good evening this is a calling a meeting to order this is a meeting of the handon board of Selectmen and the Board of Health being held in the selectman's office on March 18th 2024 the meeting is being conducted in person and remotely using video conferencing technology please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the flag United States of America and the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible justice for all thank you is anyone recording the meeting other than us Kristen rivers of the wilham hamton times is thank you uh this evening we have a couple of things we have a public hearing on a poll position but then the Selectmen will be for lack of a better term leaving this office for a few minutes to go down to the advisory committee hearing they're willing to come up here they're coming here oh good they're come here keep it on Zoom all right good we'll keep it on zooming good okay uh that's why the cookies are there done oh I see Oh I thought they were for me okay the first item of the agenda is the minutes executive session of uh January 2nd 2024 this was the discuss collective bargaining January 2nd 2024 I'd make a motion to uh push this off for further review the you want the first the first one is good there's two parts of the meeting right three parts three parts three parts motion to approve part one yes second all in favor okay number two no no it's funny so so now we have to vote whether or not we release the minutes of the Executive Center to review the minutes of the executive at some point at some when does it end it doesn't right all right all right number two this is number two make a motion to approve that without release at this point until we we haven't got a signature all in favor what we haven't got a signature yet have we no yeah all in favor I make a motion to uh number pause number three number three we're going to put off cuz there's some corrections we have to make there I'm going to give them to okay okay and then executive sessions of January 29th 2024 this is also regarding police negotiations do you feel this one's fairly accurate yeah all right so this really a lot of this was explaining their positions on different things right right I'll make a motion to approve with without release okay second all in favor right and the executive session minutes of February 12 24 this is also police negotiations yeah uh based on that first line I'm not saying we're approving now just uh almost should be like uh don dmore is reporting back on his meeting you know that Tye of thing right yeah that's where this all comes from basically yeah y at the at the end it's I I don't see a thing so was it basically authorized the selectman uh the chair to bring the boor position back to the union yes would you say that should be in there yeah yeah I think it should be that should be consistent for actually any of these things yeah make a motion approve of those changes without release should this line be in there yeah yeah this one this one here it's an opinion but you yeah only that's because it's an opinion opinion yeah the chief's opinion so um actually it's not even an opinion it's actually his job to do it so he's reporting back fact yeah okay that's fine I wasn't sure if we leave negotiations so we got a motion second all in favor is there U the next item on our agenda is a public hearing under chapter 166 regarding a poll position is the is the national g of Verizon representative on yes Kyle jur is here representing National Grid hi Kyle how are you I'm doing good this evening how are you good good what's up um so this is part of uh I was actually there about month and a half two months ago um discussing the the underground Crossing Allen Street at the intersection um this is just a single pole location that's required um as part of this job um to support pole loading analysis uh it's right in front of the Bethlehem um the Bethlehem Church uh but in front of the trees it'll be 3 or 4 feet off of the roadway and it's it's just simply to support uh you know one of the utility polls along along Allen Street so it's not a new utility poll it's actually just a support pole it it is a new utility pole across the street to support the current one um standing the whole line currently goes along the uh the east side of Allen Street this one will be on the west side um they'll be guying support across span guy to this pole to support uh the pole currently existing on the east side so it's a stub pole yes exactly yep so the pole you're putting on the west side is just guying across the pole on the east side correct so it's not a pole with power that's what I said oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I I only yeah yes yeah I'm sorry I didn't I must have misheard your question it's a new poll but not a new service poll right right yes yes so it's going to be directly across the street with a guywire running above to support the pole on the other side yes is there is the poll compromised that it's going to be supporting or is it is that assuming that's supporting it I mean something's wrong with no so there's 's an additional uh circuit going on top of the whole line on the east side of the road um it's just needed for for the the support of the new circuit really and why are other polls not needed for this type of support um this one has a slight angle and there's a couple services on it um just the the loading analysis that we do on the these double circuit poles we we hold them to a higher standard um because they're more um critical right but I guess the question is since you're replacing so many other Poes on Allen Street why not just replace this pole and rather and make it I guess you s slight Bend to um yeah yeah again there's a slight angle I mean we we run Polo analysis on on all of these double circuit poles um along with the two Services coming off of it just causes this particular one to fail and um you know we need the additional support for it so Kyle what do you know about double polls uh uh quite I I know I know enough to know what you're gonna ask what what am I gon to ask um you know when are all those double poles going to be removed as part of this yeah we we they have they have a backlog of 50 in town there's probably another 50 here so it's like 100 double polls and I sent a letter we sent an email to National Grid and to Verizon and uh neither one had the courtesy to respond so you know I'm going to probably be Petty and vote against this one but do you have something that is not you I want to put something on the screen okay can I share with you yes yeah sure thing hold on one second okay hold on just give us a second here you can guess what it is need a mous so Kyle just curiosity if this doesn't pass what's your next course of action um it would be to look for I guess support in the opposite direction um you know which which may require an easement it's right in front of you know right on someone's property um you know I think this this was the most straightforward um appropriate way to to guide the pole but yes I do see these y see what we have here see they got one there that's 6 in off the base dangling in free air being held up I assume you guys can sit over here you can s h that I I assume being held up by the wires and you got most of them are like on the right hand my right hand side there the one that's on the on the braces there and some of those braces have already moved so we're a little concerned a we didn't get a response at least the courtesy of saying and I understand you have this whole system called nunin where they're supposed to do it in Progressive and all that type of right but I would like to be kept up to date when they detend to move it and who's who's next online because after National Grid does their thing I have no problem harassing Verizon or or Spectrum cable to get their thing done uh because two things number one they're dangerous number two they're on a main street and uh I think the people pay enough money and rates the National Grid in in Verizon and and U spectrum that you know we could at least take care of this in an expeditious manner at least in at least with what the law says which is 90 days but that one that's floating in air the mystery pole is quite interesting so yeah just want to Feb back on that for a second that there was reports you know of power outages and cable interruptions within that area where all that all that infrastructure is being replaced um today for instance there was a a momentary I don't know how long it was but there was a power outage which set off fire alarms in the building so I mean there's a little bit going on over there that might be along Allen Street the scope of the work yes yeah so um hey Kyle can I can I can I jump in for a second AB absolutely hi this is Lisa jinsky I'm also with National Grid um and I'm act I'm I'm local I used to actually work in the town of Hampton quite a bit but I'm more in the Northampton area now um if if you sent me that email that you sent to National Grid if you could send it to me directly so I could make sure somebody does get back to you about those double polls I mean there's usually a lot going on if there is a poll set typically I can't say the top of it typically electric or National Grids wires are already transformed trans over I believe I believe National Grid wires are transferred yeah because we transfer and then we cut that old poll down so that the next you know the next utilities can so but I could at least have somebody get back to you if I give you my email and you could just send it to me directly okay Lisa why don't you do this I have email oh okay uh I don't want I don't want you to give it on the thing because you'll get a million emails from everybody we have we have so many viewers that it's unbelievable yeah yeah yeah yeah I don is actually the taham influencer that's she Instagram so Lauren has it and I I'll send it to you later on this even yes Lauren I heard from Lauren today so that would be great Lauren if you could send that to me I know that I know in the morning so okay yeah that's fine I I'll be looking for it anyway it comes through through it comes through as selectman and and that always that's always a good flag for us the other thing too is I know that he's talking about you know what's your alternative if you don't put in the step hole it's it is it's difficult to find locations when you have any angle on a pole it it really tweaks a pole quite a bit it it just pulls it quite a bit and if you've got a double circuit on it and the way Electric's going we need more and more I don't you you know what I mean I know that we're gon to have to be working diligently with a lot of talents because everything is going electric and we need to bring in more power it I think that Kyle was also T talking about that if they had to find another way you know then we then we look at a push brace because say say the say the wires the angle shows that it's pulling that pole towards the house that house number 132 or whatever is there we don't want it coming over in that direction a simple stub pole will hold it up the other option is the stub pole doesn't go up then you have to brace it with a pole at at a diagonal to hold the pole which is it's not the best um it's aesthetically it's not very good and it would be more towards a you know a residential home too right and you've notified all the abutters and everything is there anyone here on or on Zoom that has any comments all right promotion no I'll make a motion to approve the uh pole permit re requested by national grid for basically was it 132 Allen Street is what she said for a support pole to be installed uh approximately 830 ft southeast of the central intersection of Pinewood Road and Allen Street and how far off the road does that stub pole go since it me spanning the road is it going to be just a two fot Mark there yeah I believe I believe it's three feet off the road tried to give it a little more space in the poles on the other side find Google I'm looking I'm looking at Maps what's the poll number off hand um second is that is that the 24- 84 24 says 24 yes yeah right that's 26 it's back here what's that one so it's right at the end of their driveway yeah the Transformer on the polles I'll second John's motion any further discussion Don I want to say I appreciate you you're making a point here looking out for this you know I know you have to do vote your conscience but this is a pretty normal request I see I see it all in favor I I almost made you some chicken soup really all right two to one you got it I'll send you an email thank you very much I already have it but thank you have a good night folks already sent it awesome thank you thank you for service H do mind I sit next to what do you want he folks that one by the police station is perfect all right what do what do we have to sign here Lauren we have to sign this yes I think it's a third page right here right that's them there's like four or five lines yeah right there I'll sign it to cop you're signing any cop think I'm have to that's you know the board voted so seven seven copies excuse me would you be teachers Helper and give this to Lauren thank you certainly sir all right you ready we the advisory committee here yes thank you thank you for stopping by it's always nice to be invited all right well how you want to do this well why don't you take your budget from the top down as we get it she Mak cies everybody thank you right you uh are there any any changes in terms of hours in the salary lines here no yes oh well there's going to be changes in no I think we have the this reflects we talked about increasing the hours for the admin assist great so what 32 well shows 35 35 I'm sorry from 32 to 35 right for which job the F better A lot of increases in ours in your yeah a lot we do everybody's got lots of increases we do let's take one at a time here so the um so we're talking the the second line Second Line it's 35 that's the it's backwards there that's rate and hours on the thing okay yeah okay so that's an increase of 2 and2 hours is that right no so it's 3522 or 30 hours and we're looking for for 35 hours corre so it's a 5 hour inase um there is a bit of a question obviously for board Health coordinator is you know we anticipate a new person being hired and there's no guarantee the rate will be close to what obviously Jan with the years of service to be at a higher step so there's a possibility that could be a lower number I would think depending on the experience level whoever gets higher what's the time frame in terms of filling that position I believe in today's conversation she reminded me she had 62 days left y we WE Post we posted see so so you may well have a number a specific number for town that you might we might I mean we're going to be hiring but okay uh T administrator so we've gone to four uh 30 35 is 30 40 hours full time going to full time full time right and so it's 130 as we put in over there that's the going rate for Town administrators in the area know I think if you actually go back to and you recall that I think uh Mary in her last year here was talking about she felt 130 was the number we should be looking for back then before Bob came Keeps Us competitive in the market in the area yeah I think 125 was I mean it was she was acknowledging back that was four or five years ago so all right so property and liability we have guidance from uh Jane and Lauren on I have a I have a question about that too because we've we've I had Lauren check today and we've paid we're all paid up all right so uh so essentially if it's 152 390 that's a 21% increase by the insurance company you well you it said increase for adding vehicles in the notes and comments under property and liability so yeah 21 percento um I don't know I was going to ask you what vehicles um were being added to it do you know I think just the cost of vehicles property and liability have gone up substantially the last couple years so yeah there's I think there's what one extra vehicle on the payroll we have a we have an expert in house here but last year we turned back 7,700 unus M and so you want a 21% increase this is what that's what they're telling us yeah they're telling us insurance and I I not me anymore no well I I hesitate to characterize it as a 21% increase they said there was an 8 to 10% increase and they added that to the appropriate ated amount not the expended amount M so if you look at the 166 to 185 I think it's not exactly 20% no no 12 which is more in line right I mean it's still but but but Cliff's point is we didn't spend it all last year and we're not spending it all this year so why are we so we might need to adjust that down um I think also with the new vehicles obviously we know Insurance on newer Vehicles is higher when we trade in for a new pickup truck or dump truck Etc so do those policies do the do they expire you know same as our fiscal year yes their fisc year polies so that all lines up employee benefits that looks like a very round number yeah Dick had told us I think we're looking at a pretty flat increase on the insurance well yeah but that's a very small of it I understand but of course since we're going to be having pay raises in there insurance number will go up because of the number of well the benefits number will go we need a call up before we can do a better job I understand that but that will mean an increase in employee benefits because the employ benefits yes right yeah that's but since we don't know what that is right and we also do up a couple of uh retirements which will impact buyouts one in Highway and obviously chains as well well and have those bio figures been included in this number yeah we had the we had both of them so but again since the cola was unknown and the impact you know but I do the insurance number came in flat so that was I don't know where that number came from I haven't given you a number yet I have I have a lot of calculations waiting for the cola does even the buyouts are affected by the col right but Mark said he got a number from you at the current rate this would be what at the current rate right so that yeah I don't know where this number came from Don to answer your question but I'm I'm halfway through the couch as soon as I have a call I can finish my guess and you can see if if we agree all right unemployment is the same longevity lawn claims are we've been we've been pretty good boys this year so selectman expenses the same uh advertising the same mapping the same help if I can go back to SL expense you might say my gosh it's 20,000 you spent two but that is the only account that gives us any flexibility to handle something we had a request from the Senior Center building committee for some potential Wetland mapping for their expansion and that would have been the only place we could have touched it from I think we talked about the meeting but fortunately we didn't need fortunately we didn't need it but it would have been if they had come forward so you so you've got a that's basically your discretionary one yeah yeah storm water management that's that most for stuff and that's tyan Bond veterans the same Academy excuse me before we leave it is that number from tyan Bond yeah that's the that's their so they're holding the same number they're holding the same number does that mean it was overpriced this year or underpriced going forward there's different things that happen throughout the yeah it depends there's different things that's required so John may know that it's not build all time that's a very fair figure veterans benefits Academy Hall we under budgeted that last year yeah what we underg under budgeted that last year yeah Transportation testing this is the this is the this is the Coker this is the pest and everything else mandates mandate yeah they added uh N9 more homes that are testing and what used to be yearly testing is now gone to quarterly testing because of certain detections there no way around it tip of the iceberg at point and and and the P has been detected low low levels under the threshold were detected under the current threshold the threshold DP is expected to lower the thresold severely moving Target m have the sense that that number is going to be a I would I wouldn't be surprised if honestly if that number didn't change in the fall uh School building repair town events um which which school are you that's the least amount C I'm sorry that's the least amount that 15 is the number that no which school I mean tbw Camden schools yeah yeah twb if they come up with we split we split the minor cost basically to the lease yeah y okay might be a drain might be a floor tile gotta office equipment this is this the Craig is this the it part or just general this is the it part right I thought we did that on somewhere else too but I don't see it yeah on the next page a this is hard basically and equipment maintenance suppli is the same postage a little bit postage went up M didn't buy enough what they call those forever you can buy them still just at the new price they still forever but the cost more all right information technology yeah this is where we had uh notified by our our vendor basically that we had a lot of computers going out of out of service next year and so the number went up for next year we don't do all of them at once there's a rotating schedule but next year unfortunately had more cars than the year before basically we had a server that need upgrade to server that's about to fail yeah when you say a computer going out of service does that mean that that the warranties expire so they're old so they rotate them so they're not being supported yeah the discussions we had with the schools was a lot of discussion around around it and computers I mean it's a never ending expense is growing and growing yeah there were quite a few on that list from 2018 still in service which these days 2018 still in service um website that's we've upgrade we're going to upgrade our website to a more usable and more extensive website we had to add the ADA compliance audio we had the the ADA Compliant thing so audio y for Access really yeah H custodial we're going with a new are we going with a new group this includes we've had some feedback from the town hall staff that they're not happy with the current crew um and Jane solicited some quotes out there this is somebody who I guess with good references and a good price does include I think the waxing that you recall gets done they do the hallway wa okay now you're dating yourself there that's kid you noce we all knew what it was though all right on Netflix now Town hole maintenance get your VCR same thing utilities we doing okay with that I guess the same surprisingly before we before we leave the townhouse are there do you see any expenses let me finish the question 7.5 million of them other other than you know the you know Rehabilitation renovation type expenses do do you foresee any anything you know like generator or maybe a hot water tank boiler hot water I have to say we've seen constant failures in bathroom equipment and through the grace of God Jane is here fixing things with and it's just I'm waiting for something to fail or walking in and hearing that the heat's not on because we had a toilet get stuck and it drained the the water district system down yeah because it kept running really for hours on end y yeah there was a charity event here the Miss John and I came down and we we fixed the stuck floater wow was that is something the board is looking at right now is getting like back in the day when we had Larry Marti available to do work here looking for a way perhaps for a facilities management position those it keeps record of what's going on and what needs to be addressed in so these numbers here for townhouse maintenance don't include things like a new hot water tank that correct correct so How likely do you think that's going to be to be required in the coming year probably likely so should that number be reflected in here yeah probably should do we have a sense of cost on it or I I think this number can handle yeah I mean we we have 2400 left in there now you know no that's expended oh that's I'm sorry expended yeah yeah I you think we can Encompass that yeah okay it's just been there's been some design questions at this point because the venting needs to go above the roof needs to go above the roof so it's more of that not the money per se just the process of getting it done I just don't want to get hit with anything I I still think it could put us in a precarious spot well that's what the reserve funds for too right mhm that's you know the definition of unanticipated right that makes sense if you have $25,000 left for this year we do it this year right can you do it this year exactly you know okay you know or even hate to say it you bill it out in June and split it if it goes to Something in June something in July wait a minute just don't tell the account tell the account right 50 50 years like he's never heard that before that look a shock in your face looks so real you have a previous Town accountant there a new and he just said turned around as well we'll work it out work it out that's all always the thing utilities I'm shocked that numberers staying good but you know we're lucky here gasoline too Street lighting gasoline pump maintenance that I think number may not be ACC talked to us about some State mandate that came in with the tank Etc so we're looking for a little more clarity from him I was talking with Mark about that there there's an additional something an additional test or inspection he told me it was didn't like $2,800 I think is the number he said right it's tank testing that has to be done it is there might be a change there remember the conversation it wasn't in his budget then Wildlife Control we have no life that's the uh take care about liquor licenses right that's right at senior center every week they need another one all right Emergency Management this is uh about the same but the supplies go and expire and everything they go so go through a periodically expired stuff the extra thousand you gave at the town meeting you know we did some Supply replacement then M and going through the trailer there may be some that also have expired a significant part of that is one of your one of your contracts one of your services isn't it most of it is for the 911 sorry Rave Blackboard the thing you just got the meeting the voicemail tonight spam yeah the rooc call software if you will and you sounded wonderful thanks that was your first audition yes okay we'll see what the feedback is on Facebook I know uh traffic control and again traffic control is just for the Town Projects detail work any any outside project they pay for their own traffic detail the we don't have a number in there for public health nurse that's I think it was waiting for that's part of the wage that's part of the shared thing right yeah so they had a new wage study done in Long Meadow and that would affect that I'm going to say slightly CU we we share that going to keep that going forward though yeah we'll get that back I think Lynn Simmons is supposed to give us that number or ly so that's true of the shared services just I don't have a number yet we don't have that yet but I again unless they made out really well nor midle you know you wouldn't anticipate that to be a huge bum there the ambulance that would be the final year of a final extension we could do a one-year extension or we could go out again 3 years so the shared service part yeah that's the part where we did see that we have a deficit in the current year just like we did last year because of I want to say underfunding or flat funding on the Grant from the state for Finn's operation the fourtown operation they've given us a projected number which just came in I believe down for projected shortfall for next yeah was 25 10,000 something not huge when you consider we were short actually last year 20 something last year so we'll have that number penciled in so shared services so a short in the current year about 10 yeah yeah and we need to bump up the number appropriated for next year basic so so that 25 a placeholder a placeholder expect it'll be something over that we should have that they should let us know that I think are they coming next week they coming next week ambulance that would be a onee extension um they're already projecting 60,000 rebate for next year so far 59 the current year correct 59 the current year probably 6 what's the um what you know I don't want to open the can of worms here but what's the overall feedback on the ambulance excellent is that um I'm not hearing any complaints which I I think is good news I think they I think they I think they I don't I don't hear any complaints of everything thing I've heard is the response time has been on awesome you know I think the only thing I hear about is the billing the pricing is is expensive more so in than in other communities my three calls have been perfect one of the one of the things I noticed the first year we went through that process with them when they were doing uh doing giving us the math on on our rebates is the retail price that they ask and what they actually collect in most cases is a huge spread um you know I mean you know Medicare they they give them like a you know 76% cut off of retail right away they get Medicare they get reimbursed $450 yeah you know and they have contracts with all these different insurance companies I don't know what you do when you're a private pay you know whether you can negotiate or not you can well you can tell to pound sand so there's I know there's going to be some leverage cuz they also have half in uncollectibles every year right y they don't you know and you know you see your own insurance bills they they come in says your doctor's appointment was at $500 and he gets 150 bucks you know and you pay your $10 Don did you say that we're getting they're projected $60,000 in the fall in the next year 59 come back in October okay you mean we will receive that within 25 fiscal 25 yes yeah okay that'll that's a good estimated receipt yeah it was 59,000 last year last TR sit on this my wife she has she has some separation anxiety you're a heck of a guy Cliff I wouldn't doubt mine mine mine does too mine has separation anxiety too she's afraid I'm going to come back greig is there any way to put private pay retail pricing into a contract negotiation I think that's something we need to negotiate but yeah it's interesting thought yeah when you look at the the rates through the communities you know there's a wide margin I mean I haven't been involved with the ambulance committee at all i' you know I've just been an observer to it but from what I've seen it seems like this works very well they provided what seems to be you know very very good service yeah yeah the other the other thing they're doing too is they're PL providing a lot of mutual Aid which helps us because we that goes to our thing you know metal all the time uh okay bu building facilitator go back to water district go back to our okay oh yeah water district water district um I don't know we had asked the Water Commission to kind of throw together what they thought would be a appropriate budget we know the testing has gone up right yes and do you have you thought about any figures about how much is going up well we're looking at at least $100,000 in testing how about well this is this is only to the district this is not just just in the current District this is just the district broken right now we have what 10 for operations and four for testing you still feel that's adequate no no no no you decided any of the other testing score landfill no no this doesn't include houses that are not connected current District just there's already 100,000 in the bast testing yeah so this is just the old school water system B Flags Bills going up right it will be yes yeah cuz cuz you know we we had the 10,000 when it was the the district had just expanded but now we're we're he's doing the multiple testings here then throughout the rest of the district so I mean is is the testing at 4,000 still adequate for what he's doing currently or is is are are we pushing that threshold or pushing it um I expect it to go up for in July this this is again testing just the district up ahead right yeah just the district not homes that are not connected to the I know the last time I I had spoken with Bob Flag at the meeting you know he was coming back and doing retesting for some contamination issues so that just added to the overall cost so I mean should should we should we increase it by another thousand for testing Le I would but again this is only current District current current yeah nothing to do with anything else there nothing to do with outside hom that's the other account is outside homes of the state doesn't mandate more but that's still not this account right that's the other account right okay so 5,000 on that one said at least 5,000 and also right now they don't have a clerk that does any of their billing it's all the committee that's been kind of doing stuff and Jane was doing it prior really Jane was doing a lot of the uh I didn't know she had that head as well Jane was doing a lot of the um the clerical for the water district so maybe a couple hours here and there so where do you expect that to come from is that can we put that under the Board of Health coordinator for we we could put that under the rule of the Board of Health coordinator sure so that that might fall back onto the new person so do you does that line item need to be Revisited here then that would be under operations I think we're okay for that just the testing I was concerned about okay all right you know there may be some changes in job descriptions based on who Jane's replacement is you know Brian's got 60 days to figure out get a sense if there's a if there's a different way that this place should be structured because she has been the the facilities manager she's been the water department clerk she's been can we go through the warrant with all of you at the same time while you're here yes but before before we do we' like to discuss Cola oh okay um we discussed it earlier this evening um and kind of all shared our views of it and came up with a number that we can all support of 3 and a half% that's going to be your recommendation yeah and what we'd like to do with you is come up with a number a consensus number so that we can start actually looking at what the qu impact is going to be on the salary requests so the current CPI we got a number from at 3.1 correct as a February so when you're talking this quot obviously take effect July 1st and I don't believe in anything I've read They're projecting an increase in CPI it's been dropping and they're hoping they have inflation sort of under control these are the same people that said this is transient inflation correct I did hear a report within the last few days that inflation was creeping back up yeah that's what I'm seeing yeah finally dropped the prime finally for a little bit um yeah and we understand yeah we were all in the 3 to four% range um you know understanding that you know this this could be overshooting could be under shooting but this is you know a number that um is fair to employees and fair to taxpayers what was last year's call was four right four four we had five four plus steps plus steps how many people get step about half ballpark half get half get a step every step every two years so right but some are getting in somewhere yeah right it's and the step is with 2% so basically you're getting 2% every 2 years or 1% a year right but it's not necessarily half the people every other year because it depends on their higher date and stuff like that it's it's close yeah it's close they get the step and the cola those that are on the step yep the step is seniority yeah so three and half is our you know that's our suggestion understanding full well what that means in terms of or ripples through everything else and you know all the other expenses historically we've actually always look the advisory for this recommendation and not really you are the matter experts they consider all together I really don't see a I'm fine I mean we're in negotiation with the police Union you know so I understand there's a highway department trigger too separate yeah I would call it a trigger CPO trigger it doesn't it doesn't trigger anything it just it doesn't trigger conversation it triggers our consideration do trigger anything in financially it triggers a conversation so it doesn't in a term of trigger it doesn't affect anything we got the impression when we saw their budget that until we knew what you were what was going to happen in that conversation we couldn't set that salary number interesting so you're not there you haven't had that conversation yet not talking to that and how you're nowhere near close on the Police contract yet are you I think we're very close oh good we're very close we finished the chief contract finish the chief's contract all right so you might actually we might actually know stuff before annual meeting or before town meeting could that would be great don't sound like it never happened a lot of times it doesn't we're making it up in the fall yeah all right so are we going to endorse the recommendation good than I think it's magnanimous of them thank you awesome makes it easy a motion you want to say go to it Well Done hail and the party recomendation that comes from us so I mean it's not binding until it gets voted by Town May every conversation so far has been you're waiting for the recommendation from the advisory committee and there you are so thank you for the hard work okay so now we know than good the um animal inspector dog officer is that now under the police budget or is that that's we're leaving it there that's to the police budget okay they they gave us I missed their that's in there and you want to review the warrant well we going to put you back to work I actually well we're doing that let's see what you get cookie Mrs davp watches the zoom recording of this she's reading she's a big reader thank God somehow I just don't think that would be considered her entertainment as watching Don on TV must see TV you actually TR that I know Bob did the number of views we get on our YouTube channel was surprisingly High what what number do you consider surprisingly over 15 and that's not percent it reminds me of a story of the Nelson ratings of Walter CR when it used to be one you had a Nelson box and it had a huge impact and they Walter kronite was always doing very well they did a little deep Research into it and there was somebody who left that station on cuz their dog really liked his voice all right you got them we need well page one was kind of boiler plate you know all the way up to the revolving fund no prior your bills not going we know of not yet that's 4 fth V pass too so we don't want those yeah really what the what is the one that's a 9/10 saw a couple years ago we had a 910 Vote or something I don't remember uh Enterprise fund we're not there with that number yet we know there's going to be a bad purchase well we're hoping it can hold off for next year but James not feel good we're hurting a well I've been surprised how much there's the retained you've been able to use retained earnings to help yeah but we didn't appropriate anything into it last year right you still use them yeah but we're down yeah I'm down to like 10 or so yeah a little lower than that yeah so we're looked it was last I looked it was only $2,400 in that account well two years ago there were 36,000 retained earnings and we use some of that the opposite of things so have be a little tighter on the number I think the project yeah so the projected quote I think was in the N you saw 9 10 range something like that for bags just under 10 one yeah small bags hoping that uh we can put that off till after July 1st so um so do you expect to have to put some money yes yeah don't have a number yet no because now we know the number for the salaries you know we'll put that and figure that in as well are you going article by article cuz I have a couple of questions okay yeah it's article by article okay we don't have the time report Done Yet annual budget on that no prior year bills did the spending limits change I don't think so the revolving funds I think the same I doubt it doubt it doesn't doesn't affect budget no so Enterprise fund that's probably going to require something from rais in appropriate but in the past it's been in the 10 range I think Doug right Doug you want to report on CPT yeah Community preservation I mean we have this request from uh the land trust to purchase a piece of property up here on North Road uh Community preservation we're meeting uh 27th I think it is to riew it is it actually 1.6 acre parcel I thought it was a larger size that they were going to split it is a larger piece so it needs to be reflective of the larger size yeah I I want to say it's about a 4 acre I think the 1.6 is the split part right but they're not buying they're buying the whole property originally they were but I guess it sounds like they're changing because now it says a portion of the party well 1.6 what the town's going to own they're going to split the other three acres off and sell it right but my question is are they buying the whole thing with the CPC CPA money and then splitting it off and investing that money back I don't think they were they were going to buy it with their own money right split it and then have the town buy the part they didn't want for yeah 124 won't buy it won't buy the whole parel that's what our portion is worth I and I uh I adant that our portion is not worth that much okay I concur with my Gentleman to the right cuz that's that was in our meeting that they the property's been for sale at a price and nobody's bought it it's either because nobody wants to buy the property because it's either not in demand or there's something wrong with it or the price is wrong understood and then they were coming back and say well we I think it was a 140 140 17 170 I thought they negoti 170 for the whole thing now they're going to take off the house part of it and part that's not the house for 120 right there's a house on it and then they're going to sell the rest camper then they're going to sell the rest and put it into their their land trust fund so we we haven't met with land trust I i' you know I I saw the original proposal um I I haven't you know seen I'm just concerned we're footing more of the bill for the property for them to sell the rest of the prop but I'm not sure that this number is accurate so let's let's get some clarification I would say I can see the plan going forward I just can't see this number going forward with the plan right right I mean I yes well the question I would have for them is if there's a shortfall whose problem is it because there is some some work they have to do here and if there's a profit whose money is it or what's it going to be used for that's the negotiation right yeah I I mean discussion that I had with the people from the the land trust was this is the first time there been a proposal where there's been an unknown like that um you know and people don't people aren't comfortable with an unknown right originally they they told us they were going to buy it and look for reimbursement mhm so this the way it's worded here looks like they wanted us to buy it yeah so I don't I wasn't involved with the preparation of this language so I don't know yeah we we need more information yeah um and then there there had been a some discussion about a potential request from Parks and wreck um you know those are preliminary there's no actual request yet so we'll see we'll know by next Wednesday whether or not we're going to have a request from them um that's it concom is your typical $1,000 annual annual th000 appropriation one of these years we actually have to make an expenditure from that account well they're getting more than that because as part of the the lease or the contract for the solar landfill when they start paying the full 100 plus, 5,000 of that goes towards the conservation fund really annually yes we did that already for this year right the um Laughing Brook have something that they were going to contribute to for the property up in shapen was that that I vely remember something about that is the m Mackenzie trust or the other one I don't remember yeah but I thought they were going to donate to something for monitoring I got a question and just quickly I'm reading you read article six am I right but that's yeah 13 right yeah go ahead go ahead on there's Article 13 also so I'm kind of confused the you have to have two articles sure I realize that there's a conflict in the language but the Article 13 is the votes the town to accept the land which was the mistake we made last year we did we raised the money and we forgot to put that article in so the CPA article is strictly to to to raid the CPA funds we also have to author like going to take the land you say raid raid yeah we should probably organized up closer together would be nice plus there's two different dollar children prices yeah that was the amusing part inflation went up 3% three and a half okay sorry yeah no no state aid we appreciate all the state aid we can get we want more same for the library Kelly has informed us that they've got their I think she even gave us number I can't recall what it was but they probably told you and when they met with you no no okay Lauren do you ever seen an email from Kelly with an actual number for the number on it I'll look should AFF that to you um the next one is really the subject of the major discussion here so you have a dollar amount he's getting that now no for article 11 that's what I'm talking about right now yeah so there have a projected number 6.6 Cliff roughly yeah 6.6 and I think the question here is how would you prefer how would we propose the fund that would that require override vote at the election there has been talk of a series of notes which I don't think is a way to go well that would be during the construction right but I think you still need a full authorization I just ask you one question just so I can make a more informed decision about article 11 what's the dollar amount for the fire station design that you're anticipating Article 15 we're not there yet but if we want to jump ahead I mean I just want I want to be able to compare how much we're so the design I'll answer that okay the design for the fire station is trying to following the footsteps that the Senior Center building committee did is they're looking to hire an architect to put the design together so maybe somewhere in the 50 to 70,000 this range for design but that's that's not that's an RFQ number RFQ number yeah I'm sorry not a RFP RFQ reation well we did the RFQ already and now it's now it's an actual propos but I mean that's the number right for yeah to come up to come up with the the B number right put some boots on ground now so if there was a sorry article 10 is 16,000 okay so assessor number is 16 pretty in line with prior years that's fine so the 6.6 um if you go by prior years and I can only think of maybe three or four things in the past 20 years Green Meadows the high school Highway Bond police station that require required V I'm not even sure the police station required did we keep it inside the thing but actually authorized no we override over yeah so those are probably the last four overrides in 20 years that passed yeah and I think those are the only ones that have come up no no the street light so that's why the lights are off 2005 we were just talking about the but the four that passed in the past 20 years are probably those four yeah we used to have to do it even for fire trucks you know back in the old days but so we get an authorization to borrow we do um Bond anticipation notes and while we're building the thing until we finally get the big number and then we go out for bonding um based on what we're paying at the police station you know we're talking about probably $650,000 a year in debt service we have about $900,000 to a million in excess Levy capacity mhm it would be possible to do this without an override vote but that means our available levity capacity goes down to $300,000 and if anything backfires if anything goes wrong it's $25 all over again now the current notes that we have and like I said we have two outstanding notes are the police station and the high and the high school at this point and neither of those are close to is it is it a 30 on the police station or 20 I thought it was 20 but yeah so we're probably halfway through that yeah and you know in retrospect we're now talking about replacing a 20-year old building so when you talk about mortgage lengths here was the senior Cent 20 years old yeah we're not we're expanding it well you actually renovating and right I understand but I guess what I'm saying is um that you know to go 30-year mortgage on a building that you you you you rebuild every 20 years maybe not be the smartest thing in the world so so I guess we're looking for the consensus of how we're going to go forward with this do we put that number here and then do we go for an override the following week as we have done in the past clip I I I think it should be an override I think the whole town should have an opportunity to say or no MH I agree and that's why the the committee decided to do let's do a for couple forums let's have a walk through you don't just walk up the town meeting and say oh by the way here's the number we need right you got to put it out there I used an analogy of look what happened in Islam meow they needed $175 million high school and it passed because they put plenty of information out there minog passed because a lot of people did a good job of putting it out there yeah and people you give people the facts and they believe in them they'll make the right choice or they'll make an informed choice so but we wanted to make sure every so in that instance it's got to pass town meeting for the budget approval and then it's got to go to the the ballot for town the Mage actually says subject to a positive referendum vot what happens if it doesn't pass a town meeting so this will be a two3 vote because it's borrowing sorry 23ds at the town meeting majority at the override referendum I think that's the way to go okay then I guess in terms of the budget and that would be the question how much would be in the budget for next year do you think if we're passing this and having to service something in the FY 25 that'd be a number you would need to know because is there something it no or is it all B all B and all authorized yeah does there's no reason we no we don't have to start paying for it until we Bond it right everything else is unbaned you said short-term borrowing right yeah just State House notes great okay can we pay those off when we get so I guess our question is then somebody needs to inform the town clerk basically this is a warrant this is a question for the uh Town election warrant which we saw at the bottom here and that's going to be expanded he's pointing to Brian right okay and then fix the offices which are still one yeah we need cemeter we'll need to get our get our language straight on that sooner rather than later Rose will have to do that yeah she'll be happy to bill us for that yeah again you know it's not much different than a police station yeah no it's the same process right right pilot agreement this is a change in the in the basically State enabling that part that but also the request of the they already town already voted to allow us to do this but now the state has changed the law so we have to vote again to do it this way we can't tell you they're not going to change it again after right we we can change again no guarantees the only good thing about it is there's no money associated with no M it's coming if there's money it's coming this way in the end somehow this direction 13 we already discussed landfill Tower lease that's the same thing that's a this this required to meeting action to extend the lease basically for any any interest in land requires we don't trust you guys with that you know I don't really I don't blame them I mean sell to power D get free sell service but it's a great job no I have to go to the end of my street to make a phone call on my cell phone I go by Cliff's old house there go to the top of the of the hell would you buy that plan for seniors and Dan's advertising or something you have to go to Florida for that I think okay and fire station design corre you're that we should have a number you think yeah we should have a number for that and like I said you know we we we saw the way that the senior cator building committee operated and we're trying to model the uh the path forward after what they did since they uh did a great job that we feel that was the right way to do it so we you guys want a drop dead I know we talk about throwing these numbers obviously your hearing is on the 8 correct uh well which is that's 3 weeks two weeks I mean that's that's the number that's been penciled in I it's not April 8th April 8th yeah do you think it's realistic have a number by April 8th so they have it a hear okay so that'd be the only one that I think it be I don't see why we can't have every number listed here for you in time for your public hearing why don't we why don't we aim for that then okay yeah cuz that would be helpful yep well i' take that back now we got okay 16 we're discussing that earlier so Craig you want to talk John to talk on that or so scanic Valley water district go back to the D mandated testing they they come to us and say Hey you know the state's got this great new plan we're going to start testing everybody for posos around public um landfills and transfer stations whether they're closed or open or whatnot and we've been doing Norm noral testing there per the the settlement that happened 22 years ago um but because of this new requirement posos is very expensive to test for and what would be yearly testing switches to quarterly testing if any detection of posos is detected in any of the hits you now you now have to test quarterly on every single house which is nine originally John was it nine additional then there was some concerns of other homes within the geographical area it expanded to close to 18 homes so now we have 18 additional homes testing for fos which gives us that total roughly $150,000 a year in testing long story short and does that reflect the quarterly testing 150 I believe so I believe it's right around there for the the corly testing okay the EP is still coming down they're like hey you know we we see your making progress but we need to have some resolution long-term goals are either you filter these homes indefinitely post and pre filtering still maintain the quarterly testing or we try to hook them up to the water district to get them on clean serviceable water which eliminates all Need for testing well Craig and as Craig was saying that's the testing cost if you get a hit there's a filtering cost on top of that correct and that's a number and if the D not D EPA changes the target from 20 four parts per trillion 20 parts per a lot more hits and those houses will need treatment as well for a number of the the amount treatment number on an annual basis so you know it depends on how many filters need to be changed but it's not great would it be your recommendation to just hook them all up to the so existing yes so the long-term solution is to provide them with clean drinking water right um which the only available option is skan Valley water district and at this point the water district is 22 years old the inground hydromatic tank is pretty close to its service limits they don't build them that way anymore the DPS always said hey this is going to fail but when it fails it's going to be very expensive so the thoughts are to service these new homes the district pump house needs to be rebuilt and upgraded to one meet the needs of the new houses cuz it you can't you can't service those houses currently okay so in order to bring everything up to date we need to do two phases one is upgrade the pump house and well system and then hook up all the homes and do you have a dollar amount for that at all Yes um so they're they're floating numbers right now but the rough phase one pump house expansion we're probably looking was it 700,000 and that's you know could fluctuate depending on market and stuff like that but and the second second that needs to be done because it's reaching the end of its service life and and it doesn't have ites have capacity correct so service life and needed capacity to en able to do anything further right I'm just curious from a talking point point of view if we weren't expanding but we just had to do our 20-year revamp on that um do you have any idea how much that would have been just on the pump house yeah just the pump house to bring it back up up to today's standards you're probably looking close to the same because you're going to put it in new above ground storage tank you're obviously going to double the capacity because you don't want to lose pressure so it it would still roughly be the same okay that's good so these were needed repairs upgrades anyhow okay well yeah CLE if the EPA is squeezing you is there any reason believe that they won't keep squeezing you and squeezing you and we'd have to do that eventually anyway correct correct and how much is the uh two how much phase two phase two is still 2 a 2B yeah so there was originally we were building around nine homes and then DP came back and said hey well now there's nine more on top of the nine we already gave you so I think the original estimate was John remember one one and a half million maybe yes just to take care of those homes in within the district the nine just the nine one and a half million these these are all very crude numbers so I think we're planning on getting a presentation from time bond in the near future which will they'll be able to give us more accurate information oh so something basically so there are seven homes seven homes in the current District that the line passes by already the average price to hook them up is in the $110,000 ballpark per home so for 70 grand we can take seven people out of the Tes that list right there but we do need the upgrade but then you're not paying for the for the testing of those H anymore at 10,000 incremental phes so so that's the phase kind of phase 2A thing yeah then the expansion as Craig said of the homes that are in the district but not hooked up now you have to run pipe down the road to get to those homes there's your million plus cost to do that would you be using arpa money for some of that yes some of it how much how much was left 450 150,000 right so is any of that 450 ear marked for anything just this water district just we have been planning to use it for that yeah there's no grants for this well you can try do grants we can look we we can look so I'm assuming that others other towns are having this issue there are some grants and I believe John applied for one when when Bob was here um I don't know what the status of that was you haven't heard anything so what are you talking about asking for this year um what were we saying we're saying that we we're going to do phase one which is upgrading the pump house and connecting the seven homes currently the line goes by in the say that was $800,000 and we got about 400 left we got four 4450 left than that we need another 400 to finish phas because we can't even talk phase two until the pump house work is done okay so so article 16 400,000 I think that's a good rough number I think that was the rough number yeah right and More Story and it's a onetime charge it's you know right I understand if we write up against it too we could split it over a couple of years we can get a borrowing authorization and put half it on a note right depending on what else we're doing for Capital yeah big picture looks I know there's a long roundabout story to get to that number but you there's a lot of backstory complicated issue yeah but again it does show that it's not this is this doesn't this gets you part way there yeah the other thing we had a great conversation with Dan Hall he's worked with us on the landfill for 20 plus years but he was very straightforward D is not going to let this go but the better we are at being forward about it the better they're going to treat us and being proactive like this helps us with the state in a big way it's the right thing to do it's the right thing to do for the residents to over there yeah and you know I mean again the seven hookups obviously you know that Sav us 70 grand a year right away testing right yeah so it's an investment for some return return yeah that was free free hookups basically after we put wellet well don't forget the Water Commission is gaining money every year from water sales yeah 500 bucks a year two customers a big impact on the budget that was the easy one 150th anniversary all right if we make it 10,000 okay that's I mean we we had 10,000 last year the board's you looking for another 10 but try to try to be consistent here may maybe it's a fall type thing you don't know fiber optic all right great um this is probably just going to be an information I think Committee just started the committee just started they met last week but they're going to meet again next week they they got some thoughts going forward pickup truck 60,000 I'm sorry looking at the pickup truck with plow is 60 but the cruiser I was I was going to say Mark discussed this pickup truck when he came in and met with us and we met with the chief so last um you know he's got a request in for a cruiser Andor a pickup truck for 70 one oneir of the price of a cruiser is not the car it's all the crap they put into it I went back and checked like five or six of the last purchases and the car is only 2/3 of the vehicle price so next time you take one out we talk about taking one out of service and passing it down we're throwing away a third of the value yeah but when that stuff is there like all the electronic aren't they moving it from vehicle to vehicle sometimes yes and sometimes no always Chang that was the excuse then and then oh well we'll throw in a radar gun you know because we can get it while we're buying the cruiser because it's going to sit in the Cruiser's glove box I went back five five different purchases a game it's and so it's a third of the value is the other stuff from from what I thought he said was the radios and the computer whatever would be transer cuz the radios are part of the deal with the communications so yeah so it's the lighting all all stuff that's fixed on oh they still got to wire the radio they still got to wire the lights they still got to put the cages I I don't know this now but we did have a discussion with with the chief about um a recommendation that we changed the service life from 100,000 to 125,000 um he didn't seem to have much information on that other than he said he's been sending repair costs and mileage to the board on a monthly basis I I I think monthly is a very generous term I would say by anually but I mean he may track it monthly he may track it we don't get it right I mean that that's the whole issue of of when to replace the vehicles um prompted the the issue of you know trying to have better record keeping I I would be under the assumption we maybe switch to hours instead of mileage well Capital planning before they sto meeting had spent a lot of time that had spent a lot of time tracking this stuff and of course Jeff's Jeff's Cruiser program was Cruisers have 100,000 mile warranty so when they get rid of a hit 100,000 let's get rid of them so we don't have to pay any maintenance and the um the capital planning discussed whether or not it should be 100 125 150 he said well if we don't try something we'll never have any data and capital planning had voted to recommend to the selectman to recommend to the police department to go to 125 MH but I have no idea how far that message actually got at the time so my my counter to that is to one Jeff was saying that the warranty runs out 100,000 miles but but it's 100,000 Mi or so many hours my question is are we meeting those hours before we even hit 100,000 Mi which negates the point of keeping them that long so we just go 25 anyway all the data we were all the data that we were given was based on Violet I don't think we saw any our data cuz yeah you know I worked in a dealer we used to see those upfitted Cruisers all the time and we would have to run the hours for warranty not mileage yeah for the hours but anyway hour if if we don't try going longer we won't have any idea what the costs are yeah there there was a whole formula that you would multiply by right back to the pickup truck we had just done a truck a year or so ago I think we rolled down the park truck you're talking this truck here for the highway this this made sense the the request for the police that that was only at it 70,000 70,000 miles which um you know is and it wasn't like it was rolling somewhere else either it so anyway we you know we had some brief discussion about that but it seems like that may be a year early looking at replacing that one I would be with 125 too though I think that'd be reasonable with the way things are you and until we actually you know as dick says until we have that data I you know we're basically making a decision in the vacuum the one point we made to the chief also was that this is a year when the police budget is going to be including dispatch operations now so maybe it's not the year to put on that $70,000 Cruiser on top of the fact we're going to be paying 625 roughly 625 right for the first year of Ral dispatch so everything has to be B still a smoking hot deal it is but everything you know so that savings we had really in the first year so any pick up truck for Mark with a plow fa deal you know the savings may disappear but if we had if we had kept it way it was we'd be in 450 or 500,000 yep range off with dispatch oh yeah uh we don't done 20 uh scratch 20 well or it might be a capital thing we're not there was some talk about wireless access points and yes a Capal that may be a separate I think they I thought they said they were going to put it with their in their budget when I thought we had guidance last year they could well we we requested we being advisory and wilham finance requested of the school committee that they put their operating assessment and their Capital assessment separately okay so that one wasn't bound to the other CU you know it's entirely they had those five proposals last year it was quite likely that at least one of them wouldn't have garnered enough support in one town or the other in which case the entire operating budget is at risk didn't make a lot of sense to do that so we asked them to break it out do you think that's how wolverham was going to be getting theirs as well I think that's how they wanted okay yeah so would you say this article then would be more of the capital request for inog if as we'll keep it as a placeholder projectors or was it Wi-Fi Wi-Fi well it was W wireless access points yes wireless access points yes and were the projectors incorporated into the operating budget I believe so okay we've had some discussion we being the you know advisory with the school committee and the operational sub commmittee about whether or not you know computers and things like the projectors you know the short throw projectors are us classroom now whether or not those were appropriately capital or whether they were operating and we we both advisory and liham finance have encouraged them to consider them to be operating expenses now and made that point to them as well last week I think so their budget is going to be higher reflecting those costs but that's at the request of the towns so we'll leave article 20 there for now and it may be a capital expense just to have it there but definitely not nothing to do with the agreement no nothing to do with the agreement if I might add that's a year of my life that went down the toilet yeah you look young never never to be gotten back he looks he looks younger since it's they they they panicked they they panicked and then you got the next four very concerned about a lot of frivolous things 21 through 26 are basically no don't require any money just a matter of amending the bylaws based on what their recommendations are I didn't move up oh I see one one of them require some spending I'm sorry which one 26 26 if you need an electronic voting system oh oh okay I think we're going to try and get some pricing on well you're going to have to change the article cu the article only authorizes the use of it it doesn't do anything about raising appropriate you're not there's no numbers yeah associate it just makes it legal y yes so either there needs to be another article for have you discussed these these government study recommendations no no no not every we we haven't U because some of these are some substantial changes do you think that discussion should be a joint discussion with us and you folks sure we're always happy to speak to you scared that scarce the daylight I think they might invoke some more Community discussion too you know we could have this at our public hearing yeah I mean that might be the time to have have yeah I mean there's there's a lot of things here that affect Public's perception and Public's involvement yeah and and there's a lot of them at once right yeah this comes strictly just to a town meeting boot without any prior knowledge you know people at the me be like what's this about what's this yeah what are we doing mhm well they'll be looking to both of these boards for guidance yeah I don't like that treasure well I don't think they should be looking to the select board for any of these articles guidance because this is nothing we have to do with no that but no but I disagree but I think you have an obligation to um you know especially something that goes right to the core of how the town is run I mean this was an independent committee they came up with their recommendations but the board of selectman certainly should have an opinion on it but I still make a point you know how I I felt about the I want to say perbly transparency is the wrong word but I felt that at this point having develop these things it's this needs to be out to the public oh yes the meetings aren't broadcast they had a public for which was not broadcast or recorded for distribution on the town website that could lead to a bad perception of what this committee is doing I feel it's time for them to I'm going say bring it into the light of day okay we worked hard we can met with a lot of people these are our recommendation we'd like everybody's input and that may be a discussion they've had but I think at this point with two months to go before town meeting some public disclosures got to be out there otherwise as Craig said you walk into the town meeting what's this there's substantial changes here that hasn't even presented to us other than just being shown here yeah like there's a little bit in the paper about it mhm you know but you're right you go back to last year's town meeting but I believe the recording cut off halfway through Keith's speech and I think the original intent was to keep the board of Selectmen out of these so there was no influence right right right now it's on the warrant and like I said I you know I would think that people would want to know what you want what you think you know what you feel it's on the warrant but I would like the government study Community to come to a board of Select meeting to present their findings to the board of Select not just throw out fine that was a recommendation that I one of um or El I don't think any of us should support these without having them come things don't go on the warrant without the selectman approv we we are pretty generous that we feel any elected Department automatically goes on there so yeah no we I I you know I've heard the speech a 100 times we felt we had an o oblation to present this to the voters cuz such and such Department asked for it even though they may be idiots whatever you know that that last part's inferred in some of them in some of the ones roll the tap um the um um you know I look at the model of Mike Gorski getting a full-time fire department M he did a six-month roll out of information because this was a major change in the way the structure of the town and that was a marvelous way I mean the school committee should have done that that's that's that was the marketing job that they should have done and getting information out but you're right this is secret and it's two months away and I'm saying meant to be secret I think they're good some good people on the committee it's just not the way I would have done it that's all so any you have these six things there I think the board I can't speak for the chairman but I do a lot of it um I'm used to that at home I think the board will try I don't pay attention either so he's your work wife oh oh boy what what yes here I think yeah we are going to explore ways to make a more Public Presentation with the government study committee yeah I don't you know listening to this I don't think our advisories public hearing will be adequate to address all of these not at 8:30 by time you're done with the other stuff 15 people that show up true yeah at least this one's broadcast trying to say something over no no I I mean I was part of the part of the uh committee and they worked hard um the initial was just a report remember that's so they've gone above and beyond if you will by trying to uh Implement some of these uh recommendations or articles if you will their initial thing was their initial was just a report that was doe back to the town's people so um you need to give them credit they've gone above and beyond um I was not a voting member okay I'm just ex offici a and um there was a young group of people um so I think they did a good job and I would say that my recommendation was these articles should have been vetted through the select board first John you bring up a good point i' forgot about that that this should have been maybe suggested as part of their report and it would have been up to the board with it to bring them forward yeah that's okay that's a good point we live and learn every day every day school sure board can also not accept them on the warrant I mean it's within your discretion that's right right it is I'm nervous about them going on the the warrant a lack of time well lack of vetting I mean you got the advisory committee seeing them for the first time not discussing with us it could be these are here's an article for a report they can do a 15-minute presentation which suggested changes in the future and well you know maybe what you said makes sense have them come in and talk to the selectman get them on now I think our plan tonight is to close the warrant doesn't mean we're taking things off we're just not accepting new articles we at any time can modify the articles that are on the warrant at this point okay and the rest of these are just basically a boiler plate stuff you know uh we did yes in the 11 range again 11,000 and some change um I know Don mentioned the the town election warrant for is still long the people have the end the cemetery commissioner still have to be a one two and a three have to be a one one for one year one for two one for three y I don't know if anyone's running but we're going to write them all in not all right there you go that's not done that before need to know right Lefty by two votes you're in I have to say Julie wman I'm not sure how many she got for the W in for last year but I'm going to say it was under five is she on the board park and wreck Park and W which is great to she used to play soccer with my daughter I know she was in Pat's class yes sir really should be an article to transfer money out of stabilization there a boiler plate always there a boiler plate yeah we missed that one last time Dr that yeah yeah we really need to be able to go in or out as as necessary and that's a two you know that's just a two3 vote to take money out so if need if you go back three or four years you'll see it on the bottom yeah1 yeah we so did you all have a good time oh well good we're all going out for beers yeah joh sign the one day license you can just you know check one day license is you need one not together lot of moving Parts as are we going back to the mville indeed all right go with the other thing yeah another position so we got no zoom up we got no Zoom operator we got no clerk like no Cates for you this week scared her off okay find somebody let us know thank you guys see um what do we got thoron Burg's assessment Yeah so basically I think we got the quote from tyan Bond uh seemed decent I just wonder now with the timing is this something we should look at in the fall maybe a free cash back M we see a pretty tight budget here we get all we don't have the we don't have the urgency with what's happening with school at this point going to happen now there's no urgency on this but I still would like to know I still we should know maybe it's it's a fall let's put it off the fall here's the thing but but Brian you shake the trees maybe a grant comes along yeah we get enough of it we can always say oh you need 5,000 match Grant compact I have a couple ideas awesome so I think we need to reach back out to Craig and Ivon and say thank you and Peter probably also oversaw that thank you we're going to take a little pause in this right now but yeah let's we want to keep you we we want to keep it moving forward looking like a fall project it's a funding thing at this point right uh vote to close the warrant I'll make that motion so this just uh we no more we we can go through and still pull things off if we choose more new war okay I'll make that motion second all in favor all right FL permits one thing before on the warrant though I mentioned we do need to no men Lauren we do need to look at that calendar listen I had to no we need to look at that calendar for the warrant Etc posting times okay let's get that written out so we know that by this date we need to have it on the board the advisory meeting has to be posted and stuff like that the two weeks thing it's the two we thing the one week thing those things okay so food permits shockingly enough there's still some more for the babes For A Cause just one this week and it is sweet Baboo which is what time at home that ladin Baboo sweet Baboo and I don't know what they do but they must sell food of some sort anyhow they'd like to be up at the Starting Gate on March 23rd with everybody else which is sold out I believe I saw on Facebook did you get your tickets so second favor thank you and we anticipate that's the last one but we do have next week I guess to when is the oh no that uh selectman reports well we had the building committee well no we don't meet till next week so with this information going back to them on you know that'll be the direction going forward obviously you know we have the form uh this Thursday at the senior center at 6:00 it' be nice to see as much support as possible there will be a second one Craig um I think we set a date sometime in April at this point another form at the senior center uh we'll use what we learned from this one to Target the next one kind of like what we did you know fiber okay what questions weren't answered let's bring them forth um that'll be available on Zoom as well I know Don we have a potenti you know budget discussion that night at the library Rock whatever so that's this one 5:00 one right here the little note no it's no that's the Monday one no no are you the one this week this week is 6:30 6:30 I will not be in attendance for this week's one and then the following Monday is 5:00 and so we're going to meet on Tuesday next week okay I have nothing to report I have nothing to report not administrator report couple things we got the cable license I'm sorry so anybody watching we need a zoom operator for your meeting basically are you going for the concom meeting Wednesday yes okay Don has tried Zoom it's not pretty so we need somebody to help him out you ever seen that lawyer one where he's coming on he's dressed as a cat and he's like oh my daughter was using Zoom before that and you know he's in a illegal thing he's got on and everything like that it was a mean I did see the one where the guy is was doing a presentation for brexit and all of a sudden his little girl Wheels in behind and the maid is on the floor trying to grab her back on the door so any problem go ahead what are you doing Wednesday busy good answer dad I I can't help so the cable license agreement that was signed um Saturday um was shipped off to CH uh Charter so we're waiting to uh close the loop on that um and coincidentally we the town received a $5,000 Grant from Charter um to support the senior center and to provide 15 tablets for the senior center so if we enter you know agreement short-term agreements we'll get more stuff every time every agreement they'll give us more stuff all right so we're changing to a one-year agreement we should so we submitted Brian we submitted our assign portion did they acknowledge receipt and sign theirs portion they signed it in advance oh they signed it in advance sign in advance okay I wasn't sure if they were waiting and then stealth edits but that's all right yeah yeah uh probably long term not substantial but it's maybe indicative of a larger attitude or cross that method of business when comes to small balance all right that yep okay uh I'll entertain a motion to go into executive session under exemption number three to discuss strategy regarding Collective baining with the police Union from which we will not return to uh open session so moved second thank you thank you have you met Tad you the one the one just out yeah I think yeah yeah it was in yeah he did all right you took your motion you took your vote m y