good evening this is a meeting of the hamon board of Selectmen and the Board of Health are meeting jointly this evening with the planning board held in the townhouse Auditorium July 29th 2024 uh I call the meeting to order for the board of Selectmen I will call to order the meeting of board July please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag United States of America the Republic of it stands one nation under God invisible with liberty and justice for all thank you is anyone else recording the meeting other than ourselves Kristen Rivers is from the hand wam times okay the uh I want the a little bit different tonight we're going to have an executive session uh to discuss two pieces of litigation and what the selectman and the planning board are going to adjourn to the selectman's office to beet with our attorney to discuss that and then we'll return here in Open Session to take the rest of our business including the appointment of someone to fill a vacancy on the planning board so I'll entertain a motion to go into executive session under exemption Mass General law 30A section 21 exemption 3 to discuss strategy with respect to litigation specifically Garvey versus Hampton and 16 Summers Road LLC versus Hampton I've determined that meeting uh the executive session is necessary because in public session may have a detrimental effect on Town's litigating position take a vote entertain a motion second David we'll return no executive session the selectman's office will return here thank you all right we're back everybody we're back the next item on the agenda is uh filling the vacancy on uh with the planning board and you want to just give us an update Brian where we are here with filling the vacancy yeah yep my note up here so when there's a vacancy on an elective board it's a um it's a joint vote between the remaining members of that elect board and the board of selectman so um Joan and I put out a notice of the vacancy and we had several candidates um that were interested two of which are here tonight tonight um and we're going to go through um the board's going to go through a process wherein um the boards are going to ask the applicants to was it two minutes 1 minute opening statement up to two-minute opening statement um and then there would be a uh I think the board of selectman and the planter board will uh switch off asking questions of of the um the two potential candidates and then at some point there will be a nomination made by uh the board selectman and by the planning board and there'll be a vote and that person in the the the applicant or the candidate who has the most votes will um fill the rest of the the term and the the position will be on the ballot the election next May at the annual election okay and the two candidates are um Alan Marshall and John Matthews okay and so begin so the process that we have is that each candidate has an opportunity to give a one minute or two minute opening statement about their qualifications and uh then after that we'll they'll they after they give their statement they can be asked questions I'll call on the plan board first ask a question we'll alternate back and forth and because there's only two candidates I think the question should first be asked to one then the other one can answer then the next question would be asked to the candidate B so that so he can have the first answer and then candidate a could have the second answer so Mr Marshall attorney Marshall Mr do I come sit over here yeah he over here Alan right there then we put the light on you it's easier that way go ahead opening statement yeah so my name is Alan Marshall uh let's see this past February marked uh 30 years I've been a resident here in hamon my wife and I moved in we live up on Burley Road just right over the line from wilam uh also last month was my 30th Anniversary so um I worked for the Postal Service I grew up in lllo uh I worked for the postal service for 22 years during the say the last 10 years I was with them I went back to school I did get my law degree I became a practicing attorney in in 2005 so I worked uh in private practice for maybe five or 6 years I worked for uh Anthony Shelli was attorney in wilam for he since passed away fairly recently I worked for his firm for about three years and then I worked for uh SM Riley Associates in Springfield from see couple years prior a pandemic so uh I don't have my resume in front of me it was about 2016 maybe to 2021 and at the time Steven Riley Jr who was the senior partner at that time his father had retired was Town Council with wilam um which is sort of unusual a small firm it was actually just him and I were the entire firm so I became familiar with l was just is I became tasked with providing legal services to the zoning board of appeals and the planning board in wam so I had attended quite a few meetings with them had done some executive session with them uh couple of permits actually the last case that I had worked with them was uh a solar field case up on South mson Road which actually ended up uh ended up having the special permit denied by the planning board it was appealed to landc court so I represented the town of Wilbraham and the planning board in land court at trial uh very unfortunately and it still leav a bad taste in my mouth we unfortunately lost at the L court and shortly after that I mean certainly not because of that but shortly after that or more because of covid uh I retired so I've been retired now for maybe for about three years retired from the practice the law about a year and a half ago I went friend of mine was looking for some help in his office a criminal defense attorney in Springfield and just more or less have something to do and get back downtown be around the courthouse so I've been working 20 hours a week for the past year and a half or so with him other than that the activities uh I do have free time in the evening I uh I'm a member of Grace Union Church in foram so I'm active there I'm a deacon at that church uh I'm the moderator for the church I'm the chair of the finance committee at the church it's a small congregation I also uh I've been active with uh uh nonprofit in Springfield Action Center tutoring Services which is a faith-based free tutoring service for Springfield Elementary School children uh the organization's been around about 35 years I've been with now about 50 about the last seven or eight as a a board member John you want me to yeah if you can get a get understand but my new Vault may come down and miss me and hit you um probably many of you know me uh my name's John Matthews I was on the uh planning board previously um the uh I've been in town since basically 1966 my parents moved here I've been involved with town government for quite a period of time starting with the planning board but I've also been involved with the um when I was on the planning board to help frame the solar bylaw that we have presently in the by in the zoning bylaws and I did serve as a uh Committee of one on the regon hill side I also was on the um storm water Committee in town presently now I am on the advisory committee and I am also on the um senior citizen or Senior Center building committee as a resident um so I've been active I do have um a fair amount of credentials with my planning experience um so yeah I I I've been in town I I enjoy it I'd like to see some changes made but yeah Madison you have a question um I think you guys answered most of my questions already but so we've had a couple of vacancies over the last few years I feel like we've had like one year so what makes you interested in joining now after we've been looking for people for last two three years this is actually the first time I become aware of question oh I asked what made them interested in joining the planning board now after having vacancy for last couple of years than I one I this is the first time I've been aware of a vacancy I actually saw it was online and also two mainly because I've been retired this past couple years I've been looking for other opportunities as I had said I I am involved with a couple of uh nonprofit activities but to uh that it was time for me to get back to the town same question yes why do I want to um one of the reasons is that I originally ran a campaign and got voted out but Patrick took over as the master plan so that was one of my things and one of the things is is how's the master plan going to dovetail into the zoning bylaws that's one thing the other thing is I think we're going to need to and my person these are all my personal opinions is that I think the board uh planning board is going to need to revise the solar bylaws um the because of the fact that we now have this battery storage so which is is is involved I think that uh you're going to need some expertise um in in getting that bylaw written in a timely manner uh the other thing is to revise the some of the existing bylaws um clean them up a little bit uh and what are my things because from my viewing of the planning board and some we seem to be getting mired down with I'm going to say kind of some mundane things and I'm saying mundane meaning the substandard frontage Lots the common driveway type type of thing um what I would do is I would look to refine some of those bylaws and then try and move them to I'm I'm sure um move them to the zba they would become the special permit granting Authority for that those two in particular trying to remove some of the load from the planning board in turn returning the planning board to a more of a writing bylaw moving forward informing how the town is going to be that's my my look at that um so you know there is quite a bit of work to [Music] do especially now um the governor has approved $400 billion homes act and what it is is basically the town this is a by right now this is going to be by right is 900 square foot or smaller dwellings can now be put on any lot so in turn you're going to need to be able to write some reasonable regulations for that type of um housing so those are some of the reasons that I'd like to come Gregor John um yeah I'll jump in real quick um John Allan um John I know you've done it before so you know the workload um you do have a lot of other committees going on Allan I know read you said you don't have any kids so and you're retired so you have a little bit of free time but you're helping out with um your friend there um you know the planning board meets by weekly right twice a month twice twice a month and there's a lot involved sometimes things pop up sometimes special meetings um do you both feel confident that you'd be able to dedicate the time to the position oh what start with Alan yes no problem whatsoever I have a monthly board meeting with the ax tutoring um which is always the third Monday of the month but that can be moved uh if it ends up being a conflict with a regular schedule of the planning board and all my volteer work with the church is in the daytime done um I feel I I should be able to handle the workload I am retired also very rarely go on vacation and the workload that in this foreseeable future hopefully the senior senator building committee will eventually go away okay and hopefully we got the funding that's why I'm also here so I'm not going away so anyways that and of course advisory committee advisory yes it's not a big load only just a couple of weeks months before each town meeting if you will whether it be the if you will fall town meeting or special town meeting or the spring town meeting or the annual town meeting so those two I should be able to handle planning board member have a question so the timing here is this no question for them well just to clarify so this this will be to fulfill the remaining no till the town election Town May and then in May the person will have to run will run for how the remainder of the term remainder of which will be how long four years four years and is that are you interested in that Beyond this initial up to the election date go ahead John you started really don't know at this point I I would anticipate that I would barring something unforeseen about this job it's is the fact that I I have worked with the wilam planning board I think I have a good idea what what the workload is there I assume it's right fairly equivalent I don't anticipate I don't anticipate a problem in May for the remaining term basically the I believe you you have the option I think the law says that you do not have do one you have to fil fulfill the empty position and then somebody runs against you they may vote you may get that okay so that's that's pretty much how it really works so somebody may not like what I do and I would be voted out if I got the position you have a question sure this I have to say I think I've had more planning board appointment meetings in the last three years than the 17 years I've been on the board before that and first one thing John I think we're fortunate we have four current or past me chairman of the planning board here Don Collins with great experience yourself John your time Madison who puts us all the shame I think right now and yourself she puts us all to shame there we are um so municial experience quickly Alan you mentioned you work with Tony Shelli who was the moderator in werham as well right he was he was and then you said when you work with Riley you did Municipal work there I did it was Steve was town counsil the one question I have and I mean I think we we heard from John how important the master plan is what's your perception of that and then back to John where do we go from there with what we have so first off what do you think about the master plan well unquestionably the planning board is going to have to work work with other boards in the town other other agencies but I I guess I I go into this my plan was to go into this without really an agenda I mean I to to look at the duties of the planning board I see one maybe a plus that may be a minus as I said I've lived in town for 30 years I I honestly I'd be surprised if I could name 15 people in town um I don't I I don't have any political motivation for doing I don't have any faction I I don't go in with any like uh rigid idea of how the town is going to go I I think as as items are brought before the planning board because in the B laws of the Town it does it lays out uh special permit practices but the criteria by Statute and by the bylaws of the town to look at each case on an individual basis and and decide you know again based on health safety the best interest of the Town um you know it's I think that's purp of the job as I look at it um our present master plan 1983 time frame um a lot of it never got implemented for you know reasons would have been costs some people might have not felt it was important I think one of the things with this master plan it gives you kind of a direction in which way the town will be or should be or need to go to the master plan gives you kind of a road map in which way you want your town to be developed so with that and like I say how that would dovetail into the zoning regulations and other things of that nature some of it might be and again I'm not sure but some of it is you know parks open space you know uh how you handle traffic you know the business centers of the Town things of that nature um how does that all dovetail in you know do we are we going to do overlay districts into the town you know a um you know as wam did in the center of town they have apartments and they have restaurants and you know the tap room and things of that nature in the center of the town which was a if it's an overlay District or whatever however it worked in that manner but that was some of the things that hopefully would come out out of the master plan any else the planning board have a question he I have a question um for both how do you feel your past experiences could help the planning board in what direction do you feel the town you want to see the town to proceed you want to go I can't sure um would you say that again yes how do you feel your experience could help the planning board in what direction do you foresee the town proceeding okay so some of it which way I see you know I have person personal Insight personal okay I have a personal view um and I'm going to say this change is going to remain constant so the town is going to keep evolving keep changing how it does so for me I look at certain things that bring people to the town okay um some of those are the open space that we have okay I think we need to really concentrate a little bit more on making the open space a little bit more friendly okay right now I know where they're working on North Road to try and get a parking lot in but it's not they're the open space in this town is not like Wilber Ham's wilam is really very very friendly very very open you know it's it's just really well really really well done um so that's one thing how's business going to be developed in town that's another thing and also recreational uh I look at you know you have you have great horse okay which is a honestly a real Jewel for this community I've traveled throughout the South and I've understood what great horse could actually bring to this community if you partner with them in instead of fighting with them we partner with them one of the things was is I I rode through the S I do a lot of motorcycle riding and one of the reasons we stopped in one of these little towns and I said to the gas station of guy I says why what what's going on with all these people here what's oh I says all these golf courses and he said yeah it's like a destination I I I didn't get it like a Destin Nation what do you mean he says well just like you go out to Colorado to ski you go to veale or something like that he said it's the very much the same thing people come from all over you know the country maybe the world I don't know to play golf at these places so you know it's important that you take and work with the community the members of the community to help further it I guess is what I'm saying I'm done yeah it funny the same things that attracted me to uh my wife and I to to hamton when we purchased our home here in 1994 the same reasons why the two of us again without children have remained in Hampton and and have no intention of leaving hamon the town to me really seems the continuity of of the town uh as far as well population certainly uh level of development traffic all of that I think uh what we're always looking for I suppose more Economic Opportunity and that I I don't Golf and I have no doubt I don't that that great hes is is well known I don't know that having it as a destination uh necessarily enhances anything except maybe people some people can locate handon on a map it doesn't seem to be the type of business that Fosters additional business brings additional people to as customers of other businesses in town There's No lodging so uh I certainly wouldn't look to thean amount of town but as far as building around or building up around great horse I I don't really have an opinion on that but I I personally and I think my until I learn otherwise which perhaps I would if I were to become a member of the planning board and and became more recognizable in town if if it seemed that the community had an interest in somehow changing the character of Hampton maybe that would change my opinion personally I don't think that's that's the feeling of residents in the town I think they want to maintain what they have here now while of course looking for you know opportunities that are benefit to the town that aren't detrimental to safety to health well-being of residents of the Town that's the balance that's the balance that the statute asks planning boards to way and thank you any further questions a motion yes or someone from the planning board can make a motion yeah can make a last comment yeah I'm going to just say Allan's an excellent candidate I'm going to tell you that right now okay I mean you have um his experience from wilam okay on um you know matters that he's been to court again um so he's an excellent excellent candidate he that's that's my feeling you know you're not you're not going to be hurt either way you're looking for somebody to kick it off kick it off kick it off go ahead she'll kick it off you'll kick it off I'll make a motion to point Al Marshall to the vacancy in the planning board made a motion to appoint Allan to the planning board is there a second either board I'll second it are there any other nominations well I think we have I I'll make a motion that we appoint John Matthews second okay we'll take a vote it's a roll call vote uh got here no discussion discussions if I could make a quick Point um I know both gentlemen personally and it's one of those things where you can't you can't dispute John's record and the service he's given to the town and it sounds like one of those things but on the other hand and this discussion came up last year in a different way yeah that John is a member of the advisory committee because he stepped up he's on the Senior Center building committee why because he stepped up and now he's Vice chairman so he's got valuable roles I'd like you to be able to sleep sometime I do see an opportunity for what we've been talking about for a while is to get new people involved in town yes just like Pat stepped up Christina stepped up Dave stepped up Madison you were dragged into it but thank you for stepping but again it's one of those things we are well served by having two good candidates in front of us I mean if one of you want to step down we'll take them both I'm kidding don't do that um so and it's one of those things where you know and I think I know John knows where I'm coming from because as chairman he was always looking for I need new people I need new people and and I'm a big proponent of that honestly so that's why I spoke up and um yeah you do need new blood definitely it's not just because he's a neighbor brly Road North Road nothing to do with that any further discussion um I just want to comment that what John said really resonates with me about the vision for this town and while I do agree that many residents like the town the way it is it is my firm opinion that change is inevitable it doesn't have to be all or nothing it doesn't have to be huge change but change is inevitable in every aspect of life and I think that John's vision for bylaws the master plan and um especially open space in the town making it a little more user friendly for lack of a better term that really resonated with me anyone else okay ready for the vote got call roll call vote Christine Christina broor John Matthews uh Mr Flynn uh John Flynn Alan Marshall uh Mr coin John Matthews uh Mr reest John Matthews does any keep anyone keeping score I am okay Mr deur John Matthews sir David John Matthews Mr Davenport uh Mr Marshall Marshall what do we got Matthew 43 four to three four to three3 Johnn Mar I think it's 43 John was John Matthew Mar okay you still got the badge right what's I turned that in's four three thank you for coming out you thank you and again you know don't don't lose interest please you never know all these bylaws you want to write we need people to write them oh no wait a minute wait a minute what do you know about conservation there it is yeah we'll see all right thank you thank you thank you you can adjourn oh um motion to adj Bo 708 thank you all for your thank you John you're saying for senior I am [Music] yes thank you kidding all right Senior Center building committee John come back up where'd he go hey John you're John you're back in the front seat [Music] I know but I mean I think all the members should be part of this more members mik come on up yeah they want you to come off yeah all right what are we doing here U basically I put I so I asked to have this on the agenda because at the last senior Senate building committee meeting we talked about that if this was going to go forward for a warrant in the fall uh it would need to be moved quickly through the committee and so the committee was looking for clarification that this will be entertained for Warrant article in the fall and they wanted to bring that question to the board that's John is correct what we are looking for is an acceptance from the select board that we would be able to put our um plan the Senior Center building committee's plan on the agenda or the uh warrant the warrant articles for the town now of course you you know what it it's going to entail know well will you have a final number by town meeting we will we will have a final number we're going to answer both your concerns Craig and your concerns Don basically we'll come back and we so so logistically logistically the town meeting is going to be October 21 somewhere around there okay and then we have to give 35 day notice to the town clerk for an election if it's at a special town meeting it has the vote has to take place within 90 days okay so if we give a 35 day notice you're talking about Thanksgiving week and then you're talking about having a special election sometime in between Christmas and Thanksgiving which raises the question which we always talk about is participation by everybody right I'm sorry why would that I know the 90day thing the election has to be held 90 days after the town meeting vote so wouldn't right so wouldn't that election could be in January within 90 days Oh I thought you said between Christmas and New Thanksgiving well if you did the 35 day notice to the5 we have to give at least 35 so let's say the soonest would be 35 days the latest would be 90 days which would be January yeah okay better partip which raises the question that everyone always brings up should we take these kind of things up at a special town meeting which is you know a lot of money and then we have a special election in the middle of the winter and what's the turnout going to be be like there so that's the logistical question yeah and I mean that's not the only logistical question have on that because you'll have some other questions coming up from how uh the results out of the government study committee yeah on those well the government study committee questions can't be taken up until the annual Town election okay by law okay so if they vote so if they vote the town meeting votes to go ahead with those those go to the annual town meeting go great so we need so we need a special town meeting for a proposition 2 and a half exclusion and I guess the question is will enough people vote that'll be you know I don't know what's the rush well part of the concern that came up at the meeting if I could speak John was that and unfortunately Gary's not here he's tied up uh with unfortunately a plumbing problem we we anticipate that even coming back in November or October we're still going to see a pretty substantial increase in the cost of the project from the cost standpoint even though the committee is committed to changing the scope to bring the cost down the hard cost of construction because of the way the economy is going right could still increase that so even if you said I'm thr 6,000 ft is going to go down to 4,800 ft the cost of a 4,800 Maybe the same as the 6,000 was 6 months ago exactly and if we wait another 6 months on top of it it's only going to get worse that's that's the biggest thing is the construction costs are continue to I'm going to say spiral a lot of control um and and I'm saying they are out of control because of the fact that we see you know close to you know 6 78% increases in in those costs um you know who knows what's going to happen with the future in government in you know national government we don't know what's going to happen so um it's a it's a difficult decision I understand the biggest thing is is we want to try and at least stem the cost at least get it approved so we at least have some idea of that we're going to move forward if we if we can get it approved um but what but what consideration has been given that the town meeting voted against it and the town election voted against it and here we are saying you want you to go to a special which is not always well that attended and now we're might have an election in the middle of January where it could snow and you know and 10 people could show up where's parking the right time people um if I could quickly I think because we again I'm at these meetings I think the committee took back an understanding of the town meeting action that they weren't happy with the cost and they felt they didn't get as much information as they needed and it wasn't a a vote against the project as a whole that they didn't feel comfortable with the price or that the explanation for the price wasn't as forward as it needed to be and then the vote afterwards which was still close considering that it was turned down a town meeting well was 57 of 43% but I think that's close when they most people thought oh was already turned down and voting no anyhow so I think the committee saw enough of an interest in the town that it should be brought back it wasn't voted down 90% we don't want any addition wasn't like that hey go back and sharpen your pencil so provide better information that's one of the things and the need never went away there is still a need for you know some space I'm saying some we haven't finalize that number but that need for the space to be able to handle the programs and there are that if you if you go by the senior center many times there are more than a few cars in the parking lot okay that that's Center serves an awful lot of people which you don't hear about so there still is that need there's the need for you know if you will somebody for medical nursing things of that nature all of this is important to the senior community and that senior community really deserves a spot whether it's 6,000 square ft or or we drop it down do you think do you think that at at the vote at the at the the election the town election do you think the people who voted against it weren weren't seniors um I can't I that I couldn't answer I I'm going to just tell you I'm going to tell you my one personal one okay my own personal now when the senior center was first going to be I'm they were getting funding for ill onstead was going around and trying to get money raised and everything else and I told my parents I said you don't need a senior center there's no way in hell you need a senior center no way in hell you're going to get one I'm I am it's terrible that my taxes are going to go up I'm going to blah blah blah everything under this but yet when I my parents went to that Senior Center and I saw how how much they enjoyed that Senior Center it was very selfish of me to deny them that and that's why I'm saying that they need a senior center they need the space and that's why you know what it's important it really is to those seniors my father on his deathbed said to me thing I miss the most John is going to going to the senior center so well we're not saying getting we're doing away with the senior center we're just trying we're trying to yeah okay so but we're trying to determine is it appropriate to go to a special town meeting and a special election in January when who knows so for me yeah it is it's that important to me okay I think Don um you know you mention what what what's the well you know we've been uh studying this for the almost two years now and uh you know and came up with the plan you know and presented it the costs over that two years increased significantly and a cost now continues to increase uh besides the fact that we now are incurring more design and plan modification expenses so um put it off you know is a we look now we shrink the Ambitions down for the center when we get the professionals to give us the cost increases everybody's going to be shocked you know we we reduce it significantly but I don't know if we're going to make a major impact on you know on the dollar amount because of the increase 7% a year increase in construction cost hello yeah I'm on that committee um we are also going to be much more proactive and fundraising so we have a an idea of how much we actually have to go for so we are organizing now to approach uh businesses and people that have been amendable to us in the past and so we'll have an idea of the of the cost less the amount would be um hopefully great contributions thank you Mr chair I think going back to a couple things the increase in cost I mean that is a major driver you look at the fact we built minog how many years ago for 70 something million easta medal is building the same high school for 175 that's how it's going look at the increase we have with the highway garage we waited a year to go out the cost doubled the part about the to meeting I think Craig has made the point before that we need unfortunately it's the way that Municipal business runs now we need to be able to react at different times during the year projects go too fast costs go too fast we need to be able to respond to them and we can't just say well we'll put that off this isn't like buying a pickup truck for the highway department where it might go up $1,000 if you wait a year this is important and pushing it off doesn't make sense it doesn't make fiscal sense and it doesn't make except for except for the fact though that you've got a town meeting vote and a town election vote that say they don't want to fund that much money I disagree with that yes that they don't want to fund that much money that was a mandate back to the committee come back with a different plan and their point is that if you want a good economic result of that mandate to go back we need to bring it back quickly otherwise it's going to go up higher and higher higher so you can keep shrinking it shrinking it until we start tearing down is the is the concern is the concern that if we get thoron Burgess that we might say put some of the pH Center over there and that'll money we're evaluating that okay and I won't speak to it right now but we are evaluating it we've spoke about it um and there's some some concerns about it definitely so it could it could cost the town more in operating expenses meaning I shouldn't say operating expenses more in labor you may have to put people over there where you you know so there could be additional expense um you know I'm I'm going to be very truthful with you and say I'm not against that um wholeheartedly are I'm not against it but we need to evaluate it definitely so um one of the things that you need to do is figure out if if town hall is going to go over there to to FL and Burgess you know how much room do you have um some of the other things are you know do we um you know one of your concerns or one of the community's concerns is you know Community Center does the community center reside at the Thorton burges so those are all things that you need to think about um so that's what I was going to just kind of touch on said maybe we're we're losing sight of what the project is and where it was and where it's going I mean was there ever any studies done to see maybe in master plan or planning board that does the community prefer a community center that's open longer to the general public before before you jump into that I heard a lot of complaints that's you know senior cator well what about other demographics and Don had made a poent saying it's not US versus them or them ver or whoever it's you know it's the community in general I mean would we be beneficial and would the number that was originally proposed have been a different outcome if it was presented in a different full-on Community aspect you know I know I've heard people say well why don't you come on down to the senior center well honestly it's only open till 3:00 or 3:30 or whatever it's tough for you know families that are working just to get down there and you know partake in some of the activities you know if it was studied and thought thoroughly I mean look back at the uh when the police station was built you know now we're looking at the fire station you know we could have had a government center back then that would have addressed everything for the future you know should we be looking at that aspect as a more of a broad brush you know and I understand that great absolutely I look at this and and if you if you will the senior center actually we used to have movies the town used to have you know movies every month but right here I believe they show the movies and and the senior center or the senior center actually held the license for those movies and it was done through you know the rec recreational committee or whatever so you know working together that's a possibility that's why I'm saying if you get um Thorton burges that that's an opening but you can't wait because we need to know the town really needs to um needs to know what what's going to happen with thoron Burgess if we wait another year or two years we've kicked that can for a little while about Thorton Burgess and we don't have an answer so you need to make the decision and you know as a community yes let's look at that as a community center possibly you know you have and I'm getting off track here but you have possib ility of having movies at Thorton Burgess the the Senior Center May sponsor it because they have the license so those are some of the things again I'm not I don't run a senior senator I'm not Savvy enough about that but I look at things and I say you know let's try and do this as a combination absolutely Bobby U FYI we do have movies at the senior center you still don't this afternoon announce right are they appropriate and and they're in color too so there are new ones but there's something else along with that is that the senior center is I'm going to ask is it going to be open nights Becky for some uh some activities yes we have a full schedule of evening programs in September and October for the community to participate in yeah so you know we've heard we've heard we've heard your you say something just a comment there Craig in terms of the community center has served as an emergency center Comfort station you know back whatever 10 years ago when we were without electricity for several days uh that was open 24 hours a day that's that's a different aspect that's part of the S plan too so I understand that yeah but that's completely different app oranges the senior center doesn't discriminate in terms of the programs they have you don't have to be uh 55 if you want some information on your insurance program Beck is certified uh you know as a counselor on that and and kenth says people people could come there for their taxes there are number of programs that they run that it really partially does serve as a community center so basically the committee wants some guidance their interpretation is the Tom me and told go back come back with a revised plan we're not happy with the number I don't know if said that okay go ahead and finish I know I I I'm not any I'm against that but the town meeting didn't say come back with another number really the town meeting just said that they voted no no and all the questions that happened during the discussion I think going back to what focused on the number and some misleading information about participation at the center and we we probably didn't and I'm going to say we didn't do a good job we need to do a better job for the for the town to help them better understand we really do right and and I I think that's great that you're seeing these and trying to address them yeah yes you know and some of it is is that we will address you know when we came to you for the 9800 and thank you for that um you know I heard yours and and DS both and we will address that our um as far as coming back in the fall I'm on the fence about it yeah you know I completely think as John said that we need to have two meetings a year to get things done on the flip side when I've presented stuff like that I keep getting the push back from a lot of people that say this is not the right time and and and I'm going to go back to I'll go back to something when I was on planning board um it was said to me as a when I was the chairman oh you can't change the bylaw during a special town meeting and I said where does it say it in Master General law I didn't see it anywhere it's something that we've never done but again you know yeah I I I pushed the envelope and we did make some by because it's necessary to make these change and I'm I'm going to tell you that you really definitely need to move away from that it's a special town meeting everyone wants to call it a special I I kind of don't call it that anymore I just call it a f fall town meeting it's the annual it's the annual special town meeting it's the annual special but I mean at one time yes it was a special town meeting it's no longer a special town meeting there you go from the moderator the only thing that's prescribed you cannot change the general bylaw during a special town meeting that can only be done at the annual town and that should be done yeah it's always been oh I've heard but again correct can't so Craig you make good points you do but again we got a committee of hardworking people that are typically work meet every other week with an aggressive schedule to get the things as Don says if you want to meet the advisory hearing things like that and come back with information and I heard Tom meeting people felt they didn't know enough about the project and the committee took that to heart yeah one of them was that the question well what what's the roof going to cross what's this going to MH and so some of that is going to come out in this this you you can you can get 100 signatures and just put it out like that yeah is it it's 100 I believe right you're right yeah so Donald can you explain to me how this whole committee was formed was it your idea I was asked to be on a committee so what did you want let the charge another words yeah charge yeah from the select the charge was to look at the senior center and see what Renovations or what need to be done which they did for the next 25 to 50 years years the 25 to 50 years is what got me for expansion and anyhow so bottom line we are trying to address those concerns and we're it's a tight schedule I'd like to give you the opportunity to do it but I think that you need to be very very proactive and getting the message out there you know in all forms or else it's going to end up a disaster disaster every every warrant article has that danger exactly Donald how much would it cost to have all too many meetings in elections and you say that concerns me the expense yeah the beig yeah the I I don't know Eva would know how much a special election cost with printing of the ball and something that I don't know I heard 1,200 okay it's not a l i mean you know the winners we've had lately who sees snow anymore the the the the issue is please the issue is special elections always have very slow turnout no matter what they're that's my concern too you know if the question came up and it was asked before would you have it at the presidential election Eva has said she would prefer not to you know and well you would have to if you want it at the presidential election you have to send it to the Secretary of State by August 15th he has to approve the go right to go on ballot all right if you want it on the town meeting then that's October and then if it's passed at the town meeting then the then then the selectman have to again vote to see if we want to have a special election if we don't take action in 90 days it's null and void so so is there a motion to do something with this so we can get the moderator talking I don't know if we need a they're looking for GU I mean typically the board if the planning came to us if some elected committee said hey we've got a warrant article for you made a point they could ask for 100 signatures but I think they're saying look we're we're working hard we're going to bring a warrant question forward is the board going to allow it on the on the special Tomia warrant I don't typically I don't deny committees that work for the town I don't remember denying anything in the last three years have been right exactly no I wouldn't deny either because I think people have a right to vote I'm just telling you you got a exactly bu to climb here you got a long road you got a tough road to hold and I I personally that's okay don't believe it'll pass again but yeah and that's okay yeah yeah everybody's got their opinion that's my opinion okay so you know me I don't often express my opinion yeah this is Don by the way I don't know if you met before thanks it's okay so I guess the answer back to the committee isve work hard forward right work hard yes okay right what's the what's the we we haven't put a closing day in the war yet have we no like we haven't picked a day yet yeah we haven't picked the day for the meeting I think I think we're kicking 21st or 28th around right now yeah yeah right thank you thank you for your time thank you appreciate it and I I I also appreciate the the Frank discussion that we all express our views the way we feel yeah you know should be yeah what is it RI we all got to be we're all friends we're all friends right we're all neighbors we're all friends we all pay all right Town moderator all right never mind campaigning come over here musical chairs here good evening gentlemen what words of wisdom do you bring us sky blue got the plan is floss twice and brush daily and I always wanted to put Dome over the town so we would always have nice weather yeah I've said that you know we'd open it this when it's sunny and close it when it rains just move the whole town into D the Cowboy stadium like like brigad so good evening I do uh have the notes you guys sent me and I kind of what I did was I went back and researched the notes that would be really more applicable to the moderator first and foremost thank you because clearly this list that you put together is very thoughtful and some of these some of these things make a lot of sense um I went some of the things like the consent question and really what I focused on was the things that would speed up Town meeting and some of the items that were in your in your notes I've been seeing them on the if you're not aware the moderators actually have what they call the gavl line and it works fantastic so any member of the mass moderator Association can write in a question and other moderators from other communities will respond so I've been following up in up even before you folks sent over this letter the issues of consent reading the warrant questions but in order to clarify after I read got your letter I sent a a note into the mass moderator and the first thing I asked I said could you help me with the you know give me give me your thoughts give me your suggestions on how your communities handle consent um and then also then I followed that as a separate question with regard to reading the warrant articles the first thing I can tell you I can we can talk about the process for handling consent and how it works and and how the um reading of the warm is but the biggest thing and I I would strongly suggest we entertain these and that we do them but the one thing that will unequivocally have to change is the timing to which we get information out to the voters and I think Brian I think you had alluded to some of this when you and I and Rose met to put together the questions um for the current annual town meeting or at least review that um that in your prior prior life you f you the timing of this was a lot sooner so now to get to the point what came back uh mson uses consent a lot of communities use consent but the one thing I found is these communities have for lack of a better term at least to acquaint it to something green sheets they have those out at least in a minimum of two weeks prior to town meeting because they in in essence it's a not only a transparency issue it's an understanding issue that and just to kind of set it up for you briefly if you haven't been through what consent is consent would be simply where you would take probably the most grot questions like the annual acceptance of the highway money um some of the some of the end questions that fall under advisory and you would ask the town meeting to agree to vote those as a block and you might say okay we want to ask for consent on questions 1 2 8 12 16 23 30 32 and the way they do it and it seems to be very consistent is the moderator would read each of the questions that would fall under the consent vote and any voter who did not want it to happen would simply say hold that question would then be removed from the list and then the remaining questions would be voted on as a block now we could realistically eliminate pick a number five six seven eight questions and I'm not saying eliminate they there would be consideration to them sorry CH well I go back to your point there about the information coming out and in your experience it seems like the thing that's always delayed is the budget part is it appropriate then to say look you're right let's get the warrant out the people the budget always seems to take a little longer to actually get that part in this Green Sheet that's out right could we do two separate mailings if you will absolutely so again course up what one of the communities said to your point one of the communities and I think it was um it might have been sto but what one of the communities the way that particular moderator alluded to it he said they have the warrant part out at least two weeks ahead now clearly advisory has to have their hearing which is a week before the town meeting and analyze the questions in preparation for the recommendations but the warrant s whether you vote to close it sooner and then begin the process because once the warrant is closed and posted well then it's it's should be out into the public domain as quick as possible because the second part of that is going to be the wave the wave the reading of the individual things so every year we all know where the moderator stands up there and reads the entire warrant question then Craig comes to the microphone and the emotion is identical so you're just parting it back and it takes double the time um oddly enough and I hadn't really and it's probably been done prior to the judge because I mean I go back to Dalton philpop to my first meetings but the judge actually had not the exact wording but the way he worded the question of how once the warrant is posted re wave the reading of the warrant by adding a few words to that simple motion and one moderator expressed that this is the first thing he says at every meeting now and then other moderators tagged onto it he makes it his first motion that he be allowed in in case in this case it was a gentleman that he be allowed to wave the reading of the warrant questions so and then another one came in and said I don't do it as a motion I just tell him I'm doing it and no one ever argues so the point is what the moderator would say is they would read article 27 whatever the tag it has a tagline and then a two line summary of what the question is then the motion is made then the then we get the recommendation from advisory then we get the discussion on the floor and it solves the problem I think unequivocally you could cut a pretty big chunk of time out of the meeting and we need to do that um I'm not you know I'm of anyone you know go back to Craigs so basically a motion article 14 they want to buy a town dump truck y Craig I move Bingo yeah and you're done so my point is to Craig's point a little while ago during the the conversation with regard to the senior center nobody understands tradition of all of us as much as I do I mean my grandmother was a selectman I was a selectman we you know we all did this and tradition became a big thing and certain things that you didn't do was you didn't tackle some of these questions at special timeing and I'm not advocating for any one question over another that's not my job but my point to the matter is we really don't have a special town meeting the fall anymore I think we should stop calling it that we should call it the found the fall town meeting we all fully understand that the great and general court does not have a budget done on time we Cliff doesn't have all his information in order to do this so we go to the fall town meeting you folks pick the questions um but some of this can definitely be in play and we could do it I mean clearly you're not going to use consent items at at fall toown meeting because it looks way different you don't have the highway you don't have the Thousand for conservation you don't have any of that but you could clearly wave the reading of the entire warrant only to have it followed by the motion that diates the effort so those things can be done but the biggest thing we have to do is we're going to have to work closely together between yourself The Advisory myself and whoever else to make sure we get everything out well ahead because you really couldn't use consent if they got the information on Friday afternoon because they'd have no idea what the voters have no idea what we're talking about and I think it' be wrong of us to do it but it can EAS yes it can easily be done um the third thing that was in there was the use of um or consideration for the use of electronic voting um from my own personal thing I absolutely support it and I can tell you you know know 2/3 looks a lot different from where we're standing to where the folks in the crowd are sitting 2/3 looks way different to me than a majority looks and the concern is like the the first question we had one reversed think I was off by three votes so three votes out of 200 is not you know it's not a lot the question on the senior center changed dramatically from the initial vote to the second vote as far as I'm concerned and that to me was because after the initial vote was declared when I made the decision many people got up and left and and that's that's historic I mean that always happened like if a big school question came up as soon as it came up everybody left the room look at this is this is America you can vote for your one question and leave but it had a huge influence on what happened there be it right or be it wrong my feeling is the use of the clicker system would eliminate that and even majority votes there are times when they're they're really close and I would rather have the have the voters feel that it was a transparent issue that it wasn't LED in a direction um and clearly electronic voting will do that um we can have the conversation all day long about folks who might feel pressured and they always used to say no one's going to vote against the school the police or the fire um because they don't feel right doing it in Open Session has nothing to do with the merits of the question whether or not they should have passed were they're reserving it's the peer pressure thing I think those two items would make number one I also I think it would make make the meeting go much faster than having to have people stand up take the count and and do the math so those three things I think are really U what I had the only other one I had a comment on was Saturday Town meetings which um I think before we even remotely considered that let's see how consent Works waving of the reading and clickers and that type of thing and babysitting babysitting is Brut child care I think would be huge I'm not a fan I mean kids today especially let's focus on the kids I mean when I was a kid when you and I empired baseball together back in the 70s and the early 80s there was one sport yeah had baseball now these now kids had and parents have so many places to go that Saturdays will just blow up a weekend no my point is to no for the if we keep it on Monday offer child care then maybe some younger people will come I think you could certainly offer it as an option right um but you know now I don't want to get get us too far a field I think the big thing is consent can be done waving of the reading can be done and that can be done but we're going to have to work together we're going to have to be way out in front getting the information out and then I think we got to strongly look at the use of electronic voting at least uh for the for the Don's got one start small and move in start small and move in I mean that part is up to you folks I'm happy to I'm happy to offer any thoughts a model you know the moderators Association has constant conversation about electronic voting and how it works and how it doesn't work I I'll share any information you want I'll ask the question and give you the responses Eva's got a few quotes too yeah she does Brian sent something over on the quotes So I know the quotes are out there I know it's there I know that um again through the the gavl line the moderators association thing it's talked about constantly and I find more and more towns are going to it and I think if we're talking about speeding speeding the meeting up you're going to speed it up through the use of consent speed it up through the waving of the reading of the questions and probably through the use of clickers I think it'll give you a better quicker more transparent meeting and it'll cause us all get together a little more and plan thing out a little stronger than we have historically so do you think do you think at the fall town meeting we should we should do a pilot of waving the reading yeah I I think I mean consent you would consent you wouldn't use not there no waving of the reading of the actual articles but again the one thing you're going to have that we all need to remember if we're going to look at doing that we're going to have to have that warrant at least the warrant so so the voters will have an understanding we have to have it out to them two weeks before because they need the the voters need the opportunity to read it have a sense of it because I think as soon if you hand somebody something then at the night they come in and let's be clear about something um you know I sat in that shair from 1987 to 99 and then again from 06 to 12 this is the way it's always been the vast majority of the time the the time frame from final final information of the voter to town meeting has always been incredibly tight there's no doubt we can do this we're just going to have to plan better and get the information in the voter's hands much sooner or we're not being fair to them and all likelihood it'll fail we'll set the date now then it's on the agenda for special town meeting information I think the big thing is once you folks vote to close the warrant from again now having sat with you and doing it from this side um is the quicker you when you close it the quicker you post it then we get it out to the voters um again I think Brian you may have a better sense of some of this just based on the rough conversation we had before on timing and the faster you can do it um meaning create as bigger Gap as you can as opposed to you know we've always worked in town on this is what the state says we have to do you know you got to have it here advisory here town meeting here we need to kind of back that up right I mean the schedule has always been the getting the special town meeting sorry the financial town meeting if you will done so that the town clerk has time to send out the tax bill basically sure set the tax rate for the December mailing um that's why it's late o if you go into November they feel they haven't got enough time to do their magic with the numbers so but also you can't go too early because as Don said you want people to be able to participate and people aren't back till after Labor Day so you compress the window one way and you compress you would compress it the other way and that's why I think that second the last week of October has worked out the best think I don't think we've ever varied more than a week one way or the other either direction it's never wavered more than a week and on the flip side now if you looking at the last week so again I think you guys are batting around the 21st say you land on the 28th I mean that means that in order to make this work from what I've read right you you know 20 so 28th I'm backing up 25th would be that Friday two weeks before that Friday you want to have that you want to have that warrant already posted and out the voters in the mail and keep in mind I think at the special it's a two- we thing for the advisory not a one week so they have to and then they fall that's when we usually fight against the Columbus Day holiday because that messes up the Monday it screws up the 14 days because oh my God the count now goes to week before yeah what I would my suggestion that would be that we we really not kind of take the warrant um and say look at you know the ad forgetting not because you want to pay it all Defence I don't this to sound Flip but forget about the advisory committee hearing just think about closing the warrant as soon as you close it post it and then mail it because then all the other stuff's going to fall into its natural Rhythm anyway but this in the other side will get the information in the voter's hands that much sooner um again if you want to pick an example question you've got the senior center potentially coming up again if the voters have the warrant in their hand two two and a half weeks even three weeks sooner they've got more time to ask questions as opposed to on the town meeting where it becomes more of kind of a you know a seeing eyes single versus so I think the whole thing really gets down to when you close the warrant post it as quick as you can and then we get on to the next thing so if you're going for that two we thing even say we say October 28th the select board selectman board selectman still only has after a Labor Day five meetings before the twoe window before the town meeting it compresses that time if we took the 21st it'd be even worse it'd be even worse right I mean your big thing is again I I make suggestion as a former selectman I mean you control the warrant so I mean mean theor I'm not suggesting but think about it theoretically you could open the warrant at your next meeting say we've taken all the information we're closing the warrant I wouldn't suggest you do that because now you're you're whacking everybody what I'm saying is you you really have the we you know you have the control of how long that warrant stays open if I remember right from my days there's no predescribed time that says the war has to be open for four months you can say look you know and and one of the things historically and I don't want to belabor the point because it goes back to when I was on the board even back when I was with your father historically we' always say have all your articles in by the end of January and you'd still be collecting the stuff at the end of February now on you say no with your with the town reports yeah exactly right say hey you know what we're not doing that anymore when we tell you this is when we want it this is when we want it close it if you don't get it in we're sorry but our we're beholden to the voters not to the Department's failure to get their information okay so don would you say we should set the 28th and then I think the 21st I don't think it gives people enough time I think it gives plenty of time and like Rick said we could set the schedule and this is how it's going to be we we close it on the 21st I mean sorry we town meeting 21st we close it on September 30th and that's still four weeks in September not counting Labor Day because we have five weeks in September this year you just shorten up the war all you're got to do is open and close the warrant and you just shorten up that window but you got to force people to respond to the window that the that the select men set I'm sorry for I forget the term my grandmother always said selectman you you have to cause it's still right you have to you have to cause the boards and those that are accountable to the town meeting to fall inside that window you don't have to give anyone that leeway we open it we close it if you got it in great if you didn't we're sorry your your inability to be punctual is not our problem and now because more importantly we have to get this information to the voters especially if we want to use consent and waving of the waving of the readings cuz voters need a fair chance to understand what they're being asked to vote on so I'm with you Craig I think you ought to open it close it and say I'm sorry this is the way it goes yeah I think town meeting on the 21st would be be sufficient in my opinion um it's been the last Monday of October for the past 15 years but hey if we're going to break Tradition now if we're going to constrain the Senior Center building committee even more we might as well go ahead and make it even worse for him that's exactly what we're doing right it does seem like it yes it's one week I that part I don't think I heard anybody else push for the 21st 21st the 21st we said the 21st on the previous meeting couple times yeah and then I think the 28th is a good plan we have other things to change here I just went over the fact that with the meeting of the advisory on the 14th which can't be the 14th because it has to be the week before because the twoe holiday day thing so we're pretty much down to four meetings prior to the closing of the warrant if we less less if we make it the 21st again I just think the big but what do we have to put on we know we don't know yet we've asked people for we haven't even sent out a submission we've asked Brian to keep a short list here we are July 29th we have plenty of time for people to get submissions in yeah I'm just saying again I don't I'm not even remotely going to get into your nickers I've been out of that job for a long time on the flip side is you open it you close it and you can control it I think the tighter the leash the more responsive everybody will become because in the end we're all accountable to the vote sure is that your motion I would like to make a motion to town meeting October 21st with closing the warrant on September 30th any second I'll second it any further discussion I'll make a motion to make it the 28th is that an amendment that's amend have two second whatever what call the vote if you want is are you making I'm calling the vote on the 21st all right all in favor I I one day one day thank you always my pleasure a great night always nice to see you yeah what day did you want to CL I want to close September 30th sept 30 so that way it gives us like like rich said two weeks to get it out ahead of time than thank you budget L transfers Mr [Music] transfer coming you have your copies you do kind of just quickly go over what we so the employee benefits is up to 97,5 cuz last time we talked it was like 88 right yeah it was something floing around out there that had to get moved okay okay is that okay so you can see where we took the 97,000 from by just going down the list that's the longevity from longevity and unemployment property liability I thought we zeroed out longevity because we had nobody left to take there was 200 in there I know we Zer it all for next year yeah but I don't understand why there was Kathy retired last year well that's why we have money left over right we didn't need it right been here since 6 o00 and I want to go home yeah okay um course we had I was at the The Advisory board meeting when they voted to Reserve fund so um fortunately we had a little money left over in the Town Administrator pay I hope we didn't get a pay raise in the meantime but um tax title expense and then cleaned up law and claims so that was a hefty overage we don't generally no I know have those okay um police training and I moved to General salaries police cruiser maintenance uh um I moved that to General expense equipment I moved to building building maintenance office equipment acquisition to the record clerk there was nothing out of that and the website matched up utilities and maintenance because there was quite a bit of money left over in those so that's that's all credit to you figuring out that sinara stuff or whatever their new name is don't ask me about Sara you explain that I am while done a credit I'm surprised we had less than under 10,000 left in longw claims it's just she well yeah want to tell you something else I did too no no not on record no no are legitimate okay goad the count has the authority to do this okay right that 8 cents in the selectman salary account I'm not doing anything for you guys I'll give you 16 how that I'll double it make it 15 it's easier to I'd like to do something with zeros on it that's what that's it no seriously um I did move some money from the building inspector revolving account to our general fund I moved $10,000 from the cemetery revolving to the general fund uh Cemetery was overdrawn by 27 2770 I had a chat with u Dwayne outside about that so I took that from their Cemetery revolving put it against that overage um there was the um overage on the um elections I took that out of mandate reimbursements 79133 and then um general fund muning expenditures oh that was just counting change so these These are major ones remember Don we had a couple what was the dog one you know we said we'll put that off and handle at the end of the year it was such a minor thing those aren't on here the little ones like no no yeah okay we don't have anything on dogs it's small anyways right I think uh was that the same year that we had the bullets and the dogs on the same no no that was this year cuz Shelly we talked about doing something in the fall we said no we're not going to and then um what was it correct was it uh Emergency Management was over a bit we said you know we'll just do a trans take care of that was a large amount but that's not on here because those are small things that just I did a lot of small ones when I talked to um I'm sorry just missed his name but uh to to Brian about and look there's any 250 I'm just going to start moving those okay that's I thought something like 283s I just move those around on my own but these are too much these are too big to kind of you know it opens another issue in my mind that we are really by doing this we're going against town meeting town meeting did not appropriate the kind of money we spent out of these accounts my question is why did we MH I understand I title on talk about dick with dick about the health insurance and what happened there and that's a that's an understandable explanation but then why did the website end up being so overdrawn couldn't we have found a moment there to say hey stop stop you know um so um I'm just you know $220,000 over on the website oh we know what happened there I understand I already know what happened but I know it's overdrawn but I think we're going Beyond we're kind of taking over town meeting in some of these things it's legitimate this is according to the law what we're doing we can do this in the last two months of the year but then again can we either ad keep a better eye on what's going on during the year right yeah y um The Advisory Board needs to be a little more proactive and I I don't go to that I'm not on that board but I go to it be proactive well that gets into I mean they've needed a clerk for a while and we can't find that we can't fill that position and I understand yeah um that's why it's difficult to get the green sheets out I do those I do the green sheets yep get them out but uh and I don't mind don't get me wrong I don't mind but uh you got to be a little more careful a little more attentive MH as these go along I try to send the reports out every month little something to make you read it too a little verb to make you read it and uh I good for you I'd appreciate blur back to say oh have you heard this one but um I'm very careful about what I send out to yeah nowadays so but this is essentially what we do at the end of every year I think if you took the employee benefits out and we had what's left you know you know it's not that big a deal be about 3,000 Don do you need a motion to approve this list make a motion to approve the list submitted by the town accountant and I got one here for you to sign all in favor all right you have the official one this will go on the records records you should keep one for yourselves Lauren file got we got a few things I want to show I want something to show the auditors chairman Mr chairman okay thanks thank you sir you good job C okay anything else you need let me you know where I am all right th burges we got what we got with two tyan Bond they had their onsite site visits so they're working on the write up conditions assessment I think have we have we decided jointly that we want to take the building back we've decided that right yes I think we have a great need for it okay yeah we have a great need for it okay and we want to get this done as soon as possible so we should ask I think we should ask our school committee representatives to ask the school committee to have a motion to intern it to agreement with us on the lease well I thought we were going to like I say keep this on their agenda you we were going to reach out and ask to be on the agenda in are they meeting in August I think they are yeah I think they are I'll I'll call I'll let's put it on the agenda for then and then in the if not because then in January first I think we should say they're in default if they're not in there if no agreement has been reached by no agreement yeah yeah I have a question would it be possible for a couple of the Senior Center building committee members to be able to get into forg and just look to see how it could be yeah Brian you can arrange that right yeah y we just have to coordinate with the school we we'll get an email out to you any thank you fire department generator I think we should table that what I think we should table that deny the deny the bed or uh is so the bid was $48,000 to install the generator and some change um the generator cost 32,000 we spent 6,200 for an engineer to draw a plant and now they want $48,000 to install it so I say we send it back or sell it can our Highway Department install it make a pad so so that's if if we were to reject that bid um and we were to rebid those that's pretty much you know anything that I could see that we could change that we could do in house now we're trading the labor costs right which which we're already paying for we just changing the project that we got Department employee that that's keep being paid anyway I I guess my question is why does it cost $47,000 just to run electric lines to a generator that's a great question I put a nice double the size one in my office it was nothing like that yeah so we but I that yes we should look at in-house labor for at least some of it you know like my dad always said municipalities don't have to turn our profit if we pour a pad we're not doing it with the markup right right i' I'd like to see a breakdown of what the 48,000 y I just can't believe it's I can ask so so 30 days so so the reason I suggest the board not vote on it tonight is so these these were 29th I think 23rd so it's held open for 30 days so we can okay we can do it the next meeting right yeah we can hopefully have some other information okay I need some more feedback from the fire department too on it okay cable TV I never watch it um there's that agreement if we want to hire attorney August um I talked to him a little bit about the aess stuff and he not something the town's required to do um so if we just wanted to pursue uh cable license didn't have that in it he would be fine with that and he could represent us again it's an hourly hour uh the other guy never sent a bill right over cookie there you go all right was this just boiler plate now then pretty much yeah and then you it would just be both to authorized mhm I would U make a motion to authorized Town Administrator to enter into agreement with Epstein in August for the renewal of the cable license agreement are we going to cap the number there cor we did something like that with uh the other guy didn't we where we not to exceed I mean we're taking out law and claims we don't want to make it open checkbook either I I think if we authorize Brian he'll be able to work within that come back with a budget you know please I I second that but I mean let him come back to yeah this shouldn't cost you more than 3,000 or something like that okay all in favor and then we have where else where are we here we have the vote the North Road school zone I guess I should recuse myself certain people who live on North Road have been speeding past the schools I me but uh the signs on my property thanks so much for putting it up already put it up personally did you that wasn't you out there I never saw you with a shovel in your hand my car does it go over 50 which one the old one yeah downhill though it's rolling yeah like Fred you need a motion on this Brian yeah to establish a school I'll make I'll make I'll make the motion to I'm serious to thinking my front I may I sure myself I'm in favor outside school zone I'm outside the school Z go ahead yeah you made the motion Craig right I'll make the motion to approve the North Road school zone for green medals as presented I'll second it I won't V it any further discussion n okay 70 years nobody knew it was there okay thank you I I what do two the recal can he second even though he recues himself yes okay just to get the vote all right and we have a something here oh we have an appointment we have an appointment the uh complo the town clerk the record's access officer reappoint basically reappoint her make a motion to reappoint either wisman as The Rao second all in favor I uh selectman reports one quick thing came up uh EV did mention to me there's in the general bylaws it talks about the right to farm yes it's supposed to be posted every year at the annual town meeting on the five part parts really yeah where so you know we have the places we post the uh the town warrant yeah we have to post the right to farm bylaw every year at the same time which fell through the crack so she's like really it's on the website do we have to post it every year so it's something she like to put up obviously not the special to meeting she'd like to think about uh taking you that part out you know which brings me to the Constable to one of the askable said why do we have to be elected why can't you just appoint us we stop appointing fence viewers and uh the drover right I mean why can't they're elected now why can't you just do change it to we're appointed we had a field viewer but uh when Mr field died lost just the thought yeah let's see obviously you know about the planning board a short meeting and it came out pretty well Don you were there um for the hearing on the Glendo road yeah they withdrew the ter without prejudice um you report uh just fiber optic committee met last week I didn't attend it so I don't have much info yet on what they have they forther discussions uh the master plan committee we have 251 uh responses to the survey online and eight from the heart copy so 259 the survey is going to close on July 31st so you still have an opportunity if you haven't either pick one up in the library or go online and fill it out who's collecting those the online surface is that through the um they do vendor the vendor doing the consultant BH BVM like Town administrative report two quick updates related to the water district U MD a mass DP approved the water system uh permit for modifications I think John you re that today and we also received the estimate from c bond for the uh tanal study that's also needed for that project and I think that price was $8,600 for the botney study um so my question was is that going to come out of should that come out of arpa that's where the the water district funding is coming out of pay time Bond and that's where the project come out of if if we have a funding source and I can sign that and get it back to them so we can keep keep moment them up yeah I'd say why not you know that's what we save the rest of them for right that's what it's for right it's for that project okay all right any else minutes minutes July 1st 2024 uh we have the Senior Center building Committee in attendance and the Hamond Regional School District uh Bill vacancies refill vacancies we talked about clerk positions National Grid has completed the work in EV [Music] charging not so much not so much uh motion approve second all in favor than and the July 15 2024 minutes police chief the well request the town clerk was in to talk about U discuss early voting and we pointed the officials for the voting the year in transfers we discussed that we just voted on tonight cable agreement we just voted tonight more more one day liquor permits for the senior center I still would like to investigate if you don't mind yeah and 5:30 Glend water testing Public Health th bures leas we discussed that again anything else motion to approve second all in favor Melle posted on Tom B annually the write to farm bylaw I got to tell you that yeah exctly other communities do when they post it on the sence it's the right the farm is that consider it says on the town bulon board yeah you know where where the warrant is posted it says it right in the bylaw it's going like robam and I think I think you're write Just A Sign saying hey we're a right to farm you know Community maybe instead of a funny joke next week they can change it on the Bolton board I'm miss that funny joke I'm going to miss that funny joke anything else to come before the board Mo return second hearing no second we'll continue he whispered it I heard I was trying to laugh all the favor this is funny would you get that like2