adequate notice of the May 9th 2024 Township committee meeting has been provided in accordance with the open public meetings act by posting written notice and agenda of the meeting on the bulletin board in Municipal Building 1 rout 10 Township of Hanover and by hand delivering mailing or faxing such notice and agenda to the following newspapers Mars County gy record The Star Ledger Hanover eagle and by finally the same with the Township Clerk committee man kahill here committee farasa here uh committee uh FR is excused this evening committee Mahalo here and mayor Gallagher here for members in attendance if you would please stand up join us for the Pledge of Allegiance a Prayer by Deputy Mayor Mahalo and then we would like to have a moment of silence for chief Gallagher I pledge allegiance the United States of America the repblic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all almighty God please watch over and guide this governing body with an abundance of wisdom and understanding to help make the best decisions for our residents please bless our First Responders and Township volunteers who keep us all safe also bless our Township employees and residents lastly please let us pray for the men and women of the US Armed Forces who stand vigil over us always amen amen amen thank you okay tonight we have a very special event and tonight is a very big night here in hanb Township we are going to take a few minutes to thank and honor an incredible selfless human being hanb Township Sensei Mr Wayne murky Mr murky has been a part of the hanb Township municipal family for the past 40 years as he has been Sensei to thousands of residents including yours truly and my two children Mr murky has been a great role model a very positive influence and a great lead by example teacher and individual a very good friend once told me the most valuable thing you can share with someone is your time and that is 100% spot on Mr murky thank you for your time thank you to your entire family for sharing you with us for all of these years so to prepare for tonight I told a few people what we were going to do do and why we were going to do it although every single person said it was very welld deserved I just want to share some of the comments I was told about Mr murky out of fairness to Mr murky and his students here we go Mr murky is the bomb Mr murky is the man Mr murky is a sick fighter I love Mr murky Mr murky is my brother Mr murky is the best I love that guy he's a good dude that guy is squared away that guy doesn't play around well Sensei murky on behalf of Hanover Township thank you please know how much we appreciate you how much we respect you and how much we respect your family and the sacrifice and thank you for being such an important part of Hanover Township Mr murky will be leaving Hanover Township and JJ Ka in very good hands with Sensei Zach murky who's Mr murky's son who's a standup individual and I want Zach to know that he has a lot of friends in town hall and we're looking forward to him continuing continuing Mr murky's Legacy so before we present Mr murky with the key to the city I would like to ask if anyone of Mr murky's black black belts would like to take the podium and make a comment or two about Mr murky and thank him for his service you can do anything you want Mr Norse got a couple things good I'll take up your all right just state your name your address and then take the floor you get four minutes all right good afternoon everyone my name is Reno amadori I'm a former Hanover Township resident I grew up in Hanover Township and went through the Handover Township school system and my name is Brian Cary I'm a Handover Township resident currently uh 13 Summit Avenue in Cedar NES and I also went through Handover Township Public Schools uh in 1984 we received the flyer for karate at Mathew Road school we were fortunate that both of our parents agreed to sign us up for classes that's when we met Mr murky so we've had the privilege of having Mr murky as our Sensei our karate instructor uh for the past 40 years we went through the ranks here in Handover and spent many years as Mr murky's assistant in town and received our black belt through Mr murky we didn't realize as kids how fortunate we were to have Mr murky as our Sensei but the older we got the more we realized how fortunate we were Mr murky is not only an awesome martial artist he truly is a great instructor many people in our organization will tell you that Mr murky is a tough instructor well he is but it was because he cared and he knew you could always do better and more importantly he made you believe that you could do better and that carried outside of just karate it because of Mr murky that we now have our own classes in in Marist toown teaching through the rec program just as our Sensei did we of often think when teaching our students what would Mr murky say or do we still look to him for advice and we always hope to make him proud 40 years later we still enjoy working out with Mr murky he still takes the time to watch what we're doing and fix things up not only making us better martial artists but giving us the opportunity to pass his knowledge and teachings to our students his Grand students it's obvious we we enjoy karate since we've been doing it for so long but that is because of Mr murky we enjoyed and we still look forward to coming to to class to see him every week growing up Mr murky is more than a karate instructor he's a mentor and has became a good friend to so many of us not only in karate but also in life we literally grew up with Mr murky as our site he was there when we were kids through our teenage years to adulthood we all shared many Milestones with him from getting our license graduating getting married having kids and the list goes on you see going to class every week became more than just karate we spent time together after class talking whether it was in the parking lot or once a they once of age at Cathy's Corner over a drink Mr murky always showed interest in our lives he's always offered an year to listen to and Sound Advice when needed if we ever needed his help we knew we all we had to do is ask he was always there I'm not sure how many people in life can say that they have someone looking up on looking out for you as you're growing up but we were fortunate to have that person in Mr murky our words today cannot express how much of a positive influence Mr murky had on our lives but you see we're just two people Mr murky's been teaching in Hanover for 40 years think about how many thousands of students lives he has touched so on behalf of all of us and and all of your students throughout the years Mr murky we just want to say thank [Applause] you mine not so scripted I first met uh when e murky uh and was his instructor uh back in the late 70s early ' 80s he uh by my Sensei uh he he he told Mr murky Wayne murky to come work out with me so we uh we became uh he was my student and became a partner in the JJ Ka Association uh soon thereafter so we have a partnership ship between my wife who was working out with me at the time and still does um Wayne murky uh working out under me and and and now a partner and for over 40 years we've been uh an incorporation uh in a karate school he uh we were lucky enough to get an have an opportunity to to open um a location here in Hanover and for as you all know 40 years he has uh as a labor of love uh has taught thousands of Hanover Township uh residents and uh to where they they work out every week uh they they go to tournaments they go to um promotional shii as well as I don't know how many years have we've been doing Camp 38 38 years of of a week uh long sleep or 5 days sleep over karate camp and um it's uh it's you know things change uh and now we'll be moving on to to uh warmer PES in Tennessee uh so we it's a it's a big loss to the association but we're all very proud and happy that uh he's now in retirement and um you know we're we're hoping for the best now what we're I think who is who's here is actually active or have been active in jjk just raise your hand all right so leave that hand up if you want uh wayy murky to come to this summer camp raise your other hand as well all right hopefully that's an impetus to uh to for the last ra because he does have a couple of of brown belts that are training this year for black belt and they uh they get tested at camp and uh we all think collectively right that he should be intim really involved in that um so to to wrap it up uh it's been a I've been it's been a pleasure and I feel uh we all feel blessed that he's been a a part of our lives for 40 years or longer and uh we're just hoping for the best and uh we all are very thankful for how you've embraced him throughout the years and especially tonight thank you okay Mr mky here are you sure you're going to go through with this cuz we could put this plaque in the back for a little while okay Mr murky if you'd please step forward we have the key to the city and a plaque to recognize you and your family and Ethan um and thank you very much Ethan for also helping us with this if there's anybody you'd like to um be in the photo with the governing body and Mr murky you're all welcome anybody's welcome thank you very much Mr yes there you go thank you very much and thank you for thank you appreciate it thank you now ladies and gentlemen we're going to get into some really exciting head of a Township committee business if you'd like to hang out with us you may but if you'd like to take a minute or two to exit uh thank you very much for being here and thank you for recognizing Mr murky and Mr K thank you again my brother thank you [Applause] that okay okay okay ladies and gentlemen uh the next portion of our business deals with a presentation by Barbara Davis the vice president for the Land Conservancy of New Jersey since 1999 the township has had a very good work working relationship with Barbara and the Land Conservancy uh in helping us to preserve and conserve open space and one of the um elements of the Open Space Program is the creation of an open space plan and an environmental resource inventory and this these two documents are very important not only for the township but the Green Acres Program through the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection uh looks to municipalities to create these plans on the preservation of open space um and I've had a very good working relationship with my fellow professional Barbara Davis and so is our crew Blaise brancha and Jerry Maser our Township engineer who have worked hand and glove with Barbara in the preparation of the open space plan and the environmental resource inventory so uh it gives me great pleasure to introduce at this time Barbara Davis from the L [Applause] Conservancy thank you so I'm here tonight to give a short presentation on the environmental resource inventory and the open space and Recreation plan the environmental resource inventory is a first for Handover Township I've been talking to Joe about it for a number of years um the environmental resource inventory is not a plan it's a report and it gives you the basis by which your municipality sits in a way it talks about the natural cultural and environmental features of the municipality and it has a series of detailed maps has a lot of documentation and now now we also include a lot of policy in those documents the environmental resource inventory is really a tool for the decision makers so the environmental commission the township committee the planning board that when you get applications in you can look inside the environmental resource inventory and have a general idea about the property and what questions to be able to ask either the developer or the homeowner as they come into the municipality to be able to use that property the environmental resource inventory is considered a priority action by sustainable Jersey Handover Township is certified through the sustainable Jersey program so once the plan is adopted by the planning board later this month you'll be able to submit it for 20 points in terms of your certification program the environmental resource inventory is on the municipal website there are handouts in the um room here tonight that give you a little bit more depth into the ER the open space and Recreation plan is one that um the township has done your first one was in 2001 and you updated it in 2011 and you're now on your third update as Joe mentioned I've worked with Handover Township um since I started at the Land Conservancy in 1999 um you have a lot of things that I think um if I was mayor I would want to be able to say so um we're just going to make pretend that I'm mayor of Handover Township so that I can say them and feel good about it um so that would be that would be fun so um you 63% of your residents voted to um put in the open space trust fund and you've continued to have an open space trust fund at 2 cents um since 1999 so what have you done with your open space trust fund um you've leveraged that with other people's dollars and I'm a big fan of using other people's money to um move your goals forward um Handover Township has one of been has been one of the most active applicants to the Morris County open space program and you pay a lot of money into the Morris County open space trust fund and you've been really good about being able to leverage that you've gotten 2,534 750 towards open space projects between 1996 and um 2022 so that's prettyy much at the start of the county program you're one of the first applicants you've applied on an annual basis to the County's Trail Construction program and they've provided great job you've also applied for funding through the historic preservation program between 2007 and 2022 you've gotten $249,300 to do is they like to award towns that think forward in terms of their open space program that they self tax that they have a plan for acquisition so what that does is that instead of getting money property by property they open up an account with you with the state so if you apply for property and that property owner changes their mind in terms of wanting to be able to sell it to you you could then use that money towards another project and I've worked with a lot of towns um I think I've done over 200 land conservation plans and a lot of towns have their grants cancelled by the state and it makes sense you know we all pay into that public fund and you want to make sure municipalities are using the public dollars and if you're not using the public dollars the state should take it back and put it someplace else well handovers never had their Grant cancelled in fact um Joe and I got an copied on an email this week saying you've done a great job we're going to you know pay your last bill and then we're going to cancel the grant are they kidding me no way I emailed them right back I said no you're not going to cancel the Grant and this is why and she agreed so let's see what you've done with the state of New Jersey since 2001 as a direct result of your initial open space plan you've received Grant funds totaling $5 million from the Green Acres Program you purchased and preserved the do property in um 2022 that was over a 10-year effort by the municipality um to purchase and preserve that property it was excess land that was part of the Route 24 right away it's 74 Acres one of the largest properties in Hover Township has the highest point in Hover Township it's surrounded by um development lows now borders one part of it you have Forest Way you have other development that clings to it um this is the most interesting project I think I've worked on um this property because it was owned by the do and because Handover Township was so proactive and wanting to preserve it um when the D the do declares it Surplus land they have to ask the municipality that it's located in if they want it which they knew they would they have to sell it at the value at which they purchased it which was $1 19964 but because we were using Green Acres funds which is another agency of the state we had to get an appraisal at current value for that property and and because the $1 1964 were less than 50% of what the current value is that entire property was purchased with State Green Acres funding which I thought was fantastic so the municipality was able to purchase and preserve 74 acres and have that nearly entirely reimbursed to them by the state of New Jersey you didn't have to go to Morris County you could work directly with the state and that's a great achievement um so with the conclusion of that property it left you just under half a million dollars in your Green Acres account but you didn't let it rest this year today actually you submitted your um last forms to Green Acres to purchase the manowski property which is next to B Meadow Park and it's a beautiful property um and it's going to um you're going to receive just over $200,000 from the state of New Jersey towards reimbursement for that you had a county Grant towards it um and you're looking forward the expansion of B Meadow Park is the right place for Handover Township to look and you've really closed in the borders there so this is the the final thing that I want to be able to say again if I was mayor of Hanover Township is that hover Township has 1,38 Acres of permanently preserved open space 80% of that has been preserved by the municipality which is great you've added 121 Acres of preserved land since the 2011 open space plan 74 Acres of that was the New Jersey DOT property 15% of the municipality is now permanently protected and as I mentioned the largest is the dot property the former do property Morris County has added 11 acres primarily through conservation easements as part of Patriots path and one of the things I do want to recognize and again we're still making pretend that I'm mayor is that your engineer and your planner Jerry and blae are extremely well informed as to the land in in Hover Township how it's used and um what the ownership is and what it should be done with it and the Morris County ownership in Hover Township is very confusing they have a lot of land and little tiny pieces that are all acquired as part of Patriots path some of it is listed on your Recreation open space inventory some of it's listed on theirs and we spent a tremendous amount of time trying to sift through that and blae and Jerry did a really great job making sure that your mapping was accurate and that I think is one of the most um powerful outcomes of your open space plan so tonight is the first of two public meetings so I ask that the real mayor um open up the meeting to the public um see if there's any comment on the open space plan and of course the environmental resource inventory um and then on May 21st the planning board will then consider it for adoption and once it is adopted we'll send both down to Green Acres Green Acres did review the draft plan and um they were extremely pleased with how the plan looked so once it's adopted I know the state will approve it and you'll be able to continue to get your funding and I'm here to answer questions if you have any so thank you thank you Barber so by the recommendation of the acting Hanover Township mayor bber tonight I'd like to call for a motion to Florida the public so moveed second all in favor if anyone from the public would like to be heard on this report please step to the podium state your name your address and you have 3 minutes seeing none hearing none motion to close motion to close second all in favor I I I see the acting mayor did such a great job J zero questions Barbara thank you very much yeah it's great to see this report and to have it all in front of us in writing and you know solid numbers uh I'm liazon for open space I'm also director of recreation and like you said we've been really focusing on B meow Park um glad you noticed because we've been working hard to uh really uh enhance it improve it open it up putting in the pathways um and and again it's great to see this uh we are moving it forward and pretty soon we'll be talking about the route 24 track and see what we can do with that and you know open it for Passive uh passive activity and and uh again we we we have a a great town and they're always supportive of these type of uh uh Endeavors so but thank you this is terrific thank you Mike anybody else in the go anybody no just we um we we we appreciate the level of professionalism on a consistent basis great strategic thinker has helped us really um develop what we were very proud of in terms of the the the just strategic allocation of open space it wasn't just acquire this or that it was well thought through and we thank you for leading that thank you very much barara CHR give it to Joe Joe would you like to a proclamation okay uh ladies and gentlemen we have a proclamation to read into the record and the procl reads as follows it's a proclamation of the township Committee of the township of Hanover designating June 2024 as lgbtq 1A plus pride month in Hanover Township whereas the township Committee of the township of Hanover welcomes and encourages diversity and inclusion within the Handover Community whereas on June 28th 2024 marks the 55th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising in New York City which sparked the gay rights movement and is the Nationwide month to recognize the lesbian gay bisexual transgender queer or questioning interex asexual and plus lgbtq 1A plus community and whereas celebrating pride month raises awareness and provides support and advocacy for the lgbtq I A Plus community and is an opportunity to become educated engage in dialogue strengthening alliances and building understanding and whereas while there has been remarkable progress toward acceptance and equality members of the LGBT btq IIA plus Community continue to face discrimination intolerance and hate and whereas we must commit to supporting and accepting lgbtqia a plus individuals in particular our youth who compared to their peers are far more likely to experience violence and bullying at school to suffer from depression to to struggle with substance use and to have attempted suicide whereas we must remain Vigilant in deterring oppression and discrimination against people on the basis of sex gender identity or expression or sexual orientation and whereas by protecting the rights of every individual we enhance and strengthen the value of everyone throughout our entire society and whereas we affirm and support for lgbtqia a plus residents in our community and stand with them to protect their civil rights and their ability to live openly equally and without fear now therefore be resolved by the township Committee of the township of Hanover in the county of Mars and state of New Jersey on this 9th day of May 2024 that the governing body today recognizes and supports the month of June 2024 as lesbian gay bisexual transgender and queer or questioning interex asexual and plus lgbtq a plus pride month be it further resolved that the governing body urges all residents to celebrate and build a a culture of inclusiveness and acceptance during this month and every month from now on signed Thomas a a Gallagher on behalf of the township committee thank you joh can I accept that sure F may come forward can I yes won't be long I've shortened it over the years oh I forgot my glasses so okay uh mayor Gallagher and members of the hanova township committee um with the rise of extremism and Division in our nation it's more important than ever that we recognize those Among Us who have been not only marginalized but also attacked for just being who they are we must recognize and celebrate the members of our own community in a positive way love is love regardless of race nationality sexual orientation religion or gender identity the month of June has been nationally recognized as pride month and we thank you for that same recognition in Hanover Township when we celebrate members of our community we encourage their participation in that Community we bring them out of the sh shadows and most importantly for our young people we send the message that we accept them no matter what we let them know and we let the community at large know that we support and protect all members of our community we let them know that all people are welcome here and that we stand against bigotry and hatred and potential violence that comes along with it and I am so proud that this community stands for these ideals um elected officials serve on behalf of all residents the choice to make a statement of support to people who feel marginalized can ensure that they all feel seen heard and welcomed and you have done that here and everyone should know that this um committee was not asked last year or this year to provide a pride Proclamation as I had done in the past but they did it on their own accord and I really truly believe that you deserve credit for having done that so um thank you so much Joe every year I love the with the expression that you read that Proclamation makes makes my heart sing so thank you all very much thank you thank you okay now we can start that's it now we start business all right Show Business Show Business okay where are we communication okay good evening ladies and gentlemen our first order of business is a letter of resignation from Adam Kipnis from his position with the public works department effective May 10th 2024 may I please have a motion to accept his letter so moved second all in favor I accepted his resignation uh next on the agenda the township committee has decided to withdraw ordinance number 72024 there will be no public hearing regarding this ordinance I'd like to take a motion to withdraw ordinance 7- 2024 sove second commit kahill hi commit FASA hi committee Mahalo yes mayor Gallagher hi ordinance 7 is so withdrawn next on the agenda we have the public hearing and Adoption of four ordinances ordinance number 82024 92024 10224 and 11-202 24 proof of publication that the ordinance that I'm sorry that ordinance number 8 and nine and their notices of introduction appeared in full in the April 17th issue of the Daily Record I'd like to State for the record that ordinance number 10 and 11 appeared in summary in the April 18th issue of the Daily Record in accordance with law I'd also like to State for the record that ordinance 888-224-4595 the business administrator chose to con consolidate all of the title position listed in the condensed version that provides the minimum and maximum rages rather than being broken down into two sections ordinance 10224 is a land use ordinance and this ordinance will sent to the planning board for referral and review in a letter dated April 25th 2024 from the planning board's chair Pete denas is stated that the planning board believes that ordinance 10-22 is generally consistent with the intent of the master plan and with the current recommendations for the various Zone districts ordinance 10 2024 contains detailed regulations not included in the master plan and provides for different sizes Warehouse logistic uses in the various Zone districts these are also not included in the master plan these inconsistencies are more than a technical nature than substantive excuse me and the board believes that ordinance 10 2024 clarifies and updates the land use policies of the existing master plan I'd also like to State for the record that ordinance 10 2024 was also filed with Mars County planning and development office as required by the municipal land use law ordinance 11- 2024 is also a land use ordinance this ordinance was also sent to the planning board for referral and review in a letter dated April 25th 2024 from the planning board chair Pete Denis it states that the planning board has review the ordinance for consistency with the master plan although the land use element of the master plan does not contain specific recommendations concerning the design of storm Water Management Systems the storm water management plan element of the master plan contains specific policy recommendations as well as a draft copy of the storm water Control Ordinance in the appendix to the plan ordinance 11 2024 is not entirely consistent with this plan since a storm waterer manag plan was adopted in 2005 before the njdep regulations were adopted the master plan should be amended to the consistent to be consistent with ordinance 11-202 the board intends to adopt such an amendment to the near future the amendments are also necessary to comply with the requirements of the township tier a ms4 permit ordinance 11- 2024 was also filed with the Mars County planning and development office as required by the municipal land use law at this time may I have a motion to convene the public hearings on ordinance number 8 9 10 and 11 move second is there anyone in Chambers wishing to be heard concerning any of the ordinances if so please state your name and address for the record and which ordinance you would like to speak regarding hearing none may I have a motion to close the public hearing may I have now a motion to adopt or 8 9 10 and 11 I'll make a motion to adopt along with the comment I think our planner B Branch out should be recognized for excellence uh from the Strategic perspective and the development of ordinance number 10 2024 which was a significant um body of work um and and providing us with something that we can move forward with in our Township and manage it appropriately I'd like to make a comment to Chris sure to um dve tail and what John said today with e-commerce warehousing has a much different definition there's a truck Depot there's a warehouse and there's a distribution center and many municipalities are struggling differentiating between the three bla you did an incredible job breaking this up it took several months several presentations to the planning board many many questions and a lot of phone calls so I just want to say thank you very much and I know from all the calls I've made to many municipalities everybody's facing the same problems differentiating between those three and I think you really nailed it and had of Township is going to be the beneficiary so thank you very much for great work thank you Ace thank you John may I have a second second all in favor oh no sorry no sorry got do roll call sorry sorry sorry scratch that commun kill yes commun farasa commun Mahalo yes mayor Gallagher hi so adopted next we have three ordinances in for introduction I'd like to read each into the record ordinance number 12 2024 an ordinance of the township committee Township of Handover authorized the resurfacing of a portion of the Bal Parkway from Pary road to Fenwick Road in the whipy section of the township and appropriating the sum of $174,800 from the New Jersey Department of Transportation fiscal year 20123 Municipal aid program and $175,600 2024 current fund budget ordinance number 13- 2024 ordinance of the township committee Township of Han Hanover authorizing the execution of a lease agreement with the Handover Township Boy Scouts of America Incorporated Boy Scout Troop 155 in operating the B Meadow Park Brickyard concession facility on July 8th 15th 22nd and 29th 2024 during the Township's lives vocal concerts orance number 14- 2024 ordinance of the township committee the township of Handover authorizing a lease between the township Handover and the Ark Mars County chapter New Jersey Incorporated regarding the township owned property located at 99 Mountain Avenue also designated as block 9905 lot 16 as set forth on the tax map of the township of Hanover I like to State for the record that all of the ordinances and their in notices of introduction will be published in full in the Daily Record in accordance with the law public hearing is scheduled for June 13th and if any member of the public would like to speak regarding those ordinances they will be given the opportunity to do so that evening may I please have a motion to introduce ordinance numbers 12 13 and 14 soov second on roll call committee man kahill committee man farasa hi committee Min Mahalo and mayor Gallagher so introduced can just have a slip of water mind sorry next order of business is the approval of resolutions as a consent agenda resolution number 75- 2024 through 95 95 2024 does any member of the township committee have any questions regarding any of these items May I have a motion to approve the resolutions if no questions so move second all in favor and the last on the agenda we have to pay the bills in the amount of 10,666 1225 May John bills motion for Sylvia to pay those bills thank you may have a second second all in favor I mayor gser and the members of the committee that clears the agenda and I greatly thank you thank you very much Chris the great job job I'd like a motion to open to the public so move second all in favor I if anyone from the public would like to approach the podium and address the governing body please state your name your address and you have 3 minutes uh cesco from uh Fieldstone Drive whiy I'd like to talk about affordable housing and uh my parents grew up in uh Irvington and then when they started having our family they wanted to move to the suburbs to raise a family uh my oldest daughter lives in Hoboken and she's single right now she's engaged actually and uh it's a pain just bringing finding parking there and bringing the groceries upstairs and she can't imagine having you know a child and doing that so she wants to move to a suburb and that's why a lot of people come to suburbs they they want a little more space you know uh and as we we heard in the other room before earlier some of us uh well the traffic you know as the town keeps growing and we're forced to grow by the state unreasonably um there's a there's we can see there's been a lot of problems um and we want we want to you know get this under control so um I'm going to propose an ordinance to uh get funding from the state for any kind of COA affording done through the town ordinance and I have a copy of an ordinance done by another town actually it's another state and they got something done uh just on the town level so uh I mean the state just basically you know they're forcing us to grow uh unbelievably and uh it's like take out your checkbook and we'll tell you how much to write the check for that's what it comes down to really when you think about it so uh I'm going to call this proposal this U ordinance uh balance budget construction and fair funding accountability and recovering ordinance and I hope I covered everything in that but uh I'll pass this on to the mayor and make copies but um I think um just as we have to be accountable for our household the state want to start doing it now because we have uh I've heard estimates of I can't believe seven out of 10 people want to move out of the state cuz they can't afford it so it's come to a pass and we need to do something and it's uh I'll work with you on this too thank you very much thank you very much anybody else thank you seeing none hearing none motion to close second all in favor hi hi guys we still have a lot more business to take care of but if any Committee Member would like to take the floor for a minute or two just a quick update Now's the Time okay we'll begin with uh one two3 first one up is roads we are planning to uh PVE 12 roads this year targeted we're budgeting $1.2 million in addition to the $1.2 million you heard tonight ordinance uh a grant state of New Jersey for $175,000 more so an aggregate $1.4 million progress you saw today today ceds Road was paid Reynolds will be done next week and the majority of the roads will be paved in July and August next one up is economic development economic development is hosting a special event on June the 5th it's a really good opportunity for our small businesses it will be held at the whipy train station it will be held at 6:00 it's geared to help small businesses Network so please put that down please come out and participate it's invaluable for the small businesses lastly is environmental initiatives Barbara Davis spoke about environment I did a great job with that but I want to compliment the whipy river water action committee along with our Green Team and Handover for joining together for amaz major Earth Day event they cleaned up blackbook Park Central Park malapardis park they removed all sorts of debris from our park to include pulling tires out of the river um special thanks go to our corporate Partners who helped and assisted our DPW department and our volunteers those Partners being barkers mandes and Moretti Falcon so we thank them and may that concludes my remarks thank you John right uh just two things first um just really briefly resolution 95 2024 had to do with the uh the rehiring of Officer Daniel aquero um so I just wanted to uh welcome him back I will be happy to welcome him back on on on June 1st uh he started with us in May of 2000 was with us for about three and a half years and left for personal reasons but on very very good standing um and we're fortunate to have him uh returning to the hand of attention police department and the only other thing that I want to mention is a new program uh this is a program also by Han Township Police Department it's called the home security assessment and it's a program where if you reach out to two of our detectives um they will schedule an assessment at your home uh parts parts are what's included with that are things such as assessing your security of your property's boundaries including fences and Gates uh checking and assessing the functionality and coverage of any security systems you may have in play such as alarms cameras motion motion sensors and so on uh a discussion of any factors external to your property that may affect security such as crime Trends or your proximity to main roads but at the end uh you'll get a detailed report of those findings and recommendations and any suggestions for security improvements I believe this uh can be found up on the Han Township PBA uh or I'm sorry H Township Police Facebook page I'm not sure if it's up on our website yet but if not it will be up there soon it's all thank you Brian Mike well since you guys were so quick so no just a few things I want to go over again uh thank Barbara Davis for coming out um it was again really good to see our our open space and Recreation uh again being director of recreation we're always got a lot going on uh especially over at B Meadow Park we have um turfield is is is we're down to a punch list now hopefully that should be open pretty soon um it looks fantastic if you haven't seen it yet um we also have phase three is probably almost 100% complete yeah they were working on it today I was over there checking it out looks good and then they were getting ready for phase four uh dumping material so again just accessing those areas giving us a a nice safe place for us us and our kids to to walk ride a bike um to access that area is great to have um that being said let me just go through a couple dates so Mark these down um we had Touch a Truck and fishing contest last weekend and I also want to thank Brian De Primo he did some fishing lessons uh beforehand uh for the kids that was a wonderful turnout uh great time and again thank you for Brian for for doing that we have a couple things coming up in Recreation um introduction to acupuncture that's on May 18th Saturday May 18th um the meadow pool opens believe it or not the meow pool opens May 24th Friday wow so it'll be open weekends until we get to uh the end of June and then it opens fulltime so again uh another one of our our our great features in our town badow pool uh still plenty of time to sign up you know for less than the cost of one night at the Jersey Shore you can have access to this wonderful facility for almost 3 months um it's open 7 days a week um swimming there's all YP of things going on there's um I I I don't even know where to start there's so many things that go on at the B Meadow pool so check it out uh again sign up it's a a great facility um again coming up again on Saturday June 1st we have get hooked on fishing not drugs sponsored by substance awareness and Recreation that goes um from noon um Rainer shine and it's also uh in conjunction with the New Jersey fish and wildlife committee um so come on after that again a little bit more fishing going on June 7th at the B Meadow pool 7 to 830 we have the parro head Beach band coming and playing at the pool uh there is a a fee for this is $15 per person $10 for seniors uh but come on out again it's a terrific night you get to experience the pool check it out hear some good music uh there's always food the uh snack bar will be open so there'll be food there too uh but you do need to sign up for that and and purchase tickets in advance so so get that going um just an FYI all of our camps some are plus traveling team Wildcat CS uh they're all filled um uh again they sell out really quick we've got a fantastic program sells out you know for especially for the um the value for dollar that's why it sells out so quick it's a fantastic program uh do have a couple spots left for field hockey though which is a new program that's been going on um so if anybody's those ages you can check those out uh may sound a little weird but tickets go on sale June 3rd for the Radio City Christmas Spectacular we don't want to hear that one tonight M so well it's coming up soon June 3rd Christmas yeah uh so we're selling those tickets already and that sells out quick so make sure you jump on that um couple more things I just want to point out we have some things coming up with cultural arts uh the Hanover wind sympathy Symphony on May 15th 7:00 at MJ as again that's a free concert that they put on uh always fantastic fantastic music um on May 19th on Sunday there's going to be a big ban and dance demonstration at uh also at the rec center from 3: to 4:15 uh another thing free also uh come on and check those things out one final item take your time Mike this is for bardette I want to point out to the board of ed they put out their budget and I just wanted to make a note and you know they they got beat up pretty good but they put a budget forward with a 1.6% increase um and in these days of escalating costs for them to put that together uh we appreciate their efforts so uh you can check out their website they have it all online there but uh just wanted to mention that while we're that's important thank you Mike thank you good job I have two first one is uh May 31st in this building 7:00 we're bringing cetal lator Foundation into this room May 29th May 20 what May 29th yeah May 29th it's um a program about distracted driving and impaired driving it's from Hudson County it's a woman named pamel Donald she's the only civilian trained and certified by the New Jersey State Police her family was tragically killed in an auto accident by somebody on opioids after a couple years it turned into much much more where she's doing a lot in policey and colleges teaching I went to a seminar hers in b on I got to meet her I asked her to come out so we are hosting her here we have um six different towns coming out including the mayor of Bon mayor Davis who's a retired captain of Bon PD it's going to be a big night it's going to be an emotional night we are going to live stream it and record it uh we're going to start doing more and more about distracted driving because the one statistic that I heard that night they made me want to do it prior to Memorial day is Memorial Day to Labor Day young driver deaths doubles children are on the road a lot more going down the shore they're on the road a lot more cuz they're not in classes and they're not as involved in organized Sports so it's very it's a dark program but it's an important program because in the real world uh you don't get to hit reset so I think uh it's going to be really great and a lot of people are going to learn a lot including us uh so now on the plus side of things a very good note for hanb Township is Hanover Township took a piece of property that was contaminated and owes Hanover Township $1.5 million in back tax most other towns would have written this off maybe donated to somebody or tried to have somebody else use it for a purpose that wouldn't have benefited the township Han a Township marketed the Redevelopment of this property for commercial use including the environmental cleanup who be and the person buying it would be responsible for that cleanup Hanover Township received $3 million this money is not for trust funds state mandates or other obligations this is for us the hanur township residents and I'm truly excited to report that this type of Revenue will be coming to us there's a lot of people that worked very very hard on this on our behalf I will say right now and I'm going to miss somebody but I'm going to talk to about the people that I've talked to quite a bit Fred samuro Robert Joe Georgio thank you very much $3 million is real money that's all I got tonight guys yes John we got one more important responsibility Sunday is Mother's Day oh Mother's Day so we want to recognize all the great moms that give it everything they got every day God bless happy Mother's Day motion toour all in favor all right it's Clerk's week it's Mother's Day my birthday oh your birthday what's your birthday no next week next week happy birthday Christ thank you and Jerry's birthday