tomor adequate notice of the June 13th 2024 Township committee meeting has been provided in accordance with the open public meetings act by posting written notice and agenda of the meeting on the bulletin board in the municipal building 1 R 10 Township of Hanover and by hand delivering mailing or faxing such notice and agenda to the following newspapers noris County daily record The Star Ledger H eagle and by filing the same with the Township Clerk on roll call comman kahill is excused this evening comman farasa here commitment francioli here comman Mahal and mayor Gallagher four members in attendance okay if you would please join us with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer the deputy mayor M will be taking care I pledge allegiance flag United States of America the rep for it stands one nation under God indivisible Li and justice for all almighty God please watch over and guide this governing body with an abundance to wisdom and understanding to help make the best decisions for our residents please bless our First Responders and Township volunteers who help keep us all safe also bless our Township employees and residents lastly please let us pray for the men and women of the US Armed Forces who stand vigil over us always amen amen amen okay good evening ladies and gentlemen first on our agenda is the approval of the township committee meeting minutes of May 9th and May 23rd May I please have a motion to approve so move second all in favor I so approved next on the agenda we have the public hearing and adoption of three ordinances ordinance number 12 2024 13 2024 and 14 2024 proof of publication that the ordinances and their notices of introduction appeared in full in the May 15th issue of the Daily Record in accordance with law at this time may I please have a motion to convene the public hearing on ordinance numbers 12 13 and 14 second is there anyone in Chambers wishing to be heard concerning any of these ordinances if so please state your name and address for the record and which ordinance you would like to address hearing none may I have a motion to close the public hearing move second on roll call commitment oh I'm sorry nope have to make a motion to adopt ordinances number 12 13 and 14 may please have a motion to adopt second and on roll call commit far mosca hi commit francoli hi commit Mahal yes and mayor Gallagher so adopted next we have three ordinances for introduction I like to read the title into each of into the record ordinance number 15-22 4 an ordinance of the township Committee of the township of Handover authorizing the exe execution of a lease agreement with the Handover Tigers youth football and cheerleading and operating the B metal Park Brickyard concession facility between August 1st 2024 through November 16th 2024 during the football season ordinance 16- 2024 in ordinance of the township of Hanover Mars County New Jersey amending chapter 166 of the Township Code entitled land use and development in order to delete references to and regulations for the TC Town Center Zone district and ordinance number 17- 2024 an ordinance of the township Committee of the township of Handover in the county of morris state of New Jersey authorizing the acquisition and purchase of speed bumps speed humps in our speed tables and the related apperences to be installed on various streets in the township and appropriating the sum of $125,000 from the unallocated portion of the Township's 2024 Capital Improvement fund and all prior years for the financing of this project I like to State for the record that all of the ordinances and their notices of introduction will be published in full in the Daily Record in accordance with law the public hearing is scheduled for July 11th 2024 and if any member of the public would like to speak during regarding those ordinances they will begin the opportunity to do so that evening may I have a motion to introduce ordinance numbers you're jumping me yeah I love 156 and 17 so moved may have a second second r call committee perasa hi committe francioli hi committee Mela yes mayor Gallagher hi so introduced next our order of business is the approval of resolutions numbers sorry 101 d224 through 13 2024 does any member of the committee have any questions regarding any of these items the resolution be approved thank you second all in favor resolutions are approved now we have to pay our bills John your favorite part motion cilio to pay those bills 7,1 189,190 they're approved and lastly I have three raffle applications listed on the agenda about three came in at like 400 p.m. this evening so I'd like to read in the other three RL 3443 Villa Walsh Academy gift auction RL 3444 vow Walsh Academy off premise raffle and RL 3445 Villa Walsh Academy for a 5050 may I have a motion to approve all of those raffle applications so moved second all in favor so approved and mayor Gallagher and the members that concludes my agenda portion and I thank you very much thank you very much Christ great job thank you okay uh can I have a motion to open to the public Mo second if anyone from the public would like to be heard please get to the podium name address take four minutes uh Andrew Andrew dunon from the newspaper Hannah Regal uh Christa what was the date uh for Resolutions 176 and 15 to be discussed again was that July 11th July 11th thank you you're welcome Dina ainson 70 Mountain Avenue Cedar noes um I just wanted to say um I was at whian fire um meeting on Monday and that I was very happy to see that it looks like they're willing to work together with the ambulance because um I am not for privatization I think it's a bad idea um I don't think it's going to help anybody financially but um also I told them when I was reared on Richdale Avenue my grandson was a toddler still in the car seat and the ambulance was on its way back from a call so we weren't Hur we didn't need them but they saw they stopped to check on us and they knew my grandson from seeing him he recognized them so he felt comfortable but like with private ambulance we're not going to get that kind of service so it's not just about the money um that's all I had to say thank you I just want to say to that uh Brian kahill who's not here tonight who's been involved in those discussions and has updated us and if there is a decision made Brian will share it or you'll hear it also but uh we are up to date on those and um we don't have any further information on that but we'll let you know or you'll hear from your fire district what they decide thank you anyone else second all in favor all okay we do have one more item to discuss in conference you may but would anybody from the governing body like to share any business with the public starting with you John yeah Hanover's American hero uh Chad koshen a D-Day veteran participated in the uh 80th anniversary of the D day uh liberation of Europe um and we're very proud of him very thankful that he represented not only uh our town um but New Jersey the Northeast with 50 other of his his um his buddies in Normandy so God bless him and God bless all of them uh from a business standpoint edak Economic Development advisory Council hosted a a very successful uh business networking event there were over 140 attendees at that event um and the attendance the focus of that was number one networking we're trying to facilitate an environment in Handover Township that promotes small businesses working together so it's positive it was great to see the amount of interaction amongst those players and in addition to that uh we honored and recognized um small businesses that have been here some of them close to 46 years um and we've welcomed the new ones so it was a very successful business networking event from an engineering standpoint Road activity that's the focus um it's underway it will continue uh July through August is the plan to accomplish the majority of the roads and we look forward to Paving our roads uh lastly the Environmental Green Team um has been busy working on plans for shred day you'll be hearing more about shred day coming up but this will be a big event that'll be held uh this October so I'll get the dates out shortly thereafter mayor that concludes my remarks R yeah very briefly Mr Mayor um number one I want to congratulate uh Christine Gosford who will now take a formal membership On The Board of Health uh which creates a vacancy for an alternate position so she's moved up to member and we're very happy to have her she's been a great asset to us there uh otherwise On The Board of Health side everything seems to be well under control um matters of uh Co seem to be uh waning very quickly and we're happy about that um I understand through uh our public works department concerns that we had to uh get the uh striping done on the bridge over 287 at colls Road uh was a uh was a question that's going to take place I think this week from what I hear so that'll be completed and we're very pleased about that uh lastly uh here we are 6 months into the new management situation for our seniors club and it's working out stupendously well uh membership is up to 287 members awesome that's great and still growing uh Denise Brennan is doing a fantastic job expanding the amount of programs that we have for the seniors they are elated and uh so we're very very pleased over that so Mr Mayor that's where we are thank beautiful thanks yeah just a couple things um Recreation as always is active this time of year uh B metal pool is open uh it's open on the weekends right now we have almost 700 memberships which reates to owe about 2100 people um but we can we still have room for more and for less than one night at the Jersey Shore you can join the pool you can come 7 days a week uh now through through uh through Labor Day so come on out join the poll it's a great fantastic place we're always adding more amenities to it um we had a uh uh a concert there last Friday night uh parro Head Beach there was a couple hundred people in attendance it was a wonderful night uh there're always having something um just FYI Market calendars gentlemen patriotic celebration uh the fireworks hward Township fireworks and Lady H Township fireworks are on July 1st uh beginning at 6:00 there'll be a dozen food trucks there'll be inflatables activi ities part of gold band will be playing the fireworks will begin about 9:15 uh there are there's limited parking here but there is also stations around town malap partis park um uh B Meadow School where you can park and take a shuttle bus over so if you need to if you don't want to deal with the traffic in this area you can park and take a shuttle bus over um we have the our summer concert series is starting and that starts on July 8th Monday July 8th we're going to start a little earlier that night we will be having our ribbon cut cutting for the Brickyard field that night so beginning at 6 600 p.m. uh we're going to have a ribbon cutting and that'll be followed by our first concert in the series of four uh each of the Monday nights after that so again mark your calendars for that uh that's it for tonight good thank you mik kudos for kudos for the did a great job U Mike H chair Memorial Day parade and put together well over 30 uh Marchers that were involved and we have a great crew that we work with probably one of the biggest ones we've had yeah it really was it was well attended we had a lot of uh you know a lot of people watching and even coming back we go through almost 2,000 hot dogs ice creams couple hundred six six or 700 ice creams that we hand out but more importantly we had uh um a couple dozen veterans that were riding uh that we honored and that was the important that was important so but yeah we have a great team that we work together um and uh and I want to thank everybody that that helped with that uh it really really went well thank you it was good thank you Mike great job to conclude I just want to say there's a lot of things going on in hanur Township we've all been very busy I want to say when Brian kahill became the commitment he talked about the importance of communication revamped the website lately we've Incorporated social media and I want to say that please if you're not part of the Hanover Township Facebook page please join Shelby snow I want to recognize you for doing an incredible job with the Facebook with to tap into with the website there's too much really to report tonight but what I will encourage everybody to do is please go to our website please go to our Facebook please go to our tap into if you're not already signed up to be part of it but Shelby that's all on you and you're doing a phenomenal job and there's nothing more important than sharing information accurately and in real time so thank you and that does it for me motion and the address for the Han Township website is Han correct yep there it is as simple as as simple as that thank you guys all right we got one more item in conference man yeah one no corrections to I'm going through it