##VIDEO ID:Ps72aaPgesg## good evening this is the meeting of the H and Bard selectman and Board of Health being held in the town house on August 12 2024 this meeting is being conducted in person and remotely using video conferencing technology stand forag un States the Republic it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you is anyone recording the meeting other than ourselves yep Kristen rivers from the wilam hen times thank you and good evening um first item on the agenda is minutes from the July 29th 2024 meeting we have plan Bo appointment to the planning board uh Senior Center building committee was here to discuss their progress how moderator was in to talk about ways we can enhance the to meeting and get more participation and last as long either discussion about the special count meeting coming up October 29th uh transfer of the budget line items close out the books for the year discussion of Tian bonds Thon Burg assessment the fire department generator bid we signed a contract for um representation of the cable TV agreement and who signs for appointments and we have voted to have a North Road school zone second all favor an executive session of July 29th 2024 uh this is a discussion of the litigation regarding har versus town of H and S right motion to approve without release in favor say about the school zone thing cig know if your car is like that mine shows the yeah thing and it was 30 now it's changed to 20 on my dashboard they must check that immediately want to go through right read the don't you have a little camera that reads it that's what does it really you think that huh yeah well you think it's GPS yeah every every speed sign in America gets M yeah download to yourent who does that okay the next item on the agenda is the uh the veterans are here to for permission get permit for their annual uh fundraising event the annual 30 sh yes the 30s um go ahead so we sent them the letter with the proposed dates and we're just looking for approval of those uh those dates are those additional there added dates from last the only additional date would be week in prior to Labor Day the 25th of August I thought we had already addressed this Roo this year so what's different from the last time somebody was here so my understanding is I wasn't here the last time yeah my understanding from the last time was it was a they asked for a blanket statement saying you know we should just be able to have our turkey and and that's not what I wanted to what I want to do is propose dates and have them approved I I don't think that's what happened I think there was actually there was one date I think maybe a memorial day that we disagreed with yes and then we approved all the other dates at that meeting but that was this and that was this year so are we superseding whatever happened before we used to do in the past was before we started our turkey ships we would come in have the dates approved that Year's turkey ships so this would cover the um spring the two spring shoots we wanted to do in the Christmas shoot the only other date we're adding on would be the dayi the weekend prior would be starting the weekend okay what I'm saying is this happened already in March a March febrary some February somebody came in I think it was it was Nick Nick we approved it although I think we did say no to Memorial Day that was that that was for this year yeah but that was for the the spring shoots that coming up next year I thought it include the fall too but okay that was just to include to the supered all right so you're starting earlier you're starting well you're also adding one in August I've don't recall that wasn't on last year's any year any year and it's all always do you think the shoots have always started the middle of September no we've always started the shoots the uh Sunday after labrary so you got a shifting one then shifting prior to right so you're not really adding when you're just moving into August from okay that's fair that's a good point it's normally 1: to 5:00 p.m. that one yes usually don't last till five they're usually done around four usually what happens is is once we get to a point where all the lanes aren't selling out shut it down we shut it down I know I ask this every single year but there'll be supervision so nobody call is out there shooting absolutely absolutely and you post a sign on the path coming down as well yep we shut that down for that time frame and we're there we're usually there about 88 9:00 in the morning so when people do show up to hike we tell them listen we start our shoots please come down to 12: what do these shoots benefit just so it's it's it's to raise money to help us um with helping veterans would you consider successful you just to make it clear for anybody Heath Joseph yes by the way you are the commander of the ship I'm the post commander of the sh congratulations again again again right and our veteran David recently recently retired yes right congratulations again thank you for your service okay sure we get that question from Kristen like who's talking over there so um having been around a while I know we have neighbors that are concerned about the noise and they've been to our meetings in years past and there was some mitigation done with the tarp that's hung over the river I don't know if that my understanding that tarp hasn't been put up in four five years years which you were done you were down for a couple years too right as well right yeah so and who decided not to put the tarp up because that was in order of the board back in the day in response to the neighbors okay all right but just to the board so prior to you all this was uh if you recall the shankles came in with some neighbors from um Walnut as well and to try and mitigate the noise going down especially in the winter when the leaves are down they were to put a tarp up to block I'm I understand the tarp was noise mitigation I don't know how much that mitigates noise from the shot where was the tarp going across the walking bridge right like stand yeah below the bridge no above it my point is that was part of the deal right and it was never brought up in a letter hey going to redo them by the way we're taking the carp now so if you would like the board would like us put the TS back up will actually ride by the boards you still have it do we still have the tarps buy cars were they really uh mitigating that much noise I I did hear from a couple of remember the chair of the school committee lived down there well he did say he felt there was some difference to it so you know we all live in a neighborhood would like to be the would like back up I had no problem purchasing Char back up or finding them maybe they're there G we we we had cleaned out our sheds and I think those were nice so I don't see it as being a pressing issue I don't see it being a big deterrent personally well again it was something the board decided to do and you don't live down there I don't live down there but I have been bu and times I did drive down there when the Shango made the point yes it is a bit of a noise down there not so bad in in September obviously still some leaves up there but coming down to the end of the season it can be a thing I'll motion from someone I moot I'll make a motion to approve the dates requested by the VFW with the uh restoration of the noise mitigation T any further discussion all in favor thank you again thank you for your service goes the profits those extra days planning board CL will help should brought him back in he just left yep um so we had one one uh person respond to the the uh request for help for the planet board and that was Road slate um I talked with Joan last week and she reiterated that she could use some help and I think even more so now that the housing bill has passed they're going to they had the extra task of having to go through the accessory dwelling unit bylaw and trying to figure out what they have a couple applications before them as well that mess they have two in front of them now that they need to figure out how to handle with the uh sort of the preemption that exists on that housing bill so do you have a rate for her what do you think um when is it going to when when's the hous B going to go into effect good question 90 days after I'd have to i' have to go back emergency pre yeah any know what rate would she be and you're suggesting temporary help um yeah I'm trying to think um I'm trying to think of what what's an equivalent position for that probably more than the uh I don't want see on camera either a 21 or a 3 one I would think yeah how many hours they they ask for four or five a week for like five weeks I thought the last conversation we had that Joan said she wasn't looking for anybody to come in is that that's that a change yeah and is this person okay working only four or five hours a week or are they looking for additional they're they're retired sure they maybe they' like to do some nice Cemetery work well are they in addition are they looking for like I know Water Commission could use some help every now and then nothing crazy right couple hours a month maybe needs a clerk right yeah I haven't had that conversation with them but if there's M A need the I'm sure it could be expanded yeah I you know we talking about that utility person is this that person coming up through a town meeting at 5: they going to need the uh you know spreadsheets things like that posting anybody to help with the posting just like we talked about with the cemetery thing where they're and master plan as well you know somebody master plan perhaps could use a club what going on you going to get enough hours she'll have a company car and everything else to go over it no and you're like where's mine electric yeah we don't need a motion leing to you right Bri FYI okay cool good want to talk about the MVP award that's not most valuable player [Music] so it's not applied for the MVP award and it was uh Grand application it was awarded I did put the the scope of work that was submitted in your packet it's this sheet here I mean really if I'm going to sum it up it's it's taking that the Main Street bridge over Eastbrook the rest of the way um for final permitting for chapter 85 process permitting through consom um assisting with any RightWay work that needs to be completed water line and find out where the water line is there is one and then along with any other MVP uh Grant application there's a educational component that has is required so that's what task six is um I think the Consultants were struggling a little bit to try to find something to do but they're going to do a video documentary of the of the process but it checks the box I want um an aerial time lapse the whole thing nice keep the Drone up they're looking for something to do yeah just and I see it goes through June of next year and this is my concern from the what we talked about before does this obligate us to something because I don't think what I set to the board I don't think we're 100% sold that the B Bridge needs to be replaced yeah and does this $300,000 without a shovel on the ground I you put it before and now we're into I think we're close to half million before this grant in what we spent in MVP you know you look at the East metal en Hamed one plus the secondary one uh this is just again I don't want us get I want to say the word's not trap but obligated to do something that perhaps we're not up to yet I think we had a conversation with the highway superintendent where he did say I think he agreed that what's deficient on the bridge can be repaired as opposed to replaced the only reason I think they're talking about replacing the bridge is to increase the potential capacity for it to have water going underneath it that's the only thing in terms of travel safety on the bridge it was the outermost beams left and right that were need in need of repair so we have two different two different things we're dealing with here Public Safety in terms of the bridge travel and this potential flooding that might happen like it did 100 years ago can I backtrack this this total price is this all covered under a grant here is it use it or lose it or is the grant for specific things the grant is specifically for this scope of work that was submitted by the consultant I'm just I'm looking at the task six for $92,000 to make a video yep I mean you want to bid on that I mean yeah I'd love to bid on it but is it necessary I mean sounds like a waste one one unique Hallmark of the MVP program is that it has to have a educational component MH okay to it which is one of my biggest criticisms of it is that like dealing with the Conway school and all that type of thing as well yeah so but I mean I just don't see looking here it's going out till June of next year approximate end date June 30th 2025 the sense of urgency this has been going on now that'll be approaching three years all of it at least more than that because it was before I came on the board sure with the first thing yeah so with the dual Grand with eal I think right so it's yes so this is a great opportunity for Consultants so the so the track they have it on would be that this would finish up the 85 review it would be fully permitted and then my assumption would be that it would be that it would be applied for a tip project and does applying for that project take us off the running for other projects I think John that in the past um right I don't think so M um I don't know that we have any of tip projects in in the waiting that that that I've heard the state said they were going to make Rocka dundy a tip project you know they were pretty clear on our behalf and we're like What so and that was my concern then if you do that does that mean we don't get the uh intersection review do we not get the you know next tip thing yeah I'm pretty sure these are separate pots of money but it would be on the tip right when they look like you know here's the list oh this town never got anything oh hamon just got two down to the bottom yeah I mean the no is a pretty political body as you probably know so we're just poor country folk brand we don't know that stuff um so this doesn't obligate us to to construct it at all that's the key part right there um that's how so right but I I I share your criticisms of the of the the program itself I I think there's a lot of no I do I see task three which is replacement bridge design and permitting and if that task is completed by virtue of it being completed does that say well you've opened the door you walk through it you must finish the bridge replacement that's the one task here that just I I'm concerned yeah I'll I'll double check the contract when it comes in but I I'm I that would be uh news to me if that was if that were the case and then and the other part is that I'm not certain that there's Bridge funding for repairs um it's Bridge repair funding is not as readily available as new construction funding for bridges yeah um I think it would be difficult not impossible maybe a massw work Grant or something to repair the bridge but a lot of the funding that we see is either coming through the small bridge program MH or well the small Bridge comes through the state and then the the tip would be Federal funding pass through but those are really the two big sources okay of bridge funding at this point well then I think it also be maybe worthwhile asking Mark to can you really narrow down the pricing required for repair you know rather than just ballparking it maybe he could engage with time bonds dot somebody like that to say what's going to cost all right but we appreciate free money from the state although we're getting none of it right yep thanks so much B's lease yeah I drafted a letter just happy to send over to them and we asked for something before the meeting so I thought this would be enough to at least tell them what we're looking at Brian sent something his thoughts but I think what we want to do is that's probably part of negotiation first of all I want just to say we're willing to do this yeah um the one thing and I think I did share that I'm concerned about some issues that are come up in the school district right now that may change their plans but I think that's something can be flushed out at the time of our meeting so this is good yes you put it on stationary and come down sign some to tomorrow today or tomorrow how about tomorrow okay to wait that long thank we have that extra person don't look at me no no no no no um I'll do that b town meeting moving right along here that's an impressive list there tonight then that's a impressive list there um would the board I wanted to bring this up would the board be amenable to think at about 6:30 there's nothing in the in the bylaws about the special town meeting start time it's only the annual town meeting why do you say 6:30 7 right now at 7 right do that earlier earlier cause greater concerns for people with their suffer I don't think 630 is a thing I think when we talk about them and I know that our annual town meeting has just as many issues but again we get back to the fact that the first 10 of them are thank you thank you thank you whereas the ones here are all something are going to engender some discussion and I think there a good possibility we could be out late and I think starting a little earlier especially we want engagement with families and possible Child Care would help I submitted to board we haven't posted yet and I throw it out there I don't think it would be a bad idea to talk about 6:30 for a start time and see how it works out again I throw it out for think about it excuse me D can we go back to the third bird lease my my memor is no we still we still have to leas it at that time what's the status that t thing um so they held all the site visits they need to go back apparently they couldn't get into the generator room but herb said they did get in they need to go back in the generator room and then um me the Boiler Room no this is the generator room with a generator in it inside the building that's what he said inside the building um was going to reach out to them so they get back in with that I didn't think it was inside the I thought they just had the two boilers in back we had to remember we use the rest of the Green Meadows money to fix I think it's on that side door that has like a lover on it could be yeah we just saw it yeah so they need to they need do one more file visit other thing is that grany moved their Town Hall into they repurposed their Elementary School to be the town hall at some point you want to stop a visit and just kind of see what it looks like sure s logical right and uh okay at some are we going to need to go to town meeting to for funds like the transition you know if we decide some yeah mov fall time meeting or the springtime meeting I see I see it on number 18 right here I added to late I saw that possibly we could use the vulnerability money probably want a sense of that type of money until right okay all right back to the fall town meeting so these are no particular order at this point before we get into this options I mean the 6:30 start time could be feasible we have to make sure we publicize that well ahead because people are going to be used to seven and then we consider doing Child Care get whoever's on board that so we know not we're going to do that I think we reach out well girl did a thing one time Min has a thing with their ear early childhood and they get community credits for doing it to so I don't know if there's any waivers if people the sign ories to or anything like that we did it at the one that at the Baptist Church remember what do we want to do look at the child care I mean is that I think great it's a idea good what about what about electronic voting I think I saw Rick the other day he's he's got a couple things he's worked out I think it's a way to go you know I I'm just thinking that there's several issues on there that might be controversial that people would rather should we test it out in the fall pound meeting is that what you're saying yes yeah test it out in the fall now we were talking about the fact do we get into Closs I think we should lease them and I also talk to Rick about the fact I wouldn't be surprised if you find two or three of the towns that said you know we spend 10,000 we use them twice a year we'd be happy to let you borrow them for this much money you know a group type purchase when you're using them twice a year Don you find towns our size and I don't remember the difference that Eva sent out I have to go back and look at her her numbers but I thought the purchase wasn't much greater than a lease no well of the units right but I'm just saying in the future you know we get into we sign we go up with mson Wales Holland and we share them like why don't we buy them and Lease them to these other places could be but I'm just saying we find a way to mitigate our cost of it to it yeah the only thing I can't figure out is how many to get yeah for instance you know we say okay we normally get 200 people at a town meeting so we order 200 and then there's some is show that 400 show right so that's why he was also going to check and see if there's an emergency borrow basically I think I can order 250 but I can Al also rent an extra 200 whenever I need it but how do you know that until the night I think you have a pretty good Jud on yeah topics right I mean the biggest we ever have was school school right Al the last two have been pretty big M but nothing it was over 500 down that time we were in the uh in the gym I was in the Overflow I think I looked I think I looked at the the first school vot I I think the attendance was 962 can't remember that she she had an attendance and that's speaker the whole bed no I mean not this Churchman went to the gymnasium yeah okay so your list here uh what the church one too we were out in the hallway had people in rooms y crazy well that's good least there a lot of people go so we're going to we'll look at we'll Pro we'll proceed to look at the electronic voting and the and the U child care okay y I got okay this here's give this this is the the government study committee proposals War articles and Rose thought the government study committee there there's there's two of the general bylaws and the and the zoning bylaws and she thought it's best to put them in one package for two3 vote because she said if one passes and the other doesn't then you would change your general bylaw so they say select board the one other say select men so she thought it better so she thought it' better that if they both went under the one for the 2/3 vote and then you you know cuz theoretically the zoning one could not pass but the right the other one could pass by one vote right because there only needs majority yeah so I thought there was a effective date for the um government the appointed elected to appoint no well that those have to go to leg slat no those have to go to general election annual election we can vote on them but tell me vote on tell me then they have to go to annual election so the ballot question have an actual effective date when what would be the effective date at the end of the current no it's not a current term it's yeah at the end current term what's going to happen if it if it goes next in your election will be that those terms are going to be on the ballot and the law says that if the position is on the ballot at the same time it's approved to to make it appointed that that whoever wins that election serves until the board makes an appointment of that position the board could not make an appointment for 3 years right otherwise let's say let's say it was two years remaining on the term then then the ter they would that elected official would yeah F out the remainder of their term and the other ones the battery storage war thing now is that effective the date of the town meeting or the date of the review from the AG that's effec of the day to town meeting but the AG has to approve it effect but that takes 90 days so that there would still be a period of time we could they could they could put something to an effect yeah yeah you effective immediately at yeah and then we got to set involving account for the EV charger you ask to formalize it basically we did want and now we need to formalize actually we didn't do no we did no no we did the revolving fund at at our meeting and it was after the town meeting so the next town meeting we have to put it in so we actually don't need to do it here because we typically only do revolving funds at theal grid that's pretty that's water district expansion phase two think we're going to be ready or I know there's a lot of uh delays right now is the funding is a big delay they're coming tomorrow to do the survey for the pl and that' be the last part of that puzzle so how just state so worst case a motion or an explanation one or the other either it's going to be a discussion or an actual motion one or the other you want a placeholder yes definitely yeah even though we have maybe other options than to start the project we can still start the project now yeah right with the pump they approve right and then we have the grant possibility coming in in September October well at least no if we're getting additional funds yeah okay else we got here water budget adjustments that employee benefits the police incentive um 7 M and employee benefits is how much so far we figure estimated yeah see 85 based on actual health insurance enrollment numbers rund D Bridge Mark had come and talked to me a while back um and I is this this is what the update meeting the status update meeting is coming up right September I think is the meeting yeah um so according to Mast that there's there's not a street layout or a layout of the bridge so they need that finalized to the town needs to show that it has yeah now we already paid for right yeah yeah so there may be some EAS BS that the town needs to formalize okay reduce the tax rates see what happens there with free cash and everything B you skip you skipped the 9 10 and 11 oh yeah oh yeah what about that Senior Center renovation yeah what's yeah what's hm what's fire hm that's different four tiles they Breaky you got any estimate on that know it's I think there's a few different estimates but around 10,000 it's not unreasonable uh okay reduce the tax rate transfers what are transfers what transfer you transfer free cash to oh you do transfers oh that's reduce the tax right basic stabilization or stabilization whatever right yeah or select battery storage more moral Park scoreboards is that CPA possible CPA application yeah electronic voting system we just talked about that fire placeholder is that for the um generator money nope oh it's not no I I I got an email that said please have three placeholders for fire oh maybe they getting close to the uh we you get a report from the building committee maybe invite them in I don't think there's we haven't met in months now and only thing we talked about the time was the ASAT yeah right but you we've issued the RFP out right because I mean we appropriated money for that RFP yeah so that's going to be for the they must be working on that, you only had one vendor you gave the order so they must be doing something with that right I haven't heard anything so oh no okay three of them that's what I said I was promised a followup email but I haven't got it yet maybe one theat one of them might be the Hazmat yeah I don't know the let's then move th B is well we won't know anything until we get the assessment Make a Deal um you don't need to do another thing for senior firefighter right does that need to go yearly or is that a yeah a one time deal only age 70 one time deal to 70 Don does the lease need to be voted at town meeting if there's a change to the Lee no I think that was our authorization uh no it was brought up at the we done with that town meeting y okay previously voted at the town meeting citizens petition to look at the purchasing the land where the alleged Self Storage is going we still we didn't we made a motion at that meeting we wouldn't talk because we still have potential litigation going on is there still is that reconsideration thing still a real thing I much can really say in public we're aware of a potential reconsideration request my understanding is that it would be it would be unusual for it to have but it is gone on this long as far as you're aware you've been notified the it's a vowed motion to make is for reconsideration but I mean there's been a good deal of time that's gone by and we like our cases to be settled so I would be surprised I I don't know know that that precludes a it wouldn't prude a similar application for that same property right no I just get back into we we said we weren't taking action on the system because we had active litigation I wonder if this is until we really hear that they're dismissing that reconsideration should we just I want to CL the I like to get some opinion from our lawyer that we're and clear and like everything is gone at this point is is there any word have they gone to the planning board on Penny peex or was that at hold too wasn't she looking to buy a s wasn't she looking to buy a an heard that dropped yeah yeah I I know they were out there surveying they surve yeah but then they fell fell away I heard they were no longer interested in on them I on the way it was on the agenda twice it canceled once and then it was on a second time and it was has to be removed you speaking of planning um I don't know that Kim Lane is truly not an option for the fall but don't have an answer after the planning word meeting so that maybe a town meeting just to accept it to accept the Kibby Lane part which is only phase a right there's some missions going on with phase B but that should not affect as far as the citizens petition do we just want to see if Brian can reach out to our attorney to see if it's appropriate time to look at that position well that's what I was just saying I mean I'd like op from our attorney that all legal things are done and now it's up to the the board is free and clear to right well we got skip over that real quick so I want to we were clear on well I want to get back Tom meeting just we were talking planning so I make sure that possibly is another thing through Tom meeting back to what I was saying that yeah I'd like to know that we are not running a file of any legal things right now before we talk about yeah which is our same position we took before attorney on there yep I don't always Jesse I guess would be the one right basically representing both okay uh shared energy manager so this would be funded through uh um Energy Efficiency conservation block grant that's money being passed through the state to municipalities and we tried to kick around some some my project ideas it it's pretty much uh clean energy planning or building envelope Improvement my original thought was to try to find something at twb that could be low hanging fruit and that could be something we could do but it just seems a little bit pre premature for that um so then there I got an email from pineer Valley Planning Commission who were trying to put together the shared uh energy manager position uh the job descriptions in here um but it's really just to assist municipalities in trying to pursue those goals so energy conservation so different than aggregation we we kept doing aggregation a while back and that's not what do with that right this is just a staff person that that would that would navigate us through the utility incentives and things like that and find out the best way to do question or concern is into the shared Health Services where they didn't factor in the salary of the people m it came to us and it went over and above the Grant and then we're on all of a sudden we up a bill yeah yeah um that's something that we could make sure is in I haven't I haven't seen an agreement yet okay um but if we apply for if we if we apply for the the money and we don't like the the the agreement we can always just say no thanks but it'll at least give us uh some resources internally it doesn't cost us anything to to go through that process cuz I think there's going to be a lot of improvements that could be made at least at CWB so it says the annual cost is 290,000 right [Music] I don't know if I have that sheet in here what number was it I assume it's not that that must be the total of years I mean but is is each municipality paying 45,000 a year uh that's what the grant will cover that's what the grant would cover y so the the maximum Grant amount for this position clean energy planning is 45,000 per Town per town do the stay would P yep right so their idea Bas on the at this point it's they would they would be they would be looking to hire two energy managers that would be shared amongst the whatever the final list of participating towns is so I'm looking at grany and everybody seems to be like 45,000 L's a little bit more because of the lead right y so you're thinking we would be aant we' be in the 45,000 probably 45,000 and he would do what or she whoever it is um so they look to take directions from us and they work on the projects that we want them to do related to energy conservation building all bul improvements so we could say could you take a look at thir Burgess and see what we can do there to save energy can you look at the I don't fire station here yeah and they could they could work with the I mean a lot don't the way it is right now we have all of these energy professionals that we get a couple emails a week from different companies that want to come in look at our lighting and look at all this other stuff and they obviously want to make money off of it so we can have that's those emails can go to that person they can vet these people figure out what makes most sense for us represent our interests and then we can move forward that way I think I think answering Craig's concern would be the main thing that there's no additional obligation but for free there's no harm what I saw was the status of year two maybe yes maybe probably what does that mean is that they signed on for two years they're not sure the status they're going to do it for one year but they're not sure about year two I know that's just the status of whether they're going to participate at all in the project it was under year two column so I wasn't sure yeah that's annual cost and the two then the the two-year cost so right now beler Town Chester East Hampton grany llo Palmer planfield long salw and long me sure yeah right m y [Applause] vot now we're wait for to come back with a yes no on fact there's no I'll make a motion to engage in this [Music] program with the understanding that there will be no additional expense what the grant prob and just just to clarify right now all we're doing is authorizing the submission of the grant right so then there'll be a grant contract and then a contract for the shared energy manager and if we don't like it then we just say no thanks Chief the board of selectman is a chief executive obligated to play Just delegate them real quick yeah see or or the delegate so I'm putting my name in here where it says I am authorized MH yeah of I had a different sheet might have been in that the same I [Music] got there you go I started the three four frames you you can sign there got all our we're all sign Chief Z where's where's the quila over there while Don is signing I do have a few more liquor requests for the seniors I guess we're all we're all going to sign this yeah have a request for a dinner dance on September 28 an annual retirement planning seminar on October 16th and on Thursday October 24th the scanic river Artisans interactive program wine only on that day but beer and wine on the other two days oh beer 5 to 10 but they never last we talk about see if we could issue them a rolling liquid permit um we are looking into that it's a question for abcc okay yeah the limit however is 28 and they're nowhere near it you can only have 28 one day permits for one place during annual during a year not nowhere near it really yeah there there's a lum I was shocked myself Jane however fill me in just have to go to a different location she would know about that yep so appreciate motion to approve those three those three those three dates second all in favor so we going to you want to put that on the agenda considering the change of date change of time for next bounce off the moderator what is this this is it this is those are them yep else what else we got we got I have no report you have no report you report I have nothing to report I have to report that the master plan committee uh is having a an e what they call economic on the 21st of August they've been to almost all the businesses in town gave a little hand out telling them about that inviting them and we're hoping for a good turnout so it's part of the master plan one of the one of the categories they got they've been working hard on it the Consultants were very I have to say they reach out to anybody with home occupations yes they did they had the got all the home they had you already called they reported who saw you only I to ask I actually have a permitted home occupation too I got you do my wife is aesthetician yeah check with their list how they're doing on their I think when I was talking to Connie she got all the dbas in town okay I'm not a DBA CU I'm LLC right okay all right I'll double check on that tomorrow I also got Tom administrative report oh just a quick uh so Wednesday there was a plan for meeting and one of the public hearings is the bylaw changes for select board that was two we notice on that then too yeah right um John had mentioned the time Bond's going to do the bot study of the climbing Fern tomorrow um so that hopefully once that's wrapped up we can get our nhp permit and then they can kcom can finish with their order conditions and issue that I think that's the last permit that is needed for that project to go forward then the pump house M so I mean the pump house stuff is that all out the bid or you can't even bid it yet according to Time B I think had to do this Cas first to make sure nothing can change the plan y um fire department generator saga continues um we had some uh discussions between myself Gary Courtney Chief Poland and the highway superintendent and we think that it will be considerably less expensive if it's done in house um so that's the path that we're going to go forward with if the board's okay with that um we still need to find a funding source but we're going to all asking them to pull together a budget of what what he thinks it will take um so um I did get the I did get a a good background on the mil Pond situation um Gary Wier uh filled me in on on the history there and how it's all connected and what the issues are there so um at some point if we want to have a a discussion about that what next steps are I think that's really what needs to happen there um I know at some point there was if drudging is a possibility I know at some point there was Inland dredging funding available the past couple years I don't know if that's still available but if that's the route we want to take then that's something we can look into um I need to follow up with attorney August about the the cable license we need to get that moving forward EV Chargers are waiting on National Grid to install the the Transformer on site and then uh get those trees planted with hopefully some other plants that make it look nice um and then if we get sh circle around or survey different areas and take a look and see what yeah typical charging is going to be we need to set up a yeah we need to have the Fe structure for that um and as i' mentioned before the the uh the new housing bill that was passed is going to have it preempts probably most of the accessory drawing units that are zoning by allows in town um So the plan board going need to look at that and see uh See the the best path forward because it really has that s similar language to solo right it talks about not reasonably regulating what they consider adus accessory dwelling unit which they Define as 900 ft or less or half the GFA of the of the principal dwelling so um do you know if they if they still have the part where the owner doesn't have to live there uh that is preempted so the state statute preempts that thecal Reeds our bylaws yep so so person could buy a house rent the house build a 900 square ft thing next to r that to yep yeah I I think it's going to State imposing more rules I think it's going to be a disaster in college towns to be honest with you because I think that was a Saving Grace for a lot of the the communities that were that have colleges in them where the if you have an owner occupancy owner occupied properties typically are more well-kept and uh environment a little bit more subed so now the apartments let's just let's pick on amers for a second they're just going to be going to be come student housing and student housing on the same lot where how is that going to affect the septic systems that's going to be the limiting factor I think that's what helps us you can't add bedrooms so well if you want to add bedrooms you have to go you have to change Jo came to me today and asked if we could building planning assessors Bo of help if we could all meet and start discussing this in hash how does it look for each one of us and how do we all work together and and make it happen good uh next meeting next we'll meet on August 22nd with the hamon wilham Regional School District to discuss the leas and then our next meeting after that will be the 26 yep anything further to come before the board motion to a journ second all in favor we did the first one all right