oh it's we're on oh sorry okay good evening um Hatfield welcome to the March 19th 2024 meeting of the Hatfield select board um I'm going to go ahead and call the meeting to order and Ed can I have the um public participation oh sorry didn't we were it's okay um as usual I'll open the meeting by reading our public participation policy the Hatfield select board welcomes everyone to its meetings and all other public meetings of the town of Hatfield all regular and special meetings of the boards and Committees of the town of Hatfield shall be open to the public and shall conform to the open meeting law executive sessions are closed to the public and will be held only as prescribed by the statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts it is important to recognize that the open meeting law affords the opportunity to listen to the proceedings but not necessarily participate during meetings of the select board a an attempt will be made to find balance between hearing from members of the community and conducting the required business of the Hatfield select board um any announcements no no no I don't think I do either I don't think I have any announcements is anyone here for public for no so we'll move right along into our consent agenda which is the um approval of the minutes of the March 4th and March 12th meetings make a motion that we approve the minute meetings meeting minutes of March 4th and March 12th 2024 well I I second that but I want to make a change here under under announcements uh the yag approval I believe was 2,46 it stated on the minutes of being 3,46 so isn't 3 million isn't I mean 3 million4 yeah 3, 46,000 but I thought it was only 2 million it is two million yeah that is a good catch head so would that change okay so with that change a motion's been made in any further discussion no all those in favor I I um so uh Mickey I'm aware that you're wanting us to go out of order um which I'm willing to do if you think that this is going to be brief just because we do have people here that yeah that's fine so if if you want to come up we'll do that and we'll um I just want to Beck because you need a jacket I know okay so um joined Again by um our friends from the historical commission Mickey Sanderson and Kathy olon to have a further discussion about the storage situation for all the artifacts so the way that it was left we were going to um reach out to try to get that estimate which I did we did I did talk to JD JD sent an estimate we have an estimate um and Marlene if you want to yeah that estimate is 9,968 uh that is to level the floor and um in that storage room area um and there'll be some framing over the existing flooring to create a level substructure and yeah that this price includes materials and labor 9,968 okay I just want to make sure we're on the same wavelength I mean last meeting we were talking the balcony area just the balcony area for for the historical artifacts if we do the balcony area then we can move the artifacts into there so I did go upstairs and I have looked at the balcony area a couple of times I've conversed with Phil I've talked to Marlene and talked to Kyle I I think we should get the balcony area done and then there's a couple other items that need to be done there's two receptacles on the far wall that would need to be added up there's a mini split that that would need to go in there's a ceiling section that has to be repaired there's a small piece of trim that has to be uh fixed there's a thing over the door that has to be fixed these are all minor repairs there's the four walls that need to be painted one wall has some wallpaper on it all these are minor things so talking to Phil uh we're figuring on the high side 30 grand to get the balcony area leveled mini split the lighting seems adequate at this time uh so if you level the floor put in a mini split and do all the little uh patch ups that we need because there's a ceiling section that needs to be either uh patched or fixed or sheet wck so if we stay on a high side of 30 30 grand just to be on the safe side and if we were to use arpa funding we can get it done and it would pay back from uh the store fees at borks within a year so I'm suggesting to the board that we move ahead using ARA funds up to 30,000 and get these minor repairs and the things that I just mentioned completed and if we did that I believe we would still be uh if we took where's those facts okay we took uh the oper funds which are at 3056 63 30563 we minus 30 we're at like 27563 so I mean we're still within range in case we needed a buffer and we do have to spend that money by the end of this year I know we'll never have a problem spending all that money on different things that we need to but my suggestion is we we move ahead with 30 grand get the floor done and then we contact with Phil of the Town contractors to come and do those minor things and get that completed so that the balcony area we're just talking a balcony area for the historical uh commission to put their stuff in this to also give them if we move ahead and get it done it may take you know a month or two with coordination of the different contractors you never know but that would be allowable to give pic the three-month notice and then we might need to also figure in at the end if there's any moving expenses so that my Spiel on the balcony area and those are my suggestions very well thought out can I would I would just add um that we should also uh probably include in the list of expenses but I think we could probably include it for under the 30,000 those shelves that um she mentioned those um the moving movable shelves and the door would have to be Reed I was just going to say security right that was going to be my next so I think first thing is is get the balcony and then we can work on getting those other pieces done and the timeline I wasn't quite clear on that well the timeline is from when we get the contractor when he's available and when he can get his work done so I mean right now it's April I don't know if if the contractor is available in a few weeks but I think the balcony and Phil you can you can check me if I'm correct here uh I'd say the balcony shouldn't be more than two weeks I mean mean that the balcony should be for what they're proposing two weeks that the paint it shouldn't be more than a few days depending if they have to put one or two coats there's one wall that needs to be primed and then painted it was only uh sheetrocked and and joint compound and wasn't ever primed or painted I'll follow up with the contractor tomorrow to see what his availability is we'd have to run system shouldn't be more than a couple days but how to get it all together I think working with Phil Phil has used our contractors in the past so I mean even though all these are small you know a week here a week here it's all got to be scheduled with the contractors on their availability right I mean only you know thinking the three-month notice to uh well and and he had mentioned that in his remarks that I think we should be able to meet that to know that we I mean we're talking if if we if the group if our our board agrees to what I proposed and we can then notify the contractor fil can work with them try to get them in and if this is what March so you got April May June July August September we got six months I'm sure yeah I I think there should be no reason why we can't get the few things that I've mentioned completed within the six months okay great and have a b condition space with the mini split it's actually good timing because we're not going to run into a pressive heat in the next uh you know even four months and so that that could actually work out I think really well with um J but again I'm just talking about the balcony area nothing else because we we already had committed uh the TV studio up there in the conference center for the rest of we do have a thought though which that can be discussed at a further time if during the time you wanted to bring stuff out at certain times and we could discuss that afterwards so I say let's get the balcony fixed and get the other stuff get the uh artifacts moved over here then we can have further discussions great that was the that was the secondary uh thing that we would like to just put out there to the board and to the public is that to have um numerous times you've mentioned the opportunity to get actually these beautiful things out to the public to it's their collection to have them see it and I mentioned uh popup exhibits whether that be the Safi Smith collection of furniture and and belongings that we just uh thankfully were were donated or anything else so I would hope that that we could work together um the board of Select and the commission to come up with reasonable dates and times where any Furnishings up there could kind of be moved back in a corner and we could actually have a nice little popup exhibit um space uh based on you know historic timelines of Hatfield or as I said the the things problem trying to share that space with the TV studio and confence Center we're take maybe some wheel wheel display cases somehow that can be wheeled out and back in and and I mean I was thinking the other are saying well just think if they wanted to display like certain artifacts and you wi them out and you have the TV studio could even go on TV and explain the artifacts and it'll be I think having a TV up there is going to be great because then you can have your own little production on the artifacts and explain it to the town and and the history of them filmed there's all sorts of opportunities I mean you could even put stuff behind the meeting well on the walls would be lovely because it's pretty Stark up there but also you know certain I'm not sure what you have in the collection but maybe things could be placed so that there's different artifacts behind at different meetings right that has people seeing them possibilities there are possibilities and we found a solution yeah the other conversation going to be building security and who cleans it if it's on an off weekend or something who's gonna take care cleaning the bathroom and all the other stuff so that's that's a conversation for later but let's make sure we can bring the artifacts back here and do the balcony and then we can do both we can do the TV studio the conference center and you have the balcony and then we can share the space somehow maybe okay great idea fabulous have anything else son like great everybody's happy thank you yes that's thank you very much we have to fil back there next step is if my colleagues are in in Alliance here that we have to vote on the approval of I I will make a motion I will make a motion that we approve um this estimate we have to do the work and that we um authorize up to 30,000 of arpa funds to be used as um as Ed um outlined and adding those movable shelves and security um to allow the historical commission use of the balcony storage space it Als in conjunction with the society in conjunction with the society all right so I made the motion I'll second that motion made in second any further discussion no oh geez did it we did it thanks all right I know okay collaboration at its best I would um make JD aware of that sort of once we start the ball rolling there'll be a time I'm going to contact because of the notice to to toy yeah yeah thank you thank you thank you for um being patient do you want to um come on up we for our next um topic we are joined um by Michael O the engineer for the route five water and sewer and Ryan giler her um from giler her contractors to talk about the you should come up to the microphone um to talk about the schedule yes weather's holding out weather's holding out other then we do need a little less rain overall uh to update you since the last me meeting uh two weeks ago uh the plan contractor still plans on starting uh 1 of April uh we did uh send out a as of the end of last week a single page abbreviated schedule to everybody that's within that project area just give them the big picture heads up as to what was going to be happening when and where and to avoid confusion that was happening last year uh we're not going to be issuing updates unless something changes that warrants an update so that what people see right now is what we're going to be um going by um don't know if uh Ryan if you have anything more specific to offer no um I mean we went through the schedule and his bullets are are good with what we're trying to achieve and get the final Paving done I think it's sometime in November yeah right before right before so other than weather related delays which you can't do anything about you don't foresee no the I mean the only struggle we had last year is is and it's every town is traffic control and it was like when the Big E hit we had the three weeks or whatever that was it was it's not just you it's north it's everywhere that we worked it just I forget what one of the police officers told me they take hundreds of people a day and the sheriffs and whatever which help you folks out all run down there I I don't know why but that was like we had some days where we weren't able they weren't able to to fill it so if we can't fill it we can't work I'm going to ask the expert here what's the qualifications for and could we try to get more people sort of in in our on our traffic control rotation Ed has time yeah because we did pass something with the chief a while back if I recall to uh allow people that had training and traffic control correct that's right to be used as uh Traffic Control Officers on the construction projects right and which included at that time some firefighters and police offic Greg is Greg Greg does they've been using firefighter yeah there when they can and I I will notify tomorrow of like start up I talk back and forth uh in the past month or so what you know what our plan was but just I I guess I'd be curious to maybe get some kind of information from Mike about what the requirements are because maybe we could just put out um you know a message to towns people that there may be people who would do this an idea and sort of create a roster if you of folks that maybe wouldn't after last meeting I followed up with the police chief and asked him if he could just sort of reach out to the people he has you know um scheduled yeah um last year just to give them heads up that construction starting get more people too yeah so in the meantime they could contact the chief too yeah um and ask them ask if you're interested in doing Road Road details yeah but I'm I'm hoping that we had that in the fall so that was like the main time that we had those issues so I'm hoping you know obviously moving forward the Big E is not till the fall which so maybe you right we're at that point we're wrapped up we're waiting to do there's well that would be really nice I wouldn't think this time of year it's going to be a problem getting traffic control out there at the beginning yeah all right but other than that I you know I it's I don't foresee any anything that that's going to cause well I certainly hope that we will be respectful of those Property Owners out there you know they're safe egress you know on their properties their um the noise I know that certain amount of it just has to happen is going to be disruptive um they've been patient I just want to make sure we mitigate the disruption to them and certainly any safety concerns are addressed out there with I know there was visibility issues at times with all of that two or three houses that were extremely close and with all the driveways there complex in the area that we're working but at this point now we're at the point where everything it's kind of nice itet the homes are more spread out it stretches out the driveways are three or 400 feet you know from each other and not three driveways and 300 I mean the issues with the pump station has finally been resolved the pump station's in and I know you were doing some work this winter trying to I don't know if it was getting electrical hooked up or whatever you were doing with the pump station when does the fencing come down around the pump station um there's they're working on some electrical piece and with eversource and we have to pour a concrete pad so it's going to get to the point here fairly quickly that that should be out I will double check there is some fence that goes up there's a guard rail it's just one section of guardrail on the ruier side so once or actually just ballards so so once once we once we finish that aspect up we'll be able to take that down I mean that was basically to mainly to Define it was for safety in the beginning but it's to Define our work area so there's no question gotcha and you still have to go underneath the river or how you getting oh it's over oh okay over casings over there and um jeez I had another question uh that work um right there on the pumping station because that's off um it's actually off the road do you are you Bound by the April 1 or could you get started on that sooner we've been plugging I thought there' been some activity there we've been doing some activity electricians been working another gentleman in my office is handling it so the little day-to-day details I don't know exactly but they've been working with the RCI and ever source and and we've got the casing on he's waiting on some materials for the internal pipe that goes through that casing there was you're not bound by the April 1 not we've been there November December January I thought so I drive by there because we're not touch physically touching the road or cutting the blacktop so we were able to we could take a lane when there wasn't inclement weather but we just we off the off the road well if we're communicating with residents we're doing what we can to um you know make it a little easier on them this year um than it was the last couple years that would be great and wrapping it up this year would be has to happen yeah how were those notices delivered by the way uh they were mailed directly from our office right to uh all those uh addresses heard the assessor information do we have one of those notices on the website no but if you send it to me I will be glad to post that would be good just like to say while Mike's here I'm working on a contract Amendment for Mass Works awesome for the additional money um so I'll be reaching out to you probably tomorrow okay um for some information okay awesome well MTH Works told us they wanted to make us whole I hope they keep their word making us whole oh that would be great stay tuned on that one and just one last piece is based on the schedule we're still looking at as of say September 1st people could be getting their individual private contractors lined up oh good make their connections I I spoke with somebody at um Big Y where I do much of my constituent work um and he said that um um he had reached out to somebody but they um he felt like most contractors were going to want to wait and know for sure that it was before they gave estimates or anything like that so again just staying in touch with people um because we want to make sure that they can get the estimates have the work done before yes before winter you know winter comes again how mean have you come up with an idea where you have a definite end date then you can announce it they can get their contractors if you know for sure because hopefully you know there's no more water issues I it's hard to get contractors to do you know so yeah that's my thought was if you could line them up at so right now it's too early but pretty soon it could be too late right so and we can I don't have a problem coming back say monthly to just touch base everything's on track things are slipping or we're ahead whatever the case may be that would I think if we're I how about this if we're on track I think maybe just a a a little written update we're on track things are going well if anything goes off track it would be nice to have you come in okay okay why don't we do that that works yeah okay excellent once the pum station did you can start hooking up as far as the sore line is already what's installed and tested in in theory yes I can we can give a station number Phil or a manhole and say up to here you can you know so they're not on trying to be on top of me if it's a section because we're going to finish and then you know test if it's a couple days or a week for testing to do that but yeah we can those will be sooner than uh because we talked about that with Kyle on the pump station so that'll open up probably what a hand that first section that yeah six six or 10 houses the first cluster that was really dealing with all the construction over the past two seasons may be able to connect sooner I mean you're going to be going higher as you keep moving y so yep you should be getting further out of the groundwater issues that's the hope we're still pretty deep okay great okay thank you thank you let's just hope for good weather would the board like to take up um it's it's under continued old business with with Phil the uh sewer connection fees so the board has talk ask about W so that would be just to officially wave that we did not locate an actual vote I was certain the board had done that at a previous meeting I don't think we did that's why so that's why disced we never voted since we were just talking about the sewer connections I thought well if you'd like to I think we should take that OPP I me I think that that's an appropriate um action of the board given and you know sort of the duration and inconvenience of this our last discussion we wanted to have like a an end date of we were going to vote on waving the1 th000 connection fee but give them a timeline of how long they can do it if they can't do it this year then they they still should have the opportunity next year because they may not get a contractor this year so yeah whether we want to make an End date of 20 pH you had suggested what two two or three years that seems kind of long I mean wouldn't you just wouldn't we say like maybe by the end of 2025 so that gives them that gives them entire extra year Beyond yeah he he suggested a three-year period from completion date or from now from now from now yeah because you're going to go through one construction season this year face by the time they're done he's not going to do any Final pavings in November so if people by the time he tests the line I really don't think too many people are going to hook up this year and you think even Beyond like all of next year we should we shouldn't say that they should be hooked up by the end of 2025 I mean that gives I mean that's fine with me I just put it in there saying that extra year Beyond sort of and then certainly if K forbid there was another hold up we could always extend it right structure once the line's tested and everything's done a year from that date so like say if they completed in November from November of 24 to November of 25 so one year from the actual completion date of when everything's tested and everything just to just to help like the paving and the restoration and all those items that's a couple weeks worth of work that you know we finish the pipe we do the testing we have to wait settlement period and then go in and do the paving so there's a couple weeks there so just so you you know someone contractor wants to come in November not that they're cutting the road but if they're in the area that we're trying to work like we grind out the road to pay like we can't have I see you know what I'm saying so you may have like blackout dates so I want to like make sure that's not doesn't go unrecognized because when we come in to do that Paving and do all that we grind the road down it's 8 in is I mean we have to work with the residents to kind of get them out of the driveways to get them across like we have in the past so work so so if they're trying to hook up this year that should be maybe those their their proposed installation date should be run by Phil so he can run it by well yeah when we get closer to that we can give Phil those dates just so that because they would have to come to you to pull a permit correct yes so so then at least he knows you're in that section because what I don't want to see is a homeowner set up a contractor he has three days to do the job and everything's huny Dory it rains it moves and then our our schedule might move a little bit we go on a pave now they're in the way contractor can't work and you know we're we have to get that done because we have that Restraint of like Thanksgiving to get final Paving and weather and everything against us do you think then realistically people are going to tie in next year I I think you're gonna if it was if you're asking I think you might get 25% 20% this year and the bulk of it next year is what I would I kind of right think what would happen because keep in mind we're at house 30 40 or 42 right I mean there again where we stretch out every day we're about 300 feet so we as we chug along and move up the road then we got to do the testing you know I can't have someone like not that they're in the road but they're going to be and especially in that first section all those houses Are CL are tight right SOA people so if you're when you're down by the end of the project could people be doing their hookups as long as we have it in and we have it tested I have to look at what I forget where exactly in the schedule we had testing if we had it all done we might test some of it as we move along so it might free up which I will look at that it's just bringing the testing company out and the availability we don't do that okay so this is kind of confusing so so I think we're going to need to communicate with the homeowners out there so they sort of have an understanding of when they might be able to when they might not be able to what the ideal timing is and I know it might be different almost for every house right or for certain sections of home I think at most maybe in thirds once we get the pump station online we we you can give the town these houses are are can go and at that point we're going to be further down the road and not not near that so if they want to do that and then as we progress down and we get the pipe finish and it's tested if it's September 1st but then also give you I don't want to inconvenience anyone anymore than we have but I just the blackout dates for the paving and such because I gotcha I've had that happen on on stuff it's just going to require a lot of communication that's all so we need to you guys need to communicate with each other about what the dates might be for particular sections as Mike was saying and then communicate that to homeowners about how roughly Phil and I know probably every project is different but how much is it to like basically run a connection St age I give you I mean are we talking two grand 10 grand I will turn to rock penc some of those houses are pretty close to yeah it could be six to 10 I mean it all depends the plumbing like Gary who's been on site and the drawing shows a location and we've talked with homeowners and you know some of the water services locations were different than where they were so you know we've had to move something I think some people have septics they might have to change their internal piping so again I guess thinking about the residents and um you know that's expensive right that's really so maybe maybe people wouldn't be able to afford that um even in next year even if they're planning and saving and whatever for something like that so maybe what we should do is give a timeline um but there should be some kind of there should be a we should allow for if if particular homeowner says look I really want to tie in but this is expensive I'm going to need a couple of years before I can do it I think we should have some flexibility there so I want to give a timeline to we two years from the completion date two years from the completion date I guess with the but again if there's a homeowner with a particular um they can come and talk to us and we can yeah they could come maybe come and talk to Marlene I don't think we need to make them come to a meeting to talk about it but we could absolutely we would you know entertain um specific requests if if financially they need to wait beyond that after beyond that day because then if you say well you wait to be on that now you also have to pay for the hookup it's just keeps moving the goal post for them so that's appr I want to be sensitive to that so I'll make a motion that we approve the uh the waiver is $1,000 fee and they should be able to do it by within two years from the completion date and then after those two years this pertains only to the five and 10 project and after those two years if there's still an issue they can come to us and and we can discuss it whether they we're going to wave it for them there special circumstances under special circumstances does that's on like a halfway decent motion I don't know yeah I think so so that gives them all of 25 and all of 26 to do it and then the availability to ask for some type of extension if okay motion made in second any further discussion no all those in favor I okay good obviously we want to incentivize them to hook up as soon as possible and I think most of them probably are planning on doing that um but you know it could be expensive for some of these so okay great I don't anything else no good okay thank glad there's no more problems you thank well forth get that job done I can't wait to sit in traffic on that road in the morning that'll make me happy actually yeah you have the schedule right do I I don't have a schedule all right thank you very much thank you um so that's it for you Phil can I just ask a question in that motion did Ed say $2,000 hookup fee because it was a thousand but I thought I heard him say two okay I just wanted to make sure so the only thing I can mention if you're going to send out a memo to these resident staff they have to still come in and make out an application we'll wave the fee on the application forms available on the website right right but we still need that application absolutely yeah residents have to put an application exactly and that would be something easy to communicate to this group of people that were communicating with regularly let's just send them an application and let them know they need to apply that remind them that they need to fill it out easy enough okay all right very good so Marlene topic three FY 2025 budget and proposed articles for annual town meeting discussion so um you you did receive in your packet over the weekend a first draft of the Articles um but there's been more work on that um since then but I just want to um make you aware that we did receive a request um from the school there will will request um a notification I should say there is going to be a deficit in the vocational tuition and transportation fy2 24 budget of $1,180 um we're anticipating a a deficit in snow and ice budget we that is unknown at this time and articles that have been added to the warrant um three projects uh one is the sewer Asset Management planning project the storm water Asset Management plan phase one and drinking water Asset Management plan project we were just made aware of those um a few weeks ago so those have been added and um I'll be Consulting with the treasurer and on funding those well those those three projects were added but we since they just came about we haven't had anything for the residents to to explain what those are maybe hopefully before town meeting we Canna have a discussion on why are these three on the on the town yeah warant and what are they all about and from what I understand though we're on the the um State revolving draft plan Phil correct me if I'm wrong um but they're supposed to be making a decision very soon that's State revolving funds right so this would be in in anticipation of a d Grant um and the town's portion is relatively small for all three projects um but we we are expecting to hear the award very soon so I mean I assume that would be put out to Town's people when we do all the information on all the Articles yes yeah and we'll have more information by that point than we have tonight yeah those those are considered cap well I I consider them I guess Capital articles um but we the slick board has yet to make decisions on the rest of the capital projects right and um so so that's just my update on the uh warrant article uh the the annual town meeting warrant um free cash was certified um $362,900 and Enterprise Water and Sewer uh $445,500 and on the cable Enterprise fund 293,2mb earnings right and those are delightful numbers that is available that's available for spending until June 30th of this year so um just a reminder that uh any ballot questions need to be submitted to the town clerk no later than April 16th so that would include any kind of override uh question yes so we need to make sure that on our next um at our next meeting we're having a discussion about if we're going to put forward articles on the Fire department and I believe the select board and finance committee are meeting April 2nd okay um we should yeah okay I anticipate April 23rd being the date that the select board will approve the warrant and sign it okay perfect good yeah and I did send out the latest budget this afternoon um to the finance committee and the select board finance committee is meeting tomorrow evening know the treasur will be um meeting with them and they've asked me to be there as well okay great well we did have a meeting with them last week and actually got quite a lot of done work done um you know so I'm I'm hoping that this budget season while difficult um in terms of the actual numbers might be a little bit more streamlined um than we've experienced over the last few years yeah so okay that's a good update Okay so so topic four are you all set there I am all set thank you um topic four is um to appoint Scott our Scott Pommery um as Inspector of animals now this isn't done during our normal yearly appointments no because this comes from the Department of Agriculture okay make a motion to appoint U SC our Scot pomoy uh to the position of Inspector of animals for the state requirements which is attached and our handouts second motion made in second any further discussion no all those in favor all and again a NeverEnding thank you to Scott for the work he does because he he does it very well and um we appreciate him and then we have another um appointment to the Recreation Commission um Sarah ber yes that committee desperately needs members yeah and it's coming up on you know reeson yeah I'll make a motion that we appoint Sarah birth to the Recreation Commission second motion made in second any further discussion all those in favor I I thank you to Sarah okay and then [Music] um Town Administrator um I received a recommendation from the interim treasure collector um if the board would consider looking at an increase for the assistant treasure collector and um there is a letter in your packet from from Mr Clark and also a letter from the assistant treasure collector um you know and and she has been very valuable to that office um the last few months um you know it was quite a transition with Miss cotton out and then um even even for a while we didn't have anybody leading that office um she has stepped up and has taken on a considerable amount of responsibilities um and which some of it would would be the responsibilities of the assistant treasure collector because she hadn't had the prior training um but she has filled that void of the treasure collector more often yeah we need to get that office on Solid ground so I think that um you know making sure that we are retaining the employees that are there is really important at this point Tammy does seem to be doing absolutely wonderful this is in the was this within the budget uh I I believe it is is um I I spoke to the interim treasure collector he said it's possible they may have to make a request to the finance committee okay but I would assume probably be pretty small because this is almost you know we're pretty close to the end of the fiscal year anyway um the increase would be an additional $221 an hour he is asking that it be effective January 1st so this would be retro active I think yes if it was if it was in effect today if the board voted I don't think there would be too much of a problem but because he's asking for it that's I I have no problem voting this but I would like um to get information on if they think they're going to need a transfer something from finance committee I'd like to know that sooner rather than later they should be able to project that oh yeah absolutely okay so I'm do we vote this or do we just sign it you do normally vote this you would in this case yes okay okay so I'll take a motion increase in okay additional information I'll make a motion that we increase the pay rate as indicated as indicated here for the assistant treasury collector second motion made in second any further discussion no all those in favor I I we appreciate Tammy and we also appreciate um Mr Clark recognizing Tammy's um work and contribution okay so next we are going into executive session correct Marlene uh we are yes we are that was quick was quick right I'll make a motion that we go to Executive session Astron Law chapter 38 section 21 number two to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union Personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with non-union Personnel regarding treasur collector position and we will not be coming back should I read the second one as well yeah don't we don't we have to read both motions yes all together vot them separately no you can still State the reasons for the two executive sessions but yes when we go go you'll have vote to go out and go into executive session for the other one but you can State the reasons why you are going into okay continue and a second executive session master and rot chapter 38 section 21 A3 to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on bargaining or litigation position of the public body and the chair so declares for the purpose of renewing the Department of Public Works labor Teamsters Union agreement um I'll second and we will not be coming back and and we will not be coming back I did have unanticipated new business I for go ahead we didn't vote it yet okay I'm sorry um so this is involving the green communi um grant that we um for a certified Green community and every year we have to file an annual report and for the report that was submitted last year here we have to list all any you know new vehicles and what our vehicle inventory is the vehicle that um Phil acquired um for the DPW director is doesn't meet the requirements um for what is it it's um not considered acceptable for for the green community's Grant Phil provided a letter here uh explaining that there was a chip issue um the intent was to purchase a 2500 Silverado and um the dealership only had 175 orders in the queue and he ended up obtaining a 1500 silver AO is that correct Phill correct yeah so anyway green communities would like an explanation why we purchase this vehicle that is not energy conservative okay and um and how we will correct this well he's already purchased the truck but going forward we Phil does not anticipate a problem but I guess it was the Chip And due to co there was a backlog of of orders yeah I mean there was 175 Vehicles ordered and they received five so so what do we have to do are you just letting us know about this well it doesn't meet the requirements from 18 gallons because under when when Chevy built the Silverado it was I mean I get that it doesn't meet it but what do we need to do they just want a letter this letter they asked for a letter from the town have to sign it they want they asked that the select board chair sign off on okay we don't need to vote or anything no okay no they just need to have that um documented next time okay no next time that a DPW vehicle should be an emergency vehicle they're not classified as an emergency vehicle any I'm sorry I yeah I neglected to state that it is considered an emergency vehicle but not in in their um require as far as their requirements go is not so now we'll backtrack to taking our vote on Executive session sorry thank zel I I good great thank you thank you