okay good evening Hatfield welcome to the June 11th 2024 meeting of the Hatfield select board I'm going to go ahead and call the meeting to order and as usual um Begin by reading our public participation policy the Hatfield select board welcomes everyone to its meetings and all other public meetings of the town of Hatfield all regular and special meetings of the boards and Committees of the town of Hatfield shall be open to the public and shall conform to the open meeting law executive sessions are closed to the public and will be held only as prescribed by the statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts it is important to recognize that the open meeting law affords the opportunity to listen to the proceedings but not necessarily participate during meetings of the select board an attempt will be made find a balance between hearing from members of the community and conducting the required business of the Hatfield select board um so for announcements I don't really have anything formal just congratulations Smith Academy class of 2024 they graduated last weekend and uh wishing all the other students in the schools a happy summer because I know they probably only have a couple weeks left yeah yeah this Friday is a Flag Day the 14th at the Town Hall by the front door there is a box if you want to retire any your VI warn or torn flags and the public is invited behind U the school at the Pavilion they'll have a ceremony at 6:00 it's a nice little ceremony for those want to see how you retire a flag it'd be nice for you to show up and that's that's all I got I appreciate that they do that Greg anything anything I'm missing Marlene I don't think so when's the next concert uh it's the end of this month uh maybe the 20 it's either the 22 uh 21st or 2 I think it might be the 21st do you know I don't but 21st makes sense right okay um well anyway it is concert season um here so keep an eye out information is on the website and they put the signs up around town and all of that so I know that those are is those are really great events so uh just watch for that okay so if there's no other announcements is anyone here for public forum no all right so we're going to go right and move right into the agenda the first item is the our consent agenda which is our minutes from our May 28th meeting make a motion that we approve the May 28th meeting minutes second a motion made in second any further discussion all those in favor I I Karen thank you okay posted business we are joined tonight by the library trustees and or um Dodie from the library trustees and Eliza our library director um to discuss our the sitime policy for part-time employees did you want to come up to the microphone sure now we had a discussion about this recently right this was was introduced a few weeks ago just the possibility produced the board asked that we um take a look at how many part-time I thought we no we this was a while ago you came in it was something about to amend the uh stime policy for part-time employees so in Massachusetts now every part-time employee Al gets sick time so even if you only work 15 hours a week or 12 hours a week you're entitled to sick time but municipalities are exempt and so um we have two concerns one is that we'd actually like to be able to give our part-time employees sick time we have a lot of people who work 10 to 12 hours a week and it would be nice to support them in being able to stay home if they're sick and then also we're concerned that it makes us not competitive in the job market if you know the Cumberland Farms is offering sick time and we're not offering sick time it's you know but we we're exempt that's what you're we're exempt yeah so you're not required to do it we're just asking that it be considered and one of the uh information we didn't have last time was obviously we would want this to apply not this just to the library but all departments and uh we don't have the information of how this would affect other departments but my understanding is that now that information is available well we we provided a list of of part-time employees you know from from various departments um and just you know for informational purposes the current sick time policy you must work 20 hours or more to be entitled which is in accordance with the laws governing municipalities and yes and actually the list we have does not include election workers that is cor part-time fire department and if we have any part-time police officers right so that number there 25 should be like almost 50 these are permanent part-time people that were proposing right it wouldn't apply to anyone I think seasonal or temporary that was my understanding from what you said before yeah but the fire police and election workers are well the election workers I guess you could they're yeah they're not seasonal they're so there there are some implications of doing this you know it it affects a lot of departments um and so then what would happen to your budget in terms of would you call someone else in well for I calculated um for our budget because based on the Massachusetts state standard is it's um one hour of sick time for every 30 hours worked and so for the library if every person used every hour of their sick time that they accumulated and we covered all of those those hours with additional Staffing then the maximum that it could be is $1,200 a year so it's not really a lot of money um but I think that in most common cases we would just operate at shorter staff and so it actually wouldn't cost us any money or a minimal amounts you know depending on the circum I mean usually when people take a part-time job less than 20 hours it's basically to make either some extra money or do something to fill in a void and and the town did at one time if I recall when I was talking to Marlene on this they did offer benefits to almost everybody and then it it got very expensive and we do have a very small payroll staff to actually track all this would be another issue so I'm sort of having a hard time saying that if we start J changing policies for people less than 20 hours we may be opening up a can of terms but I'm not positive that's true I mean I do commend you for trying to support your staff I think it's it's great but maybe somehow figure out a way to give them a little bit more money than a time off or part-time I'm not sure if that's that's another option but I'm just speaking how I feel at this time after I spent some time reviewing it but that's just me I don't know how my colleagues fill his office so I'll let them jump in with their viewpoints I guess I'm just I am concerned about us changing how you know because we we are in line with what what municipalities are are allowed to do or expected to do in this realm but then also you know with the how it really affects the entire um budget and and our all of our part-time employees now fire would be different though because they're per DM right so they're not many of them yeah would already have already have a job do you have part-timers uh nobody working at the moment at the moment but still they would also be perm for the most they would be perdm too so um and just another thing just to put this in perspective because um you know again we're talking about offering people benefits this is offering um one hour of sick time for every 30 hours worked so if you have someone who's working 12 hours a week it's still going to take them four to five months to earn a single day's worth of sick hours so it's it's not like people are going to be extravagantly taking time off yeah but when you open up that door you're opening up other other things that going to occur right we have to we always have to think big picture and all of the um implications of making a decision like this Logistics of adding everybody's time up not just the library but all the other departments that would have to keep track of that I'm not sure how that would work out how many hours a week do the part-timers working at the library sorry can you clarify the how many hours uh does each individual person work how much does each individual work well it varies we have people who work only on Saturdays and so they work only four hours and then we have I mean people who work up to over 20 hours and so get the sick time yeah have has this been run by Town Council at all I mean because there I I would think that Town Council might want to weigh in on us yeah no instituting a policy that sort of outside of I have not had a discuss normal accepted Municipal policies right um and I do see that there are other communities [Music] um doing various different things yeah a lot of communities are addressing this right now again um well the larger ones that are on the list are addressing up but the smaller ones on the list I don't yeah I don't think they are I know there are some smaller communities lever it just made the change to do the I think they're doing the one hour the one hour sick time for 30 hours of work um I'm retired but I also work part-time and uh so because I work for a nonprofit a private nonprofit organization I fall under this one hour for every 30 and it's it's fortunately I'm a very healthy person and I'm R rarely sick but every once in a while something happens I can only get a doctor's appointment on a day that I'm scheduled to work or um when I had my cataract surgery it was only be I could only scheduled on the days that that I worked so having that backup I is just a great relief and it it just shows that you really appreciate the people that work for you and I and I totally get it I mean I I I'm not disputing the the reasons for it and how nice it would be to be able to give this to our employees but we do I don't think it's a decision I'm not prepared to make this decision tonight I would certainly want to know what Town Council thinks about it but you know also to to really think about this through through how this will affect some other departments in their budgets as well and then even moving forward with things I mean that's kind that's what we have to do it does seem like making sure all the Departments are on board is is important yeah it has to be everybody or or nobody right so um I were you prepared to make a decision tonight I no I'm not prepared I I I think it has to be looked into what the effects are going to be and once we open up that door right I did my research for me and for us the financial impact on the library is very minimal um but again it we need to find out what it would be for other departments yeah yeah other departments might have to replace that person that was out so they might not be able to afford that the budget's pretty tight yeah that's that's a that's my concern but I mean I'm certainly willing to I think the starting point is to see what Town Council um recommends and it is um you know to your point Ed you're right that the some of the larger communities are able to do this but most of the communities um they they got the 20 hour poliy theyve got the 20 hours yeah that on if you're doing 20 hours you're entitled to some type of benefits but if you're less than 20 then you're not right so I mean I guess we'll look into it further and great you know I appreciate you advocating on behalf of your employees who are our employees too appreciate your support yeah I I just you know we I just want to make sure we're making the right decision and um that there aren't any sort of unintended consequences and um you know burdens on budgets because of this what do you do at the transfer station if someone's sick we don't back you don't backfill it just short I'm curious to know what some of the other departments do okay yeah you know like the COA Vans I mean must have to call someone else in the drivers because they do they have the van schedule to go places and um you know people need to get to their appointments and that sort of thing so true it just Bears a little more investigating that's great well thank you so much for thank you hearing us out thank you thank you thanks for coming in doie nice to see you um okay topic two is the School Street um Market the alcohol license compliance is anyone coming in for this or were they notified Marlene they were notified okay we can take this minute then just to educate the uh the public we do do alcohol compliance checks that's what we call them um where we send in miners on purpose into the into the establishments in town to try to buy alcohol we've been doing this for for years um most communities do uh this year two have been done um normally we do you know one one two or what have you this year two have been done so far um this was on the topic a little while ago if people remember um because of a violation a second violation but the this the violation was a second one within five years um where clerk didn't even look at an ID um so it's it's more the reason I asked for for that establishment to be brought in was simply you're the licensing board and to have you guys you know maybe explain to that establishment that uh they have a very valuable piece of paper issued by this town and um we don't tolerate selling alcohol to Miners And there are no excuses for it um because I I simply have no tolerance for it um they're not the only establishment in town who has who has done this and they're not the only establishment in town who who is um getting warnings about this so again it's just education um that's where we start we start with warnings and education and then after that it's up to really up to you guys and if it gets to a point where it needs to go to the state then uh the Alcohol Beverage Control Commission um can take action as well so what time was the owner asked the be here I'm sort of disappointed he's not here I know he was notified um well weren't we going to revisit the Main Street Market one that's not on the agenda right was that wasn't it main was it Main Street that came in last time or was it School Street it was it was School Street okay I'm remembering um yeah I mean I thought they were coming back yeah I mean the whole point is we're just we want to discourage kids from thinking half Field's the place to come to if you if you need to um you know buy alcohol that's all oh okay um the owner was notified um with a meeting invite in the agenda okay so I mean obviously we take this seriously too yeah you know or I'm speaking for myself I'm quite sure I'm speaking for my colleagues that um you know we don't want you know any any sales to underage um individuals is not acceptable um at the last meeting just didn't have the all the information um and so typically um I mean what do we have as options for moving forward I think a letter from the licensing board to The Establishment um you know stating hey um you can't go forward selling it uh even if it's an accident you have to make some type of preparations or some type of uh whatever it takes to make sure that you know you act sometimes it happens right but you have to take steps to be diligent uh whether it's putting up more signage um making sure your clerks are properly trained this out or the other thing and then that's the end of this you know it's we don't want to hurt this we don't want to hurt any business um but we also want to protect our citizens so um you know at this stage I don't think we need to do anything more than than a letter from the licensing authori stating that uh you know don't do it again I I did notice online on various towns and Massachusetts they have their procedure on violation sort of spelled out whereas we really don't have a policy where it's like Case by case right so what I do is I take my cues from other communities right on and of course the Alcohol Beverage Control Commission who does the same thing if they get a violation and it's a first first violation for the most part they they tend to it depends if it's obviously if it's egregious or something but um typically it would it would re wind up being a warning you know to The Establishment so and our establishments can all go they can buy readers that stick a any license into um and it'll tell you if the person's able to buy alcohol and you can even go as far as to there's programs that detect fake IDs I mean there's aill things that they can be doing to not sell to to miners um so that's why there's really no excuse for it right it's and it is up to them they have they have they have a privilege by being issued a liquor license in any Community it's up to them to keep that privilege sort of like a driver's license very much well and you know you you like when you go to Big Y they card every time and yeah I mean obviously I'm over 21 but they still yeah barely so are you sort of saying are you sort of recommending that we we ask him what steps he's taken at this point or I recommend that you send him a letter so that it's on record so we have violations on record the licensing Authority is placed on record that look you guys have you know sold to a minor in the past and recently and um however you want to word it we don't want to hear about it again yeah I mean I would if it happens again then you'll be facing some type of suspension of your license that's entirely I mean that's how the letter should be worded abely that any further violation would result yeah would could result in some form of suspension or right right did did the business owner get a letter about this one this violation because they got one up the last one so what I did was I sent everything to the board sent everything to and I don't know if that letter went out with the invite or or what happened after that so okay I did not personally give this this gentleman a letter but I also watched the last meeting and he was saying he was here he yeah he knew nothing or did know or didn't that's you can read for yourself um officer rav's report he's gotten copies of these these things that we have uh we have made copies for him to my knowledge he if I don't know if he has them or not okay that sort of makes sense what you're saying if we send a letter in and state if another violation occurs yeah he will be subject to some type of suspension of his his license and that's all again we don't want to hurt a business but we also don't want to hurt our community either so no but he was saying he didn't know what time it happened and that kind of stuff so I just want to make sure that we can we can give it to him and say well this is when it happened he there's copies I Marlene has copies to him I'm pretty certain send him with any copies if that's what you're asking I believe when he was notified originally when the board was going to have a meeting to discuss this it included a copy of the letter and plus the well after this happened whoever was doing whoever the officer was up there spoke to the clerk cler so that should be able to should be able to figure out when that happened yeah well he even said that he had spoke to the clerk the clerk said he he said the clerk called him right away after that we could narrow it down to like 10 minutes well we know exactly what time it took place but I'm saying he could narrow it down he could narrow it down to like 10 minutes if if he didn't have the a letter yeah but at the end of the day they sold to a minor right period it's everything else is they need to be warned to stop selling to minors and card everybody I totally agree so typically what is the should it be the licensing Authority that notifies The Establishment or the police department the license and we did do that I have no jurisdiction over their license we did do that okay we must have notified him because he came in last time so I notified the licensing Authority licensing Authority then does what they do well let if you draft a letter I'll yeah will sign that yeah I'd like I'd like to know yeah an acknowledgement from him as well that he's going to do something yeah that not just us sending a letter well I my understand well the chief is recommending that he come up with a plan yeah yeah and he should prepare to submit that plan to the select board maybe give him a deadline to submit it okay they come back here and he can explain the plan to us okay there is another establishment in town that is going to wind up in front of the abcc as well so yeah that just happened recently and that one's skipping our board and going straight to abcc ABC's information right um that's the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission just so people at home that's the the Statewide governing um body that oversees um liquor license holders yeah okay well it happens it's not the end of the world but but let's we'll make sure they no we take it serious we do take it seriously okay thank you Chief thank you topic three is our FY 2023 Financial audit report I'm notifying Tony now so that is for the year of July 1 2022 through June 30th of 2023 perfect timing Tony hi Tony you're on are you we're good good to see you good to see you too so we'll go did you want us to just turn this over to you and we'll give you the floor for a little bit to so just just to note the accountant is joining us yes oh hi Elizabeth did you um okay so that that the accountant and Jenny assessor is here yes the assistant treasur couldn't be here tonight okay is it my turn to speak I just happen to turn on because U my Lane said it would be later um30 just about to text and say we're ready okay who are you texting I text Tony we are ready yeah we are ready it's the floor is yours that great you have great timing great timing okay so um well thank you for having me tonight um for those of you who don't know me I'm Tony roselli and I am the partner of the audit uh company roselli Clen Associates that does the audit of the town of Hatfield and we have completed the audit for fiscal 2023 and tonight we'll go over uh some of the highlights uh and um if you have any questions please um feel free to jump in the report that I will will be uh does everyone have the reports in front of them the one I'll be looking at is the uh see would be called the it's a governance report so it starts with the members of The Honorable members of the board to select for it's about a three or four page report we have that's the one I'm gonna focus on because it kind of summarizes things okay um so um so this is a it's a new report basically in the past we used to do a management letter now the aicpa requires to put it in a different format but it really gives the same information uh it does ask us um to um to communicate if there's any disagreements with management uh if there's any limitations in what we were able to do and uh if there's any Gap departures so so none of that existed but one of the a couple of the things we do need to talk about um and and I'll preface this uh because this is the first time we've had this in a while um I think you've all read the reports so you probably know what I'm about to talk about but there was a lot of turnover in the town itself in the financial positions so although you had Markham the whole year there was it started out with Lori uh then L Lori was here for the first couple of months then um I think it was Richard uh came next HW uh and then finally I don't know if there was someone between Richard and Elizabeth but then Elizabeth end of the year so by the time we were doing the audit and try asking Elizabeth what's this and what's that Elizabeth who was not familiar with what the other accountants had done uh wasn't able to explain some things because there was a lot of journal entries that didn't have um descriptions on them that were kind of very difficult to decipher what they were for uh and it led to some challenges um likewise in the treasurer's office um you know there was um you know you had a Treasurer at the beginning of the year that that I believe might have had some medical um challenges and uh and then you brought in an interim so we were dealing with an interim uh Treasurer uh who also was not familiar with the entire process so so we did find and we can go through down the bottom of the first page uh there were number number of things that um that popped up in this audit that that are unique for Hatfield in the last five years because you had really done a great job of turning the corner and and a lot of these things did not exist uh but for example a debt payment uh went through the the treasurers books but it never got reported to the town accountants so your debt was off and your cash was off because of that uh that was $37,000 um there was a number of one-sided journal entries so when you make a journal entry in accounting and for those who are not familiar you use a debit and a credit so it has to offset it's called balancing and when we went through this there was just a lot of one-sided entries either a debit with no matching credit or a credit with no matching debit and with Elizabeth's help we went through that all we were able to finally like kind of figure a lot of it out but there was so much of that going on without uh explanation um there were accounting transfers made between capital projects uh without um any sort of a reason why it went from one account to the other that was a big number that was $800,000 um moving on to the next page um the water and sore fund so when you put that in on your tax recap you're combining it but on the balance sheet it's a PO so there's a lot of comingling going on so I had suggested to the town either call it a water and sore fund which the do will allow or just keep it separate so you don't have the the comingling you have either one or the other um the health insurance was prepaid that was $51,000 and the DOI does not like prepayment so they reduced your free cash by the $51,000 uh in with holding balances we had uh found that was one of the things that had been left over from the old days that was still kind of continuing into the current year um so um so we did made a bunch of audit adjustments just to get everything um to work um sent everything uh off to whoever needed it the Department of Revenue and you know and whatnot sent them to the town you Bond people um the second thing we're talk we we had discussed here also is your cash reconciliation process uh so it did not look like the cash had been balanced between the treasurer and the treasurer's books and then the treasurers books and the town accountant it kind of looked like it was done inconsistently um throughout the course of the year so that ended up being out of balance um at the end of the year I think by the time we were done with this entire challenging process gut the variance down to about $133,000 which there's always been a small variance uh with the um with the town so um so I talked fast there does anyone have any questions on just those sorts of recordkeeping challenges uh that existed this year um well no I mean I it sounds like for the most part you've been able to make significant progress or correct them yes yes most of what was out of balance I mean normally normally we're doing the audit in October November and usually what happen this conversation in January um this dragged and dragged and dragged just because of all the challenges we had and we weren't really in doing the meet of the audit until March so there was a period of time so it took a while but we did get to that final point where it's seemed like we made the adjustments and Elizabeth agreed with the adjustments that we had recommended she make uh to get everything as of June 30 of 23 pretty close to where it should be would you agree with that Elizabeth yeah so um yeah so so so I think together uh we got there um I'm not sure if the treasurer is is here or not but I'm not sure where Elizabeth I'm assuming you've continued where we left off at June 30th 23 into 24 so I'm assuming that you know now it's been pretty consistent you've been around for a while we haven't had um switching chairs not sure where the treasurer's office stands right now uh because we weren't looking at after year you know after 23 type things so that would be my question is where what's happened with the treasurer's office are there are the bank reconciliations being done are they being reconciled to your records that would be uh something up through to you if it's if it's okay um if I can respond to some of this please thank you thank you for having me here tonight Tony nice to see you again I assum you since March yeah too yeah it was very challenging for me as well so to address some of the stuff um we put things in place so that it's not going to happen again we've talked with the Treasurers Office debt payments won't get paid until they're presented on a warrant um I don't do one-sided journal entries it's not how I operate so that won't happen again and I will document every entry I make excuse me um water and SE fund we met we are going to combine it as one so it'll be under one fund um the health insurance again will not be doing any prepays we've addressed that as well we're going to be doing a July 1 warrant for 20125 to accommodate anything that has to get paid the 1 of July which is health insurance and retirement assessment any leases anything like that um with holding balances we're working on those diligently to get those cleaned up we already cleaned a few up we found some things that didn't get posted to the right place we've made those adjustments um cash wreck so we'll talk about that Marlene started a a monthly meeting with the finance group to discuss this we are um working forward with treasurer's office and we're GNA put together a team of us to get this writed for this year we don't have the year completed but we will have it completed and we will get and and Tony with your commission I'll talk to you when we get there we're going to try to come back the same variance month after month after month and once we do we'll ask to make an adjustment as long as the bank balances are higher than the G because you don't yeah that's that's a reasonable plan and it it does sound like you've got a lot of that under control like I said the only one that I wasn't familiar with was what was going on in the treasures office I didn't know if they were caught up or not uh I I knew you were getting things under control and a lot of this stuff is is even though it looks like a lot it's easy to fix because it's hey don't make the debt payment don't you know until you have a warrant and it's authorized don't make the transfer unless it's authorized it's it's it's it's easy things to fix so it's not like uh you're trying to do a 12- month project so it doesn't surprise me that you've addressed a lot of this and I'm hoping that when we come in to do 24 that we're back to where we were you know the year before or a couple of years ago where you know where we were with a very clean audit and and on the path these things do happen when you have turnover it's unfortunate it's part of the business and and when you do have the turnover you do get these inconsistencies in the record keeping so um so uh so like I said nothing on here uh is overly difficult to fix um and uh so I do expect it to be in better shape and uh and stay on top of the cash recks monthly and I think um I I think you'll be in a I think you'll be in a good place um were there any other questions on yeah so I I have a couple of things but Marlene asked to speak for a moment I just like to speak to the treasur side so the assistant treasure is not here um this evening however um I have had communication with the treasurer on a daily basis pretty much um but anyway they are reconciling to their bank statements and I know that they're working out with the accountant uh I guess an updated cash book um so I just want to just let you know that the interim Treasurer he finished on May 7th and the assist assistant uh treasur Tammy wendowski is currently working with the accountant Elizabeth so the couple of things I just want to say just so people at home understand obviously that we we do these audits every year um and I mentioned it a little bit before we really got into this but this audit is for June 1st 2022 through June 30th uh July 1st 2022 through June 30th 2023 correct so it's completely you know we we just finished up FY 24 and this is for FY 23 so just so people can put that time frame um into context at home people listening and then can you explain to me the health insurance we prepaid it and and it went against our free cash so can you explain what that means and then what the ramifications are for free cash next year yeah it's it's only a timing item so um what happens is your your first premium is due on the first of the month so It's tricky to walk that type rope to make it and and the insurance companies do give you a couple of days so in an effort to not be late the town accidentally had it on the last warrant of the year so it ends up being a prepaid instead of in the proper year so you what happened was at the end of 23 you paid some of 24 by accident okay um the do says you can't do that you have to pay it in the same year so they go in they calculate your free cash and then take the 51,000 away but at the end of 24 they give that back to you okay as long as everything worked out in 24 that's what I was really asking okay that's that's the that's the simple way to explain it you don't lose it you lose the use of it during uh fiscal 24 for budgets and whatnot but you'll get it back um for your hopefully for your town meeting uh in the fall and maybe for something for your recap we're not having one in the fall but yeah okay okay that was that was my only question Ed I'm good Ed's good Greg good Finance Finance do you have any questions for Mr roselli or um Elizabeth right brasia braia so so I'm sorry I was late but I was just wondering were the there were Capital there were transfers between capital projects that were mentioned was that figured out the question from one of our finance committee members was about the the accounting transfers between the two capital projects that was all figured out correct yes yeah yes that's figured out at this point Point okay yeah sometimes when you do like a borrowing or you're starting a project uh you can use it for different things and the there was 800,000 moved from one account to the other with no explanation once we got our arms around it uh we determined that it was proper but when you mi uh a transfer like that it should be supported it should there should be documentation behind why you're doing it so once we dug down and with the help of Elizabeth uh and it took a while we figured out that it was okay where it went so um so whoever did it did not do it uh inappropriately they just did it without documentation whoever made that transfer at the time I don't know who did it um in in the uh scheme of things okay thank you thanks darl anything else yeah there was a there was some comments on the on the Enterprise funds and and the fact that they have to be handled separately but I thought we had combined they are com they are combined so do we have do we still have to handle them separately or they were combined but on the general ledger they were separate and so now they're all going to be combined correct correct yeah okay all right all right that's where I thought we had gone I was just I thank you you're welcome yeah but in your tax rate setting process they had been combined but for whatever for whatever reason they hadn't uh on your general ledger they hadn't been combined yet so they were aart so it was it was confusing things you know as to how boats were being made and whatnot so um that to be clear it's gonna be like that for 24 we're gonna make the change for 25 25er under one fund okay and I I I have a couple of comments to make too that I had in the that I highlighted in the letter not findings but more informational items uh on arpa I want you to make sure that you're fully obligated before the end of this year so that there's no clawback of those funds so anything you have left on arpa make sure that that's fully obligated either through a purchase order or some sort of a contract some sort of commitment it can't just be in a plan uh otherwise AAL Tony in this case we're we're actually ahead of you we're we're taking this up later tonight the the Final Super or close to final distribution of those funds and secondly I wanted to comment on uh the the great job you guys did investing some of your excess cash because you did um generate some additional interest income that wasn't planned uh so with the interest rates going up um it was nice to for whoever recognized that to say hey I'm earning 1% over here why don't I put it over here and earn you know three four five% so that did yield a few extra dollars at the end of the year so whoever did that that was a nice job and uh you know to keep that up uh because um while the rates are high let's earn some money on it hi and those were my last two comments great well um we appreciate it uh everybody good here yes everybody's good um you know thank you we're it's it's it wasn't a a perfect report but everything was fixable there was nothing you know real alarming and um that's why we do it right find those things that's right that's right excellent so if I'm free to leave thank you everyone have a great rest of the meeting and we'll talk to everyone soon thank you Tony thank you Elizabeth thank you have a good night everyone thank you you so we are is anyone is John coming no it's just the three just the three of you and I was just ask if I could with marleene there's a question about a transfer that we that needs to be made yeah that was for um do you have the paperwork for that so that we can vote on that I sent it to you um I can get it yes so I'm wondering I know we you're the you're here for the arpa discussion correct no we were here for the audit for the audit do you do we listen to the okay it's it's a little bit later but if you want that's fine do you need to go get their transfer for the a we need to sign yeah yeah we need to sign that so maybe we'll take a quick break while Marlene runs and gets that is that okay Don you okay with that e e e e e we're ready we're back okay so we're back after just a very short break um we're going to dive right back into the agenda here we're going to get to topic four which is um a number of appointments and resignations so first we have um here information about Jill Tera being interested in a spot on the celebration committee um I have known Jill for years and I think she would be a great addition make a motion to appoint J toate on the celebration committee a second motion made in second any further discussion all those in favor I I uh okay we have a resignation from um Kyle Scott from the Hatfield Housing Authority we are in are we in a little problem then with that board we don't have a how big is that board now so they don't have a a there's a state vacancy John wils held and um so they have three other members right now I believe I can think of two I um so it's a five member board with three members currently Chris Smith Chris Smith um Alex Alex melanowski and somebody from the hous somebody from over there I think yeah I can't remember the name so um okay so first we should accept this resignation which is too bad I'll make a motion we accept Kyle Scott's resignation from the Hatfield Housing Authority Board second uh motion made in second any further discussion no all those in favor I um we should thank Scott for doing that but also you know certainly anybody um listening to this meeting who might be interested in serving on the Hatfield Housing Authority um please reach out to Marlene at the Town Hall yes it's pretty important we get that committee filled up yes yeah M okay and then um we have um appointing Kathy G as an election worker make a motion to appoint Kathy G as election worker second motion made in second any further discussion no those in favor I I and then we have um in here um a recommendation that um we appoint the assistant Treasurer collector Tammy wendowski to fill the position of Treasurer collector that would be pursuant to Mass General Law chapter 41 section 1B um that is a recommendation to to appoint her hire we interviewed several several applicants for the position well and she you know she came in under tough circumstances has done very well is um I think going to be a great choice for the town so um we're grateful for that so we just need to actually do the tonight okay I'll make a motion that we appoint Tammy walowski to the position of treasur collector second motion made in second any further discussion all those in favor I I okay so then we have the assistant Town planner yes recommendation to uh hire the assistant Town planner or hire Isabella joer um to the assistant Town planner position again that was a position that was um became vacant upon the resignation of Janelle Franklin and um several two candidates were interviewed for the position only two people applied um Isabelle jger will be graduating from the Conway school on June 23rd and she comes with quite a bit of valuable experience to the town she has not served as an assistant Town planner previously um but having interviewed her I feel very confident um and Stephanie yeah I was GNA ask if Stephanie also approves okay um and recommends Isabella for the position and um reference checks were very very nice very excellent I'll make a motion to appoint Isabella Jagger as assistant Town planner second motion made and second any further discussion all those in favor I I got really behind on signatures here I was not paying attention Okay so annual appointments so so goes the term annual you uh the town clerk has submitted a list of uh reappointments for um 2024 and she is requesting that the board vote to appoint all these individuals as listed or submitted on the list we can go through each one you'd like um sorry I'm trying to catch up here um I mean it's a lot of a appointments to read through um I mean I and I know in years past we haven't done that we've just accepted the list as it was presented um so this is people that are already on boards um and committees in town who are um willing to um have a further appointment for another term which we're very grateful for but there is a lot of them so um and the motion prepared indicates to um approve the presented and this will become a record of the meeting minutes right is there a motion already made on the not yet so I'll make a motion to appoint those as indicated on the list and our packet and thank them for their continued service to Hatfield appr appoint did you say reappoint to reappoint okay yes to reappoint it there's a motion right here oh got to make got to make it official make it official okay I move that we appoint I'll appoint terms expiring June 30th 2024 as presented on the annual appointment list supplied by the town clerk okay we're going to call that reappoint okay in your motion I thought I said that no no but that's all right okay I'll second that a mo a motion made in second any further discussion no thank you and um thank you to Elena for putting out that together uh okay so then we have our next item is actually DPW report come on up so we're just here to uh tell everybody that we have filled all our positions that were open um so we're going to introduce Max Bartlett who returned to work for us uh Paul chapen is not here tonight he had a family emergency called us and told us he couldn't make it but he's one of the new employees and Dwayne Mian has come to our gracious Department welcome Dwayne thanks no stranger to Hatfield though no no been on the fire department yeah 10 years 10 years right well we're we're really glad you're here it's good to be back and I know you come with great experience um so that's great thank you for joining the team sure thanks for having me yeah going well so far yeah yeah absolutely R rides a little bit more to get your sumes to a yeah 1.1 mile ride yeah um okay so for um we do we have to vote this yes Dwayne the Personnel form the Personnel um we need to vote this okay make a motion to appoint Dwayne me Dwayne mean right here to this position which is Public Works highway equipment operator laborer a second motion made in second any further discussion all those in favor I easy enough thank you so much thanks for coming morning thank you yes good evening so do you plan to have the others come at another time I mean I I know we all know Max yeah Max has been but it still would be nice to have Max if you could okay um okay oh I'll take those thank you okay so then next we have a um request to carry over vacation time here from Garrett so uh we have a few of these tonight correct Marlene yes so my general feeling is we were very clear last year that we were not going to entertain vacation carryovers anymore we this had gone it we were sort of still dealing with the residuals of that whole covid era when we let people carry it over because no one could go anywhere so I'm in general not inclined to do this but I do think that we have to look at each one individually and each one still warrants some discussion and in the case of Garrett I think we all know that Garrett had really unusual circumstance ances this year that did not allow him to take his time so I I would consider Garretts um but I do think my general feeling is we need to discuss each one individually individual basis and and and and we will continue to encourage our employees not to be in this situation um but I'm I I tend to agree with you I think each case should be individual we've gone through this each carryover but in this individual's situation it's sort of unique so in that case I can I can accept carrying this one over yeah I mean I would ideally anyone who asks for time I would like a plan of when they're going to use it not just a general carryover so this doesn't really have a plan right for Garrett I'm I am I am in favor of allowing Garrett to do this because he clearly was not able to take his vacation time this year um for very extreme reasons um but I would like some type of like maybe he uses it by the end of the extra time by the end of December or something like that um especially because then you get into winter and then it's harder for him to take time and then then it's backed up again and we're dealing with this again next year so um that's my feeling may encourag allow it to go through December 31st okay I think that's fair yeah I think that's a good idea okay so I will make a motion that we Grant uh Garrett's request with the stipulation that the extra time carried over be used by December 31st and with the understanding that we do not plan to entertain any requests next year unless there's extend very extenuating circumstances got a motion made in second any further discussion no all those in favor I I okay Phil yes sewer assistant management planning project loan application this looks like actually I put that on there but I put I put it under DPW because I I'm always prepared to speak to anything that um is under DPW regardless of Phill is here um so thank you for being here um so this is a an srf uh State revolving fund loan application um as you know there were three Asset Management plans in the town meeting warrant this is for the sewer Asset Management plan okay it's a very lengthy application we don't need to go through the whole application it looks like it was a lot of fun to put together but and I I would like it if the pages were numbered but well they're not um but anyway with just a couple of pages in uh I just want to note this because Ed brought it to my attention section A it says applicant information and certification form um population says 4700 so we're nowhere near 4700 so we need to update that number so I will notify um the engineer okay um good catch Ed yeah so then moving through this um you should have in your um in that packet their fla pages are flagged yes okay so there's the first flag is for Phil right you will sign that the next one should be the authority to file okay so you're not signing anything here but simply just to so the board understands what you are authorizing tonight is you're authorizing um the board of Select man as the applicant to file or submit this application and just you know I've it's been filled in selectboard right and what what the work activity will consist of okay and then you're also authorizing the Town Administrator unless the board prefers that it's the chair or or the treasurer um to act on behalf of the Town um with regards to um ations in executing agreements and of course anything that needs to come before this board right will be sure that no I think it would be better to have you do it and then just come before us with anything you need okay the next document is my signature certify yes so you will sign at the bottom do we need to vote it or can I just sign it you need to vote okay you need to vote to submit um as the applicant vote to authorize the submission of the loan application and let me just check something else oh and you're also authorizing the Town Administrator to um act on behalf of the town okay so I'll make a motion that we approve the applicant authorize the loan application authorize the loan application and appr approve the administrator second motion made the second any further discussion all those in favor so I can go ahead and sign this one that requires my signature yes after the problems always trying to and your name is printed right underneath yes okay and then it looks like this last part is all three requires all three of our oh no this is just me also yeah that's correct mhm okay did I actually did we actually take a vote did I actually do that part okay I just did okay I forgot if I did it okay excellent well that looks like it was not fun to prepare was a lot of work for the engineer and well a lot of it information they already have available to so I appreciate their help on that okay so moving right along the fy2020 fy2 accounting services contract with Markham yes Markham accounting as you know they um we Outsource our accounting services to Markham and this agreement is for services um effective July 1 2024 through June 30th 2025 okay I am fine with that I'll take a motion um I make a motion that we approve the agreement with Markham accountants for fiscal year 25 for fiscal year 25 I I'll second that but right now we're sort of happy with the relationship with the accountant or not there has been some challenges and as the auditor had mentioned you know we're working through them I had just a couple of concerns about this agreement and I talked with the the individual Tanya Campbell who oversees or manages the accounting Municipal accounting fees um so we worked through those um but I think yeah it's it's work is in progress continues but there has been some challenges for the past year and a half so do you think those challenges will I mean we're going to go forward with this contract but are they willing to figure out these challenges yes they are willing to continue to work with the town and and find a way to strengthen the relationship and and in terms of the services that they provide all right and it's you you there aren't many options frankly for municipal accounting at this [Music] point okay uh so a motion made in second any further discussion no all those in favor I this is also just for my signature yes I'm just going to sign it if you could fill out the other parts that would be great okay and then next is the application to the division of local Services yes um this is the um regarding the the borrowing for the debt yes the debt exclusion for the water and sewer yeah so I have what you have in your pack is a blank one but actually I have um completed most of it I'm just waiting on some information from the engineer but um on page page six of what you have in your the handout there um under Section E I have um pulled together much of that information that divisional local services will be looking for and verified the debt exclusion information and the borrowing with the Town Clerk and the assistant Treasurer okay um so the the board is required to to vote to submit this application to the division of local services and so just to give some background this is for that um supplemental 1.4 million that was authorized at town meeting for the was wastewater treatment project and we as I said you know it was voted at town meeting and typically you have uh an election to to vote debt exclusion question um but because the original vote was voted at a previous annual town meeting and an election um as long as this meets the the terms and eligibility requirements of the project so it's still within the scope of this project it's just um additional money to fund um critical components of that project gotcha okay so this doesn't guarantee that they're going to I guess to to wave that we you know ultimately they could decide to require us to have a an election to vote okay valid well let's deal with that update okay this is the application to submit okay to them for consideration okay I'll make a motion to forward to the U Department of Revenue the that exclusion paperwork that we have in front of us a second motion made and second any further discussion all those in favor lot of paperwork tonight okay okay um the next item is a request um for the board to authorize to impose the conflict of interest employee exemption for Barry leay he was recently appointed the veteran service officer he also um is um an election worker in the town clerk's office so the de designation is a special what is the designation would be um actually there is the special Municipal Employee exemption this particular exemption because he receives more than one salary I mean it's you know minimal very minimal but um as a result of that the Mass general laws requires um Mr leay to submit a letter which you you have in your packet and this will be filed with the town clerk office okay we don't we don't need to vote it or anything do we you need to vote to impose that conflict of interest employee exemption so the motion is to approve the exemption under Mass General Law chapter 268a right okay section 20 okay I'll make that motion I'll second that I'll motion made and second any further discussion no all those in favor I okay um request to carry over vacation time from fire chief and building inspector um so you heard my Spiel already um I think um I did have a chance to talk to Bob about this a little bit last week um and again I think we have two different situations here um we know that because of the staffing issues in the fire department it's reasonable to think that there are times Bob isn't able to take time so Bob you're looking at carrying 40 over into next fiscal year what is your PL what would be your plan four the days are actually in the first week of July I forgot to put that in the letter so there'd be one day so there'd be one extra day one extra day which okay so I am I that's not a big ask um I understand why it's happening we still don't want it to happen um but it's it's a reasonable ask and there's a plan to take it off personally I don't have a problem with that one in terms of Kyle's I me we're talking about four he hasn't used any vacation all year almost right that's that's about almost four weeks um I mean I don't see that there was any difference in the workload this year like in other words we know that there was a different situation with Garrett there's a unique situation in the fire department right now I'm not sure what's unique about this that's a huge amount of time to carry over so now you're talking about a massive amount of time off it looks like for for a travel plans that's this is what I kind of want to avoid and what I have a problem with and to ask to carry this much time over when there isn't even that much time left in the year to take it I mean we don't it's why wasn't this brought to our attention a lot sooner that amount of time is also a problem that I that's that's me weighing in on those two particular requests I'm open to conversation and suggestions take one thing at a time start with the fire chief okay I just how many positions are still unfilled two full-time two full-time positions still in fil so that money has been sitting there right correct I can understand it's not a big ass from the fire chief and he has been covering and we still haven't gotten those two positions filled J so I mean I'm with the fire chief position myself I'm I'm okay with it I don't know how my colleague Greg feels about it I uh I guess I didn't understand what you were talking about so it's only one day that you need carried over instead of a week it'll be it'll be one week but four out of the five days that I'm asking carry will be used within the first week of July first second third and fifth and then you'd have one day i' have one day that would go beyond the first week of July yeah right I don't think the the situation or circumstances changed last year to this year so I I I don't I don't understand why why this is needed to be carried over so I I'm sicking with what we said last year I I want to carry over any unless it's really extenuating I I mean I think we know we have ongoing staffing issues and that the chief sometimes has no choice and and has to be there and can't take time off so I guess I would give this I do I do especially because it's minimal and you have a plan and I would certainly want that one day taken by December 31st which I think is completely doable with the understanding like we're not entertaining these anymore right but I I'm in favor of this one I it's I see your point and we were very clear last year um but the you know the fire department continues to be in a unique situation I know that it didn't change from last year but it continues to be unique from last year even hiring the staff won't change my time off because the positions aren't to backfill me right because I am the Monday through Friday paramedic right but it is a that's that's my point as well I I I yeah I get what you're saying I will make a motion that we allow 40 hours carryover with the understanding four days will be taken in the first week of July one day will be taken by the end of by December 31st and with a strong encouragement to not request anything next year to to take your time right that's my motion I I will second that motion just because of the situation and hopefully we can hopefully you can find resolution to the Staffing issue somehow so Mo did you second it yes a motion made in second any further discussion those in favor I I'll say any opposed n n okay that's fine so then on Mr Scott's request I do think this is different I mean there wasn't I don't know what the he did submit something right as far as his the reasoning he says due to workload um and new pending projects He wants to use the time later this year when he travels um to the pH Philippines um I I just I I don't see what the what the diff What the change was in that department to Warrant not being able to take almost four entire weeks off so now you have a situation where it's going to roll over how how long is that I just I I feel like this was maybe keeping it for this extended vacation and rolling it over should we request some more information from him with I mean what I don't know I'm just asking not to mention to bring a such a huge rollover request when there's only what two weeks left in the year you can't even like I don't know I mean I I hate to see anybody lose time that's not what I want to do to a you know a good employee but I just don't understand what the difference was I mean we can point at Garrett's we know what was different we can point at Bob's and justify that there's been a staffing issue I'm not sure what it is here and it's 156 hours that's a huge chunk of vacation time so I I just I I you know I don't want to not be fair and he shouldn't lose time but that's why I'm wondering we should get some more information from him because he's never has he ever requested a a carry over yeah he has yeah and just like everyone else was told last year we're not going to be entertaining these and yet this is massive yeah I mean we're not talking about four days yeah we're so I just have to research this may include time that he rolled over if it was authorized from last year yeah yeah so it's last year yeah it could be I don't know but I can do that research I think that this ask is different it there I don't see the justification within the department and I think that the number of hours requested is really big it is so if there if there truly was no ability to take that time we should have known a long time before because we could have said no you're you're gonna have to take at least this much of it now we don't there isn't even enough time for him to to use some of this time so I I have a problem with this one it pains me to say that because I don't ever want to see an employee lose time off that's why we give it so that they can take it but maybe we do need more information but the problem is we're not meeting again until next fiscal year so what happens if we deny this request does he lose 156 hours yeah I mean he can still use some time between now and and June 30th but he certainly won't how many hours a week is he 30 hours 30 or I think that's five weeks weeks of vacation to carry over that's that's I think that's a completely unreasonable request yeah and if there wasn't time enough in last year to use it there certainly won't be enough time in following year to use that plus his recation right right so now we're talking about so are we and if for one I guess I just worry that it was done so that there could be this extended trip it doesn't say how long he's going to be gone he says I anticipate using this time later this year so is that that extended of a vacation that's not a request like that should have be been made well in advance like I I want to take this extended trip will we be able to do this you know is that trip a month is it two months is it I mean that's five weeks of time plus the time he would also be given as of July one right they'll continue to acre so I don't know I it's it's it's a it's a lot to carry over when we were very clear last year that this was not going to be a practice we entertained unless there were really extenuating circumstances oh he'll actually if he doesn't want to lose that he would have to take off time from now until July 30th right which would still only be really two weeks you're still talking about there's five weeks it'd still be three weeks you'd be losing he'll still lose time and we have to make the decision before June 30th you should but I mean we're not meeting again right well if we don't make a decision it just goes back I mean this this this request just came in yesterday yeah because the treasurer's office has to set up the system to carry over vacation time and they'll be setting up their records for the new fiscal year if they haven't already started to do that I'm sure they're probably starting it but then they need to move data forward right well we would only make do something if we were going to Grant it if we do nothing then he just loses it because that's the policy right right right yeah so his choice you know is either to try and use he would still have vacation time to take for his trip because he would have next year's time right so it wouldn't be leaving him without the ability to take the trip so he can carry forward two weeks so I this that in addition this must be in excess of the two weeks because by HR policy you he seven weeks so he must yeah you can carry over 80 hours two weeks the letter is not really CLE must in excess of that that's that's a lot of time yeah that's yeah I mean we've gone through you're right that's more than one fiscal year worth of time because your request would be for hours in excess of the 80 hours that's allowed to carry over wow so yeah I don't know how yeah so can carry 80 hours so yours is you you're carrying two over and yours is the extra five four yeah mhm yeah I mean I really hate to see Kyle lose time but this is really excessive suris that it's it's it's he's built up that much time how could he have well if he did carry he carried it over and used nothing previous year yeah you want to talk to him as the chair yeah but we have to vote we have to make a vote tonight yeah if we say no tonight then he can carry over two weeks like all like everybody how many weeks does he get a year do you know um well it would he would acre it based on the 30 hours he works a week I don't know what what what that cruel is so we have unknowns we we don't know if we think that this is an addition to two weeks they can carry over it would have to be yeah it would have to be and then it doesn't indicate it doesn't really give a compelling reason why he couldn't take it but also doesn't give like is he is he planning on taking a seven week vacation cuz he said he's going to use the time when he goes yeah I mean that would be I know that travel to the Philippines is it takes quite a bit and I'm sure he probably wants an extended stay and I don't blame him but June 10th is not the time to ask something like this and that's that's that's a lot of hours I I don't want to just keep saying the same thing over and over I'm really wrestling with you know having him lose time I don't I don't like that idea but we don't have a lot of choices here I agree it's not personal it's just we have policies and rules and clear last year and this isn't there's nothing that is true you know true so I mean I guess I'm obviously fine with the regular two weeks oh I don't know it's a tough one I just don't like being put in this position where we have to vote right away you know I it's not fair to us and it's not fair to the department head I guess right well because we can't say no so make sure you use it by the end of the year he doesn't he can't possibly use it request had come sooner and you still had time to consider before you know your next meeting we would have at least said take take the time before this fiscal year now he's asked so late that we can't we don't have that option to encourage him to take the time so he doesn't lose it he can take some time off now he could take some time off between now and the end of the year and then carry two weeks over M you could take basically a couple weeks he'll have to he'll have to he has an assistant building inspector so he can should make arrangements provided the assistant building inspector is available to cover for him correct and now you have everything online right and you have a new new clerk right that's actually understands how the on Line's working now right yes she does and so and he said he she's doing great so that should be covered if he's going to take his time off from now until end of July right yeah there certainly are options but regardless he's going to lose some of it for him right yeah way you look at it he would he would lose some time but I do agree with you he should have brought this up prior yeah that's a lot of hours to ask with two weeks left in the year and not put us in the corner to make a decision when we were also very clear last year and in the year before and the year before yeah yeah you've extended that you know extension so then basically it would be just denying this request and he he he'd have to make his own decisions about what he takes for the rest of the year and being able to carry it over yeah and I will explain to him if if it is denied then I I will explain to him yeah it's it's late two weeks left in the fiscal year and it's just an excessive number of hourss yeah well I hate to do it but it's sort of not her fault to be put in this position at the same token I mean I have a lot of respect for Kyle he's been doing a great job and but I hate it when somebody tries to throw something on her desk and say well you got to make a decision right now I don't think that's fair at all what's happening out there is that normal it does happen from time to time okay yeah it it can be fine for a couple of days and then just starts doing we just have a blinking light that's very bright and blinking out there um yeah I was gonna say if it would be anybody it would be Corey he'd probably be blinking the ones in here though um so I mean I guess I'll make a motion that we deny this request based on the fact that there's really no compelling reason why the time couldn't be used and it's an excessive number of hours I'll second that motion made in second any further discussion all those in favor I I I'll make it unanimous God I hate doing that I really do I hate doing it sometimes you got to do what you got to do okay um approval of employment renewal agreements with department heads so the board has negotiated all these contracts and agreed to the terms with those department heads and so the board just needs to vote um these contracts for they're all three-year terms with the exception of the Town Administrator and um and then sign and these this is all I know this is all um so they were all put forward built into the budget that was approved and so now it's time to actually approve the contract my there's been an issue on one of them is that correct do we have an issue on one of the contracts or not the fire chiefs yes so I I um updated that contract yesterday so the salary amount in in the original contract that you had receiv received in your packet um was incorrect and so that has been corrected and in this one yep and yes so does it say 93,000 should I know I printed it out I'm trying to think did I give it to you for the signature okay oh yes that's right it did is it highlighted on the actual the original one that I'm going to sign yes I don't see anything highlighted oh yes yes it is have it on my desk yes it is so we're going to sign this marked the corrected well let's take them let's take them one at a time so okay um this is the one for um Chief D kosak he has already signed his we we already approved this or do we have to approve this again you're you're voting to approve the contract you you didn't vote you agreed to the terms right and then it was all put through town meeting motion to approve Chief to coach's contract as written a second motion made in second second any further discussion no I I mean sorry all those in favor I I I next it looks like we have Kyle's I make a motion that we accept uh Kyle Scott's Employment contract for the town building inspector second motion made and second any further discussion no all those in favor I next we have sorry Marlin's I'll make a motion that we accept Marlene Maron msk's contract as submitted no second that a motion made in second any further discussion all those in favor I I oh what am I doing I'm not handing these around hang on one second oh yeah sorry sorry oh that one's just for me okay okay next chief flares I understand there's an issue with it so I'm not sure he wants it approved or not well he did Express the chief and I spoke yesterday he did Express concern about um the education incentive cause that that was removed move um and as a result of that um there is the lumpsum payment um that would be paid that he would be compensated for achieving his bachelor's degree but we would have to go into negotiations again in order to make any changes to the contract I did think that was just an agreed upon issue no well that was my understanding when when when you met um it's all set it you're okay with it okay okay so you're good the way it's presented tonight okay so I'll take a motion on that as I'll make a motion to accept the fire chief's contract since he's all set with it as he said and as presented to us tonight second that a motion made in second any further discussion all those in favor I that's always a long uh process to get all of these done every year so that feels good not every year but every every few years okay moving right along update on the day Pond restoration oh that's old business is there anything new no okay and then so next would be we're visited by our friend Mr Kier Dave it's your Big Moment ready okay moment uh Dave is joining us tonight the um Capital planning committee had a very unusual summer meeting last week um because we uh realized we needed to make some decisions about the final arpa funding which is roughly $240,000 so we went through the capital plan and um sort of looked at priorities um obviously projects that fit within that Financial scope um and so Dave wanted to present the uh decision of the capital planning committee yeah the the group discussion was about trying to knock off some of the little things that have been kind of hanging around for a while that we figured haven't had an opportunity to take care of um the the ones that were identified in a motion and and accepted by the by the committee um you know obviously those that's just a recommendation to you guys you guys can decide to do what you want with it but um the projects that we identified that for priority would be this fire department software upgrade for $122,000 um the flooring in the Council on Aging although well we're all a little disappointed that that flooring hasn't really lasted very long so uh we're hoping that this is not something that's going to that something's going to be done to make sure that when we spend this money that's not going to reoccur okay so we got to have some kind of of a guarantee or warranty or something that that or be done differently that that that we did receive a proposal and it it would be a permanent fix okay that's good so that was it was it was on the plan at $75,000 but we weren't sure whether that's was going to be enough so we said 75 to $100,000 whatever that number is I don't know if that's come in or not I have that on my desk I didn't bring it with all right um the HVAC upgrades at Smith Academy for $773,000 the replacement of their freezer unit on the roof of hes to make sure that the inside freezers working properly for $21,000 uh and the front porch fire department replacement for $25,000 which adds up to between 206,000 and 231,000 and then the the on the motion was that the board would use the the balance once we kind kind of know as the year gets later on and once all the bills come in what it looks like as a balance at you know at the last minute maybe if we need to some technology upgrades at the town hall or or you know we could say to Bob order a little bit of more PPE equipment or something like that to to make sure we we spend that money um I was thinking about this a little bit after after our meeting um as being a member of the comprehensive committee and I know that we're going to be coming to see you guys at some point in either August or September to sort of present the comprehensive committee's uh work um and the yeah the whole and the action plan all that kind of stuff it's it's not done yet it's not finalized we don't have that figure we've we know that that's something that we're going to have to that we're going to do um it has to go to the planning board also the planning board has to accept uh so we we were thinking hopefully we can have a joint maybe a joint planning board select board meeting at some point in the late summer early fall to to to make that happen but I know that on the plan and and one of the things one of the big things in our plan the comprehensive plan is that the town really needs to pay attention to where all of this uh essential services are and all of your central services are in the flood plane right the town hall the fire department the police department the ambulance the elementary school the COA I mean the whole bit okay and I know that on the on the uh Capital plan is the is a possibility of a new um DPW building and I know that they've they' identified a spot down on Elm Court and we know that they started a a project down there and they they've got a building that got going and there's a on the capital plan there's a an 80 something thousand request to finish that project now yes we did have someone at our meeting the other night who who came specifically to object to that piece of the of of using that those funds um for that purpose because they stated that the town was sold that that was going to be a storage building and not anything else how silly it was to put the mechanic down there and have to shuttle equipment this that the other thing um personally I've always been of the um belief that you hire department heads for a reason you hire department heads to make decisions and to bring decisions forward to you that they think is the best in the best interest of the town and and their Department um and maybe that's another piece of this that ought to be considered and put on that on that list because it maybe it is a step towards you know somehow someway over the next five to 10 years of moving some of this these essential Services out of the flood plane and get them up to above the flood plane uh line and and and make it a little little more reasonable um you know maybe the DPW does move to Elm Court maybe this it's fire department and the police department does move to where the DPW is I don't know there's a lot of moving Parts but I would also entertain that you should suggest I suggest that you entertain that piece of the of the uh that's separate from the cap from the arpa funding you're talking about no no maybe maybe juggling some of the the stuff that was that we put in the arpa funds to to cover that I don't know but I'm just to cover what though I'm I'm not sure what you're what I'm suggesting is maybe that that could also be that $88,000 could be in instead of deciding we're going to do the HVAC upgrades at Smith Academy maybe that the 88 ,000 gets put in there or instead of fixing the front porch we you know just consider that because it's a it's finishing a project that um that's halfway done I don't know I'm just thr the DPW the DPW building yeah but there was also the issue of being it being able to be done by December 3 I understand it we don't know the answer to that but I did I I was listening to our account or our uh auditor he said something about um making sure it sounded like it didn't that the bills don't have to be paid but that that he said something about a correct corre you need to have commitments whether it's a contract yeah says a purchase order purchase order he said I remember purch place and you're I'm just I'm just going off of what I heard today at that during that so um I I don't know what the rules are as far as does do do we have to have every check cut by December 31st or what you know whatever so no you need to your suggestion would totally change what the capital planning committee voted on yes they did but that's only it's only a recommendation yeah Capital plan planning committee and I'm just I'm throwing it out there as I guess I feel piece of the puzzle part of part of why I didn't think we would want to entertain the DPW um project for this it had nothing to do with the gentleman who came to visit was more the timing of being able to actually which we didn't know and the other projects we think are going to are shovel ready if you will much ready ready to execute by December 31st but we also don't know that that's not shovel ready what's that finishing that building right I and if we can do and if it doesn't if the if the dollar if the checks don't have to be written maybe it's just a commitment that they're going to do it it's a different story but again this is just I'm throwing that out there as just a piece of you guys are going to make the decision as to what goes on oh now you got my curiosity Phil Phil what is left on that building that has to be done spright foam insulation and the electric and how much money that's 90 grand you're saying or this just about 90 grand and you have bids on that already is that shovel ready or we're ready we're ready to go and I'm not saying that that's any more important than any of the other things that that we put on here okay in fact there's others and we could have identified other things on the capital plan that are important as well these numbers happen to add up to what look like a reasonable number with a little bit leftover okay but I I was just thinking because of the some of the recommendations that are going to come out of the comprehensive committee that maybe that's something to think about I and and not doing it not doing that project through arpa funds doesn't mean it doesn't get done it just means that we got to find a funding source next year or whatever I mean Capital planning talked about this certainly I mean if the what you'd have to pull out of what we're recommend recommended would be the $75,000 HVAC upgrades at Smith Academy right probably yes and I mean I feel like that's a project that can be done by December 31st and C certainly on its merits alone is a good choice to use these arpa funds for so I I I mean I don't really want to change what the capital planning committee recommended under with the understanding that that doesn't mean the DPW building never gets done it just doesn't get done with this arpa funding in the next six months that's all I mean I I appreciate Capital planning getting together and prioritizing so I'm going to suggest that we get u a copy of the PRI prioritizations that you've established and we make a solid vote at our next meeting right here they're they're right there I still need I I don't want to make a decision tonight I want to just I like to think about things for a day or two that's all when yeah but the next meeting isn't for a month we met we met specifically so that we could be ready for this meeting tonight yeah because because you're on a short some of these projects are going to have to go out to bid and then that list in our packet so we could at least look at it for a couple that list he has can you give that to edges so he can see it and print it's all things that were on the capital plan Ed so none of these are new no projects is that your letter that the capital planning had submitted initially for no this is the minutes of the meeting oh okay okay that we had that obviously are not approved they're just I I thought maybe it was your the capital planning committee's letter of recommendation that you had submitted a few months ago so we didn't so just to sort of um because reiterate we the I'm sorry a couple of months ago we didn't have any money that we were working with so we kind of just submitted the plan and said here you know may I ask I don't even want to ask this question but there's ongoing delays on five and 10 are we 100% sure we're getting no more bills from them in excess of the additional 300,000 that was just I'm not aware I have not received notification I don't want to pay another Penny and that this would be our only mechanism would be through arpa so if we commit These funds and we can't wait any longer to commit the funds because these projects are going to take some time like getting like the porch right there's going to have to be some you know getting some contractors in taking a look at it getting it done yeah um and so just to reiterate your point though we we purposely didn't allocate all of them because we did expect that there could be some um price differences in the floor downstairs because we do want it done right so we wanted to leave a little bit free for that um and then we there was some there was a PPE request for the fire department which was sort of higher than we had in the budget so we thought that would be one suggestion of what might be used once we get a little closer to the end of the year that can probably be ordered pretty quickly um and money could be spent on maybe whatever one set two set whatever we have left not a given that that's what it would be for but we sort of talked about that also understanding that in the next few months an expense could come up that we're not expecting and we would have have it left and leave that sort of last minute and at the very last yeah you know the 11th Hour when we know exactly what we have left at the Town Hall needs a computer upgrade and you can know could spend a couple thousand dollars I was supposed to get it last year and we didn't have money in the budget in you know it's something that could be ordered very quickly and paid for very quickly that that could take care of see I and I feel a little bit differently than that I feel like it should be items either on the capital plan or that have come up unexpectedly not just yeah oh we have some money let's everybody throw start throwing wish list together so the PPE is on the plan it is a smaller ticket item it's variable right Bob could do various amounts of it to accommodate whatever we have left PPE is pretty General also and PPE yeah and it's you know it's obviously always going to be a good purchase I just want to bring up on the the 30k or so that's remaining let's be sure that we have enough for the the TV studio the med the break room and the media room oh the 30,000 that you allocated to we just want to make sure that I mean let's make sure we have enough because there's another thing that may come up is if you're going to put heat pumps out here they may need to have a shield to prevent from snowing ice and you might want to come up like a good green fence just to make it we did learn freeing for this building the cable project right it is and we have isn't part I mean in a way it is I guess we could be we have a proposal to uh install uh three pums but they are not they in the proposal it does not include protecting them from snow and ice plus we have two for the COA that never got protected they ran into a problem this past winter they had water coming in right because the snow wasn't taken care of so they're sort of like that's like a OMS to previous capital projects or previously approved capital projects like the cable thing the cable Studio meeting the ca's this year but it's already been approved in other words it's not off the capital plan that's I just want to be clear I I want to really not get into because then it's just a whole can of worms of you know right um so I did think it was kind of prudent to leave a little bit so that we had some some give particularly where the floor was concerned that's a excellent point about we'll know how how long will it be before we know if we need more money for I mean the the C the studio is separate money it's different right but the break room and that sort of stuff how long before we could know well that's part of it that's part of the but how long until we'll know what we if we need extra money it shouldn't be very long at all okay I know right now there's about $5,600 a available but that doesn't we don't have a quote for the electrical work that needs to be done the only smaller sort of things that are on the um Capital plate if if you're talking about $30,000 the irrigation for Smith Academy Park is 25 on here um and then the technology issue uh replacements for the schools which we were believing that was going to be part of their operating budget but are on the plan for each of them are $10,000 for for each of the schools but so I guess I mean what we really need to do is nail down exact dollar amounts for the projects that we are hoping to approve so that maybe we have another sense of what's left and then if need be I guess we bring the capital planning committee together again because now you know time is ticking by so now it you look at a project like the irrigation system are we going to be able to do that maybe not so we really and truly have to very much stay on top of the these projects the timing of them the actual dollar amount and then what we're left with um because you know some of the items you just mentioned the Chromebooks or whatever what did you say the the screens they want to the screens I mean like some of those things very much like the PPE could be a a last minute purchase and so maybe we can do a little of both or whatever but we have to to really stay on top of it mhm okay and are all these things within the rules of arpa yes yeah yeah that's another reason that sticking with the capital stuff because it falls right in line with it okay so are now that you had a chance to read this um do you have questions about any of these like the HVAC upgrades or the hes freezer units not actually the freezer it's actually the unit Up on the Roof that runs the freezer the hbac upgrades are like all over the building there's different valves and thermostats and all these different things as it was described To Us by Dr Driscoll when we met with him during the regular stuff um all because there's a there's a whole that whole building is full of heat pumps if you don't know how that building works and I guess there's certain things on some of those heat pumps that are failing and they want to replace them before they totally fail and end up in the middle of the January without heat in some classroom or something like like that so this is stuff that's been recommended for for a while and and I guess some and I think some thermostat upgrades that help keep things running okay so that's 73 Grand right all yeah it's it's not one it's not one thing it's a bunch of little you know okay that you know I'm sure they'll hire one company to come in and do it all but it's okay let's take let's take a motion on that item then the freezer replacement is 73,000 no no no that's that's the freezer is 21,000 you're saying they're all combined on what that money that we we um that we're receiving from tree Works went into a fund but I have to request um approval from the director of Bureau of accounts to be able to use it for the tiles on the school no it's for that one that that money was supposed to be for the floor tiles oh yeah okay I thought it was to replace the I thought the using it to replace the freezer yeah was it but then we realized dollar-wise it didn't oh so they were fine with the floor tiles at the oh okay in classrooms okay because it's going to be more than 21,000 that we're getting and so there's the floor tiles is is how much replacing the carpet tiles on the capital planate is $3,415 but when we talk to Dr Driscoll if we if we gave him the whole 40 they would just add a couple of extra classrooms right they could make it more actually use all the funds on that one thing I see okay yeah so that this the the freezer the freezer unit replacement is on this okay from the arpa fund okay so it we still get done it's just not getting done with those tree tree work okay okay so so I want to make sure I understand because we' been talking about four different things okay let's just stick with the little things you're talking about for first thing on your list is $112,000 for uh administrative software for the fire chief that that brings he has a couple of different programs that don't talk to each other which means he has to do work twice and this software upgrade would bring it all together so it's all in one plate all in one place and everything's in one place is Bob still here did I did I did I talk about that correctly that's a very good synopsis saving work hours work hours yes okay and it's a one-time deal no uh no annual contracts no uh annual upgrades or any of that stuff correct it'll be built into the budget the upgrade is one time and then it's just the subscription fee that you pay now which you pay now curent so okay okay let's take that first item then 12 are we all in agreement on that yeah yes okay do we need to put that in a motion do we want to do it individually yes individually I'll make a motion that we use arpa funds to for 12 $122,000 worth of arpa funds to upgrade the administrative software for the fire department that's okay I'll second motion made in second any further discussion I I so the next thing on the list is Council of Aging flooring which is 75k to 100K and Marlene you said you already have a bid on that I have a proposal I can that desk I believe it's less than that okay it's less than I leave less than 75,000 oh yeah and I believe we should get a couple proposals instead of we do we do need to get two other quotes Okay I would leave it this way then for now because we don't have the other quotes Okay we want to make sure that was the the capital plan the stipulation was that the the procedure whatever however this is done that we're not going to run into the same problem and that it will address the issues that created the problem in the current floor so I think we should still vote it this way because we don't have an awarded or you know I see yes yeah okay so Council of agent is there a motion on that I guess I can make a motion that we uh we spend up to $100,000 of arpa funds on the council anding floor okay I'll second that motion made in second any further discussion no all those in favor I next one on the list is well we were talking about HVAC upgrades at Smith Academy 73 Grand what you said are multiple things right yes yeah Dr Driscoll explained it to us when we had our meeting with him back in probably February that it's it's thermostats it's valves it's a number of different things which will make things work much better than they have been the last couple years and clean things up and hopefully we won't have as many because I remember hearing had a number of they've had a number of of expenses of fixing things the last couple years and I know years a few years ago with the uh covid money we had spent software upgrades on their system at Smith Academy and making sure the damp is opened 100% and filters so this is an addition to what what you're saying right it's a pretty complicated system in that building I believe that uh because every classroom has its own heat pump and it's a water source heat pump the water goes through and they draw the heat out of the water or the cooling out of the water and it's it's I don't know I'm not sure it's the most efficient system but it's the one that's up there so I'll make a motion to do the use the arer funds for the upgrades at Smith Academy that are 73 Grand as presented by Mr Kier and for these individual things B HVAC y grades I'll second that a motion made and second any further discussion all those in favor I I next on the list is HS freezer unit replacement for 20 one grand which needs to be done yeah it's limping along from what we understand do you want to make the motion or do you want me to make it no I'll make a motion uh make a motion that we spend arpa funds in a sum of 21,000 for HS freezer y okay okay motion made in second any further discussion no all those in favor I now can somebody explain the fire department front porch replacement what's what's going on with that is it all ratted out or it's the it's the door that comes out towards the basketball courts that that doorway there School Street yeah that faces School Street that whole area that looks horrible yeah it's terribly look it used to connect that that building to the Milkman school right if you remember yes when they took the Milkman school they just kind of left it as it is and it needs to be redone cleaned up that's that egress has to be there because it's the only other egress out of the building I guess from the you know there's really only one door and another then that's the second door or something that's what I was told so it's an overhang right it's the overhang it's the I think it's maybe replacing the whole door and all of the structure around it and all that kind of stuff so I think there's there's some serious work that needs to be done there and that's been on that's been on the plan it's been on the plan for a while long time we trying to get this through yeah keeps it keeps being submitted by uh Phil as we think that we can get the project done yeah by and it it may even be that the uh DPW may even be able to do some of the work I don't know okay it's for 25,000 yes yeah I'm okay with that I make a motion that we spend our funds the amount of 25,000 for the fire department P repair okay I'll second that motion made and second any further discussion no all those in favor I so these these projects what we voted on total 206,000 up to 231,000 depending and the remaining balance will be at the discretion of the select board but we know that we have to Target them before for the end of December 31st of this year yeah once we get prices and these are all ready to go right I guess it's the plan yeah okay marleene could we have um maybe an agenda item on all of the with with sort of an update on each project just so that we know so that if we do need to call another Capital planning committee meeting to make further recommendations or or just have a discussion among us about but we just don't want to get caught not spending any of those matter of facts the past couple of weeks I've been reconciling with the accountant on the AR and can I suggest that you also make a motion that you're going to that the that the select board will take care of uh spending the remaining funds maybe they you you do that now and authorize that so that you know you guys can then make the decision as to what you're going to do with the but we don't have to do that you do that we have you already have that okay I do want to point out one more thing while we're talking about the arpa funds we originally used the ARA funds to move the collection to petrox and rent that we did use some money for and we also used the money to move it so another thing to remember is we have to move the collection back so the cost will be so that might be another use of the AAL funds it reminded me of that the other day oh that's not a bad point well that but will that will we be ready to move it by December 31st oh I would expect matter of fact I was told by the contractor yesterday they'll be finishing the balcony um floor Friday once you get a figure for that give a notice to Diamond Back that will be vac okay so once you get a figure on what it's going to cost to move I would bring that to us to just approve it out of those because we know there's going to be that much money left for that move so we don't we I don't necessarily want to vote it tonight because we don't have a dollar figure but yeah we that's and that again is just a it's it's a continuation of a project that's already existing so so I don't remember what it cost us to move up the the last time so yeah I can look back okay well good David thank you yes thank you yeah thanks for all that work well planning here another year of fun Capital planning we a good group that pays attention and knows what's going on and uh we work together well so well and you know if like a half an hour the night we are looking for another member on Capital planning where we only have four members Umar it really only meets really January February March typically um it's kind of interesting work and and what's nice is there are a lot of people on the committee who've been on for years and that's very helpful because you see how the projects Mo move through the capital plan and you know why some may have been kicked back and why they may come up you know as prioritized so it is it's a it's a really good group to work with and um I I enjoy it but we we really do need a fifth person on there but you really wouldn't have anything to do till January right yeah so it's you unless for some reason we'd had to meet quickly at before the end of the year it's possible it's possible you never know okay wouldn't be it wouldn't be a long drawn out Affair I don't think no no no okay very good thanks thank you nice so the last well so now we have the Town Administrator search on here yes so I I my thought was to um formalize the search committee which we had discussed at the last meeting and um and then just approve that draft uh advertisement and I know that you had asked if you could have some time to review these documents and there was also um what is doq uh depending on qualifications but I you know I was thinking I should I'll spell that out yeah instead of abbreviating that I'll spell that out I would say um attendance is required at all elect board and town meetings just to make it clear mhm you know just thinking also the Town Administrator from time to time does um attend other board and committee meetings um yeah as necessary been on the comprehensive plan I'm not a Committee Member but I'm still I still put something in about other other boards and committees as necessary I've gotten planning board meetings just so people you know potential applicants understand that that's a lot I know you spend a lot of evenings in hfield um I just was thinking oh must be computer literate um I would maybe list um you know must be proficient and list the particular programs um okay you know obviously you know Excel and Word and yeah um abely but I would would really spell out the programs that you're using on a regular basis mhm um even I mean some of the isn't there state report isn't there um sort of State systems that you're you are logging into like for things do yes you know so maybe even flush out a little bit familiarity with those types of programs because um yeah for reporting purposes to the state there are um there are programs that I have to right plug into um on the advertisement I'm fine with the chain with the changes I mentioned I don't know if anyone has anything else look good okay and then um so we'll advertise this on um um Mass Municipal website okay and actually I'll share it with the small town administrators Association okay and I would put it on the website and yes oh yes we will do that Stu and then on the are we going to go over a little bit the roles and responsibilities um if you'd like to we can do that I I have a couple I mean I noticed a couple of typos which is fine that doesn't really matter at this point but um Dr so the I I'm I really want to make sure we flush out the importance of Grant um grant writing um so where it just says develop and administer grants so we don't develop or administer grants we're applying for Grants right them so I would maybe flush it out to you know apply for oversee oversee and manag report and ensure compliance with grants I mean it really should be flushed out a lot more because that's a huge job and super important and not it is those those are hard those things are hard and so I really want to make sure we have um thanks Bob that's all I would just flush out the grants part of it I don't know if anybody else had any thoughts on that we don't need to make a take a vote to have you do that right so now do we have a committee ready so at the last meeting we had um discussed um having a five member committee the town moderator representative from the select board a finance committee rep um and who am I missing it's three and at large and um oh I had mentioned the treasurer but since there's a finance committee rep that or there would be a finance committee rep I rethought that and thought it isn't necessary really to have the treasure and that except that the treasurer is really working with the person on a day-to-day basis in a that is true you know you know really working in tandem constantly on the current budget and future budgets and all of that so it seems like actually that person's input is really important in addition to the finance committee so I so thoughts I had was the town clerk possibly um and then the school superintendent because there's quite a bit of interacting you know interaction with the school um particularly the school super well it makes sense to have people that do the most interaction with Town Administrator on that committee so so then if we added if we kept the treasure and we added the school superintendent how many would be be up to would that be an odd number an even number it's that would be six moderator select board rep finance committee at large Treasurer and school superintendent 1 two 3 four five six so maybe add another at large yeah and have a seven member that would I think that'd be good excellent perfect so we'll maybe make actual appointments at the July meeting be a seven okay appointed member did we decide who from this board is going to be on I would prefer maybe not to be okay just I'm you know just schedule wise and whatever if okay one of my colleagues would like to do that I don't I don't mind I mean I give Greg the first opportunity and if he doesn't want to then I'll be happy to serve I'd rather you did it if if you're given a choice I just think you're you you've been around longer than I have and he you also had have really relevant experience in your professional life yes um probably have more time and more time there's that too maybe that okay I'll be on it but you do have really good um your prior professional um yeah experience will be very handy here you're definitely stronger than that than I am okay and the finance committee I understand it probably will be um Sean Barry oh good we have to go into executive session now actually you don't really and I didn't get a chance to update you earlier today anded um so um we we did meet briefly feels left we we met briefly um this morning and um so right now the matter has been sort of tabled we're we're in a holding pattern I'll say Okay um so really there is no reason for the board the board does not need to meet to make any decisions okay right now do we have anything else this was regarding the union proposal right yeah we have anything else we have to discuss tonight no with that being said and make a motion oh July um our handy cable manager over there he indicated or not indicated made me aware that he our next meeting was scheduled for July 9th um and he will be away so you could either just have an untelevised meeting or uh schedule it maybe for the following Tuesday which would be would they say the 16th I think it should be televised we're only having one meeting a month there's a lot going on we're you know I mean there's there's important things that people should get a chance to see so what would date would be the next one July 16 oh I am in I'm I'm in Texas you're in Texas I'm in Texas on the 16th Texas who wants to be in Texas in the middle of July not me but I have to be that'll be a scorcher huh um so we can't do it we really can't do it July 2nd well I guess we could that would be well yeah you could so many people are on vacation that whole week not me I'm working a lot of people do take time off that we but um I will be here what do we know is on that agenda be gone oh okay what do we do we know anything that's going to be on that agenda I know we talked about a few things tonight will have coming before you that I know of right now is the um um solar project at the elementary school the lease and the um Power purchase agreement so the school committee was acting on that last night that would we could do on the second you could yeah that's I mean putting it off to the 23rd is a really long time you know of any other things coming up no okay yeah right now that's all I'm aware of is three weeks away so are you okay with July 2 July 2 I can do I can do that does that work for you John okay so we're going to change that to July 2nd okay okay all right then then let me ask when are we in August are we August 13 so we are quite a stretch there but hopefully we won't need to because we were going to meet another uh a later date in August and then I had a conflict so we changed it to August 13th yeah okay that's not on a Friday right so we're all covered yeah as a Tuesday but you replied he said the 13th was good for you there was a joke in there missed it okay I take you so seriously he's usually very serious but once in a while my dry humor yeah okay so all right so next meeting is July 2nd yes okay with that being said I'll make a motion to adjourn second motion made in second any further discussion no all those in favor I thank you John thank you John