adequate notice of the July 11 2024 meeting of the township committee has been provided in accordance with the open public meetings act by posting written notice and agenda of the meeting on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building 1000 Route 10 Township of Hanover and by hand delivering mailing or faxing such notice to the following newspapers Mars County Daily Record the store Ledger eagle and by fing the scene with the Township Clerk roll call kahill here commit farasa here commit francioli here commit MOS excused this evening and mayor gallager here for members in attendance okay if you would please join us in the pledge allegiance and please R standing for our prayer I pled Al to the flag United States of America to the it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all almighty God please watch over and guide this governing body with an abundance of wisdom and understanding to help make the best decisions for our residents please bless our First Responders and Township volunteers who help to keep us all safe also bless our Township employees and residents lastly please let us pray for the men and women of the US Armed Forces who stand vigil over us always [Music] amen thank you John okay ready okay good evening ladies and gentlemen first on our agenda is the approval of the township committee meeting minutes of June 27 2024 may I please have a motion to approve so moved second all in favor I so approved next on the agenda we have three public hearings and Adoption of ordinance numbers 15-22 24 16-22 24 and 17-22 24 proof of publication that the ordinance and the notice of introduction for ordinances 15 16 and 17th appeared in full in the June 19 2024 issue of the Daily Record in accordance with law I'd like to State for the record that ordinance number 162024684182 the former TC Town Center Zone district and the board recommends adoption of this ordinance at this time may I have a motion to convene the public hearing on ordinance numbers 15-22 24 16 2024 and 17 2024 move second is there anyone in Chambers wishing to be heard concerning any of these ordinances if so please state your name and address for the record and which ordinance you would like to speak regarding uh Dean ainson 7 Mountain Avenue uh can you draw that mic closer to you please thank you did you hear me yes yeah thank you um ordinance 17- 2024 um it doesn't say what streets but I've heard that the speed humps are going to be um the mountain of development and um I know probably don't remember but the last time that I spoke I'm not in favor of speed bumps I much rather see more um us hire more police and more police presence um see more tickets given um I I know that the speed bumps will solve some issues but also cause others and I'm sure you're aware of that from the other streets they have speed pumps on but mountain is different than those streets because Mountain has a lot of Walkers bikers not just that day and the night too so when people are trying to go around them um hopefully they'll see the people because it is very hard to see the people walking up the side um but I just wanted to my you know I I'm not for this at all um I know that McNab I think they said they were just giving tickets at the bottom of and that's one of the streets that has the speed HPS so if are we really going to solve the issue that we're trying to solve um that's all thank you the only comment I'll make and I appreciate your comments oh I did also have um a question what streets are you planning on putting them on over there I know mountain and Grand are on the list but what about Summit South Bair or faru Jerry you want do you want to answer yeah we as as you may be aware uh we're going to hire a consultant to review that and based on the funding that's available we'll be looking to do that entire neighborhood you don't want to isolate two streets I think that'll that might have the effect of diverting traffic to the other streets I think the goal is to try to do that entire neighbor but it's going to be dependent on funds available and my other question is um what made you decide to go forward with the speed bumps because I know like it wasn't on the recommendation of the police department or anything so what did made you decide to go forward with them I can give you a quick accurate answer on what our thought process was and currently is there was five recommendations made the first two were implemented almost right away and they were ineffective there's a school of thought that if we were to put sidewalks in that area it would simply be getting the pedestrians off the street to almost allow the reckless driving to continue but not endanger our residents which is not acceptable the speed bumps that we've learned addresses the outlier of the study there's always somebody that goes very fast or somebody that goes very slow and they look at the the average well it's the very fast driver that's likely going to hurt somebody and unfortunately lately we see more and more if there's a catastrophe we don't get to hit reset and say guys you know what we should have done we can't Ensure sure it's going to be ex as it's going to be safe but we can assure we can make it safer and we have incredible people that looked at this situation for a long period of time and with the specific equipment we're going to be installing you cannot speed and as people that are not Professionals in the field we rely heavily on them our job is to make our residents as safe as possible and working with John for years and Brian with school and park we and and of course we don't do anything without Ron and Mike however we have to make sure our families as are as safe as they could be we have a problem we can't turn a blind eye to it once we get a problem we have to work on it and our say our simplest form of what we do is problem solving a lot of time went into this I'm confident that it's going to deal with that outlier and that's what's going to Save A Life That's the thought that went in from our perspective and the only thing I'll tell you about South Belair it was that was discussed but the condition of the road in its current form you can't put speed bumps on it because the road doesn't have the Integrity it has to it it needs to hold those speed bumps properly and also Chief bukar always says once you pave a road it increases the speed 5 to 7 mil hour so we're trying to balance everything at one time I I hope that answers your question thank you okay would anybody else like to jump in on that guys John Mike I I could comment from uh the uh point of uh McNab which had speed humps put into it speed bumps are kind of jarring and dangerous but speed humps uh are time to a certain speed limit so it does slow the trouble and by the way um McNab was uh uh quite a Speedway for a while but the speed humps over the last several years have shown significant reductions in speeds to the ground of 25 to maybe under 30 m on hour range which is great you guys good right yeah i' only back up what you said you know we did have a meeting with the police department our engineering as well as as well as a traffic consultant and that traffic consultant was convinced uh that this is probably the best direction to take based on experien with McNab um but also based on experiences that they have had in other towns thank you John no I EO Brian's commentary it worked on McNab it worked on Countrywood uh which had significant slope streets so hopefully it's going to work as well and protect our our our residents yes sir uh Chris ainson 70 Mountain Avenue uh my question was look since I'm a pedestrian and I walk everywhere like what are these speed bumps going to be like to walk on you know on the street Jerry um again we'll take a look at the design but typically the the speed bump won't go right to the to the curve because you have to have allow water to drain along the curve so they can be pushed back from the curve I don't know how how much of a distance will be to allow a pedestrian to walk through that's something that we can consider and discuss with the consultant but until we see the final design of that speed on um you know obviously it's U um you know it's it's not u a very you know distinct bump it's going to have a gradual slope to it like the ones that are outside the 71 where it's more like that um the one on that were located on um orcher that's what I think is what we're intending to place on Mountain Avenue branded this D okay thank you anyone else see none hear none motion to close Mo all in favor I okay now on adoption of ordinance number 15 16 and 17 may I have a motion motion to move second on roll call commandment kill hi Comm farasa hi Comm fenoli mayor Gallagher so adopted next on the agenda we have two ordinances for introduction like to read each title into the record ordinance number 18- 2024 the ordinance of the township Committee of the township of Hanover County of Mars state of New Jersey authorizing the implementation of phase five of the multiphase project for the Improvement and modernization of the Township's communication and Technology I'm sorry technology in infrastructure with the extension of the fiber optic Network and installation of the additional security cameras where needed at critical infrastructure locations in the township and further appropriating the sum of $350,000 from the Township's 2024 current fund budget and capital Improvement fund for all prior years for financing the phase five improvements ordinance 19224 an ordinance of the township Committee of the township of Handover in the county of Mo state of New Jersey authorized ing The Phase 2 renovation and Improvement to the main public meeting room and conference room at the municipal building to include new chairs which I feel real short and sitting in this one tonight include new Chairs furniture and further appropriating the sum of $100,000 from the 220 2024 Capital Improvement fund for or prior years and the financing of the phase 2 project I also like to State for the record that the ordinances and their notice of introduction will be published in full on The Daily Record and in accordance with law the public hearing is scheduled for August 8th at 7:00 p.m. if any member of the public would like to speak regarding those ordinances they will be given the opportunity to do so that evening may I please have a motion to introduce ordinances number 18 and 19 you do 20 not yet yes I am okay so move second on roll call commandment kill hi commandment farasa command froli Hi and mayor Gallagher so in uced at this time I'd like to State for the record that the township committee has decided during tonight's legal conference to introduce an additional ordinance to tonight's meeting I'll read into the record the title they have a separate vote to do an introduction on that ordinance ordinance number 202024 bond ordinance providing for the oops sorry Hey Joe did that to me this one's an important one a bond ordinance providing for the Improvement of the B metal pool in in and by the township of Handover in the county of Mars New Jersey appropriating $1,500,000 therefore and authorizing the issuances of $1,500,000 bond or not of the township for financing such appropriation ordinance 20- 2024 and its notice of introduction will be published in summary in the Daily Record in accordance with law the public hearing is scheduled for August 8th at 7:00 p.m. if any member of the public would like to be heard regarding this ordinance they will be given the opportunity to do so that evening may I have a motion to introduce ordinance number 202024 so move second all in favor may I had do roll call committe kahill yes committee farasa hi committee man fenoli I mayor gager so introduced and not and an honorary I an honorary eye from Mike I will note that for the record our next order of business is the approval of resolutions 119-20 24 through 135-24 as a consent agenda does any member of the township committee have any questions regarding any of these resolutions move will be approved second all in favor resolutions are approved I also have one more resolution that's not listed on the agenda since ordinance 202024 was introduced a resolution of the township committee is required to authorize authorize an award of a professional service agreement so I'd like to read the title into the record and take a motion to approve the Resolute resolution number 136-20 24 a resolution of the township committee authorizing the award of a professional service agreement with Robert h binefeld esquire and the firm of Hawkins dfield and wood LLP and the performance of bond Council services at base fee of $3,500 plus any other services based on the firm schedule of hourly rates all in accordance with the local public contracts law at njsa 4a-4 11-5 and the payto playay provisions at njsa 19 col 44 a-205 and njsa 19 colon 44 a-20 do26 at SEC may please have a motion to approve resolution number 136 2024 so move second all in favor I I'll do a roll call Comm committee pill yes committe farasa Hi committ and francoli hi mayor Gallagher hi resolution 136 so approved now we have to pay our bills in the amount of [Applause] 6,669 a3341 John can I pay the bills please motion to pay those bills may I have a second second all in favor mayor and the members of the committee that clears the agenda and I thank you very much thank you very much chist so we're going to be reintroducing an important part of our meeting tonight that we haven't had to do in a while and when we concluded our round three of our um fair share Housing Act negotiations uh we basically concluded our update to the public on where we are what we're doing and why we're doing it it is now pretty clear that our new obligation is right on our front door so what we're going to be bringing back to every public meeting is a realistic update on where we are where we think we can be and may be specifics about individual properties that we're currently looking at or working on and this will only be handled by Fred our Municipal attorney and Fred thank you very much for agreeing to do this again I think it's very helpful to us and the public if you would take as much time as you need thank you mayor good evening everyone the the purpose for as the mayor said uh this this update is because earlier this year the state legislature and the governor signed uh legislation s S4 which uh placed as the mayor said a round four obligation and the rules and guidelines in place uh what that means is the township and every Township in the state of New Jersey if they want to be compliant with affordable housing and be able to contain or handle zoning on a local level that they must uh comply with their affordable housing obligation or else a court could Zone properties and override local government with that being said later this year it'll probably be more closer to the end of the year the township will receive an obligation uh based on various calculations that are in the legislation from the Department of Community Affairs the township will then have an opportunity to review that obligation and decide if they want to challenge or appeal that obligation this entire process runs out through next June right around this time uh where the township if it it has to has an opportunity to challenge the number uh resolve the number get an updated decision from a uh specially special appointment court and then take action and put its affordable housing plan into place by June 30th of next year so it's going to be a very busy time because this legislation has a lot to do with the future of the township this governing body has taken a number of steps to make sure they're ready and prepared for whatever data is out there as we look at the data internally to see if those numbers or the obligation is something that um can be verified uh and a decision will be made at the right time as to whether that needs to be challenged most notably what you've heard maybe in the news now is one town uh Mont Vale Township is out uh asking various municipalities including Handover Township if they'd like to join in a challenge to the affordable housing legislation spoken to the mayor members of the township committee about this issue and our recommend ation at this time is to look at the draft complaint that's actually put together by Mount Vale Township and then make a decision to make sure it's something that's consistent with the objectives of Handover Township because maybe one complaint can't speak for everyone or there might be elements in the complaint that the township may or may not be in favor of so once that occurs and a draft complaint is put together uh hopefully then the township will be able to take a look to see if it wanted to join that effort earlier this year the governing body uh directed me just to put the state on notice that once the township receives its obligation then it will decide to what extent uh it would challenge or it would comply with the obligation that's set forth so right now there's a lot of internal information that's being gathered and at the same time the governing body has me watching carefully to see uh this potential challenge that's going forward uh to ultimately discuss and see if in fact uh it's something that suits the Township's concerns um Mount Bale Township is in Bergen County and Bergen County and Mars County have faced a lot of development pressures through the affordable housing legislation so uh that that is the reason for uh that legislation or or that potential uh litigation so that's my update mayor uh for right now I'll continue to provide what we can publicly going forward thank you very much Fred and the only specific piece of property that I'd like to mention and there's been some questions about it is what we call South Campus which is the lot right next to Bear the bear headquarters that is not currently part of the next obligation the township committee is working very hard to negotiate in good faith to get something very good for Handover uh if possible there's been nothing set in stone we're working extremely hard um and we'll keep you updated on that but there is good faith negotiation going on right now but nothing to report and uh we might not be close but that is a big porcel of land and something will probably happen there one day and the harder we work and the harder the developer works the better it could probably be for hand of a Township but that's a that's an open-ended question right now that's the update on that piece and I've been asking quite a bit about that piece so that being said Fred thank you very much you're welcome I'd like to uh motion to open to the public so Mo second if anyone from the public would like to be heard please go to the podium state your name your address and you get 4 minutes Chris ainson 70 Mountain Avenue the uh crosswalk at the bottom of for so needs to be uh that's it that's it yeah but that's a good segue and I think Ron was going to jump on this with school and park Traffic Safety we designed our own pattern years and years ago for all the crosswalks crosswalks the DPW has been out all week freshening up our crosswalks and uh I'm sure they're going to hit that one they are out doing it currently and thank you and we will make sure that Brian knows that it was brought up and Brian we know Brian very well he'll probably say it's on my list but thank you for pointing that out anyone else you have a resolution I just sto I can't I can't find it right now Dina ainson 70 Mountain Avenue you had a resolution on here about the uh traffic study for whiy road to make the um it safer for pedestrians and my only um comment about that would be uh during the winter I noticed um not so much on whiy more more on ridgell Avenue the sidewalks are not um always shoveled and people have to walk out down the middle of the lane in bridale which you know how safe that is um is there any way I know there's an ordinance about shoveling within a certain amount of time and I don't know how well that's enforced but is there a way to maybe have um in ordinance where if you don't do it in a certain amount of time DPW does it and bills you well something to get those sidewalks cleared to make it safer for the pedestrians a few years ago with school and park Traffic Safety we worked closely with then Chief Mark Rody and we have a few different pieces into a successful mechanism we made a priority our school buses our routs to schools and different areas however periodically people call and report when somebody does in trouble sidewalk but it's also very difficult because if you have nine houses and only three people shoveled the sidewalk it's really difficult to have our property maintenance and our PD deal with that so what we try to do is let people know if they do have a hard ship and they can't shovel their sidewalk to please let us know and see if there's any way we can help however if it's on the main road that's a different question we'd have to look at that cuz rdale Avenue is a main road if you could tell us after the meeting specifically where it is well look if it's a bus stop cuz that also changes things we don't want kids standing in the middle of the road and we certainly don't want people walk walking near the middle of road but if you can give us specific properties that would be helpful okay thank you thank you anyone else Terry you know we're all looking at motion to close second all in favor hi okay guys if you want to take a minute and uh other business sir okay all right we spoke a little bit about U um the uh affordable housing impact but your planning board and environmental commission are both looking into something which they consider to be very important called heat islands and the impact that has on the environment and specifically what that does to clouds and specifically what that does to Epic rains and um temperature so this is something that they both will be looking into uh trying to combat that and mitigate that because density does have a role in terms of aggravating uh the heat island effect uh summertime is all about the roads uh Jerry masera is is our director of engineering his crew is out there pounding the beat every day ensuring that the roads are expeditiously and efficiently paved during this period we're trying to get all of these roads for the most part in by back to school and we look forward to that so please be a little bit patient when you see signs on or about that you might be inconvenient slightly uh due to road construction May that concludes my remarks thank you John Ron thank you thanks John uh thank you mayor just a couple of things uh you heard some earlier discussion off record uh we're prepared to present uh a very enlightening update on our current marst toown Municipal Airport report uh that has been moved to our meeting date of August the 8th so that would be 7:00 that night right so yeah uh we're going to hold it out here in the public session so we can use the screens uh that report is very comprehensive uh going over uh the uh air traffic patterns that affect hover Township in particular or residential zones also the economic benefits from the airport Etc and the current improvements that they're doing since that airport was built in 1945 so we will have that we certainly invite the public to join and if they have questions uh after the presentation we' love to talk about it and get a better understanding of uh these overflights that we have um our seniors clubs are doing a great job here in hanare Township under n Brennan and the recreation department uh we now have a movie night uh we have a book club we have a walking club we have a dining club club we have bus trips that are going on and we even have River Cruises through New York that are going on all of our seniors in Hanover Township can take place can take part in the senior citizens Club you don't have to be a member we invite you to be a member but if you're not a member you probably pay a little additional fee uh on top of these events uh but you can call our recreation department at 428 2465 if you want to join the club know more about the club get involved with the club they meet the uh second and fourth Wednesdays of uh every month and U the club right now is up to 278 members uh that are fee paid members but again it is open to all seniors of Hanover Township uh so we invite you to take part of that uh our ston Brook Farm is doing fantastic uh we just uh updated the water facet systems for the farm area uh for this year uh most of the farm uh Gardens have been sold out for this year we're going to look at expansion uh probably look at expansion into next year for those of us that want to get involved with more more of Condominiums and more and more of the apartments coming into hanb Township and peoples who don't have the ability to have a garden or or yard where they can grow plants vegetables Etc this is it Stony Brook Farm uh more information on that is the same contacting Denise uh for information on the farm at 428 to 465 so uh that's what I have for now Mr Mayor thank you very much thank you for taking on the presentation of the airport we will get questions all the time about light patterns construction hours of uh the hours of operation so that's going to be a really good presentation I'm personally looking forward to hearing it myself very informative yeah thank you should be very informative Brian great thank thank you uh first of all the uh Landmark commission had a a tour on July 4th which they do every year my understanding it was very successful High attendance even even though there was some rather high temperatures that day um so they'll probably be they'll be putting something out regarding that probably on the website or or perhaps even to the hand Eagle just to highlight that day um moving on to Handover Police Department I never got to this a couple months ago but I believe uh 30 days prior to Memorial Day this is something that also the uh the department does every year was the distracted driving campaign where we did receive a grant um and for that month uh basically essentially they're looking the police are looking for distracted drivers mostly people texting doing that sort of thing um again very very productive this year uh there were 100 hours of enforcement uh where HPD stopped 195 cars issued 180 summonses uh and also had uh two arrests um because of their productivity um and you know their efforts in always doing very well in this sort of a grant we were just issued another Grant this grant uh is for a program called it well actually it targets What's called the move over wall and I know I found that a lot of my my fellow drivers don't know what the Move Over Law is so I'm just going to explain it very quickly um if you see a vehicle particularly emergency vehicle with their lights on pulled over to the side as a matter of fact if you see a vehicle with their flashers on you should I believe you should do this as well but uh and you are in the Lan of travel that is adjacent to that that emergency Lane if at all possible if you can safely move over to another Lane uh you're required to do that now uh if you cannot do that safy or if there is no other lane um then you are required to slow down significantly below the below the speed limit so what this program does it is going to add some extra uh grant money to add some enforcement hours so that there'll be patrols out there and only if somebody gets pulled over for a real infraction um if another officer observes a car that is not following the Move Over Law then uh um there will be some enforcement uh efforts um to make sure that that uh that individual is made aware of the of the uh of the rule so that is going to that actually started on July 1st this one's a long one it's going to end on September 30th so uh so just be warned I think it's a great idea especially you know out on the highways and out on Route 10 people flying by Cars full speed right by them I mean you know you we've all been on the side of the highway before your car goes like this and especially if there's an officer out of the road you know uh talking with a driver or something so I think it's a great program anyway that is my report thank you very much I've been concluding Lately by saying there's a lot going on and with Brian kill and with Shelby we have more and more information going out through our social media through our website you tap into so thank you Brian for introducing that and Shelby thank you for working on it all the time it makes our jobs a lot easier when it comes to reporting specifics however something very exciting that's going to be taking place right here on Wednesday the 17th as you know we put together the Whi Pake flood remediation task force it's a six municipality shared service Han Township being the chief agency we are making a documentary we've had some big wigs want to get involved with our document documentary and we said no thank you we want people to see what we see we want people to see the way it adversely affects our residents and the way it adversely affects our businesses we have footage from a helicopter with a $2.1 million camera on the nose from marown to 280 in East Hover from chadam to rellas in East Hover we're going to show very specific areas of clog trees Laying across the river dams that were built from material including lawn chairs basketballs and garbage that are stuck in different areas that prevent the water from flowing it's going to be a very very hard-hitting documentary that we are doing ourselves we have 40 people committed to come in here including Mikey Cheryl Senator Buco top Engineers some of our top guys and seven municipalities will be part of this including assemblymen and what we're going to do is we're going to release this piece unfiltered and we're going to let people see what we're dealing with and we're going to educate everybody as we were educated on what D snagging is which is removing trees from the river as they fall which we've never done and in many cases you're un allowed to we're going to also talk about Bank reestablish ment when the rivers used to be 4 to 5 ft deep and that are 8 or 9 in deep they're going to overflow their Banks therefore the trees are going to fall into the river and they're going to cause more blockage which is going to cause less and less water to flow which is going to cause them to overflow the bank and challenge that Integrity so it's almost like it's about time that we've had it and then when we got the latest copies of the flood maps from the um from they are now making more areas flood zones so residents have to buy flood insurance so they're responsible for their damage and not FEMA which doesn't address the cause of the flooding so I want you to know that we took this on in h Township We're the Chief agency and we're just starting to get momentum and my problem was and I think we're getting closer is we're getting Federal money but we're not getting County money and we're not getting State money and I think that changed today so we're going to have a lot to report and you're going to get a kick out of our documentary cuz it's not going to be very complimentary of too many agencies that have allowed these rivers to get to this point in 2024 that's all I got guys motion to adjourn Jimmy you Jimmy do you have a specific question of the committee or did you want to here said our hours are messed up a little bit we I thought there was going to be public comment on the spee issue which one speed bump issue that's what the paper Said Fred can we open up for can still your chair motion may you want to reopen I'd love to reopen motion open second please take the podium state your name your address you have four minutes uninterrupted I like the shorts Jimmy James Cabo 32 Summit Avenue Cedar NOS um my house is between is on Summit avue between Chestnut and uh Cedar and the uh the issue of the speed bumps I think that if you're trying to decide where the speed bumps should go certainly should be at least one on Summit Avenue between those two streets at particularly was notable to me uh about a week or so ago we had our driveway paved and there were trucks on both sides and workers all around and I was shocked about how fast the cars were coming down through this work area and that's because of the Hill uh from Chestnut going down towards uh Cedar I think that's one place if there was a speed bump in there it certainly would help slow some of the cars down and maybe even a second speed bump on some many because that Hill really encourages people to go down quickly that's all I have thank you really appreciate that and Jerry you took I saw you taking that note if you could share that with our group that'd be great appreciate it thank you sir thank you go ahead Joe we have our independent auditor here Kathy mantel from nisaia like to introduce Kathy and perhaps you'd like to address the township committee and the audience thank you for allowing me to come here tonight and make a few comments about the audit um the audit always goes extremely well and I think Kathy mantel I'm with the firm Nissa always goes extremely well because the people in the municipal building take it very seriously and um we get so much cooperation from everyone one when we do it and so with the audit um there's a synopsis a financial recap and the current fund and the swimming pool utility funds are very um financially strong and um hearing conversations tonight there's always you know everything is changing on a daily basis and I've seen over the few years that with' been the auditor that you rebound from anything they face so finances are strong in Hanover Township and then what made this year a little bit different is once a municipality expends over $750,000 in Federal grant Awards they are subject to a federal single audit your state it would be the same for state but I think the expenditures this year were around 250,000 but they were 768 th000 this year so you hit the 750,000 more and what that means is there's a compined supplement for that Grant and that was the American Rescue plan some people call it the local fiscal recovery plan funds that came through from the covid-19 pandemic and um with that there are additional audit procedures from the compliance supplement each program has a compliance supplement and I just wanted to add to um you know the positive results in Hanover Township that doing extra work and looking at different requirements there were no findings there were no um deficiencies in internal control and there were no material weaknesses so again very good report and then you will find that there is one audit recommendation maybe it's not worded as well but um purchase orders are placed when um a purchase is being contemplated but we found a few instances where they were not place and approved and funds verified in advance and so it's not exessive but we always like to put a comment in to keep people um aware of the policy so again just wanted to convey that a mar thank you K thank you very much you're welcome and so thank you I know how much time you put in we appreciate what you do every day we really do okay guys before we close to the public again should we ask Terry if she wants to say a few words absolutely chance she's so cute okay Gary's in Gary we reopen please uh stick your name address take minut L Harris whiy New Jersey in the with Handover Cedar Fire District so I hope I covered all the basics Mr Gill I you apology I wanted to see you earlier before I came to the podium uh on July 2nd Han Town CH Fire District 3 had a discussion about reopening and revisiting one fire district I went to fire district 2 meeting on Janu of July 8th had a discussion with the Commissioners and fire district 2 and we are going to start talking again for one fire district in the township with Handover and Mr Kill will keep you informed when these meetings are to keep the township posted on what we're doing uh this is something that's been going on for a while and it was tabled but we're long something that's going to happen so the hopefully these talks we get it done this this time but just want to let everyone know about that that's great news Gary thank you I look forward to being a part of that and Bri before we close I just want to say how much I appreciate we appreciate you you putting so much time into this we definitely got to do this those guys not me I just sit sit there quietly do a great job meeting o00 on August 8th so our next meeting is be August 8th 7:00 7:00 and if I can have a motion to close move second now a motion to adjourn so move all in favor I thank you very much everybody