anybody else recording here any reporters no okay all right um we'll do the minutes first e any changes or Corrections no we talked about when they remove that old pump house possibly for right I don't see that but it's in the order of conditions so yeah we could add it though we discussed um a condition that would ask them to consider the old foundation of the pump house when they do remove it which is probably going to be like two years um if there's any puddling and to use that for the uh drainage basin if they need dra if they need to it's worded much better on the condition yeah feel free to move your chairs around over there if you don't like listening to come here I couldn't hear you ah no it's fine if it's better for you thank you thank yoush I've never seen well he's a computer guy rather me move to the other side um I gota hear what you have to say or El me coming yes absolutely absolutely no it's okay that's it all right thank you you want your key back okay give it to me so I don't forget take the file sorry yeah just drag it off that way they're all in the in the computer anyway for other times we go back excellent I just don't want to forget his real that's his real working he wasn't very happy I said giveing out of my drawer he's like no those all stin okay thank you sorry for the interruption okay so we're going to add that all in favor I I I all right we have a very big meeting tonight although it's a little bit improved because one of the one of the cases decided they would wanted to continue so um originally scheduled we have an noi for the Main Street Eastbrook Bridge replacement proposal um two rdas for the pump house uh a pump house for transporting mail sap sap maple sap on South Road an RDA to replace a retaining wall along the scantic river an noi for a house on Stony Hill Road a continued hearing from for an noi for a house on 374a wilam road and then um we'll do the Main Street Eastbrook bridge and then the Glendale solar project we're not doing the East yeah but I still have to say okay okay um well let's get the Main Street Eastbrook Bridge one out of the way they asked to be continued um so uh we need to vote to continue them to August to the normal August 21st meeting all in favor was that a motion yeah I just that's a motion that do you have a second on the motion sure you can tell it's been a rally week day for sure okay motion passes we need to sign uh we have a an ex a form yeah I do wait minut this is a this is for Glendale a lot of papers tonight Rory Walker signed that one okay this is one yeah I have one here I haven't made a new one yet so I just improvised but um you can sign it and then I will fill it in okay later and send it to him 17th right it would be like me to this one up okay all right next we have um an RDA to construct a p pump house for transporting maple sap on South Road uh parcel 13025 0000 it's uh across the street from 142 South Road if anybody's interested the owner is Dave St Stockbridge Smith is he going be here yeah want to sit up here okay uh and there there's a folder in there for um who also owns the lot uh another uh lot across the street um he's indicated a likely location for the pump house based on his current clearing and path and the dictated locus of gravity for the sap collection um yeah okay do the first one uh do the whoops now do the one that says it it reorients everything the one that says with the natural heritage up there the very top one that's where it didn't come up it should be good usually don't have any difficulties okay um so the road running up and down is South Road um the potential site is the Red Dot you'll see that there is a river running by there's also a huge Marsh um a transmission line uh and and buffer to Marsh and buffer to bog that yellowish thing there is a bog um and all the striped area in green is natural heritage so it's not in a good area for getting a permit um so um if you can could relocate it at least outside the the pink Riverfront areas that run along there the side hatched area how far is that limit from the stream um not very far I just did it based on the dimensions of your Maps so um if you could move it forward um towards the street but away from the setback I don't know what the setback is there I presume it's 100 ft that would at least get rid of some of the permitting issues um another alternative might be to move it all the way outside the marsh on the other side and that would get you out of the natural heritage area what's just briefly what's the natural heritage natural heritage um they make polygons that incorporate areas where they have found rare species so it means you've got rare species there um and you can um you can especially because you have a forest management plan um build in that area a sap house not a sugar house um so you could stay within it if you want to it just saves you a lot of grief so I if it was me I would just move it toward the street yes I live in South Ro next to it um first just I'm an exact type of gu on this um thing was newspaper it said that this is zero South Road adjacent to 142 142 is the house across the street well actually Jason it's across the street okay okay um but the other the rest of the property is adjacent he also owns all that part behind know that 50 years okay that's his house okay okay you just said coming closer to the street this is a hill going down there okay and I'd like to know what it is what is a pump house what do he want is it that big plastic thing that people store syrup in what is it no no it's it's a building um it's just like a it's like a little shed it's just for that um collecting this app and getting it into and pumping it into a a large container that the the tubes go by gravity too right what's it with it's it's as close to the low point on the property as I could yeah right but what is it answer the question what is it it's a shed it's a yeah it's a small beside that shed is wouldn't Stu in other words the guy uphill from me yeah he he does sugar and he's got this 6x6 foot white plastic thing that all the tubes go into yeah and that's not what you're after you're after a shed where like gravity tubes go to it right yes yeah and is there electricity to it or it's going to be powered from solar collectors on the roof solar collectors and will there be any noise from this I'm making it sound proof so all live next door and I also want to ask if you ever do get a permit for this will you change it once you have it will you add something that he can't okay he can't because it's got to be specified to a very dist area business dealing with the public for 50 years so yeah I like to find out what's what yeah a sugar Jack nasty to you but I know what it is excuse me but can you like wait till we get to you cuz oh I'm done kind of running this whole then call it a day that's all I thought that was GNA be it you said okay move it that way well there isn't a place that way there's a hill okay um so uh he has a an active Forest management plan we gets which gets him some exemptions from some of these areas um according to to the state Forester um but it doesn't get you exemption from the riverfront so that's the part you're going to have to worry about and how far do I need to be from where if you can get outside like I said those those pinkish areas that run along the river that's the Inner River Front and the green X's are the outer River Front you can do it in the outer River Front it looks like area like in the bottom of the screen it looks like the pink area is quite wide it's 100 feet from the river but up in the area where we are there's a pink area that seems to be very narrow around the bog there's a that's red yeah and that's the no disturb Zone you can't do anything in that and so what you're saying is I there's a green area there's a green area walk up there do we have a pointer or anything I know what you're talking about where's it can can I go up there and point I know it's a this is actually a very complicated site a lot okay this pink area this line right here yeah that's the um the 100 foot River Front so that's 100 feet from the bank how come there's no pink area on here because when there's a marsh which is um it it negates the river that runs through it even if it does and becomes uh a wetland so Wetlands don't only have 100 foot buffers and that's that blue thing but you're allowed to build inside that buffer in your case so for instance if you went a little bit move it this way yes you could do that okay now the reason why I put it there is I'm trying to Power It Solar collects yeah sunlight I have Woods all the way across here in order to have that work I'd have to do a bunch of clearing you're allowed to clear 5,000 square fet without any permission but you already have a forest management plan so you can do it anyway um so you can just move it a little bit and clear what you need so I could just move it this way yep like just outside of that yep are interesting because I don't I don't actually know where the stream is and I'm not sure what on the map is well you could hire somebody to delineate it or somebody could just go out there and see is it obvious went today yeah he went that the best place that I saw would be where that wood pile is which is at least 150 feet from the yeah oh that would be ideal and it's flat there and it's below the hill can I put a bank of solar collectors over here it's a clearing in the in the clearing yeah in the clearing where the shed was going to go I have to think about the rules for yeah I don't know for solar collectors it's not that many they'll just be on like uh post or something right now I just put a rack put a frame on the top of the building but that's the reason I put it there I don't have to cut down trees or doing anything yeah yeah and how big is the building it's actually fairly dry it's 240 square feet yeah it's gonna be 14 by 20 so there is a tank inside that boat well in the maple business there's lots of pumps and stuff yeah I haven't scoped out completely yeah so I but it has to come into something so you can pump it up the hill or where you're P to yeah the production is going to be on the other side of the street where I don't seem to have any problems with conservation yeah you you have to get permission for a limit of work over there that's all a limit of work so um if you build if you build on the other side um yeah over there and it's a Sugar Shack that you build over there in other words something that boils it down and all of that then you have to um make an an application to natural heritage and you basically draw a square Ware of what of the area that's going to be cleared and send it to them and they say yes because you got a forestry permit all well I have a have a field which hard well that's even better your Forest Street permit uh covers both so all all all 76 Acres so yeah you could do that except for the solar still just be Woods doesn't need it yeah yeah there's like no landscaping asso or you could clear a little bit of area to put the solar in if you wanted to just make sure you make a limit of work big big enough to do that okay it might be less destructive to the riverfront area if he ran a wire AC across into his field that's not simple just that's great complication you'd have to get a hydrological thought you said a field with Sou that he the whole parcel here and the whole parcel behind mrki convers house because you said where the dot is now it's open yes it's it's a just a little clear it's just a little clearing there's a natural clearing I don't know why it's there but the little clearing is probably in the worst possible place but yeah but like if you put like a couple poles it's not going to be a giant impact no I I don't I I think it would be all right I was actually the building itself is going to just have four Piers so but then you're putting a structure in there and that's the much bigger deal yeah yeah even for a sap house yes so this is more da than a building now it's a bank of things or are they on the roof of the building well they were intended to be on the roof of the building okay but are with me in order to that's why I said things change no so if I put it where the wood pile is then I have to clear out a whole bunch of trees yeah you would half an okay we've got somebody back here building and a b yesn't matter this is being um televised or um YouTube whatever yes um if the people that are speaking you need to at least that up by good point oh yes we did mention that but yes forgot did but it's a building plus another structure that's a bank of of Sol right if you move it if he takes it off the pump house yeah so you can you can go home and think about it and then you can just submit an RDA for where you want it if it's over 200 square feet you also has to go to the building yes yeah all the presumption is you would go to all the appropriate boards comment since you live in Maryland what would happen if something went wrong with this please talk to him through me and not directly excuse me um the rules are you're supposed to talk through the chair talk to the chair you can talk you just can't run the meeting okay there's no reason to I know things changed and now it went from a house to a house with thingss yeah we've just asked him to move it and it changes things plan just changed it's still permittable that's the question all the things he would do would have to go through you anyway right that's right excellent but what about that living in Maryland how you do the only time the only time that this is Operation was during the season which is probably less than two months yeah it's like February and March all right I guess I can't look at you ask him if um if it went on the blink in the winter or something is there any har it could do whatever this thing is it's because he's only here a couple of weeks a year it's a wood frame yeah it's a small wood frame what's inside it pumps that run on okay electricity right and some thermostat or something went screwy they don't run automatically when there's nobody there they run yeah something Miss malfunction in January sometime that was not na sugar C I would the worst thing that I can imagine happening would be that one of his tubes would break and his sap house would get full of sap which would St not going trouble it's just I've had quite a lot of experience with a lot of people I understand but and I know things it's up to us to make the permit I've been a veterinarian 51 years and own the business and I really have to talk to people and know what they say we know how much it changes whatever he writes down on the applications that he sends is what he's tied down to okay so so this is 100 feet the edge of the pink the pink is 100 feet yeah so if you go to the river and measure feet from this stream also no only only 25 and that because that because the stream is overpowered by the fact that there's a marsh next to it is what it really comes down to so the marsh buffer there I know it's a funny rule cancels unless there's obvious flow through which there's not going to be in a marsh so I have this line of stream have to stay back yes I can and from the edge of the marsh you need to stay back probably right up against the stream you need to stay back 25 ft and that little clearing where the fire hit was you said was 50 more than 50 so you can draw us a map of where you want it and then draw a description I mean Define specifically what it is you want and resubmit it and we can do it I should know about if I want if I would like to separate the collectors from the it's a little more complicated but complications since you've got a force management permit I don't think that's going to be an issue for you you have up to 4,000 square ft of building that you can do at under a forestry permit so I think your solar isn't going to be a problem no no I just worried about putting it in place for a sun can shine yeah if you put it right there then we would have to vote on it and decide whether it had to be conditioned but um it it's permittable just second is it permittable to put in the clearing where I can't put the building or you say it's permittable it's permittable Woods I we could consider put letting you put the solar in the clearing can you I can't we can't commit to that without the actual application but yeah we'd probably approve it it's not visible on the road yeah it's not relevant to conom unfortunately what it's not relevant to us that would be planning board that would worry about yeah it's my understanding that the planning board isn't involved or the board building direct real building in in inspector okay okay you have any other questions so it's permittable you just have to move it to a good place and it's not going to be complicated to get the permit but we can help you with that when you're ready building existing trees loc I probably cut down entr that's up to you completely yeah but you can have a clearing around it you can have like I said 5,000 square F feet not disturbing yeah I get that okay we've got a huge meeting and we've taken up half an hour so thank you very much yes thank you for coming and call Bonnie if you have questions okay yeah all right we're going to move on to before go can I just ask that if everybody signed in yet I saw some other people come in later just want make sure everybody's signed in thank you did you sign in okay he did I thought I saw other people come in later all right so now we're going to open the hearing oh close that hearing no don't close you don't have to close it oh no I I close the PDF okay okay um I'm going to open hearing for an RDA at 47848 Main Street for the replacement of a retaining wall yeah on a should to continue what oh yes we should well he unless he resubmits he has to resubmit a math anyway you can just attach it to that one and make a resubmission you can't continue or you don't have to continue but just tell him tell him you'll use this and he can attach his new map to it and in a good description of the pump house okay and then it'll be resubmitted as a brand new one yeah when is good at this she is okay um so we've closed that hearing and he'll be resubmitting okay um the RDA for 478 488 Main Street is for the replacement of a retaining wall the owner is New England equities and the application is to renovate a landscape Timber retaining wall along the scantic river replacing Tim Timbers with cinder blocks anything you want to add to that no by the way I'm Jeff parent with New England equities um yeah we do have an existing Timber wall That's is very old I think it's the existing Timber wall there's a picture in there that uh is starting to kind of fall in to the uh he's the one on Main Street service road on the backside where the garage bays are so it's not actually adjacent to the river oh you have to go back back out probably about 50 feet away I would say from the river oh did okay first time it's second top it says it's next to the stanic river but it's well I I put it up because obviously the river runs right behind the building so so that we were back there try oh trying to see the and then we saw okay so you want to make a site visit report oh uh we went and visited we checked the scantic river because we thought was actually on the physical scantic River but it was not and when we were leaving we noticed that there was a retaining wall that yeah so that they could go underneath to the garage area uh so how far away is it from the bank right there I would say approximately 50 feet over here so it's in Riverfront for sure yeah it's yeah the river is behind the goes behind the whole building yep the wall it runs parallel I mean I mean concurrent whatever with the front of the building okay is there anything about it that makes you anxious about approving it no I mean there's a cleared paved or non paved Road they can work from behind it so it's driveway yeah yeah we have a service road runs behind the building for the trucks that service to hand The Grog Shop or anybody that has to deliver things to the backside of the building okay won well I'd say that it would be better off we fix it before we had that collapses and anything could run off and yeah I agree there is um this home was built or building was built in uh 1961 so it falls uh under the exemptions for the riverfront uh protection act and um uh it's minor activities with in the riverfront area meeting the requirement of 310 CMR 10 2 2b1 and 2 uh maintenance of existing Landscaping is exempt in most cases as a minor activity within the resource area and uh the building is exempt uh because of its date of being built um additionally work that increases the protection this is what wend was talking about uh the protection protection of areas of in interest protected under the wetlands protection act can be permitted if adequate conditions can be determined to protect those areas so in other words what we were talking about was whether you can do it from on that drive as as opposed to ever having to go into the dirt part of the River Front um and that would be one of the conditions okay have a 20 foot driveway right there abing it perfect it's okay um I have some proposed special conditions but I don't have copies for everybody oh you do good I don't I don't have one one I think I brought no I only brought three copies what do you get your paper my husband chose it this time my it's very very thick let let him have a copy and I'll read off of yours okay they're pretty standard condition um says you need to stay uh 50 foot away minimum from the bank that's the very top where it bends from being going down into the river to it may be that 50 existing okay or to the greatest extent practicable so you know you have to do what you can do if there's a driveway there then you're already yeah there is a yeah okay the limit of work line must be as close to the project is practically manageable to the extent possible we know with these houses and buildings some of them are 50 ft some of them are 25 ft from the riverfront so just to the extent that you can um a Sil barrier must be installed at the limit of work as far as practicable from the river so that would mean a waddle or if you use a a regular silt barrier don't dig it in you just just put it there bend it over and uh put the stakes in it CU we wanted to S the riverfront as little as possible and if I were you I would put it right up against the the edge of that driveway yeah I think well I think we were a little bit I had to do the septic system several years back and we had to do the same thing along okay the back side of the bank okay um you need to notify us 48 hour uh immediately after uh the soap are is put in okay and we have 48 hours to come and inspect it okay usually just one person will run over and do it right away okay um if you use any soil we ask you to use locally sourced top soil as a planting medium uh which must not contain extraneous matter or invasive weeds okay right you said you're doing concrete blocks or the big 6X six by3 yeah it's a it's it's a actually they're 6X two by tws okay okay it's those the ones you see on the side of the highway interlocking yes they interlock um and the and the gentleman's doing the work for Earth movers which I believe he's right here in hamon I think okay onson maybe um soil sand piles and other work materials must be outside the 100 foot riparian resource area so that probably means on the drive coming in not the one that runs behind right or in you know like if they have a stockpile of the bricks or they have soil that's going to go in in the parking lot we try to have him bring it in when he does the job at the time he's doing it because obviously we have a we have a daycare right we can't imp the daycare of but even then you don't want him to dump it behind have him dump it over yeah he's going to dump it probably closer to the side like okay further on the service road and then right bring it down and if it remains overnight um especially if it's soil or sand you need to surround it with a with a waddle okay and cover it very tightly because we've had them blow off in the storm and end up running to the riverfront so we want to make sure that's only if you leave them overnight most people do this in a day but yeah he looking at probably day day and a half to take out the old one and get the new one in okay and we're allowed to visit the site as necessary during the construction just to okay any questions well I do have another question that I brought up to Tom when he was out there today so when we the service store that goes behind is just basically Stone it was brought in and compacted uh over the last several years the weather conditions hasn't been cold enough and the plow guy has plowed a lot of the gravel up off of the back um one of the things we wanted to do was once this retaining wall it's done have them bring in some gravel and put it back down a packet so that it's not all just dirt that's blowing around everywhere and it's more Stone yes you could do that um because it's Exempted the same it's existing landscape right okay but you'd be smart to come back and just um talked to us about it so that if we want to add any conditions I I did bring pictures I can leave of what I'm describing so you want to just add it to this application if we could that would be great because we going to try to do it at the same time are there any conditions you would add so this is basically been there other than keeping the the soap F same rules about where you pile it that's there actually okay I mean the trucks do go back there to for the for the gro which is right way at the other end of the building so so do you want Bonnie to write it in for you if she's okay with that or if thought you want me to do it or yeah here you go just put under the description add additional you want to add grav to the existing driveway and not outside that's the critical element all right somebody want to make a motion yeah I make a motion I don't know what motion that to for what to approve this including the driveway yes wait minute you haven't um approve this as positive or what number you wanted he hasn't made the motion yet oh all right yeah I'm GNA just make a motion to approve this with the added driveway materials as described and what box would you indicate from riverr there no yes I would use the front of the conditions to as the exemption example for you it's written in there close question absolutely this is his request okay so you have that yeah and then this is the um determination I don't know which one I put your extra paper in okay we have a current motion to approve it including the gravel driveway yes under uh the exemption for existing landscape and um a a building built before 1961 and the fact that it increases the protection rather than deteriorates it you can just copy this off yeah I will second second all those in favor no opposition okay we have to sign it and he could actually walk away with oh you have two copies yeah I have two copies if you want to wait a minute I'll have them sign it I'll just step here so actuallyy can I have um this paper back oh yeah you're GNA get it in here in there okay perfect okay this one fine I'll find the page okay we will close that hearing so now we will uh open a public hearing for an y d w173 0242 at zero Stony Hill Road parcel 211 940000 the owner um is bedrock finan no the applicant is bedrock Financial Al Joyce and the owner is Charles Renee Loro Jr for the estate of Charles or L that's okay okay there's the there's the one okay you want to describe it oh yeah thank you who made the site visit I did um getting no we did a long time ago last week Stony Hill Road oh that one yeah oh that one okay across from the solar thing we really have had a lot of recent cases they've been rushing through this month okay couple months do I know I I sent some pictures I think and then this the state yep you're all s yeah go ahead you want to describe it if you can oh all right so we found that there were two existing storm drains that appear to be raining into a ditch that continues into the Wetland that appears to have Wetland Edge and soils it was very muddy we also found an additional appeared to be an isolated land subject to flooding nearby with it appeared to be a wetland vet sge I don't know what it was and it seems to be kind of perched in there so I'm not sure why it's there but that same s the one that was all grass was up near the front yeah that was a sge oh okay so the drainage ditch comes from the storm drains in the street and it runs like almost along the whole northern border into the wetlands nope there you go so did the Wetland basically match this description or do you think it has to get uh does a delineation it shows it has flagged along that edge yes yeah that other thing that she's talking about was over here yeah it's there's a burm and there's a big area is it under a quarter acre of collection area I don't know how big it is I was trying to figure out or not I thought we should go see what looked like in a storm yeah right excuse me this is the drainage day yes ser and I'm the butter that's immediately right in front of him on our Circle view in stoning Road and I can tell you from experience live lawn gets completely flooded on the Stony Hill Road side I do not know how it gets into the storm drain but it it it accumulates there and when I look out my porch window there's like a small swimming pool on the other side that where where you were pointing along the other side of the next to the green jaggedy line excuse me next to the green jaggedy lineer on the that lower side it's somewhere in there and you are which side I'm on this this side yeah um I'm guessing from the layout um right about where the curve is to the little black curve this is proposed building right okay so where your little black curve is on the top up here yes yes it it it goes down and along the side this is the drainage ditch right along this side from the street oh okay so it's his property goes the black all the black yeah okay so it must it's over by the brown between the brown and your your red lines this is just the flag yeah it's it's just just north of no a little further back back here yeah so it would be it would be across the limit of work all right I I'm I'm guessing it's that area then it could be picture so what do you think big verm there you want to it until you can go in the rain or do you feel like it's that would the area that that I know the area you're talking about the um it's just a little little small area it's not anywhere near how many how how a quarter acre quarter acre it's because you can see where they did the percolation an e I'm sorry an eighth of an acre yeah there's a local bylaw that makes it an eighth of an acre oh right well than it could be yeah it was not big it was just 20 foot by by 20 foot area oh the no it was bigger than that more than that I want to say it was 50 by 50 or 50 by 30 how come your delineator didn't flag it because it's not a wetland it is if it's a an eighth of an acre it it's it's the soils are Sandy it's not Wetland soil and there's not any Wetland vegetation and it's not and and it's not underwater doesn't have to be underwater but it's a it's a isolated land subject to Flame so if it holds water in a storm and the veg I'm 99% sure is 100% obligate I could go out there and get one of the sedes and actually try to identify it who did it for you Steve no this was on um um AR H okay so could you um do you guys want to meet up with him during the storm or what do you want to do about it oh we're g to get a storm how soon we're gonna get a storm right now you could have one tonight yeah we could have one tonight has to be enough is there any way I mean doesn't it have to be underwater for a period of time no it's uh land subject to flooding is determined mostly by soil uh by taking soil samples and it's it's saying cor It's s it's it's it's Sandy so it's just sand well you can't tuck me into it they went there I I I don't know I didn't it seemed to be perched I couldn't get Wendy is skilled at this right because when the perk Test shows sand it's all that the entire site is sand well I I couldn't get in there you watched me with the augur I got down six inches and that was it in that area I don't know why like it's up to you you did removed area and now there's this area and I didn't spend a whole lot of time seeing if it was an actual connection with veg to that so do you want Pete to meet you back there is it it's Pete no no it's Arc oh okay so it's not that's his nephew you want to ask him to to meet you back there and you can discuss it try yeah okay so we'll continue until the next regular meeting we could see if she could inform us when she sees the flooding my other question is is and and it's just so that I know is when it's graded how is that going to affect the water on my property that and that may be for the L next meeting when when you go back and reassess it yeah I thought I had a current picture of of it typically we would look at the at the Contours but the planning uh the planning board will also do a storm water evaluation which should uh evaluate with yeah um because I'm not sure how much water actually goes into that dryw because like I say it ends up on my side lawn yeah we don't drywell is like uphill from my lawn we don't do most of the storm water evaluations so although we have been doing it for the um 530 glandale site because it's kind of all in inter miixed but um they would they would review that and if you think that that you're in danger you should go to that meeting and make sure they know that we might be able to go out like and measure just measure and see if it's close yep that okay yeah right that's a good point we should measure the actual site okay you want to move that we continue to August yes yeah and and arrange a visit between now and then during rain and try to go after it rains too okay at it but yeah and if it does puddle there it's just because of the at some point when they dug that the city dug the ditch and they piled the what they took out of the ditch they piled in front of the the uh lot well for us it's just evaluated by the cores and the plants that grow there okay so um unless you have the delineator come back and actually delineate it but that's the two standard ways of doing it okay so if they meet up with him they should be able to come to a joint decision about where it is and whether okay if we go out and do a measurement of that area yes okay okay all in favor of a continuation to August 15 all right okay wait minut I have a continuation paper yeah I gota do the scissor oh we have a sticky note or anything so I can give her my phone number if she sees the flooding what do you want write down write this is kind of scrap of paper if you want it it's like there's nothing important on you found one so we will close that hearing going to continue it right yes I continue that hearing I'm sorry thank you know what you meant my brain is I I hardly slipt last night so my brain is completely gone okay has to do so can I get a phone call or an email when you do go on sites just yeah i' like if possible I I'd like to meet up there just to see what you what you Mark I mean if it just happens to rain someday and I'm and if you run over there buy and look at it but that's and that's fine too yeah Tom has a habit of when he's driving around and he realizes it's a good home he just goes there but if you want to meet Mr Le there then you'll have to be a little bit R measure it all that's because I don't know who his W scientist is back he's engineer well that's the company then they the people that work for sign Al has to sign the very bottom one all right I have to sign here you have to sign I okay now you just have to sign the very bottom one continuation thank you okay so we continueed that hearing okay now we will open a continued hearing uh for an noi for a house at 374a wilham Road I cannot um manage this one because I'm in a butter so who's going to take it over Tom I guess I did go back and visit it again the other day after it's been re delineated 374 wilam Road this is I have the plans we're gonna continue I probably didn't put it on oh this continued but it might be oh it's probably under your last month went around with your augur and you no didn't get yeah flagging W area here so we had the Wetland specialist back and yet these are all Flags yeah no that's FL up here this is six uh five no 79 this is this is the 79 this is well this is this is the road a little easier to see it when you went out we saw this was the original flagged area that you saw yeah and then and she noticed this is where they the recordings of then even more this is all the area that that Wetland guy back and this is this approximate flagging that's what you saw this is what I just saw and then you saw up on the isolated that's that was ref okay this was okay this was stream this way yeah I won't wherever it's filed it doesn't seem to be it usually those all go to a file and you can just go back in the file but it doesn't seem to be anywhere if you do the up Arrow it doesn't come out into a folder does it I don't believe so it goes so you see that right so y i just distributed the the there there was an original site visit where we looked at Flags along an isol along a uh an intermittent stream and are we going to reopen the hearing yes okay we're going to reopen the hearing and then and then when Wenda was there with her augur uh Wenda discovered that there was uh soils that uh should all in an area Wetland soils that should be flagged so we had the Wetland specialist go back and he added Flags in this area and in this area and when Tom went back in the site visit he observed those flags Y and and what we're trying to accomplish today is to get the location of that flag area approved as the Wetland line so we can come back with a plan uh show showing uh a revised plan with that flagging okay Tom and W it's up to you I you were out there again could you see that rivet that connected those two that's what I was just thinking it I didn't really walk on it yeah so do you still want to continue yeah okay well we continue and they'll still have a meeting to didn't we just have a site visit to look at this so we're we're just having an a site visit on top of the site visit well they need to get out there with the guy and make sure that everybody's looking at the same area it would be better I mean he was supposed to the other day you don't want to build a house where it's gonna get in trouble oh so he wasn't there I was there no the your other guy you're oh no he wasn't intending to be there you had originally said he would no he wasn't able to go okay nice if he could be there too all right so we will recontinue recontinue all right so this this one is being continued until you're not going to have two meetings in August right just in the just the normal one okay to August to August 15 okay all right so now we're back to 375 for wilham no that's what we oh that's what that was okay I see all right I'm confused all right so I haven't I hadn't opened that one yet right or had I you asked cir okay yes accused from it right so make whatever motion you're been to make or um I make a motion to continue this again through August somebody got a second it I'll second and we would yeah we want want the Wetland scientist out there prefer to have him there yes when we go look at it again okay all in favor all right all right okay thank you CL up confusing number that the guy a guy from U our Lea no I don't think so who was your your guy that you had do that that was Steve herbery oh okay so if you have to call him you know yeah okay thank you thank you Steve's on vacation all right we've already continued Eastbrook Bridge Project so we're down to uh the continuation of 5:30 Glendale um I expect this to be this is uh D number uh w173 0238 I expect this to be our final meeting and to take a boat at the end of this meeting uh to review the process last year uh there was an anr uh submitted in February and in ored in October so we had nine months of doing delineations um because it's a it had to be clarified because it's a very complex resource area are you in the right one yeah I guess so keep going okay go back up yeah well that's soil but okay um beginning last December we heard the initial presentation of the product project uh we agreed to hire tyan bond to do two rounds of peerreview and later extended that to a third round of peer review um which we had last time so we've had three rounds of peer reviews of the noi and the storm waterer report by tyan Bond um mostly monitored by Jean Christie uh comments were provided as well by EP and the commission a few other experts that were recruited and many residents the last round of peer review was presented at the meeting on June 25th and we had a presentation and review of the revised Riverfront restoration leing just a few items that need to be covered tonight uh the first of which is um a review of the Agricultural integration plan because the um person doing that wasn't able to get onto Zoom is he on Zoom be on Zoom yes ma'am okay Caleb he's there there okay Caleb are you muted uh yes hello everyone can you guys hear me okay yes yes can you give us a brief review of the Agricultural integration plan well sure um certainly you guys have it in front of you hopefully there and uh yeah we we basically designed this site to integrate agriculture um from top to bottom uh we've got pretty much everything in the plan from how we propose to rotationally graze the sheep and or unfortunately our mics aren't very loud but we can try all the way does it help if I'm a little closer marginally yes a little bit is this up all the way I think this is just an input right yeah I think so I this one's turned up all the way I don't know where we need an accessory speaker yeah we've asked for one because we really really need one we need one that's out there okay essentially I just wanted to make myself available for any questions that you guys might have regarding the plan that was proposed okay I have some all right um how how will the water get to the tanks in the various grazing areas oh that's a great question so generally speaking we bring the water in with uh with other water tanks so um our water systems uh tend to be IBC tots um which is great we do have them um areas prop where we are proposing to put them but we may migrate them through the site slightly um just because we don't want the animals always congregating necessarily right in the exact same space but we bring the water in uh on the back of a pickup truck with another water tank um and that usually happens uh once once a week or once every other week I mean we obviously keep a good eye on the water levels but then those water levels um are gravity fed into smaller um water troths are all of those areas accessible without going into the BBW they are yeah Y where where we've proposed to put the watering systems are all accessible with a with a with a standard pickup truck okay um when the animals have to move between grazing areas how will they get there it looks to me like they would have to travel across the BBW yeah so that's a great question um often times these uh these areas are separated with laneways or or or Trails already there's uh roadways connecting them we'll just set up uh temporary electron netting along the the roadway and then the animals can move we'll use a border colay probably or you know or grain train them to move from one area to another that so you can move them along the road and not through the BBW so which you're correct we'll move them on the on the traditional roadways yes they won't have to cross the river at all only on the only on the on the approved Crossways okay there's only there's there's only one way to the far one which is along the road if you go any other way it's BBW so there's not a simple way to get there yeah we we moved them from site to site so as we move them from the one site to the next site they'll it it's um it's less complicated than you might think we're used to moving sheep across highways and around all yeah but most people are used to ignoring the bvw so that's what we're trying to protect here yeah well we we definitely want to keep to the to the roadways um it makes it easier for us it's easier for us to manage and monitor them that way uh and and keep them going in the way that we want to go because we can also follow the existing fence lines uh to one side or the other so so we only we have less fencing to actually put up okay there's been a lot of discussion about the grass species and how susceptible those are to getting trampled grazed um the the land is Stony a lot of it a little bit of it at the very front is prime Farmland the rest is Stony soil so do you have species that can survive that and keep that land covered we did we did soil studies in the area we had our onsite agronomists um working closely with this project to develop a seed mixture that was ideal for both uh the forage of the the livestock as well as the animals uh and and and for height restrictions that that might be necessary with the panels um and to that point we're only going to be making that soil better because as these sheep migrate into that area that Stony soil is going to become very Prime Agland over time so uh they're they're running Liv about that first year or two you know when it's going to be still growing in and kind of new grass yeah so obviously during that point we're going to have a lower stocking density um we're going to build we're going to build the herd of animals there proportionate to the vegetation available um we do have in our plan uh a you know a stock density calculator um and we would base that off from the forge quality that's on site so as we um but we're ALS be but because we're also moving the Sheep around within the arrays um because it was designed to be uh to accommodate that sort of uh pasturing uh we'll we'll we'll be able if if we running a little short on pasture we'll just be able to move them but that's that's something that as Farmers we're always dealing with um we're con it's a that's a constant um uh struggle from a farmer standpoint obviously the animals welfare is in our best interest but also there's nobody that cares more about that soil and about the health of the vegetation than us Farmers because we know that good soil means good vegetation and good vegetation means fat animals so okay the in particular um that far sight has some very steep slopes on it so that's a thing of concern yeah and we've obviously taken that into consideration I mean obviously sheep are uh ideal for that sort of um for that sort of environment as opposed to some other sort of heavier grazers because they're just they have such just a light treaded footprint so they they will be ideal for that sort of climate as well they Thrive really on steep slopes okay um the site plans call for 40 to six Ines of extra loan but it's not in the a agricultural plan is that still planned that would be probably a question for the the EPC contractors or the the developers my assumption that is if it's a called out plan it would be um our our plan is is mainly focusing on the vegetation once it's been uh once it's been in place and and H how to best maintain it in in in uh in those respects Nick yeah no that that would be the plan specifically through the wooded areas where we're going to be converting to pasture as you know large part of the site is currently pastured um in field area but some of them are very bare from depends on the area we did go do uh agricultural soil testing where we did a variety I think it was 30 you know one foot deep borings and we did send the soils to UMass for for testing um through a majority of those open field areas and um the results showed that that material was going to be suitable for grazing but it's the wooded areas uh that are going to need to likely have the additional loan added to them so yes that is the plan um to loan those areas prior to seating specifically in the wooded uh the areas which have currently wooded vegetation does anybody on the commission have a question about the agricultural plan do any residents have any questions about the agricultural plan Don name Drive I I just want to get orientated in the in this permit there's your there's your vation management plan United you want to oh we can't do it over him can we can you hear me no yeah I was going to have a map put up but if we do he'll be blanked out so I I just I just want to get orientate because I got a couple of questions there's two vegetation management plans in this permit they submitted one is yours and I believe the other is tpe which must be turning point energy uh which one is yours well ours would be the United Agra Vol tanic plan okay so the T P plan is another one of those Legacy things that we just throw in right so we're not going to pay attention to that is that accurate could you could you specify like where you saw TV so we can reference it here vegetation was that out of the last set of stuff or was that go back plan that is uh that was that was in the per special permit plan submitted on the final subed in January for this planning board yeah so this is on me this is that EU it's a legacy item and it it will be updated I want to ask the right I don't want to ask the person the right question yes sir you you are correct that is a legacy item and that will be corrected okay there another Legacy we had a lot of those okay so then I want to ask you about fencing there's a perimeter fence around the whole array and you're going to have paddocks as the paddocks going to be fenced as well you said you're going to move from P to are they going to be f is it a movable fence yeah so we're going to leave that up to uh situational awareness like if if we need to divide that Paddock up with some sort of polywire we certainly can and will but as it is set now the plan is just to move the sheep from one separate array that is fenced in to another separate array that is fenced in so the arrays will be fenced in fully yeah they won't be able to get out and go on the BBW right that's correct and not only will they be fenced in but they'll be fenced into the EPC specifications like tight to the ground and and and so that we we we don't from a far farmer first standpoint we don't have to worry about Predators coming in or our sheep escaping um Gates will be close and tight together so I my question is do be fencing inside the fence perimeter fence for the whole array and then they'll be for the whole project and then they'll be fencing around each array where there's a it's going to be grazing well the grazing will happen within that fenced in area uh for each separate fenced in area and we may or may not decide to divide each separate section up with polywire as we see fit from a farming standpoint but that's not um but but but but that's not necessarily in the plan as it is right now what about the winter foraging the water and the winter foraging yeah So the plan is to to move the Sheep around so that the first Paddock that we're Grazing In is going to be is going to be then left which would be the larger Paddock which would be where we're lamming out would be left for for the for winter forage and all and also um our breeding program so so it's it's likely that we could divide that up with within within that larger array for um rotational grazing and we're gonna we're gonna kind of play it a little bit by ear as any good farmer would are are you GNA are you going to plant the the uh the array the the grass prior to anything that's built make sure it comes up you know generally they they when my experience is generally they'll they'll make sure sure the the pasture is in such a condition that the sheep can graze on it before they put the aray up it's in there it's in the in the conditions that it has to be inspected and deemed uh established before all of that starts and and in your in your narrative you you you were very eloquent speaking about the need for family farming and of course hamon is a right to farm town so we Embrace that but is the actual owner going to farm these animals or is it going to be contracted out to somebody else no it's actually going to be the actual owner that's farming these animals absolutely Jonathan is here I think I saw him come in he's over there in the corner do you have anything you want to say nothing to add in the coony coony pigs where are they going to go yeah they're great we love our Coy coonies they're actually a rare breed you know yeah and uh they but they're susceptible to a lot of diseases uh ecoli and stuff like that so what they do is tend to dig up the soil a lot they're not they're not not rers they're not rers they're yeah the coyun pigs are unique in that they're grazing breed of pig that can actually finish on grass without a whole lot of if any in some circumstances um auxiliary feed like grains so we we do run pigs with our sheep um we tend to have a lower stocking density and for you know I don't I wouldn't say that coonies are any more susceptible than any other breeds personally I've bred five I've had five different types of pigs um we have coonies now we have Idaho pasture pigs um we we we appreciate and like both types of pigs um and I I I think it's going to be up to the farmer as to how um how best they they decide to to work those but the coyun pigs and in general pasture pork is becoming um a more sought-after commodity it's hard to find in the stores so if if you know somebody that has that and if you've tried it you'll understand why it's sought after because it's a red meat as opposed to like a white meat and it it's delicious that's all I how many how many sheep do you project with be per acre here so we have a stocking density calculator in there um and it is going to obviously base a little bit on the forge content but essentially we're going to figure out you you first figure out the weight of the sheep because you you you judge everything by animal units and it is a little challenging sometimes to figure that out because that's based on weight right so if you have lighter eat 3% of their weight per day right ex exactly two or three% of the way per day so I I I would say like if you're just looking for a generalization an average for grazing periods for sheep you know um a sheep is you know a certain amount of animal units you're going to have a certain amount of grazing days per year if you were to say your average sheep weighed 120 lbs some breeds are much more heavy some are a little bit lighter but let's just use averaging because there are lambs in the mix um you you would be able to put about three sheep to the acre from April until December maybe um depending on the forge quality however if you start stocking in any micro mini cattle or lowline cattle and orone pigs or pasture uh poultry that that number is going to go down proportionate to whatever else you're putting in there we're going to be taking care of helping our farm partner uh designed a that works best for him uh for creating the right stocking density for this site and there's going to be a haying operation you predict 200 bills a hay yeah well there's a very those rectangular 40 pounder bills yeah so there's a very small uh section on the outside perimeter of the area that that we could get some hay for for winter forage um that is the plan at this time um it just seems more appropriate than brush hogging it down uh if it's available there for us to use so we're we're hoping to use some of that for winter forage obviously if you had a full stocking density on this site you would be needing to bring in some hay as well which is only just giving more Revenue to another farmer down the road are you going to use any herbicides around the post if the Sheep don't eat the around you sometimes that the weeds get no we we we we usually don't do that the only time we we would use a herbicide is if there's noxious toxic or invasive species um and and of course we want to keep those out of our pastures for obvious reasons but in general we try to avoid any herbicides in any areas where we're grazing um it's a it's a farming best practice probably Nationwide now that being said um the Sheep do a very good job and I'm talking about a very good job way better than weed whackers around those piles those age piles so I mean they're they're that that's a snack for them they're going after it how big are your I how big do your particular IBC containers will be they're 250 gallons generally um and then then we put a float valve on a small trough um the smaller the Troth the the cleaner the water is so we usually suggest like a five gallon or a 10 gallon Troth um just to keep the water cycling quicker and uh the Sheep healthier and and how many of those you planning we would put one in per array um but sheep you get 95% of their water from uh external sources meaning like the vegetation that they eat so even if we were to put fully stock that site um one IBC Tote would be more than sufficient if all the Sheep were in that area for probably a week um in very very hot weather or during times where they're lactating we would obviously be using a little bit more um but in general we the the animals welfare is in our best interest so we want to make sure that the water is clean and safe and and healthy for them and we they have enough of it okay thank you anybody else have any questions yeah when uh okay say that again any of the solar panels made Amica oh we're not on the solar panels right now okay all right just where they made that's all there is a requirement that they be tested when they're first gotten to make sure that no PVC uh I mean uh pasas or or pasas or any of the six things that the state tests for wash off of them and to test them again um a couple of other times to make sure after they're broken down a little more that's still nothing is washing off um but there's no currently no no requirement that that they come from United States so we don't know where Rory do you want to speak to that I I haven't bought them there is uh as you know the in inflation reduction act highly incentivizes American M modules theic is still going through development process so the goal is to be American but I'm not we're not there yet to discuss that okay I couldn't hear any of s sir the federal government heavily incentiv domestic content the project is still being permanent I don't know that it will be approved so the goal is yes if and when it's approved I can't promise anything until it's at that point I would just say that you know we've been grazing sheep on solar sites for 12 years um some of our sites in New York require regular testing and we we we see no we see only net benefits to the soil um as as the Sheep are coming through year year over-year um you don't see eoli ever no we're we're not we're not seeing any any of that sort of thing it it's um if if anything what we're seeing is that the soils are improving we're sequestrating more carbon into the soils deeper root structures more stability in the soil better vegetation because obviously as the Sheep are congregating around this area as they're eating they're they're they're um they're fertilizing these areas and and they're making the ground more help and uh and better that's why I'm excited about this particular project because we can really make some um maybe less than Prime Agland into Prime Agland um by by not just the value and and monetary value that that's being generated from the farming that's happening on that site but actually because of the ecological restoration value that the that that that we're going to be bringing from from this method of pasturing yes all right I had a question about if you bring in Hay it often contains weed species how are you mitigating the weeds coming in on the hay so in in uh in a perfect scenario by the time we're feeding hay they're going to be in a confinement so they would be moving off the site and into a and into the the existing Barnes on site and that's where they're going to be lamming as well well so as we run out of uh out of forage on site we're going to be taking the Sheep offsite we may augment their feed a little bit on site maybe some of the ram Lambs or something like that and we could do that either with crepe feeders and or with um with with uh the using the hay that's from just outside the site but the reality is it's in our best interest to keep any of those species off the site we are contracted to manage and maintain the vegetation above and beyond just like you know wanting to make sure it's good for the sheep or we want to make sure that it's also it needs to be maintained in compliance with our Master service agreements that we have set forth with the company so if those those we have a full vegetation management plan and a full vegetation management obligation to keep that stuff off the site in definitely for the length of the site so our feet are held to the fire um by those standards anybody else yes so will there be other shelters for these animal besides just being underneath the there is a very large barn that's already in use and is outside the limit of work for this site so they'll be transported back and forth in the barn as weed I'm assuming I just I drive by one of these often in Brimfield and I don't see a structure for the animals that they want in Brimfield and it honestly my personal opinion I'm big it's very sad me and my kids cringe every time we drive by the animals are just it was really hot the other day and they all out there yeah Jonathan wondering about the how will you transport them I know there's a big bar there there be smaller areas where they can get into when they're locked in with the soul um that's a great question and obviously the Animal Welfare is in our very best interest as um the their caretakers um so so we've been grazing on solar sites all across the United States for 12 years and I would say that on in in 99.9% of the cases pasturing underneath solar is is way better than open pasturing which is the Norm Across the Nation so if you're talking about like the Sheep farmers in Colorado sheep farmers in most of the country from from California to Massachusetts or even up into Maine um it's open pasture grazing they might have a small a small shelter most sheep in the United States do not have any shelter they're like a deer right they're going to just be out in the open elements um when we're pasturing on SOL they have they're out of the rain they're out of the wind they're they can get underneath these panels um and even that extends the grazing period because there's less uh snow on the ground underneath these panels during that time um we've we've seen our animals have a significant gain over uh and you're we're talking like 5% gain which is an insane amount in the animal husbandry World um gain on these animal just because of less stress from being able to operate and eat all day long in the shade and then at night they come out and eat in the laneways and then when it's rainy they go under the shade in under the panels and they're out of the rain um they really have about as ideal of a scenario as you could ask for um if for example in some circumstances and this you know the weather turns bad as it does in New England uh we pull the Sheep off from sites and we put them in the barn we know there's a big storm coming um they they they get they get uh stocked away in the barn just like any other um sheep would and even on maybe those sites you're looking at now you know if you were to go back there in December or January those sheep aren't on that site they're back at their home Farm they're in a barn they're lamming out they're eating uh in shelter can I ask question sorry uh yeah um so to that point the I'm just gonna say the grass in the solar array that I drive by with an often is not the best looking grass so I'm not sure exactly how good of a grazing situation it is but also predators and we have obviously Bears um and they do get LS and I mean I'm just talking you know during the night will they be locking them up because obvious ly the Bears you know out morning and they do get cheap deer you know baby deer things like that so what what do you do yeah so if we lose uh an animal to a predator we lose like $300 like that's just insane nobody wants to lose an animal to a predator um predation is a real thing uh we do our very very best to mitigate that from every standpoint that's not just on solar that's every Farmer in the United States I mean most Farmers have 4 foot high fences that you know Bobcats can jump right over Bears can climb over easily these are going to be in high fenced in areas um so so for example like a chain link fence would be easy for a bear to get over um these particular fences with being agricultural fences are much much harder for Bears to get over if a bear were to get over then obviously we would need to address that most of our Farmers have some sort of livestock Guardian dog it might be a great Pyrenees or some sort of dog that's out there hanging out with them uh living with them and and in circum certain circumstances where there's High Predator pressure um we just put a livestock Guardian dog out there the those dogs are part of our flock they're part of our family they're part of our regular um management routine um we have livestock Guardian dogs on solar all over the United States right now um obviously same with like our border colleagu I mean they're they're an integral part of how we operate our business um in some cases like we were just talking with a farmer in Indiana um he he has a llama on site that helps to eat the vegetation and also scare animals away probably wouldn't work against a bear but definitely works against coyotes and bobcats so I think um you know to to alleviate any sort of concerns in that it is a concern for us and if it's a concern for us then we're going to address it in the most safe and um responsible way possible okay unless anybody has a really important question we have a lot more to cover tonight uh Gina um Gina sto 219 road so I don't know if you've done any projects in Massachusetts or not but it appears that based on the paperwork you're going to be having for example the the pigs and the poultry together gr that correct um they might be rotating into in different paddocks uh but but we're basically saying this is this is this is a possibility this is what we're kind of shooting for is an integrated um hybridized management approach so we're not trying to pigeon hole one particular thing it could be more one thing more or less the other thing but the idea is like from a farming perspective we want to be able to be as flexible as possible to meet the market demands for certain things um we we do graze a lot of Runner duck with our sheep they go through and pick up you know a lot of the snails and stuff that that that that could cause man ninja or or things like that for the Sheep um one more grazing I'm I'm gonna stop you right there because I understand you want to give a detailed explanation but um the and the Massachusetts Department of agricultural resources does not recommend that you mix furs with other production animals because of Avan flu so to do concerned but Aven Aven flu does not transfer from the birds to the animals so it it is if your flock becomes infected you may not be able to move milk or other agricultural products unless your birds are kept separate and you have good biocurity practices in place yeah and that's something that all Farmers have to deal with it's not just something that like would happen on one particular Farm again when when multi-species grazing we we are very aware of all of the rules and regulations it's our livelihood we we we we can't do this with without understanding all of the ramifications the pros and the cons um we've found it to be beneficial in many instances to run a few and I'm not talking about like massive production amounts of certain species with other species so for example if you were to run one Cooney pig to every 10 sheep and a few runner ducks or turkeys or things of that nature um the turkeys are going to be going through picking out some of the the bugs and the protein that they're looking for um the pigs are going to be going after the things they go for that maybe the Sheep don't go for some of the broadleaf stuff the Sheep are going to be going after it it's that's a form of farming that's well accepted across the country I mean it's may not be recommended to do like oh tons of chickens and you know but I but again I think a lot of that also has to do with production value so we like if if you're selling uh trying to sell runner ducks commercially you you may have a completely different option than if you're like oh we're going to put out 10 runner ducks so that we have some eggs well and the Sheep are going out to production answer my question big explanation but I mean ultimately what's your game plan if the entire block gets AV and flu the block won't get Aven flu because Aven flu is is is a bird disease it's not actually somebody just di that's not really relevant to this project because it's just a farm question was the fact that they're talking about doing multispecies brezing in the state of Massachusetts you not do it so at the moment getting beyond the scope of the protection act and the notice of intent it is really would be a concern it's in the corre we're asking about the agricultural plan but what we need to know are the things that are relevant to the DW and the Wetland that's fair but he was here so I figured I'd ask him toot the report yeah but we are like super tight on time we're going to be here till forever Don the pasture any the pasture I didn't hear that yes no the pastures are designed um yes they some of them are in the buffer zone none of them are in the BBW but a lot of things overlap the buffer zone the fences uh some of some of the uh pasture lands some of the paths um also in Riverfront at that Western that issue um yeah it's allow but it's an issue H yes um John Matthews North buson Road nobody's really told any of the nitrogen loading from the manure uh we spoke about basically during the winter the Sheep would be or the animals whatever you're going to have would be hurted it up into the barn and you know we still haven't talked about where that manure is going to go how do we ensure that Brook isn't going to get contaminated and I'm I'm saying contaminated how do we assure ourselves that Downstream we're not going to be contaminating the towns water supply um are we going to do water sampling are we going to yes you know that's the Board of Health um on Monday um voted to require uh testing for eoli that that is now in the conditions um and that will be done on a very regular basis um as a continuing condition which means it lasts even after the project is over until the commission deci not to that if you will south east corner where it's very steep you're talking 25% rate um North buson I mean mson Road in wilham is a 23% so that puts it kind of into perspective that you got a very very steep slope um those are just some of the concerns that I have yeah what I've asked for is testing at each of the um infiltration basins and testing at several sites along the riverfront um after it's gone down those tributaries just to make sure those tributaries aren't getting polluted and I think one place in the tributary in each tributary I'm paranoid about that I have to admit what's that yes coli but I think nitrogen is also concern I believe it asks what they asked for was eoli and the standard State Testing and I believe the standard T State testing involves I can't absolutely swear but I believe it involves nitrogen loading as well I could speak as well from a perspective yeah in general you're not going to see the nitrogen loading in an oper in in a pasture grazed operation um with a low stocking density like what we've Pro proposed like you would maybe in a um in a high confinement cattle area so I mean obviously there are some concerns around that when it comes to particular farming methods however this particular farming method does not fall within that sort of a concern um any nitrogen that's being put back into the ground is just being eaten up by the plants as the Sheep kind of Mill about their their their their their uh droppings are just fertilizing the grass and making the grassroot system that much stronger they're not um in a large area where you're going to have huge amount of um of of nitrogen load like what you'd see in maybe a high density confined cattle space or where they might be spreading cattle cow manure out on uh crop Fields yeah um but what John was speaking to is that in this particular site right through the middle of it there are three streams and um by the nature of the shape of the site it it has it's going to want to force all the runoff into those three streams that run through and so there's a lot of concern about nitrogen loading and other kinds of things being carried in those streams certainly there's been a lot of testing done over the years around this and um a lot more even in Europe but but um but you will find that that that this isn't going to be an issue um because the Sheep are very very efficient foragers and and um and their nitrogen load is is significantly reduced as a result of that and because any confinement is going to be in a in a in a barn space um it will be very easy to uh hand handle and manage that um that waste product Sue blin is that who we're listening to I couldn't understand yeah I don't know yeah I'm wondering how long you all are going to be supervising the care of the animals and what happens when you're done doing that uh what was the question again sorry I'm wondering how long your group is going to be supervising the animals do you stay with the farm as long as the facility is there or do you quit somewhere in yeah correct the the we we work directly with the farmer and the asset owners um to ensure that there's a that there's a yeah that it's very streamlined or the fulltime of the facility okay anybody else yes yes to Don's question about in buffer zone They will be inff because the panels are in buffer they're under the panels they're going to be in buffer Z well there's no other fencing the grazing land I I hadn't gotten to it because we got kind of tied up in this but um I was going to ask Nick exactly where will those fences go don't they go right at the edges of the of the where you're going to seed or do they go farther out where they would end up in buffer you got panels in buffer Z the sheep in those areas correct that's that's the that's the proposal that those areas are going to be the pastures the areas underneath the panels which will all be fenced in yes those areas will be there are portions of those areas in the 100 foot buff or Zone will the um fences go right up against the green or will they go out as far as the panels go out the fence the green is actually shown on the plan it varies uh but yeah but the fence line essentially is the edge of the green with the pasture areas and that keeps so you can judge that by the green there there's an outsider there's a perimeter fence that's going to go along where the purple line is inside fence for the anals those green areas is going to have its own fence that's right up against the Green there's additional fencing interior to the perimeter fencing uh to kind of but to whatever extent different Zone any zones going to buffer yeah everything will have some possib Caleb said this is just the first pass you know as the farm begins to operate they may want to um isolate more zones with additional fencing and obviously that would be coordinated with the fire department um to make sure that they have access to any permanent fencing some fencing as Caleb said would be temporary to um you know if they're grazing it for two weeks in that area there may be some temporary fencing to segregate off a certain area maybe in the larger pastures but um the idea is there's the perimeter fencing which is required um for the uh electrical codes right for safety then we're going to have additional interior fencing and gates to seg is also required to keep them out of the BB exactly so yeah there is fencing up primarily you know doesn't go into the 25t we are up to the 25t in some areas on the uh easterly part of the site we're about 50 feet you know it kind of varies but we are a little bit further than the 25 foot Zone um through that area with with the final fencing so um okay thank you Caleb we appreciate it it was great talking with you guys and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions okay thanks okay Rory submitted a peer review comment response and a set of new items um and I don't want to go through the whole thing because it's quite extensive um and it's been posted you can read it but I did want to summarize a couple of things um I think I I might have a second copy well we can put it up if you want this it it's number three right um it says on a peerreview three comment response it's it's it's in that 5:30 Glendale set papers third from the top okay down at the bottom peer review three I don't see it okay there it is okay okay um it's it's this big so that's the peer review We that's not the response to the peerie Y were you refer to the response to peerreview or the peerreview itself oh we got the wrong one that's the that's the comment response go back that's steing oh yeah there it is no yeah time volum comment response I think that's it yeah there we are okay um so uh one of the items that I wanted to uh discuss was that uh Nick was asked to recalculate the CT and the slope of the covert and he determined that the covert that was there was capable of managing 25e storm flow which is a standard um but I'm very happy to find that you have made it up to the 100e standard because that is something I was very worried about so just to give a little brief description we can pull the plan up if you want but it essentially looks the same so when Ty and bond asked us to make to calculate it as if it was a pond versus just water going to the thing um to the pipe directly you know I noticed that it was going to Pond up a little bit which we didn't want to happen so I increased the size of the pipe from a you know 12 in to an 18inch pipe which fully passes the 100-year storm without backing up at all as you can tell it does back up today that's why I think you saw you were concerned with what was going on behind the stone wall um that will alleviate that and allow all that water from further up the hill to channel through that that larger Culvert um and through that area we did uh install and size uh a pad for the outlet of the pipe that was another one of the comments um we a larger pad yeah a rip wrap pad um rip wrap dispersion pad at the end of that pipe and I just wanted to make sure that the commission was aware we did have to increase a little bit of the disturbance in the 25t no disturb Zone by you know I think it was a a minor right for the size of the pad yeah I had to extend the pad out a little bit further we're not in the Wetland but um we had to increase that disturbance by like 150 square feet so I just wanted to make sure you guys are aware and I did submit an updated um table here and then you also provided uh calculations for all the pads right correct yes okay those were already there it was just that last one double okay um so yeah I just wanted to make you guys aware so it's about it's just under, 1500 sare ft of disturbance in the 25 foot no disturb Zone 1498 I think we were at 1350 or so before so minor increase I just want to make sure that the commission was aware of that and the result of that is putting in that pad that was calculated to require certain length for that pad okay and um under Riverfront performance standards which is on the next page okay um this reviews all the same ones as the peerreview uh folks did but there was one where they said the storm water management wasn't met and I presume that it now meets yeah and that I had send that to Jean did she respond I sent it to everybody I didn't haven't heard anything from from those guys but we did clarify what they were referring to at the last meeting and that was the updated mounding calculations uh that was detailed in here which we provided I did make a few minor tweaks to the basins nothing major just you know made them had to make one or two two the First Basin uh down in the field be are PL this up and the Basin all the way over to on the uh East Side I made those slightly larger because I needed to have a little bit more volume um in those bases maybe bet rather than look at this text we should be looking at one of the maps and I I raised the floor you know roughly on those Bas just because the mound showed to be a little bit higher with the parameters that were agreed upon yeah uh if you go keep going right there got the Bas so that Basin right there I I I raised the floor slightly couple inches um just to make sure the mound wasn't interfering with the bottom of the Basin like I said based on the new parameters that were agreed to from uh um [Music] the peer review and from the recommendations from I I can't remember his name I'm sorry um Dr oh G Dr wi Gary Wier you mean so yes we took their considerations in and and made modifications to the calculations just to satisfy everybody's okay is Carrie here tonight um no okay so that Basin like I said it it grew four feet to the South not in the buffer zone oh I can't see you Bonnie and uh so the mound that we had calculated was a couple inches into the bottom of the Basin so we um raised the floor of that Basin but we stretched it out to maintain the volume if that makes sense so it got a little bit shaller but I made it a little bit longer to maintain the same volume had do you had a chance to look at that the bounding analysis wasn't my concern in reviewing the storm report uh Gary wayer 53 mil Road handon um we had solicited some remarks from him and he had made recommendations about the mounding and about the the definition of the particular flow areas that were used um and later on in this report uh uh they did look at those and I would like sure so we we we modified the the mounding calculations like I said some minor changes nothing that's really going to look completely different like I said just stretched those basins out a little bit and provided the updated storm water report um to those guys so everything works um like I said we had to make a few tweaks based on the updated inputs that we all agreed to and that's the only other change major change to the plans other than the um 18inch culbert that we modified okay any questions about that section okay um you declined to redo the shade analysis do you want to explain uh why you decided that wasn't necessary yes yes ma'am again just as a common practice in a solar industry what we performed was like your was the standard analysis and by doing additional analysis I would actually have created a larger Shadow than what is typically required so Tai M made a comment about doing an analysis on the East and the west side if you were to do that you just I would create a larger Shadow therefore need to clear more trees so again the goal was to clear the minimum amount of trees in order to minimize the disturbance so you think you're not going to end up having to come back and give permission to clear more trees later no ma'am okay and just for the record that would always be at the discretion of the commission to cut any more trees clear any more land in say in five years say um if something goes on a new permit would need to be requested and that would be the discretion at the discretion of whoever is sitting on the commission at that time um So based on you know the analysis Rory did he believes that the limits of clearing will be you know satisfactory for the energy that they're targeting to produce with this system any questions about shade analysis or what it is okay um okay um on the next page uh we don't you don't have to go to it um there are some areas where the slope approaches 25% or 4 to one um and you've made some recommendations for that so it's actually on this sheet that we have up see those dark like lines kind of like in the center of the picture so those are what we had talked about that's one of the Steep areas yeah that's one of the Steep areas and what what we show on there is have is this a full size one can you you can zoom in a little bit too so those are a rip wrap um up in that corner no right yeah just right right in the center right there yeah so I call velocity Breakers so you can see that little weird hatch we're putting those in through to kind of break up any concentrated flow that may be running through those areas which which are those are the 25% grade areas right there and you know we show those but obviously the note says you know additional locations may need to be specified you know by myself during construction because you know when you cut the trees and you know you start doing the work you'll notice where there's areas of concentrated flow I'll go out to the site make an inspection and say we need to add something here to address concentrated is that something that would be sitting around ready to use or is it something you have to I mean it's essentially just uh Crush Stone and um Filter Fabric all very easily to uh obtain you know they could have that that material the next day um when needed and I did have a there's a detail on the last sheet of the plan set just that shows how you would install those so in case you wanted to look it's essentially this little triangle couple feet wide embedded in about a few inches into the ground with Filter Fabric that probably last page top right corner go down nope keep going to the next one one more right there just about that so that's essentially so you have Filter Fabric you know we're embedding the stone 6 inches into the ground and we're just kind of piling it up about 18 inches you know it's not going to look as neat as that because the stones are obviously uh random shapes but it's you know roughly 25 to 75 pound stone that you you know we're going to lay in those strips and I've used those this typee of velocity dispersion at various other sites and it seems to work well um a lot of times we end up installing more than what's shown on the plan because it it's hard to identify where you're going to have concentrated flow right when you're when you're doing the plants so these are also a maintenance item I do have a line in the operation and maintenance plan that also says if you're seeing concentrated flow through certain areas in install something like this to mitigate and all this does is the water is going to come down it's going to hit that and it's going to spread out through that stone and then continue on on on on its way down the slope instead of digging in a channel um and eroding as it's making its way down towards the Wetland okay uh tyan Bon had recommended several uh different conditions be added and I did add of the ones they suggested some of them were added to already conditions that were already in there and they were just refinements um some were added as separate conditions um the next question is about curve numbers so probably this is where you want to talk excuse me very hear me do you want your map up yeah would you put the plan back up um you have to go out of this one so can I make one statement before Beauty I just want to say for the record for everybody here Ty and bond agrees with my curve numbers in the analysis that we've provided it's detailed in their letter these are the qualified professionals that were hired by the Conservation Commission to review the storm water report however they did acknowledge that these meet industry standards and the standards that things are compared to not a not an improved uh state which a lot of people are doing because of climate change that's why I was happy about your new cul okay uh go out yeah Okay g opinion which one the one you had a previously with the incorporation of uh at least one of thoughts that I had about my original letter uh do run off yes this one no you can go back to the one where they were talking about the stone Brakes in their in their oh in their own plan never mind go back all right there you go that yeah oh go stay on that one because I think it's critical because see you can see the dark areas where it's dark there those are the highly sloped areas and there's one there that's probably the worst but there's also one down at the end there's one over there on the right um there's a couple of little slopes in there uh just for the record I am a professional civil engineer been doing storm water for about 50 years uh many projects here in this town as well as the surrounding community and I was asked to take a look at the water report and put together a letter indicating some concerns that I had regarding the actual modeling that was done uh for the storm water and I concur with you sir that tyan bond has agreed with you that the curve numbers are adequate to potentially protect the resource areas that we have been trying to protect for years and years in this town however University of Massachusetts is currently reviewing curve numbers for for solar installations the Department of Environmental Protection Solid Waste Bureau because of concerns that they had and with problems that they've had with solar arrays on their landfills are currently looking at Cur so when I raised the question about curve numbers and runoff and the amount of water going off of that site I was trying to start the conversation that on 25% grades and less steep grades you have areas which were uncontrolled now it seems that the light has dawned in some of your areas where you have now put the storm water bricks which makes sense make absolute sense that runoff of panels particularly if you're grazing animals who have the potential to rut and create channelized flow you're going to need to be able to protect the Wetland with by slowing th those flows off the panels down and that was the purpose of my letter um I'm still concerned that there are a number of areas that are uncontrolled to the weapon and so what I asked pen bond to do was to review what I propos and that was to not just model the areas that are under construction but to take two critical points right at the property lines where the wetlands discharge and to model them that way if there's an increase in flows off those panels which go to the Wetland then you would be able through model to determine whether or not you've increase Peak flow and that's standard two of the storm water management standard that there should be no increase in Peak flows off of that site and you've done a good job where you can control those flows with your three bases the problem is there are areas that are flowing if you will uncontrolled into the buffer zone and consequently to the WEA so my question time Bond was what about modeling at the property lines where the discharges occur they chose to say that's a great point however we will stand with the modeling from the developer and I still raise the question I hope that your controls uh would extend even further along the slopes as you've got them there uh in the northeast corner you've got some serious SL also water runs at 90° to the Contours as you know and there are areas where uncontrolled water are going to come off those panels and again the the potential for erosion is much greater on the slopes based upon the soil tyes you got which I guess the gentleman raised Medi um and and so that was the purpose there I I'm still concerned um I live where scantic flows through and we have flooding problem and it I think many residents here have also seen the scantic Run Brown from that site few years back when erosion took the horse farms uh horse area basically had it run off into the scantic through Laughing Brook basically ran Brown for three days so what you're doing is much more impacting and like I say yes you can put erosion controls in place and yes if someone is there constantly monitoring then I'm not concerned not concerned what I am concerned is that after a period of time you're going away when that happens then the reports will stop and the investigations will stop and we may be left with a mess so as part of my letter I asked if there was a way monetize a potential event and I guess that's being looked into now again whether through bonding or what have you yeah just to ensure we do have a bylaw that all allows us to ask for a bond specifically for the adequate construction of the uh storm waterer parts of the facility um Rory has suggested $25,000 for that amount you think that's sufficient we aren't allowed to bond for virtually anything else but the storm water flow my personal opinion is that the developer would be on the hook for monthly or bonly reports and physically walk that site and make those reports to the town uh on like I say it's every two months or whatever whatever the commission or the storm water permit would allow in perpetuity we have included conditions that require that the either the environmental consultant project engineer which were the one they choose um submit reports that under the cgp there is a sign off there's a period of time when the developers are going to review the site and make certain that it's in accordance with your conditions and the conditions of the cgp and they're going to get a sign off if you will whether that's a year or two years or three years or War years then the inspection process goes away and the potential then becomes who's mining the stor who's watching out for the the wetlands at that point I think I made it a continuing condition that gets entered into their deed um but I will double check Judy can I add for that yeah I was going to pass them out later we get off here I do appreciate your comments sir um you know this site I sent it to is your typical solar they put the switch and you know people come by maybe once a month or when something breaks this is going to be a working farm the farm owner lives in that house right there there's going to be constant eyes on this site with the rotational grazing um you know it's only in their own benefit to remedy any erosion issues soil issues that would occur through those areas and I do agree I mean there there are there could be other areas that see concentrated flows through the steeper slopes I I I am aware of that like I said I did put a provision in the operation and maintenance plan if that is observed there's a procedure there I hope I would be notified to come out and take a look at it but as you said in four years five years when this is all done dusted and built signed off on by everybody and the certificate of compliances is issued you know I play no role until I'm called again right um so there are Provisions in the operation and maintenance plan it's a more here's the I just have two of these but here's the impr see if it operation maintenance plan that you have for a a parking lot um so there are Provisions for addressing those areas those concerns and where you do see those concentr you may see those concentrated flows um in different areas but you know as as we spoke about this before the way to solve those issues is to through stabilization right get good growth that's why we're having small you know it's going to be conditioned I saw in the conditions we're not allowed to open up more than five acres at a time cut stump then we're going to get those areas stabilized and then the racking will be installed and once you have a good base yes you're going to eat up some of that grass when you go in there and you know install your racking with the machines they're going to be using but it's not the heavy equipment that they're going to be using to pull the trees you then restabilize after that work so you're going to start with the good base portions of that will be disturbed and then you're going to reestablish and as Caleb said um you know this is going to be a working farm and it's going to be part of the farmer's livelihood Hood to have good grass that is going to be a top priority during construction and through the Perpetual maintenance of the site from the farmer from the solar team um to be monitoring the site there are requirements in the operation and maintenance plan to do monthly inspections now are those sent to anybody it's not a requirement that those are to be forwarded to anybody but those are those are Provisions that are detailed in the operation of maintenance plan that's been provided a lot of the reports a lot of the conditions that tyan Bon asked for were uh inspection and Reporting plans and we tried to coordinate them except that the the health the health uh board asked for more frequent so we had to change that one too so there and like you said that that shouldn't be an issue there should be constant monitoring of the site from kaleb's team from the property owner but he's right that when the end and the uh ggp gets signed you have to have other conditions if you want it to continue through the life of the site so those are I think those are in there is that enough is that sufficient well they're in here uh the devil's always in in the implementation as time goes on make certain that I've written onm plans many and then it comes out to implementation and I'll give you the farmer has a bested interest to make certain that where his sheep Grays are it's good grass but I would suggest to you that on the very steep slopes where erosion starts he's not looking at the same thing you and I might be looking at and it might take him much longer to make the call and hopefully you answer that you know to get out there and then suggest remediation that's all and so I would rather have a professional doing the inspection under storm water uh management plans generally subdivisions that that have a bylaws require that in almost in perpetuity that a storm water professional uh inspects catch bents and writes a report and delivers that every community in the Commonwealth are supposed to be accepting uh inspection reports on storm water management tools like you've got here and those are uh at least once a year depending on a bylaw some I believe awam has every four months where inspections are submitted to the town so that they know that somebody's actually walked the perimeter and seeing that that there's no erion again I respect that you know your consultant and you know you have a contract but the town needs to feel I believe that over the course of the life of this project that there's going to be continual inspections by somebody who knows what they're looking and and again Farm the owner's got his own ideas and what's going on but he's not going to be reporting and writing reports he's got other things to do whereas if there was a professional required 6 months you know to walk the site write a quick report I don't see anything I don't have a problem or the rip wrap at the end of the uh discharge point of detention Basin first over here is washing away um that certainly would make I think the residents who are Downstream of this a little bit uh feel a little bit better and so we can propose adding that uh John just very quickly from my experience I Echo he sentiments and I would go one step disrespect to the owner of the property or these Consultants here but I would have an independent um engineer or whatever look at this site um whatever on a monthly basis in the beginning and then you know through a fiveyear period or something we paper that off but you really need to have somebody independent um looking at the site again because the made those concerns is this something that the planning board is likely to add to or so not speaking from the planning board but I'll speak to the bylaw there is an on maintenance requirement um operations of maintenance requirement that has a report once a once a year to the town um with sensitive condition of this site okay and the steep steep you know said it's see so I guess what I'm what I'm asking is is do you think the planning board will be relooking at all of these things or are they going to presume that what we've done is it well I can't speak to that I would hope they do Judy I hope what you write they either mirror or increase okay for that point um they need to look at it from a point of view they're not a really I don't believe they're really stand storm water exps okay I think you Conservation Commission you have more knowledge of storm water and what's we we feel very naive at this part just point of information under their permit with cgp which is the overwriting under their Swift they are I believe are required during the life of the project till grass is established you have a a good ground cover that believe it's half inch of brain require s that a professional will go out take a look at it and write a report and submit it to the town that's great thing and and again that's during the course of construction and establishment and everything looks fine and dandy and solar's up and running and everybody goes away so if we don't include it as Perpetual they probably won't so what you're saying I I think that you could you can ask them that on a six month basis in perpetuity that there would be an inspection of the site know um it it's not unheard of under storm water control I can I can add it to this but it would be good if it also got added into into their part it says inspected every month so if they send the report a year it's fine Judy so I believe that condition would be acceptable I mean they're they're doing monthly inspections anyways per the on andm plan from what I wrote so you know that's inspection of storm water management facilities and general walk through the site um so and there's a onepage form where they you know they fill out Basin one you know looked okay or X Y and Z needed to be um addressed you know a lot of times it's you know Basin needs to be the vegetation needs to be mowed through the Basin a lot of times that kind of gets uh so you're suggesting it would be two times a year for the life of the site so is to follow after the cgp is gone yeah and I was thinking almost like April and September so you got it after the Melt water and run off is really heavy in the spring months and then again in the fall before winter comes and they can fix it if there's things that happened over the summer that somebody catch I will add in a condition but then I I'll hope that the plan I'll ask them I have a list of things that I want to bring their attention to and I will ask them to attend to that there is one one actually there two points were I suggested they model at the property line going off site it to me that is going to potentially show because you got a bottleneck where the grade increases fairly significantly where the Wetland sort of necks itself down going off the property if you're going to have an erosion issue caused by increased flows there's a potential there so in the inspection even though it's outside of the fence perimeter would be one location I think should be looked at it it would be we can um B with one thing we can easily do is I can attach your commentary in those maps to the stuff I sent to the planning board and ask them to maybe you can go to a meeting and explain it to them why it's important so can I just make a recommendation there's an on andm plan that's provided it's been reviewed by the but it ends with the cgp no no no no no the onm plan is oh the general one okay for the site maintenance and operation um you know I think when you start to over condition and put too many specifics like a lot of these things either don't get done or don't get followed up on and it's the responsibility of the town in the end know I think keeping the general inspection review the storm water basin review just general review of the site condition provide a report on I'd say a yearly basis would be reasonable if there is additional followup there can be that that can happen at that time but when you start saying you need to look at these 35 points on a plan that that becomes onor and not feasible the the site will be maintained once the site stabilized and signed up remember this is all going to occur after this board this commission reviews the certificate of compliance request the as built plan showing everything was built in substantial compliance and that the site has been stabilized now I respect the comments but when you have a fully stabilized site erosion events are greatly minimized am I correct yes so we're talking extreme situations that you just I feel like it's becoming overconditioned here a condition for a yearly Report with followup if necessary is reasonable well I'm not going to take away any of the ones I wrote in because they were Recon by tyan Bond the site operation and maintenance plan I think it's very straightforward it's easy to follow up yeah I understand what you're saying but I think anything that tyan Bond recommended that they thought was important we have to acknowledge I think that yeah no I've read the overriding them and putting in uh lesser is I'm not going to argue going to get the town in trouble I I read them all I believe they're all reasonable for the project and and where we are yeah I will ask the planning board to re reconsider this recommendation okay um all right I think as far as that goes okay do it does the commission have any other question questions that they would like to ask I have one I missed last meeting so I don't know if this addressed but we talked about having Gates on both sides and allowing the wildlife Corridor is that happening as far as I know not there are rolling gate I could you could you clarify the question she's talking about putting some kind of a walkth through so that animals could come in one side and go out the other so they don't have to go all the way around the facility my one comment is is a security concern to that I don't if you're leaving gates open for all them to do that no you have a gate on this side of the road and this side of the road and they come through the middle oh am I not understanding so they can access the the river and the Wetland and go up and down the valley right now this the fencing goes straight across the whole yeah area so the Wildlife cannot use the wildlife you're not talking about Eastbrook you're talking about the Western most stream whatever in the middle putting a fence that's not a Riverfront that's just a stream I know oh okay yes but the wildlife Corridor animals we have a gate there access to that area to go through forget and we talked about a gate because each of Ray is separ fence but the fence goes up along the road on both sides so they talked about it yeah but the the the limit of work fence goes around the entire thing yeah and is a much bigger stronger fence so they would have to put gates in that fence leave them open which kind of obviates the point of the fence they can't get through they can't get to the array the big fence is around both arrays yeah no there's a little fence around the r an animal size fence I think it's four feet right was eight the animal fence Part close that up Jonathan all I think it's eight feet the fencing the animal fencing is eight feet yeah the agricultural fence is eight feet oh okay so I think it's to open this right here you put gates in won't the grazing animals no because they'll be set they'll be in there each array they move them they open theate however they would be less protected competitors because they wouldn't have that big gate protecting them the big fence see I thought the big fence went on both sides around ined the animals not not not the farm animals just natur it just goes around the green areas in between there is there's just the outside perimeter fence we got the fence up so green areas each have their own fence which and then on that purple line all the way around there's a there's a stronger bigger fence that's a security fence so there's no way they can go through the middle without opening up the security fence right because we talked about last time allowing the wildlife to go through that Corridor before the last yeah and R was going to look into it and myay says it's going to be a security issue they can travel down the Eastbrook corridor and that I I don't see why they can't travel down up and down the Western most stream as well that that river front corter although it is narrow I thought the didn't go all the way around the whole thing in the bottom I thought it just went up now that purple line because of SEC security def fense it goes everywhere all the way around and then it does have Gates that are essentially on the road at certain points in it so it goes up crosses the road goes to the other side and that's where the gate is because the F comes up along the side of the so we are so the wildlife have no way to go through access those we in the middle frankly I looked at it personally and I decided that if they're walking through there they're just as as likely to get tangled up in the fence and lost and caught behind the perimeter fence as to use it as a Corridor I'm afraid that it's already too interrupted um by the road at the top there's the road the top um and in fact I put in a condition requiring that when they close down that fence when they're doing construction they actually search everything inside there to move any animals out out that are in there because I I think there is a a problem that's potential with animals like flying in and not being able to get out or um you know animals get inside things all the time but um I'm more worried about them getting stuck in there than I am about them going having to go around but that's just me I don't I'm not the controlling Factor here do you guys have an opinion I think the uh the wildlife can get around the area now I I will say that DP had a big concerned about nothing intruding into that East Eastbrook 200t Corridor they asked for that to be especially guarded and there really isn't anything except that one little teeny corner there um that intrudes into it and I think that's actually outside the fence isn't it that corner yeah I mean that's the existing there's existing track that actually runs off the property uh a little bit South there it's just the parcel outline yeah and then you also there's a utility line that runs through that Corridor too if you if you pull the plan down a little bit there's a transmission easement uh you see just the uh yeah go down a little bit now the fencing yeah the fenc the purple F the purple line fencing if I can call it that it it doesn't go across the river right it goes inside and around correct yeah so where yeah where is this can you can you point to it for us Nick sure it's hard to see purple line I wish it was like an inch wide I have to look very closely at at here you could look on this one maybe it will help you well I have purple is the limit of the disturbance so it's not the fence line the fence line you can see better you can zoom in different map yeah go to like the c2s up right so right right there got it right you can see this well of the squares this is the fence line right through here comes down around it does run up along this Edge as you know it does go on the purple line at the limit um through this Corridor here so it goes all the way down and covers the bottom of the array and then from but it doesn't go into the riverfront anywhere no I mean this is the river front right here but it extends a few so it does overlap tiny bit there that's all grass field Disturbed area and then here we bring it up and then we bring it across the driveway to keep it as much out of the riverfront as possible run it along this side of the drive can we go back to the full array and point out the yeah pull up one where you can see all the way around this one sure make it smaller they can see everything yeah there's not a can you put your finger around where it goes I thought there was a fence that went around here and around that one gates up there so you're just asking for a gate that would go through it goes this the fence runs this way then kind of comes back up through here and then runs up cross across the lower side and then down around so you're looking for a gate that would cross that road and let them go through yes a gate the problem with the gate through there is we're we're bringing the grade up and we have some small retaining walls there to get that 18inch pipe in there too so there's kind of a natural it's going to be well not natural obstruction but it's going to be an obstruction through this area as well um is there any place else there to the left or the right that it that that could be possible we'd have to fence in uh this whole area down here isn't that isn't there a fence there already I thought you just said there was a fence there no it comes up and over yeah but on the other side up and then this way yeah but in in the no not through there there's no fening no fence to this section there's no fence I thought there was a fence around all the arrays isn't that some of the array well this this is covered by this normally fence up here right is there a fence going across in the bottom where's the bottom one the bottom fence way at the bottom down over around and up yes the fence goes through here okay and then through here it connects to this fence there's a gate that's going to be somewhere in this location where the fence this fence in here crosses over and then goes up to make the gate so no fence whole property this section right here there's no fence okay what about the other side and how does the animal stay in through this area here yeah that would be how do they stay out of the Wetland so there's no security fence for those panels no it's on it's on the norly side yeah but you have to but there's an animal fence on the other side right we could put some agriculture smaller agricultural fencing through that area yeah we don't want them in the wetlands well I don't want it in the buffer either so I'm not going to encourage that I know we're trying it's already it's already pushing the no GNA be the yeah the animals will have free range into that Center Park no fence I mean wild animals but not the grazing animals if there's grazing animals under that array they can't go in need a fence around it no there would be there would be an agricultural fence there yeah still a fence one for the animals yeah be a smaller agricultural anim raising animals so like that red line it's almost like the equipment pad yeah this one's not green but but basically where the to keep the animals getting short the shows the security perimeter fencing the minor agricultural FAL will be installed as need it says 8 foot agricultural fence with wooden post correct yeah along the bottom along the bottom this is this is the southernly part of the site and you can see here it comes up and it does we tried we did our best to not put fence in the buffer zone where we didn't have to I just don't understand if you don't have fence going around that upper left array how it actually is a security fence well it's secured this way yeah and then it goes around that other one and comes back up so then this is all you animals can come all the way up through the middle and then get stuck yeah yeah there's well there's no fence across right that's exactly the point Wildlife can come all the way up here yes and then they' have to find their way out it's like a maze it's like it's like the hook on the cape yeah but then you know they get stuck up there all the time I mean personally the agricultural offense is how I envisioned it um understand the concerns about the wildlife they're they are they have the ability to make decisions and and figure out where they're going because there are other hurdles they need to overcome so um Tim is well I think I'd rather keep extra fencing out of the BBW if we can out of the buffer that whole array is not isolated no it's not I thought it was this that's not protected well there be an agric I understand that it's it's protected by that hook but there's nothing underneath there to protect it under here there's nothing to keep people from going in at the bottom and walking up there right walking up through here yeah am I correct have you ever been have you ever walked this side that J that's not really somebody would I know it's very tough and we have cameras on on site right L has cameras we will monitor that very right I'm not worried about the facility security prank it's well there are code the codes we have to comply with safety of of the facility it doesn't look to me like it's practical to try to do anything about that I ask question yes on that to left corner when you don't have an agricultural defense what's going to stop from like sheep coming out down midd leaving the property if they jump the fence the fence yeah they do sometimes it would be a pain I've had animals and sometimes they jump the fence sheep don't as much as like goats or yeah other kinds of animals maybe you decide to put like things up in that area specifically well it's a higher fence than I thought it was eight feet is really up there so four there you said right yeah right there would be four yes the interior Oh see now I said four before and you said eight no the interior fence separate the animals okay would be four feet Judy one other comment that whole Northern uh fence is a stockade fence so it's not like we as a um in order to give the the the nor Northern AB some privacy that is a wooden stockade fence so that's not that is a a more heavy duty fence along that norly property line just as a not yes okay a visual marker for Animals dense vegetated screening as well that's if you go to sheet four next one right there oh scroll up yeah right okay so you have all all those little dots you zoom in with a call it pink pink okay zoom in a little bit more yeah so you can on here at the corner where the pink starts it goes to a stockade fence for screening so you're saying having a gate and that would be very tough is that where you're going honestly it was more a visual cue for Animals I did I did I understand the comment but that is not a a traditional fence that is a wood stock a fence okay which all right I think we've got the point so so yeah so it could be reconsidered during monitoring if animal there a mountain lion or Bobcat or a deer can drop that four foot fence without a problem they can but you know that's that's not a function of the facility that's a farmer problem I was just going to say that that's the farmer's problem I mean I've had goats sheep bees ducks and you know sometimes it's a again just what Caleb said it's in our best interest to protect these animals so whatever we need to do in order to ensure that there's save like that okay you had a question yeah the fence they should have a fence up there you put what type of fencing is going to be up there for the animals is it going to be plastic garbage with poles what kind of fencing is going to be up there for the animals to keep them in and keep them out of wetlands it would an agricultural fence which one there's many there's a spe spe ification for it in the the plan set there's a specification wood and post with post wire stock like stock fencing or she's asking is it going to be like snow fencing or something snow fencing the orange one a lot of people it's Perman for traveling traveling animals people put that up that's why oh that that could be utilized as temporary fencing for a week or two Caleb said correct then have the wooden post will be in there all the time they'll just move the fences that direct where they walk or divide it the array it's going to be aot stade wire not Stockade wood post wood post fence yeah wood post with wire is the type of fence so that's a pretty standard that's a pretty standard animal fence unless you got jumping animals on the inside well we're g to keep just try and keep the animals not comply with electrical it's fouret and then the top f along the Northerly property line is a stade fence right does anybody have any questions about the special about the special conditions that came out there we gotta go it's almost o' yes I thought the last the whole issue about the assets to which basically the applicants were asked to different alternative across we did vote that we would prefer having it lower down um and uh Rory chose to ask the pan the um planning board for a waiver um to put it into the setback what I'm not sure what you mean 2 to clarify we're asking for waivers from both they're asking Middle Ground yeah but we have many many W we're also trying to respect the neighbors to the north and we're you know in that area where we have where we're close to the property line where we have the enhanced screening we have the 8ot high Stockade Fence we have additional plantings through that area and that's a conversation we're going to have with the planting board um but we feel that that waiver is Justified in order to protect yes not have to fill a couple thousand square feet of wetland resource area we did um we did vote to to ask for that change they chose not to make that change so that they tonight um we're voting as is as it's presented um so we can take that into consideration about whether we want to accept it or turn it has no but yeah if we if we actually did what we recommended it would intrude an even more 25 foot and even more Wetlands it's not going to go away it has to be one place or the other so it's we would prefer that it intrude more and be away from the property line because we think it's more rude to the neighbors and interferes on the uses they want to make it that property but that um that decision the waiver of the setback is up to the planning board they could make the waiver I'm guessing they won't but we can't vote on both we're voting on as presented so you're allowing that yes we are um if the planning board decides to keep it there then it would go through if the planning board decides to push it down they would come back and ask for the change I can't understand you when I'm talking I'm sorry um no appears the last an meetings been this rush just finish this thing up and just get it over there is and we asked them to consider that they did they don't have to do anything they have to what they have to do is have us vote on what how far they're willing to go they're not willing to go that far so we have to consider it when we vote they being huh they being they being the applicant right okay we don't have any choice they present what they present and we vote on it we we push and nudge and try to get them out of the places we don't want them to be as much as possible they're supposed to model it to as much as they can to fit our requirements and then present what they have uh considering all the things we've asked and then we vote whether we think that adequately protects the wetlands so if we don't like it we don't vote on it B say you want no we haven't voted vote Yes we are how do you know that voting does isn't an automatic approval voting can be turning it down and then they could appeal it to the um we heard appeal yeah and on top of that they still have to get it approved by the planning board and if I were the planning board I'd say move it away we have already sent a note to the planning board saying we will accept it the the setback being upheld and in fact we would like that better but we don't we don't draw the plans we only approve them or don't approve them no you got guidelines that not there's many things that if if we enforced it then we would have to say they couldn't do that whole proc project on the northeast side we're not allowed to we are not allowed to make to purposely make the project invi inviable they present what is viable and we say yes or no it it doesn't work the way that I'd like it to and the world would like it to but it does can I clarify something yes so for the record the Conservation Commission has no say over the 50 Foot clearing Zone that that's a planning board he asking about we cannot voluntarily per state law we can't voluntarily just decide we want to fill a wetland when there's a viable option whether it's through a waiver request from the planning board P if there's available land for purchase that prevents us from having to fill well you can if there are standards that you have to meet when you fill and disturb a resource area you cannot you cannot just fill I'm sorry but the other option is is that you don't access that part property that's the that's the option you don't you to go that route because Rory said it makes it uncomforable it's not an option for a property in order to have no access to over a third of their their their Upland land the Wetland laws don't allow us because of all the special solar stuff don't allow us to we are allowed to vote down any plan we're not allowed to push a plan that's inviable so if they say it's inviable we can't push that plan we have to decide on this plan yes but we can decide that's what's presented to you yes absolutely that's what you have tode the applicant decided not to foro that other section right in your request you know to change it exactly and so now you have the call is in your court for this point that's right absolutely yes so Dar Road you're the ab I am unfortunately um so this plan the way it is right now makes absolutely no sense I agree we voted to have it the other way but they are in the buffer zones they are up to the property line I mean it is so way out of whack how can anybody vote Yes on this well I think we've had the discussion so maybe we should call the vote but it's gotten absolutely nowhere I hear you the fence is in the buffer zone the brazing is in the buffer zones like what the H okay any other comments before we vote Yes ah Gary just a question how are the wetlands at um the the line between the green line and the red line is um 25 feet so you could estimate it from that 1 two three four five six 30 40 feet 30 40 feet so it's it is a lot of wetlands to cross but we already said we would approve that and remember it's not just shifting it down right to that edge you need to clear we need to construct a proper Crossing so it's not just having enough disturbance to put a driveway you know we need to install the retaining walls we need to clear enough so it's not just a 20 foot wide Corridor it's like a 60 foot wide Corridor no I I get that but wet Wetland line to Wetland line 20t no 30 plus feet make one comment as the app yes again there was um Nick and I had a plethora of discussions about the road and uh I understand that some people W articulate I just willfully did not do that my issue is that the DP has oversight and if I were to disturb Wetlands without having clear direction from the planning Bo that they will not Grant the waiver I run into the possibility of the de overruling the commission's decision and moving the road back to where it was so unfortunately I have not met with the planning board um I've been since I applied so I wish I had a conversation with them so we can discuss this unfortunately that hasn't happened so as such I am forced to do as such if they deny it we will come back to Conservation Commission and we will move the road in the appropriate manner for the record we can't voluntarily show that at I know you said that I don't I don't agree with you but we agreed to disagree because we've been round and round here about for the record we've spoken to our Wetland consultant and they said D has taken Appeal on Wetland crossings that are not justified that don't meet the thresholds I wrote to Mark and I asked Mark about this and he would not give me an absolute answer exactly but he did say they are not in the habit of forcing intrusions into zoning uh in other words ignoring zoning laws they don't enforce our some of our uh Municipal laws like the no disturb Zone but but they try not to override local zoning uh that goes to the planning board as long as it's not M Municipal Choice okay um I I get your point can we just vote I mean I'm I'm sorry but I'm tired and I don't think we're getting anywhere with that I don't think it's achieving anything I think we all understand what we do and don't like tomato okay um just as a personal statement um we spent nine months last year getting a delineation and the reason that we did that is that this is one incredibly it is the most complicated site we've ever done and that includes the one at PES Hill Lane it it is very very complex and the slopes the fact that it's not flat site uh adds to that um and then we spent uh another seven eight months um we've had three peer reviews lots of chances to change things lots of um opportunities to argue um and I I admit that I have an obsession with those three inner streams and that westernmost stream um in terms of what they're going to carry out of the site how they're going to be disturbed um and uh we have developed what I think is a full list of very good conditions I think they're they're better than average I had a lot of help from Mark with some of those um and I have to acknowledge that the applicants have made a lot of revision on this they dropped one whole array they dropped um a Passage through the middle of the site um which may or may not have turned out to be a good idea since there's so much argument over the north one um they did propose a Riverfront restoration if not to a full 50 or 100 feet um Jonathan has expressed a a a strong willingness to um make good any of the prior owners violations that are left over after this you know around the edges of this site um and uh the applicant has been willing both to finance the three rounds of peer review which they don't have to and they do have to finance a consultant but not necessarily going three times around um they've been cooperative and foral and uh attended all the meetings and showed F flexibility to meet our messy scheduling um and most of the materials we asked for they have submitted and we've made three requests of extra extra Mater materials and revisions however I'm going to vote no and the reason that I'm going to vote no is that um I with all of the revisions and conditions that we've made I'm still very disturbed that the arrays go right up to the no disturb Zone that there's fencing in a lot of the buffer zone to the BBW that there's um fencing and they weren't able to achieve uh a full restoration of the riverfront um I do think the testing and things will take care of a lot of the concerns we have about things entering the river but there is a lot in the current plan that relies on those conditions as Gary said and those conditions being enforced and monitored even at times when you know we often have had a non-functioning even in the time I've lived in the town which is about 40 some years we've had a nonfunctioning commission at least twice so um I just don't feel confident that that those Wetlands which are important and those Rivers which flow straight into the scantic um from through Eastbrook and the Eastbrook joint of the scantic which has become a major vulnerability issue I just don't think it takes care of all of those things I worry about silting getting carried down Eastbrook which as has been pointed out we have seen um and I'm just I'm not comfortable with it Tom you want to vote Point order Judy yes need a motion to close the hearing first I motion that well and before we close the hearing uh no close the hearing first okay we will close the hearing and I will make a a motion that we vote on JY someone needs to make a motion and then it needs to be seconded if we're going to do this well I'm making a motion right now okay and I will second I'm making a motion that we accept the plan or we don't as presented with the conditions that have been distributed um with the addition of one more monitoring condition that would be uh extend after this cgp now second in favor all right I think I have to for the motion yeah don't they all have to vote well we have to vote on the motion oh yeah okay all right okay you don't want to close the hearing we're voting voting on the motion we're voting on the motion to close the hearing and hold a vote who seconded it I did he did anybody opposed anybody want to continue the hearing the motion passed so the hearing is closed now we can vote and now we will take the vote um for I can't vote because I haven't been to all me right for we 173 0238 as presented and with the conditions that we have uh sent out and discussed I say no no it's three Nos and exension due to unfamiliarity so it doesn't pass um so you can you can I won't I won't I will tell you out there not to get too excited about us rejecting it there's about a 5050 chance that de will make revisions and accept it but um one good thing about that would be they would monitor it so if our commission falls apart there'll be somebody to monitor so um it I'm sure it will be appealed um and it still has to go in any case through the planning board and the Board of Health and the select board they got so even if the EP reinstates it it's not a deal yes well I understand this is probably your last meeting yes okay and I just like to say many years I've been in t 54 so years she's been excellent St of resources Excell water EXC I think she deser these guys are Brave and Bold and they're sticking around or two potential new Cates just for the record I'd like to know if the other Commissioners would like to make a statement on why they chose yes to vote as they did I this array in the Northeast quadrant to me this array in the Northeast quadrant to me is obstructive and to get there you have to build a road over Wetlands or through uh an abutment so if you got rid of this I would vote Yes on the rest same here I feel the same way that deny access 12 acres of Upland up Prime Upland land they're just saying if it was presented that way they would accept it they're not denying anything yes scary will you take a vote on the bylaw oh bylaw well have a municipal bylaw so uh usually on small cases we don't bother to vote separately but on something this big we will so do you vote to accept it or reject it under the M Municipal bylaws say that again which are very similar you're talking about the town of hamon yeah the town of hamon bylaws okay we don't you're not used to us taking a separate vote but on a large case we usually do so we have to revote everything we voted but not under the wetlands protection act under the municipal bylaws which states which states pretty much everything that's in the Wetland protection act um but also includes the no disturb zone for instance okay got make a motion question did yeah I made a motion Sor yes so this now goes to planning board well they have to approve the waiver it's up to them yeah that well it's in the 50 Foot and 100 foot setback from the property line ex so they would they have been asked for a waiver to let it go where it is and they have to decide um it's possible rather then appeal it to D that Rory and Nick could redesign the whole thing and bring it bring it back I'm not guaranteeing that it would pass with it having I mean a lot of the issues I stated are not taken care of by moving that it's just another additional thing that I find very unpleasant to approve you haven't done that yet oh so we we need to vote I vote no no no okay so um if there's any if there's any 10 residents that don't agree with the decision they can take a petition and either ask us to reconsider it or ask the EP to override us um I'm doubting that's going to happen um you're but um also Rory has the opportunity to ask D to write a superseding order that would negate what we did um and it they don't address the no disturb Zone it would just stay as it is it probably unless they purposely intruded on it um which isn't likely because they're they the laws that d looks at include that 100 foot buffer own and and they would probably if anything be more adamant about it we did have um we accepted a a solar facility at the end of podes Hill Lane called zero rear summer road with bgo and we put 46 conditions on it and they appealed it because they didn't like the 46 conditions they thought they were too stringent they came back with 58 conditions so and part of that's because D um is often more adamant because they don't have a no disturb on they only have the buffer but they do allow you to build in the buffer so they balance that okay any other questions I thank you all I really appreciate that I know how hard it's been with people feeling so emotional to be polite and civil and not yell and not throw objects or whatever and I really do appreciate it I will be writing up my explanation of my no vote and it will be posted by Bonnie online when it's done because I have to send it to D and I have to I have to put numbers on and stuff uh you gonna close the meeting um yeah I move that we close the meeting all in favor save the who's taking over now wait do I save it first