TV comes on sidewalk assessments okay good we're all set thank you it's 7:07 I call tonight's council meeting to order roll call Bennett here leosa here mey here Sasso skara here wki here Matthews here please rise and join us in the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all adequate notice to this meeting has been provided by the annual schedule regular meetings here adopted and posted on the public bulletin board at the municipal building emailed to The Herald News the record The Gazette and all persons who requested the mailing as such since December 7th 2023 can I have approval of the minutes for the regular meeting of February 7th motion second motion by leosa second by skiera any discussion roll call wki yes skara yes mey uh abstain leosa yes Bennett yes Matthews yes motion carries public comment now open the meeting to the public if anyone wishes to be heard on agenda items please raise your hand come forward to the microphone state your name this is not the sidewalk this is other items yeah otherwise it's later on okay seeing none uh I a motion to close the public portion of the meeting so motion by wki second by skier all in favor I motion carries public hearing the 2020 Road program special assessments so now open the meeting to the public if anyone desires to be heard regarding this ordinance the 2020 Road program special assessment please raise your hand to be recognized come forward to the microphone state your name Gentlemen of the back you are first here sorry right here I'm going to turn it louder just trying to stifle you is that better yeah sorry okay uh Barry Houston 235 Washington Avenue my summer residence is 168 Bamford F or winter residence I should say it's the hockey rank okay which I got a game going right now so we got kind of speed this up uh I did talk to the engineer Ed sovich that you no it's not you no almost I know who you are but and he did uh they had a slight measurement difference this is from my sister-in-law's house some War right Jerry cavanal and um so they they corrected that but the other three slabs of 4-inch sidewalk which a burrow tree lifted up and the burrow removed that tree but they're still she's still being charged for those sidewalks is that that's standard that is standard except from June of this year any new trees planted going forward the town is taking control up the problem was going backwards in time to be responsible for all sidewalks that lifted okay you had to strike a date okay we're also trying to put in trees that grow down as well as a barrier in between the tree side of the sidewalk okay so it's an unfort forunate answer that you don't want to hear no that is I was kind of told that but I fig let me just double check on trust possible yes good try all right other than that hockey is going great that's all I'll say seniors first seed up sorry yeah good night thank you thank you does anyone else wish to be heard sure okay so that's yeah how's it going Alexander Mena um I moved in recently to well recently purchased 109 Diamond Bridge Avenue okay so I purchased the home like last year and this bill that I received in the mail was actually addressed to the prior owner for the assessment uh I didn't get an answer from the engineer but it was made out by certif certified mail to me so I'm a little confused as to who's responsible for the assessment um given that I was not like an owner of the property in 2020 when the work was completed I believe um yep if I'm not mistaken so my feeling is that it should not be me that's why I'm here um it should be a prior owner since well when you bought your house your title company didn't come in and see if there was any open anticipated assessments uh let me guess you bought it around covid no I bought it last here in 2022 okay well they're supposed to come in and find out if there's any pending assessments yeah and it was reported back that there wasn't so I'm not sure what the who reported back to them uh the title company I was no there was did the title company come in and verify that a lot of them are phoning it in and not even doing it they're just looking online you can ask our attorney to verify that what I'm telling you is is the way it is but unfortunately perhaps you can go back to your title company and ask them to pay for it since they missed it Michael the responsibility is with for the Burrow's point of view is with the property owner unfortunately whoever the owner may be um when you bought the house the contract for sale you signed with the prior owner did say are you aware of any pending assessments and they apparently said no they are not but they should have told you yes we are because there was they received notice in 2020 that this was going to happen so my suggestion is you go back to your attorney who did the closing who was hopefully not me and no it wasn't you okay see this is what happens anyway um go back to your attorney it's either your title company may have missed it as as council president said in which case the count the title company may have an issue there or alternatively the prior owner should step up and pay that bill because it's it is not fair that you get left with the bill but from our point of view the only people we can Bill are the current owners so the bill is you do owe the money to us but hopefully you can get that money back from someone else if that's the case then can I is there a way that I could actually get the this is not a bill assessment report in my name if it's actually me who's owing the money because the one I received is not even in my name you want you want their name so but he's saying it doesn't matter if it's her name right it doesn't matter the property owner is responsible so I agree with councilman with techi that the the evidence that the bill was issued to her is pretty good evidence that it shouldn't be you paying but her right so I guess my question then zooms around to the answer is that I'm technically responsible we all believe that she should pay is that like where we're at that's a fair yeah that's a fair statement them or the title company title company or uh on dro the ball yeah um but I just wanted to see if I could sort that out here tonight but I'm guessing that's not gonna happen I'm afraid not yeah um but all right thank you may I interject yes I send out the notices I send them regular mail and certified so I could look back in 2020 to see if the owner in 2020 signed that green card card showing that they did receive the notice of the upcoming um improvements that were going to be made and that it's their responsibility yeah that would be great if you could I appreciate that absolutely thank you um do you mind just stepping aside and giving me your email address I'll email it to you yeah of course okay thank you all does anyone else wish to be heard on the sidewalk assessments m' good evening Donna Spiegel 50 Arlington at the corner a warrant so I was dink twice I have sidewalks on Arlington that were produced in 2017 with the ordinance and I did receive at that time on Arlington um the estimate of the number of concrete slabs that would need to be replaced there were not as many because the property in the front is 50 the side of it is 100 the 50 I only had about $370 that I was responsible for it also didn't include the driveway because it's on the Warren side so I was sent that information ahead of time and appreciated knowing what the bill would come out to for the 2020 program um I had not been sent anything ahead of time and kind of took pictures as they came after marking the sidewalks with the white chalk or paint whatever it was and not every slab was marked with the white theyve tore out the whole thing including the apron with the driveway so I'm being build like 10 times more than it was on the Arlington side and because of also being at the corner they ripped up the corner and they did a different project putting in the little I call them zip Zips but that's for the handic cap that one you shouldn't be paying anything that one I don't think was included I have not counted the number of slabs but from the corner where the sewer is and where they put in the little handicap ramp they also pulled out I believe it was two slabs in either direction from the corner you can make the argument that you needed to transition to that so you can obviously question those I don't think that that was also included in the same work as 2020 I think that was done prior to it um but in the 2020 I don't know the number of slabs that it was but when they ripped up the entire thing I'm just curious to know if there is a way of showing a report of who came out to assess because the Arlington side pretty much is the same as the Warren side I would think that they're about the same there were only a few slabs on Warren where one of the trees had lifted up and I actually as a homeowner went out there and started to put a little cement down to kind of smooth things out a little bit for all the dog walkers tripping everybody else so I'm just curious to see a report if it's possible normally you're going to get an estimate that says you're it's going to cost you $1,000 doll I didn't because then if you're a mason in your house and you want the opportunity to do it yourself I did not for the 2020 I did not receive any kind of estimate at all and on your pictures do do they have arrows from left and right if they going to take out a whole side you would have a basically it's a white arrow with a mark on Mark and they wouldn't necessarily put x's on each one the pictures that I have now are when the work was being done and the SL before not prior to unless it was my own picture and I took a picture with Christmas lights up and it's dark so you can't really see it but my point was that the Arlington side was not completely ripped out when they did the project of 2017 and now the 2020 project T out all of Warren plus the driveway so the cost is astronomically higher and I'm just curious to know what the report looks like because I didn't see any kind of an assessment before so I'm wondering whether I could get that we normally send out an estimated bill that should get that's the green card that the other gentleman was going to get right okay from 2020 and also um these for this hearing tonight we mailed on February 8th yeah no I I have that but there was no estimate before I had no estimate beforehand before the program was and I'm sorry what was the address again 50 Arlington Avenue okay and it's corner or Warren Warr the Warren side is what I'm debating yeah M sure there's nothing that clear that shows it beforehand um it's it's a dark picture and this is when the work was being done and they tore up everything as you can tell okay sure I'd be glad to I just don't know that every slab on that side was really in terrible shape if the Arlington side hadn't been sometimes if you're reconstructing a road you you don't want your road to be higher or lower than your sidewalks in that instance sometimes you'll have a good sidewalk get ripped out just so it's at the same level if they're redoing your apron as well that might be a reason but I don't know that so I'm not going to speculate okay well if I can get that report follow with take a look at it great thank you appreciate it does anyone else wish to be heard on sidewalk assessments you sure yeah okay okay all right can I have a motion to seeing no more can I have a motion to end the public hearing on the 2020 Road Ser special assessments be closed that it be resolved the copies of said ordinance were made available to the public and the clerk's office motion by Sierra second second by m roll call wki yes skara yes mey yes leosa yes Bennett yes Matthews yes adoption of ordinances we have none old business Joe we'll start your way all right at the last meeting I put in a request for a meeting to discuss property maintenance issues I haven't heard from anyone I have in my I have it in my report and I apologize we not getting back to you did I miss the meeting no all right we're happing it tonight 72 Franklin still has snow out front property maintenance has it been addressed this was in my first email to everybody it's an abandoned house oh well I'm going to go out on a limb and say yes they were because Property Maintenance gave a a boatload of tickets out can I have confirmation of that I'll get uh I can give you my email address I'll get it for you tomorrow garbage and Property Maintenance continues at 85 wag at a recent fire alarm I was Disturbed at the condition inside and out the surrounding buildings has anything been done or any update yes I have it in my report rocking it 8 acre Trench is that a new report yes all right no no I'm sorry no it's not it's not but that I went down there we took pictures it's on County property right it is on County property but I was told the pipe that is collapsing if you want to say is our pipe that's what Scully said two directors ago well I looked down into the hole and I didn't see any pipe um I'll ask Bill to go look at it but the it's the county property I know it's County property well no that should be our property no it's all staked out from County State we do have storm drain lines that run through there so so what Joe's saying could be right so we'll we'll check it out two weeks right Frank two weeks it works it works when I say it that's it on Old I got new though Rea old just that we're going to be following up with the county with moving the the signs of the 8 Acre Woods on matland and by the Boys and Girls Club so um Paul Wellen has actually the sign so that the county wouldn't destroy it so I guess we'll we've already marked it out so markouts have to be done when you're going to talk to them can you ask why they're putting the picket fence right through the middle of of it's like this wooded area and there goes a picket fence right through because they're staking out their property lines it looks ridiculous I totally understand I've we've gotten complaints from day one but the county is delineating their property line after what 20 30 years of our with the 8 Acre Woods with the entrance sign we didn't know it was on County property kind like a dog marking its territory but Frank honestly there the deer and it just they couldn't have picked something other than this six foot picket fence going right through the center where they artificial turf it what they have Joe is they have they're putting their posts in the ground along with the with the flag delineate our property and their property they are not putting the fence through they're just putting the Stak the post in the ground already they've already started putting the post in where we have that pump area where there's the the big green pipe that goes uh the pipe the fence is running parallel with that green pipe well Daryl who's the county who's the uh director of parks for the county told me that they were only putting in the post not the tomorrow morning I will take a picture and I will send it to you you don't have to I'll go down it's where are you talking to go if you boys and girls club and it says no motor vehicles look to your right there's a green pipe it's shaped like a like a candy cane and we have um some sort of pumping that is have a well there there's a well keep right there the wooden it's not painted wooden fence it's this color and it goes straight where your sign was is right between the two posts that held your sign up yeah that fence is staying and then it continues to go in the wooded area it does it just continues to war Lane and they're gonna not put some of the I'm sorry that fence line is going to go down to wly Lane and they's going to take some of the pickets off so that you can walk through because now it's like a barrier it's a barrier and not only you know yeah and we have to move the Eagle Scout project with the tree logs because that is on County property so everything is getting moved to the right downgrading of the well I know we we believe me we tried to get that ask a question if you look at these problems and you have a problem why don't you just give us a call so we can address it right away I do send emails multiple times they're not responded to I didn't get Frank is the only one who responds I didn't get any email since the last Mee pretty good I swear Frank is the only one who responds it's because I saved your life yeah that's right he saved my life you're life that's it you're getting older Reena no I'm good with the 8 acre W Mike uh yes uh just want to follow up on the you um mayor and Eric were looking into to find out if in the initial uh bid for the P tanks if fencing was included yes it is included in the initial Eric mentioned that last meeting well no he wasn't sure the last meeting yeah we were going to okay I'm I am I am pretty sure that it is so we went from not sure to pretty sure I asked I asked that question too and I believe it is so we got pretty sure I believe yeah I'm I'm more 90% at this more 90% could I hear 100% go ones all right C could someone get back to me and confirm that so we know um and when will that insulation be done and is it considered without this is it the same contract that's doing the fencing that's doing the tanks it's all one contract whether they fing sub I don't know but it's the it's the same contract so so I I'm saying that for a reason because he's going to be looking for payment very soon and I want to make sure that if fencing was involved in the initial contract that that has to be completed also we certainly will not pay for any fencing that hasn't been done so there's a bill on the bill list today to that vendor but it doesn't include any fencing well but it's not a completion of we don't get breakouts of IT services either it's it's a progress payment okay you get some well if you wait long enough the kids that damage the other stuff will take that down too okay um next subject uh do we have an update on um the issue we have the diamond Bridge resident to my report great that's all I have for all thank you Bruce next to the m geez I feel stupid with this question after that show have uh we have you informed uh Public Works about the down uh street sign on Washington Street yes I did you did I talked to Bill personally about it okay good there's a missing stop sign on Ruth AV at Florence it just disappeared the other night what did you do with it I don't know it's just gone it's not like it's knocked down it's just gone was okay it wasn't you if it no if it was down I I would have picked it up and rebolt it it it's magic I'm okay Frank okay uh old business I'm happy to inform you Eric that I went over to roads park with my wheelbarrow and my shovel and the pile of dirt was moved thank you it's it's should the back of the place now I know it was moved though it was moved yeah now are is all the piping done for at our wells not all of it there's back that pile left is backfill well no the pile that's left is the pile that was moved from where I complained about it to being there was gravel and stuff over there we're supposed to be in the insulation phase they asked for two we extension because of the insulation right why is there still holes in the ground and piping hasn't been completed there's a bill on tonight's list which is progress payment and we still do owe them about $840,000 but don't ask for more time for insulation if you still haven't finished the piping but but the the project comes together at the end and that and that all be done within the Landscaping stuff but they're concentrating on getting this thing no there's a hole in the ground where you still need to put piping in that's not Landscaping I think it uh Frank I I talk the bill our bill hefler and I asked him he said the three locations which is gole uh gole Hill gole Road and other Avenue there they still have underground work to do and then when when the underground work is done then they'll start back filling well that's my point mayor that the extension for the insulation I I understand because it was a delay and and a miscommunication but the piping should all be done by now their date came and went and they for an extension the installation doesn't have anything to do with the pipe underground they're still working they're still working on that pipe which should have been completed by now well I can't tell a contractor how he's to yes you can because they have a completion date on our signed contract with them but I can't tell him how to progress no not methods and means but you can't tell him about his deadline being met I do it all the time well that okay Mr council president there's special order bends that are that have to be installed there's special orders I'm not sure why the schedule is they're behind on that or they're not in yet but there's some of the bends are a special order they're they're still scheduled to be meet their deadline on the U whatever they U March 3 well was February 16 right I understand so they're going to meet their deadline to have this the fencing all put in not the fenc the why not it's part of their contract I understand it's not a seasonal item the Landscaping the fencing oh I'm not sure about the fencing I know the Landscaping will be done uh I understand you can put can't put seed down in the win I don't have an answer on the fencing but I'll get one I asked about it last meeting well you asked about my interpretation was you asked about is it included I didn't understand you wanted to know will it be installed by the that time I'll find out I don't know well if they want to get paid I hope so okay Dominic new business I'm okay Bruce no Mike uh question um La at last night's Board of Education meeting they mentioned that there was a meeting with uh an their ad hoc committee and the mayor Administration about the hockey rink I was hoping you can share some details on what that was about there was a meeting as we informed you we did meet with the school board it was uh Bruce it was Eric it was the mayor myself my brother Bob Pasqual um we had a meeting with their ad hoc committee their attorney um aired out a whole lot of things that were I guess many things that we had to inform the board of which we did no conclusions were reached at that meeting it was a very good and productive meeting um and we are now waiting to see what the school board is going to do that's where we stand they have a decision to make on on what I don't know the school board has uh indicated to us at this point that they are not you know they're still waiting to determine what whether or not they want want the project to go forward as we have it or with any forms of redesign so we talked about any number of potential um redesigns for instance could you uh work basketball into the rink it is a possibility we discussed that so those are the kind of discussions that we're ongoing okay um we'll have a more complete report for you probably within the next few days thank you Raa no I'm good tonight Joe all right this is new but it's old uh during the past election there was information distributed about Administration having a meeting to make North 8th Street a oneway is there any update yes I can give you an update the uh I talked to the County Administrator and uh he agreed that North street is uh not a safe Street to travel on with that uh he also said that he travels on north8 Street quite often uh I asked him if the county would be kind enough to intercede and hire a engineering firm to do uh the study on north8 Street to make it a one way um he agreed he went to the Commissioners uh the commissioner ERS agreed and they hired an engineering firm uh who are out there doing work uh and they should be done with their work probably by by July EXC and uh then that way and and the meeting that we had the kickoff meeting that we had um we were involved Prospect Park was involved uh the uh County was involved their engineers and the engineering firm that they hired was also involved um so that there if if you look you can see that they have the tubes in the street already uh and they're uh they have a whole they had they gave a schedule of what what steps they would be taking and uh so that uh that to me is a win-win for burrow excellent news I actually walked the dog because I had open the firehouse I walk the dog down the hill it is it's not for pedestrians it's scary yeah I I agree they agree and that's why the County's doing it all right thank you were you on the road side or was the dog was a dog I'm kidding I have no other new business either after that now we'll turn to the administrative agenda presented by mayor Lan thank you Mr President um there's a uh as you know our prosecutor passed away and I've appointed a new prosecutor uh she's been uh filling in for the last well even while our other our other prosecutor was was alive uh if he couldn't make a meeting she would I'm sorry a court a court meeting she would be here she's doing an excellent job I took the uh Liberty of uh appointing her and I would like to ask the council for advice and consent to uh for me to swear her in sure can I have a motion motion by Bennett second by wki roll call Bennett yes leosa yes mey yes skara yes wki yes Matthews yes motion carries thank you Council uh I spoke with our building department today their plan for the rebuilding of the foundation walls were submitted this pertains to Rock Road the plans were approved and the permit was issued and they are ready to proceed with the building of building of the foundation walls in Building E there is a trailer now that is providing temporary heat for the buildings there was a problem with the trailer last Monday and the heat was off until late Tuesday they had to add an additional booster pump in order forther to push the heat to the four buildings the building department is waiting for a mechanical engineer to provide us with drawings as to how they are doing with the installation how they are going to do the installation for the boilers in the buildings until plans are submitted and approved no mechanical work will be performed an update on Congress Mills the items that were discussed at the last meeting have been cleaned up regarding two and the three yard dumpsters that they don't that they do not have screening they are in a floodway and looking it over with the property maintenance and the zoning it would be horrific uh if we did put the screening in to block more of the water because there was bu there was the dumpsters actually and two of the storms went floating down the down the uh the brook to the river um but the uh the mess that uh I told the the inspectors about they told me it was cleaned up I saw some pictures that they took the safety lights on Lincoln Avenue are being installed the foundations have been set and will be installing the lights by the end of the week regarding the storage building at the pool we are waiting for a price back from the contractor Tao is in town twice a day and in little Franklin Field is one of the stops DPW will go DPW will go with the sweeper to clean up the fields in the spring they do that every year uh when uh when the spring arises the posos project pertaining to the dirt that is there at the three on utter Avenue goer Road and and pump house the contractors are still working in the trenches as soon as they finish work they will the soon as they finish the testing and the work they will be back filled and the ground will be leveled off just a reminder to our senior residents the a ARP will provide tax Aid preparation services at our library please call them directly for an appointment at 973 9491 1745 five the case on diamond Bridge Avenue where uh the debris was all in the yard uh there was a the the judge uh did not uh approve uh I'm sorry the judge did not approve the the the uh court order for uh for stay so she removed the uh the the the court order and the uh dumpster company was there uh with two dumpsters with a police officer and that uh everything in the front yard was removed however in the meantime Phil uh went to the courts and got a stay for two weeks and the stay is good till this coming Friday and that concludes my report and I turn it over to my attorney Michael Pasqual good thank you uh couple things repor first of all I do want to report uh and congratulate our prosecutor by the way her name is eleth cruus it's just like the TV show never heard that name before it is a difficult name to pronounce i Beth Beth is her name she goes by Beth her name is Elizabeth uh she's terrific while David was ailing and and we had a a great Fortune when David stanel was in his uh worst times prosecutors stepped up all over uh Phil in people did what they needed to do um we were very fortunate to have hasham masri and Beth crues Step Up among others to fill in throughout and so um I fully support the mayor's appointment of Beth she's terrific I've worked with her in other communities including fairon where she prosecutes uh and a couple of other towns so uh we've had a long line of generally not all but generally very good prosecu computers and this will be uh one of them so congratulations to her I think it's an excellent choice um I do want to talk about the spoiled the matter so we're clear about this Mr spoiled is um pigy that is his house um was cleaned up in part we didn't get to finish the job we had dumpsters there on Friday morning and started to load some of the debris that he has scattered about the neighborhood um to try to make that mess go away he went to the superior court and got a stay of the judge's order which dismissed his appeal and the reason he got the stay was he contended and there was some truth to this actually that the court administrator in Prospect Park where the case was tried was out with the flu for an entire week and didn't get to produce the transcripts that he had ordered the case was dismissed because he didn't produce the transcripts so the judge gave him a stay and soon as we received the stay we stopped the work we were doing as we were required um his case will be continued in the superior court I do not believe that come this Friday we'll be out there with dumpsters yet again but the minute we prail in this case we will be cleaning up the mess that he's created and refuses to clean up um it's a shame what he's done to his neighborhood and to this community but U we'll clean it up when we get the opportunity um on the posos case the settlement that was heard uh with 3m in Charleston was actually approved by the court and so the 3M settlement is going forward that is the largest share that we will be receiving uh will be from 3M uh Eric worked with our California Council on his vacation on Friday I worked on Friday as well we all worked uh while we were away to try to put together our claim and to make sure that everything is in order so uh it's good news it is progressing and the litigation is moving along towards settlement it's slow moving but it's it's a step in the right direction um on your agenda tonight is reintroduction of an ordinance and I want to explain what we're doing here uh for those at home and for those who are following here um you know that we adopted an ordinance rezoning the property f55 scon Avenue the former pyac site um it was part of the Redevelopment we approved the Redevelopment plan by ordinance and we approved the rezoning by ordinance what I missed in the process quite frankly is that it's actually is a zoning ordinance and so they did challenge our notice on that is part of the Court filing now I'm confident that our notice would stand up in court but let's do it right and make sure so let's make sure that there any argument they can raise can be you know will go away so I'm asking you tonight to reintroduce that ordinance so we can advertise it the way it's supposed to be get that done and then we'll take away one of their arguments that there was a procceed defect in what we did again I don't think there's a procedural defect but let's a on the side of caution and take that argument away so um I worked with Lori on that we got a property owner list we will be sending it out as soon as you give the green light and then in uh two meetings from now we'll adopt again uh finally there is a resolution that I seek your approval on for the settlement of one of our largest tax appeals and that was the Van Dyke property um there is a fund of taxes it's under $10,000 when you consider how much they pay in taxes that's not a real large amount of money again Tim and I negotiated most of the settlement into 2024 so we were able to absorb that against some of our gains uh but there is some need to make an adjustment in 2023 they did dismiss their 2021 and 2022 appeals so we think this is a very good settlement we also settled in the process the gas station on the corner of Ray and gole um the settlement really will reduce the taxes again going forward somewhat for the owner there'll be a very small refund of $2500 which will'll handle at the county level at the County Board appeals in April so again good news on that we settled another six cases by doing this and our backlog reduces which only helps our bond rating so with that I will only finally report B shell committee is meeting next week and we will have some news for you starting in March and you'll get to hear me every meeting from March on forward all about the Band Shell so that concludes my report mayor thank you Michael now I turn it over to our engineer Pete K Kate thank you mayor I'll report on the projects we're working on in town uh the galvanized water service line replacement Phase 2 had a pre-construction meeting on Wednesday February 7 uh suar Property Service is expected to Begin work on March 4 Frederick Avenue will be the first street addressed for the uh gavana water service line replacement phase three the environmental documents in submission to the uh New Jersey infrastructure Bank are being prepared to be submitted Recreation of field facilities upgrade Franklin uh field uh the existing fence was removed Fox fence has begin installing the fence post wag Fields two and three are under construction netting for the modified fencing and the uh gates are still required the Back Field uh back stop for field two is almost completed and all the wag field back stops are done all workers expect to be completed by the March 8 deadline Franklin Field lighting uh project uh we had to redesign relocate some of the U poles due to existing utilities um no work was performed since the last update and we're going to have a site meeting on Friday to review the revised lighting plan schedule and um a a change order for the electric accommodations for the shed on the water uh Department PC PFC treatment system um my notes say that uh April the final completion of April 30 is for landscaping fencing and asphalt uh they're going to meet the uh substantial completion date of March 3 for the installation of the vessels and typically the fencing goes with the Landscaping at the end of the job uh if I can try to push that so it's earlier but then that's kind of out of sequence with Landscaping but we will listen to what you have to say is that a new hard date or or yes the original date was originally February 16th period I was told uh was that in their contract of that date yes the the new dates are no no not the new dates original original I believe the hard date was uh February 16 yes okay then we gave him a twoe extension for substantial completion okay not not doesn't because you can't do landscaping this time of year I know but whatever Pete whatever keep going okay the South Station uh fencing is being installed backfills still required in some areas um the contractor finishing installation of some of the pipes and a special order is required for certain bends needed for insulating some of the pipes at the hot boxes North Station uh they continue to install tank and piping and uh there it's going to be placed online to allow for a shutdown at gole Hill Fencing is being uh will be installed once the site is cleared immediate deliveries is scheduled for February 27 utter a tiin at utter a will be done within a short shutdown period next week uh because flooding issues occur when for the residents when the Well's shut off so we're going to have to uh make that a quick quick one installation of Tanks is scheduled to start this week immediate delivery is scheduled for February 28th gfo Hill electricians working on the power lighting inside the hot box uh Transformer installation heat tracing of the pipes continue uh tanks to be installed this week um along with the chlorine chamber and 6 in underground uh duct iron piping the're prepping the site for the 24in pipe for C the chorine chamber and immediate delivery scheduled for February 28th authoring Kitty pool enhancements the project was awarded to Premier P pools at a cost of $199,950 uh the burrow is going to purchase the equipment from MRC under in Jersey state contract at a cost of $1,937 uh the equipment manufacturers were're working on getting equipment in time for Memorial Day opening we continue design uh the horor downtown revitalization um and uh that's nearing completion Franklin Field bleacher approvement is under design and uh we're waiting final designs from the pleacher M manufacturer the 2024 Road Improvement program we're uh finalized the scope of work and uh we're going to prepare a proposal to do that work and we had the 2020 resident assessments uh public hearing tonight we entertained several calls from residents during the this time up to the meeting and we're addressing their comments and that's all I have M Mr President Mr Mayor thank you Peter now turn it over to Eric M our attorne or yeah administrator please I thought maybe I had gone to school when I was asleep or something I don't know um the uh on the agenda tonight the budget transfer uh resolution R 2824 in the offc consent agenda moves money from where we budget it in a reserve for salary increases line into the individual departmental line items where it is needed to pay the 2023 retro pay for the um UPS upsu blue collar and white collar salary increase even though we budget it in a in a reserve line it has to be moved to the departmental lines in order to pay it so um so that's what we're doing there um budget transfers for a prior year are permitted up through March 31st uh the county uh cdbg Grant application being authorized by resolution 42 is already being worked on as are the two Grant applications for the wag 2 and three bleachers which we you approved at your last meeting um sidewalk assessment hearings will be held on March 20th for the 2021 program and on April 17th for the 2022 Pro Road program at which time we will be caught up at least until we've closed out the uh 2023 Road program contract and at which time we will have a hearing for those sidewalks and so then we will continue to be caught up um our public SA safety radio project is near in completion next month I will continue to work with our consultant uh to make sure that happens um 20124 budget preparation is ongoing uh finance committee chair Dominic mey can fill you in on the committee's progress and that concludes my report thank you Eric president will answer any questions that the council may have any questions yes brce yeah Michael just a question about this diamond Bridge AV chess game we're playing is there any possibility that the three dumpsters of stuff that were removed will be coming back into town no we took them they're gone they are garbage um everything that was put into that those dumpsters was garbage um we had you know people there to see what was going on we had a experienced police officer there to document everything that happened wrote an excellent report uh Sergeant 9 house and uh it was garbage it went into the garbage stream and we're now bringing it back and strewing more garbage on his lawn it's been landfilled so uh unless we go unless somebody wants to go there to the landfill and try to dig it out it's gone just asking because the way this thing's gone in the courts I wasn't sure oh no his garbage is gone uh most of the garbage unfortunately a great deal of his garbage remains strewn about his property but we did remove what we could and again you know the people who have to live with this in that neighborhood uh it's it's it's an awful thing that he's doing to them um but we'll keep fighting the fight to clean up his mess Mike what about the vehicles he's got stuff stored in vehicles he's got stuff stored everywhere he's got stuff stored in vehicles he's got vehicles that are apparently not registered although I'm not positive of that um we will go after everything we can to clean up the mess and again what the that this individual is doing this to our community is atrocious and then he has the nerve to run for office it's a main street too in nors it's it's unsightly and it's it's unfair thank you Mike yeah uh just piggybacking on the diamond Bridge uh question uh first is I know we've assessed fines to him where is that at is he been paying them or is that just still in the court case it's in the court case there's a there was that was stay again because he is appealing the decision of the Prospect Park Court and so um there are some fines that predate and I don't know if he's made any payments on those but um you know to my knowledge he has not made any pay I don't I don't think we've gotten any money what actions do we have available to us if he chooses not to V right now he's appealing to decisions so therefore we're abiding by the direction of the Court okay once the appeals are finished whatever fines he has to pay he has to pay if he chooses not to pay the fines then the court can enforce that okay so that's again we leave that to the court we don't enforce municipal court fines that that's for the court not for us okay um some other questions um now will could we expect any additional delays on top of I mean originally I I had a question was on Friday is that a rhetorical question I say that tongue and cheap because my original question was on Friday but then when you spoke about it you told me it's going back to court so I'm not gonna yeah there will be additional delays there's no question that if Mr spoiler can delay he will delay because that is what he does if he can continue to create an unsightly mess for his neighbors he will continue to do that I don't know what prompts him to do it but he does it and when is the next Core case um there is no specific day on Friday of this week the judge will consider whether or not her stay should be uh continued or not um I do have a pretty good feeling that it will continue because the court clerk court administrator actually was sick with the flu that is a true statement so um for a week but this thing's been going on for no but but the dismissal of his case was based on the fact that he failed to provide transcripts from the hearings in Prospect Park and so the judge gave him two weeks to provide the transcripts and unlike other people give two weeks she actually had the authority to really strike him down hard sorry Frankie but she giving you the side eye yeah know I saw you do that um no In fairness she gave him two weeks and she held to it and when he didn't produce the documents in two weeks she dismissed his case and then um lo and behold it did turn out that the prosecutor I mean the administrator was sick so assume that the transcripts are now in hand we have a pool going if you want a couple boxes all right uh off to another subject um question the residents on Rock Road are any residents displaced because of the uh situation there there was some uh vacant apartments there and so the land the land uh landlord or the owner uh asked them to if they wanted to move in some of them moved in other ones uh seek their own uh their own uh lodging okay and the Red Cross because they only the Red Cross only was able to do lodging for building e which was the building where the foundation wall fell in because the other three buildings were still okay uh and actually the people were still back in living with them in there and uh they have uh they have you know they have somewhat heat right now and they have they have electricity so it's it's almost back to normal for those three buildings but the other building uh some of them moved in to the vacant units on Rock Road some of them moved in with family do you know how many do we have an idea how many families were displaced by this like don't have a place to go I do not but I know everybody according to the Red Cross everybody was taken care of that was from Building E okay there was a local church that asked me what to do because they wanted to help and I told them to contact your office I don't know if they did I didn't I didn't get any message from from any any uh Church let's face it it's probably one of the most horrible thing you can go through is you know losing your home you know for whatever be temporary or permanent reasons um I don't I think it would be sad if we forgot about these people and not at least we didn't forget about him because I actually talked to them today I talked to two ladies today who called good good not not from building e but from another building where she was just inquiring she wasn't complaining just inquiring about the heat Michael as far as the residents um their what they have available to them because now they've been displaced by something that you know was done by the homeowner uh or the property owner do we have any you know any help for them to suggestions that they can pursue well there's nothing for us on our end no I I understand not for the borrowers end but I'm I'm looking at more of a legal aspect um again I I don't want to give them advice I can only say that there's probably some considerable liability on the part of the property owner for not maintaining the property so as a result they may have claims there they may have claims with their own insurance carriers for personal property if they had any personal property loss okay a lot of rental or homeowner insurance have displacement coverage I know I do okay okay thank you does anyone else have questions yes Joseph uh the recycling center was closed multiple days multiple hours the past two weeks either for the weather for holidays um was there ever a consideration of opening on Sundays to allow for the days and hours that we close during the flooded area and then during to the snow emergencies at this point Joe I don't think there was okay in the future could we possibly consider opening on days when we have to close it due to nature or or holidays we can look into that yes I know last year I did request that we no longer close on Sundays due to the you know close one day during the week as opposed to closing when people are normally off Saturdays and Sundays or pick the slowest day we have and close that day they they're busy every day all day long I mean the you know there's Vehicles come come in and you know unload Lo their stuff and leave and more Vehicles come in and you know it's it's a little bit slower now because of the winter months but uh during this the vehicles are still coming in I my point is and I'm I'm trying to hammer at home is that if I do work on my house or my yard on Saturday great example is not this past Saturday the Saturday before I did and if I didn't make it before they closed the recycling center on Saturday I'd have have to wait until the whole next Saturday before I could drop off my yard waste because we don't pick it up Monday or my Monday and then we don't have a place to to go to it it just stinks for those who work a a 9 to five Monday through Friday job okay good point we'll we'll we'll keep it on on on the radar thank you anyone else anything else mayor that's all I have Mr President can I have a motion to record the administrative AG agenda so Move Motion by wki second second second by leosa all in favor motion carries introduction of ordinances we have zoning ordinance 2336 d24 an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 540 zoning ordinance of the burre of for Thorne Pake County New Jersey so as to create thereunder new article 25 scav Redevelopment Zone be resolved this ordinance has now passed the first reading and said ordinance be further considered final passage at the meeting of the governing body in the municipal building 445 Lafayette Avenue horor New Jersey on March 20th 2024 and at said time and place all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same and the clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish a said ordinance in the record once at least one week prior to said hearing with its notice of its introduction and time and place when and where said ordinance would be considered for final passage can I have a motion Move Motion by with techi second by skier have a recall of the recall of the Roll Call what yes what te sorry skara yes again Mee yes leosa yes Bennett yes Matthews yes motion carries ordinance 23 37-24 an ordinance to further amend and supplement chapter 505 of the code of the borough for Thorne vehicles and traffic Article 2 traffic regulations Section so as to amend the speed limit for Grand View Avenue and North wung Avenue be resolve this ordinance has now passed first reading in said ordinance be further considered for final passage at a meeting of the governing body in the municipal building 445 Lafayette Avenue horor New Jersey on March 6th 2024 and at said time and place all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning the same and the clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the ordinance in the record at least one week prior to said hearing with the notice of it introduction and time in place when and where said ordinance would be considered for final passage c a motion so move second motion by skiera second by mey any discussion roll call Bennett yes leosa yes mey yes skara yeski yes Matthews yes motion carries resolutions we have cassette agenda R 41-24 through r 47-24 r 41-2 24 is a refund of a tax overpayment R 42-24 is a temporary budget R 43-24 is authorized application for the 2024 cdbg Grant R 44-24 is a settle tax appeal for Van djk R 45-24 is a special approve of special assessments for the 2020 Road program R 46-24 is a bosal Engineering Services for the kitty pool inspections R 47-24 is bosal services for the rav and gel Road feasibility study have a motion motion motion by leosa second second second by skira just just a question for the for the uh um approving the assessments there is a question about the one resident that was here tonight that uh um that we may yet resolve I mean should there be some kind of language in there a pending further investigation pending for that particular address which was 50 uh 50 Arlington right you you just did so yes subject to what what Eric just so uh Artic uh explained then yes we we we may reconsider that property at the administrative level okay motion roll call wki yes skara yes M I'm voting no on 4724 yes and everything else okay thank you leosa yes Bennett yes Matthews yes motion carries off consent R 48-24 is budget transfers Kev a motion motion by with techi second second by mey any discussion roll call Bennett yes leosa yes M yes skara yes Wy yes Matthews yes motion carries reports to special Council committees Dominic will start your way finance committee is starting to meet we going over the budget we have a meeting on the 26th Frank 445 yep okay you going remember this time what's that you going to remember this I will I will and uh there's progress Miss bance is meeting on the 28th of February and we're going over our budget also the dinner meeting is on the dinner and show they did every year Miss Alliance is every year is April 24th and I don't know the play so we don't know we don't know that yet M Mia Mama Mia it's Mama Mia okay late breaking news by councilman leosa wow thank you R it's my daughter's favorite movie oh is she in it no we did encourage her to go out or maybe do crew in the answer is no okay but it is still breaking news that's why Frank Bruce I can't talk that no Michael uh let's see the next sport of Education meeting will be on March 19th at 7:00 p.m. at the board office that concludes my report um just reing the um that there are four garden beds available at the community garden so get the applications in Monday March 4th to the burrow and we'll be doing the auction on March 14th thank you Joe next sh Tre meeting is March 5th that is all uh planning board met last night there's two applications for site plan review um one for tenant review the site plan review applications were for a Doggy Daycare SL boarding company on Valley Valley Street and the other was for a solar canopy at the Chase Bank on Lafayette AV you do the board had concerns about noise and the disturbance to the neighbors along Valley uh Street uh the Doggy Daycare was approved with conditions that were imposed regarding any sound proofing if it's an issue kind of like what we usually do for um they want to put oh no I'm talking about the Doggy Daycare at the moment yeah there's no dogs going up on top of the solar panel uh but the Chase Bank was an no-brainer they didn't lose any parking spaces it's it's barely they made it 12 foot so the fire truck could get under it just in case that's what helped push it up and with this slight angle that's why it's above the uh accessory Building height um it looks good yeah and they're also going to replace the dead cherry tree that's been dead for 20 years yeah um Chamber of Commerce they'd like to remind members that their dues for the renewals were mailed out and they look forward to a great year and growing the chamber even further that's all I have to report bills c a motion to approve the bills and forward them to the treasurer for payment so move second motion by meley second by skiier any discussion roll call wki abstain on the fire department yes on all others skara yes Mee yes leosa yes Bennett yes Matthews no on pack 2's Bill yes on everything else okay thank you motion carries public comment now open the meeting to the public if anyone desires to be heard please raise your hand come forward to the microphone state your name she just likes to visit us okay she doesn't want to go you're up I bring your visual aids Ronald vogle 16 Horizon Terrace horor New Jersey this is in reference to a permit that was given to my neighbor I have a USB I wish is you all to look at it and you can decip what went wrong here and then we can elaborate on it and try to resolve this problem do can you give it a USB sure get it I give it to the Clark would you like to okay sure just tell a thousand words policy says we can't do exporting uh USB to our cyber security polic yeah no it's in- housee that's not ours that's not ours this was done by a private guy I understand I understand what you're saying there's only two of them made I have what an extra one no I hear you but anything that is on your computer you can it's not on my computer well somebody's computer yeah not on my phone and my phone is here well doesn't make any difference It came it came from somebody else never mind Lor never mind Laur I'll show you I got it on the phone what about that picture right there that's before and after this before the construction of the uh retaining wall Ron on that picture could you let me see that picture again yeah do you mind us looking at it where would the retaining wall be in the before picture say it again where would the retaining wall I I was at your property so I retaining wall would be behind these trees see all the grass okay so I want to know how I'm looking at it 45 Dee angle there this guy put a 90 Dee angle up without an engineering permit is it taller than 4 foot above the it's over 4 foot it's 4 foot five Ines okay okay if it's one inch over it's illegal but the another thing is he brought a T truck full of dirt never inspect it there's nothing on to permit or nothing a matter of fact there's no code officials name on that permit would you like to see that okay see the picture he'd like to see the deer this is for to fill out where the they don't where's his name no name if you look at that you'll see that there's been some maneuvering to circumvent the construction permit versus the Landscaping permit which would have had the engineer okay the uh the plans if you look at the plans like you can go to maybe to seventh grade and have somebody draw at what what I'm concerned what I'm concerned about is just like you discussed about that building disappearing if this continues I'm going to be living in a tent is this the wall behind you is this what that's the wall behind me and that's what it did that's one piece of the property if you want to get more detail I'll show you my phone I could actually show you the water running over it it's I'm I'm so and I'm watching my wife buying a chair so I couldn't address it vigorously because I didn't want to upset her and when I the code official was talking to Peter he asked him are you going to sign off on this Peter says no I'm not signing off on this I got no plans he should have shut the job down that right then and there we should have said all right stop the job am I right if somebody the your house and they were doing construction work they were doing it legally and he shows up and he says hey that's illegal he's going to tell him to shut the job down that's it 16th well this is a zoning permit not a building permit yeah well that's what I so you should have gotten a building permit as well here's what I did I said I said give me all the paperwork for this job so maybe somebody Shuff the car you know if you don't see that permit there then this is what I got from them I'll show you I do have other documentation that tells you the codes that they broke and I could retrieve them because they were in another place and I'm going to address that how long ago was this wall bill because I saw because I remember talking to you in administra myen for Mr Goldberg but he me when I went to him he would take care of this the following day I received the calliss go by I need to talk to you I go down I have to pertaining to the the situation that's at hand Mr best comes in this is civil that's all I heard from him so being an educated guy my family's in law enforcement in the court system and everything I shut my mouth okay you remember that don't you sir so you know I mean how does he do his homework if I do my homework and I can show you four codes this guy broke to me he didn't show his diligence and try to figure it out if it's civil or something else was a permit issued zoning permit was issued well he needs a building permit there was a construction permit issu there there was no permit no building permit that I saw I'm sorry there was no building permit that I saw that I have in my file or or I saw okay so how did we I think it was a landscaping permit that was issued for the wall but you need a building permit for anything over four foot tall I mean it's preu um so you're just coming in uh late you know I mean I I was up with Ron numerous times remember Mr bber introducing me to you he broke a that night I don't know why but when I when I told him what I was going to do he said oh let me introduce you to the new okay let me take this shovel coold and thr it over my shoulder okay I am a PO to watch this town facilitate this and not do nothing about it when in fact I can prove Beyond shadow of the doubt I got not only documentation but on his phone every day I would take pictures I showed you when I voted and what was your first words that came out of your mouth need to permit over oh my God is that you said I don't remember but I remember I remember talking to you you I have a memory that is like a a computer and we talked about and you gave me your number and I had to called you I've been doing my due diligence because when I start the Anvil I wanted hot so you tell me you want to see the pictures well I know we talked about you're you're getting flooding all not disrespect these things are not they haven't been doctored they haven't been aled no he's talking about for viruses and thought C like say you came in with something that had a virus on it that's that's what he's talking about has never compromised I don't use it for banking I don't use it for research I have an iPad that thing is sterile in a operating the the policy there because we can't you can State anything but we can't verify that and so our policy is not because we don't trust you or your device it's because it's it's a general policy that you can't come in and plug things in to our computer because because we don't know where it's been and and if you have a a USB I mean could I just could I just kind of streamline this a little bit is there a way we can share with Mr vulgo how he could get that information to us in a secure way yeah he would have to send I'll give you my phone no no no no no just hold on a second emails that will be scrubbed by our server that way we can't scrub okay so do that right now email it to us email it to us we'll we'll have it in a secure way we'll see the pictures the videos go down to five days AG go I am so up here with this I watch my Wii my my house is going to disappear just like that big building you know what what it does when it's between Hard Rock and and dirt it washes it out I got pictures of it on Route 208 I called my friends that I worked with in the county well I worked for the state I said come and verify this with me because there was a fatality two years ago there there was ice on the road because of water runoff a matter of fact I even addressed the mayor I brought him up there when it's was raining and you saw the amount of water that came off of Grand View you could put a boat and I said to you they're open in the road why not put two storm DRS allate the water okay all right Mr vogle just to get you back to where we need to be um we know a way you could send us the pictures I'm going to ask Administration could we at least assure that everything that was supposed to be done properly for this issue has been done and if it hasn't could could we at least share and talk to Mr everything that I did for Mr vogle with getting paperwork from his neighbor of all the all the all the paperwork that he's gotten from his neighbors his neighbor also had a licensed engineer give I've engine was that name number the phone well can I M Mr B could you could you step back to the mic so so we can hear so is being recorded so we want to make sure we have all the information there there's there's I I'll show you my file I have everything documented down I'm sure you do mayor the question I have is that there might be a concern about a building to permit necess if there's no building to permit that wall needs to come down there's or or apply for one I have no building per I in my files I have no building permit I have a zoning permit that was all because I believe I'd have to go back because I haven't looked at that file in a long time that the uh application was for four four feet not to be any higher than four feet well the the sketch that they provided says six foot it's 4 foot five in and then he put a six foot fence on top of that which is illegal too and it's the wrong application for that type of War I had a contractor that does that all his life and he told me he said looked at the W he said I can't believe they did this well the walls also failing already yeah it's to fail already my house is failing too I okay I have I have a letter from an engineer that that the his neighbor got that said everything is everything was done properly I mean well it's meaningless if it didn't go through the building departmentalized and we also have wasn't my responsibility to take I wasn't even here at the time I'm not saying you did that's right don't misunderstand that we're not saying it's not pointing the finger at you I'm just saying that we also have ordinances in the state as storm water management ordinances that say you can't direct your water on to somebody else's property didn't have a flooding problem until this wall was put up no problem whatsoever my house had Park like property and my house with the million dollars I can't get 500,000 if you showed up to BU my house you'll first words out of your mouth what's all this mud from we also have dirt imported uh requirements with our department too the truck full of dirt and if you look closely I got a picture they put Boulders in there that would create voids and he knows what a void is when you put voids retaining wall like something like that it makes the water go well they're doing that to protect their wall and let their water go through I get that but it's coming to you not Boulders Stones gravel gravel and Boulder the first time I went to when Ron called me everything was done I mean it was pour and raining that day and even Scott Goodman came with me uh because he was in horth and I called him and I says come on with me he met me up there we we looked at the neighbor's uh driveway there was where his driveway is there was there was no no reveal on the curb the drop curb there was really no reveal so what I asked them to do was make it a two-inch reveal like you would and they did that I believe they did that yes they did when you Mr real good when they did the road I'm sorry when they did the road they put the curb in uh and the backyard was muddy I mean it was pouring that day but it it all the work was done done it was it wasn't uh there wasn't work to still be done it was all completed so how did they get an approval and a CO on I don't I don't disagree saw well no the drawing that was submitted at six foot that uh yes at that time it was raining the following two weeks it rained again I could document it with my phone with the dates same problem three months later rain tame Moon same thing rain came every day every time it rains my R my my property goes right down the street I mean you could put a boat I guarantee you on one top of my property it make it to 208 without hitting a bump if you want me to show you that picture I'll show it to you no we're good I we we have the gist of the issue I just don't know what to do about it is what to do about it I would suggest that you go to the building department and find out who touched all of this stuff and then you go to this engineer here and say to him was this the correct commit that you gave this guy now I'm not saying the contractor finagled or schemed but he also subed that job out I told the contract delivered across the street from mayor uh Goldberg and this guy's kids played with that guy so to me where I was brought up and I know to law some of it that looks a little strange to me this is a little circle this guy gets taken care of nothing happens to him everything's happening to me I'm addressing this with use I have it in another another Arena which I'm going to be taking care of but because I I can't sue the town unless I can prove negligence and if I brought this to the DCA they would see that there is definitely negligence well DCA is going to ask where's the building per yeah well I know just saying you know I listen I don't want to hurt nobody he's got three kids I'm a kid guy first of all he lied to me me he said I want to bring the wall up he wants to put a wall to put a swimming pool for his kids four years there's no water no swimming pool but water no swimming pool but water I feel sorry for the guy but he blantantly disrespect me never came to look when I told him hey look what you're thinking this doing nothing so now he's gonna pay my price too okay well obviously like so it's I'm a taxpayer I expect you guys to try to be diligent and find out what's going going on with this what goes on behind closed doors they'll come open when you open the sun that's way I look at it I don't think there's anything going on with with the with the closed doors or not apparently apparently somebody did something for somebody apparently I'm using that word lightly too because how do you not get an engineer when you take a 45 ATT 290 is that a big deal in the engineering world what do you mean the circumstance the circumstance is 45 angle and a 90 Dee if I didn't give you a permit to change that what would you say to me well if you only Built a three- foot high wall you wouldn't need to permit the only thing that's really applicable is that it's more than 4 foot and should have been certified L if you layer it yes um and there should have been uh like mayor said a landscaping permit or something and now the list you have for the print out of permits that were issued there it does say Landscaping wall on your list I think you got it from the Oprah request that's what I that's what I wanted that's what they gave me that engine here I engine no no it says Oprah request here the w20 d132 says 8320 retaining wall well I don't know how it's on this list if if there's no permit for it and not that I want to throw more firewood on this fire but when I first moved there he had a fortune to closed it in without a commit listen I don't want to hurt nobody but when it comes when it affected me now I got to think but I got to look my wife's looking down at me now thank you Bonnie because that's what she wanted she wanted a peaceful neighborhood I watch out for his house matter of fact his wife came knocking on my door the other day it was a guy parked other corner I Poli my neighborhood because I come from patteron I watch out she came knocked on the door said you know what's going on I said yes I did I tossed them I said he's selling solar Windows you got nothing to worry about and I went about my business I didn't get into confrontation with you know convert so I just said okay Jennifer do your thing I don't have an answer for you tonight on what can be done but how long is it going to take right now my generator that was Plum is like this you think the dirt's going from underneath that right let's get let's get the show going well this and I'll have to talk to our attorney it's it's not really something that we'd get involved in but we will send that email to you okay then you can all have a good look fair enough all right thank you if you need any more documentation I have to retrieve it from another entity so okay just let me know and I got you can see it's in the computer all your codes all your state codes all your Municipal codes or your all of them have been jug fair enough this is what I want very simple show us the after and this I don't want how do you like that it's not a good thing right if I did this to your property would you i' probably sue you Civ right well that's that's going on in another another Arena but I got to watch myself because I'm thetical no you don't have to infer that that that's where you're going a little no you're going a little over the board on that one there I'm trying to advocate for you here and then you're you're throwing shade on us leg she didn't want to get up oh not the daughter the older lady the older one that turned me off real quick my name again your flash drive flash dve I got in my pocket all run thank you trying to put my NE you're good thank you thank you do anyone else wish beard okay have a motion to close the public portion of meeting motion by me second by skar all in favor the next council meeting is Wednesday March 6 2024 can I have a motion to adjourn so Move Motion by wki second second by skier all in favor I motion carries we adjourned was my for hours exus me