##VIDEO ID:_BCx0r0tyuw## e e meeting to order for GR yeah gry yeah h [Laughter] long all right we got to review the minutes and vote on them yeah you could do that course sure sure they're in your folder yeah I haven't looked at them anybody look at them doing it now e e so I guess I need a motion to accept the minutes as written Mr any edits somebody need the second second all in favor I okay all right so we're doing the public comment on well that's just part of the agenda you're going to go right to Eastbrook all right okay so I need to read um thing if I open noi I need to read the think the um listing why continuation Yeah okay or Eastbrook Bridge replacement okay I'm GNA open the meeting for Eastbrook Bridge replacement noi which is a continuation well it's continued because um they didn't get into the last month's meeting oh okay all right so let's see I'm guessing you two are involved in um so my name is uh Chris Lyman from Howard Stein Hudson uh I was a lead civil uh engineer project with me is uh Stephen Tyler uh Steve Tyler um associate principal manager of our wer office and um principal in charge for the project overall um yeah just kind of give some background just on the project because it has been a you know roughly a three-year project and I don't know how much the Commissioners I know some know more than others potentially about this project um started through an MVP Grant we went out and we inspected uh I think 32 structures here in town um being culverts and bridges um and basically made a I guess a a plan for the town a priation plan for the town of updating some of their structures stream structures um from this came uh East uh the Main Street bridge at Eastbrook um it's kind of how we got here um this past year we kind of got up to the point of 100% design for these plans we're now we're submitting the the noi2 um the town of H basically proposed to replace the existing Main Street bridge at Eastbrook which is currently a 26 foot wide um Bridge with a 32 foot uh Long Bridge um to meet the massachus stream Crossing standards um to the greatest extent practical the existing bridge that crosses over the is uh structurally deficient as you can see there's barrels on there um the two outside um I call it guess trusses are basically you know failing so we don't want load there so it's it is a stru deficient Bridge um and the potential of not replacing Bridge could could lose to the loss of the roadway and potential damage to the environment around it um the project is designed in a manner to uh construct an impact to be minimized as much as possible um the project is located within Riverfront area Inland Bank land underwater bordering land subject to flooding as long as estimated uh priority habitat and um priority Habitat to rare species just for the resource areas that are around the project um the project does have some impacts the first being some of the temporary packs there's 571 s feet of temporary impacts to land underwater um there's also 7,289 square feet of um temporary impacts to Riverfront area and uh 85 ft of temporary impacts to bank um these temporary impacts are mostly to uh replace the existing abutments of the existing bridge to to become new abutments um there also is going to be some widening of the bridge as I said it's becoming from it's basically widening 6 feet from 26 to 32 this will result in um roughly 488 um square feet of land under water added basically to the ecosystem um there're also some permanent impacts including 1,662 square fet of permanent impacts through Ro front area um 12 fet of per impacts to bank and there will be 32 cubic um feet of or yards of dredge in again these per impacts again are due to basically the widening of the bridge and putting in in these New Abs also some Bank work we're doing to stabilize the banks on all sides of the bridge um and also we're constructing a sidewalk and pedestrian curb ramps on the bridge itself on either end um there's there will be added 1,85 55 cubic feet of new flood storage that flood storage being added because again we're reworking the bank to stabilize which means we're cutting into the banks to add flood storage also the widening of the bridge also allows for um greater flood storage at the at the banks on either side um there's no direct impact to any other of the Wetland resources as the products proposed right now um there was an alternative analysis that was done by our sub at tetratech they did a hydraulic analysis of the location to came up with a few alternatives for us to choose from um the first alternative uh would be a 32t span by 22t Channel Bridge um one of the big things we're looking at for these Bridges is really the freeboard um which for stream Crossing Cent they're looking for about two feet of of uh freeboard um unfortunately this first option only gave you the 1.3 feet um so it would be barly below stream Crossing centers there was some options they gave us where we could you know raise the roadway a little bit to try to maybe meet that two feet with the alternative but the 1.3 feet was just we'd have to raise the roadway too high and basically wouldn't be as smooth a ride down Main Street um so for that reason this option was kind of not chosen um another was alternative two which is a 32t span with a 20ft um 26t Channel this is the alternative that we ended up going with um this gave a free board of 1.6 feet but with working with the profile of the roadway we were able to get over that twoot freeboard with this alternative um and then alternative three was a 38 foot span with a 32ft channel this option also would allowed us to get that free board it just was a more expensive um option construction wise so we're able to basically meet stream tressing standards with alternative two which is the reason why we didn't choose alternative three because it just happened to be the more expensive um option um if you can just pull up the plans a little bit please if I can just add on the Alternatives analysis but there are other elements too there's the close proximity of the historic structure where the caretaker building is the driveway so anything that raises the road is going to kind of start to eliminate those the driveway and the access to that property and it's also going to um create further impacts on National on Massachusetts Autobon property and um which obviously protect jimim so there's greater impacts with those Alternatives as well um you want go to page four please so I kind of just went through the obviously the impacts um this is a this is basically just a color coordinate showing where these impacts are happening um you can see most of the temporary impacts to the roadfront area are from regrading the slopes which you see in purple there there um a lot of it's just regrading the slopes and again I said we're raising the profile of the roadway a little bit which creates some grading to be done on either side of the roadway um then you have the I guess you'd call it the more of the greenish color which is the temporary impacts to land underwater um a lot of that's just for the removal again as I said uh uh of the existing abutments of the bridge which basically we're creating um copper dams around the existing abutments so we're not impacting the actual center of the stream itself but instead we're just daming around the existing abutments to remove them and then replace them so you can see how the green kind of just stays away from the center of the channel and stays more close to the abutments because that's where most of the dredging is going to be happening um and then you have your orange there which is the permanent impacts of river front area a lot of that again is just because we're adding in the sidewalk and the PES curb ramps on either side of the bridge um we're also putting up uh updated guard rail at this location um because the current guard rail is insufficient um which also have uh pavement millings underneath which technically I guess aren't considered um impervious surface but it is it is pav millings so it still is a different change of an impact because before that was just grass um so those are really our permanent impacts to the front area um and then you have your permanent Bank impacts which are in red which really are come off each end of the bridge and that's just because we are widening the bank a little bit so within um I guess each end of the bridge for us to get back to the normal bank with we're having to basically move those Banks out a little bit um if you go to the next one please and then right here is just the area where we're really adding that uh flood storage elevation I talked about the 1,855 cubic feet you can see in green here a lot of it again is happening where we're widening the channel underneath the bridge um and doing a lot of Bank impacts you can kind of see how we're we're kind of flattening out more if you look at the black lines um on either side on the four quadrants of the bridge we're really trying to cut in there more and create more of a gradual slope down to the this the brook itself as a right now it's kind of just like it goes right to the bank and drops straight down so we're really trying to offer more flood storage in those locations um prob the times when the east book does swallow from big storms um I'll pass over to Steve you anything sure yeah I'll continue so one of the key things of this project is it's it's Advan it's improving the structure that's there now and conformance with the stream Crossing standards that raise extent practicable so mostly a lot of these like what's on this plan right now this is new aquatic it's being it's not it's we're calling it impacts but at the end of the day it's a wider River it allows for um greater capacity during uh storm flows but it also allows for different types of aquatic passage you know right now what you have is a constricted stream where it's pretty much water face of bridge face to bridge all the time um and we can show one of the sections of the bridge um not sure what sheet it is in here your packaging CHR but with the widen structure the main channel will will stay pretty much as it is but there'll be some added um aquatic passage values two up please yep right here that kind of gives a better layout of kind of what the passage under the bridge would kind of look like yeah so if we could just scroll SC down a so we can see the bottom part so in this illustration here in the center this is the existing this is sheeting that was left in place when they built the previous C and so that's basically where your existing channel is and so during construction poer dams will be placed right at the face of where the existing abutment wall is which basically projects from where these um coer excuse me steel sheeting is and this is where the stream gets wide for The Wider structure so there's actually a wider stream bed there's aquatic passage up here on this bank so it's um it's both improving storm flows but also improving the capacity of this structure to be a passage for other Wildlife where it's not now um I wanted to take a little bit of time to address the letters that you got from um division of issues and wildlife in particular uh natural heritage and end danger species what I have in front of me right now is the um this is July 1 letter from Mass wildlife and I'm reading from the top of uh page 204 and the findings of natural heritage are that the this project is currently proposed will not adversely affect the actual resource area habitat State protected rare Wildlife species therefore it is our opinion that this project meets the state listed excuse me species performance standards for the issuance of an order of conditions another key element that I'm sure you're aware of is as currently proposed must be conditioned to avoid a prohibited take of of turtle species according to the regulations and to avoid a prohibitive take of turtle species the conditions attached to this letter must be met um and then it goes on to say provided the attached conditions are met fully implemented there is no change to the project plan this project will not result in a take of stateless species that's where we want to be we don't want to have a take of stateless species so um then they go on to talk about to avoid a take of State listed species the following conditions must be met um develop a turtle protection plan by a State Certified wildlife biolog and then there's some timing restrictions I've been doing Bridge replacements for something a little over 20 years I've had a half dozen or so project with requirements just as this where we've been in dangerous species in particular it's been Turtles um we will certainly have these requirements in there but we won't be able to develop a turtle protection plan inance in advance of putting this out the bid the way we handled this is this is a means of methods that the contractors help H to because whatever these whatever these requirements are the contractor has to be held to and that biologist really needs to be available to the contractor throughout construction to continually do inspections and so forth so what we do is we write a special provision that requires the contractor to hire a State Certified wildlife biologist they submit this plan and the reason why I'm explaining that to you is because you you you want to be able to see this plan and so what we what the project would ask of the Conservation Commission is to write that into the requirements of the order condition that you know prior to continuing with work the contractor must present this uh Turtle protection plan however wording you want to do happy happy to assist as well um and then that's where that gets captured so then after the project goes out the bid um the the winning contractor will have to submit that plan for your review so that you make sure that that is taken care of during construction so that's in the bid process that item is listed in their bid process yes and and this will be attached they'll have to meet all of these requirements it'll be told it'll say that it needs to be approved by the Conservation Commission it needs to be approved by Massachusetts division of fisheries and wildlife so it will list and include all of those requirements and how about time of year because it's a cold water fishery it will it will have all the time of year restrictions it will have to keep out of the out of the out of the water during those times s okay so that's spring I'm guessing when they're spawning it's a I think um also when they're I think it might also be when they're um why can't I think of hibernating uh there's really no so what it says is under the timing restrictions if the water levels of Eastbrook will be affected by construction or bypass flows the following conditions apply that's not happening this this bridge is not diverting the stream there there are what I mean is the construction of this bridge should not affect water levels in the Stream we're maintaining the stream down the center at all times the the stream is never being bypassed and that's the same way I'll end up answering the mass T I think when Mass T read this they maybe they just assumed the stream was being bypassed because often times you have to but the nature of this covert is going to allow us to you know take the top of it off maintain the existing stream bed there's never going to be any relocation of the stream pumping of the stream um there's never going to be any flumes or piping of the stream the stream is going to you know except in high flows the stream is going to stay in this Channel and so with regard to draw down a draw down isn't happening but there are times where the um you still can't work in the water and and not have impacts and so forth so that's that's fabric bags and yes it'll typically be fabric uh sand Cofer damps okay all right because I've run into a situation where they didn't remove those bags at the end and they're still in the river impacting it so that's unfortunate um that certainly unfortunately does happen well in the case of this project the entire stream bed has to be rebuilt and those have to come out and that's just something that just gets enforced during construction um you know construction is another matter if the town retains Howard Stein Hudson during the construction phase but that's the type of thing that that we would make sure that does not stay you know during construction I can't see any reason why they would I mean all of the plans and everything in it require that streamed to be rebuilt across its entire W wi so they can't do that with the Coffer with the sandb back offer dams there I think the project you were doing might have been a little bit diff different than it was a stream widening you know where there was going to be a new bigger wider Channel maybe it could have been and they just left it there but um no I think it was sloppy contractors unfortunately there's too many of those um but like I say that whole stream bed Crossing should be rebuilt in those removed are you GNA be putting up a temporary bridge for when you drip this apart no um do you have the stage construction plans in here I don't but I can explain if you want me to because I wondered if if you're going to have to put one next to it then no that's not happening because that's all in the endangered species and so forth um so what will that this project and and this happens I've had a lot of projects with this as well it's going to be single Lane during construction so what they'll do is they'll close one side of the road at a time there'll be temporary traffic signals on both sides of the bridge people will approach the bridge only one side can go at a time and they'll build one side of the new bridge bridge then they'll open that up and now all traffic will be on the new bridge and then there'll still be single Lane alternating flow um and then they'll build the second half of the bridge um the proposed bridge and maybe just scroll up just to see the top top part of that sheet the adjacent property as you know is Mass wildlife so that's open space and would be very challenging at best to try to have a project that widened out beyond the existing layout in the mass Autobon land it would require an article 97 act and um this project is not going to require that the existing bridge is kind of in here you see the shot over there and I think it's right below the proposed here so on the proposed we're going right to the layout line so we don't we're not going outside of layout line and and I guess I'm kind of illustrating that too is there's really not an opportunity to be able to do a temporary structure so the only way to build it is that um single Lane alternating approach then um looking at the mass d letter the June 11th 2024 um I already the first thing they have is the commission will need to wait until the public to close the public hearing until National Heritage has issued the determination that's what you have here so you have the natural heritage determination and then um the second thing is referring to invasive species and this project really is staying within the layout invasive species which they're speaking about are invasive species outside of the project limits on mass autobond and that's really their invasive species to to deal with and manage um this project will rebuild the banks and it does have some planting plans that we've coordinated with um um mass autobond and do some of that Bank restoration at least in the vicinity of the project the invasive species will be removed because they're not going to reuse soils it's going to be all new LOM and Seed So within the project limits themselves um the invasive spe you know they're called invasive species for a reason so I can't say they'll be eradicated but they'll be removed within the project limits and at least for when the Project's done they won't be there and then um they'll do what invasive species do uh it's obviously a pretty large site so that that's my best answer to the invasive species um it's it's really offsite and Beyond the limits of the bridge and on mass auto bomb but within the limits of the bridge where we can we meaning the town control um is resolved to the best of the capacity this project can uh then the um third one is guidance on dewatering we'll use the typical Mass do requirements for dewatering and that type of watering is not the stream we're not going to be pumping the stream and dewatering the stream it's in the event that dewatering needs to occur when the foundations are built and so that dewatering is is pretty standard um it's a pump and you pump it aside and we'll call for a um a silt sack which is basically I don't know if you ever seen it's a big pillow maybe about somewhere that fits in between these two tables you pump the water in and the pillow is a filter pump the water into this big bag the water seeps out of the bag um because the bag has filtered it and and then you just put it in a place where that seepage overflows um it would be on one side or the other the bridge depending on what phase of construction you're on ground excuse me so the water would just go onto we just go onto the ground yeah it leaks through it right yes and then just filters down into the ground okay yeah or flows across yeah yeah it would just be a bag sitting on the MH on the on the ground and whatever condition it is mostly grass out that area the um the fourth one in order to provide appropriate water depths we're maintaining the channel in the middle the so the those depths will be maintained throughout construction there's there's not going to be any alteration of the channel that's there now um everything will be built from that channel that channel will be retained and then the new stream be something that's um overflows you come from that natural Channel and that also kind of addresses on the thing that was attached to the mass C's letter that's really talking about prepare or modify a dewatering plan which shall minimally include identification of techniques for bypass of water around the area of alteration we're not doing that um the stream the stream is going to maintain throughout constru we're not bypassing water around the project it'll just stay in its natural channel uh so that's everything I have to address those and if anything you thought of to yeah basically what kind of storm is this designed for believe it's a it's designed for a 25 year storm which is um what is required by um Federal Highway and M under the bridge standards for the for the rating of this road which is a um rule collector is that right Chris that's corre as I know D is in the process of readjusting like the 100e storm is every 80 years and yeah we've been getting a lot more flooding in town understood this 25 is standard I I'm and things just aren't able to cost and size and magnitude of a 100-year bridge you're going up and over and I don't know how they're ever going to get to the times in my lifetime yeah but it is in conformance with the current stream Crossing standards with regard to the lows required and somebody has done some measurements out there but we've done deta I'm not deta detailed survey hydraulic study we had a hydraulic specialist did the report in Alternatives analysis got it already yeah there is it there is a tetr Trek hydraulic memo that kind of kind of goes through even like 100-year storms the the kind of the elevation of the water that we get at um and it does compare it against all of the Alternatives that I was talking about um I also just want to add that I know we were just talking about invas species I did forget to mention that all the banks um there will be matting put down erosion matting put down and then it'll be put on with a New England um conservation seed mix on all the banks um and again there will be as Steve said there will be some plantings we've been working on putting on those Banks with uh mass auto do you have a planting plan uh we do have a planting detail if you go um it's a couple scroll down a couple there there's a detail keep going one one more so that that is it right there and it does um there if you look at the episod down there I also have plans you guys can look at too um it talks goes through what exactly in the wildlife seed mix itself the England conservation Wildlife seed mix okay it's in there in another place it's in the report Wetlands report are they planting like Elderberry or something like that yes we've gotten some recommendations from our white land Specialists um maybe you can find out to point them to it yeah so if if you the areas we have are really small within the limits and more we disturb the banks but we have restored them with that yes there is a I know it's one of the appendix here I just got to find it it is one of the appendix where they go through based on our plan showing pictures where they took areas and potential areas where they have for plantings so that will be in more detail at some point the people get the contract the the we do have a plan that calls for the amount of planting so we there is a plan sheet that does require show that planting area um and it's a sketching one of these it is it is it is in that trying to get you to the appendix here it's in that what is the time frame on this everything's in there the so we're going to be completing the design in the next 6 eight months meaning where this design was going to be submitted to mass it already has been submitted to mass do has been submitted to mass do for chapter 85 review and along with it's sort of a function of the the funding okay so as Chris described we've been working with the town for the three years and it's just kind of been Pro advancing this project to the MVP process and this is the the the third year of that development and it's basically the final design we are at 100% design the design of the structure isn't changing it's just getting those approvals from asot um to try to get to the question when so the um funding is for this year the town still needs to get funding for construction is what I'm trying to get to and so that hasn't been set um the funding construction would be something that M doot would be approved I can't say what year it'll go to construction um the hope of the town is it goes to construction within the next couple of years if not next year the year after but without that funding in place I can't say n why are good for three years right yes but then they can apply yeah for EXT extension and I would expect it if not in the three years we because another thing that's in here is if if it's greater than five years then you need to go back to natural heritage and again as well um so I would anticipate that it would occur within that fiveyear period hopefully sooner you guys have any questions no questions from the audience your name and yes sure I'm St rty I'm actually here for hearing but I'm a local is President and a State Certified Turtle biologist so um I'm just going to comment on your on your thing about the turtle protection plan more for the commission that's a standard thing where they you know they don't have that at this point in the design and a lot of times now Mass highway is actually doing their own protection plans they have on staff biologists do it so that's kind of a normal thing mentioned that overall I think it's actually pretty nice Crossing design I that pretty while so here for that but happy to see it any other comments yes seled just want to say we've been working with group years yeah so what's next what's next are we missing anything or do we are we to the point of closing the hearing thanks up to you how long would the construction take once you commence believe it's a two year because of the phase so yeah so the first phase would happen right on summertime of the first year and then the next phase obviously because of again we have staying out of the water the next phase would happen the next year yeah the following year so it's roughly a two it's definely a two-year could be you know 18 months but roughly twoe so it's going to be that one lane thing wow a major road in the town yeah yeah I know but hey it's up in where right now it is a little bit of pain but it's it's slower volume than other right Bridge projects have done similar approach on to Walmart and where right that definitely has higher volumes are we waiting for anything let's see do we need nipes and all those other fun things did ni these permit um this actually falls below the one acre yeah so we we didn't have we didn't have to write that into the contract is there another one um what about the the turtle protection plan what how are you going to handle that uh we're going to have to put in the order of conditions that we need to have that before the commencement of right on whoever does it does it and we'll want the name and contact information for the person who's going to be involved with the inspection right checking okay you can put that in the um orders yes right I'm trying to think is there anything in that plan to deal with if we do have like that 100-year storm during construction there are not erosion prevention controls you can deal with a 100-year storm right you know just like the structure but is there anything you can do if we know we're getting a Storm to better prepare for it or anything do you have any there's not of that nature you know it's gets cleared way and let the water come through and hope it doesn't destroy what you did you just basically put your your fortify what you've have in place the best that you can um and then you I want to say it's flooded at least once a year know we I know we have some pictures more recently of it getting pretty high in the current Bridge so I've seen it I've personally seen it pretty high from time to time I I'm from Springfield so this is an easy drive for me to get here so I've seen it during bigger storms um i' would say the water does get high there um I haven't seen it go over the bridge yet I know in the past and I think I've heard it has um from some big floods you guys have had in the past yeah when did the whole center of town flood out remember yeah that was all of Main Street was underwater almost yeah but all right so we're not missing a at this point I don't think so you guys no so I guess we have to close the hearing and then we vote on it so I make a motion that we close the hearing on the East Street East East Brook East Brook Bridge Main Street Main Street second all in favor all in I and now you have to vote um to I mean the orders aren't all done go to um should ORD yes yeah all right well I get I guess we have to find out if we all approve of it right with certain conditions we have a standard set right um yeah I mean the orders aren't I can't pass the orders out tonight I have they're not totally no complete no we got to work on those right but you can still like you did you can close the hearing um do and um um so we all got us vote in favor of the project now we have to take a vote on the project right so I make a motion that we what pass or not pass the what do we do no you're going to vote to issue orders and conditions all right yeah all right I make the motion to issue the order of conditions for the Eastbrook Main Street Bridge second all in favor I you guys have a suggested listed of Bo conditions because sometimes we ask for that we don't okay pretty much the stand and we're happy to review at any point you have any we'll review it no matter what after you issue we'll review it to make sure it's all yes can be complied with and so for yes but if there's any time you want to send it to us we're happy to look do you have their contact information um I think she has all but we're going to leave a couple of cards with you make sure you have everything yeah okay and um the D suggest any special orders no you I gave you a copy of that was that was this that she passed out yeah that's the order address yeah pertain doing that no a lot of it so so we'll try to tackle that after this meeting or later on the meeting well yeah at some point we can we have we have 21 days yes okay my suggestion for your order are the two things with regard to d one the protection plan and then um you know requiring that the that the dewatering P plan also be submitted and approved by the conom and that could be kind you since you don't have npds permit where something like that would be reviewed see gives you the chance to review that we're gonna definitely have to have a um what they call it some kind of like storm checking process or a weekly or monthly maybe almost weekly I think that's probably going to be in your standard order did you check all your barriers at the end of a certain size storm event yeah that's usually a typical that's standard stuff yeah yep sure Judy has a yeah probably yeah okay de watering and then the and the turtle turle protection yep okay they're done thank you great thank you thank you all um we'll be around thank you can always reach out and I'll um I'll get this out to in 21 days perfect all right what's the next well the next thing um even though the orders aren't totally done if you guys could sign it now sign your the signature page now so that I wouldn't have to call you in separately y just one no I've got you okay in the closet upstairs am we'll get it nice well he has his own oh I saw somewhere or the tape I have 100 foot tape somewhere oh he said there's a A Wheel in the closet downstairs okay I'm G to go grab that yeah but I don't it's not no is there anything else out of order are we going right down this um well the couple's here for yeah the trees the trees yeah the 46 Mountain oh I would do them okay that's one we went and looked at last week all right so I I usually have to read the what's put in the paper my open it this is brand new right yeah yeah you usually read the the paper thing oh well just okay I'm opening the meeting for the RDA for 46 Mountain Road Mountain View Drive removal of several dead trees within Riverfront area somebody here can you please come up so I'm Andrew Amber this is Amber hi we live at 46 Mountain D drive um so in 2022 we actually had a tree fall in our house um not a lot of damage but there are there are some concerning trees in the area um these two gentleman came out was it last week um sess area the biggest issue is that a couple of them are within proximity to the brook um so that's why we're here obviously to kind of discuss that um we know that the trees need to be cut so that the stumps are still extended off the ground um we do have a company that can have a crane that can go driveway and and won't disrupt the ground disrupt the ground or the area um he'll pull them out um obviously being very cognizant of the brook because we do have a brook goes through our backyard um really sure that's pretty much yeah yeah I did take pictures and I at them but yeah I did I saw like I made the comment that I already saw a pine tree that snapped and they're very the part of the tree that split is still standing so it's terrifying anytime we get a storm I'm like please fall like that one y and I think one other was in like without measuring exactly within the 25 foot right now right next to 25 ft the other ones are how Beyond 25 are they above or below the house level I'd say probably below the I mean the brook line kind of slops down not much hous is up here and it goes down yeah s like a little Hill they're down I have pictures too so if you well I'm just thinking that one of the things you can do is cut them off at say 10 feet where they're not going to impact anything but it provides wildlife habitat still well stumps are going to stay anyways right then that's kind of our idea because actually two of the trees are in in our backyard and we actually have lights so we're actually planning on cutting it so there's still two of them were still want to like kind of keep a little higher but yeah yeah we have no problem doing them no problem doing them yeah um if you want to if after the discussion these guys went on the site inspection um these were the two negative determinations okay we didn't discuss that with the last noi the brook well no this is a determination yes all right RDA but the other one noi yeah we have anything we are supposed to discussing oh man all right so you might want to just read negative and then those okay I guess we have to vote on this right right well we got a negative determination two the work described and the requested is within an area subjetive protection under the ACT but will not remove fill Dred or alter the area therefore said work does not have does not require the filing of notice of intent the work described and requested is within the buffer zone as defined by the regulations but will not alter the area subject to protection under the ACT therefore said work does not require the filing of n of intent subject to the falling conditions the workers within the riverfront area please refer to special conditions special conditions would be leaving the stumps in place and making sure that throw it from the driveway y y and my suggestion would be to keep them as tall as possible where they won't impact the house but provide like wood Packer or um Flying Squirrel Habitat or different things because SN snags are worth a lot sure we know I'm doing that it also leaves privacy too anyway so two birds one sign right yeah did you guys amend your um RDA for the other trees you were talking on the other side of the house s an updated one after we met okay okay so is that the one we're looking at now Bonnie what they they submitted an updated RDA is this the one is that the one that we're looking at um yeah wait a minute this is the RDA um last I believe it is um yeah whether the work depicted um is subject to the Wetland protection act whether the area or work depicted um reference is subject to the jurisdiction of any Municipal Wetland ordinances or bylaws um signed by you yeah photos is there a date on that one yeah what's the date on that one um where she signed it I know 728 no no it was recent I emailed it I think on the I think it was the same day you guys came was it Thurday been last week yes last THS the 15 August a yeah I didn't print we're gonna add two other trees that are on the other side of the house oh just just to cover it because they're within 200 fet but yeah they're not on the River Front itself so thei the tree the trees that they were adding wasn't they weren't really they were in the two within 200 but not within the riverfront bank or anything and one was dead and one was going there yeah um so yeah so how do we do that so you didn't get that one I emailed that I didn't print it a copy out I didn't bring it with me well I guess the well the only difference is they added a couple of truths we just added the additional ones that are like but date requested filed would that date would be different um can I cross that out and change the date um or t title and date or Revis date if appable mmhm so maybe we can put a revised date here you said what's the date it would have been uh August 15 15th yeah and we had listed on there the only thing that we added was that um there would be seven trees and any other trees that um the tree company might say are at risk at risk of falling it's important to get those dead and half tree half dead trees down I put revise Seven Trees and as needed I don't know yeah yeah like any trees that are the tree needed like oh this is not looking great you should probably cut this y kind of a thing due to uh dangerous no probably say like um hazardous trees that okay it's good okay all right so I get do I we open the hearing with RDA or no yes so we got yeah you opened it so so I gotta close the hearing and you read that um the negative determinations yes so now you have to vote on it okay but don't we have to close it first I think you close it and then you vote that's why I remember okay okay so I'm GNA close the hearing on 46 Maple View Drive Mountain View Mountain View Drive RDA second all in favor I I all right so now um let's vote on the two um whether we negative deter negative determinations all in favor I [Music] I we have two copies to sign no I don't I was no I was in a rush today okay if we sign it can you go make a copy I can it yes maam [Laughter] all right here we go small IO one line so what's next the um 374a just wait a second all right I'll be right back okay that's why we're waiting do we have any more site visits coming up do we know I think we have to see the May well yeah he loation again yeah right he's not here right when he comes back with a new okay proposal whatever we will basically informed right right yeah I was here for that yeah I never went that I didn't I went to look at it I was the only one but I had the wrong date for to the 46 for tomorrow or something or I don't know that's all right wor wor it's fine no you were gone you you sent an email and said you were in Vermont oh all right okay last week yeah okay yeah we whacking for four days no poison ivy I hope nope just lots of invasive yeah um wing youan and honeysuckle so hopefully it will go on the market on 30 I'll get one more headache off and then I heard that we got an email about revised plan too coming in for Glendale just a rumor just a rumor take that with you and look at it okay that's for the bridge I already did tons of stuff in there tons of stuff and there's a list of the special conditions in there origin do they have a rosion control they have to put up um I don't thanks not for cutting with the not likeing the at all I probably should have put something in there about leaving on the thank you so much thanks your the rest of your day all right thank you thank you guys all right make have a copy of that on you why you're doing the work yes definitely and show that to your contractor and it'd be great if you can preserve the trees absolutely absolutely thank you have a good night all right so now I got to open one a continuation of noi yes um 374a all right okay I'm G to open the meeting for noi continuation for lot 374a wber Road up the old school board do you have you happen to have that on the screen or no I'm fine with the board I don't know if you had them do you have in the computer no that's I do it the old way yeah I got them in the right order good evening everybody I'm Steve Ribery senior Wetland scientist um Al Joyce and Tracy Nory kind of brought me in to help through some of this inoi process I've got some back history on this parel as well so I can probably speak to some of that stuff um you know some of the history that kind of transpired to where we're at at this point in the in the project design so as you know Al submitted the notice of intent for a single family House Development on this parcel um I had done the original delineation two wish years ago it was drought conditions it was fall the site was totally different than it is now with two really wet years and disturbances from septic drilling so Wetlands on the site look different today than they did you know a couple years ago so based on that I had gone out and red delineated the parcel we had a field walk a couple weeks ago now to look at the redelineation um so I wanted to get the commission kind of review of that and sign off before we surveyed anything and it hasn't been surveyed yet so what you see here is the original notice of intent that was submitted blue lines around here are approximate locations of the new atland these haven't been serving yet um just wanted kind of General confirmation of where they are nothing has been changed on the site relative to the design yet that was one of the reasons I wanted to come in tonight is to talk about the new Wetlands talk about the project and see what the options are going forward before they invest time and money and more survey work more engineering work and having this back and forth that kind of goes on forever and you know maybe it's you know exactly where everybody go so the Wetland in the back is a nice slated Wetland I made this one a little bit bigger you know there's a sistern down here there's another sistern up on the top so it kind of covers all that area you know the Wetland down here which is the more obvious Wetland system it's up here that follows you know an intermittent stream that kind of comes through and goes under werham Road um this really didn't change there is a largest quasi isolated area up here that wasn't there before and you know I had I've been here before you know two three years ago and I could attest to what this area looked like it didn't look that much different than other Upland areas on site but between the wetness the shallow Bedrock vehicles coming in and out of here you know to do test pits and whatnot this area as it currently stands you know meets wling criteria it's got hydrology it has the plants because it's had enough time to start growing some vegetation in there you know soils I think are still a little bit questionable but it's also hard to get soils because it's so Rocky you you can barely get a soil profile in in a lot of these spots so there's another wetland in here there's a potential connection of this Wetland to this one so I have that flag now window based on the last S Walk So Right three flag that kind of connect connect this down here um so that blue thing would this is connected this breaks this into BBW because it's connected to that well so we have an isolated potential BBW and another BBW all kind of connected you know a little bit of a bank in between the two so the house design like I said nothing's been changed you know there's some perk tests that have already been done out here interestingly a couple of perks were done in what is now the Wetland and past so that's kind of either tells you the time year the perk was done or you know the conditions it's it's a very flexible soil you know sometimes you have really low water and you're not going to it's going to be dry as a bone other times it's going to be whoa this is soak and wet so that's kind of what's going on in here so there's a septic design the house is back here you know obviously if the plan stays as is the driveway Crossing as shown we kind of go right through the middle of the Wetland and kind of come up into the house so I just wanted to talk to you guys now about what's the potential once we get the surveyed I don't know the exact configuration of this yet having a driveway somehow cross this wetland in the narrowest part to minimize clearing you know in the impact and you know keep it under the 5,000 square feet and then you know there's plenty of area down here to build a new Wetland you know it's there's kind of a like a double tier shelf where it's kind of wetland then there flat then it comes back up it's almost like a flood plane down there it is it looks weird yeah it's and I don't know if it's Albert backs up mean the W shed's not huge to it but it has that vibe to it right it's got that look where it's like hey there's no understory here everything's kind of like washed out yeah um but yeah this is a good spot hydrologically to build a wetland for sure and obviously everything up here was not that great um so there's plenty of room on site to replicate some kind of a wetland Crossing to get to a house I mean the house would probably need to shift a little bit farther away to get you know separation from everything um what's the other that's the new driveway or the current driveway the one line is just some theoretical thing I was drawing for Al to say here's some potential options so this you know we could potentially get you know do a little bit of a bank Crossing BBW crossing here and minimize impacts or if the wetlands farther from the property line it could be maybe the driveway comes in farther down here and then swings in you know it all depends on what the survey shows in the end and obviously trying to minimize you know the impact as much we can't figure out the square footage until they survey it of this yeah yeah yeah we we need survey to know the actual like either the proc what would be your guess as far as you know is it a quarter acre eigh acre what do you think that is this whole thing I mean what's the size of the total lot 1.38 so the lot's an acre I mean it's less than a quarter acre um it's probably around an eighth of an acre would be my guess but until it's surveyed and well the big one is connected we we we we made a decision on that so yeah either way the's not going to get below the threshold of and the other ones up above the house where it's not going to be impacted and most likely left alone yeah there'll be a buffer to this for sure and it's the as you know from the site just gets higher and higher and higher the more you go up SL where you got a grade so yes I thought it was e no I mean eth acre 5,000 square feet right I think that's what an eighth acre isolated yes yeah right now we're making the assumption that this is DBW and we would have to amend the noce of intent to have bvw impact with replication that would be the best place to cross because you could literally use a decent Siz covert to get across and one of the things I'll mention too it's this this channel if it's connecting now that wasn't there before so what had happened is when when they kind of came through here with their little access road to the septic they kind of made like an area where water can cool now that water's pooling and then it pools to a certain elevation and then it has to go somewhere so it just down like a low spot and it's starting to erode a channel now from here to here so it's making this area more wet over time and you never know you could have another two drought year and it's like well that doesn't look like a wetland anymore but yeah you know it's probably half of it the channel is I would say maybe a foot wide yeah it's it's very and you could tell it's very newly the roots are still exposed and there's little you could tell it's newly eroded soil around the plant base like as the water's finding its place to go to get from High Point to low point just found the lowest easiest path down there and it's making a making a channel the more rain we get the more Define that'll be so yeah installing some kind of pipe in here will be a definite if you don't that's just going to pull up even more here and just go over the driveway you call a pond yeah so I guess yeah there's to approve right now obviously we need to go back to the drawing board but wanted to get some solid input so we're coming back with something that you know is what you guys are looking for and it's approvable you were there so well you went and Greg went so yeah I the second one yeah yeah I mean that looks exactly like what we saw out there this is eyeball this isn't like I did my best GPS but okay yeah now do we lock in wetlands in this town what do we do with what do we lock in the wetlands or not well he he's you're not done no I mean you can't until you prove the noi the wetlands aren't locked in but just an agreement in principle like yeah we're fine with the Wetland lines get them surveyed yeah you know that's that's I think that's fine um we didn't file an anarat or anything so it's no way to like really officially locked the EV yes all right I'm a little rusty on this it changes so much yeah do you guys have any more questions no I'm not on this prop no you so any input you guys have I mean obviously I'll have to go back to are you saying so did you flag like the widest part of the channel there you got two sets of flags kind got flags that go over here to here so I got one two three one two three I nsh but it's no this will be connected so this won't be isolated anymore it flows into the flows down into the other one it was very tough to connect because there was a weird there is Wetlands there is some sh show signs of it going between but there's a big pile of grass and stuff from the neighbors and there's different impacts in there where you can't really tell what is legit in there right now there might be something underground way down deep yeah it's hard it's shallow Bedrock so water's doing you don't know what it's doing underground it's low if it's high yep all right yeah I'm I'm good with it okay now as yeah I don't know when we'll come back it's going to be dependent on you know a surveyor and some redesign but you know I guess we can ask for contain continuation to the next hearing and then yes play it by ear as to where the site design is and they all probably have to come up with a mitigation Plan and there's a couple elements we'll have to include on the plans that are on the now so your driveway plans are either higher up or around it's either going to be around on the low spot or up on this side it'll be whichever once it's survey whatever way we can kind of right minimize minimize Wetland impact well here's another question since got you all here so this is 25 no disturb right if would we be allowed to potentially get in here if it minimizes impact to the Sweatland because this is where it really is narrow right in that little close Zone if we kept out of the 25 we're GNA be that's potentially into want to give that up firm so I just wanted like I don't want to like come in and go no no keep out on 25 I'd rather just know that answer now and we can have that as a design I was stay away from that 25 that's from that Brook yeah okay yeah from bvw this this they're both bvws but yeah it's this one here I there will be a 25 around this now too yeah so we'll be in it either way because these two will overlap right but if anything we'll be into the Wetland it's across it to get up to the I know we can't prevent them from getting to up there's something I can't remember what the rule is I'd have to read it too but I think you can't yet similar in other towns it's like stay out of it unless you need to get through it and then you just get through it and get out of it and stay 25 fet away is yeah yeah right right but DP will say no you they had the that way they don't care about your 25 foot they're going to be like Steve minimize the Whitland impact property as for variance you know yes Mark's going to want to see the Wetland impact number as low as possible yeah the other side's going to impact the property line yeah it could but down here yeah and this well could be at this could be on this could be driveway over there that could be y yeah property line there too yeah I don't know what that is there's probably a setback from the property the as there yeah because even on the other side coming in the other way on the other side of the proper all the way up there I don't know how narrow it is there coming up it's well you to be going through the it's a different parcel but it's like literally the front yard of the house no if you stayed in it's that whole corner is wet it's all it's all wet okay all right I I don't remember it so all right okay but we do have mitigation area there yeah yeah we could easily get a two to one down in here I think depending on we kept this minimal see I don't have here take that Wetland three going through that 25 and then replacing it yeah because I think if we if we replaced it down below we' actually have a better wetland okay and got so I guess we need some the survey before you can make a decision exactly need the survey you know I was going to have to think rethink about the site design a little bit you know I don't know if it's going to affect the septic or not I mean right now the septic is out of it but should might be okay I'm happy with the new flag that's all talking about now so y right yes so at this point the flagging we prefer where it is now we'll have a survey where it is right now in the field yeah and then the next iteration of the plan we have not my drawing they'll have you know Wetland survey located flags and buffers and then you guys would have a better idea where put the road to exactly yeah we need to see that on a plan exactly sure okay excellent thank you so I guess we'll formally ask for continuance to whenever the next hearing is when's the next dat oh hold on oops come on I vote that we continue the noi for lot 374a wilham road to the next day of September come on 18 18 I was going too fast yeah yeah I'll give you guys an update before where you know survey and time and if if you're not ready for the 18th just let us know exactly all right I'll second that if you need now we're moving on to the next one huh did anybody second that time yeah all right so we're going to the Stony Hill favor oh all in favor of continuation okay I'm going to open the noi continuation for lot number 211 94-00 Stony Road this is my easiest commute ever so good evening I'm Steve for the record um Al since I was doing the other one I was like can you help me on this one too um so I I didn't do any the original delineation out here that's this line here I think that was done by LEC um you guys looked at it you guys went out on a field walk found some low depressional area in they had was dominated by sges which was actually kind of odd even when I saw I've never seen that sge in such a monoculture over such a large area I know kind of weird but did you notice the monitoring well there yeah and I don't know what that was for yeah that's what my big question I don't know if that was some a previous person or if that's a septic thing yeah I did notice it too I don't know why it was there or someone else prob developed this before well I'm just don't know if that area had something happened there and that's why it's there yes oh contaminated it's contaminated that's what I don't you don't just put a monitoring well in the middle of a a forested wetland for no reason yeah um maybe it was a hydrology monitoring well I really don't know no that's more of a I think a 21e question on like the title search yeah I think if people do that type of a study ends up going against the record it against the property like yeah okay I was trying to figure out how you even go find that out yeah I find them all in the woods all the time doing what I do it's like why is there a well here this and you know sometimes you don't know sometimes you can just like make sub decisions as to why yeah there's only one it's usually like but it's right at that finger end like got the end here right right so that's suspect to me we found that Greg and I did when we were out there yeah I didn't go yeah I saw two that's weird it looks kind of oldish so I don't know yeah how long it's been there and I like I said I don't know any of the history of the property I can check with Al see what if he knows anything on it but either way right there's some there's a feature here that's went right it's a bowl it's dug out I think it was removed material probably ages ago I'm not saying this is recent you know the whole Forest has since grown up and it's shorten out probably maybe it was a borrow pit for sand when they're building Circle view or something I have no idea um but somebody dug something out it's naturalized now I didn't find any direct connection of this to the Wetland it just looks like a pit and they hit groundwater got close to groundwater and in the spring maybe water's High and the summer it's low um it doesn't have a lot of watershed but you can see I saw what you guys did you little staining on the leaves it's yeah obviously wet enough to support the F wet sge yeah um so it's wsh right it's supposedly the neighbor has seen flooding in there it could be yeah I mean they're staining on the leaves so wet Springs probably is full of water um did you find the other Wetland or the catch Basin Brook yeah on the bottom Edge the I down here at all okay towards the road there's another catch Basin that flows out and has up up from yeah somewhere in there yeah it flows out of there yeah it flows out of there and goes probably 25 30 feet it comes off the C in the road into the site yep and it makes it all the way to the road in there the path that we walk in and there's Elderberry and everything on no I didn't look at that at all I we found that last walk okay I can take a look at that remember at the other end no there's another oh there there's another storm drain there yeah there another storm drain this this this is a storm drain here right no there's a second storm drain second storm drain there huh little bit of a channel that and there's a channel that goes all the way to the path where you walk into the site oh so yeah the path is over so it runs down the road the road so yeah so it comes all the way into that it runs parallel to the road oh so it's running up yeah and goes all the way to your path and then hits the path and kind of maybe just Tak pet out yeah oh Al mentioned something on a previous s sidewalk I don't know if you were at it I don't know who was on it about some ditch by the road that was a storm drain thing I don't know if that's what he was talking about or he was talking about I ain't talking about the one up at the top of the page but we walked the S we all saw that and we found this other one the other day and I was like Wow does it look more like it's storm drainage that the that the town built to just like make a ditch to get water away from the road yeah kind of state your name on but that storm was put in there was one on either side of the road because the water came from the pond that's across the street which is Springfed underneath the road and would go down and back and they were getting flooded and that down about that was originally what I was told what that storm gr was for so the road there's a pond over here somewhere yeah just it's just by the front of where the solar panel yeah yeah yes and it used to go underneath the road and it would follow the trail that she's saying and it would go down and go down and back and down on the other Street they would complain that they were getting flooding so they put that stor thing and that's what I was told when so that these people up here were getting flooded cu the water was going I'm getting oh you're getting you're down here yes yeah so they diverted the water this way but but it wasn't me no people down here yeah yeah once they change that I I now get flooded because that storm brain is there oh oh they made it better for you but made it worse for you at the same time they made it for everybody else down the straet yeah wow do you know a bouts when that was put in I don't remember I I don't remember yeah at all it's been quite a few years um Stanger used to own the property cross so maybe about the time ANW would bought the property to build the house yeah that that's right that might be about the time frame yeah yeah what you guys think it jurisdiction I haven't seen it but you guys did jurisdictional or just Town drainage like in mson where they have all the drain it's a weird situation it's it's a channel there like I mean either way either way if there's a channel there they're going to have to cross it so it at a minimum be a pipe so they're not backing up water and right it's you know like you see any of those driveways that go over the roadside ditches you be to build yes something to convey the water from A to B yes which I wanted to make you guys aware that we found that there is vegetation lining it but lend Jo yes um in hand when we file for a curve cut y yes all those are reviewed by DPW and they pull up their plans and they show all of their all of the drainage into it and they make they'll require us to put in a cber at that site I just just wanted to make sure you guys knew about it did had you seen it before I was I was aware that okay all right is there something like a feature you wanted the plan and just say drainage area so we know it is if they go out and Survey it it might be important to put he'll have to Res survey this when my new flags are up here yeah so it might be important to least note it on the plane for future especially for you know Crossing it yeah now what did you think of the flagging I had here were you okay with it any changes I know I couldn't make it to the field walk with think that was pretty accurate it contained it has a you know a bank of a foot or so yeah it drops down pretty it but I didn't see the flags but to find the um something on that monitoring well yeah we could look into it I I don't know I don't even know the best way to find out I don't know either sometimes there's like if you flip the top and look in there's some kind of reference number but then it's you'd have to probably do a 21e like search to see if there was a spill yeah but if there's no spill nothing's going to come up yeah somebody could have just been furious at the water level and yeah but in a while you reach out to the person I asked about that well that you got no okay what was the name of the person to reach out yeah if they know anything what was the name of the person it's um Bruce Glover it's Mary Ellen Glover's husband he used to live not the house on the other side side but one other house when we moved in in 62 he had already living there and I don't know if he knows anything about it I wonder if the DP has any record of it if there was a spill that would if it was like a well that had to be installed for monitoring yeah that's that's what the 21 e search would like P yeah what would what would they be putting a well could be anything could be been groundwater yeah you know and my my thought is like if somebody found this as like a wetland maybe somebody was trying to prove it wasn't a wetland and put in a well and they were checking water levels in Spring that would be my first guess as to what it is um but I would do something like that if it was a site that I was trying to like look at over the long term if there was only one it's probably not a Hazmat thing because they'd be more they'd be spread out in some kind of glid or they're GNA want to get like a gradient not just like On's at this one point here right today right they're going to need to get plume and I didn't I didn't look into it did it look like there was like a was it it's a screw cap it looked like yeah got pin hole on the top it's hard to tell yeah what inside or how deep it goes you know the depth will tell you what they're looking at if it's only eight feet deep they're just look this water drop a weight down there and sometimes you know it I've seen them in the woods too there could be somebody else somewhere maybe there's maybe something with the solar probably not but you know some other big development or maybe there was old landfill in town or something and they were just mandated to like put Wells at certain intervals away from that just to see if it's contaminating groundw a quarter mile away a half mile away they may have got this land owner permission to like hey can I put a well there sure um because I I know as part of the order conditions I would want that water tested to just make sure it was yeah yeah we didn't even know what to test it for though because we don't know what they're looking for yeah I don't know P ass there's probably some some if there's a well there there's probably somebody in town maybe Bard health or something I would think it was a has anything b a health might yeah some kind of monitoring plan for yeah I make a pcbs or whatever it might be guessing but but if it was somebody just wanting to check water levels it's you're not gonna right Al have do you have any idea about that no I I I see those quite frequently okay I I saw it I didn't do it any okay me if anything I would just say maybe it's more of like a title search to make sure there's no weird thing on the property because whoever buys this if there is a Hazmat issue they're just going to be like well what is that but if it doesn't come up then nothing was found yeah if there was a well there but yeah so let's just say Okay this Wetland is good you know the line line work of it obviously it's impinging on a little a little bit of the grading again it hasn't been surveyed I don't know the exact size it looks like it's probably under 5,000 square ft so it wouldn't be a local Wetland but you know I don't think Al really needs to fill it you could probably just maybe avoid it but maybe we don't need to move I guess what I'm saying is if it's not local jurisdiction I guess we it'd have to have it surveyed to find out how close it is to the grading exactly and I mean right now there's one grading line in which I'm assuming could probably tight up to get that out if that's real I mean the Wetland might be bigger might be farther this way I don't know um I was I was thinking more the septic if this is not a state Wetland does that setback for septic apply anymore right now you got this SE if this is a real watland right and if it's if it's not connected not BBW okay so it's not it's not State jurisdiction it might it might be local jurisdiction if it's over a certain size but if it's under a certain size it's not loal if it's non-jurisdictional can I just fill it in in theory I don't think it's it's definitely a wetland feature is it a jurisdictional wetland well that's yeah that's a good well that's my question yeah it might come down to Army Core it in another in in another town there was a small Wetland area and uh a little Pond yeah and but it wasn't jurisdictional so we filed with the Army exactly you just have to go through that process and then we filled it in and everyone's Happ you have to get army fors who also agree that they don't have jurisdiction over it it takes a while but I've done it on a couple projects too but you know they're they're turn around for reviewing those things is takes a little bit but if they if they agree that it's not jurisdictional under their regulations it's not jurisdictional under them or 401 so nobody would have jurisdictional that's even why we filled it in so we could put a septic within 50 F yeah but if it's not jurisdictional I don't think the setback setic setback would even apply it would just be there's just a wet area yes yeah it wouldn't matter if you fill it in or if you didn't fill it in it would just be it's some wet area on the site okay so I guess same same thing for the other project we need to survey this and really see what it is and then potentially adjust some of the site work relative to how big this is yep but um you know maybe pick up that other I'll flag that they can pick it up buy and look at yeah it's it's pretty distinct I was shocked when we were walking in there like oh where's this go yeah because it almost makes it to that green thing but I'm sure if you get heavy flooding it might make it I don't some the water comes in when you get those 3-inch rainstorms and that thing that just can't handle the flow it's just sheeting into the site and it just kind of fills up Sandy there this opposite of the other site this is all pure sand yep it just eventually just works on yeah with the town bylaw is WR in there for the square footage it and then if it is you 25t buer around different than on alen street at the church there that had that Standalone pod no other wet features around it they correct I think if this met the local bylaw like by size it gets the 25 foot the 25 foots a local ordinance right poer yeah yeah need to need to get survey Y correct you can't even guesstimate on the square footage at this point right it's just guesstimating part of it is actually falls into the buffer zone of the other ones it does yeah this this buffer comes all the whole thing is in the buffer zone to this one that Buffer's here so it's all in 100 foot buffer already how much is in the the 25 foot this is the 25 no disturb okay yeah so part of it's in it okay part of that other thing is yeah yeah okay the well looks like the well is still in the 25 yep all right so um I make a motion that we continue it to September 18th okay second all in favor I I same thing I'll get a hold of you guys and give you an update before the meeting where we're at with thing okay oh the um the RDA nobody's here or thank you guys so I think I have to open it and continue it I think that's what works what this the RDA oh the one um all right on the pump house yes so I'm gonna open the meeting for the RDA continuance for zero South road construction of a pump house for maple sap within 200 feet of Riverfront since we have not heard from anybody and they are not present I would like to make the motion to continue it to the September 18th all in favor all second it I did do we have any uh correspondence no a bill no we don't a new agenda anything you to discuss anything new coming up no well eventually we'll have um Glendale solar okay number two any other site visits coming up any on other rdas or nois or anything not yet but it's still early okay all right um what else oh did you get my the copy of that um site visit form did you ever find that that forwarded to you no forward it [Music] now there's been no information since the last meeting about that pump house thing nothing's coming in no he came to see me oh he did after the meeting and um discussed the fact that at the meeting you all wanted him to move it further away from the um Brook um and that's the that was the last I heard from him um I think with the for Street cutting plan I sent you some of that information um that he he that's a 10year cutting plan and then um sap the actual um collection of the sap is um allowed under the mass Wetland protection act um that he can do that but um the further away that he can get from the book The better the whole lot where he wants to do all this is under natural heritage rare and endangered species so I told him that um he did have to file with them because even with a I'm thinking of the turnberg force cutting plan that he still had to file with that so um that's where we're at with that so I'll give him a um yeah call he does have a cell phone with so I emailed him oh to go look again yeah yeah you guys didn't look at it yet yeah anyway there's time can move it possibly into the forest further out of the riverfront but putting the solar out in the field right would have been a problem yeah right he wanted to put it on top no I showed him a good spot right next to his wood I know okay so it's a PDF okay ready I will make lots of copies all right you just going to change it to from Grand to right yeah okay I make a motion to close the meeting second all in favor what is it 7:30 yep