good evening I call the meeting to order this is the meeting of the hamton board of selectman and Board of Health being held in the townhouse Auditorium June 17th 2024 uh this meeting will be conducted in person remotely using video conferencing technology please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and for all thank you is anyone recording the meeting other than us say no one we have any minutes tonight no no all right EV charging station update um Jerry olti is on Zoom here let him in yeah hi gentlemen hi ladies and ladies and gentlemen um yeah so do you guys do you want a general you want a general update or do you guys have some questions for me how how do you want to uh I see you dug a I see you dug a hole today you going to fill it in after where's our first check yeah right I did want to ask about what is the what is the process now about charging a fee and how do we set that up [Music] and go ahead okay yeah so what's going to happen is once the once the Chargers are installed and and um and all the connections are are are done um the software vendor is going to there'll be an onboarding um where they will gather a bunch of information from from you um setting up um you know the account where the revenues are going to go to um and so essentially they'll create an account for you um they will you know walk you through a demo of the software um to explain all the capabilities of the software uh and one of those is pricing um and so you know you have the ability to um you know set multiple price levels what they call tiered pricing so you can you know charge the public One Price you can charge uh you know Town employees another price you could charge uh you know you know you can you can customize the pricing um to different users um you'll have the ability to set um idle fee pricing for example one of the you know when when a car pulls up to the charger charges their car and then their session is finished the software will send the driver a text informing them that their car is full and that they should come and move their car to the extent that that car is not moved um you can set a idle fee in other words uh you know you they get maybe five minutes for free um and then after that five minutes you can set whatever penalty you you see fit for example every 10 minutes that goes by you can charge them $10 uh you can charge them $20 you know I always recommend to customers to uh make those idle fees thing so to speak um because uh and and and if they're going to continue to take up that space then then you're obviously entitled to get compensated for that since since nobody else can come in and and utilize the charger Jerry I don't know I don't have an electric car what's the typical charge that you see around here for you're pulling up in an ionic you're plugging in what's that charge in terms of the cents per kwh well that wouldn't I mean when I'm done how much is the typical you know how much am I paying to charge a car right so for a so there one of the things the software vendor will work through with you and what in and in one of parts of the analysis that analysis that they will do for you is what and I'll be involved in this as well is we we you know you look at uh the general area and you see what type of charging infrastructure uh is available um and these are going to be fast Chargers so we're going to want to pay attention to what type of fast Chargers are in the area and you look at things like okay and then you look and see what those other chargers are charging per kwh whether it's 45 cents whether it's 50 cents whether it's 70 cents um and there you know in in addition to that you look at other factors uh you know the the convenience factor there there are a number of other things that come into play um where that you can utilize to to perhaps justify a higher uh cents per kwh but to to a a short answer is you know you're probably going to be looking at charging anywhere between 45 cents per kwh and 55 cents per per kwh that's kind of a general uh rule of thumb with these DC fast chargers right so what was the typical Bill be I pull a car up there how much do you charge in my credit card is kind of my question well you know that obviously it matters like how you know what what's the level of discharge at this point yeah let's say you're charging uh you know you know there's a lot of different factors that will determine the end the the the the the bill uh and it's no different than a gas car uh you know if you're pulling up to a um a gas pump with a quarter tank full then that's the the end cost is going to be different than somebody pulling up uh that's topping off with 3/4 full it's the same with an EV uh all you know different EVS have different size batteries they're going to be pulling up um you know with different uh uh you know capacities left on their battery but um using my car as an example um I have a Tesla Model 3 you know my B my battery um you know is roughly 80 uh KW and um if I come in with let's say I get down to 20% um 30 bucks let's what's my my uh come on 16 if I'm not mistaken the level three charge up to like 80% fast then the last 20% is slow so yeah so yeah that's a that's a good point um but let me just let me say it's 40 uh so you could you're looking it roughly if I charged H if I charged half my battery if I went from 50 to 100% I'm going to be paying roughly about $18 yeah for a half a tank MH okay and what happens is like the other gentleman was just alluding to um it's like it's like when you when you come into a think of the electricity coming into the battery as they get as the batteries get closer to to 100% capacity the charging time slows down think of it like a a big empty parking lot when you pull when you pull into a big empty parking lot you you park immediately so you know it's the same thing with with electricity when electricity is entering the battery and it's down at like 20% there's plenty of there's plenty of spots for that electricity to go and they find their spots real real quick as you get closer to full capacity think of the parking lot as being uh 99% full and you're driving around looking for that one one or that one or two empty parking spot it's the same thing with the electricity the electricity travels around in the battery looking for places to go so typically what happens is as you get closer a full capacity the charging time slows down a little bit um it's like parking wall at Christmas yeah exactly so but you're still looking at you know uh going from 20 to 80% you're at at with um with these Chargers you're looking at uh on average probably anywhere between 20 minutes to a half an hour very fast so I I pull up I have my debit card or credit card and it bills me and the money goes where so so what happens is when you when when the driver pays their their uh their fee for charging that revenue is going to go uh the software vendor will set up a uh will set up an account um on your behalf on the town of Hampton's behalf and that in and and that's and those funds accumul and then uh on a monthly or quarterly basis you have you know those funds accumulate and you and then on a monthly or quarterly basis those funds are dispersed to uh your local bank account for you what per a software vendor take so the way the way that the way that they're compensated it's a it's a pay as you go fee and it's it they they take five cents per kwh so so if the Chargers are being used you you you know you you pay if the Chargers are not being used you don't pay so there's no there's no payment to uh I mean who owns the equipment you own the equipment all right the town of hampon owns the equipment who repairs the equipment we do the town repairs the equipment Y is there a warranty yes there's a 5-year Parts only warranty that that is included so if you're estimating you know say $25 per average car so we might see three cars a day five cars a day um obviously this can be used anytime somebody can pull it on a Sunday charge up yeah does has nothing to do with the center being open correct but you have no sense I mean it's not like where that big wise scans the area and said okay I potentially have this many customers this is where I'm going to buy there was no assessment basically of the potential Revenue based on cars in the area ahead of time so we don't know you know there was no study saying you know we saw the average we saw 30 electric cars go by every four hours so therefore we might see two or three stop in we don't have a sense of that right no okay I think the only sense we have is there's not many level three Chargers in the area and when people are driving it's going to be displayed on their infographic of where certain Chargers are and ours will be listed as a level three charger so people might go out of their way by a couple minutes to get to a fast charge rather than going to say Big Y with you know level two charger right so there the potential is there for for increas I can't think of the only other one I think Bob said maybe JCC had a level three there there's not only twos yeah there there's there's not many level threes in the area um and uh you know and and the drivers will find them they'll show up on their apps and you know a lot of these apps are built into the cars now uh um you know and they show up and your area is such a um robust area for uh for a number of Outdoors outdoor type activities and believe me um you know the the the cars will find them as will uh and I think this is a big one um that I don't think is being paid much attention to we're doing a a a a tremendous amount of Fleet electrification especially last mile delivery electric vehicle Vans uh for a lot of uh mid to Smalls siiz um distribution companies and uh those those vans th like the Ford sprinters and whatnot um are are G to uh you know when they're doing deliveries in the area uh they're going to know where those fast Chargers are uh and they're going to be swinging by there to uh refuel um and you know I would imagine quite quite consistently in addition to you know the the the the uh the regular uh EV cars so you said the the the usual charge is 45 to 55 cents a kilow hour what's the what's the margin the margin is whatever you pay for electricity relative to what you charge okay minus that 5 cents so if you're paying 15 cents per kwh and you charge 50 your margin's 35 minus the five so that's 30 cents per per kilowatt hour Municipal rate when is this going to be operation um we should yeah I was talking to my project manager today we should have this wrapped up and ready for the Chargers to be installed in a in in a week and so is you know as soon as those are the Chargers can be delivered um and I I I won't have that information uh for the next couple days but it shouldn't be long so that gets back and Don your question about billing and stuff it sounds like we should have this in place for July 1st then because we could potentially get in Revenue you know right at the start of the fiscal year we're going to need a new account for this should we set up an Enterprise fund you know to pay for the maintenance and then we only be able to spent on things relevant to it yeah the the the thing about the maintenance the the beauty about these autel Chargers is they're uh they're they're 120 kilowatt so they disperse um 60 Kow of DC power in each Port so and the the the significance of that is these are air cooled um that's important because it eliminate you know liquid cooled Chargers require a substantial amount more maintenance and there's a lot more that can go wrong um the the beauty about these autels is um you know they they're they're very low maintenance uh you know just like a you know uh you know all that's typically required is you know there's a couple of filters that need to be changed once a year or or once every two years um and you know the and then you know you inspect uh they come with cable management systems in other words when when you take there's a retractor that that that controls the cable when you pull it out and then when the driver's done uh it it retracts the uh the cable back in and creates a nice clean um you know operation of the um the the nozzle if you will that goes into the car to disperse the electricity so the what what's it what's what's nice about the software is the software and the vendor are they are going to be you know they have a monitoring system for all their char so the software uh is going to be able to deter if there is an issue with the uh with the charger it will not only will it be it will tell you whether it's the hardware or the software and in all likelihood it it will know that there is an issue well before uh either you do or or a driver does okay these are powered is there an electric bill that for running these or yeah yeah that's a good question yeah so there'll be a this is a new service the the service is dedicated to the EV Chargers so there will be there will be a bill specifically dedicated to the EV Chargers by National Grid and that's why I think we need a revolving fund is we could pay that electric bill out of a revolving fund with the rep deposited other we need to appropriate money at Tomy yeah you said it's air cool does it make noise is there a fan that makes noise they're very quiet I I don't I have in all my um times of char charging I have not um I have not heard the charger operate okay you said that there's um they they are powered so they they will generate their own bill what kind of power do they draw when they're not in operation like is it like running an air conditioner or is it like running you know LED light bulb um that's a good question I don't know but I can get I'll get you that answer did one ever catch on fire I got the fire chief here did one ever catch on fire I've never seen I have I have personally never seen one catch on fire and we have thousands upon thousands of ports installed okay that's good question yeah go ahead uh who do you have that um fix dis is a factory technician that's trained to work on these and how far away are they located how hard is it to get someone to come out yeah um we're trained to work on them um we're you know we're down and we have um electricians we have 30 electricians uh throughout the state of Rhode Island in Massachusetts so you know we're we're more than capable um and also uh between the hardware and the software vendors you know we're more than capable to uh you know dis assuming that that um um you know if it requires a new part you know that's probably going to be the bottleneck in terms of getting something fixed as far as um but uh you know for you know our experiences with not only these fast Chargers but also the level two Chargers the slower Chargers a majority of the issues that come up are um able to be solved via you know either e you know a software fix okay Mr chair I think we should authorize creation of a revolving fund for the purpose of expending and receiving money for the charging station we can do that in any time in between Town meetings yeah it'll just be subject to ratification at town meeting pending ratification to meeting yeah it set a cap of I really have no sense so I'd say 10,000 I me which is probably way high unfortunately it's way high yeah I wish it was not maybe we'll get a lot of could be so I mean just to throw a number on it second all in favor and then uh perhaps the town District could search other towns I mean I don't know what the current rate is we're paying so the differential sounds like it's the key part right there what do we think is a markup is it going through Zara or not I wouldn't qualify for Zara because we already have the four things lined up under them right I just wondering on top of it is is that going to be inced incorporated into that well I've been saying for a while we need to bring them back in do a PPA but I mean if he can find out what the current CU like uh the fire station is not part of the power purchase agreement so whatever their rate is would be the rate we would be paying and then what do the board feels the appropriate markup at that point I mean I I think Jerry if you said it was 15 plus 5 and we're going to make 20 on top nothing says it's not Char set in stone if we don't think it's right we change it later I think by basic Google ID fee for sure as well but a basic Google shows that 40 cents the 45 Cent is right in line with a level three charger as long as we're matching it with level three Chargers because those are going defitely be more all right 45 cents is it for now uh yeah I mean if that's well he comes back I don't know what you let us know how right we can change it we can okay assuming his numbers s know yeah all right Jerry thank you very much and who can I who should I should I send the answer to that question in terms of how much these things power how much power these things draw an idle should I I'll send it over to you Brian yep that' be fine and then you then you can forward it okay okay yep if you're welcome thank you gentlemen and and ladies byebye thank you stick with that it was you Lauren it was just you going stick with that he's going to lose his job firefighter Cadet program you didn't bring them all where are they started yet I think the T administrator has some comments yeah I forward forwarded them along to Nick and Nick and I had a discussion about them um I don't know do you want to just explain the program a little bit Yeah so think it was two months ago we came and seek permission just to start this up I know you guys had some questions I know the biggest one one you guys asked was the insurance um I called the company that we use for Town insurance and O Lauren also emailed them and the guy Chris confirmed me on the phone that both for if they get hurt be covered the same way as me and the chief were to get hurt and also bodily damage so if someone throws a tool through a window something that's covered so there's no age limitation there um so that's all covered in that sense is that Chris at Barry Insurance yes Chris um another point so I know one of the questions that was brought up by Brian was if is it a complete volunteer position was talking to the chief would just be paid the same as a call would so would it be basically this equivalent of a call number so pay for minimum wage for coary so would they be paid for train when they do their training the they they would be set up as that's a stien at the same same as a stien is there a minimum age requirement that we y would be 16 years so 16 so I also say you now you have you talked to the school about it I was waiting just to get the file permission from you guys but I do have say you had to get the principal's approval work permit thing or something at a certain AG it's 15 it um that would be my next step bring it up to the school wait till the school Year's done stuff bring it up with them have a connection through the school go from there we have someone offer the help job school that works school the only other information on go from the insurance companies they just want to be notified when gets up and running but you want to emphasize there's no increase in the premium at all he did confirm that yep Le say no increase in the premium and the two cost items that I talked about was the department would be purchasing PP for the cadets as needed or yeah right now we have a lot of the older gear obviously since they're not going into a Bernie building to stuff that might have have a hole in it we can't bring in for a normal guy they can easily fill into that so maybe the small minor cost maybe some shields for the helmet just to identify them differently and other minor stuff like that nothing like you're not going to be getting a whole brand new set a turnout gear so our turnout gear ages at 10 years so it' be like a y down generally you stu they're not going into live fires so buring so they don't have need that required protection for live fire so they would have restrictions on what they can and can't do being Cadets yep yep almost same as a probation and what are you looking at for numbers what what is your goal for enrollment I think uh according to the rules of Regulation couple months ago you had you set up as a maximum of 10 m I always talking to some people um I I was talking to Brian today I don't think we're going to have 10 people right off it's not going to be like we're have 10 people right off the gate coming in we're going to have fill the Rost up I think it's going to be a gradual thing where we get this up and running say beginning this summer maybe hopefully three four um as it builds on but you are going to have a hard cap yep so these are supplemental people basically like the senior guys you have now they can't do certain things we have a couple of the ones we've signed off that you have Chuck I think Peter maybe as well yeah yeah so these are these will be support because they can't go into the front line right correct so basically we're trying to um hopefully younger people might well be able to take advantage of them for a longer period of time we always get younger College people people are interested in the fire service um I'll let them know you know one is if they think this is a career platform not everybody wants to go to college and it gives them opportunity at pretty much no cost to to do so um and hopefully you know once we get to him at earlier age hey you know you know Craig or John or Don want to join me you know this is cool you know try it out well I think we need to speak to the youngest person in the room here Nick is this something that would have been attractive to you when you were younger I said uh going back couple I started at 14 down in nfield um I saw had in because I am second generation by far but I did have I exactly as a chief said I got two friends that join with me right away from high school um other people I know as well where I'm a call member at Shaker Pines right now we still have a roster of Cadet so and that was I was a Cadet 12 years ago and there's still programs that are being successful so it shows the longevity and even going further back I know people in my father's generation started off that way as well at 16 14 years old and are still involved 30 years later so does have a high success rate in that sense and Sor like the chief said you know starting at 16 get them involved and show them the training and stuff like that the goal is also hopefully when they turn around for us is when they turn 18 they're able to go to the call Academy they have all the prior knowledge and stuff if they choose to go to the call Academy but they'll probably have no problem with it in pass and then as Chief said even with us there's local colleges so we get that young person in here at 16 they decide to go to Western New England for something else maybe not fire you're still getting a four years out someone that now is a certified firefighter and or knows the apartment in out you saying it's a good way to build interest you know they're always talking in the state how there's a shortage of emergency responders and stuff so this hopefully gets people interested earlier like saying on you know career pathway the one difference from a regular firefighter is I know the residency you have Hampton or werham but in the regular don't we have a mile limit for firefighters three mile to Town Line right so just back to next Point here say somebody signs up they live on the other side of Boston Road so they qualify for C Cadet but then when they want to become a firefighter they're now too far away yeah so there's no I think we'll take one step at a time and see if this should it be the same thing I'm saying rather than yeah I agree I mean the further out we go um you throw the net wider I got it so I'm trying to catch more yes and and you know the you know obviously with the distance comes travel you know time um so a lot you know we like to get the people closer obviously keep the the call quicker response times no I want looked at that because it wasn't so to speak the same as your regular policy there right so now it's not but I mean that's that's something that might have to be visited down the road I'm not going to it's not be problem so I think we all agree that the the we supporter of the program meet with Brian to work out the issues that he has the changes go from there m right thank you thank you next up would be what to talk to superintendent yeah you guys are G us a green light The Next Step I'll do is reach out to the scho hopefully I don't see I think the conversation that Brian and Nick have had are easy thing to be fixed I don't see why Nick can't reach out right now and tell him happening process put on put it on his radar thank you thank good job ni cell tower lease does anyone know what that's about Tower DP yeah I know but nice Brian can break it down I break it down if you want go ahead so the last time we had this we had a discussion about this there was a request that the the town's Public Safety antennas on additional Towers owned by SBA or SBA subsidiaries uh that the town would be charged no rent for those for those attachments or those antennas so we asked Town Council to go and have a conversation with the SBA which she did and the language so she had this conversations the language that she got back in the document didn't match up with what she thought the conversation was so what she's asking today tonight is that um the board have a discussion about whether the 35 so the 35% increase is meant to sort of net out the payments to those two SBA subsidiaries so they would inre 35% a 35% increase in the rent on the lease that we're renewing now and um the the real issue there was is um sbaa didn't include the CPA escalator in the base rent so what Town Council was asking for was a 35% increase in rent to net out the payments plus and retaining the CPI escalator which is what SBA did not have in there so she's recommending that we accept a onetime payment of 35% increase but there needs to be a CPI escalator which was omitted for some reason right or counter offer what what do the counter offer include I mean we actually don't know what the actual count the actual offer is other than a 305% increase right it would be whatever the town wanted okay whatever whatever the board wanted to suggest suggest so is the goal here or what she's saying here is that when this is all said and done the extra money will offset what we're paying for the other rental y fine that was kind of our goal I think it was the goal but here's my concern if if we're voluntarily allowing them to raise the rate that we charge are they then going to in turn charge us more for other aspects what do you mean like could they go back and increase the charge at the other thing and also not net out anymore right can we write that in the agreement I I think that's something that we should what to Rose yeah cuz don't want to say oh yeah we're going to do this and then have them say six months down the road oh hey you know inflation the other one went up one went up now so just want to protect are you saying you don't trust them I don't trust anybody so so a 35% increase in Ned out including the CPI escalator right and ensuring that there were no increases on the other right the other payments that would eat away at that 35% the CPI okay right good that was easy right back on schedule Highway Paving contract changing it all to Cobblestone this new plan he has it's going to be kind of Roman roads I like it Cobblestone will slow people down yeah no kidding that's what we need to do n tuck all I'm in favor so moved thanks for sending by the way oh you did I've got I think Craig between you and I we have half the stones he needs too I know that's right all right what are we doing here last week I expressed my interest to Brian about uh possibly renewing our Paving contract with precise pay this year um in our uh bid documents for in our invitation to bid um documents um it is stated that um if both parties agree we can renew up to say two more two more years you get the original year for a total of potentially three years right um so uh I reached out to the of precise and got some some numbers from him on what what escalation could look like for asphalt or bonamis concrete um related products um so he sent me over some numbers um he did agree so this is where it gets kind of this is where I wanted to Brian into into the board about he did agree to hold his prices however since these paving companies do not control or have any control over uh the the price index on on liquid asphalt diesel gasoline and stuff like that um he would hold his prices from last year however we would have to pay like say at the end of the paving season or once the projects are completed we'd have to pay an escalation cost cost um which we would have to which we would have to do anyways because if during the middle of the paving project if if if prices went up even though we're under contract we still have to pay an escalation uh escalation cost for for the liquid for the liquid asphalt related products only so um all his other items um Milling um and there's a couple other items uh you know he's going to hold from from last year so in the past I I've uh I've renewed uh contracts for lesser amount of money uh in the best interest of the Town um but since we're talking about you know a little bit more money this year with the with the extra State funding and stuff like that I I just wanted to make sure I had the support of of the board and this is the former you said the premier but that was the form they took over um lane or they took over uh no uh precise is a precise Paving they're a small company out of Brimfield and you know and for what it's worth I did is the one you had the question about the distance no what was the one you had the question about the uh that was Northeast Paving um they're out granding um and you know we've made a couple trips to them that was for the the pick up at the we made a couple trips and it's it's it's been okay it's going be okay it's I think it's these are the people that did work for us last year then correct uh the end of last year and then how do you feel like their work was I feel I feel like their work was excellent um I I um I did receive several calls from residents on the streets that they worked um uh giving um high praises to their uh professionalism their um uh efficient efficiency uh stuff like that so that was that was nice did they do North Road they did a they did a section of North row yes okay that Isaac Bradway and stuff right listed back they did lower I thought it went by Isaac Bradway looked in very good shape yes yeah yeah um they're small company they they've been very easy uh to work with um and uh you know and the other thing is uh he's looking to if if we you know if we do end up renewing the contract um you know he's looking to get in as soon as I can get ntion uh I'm sorry eversource to finish them the gas services on the road he's looking to he's looking to come in as soon as possible and start getting some work done in town I'm hoping by the end of summer but that kind of hinges I mean we'll have probably the majority of our work done by the end of summer however milroad that well you mentioned you mentioned there were small company and we're going to give them a lot of work obviously with the extra chapter 90 money going to a lot of towns is there a danger that these small companies could be overwhelmed with jobs or I I think there there could be but I don't get the sense that he's going to be he's going to be overbidding or I don't I don't get that sense he wants to lock in his schedule correct yeah I mean you're the subject matter expert if you're comfortable with renewing the contract I mean I'd rather not step on your toes there if you were one that's dealing with them on a day and day off basis right but I just you know and I just didn't want overstep my boms what I want to make sure this was was out there um I did do some quick numbers and it and it looks like based on the uh the the updated prices that that he gave me compared to the prices from last year it looks like that we the escalation would be a little over 20,000 which isn't which isn't horrible now if we were to go out to bid um you know I'm hearing prices anywhere from uh $125 a ton to up and over $130 a wow so we've got him for either $119 a ton and then of course the escalation or if we pay on the spot it would be 124 and then there was other prices for the Milling he was going to hold the same uh T co uh was a 50 Cent increase um at items like that so I I feel pretty comfortable with and there's already the good working relationship there so it's as I said they've been excellent to work with and oh I know it's just back when you first came in the first contract you brought in we were in the 80 $80 r0 $80 range it's amazing well 67 years ago just an idea of how much we we've gone up since last year at this time so last July we uh liquid asphalt per ton was 62 5 um this year they haven't come out with the June numbers yet but may it was 665 so it's creeping back up 5% in a month yeah so okay all right so are you looking Don looking for a motion to authorize execution yes so move second all in favor I and I agree with Craig that we have I think all the confidence in you that you know in the future do we think uh Mark can just bring this to Brian for if he needs a quick approval yeah okay yeah I just didn't know and again if it happens on a Frid transparency sure I mean happens on Friday Saturday Sunday call them at home let them know right away when we do contracts usually if a catch Bon's falling in you want to show it to him he'll be right down to look at it we measure the depth of the pavement they put down don't you have basins somewhere kicking around you know you go plan a and plan B plan a and plan B yeah when you were doing the roads you had the the sewer greates you had different styles you oh yeah get too confusing okay so that was it yeah all right thank you very thanks laughing BR you stay for the bridge uh no oh you sure what time is that at next oh it is okay do you want me to love just sit there Laughing Brook Laughing Brook Bridge MVP this is your this is kind of your thing it is kind of that's why I wanted Mark to stay because uh I don't know I'll get a quick update Brian how much are we in the hole before the end of the fiscal year for the attributed to the bridge uhuh for the MVP program and and money that was spent but not appropriated um well yeah we had a grant for the state hasn't reimbursed us for yet I know you've submitted oh we'll get full reimbursement from the state for the MVP program but there's a $50,000 match there was um and the match we were going to use Casino the casino Casino said no no right there was 35,000 well there was around another 70,000 but 35,000 of that was was supposed to come from a covert Municipal replacement assistance grant which somehow got coded to General Revenue so that money is really in stabilization likely if you watched free cash um so it's there just not in the right spot yeah it got Cod I don't it got miscoded and okay moved somewhere else um and then there was another six grand I think to authorize the the submission of one of the MVP grants do we need to ask for at fall Meer to net that out yeah so I mean um well we ow the 50 and then 110 around 115 120 probably that hasn't been reimbursed yet you mean that's not including anything that will be reimbursed the 115 well won't be in reimburse that's what we ow out of pocket yeah and then the rest the rest of the over will be covered from the reimbursement yeah I submitted I submitted already for 191,000 in reimbursement and there'll be like another 40 probably left I think in the MVP to reimburse we mention that project closes you mentioned the 50 that we were expecting casino to cover they said no because it's not on the route even though they would cover the two traffic signals on the same route makes no sense but yeah casino revenue is a way down I think that probably weighs into it and the legislature wants M the legislature wants the money no yeah exactly so 50 plus the 35 that got miscoded you said 50 plus the the really the there was like 64,000 there's $64,000 charge that was charged against the the MVP Grant account 35,000 of that was supposed to be paid for with a culvert meus pver uh a culvert from uh Department of eological restoration which the town's received that money it's just it was what was the other 30,000 for was that bil from hg8 Howard Stein hson or whatever yeah it was bu build from them yeah where's the the 35 coming from I I I couldn't track that I couldn't find out well just out out of curiosity I'm just thinking out loud all of our bills from the engineer do they total out to that loss you're talking about yeah the only charges the only charges to that account are from Howard Stein Hudson so if we get the MVP reimbursements back 100% then that's going to be the deficit estimate that's going to be the the deficit in the account okay but we can identify why those charges were incurred in in what amount so are they overbilling us that we know of no it's my opinion that that we incurred expenses we we signed contracts or items that we didn't have Appropriations for okay so we have 50,000 for the bridge if we choose to do that and then we have 35,000 that just Mis it's miscoded and there's another 30,000 of expenses expenses yeah expens I think the 50 is not if we we obligated for cuz that was part of the 50 plus 30 in Kind part yeah so we need to come up with 50 somewhere right I'm just trying to get a total here 30,000 30,000 is what well there was another let's call it let's call it 65,000 of expenses what was that last fiscal year so that's pretty much water over the bridge these are all ch well you mentioned you mentioned if it rolled into free cash I think that's unfortunately we're not going to get if you think that got brought into general fund swept into free cash it's probably it's gone now right it's a number we need to be aware of but it's not something we need to reimburse because it got covered up in the free cash part reconciliation that's Revenue that got yeah that's Revenue that should have been applied to offset expenses in the grant account but again it sounds like it was almost in a free cash recap at that point so the one that's going to hurt us in this fiscal year is the 50,000 right right we'll still be a deficit right yep above the 50,000 so we need to cover more of that well well he's Assuming he's hoping that the state is going to send the check no no no what's the deficit total in the account yeah um I'd have to pull that up exactly you want me to pull that up you said roughly like 115 that's where that's where I think it'll land but if that's assuming we get the reimbursement back I understand that but you're saying that you think the 35 went the general fund of Revenue yep okay but if it's not and if that happened in this fiscal year currently you can just have it recoded back out if the books haven't been closed and it's inside this FY 24 there's no reason you can't have that 35 back with a bookkeeping change I I believe it I believe it was one uh two fiscal years ago okay then that's not part of your 115 right so your 115 is the 50,000 matching that that 30,000 that the 115 total includes a 30,000 that was misappropriated a couple years ago right but it's not part of our debt right now yes no he's saying expenses it's part it's part of our expenses he said it's it's we're still owing that money somewhere for for that account so that carried over the fiscal year CU they sound they got re inside FY 23 why is that still open I think that cuz that project just kept getting rolled over right I thought it was the earlier grant that they closed out so we're funding the 50 if you look at the 50 which we'd Hop was going to be Casino reimbursement we did agree the town was going to kick in the 50 as part of our match and 30 in in kind so I just know see another funding source for it knowing how the books are running right now other than the big a at this point P stabilization in the ball we're hopefully usually trying to push in yep yeah but again we do have capacity to use a slight amount of arpa to close some of I know how much we owe total and this count and this stuff make we owe total total total toal no we don't benefits too right is it on that sheet you just got down is there something at the end there that last page usually uh rants up MVP listed there no country [Music] maybe it's not a special Revenue one the other question is the Bridge condition John well that yeah that's been my concern concerned I mean we've been rolling down this road based on vulnerability and the consie yeah I have a cookie Mark okay the cons has made a case that it's important to provide more capacity for the brook underneath the bridge so that flooding doesn't happen like it did in 2005 and in 1955 only which I was here one of which I was here for oh and speak myself thank you um and my point before is if they were we saw the budget I think in the 3 to four million range on the last one of the last meetings I think so yeah I know they thrown out well you can apply for a tip you can do this do that I'm just not convinced in my mind that there's an overarching need to replace the bridge for a one every 50 50-year occurrence when I think Mark has also made the point that a repair of the bridge would also accomplish the safety concern part for a lot less than $4 million and you've shared that yes the state was concerned about the outer two beams and that's why you've marked them off and they can be replaced and repaired for less than a million can mark do the bridge H can mark do the bridge no but I mean we can get that work done for a lot less the repairing the bridge than replacing the bridge and I'm just not convinced that the replacing of the bridge is one of the top priorities for that kind of money from the town when especially we don't have we're going down this road with no Grant in our pocket and pretty soon we're going to be so far down that we put a notice to the state herey we're doing the bridge they're like okay you got two years to do it well we don't have a grant yet too bad get going and it be more comfortable I'd like to get suggest that we get a repair cost that would alleviate Dot's concerns as to the status of the bridge as it stands right now I don't believe the engineer ever looked into repair right he went straight to the replacement right right you've had where they came to you did for Rocket dundy too I mean that seems to be the well they backed up on Rocket I mean there was more cons you know discussion of repair and Rocka dundi with whales Etc but I just think I think it's time to pull on the Range on this project a bit Don you've made the we have so many things in front of us and without a guaranteed funding source I worry that we're going to obligate ourselves to something that's going to hamstring us down the road and I don't see I'm just not convinced that the need is there for rep replacement if dot had sent us a letter like they did for Ballard Brook like they did for rock and dundy oh my gosh you have to replace this bridge sure but they haven't and they have no quals about writing letters isn't the MVP thing though also trying to look at climate change and saying we're going to be bigger storms and more water and that's the issue for flooding I think that's that's a a decent part of of what they're trying to do is prepare for you know um more frequent maybe more heavy events uh but going back to what you know to what John said um replacing that bridge Al together for that kind of money isn't going to stop what's happening Downstream which contributes just as much to any flooding that happens on Main Street to my to my knowledge is that East brick East goes under do and then just dump right it just dumps right into get I me doesn't do anything a River Park nothing at all it's just the same Waters behind River a joint effort with mass autobond which you know is is great to be partners with uh with an organization like that in town uh I I've got my I've got my doubts about the whole about the whole thing too um we got we've this funding now from the state they spent a half million dollar between the first grant which was shared with Islam I believe yeah and this one here and we haven't got a spade in the ground yet heck we had the last meeting we talk about the oh what about the scanic uh water line what water line the water line that goes by the bridge think an engineer would research all things that's going to need another engineering study of course it would so thank goodness like you said done I mean some of it's our money of course the state money is our money and there's a potential that we might have to kick some in but I don't want to get down to where we potentially have to kick in all our money so what do we need we need to look at what a repair would be just to repair so I did reach out to uh somebody at uh Northern construction they they assisted us with milroad uh Bridge they do a lot of bridge work and St um he he was though kind of hesitant on kind of giving me any numbers he's not he's not an engineer they they do the work based on an engineered plan or or whatever so um we kind of lost touch uh I still want to meet with him and talk with him um just to get a ball just to get a ballpark but I think the next step would be and I don't know I don't I wouldn't even know if this is out of line or what but we do have a set of plans from Howards and H Hudson maybe have those plans reviewed and transferred into more of a repair or a uh Rehabilitation by a different engineering firm because then what would have to happen too is we'd have to to get permission or uh yeah permission from Mast doot Bridge division to do uh a chapter 85 which would be any kind of alteration to to the bridge which has to be prepared by right but we did a repair of Summers Road a number of years back where they had to lift the bridge welded some extra Outriggers on it and drop it back down again obviously some firm did that the history here you put the barrels along the side okay based on a letter from the state yes right so obviously the state is aware of some type of deteriorating condition to it they did not mandate a replacement they want to back up to a passing condition do they have resources to go back to them and say okay we're willing to explore that who could we reach out to to get somebody that would meet your approval I would imagine they do and I can look into that they had 40 people on that team's call they must have somebody but that's you know and that's the problem with some of these state funded programs and you know they they're going to push the $4 million option for this bridge or they're going to push the what was it on rocket dundy with the sidewalks and with everything else um whereas kind of takes the town's Freedom away to to repair as they see fit or as we see fit um here's my other question mark you put the barrels up because D do told you to when they told you that did they tell you you can put them up there but we need a solution by X date no so theoretically you can leave the barrels up and you're good which is not where we want to go right but they didn't put here's a drop dead must do something drop dead or threatening letters or anything like that um and and honestly I didn't uh kind of knowing this MVP was I didn't know how that was going to kind of pan out so I didn't reach out to them and look for options or anything like that so uh I can do that yeah I mean get a starting point anyways and and um I just I agree I agree I'd like the board to authorize mark look into Plan B Repair yeah good yeah how much do we owe so you want the long answer the short answer reader digest okay so the short answer is uh $128,400 assuming reimbursement that is assuming reimbursement and if we don't get reimbursed before June 30th it would go against free cash of the extra money to be recapped the following year like last year yes there is a pending reimbursement not included in this not included in the 128400 there's a pending reimbursement of $191,200 at the close of the year that will leave us a balance on the grant to seek reimbursement of 34610 but but because we closed the book so early it's questionable whether we're going to get that back well closing the books well the closing the books thing I mean that's just for I thought monitor I mean it has to be dated before June 30th to actually count against it doesn't it no we can we can we can uh we can we have a a period of time where we can collect revenue from fy4 July 15th I think it's even later than that I know the 15th has been a date in the past you know um July 15th is a drop dead date for uh uh Reserve fund transfers in likely line uh might also be line transfers but in terms of when we can accept reimbursement for for f by 24 expenses I might be as late as is the 34610 in the 128 no the 128 stands alone it stands alone that's $64,900 consisting of five invoices to pedri Stein Hudson for hamen Main Street over Eastbrook Bridge Project that was that 64,900 was supposed to be was supposed to receive the $35,000 Grant from Department of ecological restoration okay but what happened to that again that went into General Revenue okay oh that was the mcable so we have to we have to pay the $64,900 bill it's been paid but it's a deficit in the grant account okay but and the that was paid in FY 23 or 24 um it was definitely not 24 so it it was it was a prior fiscal year but it's coming out of a grant account which doesn't have the but if your point is did the revenue get through yeah that there's no chance of recapturing that okay correct right okay and so then that leaves another 64,000 roughly that's the 50,000 plus the 6,000 um so I would believe it or not the six the 6,000 was the recent one so there was there was a 13,500 for writing the fy2 24 MVP Grant project so we have 12 28 we need to account we need to come up with $128,000 bottom line what bottom line 12 yep of which question a couple pennies but of which 50 is not a surprise but now our funding source changed so okay yeah yeah right have they agreed to our ink kind which was the 3032 that's been all set right the in kind is set for the MVP there may be one more month to submit okay I yeah I think we may be over anyways too bad they won't subtract it from cash it so so there was also charge to this account the MVP account invoices for the Summers Road crosswalk uh project the RR which is rapid hold it he he charged that to the casino account because we saw it in the recap it was so these were charged to the MVP account for 11,477 which I've since asked him to move to casino to casino okay but it creates a deficit in that account of that we had about 20 uh we had about $2,000 and some change left in that account that we didn't was there a second was there a second Howard Stein charged that because I saw one he had the senior Crossing plus Howard Stein Main Street crossing we didn't use Howard sign for them and then the mobile sign this one says Summers the the project title was Summers Road crosswalk right but that was already on the that was in there before now it again could it mean it was each crosswalk was about 15 16,000 or 20,000 prob 20 16 plus eight or nine okay so and then the mobile thing was actually cheaper than that cig right it was only under 20 yeah but I I'm sorry uh but I do recall hsh did do a did do a design uh they did the handicap accessible yeah they did Summers Road right and he's saying there's a charge again for it it was already charged against that account I don't know why it would go again tomorrow yeah look at it because I mean for 100,000 we had the mobile sign two crosswalks and Howard Stein okay and should not be over right for that month it wasn't over it was we we had 20 grand left when Bob was here in there right so even if you had that 11,000 Bill we'd have enough for it at least that's the number I remember would right cuz we talked about funding the north road crossing out of what was left right and we haven't done that yet so right that was out of the 21 C medication Grant yeah I have that one too 100 Don I got to tell you if next week is a financial recap we need need the full hour think yeah that's all we're going to do next week yeah all right thank you okay thanks Mark thanks Mark thanks for sticking around shared health I don't know if we haven't seen you before but your guys did a great job prepping up for Memorial Day I have to say even though we didn't have it outside the place looked great longal manager playing that M EP DP uh wanted different conditions of the IMA so going back to the drawing board on that okay good we won want to get it done this year I think next year is probably better yeah October October won't give us the money what we say and we'll give you money all right pretty much what it is okay hamon wilham Regional School District lease tomorrow we're going to meet with the ham the wilham Regional School District is there a dress code Don I wasn't you you've been there more than I no they were shorts it's a very informal group Brian come overall tomorrow overalls yeah are we bringing the tractors yes you are Craig right you hop in the bucket thanks you want to join the fun yeah sure going anyhow that's what we're going to talk about okay what are we on at 5:30 for the first 5:30 okay 530 cable TV agreement disagreement there was a full of them today I got to tell you I have reached out to the the that was recommended to us by our surrounding towns and by our town C of uh EP and Augustus um and I'm W to hear back from them yeah so we've officially let Mr Solomon go yeah otherwise the board feels differently but did he submit uh any invoices for payments so we can review avilable hours yeah I haven't received anything though okay and we we did authorize funding that from did we reusing arpa for that or was no I thought it was long claims long claims it was long claims I just want to make sure that you know if there's any billable hours we see tangible something tangible in return at least yeah right yeah so I mean if he doesn't want to build us because he has nothing tangible then that's fine too so right yeah uh I mean initially there was there was a short-term extension okay but other than that I that's that that was a boiler plate extension though so really nothing to that I'm sure it was just a copy and paste on his word document yeah yeah and I and I actually yeah you you actually more than he did yeah yeah we'll accept your bill too your Don's Bill and then the other bill will all right uh I have two one day Lor licenses for our friends at the senior center there's wine left over still yeah for Thursday June 2 7 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. this is a Interactive Learning through ART active learning through ART okay and the other one what time will art be there the other day the other one is July 20th from 5:30 to 900 p.m. and that's for a one day permit for a dinner dance so move second all in favor I'm busy dinner dance and what else we got we have a selectman reports uh kind of a hit and a miss at the planning board meeting last week Dan you were there as well for the actual public hearing part uh one was continued and then they dealt with Mr cilus and the the lot from the 1800s and you stayed for the part Etc and they're going to put they're going to have a public hearing it's going to a public hear for August 14th so they could meet the 65 day thing but it may be continued to later depending on what their what their business is so uh what else you uh yeah fiber optic committee held their input session last week uh very good turnout um not as many people we'd like but definitely enough people showed up to give us some good input and um committees going take that back and try to get some answers and put together some more info um also posted on the town website today was um information about the heat wave we have coming up um we have cooling centers that are going to be open uh Senior Center will be open Tuesday Thursday and Friday from 8:30 till 3:30 um if anybody's seeking relief in the heat and humidity in off hours uh the police station's available um as an ad on ad as needed basis so you just call in a dispatch and somebody can go hang out with you uh planning board again the planning board the battery storage and the select board selecting August 14th and uh the planning the master plan committee is holding their first public forum even as we speak at Bethlehem Church there'll be at least one other one plus there'll be a townwide surve space nice in the air condition space we could had our meeting an hour before how the townwide survey plan to go out excuse me how how does the they plan doing the townwide survey they're going they're going to do it online and they're going to mail it to to they're going to get the mailing list and mail it to uh everybody 73 C okay you're getting 137,000 bucks no no we have to mail it back um minator report on the zoom operator Brian couple things I'll start with that I was going to end with that but all right since you asked Zoom operators we've had only because you know I had to be here for the planning board one we're kind of like oh hold on before we do that Brian we have we have uh some we have some employees who would like to according to the uh employee handbook they could roll over a certain amount of vacation time and and they'd like to do that so I'd like approval to roll over uh for the building inspector one week MH separately or just one I was wondering if we were still able as I still have yes okay uh so the building inspector has uh one week the uh senior senator director is asking for three days and the administrative assistant to the board of Selectmen is asking for four days to be rolled over four days was a 4 days vacation and too personal or was it just no she's going to use the personal days that's a whole other story okay typically on these we put a uh a date on used by September 30th or something well don't we didn't we do January 1 sometimes do but I think we especially when they got four or five weeks already I think we got to really cut to the first quarter okay go ahead is there one more thought Jane didn't Jane haveen Department I have I have uh I have Becky I have Lauren somebody else does he mention Karen on that one mentioned on the building one I think together what that's oh yes I see here three days for the building inspector's Administrative Assistant I move to approve all requests for vacation carryover to be used by September 30th requested last week are we adding her on there is it up up to approve all requests up to one week carryover to be used by September 30th in the first quarter basically three months any further discussion anyone else want to get in I just move that second okay sorry all right wasn't listening huh what have a cookie that's two NOS what Don all in favor don't did you understand that war wrote it down yeah enough Lauren wrote here read the minutes later just change it whatever way you want you do anyhow all right where are we now Town Administrator report Zoom operators uh we've had two interviews this seem promising candidates we have one more to go on Thursday and then after that I think we'll move forward and try to get get some people locked in so John can have his evenings back uh the Water Commissioners through their Engineers time Bond have submitted the uh permit to modify the system for phase one and phase two they're doing it all at once in terms of getting through the permitting process with mass DP but we'll still need to figure out how we're going to uh how we're going to fund phase two at least in how we're going to put those out to bid um see there's a planed board there's going to be a vacancy s back for one second um when do we expect to hear back about the grant submit mission for that um I know time Bond submitted the the paperwork for those one stops I'll have to double check but I feel like it was end of July August so we should know the one stop sometime Midsummer yeah okay uh vacancy on the planning board so if there are interested residents that uh would like to join the planning board uh please reach out they can email me or talk to um any one of the SE uh the board of s members I'm sure put in the right direction or they could email uh planning at hamen they can talk to Joan um we'll be posting more information about that position on the website hopefully tomorrow um we're going to close out the master plan Grant the town haded $75,000 Community compact Grant uh we have the final uh invoice from the consultant and we will submit for reimbursement so we can get that back um right Sor you have the final invoice and they're just still holding meetings it seems like we should be not paying the final invoice until after a little the grant this is for the for the gr grant part not the grant part yeah sorry for the grant part okay and then there's the um that allow us to close that out and get reimbursement in a timely timely fashion um Craig mentioned the coin centers where are we with Cemetery it's about it h I know they haven't posted a meeting yet since the election I mean are they I think Dwayne's away I we see everybody get sworn in almost every morning did everybody get sworn in um I could double check so who's in almost every morning I no luck on a clerk yet any luck with the extra hour I saw the recap from Joanne she was going to reach out to somebody in the town hall about taking help with the extra hours do you know if that worked out I don't believe there's been any takers yet that's all I have anything else to come before the board motion to return second all in favor I all right here we go thank