C council meeting to order this meeting is being held with the benefit of public notice as required by the open public meetings act madley you please call the role Mr here Mr here Mr here here just just so everyone's aware tonight we're at our audio is out so we're trying to uh speak as loud as we can possibly be um so just just know when you come up to the podium you don't have to speak into the microphone obviously so um but we're going we're going we're taking the audio actually on this uh phone right now so um hopefully that captures everything um can we please rise for the invocation we please FL remain standing the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation individual dear God we pray for our world and our country let us show respect to one another and always focus on what we have in common and debate peacefully over our differences let our hearts be filled with compassion and generosity as always bless this Township and may we as a government represent the best interest of our community we ask all these things in your name amen amen before jumping into our um agenda I'm G to keep on grabbing this microphone even though it doesn't work uh before uh jumping into our agenda this uh this evening I just want to provide some amendments uh and updates that are part of uh this evening's agenda so first off we have resolution two 24-31 0 this is a resolution of Hamilton Township County of Mercer state of New Jersey supporting taba dispensary llc's application to the cabis Regulatory Commission for class five cannabis retailing license we have ca38 which is 24-34 this is a resolution authorizing a contract with Etna maritine also in connection with the administration of health insurance benefits for active Municipal Employees and reti under the age of 65 for the term July 1 2024 to June 30th 2025 the estimated maximum liability is 24,5 50,000 next up we have ca39 this is 24-35 this is a resolution authorizing and approving the execution of an agreement with some Life Insurance Company to provide stock Law Services in connection with the administration of the Etna maritine ASO plan and the maxer prescription plan for Municipal Employees retirees for the term of July 1 2024 through June 30th 2025 not to exceed 835,000 annually next we have ca40 which is 24- 306 this is a resolution authorizing a three-year agreement for insurance services with Vision Service Plan bsp in connection with the administration of Vision Care coverage for Municipal Employees retirees for the term July 1 2024 to June 30th 2027 not to exceed 53,000 per year next we have ca41 20 which is resolution 24 -37 this is a resolution authorizing a three-year agreement with Max Plus to administer of Pharmacy benefits management program for municipal retirees Municipal Employees and retirees for the term july1 2024 to June 30th 2027 not to exceed 10,420 annually we have a add we're adding a resolution this evening ca4 4 which is 24- 312 this is a resolution authorizing a contract renewal for insurance services with Del uh Dental Services organization LLC in connection with the administration of the dental plan known as the Eastern Dental plan for Municipal Employees retirees for the term July 1 2024 to June 30th 2025 estimated annual renewal amount of 46,000 finally we have amend ordinance title this is ordinance 5 24- 033 this is an ordinance authorizing the settlement of litigation authorizing the township to enter into an agreement with the White Horse Volunteer Fire Company for the acquisition of land premices improvements and fixtures located at 19 Locust Avenue in the township of Hamilton designated as block 2524 L 7 of the Hamilton Township tax map known as the White Horse Firehouse for the continued public of the protection of public health and safety purchase price 35,000 plus or minus 10,000 of closing cost can I please have a motion on the amendments in the agenda call M Mr M pH yeah Mr Mr Ty yes yes um before jumping into the agenda this evening I just wanted to recognize we have um the president of our Hamilton Township School Board in attendance Dina Thorton thank you for being here din um I'm also now going to privilege jump a little bit out order this evening um because I would like um our ordinance that's on first reading this evening um that would beIN number ordinance number one on their first reading 24-29 um this is uh an ordinance authorizing the T pamilton to accept a gift from Where Angels play foundation for the donation of materials and labor to enhance the Apollo park playground area so at this time I just like to call up James Angelino here who is here um a good friend also with Joy's uh angels and does a tremendous job um in raising and U raising funds for that organization but um just is a important peace to our community I'm happy that you're here just if you could give a summary of this project um slated for a sure so don't my I'm theair organization Bas out of help families with child undergoing medical treatment both financially emotionally um if you live in Hamilton I can assure you that you're aware of what we do um whether it's through helping children our toy drive um or visiting Joey's place buil last year online drive I'm here tonight representing Lavin andplay where Angel play is a nonprofit organization uh that Joy Angels teamed up with last year to build uh where Angel play has successfully built over 60 playgrounds worldwide um it's a great organization organization that I'm so happy to be a part of um the playgrounds are often built in honor of like my I'm here with tonight umom um we are asking for your support and building CL supp in honor go to several years ago we hope with your support and blessing we can goild clis corner to September at the Apollo Park location in Norville CL corner will be funded through Where Angels play foundation and donations corner will come at no cost to the Hamilton ta um B husband Troy who's not here tonight live by the model some say you too painful to remember we say you're for um on a personal note my wife um the pain anding is constant but seeing the ones when they run from Place making members of their we hope that the Hilton Council support this project part of the build thank you for your thank you thank you J thank you Council for allowing today my name is e and I'm a Sumer res of but I my entire family lives here and I work here as well um the IDE for this playground came from leaving my daughter's fair when I was 23 weeks pregnant with her um one in four women experience a pregnancy L was experien be very Lely um women are told you not to now for pregnant until after you're out of primest just in case um and that just really me you know that you lost that pregnancy um so when we lost Claire I desperately wanted to do things I wanted a place that I could visit with my son that was safe for him to roam and play um and I also wanted to that I wasn't so I reached out to where Angel play for this IDE a playground where those who experence involved in the community to go um they L to be remembered and their children can play so this playground is actually targeted to the zero to fiveing for that reason um and just to highlight how important this is I actually posted about Memorial PL five days ago on Facebook um and as a couple hours ago we already have for um from the community these class are just for pregnancy lost children and reborn death no other losses in the community um and many of those blacks are honoring more than one pregnancy CL as well so um you can tell how prevalent and important that pres is to the Hamilton Community anding as well so I do want to thank everyone for being open the um have a place to remember and parents and families can visit and know that they're not alone thank you thank you so much I'm gonna open up to my Council colleagues so um know home uh you know we were part of the the last Hamilton um you know that our organization gets involved all over the country and I know we're all behind this everybody thank you I don't want to elaborate too much except I keep memory alive but [Music] also yeah I just want to Echo what my colleagues say grateful for the work that you're doing um I'm always struck by the um Faith involved in turning uh tragedy into something some type of positive uh contribution so I appreciate I appreciate that uh and I appreciate what you're doing for our our community so thank you um I would repeat everything they said but I also want to acknowledge um your efforts to acknowledge and honor all the St that we often don't talk about women have been changed for a long time to not share those laes and honor you know so many people already are ready to honor their babies and I think this is just a beautiful beautiful project James I already said how much I feel about this organization the impact it has on Hamilton um you know and the lives that you you and Nicole have helped get through some difficult moments in some of the parents lives um specifically uh know through your events that you run during Christmas time and other things that you've done throughout the community so um thank you real thank you for having the courage to come up here this evening um as someone who lived in that neighborhood uh several years ago I took my two boys there frequently to Apollo Park this is going to look beautiful um just like lionwood does and um it's an exciting exciting project so I appreciate you being here that's true that's true so um Alison M clerk should I call this for a vote now or should I hold it off to here I think we need to ask the brother what what he wants to play on oh no I doing V on the ORD that'll be great motion make a motion to introduce second Mr pH yes Mr wh yes Mr yes Mr car yes James and B and family if you you can you can leave now if you like uh this could be a long meeting so taught your kids some of your kids I've got to know some of your kids um I want thank you for supporting all that we do and we try to bridge that Gap with other families as much as we can and we just feel very supported by and of course ready next for your consideration we have minutes of the May 7 regular council meeting May 21st regular council meeting and May 21st executive session minutes minutes M1 through M3 I'll second on the motion Mr pero yes M Philips yes Mr R yes Mr Ty yes car yes for your consideration we have communications C1 through C3 C1 is joint Proclamation acknowledging the 31st anniversary of the American Disabilities actel will if you like the honors 34 34 years Proclamation on 34th aniversary of American Disability Act whereas the American Disabilities Act was passed on July 26 1990 Ure the civil rights of citizens with disabilities whereas 44.1 million or 13 13.4% of the total us civilian noninstitutionalized population has voting in 2022 and whereas 9.8 million of the total us civilian noninstitutionalized population between the ages of 18 and 64 were employed in 2022 earning a median salary of $3,885 and whereas the c p confirms the principle equality inclusion person with disability as set forth to the state of New Jersey and as embodied in AB the walls of stur and ordinances of Township of whereas numerous organizations in St M and state New Jersey work with cons constituents and communities to bring forth the promise of hope and freedom that is envisioned by the passage of the ab and whereas July 26 2024 celebrates the 34th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act now therefore being resolved by Mayor Jeffrey F Martin and the Hamilton Township Council that greetings and best wishes were extended to all all observing July 26 2024 at the Americans with Disability Act awareness thank you councilman C2 was a received a documentation to update ABC application on file 113 33023 trading as inono Colombian restaurant U reading from page to the additional trade of PA P LLC and C3 receipt of documentation to update ABC application on file 10333 03 Outback Stak house change in corporate structure and general manager can have a motion on C1 through C3 I'll make that motion Mr P yes M Philips yes Mr yes Mr yes Mr Carell yes resolution 124 266 is a resolution authorizing temporary waiver for all adoption fees at the hon toship animal shelter and adoption center for the time period of Wednesday July 17 2024 through Saturday August 31st 2024 any comments from my Council colleagues regarding this resolution glad to see the continued efforts at the shelter get these animals adopted anyone from the public wish comment yes I have a question special adoption event open house something toot brain the shelter again comment there are many t on the website bi if you're looking from an internet standpoint find notion five dos still have bage saying that they're not available um we have four C on the website no pictur to BU so how are going um m is there any events the um not that I know okay can you ask Danielle to look into the Animals still have no bios on the website we this at the board ofth meeting only about we we asked up Heth we ask for updated you can't get animals adoped there no bio can we hire a dedicated admin for the shelter Ty thing that fall their not all animals can have bios they have to be evaluated once they're evaluated then but I mean if they' been evaluated not being updated on a regular manner it should be done we've asked them to do it and uh tell us why it is out there and I firmly believe that it's it's not a big issue I was on shelter this weekend or animal training class where dogs five months years old $375 and dogs under 5 for $500 and they had people there meeting dogs in the meeting room and I our marketing of the animals at the animal shelter should not be an impediment you know to getting these animals adopted these and time Tye in do number people have salar that should be thank you thank you we also for National Night Out I know some animal like a binder maybe that has all the bias available animal we have a Department of Health meeting coming up the next next meeting so this could be something that could be a topic of discussion I think that's after like na night out if we could have a all oh National right okay yes people coming to theel LOB a lot of time walk for me it's EX like what question they had so even going to okay I appreciate that's good comment and that should be addressed you'll be able to get back right on what their responses why why it's laging so I think that's I'm information have they do name out and that's information that has inform you know what I don't Steve or or Lisa may be able to speak to in other shelters how it's done compared to what we're not yeah thank you I know okay anyone else comment this resolution resolution one see no one else can I have a motion I'll make a motion to move on resolution 124 266 second roll mamor Mr yes yes Mr yes mrd yes yes resolution 24310 is a resolution of hon Township County Mar State jersey supporting taba dispensary LLC application to the Cannabis Regulatory Commission for a class five Canabis so just to summarize this one we voted on this um this resolution at last month's meeting this was a resolution for KES for those who were here uh last month uh that was for both the retail and Manufacturing uh all under one company and address the state has asked us just to separate out the retail and and have it fall under a separate LLC a separate name so that's what this resolution is doing uh this evening is clarifying what the state have required us to do anyone have any questions see none anyone in the public wishing to comment see can I have a motion I make the motion to close public comment and move resolution 2431 a second local member Mr yes M Phillips yes Mr W yes Mr Ty I'm gonna obain Mr yes for your consideration we have consent agenda items ca1 through ca44 so this is a lenty I emphasize lenty uh 44 resolution uh consent agenda this evening so I'm just going to quickly try to summarize some of the bigger ones um that I saw just going through things uh we have an appointment we of Chris tazi uh Chief uh to the coordinator for office uh Emergency Management for a three-year term uh we have two amendments which are additional appointments uh for uh Riley aano as Deputy registar B statistics and Lisa kopka uh as Deputy register uh one of which is an alternate and I take closer look at that and dive in uh and Mark my notes here but one is going to be the one is actually the deputy um we have a submission of a grant uh cot for 1.5 million this is Road improvements along clarner Road uh we also have another one for 900,000 uh um also on clarner road we have a ched uh child Le program Grant um we also have other grants we have two Jag grants one for 20123 uh and one for two years ago in 2022 um this is from the um uh just this was the exact name Alison yeah um I know some people in the audience this is for crime prevention in uh areas it helps with uh offsetting the salaries of our police officers um Justice assistance grant thank you so there's two on on one for 16,000 one for 23 1885 uh 23, 1885 um there's a drag Su uh dry sober uh cack down over Labor Day around roughly a little under $90,000 we have a cleanup of a grand application from Sayan Gardens the pond the infamous Pond Pond that was has come up several times we needed to amend to satisfy some requirements of the state be yeah there it was so minor um and then we have uh an amendment to the Hamilton New Jersey Green Acres Program open space inventory we have some contract vendors that we're adding um we also have uh an inactive license approval we have Samuel street we have certain decreases for Paving pedestrian um sidewalk improvements and Road improvements there's two or three on the agenda you'll notice um there was one rejection of bids for Roberts Avenue uh this was over the engineers's estimate uh by about 22% so we're gonna have to I think go out the bid again um for that project we have several for w WPC Water Pollution Control has several on the docket um one is for um find it um no not that one was one that I just wanted to emphasize uh purchase of a vehicle oh 289 yes H 2024 rolloff truck for WPC so what we're trying to do is we're buying a hauler to um take the take the sludge the cape and move it uh to another facility we're doing that inhouse rather than um having yeah rather rather having a separate entity so we're we're actually yes this is a pretty big price tag I think it's 200 and some down I don't see them par me but is this the um is this what the director spoke about that said correct correct yes y going up and up up that's exactly right so we took took the bll by the hor that are taking the project on so um that's a a good positive um there was a reimbursement check roughly about 8 to $9,000 for Colonial fire house for a roof repair that uh we now need to P because it was during the time that we were in a lease agreement with Colonial Firehouse um we're just basically a pastor a p happen during elections I saw that um we have several refunds that are on the docket change of OCC occupany Fe um that's uh refunded we also have um four three or four contracts uh with eam maritine um M we have bsp the vision plan that we're on and Max or plus to administer the farmer benefits uh for for our C employees um that's on the this evening docket um and one other one that I wanted to mention was 309 repairs of HVAC at Veterans Park maintenance uh building that's also on our agenda this evening any questions from my council members on this evening's um agenda consent agenda I was just gonna make a comment uh just to point out that two of these resolutions uh are bringing in$ 2.4 million in and apologies if you I know you talked about lot but 2.4 so two of these resolutions aimed are bringing in $2.4 million in grant money to help improve our roads and I wanted to commend uh the administration and and the team and uh you know for for continuing to bring in this grant that was going to be my comments all great to see many Grant applications grants that we're receiving um to save the tax pay of money I just had a question on the all the renewals for the benefits um were there any changes in the cont or anything or is it just Rene what we already have established uh Rene what we already have um it wasn't a significant increase at all we were discussing this very anyone else I'll open it up to the public on the consent agenda this evening actually one I'm sorry I just wanted to point out on CA 2 and ca3 uh the appointments of Riley and Lisa Lisa is the alternate Deputy regist we're appointing then Riley is the Deputy register thank you members of the public wish you need a comment on the consider agenda yes c491 repres the was written by attorney Michael J um and 25491 resolution estaing a contract with construction 2023 States infrastructure project on behal of the and Economic Development Division of engineering not toce $13,000 11399 shows States objects to this characterization of project as the purpose is not just installement but to bring to bring the SCH management system in compliance pursuing agreement between space and space request the resolution uh the true purpose of the project furance of the settlement agreement brates more system comp so this is what provided the email at the 11th hour day4 so this is what we want this resolution to ref in nature so I I received your the letter from your attorney the objection is noted for the record but you can you can continue to pass the resolution As You Wish You Don't Have To You don't have to um so you're okay with the resolution you're not okay with the characterization of resolution now I understand that really what what you're trying to do here is to improve T the funding infrastructure for Christoper state project what I'm saying is that should also includ bring Christopher State into small more system and so that should be reflected in the in the resolution now if you were able with tonight you want to move this along you want to get this and that's part of the problem so I understand that but you did make adjustments two other agenda it earlier sorry good the adjustments we made were like a single word you're you're asking for something different so yeah that's what I was going to say so I think the Ence of this resolution that's before us this evening is strictly to award a bid based on um you know what we put that out there from our purchasing department um and they were the lowest bidder so we we're strictly proceeding with that in the future we want to consider does this have to go be like for school M already have a settl yeah yeah yeah my question is sometimes we disagree about what it is right but we all agree what it is you just want to call something different weing okay so what I'm saying is we characteriz part of this fine but to explain what additionally why this is being done part of in order to bring Christopher St the settl agreement speaks for itself so you know I think very positive very happy done this uh it's been 20 years and so you just want to keep it moving along I appreciate this part second thing is um is I need some uh advice here I think pretty much uh I Common Sense the same this is the time is but just just for um my own understanding once once we proceed with this and the Swarm water plan you know they they uh complete the Swarm Water Project it automatically becomes the part of our plan cor uh not sure because I don't without looking at the engineering I okay but it's it was part of a settlement with relation to the storm water at and that's the okay okay right and so we're moving in that direction and this move infrastructure is to move Cher stat comp comp cor and always discussion about how because debate as how much detail I think this is really important from okay your second question was another ordinance question C Pro number 113 d386 and so on and so on there is a part of that board where where the ownership of a particular parel I'm assuming this inventory different parel of land in open space Recreation corre to make sure so South Street and uh nor that is referred to the being conservation in fact on that probably this was just to update the the the when we bought two three six seven road so that's that's why we're doing we're adding that biger that's what we're doing okay you're saying there's an item on this list right that is has incorrect information about who owns the South okay let's do this why we why don't we continue to have this for a vote this evening but why don't you speak to Mr poer and if there's any Clarity that needs to or something that needs to be cleaned up okay it's listed the property on this on the inventory it is listed it with the right okay okay this is this the best way to proceed or should we we can continue with this as it this is about amending it for so we could do another amendment this okay thank you yes J number this isun and they still be G with us or own you we do not have fire fighter there they still have they the volunteers still own that building the volunteers still use that building but we do not have assignment of personel personel it's still used for the elections that's still used for red I mean they want someone to run out they would have to reach out to fire volunte okay but they do help out fighting fires anymore they they do however uh there is some assistance with like um the truck that provide like water snacks yeah they direct traffic she's right they're not actually they are not so much in our town yeah other towns they still we have a professional the roof of what because it during election and one of the trucks was delivering are picking up OT machines or bued into this was in 2022 I believe there's like an overhang like a porch like a drive thank you J anyone else wishing to comment oning consent agenda seeing none can I have a motion I make the motion to close the public comment portion and set agenda items C1 I'll second sorry okay on the motion Mr pH yes yes Mr carel yes yes Ordinance one 24025 is the continuation of the second reading in public hearing of the ordinance amending and supplementing the code of the C part three land use legislation chapter 577 scho m control and repealing the previous chapter 577 in its entirety so any questions for my Council colleagues on this coordinance not a question just a comment this is just to U bring keep us in conform in Conformity with state law correct this this it just refers it directly to the state law so that every time they change something we don't have to go through changing our from the public should be com yes so this is now continuation continuation the first was but was because it had plan but the boarded re so once they you got the letter you got the letter right now you can do the first reading no no we have to do the first reading first reading first reading with the res and then we went to Second reading but but it's we stopped it we did a resolution to go to planning board so planning board heard it now it's back to Second meting okay and I should to the public that's that's the reason why was the continuation of second reading we refer to the at our last meeting model that's great so I think thank you thank you okay any further comment on this can I have I'll make motion to close public comment and move on ordinance 24-25 thank you Council call M clerk Mr yes Phil yes Mr wh yes Mr yes Mr yes ordinance 24-27 andin of the council ofon County New Jersey provided for various Capital Improvement have related expenses in and for the countship apprting 6, 99,50 therefore an authorizing issuance of 6,500 $ 6437 in general Improvement bonds or notes of account to finance sustain second reading and public hearing any comments from regarding this uh ordinance on second reading anyone from the public wishing to comment seeing [Music] none council president I move toot the public portion ordinance number 1247 have a second second Mr yeah I was under the impression that I was under the impression because we have the second Bond ordinance on that we were voting this Bond ordinance down down correct oh that's correct yes yes yes yes okay that's right that's right hold Onin 4 24-32 is correct correct yes okay so cleaner to vote it down and get rid of that number then um because we're borrowing a little less so we received that did good so just for the public to understand we have this ordinance that um we have for second reading this evening regarding this this came on first reading last meeting um for the capital Improvement program for us in 2024 we received a grant for a roof replacement correct for the police department um roughly about 1.2 million if I remember correctly to offset the cost which was originally a capital item under this budget uh the cap budget um so now we are going to vote on this ordinance um and then have another ordinance for um regarding the capital budget that's on for first reading and introduction so thank you madam order correct well okay so we have a motion and then a motion and do we have a second doesn't mean you don't bring this for a vote that's all you're doing okay okay but I I missed a second give a second um I made the motion and so he voted yes I know I missed the second is what I'm trying to say second it's okay you said for and then we went into mr's vote is yes okay M phlips no Mr whan no Mr Ty no Mr car no okay ordinance 2 24028 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the code of coun New Jersey chapter 485 vehicles and traffic Article 2 parking section 4859 handicap parking establishing space of 27le Aven second reading and OT any any com yeah any public comment regarding this ordinance council president see no member of the public wishing to comment I move to public comment portion ordinance 24-28 on second reading I'll second roll call Mam cler sorry Mr M Phils yes Mr wh yes Mr Ty yes Mr Carabelli yes or4 03 oh I'm sorry we already did that we did that one y yes ordinance two 2403 accepting of RightWay dedication Deborah tomman and Scott tomman 53 Mercer Street block 1724 47 this first reading and introduction I'll movein to 24-3 on thank you counc have a second second on theing M yes Miss Philips yes Mr yes Mr yes Mr carel yes 24031 is an ordinance code of counc New Jersey part three land use legislation chapter 5 Development Council president I move coordinates 24-0 through1 on first reading on second on the motion Mr yes M pH yes Mr Mr yes Mr yes ordinance 4 24032 is an ordinance of the council ofon in the county of New Jersey providing for various Capital Improvements and reling expenses in and for the township appropriating 6,489 $850 therefore and authorizing issuance of 6,165 357 and general Improvement bonds or notes of the township to finance stain first reading and introduction I'll make a motion to uh on first reading and introduction of orance 4 24-32 second um on the motion yes M yes Mr wh yes Mr Ty yes Mr yes 5 coordinates 5 24-33 in ordinance authorizing settlement of litigation and authorizing the C so enter into an agreement with the White Horse Volunteer Fire Company with the acquis acquisition of land premises Improvement and pictures located at 19 o Avenue in the C of Hamilton designated as block 2524 s of the Hamilton countship tax M known as the White Horse Firehouse for the continued public of the protection of public health and safety purchase price 35,000 estimated closing cost and or about 10,000 total amount of funding $45,000 motion Council 24 second second call Mr PHS resolution 12431 is resolution proposed amendment to the code of the Hamilton jersey courage legislation 550 development the plan board forie 26 any discussion on this matter anyone from the public wish a comment anyone from the public wishing to comment this is basically just referring it to the planning board so being that make the motion to close the public comment portion and mo resolution 12411 second call M CL Mr yes Mr yes Mr yes Mr yes iquest since we're in between stages for ordinance 2430 for the for the first reading of 24-30 it always comes up that when we do these uh the right away um can we have a map for that because we always get asked by the public exactly where it is we just have a map showing the right away just so um we better prep I know sometimes we get it always I appreciate that there is no sheet so um anyone wishing to come from the yes so sorry resolution 311 making some changes to so for example we're adding massage body work and sematic therapy establishments to CC community community commercial District to Theo District L people more mass so we're making it morea um we um again uh reflecting you know when storm water calculation shall be performed in accordance with the current Eng SCS so inste so instead of like having to change time just for um for it's just it's little ity uh my my understanding need detail and information to onore what with model go to that's one other you have to keep changing ordinances then you have to go back and then create a resolution uh I where you're going to have to put all this all this stuff in in again that stuff could be and I'm not saying that they'll do this I don't run that department but we could always have no I've got it enough on my thank you very much I love I so do I um but you know we can have a print out for example of the latest and then hand that out rather than every time they're like oh no read that F4 Fe not trust and then we have to go back you know for every single little change we have to change it it's much easier to hand up this is this is you know last time we checked what the number is you know versus you know ordinances having to change so I it's just it's just little information that you and things are changing all the time as you know and more practical uh the other thing is I on a separate neighbor and nebor wall high and so he went over and talked to the individual in the woman and they were trying supposed to be they couldn't do it they having problem turn out how do we so music or just and noway is so and soing right and I love new Di very close now it's being broadcast it's going to I've heard it over and so I'm not against if they my explain if they bring it down too low from the speakers the sound so that's that's I think what how do we do I don't see how turning the volume down with sound I maybe barrier on the tole where lock Place andj EV unlock that [Music] emplo I don't know lost so somebody somebody is in charge there if they're locking and securing system right they're not just leaving it open for B to come right and there are all different or organizations that use the F but they all don't have the key to that right so somebody has to be in charge so it would have to be whoever's in charge we have to ask C to find out who's in charge they keep well we take speak away well we'll put back up scale that to because you know I mean you guys but it does so bad my I think we get the gist of it and I'm not trying to end your conversation but I think we get the gist of it I think we need to find out do lines in the field and let's see if we can address it through the league presidents or whatever that hey we're getting complaints and you need to come down the volume you can't control the volume then we will kind of parametrics or whatever about build business that let's just address the leag if they can't if they can't take care of the problem then we'll take care of right I also want to find out about this ability like someone an you can't stand out yeah it doesn't need to be that I mean this could be as simple as this could be as simple as just having a call or email the do they have baseball events going on anymore in the season over I think I think there's probably something already in some type of r or guidelines so maybe the department head when they rent the place out when you sign for the permit or sign for the use of the field whoever's in charge aware of it let it work out that I think I think we'll what about a sign that says be courteous to the neighbors in the bo yeah we could do that or sign than you y yes love me for a we had that bar that was so loud hearing I thought we had a device the matter the measures just had a curiosity um I have been going past for the past company and they have a Time Avail oh I was like which is leaving so I you know is it on the property like on the premises on the property Avil and okay well I can easily find out I actually work with uh star um at the county level couple contracts okay no that's Community News private it's a private entity disappointed that every time they just the 10 talk students from the three high schools they always picture and they have a WR on know what where they going and pict of them and listed their Nam what R they were they sure they didn't do that I remember that [Music] I I know also um one of the individuals who works there so I can I can mention that well you know the other thing is well you had that issue I'm sorry C you had that issue with the Hil post being delivered he was my my te cont the publisher of that paper his names on the inside of the front page okay you can call all right because that is a privately owned it's a privately owned company I mean Anthony will make the call but you know happy to call them J if you're what that sign you said that was available yeah if you're driving past uh the bus company on your right hand side where was that sign at there's more than one building back there there's a leasing company oh take right back okay property I don't believe so I know that you I think they're doing Fair well at their location yeah and then the last thing is we talked about and and that's right the off you're you're worried about it damaging you're worried about it's not gonna damage okay but I I mean that was beautiful opening was anyone else wishing to com from the see nothing council members counc well good night you know you know M grants always looking for them um you know Joey Angels making that donation too Park fantastic the material the labor great that right now we're experiencing super heat I think I have to tell anybody in this room but you know we got to be vilant looking after our neighbors espe our make sure okay and uh we still have assistance for people that uh that are in extrem conditions ready to go to the senior center or to one of the the library right so somebody is need that make that other than that looks like it's getting ready to rain St sounds like is coming and sounds like in a couple days it should cool off a little bit everybody have happy birday what's that happy birthday a couple weeks a week and a half that's right we're on the same yeah we the the same got my medicare cords Ma I'm GNA keep mine very than that because I'm thinking about next by the time we come to our next meeting summer is basically over so I'm G to keep my mouth up get out of here as quick as we can have a good night everybody so uh there's a wellness walk a couple of Wellness there's going to be one at senior center on August 9th uh September 13th is BRS for sculpture Wellness so uh join the mayor I understand the mayor gets out some of the dogs and they bring some of the dogs the ongoing efforts take care of the dogs so Janice you'll be glad to know that the Hamilton Public Library has now digitized newspapers going back to 1883 so you can go look at the archive for the uh lists of of the top 10 students from from years P see how they compare um and and uh I just want to say uh the July 4th fireworks were fantastic this year great job by our our Township workers uh thousands of people turned out always nice to see a community event where everyone comes together so that's have a good night everybody um I was gonna say the same thing just want to thank our um employees and everyone who's involved in person Recreations plan the Fourth of July fireworks great band great entertainment we had twice the number of food trucks this year um so a lot of variety and do a lot of people so hopefully were able to get out and enjoy that um I just want to emphasize that said to just reminder library and Senior Center c spell so you may get a break but I have a feeling Ro Dr so also think of your pets I know uh we you post a lot I've been following make sure you know you're not walking your pets on the hot pavement um and just done in mind as well so with that thank you for coming out tonight and U we'll see you in August so I'll just um thank you U just wanted to mention uh August 6 is National Night Out Here in the township that's a Veterans Park um come on over if you can uh from 5: to 800m um and just it was that's a great project that we talked about earlier today um on first uh reading and introduction the Apollo Park and the and the work that's going to be done there to improve that park because uh it needs a little enhancement and this is a perfect time for it and appreciative of all the work that uh those little angels does for our community um August 20th is our next meeting 6:30 pm in Council chers we only have one in August and uh have a good night and stay uh stay safe thank you h