in the Irish Community and be a further resolve that best wishes are extended to the mirror family may you have all the happiness and love luck that life can hold and at the end of your rainbows may you find a pot of gold very nice councilman wh next up we have C3 which is for the um Miss St Patrick the resolution of commendation thank you thank you president resolution of commendation whereas Kayla Nicole Adam has been bestowed the honor of being selected as the 2024 Miss St Patrick for the 37th annual St Patrick's Day parade and was awarded a committee scholarship by the original St Patrick's Day parade and scholarship committee and whereas Kayla attends New Egypt High School where she is a member of the Honor Society student government peer leaders and the global education Academy and whereas Kayla is a three-season varsity athlete and serves as team captain in soccer basketball and Lacrosse Kayla has officially signed her National letter of intent to play Division One lacrosse at St Francis University in Loretto Pennsylvania next year and major in secondary education and whereas Kayla is the oldest of David and Joanne Adam and is the oldest sister to Madison and be it jointly resolved by Mayor Jeffrey s Martin and the Hamilton Township Council in the count County of Mercer and the state of New Jersey that Miss Adam is hereby commended for her selection as Miss St Patrick 2024 Kayla Nicole Adam and be it further resolve sincerest wishes for her continued success good health and much happiness in the years to come and to always remember the teachings and keepings of the Irish Community thank you councilwoman Phillips uh next we have item C4 Jo Proclamation recognizing March 29th 2024 Vietnam War Veterans Day C5 is a joint Proclamation recognizing March 2024 as women's History Month um with the theme women who advocate for diversity equity and inclusion and C6 is a joint Foundation recognizing March's colal recor colal rectal cancer awareness month in Hamilton Township any further comments before we move forward with the accommodations um as a whole seeing none can I have a motion I'll make the motion I'll second roll call Madam clerk the motion Miss Phillips yes Mr wh yes K yes Mr Carabelli yes yes is for Z before we get into the consent agenda I want to jump the agenda and move us to um the last ordinance um because we have a presentation um representative from the solar develop LLC uh Sops um an important project economic development project for our town I want to commend uh the mayor along with the administration especially Fred uh who's here with us this evening who played a significant role uh and bringing this to fruition uh so Fred why don't you take it away and introduce our guest speaker uh thank you council president um the history of this project is that uh uh for years the mccrany family had a dump they located on their property um back uh over 20 years ago there was a deed written giving that um that property to the township that deed was never executed uh back in 2020 uh with uh Township attorney Alysa shreer we for closed on the property and put a proposal together to build a solar farm that time I don't want to get into the specifics of it but we have Ryan Malone from Sals tonight who explained to you and we think this is a uh extremely uh important project moving forward in Hamilton Township thank you Ryan thank you for being here this evening and just so you're aware I did especially print out this these numbers and if you can't see it extremely significant for us as a Township so we're excited about this project if you can give me a little bit more um and uh tell me a little bit about the agreement and uh your dealings with the township I would appreciate it sure thank you Mr President Council numers Fred it it's been a pleasure I'm a Hamilton myself I live in Township my my wife grew up in town Sops I founded the company around 13 years ago I'm the president the founder we've developed and built roughly three billion of solar projects in 29 States across the United States 100 megawatts of them roughly a quarter of a billion on landfills in other states um we're honored to be able to do this to my hometown and be able to bring this opportunity to the township and the Really the idea about it is to our company was always founded on how to give back and create value for the town for the public um utilizing solar as a vehicle to do that and the landfill creates that dual opportunity right because it's land that's needs to be utilized for a more beneficial purpose it's already been cleaned up and how can we do that in this particular case we're going to build solar on the existing landfill everything with Environmental Compliance so we'll get a post closure use permit um as we've done in the past so we don't compromise any of the Environmental Protections and restrictions that are on the landf we build simply on top of it all over supervised by our engineers and approved by the town engineers and as a result that what we'll do is we'll prepay a lease for that particular land in the Tomb of $114,000 we'll also now put it on the rent rolls at the tomb of I believe it's $30,000 a year might be actually higher than thatly $330,000 a year for 15 years as a pilot payment so we generate that Revenue above and beyond that what we're going to do is we're going to sell the power at a substantial discount to the town which will generate another $2 million in savings projected over the next 15 years given inflationary risks it might actually be higher than that but overall you're looking at a 15-year benefit in value to the town of $3.4 million at a cost to the town of0 that's really something that we think is a great public private partnership I can't thank Fred Dumont and the mayor enough in their support we had drafted a legislation for remote net that really allows this through their support and work directly with the governor's office it really came to fruition and was signed earlier this year that now makes us gives us the ability to move forward um so there will be future presentations in more detail about the design in front of the planning board as the Redevelopment agency later on um and then certainly answer questions then but to the extent you have any questions now that I can answer for you I'm happy to do so can I just ask a quick question R just if you can simply put this one together the energy piece which shows the 1.9 million roughly little over 1.9 million almost 2 million in electric electricity cost savings for over the 15 years MH how does that um benefit the township resident is it is it goes directly into how does that work I just just so I understand the grid sure so how it's calculated is we look we get a copy we got a copy of 12 months of electricity bills from the town lot bills and we looked at the rate that the town was paying and what that rate equat to at particular time was a variable power rate of somewhere around 10 cents actually a little bit higher now but roughly around 10 cents the kilowatt hour yeah people may try to look at it and try to break it down it's kilowatt hours it's not all other things like demand charges which are KW charges versus kwh charges so we go through a whole analysis of it but that was roughly it and that's a conservative number it's likely higher but that's what the bills we had two and a half years ago were so we looked at that we looked at the rate that we would charge for power which is only going to be 8 and. half cents and literally that entire savings is just a reduction of what the town is going to have to pay so it's a savings that the town's going to pay versus what it would otherwise pay for the utility bills we assume that the utility rate would only escalate at 1.8% a lot of developers assume a higher price because they try to sell you on a higher number we use the department of energy and their research analysis to determine that number um that's typically what has been over the past 20 years in the state of New Jersey for commercial utility bills um but you're seeing some higher amounts so I would expect that given inflationary pressures it'll be a great greater than the 1.9 million that is 1.9 million that'll be saved annually the breakdown that's a conservative figure right it's a conservative figure the total utility savings projected in the first year is $90,000 year two is 95,000 and it continues to go up so that um because the projected inflationary rate of power is higher than what we're charging um by year 10 you're saving $150,000 a year and by the end of the contract at the 15year statute limitations you're at $176,000 year so if the town then elected to continue it because the solar facility as we build it has a life span of 35 years so if the town wanted to continue that contract um because it's limited to 15 years it could do that and if we kept maintaining the same numbers then you would continue that savings for another 15 years do you know roughly um what percentage of the uh Township's energy need will be filled by the solar field for the bills that we were provided and not sure if we got the entire Township or if we got a segment of them but for the bills we provided it was going to be a 90% offset entirely of the usage so you're going to be almost entirely 100% solar we as a company have historically never gone to 100% um just for the risk of you implement Energy savings things like that we don't ever want to see a situation where you're paying for energy that you don't really get the benefit of you carry those credits forward it's how works but we don't like to put customers in those situations so we always kind of underbuild rather than overbuild to but councilman that's Township buildings we're talking about not private buildings right just Township there's not a single private meter attached to this it is all Township meters so it's all Township accounts W one Fell Swoop all reable and Ryan what uh do you you have to cap the site I'm imagining like I'm envisioning like capping it and putting the solar panels above the cap right that the landf was actually closed in 1977 it's already been capped it has the deed restrictions and Engineering controls in it okay um because there was some Wastewater some groundwater treatment facilities and monitoring that was in place so we don't compromise the cap um that it's that exists there already so the ballting that you utilize to keep the the solar in place is pour in place so um we simply bu it and pour it in there as we build it so there's no penetration of the actual itself itself for cognizant when we actually put the gravel roads for Access and like that as far as where the engineers put them this this landfill interestingly is ideal for solar a lot of times we do them they're on very steep slopes um there's a lot of geotechnical and subsurface work that we have to do because we get concerned about something called subsides where the arrays laying out and all a sudden certain things sag because you have underground fires or different types of um landfill materials that may may Decay and result in voids that sink and can create compromise the cap structure in the solar system this landfill doesn't have those features it's it's an IDE ideal one to do is really the first of its kind in the state of New Jersey under this program to benefit the town have yeah it's a great swing from a nearly worthless property to a tremendous benefit uh to the township to build this solar field and I know this isn't the only Brown field that director Duma and the mayor are working on uh you know bringing back to productive use uh you know I know you've been working for quite some time and there a lot of involved in these types of projects um and you know tonight's agenda is is evidence of the uh you know just the ongoing work uh by the administration to you know really just see through with a project like this that's going to benefit the people for you know decades to come so uh thank you thanks for your presentation no and thank you for that and if I can reiterate that it has been a collaborative effort I mean with with with with from the union in town um with the mayor's office Fred all the way up to the governor's office really to try to get this moving forward so it's nice to see everybody working uh collaboratively and to get something moving with it Ryan commented on but uh I want to congratulate his company for making a commitment to hire uh 100% local uh individuals to work on their jobs so Hamilton people working on Project yeah and historically we started in New Jersey um one of the biggest projects we did was a fex New York airport and and there we've always had a tremendous relationship with the ibw including Wayne and his local um and the rest of them throughout the state and we've always utilize them for our projects and you know an opportunity to keep those guys busy and keep working with them is always a wonderful thing um we we trust them imminently with what they build and they buil top-notch projects for us in the past I'm sure we'll do nothing less of the same here that's great to hear um how long of a construction period are we talking about like it's only nine months once we start construction so the only hangup we have here is the May the the governor signed the bill but it's subject to BPU ising rules so we're in design right now we're expecting to be able to come before the planning board for the formal redeveloper uh planning approval of the design starting that process hopefully in late April okay and and and May and then submit everything to psng for the interconnect again under the program if they come back and say hey we can't give you a green light because the BPU hasn't passed the rules then we may be delayed by four months or so while we go back to the governor's office and and Wayne um as the as the chair of the environmental committee to kind of push the BP to get those rules so we can get this moving um it wouldn't be a it would just be a delay nothing's going to compromise the project going forward it's just a matter of timing but our hope is to be able to break ground hopefully by sometime in September so that this is operational for the peak production periods next June next June July excellent excellent any other questions from Council phenomenal project no than everybody thank you thanks I just need to read the title yeah I'm sorry sorry about that um so ordinance 44-15 the ordinance authorizing the execution of a solar lease agreement between the township Hamilton who is the owner and solop Hamilton solar Redevelopment LLC the developer for the property known and identified as block 2154 Lot 12 what's the number on that block what block ordinance first reading it's under first reading thank you this is under first reading introduction are we skipp to Y so on this can I get a motion yeah we'll make a motion on this now and that way it's out of the way so I'm no I'm sorry I was incorrect it's Lot 21 214 oh it's not 2154 it's 21 that's the block I had the lot wrong the lot on my agenda it says 12 but on the ordinance it says 21 okay oh okay all right so so council president I'll move on ordinance number 424 d015 on first reading and introduction I'll second that motion Miss phips yes Mr yes Mr Ty yes Mr yes okay that brings us to thank you Ryan thank you Fred I appreciate you appearing this evening and thank you for all your work on this project um just going to jump into the consent agenda I want to give a quick summary of some of the major topics that are on the consent agenda this evening uh first up we have Britney rtis assuming acting uh Deputy clerk role at our next meeting in March God speeds both Britney and I at that next meeting um we also have appointments to the special needs advisory commission we have several Grant applications and approvals one is going to assist with with significantly the 9911 infrastructure improvements needed uh one is also a grant to the municipal Alliance on drug and alcoholism and we have a grant for an electric charging station which will accommodate an electric P PW vehicle to our Fleet uh there's also a New Jersey DOT required resolution stipulating no left turns out of the pending chipotes on uh Route 33 and White Horse merville Road uh there's also an HVAC uh system improvements at Water Pollution Control um and Mercerville fire stations we also have Paving projects for Engle Boulevard in Woodside Avenue and finally we have reimbursements on the agenda this evening any comments or questions for my Council colleagues you know uh another uh green project with the charging station and the uh this is the uh garbage truck this is a garbage yes it's it's it's the public so Contin need progress y and we got a grant to do it y okay anyone else no I'm I I went over to consent agenda I'm pretty good with it anyone else from the public wishing to comment on our consent agenda this evening step right [Music] up John is going a CR 32 Trinity Avenue Corell Heights I always love how you look at me when you say anybody want to uh this left hand turn on 33 and white horse M they're not built yet right are they're going to be where the gas station was yeah that's where the chipot is going and it's uh hasn't been built yet so there's no left turn coming out onto 33 sorry that's the intent right so it's a drive-thru I I guess it's going to I guess you'll enter in off a white horse and come out on the 33 meaning no left Teran so You' only be able to go right I have a look at the plans but I'm I'm just thinking of my head that's got to be the reason why they don't want you making a left they don't want the d The Dot basically doesn't want you make making anybody making a left under 33 like going across several several Lanes of traffic to come back towards the town hall so we're out of luck okay we'll see how many people follow the direction just like the farmers market to make a left how many people learn hard which there's definitely a learning curve in some of those projects yeah thank you thank you CH anyone else seeing none can I have a motion Council pres go ahead council president seeing no further public comment I move to close public comment and move on consent agenda items CA 1 through ca1 17 I'll second that roll call Madam clerk on the motion Miss Phillips yes Mr yes Mr Ty yes Mr Carelli yes pass SC zerance 1249 is ordinance amending and supplementing the code of the township of Hamilton New Jersey chapter 485 vehicles and traffic Article 2 parking section 48519 handicapped parking this is repealing space establishment at 225 Park Lane by ordinance 14003 this is second reading and public hearing any comments from my Council colleagues any comments from the public seeing none can I have a motion council president I'll move on second reading of ordinance number 24-9 and a second I'll second roll call Madam clerk on the motion Miss Phillips yes Mr wh Mr Ty yes carel yes score Z ordinance 24-10 this is an ordinance authorizing the acquisition of certain real property located at 1766 and 1768 eastate Street in the township of Hamilton designated as block 1637 lock 7 and six of the Hamilton Township tax map for the public purpose of affordable housing and the protection of public health and safety this is second reading in public hearing the scope of the uh Redevelopment of the bronley fire property continues to expand so we're going to be able to do something nice there when all is said and done uh yes Council yes councilman these are the last two remaining properties so right now if you're look if you're standing on East State Street don't do that just hypothetically if you're standing on East State Street uh you're looking at what is the whole we own one house now to the left from em& domain so so that that's where it ends on that side if you're looking to the right we own everything except for these two and then the last one which is the one before the liquor St liquor store so we own that one so these the the two to to that one on the on the to the left on the right side and in between the The Treehouse what we call the Treehouse and and this last house that we've bought so these are the last two remaining I've had very I've offered um I've sent letters to the landlords to the owners um with the appraisals already and I've gotten no response back so this ordinance would give me the power designated by you all to actually start the process of eminent domain um which is essentially s similar process where I still have to once again tell them number one I have this power to do on behalf of the township but number two these are these are the appraisals please um send me a separate appraisal but I can then move to litigation if I need to it gives me one more tool that you know we'd rather not use we'd rather have just negotiated a sale but um in order for us to to finalize this project tear everything down and build something safe and affordable and deed restricted for our residents is the ultimate goal and and the courts have allowed me to allowed this this power of eminent domain for affordable housing because we won that case in Robinsville so good the owners have been non-responsive correct I've I've gotten one I've gotten some phone calls back from a from a manager but she is hard to pin down and hard to talk to so and that's only for one of the one of the houses the other house have had absolutely no contact with so this once this once this ordinance is passed and put into law then I can send it along Del L A little yeah I have a I have a little bit more they they might pay attention to me more at which point that I can negotiate in a typical scenario the owner would come up with their own appraisal and we would come up with ours and try to identify a me Point by law I required to turn square corners which is the term that's used municipalities have to turn square corners we can't unlike in private negotiations where you could be like oh my bathroom is in perfectly good condition just don't flush the toilet um you know where so when you're selling a house or buying a house in private you can kind of fudge a little bit I cannot do that I I have to get an approved appraiser property appraiser to give a true appraisal of fair market value which is what a and which is defined by law as what the price what a um seller would reasonably offer that a buyer would re reasonably accept and would reasonably pay for the for for the for the price at fair market value um so I have my appraisals already for these two properties we then have the owner get his appraisals and appraisals are usually done by looking at uh similar properties in similar neighborhoods with similar as similar quality of housing uh so just because there's a house in Hamilton that is sold for a million dollars in a certain area doesn't mean a town house in on East State Street will sell for a million million dollars um so they have to show comparables that are true comparables and then if there is a difference then we can negotiate and so I can then bring the new their appraisal to you and say listen my appraisal says let's say $100,000 their appraisal says 250 we have negotiated and we've come to an agreement that the seller and us as the buyer will will will come to a price of 175 I have to bring that back to to you all you need to look at their appraisal you need to evaluate whether that that is a fair price that we're willing to Su spend for for the house um I will tell you also that when we have been doing arms length negotiations for example this last house that we're doing because we are tearing it down I have told the the seller to go in and say you know you just put in a new water heater take it you just put in new um whatever something nice you you've upgraded something in the house go in take it out because I'm just going to tear it down and put it in a dumpster so I'd rather them get some more value in addition to what we're paying them than them just walking away so that those are ways in which I try to fairly deal with the sellers okay thank you any other questions Council public seeing none council president seeing no members of the public wishing to comment I move that we close uh the public comment portion on on ordinance 24- 010 on second reading I'll second roll call Madam clerk on the motion Miss Phillips yes Mr yes Ty yes Mr car 4 Z ordinance 3 24-11 is an ordinance adopting the municipal building Redevelopment plan for an area in need of Redevelopment pursuant to njsa 40a col 12 A-1 at SEC lock 1922 locks 5 and 7 second reading and public hearing any comments from no comments here any comments from the public this is the new Municipal complex and and School Administration building planned on White Horse mercille Road another step in the process okay step closer so that project uh for everyone's uh didn't get a chance to do the public hearing that was um the Dateline for that one would be completed construction would be completed summer of 2026 yes Lisa Williams finer L do we have any written agreement yet with the school district that they are going to participate in this is if they back out we have we now have a I'm going to refer that property that we're not using so no we don't have anything written yet because that's still being discussed what the terms of the the actual agreement are so there's been agreement in the many meetings that we've had so so far in fact they've helped us in looking at the different design options and things like that and what their needs are so they're fully involved in the process up until this point but when it comes down to square footage in there what a lease option is going to be and all the things that go into a lease that's that still has to be discussed between both parties so um it's not likely that they're going to back out because I think they've been so respons up until this point and so is the township so we have a very good working relationship with them thank you thank you Lisa good question um Kathy do we expect that agreement probably by in the next few months I would I would assume right we would have something in place I think that's the plan that you know at least before this summer we're going to be sitting down with them and starting to out some of the det before us right uh sure absolutely so and and and not they they've been like Kathy said they've been working hand inand with us with the design their ideas their concepts of the area that they're going to use and I'm I I feel confident that prior to putting a shovel in the ground that we'll have an agreement in place yeah you know they don't want to have to issue bonds and and do their own project yeah their process is totally different so that's why you know this is a very good arrangement for them as well as for us wouldn't look good especially with the community backing it the way they are right now abolutely with the community being on board for the for the school board to back out of it I I think it would be a bad Lu for them it's a great this is a plus for them great example of cooperation uh you know in government kind of streamlining really another example of that um they've been great yeah they've been great the whole time and they have an Absol building that they need to get out of kind of like kind of like we do right so okay okay see no further comments from the public okay council president I'll make a motion to close public comment and move on ordinance 324-1127 fees section 25-6 Department of Health Recreation senior and vetor and services and section 25-13 Township property lease and rental fees policies council president Inu sorry sorry Alis council president I move ordinance 24- 012 on first reading okay second second on the motion Miss PHS yes Mr yes Mr Ty yes Mr Carell yes score zero ordinance 2 24-3 is a bond ordinance providing Aid to the municipal building Redevelopment project located in the Redevelopment area identified as block 1922 Lots 5 and seven Pon by the township of Hamilton and the county of Mer New Jersey appropriating 60 million therefore and authorizing the issuance of 60 million bonds or notes of the township to finance the cost thereof first reading and introduction council president I move ordinance number 22 24-0 13 on first reading and introduction I'll second it roll call Madam CL M Phils yes C yes Mr whor Mr car yes 4 ordinance 324 014 is an ordinance amending supplementing the code of the tach of panel to New Jersey part two general legislation chapter uh 442 swimming pools first reading and introduction council president I'll make a motion to first read an introduction of ordinance 34-14 I'll second that roll call M Phillips Mr yes yes car yes pass 4 Z that brings us to uh comments from the public yes a hand yes yes [Music] okay what's interesting about what you do about this oh John GL 432 AV cor Heights uh about the solar panels where is this solar panel thing going to be built M it's almost um it's almost in the area where the old mccrany was and where the um huh patteron Avenue area but nobody knows patter it's behind Colonial firehouse that's where it is colous oh okay got you all right yep uh because I I was going to talk about there were supposed to be solar panels built on U sweep ryer Y and I don't know that not that we complaining that they haven't gone through but uh if they canned it the option was possibly that we would buy the land so no other thing could go there and the other thing is there are so many trees and all have just Fallen I mean that looks a disaster is there any way to make that guy clean that property up I mean huge trees have just Fallen right alongside the road sweet Bryer yeah sweet Bryer right along sweet Bryer I mean it looks like a disaster area I mean it's all woods and everything but I mean have with the wind and all blue everything down and it's really a messy mess and there's some litter in there and everything and stuff like that so uh that was one thing enforcement yeah and um when you're talking about the for the new Municipal Building what are you going to do with this building is this turning into something can be a museum I think it's Museum there's a there's not an agreement yet but it's with the school district it'll be part of the agreement with the school district and it'll be turned over to them then they can use this obviously to make any other improvements that they need to for whether it's to change it into some other it used to be a school at one point so yeah like poor Greenwood school God yes and that that's the idea so that's part of a larger plan that the board of bed will have but the property will go to them oh okay all right would be nice if they school for there and uh and the other thing I was I mean I didn't know about I didn't go to the library that often but I want to donate some books because we're having a book sale on Saturday and they have which I thought was pretty neat from the animal shelter they had the pictures of animals that you could adopt and they also have binders a cat binder and a dog binder of all and really nice I mean though they look like professional pictures of the animals sitting there and about the animals you want to adopt it I thought that was really cool I see so uh that's very good so did you adopt one no I don't be afraid maybe not this we don't keep looking well you you kind of have to be home a lot and all that I know c yeah I don't want you to miss a council meeting that's it that's know to do it that we got a forum now I'm glad to know all we missed okay Steve release it any seeing none moveing to my Council colleagues any comments let's see how much time do I have for now I appreciate as always everybody coming out especially with the weather being in Clement Let's uh hope uh that um for those who do celebrate the St Patrick's Day parade and their Irish heritage that the the weather will cooperate on Saturday so we can get this off uh on Saturday and I'll have to wait two more Saturdays after that to finally get the parade completed so you know it's a nice time I think it's a great event for the community right everybody seems to to enjoy the the St Patrick's Day Parade whether you're Irish or not every everybody tries to be so if you get a chance to go out and put a chair out hopefully the weather cooperates and you can have an enjoyable afternoon for a few hours and enjoy the festivities other than that uh appreciate everybody coming and have a good night thank you council president um thank you again to you all of you who always are here for for us have good questions and feedback for us um I just want to mention in addition to the parade on Saturday Nottingham High School is hosting their very first indoor percussion and color guard exhibition and competition so you can attend the parade and then head over to Nottingham it goes doors are 4 to 7 um doors open at 3 and you can go to the Nottingham website you can scan and actually buy your tickets ahead of time I have to mention also cuz my daughter is going to be starting in collar guard so very proud of her it's her first competition but it's also a Rainer shine so if we but I plan to do the parade and then head over to Nottingham but thank you again I hope you have a good night thank you so another $177,000 in Grants on tonight's agenda uh this is for green energy renewable energy multiple green um you know multiple green projects Advanced on tonight's agenda with the solar field with the green uh truck that we're buying the charging station uh so it's just great to see us inching up that percentage of renewable energy in the Solar field is just going to be a real leap ahead for that so uh really uh great moment uh frankly for the township uh and the progress on the on the Bramley fire you know in each one of these uh projects whether it's the uh Township building the bronley fire project the uh solar field on the uh on the uh landfill it just it's just evidence of uh the continued um attention to um the steps needed to get these projects done projects that uh in some cases have needed to be done for decades uh we're just seeing uh this Administration put the effort into uh getting these things done for for the residents so uh good meeting thank you thank you councilman Tha um keep my my comments very brief this evening I just wanted to once again congratulate the mirrors uh tremendous family has uh really a uh strong roots here in Hamilton and what they do for those struggling with addiction is tremendous Kevin does a phenomenal job uh just wanted to make that Point uh chudy and I happened to be at the lunch in and we also met Miss St Patrick uh really impressive young lady um who really represents both uh the grand Marshals and Miss St Patrick represent um yeah had a great great athlete um represent um strongly the strong Irish uh Heritage that we have in this Township and uh looking forward to the St Patrick's Day Parade on this Saturday um God willing the weather holds out for us um and just you know just to reiterate with what Rick had mentioned some significant Grant projects I mean how can you not like the project that was just brought before us uh this evening and and I didn't get to say this to Fred when he was here but just some of the economic development activity that's going on um you know some of the development that's taking place along 33 uh some of the new restaurants that are coming in so it's um I think it's full steam ahead we're doing some good projects and uh I like the way the administration is uh uh handling themselves as we move into 2024 so thank you for all for uh coming out this evening we'll see you all on March 19th meeting in jur except oh that's right