okay good evening um welcome to the May 28th 2024 meeting of the Hatfield select board as usual I'll call the meeting to order and I'll begin by reading our public participation policy the Hatfield select board welcomes everyone to its meetings and all other public meetings of the town of Hatfield all regular and special meetings of the boards and Committees of the town of Hatfield shall be open to the public and shall conform to the open meeting law executive sessions are closed to the public and will be held only as prescribed by the statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts it is important to recognize that the open meeting law affords the opportunity to listen to the proceedings but not necessarily participate during meetings of the select board an attempt will be made to find a balance between hearing from members of the community and conducting the required business of the Hatfield select board so um first for announcements Ed did you want to yes I would like to first thank everyone that attended Memorial Day activities to uh honor our fallen vetrans who gave their lives yesterday so you could have a better life today and I do want to make a special note of thank you to uh an individual that at 11 o'clock in the morning there was a problem with a PA system and I gave John Novak a call and he rushed down and set up a PA system for us so special thanks to John Novak for his help and again thank you to all the families that brought their children there to teach them about our veterans and our flag that's all it it was a really nice it was nice and and of course thanks to the American Legion and thanks to you and everybody for I mean it was nice to see the fire department participate Police Department the board of Select board was there and numbers so every we were sitting in the shade of the new Pavilion and it was very nice because I've spent many years baking in the sun um and so it was it was nice to be under that under that cover so thank you for that I actually have a bunch of stuff that's somewhat lengthy um for announcements first though I want to say that this is the last meeting we'll have before Smith Academy graduates the class of 2024 so I just want to um congratulate all of those graduates um and you know we wish you all the best in the future we're proud of all of you so just wanted to did anybody want to add anything about that so A couple of of bigger things um first the good news um you know as as everyone has heard who watches these meetings regularly there were additional cost overruns out at the route 5 and 10 um water and sewer project um amounting to about $300,000 um which would have been very difficult um for the town of Hatfield to absorb um and I'm I'm very happy to say that we received official notice um from the executive office of Economic Development from The massw Works infrastructure program that they um have agreed to increase Hatfields award by that um $300,000 and cover those um cost overruns uh this is so big on top of the other overruns they've already um covered so again I think we really have to um give credit where credit is due and that is Senator cumerford is um really instrumental in helping us communicate with um the folks at massworks and um securing this extra funding yes because I I mean people were upset about the cost overruns but we have not had to go into taxpayers pockets for another penny with Senator Joe we've been able to get the funding so I think that's that's that is great it's it's really important to to thank her and to note that um because these are these are really big dollar amounts really big dollar amounts for a small town like us so um it looks like they're moving along slowly Phil moving along moving along um so that's that's uh one thing we wanted to pass along um another thing I wanted to pass along is um marleene and myself um h on a zoom call with folks from Mass do and the City of Northampton about the bike path down on elmc court did you say open space was going to be here tonight uh Mark jalot had had contacted me and was interested in being here but I haven't heard back from him so okay well we're we're just gonna go ahead I was expecting that he was going to come yeah so um and and open space um folks from open space are on this call too Northampton planning uh basically in a nutshell Mass do after review of um the proposed contract at the 10% design right about 10% design um you know basically is letting us know that the project is just not viable um their concerns they they they there was a number of concerns first and foremost was the proximity to the railroad tracks um and that creates a problem for a number of reasons the obvious that you have a bike path close to the train tracks which could be dangerous um it also creates problems around constructibility and the ability to really get the equipment in there um that would be needed um to build um build the bike path there was um additional um they were just explaining sort of the difficulty in mobilizing um that one of the other um concerns was the environmental constraints of the area specifically the topography the slopes um there was a lot of tree concerns out there tell me if I'm missing anything actually there were three main points which the three main points I actually had four main points four I had proximity to rail quarter environmental constraints constructibility and then of course the cost estimate they felt that it was just going to be exorbitant um and that it just really just wasn't viable um at this time they certainly um I don't think necessarily Mass do left a lot of doors open for project but I think Northampton is hoping to you know be able to revisit it at some point maybe if there's rail line improvements or if they're going to be working in that area on the rail line or something I mean it wasn't exactly clear what they thought um but it's just uh it's just not a viable project I think Mass doot was was very clear um about that I have one more announcement oh sure I just want to remind the residents that on June 14th is Flag Day you can actually there's a box at Town Hall you can retire your flags there will be a ceremony at Pavilion and on the proper way to retire the American flag so if you'd like to attend come on down and you can bring Flags to the town hall ahead of time did you just say that and I missed it okay I'm sorry you can bring your flag think there's a box yeah we put ours in there so you can retire the American flag the proper way that's a that's really um a nice service that they do and thanks for bringing that up um so the last thing that I wanted to discuss was sort of to talk about the snow and ice budget there was a lot of discussion around snow and ice um at town meeting and I thought it was a this would would be a really good time to sort of explain to people how it works um and what are what some of the things that are considered snow and ice um expenses so first of all um and we talked about this at town meeting but this line um is the only line in the town budget that you're allowed to deficit spend so the state allows you to actually budget for less than you know you're going to need because it's almost impossible to predict you know what what you're actually going to need for money one of the advantages to doing it that way is then if there are major snowstorms that um kick in um um what is it called Phil disaster declarations the town could not be liable for the expenses around those storms so that's why it happens every town in the state does it this way so this is not unique to Hatfield this is how towns budget for their snow and ice um you know of course the alternative would be to try to guess and build all that money into the budget which at this point would mean taking large chunks of money from somewhere else in the budget um there was also some question about um why is it so expensive when we had a a such a light winter so I just wanted to point out um just a couple of things about the um snow and ice total budget for the last handful of fiscal years so just this last winter we had um was about $158,000 for the snow and ice budget the winter before it was hello sorry sorry sorry the winter before our snow and ice budget was 210,000 the winter before that it was 185 actually 186,000 um the winter before that must have been there must have been no winter because it was 79,000 um and then the winter um of the fy20 um fiscal year was 137,000 so actually last year's 158,000 is sort of on the low side compared to some of the other more recent years um I for one appreciate the job that's done I someone got up at town meeting and made a comment about when you cross into weightly the difference and I've seen that difference many times um I I rely on the roads to be good shape I leave for work really early in the morning um you know we have we have our emergency vehicles that are needing to respond to things at any given moment I think most people would agree that they do a good job on the roads and maybe it's something we take advantage or you know take for granted a little bit um a couple of other things that I wanted to mention um and I do want to thank Phil for helping we prepare this um the town has 56 road miles so there's 56 miles of road that the DPW is taking care of there's five miles of sidewalks um as well as parking lots here at Town Hall Smith Academy um and the Hatfield Elementary School of course this parking lot is also the parking lot for the fire department and the um police department and the ambulance um when we have a plowable snow event there are 11 employees um that are out taking care of the roads I know it's broken down by Roots um and different trucks have different routs um there's nine plow drivers and two laborers um the laborers are taking care of things like the town hall the Library walks and the steps and I think it's important to note that there' also be snow removal labor at the school does that go through your budget or does that go through their that goes through the school budget um so when when these snow events happen after hours it's calculated cost the town about $449 per hour um that they're outworking um removing snow um and you know as you know most storms happen overnight or on the weekends right that's how it seems anyway um so with the current budget of $1,911 budgeted for labor um that would only be 28.75 um hours at that rate so one storm would easily exhaust um that number so some of the other things that are included in the snow and ice um budget I know there was people sort of alluded to things um that were part of this and I wanted to clear that up so obviously salt is part of it um right now um so five years ago salt was $49 a ton and right now we're paying $75 a ton so a significant cost increase um for what we're paying for that um the gravel price that's what you do you put that down on dirt roads to prepare it um that's $21 a ton roughly and then there's a liquid that they use um that's a189 a gallon you go through about 2500 gallons is that a pre-treat or is that a yeah it's called Magic minus zero right is that the brewery sludge yeah um so those are those are the the really obvious this the the salt and what about sand are you just salting use gravel you use gravel okay so snow and ice funds are also used for labor and materials um things like plow blades um repairs on um certain Vehicles can be put into the snow and ice um into that snow and ice operations fund um and remember that they prepare for the winter season far before the first event happens um you know we see them they put the snow sticks out they're getting all the vehicles ready um all of that so there's a the vehicle maintenance employees some of the hours are put into snow and ice so I mean I guess I just wanted to clear some of that up uh you know sir do you have anything you want to add or does anybody have any questions about that anything I missed no I I think they do a great job and I'm like you said you have to you have to remember that people uh you need the fire department be able to go out there which is people volunteers coming from their houses they got to have good roads to come down here and grab the fire trucks it's just it's way more than just you know wait till it's done snowing and clean it up right and actually we're lucky that one of our main roads in town is done by the state right so out on five and 10 um obviously 91 is done by the state but even five and 10 is completely done so we don't have expenses where five and 10 is concerned our expenses would actually be far greater um if we did so I think um guess I guess I thought it was important to let people know that because obviously there was discussion there was a lot of questions about it I I sort of understand it all because my husband works in that world so I just sort of assume people know but um maybe maybe people don't and I I I do think it's important to know that you know it is all hours of the night um and you're also going by what weather predictions are so you're preparing for what the predictions are and we know that that they're not always right but we can't I don't think any of us would would be happy if if they sat back and waited until things got bad to really get out there and I've always I've got called in many of times in the winter time 1 two in the morning or whatever and the roads were always passable I always appreciated the fact that I could I wasn't skitting all over the road I was able to get out so I mean I've always felt the roads have been taken care of very well in the winter yeah yeah so anyway I just thought it was um this was just a good opportunity to um let folks know so again I did ask for some of those numbers I did not just know all those things off the top of my head so Phil I appreciate that [Music] um everybody good nobody has anything great um and certainly if anyone has any further questions about it I'd be happy to answer them um okay so anybody here for public forum no so let's go right on to our consent agenda which be would be the minutes of the May 7th and the May 14th meeting I make a motion that we approve the May 7th meeting minut second a motion made in second any further discussion no I'm going to abstain because I was not here um so all those in favor I minutes of the May 14th 2024 meeting I make a motion we approve that's fine go ahead we approve the May 14th um meeting minutes second motion made in second any further discussion no all those in favor I I um oh we didn't congratulate Ed on his re-election oh that's okay well still congratulations congratulations Ed I for one am delighted to have the opportunity to continue to work with you uh okay so uh topic one is Select board reorganization so this would be um designating a chair as well as our department Liaisons personally I think you've always done a good job as chair Diane I mean I think we have to under I know my strengths and weaknesses and I think you're far better chair than myself but if Greg wants to take over then I mean he has this opportunity too no I I like the way Diane keeps moving things on I do I do I just if if if it's okay with you it's okay with me it's okay with me yes I would be happy to do that thank you so you have to actually vote that right to nominate so I'll make a motion to nominate Diana as our chair I'll second that motion maid in second any further discussion no all those in favor I do like the middle chair so thank you for that um and then our department Liaisons um so marleene um so I can you do you have who's who is what this year so currently you have the schools right and Council on Aging and yeah and then I thought I had police police police too I see it looked like it was grouped together so I know um oh yeah okay you had you had police Ed had the fire ambulance department right right okay but we're not grouping them together I don't they were separate they were separate always fire an ambulance is separate or do you mean fire ambulances I think they just isn't a space there because I've had the police department okay and and Ed had the Department of Public Works and the fire ambulance department okay and Greg did you have the Building Inspector Inspector Y and then what about administrator and collector administrator and then treasure collector I believe that was you too I thought so too um so I mean I'm fine with just keeping the way we have unless somebody is really feeling the need to switch something around Greg you only have one Department think we need to load them up I think I had more than that then maybe you had um maybe you had administrator and treasur collector that could very well be you want to take those sure is that okay with you Marlene oh yeah that's fine I've got frta yeah I would like to stay on Capital plan just because I just think it's good don't don't you think Dave for continuity yeah I've been attending the pvpc meetings and yeah that's great so so we're good keeping it that way if that's okay with Greg yeah that's great yeah okay okay those don't have to be voted right no okay NOP easy easy it's a pleasure working with both of you so and you Marlene thank you and you Karen we'll throw John in there too good team all right so um topic two is a one-day liquor license request uh Lead Foot Brewing um LLC for a private function on June 15th at this is at the um Pavilion is anybody here from Leadfoot you're here from Leadfoot do you want to come up I don't know both so it looks like the paperwork is in order Karen I see a Certificate of Insurance the town's been paid everything is the application looks in order this is for wine and malt license only wine and malt private party 1: to 5:00 p.m so decent hours okay I don't have any further questions do either of you have any questions I don't have any questions do you want to say anything or I don't have any question okay I know you're Brewery I like it you know I was just gonna say I haven't been there I've heard good things I've heard good things but I haven't been there I'm a monkey [Music] fan all right okay so we just need a vote on that I'll make a motion that we approve the one-day liquor license to lead for Brewing LLC for private function on June 15 20124 at the Hatfield liance from 1 to 5: p.m yeah save the hours from 1 to 5m I'll second that motion made and second any further discussion no those in favor hi awesome thank you guys enjoy okay thank you very much okay next topic three is the veteran services officer position um as people know we we've had transition there um you know Jerry Clark who did it for a long time sadly passed away we had um Mr lerno came on temporarily and then um it's been taken over by Northampton um while we sort of figured out what we wanted to do longterm and now Barry leay um one of our um residents from school Street um has reached out expressing interest in the position so um very glad to see this um Barry did you want to come up to the mic it's yeah um and so you are a veteran of the army six years six years okay um as I said you live here in town um you did have uh you have military service we have your DD214 here um and so I mean I guess I'm curious Marlene have you had have you had a chance to talk about the position we we did we we talked briefly on the phone he's had a chance to look at the the posting right and the um description so um I will be in touch with the city of northampton's Veterans office um because I'm I've had conversations with them in the past when we were you know looking to fill the position that they'd be willing to work with the individual right to do I assume you'd need some training yeah the past veterans officers quite a bit yeah it does I've been doing a lot of research on it yeah the reporting and and the Mass Department of Massachusetts Veterans office is also available to assist great great because I I think we made sure that we gave the training so that you won't have any problem and Northampton I think it was like two or three months um they helped right because they helped Mr lero Right the same thing yeah um and um so they're they're just a great office and I'm sure that they'll be you know helpful in in bringing you up to speed but I think this is great um you know how many hours do you think it is about a week does it fluctuate it it does and you have you you you have the ability to put those hours in true yeah as you know I'm also the reg Board of regist but that's you know once a month right it fluctuates too depending on um the time of the year it is you know right um I mean I worked there today but it's four hours and like I said it's once a month but I'm just glad that I saw the posting it was um and I've been looking for something like that well we've been look for looking for someone like you so this is perfect call is it where you out of her mouth actually no when she mentioned your name of course I've known Barry for for many years um and you know when she mentioned her name I went perfect yeah that's great no appreciate you you know um wanting to step up and um you know we'll certainly support in any way we can as as you work through the training and and get used to everything so I think downstairs where the office was and I got the the the the name and number of the Northampton individual okay so I'll be contact Rebecca I'll be Rebecca's wonderful yes she is Rebecca's wonderful northampton's lucky to have her yeah for sure she's been there a long time veterans Service Officer of town of Hatfield it's nice that we have somebody from town that's willing to step up for that glad as well there should be somebody here I'm sure we have plenty of veterans in town right and there's a lot going on I mean we just I just read something today I subscrib to Army magazine in Stars and Stripes where I used to read in Germany so I have it now um you know we have the burn pit issues there's so many things going on now that veterans need right and the paperwork is is hard to navigate sometimes so but I know with your professional background you know I think I'm I have no doubt that you'll be able to come up to speed pretty quickly so well great so do we need to vote this tonight yes okay you'd like to vote the appointment I'd like to make a motion to appoint Barry leby as our veteran service officer I'll second that motion made in second any further discussion all those in favor I welcome abart yeah Barry thank you thank you let us know how you know how we can help or be supportive and um you know thank you very much we appreciate it on behalf of theet your appointment and then you'll have to be sworn in okay I'll be in touch with you excellent Barry thank you so much I just want to say that it's nice you know I've been to select meetings in the past in the just seems like it's very nice atmosphere here so I appreciate that I really do so we we agree we like civil if I might say we agreed to disagree actually that does you know we we we're I consider myself very lucky to work with both of these colleagues um it's good so all right thank you thank you that's very kind of you to say Barry yes okay uh so topic four departmental report from the building inspector just on time IED I know look at you come on up Kyle do you have any particular questions you'd like to ask me before I get started or no I think you should just go for it and if we have questions we um we've got a lot of good siiz permits that have come in um different projects going along with uh Benson Self Storage as you know they got approved from the planning board and they built out additional units over there um that's almost a total of a million dollars in value uhas the Landscaping has made it through the planning board thank God after all this time that's going to be built out that's on North Hatfield right on that that's Northfield next to their house right yeah right down that way uh Yankee Candle has been slow into entering into town on Elm Street the Elm Street side of CNS um their initial building permit was for 302,000 subsequently they P pulled permits for a million 75 and a million 519 so that's some separate ones so those that's some sizable investment in the town as well good amount and uh that's all built out I talked to their engineer uh couple days ago so that's uh completely built out what they're doing now finishing up a few small things so um I think uh for now that'll be about it from them as far as moving anything else here they're doing primarily shipping uh but one of those permits was for as scent room also oh interesting yeah I thought so too so they have okay because they have the research and development place up in Deerfield I wonder if they're moving it down here perhaps so I've toured that it's really cool I I think it would be nice if we got it all eventually so I have no problem I have no problem borrowing from another town um Scapes Builders is going to be building out the upper end of uh West street where the sewer extension is U they've started their some of their initial work um that's where steel elron was also set to uh build out their newer factory warehouse and as you might know Frank uh steeple had passed away I think probably about two weeks ago now are you serious yes yeah um sad pancreatic cancer uh but I've been in touch with some of his people and Erica Gees I was GNA ask if Eric is still and uh she promised that um or she feels strongly that all of his plans are moving forward for building and even the new place so up the you know by towards the Chestnut Street end of West right U the the uh facility on West Street 17 West where they had just built the new uh Factory well Warehouse out in the back side of that facility that's almost finished um probably another few months and that would be operational they're just doing the fire panel and some of the touches on that so that was a very large investment on their part so it's kind of sad Frank didn't live to see it be shocked to hear that I had no idea very nice man I'm sorry I thought I had told you that they you know what that would have been When I Was Gone probably they just had his um celebration of life last week I believe it was Friday wow then uh online permitting is doing well uh no issues with that it actually works quite well I still do get the stragglers that want to do paper permits but it operates great um so no no issues there and we have a new clerk Lori uh who took Ashton's Place Ashton weel's and she's doing an excellent job she did online classes uh with the permitting uh service vendor uh permit eyes and she got brought up to speed how to and manually enter the paper ones that come in so now even if it comes in paper you'll be see it online that's great so any of you that want access to it or something you know you can also get access through uh I can get you passwords and so forth but works very very well wow well that's really good news on the sort of commercial development front is there much going on on the residential side the hotel is also in the works too right I was to bring you up to speed on that one uh residential side um One new permit supposed to be coming in for Prospect Street um there's uh four four scattered around four new builds new houses I've been talking to some people about two families doing a couple two families around town um blind Seed Road Prospect Street Straits Road um those are all Sites when new houses coming along uh Bridge Street Bill Lacy has been in with plans he went to conservation so he's going to have a Cape style house with an apartment above a garage I did talk to somebody about using the new bylaw about the detached accessory and I've gotten some interest in that since town meeting so I think that that will be something that you'll see around town a little bit happening but basically commercial development is very strong compared to some other towns where they really have nothing happening what's the stat of the pickle ball oh the pickle ball also 60,000 squ foot facility um that uh is this is the one just north of what used to be the highway garage that one that's in the planning board stages okay and Berkshire design is working on that and uh they'll be coming to see Stephanie and the planning board some more uh to get to get that done they had a little bit of opposition from couple of the Farms close by but in the end it's a pretty quiet safe project I would say and then the bathroom upstairs the work is underway there the bathroom the bathroom is complete oh it's complete the bathroom was complete last but the balcony floor um is being worked on and then we'll be tackling the break room up there the studio studio studio on break studio and the Marlene machony dedicated no I don't think so after after her retirement we're going to put when she can finally get a break because she really really hasn't had one in a while so everything's going well so I don't see any big obstacles on any of those do you have any questions or no I I I think that I actually a lot going on there is a lot you know what I really like this and I I would love you know an update like this quarterly yeah quarterly probably enough you know but because sometimes projects are going on around town and people ask me about I don't know but Diana I compare myself to other towns or I Know Myself our town to other towns we got a lot going on compared to some of them some of them have actually no commercial no industrial yeah the commercial is going to be helpful nothing so route five while being costly the West Street sewer extension it did draw a lot of attention that's starting to pop it is starting to pop right right right which is also I think that you know that project you know hope y wrapping up soon you know Frank was Frank styel was um really instr instrumental and he was really the Catalyst for getting that that whole project going for the first grant yeah for the yeah I mean I started talking to Frank about this when I worked for Peter kott that was a long time ago we had a meeting with Mr kot secretary Ash came out and you know um but Frank was really um so I'm glad Eric is still there because Erica was and her the way she did her paperwork I can't help but think between her and Frank that's what got that Grant a lot of it well because that Grant was contingent the mass people don't realize the mass Works Grant is contingent upon being able to uh create jobs right and so uh what they were going to be doing there and the expansions there put a big um you know gave us development parcel and then the new parcel yeah a lot of General good interest in it and then of course you know that uh the old Scottish Inn was purchased by um Kenny Patel who's the one that's doing the new hotel right so there are plans for that as well right and I can only imagine that it's going to be to to sewer and everything was made that a lot more attractive and hope in the future we can keep that sewer line moving towards weightly yeah that would be a nice development I think we need to finish this one before I think we're all a little Weir I'd be happy come in anytime you need me to I appreciate that I would say quarterly like maybe you know that's why I said I've reached out in the you maybe October November something and then I can give you a status where some of these things are at it's very good idea no I think it's great I would like to see you know I mean some departments come in frequently but I I I like these updates not just for us but for the people at home who can hear what's you know we should have more to on the pickle ball shortly I would think one and um it would be nice if we could get some more residential development by way of the apartments like uh Mr Patel or Frank steel were talking about doing Frank was talking about doing some really interesting uh like a solar Village eny efficient Net Zero type of housing that Erica wanted to work on yeah that be nice Legacy for him if this it would be that would be way up behind yeah the um she said it was a longterm there's well because there you got to talk about re-rooting Farmers ditches and yeah yeah chuggy abine's work from decades ago I'm sure I'm sure it's still working it still works it back of my house I'm sure it does still work my backyard yeah let me know all right I appreciate it Kyle great thank you very much topic five is um to do with a recent um violation um at the uh hat Market which is actually na naog Inc is am I saying that right naog um so we received notice from the police department that um they conducted an alcohol compliance check at the Hatfield Market on May 1st um at that time the clerk sold a beer to a person under 21 without asking for identification which is a clear violation and it is the second violation um the first occurring on May 30th of 2019 so uh that would be five years ago um so uh we asked you to come to a meeting um to discuss this violation so could you maybe come up to the microphone yeah so could you introduce yourself sorry my name is Shahid Hab beep I'm uh uh the owner at Hatfield Market um so the clerk called me the same day that Police Inspector is here and U he's saying that I sold it to some minor and um I ask him to ask the police officer whether you know what time it happened so I could see in in the video and see if uh that really happened and he told me that officer uh doesn't have a Time or or date when that happened so um two things here I'm not sure whether uh cuz the clerk was new and um uh whether who's who's right who's not cuz he told me that it it did not happen in my uh while he was working over there and I do clearly have a POS system which uh pops up a window that check ID whenever you scan some alcohol or cigarette items so they I mean I did whatever I could to you know prevent that from happening but it's a new C uh uh uh clerk so I cannot say whether he's telling the correct or not but uh I wasn't able to verify it anyway and and since uh this is I asked him to ask a receipt if they have maybe we can and they didn't have a receipt either so at this point I'm unaware of uh what actually happened but I I just wanted to make uh let you guys know that um I have a POS system out there which whenever you scan some item which is uh for adult use only it do has pop up a you know message that check the I and and you have to press okay to continue the sale um uh I am actually um um I mean I even didn't know that something happened in 2019 either I just found out from that latter that something happened at that time um and uh uh usually there's a criminal offense for on on a Clerk's part that he if he does something like that sell it to Mino it's it's a criminal offense I don't know what is the status of that uh either CU my clerks my employes know that they cannot sell it to minor they'll be in trouble uh which I think it's a good thing because that way they are scared they they if they wanted to sell it to their friends they can't uh but I did whatever I could to prevent this from happening throughout my uh time at hatfeld market for last few years yeah so um thank you for coming in I guess I'm you know the violations or the alleged violations are five years apart do you know how often they do these I compliance checks I mean it seems like we have very incomplete information so we don't I I would like to know how often are compliance checks done in other words in the meantime did you pass all the compliance checks and we don't even have any kind of police report or any kind of comp receive it I thought it was in the packet but I don't see it here I no I don't have it did did was it in your packet no they did not um I mean I guess I feel like without seeing um you know the actual report from the police department and sort of any corresponding um I I'm I'm not prepared to make any kind of take any kind of action tonight I mean obviously we take this very seriously um and and we would want to make sure that all of our um you know everyone who has a liquor license through the town is in complete compliance sure um but I just don't feel like this is so maybe we should continue this I think we'll you should have a copy of the what if you're saying you don't have that and you didn't I mean I don't remember dealing with this in 2019 I don't have any record of it I searched my records and I had spoke with the police chief and I I don't recall but I I do have one question whether it's a new employee or not what type of training is provided to your employees to prevent this from happening so as part of their training when they uh go through whole uh P system that how to scan and how to check ID they go through few days I would say three or four days go through the training with with existing employee and um we go through everything and we you know usually in P systems there's no such thing as check ID but I did that um uh because I I wanted to make sure that we don't do this violation and um and they are told uh clearly that if you you they cannot continue selling they cannot continue scanning until they hit okay I check the ID but um beyond that um I mean we tell them everything they go through three 4 days training before they start their own shift so that's what we do with every new Clerk and this clerk wasn't a new new he used to work for in the store and then he started working somewhere else then he came back after a long time and after like two or 3 days his is starting this call I received from him okay yeah yeah I mean you know like I said we you know we would take we take this seriously um but I don't think we have complete information I don't know how you feel and we'll continue with yeah we'll we'll we'll take this up at at maybe our next meeting and see if we can get sure other information from you also find out um I can call them as well uh is there any um criminal offense against my clerk cuz uh that one thing that made sure those clerk uh they didn't do it you know because it it's personal criminal offense other than the store owner so that is I I I believe it's a good thing for at least for us store owner because otherwise it's a basic job you know basic pay so they don't pay attention or don't care but if it's something they will be held account for that's a good thing in I believe gotcha yeah I don't know the answer to that question um I think what we'll do is um we'll we'll either get more information or ideally have the chief here um to you know to talk about it at the next meeting but certainly Marlene will know let you know the date that we'll take it up again okay so I think that's the only fair thing to do I think that's a good idea yeah okay all right thank you I appreciate you being here everything yeah thank you very much okay moving right along topic six is appointments resignations um the first order of business is to accept the resignation of Anna Hull Hut from the C celebration committee which is really too bad because um Anna's been really great on there um was sort of an offshoot of the 350th Marlene we just said that we would have him back okay and I mean as much documentation as possible and I de the chief here I mean if we're yes talking about all of this um so um we do have this um I'll make a motion to accept the resonation of Anna Hol from the celebration commment with regret because Anna's done a fantastic job's wonderful yeah second that motion made in second any further discussion just uh we make sure we send her a letter of thank you for her time yeah she was was great really great at getting the whole summer concert um you know series off the ground so we we really appreciate the work Anna has done so all those in favor I I we also have a resignation of Casco crane from the local cultural Council that we need to accept I'll make a motion to accept the resonation of Casco crane from the cultural it's the the cultural local cultural Council okay which is really it's a term limit issue if I'm reading her letter correctly [Music] um okay um well we thank her for her service as well um any did somebody make a motion did I made the motion okay motion made in second any further discussion all those in favor I um those um positions would be um posted on the website right as available if anyone has interest in either being on the celebration committee or the local cultural Council okay topic seven the DPW report Phil come on down how's it going it's going thanks for getting that information together appreciate it um okay so the authorization of the route five water and sewer infrastructure improvements the supplemental Mass Works Grant so we just need to um that's in here I think right the contract yeah yeah um so do we need to vote that yes you do you to uh vote to approve the contract Amendment with mass Works um for the supplemental amount of 300,000 I'll make that motion I'll second motion made in second any further discussion no all those in favor I I this requires only my signature that's correct thank God huh so I would just like to thank Senator comford and I would like to thank Juan Vega from the mass Works program because he's been very instrumental in the town of Hatfield uh as you mentioned you know this started with Peter kott so it's been a long time going but to get the initial Grant of 2 million with help from those people as well as the senator that was in place at the time and for my good friend you know Rick Sullivan was very instrumental as he was part of that whole Administration back then so you got you know you received the $2 million initial Grant you received the $1.5 million supplement Grant and I received the $300,000 gr so you know you're talking you know three4 million so you couldn't do it without those people no absolutely not so and you're right Juan Vega's wonderful and and I didn't know Rick yeah Rick was it the first what the initial $2 million Grant really yeah very very helpful um I see Rick all the time I'll have to make sure I thank him yeah and then uh you know and also I would throw Ashley stoa on the list too because she's always um you know really responsive to and and I had a discussion with the senator I know a couple weeks ago and she does want to come out and do an official presentation yes so I have I actually have a note to talk to marleene about that um the senator called me with some ideas and um I'll I'll I'll catch up with you at some point about some of that we'll we'll hop on a little maybe planning call um because you know she had some good ideas about um you know sort of a little recognition when this um was over and I I I mentioned including residents um because I think they have been really patient um with all of this so I'd like to see them be part of that so we'll work on that she was thinking maybe this fall so more to come on that but thank you for you know your work around that and certainly Marlene as well um there's a lot of lot of paperwork lot of um reporting okay so next the Franklin Regional Council of governments the fy2 collective Highway bids I yeah I don't see that I don't have anything in the okay you have those fil yeah I don't I I did not see them in here but I didn't know if maybe sometimes those are like last minute things okay do you have can you so the Board needs to vote to um authorize the Franklin Regional Council governments to develop the contracts on behalf of Hatfield for fy2 if it is the intent to participate and so under the Franklin Cog we you know we have a lot of things in there you know for Road Sal pav right so this is just so people sorry can I just backtrack so people know what we're talking about this is a Cooperative purchasing program through the Franklin Regional Council of governments and what it does is it leverages larger buying power um from a lot of communities to keep our costs down yeah it used to be under the H Cog and and right dissolve they went to to Franklin Cog which you know I mean we get very good pricing on things because as you say there's many communities involved in it so tonight you're not looking for us to um act on specific bids but just to authorize us to they they will be bidding the supplies and services and then the um typically the chair of the select board authorizes the contract it's going to be done electronically okay so they will be notifying you okay but they haven't even bid yet some bids are out some bids are out so just for the sake of of people watching at home some of the items that you mentioned salt but what are some of the other things they might bid for the town fuel fuel's under that uh you know all those gravel there's a lot of things wine painting street sweeping you know and and that and once they bid all that and the town accepts that they're going to go through their Cooper and you don't it saves us the time to bid packages out so I was just going to mention that in addition to the better pricing because of the large buying power it also means that you know marleene or Phil is not going through all of that procurement yeah um because that's that's a lot yeah fuel being sep it's separate contract it's separate from this this Cooperative um yes yeah so I mean it's basically you know anything to do with the highway you know you can you know I mean they have all kinds of things signs gravel it is stone dust all Street materials um you know salt sand um you know but the big one is you know the road salt the paving you know right right like the Hampshire Cog used to have a huge program that even the schools and it was paper and it was all kinds of stuff I don't know how much the fur Cog does with with all of that but so I mean you look at like the fur cogs group that you know I mean Hatfield receives $240,000 in chapter 90 funding you figure all the rest of the communities that are involved in there you know it's a pretty good amount that they can go out and say we're putting these projects out to bid and get the best pricing you can yeah we just a moment the fr the furog is asking for an authorization for from the town to develop the contracts on behalf of of the towns and then would we have to once we see them then um take another vote before I can electronically sign I don't believe so I yeah I don't either I think I think you can just sign a contract because they bid it and they're gonna they're going to give you the lowest bids like the salt bid is always the low bid plus an alternate they always do that and we accept the two bids because as you remember the salt shortage at times you always want to have a different option to go to they run out right right I mean I'm you know certainly we know we get better pricing and we we obviously know that it saves the town an enormous amount of work just in from Aur standpoint it's nothing new so I mean I I mean if we can do this without having to call another meeting if we vote this and then I and that authorizes me to electronically sign it when it comes in it does now how do you want to word it how do we want to word it to authorize the Franklin Regional Council governments to develop contracts for fy2 on behalf of the town of Hatfield and designate the chair to sign the contract I would add just that it's language you know for DPW supplies yes yeah so I'll make a motion what what you just said second uh motion made in second okay any further discussion no all those in favor I I I know we we're actually lucky to have them oh I mean it's a great program it's a really great program um okay very good so that's it from you Phil that's it okay easy enough um actually Phil did you want to maybe talk a little bit about because you have some new people yes I I mean we were going to bring them in at a you know at a different meeting okay I can just say that you know we have hired three new individuals within the department so and they're working out very well yeah but and they were Replacements they were Replacements right you had a retirement you had a person that left and then you had another opening where someone left so there was three openings and they're all filled everything fill that's really great so yeah did well only question for you you summer crew yes excellent summer help my only question is what do you think the cost would be to do the flag paint the flag pole outside I don't know well I mean last time it wasn't bad because we had a local contractor donate his lift and just the painting crew used the lift but I surely can reach out and see I don't think it'll be that bad okay yeah okay thank you Phil yeah it'll be great to have um introductions maybe at a future meeting okay later in the summer the our next meeting is in June uh yes there is a June meeting on a summer schedule oh I know one meeting a month right that's the plan unless something happens why I have your attention I just want to clear a couple things up well one thing about the brush pile because there's been some calls about the brush pile and there's been some emails playing around about it so the brush pile is closed we have a system where we go from the fence to the first telephone pole and once that's filled we shut it off because that's a set amount to grind and that amount has been reached so we're just waiting for the contractor to come in and grind that pile I know people and then it'll reopen then it'll be open as soon as they come in I know they were supposed to come in the week of the seventh but you know how contractors work great okay there's been another question about recycled oil no oil and the only reason we don't take oil any longer is because we could take the clean oil because we have the waste burner but people were not abiding by that rule they were putting antifreeze in there and other products which contaminated the oil then we had to pay to get rid of it anyway so and when we did take it and we burnt out the waste oil heater in the highway garage it's not worth it it's not worth it to us right there's no way to control what they're dumping in there but I mean legally if people buy oil from an establishment they can take it back for that our a Zone they all take oil back yes yeah so there are other Alternatives there's other Alternatives so for the residents about oil we no longer take the oil because of what you just explained and the reasons behind it well and it hopefully the brush pile can open again because obviously it's a time of year when people are cleaning up and generating know I made I had a phone call into them today to see what their schedule was okay didn't hear back but you know and people have to realize that that you know that that that's a service that is not a chargeable service to the residents right I mean I don't there's not many communities that do that right I think it's in our interest because it stopped people from throwing at other places but um it's it's quite a lot I mean I obviously drive by that pile multiple times a day but it is amazing how big it gets really amazing how big it gets it is amazing yeah you yeah so okay well hopefully we'll have it up and running again soon thank you Phil okay topic eight is the Town Administrator report Marlene the first order of B business is authorizing the contract with JDR Builders and this is for the second floor balcony project yes we amount to $4,498 14, 4,492 which is within our uh budget so make the motion to approve the contract with JDR Builders for Town Hall second floor balcony and amount of $1 4,492 second motion made in second any further discussion no all those in favor I yeah this money is coming from the 30,000 that was El in ARA funds okay great well we're lucky to have uh JD come and do that so thank you uh okay Town Administrator search so board had indicated starting the search in June so in in anticipation of that um you have in front of you a draft posting and some um another document which sort of summarizes the role and responsibilities however the job description itself is is much more detailed and then a a draft um schedule a chart that just outlines the process depending on how the select board decides to [Applause] seed well I think that we need to get going on it um because I can only imagine that this will take some time and then depending on who the candidate is there could be a required um notice there you know if they're already working in this field which um yeah anybody already working in this field um it it should be a a smooth transition just be they would just need to be brought up to speed on you know the status of projects and um yeah pretty much would be projects that are in the works or any pending items at that at that time I would I mean we we can work on these documents a little bit right we can still get the ball rolling cuz like we're here I'm really fixated on the grant portion of this because I know that Marlene does a lot of work around grants it's um not easy work um and you know so develop and administer grants I mean the reporting is really um tracking and Reporting tracking reporting you know you got to make sure that the projects are are really staying um and then the reporting is just Oh Glory I've reported on grants and it's it is not fun um so now Marlene do you suggest that the select board serve as a search committee or that something that there be another search committee um if if there were to be if if there's going to be a screening commit committee um there's a few people I I would recommend you know appointing to the screen committee screening committee um we could also post a notice that we that the board is seeking you know uh candidates to to sit on a screening or the select board or it could be the select board yeah I just wasn't sure how much time you wanted to put in for it yeah um well would be a matter of reviewing and um you know screening everything and um I guess I'm fine either way I'm fine if we do it and I'm fine if we have a search committee so reviewing resumés could be done on your own time and then just meeting um I don't know once once a month twice a month maybe I guess I don't know I I think we can do it but I don't know how you feel about this search committee I think we could but if there's people that would like to get involved I think that'd be all right too so so I don't know definitely somebody from the finance committee waiting for your somebody from the finance committee here yeah I think that you know having been through superintendent principal search school I would think that you would if you're the hiring Authority which you guys are you would probably a screening committee that would present you with an X number of candidates from those that apply you know whether it's two or three or however many you guys would say to that committee to say we would like you to present this the top three maybe one of you is on the right search committee but not all three of you and then as Marley said other members of important committee finance committee whatever and possibly a couple of that large members of the community who would want to be part of this because it's an important position and I would think if you leave the residents out of this this decision making if that doesn't look personally I I don't think I think a repres some the treasurer almost just I think my chair just broke the uh like I suggested um a member of the finance committee the treasure possibly Town moderator um maybe somebody from the somebody from our community here resident gee trying to think who from the community might be a good candidate for this Dave don't we think about it make a decision next meeting I don't know I'd like to get the ball rolling well we can post it but we can still figure out who we want on the screening committee it's true I mean we can post and say hey we're looking and then find out which resident or or two I mean I think your suggestion of people to have on the committee is a is a good one like I I I would feel comfortable creating that committee tonight maybe not with specific people but with design you know sort of who we're looking for um no it shouldn't be too big no it shouldn't be too big maybe five five um especially because they're going to have to potentially be meeting through the summer and it's so hard with um you know people being away and Quorum problems like that you know we don't want that to be a delay so I I guess I would agree with you Dave like I say I was fine either way so um so someone from the select board Marlene you said yes somebody from the select board finance committee The treasur Collector Town moderator and somebody from from the community at large so that would be five right two three four yes that would be five okay you don't think we need the DPW um I don't know no I guess not because well no because we would we don't have other departments represented on there yeah I think five that sounds good what do you think about that five's good that's perfect I like that I think that sounds great yeah it's a good plan who's really burning to be on for the select board I think about it yeah we can make that decision next month right you're just forming the committee tonight and then and you'll reach out to those folks I will you have to reach out and find out who's interested so yeah I think putting on there is a great idea I'll you bet um I don't like thinking about any of it if you want to be perfectly you want me to be perfectly honest but we got it made yeah well I'm sorry and thank you but Dave I would love you to consider that I since comprehensive committe is coming to a close yes well we can't have free up too much of your time right comprehensive plan committee last meeting tomorrow night two years of that project I can't wait still have to meet with the select board and present all of our stuff I'm sure so yes will'll be at some point yeah okay well I'm glad we're working on getting that search going okay next is um the authorization to Abate uncollected ambulance Revenue um this is something we do from time to time yes um certain ambulance um bills are really deemed uncollectible sometimes it's because um Bob's explained this to us a million times so sometimes you know um entities like Medicare only pay up to so much that's correct for a bill so that that seems to be the bulk of what we end up abating um sometimes um you know there's just they're they're just uncollectible for various reasons um for instance okay so there's reasons here Medicare Medicare um it's it's just abating a co-pay because there's been no response from the PA go back to 2021 yeah these we we we are patient and diligent and at some point we have to write them off um sometimes it's because people are deceased and there's no um way to have have those bills paid um so it's uh know pretty standard reasons um so I will say that these bills go back to June 1st of 2021 they um no excuse me I'm sorry they go back to they go from May of 2018 2015 oh they're not in order no interesting okay so they go from 2015 all the way up to as recently as December 30th of 2023 um and the grand total that we would be abating tonight would be $16,679.24 again it's just standard it's something we do on occasion um it's really to clean up um those outstanding bills that are just uncollectible I'll take a motion on that I'll make a motion that we approve the abatement of uncollected ambulance revenues total of 16,600 $7 76.72 I I'll second that the only question I have I thought on Medicare we only can charge like 700 or something yeah there's a there's a there's a maximum that we can charge so anything build over and above that that's why the first four say Medicare and that's above that 700 I just I was just a little confused by that that's all I think what it probably means is like there's the abatement amount is 1,500 I bet that bill was really 2200 right and so um Medicare paid the 700 and we're left with the 1500 that has to be Abad okay well I made a motion I seconded and all those in FA any further discussion no all those in favor I and an ambulance bills vary greatly believe it or not I used to do the ambulance billing um way back in the day um for Hatfield and you know it depends on the services received where they're trans reported to um you know various things so bills can can vary quite a bit um in the p in the um signature we have this um reclassification of a um firefighter paramedic we don't vote that right we just signed that okay okay um the next item topic nine is the use of our arpa funds and uh Dave I know you're here to to chat about this did you want to come up to the microphone so um you know the town received over the course of what the first maybe year year in a half of covid um some some funds um from the government that were initially there were some restrictions and the restrictions changed and there were uh different things we could do with them we were able to use them to do really a lot of smaller Capital items um we did not build these into the budget because they when they're gone they're gone um but we have um used them um for quite a bit and at the time we had a lot of free cash that we also used at the same time exactly there a lot of really good projects that got done right over the last couple of years we we were really able to um clean up so we have a capital plan um Capital Improvement plan Dave and I both sit on that committee and it's sort of a big chart just so people know what we're talking about a big chart there it is um departments give their input on things that they need um and they it goes out what five seven years yeah um and it's it's items that are have a value of over $10,000 and a lifespan of over 10 years something like that yeah so although police cruisers don't last that long but you know right right um so it's not small items we're purchasing but it it is it's larger things and and some very large things on there I mean you can have huge sewer projects on there you can have um building projects on there or you can have Chromebooks or smaller you know Furniture things like that um and so the capital planning committee gets together um ahead of the budget season to review those and make recommendations so where we find ourselves now we um did not allocate the remaining arpa funds there's about two 241,000 $241,000 left but we find us themselves now in the position of needing to expend that money by December 31st right so it actually has to be spent right so that's not a lot of time to spend money so this is why it's great that we have this Capital plan to fall back on so after town meeting um Dave and I had a quick conversation about really the need to get the planning committee together again sort of outside of our normal um meeting time in the spring um to really um make some recommendations to the select board about spending out those arpa funds and my recommendation is that we stick to items on the capital plan I know when we talked about this at the meeting ahead of town meeting there was a little flurry of oh I want this and I want that I think we stick to things that have been made part of the the capital plan um unless there's some super comp reason um to think of something outside of what's what's on there because there's a lot of work goes into that both on the part of the department heads and the capital planning committee to sort of keep us in line with um you know planning for and to the best extent that we can budgeting for and the other thing that we have to do is we have to go through this and I didn't tear the budget apart for town meeting I don't know what on here was necessarily part of what we voted at in in our budget for next year I knew there's a couple of things I know that the the day Pon thing went through but that's CPA money right um I know that the cable Enterprise project upstairs went through but that's cable Enterprise money right uh I don't I don't know what was used you know what which of I didn't like I said did did we buy the administrative software for the fire department you know that would that would have to come out of free cash no you know I don't I don't know so we that's one of the things we'd have to go through this see what has been I'm sure Marlene could just bre it up I'm sure you know uh I like I said I didn't tear the budget apart to know what was what what what came out of there so so but I know there's a couple of big projects that you know that are on there certainly the you know the phase two of the DPW building the some of the school projects that they want to do I don't know what the status of the uh payment from the Canabis company is as far as whether we we're to fund some of those uh school that school project that you were talking about right that $40,000 to was it replace tiles the carpet tiles or whatever um so we kind of have to map out a plan and know what's what what the priorities are based on the priorities that we put together for this past year right that that didn't get funded right when you guys put the budget together so so Marlene if you could maybe Mark that up with anything that was you know we pretty much know we used free cash to cover um vocational tuition that's what I think there really wasn't much there wasn't much to available because we reserved $100,000 um this is this plan other than the ones that were that didn't you know the ones that were already sort of paid for from other things Enterprise funds Etc right our CPA they're all funded but all the other stuff that would have taken free cash or borrowing are still here correct so some of you guys can prioritize that would we didn't do any we didn't do any borrowing either we didn't do we didn't do any vehicle we didn't does you can't do a vehicle lease with arpa funds NOP talking about what we I just want to make sure we were told we didn't do any of that this year uh there was a couple of requests for for vehicles but those didn't go through um next next year because we'll have a I think one of our leases finishes this year correct and then we'll be that that money will then be available to start a new one next year so I guess my suggestion because time is going to slip by and these are projects depending on what moves forward there could be some bidding some procurement the delays and trying to get bids in and everything so my suggestion would be Dave maybe um send an email out to get some dates that we could get together so that we can make a recommendation to the this board at the next meeting got it and our next meeting is um June um June 11th oh that's right sounds May it's always the night before I have a big event always oh that's all right um so yeah so if we could if you Tuesday right yes yes okay do you think we'd have time to convene before then we will okay okay yeah and Dave's real good about keeping us on task it'll be an email tonight that'll go out that'll be excellent that would be great there's only four of us so it's shouldn't be that hard to figure out and that's a good time to mention that it really should be a commit of five we haven't had that fifth sort of it's community at large community at large person so it's Dave Dave isn't at large um the select board I'm the rep on that we have Adam Sullivan from the school and um we have John wils Jr from um Finance finance and it's a great group it's a really great group but we we would like um another um person at large so I don't know that there'd be time to get somebody on and all of that by then but we actually really start our work after the first of the year and we wrap it up within a couple of months we had only had I think we only had four meetings this year so it's not a ton of time I've said it before if you kind of want to dip your toe into you know doing some work with the town and getting involved in in what what goes on and feel like you you're part of something uh you know get involved with doing some volunteering then this is a way to do it because it's not it's not like you guys who are meeting you know 20s something times over the course of the year plus all the other stuff that you have to do in between um it's there's not a lot of there's also not a lot of in between work it's like basically what we talk about at the nights of the meetings and we don't really have a lot of homework and things like that so it's also really interesting sort of to learn about you know Department's needs and how they're how our departments and our department heads are really good about planning for the future so it's interesting okay very good great I'll watch for the email Dave thanks appreciate it our last item um is topic 10 mot 2575 design plans for proposed future new crosswalks on route five so I'm really curious about this so this is yeah okay so I see plans so this one okay but I got to ask is this all mass do projects yes it's Mass do and they're funding everything or how's that working they're funding everything it's their Project M project all right right I guess I just I was surprised I you know what surprises me so they're um they're recommending in various locations along West Street and I'm I'm some of them it's a little hard to tell where it is here's North H so in the north Hatfield Road area that intersection the Depot Road area um West Street is almost easy to crosswalks great idea um concrete Islands yeah you know M Phil they did this up in Deerfield they did the work and promptly pulled it back out I can't even imagine the money that was wasted up there because I and what I don't understand is they're proposing this they're the ones that take care of the roads this has got to be a nightmare to have these yeah low Islands right maintaining them yeah um so I do know that um you know there is local projects that they put them in and then they pulled them back out I guess I'd be curious to talk to um so there's one in the area of prospect Meadow well that's the other question right just you know so the one at Depot Road the one at North Hatfield Road Depot Road North Hatfield Road that makes sense right it's it's intersection it inter ing roads there's no sidewalks out there where are they cross what right we don't want crosswalks to nowhere I guess I might like to talk with somebody well the purpose of these two are for bus stop locations are there bus stop locations there now well I'm only aware of one out there that's there two there was two I'm aware there's Transit Authority uh which is by RK miles y f frta and the other one is was was it by the uh Motel Next what was I I am I am aware of that one see and I don't know Greg been invol you've been involved the only two stops I know so I mean there's nothing we need to do at this point they're just asking um that comments be submitted to them however since receiving this I responded I had a couple of uh questions and I I haven't received a response yet I have a couple questions too so I'm going to go ahead and reach out to mass doot okay okay yeah okay and that looks like it for so yeah there'll be I'm I'm sure further communication from them but I just wanted to get it out there to the board that um they're in the design plans for putting in sidewalks in those [Music] islands yeah I just wonder about the islands Phil what's your yeah I don't I mean because you know where they put them in Deerfield they put them along where um Yankee Candle it was really the fire department that that dictated that those having to come out because there was a lot of places that the fire trucks couldn't turn into the places um that they need to turn into along that stretch once they put those in so that's they never consulted with the fire department up there I don't think before they they did that you're right there was some like 300 something thousand expense to remove all that kind of stuff I remember being paper yeah it was yeah and all that Granite that they I don't know I know all the if that got reused or if that just be maybe it's coming to half field I don't know I I you know that at that point was driving up to Franklin County all the time and was you know seeing there's one on it was a treehouse was um being developed too um that's when that was all it was all happening sort of at the same time but I think the design we're looking at is is similar to where sundelin where you have that mini mart or a gas station in the old racket ball court which was place I think that's what they're referring to that type of Island which is not bad that Island doesn't that's not that doesn't seem that bad I know what I know exactly what you mean that's what I think that's what they're referring to I mean I'll be open-minded about it but I just I want more information that's all I mean they they're the ones that take care of that road so okay anything else with that I make a motion to aurn I'll second that motion made in second and any further discussion all those in favor I thank you Marlene thank you you