adequate notice of the April 11th 2024 Township committee meeting has been provided in accordance with the open public meetings act by posting written notice and agenda of the meeting on a bulletin board in the municipal building 1310 T of Panner and by hand delivering mailing or faxing such notice and agenda to the following newspapers Mars County daily record The Star Ledger the H eagle and by fing the same with the Township Clerk roll call committee M Hill here committee faras committe franol committee M's excuse this evening and mayor gallager for members in attendance please join us in the Pledge of Allegiance and please remain standing for a minute for our prayer John FAS will take care of tonight I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the repblic stands nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all almighty God please watch over and guide this governing body with an abundance of wisdom and understanding to help make the best decisions for our residents please bless our First Responders and the township volunteers who help to keep us all safe also bless our Township employees and residents lastly please let us pray for the men and women of the United States Armed Forces who stand vigil over us always amen hey good evening ladies and gentlemen our first order of business this evening is a letter of resignation I'm sorry retirement from William Drake from his position with the public works department effected July 1st 2024 may I have a motion to approve so I have a second second all in favor so approved next is the approval of the regular Township committee meeting minutes of March 14 2024 may I have a motion to approve all in favor uh just for members of the public we are having difficulty with our um mic system so we're going to speak as loud as we can uh so can you hear us in the back of the room thank you very much so your patience is appreciated thanks okay next on the agenda we have a public hearing and Adoption of two ordinances ordinance number 52024 and 62024 proof of publication that both ordinances and the notice of the introduction appeared in full on the March 20th issue of the Daily Record in accordance with law at this time may I have a motion to convene the public hearing on ordinance number 52024 and 62024 move is there anyone in Chambers wishing to be heard concerning any of the ordinances if so please state your name and address for the record and which ordinance you like to be spoken up motion close second now adoption may I have a motion to adopt ordinance number five and adoption on ordinance number six so Mo second second thank you on roll call commit kahill I committ faras committment francoli mayor Gallagher I so [Music] adopted next on the agenda is the public hearing and consideration of amending and adopting the 2024 Municipal current fund budget proof of publication that the current fund budget appeared in full in the Daily Record in accordance with law at this time may I have a motion to convene the public hearing on the 2024 current fund budget so move second all in favor I is there anyone in Chambers wishing to be heard concerning the 2024 Municipal current fund budget if so please state your name and address for the record motion close second before the township committee can adopt the budget a resolution must be approved removing 69,000 $15 as an anticipated special item of General Revenue i' like to read into the record resolution number -224 a resolution of the township Committee of the township of Handover in the county of Mars state of New Jersey amending the 2024 current fund budget by removing $69,500 [Music] on roll call committee M kahill hi committee M farasa commit francioli hi and mayor gallager hi so approved next may I have a motion to adop adopt the 2024 current fund Municipal budget so move second that's as amended as amended as amended thank you on roll call as amended committee M kahill hi committee mamasa hi comman francoli I mayor Gallagher hi so [Music] adopted next we have five ordinances for introduction i' like to read the title of each into the record ordinance 72024 ordinance of the township Committee of the township of Handover County of Mar State of New Jersey authorizing the acquisition and installation of a prefabricated still building AKA a pole barn including a concrete slab and all related excuse me I'm sorry peren is and appropriating the sum of $200,000 from the unallocated portion of the Township's 2024 Capital Improvement fund and all prior years for the financing of the project a motion yes I just have a lot to read I'm sorry ordinance 8- 2024 ordinance of the township Committee of the Township of Handover amending and supplementing ordinance number 16 2023 and chapter 61 of the code of the township entitled salaries and compensation Personnel policies Which chapter establishes regulations and rates of compensation for the officers and full-time and part-time civilian non-union employees of the township of Handover ordinance 9224 ordinance of the township committee Township of Handover in the county of Mars and state of New Jersey authorizing the purchase and construction of a digital electrical message board and all R all related apperances to be installed at Central Park and further authorizing the appropriation of $35,000 from the unallocated portion of the Township's 2024 Capital Improvement fund and all prior years for the financing of the project ordinance 10 2024 ordinance of the township of Han marks County New Jersey amending chapter 166 A Township Code entitled land use and development in order to amend various definitions related to warehouses Logistics uses to amend the per permitted and prohibited use language in the non-residential zone districts to clarify and amend policy related to Warehouse logistic uses to adopt regulations for where Warehouse logistic uses and to make various technical amendments to the permitted and prohibited use section in the nonresidential zone districts and finally ordinance number 11 2024 an ordinance of the township of Handover Mars County New Jersey amending chapter 166 of the Township Code entitled land use and development in order to revise the minimum store water management requirements and controls for major development in the township to reflect amendments to storm water management rules at njac 7 8 I'd like to stay for the record that all of the ordinances and their notices of introduction will be published in full on The Daily Record in accordance with the law the public hearing is scheduled for May 9th 2024 at 8:00 p.m. if any member of the public would like to speak regarding these ordinances they will be given the opportunity to do so that evening may I have a motion to please introduce ordinance numbers 7 8 9 10 and 11 so move for introduction second on roll call committee kill yes committee farasa committe man broli hi mayor Gallagher hi so introduced I was going to say that was a lot of that was a good run Chris that was a good run apologize and our next order of business is the approval of resolutions as a consent agenda resolutions number 59- 2024 through 74224 does any member of the township committee have a question regarding any of these items motion approved may I have a second second all in favor I resolutions are approved next on the agenda we have the payment of bills in the amount of 9,258 18645 John can I pay the bill to pay the bill thank you may I have a second all in favor bills are paid and lastly we have raffle applications RL 3436 Handover rotary Duck Race RL 3437 the Carney PBA Local 21 civic association 5050 raffle RL 3438 EC LC Foundation 5050 and an RL 3439 pclc Foundation Tricky Tray may I have a motion to approve motion second all in favor so approved mayor gallager and the members of the committee that clears the agenda and I thank you great work I think you should have a little more water thank you Joe that was close to somebody the ones that you've had that was very good so at this point I'd like to make a motion to open to the public so move second all in favor I if anyone from the public would like to address the governing body please take the podium state your name and address and you have four minutes yes hi I'm Victoria Benson from 125 Mal partis Road um we're asking uh for improvements to M barison Boulevard uh our street has gone into disrepair needs to be repaved we need speed HPS to slow down the commuter traffic that's feeding through and terrorizing our neighborhood we also need the left hand turn signal so we are able to safely make the left hand turn from rille Avenue onto malap partis Road we're also looking for the stop sign at Boulevard that is falling over to be writed up and also reinforced so people actually see it may I ask everybody who lives on alars bouar to raise their hands these are the nice people who came out in the rain there was a lot more who wanted to come who were having issues and all of them them have signed a little petition that I had run last year requesting that all of these improvements be considered to stop the commuter traffic that is flying through an a making extremely dangerous it's been going on for decades we keep getting pushed down um sh to the sign and we're we're really looking uh for some assistance and the only way for this to um collectively be uh remediated is really for Speed HPS or speed tables um to be put in um we're taking on all commun traffic that's trying to avoid all the traffic lights on richeville Avenue thank you thank you I would just like to say that Miss Benson came into conference prior to the meeting in our public session and made a very good detailed case on some of the problems and some uh offers of what could be possible remediation so we did listen as a collective group and we are um going to take a very very good look at this and uh like I said you you definitely came to the right place anding you had a ctive audience so thank you thank you very much anyone else um Rachel kin 140 partis Road um I just want to say I'm highly in favor I'm right on the corner of Rich Alaris and I got my two children with me and Mr Mayor I believe I spoke to you and mentioned my concern before at the awesome public skate sessions Friday night at men um and it just I can't stress how important it is even going out to my own mailbox there are days that I'm afraid and just yesterday I had somebody they were speeding down and I had to step back from going out to my own mail so I just ask that you really please take this into consideration even when my kids are trying to cross the street to go to their friends house I worry every single day every single time they cross even when they're coming off of the bus crossing the street so I really do ask that you please take this into consideration thank you thank you good evening David 84 than hard um I walk my dog every evening and I'm often concerned about being run over because the liting is not decorate on the road in certain areas um ski HPS or ski tables would slow the traffic down I mean I wear lighting I I wear try to make myself visible but still speed through for consideration be appreciate thank you thank you hi good evening uh Travis fetchen 17 Boulevard Road um right now as you can see I'm not really running but I'm a big Runner you know I've run four marathons bunch of halfs running on Boulevard Road you kind of need to be able to dodge uh whatever might be coming as you know it's a straightaway most of the way and people take advantage of that if there's a flasher or something like that I mean we've had that we've had cops there but you know unfortunately people now just don't care they want to get where they're going and clearly I mean speed humps or something could be something viable to slow the cars down doesn't have sidewalks but I don't think sidewalks are going to slow a vehicle down just with how people drive so uh please consider doing something because it's only going to be a matter of time until someone something unfortunate happens there it has thank you very much anyone else count ay 136 malaris Road um I'm the second hous from Richdale corner on the same side as the kland and I also find it hard to go out to my mailbox sometimes and often when I'm approaching my driveway in my car during the speed limit for the coming from Boulevard and the light turns green on whoever's behind me just steps on it flies around me on the wrong side of the road um and the risk there is what if somebody's turning off renale so I feel like speed hump maybe right even in front of my house with my big yard would definitely be deterrent to this can be a very dangerous situation thank you anyone else yes sir my name is uh Vic F and I was my son speaking who Vis for me I've lived here since 1950 before I've seen so many changes in Cedar noes that you might not even remember or heard of but within the last few years our street on Boulevard road is turning out to be like 287 I remember when they built 287 I remember when they did rout 10 differently now we live in a residential Zone people have kids like to walk outside play use the road to jog or whatever now within the last I would say two years or so we have seen so much traffic on our street I would say between 3:00 in the afternoon to about 6:00 in the evening Monday through Friday my wife has a problem going across the street to get the mail I have the same kind of problem just a little BR out my driveway we had police put a speed monitor on our street repeating everybody's speed I don't know if any violations were made but they did try to at least tell people to slow down apparently that didn't come through and it didn't work so as a citizen of this community like I say I've been here a long time I've seen it improve and that starting this year go down and I hate to say that it will go any further I would appreciate if you folks would seriously look on Boulevard Road possibly speed bumps will be the answer other streets in our community do have speed bumps which is a lot shorter of a drive than our street would start at Eden Lane and ends up at Mart Paris Mart partis has all also a little bit of a problem with the speeding so again as a resident of this town and I hope I'm speaking for everybody who's here with me please do something to Correll this mess that's been going on for a while thank you very much so your your name and address for the record again your name and record your name Andress my name is big fetchen and I live at 17 bull of wardrobe thank you sir thank you sir okay you anyone else Kurt swansson 123 M partis Road uh couple stories for you my son's 14 plays in the middle school game he was at with his friend they were at the corner of rdale and uh Mal pars up across the road they had their bikes they were about to cross it they stopped cuz light had turned red but they could see the car went straight through it didn't even slow down didn't even look if they had stepped into the road they would have been hit and that was only a week ago a couple years ago or my wife and I were out with a couple neighbors we were standing at the foot of the driveway car turned left on Boulevard came down by the time it hit our house it was going on 60 we had to pull ourselves out of the road cuz it didn't even slow it went right right through the road and something they keep in mind that cut through through Mal partisan Boulevard is a cut through for the high school students and you see them all the way through in the morning flying through so that's couple things to keep in mind um my son has said over again it would be nice if they would uh improve the road I don't know if speed bumps are the right answer I personally put up lights of um cameras and do that because I've seen the speed bumps on the other side and I've seen people once they degrade they fly right through them I I personally prefer see cameras because that will stop people thank you sir anyone else good evening I'm Joe fashion from the 17th Bard Road see her no it is a very diff uh dangerous situation you know if you just want to take a walk what I go down the road people fly by they have no respect for you or for anybody else and they love to throw out also trash it's unbelievable every two weeks I'm walking down our street picking stuff up out of our field or yard uh the the Jewish Cemetery the woods that we have across the street picking litter up they're throwing out beer bottles cans and everything and so many people also don't um you know with their trash they're recycling they don't secure it the wind comes and everything blows all over the place and it just makes me sick it really does I can't stand that anymore something has to be done about the traffic and all these people that bring on this that's thank you anyone else no go ahead you're you're on the same a little off hi we're Eric and Colleen Bert uh we live at 97 malaris uh so we're all the way at the end uh basically right where the AL the sack is and I I think that there's multiple problems here uh one of them that we experience almost daily is that nobody stops at the stop sign if a policeman stayed in that called deac throughout the day the amount of tickets that could be written would be incredible um it's so bad that I actually get into the left lane as I'm approaching where the intersection is because I've almost been hit so many times that that gives me the opportunity where they will see the car out there where they may not see it closer because of the trees in our neighbor's yard think you're and everybody just assumes you're going down Boulevard but we live at the end of the road so we this is it's it's literally almost a daily occurrence um outside of that we have a dog that I walk down Boulevard and I'm afraid to let my children walk the dog um when I walk him it it's and this is uh an everyday occurrence as well the the speed at which people travel down Boulevard is incredible um I know that I I just heard others talking about it twice the speed limit sometimes more than that at 255 every day I work from home there's a Ford Mustang that comes ripping down the road you can hear it it's so loud that that I the guy that I work with in Texas knows that it's 255 for Traders because he can hear the car and that's how fast this guy goes every single time nobody stops at the stop sign it is a problem um somebody is going to get seriously injured um and I do think something needs to be done about it and again we had my wife had approached about speed bumps um a couple years ago at least and uh we were told that a study was done I know that at one point we saw that there was a one of those police monitors that measured the speed I don't know how long it was there um but all I could say is if there was a policeman there the amount of tickets that could be written on a daily basis would be incredible the other problem that exists is that anytime there's a backup on 287 or uh other Outlets all of a sudden all the traffic gets gets rerouted basically because people know that it's a cut through so um when you're talking about um travel times at around when people are coming home 5 6:00 at night you have seven eight nine cars ripping down Boulevard to get to out to Richdale to the to the uh stoplight so we're here because we are concerned we have kids I'm afraid letting my kids walk down Boulevard with my dog I'm afraid of letting her walk down at night we always have a flashlight with us anytime we're there and you still almost get run over I can't tell you how many run-ins I've had so um it it's something that is a problem so thank you for your time thank you very much the only thing I wanted to add is uh we've been residents in this town for 18 years um it has been a problem since day one since we since we moved in um countless times at you know people have ripped by us people on their phones almost hitting us completely ignoring um you know any kind of signs at the at the beginning of uh Eden Lane Boulevard there that's they don't turn right everybody does it everybody does this to avoid the lights on rale um you know it might be helpful to have like one of those blinking stop signs that were needly we were hit there about a year ago um just totally T-Bone there cuz someone went through that stop sign maybe it was because of us cuz it was actually in that direction that they put the the lights on the stop sign um really anything will help I think speed bumps will help what I don't understand is how you know you have speed bumps on those two streets right by 7-Eleven which are very short I know they get a lot of traffic but we get a lot of traffic too these are all people that are avoiding the lights on bridale um you know I know there was some talk about sidewalks I mean we just we just came in but that's not going to solve a speed problem we need to have more measures put in place to make sure that our streets are safe this is a mile probably long stretch between um the beginning of Boulevard and down by the legro school um so my thanks you know's Road um it's like it's like a speed whack and you know there's a lot of people here tonight I'm really happy to see that and I told my husband tonight I'm like we really need to go go this is our chance to like speak up um the studies that um I asked about that my husband alluded to um they were sent to me and from what I recall when I asked for them they were taken in some time frame around like August everybody's away in August it's not a great time to do this um the best time would probably be September when all the kids are back at school yes there's definitely high school students but we see everybody like you said people like trying to Avid uh you know 287 um I see very rushed moms and dads trying to get their kids to school or they're late for something they use Boulevard as a race sweat yeah and and like I said in that called a sack if you left the policeman all day um our taxes would go down with the amount of that would be written if someone stayed there and watched what goes on it it's terrible it it's really really bad no one stops at that stop at that STP so thanks for thank you very much thank you anyone else that could be heard okay no I'm I'm going to go a little off script but um I appreciate all you guys I drive through Boulevard Carol pasker here at 163 Park Avenue so I'm here to talk about I was here last month to talk about 154 Park Avenue um maybe to bring to some of your attention as well uh we have a um we have a home there that it's uh um best you Canal down yeah I was all ready for this but um we have a home there that is being used for um sobriety uses um these are people that are trying to get their lives back together that they have not they're they're from all over our country um I know that because I door knocked um back in September I'm the county committee person for my district and these guys are trying to get their lives back together it's it's a facility so it's commercial and she doesn't have her variant yet so my concern is she's building another home right next to it and next month she comes here to get her varing and if she gets her varing I'm concerned that the next home will be the same thing this is on Park Avenue with me everyone drives through par at and I'm not against people to get their lives back together I think that's a wonderful situation but I'm against the fact that this is a residential area where we are a family we are young families we are older families we're a residential area we're not commercial so it shouldn't be allowed and I it's it's a four bedroom house house I'm reading about some of this stuff and the state is stating that it should be a five-bedroom home um I I see many vehicles in the driveway I see a van leave every day with eight men getting in it I know that they're going to a place to heal themselves to get better but then I see Vehicles sitting in the driveway from Texas from Florida from Ohio uh a lot of other states I I don't know if they're in the home I don't know what they're doing I don't know who is responsible for them do they have another person responsible for them you know like these these kind of places you need somebody who is in charge so the question is also are there is there is there a uh an alternate in case this other person is not available is sick um so these are my concerns and I just wanted to bring it up I know I went a little off script but I feel a few of you people might not know about this so I'm bringing it to your attention thank you Carol thank you the floor is still open if anyone uh else like to [Music] speak PE p 163 Fork AV I just want to instill into few people what's going on this is not a nonprofit organization this isn't Sisters of the Poor this is big business in its own single family residential Le it's not right not only is the landlord making money on this the facility itself is making money on this they're charging these people like $122,500 a month for go to re it's proper the guy that owns this place that started it is flying in a rear Jet and owns a mansion I have no problem with the town having a rehab facility we got plenty of a is for that it's not for a residential single family home zoned area I don't even think I could even believe that I would have to come here and dispute this it's ridiculous I don't know how you people feel everybody has their own opinion but if they let this go they're going to be all over town I'm telling them once you open up the can you can't put the lid p and they're going to go to all parts of town and try can do the same thing now if you want the town to be known as the rehab T of Mor County so beig but I've been living here like this gentleman here for a lot of years I've seen them come I've seen them go you talk about traffic 287 24 we got screwed by the state that's what happened every the congestion all hits and hand we couldn't do anything about it n them had the buck 24 was supposed to go all the way up to there they put the kabach to the problem is we didn't have to push so there's traffic everywhere you want to talk about traffic live on Park AV my dog gets hit by a car M you can't get the man you talk about 50 mph each guys are going 60 M hour because what happens is if they're making a left on the street they're passing them on the rad and I I understand your problem but it's all over town and the town the road stink go to Mal pars they just paid that thing years ago I never forget it they paid the road now a year later the utility company comes in and trenches the freaking thing and there was a bumy mess ever since what kind of planning is that who the hell repays the road and then he later R the freaking thing back up Sir your your God bless you roll TI thank you sir thank you anyone else thank seeing none hearing none sure nobody else has any more comments floor is still open okay motion to close second all in favor I I okay motion to adjourn motion think just discuss yeah motion to adjourn second [Music] we still got a lot more work to do we saved 20 minutes from our comments [Music]