good evening I call the meeting to order this the meeting of the hamon Bor select and Board of Health being held in the townhouse Auditorium July 1st 2024 6 p.m. this meeting is being conducted in person and remotely using video conferencing technology please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge Al to flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you is anyone recording the meeting other than ourselves anybody on there no the times won't have anybody available well they I have they're on vacation everyone's on vacation minutes we have June 17th 2024 regular meeting okay we did the EV talk about the EV charging station the firefighter Cadet program the cell tower lease some of these things never go away Highway Paving contract The Laughing Brook Bridge MVP the health shared Health IMA okay on the MVP I'm assuming that's covert not covert right you know I don't know oh yeah you don't mean that secret money do you this is secret this is the secret VP that's CT and yep it all right let's see what else we got here uh cable TV agreement one day liquor license at the senior center mhm and selectman in Town Ministry reports approv second all in favor all right the June 24th I suggest executive session yep executive session minutes this is regarding okay litigation motion to approve without release second is it a second second second all in favor I okay all right next item we have on the agenda is meeting with the senior center building committee you have a representative yes um I'm John Matthews um we've had some reorganization for the senior sener building committee U we lost a couple people but uh and we've made some changes so Gary is going to be the president or or chairman I'm sorry the president I'm stuck on Thursday night um so uh he asked if I would fill in for it so what we're here for is basically uh the committee um is enthusiastic to start work again um what we've done is um we're looking forward to trying to incorporate what was stated at the town meeting um some of those changes um that were noted at the town meeting um we still may need one more member uh there is a vacancy possibly um and what we may do was reach out and ask that it's been posted online it has yes okay be to the punch thank you um so one of our objectives at this go around is to reduce the cost of the project both in soft costs and in construction costs so how we do that we're not 100% sure um again the committee um is looking to possibilities of um revamping the floor plan uh an alternative floor plan plan excuse me removing some or all of the soft costs but we will get together and we'll make those decisions if we can um so I got a couple of qu tough questions and these have to do with Don and Craig um what was the reason for your no vote and what do you feel is a dollar amount that you could support I don't care who answers but I know it's a tough personally for me I mean it it wasn't my vote it was people I had spoken to throughout the community who were um concerned about the costs okay um some people weren't available to attend the meetings that you had had but they couldn't find any information of where the dollars were going okay so that there was some concerns to them um and then a lot of people felt that the project could have taken on a different light I know there was some talks about people thought why wasn't a community center looked at as a greater need you know they they felt like they were being excluded and I know I've heard that you know it's it's open to everybody but you know it when it's still being labeled as a senior center there's a certain demographic that feels that they're being excluded from that project so they they felt kind of like why why not me so that that was a lot of the the voices I heard from parents um you know people that I associate with so my vote was their vote was how it came down and do you have a dollar fig fig that you would be comfortable with any dollar figure is scary because we we know we have a lot of projects in town that need a lot of looking into um I won't put a dollar amount on what I think it should be um I do think it was a little little pricey based on what was available but that's not saying that that dollar D doesn't fit you know you talked about eliminating some of the soft costs maybe that helps maybe there's different footage square footage ideas that can help reduce costs maybe there's some negoti with the contractors to help them eliminate some of their overhead um to put a hard number on that that's not my expertise I voted no because I felt that the ask did not meet the the price which was was was rily talked about in terms of uh some additional storage space some additional rooms that type of thing and it really got on my belief that there was I call it scope creep that it really got much more expensive it should be bigger uh I also heard from people who went to the forums and they weren't convinced they said I don't understand why they're doing all these things um I for one would would have liked to scene and I would like to still see is a what needs to be done to fix it okay it's a 25-year roof maybe we need a new roof it's uh maybe some of the bathroom fixtures need to be repaired maybe the air conditioning so I'd like to see a fixed thing and then say the next thing is okay we need more storage how's that and we need maybe some additional space for program but I thought I thought it went Way Beyond the scope of what I what I thought it should be and I continually heard back from people they just thought it was too much and one of the things that I heard is they couldn't understand all the movement inside the the building was we moving the library and move you know moving things around like that they couldn't understand why that made sense and and so to me I I'm and I would give the same advice to the fire department committee you know agree you know you know look look at what needs to be done to fix it and then maybe what needs to be done to make it better um but uh you know be very conscious of of the costs of all these things so and I I I went back and forth quite a bit whether I vote for it not but I finally decided no it was too much and apparently a lot of people other people did too you know I appreciate your caner both of you I do have a question for the committee and it doesn't need to be answered now um but you know in this situation we are with twb we are maybe looking to take that back as a town and utilize it for Town needs does that change the scope at all for your committee and would that change the outcome in your opinions I'm going to give you my own opinion okay and truly this is my own opinion I expressed it at a meeting but um my feeling is is that it could change the scope um and in my own weird sort of way in my head okay I I can Envision like a um going over there's a bridge there that goes from Senior Center to thoron Burg just and utilizing you know the possib ability of thonberg this's libraries and having that be a meaning area for like the and and I'm sure some of the seniors are going to be stabbing me killing me but you know possibly to be able to show the movies there um to use that as a library um you know I look and I know I'm on recording but I look at Thorton Burg just has a big asset for the community um and we know we don't we know we need more affordable or senior housing and I'm even thinking that you could probably maybe put some senior housing in there tying everything together I know I'm sorry Becky but that's my own uh personal weird way of how it could dovetail in can I add add something else to about and this this comes from 5 years of teaching public relations and Communications at Emerson College the presentation was not good at at town meeting uh the the us against them theme was not what people wanted to hear because we all pay the bills of liveing town what they wanted to hear is how much does it cost for this how many people use it the roof is 150,000 okay the air conditioning is 100,000 we all understand if you go lar your size you got to put sprinkler system in they were looking for dollar figures and V figures they didn't want to hear that the seniors deserve it because they paid $14 million in taxes because we all paid those taxes I paid those taxes for 54 years in this town so it's not a selling point you know and what I think it needs to be this is the dollar figure this is why we need it and this is how much it costs to get it yeah not a no argument um so so now you want 9,800 bucks well so here's we'd like to get 9800 and I just wanted to address your concern you know asking the friends to uh last week in your meeting and the select's meeting a week ago you had mentioned something about the friends well the friends they're um if you will their bylaws basically say um uh purpose or purposes for the corporation is formed are as follows and it's to raise funds for the purpose of purchasing and donating to set senior citizens any and all items of equipment furniture and other tangible property so um and it goes on but basically that's the reason why the friends really can't um put theit for the $9,800 being that is Town own building that's why we're here now to ask for the $9,800 I'll I'll just throw another topic out there and this may be an unpopular opinion and I just needs to be asked what about you know Claud may have some answers on this is what about the heart Springs funds I know that was going to be used for going towards the building itself could this be an a dovetail into helping fund that process as well that I don't know I can't speak to that okay I don't think so because it all goes into the same fund that you talk about okay so directly it's so can that fund then be used for the new building or would that would that be going towards soft costs so if it's tangible okay then it could be used for that okay so so that that that account can't be used to offset the cost of the building then or cost of the renovations unless and and for my understanding unless that donation was specifically made with the intent of saying that this is this money is to be used for building or renovating the senior center am I correct in saying that yeah I know I'm put on the spot no it sounds exactly the way I would interpret it but yeah so if somebody made a donation and it was specific about that okay CU I just I thought the whole the purpose of the the those donations were to go towards the overhead the all the overall cost of the the renovation so it doesn't sound like it's can be use it unless it's specifically donated to a certain way correct so they could don't U they could in other words if they um I'm going to say a soft cost would be a a piece of furniture table chair something to that right that way so if when you go back with the architect and you pull out all the soft costs now this fund can be used for that purpose that's some of the trying so that could help offset and lower that final dollar amount yes absolutely okay how much the C is right now probably not but do you want me to tell them Bobby sure know what we're working so um the soft cost at the present plan was 1.5 right okay so um what we're looking to do is decrease that how much we don't know or get rid of it Bobby would like to do is get rid of it right but then you like you were just saying we could use that fund to help offset some of that or yeah pick and choose what needed to be paid for for soft EX for furniture supplies yes people could then donate money it's 501c Corporation so that's so that's it can I I want to ask this question and under the scope of services for this proposal right it says we plan to meet the building committee to discuss the next steps and layout goals for redesign effort the goal this meeting will be to determine a Target project cost and discuss potential programmatic reductions what proog program programs are they are you considering ring one right yeah number one yeah so um the pro programmatic I'm going to as I'm going to guess because I'm not exactly sure what they're talking about there but I think um there might have been some programs that might be have to be moved changed deleted whatever okay so I'm not 100% sure what they're talking about okay kind of programs so that would be in the realm of if we if we said we're going to eliminate the nurses office so then we would say are we reducing the nursing program um we had hoped that the veterans officer might be able to have an office at the senior center for handicap accessibility and all of that so if we don't have that space that would fall into kind of a programmatic reduction that we wouldn't be able to provide that service because we've talked about increasing programs like nursing and veteran services and personal care services and things like that so if we don't have the space to do it that would fall under a programmatic reduction okay and what do you when you have a flu shot clinic what do you do we cancel all the programs in the great room uh and we bring in nurses from the local pharmacy for the pharmacist I I I asked that because I given out thousands of shots in the middle big why yes so yeah but I mean now they've got you know since the co they've have a little area now and there's in every Farm seat now I can say out hold yeah and some of that is because of HIPPA Hipp Hippa Hippa Hippa do you think for this proposal that you'd be able to work with the architect to come up with maybe two scenarios there is a possibility you know take you know scenario a twb into account scenario B no twb because we're still like I said in that early stage so it's it could become quite an option it yes I'm not I hope it becomes an option to be honest I yeah to have it lay dormant um there is a definite need Brian where we going to get the 9800 we can Target it from selectman expense we can Target it I mean this is a refunded obviously budget at this point we can ask for a transfer from I did talk to Doug about this they would be a minimal to a request for a transfer from the new Reserve account if needed as an unexpected expense and then refresh Reserve in the fall um variety of funding sources yep I think it goes along with what the board mandated basically we said we weren't comfortable with the plan is presented go back come up with a new plan for minimum amount of money we the town said that I understand that but as as the people that present the town's opinion for minimal amount of money we're having that opportunity come back just want we would get it that's all how soon do you think this proposal would be ready to be presented we're looking for fall town meeting bring it back in Fall town meeting to the reason some go ahead I I needan to cut you off no it's okay I was just thinking you know I I've presented stuff at fall toown meeting I've got a lot of push back about is fall town meeting the right time and yes and I agree we need two Town meetings to facilitate business work but there is a lot of people that have spoken up at town meeting that think fall town meeting is inappropriate for certain expenses I mean and of course then we have the election question that Don is have a special election right reasonable versus 45 day thing right um but I would make a motion to uh I guess transfer I mean we need to pay this out of some account or authorize the submission of this bill to be paid out of Select expenses I think it' be appropriate in current fiscal year it's now 2025 yeah I mean do we have money in second I think we put in 20,000 right yeah so we're talking about as of July first not right I mean not not back deing it to this this time we need everything left over in the last year right take care of what we had you so right now this is a FY 2025 Bill and pretty much all the accounts are refreshed we I I assuming we're going to have to go for a proposition two and a half exclusion again right so we need to we would need to have a special election right and we need to if we need to give the town clerk 35 day notice I believe it is I believe the town clerk also said that if we were doing that she prefer not to do it at the same time as the presidential election right so now you got maybe late November or early December I depending on the meeting is which I think we should be setting the date for now keep in mind we also talked about Saturday too any is there a second to John's motion I will second John's motion is there any further discussion just for clarification select Mi expenses for fiscal year 25 correct use use the um the police station for some meetings right we have and that was because of tax they were having um taxes pay taxes tax season thank you tax season was at that time so they Ed that room to prepare taxes for the ever they were I laugh because I always use the term elderly like I'm not yeah well those people well those people right one of them I was there clo can I make a comment I'm sure you will hi thank you I just want to thank you for listening to us um I would love to see you engage more with us at the senior center um I did not see either Craig or Don at any of our forums um it would be nice to see you there and just so you can see what we do there's an awful lot going on there and a lot of hard workers so be great to have f right appreciate that you're not one of us older people stop by I have plenty of times you know The Artisans meetings you know you know I I I did judging for The Artisans last year I was there I've had artwork in the artisans in the past okay but I talking more about what we do at the senior as far as our programs and Stu if you need Foot Care is what she's saying come on over I don't know if you qualifi for that but stop by me like and in response to that I would just like to say that the issue never was that we didn't understand what great work they do over there we didn't understand how important it was to the community we didn't understand all the things that go on it just was too much money at the wrong time right we're just getting a lot of comments from people negative comments from people who never set foot in the and that's just discouraging to us there such a wonderful amount of things going I think one last comment would be and this goes back to I think craigson Don mentioned before that we had a number that we were told B at the beginning and then the number went up but in other projects we've seen that as well we saw that with the highway building we saw that with the water district that we thought was going to be in the 2 million range and by the time we're all said and done we're at three just because I don't know if it's project creep or scope creep or the reality that maybe we have rosecolor glasses and we understand that engineering and contingency all that stuff adds in so if I may and and a lot of it why we're trying to be so aggressive Craig is that the cost of construction is going up 7 8% every year it's substantial you know I I talk to somebody and I'm going to give you my little sorry I talk to somebody and I about some concrete work and so what's concrete now 100 100 20 an hour and he goes what planet are you living on and he said it's closer to when it's all said and done $200 a yard which you know I mean I'm that's $80 more than I expected I I completely get that I mean the same thing was said when we went for the fiber optic initiative you know and then you know that whole project failed similar reasons you know a lot of the same people voted similar ways you know or opposite ways I should say um but you know same concept I understand the costs are going up yeah substantial anyhow any further discussion take a vote all in favor I appreciate okay you want do you want the check now or no great fine no no I don't handle the thank you again thank you thank you John thanks for thank you all h Regional next item I put on the hamon wilham Regional School District Maintenance costs reconsideration last week we decided to for go to $99,900 but then we got another bill for $4,900 yes we did we got June 18th we got another bill for $4,900 under fiscal year 24 trying figure where the bank manager was here yeah well they're probably going to give money El I think was that it C pink slips any so either way I think and I saw the thing done I think your letter to them look you know for whatever reason the the doors closed and we need to adhere to the contract as written and endorsed and I but and I I just I just want to just want to remind everybody that it's not our money it's the taxpayers money so right so we're not paying the current the new bill right is that what we're saying oh was last year's date right wasn't itth yeah so that's another and there's money in the account I don't think we should pay it so the bill came after we've had after our meeting with it came yeah but it was probably work that was contracted before we did that and they went out with the understanding that town was going to cover it cover their half of it so my point is you Bill there you might called the guy in April saying look when school's out they need to do this work here we didn't authorize any of that work though did we how do you mean we didn't authorize it what how do you mean we didn't authorize it we funded an account well but they what he says they didn't come to us and say look I need I need to rep we need to fix three Windows is going to cost 5,000 bucks right we just we gave you know a debit card and say go to town yeah exactly you we're going to put this money in there we're going to split it with you I don't ever feel that that account was meant to be used as a debit account it meant to be like the way I was seeing it was funding okay we have it there if we needed to fund something M but shouldn't we have been presented with a bill before we said okay we'll fund that or not schol school building repair but we we sign off on bills every week my point we would we would have how come nothing was presented to us though I imagine because they were waiting for school to close to do the work they may have been that time several years back and Don may recall they had work in the drain and they couldn't do it until you know yeah right but but the all that passed is fine except the issue is we shouldn't have been paying for any of that to begin with and now here we are and we already said okay we we'll let you go with the $9,900 I guess and now we get another bill for 4,900 I'm I'm not in favor of retro asking for retro payment back of money that's already been expended but I I I I don't really see an interest in paying a new bill I don't see it a new bill I don't see it as a new bill I see this work they plan to do take care of our building and they probably scheduled it and yes it seemed to be concurrent with the time we said we're not going to cover anything going forward yeah but don't you think don't you think it's incumbent upon them to say look at this is your bu landlord I'm going to fix the door of your building mhm that okay with you okay fine right I agree with that you know I I mean I I have I have rental property and and often times the tenants will come to me and say I got a few things I need to get fixed is it okay I'm going to put a new you know new syn fixture in okay fine you know well at least get the the okay prior to it at least let us know what's happening you know and then we just get a you know $5,000 bill in the mail so I don't want to pay the 4900 well that's your opinion I see it as a proper Bill if you're saying we're not going to get two signatures to endorse that bill and it won't be submitted for payment is it in our bill fold no I think Jane is holding it right holding it yeah pending the discussion all right I'll say if it was presented to me I would sign it you two were saying present it to you you would not sign it based on our discussion last week correct correct we disagree totally with that that was not our discussion last week our discussion last week was we will not fund any repairs in 2025 just because and Don's point is like we weren't kept in the loop on what you wanted to repair in the year if you had told us this and we were knew everything that was happening we could have made a more informed discussion and you're right about that but it doesn't change the fact that this was probably something scheduled I need to work n on my roof at the office and I planned it in January and the guy says I'm coming in May and he came in May and got it done but I knew the work was going to be done in four months because that was the time they had available maybe we could have get you're right about that we could have been kept in the loop maybe they should have been informing for all I know there was an email to Bob back in September telling these are the two or three things we were going to get done and Bob knew about it I don't think that's the case you don't know that there are a lot of things a lot of there were still a lot of things that we don't know about so anyhow I think it's that's a bad precedent but if it's not in front of us to sign we don't sign it I think we are we made a promise to them and we're rening on that promise that we would honor repair bills at Green Meadows I don't think we made a promise to them I think we funded the account yeah no one done Year and no one seems to know why well and you signed off on it every year yeah I I think you made a good point going forward this is the regional I never looked at the Le done an error can't live that way anymore all right so we have this letter that says we can't live that way anymore and we all endorse it I thought that was a good letter going so we can sign this one but not I'm not going to sign the other if if it comes to us here next all right well they're signing we have just a vacancies these are Highway Cemetery commission clerk utility clerk facilities manager yep so Highway's been filled I do want to say that uh we have a nice retirement on Friday thank you Craig for being there Lauren comto longterm employee many people will know him from his smiling face on the roads side at all times and so hopefully got somebody to replace him that presents the same way he's still on this week and then he's going to enjoy some much needed time off he'll probably be the guy taking down the flags after the fourth I think he's going to be I think he's going to be in Retreat after the fourth yeah really hiding what is happening with Cemetery though I mean that's I mean they haven't got an admin assistant are they meeting they're not they haven't posted a meeting since the election they post one today I think H I think they might have posted one today saw Dwayne down there last week on Thursday in the of the office yeah DNE I get a chance to talk to him Dwayne and I we have been there off and on probably nearly every day or pretty close to every day since um since the election well Dwayne was way on vacation but yeah but the they ever have an organization meeting like post a meeting elector chair um good question last posting they got is March 29th right what they didn't post I thought I heard them talking all right can you check on that yep are we looking for utility Clerk or we just what are we doing thought thought we left that in your court right yeah so when I had a conversation with with uh Joanne it was sort of um pessimistic that it would work out um so I haven't really pushed it that that much um so I can follow back up with her but there hasn't been a lot of movement on that and facilities manager are we still interested in that I think we're still interested in that I'd like to see where we go in the future with I would say after retirement we might have somebody perfect for the job you think so think you jump at it who you talking about Jane oh oh oh I'm thinking yes Friday's retirement oh yeah um well it also comes with the question you know if we take over twb you know is that's no that's bigger thing there but I know that we have we talked to that gu you know we know somebody who's interested in the job who has intimate knowledge of the facility oh right right I saying you know so I think we have options right but and I think just like you said we don't know the scope of it yet because we don't know we need to know the size of the uh the property value that we're talking about we have under Town guardianship if you will 40,000 square ft and all of a sudden we get up 120,000 feet heartbeat right right so I think yeah I think that could be contingent on where we go in the the next few months yeah kind of the scope of of the job board vacancies we got a vacancy on the planning board and you got serious vacancies in the Conservation Commission MH so and T is stepping down immediately but Judy will stay to finish the project but that means only three are going to vote yeah do they need another person in that time frame they for anything new coming in for anything new I mean they couldn't bring anybody on anyhow you know for that because I mean Mullins wouldn't apply as long as it's been going on so and we we have uh lendu is on but she's not participating in the Solar thing because she missed some of the meeting she couldn't right no Ms for that yeah yeah um but going forward that gives them four right right okay and the ambulance oversight committee has two openings uh Jim Smith and Lori Beth are not going to continue have they officially resigned I think Jim just didn't get reappointed was that it I think Jim sent an email said they resign both sent emails that they're resigning show we should prepare prepare letters then yeah I'll see if I'll have to look it up as this okay I I'll send it all right project updates EV charging station let get to that page just read off my list off your list EV charging State um so national uh National Grid has completed the Make Ready work um they put in the underground lines to the uh pad where the Transformer is going to go they installed the charging cabinet we did have a um myself John uh Gary and Becky had a conversation with rise engineering about the location of the cabinet in the P mounted Transformer and the result of that meeting was that it seems to be that the the location of the the cabinet and the Transformer are going to be okay it was the request that there be um some screening of the padmount Transformer after it's installed in the cabinet to the extent that that it can be screened rise engineering offer to um get us 8 to 10 Arbor I also reached out to U not a big fan of Ares a wall of Ares I also reached out to Becky to see if there was something that some of the senior C of members could do in terms of coming up with like a planting plan or something that's a little bit more attractive than a a wall of 8 to 10 trees um so we'll have to we'll have to uh see where that goes in terms of timing for the the installation of the pedestals and the Chargers um it's going to look um it's looking like sometime probably end of July early August when they'd expect to be um to have National Grid come in and activate those and at that time we'd be having the meeting with a software vendor and um getting up to getting those set up so we're looking probably at the end of summer sometime will be my guess um so that's pretty much where that is um all of this is being funded through an evip Grant in dashal Grid uh utility incentives fire station generator fire station generator that will so bid documents will be available this Wednesday um site visit will be the 9th of July and then my written responses or bid responses will be due on July 23rd at 1M that should line us up for the board to award the contract to the lowest responsive responsible bidder um at the July 29th meeting is the goal there um how much is that going to cost us uh the cost estimate was $30,000 and where are we going to get that good [Music] question okay I don't know the the generator itself was purchased with arer funds um but I I I wasn't around when those conversations you remember that you'll remember the meeting I asked this isn't going to cost us $40,000 is it he didn't he said 30 right plus plus 6200 for the it's still not 40 36 all right where we going to get that I don't know okay Library Windows um that is in the works I signed uh return the signed proposal to the contractor and they're guessing that the windows will be in and around sometime the 1st of August what's the cost on that uh 6200 where we going to get that uh it was authorized out of town housee maintenance Town housee maintenance Town House maintenance I believe at that time we thought we were paying out 24 yeah 24 yeah well twb building assessment so let have a sign proposal back to time Bond I reached out to Craig French and he's supposed to get back to me with a project kickoff date this week get back to me this week for future project kick off thing and we're paying for that out of AR money that's 50 something uh 54 wasn't 54 I think 54 townhouse repairs those are things that came up we had to get repaired those were all fixed you cool now uh y c Dr me split where's the dead tree I Dr uh in the far corner of the parking lot yeah cor that water tank that the one that fell on top the DP yeah top here on the corner there one of them is probably ours one of was probably the neighbors possibly but push it back on that side which way is it going to fall all right hot water tank we talking about this before ongo issue hot water tank hot water issues that's been an ongoing issue for three years now yeah maybe I can follow with the I think the plumbing inspector is the person that I should have a conversation with I think you should have a detailed conversation with the plumbing inspector to find out exactly what he wants to do and how we doing on our cable TV television license renewal good I talked with attorney Bill August last week and I heard much of the same stuff that heard before um it's kind of a limited field in terms of what the possibilities are so I think it would be a good option if if the board wanted to retain him um he talked a lot of the same stuff that we heard about how much does he want franchise Fe similar what it would be similar yeah the other guys the bill Noz he didn't do anything that's a couple years out we'll get it I would just say we reallocate those funds and you asked for deliverables from the other attorney correct so so for um this attorney um we would have to figure out he said they can do it uh so the most the majority of our conversation was about the franchise fee okay um which is 0 to 5% of gross revenue for Charter he doesn't think Charter would be willing to go from zero to five because it's because they pass along the cost right so right um he said there's different ways to look at it um if you're going to do longterm he was suggesting that you could increase it incrementally over the term of the 10-year agreement or you could do a a shorter agreement of the shortest that Heen Charter do is a three-year agreement in terms of in terms of getting equipment money or what's called Peg access money he said it's it's really it's really important for the town to be able to to show a need uh so that there's a sort of a a pay access plan for lack of a better term a written plan that would give them that would give us leverage to go to Charter and say this is what we're planning on doing just a an outright ask without any plan in place to right to to get those channels up and running is probably not going to be successful so he definitely has seems to have the knowledge and the experience um I think he's doing two or three Charter agreements right now Charter just uh brought on a new uh new attorney that's doing their cable uh cable license agreements with communities now so V are I'm not giving up on that I'm just telling you right now can we go back to cable for a second sure um just for the record you asked attorney solom for deliverables a couple weeks ago yeah and he has not sent any deliverables um he did the short-term agreement the 90day short-term agreement attended the meeting with the one meeting with the board but anything in addition to that that he said he had nothing has come in right I have no proof of any additional work other than okay emails promising work product that never never arrived never arrived so if anything we owe him minimally nothing in my opinion or or next to nothing well I have to say me go back to your school thing at least we got something for the school bill this guy whoever we paid him we can't prove we actually hav got anything no only thing we got was that like you said that short-term what three month extension we we haven't paid half the extension was copied from some other Town it was wrong right yeah all right sorry didn't me I interrupt I just want to clarify that all right Vadar I repeat I'm not giving up on this so noted so so what is this analogy Drive replac been what was that going to do that's that's the server that's that's crashing Drive yeah this that's a short-term fix to the immediate need okay it's a shortterm fix right okay double polls well what they sent us is just the old thing what they need to do is send us the list of the of the list of the completed but not ticketed correct yep yeah it's strange how they if if you can have an open project but you might not have a ticket yet so it only looked like there was 18 maybe $18 double PS n of them on Allen Street so I followed up with them you're supposed to get us a new list and the lease for the towers yep Town Council is working on on that lease with SBA with with the intent that the increased payments on the to the town on the landfill Tower will offset the payments that the town makes on the commercial Drive Village Drive Tower sure make sure it keeps rising and keeps it at net zero right it makes sure to include the uh CPA the escalator escalators that's indexed off the CPA CPI I did have somebody say to me they watching our meeting why do you want elevators we don't want elevators it's [Music] escalator want escalators uh fiber rise is still seeking 45,8 yeah yes so from what I can tell there was uh $250,000 Broadband Grant and that was meant to pay the AAL surveys for National Grid Horizon and then for uh whip city right to do in Comcast maybe uh not Comcast whip City and their um Charter Charter no I don't think there's any bills to Charter no it was it was to whip City for their their work it was for the aerial inspections of the polls inspections for Verizon and National Grid from what we're Gathering Verizon saying hey we did all these inspections but now you always trups for our work we just did the visually look at your poll our poll so then it's far more expensive three time yeah most the most the invoices are three times three times more expensive than what National Grid charged us and we were basing the numbers off of what wh City provided US based on past experience so we all know Verizon's a dying dog so they're probably trying to squeeze every money they can out of places right so um and know Brian was looking for direction from whip City because they were the ones that facilitated Verizon yeah they give us the estimate so right I mean I could see a little bit overage but not $45,000 for 10 poles or whatever they had in town which are probably doubles yeah oh that's how they did it the double charge for the double P so um I'm not kidding but it it's it to me it's a it's Highway around overcharging for not even doing any work it's it's more or less just going up measure and then it's it they're not moving lines they're not adding lines they're not fixing poles looking at the just a survey just write it down yeah so we'll have to have we'll have to eventually I think we'll have have discussions with Verizon about that yeah because it's ridiculous good fire station addition how they here are meeting right we uh we met last week if you we'll touch on that real quick um there's a couple things that look like need to be addressed in the Mitchell report before anything else can go forward just for safety issues um they're looking into a couple options for some of the asbest removals because of the floor tiles are pulling and chip in and is an immediate risk so and then um there was talks about possibly looking at an extended use um trailer and what those rental charges would be so we're just trying to see where that would go all the stuff yeah the brush trucks been ordered right waiting on delivery uh tractor got delayed also you may have seen that before tractor got delayed that brush truck will be wild from what I've told really yeah I heard the chassis is going to be delivered first quarter next year then they have to build it out okay one question I would have we could verify and I think the answer we've already been told is that the funds stay good I mean the majority of the money is being paid by the FED right so that that fe uh from past emails I could I could see that the the fem Grant went to the Volunteer Fire Company right but I mean did that money come into our account already I don't see it anywhere but I'll I'll follow up right just make sure that oh pushing it off three more quarters does that hurt the grant was there a completion date for Dubai I started looking a little bit but I didn't have a lot of documents was out pretty far though I I mean they understand was the grant money in but it went right back to the upfitter or the the company right say I mean plac would want to deposit you would think cost of that much too I like forensic accounting so we'll find out okay you're doing good at it do anything about the Cruisers well I think the I sent a note saying I mean I appreciate these monthly things I don't understand why they can't be on a single spreadsheet adding a column for the month and if they don't want to email them put them in the fish have a look at them ourselves but I think there is going back a few which Brian pointed out there are some interesting Trends on car usage that if there's going to be Quest push to the fall from last year I think there should be a serious discussion on utilization of our Fleet maybe it's too early for that but I think this this shows a need for a discussion what um what stands out as needing a need I'm just curious um there's one car seems like it's barely used one of the c one of the Cruisers I mean the mileage barely goes up month by month is there a reason for that um we talked about the fact that the the nonf Frontline car has a lot has the fastest basically increase in mileage on a monthly basis so maybe we should be looking at a different type of vehicle for that one that gets replaced if there was the conversation about moving that and re outfitting it to be a Frontline vehicle its replacement perhaps would not be a Frontline car all these things are I think of points of discussion do we have any how do they track the hour stke I mean when they show the hour thing is that is that on the dashboard yeah a lot of a lot of the newer like when I worked at Ford a lot of the newer cars would have the hour gate filtering especially like a tractor basically yeah a lot of like you know the F series would have them and then they start doing it in the interceptors okay but there's also a formula where mileage times date equals of hours I don't know if they track that because they do so much basically sitting and idling you know that would be the hour yeah more or less the hours are more important than the miles because of the way they're used when I at the dealership hours are far more important we'd have cars come in under warranty under 100,000 but based on the hours they were close to 300,000 miles you know these are these are other municipalities that was the kind of conversation they always talked about taxis back in the day you know they oh it only had 100 on it yeah but it sat there so long running yeah well you know this raises another question too I mean Capital planning do we need for see a need for another that committee to be reformed I don't know you know I looked some research some other towns and I hate to say it the towns are growing what their limit for Capital planning is used to be you know we had 10,000 now it's nothing under 50 as part of capital planning it's an expense mhm you look at the fact Don remember folding the dump trucks basically are part of the budget you don't even go off for debt exclusion form anymore you know just because our target has gotten so high the Cruisers it's in the budget there the thing yeah the highway trucks you don't borrow for them they're just part of it gotcha just more of a due diligence on our part than it is it is but I think you know when you talk about capital I think your plan is right when we talk about the fact the larger things we have the building projects how do we balance that cap those Capital needs going forward when we got to borrow for this we have to borrow for that how we merge it in you look at the fact some towns and we did the same thing we Consolidated Don recall the bond for the um the landfill with I think green medals at one point we merged them into basically one General Bond you know but we had to wait till we could call that Bond first with the last five years I believe yeah so but that type of thing do you just stagger your projects or you look at the fact that historically we keep our debt low between six to 8% of the budget one year it approached 10% when we first started the road project but then something else fell off you know and the state I think and Brian probably knows more it's like the stabilization fund they have guidelines of how much you should have on a debt thing and they're not going to look badly at a town running under 10% in debt load that's because that's how you do it you know you have to maintain something to grow topics for the town meeting I think we should have one okay town meeting I think we should no I think we should have a town meeting thank you yeah um but I think the biggest topic you know we should talk about I made that point to the committee it's not too early to start talking about the fall town meeting especially potentially we might make it bring it up to even like October 21st week then we're talking about we're going to have it on Saturday are we going to choose a different day we're coming back to our regular schedule and Labor Day which leaves a month and a half technically less than two months to town meeting I'm saying it's got to be on our radar now it's and especially some of these boards that are meeting once a month they need to know about it yeah but I think your point like you said before fall town meeting is merging into like a usual meeting but money requests still should be an emergency thing that wasn't planned for at the annual not from our standpoint per se because we're looking at the whole picture but a board like say park and wreck you know is there something that's so dire you can't wait till the annual town meeting has to be your request now so I think it's almost time to start putting that memo together to go out the different departments especially the ones that only meet once a month they're only going to have three or four meetings until the fall tell me heck three meetings until the advisory hearing what are we typically second week in October third week gener it's right at the end it's been like the 28 29th but almost November yeah then you got the got the prob you're going to have there is that you're going to have early voting for the presidential election have early voting over here no yeah usually what two weeks ahead of two weeks before though so that'll be November 2nd and 9th maybe so so I mean the question is going to be do we want to try like the 26th Saturday to 26th or keep it Monday to 28th I would be opposed to the 26 just for the closeness to Halloween and a lot of trunker treats and it's town events or that day the week before yeah not just here but like all over the place there's a lot of would you be opposed to the 19th I think we should have that discussion the 19th yeah that that could work that's what I'm saying if we are on top of it now the 19th is I think that's doable you know we can put a pin in that yeah I just um I know that they're already planning the Fall Fest I don't know what day they've chosen really yeah so that's usually like Columbus Day weekend isn't it though well it's usually before like I I think last year was the week before Halloween may maybe it was two weeks before M off hand well want to try for the 19th I mean we put a pin in it maybe that's part of Brian's memo about the people that the select are discussing actually you have a meeting um Wednesday right or is it next week there's nobody here stating your staff meeting is next week yeah you think the 12th is too early and um yeah it's not holiday weend Rick green wants to come I think the first May the next meting yeah isn't that that weekend you wanted to come and talk about uh consent agenda and uh early vote uh electronic voting right so also have the discussion with him it's the 14th yeah the so it's that week and people are away yeah but I mean it's I think it's worthwhile say Don floating it out to people but hey and by the way we may be moving it up we'll put the fers out yeah see what happens does that go with the planning board's plan item I don't know I don't think it would affect theirs per se I mean they're on right now I think they've told down they're on target August 14th yeah a hold hear which ones they putting forward done change the name thing change planning board has a change in the name thing and are we still thinking about the number of people to put that on yeah 3 to five the uh oh they Al the planning board's also got the battery thing I got to get that to them 3 to five you got a shot 3 to five uh and what else we got town clerk appointed treasur collector Appo combined and collect appointed that the battery storage thing um the National Grid easement which is just a poor fora uh water district expansion you think going to be ready for that there was um talks about not knowing if we're going to get that that funding until sometime in September so right yeah they won't move all weon that right okay that might be a placehold there um then we're going to have we're going to have some FY 2025 budget adjustments employee benefits I suspect we should look at that what I suspect we should look at that well employee benefits if the our last pay payment that we gave in June was 528554 34,000 there that doesn't include payments to the IRS for for Medicare which last year was 52,900 yeah that put put you at 687 255 and we budgeted this year 657 570 so we're already next year we also have to pay off for chain we already we're already $30,000 over and payout to Jane and who knows who else is going to well not just that and keep in mind we have enrollment things we should keep a bit of a cushion in there for the people who come on the plan right right so we're 30,000 short Don you're looking at 750 is not off out of the realm there really no no 725 to 750 is not out of the realm there so look at that and then we got 7500 in the educational incentive or someone what's that you have $7,500 short in the educational incentive benefits for one of our right yeah officers neglected to tell us that let take it out of off duty money or something transfer from there well yeah you can't I did look up at the off duty money and you you can't do anything with it except put it in the general fund you're allowed to sweep it yeah so we got time to say oh that was done I don't know yeah all right I mean you have to leave some in there because you have you know it's almost you know some bills that are coming in that are legitimate I understand but still there is a I want to say profit but there is a over administrative fee an over you got Rocka dunde Bridge have to do something with that right easement what's up with that yeah I'll follow I'll follow with Mark Mark came talk to me um I think it was a week ago um he said that M stop um had a survey done and they couldn't find a a street layout for the street um no it's problem those we saw that in the plane board all the time with the streets of existence at the time of incorporation yeah you know um can't seem to find anything around town can't find the street can't find the water line they were different Bridge that's a different Bridge come on where's the town hall they were recommending that where that broken tree is the town would formally lay that out or they would ask that the town formally lay that out and I and I asked him what do we is it the whole street and he said well Mast only cares about the area around the bridge so just ends there all right and the Senor sendor expansion we'll see what happens with that right and could like I said the fire station could be a few things could be a few things all right got a few things on that won't be this year fire station well it won't be the fall any money for the abatement the station maybe maybe that okay um Selman reports uh nothing at this time I already touched base on it during the Brian's review there uh master plan committee has been meeting diligently and we have 126 responses from the survey they're going to do a hard copy I guess now and we're continuing to try to get more responses on the survey see what happens there and they still we still have schedu the second public forum yeah right correct okay how do we um gain gain engagement on the second public forum I don't know I mean I think that should be maybe maybe change a different night change a different day I mean every day is terrible it is well obviously people have choice to come to our meeting or that meeting so I would like to maybe attend the next meeting so maybe we we on Monday I said that we're not going to have it on Monday night and there were some we're off on Mondays too right there was some conversation all the time maybe bouncing to 6:30 we had 7 7 7 I think pull it back to 6:30 go 6:30 and I think we hit a lot of places to get it out there but the out so maybe maybe it's a little better I know Don was on posting all the you know the scenarios and getting a lot of engagement on social media but that didn't translate into bodies and seats so what you thought it would have was some of those topics that were being disced you know so is it is it child care thing again is it the time is an opportunity to test out Child Care maybe yeah and what it would take like a dry run for a account meeting oh yeah so we can have we're going to have child care right and put it out there hey now we have this but make it clear you have to take them with you when you read that's right is one other idea that I've seen with with master plan meetings is that they they'll Reserve like a 2hour block or 3- hour block so it's not if you can't get there right at 6 you missed a presentation and then if people can have a window where they can drop in and provide feedback that's that's another option bad idea either if there yeah I did see a bit of the thing it's not on the YouTube channel yet but it seemed like it started partway through was the it didn't start at the beginning the video that's on the top site it started like 2 minutes in and the guy's talking and you really got to get that split screen because he says okay and somebody comes up ask a question yeah you don't see that person or what they're showing or whatever and the YouTube channel so we lost all our individual playlist is that what happened we don't we used to have like okay here's the concom meetings here's the you know that type of thing in plus some of them yeah how did that happen um I believe Bob was on it and accidentally eras some stuff recently yeah uh couple month month or two ago there was some fly fishing stuff on there instead and he still has ownership of the YouTube it's under his personal email so I can't change it without contacting him do you have do you have we can still manage it we can still manage it yeah we can manage it we just have to transfer ownership and we just need can't do it without him yeah the other thing I want to bring up is the Conservation Commission hearings um that continue to July 17th at which point they're going to have the agricultural guy come in and talk about the animal thing at the last meeting I pointed out to the um applicants that there's over two dozen uh cut and paste mistakes in their application they have Indian Brook in Hampton which is actually in hopkington they have Ellis Road in Hampton which is actually in Westminster they have Franklin Road in that they're going to have the snow removal from that's in in hopkington they have the Granville Fire Department having H having us call the Granville fire department for coverage if there's a fire so far uh although I'm sure they're very competent I I think the response time may be thing and they took great offense at that they said that uh that that was a you know typographical area and I my point was it shows a lack of caring and it shows a lack of of it's careless stuff when you're talking about an important project like this and I so the typographical error is the fact that you keep referring to the perineal stream right which is should be the perennial stream per Neal as we know is that area of the body that all right well throughout the whole thing that's what they say the paranal stream so it just shows a lack of I don't know they now the point I want to bring up is this that the the Conservation Commission they had asked the Conservation Commission the Conservation Commission wanted the water tested every year they wanted to have it move 3 to 5 years I want the Board of Health to I want to put on the agenda next week for the Board of Health to next time we meet the Board of Health to discuss it because of the nitrogen load in the eoli if they're going to have sheep and cows and pigs and chickens up there that water is running down into East Brook into big Brook into the perineal streams and it goes right past our public water supply at the scan Valley water district so I think that should be tested every year so I was thinking we could discuss that as the Board of Health the next time we meet and advise the Conservation Commission that we think this whatever you decide to do seems but there's a lot of there's a lot of questions and uh um the other question I had too was about the battery storage right there were they going to do that there in that project as well they going do that battery St Pro as well yeah is now is would that be considered grandfathered in because they've already had the application in cuz I was talking to an individual from ISO New England and they were telling me a lot of their lot of battery storage systems on large scale there's the motorum on them or they they can't install them at the moment right I thought that was the difference between battery storage basically that's the only thing on the parcel versus battery stores that's part of a no they have a tiers now they they had divided by tiers a tier one is is like you would have at your house small battery storage at your house tier two is battery storage connected directly to a solar field like we have like you have have the landfill and tier three would be the one that's standing alone which is the proposal technically yeah so which one are we regulating per se we're looking at tier three basic we're looking you have to do all three MH so what you can say is in tier one battery storage uh it can be at the house but it can't be in the garage you know or in the cellar something you know you know something like that tier two would be it could be to the assigned to the solar farm but it it has to have certain uh fire suppression things STS in a pad and all this kind of stuff and then tier three stuff like that so but it's sub but it's subservient to the actual so Subs to the solar facilities connected but to my point was I think there's a like a ho hold on a lot of them know and yeah the grid can't support a lot of that yeah they can't yeah so the you me concom I see that concom is meeting next week they're meeting the fth they're meeting the 17th but they have a meeting next week and that's dealing with the uh the expansion of the water district right right water district expansion next I didn't know they talking about that yeah I think the bridge too Bridge think uh says T bonds been taking care ofic Valley Water improvements and then uh new utility polls only one only one on chapen road yeah chapen that must be for uh this new houses yeah the the and there there's some yeah you're right so there probably tyan bond be there there's some discontent with tyan Bond too in their review of uh you know they missed a few things and it was brought out by some of the uh people who love on Glendale Road and Ty B yeah we got to go back and look at that you know and and and honestly and I thought myself too you know if you're doing a review of this you know you you didn't know that Indian Brook isn't in Hampton you didn't know that the street you're talking about is not Franklin Road you didn't know the you know I mean the Grandville fire department was a whole other thing but oh and then they have one too also that uh the only person who can speak for the development is Ellis development Well Ellis development is in Westminster Mass that's a solar project for Westminster so they got a mess going there all okay but I guess you can't speak that per se but is all that enough to do anything or and putting you on the spot you're not on the commission or whatever but you've got some experience obviously for I I it's probably not but I think the it speaks to the it it speaks to all the issu isues and it also it speaks to the the either the planning or the conservation commit really has to say these people look at we're not here to fix your problems so it's a credibility issue yeah it's a credibility you know we're not responsible for picking out your problems and telling you how to fix them yeah you know you know the guy said the the applicant said he said well I spent thousands of dollars on on on papers and consols and all that stuff and I said look at that's fine it's it's not my credibility it's your credibility you're the guys who are writing this stuff you [Music] know we'll see where that goes Brian I can't imagine you got much more what do you have to say for yourself Brian want to buy a cannon oh this is a great story you want a you want a you want a free Cannon you want a free Canon I'm all all forehand and taking up arms so I received an email on Friday from the town of West Windsor ver M remember Don they were in that conservation project and putting the solar in withed story about a cannon that they have um stored behind their Town Highway garage and the the story is that the H the cannon originated in hamton and they want to return it and they were want they they no longer wanted it and they were wondering if the town would like it was removed from private property without allegedly without the owner's consent and they were wondering if the the town would like it back will they ship it to us or do we have to get it there more the story than that it was removed without the owner's consent yeah and it was brought up to Westminster West West Windor Vermont and the person had it on their property until 2003 and he used to allegedly shoot it off every fourth of July mhm he donated it to the town in 2003 di died in 2004 and it sat on the town in front of the town hall and West Windsor since that time and now they're doing some kind of renovation or everything and the Cannon's getting kind of you knowy to and they're asking if we want our Cannon back I think that if I say we go up there and take it they're part of us they're part of us relax um I think uh you know we could hire somebody to go get it I mean it's the showed a nice little that the guy had built their own Carriage basically Karen what's the proper term KAS and uh we have the money we have $20,000 appropriated now for the 150 celebration you know if it cost a couple hundred for somebody to transporter carefully back here I think it' be appropriate use and I think Craig you mentioned before it'd be a great thing to have for the 150 yeah I think so they'd be great well I you as you know my grandchildren are up there so I'm going to go up and stop in and take a look at it trailer no aaer no you just want tow it back in your car just it's it's on a wagon wheeler yeah right I'll bring how do you think theyed to transport them back in the day all right exactly John how did they transport those I bring a couple of bungee cords you say John how they do it no well what we used to do yeah right I'm all in favor of accepting that gift all right anything else to come before the board we want to get it or they want to sh we going to let D look at it first or look at it first yeah I'll go look at it I'll go look at it or is it test it up make sure you shoot it off see if it works yeah see if it really works right now before we take ownership of it get hurt more Brian anything else that we haven't already really covered no no um just kidding have a meeting with um the uh superintendent and assistant superintendent to have PR discussion about the twb lease next week good July 9th at 3 p.m. if anybody's interested sure it'll be riveting July 9th at 3m. yeah twb got to pick out my new office remind me anything else to come before the board motion toour second all in favor have a good fourth everybody thank you hey you were supposed to go get John where is he