##VIDEO ID:F6GRLP5oShE## good evening this is a meeting of the hon Board of selectman and Board of Health being held in the townhouse Auditorium on August 26 2024 this meeting is being conducted in person and remotely using video conference technology please stand for the pledge of alance pledge to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty justice for all thank you is anyone else recording the meeting other than ourselves Kristen rivers from the wilham Hampton times is recording thank you Kristen good evening uh first item on the agenda is August 1st 2024 minutes this was uh basically a discussion of the garby versus hamton self storage lawsuit and the judge's decision I refrain from commenting on it this time motion to approve second all in favor uh next one is the August 7 7th 20124 uh again this was about to hand the Self Storage it was a special meeting interesting I don't think I've ever seen that type of reference before Don with with a motion in [Music] play is yeah accurate but I don't think it ever describ like that motion to approve all in favor I I and the August 12th 2024 regular meeting uh definely not the aerial font this is more of the time this was the VFW turkey shoot for those of our guests no no live turkeys are actually hurt during the turkey shoot planning board cleric help Municipal vulnerability Awards uh F and burges lease which will be on the agenda for tonight fall town meeting discussion discussion on previously voted town meeting articles uh shared energy manager contract we signed or agreement we signed and one day liquor license for the senior center motion all in favor thank you fire department hi Chief so let's let's start with the uh Rush truck um brush truck is still I'm still being told it's on schedule for to be the chassis to be delivered the first quarter of 2025 um I to him today again um he I said how long once you know the chassis's received about he said typically like 6 months because you know they have still some supply issues and stuff but he said once the chassis's there they'll they'll be able to set a better deadline of when you know so what do they they bring it to that dealership we bought it from is that what they do is chassis goes there then they put the rest of it together yeah yeah it goes to the upfitter right dealer it goes to de do it delivers it to the um company that's building the TRU and customize the generator well our current truck is working fine I mean it's no right okay right for Theon correct the generator um it's not funny I don't know why I'm laughing uh so I guess working with Brian closely Brian I think we're going have seeing the emails today and Brian please correct me if I'm wrong I'm going to reach out to three electricians um to try to move this forward a little quicker and get the quotes correct um we do have to have because the electrical inspector wants stamped electrical drawings on on this um it requires more involvement from H engineering um they're going to oversight the construction the pad make sure the materials being used are are you know appropriate for their um drawings um also he said that he'll have to amend the drawings a little bit because there are some changes being made and some things being done now the highway department has graciously agreed to pour the pad um with my help of you know laying it out um the fire department will be responsible for getting rid of the disposal of the old Generator um and then we just have to move the electrical um he has an electrical junction box inside the shelter that's there now I want it away from the building out of there so you just has to make those amendments to drawing as soon as I receed those I'll s it the three bids and see if we can get this moving you said the electrical inspector is requiring stamped blueprints he's requiring stamped electrical drawings from Hing all right and you got some potential warrant articles I asked Brian for three placeholders I I it's it's down to two um the first one our Squad is um taking water on in the fuel system and we had a um maintenance tech come from our company and he says what's happening is when we fill the water tank that's in the truck itself the Overflow empties right out onto the diesel tank that's in the truck and the tanks are know have problems already I guess rusting out so that's where we're getting water into our fuel system system so I had that company quote it I had another company some quot it and then Ford I asked them they just finally sent an email today saying they they can't bid on it or they won't bid on it um so I have my three bids for that it seems like the lowest one's around $2,500 have that done I really wouldn't want to take that on my budget if the town meeting you know special town meeting is is available for this or what I don't know seems like kind of a low amount I mean you have money to cover it which might run you short at the end of the year and then we'd have to do some transfer MH but right now down it seems like this is very similar to what we saw with the emergency expenses last year the dog officer I don't know if it would when you have enough money to cover in your account I think the same thing The Advisory always says we' like to see you get close to expending it and then come back in the spring when at that point you're actually running short secondly your point is this a defect that people know about because you're saying the it sounds like something that I don't know if it's a defect I mean a truck is you know design it's a 2001 so it's 20 it's the New England flaw yeah I don't think we could there's anything that you could no I'm saying is this something that's know been known for this type of model where potentially I think the tanks at top of the tanks I guess are but like as a winter salt and road salt so it's a corrosion problem yeah when I when I worked in the dealer John you'd see lots of f-s ser trucks come in with you know salt and sand and the tanks would rot from the top down because of all that corrosion that just builds up over there it's just inherent in New England and the design yeah so if we um so just so I understand this correctly if I spend the money run out of money in my budget to carry out the year I just come see Brian and say I have a problem I think at that point I would think the board might go back to advisory and say we need a reserve fund trans at that point but you know I don't think it qualifies for an emergency right now because you have plenty of money in that maintenance account if you run out of money you'll just have to trust us yeah there you go or that bake sale I totally trust Brian and the other one is what that is that the tiles the espresso tiles yes espresso tiles batement for esus tiles I gathered three quotes for that as well um the building committee going through all the reports that we obtained on the building assessment um especially one particular person on the committee really feels like that's a major safety hazard and wants it would like that area shut down immediately but we can't we're still functioning on that building um so it does need to be addressed and that was one article I'd like to how much is that the cheapest um we have is $10,000 9,995 that's that's a war article um we'd also have to hire a hygienist to monitor the air for the batement the bait's going on that's around 650 and then obviously we'll have be concrete after we're done so we'll have to seal it at the minimum i' like to just make a note I think it's worth making this note that even if we were to do something with that building um you tear it down this batement still would have to be be done so right now right now we're talking a place older so you'll have specifics later I mean you'll tie the money down could be 10,000 15,000 by the time you get into a batement etc could be more the engineer we were working with had said you know to agree to not they don't want anything to do with Hazmat stuff so they they be taken care of for any next steps even happen there the other thing we were talking about when the building committee was during the abatement process the fire department would have to go somewhere for I think it was what four to 5 days possibly while the the tiles are being taken out yeah we would be responsible for emptying the rooms so it's the front Radio Room it's that little kitchen that's like I don't know 5x5 area and then the meeting room itself all have 9 by9 tiles which are known as the spus tiles with the black mastic on the floor which is as well so they would come in remove all that the black mastic grind the floors is down and they us what there concrete D do you think that's something I mean if it's Poss be up to a week is it worth looking into bringing in I say like construction trailer or something to sit down next to it you know to the north of the building and just run the office operation out of that that was one of the ideas that commune kicked around the other idea is if it's going to be shortterm maybe you know since they're in close proximity maybe they could work out of the Melville room for a few days M as an option to save money yeah I'm just thinking like you say you know the office there was buum jumping right over to right I couple couple minutes yeah how much is office trailer rental I don't know if you know from UMass or anything I mean you must have construction trailers up there for different projects we do plenty of baitman up there but we don't have any construction trailers we just move them to another building and uh the third third item was for um new gas meters but I think I resolved that issue with Craig rivis we're going to use the Mima Grant um on those for to replace our gas meter we had a gas meter that's been provided by ever source for a long time they've actually calibrated it for us we bring it over to L&D plant over in low there and they calibrate it for us every two weeks but they have stopped using that particular model throughout their company so now we're you know looking to change um to different meters something that's affordable for us that one we thought we could replace it but the calibration gas and setup is like $7,000 and that's not that's not in our budget to do that and there's no place else other place around here that does that type of caliberation once eversor stopped doing it it's I don't know anybody else that has that meters or the setups for it if if if we ran into which what's nice about that is we could show up there and they do it right there while we waited so if we bring anywhere else probably oh leave it we'll check it over you need this we you know so we need to keep it in service as much as fast as possible so um we have a good idea what we want to do and with the cost I think we get a couple um and have one on each truck that way as well and that's a grant the empg Grant I think it's $2,700 yeah roughly around 25 27 that's not due until well we have until October 30th we should have all the paperwork to tomorrow okay and how goes the building committee um the building committee they're scheduled to meet I think maybe two three weeks out I'm guessing all right so they do have a fee letter from the architect I Brian I think it was emailed to you this afternoon so we have to get a contract with them before moving forward I would assume that correct the town meeting already voted this m yeah the money has been appropriated but we still need I think we still need a legal contract this guy they estimating 6 million bucks they haven't even looked at it yet I'm not saying any right in the middle of the right in the middle of the 3 to 17 we heard before right yeah not must not include the elevator down the fire all right was anything else for the chief can I say a few things you guys are great no we did kind of exciting we did get our first application for our Cadet program this week so and I have two new probationary fire uh firefighters that applied recently so we should see them in a week or two coming before you very good thank carry on the the police department bulletproof vest going to give you a status update on a bulletproof F program okay ahead so the bulletproof F program 50% of the bulletproof fests are paid for through the Department of Justice usually through a grant that we apply 50% is applied through the state and so as I looked to replace three bulletproof vs recently I noce that uh our line we have a line item that's set up in the town that's uh the money gets deposited to through the state through the Department of Justice when you file for the grant I notice we short minus 1710 which would be the state's end or for three fests would have been State's end of it um so my understanding is as I dug more research um State depending on funds that are available to the state will give a reimbursement when you apply sometime throughout the fiscal year so that is expected to come um so we show a negative of 1710 in there right now and talking to Clift the town accountant he said that's not a great idea to keep it in a negative and other vests come up we might go further into the hole but then when reimbursements come in we go the other way for a positive uh he said that previous years the Auditors are talked that it's not a good way of doing things so I did a little research with other departments and and number one finding out in our patrolman's contract it's a contractual obligation that the um full-timers have a full a vest through the town uh I also believe that our part-timers should have a vest if they're working on a road just as a full-timer so what has recently happened is uh I've applied for five vests with the grant program um around February the department of Justice comes out in the application process you apply uh I knew that I'm up for five vests coming for this fiscal year July 1 to June 30th I'm in need of thought five vests well now there's another close to four more vests so it' be nine vests alt together I thought it was eight when I sent you guys an email it looks like it's going to be nine so it appears that through the Department of Justice I've applied for four I mean for five and if the state comes on their end depending on U reimbursements they would reimburse as we move forward and talking to other agencies knowing it's a contractual obligation they've suggested you know what they've done in their Department budget is when I come up into my budget I apply for how many vests I know that are coming uh and if that money gets reimbursed upon funding from the state great if it doesn't then it's the obligation that falls on the town what I've gone back and done some research it appears that department of justice through Federal Federal portion has always paid their portion and the money just roll from 21 22 23 24 there's monies in there the state hasn't paid since 2021 apparently uh I just asked for more State funding now whether they ran out of money not sure um but I just applied for three vests my dilemma that I have currently right now is I'm coming into fiscal 2020 this fiscal year that we're in and I actually need nine tests so I'm asking for maybe a suggestion or thought is um going to the talent at the special town meeting and asking for that money is to be for it to amend my budget to allow us to get the vests and the way the vest works is the vest good for five years this happens to be a big year for our department because nine vest that's including parttime officers and in full-time um moving forward looking to if the money comes gets reimbursed great or just budget it in my budget each year whenever I need this I mean this is big year next year I'm looking at two vests to get replaced and the vest cost uh right now they're currently $140 $1,140 of which half is reimbursed usually half is reimbursed through the Department of Justice and half is through the state I haven't received the reimbursement from what I went back and looked at since 2021 from uh the state end of it have you looked into that reasoning yet did they just say they're not doing it it does say it does say in the process that depending upon funding okay so there but there's no denial of that yet no I don't I so so what I just did is these most recent the three three of them I just got I just just applied for reimbursement so I haven't got anything that I got denied or not denied yet all right it's a new Avenue for me going into the state of how the reimbursement I don't know we can maybe ask Brian have you experienced is there a denial that you get if you don't get it or you just don't get it deposited into your line they the new okay the new vest you're talking about when you say part-time you mean the Reserve officer our Reserve officer correct would they be qualif ifed to get reimbursed yeah so it does say full-time retire part-time Cas officer okay is part-time is reserve the same as part-time in the fed's eyes yes but this is a change to what we've done in the past we have not provided vest in the past we've had reserves we've always provided V in the past for Reserve I understand for Reserve because you were just saying earlier the this is something you want to start doing is giving the reserves the part- Tim's vests you said that no I feel as though they should have a vest when they come here and in giving them as far as I know Chief Farnsworth always got to best for full-time or part-time and the reimbursements are from full-time or parttime I just want to continue doing it what I'm saying is there's an obligation to our full-time officers contract yeah right so so one could say well there's an obligation to the full-timers is it the reason the schedule is so far off is it because of hiring when you talk about a fiveyear pro best life right but for some reason we have half of them up right now right you know I think a part of it I'll be honest with it had a lot to do with uh a lot of this fell on Kathy did a great job with it and I have it colorcoded and I found the colorcoded I I showed Craig the colorcoded chart that's there myself and Julie have have realized where we're at and uh we are sure in that in this upcoming year I did apply like I said I did apply and I should know in October for five of the vests if I'm going to get reimbursed on the Department of Justice side so what will happen is 5 years in one day when that officer goes gets his new vest um I I'll have an invoice and I'll have the serial numbers for that vest and I submit to the state end of it then I look to get reimbursement on the state end of it so we're looking pretty much just cover the account so we don't draw a negative until the reimbursement comes in that's what I was thinking unless there's another suggestion you know I mean I don't know I mean we had talked about right now that's where I'm going because from for this year I'm in need of nine vests could have five of those nine reimbursed right but the reimbursement money typically wouldn't go into the general fund it would go into the police fund it goes into our bulletproof vest fund that's right so the general fund would be funding these but they wouldn't be getting the money back at the grant came back it's also done to me honestly is similar to what Chief uh P was talking about we don't have an overdraw to really go against here and there's a pretty good likelihood and I think the chief has done a good job of talking to his you know cohorts and other departments as well we should reach out to the state legislators let Richie Neil know how come we're not getting funded back and have a better sense of when that's going to come back and this to me is an annual thing we're not overdrawn we probably won't be overdrawn and Scott I know what you're saying it's a different account but it also gets back into we're not at the point where you're running out of money right and you have a pretty good I think with your efforts in the State Association our efforts whatever we're going to get that money back I just don't see it qualifying for an emergency at this point I'm happy we're aware of it I think he can expend it from another Count's funded for at this point and if it comes close we go to the advisory and say look we got to make this up because he's got to go out and buy two rifles failed he needs that money back in that other account is this something that should be a line item for a future budgeting well because what you have now right yeah it's at least account for one or two every year yeah but it's supposed to be technically if they did the reimbursements properly how much would be out of your pockets got none if you got the reimbursements from the state count that Cliff has and through through dick that did set up for the bulletproof vest which technically shouldn't cost the town anything if they held up their obligations like they correct right correct yeah not the first time the state has not met been a lot of that recently yeah I guess what I'm asking is does this show up on that ran does this show up on that sheet that Cliff gives us or is this a separate four of them are not going to be reimbursed well they haven't been reimbursed yet and they haven't said they're not going to five will be reimbursed but four definitely won't be right well well five we put in for the reimbursement through the deal for the Department of Justice and for the state I can't put that reimbursement in until I till actually um the vests get uh purchased and utilized that's my expect but a total of nine all together St and all all nine will be reimbursed no good portion that's why not right fine why wouldn't all nine be reimbursed because I have a new Reserve that missed I didn't put in for the new new Reserve there's two new reserves that I didn't put in for was I able to put in for so they wouldn't be reimbursed for the following year or they never would be reimbursed they probably wouldn't be reimbursed right why well I mean I can put in for it and it could fall into the funds but you you know it falls into that fiscal year we may see it we may I could put in for it and get the reimbursement sure but we're running into that negative further and further and further with hoping to get reimbursed so I didn't know if there was another way that we want to do it because obviously the Auditors are telling the town accountant what we're doing right now currently isn't the best practice um so do we change it now knowing what I know now and become aware of or do we just continue to hope that we're going to get reimbursed so you're going to get 50% back for the five I'm hoping I should get 50% from from the Department of can't guarantee I'm get 50% from the state on the five which we got to look into but you've been running that not back from the state for the past three years so 2021 was the last time that I saw a reimbursement that came in uh from the state from us that I went on to the uh web was that also the last time you put in for reimbursement from the state so you haven't put it in the last three years I haven't put in have you not bought for the last three years I haven't had to okay so that makes well so we don't know that P portion of of if it's going to come forward with the state right but if we haven't put in we don't know if they're reimbursing other communities because we haven't applied we don't no for that but what I was where I was going more with that is we're showing the negative now which wasn't a good practice if you know um so we can continue to wait and since we're talking about it do we continue to wait and go into the negative also to know maybe talking to the chief in Islam meow wam hey did you guys get best last year and did the state reimburse their part right and so I have done that I have done a little research and and it they have gotten their reimbursement right so that's just go into that negative way about which I it's not like we're overdrawing about 100,000 here we're talking few 10 we're talking 10,000 ,60 if we were to get 10,260 yeah but the federal Reb the federal is more likely than not so it would be half of that prob that that would be right something see how shakes out yeah just let's just see how it shakes out all right continue on WE app we applaud your practice I like the idea you're talking about the reserves get protected as well that's good absolutely get different businesses to sponsor the vest or something you know know yeah thank you Chief you're welcome thank you thank thank you always nice to see you always nice to see all of you when when that without having to show my license and and registration every department head with hands out today sincerity of all this is just breathtaking what's the next Department that wants money Step Up MVP contract that's you Mark Mark so we've talked about whether the board wanted to sign this contract or not this would be the for the final design and permitting of the Main Street Bridge or rebrook uh it's not going to require any cash match it's going to require I think $111,000 of in kind match it'll keep it uh at the end of the day it will have the the the project fully permitted and shovel ready so that's the question before the board whether they want to accept that at the MVP Grant application and finish that work sound about right okay and the project requires replacing the bridge well I mean if you're going to do the project yes by I mean that's the goal of this this latest Grant yes yeah and the designs that have been prepared and submitted are designs for a complete replacement which they're not paying for correct well we're not sure how it's going to be funded at this point does accepting the grant obligate us to replace the bridge no does it do anything for us getting the grand if we're not going to replace the bridge does it help us if we talk about the repair and upgrade of the bridge does doing this grant help us in any any way there what was the premise sorry okay so if we take this grant yeah is there any part of it if we weren't going to go with the whole nuclear replacement thing and just go with the outer beam repair plate type thing which is much less than a new bridge is there anything in the grant that brings us closer to that repair project is there anything useful in what we do on the grant or is this grant just another opportunity for basically an outside provider to make a little more money from the state but if we if we just repair the bridge then we have an 80y old repair Bridge instead of a new Bridge of which the state has not told us the bridge needs to be replaced like the other two Bridges they came hard to the town said hey we want these Bridges replaced correct and and a lot of that well I'm I'm choosing my words wisely here so a lot of that depends I think in part in What program you may the town may be entered in and how that program kind of operates I will say like with South Road Bridge that wasn't to the best of my memory like a forced replacement it could have been a rehab a rehabilitation or or repair depending on you know the engineering or Consulting firm's assessment and recommendation um and I think to this day like the under the small bridge program for South Road I don't believe that that's going to be an absolute full replacement I think that is going to be you know more of a a rehabilitation um which we'll have a better idea I think next week we have a meeting with them but back to Main Street um you know with with the leg work that Howard Stein and Hudson is doing right now um it's possible that we could use some of that chapter 85 um preparation and some of their design preparation for the replacement of the two deficient uh teames outermost beams and you know perhaps new Wing walls and kind of like a a have um um but we wouldn't know I'm sorry no good good I was just going to say I I'm not sure we would get a straight answer from Howard Stein and Hudson I mean I'm not sure that we would get a straight answer from M doot bridge bridge division either um my thoughts are and I think I might have said this before is is perhaps getting a second opinion from another engineering firm but again that's going to be is going to come with a with a cost but I thought I thought the reason their whole reason for replacing the bridge was for flood mitigation basically they were concerned about the the fact that there wasn't enough capacity with the old structure if that another flood event happened like it did in ' 05 and that was their impetus for replacing the bridge the deficiency of the bridge they never addressed from a repair standpoint because repairing it would not would not not take care of the capacity problem correct and that brings me back to the type of program that you're entered in this Municipal vulnerability program is kind of uh you know um like climate change driven MH um so with that being said they want to they want to they want to put a bigger you know a bigger bridge in with more capacity and and the the barrels that are on the bridge now yes what are they the purpose that they serve so the purpose of those barricades um those are um that now those were um forced upon the town by mast doot Bridge Division and and the the purpose of those is just to keep somebody from pulling off they want they don't they want those two end end beams beams one and beams 10 um they don't want any any weight on not that they're dangerous they just don't want any weight on them um so that's what that's what those barricades are there for to prevent like a tractor trailer truck from pulling off into the shoulder what is their ideal solution they obviously want are concerned about the outer beams have they come over and said just fix that and be fine or you know what's what's their so the last I heard from According to the last latest uh Bridge inspection report there were a few concerns beams 1 and 10 being one concern the wing walls um some scaling on the uh on the abutments um and um rail rails and rail bases so all repairable I mean all I mean it doesn't that's from the state but now if you're talking about MVP and the type of program that is they're going to want to see more capacity maybe a little bit higher maybe a little bit wider uh so on and so forth so it's it's so in order to figure out the best course of action MVP is only going to tell us that they want us to replace it with the biggest and best greatest thing that's underneath the the program if we were to go through an actual engineering firm and follow the GU of D of um the dot yes then uh it might be a different I I believe I believe would be okay um I've yet to find a uh a a bridge construction company that will even come out in without because they're not Engineers they do the work and even give me a rough estimate um so that leaves us to um and and the other thing too that we're not sure of is if you need a totally separate chapter 85 for and Brian you might know uh for a repair as opposed to to a complete replacement um you could say that if you had the complete replacement then you could cherry pick some of the specs for the repairs you want to make but you couldn't do that the other way around let's think about this logistically that bridge is a main artery through town absolutely what's the length to replace that bridge TimeWise is it months out that was asked uh I thought that was asked or I wanted to say it was a twoyear two two years I thought they oh that's what I heard on the conservation um yeah years are we closing the road down for two years one lane they would do one lane at a time yeah they would set up temporary um traffic signals yeah um remember how much they were it was like 100 and something thousand for the temporary traffic signal police office out there and everything a repair still probably be in the two-year range that I can't say for sure uh I know the 2-year range and just just by watching the conservation uh conservation meeting um has to be that they said 18 months to two years because of certain conservation restrictions and I I don't think a repaired let me just ask Rick you recall the repair of Summers Road Bridge and we had to I think weld some stringers on it or something that wasn't that didn't take a year to get done I think they came in they lifted it they welded no it didn't take a year and again we didn't shut the bridge down to do it either right that was kind of that was a repair job that was basically significant repair job it was you know yeah so no I I mean again I'm no engineer and things change but I mean we didn't go through that much H so by accepting this MVP signing this contract we can't have them engineer a repair right because they want replacement onlyin they want volume of this like Mark referred to it's the program that it's in okay they're really focused on climate change adaptation and so yeah our repair would not increase the volume of water that could go through that bridge do we have a volume of water issue through that bridge at the moment once every 60 years yes that bridge handled a bigger volume of water in O than the 05 storm back when the when the Dirt Pile gave way up on Glendale Road it was way more significant that went through there in ' 05 and it handled it without any trouble right well it wasn't any trouble the water was brown all the way down to the Connecticut River but I mean it it handled it Rick and you recall a lot of it was backup water because the scantic had a problem and the water came back from the scantic not that it was coming down through Laughing Brook it was a combination of that the Beaver Dam that went over Mountain Road in wilam that let go during the same event and then triggered the basically a landslide that property on Glendale Road where the guy had the Horse bar so all that came at once through that bridge is that right what year was that well you're asking your dad and I were together I'm going to say 9394 right the 2005 I think that was the 200 happened cuz your dad and I it was it was a guy named cadet's property the racetrack yeah yeah guy with the race horses it all let go at the same time he stockpiled all the stuff the debris from the farm and barns out there I'm just saying I think some of their premise with this is is overkill but that's I'm no engineer I mean I do agree and I think we heard this from Gary the mitigation of the scantic it's too bad we can't use the MVP towards I think Gary talked about that well the silting in the uh mil Pond problem if we could targeted towards that there'd be a lot more benefit the town from that you know because when I wed 15 years ago and took all those photographs the biggest problem and there's actually dams on the scanic that are not man-made and not created well technically created by Nature because they have lawn chairs and everything else in them and they forced the water over by Tad's house that water didn't used to go there so if you could get rid of half the sand bars in the river you'd probably be way better off anyway right but again I'm I don't want to get you guys out of no but that's that's better mitigation than talking about what's happening there and I think Gary had alerted the HSS hsh team to to that I think they have they have an agenda well um that there may be you know other things going on Downstream here um that yeah may or may not have contributed to right and same in the in the future that may or may not contribute to a future [Music] right so back to the first question though Our obligation here it's great that uh they talked about awarding a grant is it a grant that will benefit the town of Hampton in a real positive way in my opinion yes and here's why you have a you have a a bridge design that's at 100% for a replacement Bridge mhm um and once it gets with the check 85 review process and through pretty much through kcom already then you'll have what I would consider a shovel ready project so that if federal or state funding become available in the looking shortterm for projects that might be something that they would fought I think that's the advantage right now and the the cost of the town is really in terms of in kind match this okay and it does not obligate us to say okay thank you for that shovel ready you have to put the shovel in the ground or not correct we still have that option yes right but we have the yeah Avenue for potential funding from somewhere else if we go through this way correct there's possibility for more so it could be a tip project it could be right okay like I say long as there's not a gun to our head to do something I'm fine although another example of potential State money that could have been used for a better purpose yeah I the town headed down this path I don't know how many years ago with the with Henry Stein Hudson and selecting this I I I don't know what led to that but I mean in future rounds the town's not obligated to focus resources on Eastbrook well on Eastbrook at Main Street I do recall hearing the other night that uh that there are a couple time restrictions and I'm not sure if that refers to the grant itself for the conservation portion of it but it was like a threee maybe a threee something we'd have to go back to conservation or something like that well Craig I think in three years they probably can find that water pipe right yeah all right we beat that one a desk can I have a motion we need a motion to accept the grant or sign yes move that we accept the MVP Grant as presented and authoriz the Town Administrator sign the contract a second fine the motion was made in the seconded all in favor I I all right town meeting thanks Mark are we on town meeting yeah we're on to meeting Mark yes sir boxes came Mark when we going to do those streets OK uh I'm looking at second week of September yes want to make sure I'm out of town all right you were going to be the free traffic detail guy we're going to save so much money oh he's op for the run and hide oh no sorry you're waiting for the vest hand me down all right yeah we'll find a guy so we got a we got a town meeting coming up we want to do electronic voting what do you think what do I think or what do we think what do you is a group thing okay I did send you information I had um I've actually talked to some clerks and those who are for are for it and those who are opposed are forget it um it it is extra work and then and anyone has had it the clerk itself herself himself doesn't actually control the right um I guess there's some work that's involved in that during the meeting itself and it's more of a distraction than it helped to the clerk so there would have to be someone secondary usually I do try to have someone secondary there um so that could work the cost of it on the other hand we're looking at about for 200 quickers and that normally would be sufficient but the last few meetings we've had we've toed 200 not by a lot but and you want to make sure you have them and they are something you can rent but just to get 200 and the cost was about $10,000 that's the buy it right bu yeah um I think we we Brian had mentioned that we he might think about trying to rent them first to see if they'd even work out and I can look into something like that they do rent but they're expensive to rent um they send you have to I'm sorry they send somebody to run it if we rent no no we we'd still be on our if you buy them they send someone the very first time to show you how to do it yeah if you rent them as far as and this is just from the three that I've dealt with the three people that offer these nobody says we'll send someone in there they just send a click here you go yeah and some instructions I mean they're not going to leave you a call but I guess they do have someone telephone um advice if you need it Craig your other concern before was the Wi-Fi right that we have to make sure that well that's something I thought about too but I thought the school was in pretty good shape as far I found out last time that every 55 minutes that right you have to resign back in okay because of that would definitely be something I mean because of the connectivity yeah so you imagine for we can straight meeting that we' have everybody they must have a password must be working they're working in there you know they got they got offices in there so they must we sure they're not signing talk to those two people before they leave fine yeah you know Rick what do you think well you know again as we talked when we met la I mean you know number one if you go with the premise that they they are not burdensome and they will operate smoothly I think number one it'll speed up the meeting because it'll be much quicker I think the second thing clearly we um first and foremost regardless of which way well if we go with the clickers then it's a move point if we don't then obviously on any two-thirds vote we're going to just take a count immediately as we talked I think in the first time we did it you know it was off by four votes on a two-thirds the second time which was the senior center question um the request and rightly So based on the seven people who you know approached the moderator um the recount was had and in the mean time people left and then people voted so it threw the count off again um so to me clearly you're going to get a better sense of transparency you obviously have to work from the premise that the system will function as intended that it's not going to run the you know run the town clerk into the dirt while while we're trying to get it set up I mean I would be more inclined to support it simply because of efficiency speed and transparency um but if it's not even if it's not available for this meeting this is a special town meeting I'm not aware of right now any questions that would be 2/3 um but to me the big thing is 2/3 because 23s looks a lot different from where I stand to where where we all stand and sit to what is going on it looks way different than a majority and you know again you know great that I was off by three on one and we had to change in the other but me being off is still me being off and that's not acceptable so so anything that obviously manual recount will preclude that and clickers would have a much better chance with a cross check but again if it's going to it's going to create a lot for Eva because Eva has a lot to do during the meeting I mean it really what's happening up there and you all know what's happening up there is happening in real time and it's fairly quick and there's a lot of times where you know Eva might say even to me hey did you get that person's name do you remember so there's a lot that has to be recorded and dealt with so if she suddenly her attention is diverted from that type thing I think it's impractical but again it sounds like we had a quick conversation on the way up they either love it or they hate it there's no in between ground here but to me if given given the choice if we could make it work even if we rented it one time and gave it a chance yeah I'd like I'd like to rent it one time and give it try watch some YouTube's Town meetings they seem to be pretty popular with the ones that that make it happen speeds them up and well that's as I said my feeling is it's going to do two things it's going to speed it up and it's going to improve transparency the other thing and you know you don't have to have been around for a long time go back to the 50s or whatever you know is always the age-old thing when the fire department comes in and the police department comes in or the school budget comes up nobody wants to be the one to raise their hand no now does that take away some of the mob mentality voting it's probably got a shot at doing it um and if it makes people feel more comfortable about coming I mean the whole goal is to get more people but at the same time we've had a lot of conversation about making it more transparent and speeding up the process so that everybody is able to attend and also they're able to be a part of it so I would I'd be inclined to give it a shot but I'd like to see you know what Eva ends up with well I'd like to see the rental price and I think Don if it's low enough we could even take it out of selectman expenses you know if it's in the couple thousand range yeah we have to factor in another person to run the system sure one of the things asked was did it improve attendance and nobody felt that it had approved attendance the one thing that was I guess the big hit was it was you could vote secretly nobody had to know how you voted that was the that seemed to be the biggest hit with that um and as I say some people were all importants others just didn't feel it was worth the effort do they come with screens too so people see that's it's projected the will be projected on the screen itself but you don't you don't see how the vote is going no no you only see how many people voted that's what I understand it comes you see it as it's and then you get the total right and obviously the other thing that's going to speed it up and again this is chump change time because we don't have a lot of two-thirds votes but theoretically it's doing the calculation on the Fly instead of a hand count then me standing there with a calculator doing the math yeah that's how I've seen it on the like I say watching the other Town meetings six years of minut the math is a trick State last year yeah I made it the bar was pretty low back then why you're here also we were talking about starting at 6:30 your thought on that fine with that I think the most people might um you know we had some there was a lot in what you had sent and I've done a lot of homework on it already we don't have to beat that to death again but you I don't think starting earlier is going to hurt our cause and you know plus folks with you know kids or that type of thing they can get them through that window and get them home but I mean I don't know if you can do it for the for the special specially you can do what you want and will you need to to vote right that's fine I'm gting for either one of those anything that gets more people the chairs and speeds up the process I'm good so so there was a there was a quote for a rental 200 clickers uh so to rent 200 clicker it says it's uh $2,495 plus roundtrip shipping and it says if you want our staff to attend the rental and operate the system the cost is 5,495 and you can rent more quickers for $10 the quicker make it plus roundtrip shipping that would pretty expensive special town meeting but that's your call I I get to sit on the sideline for that rental two 2500 plus right five grand for them and if you if we you buy it you get it for 10 grand and somebody shows up for free to show you how to use it think about the math yeah one of the other things that that's related that's come up is the community compact grants is an IT Grant that's going to be available in January that could in theory cover the cost the only thing I I can't figure out is is let's say you buy 250 or we buy 250 clickers what happens if 300 people show up you can't use them got to anticipate you don't be you really couldn't because I mean theoretically the one thing that the underlying current of everything I read is it's got to be consistent equal throughout the entire process literally like and again not to believe point because you have other folks here but if we set up a separate room like we've had to do with high school votes and that type of thing as soon as you set it up the folks in the Next Room have to have every bit the same as the Fone sitting there the exception of they don't get to visually see the person we've got to have you know we've got to have t an extra moderator so I'm just saying if you ran out of clickers one night because we had a huge vot or we didn't anticipate the clicker system would sit on the sidelines and we go back to manual I've said before is there a possibility reaching out to other towns that might have a system that we could partner up with one of the things I was going to suggest I'm sorry um one of the things are I again talk to a couple of people too if there are other communities that are local and they have the same clickers again you have to anticipate what the crowd is going to be like you can't just run over say hey we need your clickers tonight um but if you have some idea that you're going to exceed your 200 clickers or whatever you may be able to work or deal with a community that's close enough that you can pick them up and borrow them and all right so what I can do tomorrow is I'll kick out an email to the mass moderators Association quote unot the gavl line and I'll ask them how many towns use them and we're looking to experiment with them if such a thing is possible would somebody be willing to let us borrow even for a fee and see because the moderators really aren't in charge of this but I mean I can see what found they could at least go ask the question and usually if I send something to them I get 15 responses in within four hours sure so I'll send it out tomorrow cuz we got to make a decision pry quick I'll get it out tomorrow I'll whatever I get back by say Wednesday afternoon I'll email I'll email the results okay you might hear from Hopkinson hey we can let we'll rent you $400 for $1,000 great whatever like I said I hear from everybody when I send those things out so I'll I'll get it out tomorrow we'll see where we land okay all right thank you good I'm good great and you're okay with the 6:30 thing if the board goes that way yeah okay absolutely good to know that's fine and we have swamped with the early voting today we had nine people Saturday and we didn't have anyone afternoon time so and that's only because Kathy texted people and said it come down and vote here nine people 9 to five okay time all right thank you thank you thank you bye you guys thanks uh thoron B Le update you want to give the leas update we'll amend it amend it uh school committee meeting last week the school committee voted 6 to1 to enter into negotiations with the HED B selectman to amend the lease with the uh goal of uh along with a couple other uh ancillary Provisions to return possession of the school to the town of hamon by June 30th 2025 can I cover it I'll be working with the superintendent assistant superintendent Town Council to get that uh prepared hopefully in time for the September 19th school committee meeting which is at CWB must send off okay uh Community compact grants so I sent out this letter that the state sends out informing the town about compact grants two that really stuck out to me were the on the back of the sheet the the it grant program and then the municiple fiber grant program and come back around if additional cost that the the fiber committee uh can think of we've closed out that Grant this past year so that we should be eligible um f grant program it grant program ideas could be the the uh electronic voting systems or I'm sure there's going to be it upgrades that are going to need to happen inwb as well so I think we done didn't we get that two or three years ago we did we did applying for one limit you on the next one or is there a chance to beward b i I think these programs are are pretty siloed are you talking about the same year yeah yeah I think they're pretty siloed I think we least the cap of the the last Mary did or something she got something I think the um I the it I don't know top my head but I think it's less than that so yeah let's do them let's do them both not anything immediate we have um Conservation Commission vacancies we have two vacancies on the Conservation Commission uh uh Andrew Netherwood wants to stay on as an associate uh there's a gentleman that came to the Conservation Commission meeting last week and Bonnie has given them all the information and everything about it the other gentleman didn't show up so it's an important uh one of the most important committees in the town because they have a lot of work to do and if anyone's environmentally interested or climate change or Wetlands or any of that please contact the Town Administrator that's all I got to say got any ideas on that well I think we saw a lot of people involved and concerned about the Glendale Road thing we'd like to know you know but it's broader it's every part of town take that and bring it in brown what's also happening with the other vacancies uh I had a contact from a funeral home concerned about Outreach to cemetery and really wondering if they're going to get a clerk there uh the last conversation I had with was with Dwayne and they were willing to consider a clerk but uh not currently well what's the issue why wouldn't they want I mean it's budgeted why not why wouldn't you want to help somebody answer the phone I I didn't ask that specific question sometimes if if you have help you sort of lose control of stuff um but I don't know if that's the case or not well how about the uh assistant to did it work out for planning with the assistant or was it Road yep yeah uh yep Jo is getting the a temporary help the Canon we have can you bring that up on the screen do and I can did you bring your guest receipt go to lunch when you there to no no I there was election day up there they were in a primary day in Vermont and they were in the frenzy so the story with the Cannon as we all know is that back in the 1970s a police officer was chasing a suspect through the woods of the Glendale Road area and tripped over the Canon and uh he went back unbeknownst to the landowner and with a tow truck and took the cannon off off the landowner's land well that's in the interest the saf safety I'm sure yeah and he had it in his he had it for a while here but then he moved to Vermont and took the Canon with him this is so this is the ' 70s this is and he uh every 4th of July as I'm told up there that he would shoot the Canon off and then in 2003 he was ill and he bequeathed the cannon to the town of West Windsor Vermont also known as Brownsville and they have had it in the front of their town hall for low these many years until 2023 when they decided they didn't want it there anymore two reasons I guess one because it's kind of rusty and the other reason is some of the Town residents were concerned it was too militaristic and they wanted to have a more pacifist feeling about the town so they called us up and said we got your Canon you you want it back so I went up there uh I think it it was the thing is that there there's a group group of people Civil War group that is trying to identify exactly what Cannon is they believe it's actually a naval Cannon and uh the Quan that it's on was built by the person who found the cannon uh and the naval canon probably would be too bad cuz we do have the scantic and if any if any British ships or Pirates try to come up the scantic to loot the town we would have the cannon to defend ourselves so the question is we want to get the cannon back down here it looks like it needs to be restored it might be fun to have I think it'd be fun to something for I don't know why don't you ask the VFW if they want to do it no I think we should do it something for the 150 we should actually actually okay but I mean the Providence is it's a naval Cannon it's got no link it does have a link well they think it's a naval Cannon yeah it it actually could have come from Boston when uh was it Henry Knox kn right and they used to use them from what I was researching they used to use old cannons as property markers oh really yeah that's my father maybe that's what it was know that guy in Glendale doesn't know where his line is we probably never knew where it was to begin with and which is why we have to pre ulate the to that'll be I mean could Highway Department throw it on their thing with they have their cabota tractor on it the flap get down here flap yeah yeah I I guess should ask Mark while he was here I didn't think of it any so I I think it's a good idea to pick like I said we have $20,000 in the 150 account right so if we need to spend a couple hundred bucks to go pick it up sure okay all right all right good done hi where's the other picture you got the other picture up there the other side of it you put it on the comment over here right there it is here a blacksmith make a make a sign for it great right okay another another weighty decision yeah all right correspondence we have our greyhorse people here attorney attorney fancy guy yeah okay uh so we've got a we received a letter from uh Fitzgerald law firm and on behalf of the great horse um and they're asking to have a zone change uh to change uh what what 128 wilham road which is basically R4 and R six to 231 128 exist oh 231 Parcels that are around it that don't actually have a property address they have parcel ID okay the old KY Farm U and they want to change the R4 and R6 to golf Recreation corre okay so I guess the first part of this is the selectman's only obligation here is to pass it on to the planning board within 14 days that's it that's Our obligation by law right chapter 4A Section 5 yep okay the other the other question they have is uh the the Selectmen create the warrant so would we put the question the zone change on the warrant on that I think we have to wait to see what the planning board decides to do they have 65 days of have a hearing I don't know what their business with their schedule is um my calculations are that if we gave it to them on Wednesday when they meet uh 65 days if they weigh the whole 6 days you still be short by a few days before town meeting because the town meeting is the 30th uh 29th of October um so I would think we would want to send it over to uh planning and then hear from them what their schedule is when they can conduct a hearing and then we can make a decision whether to put it on or not so basically we're not against it we're not for basically the balls and planning court right now yeah right we send it over to weer m is the land currently 61a or 61b a a a so I guess the question we would have is so it doesn't need to be approved by planning board it just needs to have a recommendation correct and so we have concern you have is putting it on the warrant not knowing if they would make any recommendation in time yeah the concern is I don't know what their schedule is the hearings and things like that so whether they would be able to get the hearing done and make a recommendation in time for the town meeting yeah um what would be the downside to and this is honestly a question that you could probably answer better than us but have it on the more and I guess and you know this but great horse is the um largest taxpayer largest employer and I think maybe the largest landowner in town um making a reasonable request for uh um to save otherwise we'll have to go get 100 signatures we could do that which we prefer not to do obviously um so if it goes on the warrant and for some reason there is a meeting on September 25th September 25th trying to work out on if for some reason they can't make a recommendation or just exercise the entire 65 days um there's two questions there's one can still be voted on um by that town meeting absent that recommendation um but also yeah what is what if it's on the warrant without the recommendation what's the downside me at that point potentially take no action correct um so put a placeholder on no matter what that that would be our request because again I think it's important it's important to Great horse and I think ABS at being referred by that select board we'd have to go collect signatures which we feel like we could get but it's a lot of time and energy and we' be in the same situation well if the planning board does not um are you say excuse me are you saying that the planning board is going to hold a hearing the 25th they're having a September 25th hearing I've been in contact uh with Joanne and she has basically said she can try and work it out she can't make any guarantees so we're hopeful she part of the reason we wanted to come today is because she needs to send out notice on her end by the 28th which is obviously Wednesday um so if that's going to happen obviously things need to Cascade she doesn't need notice to be posted until I think the fifth but we haven't referred it to them yet yes I've just been in contact if it was possible it wasn't potentially possible obviously we might not U be here today yeah they got to put they got to they got to give 14-day notice sounds like a bit of that French thing after you guessed on no after you guessed on you know like are we waiting on them or they waiting on us we can make it simple just I'll make a motion to refer the zoning petition to the planning board for public hearing having been on the planning board for several of these rezonings it's always been the planning board call if they can get it done in time yeah well we got to refer it to him first motion okay fine we're going to refer it to him tomorrow okay so now the question is if they can schedule that we have another meeting on the 9th we can always vote to put it on the warrant on the 9th if they can get it if they think they can get it scheduled no no September 9th we're not we said we weren't going to close the warrant until September 30th so we have right so if we hear officially that the planning is going to schedule the public hearing for the 25th then that gives us all the reasons say sure we there's a orange AR because they're doing it right have question if um they we don't get on the September 25th meeting but we get to 100 signatures then by law we have to go we have to put it on so but we'd have to have the 100 signatures by September 30th 30th yeah yeah I think the board of registers has to certify them yeah Board of regist has to certify so you got to get it in a few days before the you know they it only takes them a couple of days to do it so that's what you want to do I think that's a we appreciate I think it's a reasonable path it sounds like there's a willingness to if it gets schedule planning board to at the next meeting refer to the warrant without having to gather the signatures okay we appreciate that is it inappropriate to ask why it's not inappropriate to ask uh why they want the zone change yeah yeah so um it's for the potential expansion of the golf course use on the properties while also keeping um the allowed farming use the immediate next step is the the primary goal is to move the maintenance Shed off of uh wilam Road despite um guys's best efforts you can only beautify and um because it's an accessory used to V course I think those pink ribbons you put on were nice too small no the roof is too noisy I banged a few off the top of that roof there's space on the farm but because it's the underlying zoning is is residential accessories it can't be relocated absent this resoning so that that's the immediate short-term goal and then that would it would also allow for it's essentially a 5 uh 30 plus acre partial bisected by Raymond Drive um if it's all consistent use it would allow you know in the future potential um Golf Course expansion if if that was desired what it would foreclose though and and um great horse is willing to give up this right in order to allow for that would for close the ability to do Residential development on that large parcel so it would be a trade-off um it would allow for golf course potential expansion in the longterm year term um immediate relocation of the storage shed and then um they would be uh giving up the ability to to do Residential Redevelopment of that significant acreage which we view as a form of I know golf is an official conservation but it's um it conserves the land undeveloped um for only a farmer go course use all right that's the plan see what they're going to do and let us know well they'll let us know okay okay thank you and thank you thank you for your patience I I hope you learned a lot about what's going on town I learned what you keep in that water oh wow thank you thank you all right we have a second letter from uh the planning board which is incomprehensible to me so apparently the uh one of the planning board members was speaking to the zoning enforcement officer and they disagree with the attorney's position that we should hold a public hearing and apparently he's advocating on behalf of the self- storage people to uh not have not charged them to hold if we if they hold a public hearing not charge them but for the town to pay for notifying the Butters and paying for the advertisement this is clearly a planning board issue too and they should talk to the town attorney about it I don't see we don't that all so I I don't understand his continued advocacy for the Self Storage but that's an issue for another day and another election okay all right select reports okay uh there's a meeting of the uh senior Senate building committee on Thursday at the police station where we hold our Thursday meetings because the senior center is too busy on Thursdays and the building and the room is not available um I've been asked to clarify for the meeting I believe I heard yes the select board Boris lman for right now is in favor of bringing the article forward in the fall correct they're not going to require 100 signatures for I don't know they're out they're out Gathering the signatures now so they might as well continue their good work we agreed on it I thought we agreed to it could be on the warrant we did and I'm a little but different opinions no no I'm not different opinion they're going around town saying the Selectmen aren't going to put her on the warrant so therefore we have to get signatur and that's not true I agree that's why I want to clarify and that's why they're going to run into problems again no anyhow I appreciate thank you for saying that you know and and uh you know they were at the church this weekend and you know it's just inaccurate and I don't understand I don't understand that uh be a bit that girl scout thing circle around and you know I don't I don't understand U planning board there's a meeting on this Wednesday couple of Home occupation and I believe the other thing was nothing relative to us per se hung out home occupation near Craig so but I'll stay away uh fiber optic committee is meeting on Wednesday and uh that may have some updates coming soon oh quick quick update I mean as saw the result so you couldn't find any ferns that's what Bri so what happens now John I have not been reported to yet on that Resort that survey did you get any from yet yeah you were CC down you no firms no firms no firms uh late this afternoon so now they can move forward now we can proceed to a point so now conservation will issue a order of conditions for the project hopefully at some point we'll be able to get to the bidding process but we're still waiting for the state to determine whether or not we're eligible for any kind of reimbursement right we'll hear about the OneStop Grant it says in Sub in September that will that will dictate how many phases are put out to F yeah cuz there's a possibility they could cover more than we asked for I got the think might okay what administrative report um Garvey V Hampton attorney filed the motion for clarification of the of the of the order on the 21st of August so we'll wait to hear back he thought there was going to uh be a hearing scheduled in that case um new website um we've had our first meeting with the project designer and we have a small group that's going to get together go through that process EV Chargers um we learned that National Grid was doing some work out there this weekend but when I reached out to the uh the project Engineers it sounds like they may have moved it out there but nothing's hooked up yet so that's still uh going forward and that was promised the uh project schedule in the next couple days and part of that will need to be uh Decisions by the board about rates and fees and things like that and then training on the on the the system um time bonds uh still doing the conditions assessment for twb and part of that is also going to be the spatial planning analysis which I think is has even more importance now that we're moving this forward uh I reached out to set up a meeting with with their uh staff person there hopefully really close to sometime after Labor Day and then I was going to update the water uh the water situation SC water district um no ferns so we had the the climbing Fern study done and nothing was found so Conservation Commission can order the order of conditions uh we already have the the permission from Mass DP to modify the system so really we're just holding out on that onstop Grant application which we should hear in September and then we can depending on how that goes we'll have to we can put the project out the bit so we should be looking sometime uh sometime in October probably at the latest trying to get that out to bid in whatever form that's going to take that's it ran also the meeting at Green mids oh yeah we had we had a a a shortterm uh short notification that they were doing a capital walk through at Green Meadows and John and I went and they were talk talking about the capital needs that they were discussing were were interior and exterior doors um some flooring uh at least those are the immediate needs I think John right and then longer term I think they had FY 28 for roof work mhm I had a much larger price tag what was that seven figures right yeah I think I think the big thing was they were concerned about the safety of uh outside doors and also safety concerns for the fact that the keying structure for the internal doors was not consistent and they wondered if there would be an opportunity to come to the fall town meeting to get money to fix them from a capital standpoint um I think we expressed to them that the fall town meeting is emergency use only and in my opinion if they can't get the work done before the annual town meeting don't come to the fall town meeting because if you're such a thing you come in oh my gosh I got to fix these doors right away and you're going to schedule for the summer then come to the spring meeting because obviously then it's not such an emergency because my things to Happ you got to but if you're saying my gosh you give us that money we're getting it done over Christmas and because the doors are falling apart and somebody could walk in that's the case you need to make well what's the cost of the door Replacements uh they could be talking in the 40 to 50 range you know the headers are gone on the outside doors the door can be fine but it can be because the header has been drilled so many times the door could be pulled open with a good pull exterior doors yes especially with I mean your Jeep I mean shoot you put a rope on that thing you could be in in a heartbeat not my Ford who needs a it would be a be a pretty flimsy door for my Ford to do it anyhow that was the report on to them and they've got to prove the case basically and they got I think the board's been consistent with how were looking at Appropriations for the fall town meeting for money I know Craig you've made the point before I think we've agreed that yeah things happen in the fall that need to be addressed more so but you do have to say the reason we're asking for it in the fall is because we're going to spend it right away and we need it right now otherwise yeah otherwise yeah but well that's inconsistent with the senior center then well I think that's not inconsistent because they made a good point that the quicker you do it the the sooner you lock in the price I mean I'm sure the water district has a concern that the longer that project goes out we've seen a rise in PVC pipe costs that type of thing as well I I just don't buy it I think they're laser focused on something they want and they're not considering the rest of the town motion to Second we'll leave it at that