##VIDEO ID:IEQh_moe8WM## adequate notice of the August 8th 2024 meeting of the township committee has been provided in accordance with the open public meetings act by posting written notice and agenda of the meeting on a bulletin board in the municipal building 1 R 10 Township of Hanover and by hand delivering mailing or faxing such notice to the following newspapers Mars County daily record The Star Ledger the Hanover eagle and by filing the same with the township Clark roll call committe pill here committe man faras is H this evening committee man francoli will be participating this evening by conference call so Ron can you state that you're here please yes we're here Franc here committee man Mahalo is also excused this evening and mayor Gallagher here three members in attendance okay please join us in plge Allegiance and if you would please remain standing for prayer that Brian K be taken care of tonight I pledge allegiance to the to the flages United States to the rep stands Nation indivisible and justice for all almighty God please watch over and guide this governing body with an abundance of wisdom and understanding to help make us help make the best decisions for our residents please bless our First Responders and Township volunteers who help to keep us all safe also bless our Township employees and residents lastly please let us pray for the men and women of the US Armed Forces who stand vigil over us always amen amen thank you would you like to begin Joe Joe would you like to begin thank you mayor thank you Christa um ladies and gentlemen members of the township committee I have two um subjects that I want to address for the benefit of the members of the governing body and the public uh the first has to do with a resolution that is on the township committee meeting agenda this evening and it's docketed as uh resolution 144 d224 so just a little background information um this has to do with an amendment to to um an agreement a shared services agreement we have with the county of Mars to provide Health Services we um first initiated an agreement with the county back in 2017 in 2021 that agreement specifically for the services of Dr Perez as our health officer um was approved so that agreement uh runs for a 5-year period from dece from January 1st 2021 through uh December 31st 2026 so we've had some changes in the health department um most notably uh our licensed um health nurse supervisor uh left the township um at the end of December we also lost our license Ed registered environmental health specialist in May and the township has been without a licensed part-time public health nurse uh for at least five or six years uh it's been somewhat difficult to to find replacements for the licensed registered Health um person and also for the part-time nurse um we have been able to work out an agreement with the county that actually will save approximately $992,000 rather than going out and seeking to replace these individuals on staff we've tried we cannot find a licensed registered health specialist we cannot find a part-time licensed nurse the market is very tight however the county has a lot more resources than we do so in that respect uh Dr Carlos has worked out an agreement with me where he will provide a licensed health nurse supervisor on a part-time basis actually it's without mentioning names it's the uh nurse supervisor that was working for the township who now works Mars Township but now there is an agreement with Mars Township in the county that this individual will provide uh health nurse supervising activities to the township as well as other municipalities so we'll see that person back with the township uh they also have a part-time registered licensed um Health person that they can provide for us and we a part-time nurse um if we had gone out to try to fill these positions we would be spending well over $200,000 um but carus has worked out a very good arrangement with us so in reality over the next three years the clost to the township will be approximately $17,000 which will be a savings of about $92,000 so that is what that resolution 144 is all about uh Carlos Dr Perez has been um very good in working with the township and providing um his services and now with the approval the township committee will be able to have these part-time people working um for our health department and I think Ron is well aware of this because it was discussed at a meeting of the Board of Health back in um May and June so are there any questions from the members of Township committee I'd like to know if I might gentlemen I'd like to say how well uh the Board of Health has been operating with Dr Perez in our alliance with the county and now with Mars Township I think is going to be a very successful one it as Joe had pointed out this has saved us a significant amount of money and going forward the services are Exquisite uh the detailed reports that we get at every board meeting are uh uh again uh right on target for uh for Dr Perez who gives them so uh I think it's great Joe and uh we're going to move right down a resolution we going to be the first to vote for it thank you thank you R I just had one comment number one you know I'm a big shared services guy I I appreciate shared service I think there what we're going to all be going more and more in the future uh again that ties into Partnerships and I think it's great business it's a fantastic service too so thank you very much for all the work you guys did right thank you it's a win-win they work out well so thank you thank you thank you second second issue which is a little more problematic uh and I have a recommendation I've talked to the mayor about it uh and also Barbara Davis from the Land Conservancy as you know we applied for a grant through the Mars County open space preservation trust fund on June 14th we um appli for the grant asking for uh $ 37,7 from the county there would be a match of $ 42,5 00 from the township and a match of $63,750 from the Green Acres Program for a total uh Grant of $425,000 uh the property in question is located on Mount Pleasant Avenue it's it's Lots um it's uh I don't have to provide you the lot I'll provide you the address it's 49 now Pleasant Avenue and it's 5 23 Acres the issue here is that the property owner feels that he and his family can get a s digigit um sale price Which is far more than what the township can provide through its open space trust fund or through the county Grant or the Green Acres Program so the recommendation that uh Barbara Davis and I have is that un fortunately we should withdraw the Grant from the county because there's no way our open space trust fund can underwrite the cost based on what the um property owner Fields it's worth so on that note I would just ask uh the township committee for a motion to withdraw the application sove second okay want do roll for CH R and Ron Ron do you want Ron can you hear us yes I can okay can I take a roll call then command kahill yes command man froli yes mayor Gallagher all right three three votes yes thank you ladies and gentlemen that completes my report this evening thank you Joe think there a sidebar on that Mr admin a shame uh I know we got professional uh estimates on the value of the property by our our Consultants Etc and it came in in the fours uh but I think the uh the landowner as most do uh is assuming that if it were improved and he had an approved site plan then it would be up into the the uh six six digits that he's potentially looking for so uh uh again the township I don't think was out of line with our offer but it's a shame that we couldn't come to some compromised terms with it so uh uh certainly we voted to uh accept the fact that we're going to let the the grant go that's a shame than you we'll see what happens in the year right I mean if it doesn't pan out then we'll start over yeah just for the record there were two appraisals done uh one appraisal came in at $400,000 the second appraisal was $425,000 which was the appraisal excuse me which was the appraisal we used for the application to Mars County so Ron is correct the numbers came in in the forest thank you okay well like Brian said we'll take a look at it we'll revisit it if we can and we'll take another swing if it if we have the opportunity okay thank you okay ready okay first on the agenda is the approval of the township committee meeting minutes of July 11th 2024 may I have a motion to approve motion second all in favor I I thank you next we have the public hearing and Adoption of two ordinances ordinance number 18-202 and 19-22 proof of publication that both ordinances and the notice of introduction of ordinance 18 and 19 appeared in full in the July 17th 2024 issue of the Daily Record in accordance with law at this time may have a motion to convene the public hearing on both ordinances so move second second is there anyone in Chambers wishing to be heard concerning any of these ordinances if so please state your name and address for the record and which ordinance you would like to discuss motion to close second thank you may I have a motion now to adopt ordinance number 18- 2024 and 19- 2024 I'll move it moved but I have uh one comment before we do sure we've had a few different chairs in here first us to look at so I don't know what Authority I have at my house sometimes I think I have a little bit of authority but I think I want to appoint Brian Cahill to be in charge of the final selection for the chair chair of the chair committee the chair of the chair committee and what we what we have to get from Brian before we pull the trigger is like wrote down these are great chairs and it's a great price and it's got to come from Brian kill so you guys have to kick it up to kill if that's the case motion to approve will I just need it a little tall I have to sit on my lights so I can see okay on R Cole commun kill hi commun francoli yes on the chairs mayor Gallagher hi so adopted next we have four ordinances for introduction I'd like to read each title into the record ordinance 21-2024 an ordinance of the township committee the Township of Hanover County of Mars state of New Jersey amending the township code to establish a new chapter 96 business insurance registration to comply with the state law ordinance number 222-2024 an ordinance of the township Committee of the township of Hanover in the county of Mars state of New Jersey authorizing the replacement of the chlorine tank in the main pool pump room at the beam Meadow swimming pool facility and further appropriating the sum of $50,000 for the swimming pool Enterprise fund Capital account for 2024 and all prior years for the financing of this project ordinance 23- 2024 in ordinance of the township committee Township of Handover in the county of Mar State of New Jersey amending and supplementing ordinance 19- 2021 authorizing the replacement and upgrade of the column shower at the B- Meadow swimming pool facility and further appropriating an additional sum of $155,000 from the swimming pool Enterprise fund Capital account for 2024 and all years prior for the financing of the project and finally ordinance number 24- 2024 an ordinance of the township Committee of the township of Handover in the county of Mars state of New Jersey amending and supplementing swimming pool Enterprise fund ordinance number 14-22 authorizing the replacement of the starter blocks at the be Meadow swimming pool and further appropriating the additional sum of $10,000 from the swimming pool Enterprise fund Capital account for 2024 and all years all prior years for the financing of this project I like to State for the record that the ordinances and their notices of introduction will be published in full in the Daily Record in accordance with law if the public hearing is scheduled for September 12th at 8:00 p.m. if any member of the public would like to speak regarding those ordinances they will be given the opportunity to do so that evening may I please have a motion to introduce or orance numbers 21 22 23 and 24 motion second all in favor I on roll call Comm commit kahill I commit francoli I mayor Gallagher I so introduced next order of business is the approval of resolutions number 140-220 through 151 d224 as a consent agenda agenda does any member of the township committee have any questions regarding any of these items motion to approve second all in favor I resolutions are so resolutions are so I keep forgetting resolutions are so approved now we must pay our bills in a mount million 6,737 4040 may have a motion to approve the bills so move so move all in favor paid the bills are paid oh I also have um raffle applications and lastly I have three raffle applications RL 3447 St John the Baptist Ukraine Church 50/50 raffle RL 3448 whiy Park High School PTO 5050 raffle and RL 3449 whiy park off premise raffle may I have a motion to accept the raffle applications motion to accept second move all in favor I raffle applications are so approved mayor Gallagher and the members of the committee that clears my agenda and I appreciate your time thank you very much Chris you're welcome okay can I have a motion to open to the public motion second all in favor I is anyone from the public would you like to address the governing body if so state your name your address and you have four minutes seeing none hearing none motion to close second in favor I okay motion to adjourn so move all favor all right all right thank you very much everybody now you can go home and watch the giant lose or the Yankees win all right thanks Ron I appreciate you calling in thank you have a good yeah thank you have a good evening night thanks everyone good night this is like the I used to go to they were like three 3 minutes and they me once and mon