##VIDEO ID:TV99M-KrvZ4## Massachusetts acts in compliance with chapter 48 under the John John hey John Flynn all I can hear is you talking sh please all I can hear is you talking okay well it's very distracting the planning board is established under chapter 48 of the general laws of Massachusetts and acing compliances chapter 40a under the zoning bylaws of the town of handen chapter 41 governing the submission and approval of plots proposed subdivisions and the rules and regulations governing the subdivision of land and hamton Massachusetts our legal notice the hamon planning board will hold a public hearing on Wednesday August 14th at 6 PM in the townhouse 625 Main Street hamon Mass on the application of Daniel Buro for a special permit under Section 6.1 6.11 one of the hamen zoning byog to allow the construction of a private garage which exceeds an agria area square footage which is more than one half the ground floor area of the dwelling including any patch garage at the budra residence located at 75 South Road information related to this application is on file in the town clerk's office and is available for review by the public during normal business hours for the board Madison Pixley chair of the hamon planning board published in wam Hamden times July 25th and August 1st 2024 uh the town clerk reported there are no outstanding taxes to dat the police chief Scott B Trembley reports he has no concerns um and this is being recorded record so if you wouldd like to present your application hi um I'm Dan Buro 75 Road get permission to build a garage which square footage of the cop they have everything submitted I gave them okay um for the main dwelling of the house first floor which is 71 sare ft porch which is 735t and you a total of 6 which is L square footage of the garage is more than half of that so that's fine um I'm look going to build a 30X 44 garage with a 12T lead to on the 44t side I have plans here better ones always to see I also printed out more flat LS to show suround the areas I see that one size of this is a 2023 view so there's a 40 Acre Farm to the right of me there's a 13 acre strip of forest behind me that runs behind myself and the neighbors down the hill we will also have five acres there's a horse farm across the street so it's kind of a nice farmy area of the Town um I want to build this to look like a barn that'll fit into [Music] surroundings and you over the years you rebuilt the home that was there correct when I bought it I yeah start Remodeling and then got into yeah sort of from the inside out right you got going yeah um as far as other buildings that are there there's still there that's falling over and then there's a shed there was multiple other small shed on the property that are still on the public records I'm going to keep the one shed and then build the bigger mon you got four sheds lifted one lean to one garage there six other buildings records yeah so so other shed the fouret says so there's the one 40 feet over and then the other L and stuff I believe which were recorded were what was between the shed and the barn over the years so you got to update that in other words you don't have those sheds anymore not all of them just the one I'm going to keep the barn is there but that's go the bar the one sh and hopefully one shed um you got a dumpster at the house now in front of is that the shed you're going to keep no that's just a temporary storage container that I just brought over there this week so I can get all my stuff that's Barn it's going to St sorry that's okay no you're okay yeah also have another print out showing Bren back with the 100 foot bucker [Music] Zone and what what I'm seeing here you're going to be plenty of room off your s setbacks for correct to the to the rightt is 70t is the closest in the shed where it's marked here on that that's yes11 I don't know the P when I'm putting a business in here in the future it's all just for personal page 4 gotta right I understand fix this here page 40 huh is there another law that's poing up no that's what they're they're looking at what you're requesting in the bylaws they're just looking at the bylaw what's the use of the barn going to be for you Dan just going to store like that little shop in there yeah just small right have an old truck Tru so no business just you using it for it takes me to do everything a right [Music] occupations any other questions the housing I know we talked about the size of the acres and I drive by up and down past Dan's home quite a bit every day more than I wish I had to but but n of the house the homes exist the homes are quite a distance the acreage is there and even the distance from your house to those house to to Tom's and him is yeah they're not close right I don't think anybody would really mind looking at a a nicer bar that's not fall right make any questions any questions no I move that we approve the special permit application for Mr Buro case 2024 e for an accessory bar and that exceeds half the script from is I second that all in favor I great okay you might need to sorry I'll type up the division as I can I have 14 days but I'll do it as soon as I can file it and I'll send you a copy of it and it tells you when you can pick up certified decision from the Town Clerk and then you're clear there's a 20day tail period on the 21st day you can pick up the decision and then you can thanks thank you appreciate yes congratulations um I move we close uh the public hearing for case 2024 e second it all in favor y e e e e e e e e e e e e e be moving on to the second public hearing all right so this is case 2024 F and planning board members Madison Pixley chair Christina broor Pat coin David Demers and John Matthews did you unmute it um statement of authority the planning board is established under chapter 4A of the general laws of Massachusetts and acts in compliance with chapter 4A under the zoning bylaws of the town of hamon chapter 41 governing the submission and approval of plots of proposed subdivisions and the rules and regulations are governing the subdivision of land in hamon Massachusetts our legal notice the hamon planning board will hold a public hearing on Wednesday August 14th at 6:20 p.m. in the townhouse 625 Main Street hamon Mass to amend the zoning bylaw of the Town by substituting the term select board for Board of Selectmen then and then select board members for the word Selectmen in each and every place either one appears in the zoning bylaws and the subdivision rules and regulations information related to this application is on file in the town clerk's office and is available for review by the public during normal business hours for the board Madison Pixley chair of the hamon planning board published in the Wilbur ham hamon times on July 25th and August 1st 2024 um no reports received from other Town departments or agencies so do you have a presentation to make or I think I kind of covered it it's pretty straightforward um the government study committee basically felt that this was just a matter of bringing us up to date um that the uh the town is having a hard enough time getting people to volunteer for positions and to run for Selectmen and it's just but more neutral wording was is logical um it didn't seem controversial to us but um when I actually went through and counted the number of places where Selectmen appears it's actually very few in the town bylaw in the zoning bylaw it's all over the place yes it is every tab was it 27 spots or something 38 or something yeah so that's basically all I have to say but feel free to ask questions I don't have any questions is this change mandated by the state no it's just a town Choice it's a choice that the towns can make right exactly nobody is why you know Town Council for one one town uh they can you can name it anything you like okay oh we can give them any name we [Laughter] want may not appreciate [Laughter] [Music] it we are incredibly enthusiastic about I know they call me a lot of things if I may um I was on the uh committee also they worked was a good committee they worked very very hard um and I think it's a good question thought process behind this as Eric said was you know to try and bring it up to a more Modern Standard if you will um there has been comments made to me that um doesn't matter and to the effect that um it should stay as selectman and you know I I don't have any problem with select board so um I've heard it all um and if you look at the trend of the map 187 you know for select board uh Board of Selectmen is now 104 so the vast majority of the towns are moving to um select board and and like you said wolverham had just changed so I think it needs to go in front of the voters which it will um and yes it's a big task because planning their bylaw does have select men in that document quite often any comments from the crowd the select board I'll start from our for 20 years um again Echo what John said the we commend the work of the government study committee for what they've done I mean you look at the makeup of them you have new people on the committee which is great um it may be bad for those who have both parents out at different meetings throughout the week but but uh we think it's great we have more people participate I know we talked about the fact that history involved in you know I knew obviously all three of the women who serve this selectum I think John you know Ginger she was proud member of Bo s Judy hmer y Mrs blover but I think Eric's point is correct if we want to be more I want to say inclusive but present we think better opportunity for people to participate that this is what needs to be done and it's nothing more than a title it's an opportunity to serve and we shouldn't put any perceived barrier in front of it so again we thank you for bring our attention I know I jok with you about it to do is Century now almost a quarter Mo you have a question uh so we have a question if this goes through would the hamon wetlands bylaw also have to be updated to reflect this change pretty sure it says Selectmen in that bylaw as well my guess is that every thing all our town documents that would be included in the bylaws so it would automatically yeah is under the general they got to do that the actual I think what we decided to do is the actual warrant article will include include the zoning and the general then Town Council suggests we do it that way because the general bylaws only requires majority vote only bylaw reques a two3 vote so that one voted one way the one voted the other way you have you know let's say the two3 vot pass for zoning but the general b passor V change that change combine one more article will require two3 V so they vot zoning everything change right I think you're also you're you're referencing other documents in town just like talk about sub but those are under your perview take meeting I think there are I know what my wife was chair apartment they had their own regulations which referenc the board selting right but at their own meeting they can modify them there are Wetland regulations that are under the Conservation Commission they can change at their own meeting okay I'm not sure if we're going to change the signs like that obviously the the office will change but there may be a flaque that was awarded to we not no so why does the general bylaws is it majority and Zoning is two3 all zoning is 48 [Music] requir so as a combined what does it need okay and we had no idea it's going to get so complicated when we started with this can blame teeth for that okay so do we need to hear a motion to yeah I was yeah I'm not sure no we just hold the public hearing the motion's made at Town town meeting right you have 21 days to make a recommendation right I thought they recommended it us D also zoning attorney but generally speaking this make a recation meeting so a verbal recommendation meting a motion we recommend this as part of the warrant article all 2024 I move that we recommend this change in verbage to the um October 2024 town meeting um warrant to change to change from Selectmen to select board yeah what John said and from select board to board of Select yeah no to select select to select board right it'll be select board yes what's in the legal notice yeah it's um second that what is it it's substituting substituting the term select board for Board of Selectmen and then select board members for the word Selectmen all in favor I I yeah I also move we close public hearing for case 2024 F second that all in favor thank you com presenting my best I would ask hey Eric are you going to present that at town meeting somebody one somebody from somebody from government stud well though yeah may be adopted amended or repealed by a majority vote at any annual town meeting the general okay not be legal to actually have this motion for changing the general b at the special town meeting right annual town meeting at the wait till the spring Spring Town meeting now your your recommendation can still you don't have to do it again we do the zoning at the special that's that gets into your fear about one change the other one's not but if the zoning passes then it'll be pretty obvious you will get to General by it'll only need 50% you're just saying I've been meeting only do it at one but my point is you go ahead and recommendation yeah we think there should be amended whenever it's put on the one basically you're in favor of whenever it comes up does the timing of this public hearing affect anything if it goes to a Springtown meeting are we still good I would say I would make the motion to uh endorse these articles at the town meeting they brought forward and then you're you're covered okay so moved if it doesn't work out if Brian researched it wrong this just another public hearing down the road just another public hearing those Lin that line is gon when I saw there three that's why I'm just ecstatic tonight got three [Music] three you batter in six minutes there you go e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 20 24g introduction of the planning board members Madison Pixley chair Christina brador Pat coin David Demers and John Matthews our statement of authority the planning board is established under chapter 48 of the general laws of Massachusetts and acts in compliance with chapter 4A under the zoning bylaws of the town of hampon chapter 41 governing the submission and approval of plots of proposed subdivisions and the rules and regulations governing the subdivision of land and hamton Massachusetts our legal notice the Hampton planning board will hold a public hearing on Wednesday August 14 2024 at 6:40 PM in the townhouse 625 Main Street hamton Mass to amend the town of hamon zoning bylaw to establish a temporary six-month moratorium on the construction and operation of battery energy storage systems Bess information related to this application is on file in the town clerk's office and is available for review by the public during normal business hours for the board Madison Pixley chair of the hamon planning board published in the wilham hamon times on July 25th and August 1st 2024 we received no reports from other Town departments or agencies so don so basically this is a zoning amendment to have a moratorium for six months so that we can study the ru rules and regulations we need for battery energy storage systems which is the next iteration of the solar the whole Solar type thing yep we've had a couple of inquiries in town There's been no real application or anything but it would behoove us I believe to to be able to get regulations in place that protect the health safety and Welfare of the people in the town and particular concern is of course obviously the protection of water in town and protection of property in the case of battery storage fire uh which do does occur and we have a small fire department that that really would not be able to handle any any kind of serious fire that would protect the property also the noise generated by the fans for the cooling of it and then a whole thing like the solar panel the decommissioning and the cleanup if there's some kind of problem with them so there's U the attorney general has been pretty strict on not allowing moratoriums but we felt that we could get at least a six-month moratorium based on what we need to do here and I've collected a couple of uh zoning bylaws from where and from Medway and I believe wam has their battery storage one now so uh that's where it stands for before the town meeting on the in October and see what happens okay I gave you some information about battery storage fires and things like that is there some uh reason it's six months versus nine months versus yeah six months to the next town meeting that's why I figured and the Attorney General is already they're very suspect of moratoriums because they think it's Town's ways of blocking it which the canid are 4083 I guess so I thought 6 months would be reasonable seeing so many times we've gotten these already we just cotton paste they so we're GNA get to another or ESS committee to put this bylaw together you think that we have enough to do it from the other towns I think we have nothing to do it from the other towns okay you know we it's pretty most of the stuff is pretty straightforward okay I I think I think if the committee [Music] um puts forward an effort to do this we should be able to get it done um without you know a committee without a committee pardon me without a committee without a committee okay I think there's enough information out there as you said Don and I think we may want to add our own um caveats to it um because of the fact that Hampton the the fire department situation in Hampton yep okay and the lack of water in Hamden okay so some of that plays into this um so yes I I believe and and I think we need to put it the revamp the whole Solar bylaw because the you know the onm operations and maintenance plan needs to include you know a a testing schedule for these you know whether it's you know an insulation resistance dialectric testing things of that nature um that would help to ensure that from year to year and that schedule would be a year to year a yearly thing yep and again the results would go either to the building department or for review um from the town's selected Engineering Group for a review okay so there's a lot to it when I say a lot to it meaning that revamping the solar bylaw to accommodate these battery battery yeah he Mak same motion that you made before you want take that motion oh yeah um I make a motion to have ready for the annual town meeting a amended solar bylaw to include the battery sto battery storage systems for the solar sites would I be the moratorium right now oh the mor yeah moratorium till okay battery energy that's battery energy okay so this is going to be this town meeting right sorry yep sorry yep I make a motion eny storage system support um establish a temporary six-month moratorium is he or battery storage systems I'll I'll second all in favor all right that's recorded right we got to get to work are you going to present this at town meeting yeah great Don just some moratorium okay once sure fine best thank you he said establish temporary six-month moratorium for battery energy source that's just in case you can't hear them on the recording should huh that make sense right that's for fall here's where in oh yeah thank you Town Council sent those over thank you uh close public hearing 2024 G second that all in favor I all right um so now we're going to open our regular board meeting August 14th 202 for at 6:50 p.m. [Music] um we'll just go to our first 173 Bennett Road site plan review for virtual Law Office go for it my name is David Bon I'm a new Resident to Hon Massachusetts just having purchased a place in May but moved in as of August previously I was living in Canton Massachusetts uh and I'm looking for um site plan review and administrative review approval um for a home office occupation for a virtual Law Firm um at 173 Bennett Road my Prim residents um I'm a land use and Zoning attorney I primarily represent institutional clients um I don't have uh people coming to my my office to to meet face to face primarily most of my meetings are either conducted via Zoom um and then the actuals take place as you guys are all well aware at night at different locations across the state and elsewhere um so that being said uh I don't um have a need for excess parking at 173 Bennett Road however there is space to accommodate additional parking that work requirement parking requirements um and there is significant parking at 170 um that being said more than happy to answer any questions you may have there's no plans for any exterior alterations I'm not requesting any approvals for a sign at this time um primarily just provided a a building footprint right now to [Music] show provide a new office for myself and that is that is my application so I'm hoping you will look favorably upon it is there an actual physical space in your home that is your office yes so do you look at the the simple fopr before and off the kitchen which is now officially in office we closed off a door and created another door off the hallway y more space the very last yeah [Music] y expect expect there to be any nuances I'm not going to be what computer generates relatively clean what's that doing the laund oh off laundry is so we we moved the laundry room down at the basement yeah K you say we kept ours in the basement when we refinished our house and redid our house and I regret that I wish we had moved it upstairs I don't have a nice yeah that's laundry shoot bathro covered another regret [Music] of one of my kids or both of them would have probably tried to go down with him really oh my God any questions conc concerns questions no no no um I move that we approve oh yes sir the same as no it's an hourly right for the most part so regardless of where I'm located although don't charge patient so okay um I move that we approve the application for home occupation for Mr bearon person person at 173 Bennett Road I'll second that all in favor all right thank you all very much thank you thank for coming in I live behind you I live behind you I live on Glendale side it's it's probably it's right in there somewhere e e sir yeah like forever ago I know how many four more set minutes and now there's three more did they ever respond to you about the help yes she's coming in Monday for an interview 24 minutes second all in favor like to make a motion for Wednesday June 26 2024 minute second minut all in favor the public hearing minutes public hearing public hearing sorry right I need to see all this read anything on June 26 one because I don't okay I don't see anything like to make a motion for to approve the minutes for June 26 2024 I second that right I think we're I just had one thing I wanted to bring up the accessory dwelling um passed by the state and we've got people that are interested in doing this and our bylaw doesn't really coincide with the state bylaw but I know we have to go by the most stricter of the two um but there's a lot of issues that I think have to be discussed in talking with the building inspector and the Board of Health so um like setbacks how far can this building be from the building reasonably regulate side setbacks what if the Lots existing non-conforming does that mean they can't put an accessory apartment you know there's a there's a lot of open issues okay say 900 or 900 about I think we said 800 just a bunch of issues and they don't have to require special permit in the byw yeah so we gonna have them come to board for us or just go right to the building inspector for a building permit we don't know what the process is going to be so I don't know what to tell these people I mean it's whether or not we want to do a site plan review I think e e e e e e e okay I'm saying which we have from the state yeah so you got to add that to your bylaw I don't mean to no no but I'm I'm just wondering these people are coming in and I don't know what to I mean I'll be honest with you I've had six people yeah a lot of people people are and there's a lot that are here already like and I mean I could I put 37 of them on my that's another question what do people do subdivide their properties now and put an understand so because our bylaws also say you have to have a minimum of you know 200 feet of Frontage and let's say an acre and a half you know what I'm saying unless you have uh eight AC uh 8 acres and 60 ft of Frontage or if you're on four so there's a lot of def definition that will need to be defined in your your bylaw I know that's so that's something to think about I'm saying you don't need to do it tonight but um you may want to think about how this is going to lay out in the bylaw too would it be under 6.3.5 I don't know I I haven't yeah I haven't looked at the b in a long time well there's also in 7.2 there's maximum percent building coverage of land including accessory buildings I think the Adu would fall be included that you do is that reasonably regulating I think it would be maim percent I don't think so I don't know building coverage I don't know how accessory buildings yeah so but it's not an Adu this is all new stuff so in other words I haven't finished reading the whole thing from from the governor I have to read that too so again I'm just in the process of getting all this information and up to speaked um it's going to be a big proc it's going to be a rather involved process yes depends on how because you have to go just as you said the number of you know square feet per AC per land use there's some of that um there's also if you go to um the substandard Lots you also have to there is a certain amount of land that has to be appropriated from the front of the street back now do you want to be able to put an you there um so I don't mean to throw the wrench into the well oiled machine but these are some of the questions that but what do we do with somebody who's calling us now asking about this do they go for a building permit they we don't have a process for site plan so the the real the real start would be with wendle the building inspector okay because the plan one of the plans is is you have to submit a of plans so I can do a 90 900 squ ft house but now what if I and this is just a thought now if I have a basement okay so there's another 900 square feet is that living space or is it just 900 square feet of aggregate so you know in other words is it is it a square footprint 9900 yeah footprint or is it 9 100 square F feet of living area those are those are questions those nobody I don't have those answers and I I believe that the state does not have those answers either so in other words if I was going to build a 900 square foot and then I went to my basement and put my my bedroom in uh Kitchen in there if you put maybe my bedroom and kitchen and on the first floor is so now I need two forms of egress really for the code yeah um so there's there's a lot to it so but you said for the code building code the code that's why I that's why I said it should start with wend I agree and Wendell should look at that and look at the plot plan until we get till we get get our bylaw yes I don't mean to throw it no I just don't know what to do say to this person so but he would he would follow the existing bylaw right now um to accommodate it y That's my recommendation now I don't know what Town Council feels yeah I think personally I think we need guidance from Town Council I agree okay so yeah because if you want to read it and we know that this is everybody's doing it's a state ordered so it's across the state excuse me so that's why I said we should probably look to have some guidance from Town Council and what I would probably do is make a list of all my questions um that I have and then we all put them together in a big Jumble puzzle okay and you know farad it out and send it off to Town Council yeah so that's my well I was talking I only say the last thing but I was talking with Board of Health and another question is can you tie the accessory dwelling unit into the existing it doesn't say septic or well we don't know is that allowed to to do that so now if I do so one of my things is is that I've talked to people about it is here here if I have the house you know my primary dwelling unit and the accessory do I tie into the well well right now if I tie into the same well now does it become a public water supply okay so does it fall into regulations that it has to be tested every month things of that nature now if I tie into the septic is the septic going to be able to handle so but maybe I have another septic where's the septic and where's the reserve for that septic in other words if that one goes bad I have a reserve area a more um so it can get quite quite involved all right so here's what I think we should do um I think everybody if you have the time now in our next meeting is try to get familiar with the new law that was passed and we come back with a list of questions that we'll compile and send to Town Council and in the meantime any applicants will send to wend which which one is it so I can write it down and I have the cheat sheet given to me by the Town Administrator did I give that to you the two pages I think I sent it and John I'm sorry it's two pages go ahead Julian I was wondering is that sufficient you really don't have to read this entire people can read what they want right but I he gave me what was pertinent to I could send it out to everybody sure send that out it doesn't say much because alls it is is the two pages out of the whole document exactly I think it's 177 Pages the whole document yeah something to that nature um 126 Pages 126 okay 126 pages so yeah and it's only two pages out of that 126 so um yeah even familiar as they want to they don't I don't expect people to read 126 Pages no no no unless you have no life like I do but you can read all then we should let John read it John read it report back yeah no I I i' I've read I've read it a little bit but I haven't gotten it's very weeds yeah that's why I say Town Council agreed bring the questions up well that's why I'd like for us to be able to compile our questions together and then the questions you had tonight were all good ones too yeah do not to change but do you think we should before we do all that just through a general question out to Town Council saying we've approved our our accessory I forget what we called it I can't remember what we call the accessory apartment yeah as an attached building and now the state's approved this how how do we go forward see what they say how do we go forward from there do you could just to give us a starting point I think that's a good idea before we do all that work sure and you know what I do is use that to open the door right that's what I was thinking let them do say we're coming up with a list of questions use I mean she's probably not gonna get back to us by then anyway so I don't know Pat what do you think I don't think so there's quite a bit there maybe at a high Lev question she could answer well that's what I figured just an overall question I'm thinking you're going to end up want to Jesse well the reason being that Jesse is um Orlando he's he's I think it's on East Hampton's planning board yes he's the chair he's the chair planning board so he's going to be dealing with the same questions yeah true so you're right all right that's you prove it you're going to get some generic drum RADS which isn't a bad thing you know starting point right but you're you're looking for some details yep yep all right you go Jo huh good I'm good all right I move we adjourn second fa we'll second it Jane found my old badge huh yes she saved it yeah I had a couple few