e e e e e e e e e hey are okay we're okay good evening everyone welcome to the May 22nd Hamington Board of Education meeting I'm going to read the open public meeting statement the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced no of and attend any me meting of public bodies at which their interest may be discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the hamton board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time purpose and place thereof published in the Hamilton Gazette the Press ofan City and posted on authorized premises I have a roll call Mr atasi here Mr berado Mrs Burns here Mr Coya here m kto is absent here Mrs Fallon here Mrs Hunter is absent she's hello hello Mr here Mr ex Mr Thomas AB Mr L here we'll have a flag to the flag the United States of America indice okay this is the first of two opportunities for the public to be heard please approach the microphone and share your name and address and you can address the board on any agenda topics seeing none we'll close the public portion and move into the board agenda okay you want to nor they come up before the yeah okay uh our superintendent is just to inform me that normally the new hires come up first we have several of you in the audience so if you want to flip a coin and see who wants to come up to the microphone first um come on up hello my name is Mitchell Morell and I would just like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone here uh I've been blessed with this opportunity to accept this position at our West building and I just want to start off by saying thank you to the board uh the work that you guys do uh goes a long way a lot of people don't always see what that work does what that work is and how far it reaches um but I know you know the perception of our school and our school district is very high and that's a a great thanks to the work that you guys do of of setting the expectation and and allowing us to meet that um I would also like to take this opportunity to thank uh Mr Ramsey for for being a great mentor to me and uh helping me along this path I would also like to thank Dr T um for her faith and trust and her um ability to believe in me and give me this opportunity uh and lastly I want to thank Miss keko I had a wonderful conversation with you the other day I really enjoyed my time and your Insight was invaluable to me I also know that you are um heading towards a much well uh well-deserved rest and relaxation so I want to wish you the best of luck and I want you to know that um you know part of the success of this school has come from the sustainability of of the administration and at the top and your leadership has proven to be something that has helped this school grow and and set it up for the future as well so I really want to say thank you for all your time and your dedication to our school district thank you thank you everyone thank you [Applause] welcome good evening my name is Mike matina uh good evening Mrs keko Board president Lions and the entire Board of Education I like to thank you all for having me here tonight and even more than that i' like to thank you for hopefully voting me in as the next principal of Hamington High School I promised everyone here tonight and I truly mean it when I say that I'm thrilled to be back I say thrill to be back because I started my career here at Hamington in 2007 as a high school guidance counselor and I was here through 2013 and although I I left to expand my horizons and gain administrative experience I couldn not be happier for the opportunity to return to the district that gave me my start this is a district that has a rich history of stability and success and I look forward to building upon that rich history Mrs keko served here for almost her entire career Mr Ramsey has been the Principal for 15 years and an assistant principal before that in my experience consistency in a school district speaks volumes about the culture of the district and the community as a whole during my time here I experienced a positive School culture from Administration down to the students working at the high school was like working with an extended family there was always a tremendous amount of support for one another one of those people that showed me a great amount of support in my early in my career was Mr Tom Ramsay hamton's next superintendent I am beyond excited for the opportunity to once again work with Mr Ramsey he has been a mentor to me and taught me so much about being a leader and an educator and at the end of the day education is the re reason we all here it is nothing less than my driving force my goal as a new principal of Hamington high school is to meet the needs of to the community parents and Guardians and the board of education but most importantly to meet the needs of our most valued stakeholders our students I understand the importance of supporting the whole student in a safe and caring environment and I will treat this responsibility with the utmost respect and consideration please rest assured that I will not let this community down thank you again for this opportunity it really means the world to me I can't wait to hit the ground running this summer seeing everyone at events meeting the students in September so once again thank you Let's Go Blue Devils thank you welcome okay I know we also has a teacher teaching position so up hello my name is Wanda for now and I just want to thank you all of you and Dr TIG and my mentor Miss lions for this new opportunity at West um I'm going to be accepting the ESL bilingual teacher uh for the new school year and I connecting with the students and being on the other side of the bilingual classroom um I will hope to help them I've been there I started like them and now I hope that I can make a difference with them thank you thank [Applause] you good evening I'm Dina G Kobe I'm accepting the new Middle School ESL teacher position for the upcoming school year I feel extremely honored and blessed to be given this opportunity I have been an instructional Aid and personal care Aid in hamton for the past 5 years prior to that I was a substitute since 2010 uh it has been an incredible experience being here and I'm happy to continue my journey I look forward to further serving our students and eagerly anticipate the new academic care year thank you so much for this chance thank you I think that rounds out our new hires in the audience um just as a little bit of housekeeping this is a special board meeting we're off cycle uh purpose of this meeting was to act on these hires to make sure that we could uh vote folks to to be here and give their notice of the places they're leaving and fulfill their contractual obligations and be here to join us as soon as possible so we' had a board meeting recently we've got a board meeting in a few short weeks so before go committee reports unless anybody has something burning they want to share with the community or comments about our new hires or anything else if not we'll go into the board agenda but I want to give the board an opportunity to share any comments they may have very good okay I'll just let the record reflect that Mr sorry about that it's officially summer for the sure business I I'll just say briefly thank you to all the new hires for accepting the position and and joining us here on the journey it's always good good to see folks who have perhaps left us and came back to to to advance their career or folks that that come up organically within the district from teaching positions to supervisory positions and then to positions of leadership or from a support position to a Frontline teaching position uh it's really good it's also good again from a board memb perspective to to see folks that live in the community perhaps are alumni and went to school here continue to give back and be a part of the special things we do so thank you again to you all uh Now we move into the board agenda Personnel items one two and three I'll entertain a motion so move Mr anassi first second Mrs Burns second roll call Mr RI yes Mrs bernado yes Mrs Burns yes Mr COA yes Mrs donio yes Mrs Fallon yes Mrs Hunter yes two and three thank you Mr FIA yes Mr Shion yes Mr yes motion carried entertain a motion for finance item number four which appears on the board agenda motion Mr qu first second Mr Shon second roll call Mr atasi yes Mr berado yes Mrs Burns yes Mr kak yes Mrs Donia yes Mrs Fallon yes Mrs H I don't think this is a correct thank you Mr yes Mr shio yes Mr Li yes motion carried that brings us to the end of the board agenda uh it's the second of two opportunities for the public to be heard anybody who wishes to make a comment for the board just approach the microphone give us your name and address see no one in the public I'll offer one bit of just information uh superintendent keko and M Ramsey will be appearing tonight at The Waterford board meeting at 7.m along with several of us to visit with our friends in Waterford and Bo and talk about some of the good things going on in the district so we'll be looking forward to that this evening and that concludes the board meeting unless anyone has anything else take a motion to adjourn M second Mr all in favor I post we areour thanks everybody