evening everybody thanks for taking some time out of your day to join us this evening the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the rights public to have advanced notes and to attend any meetings of public B their interest may be discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the Hamilton board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time purpose and place thereof published in amonette and the Press Atlantic City and posted on authorized premises call please Mr here Mado Mrs Burns Mr K here MTO here Mrs here Mrs Fallon here Mrs Hunter excused Mr Mr Mr Thomas Mr lions the United States of America stands Nation godice right our super vill to raise a child it takes each and every staff to school district for the bus drivers and bu children to school each day in ground department that maintain our facilities your efforts are greatly appreciated throughout the school day our students reive the benefits of interacting with our teachers AIDS counselors child study team members nurses media Specialists Hall monitors cafeteria staff principal supervisors and IT staff as their needs are met throughout the school year the members of our office staff ensure that all buildings and the district run smoothly and are often the very first voices heard or the V faces seen by the public finally I want to thank the business administrator and the assistant superintendent for their attention to detail and the oversight of the entire District I feel most fortunate to have been surrounded by such an exceptional group of individuals for the past years in hamon and I'm proud to represent them as your superintendent thank you all thank you for the report Miss Kya uh now we would like to honor a few special athletes if you noticed we've been doing uh this lately and this evening we have a couple track stars and we I think we have Coach day to come up and uh say a few words hello good evening uh actually one of our student athletes run a little late you he a few minutes but I'll still speak about him um like to thank the board for honoring our athletes Administration um talk about a couple the two of our athletes today by the way I'm coach d uh coach for the boys uh first athlete is Jake Edwards he's a new member of the boys track team and instantaneously he has become a valuable member of the team Jake has been quickly learning high jump he has recently broken the school record in the high jump that was originally set in 1975 and tied in 2015 two days later he had broke the record again jumping 66 currently placing him tied for second place in in the state of New Jersey our second athlete is Anthony Lovich as he is a junior and a third year member of the track team he has been excelling over the years as he Masters his skills in throwing both shot foot and discus Anthony has started his season by breaking the school record on the first meet of the Season which stood since 2019 a few weeks later he threw another huge throw and broke the record again with a throw of 62 feet 10 in that throw now has him currently ranked as third in the in the state of New Jersey it's also number one in Atlanta County history and it's also number eight in the top or number eight in all South Jersey history thank you again to the board and we'll bring them up absolutely [Applause] congratulations take a couple of pictures if you want family come up to us take pictures we can wait till he he gets here bring him up and take some more photos problem for up thank you unfortunately I think the girls track coach could not make this evening so uh she sent over some info for Miss arado to report on uh we would like to honor Jules the austino and Kylie Kowski they teamed up to break the twers high jump relays School record at ra Roland regionals on April 27th their combined jump of 9 fet 6 in broke the previous record by two Ines congratulations [Applause] congratulations [Applause] girls right thank you very much for that Barbara my pleasure we will go right into board member or committee report and I will start with M bars I have no committee report but I do want to let all the staff and dedicated teachers know that we do appreciate the hard job that they do each and every day thank you thank you Mr Anoni uh no report but just again congratulations to those student athletes who keep up the good work yes Miss bernado um meetings were so uh spaced out the way that they are I really don't have a moment for it we just do have a retirement of a a school district uh bus driver James Rosano and um Jeffrey barbagallo our Middle School Systems administrator will be leaving us so those are two positions that um they will be missed and to the teachers congratulations on a only we you will be recognized you know in the paper and and on Facebook of course but uh congratulations for the job that you do we really really do appreciate it and our students appreciate it too so thank you thank you m bernado Mr Pia no report tonight Mr cipion yes thank you the end of the school year is very busy the end year activities field trips and special events the junior senior prom and Aid in prom uh was held on May 3rd with over 450 students attending the junior senior Powderpuff game is returning on May 29th at 6: p.m. to benefit the American Cancer Society the high school spring band concert is actually this evening um at the Hamington Middle School the Fine Art and digital arts classes went to the Waterford library to hang their artwork that will be on display for the entire month of May for anyone to view the eighth grade trip to Great Adventure will take place on May 28th the fifth grade band and strings will perform their spring concert on May 21st and 22nd at [Music] 915 also the fourth grade play will be held on June 5th and June 6th our field days are scheduled for June 7th at ECE and June 11th at West over the next few weeks njsla State Testing will be taking place across the district for grades 3 through 9 please ensure that your child gets plenty of rest and attends school in these dates uh we'd also like to congratulate the following Hamilton High School students Z Hess and Gabby wirers were accepted to the two the 2024 2025 New Jersey All State Choir Greg guller and Phoenix Norton were selected to advance to the state teen Arts Festival representing both Hamington high school and Atlanta County high schools girls track finished their regular season with a 7-2 record boys track finished their regular season with a 71 and one record Jake Edwards broke the high jump record a jump of 6' 6 in Anthony leako is second all time in Atlanta County shop Hut with a throw of 62 Fe 10 in Gracie rabing Camp recorded her 100th career strikeout against milville baseball team qualified for the Diamond Classic uh but unfortunately lost in the second round to Kingsway 10 to8 uh and finally I'd like to congratulate the athletes that we honor tonight and also thank all the teachers that will be retiring that's my report thank you Mr Shion Miss donio I have nothing to report but I would like to also thank all of the teachers and the staff I'm incredibly grateful for all that you do not only for my own children but for the children in this District we're really really proud to have such amazing staff here and I definitely feel like May is a really crazy time of the year with end of the year and prom and testing and it seems like there's field trips and all sorts of craziness going on and so the fact that you're keeping it all together this time of the year is really incredible and I also um would like to thank thank the students and the staff and teachers who put together the prominade and did everything to make the prom so uh nice this year this was my first time ever going to the prominade and I was really impressed and I just thought everyone looked amazing and hopefully all the students had a great time to celebrate the year end very nice thank you Miss D Mr Thomas I was to say don't forget that nothing to report nothing to report okay thank you and Miss Fallon hi uh thanks for indulging me on Zoom tonight I'll try to put my best foot forward like that um the negotiation committee U met last night for the second night of active negotiations with the Education Association and um we have another meeting set for May 28th and we're hopeful we can get it all done thank you I thank you for that report Miss valon uh coach St is your yes you guys want to come up and uh we'll let you take a photo present the um posters we'll give him a round of uh congratulations can we have the girls come up as well too please we'll take like a nice big group photo [Applause] thank you again and congratulations to all the athletes for my report I'll just touch um quickly on a couple things like Miss said we just had a meeting here like two weeks ago um I'd like to like Miss donio said thank all of our teachers we really do appreciate uh everything that you folks do every day work very hard to uh educate our kids and take care of them uh I would also like to have few comments about the prom I'd like to thank our maintenance and our grounds Department the gym and our entire campus inside and out look just absolutely amazing to all of our staff and our students that helped prepare such an excellent event would like to thank you all as well uh I would also like to give a nice thanks to Ron's Garden Center here in town who every year they uh donate all the flowers for these events um at no cost to the district and that's really really a huge help to us we like to thank him uh that with the ECC I'll give you a quick update on that actually the interior is getting the tiles are installed in the bathrooms uh they're getting ready to paint the interior walls all the HVAC is now complete all the fire suppression system is in um on the exterior of the building is about 95% of the way complete they were actually uh doing the the stucco which is the last part of the exterior um just today as a matter of fact when I stopped out there so everything is coming along great there that'll conclude my report may I just say something sure I just would like to give a shout out when you're talking about the prom to uhan gazara he um was there announcing he is um one of the coordinators of the prom I believe it was the day before or maybe he tore his AC out he was stepped on something and it just cut the back his his leg and he was there with crotches uh announcing the students who were so I mean talk about appreciation and dedication that our teachers have I believe he was operated on recently and the operation was very successful so just a shout out to him for his extra dedication to our students thank you and we hope for a speedy recovery Mr Gara that will take us to the first of two public comments if anybody would like to address the board now as your time please just come forward uh give us your name and address um hi my name is Natalie CCO my address is 37 I'm driving at CER Township New Jersey and I being recommended tonight as an early childhood Elementary School teacher for the 2024 2025 school year I just wanted to introduce myself so I could put a face to the name um I've been working with special education students from preg grade through seventh grade over the past 3 years and I really found my passion in early Elementary so I'm very excited to join your District in the early childhood education center I just want to thank you again for this opportunity and I look forward to working with everyone thank you very much and [Applause] welcome my name is Kirsten Raymond address is 431 burns house Avenue hington New Jersey um I'm also going to be um a teacher of students with disab preschoolers in EC so I just wanted to thank you for your support in this new opportunity um I've loved working in the district the last few years so I look forward to continuing to serve our community so thank you thank [Applause] you sorry it written down um my name is Kelly Robinson I live on 129 wford Road in Hamington New Jersey I just wanted to thank the board tonight for this incredible opportunity to become an ESL teacher um in the hamton school district um for the past seven years I have been an ESL instructional Aid working at the high school and I've been working with our multilingual Learners and I help them um overcome the everyday obstacles of learning a new language and I'm thrilled to be uh to continue doing that as their teacher for the upcoming school year so thank you thank you congratulations hello uh thank you to the board uh my name is Ian McCarthy I uh teach and coach here at uh Hamilton High School and I uh look forward to working with the community and helping continue building the uh boys basketball uh program just want to thank you guys and uh appreciate it and I look forward to continue working with you guys thank you good luck [Applause] hi my name is shenna FZ I live at 739 pleas Mills Road here in Hamilton New Jersey I was recently offered the position of an elementary ESL position and I gladly accepted it I'm actually Al alumni of the entire Hamilton School District I started in kindergarten graduated from high school in 2020 I recently graduated Rowan University with a degree and Spanish education and also my ESL sir so I'm very happy to become uh now faculty at Hamilton at the elementary school um it's always been a dream of mine to graduate and then become part of the community that helped raise me and helped helped me grow into such a person that from others say I I'm a very good person I think a lot of that comes from being raised in this community being raised in Hampton and within the Hampton School District so I want to say thank you for this opportunity to work with all with all you and I really for to the upcoming academic he thank you thank [Applause] you okay that will conclude our first of two public comments and we'll take a two-minute recess for e e e and we will will now take Finance items 1 through 10 so moved second second Miss Berard Personnel 11 oh any questions I'm sorry roll call Mr yes m Mrs Burns yes Mr Co yes Mrs donio yes Mrs Fallon yes stain on number one Mr Mr yes Mr Sor motion carries we'll now take personnel number 11 through 26 motion second Mr anonie second M Burns any questions roll call Mr rassie yes M berado yes number 19 thank you Mrs Burns yes Mr Toya yes Mrs yes Mrs Fallon yes Mr yes Mr Shon yes MO carries we will now take programs students miscellaneous number 27 through 33 and we have a motion motion second Mr questions roll call Mr Adie yes Mr Fado yes Mrs Burns yes Mr yes Mrs donio yes Mrs Fallon yes Mr Mr sh yes motion carries we'll now take a finance addendum items number 34- 40 uh okay I resend my motion Mr P second it second Mr cpon comment roll call Mr uh yes on uh number 34 thank you Mado yes stain on number item number 34 yes Mr yes with abstain to item number 34 please yes Mrs Fallon yes Mr yes Mr Shan yes motion carries we'll now take addendum Personnel addendum numbers 41 through 44 and we have a motion motion Miss Burns second Mr cpon comments and roll call Mr yes Mr yes mrss yes Mr yes Mrs yes Mrs Fallon yes Mr Mr yes motion carries this will be the second portion of public comment if anybody wishes to be heard I will be the last time seeing nobody we'll close that and we will look for a motion to adjourn the meeting Mr anonie second Miss berado second motion carries thank you and good evening everybody all those in favor I I now good evening everybody