good evening this is a meeting of the hamon board of select the Board of Health being held in the selectman's office this evening March 4th 2024 uh this meeting is being conducted in person and remotely using video conference technology please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indiv liy and justice for all thank you is anyone recording the meeting other than ourselves and CHR Kristen are you out there yes Kristen rivers from the hamon wilham times is uh first of all I'd like to welcome Brian Domina to our first meeting as our new Town Administrator and uh I'm sure he'll enjoy the proceedings every Monday night first item on the agenda is the minutes that's it it's all you got that's all you get told me to Li my first meeting do you you want to mention we don't actually don't have a zoom recording of last week yes you want maybe just anyone's looking for that yeah all right minutes March 4th 2024 and was there there was an issue with the zoom last week right I put a note on the bottom of the m all [Music] right SL the minutes senior ciling committee was in to talk about the Forum state representative Brian Ashton Senator uh ol were here to give Bob an award we voted on some one-day permits for the uh event to be held at Great Horse let's see Town Administrator was introduced uced we did the Emergency Management plan fire department was here to we uh appointed two new uh Reserve firefighters I guess ter call Firefighters and that's about it now one point on the zoom operator I did reach out to John provos as well and he's putting it out in the school also on the executive session Lauren it's uh executive session without returning to open session okay motion to approve March 4th with those changes second all in favor I I first item we have on the agenda this evening is the fire department again the junior firefighter program can we make this a permanent 605 appointment with the fire department I'd like this do that I'd like to have I think so stand like a standard yeah yeah I have to apologize I thought the information was pass out to you so Nick our career Lieutenant next to me um he has had the um experience of going through a junior firefighter program at Shaker Pines he when he started he mentioned something to me we've talked about this in the past for the fire department we never really took a step forward um with it um so um I had a call from a neighboring Town asking what age uh we accepted firefighters at I said 18 I said gez that's too bad we have someone from your town that joined our fire department and they were under the age of 18 so that really made me pay attention at that point so we need to do something so Nick like I said has reached out he's gotten all this um program paperwork for you pretty much laying out pretty well detailed outline of it I don't expect a decision tonight but um your thoughts would be great so it's clear they're not front line their support yes so they they would just support us they can't go into any um having situation yeah they can't go into any life fires they can't go into any yeah they could do sort like a exterior firef fire maybe help us outside stuff set up our water supply and as you said that frees up a active person that go to the front line um the only Wi-Fi they'll say per the O stuff they can do is like a brush fire M if I'm not mistaken when we had the fire Minar Mountain was there Cadets from other towns there helping if I remember correctly I think believe mson town of mson did I remember seeing a bunch of younger so that's one exception to it if it is a mutual Aid they don't go to Mutual Aid unless it's a me power call for brush hey there thank you so much I don't need to what what okay so liability first I got um so we we re did reach out to the town um spoke to insurance company about it they they say as long as it's not they're not in a you know line of death situation um you know the age of 16 they would but I I mean I strongly think that if you do agree to go down this path it should go maybe to Town Council wording wise um again check with the insurance company this is just us presenting something that we think would be benefit if you read it it says you know um high school kids have to uh maintain a certain grade average in school you know but it gives the opportunity someone not only if they want to make this a career but gives them another path to for some of their energy or or something to to steer them hopefully in a better Direction and as you said we're not tilling new round here this is something that works in other communities so we have plenty of other communities to draw on for experience Summers does actually pretty much every town has a volunteer combination apartment that borders hamon has one Summers Monson Stafford Shaker pin um where I started at nfield Shaker Pines I do go back to what the question was about insurance though so even though they're not front line they're back up the truck they're helping hook up a hose if they get hurt who's covering that what would be like any any other Town employee so at that point are they a town employee are they well they would they would be covered under an insurance okay are they being paid well that's something you know I would think that they would be paid a minimum wage I don't know where you paid as exp straight internship you think or you think you would how it worked and I know other communities stuff like that would be they do like a probationary member as for departments the minimum wage for a call if the chief decides to do that um that's pretty much the out for so they yeah so they'd be a probationary until the age of 18 and then if they met all their training and requirements then we could accept them as a member at that age so it' be like their two-year probationary period if they joined a 16 I understand a lot of them obviously can't drive at 16y Old so they'd be depending on their parents or something to bring them to training can can I get a ride to the fire riding their bike um that' be good that's good Optics fire department but we're just trying to come up with creative ways and and something that would you know also help somebody out you know that that's looking to get into this I think any opportunity for people to have to be of service is a good good way to do it as long as the town's protected and the fire department's protected I think it's a valid thing like Nick said he's a product of it other towns do it they see success with it you get longevity out of it if they want to do it as a career you still have for the next every year till they get a job somewhere else or going into a local school like Western New England Springfield College if they go College locally now are getting a whole another four years of someone that it's also the opportunity to train them at a younger age so when they get to you know 18 or whatever they're up to speed already so you're investing in them in an early age uh we just had five down where I'm a call member in Enfield go through their fire one all of them passed first shot so it just shows it I think it's echoing what Craig said that probation somebody came in at 18 they would have to start probation this way they hit 18 they've already got that out of the way and they can be an effective member at the beginning you're you're trading them the habits you want them to have not learned habits down the road so it's it's I think it's a good idea you know only thing is my son can't join cuz he's only six yes so a little disappointed there but two years if it get when you went into the kindergarten class this year he he totally took to the the fir fighting program so he's h keep him hooked he runs around the house wearing the the overalls I think it's a great idea I think uh obviously we have to go through a little bit of the verbiage and read it through and have Town Council read it so you know so you looking for a statement of endorsement from the board to go forward and explore it mhm yes I'll make that motion second all in favor thank you balls in your court guys 5 minutes we'll see you next week at [Laughter] right as we bring people should we be met I'm sorry you probably seen Nick day scaling and Associates give us the bad news account it thank you okay hey Cliff you [Music] doing Cliff thank you you made some great points this morning in the meeting thank you more I make up the better I sound so my name's uh Jeff jenden I was the audit manager for the uh the past audit the FY 23 audit which is what we're here to discuss today here's the audit report um so the objective of an audit is give an opinion on the financial statements included in here and they're the town's financial statements you know we come in we get Cliff's uh Records the town accounts records and we get them and now kind of more in the electronic age we're getting them even before we show up in town hall so you see us here a little bit less but we might be doing the same amount or even more work so we've got questions for Cliff before we even seen him so when he shows right up it's not you know oh give us all your stuff it's more hey what' you do with this and you know we're right on him right away as he can attest um so and I can go into this I you know I see it was only given 10 minutes but with air five minutes I figure that's 15 so and Cliff can tell you it takes me about 10 minutes just to say how's the weather outside so I'll I'll do my best to keep it okay to how you guys want um you know we base our AIT on it we take a risk-based approach and we concentrate on you know what what are your largest assets the town has what's you know um and that's mostly we concentrate on the collector's office that's collecting all your real estate personal property um every year and the Treasures Office who getting your money from the state taking the money from the uh collector's office put in the banks investing it and all that so we concentrate there the assessor's office to that's coming up with the budget module um and we we give them internal control questionnaires which goes over the procedures and policies that they're doing and they answer that typically before we come out and we want to see what are their answers we'll test kind of what they say they're doing are they actually doing that so um and know we're looking to see if they're following best practices you know and sometimes it'll just be minor things we can recommend you know Improvement um as we go along we'll talk to staff about them um so like I said if we get into the there's two reports here the big one is 62 Pages um you know and I don't expect you to read the whole thing unless you're really bored um but a couple things you don't have to necessarily you know go to these parts but the the main thing is on page three is the opinion that's what we said that's the object of the audit is to give an opinion so the opinion is an unqualified opinion um which means we didn't find any anything in the financial that were materially needed to be altered or changed um so that's kind of like Tom likes to call it the gold standard opinion so it's the highest opinion you can get um and then just to focus a little bit on the report uh so page 15 and 16 are the entity-wide uh statements and those are kind of like like a business would run so you have long-term assets which is the capital assets long-term liabilities or anywhere where it says non-current basically like uh OPB liability net pension liability um compensated asses which is what you have to pay out people when they retire maybe 10 15 years ago but what is that amount right now you know you know do you have to focus on funding for that because that amount is so large you guys are not that big because you really only have I think mostly the police and Highway are the employees that are going to get those payouts we're fortunate that because the school is part of the regional part otherwise we do have some older ones prior the merger I think still left but through whichever you know back when the school was strictly a hand in school there might be a couple left but that number is dropping yeah yeah yeah so then the next two pages after that are just the governmental which is more or less what you guys care about year toe your current based statements um you know and I'm not going to go over these in great detail if anyone had any questions and like I said um you know you can have questions today or you can ask questions later to me or Tom we'll be happy to get back to you whether you know ask Lauren to contact us or Cliff or whoever um and then the only other page I would really recommend is Page 21 which is the budget versus actual non-gaap and I was going to stop there and go over just your reserves so um this year your free cash was 900,000 approximately MH and your stabilization was uh 1.1 million so that gives you you know reserves of about a $2 million and on this page uh 21 you can see your budget for the year um which is under the expenditure original budget close to your revenues because your budget's more or less balanced is um going to be right around 15 million so you got 2 million in reserves 15 million in a budget so basically you have about 133% almost 14% in reserves um going back to like I was here two years ago I looked just to do a little check I didn't want the same presentation but certain things I grabed it was around 16% so you're in the same ballpark um you know I know Tom likes to say when he deals with the bonding agencies places like that anything over 10% is excellent so you guys are right on that cusp of 14% so you have a little bit of wiggle room above what's excellent at this point so that's that's good that tells you you know your financial policies and procedures are working you have reserves in place um you haven't had to dip into the stabilization you know to much um and then that was the the next thing I was just talk about is how you got your free cash uh this year so we said okay um on the page 21 still we'll just kind of remain there but you generated um at the end of the year you had 900,000 in free cash prior year you had 700,000 you voted it all um I want to say 450,000 was to stabilization so that's good so that's almost looting it from your free cash basically that's increasing your reserves overall and the rest you had I think it was for 225,000 I think it was the health insurance was a big uh jump it went up it seemed like it was almost um from scantic Val went up like maybe 10 to 20,000 a month so we Chang we changed the the percentage that we pay employees employees from 50 to 75% up to 75 over 3 years okay so so that's yeah I looked I looked into 24 just to get a an estimate too to see if you guys you know if you're going to be in trouble and how to do a transfer again we look like we're in pretty good shape going I think we actually we finished the plan so now we're at 75 we 50 to 60 60 to 70 70 to 75 so it should be oh that's a good so we're at 75 we're at 75 now and we're told there's no change in our health insurance yeah so that part unless we have a new employee yeah you should be fairly flat and when you increase to 75% there's people you're going to draw into your program because of that that would have been still with their husbands or spouse in another place so that was all very understandable we weren't hit with big rate increases that's for sure oh yeah Don's leaving Medicare and coming back to the town insurance this Medicare guys are saving you money right oh yeah so back to page 21 so how didd you get your 900,000 if you're on page 21 you see the very last column it says variance with final budget positive which is good parentheses negative which is bad um on the revenue side you got a 550,000 to the good so that's you know of your 900,000 550 came from revenue and the biggest chunk of that was ex size 373,000 and a lot of that has to do with you know budgeting conservatively which is kind of the trend in Massachusetts to say on excise you don't want to budget too much in case you have a bad year and there's not a lot of vehicle sales and you know things like that um and the market turns and the value of the cars go down the assessors billing out would drop you know greatly and then you guys would kind of have a shortfall that you'd have to cover the next year um so that's kind of consistent with a lot of communities your size we we lowball xise and plus some other advant I want to ask Dennis Martin Dennis Mountain who I know you remember I don't know if you remember him Brian but uh I he he was big with the uh Bureau I said um can we lower our estimated receipts he says I don't care if you don't put any estimated receipts in CU they want you to budget that way yeah I mean especially when they went through what Chelsea went through several years ago and so they don't question us cutting our bud budget what they would cut what they would address is is that if we raised our estimates more than 5% they want to know why and we've never done that and then below that is your expenses and you you got about 300,000 there and that's actually even though it's a smaller number and didn't create as much for cash I mean one way of looking at that is that's a great budgeting cuz you planned on $15 million budget you spent you know everything but 300,000 you didn't overspend any line item other than looks like a small amount in public works I didn't even bother looking that up because it was so small but most of those line are are kind of right on um and you know since you're overall you have your free cash at 900,000 it's been consistent between a million 700,000 over the last three years that tells tells me that you know you guys aren't going up and down it's not dipping any one year so like I said once again your your budgeting has has been kind of spoton and you're increasing your you know um your uh reserves to where they should be so um and the other thing was you know one of the things I haven't really talked about the Departments too much but the collection rate on The Collector side for your real estate taxes was 97% which is outstanding um it's very rare to see much more than 95% that whatever bills the assessors you know gave them and mailed out that much came in and that's great so then you're not waiting for that Revenue over years and years so that's all I was going to talk about on here unless you guys have questions be happy to well we did get a hit on our free cash from some uncollected um State funds I want to ask you about that you mentioned the meeting this morning and you also mentioned one the gambling money I.E the casino money you said you felt we hadn't been reimbursed for the crosswalk money not all of it and I think I even asked Bob at an earlier meeting you know where we stood with the casino money and he said oh it's all been spent I thought it all been recollected that's from years ago and we still haven't been reimbursed the first wave basically of the casino money yeah well that's my concern when we talk about projects coming forward and oh the casino will give us uh we get money for that and like yeah you don't get it all yeah you know don't forget it's an estimate you know that even the part they owe us they don't pay us right and then uh um MVP you know they say your state receipts are estimated State receipts legislature could cut that any quarter on you you know um they haven't don't get me wrong they haven't but um I think this um this that we took on the vulnerability project was uh a processing error from what I understand or a processing delay according to Bob that I talked to him last week because I wanted to kind of tie in those two things and he said uh the project is done as far as the where we are now and we can collect the money now well I always thought the project was way done because we paid for for it why don't we have the money mhm and now we're bearing down it's only 4 months left in the fiscal year and I don't like to see our free cash now it's it's kind of a it's kind of a it's kind of sandbagging free cash when you take away money that the state owes you cuz our free cash would have been well over a million dollars you know uh if we'd have received our funds so Bob was very active on that I from my last conversation with him he said it was well in hand I'm hoping yeah and I don't know about the the uh Casino money but you show it at being open not fully reinforced right okay cuz we got two crosswalks plus the sign was the sign sign thing as well yeah then we questioning you know we were trying talking about having the third crosswalk right cuz I asked you mean of the 100,000 how much are we actually I mean if the crosswalk were around 10 a piece maybe I think they're 14 and change by the time me put whatever and then the sign thing with the Scotty said was 20 to 30 tops 30ish yeah you would think out of the 100 there's still some money left yeah that were and we got a letter from the state that actually said you've been awarded $100,000 for that casino mitigation money mhm yeah I have a copy of that we also were awarded $500,000 for Windows and one .1 for sidewalks you know we never saw that either no that's why you don't appropriate it until you see the contract oh they did finally pay for the trees right Don what they finally paid for the trees right yeah that that giant rubber check they brought right wasn't rubber was that a go ahead oh sorry and then the other reports a management letter um and I can you know I don't know how six pages long I can go over it in as much detail or as little please the main thing is that you had no material weaknesses or significant deficiencies which is kind of stated on page three it gives you the definitions they're long and um that just means basically there's nothing being done that we found in any of your departments that would kind of make this at risk of being misstated so then you know uh and or there was no fraud found or identified if something like that was identified Tom probably would have either talked you or earlier or communicated you with you in a letter or something along those lines so none of that was found um so these are just other matters um and they're just I like to say like opportunities for the town to strengthen uh their policies and procedures MH um and we went over when we find these things we go over these with the department heads or the staff uh doing them try to make sure they understand and that they're not just hearing about this when we give it the cliff and then Cliff says oh I didn't know they were doing this you know things like that so um and I don't know if there's any certain ones you want me to go over well we brought the Water Commission in so you can really talk to them about the stuff they've been doing I mean really take them out in the hallway big guys out there that's walk us over you can beat us up and you going to change anything that's right they get a $200 budget but I want you to be strict with them please you question anything on there you can always call me yeah just we appreciate the job that the financial team has done for years and years yeah we have a good system of checks and balances great job as usual makes our job easier mhm I mean I might say you were coming in and the treasur mysteriously on vacation but yeah and the came in Island it came is yeah it seemed like he was here he he was the MVP of the AUD he helped us with a lot of questions about where is this cuz he was you know here him and The Collector both dick really far as knowing where certain stuff is that you know oh it's in this cabinet or it's kept in this box so he did help out a lot yeah I wasn't much of assistant because that's when I was sick so sick but I tried we're good no all right yep we are for another year two whatever you decide um yep thank you thanks have a thank you thank you all right we have the Water Commission water water everywhere you can fight over the last cookie we not going to fight over it's okay you split it no I'm good I don't want to share over Don's last cook sorry last time we were here there was some uh discussion about um some of the various costs so was going to put in a spreadsheet but the variables are ridiculous so when would this format instead all right we uh we had met January 29th to discuss everybody you guys both know bran John welcome aboard John and Paul of the two of the three members of the Water Commission and they handling the scanic Valley water district anyway oh okay back in um so the 29th is when we was our first initial con conversation that was basically the kickoff from what the state had visited us and made recommendations we'll call that one of the recommendations that we thought as a as a group here we see about connecting individuals within the existing water district now basically scandic road so I contacted someone that did some Workforce earlier had him give us a quote an estimate a guess estimate is a better way you're saying it so he came up with initially excuse me $81,900 but it didn't include things like Road detail conservation work meetings uh interior Plumbing uh if it's unseen and at the time estimating and plus beater and back flows will still be so if I were saying could it 100 hit 100,000 it could but I can't make that estimate you don't know so anyway um Paul did this little workup that he handed you for the uh posos cost and um like this is two stages one is the ones the people within the existing water district and then the second stage is the ones that the are the homes that the estate wants we recommends that we take care of so that total comes to with 17 Services currently in use that'll be added adding another 19 services for a total of 36 services so what happened the engineer time Bond uh the senior engineer said that he doesn't see it our Pump Station can handle that the full 19 at the addition 19 even the additional seven that's why my first question can't even do the seven more he doesn't feel confident is a hardware only not the capacity of the wells by any no Wells luckily we're we're doing good there it's plenty of water it's the the pump holding tank in the pump right you're at you're at the limit it's it's it never idles it's constantly running so we're going to burn it up okay if you added that much gallonage yep we just need a larger capacity right y yeah that would be operating capacity Plus Reserve capacity and one thing as I explained earlier we had it comes with two new tanks so and if I remember correctly when we were going through the initial engineering they were breaking the project up into infrastructure upgrade of the pump house M and then what district expansion right correct correct okay in terms of The Pump House part and even breaking that up further obviously you have a potential for expanding the tank storage part but it sounds like you're also concerned about the the ability to pump to handle the increased gallonage if we added the seven homes with the existing system yes but is there a an AB that could be done like I say the tank storage part needs to be done correct but does it need to be done to add the seven homes or is the pump and pumping part the part that really needs to be done because that could break breakdown by pumping an extra couple thousand gallons a day is that the one we're concerned more than the actual the Tank part at this phase I think it's both correct atast is it both I think we have to get the pump house situation resolve first before we start expanding any what's that tank 1500 3,000 gon tank 1500 right yeah it's it's head space basically yeah it needs that air that positive pressure to keep it down that's why it's underground the hydro seen through a couple of the little catastrophes we had how Qui went out of water when the toilet here was stuck open it yeah drained it all you have a spreadsheet here with a different testing assuming we put the filtration thing put a pin in there for later and hoping it doesn't get there just the testing cost alone is how much more I'm trying to figure from here if you look at the bottom line here I've got the 82,000 that's the that is the estimate for adding the houses in now there are some other 19 houses or the seven houses seven this is just the seven 82,000 so if you deduct the testing cost you're looking at a 5 and 1 half year Roi on that if you want to look at it from that perspective if if the bottom line here if the U filtration filtration was included you're looking at a 1.7 year Roi like a no-brainer at that point yeah yeah now if you want to go above on this I put a lot of wh ifs in there because we're dealing with unknowns here there's not a lot of historical data out there I talked to Bill fabry from WJ what is what's the other initial yeah and he gave me a couple of um histories from a a different town that's already been hooked up and um what you do what they do is they put in two filters so you have one then you have a secondary filter and they draw samples before in between and at the end as long as there's as long as there's nothing in between the filters are good so you know you could you could have one filter that needs to be replaced once a year per household so that's kind of your best case scenario MH and for just for illustration P purposes I put in there worst case if all of a sudden you had both filters every 3 months that had to be replaced that's what the big number is here it's probably not even it's just like I said for illustration to show you you're going to fall in the middle somewhere still an awful lot of money now this is all predicated on the fact that like Dan said potentially the threshold could be dropping severely as well correct from 20 to 4 possibil that's EPA yeah that's how how can we put that delicately it's it's not a done deal yet but it's pretty pretty well train left the station at this point yeah that's kind of feeling they're going to announce it this year m when that is we don't know right he didn't know either right so I don't maybe have that there so are you obviously in my mind hooking them up to the system now would have been great because you would alleviate some of the potential filtration right and testing costs your point is that even the seven we'd like to hook up because it's minimal because the lines already drive from going by their house right even that unfortunately would require an infrastructure upgrade is the current system correct and if if it goes down then everybody's down right and rough and tough looking at um compressor and pump replacement you're looking at about $25,000 there as a Band-Aid if it does go bad if for some reason we blew up the pressure vessel we're looking at a what was it $250,000 which is ridiculous so what's your cost for the infast struer upgrade at the pump station what was the latest year we don't have a good number on unfortunately um time I asked them for when their date was it they're going to make a presentation to selectman and he said they're looking for the 15th of March well I haven't heard anything so that's Friday I don't think I don't think it's going to happen but we have some numbers here what was the first I'm sorry what was the first number original was 5 550,000 but she quoted you around seven seven so we don't know so I would say worst case you're looking at 7 plus what a 10% contingency mhm 7 that's the new tanks new pump house new building everything everything building everything so would that would that cover the seven houses and well that's also good enough for the extra houses but that would be for the extra house if we had to put the extra houses on too that should be enough to put out the 22 whatever it'll have all 36 customers but then the installation part for the seven after that cheapest installation total 36 total just the hook up from the line to the house so the seven installations just basically coming off the line it goes in front of the house already right then the 10 other ones that's when you're running new line down the road yes right so that would be you I know we're just throwing numbers on say it was in the 100 range seems very would give you pretty good continency based on the number you did for 98 scanic you know that was that was 98 9,800 or 9, 9 something like something like say a figure 10 per installation a littley under 100 yeah he seems reasonable gave some guesstimates on that John depending on how far it is from the street and so on like we a high was 13,850 and the lowest was 9500 so on this on these seven houses mhm so it's yeah it's right well I'm trying to get a sense from the timing thing we're trying to put the town warrant together right now we have X number dollars in arpa which we verbally have kind of committed saying look the rest of the arpa money is going to go towards the Water Project we don't know a hard number it's somewhere between I'm thinking around 450 to 5 yeaha 450 yeah so you're saying fine you're halfway there by the time you hook the houses up worst case in the thing we're looking for 750 800 assuming the high you know that 650 to 7 for the pump house and 80 to 100 for the other right so are you saying to the board because the timing thing here it would be appropriate for the board to entertain a warrant article for up to half a million dollars for expansion of the water district infrastructure and start getting it done now and I say that because the conversation we have with Dan Hall seemed to say look you guys need to take action now yes yes be proactive so we don't have to come in yes that's how I took yeah right you think that's something the board should entertain absolutely I think we need to move forward on this that would cover infrastructure and the Seven homes if we were throw out in the one article the others down the road where we're still have to pay for testing right and then maybe down the road to expand them in maybe there Ral Grant or something that we talk I think there was the new posos thing I saw something I think potentially yeah Bob had said something last week I thought right no if we if we expand the geographic area of the water system that's going to have to go for voter approval that be an next thing right now your current District overlay covers these homes already yes these are within the district within the label District already okay it was weird how they were up they like they skipped around like the district laid out but there's still homes that the district went right by correct that never serviced which was right they were not included in the servic when was 20 years ago they weren't pardon but they're in the district graphical District current yeah yeah yeah yeah so we don't need to our change that at this point right we will if you go to phase two at some point right cuz we're looking at how and that's your big number Craig at that point the F because that's the road work yeah that's that's the secondary that's that would be looping the system back around you know Crossroad and then back down Crossroad but your infrastructure is done at that point right so now it's just two pieces out of the the same thing we did for mainstream basically trenching and trenching and trenching yeah so I guess I guess Mr chair I think we ought to add a warrant article for this I think it's necessary yeah yeah I don't think we want to wait on this one no no now this is in my opinion this is a one-time charge what I'm thinking I'd like to get the number but one time charge basically it's not a recurring charge um you know it gets into do you want to increase the budget by making it inside the budget or do you want to subject to a debt exclusion so it doesn't change your base number for the budget here I'm going with that if you put it in or we dick said we got enough in the levy limit to handle 5 6 700,000 we're only asking for 400 here are we are we only asking for 400 well I think we're talking if got 450 already and they said seven homes you're looking at 70,000 right total yep plus the 700 for the uh expansion right so only need another 3 400,000 to finish the project now okay if we get tied on that number then maybe don know we having a meeting so we're meeting with advisory next week to go over our budgets right can we also say that secondary secondarily let's have a uh financial plan for as the second half of the meeting with them now that we got some numbers for senior center this and that and as far as op the budgeting goes the water district is going to need an increase in the budget too to one take account for paperwork and clerical and two the additional testing of the homes is now going to be rolled into the budget so it's what currently what 16 homes I think 15 16 16 homes that are currently tested underneath their budget you know these additional homes that are being added to the district will be added to the regular testing schedule so it's going to increase the budget that was com my next thing too so looking at the selectman's budget that's on page three or four of our budget sheets but should they be their own I mean I hate to say it I don't feel these gentlemen now are doing more work than before although with that extra income by charging for water from those two or three houses you guys are really offset right we're rolling and door right rolling um but uh I think they should be more enabled to set that budget number than we are I I agree but doesn't that require an additional warrant article for them to establish their own account oh no no there is the account there I'm saying they should give us the numbers rather than it being under our budget under our who created the budget in the past nobody nobody nobody it's two lines basically you have the operation and you have you know it was just kind of like status quo for de but you guys live with it so you know the numbers were it's under our thing we have to call you hey what should the number be you put it in you Jane Lauren will give you the budget seat and you fill it in honestly you have to defend it but it's pretty easy but what you have going behind you it's going to be pretty easy to defend we have three people that are paying currently so that's that's maybe $3 $400 at the Mark Max probably not even that much not enough for cookies you can amend that rate oh boy that's probably more we're going to get that's more than we'll get from the electric charging at the senior I guess we threw the ball in your guys's court now okay we're going to do the warrant but your guys are going to add the testing to your figure out the testing to your budget tell us what it is because it won't be done in this is not going to be done in time for it so it needs to be on your budget request no say this got past the town meeting say the work got done by the end of September you just won't spend all the money right yeah we could even go back in October and reduce the number before setting the tax rate if we got lucky conversely you might say look you're going to vote that July 1st you're not going to find a company to come in and do that work in two months who's to say this is the type of bidding thing and all that pretty tight line if I was you know making a bet on this I would say you'd have good luck you're going to have a good presentation and honestly we don't have a second choice on this no so just make that point the government's making it here's DP you can pay this much now but the bill is going to be like this if you don't do it now it's worse the fines are going to be like this fines like that and testing you're going to like you Paul you showed the the return on invest you spend this now you're dropping this testing what really scares me is if we do have a catastrophic failure at the pump house before we upgrade it then you're going to be throwing money a lot of money away for nothing yeah obviously the thing is the two you get back to the Gen and try and really put the fire to their feet and say look we really need some hard numbers yeah I think we when they came to us months ago they talked about splitting that up into two projects and I I think we're at that point now we're two projects yeah I thought for I know you had a water and sewer department up in weightly right was ongoing thing all the time improvement improvement improvement were you guys getting into Pas up there as well um yeah they had detectable limits but it it didn't trip any threshold so yeah well what they told us before currently it's 20 yeah and EPS has BR possibly down to four small I mean 20 20 four per trillion right yeah and it's pretty much everybody that's had it hits going to right what is that yeah one Lego and a the size football field proba detected in this so um how about autobond Society social say we have to we have to communicate time bond is looking for well the contact should start with is Jonah Keen yeah and I'll send you his information he's the guy I dealt with in the past I have something to report on Autobon later on select reports as well okay separate from what you guys are doing right so they have some Pines they want to talk about you guys may not care about Pines at this point not at all they don't fall in your house you don't like don't fall in the pump house that would be bad that would be that would be very bad oh here's a quick question and I think Craig kind of talked about that if you do this work how out of service are you I mean do they have a thought I mean you're like okay we're going to do this thing like okay we're disconnecting I mean you build your new tanks first you're going to conf obviously switch them over and then you're changing out the pump is that like a two-day thing no no no you build a new so you got everything ready built and move the light right and then you just hook up to your new pump house potentially a flush yeah okay yeah yeah that'll probably be little Interruption cuz our he to sanitize the whole system but which we've had to do right yeah I think the the change over was pretty minimal what they were saying but so put everything in place everything's brand new and then you're taking just taking the old houses H offline and putting it into the new infrastructure right take the hose off of here put it pretty much Bas you move from the kitchen to the bathroom okay good I got 25 Capone trucks here or something oh it's only if we blow something up before we get to that point then we're going to be in rebuke that all right easy yeah now you put it on the record don't write that down okay we got a plan all right gentleman thank you so much thank you thanks Paul thanks joh you got meeting tomorrow basically it's just paying some bills Bob will be there hopefully be pretty quick meeting tell Bob he's charging too much for me we tell him every month thank you is Bob does Bob do the uh police station I and you might see him tomorrow yeah he'll he should be there remind him we sent that letter that thing that sprinkler system better be disconnected okay cuz we were under order from the D to get it done okay so it's not like it's not like OD do we have to yeah they were pretty clear and you don't want a second letter no no no one's plenty I guess everything's one way with a state right you well one way is good you don't want the pingpong match you really don't Don will tell you that like if you get into a back and forth with them you just don't win no can't 220 mil Road solar that's another one exactly that's another pilot that's a CH they're changing the pilot we got to do a different all right yeah rewarding for the town meeting I agree with what Kelly said you know uh I think it was part of they want to go back and plus they want to get back into what they change the chapter was that chapter that's like the other one I they could look a little bit more into that whole pilot thing I don't know they didn't want to do it at first and now they want to do it just raises some John yes do we want the opportunity to grill the financial wizards of the school oh boy what no sure they got grilled enough like monopo we just did our financial Wizardry down the other end of the hallway it's like it's like Monopoly money over there you're not actually well Aaron's on camera you're not you're clear John okay bottom line is the budget going up much this year are we in big trouble I saw you at the last meeting it didn't sound that bad we're not in big trouble not that bad do you have any more of the sheets um let me see what I have here I could um so this is going to be our presentation I've only got I think I've got one copy of everything so you guys wanted to make copies this is uh I have oh I have at least Le three uhhuh four copies of the colored sheet wow three there's a fourth but that'll leave me without one so you can print more tomorrow H I can print more tomorrow so you can have it I just I'm going to have a hard time oh no here's a copy of it so you know second page top is your section mhm largely what you're going to be worried about for uh net assessment uh line uh 28 would really be the total assessment including de and there is one Capital project yeah for um Wii WiFi access points off the trampoline back up again bring last year's was that on last year's Capital list it was on last year yep well they're 12 years old now um with an expected life I still have trouble wi Capital prod it an IT budget for like yearly maintenance not I mean not for this no I mean this is a they've gone more than a decade yeah well should they be going a decade though no I mean typical I mean it's it's actually more like 12 years uh you know typical lifespan for you know Wi-Fi access is is going to be 8 to 10 okay so you you know we're we're we're stretching out the usable life we're there with our camera system too so the camera system uh is original to the building as well so we're at 12 years on the camera system I recall See's point at your meeting yeah I can tell it's a car outside I can't tell the color of the car right I I view it as a little bit differently too because as opposed to Chrome books which one dies you you put put give the kid another one and it's running again A lot of times when you do Wi-Fi the technology has changed so much from the last time you replace it you're not just doing an access point and an access point you're redoing your whole system so you're looking at a 3% 3% for hamon and 4% roughly for werham give or take yeah closer than I would anything from the state on the reimbursement Transportation reimbursement are they going to try to get that 100% yet no um we're predicting somewhere in the 90% range they've they've kept it there the past few years um yeah so we're at um we're just about that right now is that in everybody's budget at this point I mean when you talk about the house the state sorry the house the Senate no just just the governor's at this point we haven't seen the other the governor actually funded it a little below 90% but I'm being hopeful yeah um and I think it's a a safe hopeful okay so this will I require you thinking about adding more Choice students or just uh um not substantially more I mean we're going to look at uh you know the high school we always uh lose 25 to 30 we put 25 to 30 back in um we'll look at onesie TWY seats so uh I know I'm I'm talking to the principles right now I've talked to the principal of su Road she has a smaller fourth grade coming up than she had has had in fifth and sixth this year so when come to fifth grade I talked to her s Stony Hill being a much smaller building I I tend to not want to add Choice kids there if I can avoid it so Su roads a little bigger um you know so it would be you know one or two Choice seats per they have seven classes so you know I think I I talked to her about taking nine Choice kids just to round it out to an even number of students per class so I think 21 per class all right did you say your where money ran out this is the last year yeah this is the last year of esses yeah so so some of this budget includes losing $350,000 an S um but we've uh you know through some of the uh Green Meadows collapse of the Middle School uh we have some savings we haven't had to lay anyone off most of those positions have found other places within the district uh I kept health insurance to 0% this year I don't know if uh shared it with you that was that's impr um knowing that this was going to be a really ugly year it does Kick the Can down the road a little bit you know next year but I just couldn't have I couldn't live with scantic sitting on $9.5 million in Free Cash When the districts and the towns are kind of struggling postco right now in the past they always did maybe a free month every now and then with that much in the cash Reserve is that what we're going to try or are you going to going just take care of the increase out of just 0% taken the increase out of that y so they've had a couple really good years and so um actually our retiree health insurance is actually pretty low as well so you know those are some things that have have helped us out along the way next year is year two of the contract at this point of the teacher contract this is year this we're going into year this will be year three so want to get it done by time finish you're inside well it's not my turn this time it's WAMS thank you see who they send they weren't okay last year though it did go okay yeah we'll see what happens all right you'll take out you'll go out the other door next time walking by our door yeah walking into New Town Administrator hi Aaron osor School comme joh superintend John thank you for reaching out of the as you can tell M we have more use for for Brian than just being the zoom operator we're really going to use somebody not just for us but planning is busy concom is busy did you go to the meeting last week no no I think Ted had to run the zoom at that time so if we could find no seriously we just need a student somebody yeah okay maybe you could find somebody to help out with your public form make a few bucks you that half hour blank thing was we're helping with the posting so hopefully someone wants it something or community service even if they've got that type of thing okay you know yeah we can have that conversation great thank you awesome thank you so much guys take care all right so 220 will Street they want to we got to re well they have we we had a solar pilot that can't approved but now they've changed the law so now we got to they want to do solar pilot and you are you're at so I'd like to revisit the whole pilot program thing because do you want to invite assessors in have them do a little I would you know and she gave me a rundown say you know that doesn't account for New Growth anymore and are we losing out on tax revenue on it so my my question is what are the benefits for p pilot for the town are they still there going forward click click Kelly we're unmuting you oops I'm here hello how are you um yes so as far as this um I I received the email last week um from Altus they be this project at 220 Mill Road became taxable effective fiscal year 23 um so they're now in two years and asking if the town um they they reached out asking if we had any other solar facilities under the smart program um that are currently tax through pilot agreements and if so if it would be possible to enter into such an agreement um and as you mentioned for this one it was approved back at the annual town meeting in April 25th of 2018 um that the town voted in favor for the selectman to discuss and possibly you know negotiate and enter into an agreement um but because of the change in the legislation if that was something that there was any interest in you would that would need to go to town meeting again um because the town would first have to app approve that under the new law before any discussion and even if that's done it doesn't necessarily mean you have to enter into an agreement it's just that would need to be done before before discussing further um as far as the the benefits of the pilot so for the town the the main benefit on our side is that we have an agreed upon schedule of values um on their side on the developer side they would like to see you know have an idea of how much they're going to be paying out for 20 years so that they can figure out what the profit is going to be um but on our side having the set schedule of values does help because it's less liability of them uh appealing their values and bringing us to the appell at Tax Board which can be costly so from our side that's the biggest thing um and as far as the new growth that's something that has switched as you know we we used to be able to account for the new growth that very first year when it became taxable um when we had this new change in the legislation they left out that wording so we now have to report it differently and we cannot constitute that as New Growth but with the municipal empowerment act if that does go through they are looking to put those that wording back in so that it would be New Growth again for this particular project that wouldn't matter because we did get the new growth when it when it went on for fiscal 23 um so but for any future projects that would matter just to touch on that Municipal empowerment act I think is that the isn't that the thing that takes all the the control away from the town away from the town and gives it to the state and who are they empowering not us that's my problem as a list there's a number of different things that they're looking to change I know I had uh forwarded some information that I received at one of my uh trainings through the do because I I went on to find out the different things that could affect us in the assessor's office and there were a number of things I think I saw something was it on social media that they were looking Kelly if they don't have the pilot agreement there's you're taxing them a personal property and and it depreciates over the years yes yep there's a 5% depreciation until it reaches 30% and the and the p and the panels have a 20-year lifespan okay so if it's a million dollar first year and then it's 950,000 the next year and then 995,000 and right okay I wish that you taxed yeah the thing with the pilots too so something that when when it all of these agreements with the solar companies first started the original intent was to have it be a set schedule of values and just having having the town and the developer agree upon these values um and then and then as they went on some municipalities had started making it more of a schedule of payments versus values um because that's what the you know a lot of the developers would like to see is to know the exact amount that they're going to be paying um and some of them like to structure them differently some prefer to pay more upfront some like to start off less and have the payments escalate and others ask to have pay the average a set amount every year for 20 years um so the few that we have that are already approved in town we do have a few that are are different we have you know one that's an even payment and we have a couple that are um I believe they're I don't have them in front of me I believe it's a escalating but in order you know one thing that I think would be would be good to have a schedule of values if they approve the values I can still provide the selectman with an estimate of what I believe the amount would be over the 20 years based on the current tax rate I obviously can't assume the tax rate um but that if if it was done that way then they would still be liable to the impact that the tax rate would have just like everyone else does so whenever you know the tax rate increases or decreases that affects everyone's tax bills for real and personal property um and if it's a schedule of estimated payments that are agreed upon then obviously the tax rate would not affect them necessarily um we do account for some of that when we when we've done the estimated payments in the past by adding a 2 and a half% annual escalator to make sure that so that way you know if if the tax rate did increase that would account for for most of it but but that's something that I just wanted to mention I think should be you know kind of thought about for the future and just as far as consistency for for future pilot agreements just to have them all be structured the same would be helpful one thing you did send us a a breakdown of what we're receiving for tax payments from solar projects oh yes and referring back to I didn't have the the landfill in at that time because I know it's been a split payment half pilot personal property I think or half lease I mean lease yes but I think it's right around $100,000 and if you looked at your 2025 with your proposed just over 100 for bgo the town is receiving going to be receiving around $450,000 in taxes for these solar projects so and you got a couple still still pending not on the books yet that's right so if we go to the town meeting for this warrant article we don't necessarily have to enter into a pilot right it's just if we want to think about it right exactly yes it does not it does not um it does not make it a requirement in any way it's just something that would need to be in place if the board decides they'd like to you know look into it as a possibility or discuss it okay right anything else um not with assessors but just on the note of solar I was reading this week weend and some communities are charging the solar facilities a cap over a certain megawatt like if they produce so much they get more payment to the municipality so something to think about in negotiations yeah I'm surprised about that because I mean it's pretty clear what the production is going to be based on the panels when they bring the project forward you I mean unless they're and I think in most of the agreements improvements are covered and you get additional taxes and cuz I've seen that listed if they change that equipment there's higher things you can renegotiate the pilot but I would think the math would have been worked out the get-go some of these I will say now will say you know it taken us five six years to get through the landfill who to say the panels haven't gotten better so just on the topic of solar I was wondering if maybe we should entertain reforming the solar bylaw Committee just because of all the changes going on in the legislature all the things going on in the town you know would it be good to have another committee charged with looking into um the max the zoning the zoning you know 27 volunteers that are beating down our door looking to be on some well you know I I think it's an important thing that one that would attract attention I have to say I've ran to a couple people at Stop and Shop the other day and Jerry's on sale and uh better than big wi not and they were looking for something to participate in they both retired one was a professor from w and looking for a way to volunteer so this goes back to hate to say it almost run that ad again and just keep expanding it and keep putting it out there I I I think you know if we would see fit that if we wanted to reform the solar bylaw committee I think we just need to put a note out there and I bet you we'd have some interest and you know again there's lots of changes in the regulations Kelly even mentioned a lot of the Mass general laws changing even things changing on a daily basis within what they're you know allowing you know the municipal Municipal empowerment act you know how does that stuff affect us as a community you know we need a committee there to be able to charge that a little bit more I think we should consider that all right thank you Kelly thank you Kelly so we'll we'll put a warrant article for that just to as a placeholder for us if we not to do that uh Vadar we'll skip there for this evening yeah just a quick comment Don I thought your letter was good uh boorder of Health coordinator job just description that's okay so this ISS the basally the list we had before we asked to have the different things check mark As to specifically do8 and specifically facilities things like that and just got you know the Emergency Management stuff on here too three different things or should we be budgeting this year for a facilities person I'd like to you know in in our budget and I believe there's a couple people interested in that yeah yeah from Mark talked about it maybe some of from Highway things like that I don't think we're talking a full-time person but we need a consistent person is what we need right what do you think it be 10 hours a week maybe 10 hours a week maybe at most I think yeah not to exceed facility yeah you know I not to say it's not going to be advertised Etc but if somebody from Highway was that person to me it's a natural fit for public works and I think you'd have to come up with a job description too for that that type of position just what the rules responsibilities for that again I kind of go back to what happened before and like I bring brain in on this that we're not the first town to talk about Facilities Management you may be aware of it from other communities that we can grab somebody else's framework to start with and go from there you know yeah and I also mentioned to Brian today like to take him out a tour of the Town buildings you know over the senior center probably during the lunch and then up the highway when load Academy Hall walking around the the railings up the fire skage somebody's got to test it he be the first guy to go over new guys got to go all right so what do we want to do with these just divide them out pull facilities up out see what it looks like pull facilities out um there's the Emergency Management stuff that I talked about bringing into you know our role yeah so just straight Board of Health stuff other things I think uh you know there are things on here that because we have an incredibly talented person that's been done over there yeah something like the employment package to new employees I think comes back to the uh maybe the TA role and AA something like that so let's let's next week divide these out and yep I think I I appreciate Jam's work on this I think it's a good start again same thing if you can talk her out of it Brian keep working on that try all right I don't think that's going to happen I've been trying you get you get food permits I do so we're all aware of the event that's happening up at the Starting Gate or great horse in a couple weeks so Jane and Lauren have been in inundated with places there is the cherished cookie Creations oh I I get a motion from you joh cookies you bet someone mentioned cookies and the tribe power bites Tri or tribe tribe tribe yeah anyhow they both like a one-day permit to be at the uh babore cause event on March 23rd at great horse oh excuse me patty cakes Cupcakes Mama life oils and wellness you're not lighting your face up on that no smile on yeah what happen and for a penny for a pound that sounds that sounds a little too healthy for me c the oil for one any motion to uh approve one day permit over here second favor thank you all right d you can hand deliver the cookie one okay it's a budget review take a look at our budget see how bad we're doing I think a lot of the changes on there are still obviously we're still waiting for yeah Cola we're waiting for Cola we got a the Board of Health AG uh Board of Health coordinator so dog officer dog officer we got to do that yet didn't didn't Scott say keeping that Scott is keeping that Scott is keeping dog off got to keep a dog offer property liability is that a good number now it is we actually got a letter from Barry U so that's an awful that's a big increase they were to expect 8 to 10% why I'm not an insurance guy I can't tell you experience something like that I mean the employee benefit not going up much uh it does go even though the insurance was flat I think that's realistic the fact that since employees wages will be going up with a cola our pay percentage um buyouts there is only one buyout that we know of Highway Department employee oh excuse me paron me two well potentially two definely keep working on you keep saying that I don't want uh longevity is zero because we have the last person that qualified as retired long claims I mean I thought we should drop a little bit we're doing okay with that I did appreciate the fact that Rose did stop by this morning and and meet with Brian so brought him up the date and called me later in the day excellent so she made her money back just kidding what she want they called him later so she made her money back from from the food she dropped off that's terrible water they wouldn't be like that temporary help I mean are we comfortable with that cuz that is the flexibility we have yes you know yeah we got to go up there like expense same thing like the thing with the senior center and do the Wetland mapping where else is that money money from right right uh transfer station testing as you can see I think that's reflective the storm water back up the storm water management wasn't there were we that's why I threw the note on there okay that's just there but I think we need a report from Gary time Bond and John but weren't we in like year six of the ms4 or something like that something like that and I think it was a potential for another public thing at this point too they usually do that in May right they've done that in May in the past I think time Bond who was the time Bond person handling it it was Tom but he somebody else yeah but that number needs to be checked from them veterans benefit I believe they got that number from Jason they had a recent U uh District meeting and that's good oh yeah you put a costume utilities Up Academy homeall yeah the uh utility is going up and stuff uh posted I really thought that should have been bigger I mean I thought there were two bumps in the past year it just went up a month ago yeah that was the number from the uh town clerk's office so but on the other hand we're already at 9,000 and we only got few months to go so well and the things are it's that may most of the last tax bills you don't know yeah uh the last page uh it is just um if that's the his it let me go back to page I think was page two acquisition page two Craig yeah um and that number may be low because I think when we heard from Entre there was just the number of computers they were thinking that needed to be swapped out was pretty high and that's why I thought that that bump needed to be 25 CU there was actually a projected pretty big Hardware number for the coming year we have to we had to replace our own server did we do that yet was or was that that was done that was done done yeah but again just from the I think desktops that were out of compliance so put a little extra in that um website thing uh I talked about this with with Brian got quite a bit of a thing going on with Civic plus where they're saying that Bob authorized the upgrade to the Civic plus Advanced right I said to them it came up at at our meeting and we clearly directed Bob no we don't need the advanced package right and he says I didn't tell him to do it all we did was the audio ey thing to be in compliance with the DLC well my question is if they don't have a signed contract no so then therefore stop billing us stop billing us they owe us money now well we haven't paid it okay yeah this part here the money we paid which is over the thing was putting the audio ey in the onee installation for us like that what are the other options I know Bob said there was another um another provider that did web Municipal websites I'd have to check I mean Civic plus was and exp for towns under 15,000 20,000 they are the goto I you would have a hard time finding a website and ask so my question is does the upgrade make it easier to work on the website because it's horrible to navigate and add anything it's it is but that upgrade you're talking to the IT department right but does that upgrade make it easier for us to go in there and create a board or committee and you know manage the website because right now it's I'm sure it does but is it worth that they well that's my question is it worth it it right now you're right I mean I can add a person but to make a whole page thing and OB has done it I mean because he added like the government study committee I mean I just did it today what where did you the building P was already there you put the fiber optic on yeah yeah so anyhow that's the explanation for that number there custodial um Jane has not been happy and we've heard that from a lot of people here that the current crew is not doing a very good job she has gotten a quote from somebody else with pretty good references and a different schedule of cleaning it is more money but I think her point is that yeah but right now for the money we're paying we're not getting the job done people aren't happy it's not dusted it's not vacuumed you can save money but if they're not cleaning the car what have you paid for so she'd like to come in and present at this price here this would Al in also include I think there's a stripping that's done once a year at the auditorium one time wax yeah and the uh the hallways too gasoline been pretty good Street lighting I saw 294 in uh and metal today yeah it's an indicator P Street lighting didn't mark something do with the didn't we have to do something the gasoline pump maintenance and that's I got it down there that's a placeholder I think he got came and said there was a tank and the whole thing um Street lighting this goes back again I think I talked to Brian about this a bit we have a PPA agreement with sinara I asked about having them in here I'd like to find out where we are it's been four or five years we've had this thing we talked about aggregation is this something that dub Tails into that we've saved money by having this PPA because we haven't had to increase Street lighting enormously when you look at how much electricity has gone up in years but I still would like to know is that the best plan we've got for us right now and either we get them to come in Brian or we put cast the net and see if there anybody else out there so it's an Arcane thing I think Jane will tell you reconciling the bills at the end of the year applying the credits you see them coming in the envelope there and you're like doesn't even make sense right but you were just initially thank you because at the end of the year cliff and the Department of Revenue agree to it and make it work out and our bill doesn't go up when you know electricity is going up so anyhow for an increase here the 30,000 I'm surprised doesn't have to go up a little bit because we added the 10 lights mostly in the Ballwin area right were they still swapping out LEDs that's that's already completed that's done Dam believe the last one was done a couple of weeks ago don't ask why Wildlife Control uh I don't think there's any controlling the wildlife in hand at this point that's a code date for parties I thought that was Ryan's writing that down now okay all right Emergency Management we got that traffic Bo of Health expands are we going to take the water district and water test out and make give them their own little thing Water Commission we could give our own I just think they they should give us those two numbers yeah do you want to leave them in here for this this round and have them just give us the numbers and budget accordingly M yeah ambulance we don't know what's going to happen they got to look at their contract oh shared services right now blank because as you heard you know waiting for a final number from U Finn oh yeah for next year uh the good thing is um I think I'm sure we can find that shortfall what they say around 7500 yeah even long claims we pick we pick that up that's the rebate for the ambulance so help out with that although you can't directly transfer it oh Emergency Management uh threw a little extra in because it's similar to what happened before the uh things go outdated exactly refurbish it you know basically replenishing some supplies and some are out ofd and you have to get rid of them other than that that's pretty much our budget right look at it again next is that first is that we have a public hearing first next week and then the budget is that okay public hearings on poll position poll position yeah are we doing P by po one pole one one pole per week oh it was double P two two I'm blowing up the pictures Don took I'm going to have them on placards all around the auditorium mean the poles with nothing underneath them those are good yeah yeah good if you could give me some drone shots that would be nice going down Allen Street showing the double PS you want pro bono drone shots yeah yeah all right count of H and meeting I ask the fire department no the police never mind okay Town reports that's a thing the annual budget fire bills is how was the town report spending limits how was the town report coming along there's a few things I need to still get from people but Jane's been helping me with it Enterprise fund Community preservation that's a placeholder waai to see what goes there conservation that's the usual $1,000 chapter 90 that's the state money Library State money landfill Tower lease that's got to do that we that's no C that's not a money item though money money coming to us it yeah I'd like to when me get into that after hearing about that number that Scott brought to us for the other Tower also on by the same coule of SBC I think we need to have a conversation you know that least coming to us and any other Tower owned by them in the town or something what was it 60 Grand was something no no was it was 20 something 20 something pretty good number fire station design they're going to come in with some kind of money there then the S we just discussed scantic Val water district I don't know if it's expansion or Improvement maybe this needs be improve oh we are expanding it though cuz we're going to going infrastructure upgrade maybe yeah yeah where's the Senor we're not going to do that you sure no I mean you didn't get the memo I guess not scho oh yeah it's not in hereen study it's definitely there so we got to put Senior Center in here now it's a fight for a position I want to be before else um I didn't think Mark didn't want a dumb truck this year we just got one he didn't ask for a dum truck he didn't no he didn't ask for D truck no he talked something about a truck though he did talk about of truck but I don't think he it might have been one of the smaller trucks which I think we got no cuz you got the truck arriving right we're done with the truck and you want a lawnmower a lawnmower which was not going to be a I don't think a warant a lawnmower I remember I remember I remember yeah the zero turn right right I asked him about a lawnmower cuz I asked apparently the goats weren't working out so we had to buy lawnmower now W 21st century Solutions all right so we got to get the senior center in there yeah the 16 dropping at this point or like you say it's a placeholder we better we better check with Brian can you check with the highway about the truck I don't think I don't think he said that definitely wasn't a plow truck maybe it was a pickup truck maybe pick maybe no we did that last year we gave Park and wreck we gave it the old one to park and wreck yes was that last year was yeah a year or so ago yeah cheers all right then you got the regional school committee that's probably not going to be there there article 16 is probably going to be off of there we'll just leave it for now but that's going to probably be gone uh government study committee has got a bunch of proposals four of them which by the way they really need to be Rewritten and I looked at them and they're not yeah very clear I think they sent them to Rose so she should look that school resource that's a typical thing I think they just sent the bill it's about 11,900 something like that advisory committee Reserve fund General stabilization I made one point let go back to 21 there you know I'll reserve my comment on a couple of the other ones but I did suggest to Bob and Donna maybe there's a way to you know we have two Town meetings a year you can't tell me if you can't find a group of towns willing to invest in this and like share them because I mean every town has maybe maybe three or an annual and two specials and why would one town invest than this when you could have a group of towns okay what are the chances of having town meeting on the same day or you pick your town so you know we use it mson uses it try and get like siiz townly for if we're going to get these devices sounds like a business opportunity well it could be I mean maybe there are chances for leasing I asked you how many people you know what the limit for the minimum for town meeting in weightly is 10 Zer zero zero zero don't have smallest one we ever had too it's pretty it was right when struck it was the it was the moderator in the to CLK really yeah the select board didn't even show up well hopefully hopefully those two got along maybe one to one no me I both mve to a Jour I'm not going to Second it there's only Bare Essentials yeah I guess so jeez jeez so we got selectman one selectman one assessor three Cemetery Commissioners two parks and wreck one Library trustee and one hamton wilham Regional School District committee one planning board who's in the planning board um who's oh must be one of the I would I don't think that's right is it I don't think it's right the cemetery why wouldn't it be 11 one and one cuz aren't they oper off aren't they one per year right I think it's just three in general I don't think yeah but it can't because because it says three years oh I got you so it's got to be it's got to be one one year one for two years one for three years right 111 one one and planning board and is the assessor was that actually was he his term actually up or is that I think so yes yeah I think Jason was up this chair all right all right anything else to come before the board yeah I want to give a s report basically a quick thing about um and I asked to have this I think on a future agenda maybe the 26th about Aon Aon so Jonah Keen who's kind of the caretaker for this area reached out to me they're looking for it just to be uh and I think I sent you an attachment for the the area there so you have the property behind Green Meadows the original Green Meadows property and then the bureau property you know if you remember that yeah Bill Bureau was going to pass away and buy it well it liveed to 101 so finally we got the property which extends behind and that's actually where the new well is for the school um at the back of that it butts up the automon there's a stand of some type of pine tree dwarf Pine some kind of pine that they're looking to do restoration around which incl includes brush trimming stuff like that it's pretty rare in this area it AB buts the town land they like permission from the town to draw a little circle basically on the part of the land we're not using so they have the right to maintain that stand of pine on our townland well it's mostly on theirs but it would encroach 100 ft into ours this is the big parcel it's actually on the other side of the brook Behind Green so they're going to maintain property on townland yeah they'd like to what's the legalities of them maintaining property on Town land if they do it for so many years can they claim that land no no they cannot but she wants to come to the board and present the talk about we have an open door policy both ways right except when we need to make big decisions turn that off all right what else you got I think that's the biggest thing these pine trees darn it pine trees seniors Department c c building committee obviously we're going to have the Forum on the 21st uh we also have that budget hearing I think not the round table the first project presentation uh The Forum does sorry the open house does start at 6:00 and I think it' be nice if the board is thinking of going to the budget thing at 6:30 if possible just at least stop in um and you know Pi appearance I'll be available that day he's un available that day you're un available that day there snack May more cookies and stuff what you got uh tomorrow I'm attending the Mima quarterly Regional Conference and region office in and Wednesday the fiber optic committee is getting together for the first time to organize the board nothing to report really really big W golf tournament nothing no not that to um when do you think we're going to have the next sorry when do you think we'll have the next executive session for um next Monday next Monday I think so I'll plan on that after after we do all okay is this for both you think we're already done with we're done with have we signed it yet we Haven No No I gave it to uh Lauren though to give it put everything in then give it to everybody to look at it make sure it's all good I'll make a motion to adjourn well you have to second they already a motion I'm sorry Brian do you have anything you want to bring up um just a question related to the cable license agreement and the um that's going to expire soon so um I reached out to uh Bill Solomon who's the I think the town's former uh attorney that works on cable license agreements and he had suggested that he could show up at the next meeting on the 18th and he would have a legal services agreement for the board to consider as well as a short-term extension that he will try to reach out to uh Charter to discuss um but it would also mean that the the the cable license would be technically expired for one day it doesn't mean Char going to stop providing services but would be the term any any terms of the contract Charter would te people have no recourse or something right we got no I I'd like to I saw your email before on that I really would like to suggest that we schedule a very short meeting on this Thursday and get this done while we're still covered this Thursday you I don't care if it's 2: in the afternoon it's a half hour thing Bill Mr Solomon Zooms in and we just authorized him I thought that part was already done I thought it was taken care of I did too he said he never got in a contract I mean we said this we we voted on it actually we voted on it twice one time we voted to hire him and you asked to give number of hours right and then we voted the next week right to say to appoint him and Bob to do it basically Bob get her done and yeah so well either way we need to extend the the contract right and that's why I'd like to do while the contract still in effect Okay so is since Tom Tuesday is Thursday or Friday Friday morning Friday morning can be what's a we're both kind of you know available Craig what's good for you um if it's morning you know I I can come in after school drop off okay either Thursday or Friday yeah okay Thursday they're both here so all right so can you arrange it with him Brian what you say Thursday at like 9 or something Craig or 8:30 9:00 I 8:30 is yeah 8:30 probably when I can get here yeah my one concern would be if he could get charter to agree by then right we find out Thursday or right you can't then you know the mo point right I mean I would definitely call Mr Solomon tomorrow said look the board's going to be meeting this day to get it done you want to call and let them know because it sounds like he's got a pretty good relationship having represented so many towns yeah a one word thing we're going to extend the contract or we don't want to go too long either go too long you know a month or something or six month I don't know three months and just just for the record well do we need a minimum I mean what's part of the thing was like a public meeting and stuff like that yeah that's that's later on no but I'm saying it's part of the extension thing so I think the minimum is going to be at least 3 months maybe yeah 3 months extension yeah but I I think just to the point of everything Charter never once reached out to us nobody's heard anything about extenstion or that's what I mean that know this whole thing expiring like yeah but now that we know about it we have to do diligence and again right second all in favor whatever bring donuts what are we doing it Thursday morning cuz I have to post tonight probably before I leave yeah let's if you got to post them have a Thursday at 9: then post at Thursday for 9:. yeah and if you know if we don't if it doesn't happen we'll just cancel it that's I'll call tomorrow yeah and if it doesn't get it then that way you we'll do on Monday yeah all right very good those are the names that up for reelection nor Norm is up for processors nor see Norm is up meeting okay Dave Demmer is a new guy for planning so there's two spots then so there's two spots so you got to got figure out what the term is left on chasing I thought you guys had those but a list of everyone there too so