e e e e e e e e e e e e we're good okay meeting is called to order the time is 7:00 public portion of the meeting begins the New Jersey open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the rights of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend meetings in public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provision of this act the business administrator board secretary has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time in place thereof posted on the bulletin board of the M Municipal Building communicated to The Herald News the record and filed with the clerk of the buau of Hawthorne roll Mr cor here Mr qu here Mr Doyle present M Aaron trout here Mr M Coulson here Mr Poo is absent Mr short is absent Mr Taro present Mrs do here please stand and join me for the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for one nation under God IND with and justice for all meeting regulations during each regular meeting two opportunities are provided for citizens to ask questions and to make comments during the first opportunity early on the agenda the meeting is open to the public for the purpose of addressing items listed for approval on this agenda only the second opportunity occurs just prior to adjournment when citizens may ask qu may may address any subject matter that pertinent to and or directly related to the operation of the school district persons wishing to speak must upon being recognized rise State their name address and subject matter comments and questions shall be addressed to the board president or presiding officer and should be limited to 5 minutes per person the board may or may not respond to issues raised by members of the public at the time they are raised but will provide a response if and when appropriate the board ask that members of the public be courteous and mindful of the rights of other individuals in speaking please note that the board will not respond to comments regarding students or or board employees in light of the Privacy rights held by those individuals moreover the board discourages comments about this individuals and will not be responsible for such comments members of the public who choose to speak during the public session should carefully consider their comments since they could be held personally liable for any statements they make finally please note that in accordance with District policy the board will not officially comment or respond to any matter mentioned unless can confirm the matter has first been brought to the attention of the appropriate School Personnel in an attempt to resolve the issue publicly heard agenda items only no one has approached so approval minutes June 11th 2024 regular meeting public and private motion second second motion by Mr Carr seconded by Miss Aaron trout any discussion roll call please Mr car yes Mr Cy yes Mr Doyle yes Miss Aaron trout yes m m Colton yes Mr Taro yes Mrs G yes correspondence Dr corespond okay Dr spr your report okay thank you all right so a few things to share and I'd like to start uh with a little special recognition tonight um so I'm want to start just by uh recognizing Mr Mr Bruce rer is here with us tonight pleased to be able to talk about our former Board of Education member Mr rer uh Bruce served on the board of education for over 10 years uh actually served on the on the board that hired me 10 years ago um but during that time Bruce was an active member of our curriculum instruction committee uh as well as other committees uh before of the curriculum instruction committee he was a stor supporter of our of Technology integration throughout the district uh Bruce played a significant role in the implementation of our one to1 initiative which was implemented after our referendum back in 2019 um and Bruce like I said was a big part of that Bruce is also an advocate for our Middle School drama performance which we brought back thanks to Bruce's efforts uh and of course many other curricular and program initiatives so tonight we just like to take a moment to recognize Bruce for his service to this and present him with this certificate which was shared by the New Jersey school boards Association which is called the Milestone award and it is in gratitude of 10 years of dedication to the children of both Thor for County and the state of New Jersey and I'll just just end by saying Bruce that we appreciate your many years of service obviously you brought out a large crowd tonight so we glad to see that but want want to thank you for your many years of service to the board and the students and families of four Thorne congratulations on on completing 10 years and uh we miss you up here I'll say that all right congratulations [Applause] thank you everybody thanks for congratulations okay in terms of uh my other items that I'm going to discuss tonight just referendum update um as the board is aware we are uh in the process of completing our final referendum project from our 2019 referendum um right now it's words of work going on at the high school some asbest removal which is the final fin project of this 2019 referendum uh they are anticipated to be completed uh at the end of July uh and then we'll uh be moving our staff back into the building um but that that will be it that will culminate our you know many years of of hard work and a lot of positive uh additions to our school district um I want to update everybody on the on the booster club brick sale as you know uh we started that entryway thanks to the booster club and their efforts uh and I'm just recognize Chris Warner was a integral part of that as well uh but we've we've installed our first round of bricks and we just ordered we just received I should say approximately another 70 new bricks that are engraved and will be installed in the coming weeks we're waiting for the landscaper to uh get back to us so we can install those new bricks but that will be an ongoing fundraiser for our booster club so there are plenty of spaces there for additional bricks if anyone's interested uh we have information on our website if you want to just call the board office we can get you the flyer as well if you're interested uh in purchasing an engrave brick for that athletic entryway all right um I want to remind everyone that we have moved away from the www.or thor. k12.us and we're now using www. foror schools.org so just remember that our new website is located there as well as our our email addresses uh are are using foror [Music] schools.org uh the uh last item I before we get to our presentation is just I want to remind the board that we're preparing to make the move through our new board office across the street our goal is to transition in mid August uh when we do make the move there may be a day or two when our Ser when our service is down because of fiber from this building to that building we have to wait for when we move for then to terminate the fiber here and connect it there so there may be a day or two where we're offline but we'll keep everybody apprised of that transition and any possible downtime that we may have okay and finally and I'm going to ask Dr trabon to join me in this presentation so just before we get to Dr tron's presentation I just want to share that qac which is the quality single accountability Continuum is something that's conducted in all school districts uh throughout the state every three years and they evaluate five key areas instruction and program fiscal management governance operations um and personnel and districts uh have to earn a score of 8 % or better to meet the requirement of cusac it's a very lengthy process uh that required I can tell you that we were required to submit over 700 documents uh that were you know have been done or completed over the last three years the process began in the fall sometime around late October early November um it continued into the new year and in February they conducted the County Office of Education conducted an in-person review um and on June 27th we received our scores in each of the areas so I'll just quickly share that in fiscal management we received a score of 94 in governance we received a score of 94 in operations weuse received a score of 92 and in Personnel we received a score of 100 meaning that we met all of the dprs uh listed in Personnel instruction of program we received a score of 79 and this is where I'm going to ask Dr trabona to give him some more specifics and her and I will kind of explain the the the background behind that score where we go from here all right so Dr jbon if you wouldn't mind jumping in and then like I said you and I will good evening everybody um so as Dr Spiro said these are our scores um the biggest area to note is that in order to meet the State statue you need to achieve an 80% in each of these areas so as you can see we are one percentage point away from that in our instruction and programming so we felt the need to kind of go into a little more detail to explain where these numbers came from um there we go uh as you can see in is uh comprised of 100 quality points of those points they're divided into 16 different areas one through seven adds up to 60 points and that is controlled um based on student test scor student growth absenteeism um graduation rate things that are beyond our control they're all controlled by the students uh 8 through 16 are our curriculum and instruction our performance reporting our tiered system of support meaning our intervention and Reserve uh referral services and how we support struggling students um as you can see in the areas that we control 8 through 16 we scored all possible points in each area um we scored six out of six in performance reporting our curriculum um for all subject areas scored a perfect score so we earned 28 out of 28 points and our tier system of support the review of our intervention systems that were done for our students K through 12 scored six out of six points um we scored 39 out of a possible 60 points in the student controlled section so we were one point short since we had our 40 points in our controllable area we needed a minimum of 40 points to get that 80 so I want to go a little deeper just to show you where that score what I do not sure oh there we go um to go where that is so within this each of these seven indicators are listed down obviously there's Ela performance what that does is it takes our data of our 2022 2023 testing data that was released to the state the njsla data um and it gives us a proficiency rating our proficiency rating was a 50.2 based on that we had 50% Proficiency in ela um we were slightly below the state average of a 51.3 so yes we have areas to grow um but it's as you can see from this it's not only a Hawthorn problem it's a state problem so we're we're trending slightly below the state but we're on par with the state being that we were at a 50% proficiency rate our quality points were 50% of the points awarded therefore we only were awarded 3.8 of the possible 7.5 points in that category um math for efficiency which has been um an issue that we've been working on we're trending forward with is still slightly below the state at a 30% um where the state's only at a 30 uh 37% proficiency rate so again we're slightly below we have work to do but I the Board needs to know that it's not only a Hawthorn problem it's the state only has a 37% passing rate or proficiency rate um in math science performance the science test is given in grades 5 8 and 11 um three times once in elementary once in Middle once in High School the state proficiency or state passing rate is 24.9 hawthor was only a 9.4 that really hurt us out of the Five Points we only scored a half a point um but what we're trying to advocate for in my um committees on the curriculum level is that if there's only 24% of the state passing this test or only 30% of the state passing a math test there only 50% of the state passing an English test there has to be something with the test and not only the student that are there that is the area that really hurt us to achieve towards those 60 points in growth we were 66% so we are continuing to show growth in Hawthorne from post pandemic 2122 22 23 and 2021 our growth is increasing we're making those gains they're little gains but we're going in the right direction um and that earned us 9.9 out of 15 points more 66% of the points our graduation rate again 89.4 so so and what people don't understand does not mean that 11% of our people did not graduate in a senior class graduation rate has a four-year cohort and a 5year cohort so special education students were required to educate until they're 21 so if they don't graduate by the time if they don't graduate within five years from their program which our be crve program gives them an additional four years they are held against us in a graduation rate um that's just the way the numbers work and we would never graduate our children out if they're not prepared to be there we would never want to not have them go to the Barcade which is a great program just to get our graduation rate to the 100% um and our school quality rate was well above the um State 87% versus in 83 and that's basically chronic absenteeism we that's not an area or an issue that we deal with in Hawthorne um and we scored 8.7 out of 10 points um so yes we ended up at a 38.6 in our total quality points for that rounded to a 39 we were one point shy what I think it's very important for the board to hear um we have we have work to do and I stand up here multiple times a year and I tell you and I and I share with you where we're going and the progress we're making and it's slow progress and we took a step back like everybody else after the pandemic but what we're advocating for is that if the state were scored based on their scores they also would not pass Tac and I think that's something that needs to be heard publicly is that we're getting great on a scale you go back to um a classroom or a college if your highest percentage or your average is a 50 that's where you build in your curve that's where you do it so you have a bell curve so that you have your two extremes this is not a typical bell curve and the state also would have failed the inp section and not achieved an 80% with the sores that I presented here and I can just if I could jump me interrupt but I can tell you that the state uh just this week there's there's a proposal on the floor to revise the guidelines for inp for for qack going forward so there's a proposal from the commissioner of Education to make changes to how they're scoring it so obviously they're recognizing that there's an issue I can also share that they did a a random survey of school districts or RAC throughout the state and 67 school districts participated in that survey us being one of them 51 of 67 failed in due to test score so 7 6% of the districts that participated in this survey didn't pass imp because of test scor so again it's not just a hor problem I don't want that to come across like it's an excuse we I agree with Dr jabona we're always looking to make improvements we there's there's work we have to do here as well I agree but I just want to be clear that this is not specific to us this is a Statewide issue and it's something that again the fact that the commissioner is putting out new proposed guidelines for the future of qac tells us that they're recognizing that there's issue as well so so anyway we're we'll continue to address this and and and uh obviously the next step for us is we have to create What's called the District Improvement plan which we will work on over the next month we'll actually be presenting it to the board for approval in August and that will then be submitted to the county for their approval and that's kind of the process that we have to go through um all right so um you know that's kind of where we are we just wanted to share the results that the information uh the actual letter from the Department of Ed is on our website we posted that letter with the actual scores and the information um so it is available to the public uh but again we just wanted everybody to be aware of where we are I just want to also add something to the back off of Dr spro and drona that we're four years out from the P pandemic and they waved qack for a few completely they reinstituted qack last year but continued to wave test scores so we were in the inaugural group of people Q act that had to submit test scores and I don't think they were anticipating it looking like this because now it looks bad for them I don't think they have the manpower to monitor this many action plans I'm going to be honest with you which is why I think they're thinking uhoh we should have redone our rubric which they did not do anyone who sat up here with me knows how I feel about standardized testing I do it for I believe in data but as Dr jabona is saying you have to listen to what the data is telling you we've done start strong since the pandemic started which is that test that we give at the beginning of the year to see where our students are but they never use it to adjust the testing so I don't know I just don't get it I mean what are they taking the data for if they're not to listen to it it's it's truly infuriating any I just wanted it to be known this is the first year they view the test scor and I know I don't think they were anticipating that this would be the result but on a positive note and I'd like to end on a positive note I want to just go back to the fact that you know not only in this area but if you look at the other areas that we were scored and the things that we that you know we control within the district things that we've done the work that we've done whether it be the area of curriculum which Dr Jor pointed out our tiered system of supports as well as our financial area uh Miss Murray's work that she's done our governance our operations our Personnel all of those different areas you know we scored very high and I'm proud of that and will continue to work to address this this area and if but I can add one thing and going back to what Miss go said and in the area of personnel that encompasses your teacher observation the feedback teacher practice teacher s and msgp scores which teachers are teachers are working on their internal data assessing their students monitoring teaching and revising we scored 100% in that area so we are making strides in the right direction um and I just think people don't realize they think of personnel is more as like if you want in your like n card that was more of personnel on like teacher practice and um feedback and reflection it's also important to knowe that we have a large elll or English language learner population and we have a large special ed population and while I look at those things as attributes and something that may hawor wonderful and who we are unfortunately this test does not reflect that because they have to sit for this test it is not given in their native language it's given in English it is not modified to accommodate them for their special needs so I think that some of the things that we think of as uniquely hawor that the fabric of who we are and we love that we have the population that we do when you look at these numbers it's startling but when you the data and look at the different populations it it gives you a clearer picture however I just think that it's really unfortunate that this is this is the number that gets printed and this is who we become on Niche and and on you know Zillow and and all of that well it goes back to to even with Dr shared about about our graduation rate I mean we're I couldn't be more proud of that barricade program a% our students that are there till 21 years old that the the gains that they make in that program are phenomenal the fact that they're in our community getting to know our community getting to know people within our community that that to me is one of the highlights of our district and in it case counts against us in our graduation rate which we have so many wonderful programs like that that other districts don't like our ER program and all of the levels of lld and the and the steps and the arch I mean other towns are sending their students here because they don't have them those students you know unfortunately have to sit for a standardized Norm test that they're not prepared to take um that's infuriating to me but you know I say the same things every year it it's just it's upsetting but if we have to take the L on the graduation rate every year to educate the their cave we will and we will make that clear and the people that listen and know you know they know what that really that number means I mean we'll have we'll have two students from like you said from out of District who are coming to our barricade next year that are coming here they don't they go to the sending District yeah sending coming to that program because it's you know so I I'm fine with they want to knock us at our graduation a little bit so be it I stand by that program no I wish everybody knew all of the things and that was my reasoning for or Dr and I really felt that you needed a little more of the detail to understand like where the breakdown comes from and how this scaring is done um and it's going to be ironic because my next presentation because I have two tonight um Tamer can we switch thank you I just ask quick question I apologize but going back for one second I think this got kind of answered it for me but specific to the metrics regarding the science is that just cuz that one's a little bit more uniquely lower lower right what what would you say is the defining components to that one as a former science teacher this test has been in place since 2004 and has never been a graduation requirement so my I was a science teacher science supervisor principal before I came into this role seven years ago and as a former science teacher science was always put to the side um being that it's a federal uh it's a state mandate that they have to take a test in science there is no mandate that they have to pass a test in science so children sit and they know what they need to graduate they don't and they know that science is not one of the boxes and I honestly feel that children are just feel as over test as we feel they are and they don't take the test seriously these are self they're self-driven you're just clicking through correct a digitized test so if you if you want to just click click click click click click click and buy that science one and that science one is the last one so they the last do three sets of ela three sets of math and then four sets of science all within a month um and by the time they get to and and again we put science at the end because it doesn't count like it's not going to make a kid not walk and graduate um and I honestly feel that they really all know that they they know yeah they know like oh know and they that science test it used to be a biology test then it was an end of course test then it was an HSC science they keep changing it and it's only because New Jersey or federal has a science test requirement but there is no science test passing like there is for njsla and NJ GPA which is what I'm going to now than and they know it's not a graduation requirement but but they also don't know the implications of what that does to and you talk to any 11th grader they're going to be like oh okay yeah right and and I'm not saying we do it here but I'm in another District we have other teachers and other districts up here there is a certain level of test prep that goes into this there are there are you know you can take a standardized test prep I don't know how much a classroom teacher as a former classroom teacher I always put more emphasis on that than the LA I mean that that's what I always focused on the problem with science is science is so individualize you especially if you take the 11th graders they've taken physics chemistry biology and then they're taking a generalized science test so where do you even begin to take three years of information and narrow it down right um where at least in algebra you're taking an algebra test or in English you're reading and you're writing so it doesn't matter the the book you're reading about or what you're writing about right it's very difficult to to just throw a dart at a dartboard and guess what's going to be on there the prep piece thank you question so ironically about three years ago New Jersey shifted again I used to have a certain amount of you needed to pass Algebra 1 and geometry in ninth grade and 10th grade and you had to pass English n and English 10 and what they were noticing preo was that they were missing The Mark with kids meeting the testing requirement to graduate so in 2021 they released an 11th grade test called NJ GPA which is New Jersey um graduation proficiency assessment um basically this is only given this is going back to the old model back in the um early 2000s through about 2012 where you had the HSPA on the high School uh proficiency assessment and um it's given to 11th grade students in March of their junior year they the math portion is based on algebra and geometry which are given most typically eth and nth grade or nth and 10th grade on nth and 10th grade English so it's really skill-based and um they have to have a certain score which initially was 750 after the first giving of that test the state came down and they lowered the bar to 725 realizing that they didn't have enough people passing um but what the state still has is they have the allart menu and basically what the allart menu is is if you don't pass this test junior year if you're deemed which I'll give you some data as non-g graduation ready you're supposed to sit for this again but there's other menu items like I like to say at the alart menu where you can pick and choose that you met requirements through other things such as PSATs sat at acup um asab asab yes uh so there's other ways that we can have our students meet these requirements so I'm going to give you data of specifically this test administered to our Rising seniors the data with that the number of students that are not graduation ready is less than the number that mirror on the test and I'll explain that in a minute so this is this year's Rising senior 2025 of 2025 so they take it in March we get the results in June and we have until August to present that data to you and is this the first year that this is counting or did this count last year this counted last year okay but that last year was the first year that it counted yeah so the first year it was administered was three years ago this is the third Administration then at that one it was a pilot test the 750 was too high last year they came back they made it a requirement um but lower lowered it to a 725 but still had has the other menu options so the other menu options are still through the current class of 2026 so we still have two more years and we'll have to see what they do for the class of 27 and Beyond so with this we have it in two areas we have graduation ready and graduation not ready so what I always do is I like to compare Hawthorne to the state so in the top bar Ela um we were 90% graduation ready the state was only at 82% graduation ready out of our junior class so we only had 10% of our students of that took that test that were deemed non- graduation ready of those 10 Stu uh 10% we are down to less than 5% that need to find out something because 5% of those students were able to use the allart menu and meet their graduation requirement for math we're a little lower but this is on trend for us again with and I'll I'll speak to this in a minute we were 48% graduation ready um 52% not ready but as you could see this is a little more targeted to where we should be at in that 50% rage not the 30% range which was the aggregate of our 3 through 9 data which is kind of this is a very targeted test where it's telling you exactly what skills are going to be on it that they align it much more to be able to dig down into the data to figure out where our deficiencies are so we can change our instruction and programming um of the math people we were able to eliminate about 10% of that 48% so we still do have a large chunk that we have to work with throughout their senior year and I'll speak to how we're going to do that in a minute um what you can see is here's our subgroups so for ELA on the left our subgroups are pretty comparable female to male um Hispanic Latino uh Asian black white or two or more races there's not that much discrepancy yes our Hispanic and Latino is slightly lower but again when you compare to the state it was noted in the state report of this that the Hispanic and Latino population um was underperformed in comparison to every other subgroup so again this is an area that is not only a hawthor problem so we're going to have to look into that these are people that passed or these are people that these are our passing rates passing but as you can see our passing rate when you disaggregate the data and look for subgroup is lower in our Hispanic Latino population than it is our white black and other um subgroups are economically disadvantaged again it's not that far out of the norm um IEP students that's where wec our did and again as Miss goof said what happens with our IEP students is they they get their modifications that are written within their IEP but that is only accessible modification so it's not modification of material which they can have in their normal day-to-day instruction their materials can be modified in day-to-day instruction mean the text level that they're reading at um the number of questions the number of answer choices they have so we're able to support our students to see what skills they have but then when we sit them down for the standardized test they only have like a scribe or somebody reading it to them they're still given the same passage same questions same answers as your general education student and that's where you see such a dip what was really interesting is that um our 504 students um are doing well they were doing well in ela again math is our area of lower again you see a bigger drop in our Hispanic and Latino population in our math um again it goes to that subgroup overall is lower and we're going to have to figure out and kind of disaggregate and figure out where that's coming from and why we're struggling area in math do you have a comparison in the math subgroup direct comparison from the state versus no I didn't I don't have it in the subgroup but what I can tell you is the trend is the same that there is a large discrepancy um I believe it was don't quote me on this Mr Taro but I believe there was something to a 25 to 30 percentage Point lower for overall State Hispanic Latino versus your white counterpart populations um and it was noted in the proficiency State when the proficiency levels were discussed at the State Board level I see break down my R but not like is ml multilingual ml is multilingual so basically um in the ELA subgroup our MLS don't have to take it because when most of our MLS at the high school are first year into it or within their first two years in so they don't take the English test but they do take the math test and the math test they were not able to pass so that's why we have zero okay passage rate on that um but there is no category for it in the ELA group because they don't take the ELA test if they're within the country the ma but it clearly affected the math okay um and again we're just seeing a lower Trend overall we're seeing that big jump in our IEP students and again a lot of the problems is the majority of disabilities deal with um reading yeah and the math test why you see such a discrepancy here is not only do you have to manipulate your numbers but you have to read to figure out which numberb you need to manipulate and a lot of it is based on word problems so it's not so much that if we gave them where if we're giving them normal classroom accommodations we can pull out the numbers if if it's just asking you for a basic multiplication fact we can pull that out through a modification or accommodation and say what is 10 * 7 and the kid goes oh I know that that's 70 but now if they have to read about Sally having 10 seashells and Johnny having seven how many do they have together they have no clue because they couldn't get past the Reading part same thing right with the ml with the multilanguage yes a lot of our El students can do computation but when it comes to the literacy part it is negative so and we have internal data where our Benchmark assessment the majority of our um ml population is Spanish speaking and our Benchmark assessment through star Renaissance can be administered in Spanish both the ELA and the math version so we have our internal data to know which students have those math skills and which don't so that language isn't a barrier the problem is it's a barrier here it's a barrier when they sit down in May or March to take their test um so just some notable achievements cuz like Dr Sto said let's talk about the good um we in ela we outperformed the state by 8% um and we were most successful in comprehension and highest performing was basically showing categories consistently scored a one in reading comprehension across the board where one is the highest that you can get so that that really stood out so we're doing very well in Reading what you'll see in the next area is we're lagging a little bit F about lagging there we go in our vocabulary and language conventions which return is where you see in your writing skills so if you don't have the vocabulary to write then your writing does not make sense so it makes sense that we did well in reading comprehension we can read and tell what's going on but when we need to transfer ideas to writing our vocabulary is not strong enough and our writing conventions are not strong enough so that's the targeted areas that we are going to be working on throughout our Ela courses um when you look at math um something good to say is there is thing whoops there so sorry there are areas called major content and um supplemental um content our major content we are doing well in so the majority we have major content we're doing um well in and that's modeling um operation solving equation athma applying mathematical Concepts to real world problems what we're struggling in is the reasoning and explanation and what makes sense there is when you need to write out what you did so we're all going back to this core area of being able to express our ideas through written comprehension so we know that if we score better in writing on the ELA side we will subsequently score better in writing and that's where writing really comes across the curriculum when they say how are we How does writing across the curriculum help map well right here our data is showing that um but this grad because my son is this group they didn't have that new math all the way back in kindergarten which is the why why did you pick that why is the answer so that really is a roll out from when they were little to think things through which I think the grades coming up have a totally different math concept so I've been here seven years and that's when the shift Right started so if you take your 12th graders minus 7 they were already in fifth grade exactly ma who the kindergarten class that year that that math that group they're just their shift in thinking mathematically is I think it will be different just because that the book The the whatever math we used was different um one of the areas also we notice and this is co um coincides with the state is what they call the Geo algebra so basically you think of algebra and geometry as totally separate ideas but really there's a whole concept within this standards that's Geo algebra and basically it's how algebraic functions are used in Geometry kids are not making that connection so we need that's when we dug apart this data and teased it out and I had shared with the cni committee a really detailed Report with that and I'd be happy to share with the board where they can share with the board um all of our standards that need to be targeted are on this Geo algebra making that connection between geometry and algebra um and being able to express those ideas so we are looking at Hands-On activities around um geometric and coordinate geometry and transformation of functions we're looking at structured practice that kind of like people have gotten away from that rope but sometimes you need that rope practice you need to have that over and over practice to ingrain a skill in you and that idea of feedback and reflection and our our Math teachers have been working really hard on transforming things to give problems to come back to be able to score it based on an njla give it back to the student so that they can learn what that feedback reflection looks like because and I have a math teacher right here who can attest to that right okay good um that that's the process where we're struggling it's not the math facts it's that integration and blending of ideas so that's it not that's it but I'm done Dr I mean you just could have easily just thrown up something but the explanation is greatly appreciated again I hope the community is listening to the explanation are we putting up yeah that presentation always gets uh that we we can we posted the letter just I don't know how often people go look for information but if the Letter's up I think we should also put up our own GPA report will be posted as well because that has to be and those one I got that like three weeks ago yeah you should have we got the scores in June I'm very big at sending them out we have our njsla scores are due in District for three through n around August 26 so with the start of school figure you get them the end of September and just to clarify for the rest of the board short of the SAT all of those other alart options The District covers right we've already uh covered the PSAT for them twice 10th grade and in and 11th grade and then the asbab and the oh and there's also the portfolio process I'm sorry kids aren't good on okay so basically we end up we will administer a full administration of this test and we'll Target the kids to help work towards them we will still have a handful of students most likely in math with one or two in ela that don't meet this requirement come January so normally around January 6 7th the state opens What's called the portfolio appeal process of junior year no of Senor year oh that's L yeah so they take it in junior year it's been we've done it's done this you have to have not gotten another pack you have to wait it out this is the I see what you're saying you have to try all Mees you can't just say oh I got this SC on the PST I'm not taking this okay you have to sit for this exam to be qualified for the other Pathways and a lot of times when we get parent refusal letters we tell them especially in junior year if your child refuses this test they do not have the options to the other Pathways and people don't understand that so you can if a parent let's say refuses freshman year as long as they technically I know they shouldn't but corre if they're technically taking at junior year then that can help them to get the all car yes you have to take the ngpa and fail it order to qualify for and that's what I was missing but in the portfolio process basically um what happens is the student is given a series of uh state approved questions that the district administers on a one-on-one basis over a course of time they have to submit their answers and submit it to we submit it to the county office by May the county office reviews it and then we'll pass a student it's called a portfolio they have to literally build a portfolio in math based on the standards that the test addresses to show that there's continual progress that they in that situation because it's not a standardized test they can have their accommodations modifications so they have to take the actual question but basically and I may have missed that in correct me if I misspeak here um but basically what happens is we put them one-on-one with the teacher we build that into their math lab or their study halls now is the whole big push for the study holes and if we know that this is standard X we're going to and we know what the problem the idea of the problem in the court is we're working on this skill Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday now Friday comes they just work on this skill we give them their portfolio assessment they take that we put it in their binder Now we move on to the next skill so you're basically teasing it out modifying like you would for a special ed student working on one skill one standard at a time to build this portfol am I right I like okay and so we've had 100% success rate with that no one's ever not graduate we since I've been here we have not had someone not graduate because of this testing since I've been here we've never had someone not graduate great thank you it's just it's one of those things where it's it's to jump through all the other hoops and fails and then get kids that they have to fail tests we have parents last year we had I mean I know I was contacted a number of times by parents who were petrified they weren't going to make it because you Erica you're right you're getting to the end of the road and you're thinking December of senior year and you're like but working on it throughout and having to fail unfortunately so our kids our kids to know publicly that we know starting in September that have not met one of these requirements either from sat or are already put into a course to begin working on these skills through their study hall even if they're going to take the full administration of the GPA if they pass great we take them out of that course but we're already prepping so that ready when come de uh January when that portal opens we're ready to go to get them pass thank you DRC but I did want to just make clear that this is you know doesn't not the burden of the parents we're we're not asking them to go out and take another administration of the SAT um we we get everybody through exactly we the district makes it happen and and everything leading up to this point has been covered by the district P PSAT all of these things and we really appreciate everything that you do I know it is Herculean what you guys have to do on that side and I appreciate it question we're good I do not thank you thank you curriculum instruction Miss Aaron trout thank you president C pursuant to the recommendation of the superintendent of schools the committee on curriculum and instruction recommends the following resolution ci1 through ci8 on page three and ci9 through CI 17 on page four and CI 18 on page five on behalf of the committee I so move second move by Miss Aaron trout seconded by Mr totaro any discussion I would like to make note I know that we talk about this quite often um ci3 here on the action items is the tuition approval of theate County Technical Institute um this is $2.3 million of our budget uh we're not we're happy for any students who do choose to go there but as it's been noted if anyone's heard this before um it is a um a funding issue and a financial issue with with the county the funding formula with the state of course we would love to keep $2.3 million in our district um or even a slight discount they offered a very small discounted rate last year right was it like $500 per student per student deduction no deductions this year so that comes to $1,864 per student and 21 students are are choosing to go there so just a note for everyone to hear that does not include the bus saying that we are Prov we are required to provide didn't know away that was one time disc that no no that that's the original tuition was 11,200 it reduced it by 500 last year and they they remain they kept ited oh okay it sound like it it went away okay got you they they got an additional 52 million in state a I believe we got $900,000 taken away they got an additional 52 million in St how many students is that I'm sorry 2 21 it says it right there I'm sorry see it thank yes oh I see it wow and the county puts in um 7 million total for the whole County yeah and right 7.4 million that is the mandated minimum for Vocational School from a county the mandated 7 7 they've been paying minimum for I think 17 years no there are 21 counties in the state right no other county has this set up like we do so it is a big financial burden on all the districts in P County any other discuss roll call Mr CIO yes Mr Doyle yes M Aaron trout yes um to all and and I am the chairperson for this committee but with reservation to ci3 Mr jko would be proud in honor of Mr J that is exactly would have said Mrs M Colton yes Mrs ataro yes Mr core yes Mrs do yes right back at you miss Aaron personel thank you president cup the following resolutions are pursuant to the recommendation of the superintendent of schools P1 through P6 on page five p7 through P6 on page P 6 P 177 through p29 on page 7 couple more pages P 30 through P36 on page 8 p37 through p46 on page 9 and that's that's on behalf of the committee I still move move by Miss Aon seconded by Mr Carr any discussions just just a quick comment to highlight how busy uh a school district can be during the summer a lot happen [Music] uh I would just had a question the P5 the bcba that's resigning is that the one that was just hired like a year ago or different one okay um I just wanted to say I'm sorry to see all the uh all all the can't I just turn thank you yes um and also a couple decline contracts so what's happening is I mean it's just unfortunately the way of Education right now it's it's a little bit like the agency right now it is so what's happenening is we're interviewing people we're offering them a contract they're saying yes the next day they get an offer from someone else from your money and they say well I changed my mind on declining your offer now so it's very different too I feel like it wasn't it didn't used to be like that like if you said yes to someone you were even if you didn't sign it wasn't you kind of stuck with that now it's very like you said kind of like a free ageny it's a little like free agency that's why you're seeing contracts some these people we either approved or right have verbally accepted and then they turn around and say you know I I declined and it's it's you know I said this to a few of our teachers in Fort Saints field supply and demand situation I mean I think I shared with the board and I'll share again you know when I was down at my superintendent convention in may they were talking about total number of certifications awarded and in a typical year they would award about 5,000 certifications for teachers uh this year they awarded 2500 um I can tell you they they told us that typically they award about 1,200 special edts this year was 120 wow and World Language they typically award about 175 this year there were seven in the state Statewide so what's happening is people are recruiting other people from other districts hey come come to my district I'll pay you more right and like I said they're playing one against another and that's kind of unfortunately the the way things are playing out right now that's why you see some of these decline because they've accepted yeah and and we've either put them on a previous agenda and then they said and they haven't signed their contract yet then they accept another job and they say I'm going to go it's also why season veteran teachers are resigning and leaving I mean it's happening all over it's happening by me it's happening where my husband works we got we got a couple you're no longer going somewhere else starting at step one you can start at your current step somewhere else or you can negotiate depending on what type of certification that you have so and for those you know the corporate people that we try to explain this to you've one shot at negotiating a contract and that's when you go in so if if you're unhappy or you thinking can get more the only way out is to leave so that is happening Statewide veteran teachers that have been teaching in districts for 15 and 20 years are leaving to go somewhere else and make a higher salary to retire on that higher salary so it it is as you said the Wild West is it is very to think about the future for public education yeah that's what scary um so I I I do see uh our talent teachers we've had for so long um Tau all of my kids and is now resigning as well so it makes me sad I know it's not a hall floring thing no it's not even a New Jersey issue it's all over especially those four language I mean that certification like seven seven State special ed me you had when you announc that number but that's really tough so again everyone's pulling from right of course of course um so I also feel bad for you guys for to feel now too um and I also want to say thank you to the volunteers there's two two coaches on here that are volunteering that's always very appreciative yeah there were a bunch if there's more I apologize there a bunch on last month yeah it's always nice to see that um and uh oh Mrs o is also resigning us one of our speech language I didn't see her she's at the end um so that's sad because she's helped my kids over the years so that's all wish them up I just have one thing I just want to point out the uh on p46 you know as the board is aware we have Partnerships right now with County Community College as well as Ramapo College uh you know state county community colleges you know built that uh that multi uh that classroom like that stem kind of classroom they built for us they paid for and we're partnering with them with numerous classes uh Rano we partnered with with student teachers and now we have a new partnership with st pet University for student nurses actually so we're going to have some student nurses working with our C with our nurses in District um and like you know again I kind of feel like it's a little bit of a pipeline for us right to help build or fill our openings I mean I can tell you we hired some of the Ropo uh student teachers we just hired a fette teacher for who graduated from ripo from Lincoln Middle School so uh this might be an opportunity if we do have an opening for a nurse where we you know we have a connection with St Peters and our nursing program we'll have some of the students in our district now so it feels a need for them for their Community uh their Community oriented clinical experience but again it provides an opportunity if we have an opening that we have a little bit of a connection with that so so just another partnership you know we' trying to build those Partnerships with the surrounding colleges over where is St Peters University Cool com um I'd like to welcome all the new hires I know we've talked about people leaving but we really do have a lot of great roles being filled guidance counselors teachers coaches so welcome to everyone uh that got approved on the agenda today also I'd like to see the part-time Paras going to full power professional positions they are such important roles in our district so congratulations to those to obviously those are IP driven I'm assuming I needs change yeah I was going to say Miss Aron trout when I stop seeing the full page of hire that's when I'll start to get nous but you know what I mean like July is always a very hectic month for this portion of the agenda historically because as you know this is when new contracts and people are turning in resignations but it's very nice to see that we have so many hires on here obviously disheartening to see the resignations but I mean I'm in the business I I get it if it's a better opportunity close to your home more money um we will miss the fut any other discussion call please Mr Doyle yes Mr TR yes Mrs Mo Fon yes Mr zaro yes Mr cor yes Mr clo yes Mrs G yes finance and administration Mr clo thank you madam president purs to the recommendation of the superintendent of schools the committee on finance and administration recommends the following resolutions on page 10 F1 on page 11 F2 through F1 Contin on page 1281 through 85 on behalf of the committee I so move Mr move the motion and Mr second any discussion roll call please Mr yes m Moy Colson yes Mr Zoro yes Mr car yes Mr Cavo yes Mr Doyle yes Mrs G yes Mr fho back to you for plers thanks again uh I have the opportunity of reviewing the bills for the month of July in accordance with the regulating statutes I make I make the recommendation that the bill is be approved by Mr San by is Aon any discussion just one question I see uh on the agendum we uh I know we talked about sidewalks if the middle school what we're paying for here is it any way related to that or it's a separate separate part this is separate on this bu this is separate from this is you're talking about the new H Avenue replacement right that that's not this to do with this all I got any other discussion roll call please m m cson yes Mr Doro yes Mr cor yes Mr CL yes Mr Doyle yes Mr Aaron TR yes Mrs go yes buildings and grounds Mr Taro thank you madam president ass to the recommendation of superintendent schools committee on bildings grounds recommends the following resolution on page 13 bg1 through bg2 onal I move second move by Mr Cho seconded by Mr F any discussion roll call please Mr Zoro yes Mr cor yes Mr CIO yes Mr Doo yes M AR TR yes Mrs Moi Colton yes Mrs G yes policy Mr Doyle thank you madam president policy action items so through the recommendation of superintendent schools the committee on policy recommends the following resolutions p-1 at the bottom of page 13 that carries over to page 14 at the top for two three five more items on behalf of the committee I shall move um just a reminder to everybody this is a first reading on these policy items and it's all minor revisions um happy to forward out those exacts to you and there'll be a second reading next there are any changes or any questions we have time that's second move by Mr joyle seconded by Mr car any discussion call please Mrs ataro yes Mr car yes Mr C yes Mr Doyle yes Mr AR yes Mrs M Colton yes Mrs G yes committee and on reports we start start with you Mr car for legislative nothing to report Miss I thought you had a long one for us that's a bummer okay I look forward to that Mr clo finance and administration thank you madam president the finance committee met uh the agenda items included the uh sidewalk repairs as you know the uh burrow is ring sidewalk throughout the town uh the replacement cost is passed on to the property owner uh the sidewalks discussed specifically were the ones at Linka Middle School the least expensive options included spot repairs the decision was made to have the entire sidewalk replaced because of safety longevity and aesthetic reasons the estimated cost is $60,000 which would be partially covered by a grant and maintenance Reserve funds uh we also discussed year end U close out figures these final figures are being crunched out and will reported once they are available uh the audit is setly for mid-september our business administrator Miss Mary is in communication with the Auditors also a payroll employee portal was rolled out the new portal is being implemented the portal is automated and will allow for payroll documents to be accessed without meeing someone from the central office to be emailing out individual documents such as p and W2s uh PCT the updated uh enrollment number was reported and referendum now that we're working on our final project like Dr reported our B Bond bound Council will tally up to provide information on a remaining balance event once we know if there's a remaining balance they'll provide a instruction as to how that could be used if any and that concludes the thank you Mr uh Mr Doyle will go last with the ring committee notes as well miss Aaron TR Council ye on and curriculum and instruction thank you president C our next hawthor Council meeting is Wednesday July 24th and in the mayor's letters he did remind of two events that are coming up on Wednesday August 7th the friends of the library is hosting an evening with haor auers which includes our former student re here Paul derer and on Sunday August 18th the haoren Chamber of Commerce is having the 12th annual classic car and motorcycle show so two things that are going on in town for curriculum and instruction we met last Tuesday um as Dr trabona mentioned we went over the NJ GPA report and the qac presentation thank you for the thorough details nothing more for me to report on that um we also discussed a teams partnership and teams it stands for the empathy equality entrepreneurship Mission um with a dual enrollment for credit at Fairley Dickinson University so we're partner partnering with this for our Latin American studies course and students have an option or opportunity to receive credit at fairly Dickinson um we discussed our newsletter that went out to the community we're going to be doing two more most likely one for the middle school and then one that covers the elementary schools and we wanted to congratulate the Flight 19 media they actually won an award for the one that they did for us at the high school right not it's not an award for us or but they won it for something they did for us so it did highlight our district and and the school and lastly um regarding the standards based report card update the district's going to be sending messages regarding the dates of the upcoming meetings we'll have one at each Elementary School parents can attend any any of the three doesn't do have to be the school that your kids go to it's really the best day I guess that for you so there's going to be one on October 2nd that will be a bilingual meeting at Washington school then the other meetings are October 8th and October 10th the meetings will be from 6:30 to 8: and again parents can attend any of them and hard copies will be given out of the rubrics for the new grading system on back to school night so that concludes the cni report thank you Miss Aon TR um as far as njsba I just want to let the rest of the board know that we did fulfill Our obligation of evaluating Dr spro we met I signed it I provided him with a copy of it there is one being housed in the board office if anybody would like to read it it's riveting stuff um the two members that were conflicted now that it has been signed you you can read it if you would like to read um and it was filed by July 1 so we we we did our duty we rushed it we got it done so thank you for for doing that in a timely man miss m Colts in County School boards Association uh so we haven't met there was no meeting since our last meeting um and then there's I guess they take the summer off uh so the next meeting is going to be September 25th it's hybrid option again so I love that uh because you can go to the restaurant in person or you can stay in your home um it starts at 6 and then I don't know if you mentioned this Abby but the njsba convention's coming up if any board members want to go that is October 21st to the 24th um and that's all I have to report thank you thank you Mr Po is not here buildings and grounds Mr Taro thank you I'm pres building DRS committee met on July 9th and the following are updates on the various items taking place throughout the district at the new board office we have made a lot of progress uh painting in the interior building was completed as well as the garage floor I believe is done as well yes correct uh we are just now waiting for the architect to update the district regarding the exterior paint uh in addition the wiring of the new fire alarm in the board office is completed we are waiting for some of the materials for the head and equipment in order to perform the final time testing and programming uh also over at LMS at as we mentioned last month the installation of the fencing around the generator scheduled was scheduled for the end of June uh this work has been completed and we will be repurposing the windscreen from horon uh fence to this new fence over at the high school the railings at the rear of the building were completed last week the railings by the auditorium gymnasium and Main entrances have begun uh to be demolished and prepared for the new installation as of this past weekend also the high school as of July 1st the bement project was started this work is scheduled to be done uh I believe at the end of July uh last month we also mentioned over the summer at all school buildings we will be sanding the new and uh putting down new polyurethane to the gym floors which has also been scheduled we anticipating this uh to be uh starting I think in the next two two to three weeks next weeks yes and then finally over at Roosevelt School the courtyard project is completed as most of you already know this Courtyard uh renovation was uh completed thanks to generous donation from Roseville uh PTO it was just one last part with the ashall and that has been finalized yes next report thank you Mr Taro Mr Doyle policy and the Board of Ed Board of Rec burough at okay so as it pertains to policy uh we were going to try and rush and squeeze a meeting in because we were alerted uh through Strauss Esme who was our policy guide guideline uh that the njsiaa has mandated every school district to come out with a new uh Spectators policy for sports and we were under the impression that that had to be done in place for this September for the beginning of fall Sports uh however that was uh misunderstood or there was some confusion we actually it's not going to be enforced until the following season so there's no reason to rush and uh you know bang our heads to put something together we also anticipate that St May will come up with a template for districts to utilize so we're going to error on the side of caution wait for that template to come out and we'll make whatever adjustments as necessary you know if the policy committee gets together so uh that's all I have to report on policy uh as it pertains to the roller hockey ad hoc committee uh I can tell you that we've had two meetings in the last 10 or 12 days we had one with the committee met with our attorney we also met on July 88th and I'll share that representatives of the board and the borrow met to discuss the future of the hockey rank facility which is used primarily by the ha en Roller Hockey Association and to a lesser extent by haor residents for roller skating our meeting was a productive exchange of ideas about the immediate use of the facility by the burrow and the board's long-term goals for the highest and best use of this site to benefit our students our committee expressed an interest in moving forward with a plan that will allow the board to flexibility of meeting the Burrow's present needs while at the same time ensuring that any agreement provides the board with the ab to change the use of this site for the benefit of our students critical to any agreement is the Safety and Security of the site and the individuals who will be using the facility we spent considerable time addressing these issues and the board and the burrow are aligned on the critical importance of these issues the board will be discussing the essential terms of a shared services agreement with the borrow and closed session later this evening and we anticipate meeting with the Burrow's representatives in the next several weeks to share the results of our discussions and that's all I have to report thank you Mr D at this time public can be heard in regards to anything dealing with the school district remember to keep your comments to 5 minutes in length go ahead Mr please sign in on our attendance nervous they know your name you go I got yeah I'll take the click that makes better e and hockey coach baseball baseball um I guess I'll obviously I'm here for the hockey and I I guess I'm a little confused because I sted here two years ago and the reason that there was problems with the rank was safety and cleansiness um we produced the lease and the lease had another expansion of another 22 years on it so again I tried not to get into rumors I tried to be very quiet but I'm not sure why there is this Sudden Change that the hockey rank is now a a problem um for I'm not sure whatever reasoning you have um for the for the high school obviously you play gym on it right obviously you have B baseball practice on it because I have all the piges in there and obviously the track team throw shots on it this is the first year that the lacrosse team didn't practice on it because they played down by the um by the artificial turf so probably the high school uses that rank more than the hockey team so I'm I'm I'm a little concerned about your response and your facial recognition to be honest with you so I'd love to hear it Mr pastel hold on for one the the lease agreement that you speak of that is dated 1996 is that the one M you said has an extension of 2020 22 years on it is that it was a 50-year contract when we run 28 years right that is nowhere listed in the document that we have is there another document perhaps in Mr Houston's basement that we've not seen there is no end date in this contract it just has a starting date of February that's that's correct there is no ending day to oh can I apologize that's okay listen it it would not have been Earth shattering had there be in a document we didn't know existed I just that's all I'll extract that out I'll go back to again pure usage High School uses it more than hockey rank and and I think that's fair to say right Jim goes in there the baseball goes in there I said we found shots in there and that was our biggest complaint until the lacrosse team moved down to the artificial t they were beating the crap out of those boards which Barry had to go over there and physically do himself so I'm just I'm curious of what this obviously he's not going to answer me I I'm curious let me let me all due respect let me interrupt for a second we we're I'll say and it was stated at the beginning of the meeting by the president this is public be heard we are under no obligation to respond or engage with you at this point we did read a general statement to you we are meeting in private this evening out of respect for the rest of the board members and to who are not here there's information that they have not heard yet that we would of course need to to speak with them and it would be inappropriate on behalf of us to share anything further with the community so I I hope you can respect that on top of that on top of that we communicate with the other half of the adoc committee which consists of the Town their attorney the mayor and the council okay that's who we're negotiating with we're not negotiating with you know yourself or anyone directly related to the hockey ring I just want to make that clear and I don't know what information In fairness that the other side is or is not sharing with you okay I can't I can't confirm any of that all I know is what we have been advised by our attorney what we have discussed and what we have uh you know heard from the other side as well in meetings and I'm I'm going to leave with that I'm sorry there's not more information I just I I guess the thing that bothers me is when I was up here two years ago the reason was is because it was a safety hazard and a cleansiness hazard obviously that Hazard has been cleaned up and now the rumors of wanting five years look like it was trying to came to fruition and that came from guys that work in the horor high school so they were right you know I I don't know would we Barry painted it blue you know I I'm not sure and it's it's frustrating because we're just sitting on the outside getting no information and the only information we had again I'll repeat myself for the third time the boards were broken he put new boards in there the garbage was picked up that was us that cleaned it up I know it was supposed to be the town they're supposed to have the insurance for it we have insurance for it also when we play hockey so um and I'll leave it at that because I I don't know what else to say it's very frustrating when you're sitting outside and you're not getting information Mr Costello let me assure you that the board of wreck they did tell us that they shared information with you I hope that that is accurate um they gave us a permit for use which we did I saw that thank it's vg1 um the dates that are on here it was for much larger the permit but these are dates that don't conflict with events that are going on down there we were happy to approve the dates when there were not conflicting events so I hope that this does show that we are not trying to be a barrier to the season this year um at the very least and again this is a board of wreck team and and that's a board of w pered facility use um and and I hope that they're able to also give you some information as well um the only thing I'll add to that just one more thing you you hit the nail on the head with frustration I don't think there's anyone sitting up here okay that can argue that the level of frustration experienced by everyone involved in this situation since its Inception uh is just not EXP exp uh it's it's absolutely ridiculous but nonetheless we're going to endure it and we're going to see this through to the end and and I'll leave it at that and I want to thank you for coming up respectfully and and not taking the low road and posting things on social media thank um last thing to the doctor my wife is an ESL teacher Wilson certified one two and everything I'm tired of hearing all that conversations at the dinner table so I was just trying to make it funny Mr please state your name parowski so good evening everybody okay uh proud resident of VOR we moved here two years ago my kid has been to find a sport that suits her so as a parent who's played the sport myself right it's a it's a way to keep the kids out off the street doing stuff that they love and my kid is passionate about the sport and it pisses me off and I I excuse me that we will not tolerate any language of that nature sure I I understand especially in front of children I it upsets me I apologize it upsets me because I take it passionately that listen we will the rink will get fixed people are trying hard to get the rink fixed I per standage on school grounds right but instead of going play other sports baseball football what's wrong with hockey just explain to me what what's what's the the issue with hockey with safety like he was saying there's insurance for it right there's ways to deal with these things where it gives a kid another shot at a different sport it gives something to do for for for my kid who doesn't like soccer Tred it doesn't like lacrosse tried it hockey is something that she he's passionate about thank you for your comments I I'm not sure if they attend the high school but they're the ice hocky Co-op is also something that we support with Lakeland that's an option yes it is but it's it's more expensive it's costs sufficient for street hockey yeah thank you I just I I feel like I need to say something you please the board has not taken a stance that the rink is unsafe that is not we have am I speaking no I I if I if I may just I know you know I don't want to Total Line here but you someone hit the nail on the head maybe Mr rumors right nothing more nothing less I think everybody as a community which we are members of for the record okay need to understand there's a process a very very frustrating process for us as members who are part of this committee that have to work within the confines of our obligations with the other borrow members and and and uh ad hoc committees we are going through that process rumors should not be spread or or made thought to be something more than they are because at no point has anybody up here publicly stated that we are denouncing not approving we have not stated anything nope right we have not stated anything so we have not said we're not having a season next year we're not saying we're not permitting anything for next year none of this has been stated can can I add something I want to finish and I'll give you the moment you're gonna have to come none of this has been stated so until such time we should all Reserve ourselves in what may be speculation until all the facts are provided so then as a community we can take action one way or the other and I can appreciate there's a lot of frustration I want you to understand many people of this board has spent countless hours days of my personal life and I love the sport okay want nothing more for the sport one way or the other whether our grounds or somewhere else but please understand we are passionate about it as well and want this to be done in the appropriate process which we have to deal with government bodies okay and not individuals I hope I got that across appropriately and a professional way to not make anybody feel like it's anything more than that cuz somehow some way publicly it has come out that is something different than that and it's not and I will state that for the record as an individual trustee and not necessarily speaking on behalf of the board thank you thank you and again I apologize for my Approach I'm just just like you said I'm passionate about the sport myself and I'm glad that my kid to took off the sport what frustrates me is the fact that there's been multiple occasions where I've walked up to this to the rink with all our gear and it's heavy it's heavy gear and the rink was locked couple months ago I don't know how long ago there was no Nets we've gone to Glenrock there's the rink is dilapitated if you guys have seen the glenar rank um the closest one is pamis park or panis um petruska park right by Bergen Regional hospital so I mean having something in town where my k can just go safely play a sport that he loves is is important to us and that's that's that's why I'm so passionate I apologize for the way I spoke about it but we're all parents up there we get it so so that's what frustrates me is the fact that it's locked it's made inaccessible to kids well it's it there were three times when the lock was cut but and there are signage there's signs down there that state that it really is only to be used with the proper equipment on and I respect that you did bring the proper equipment but many people don't gotcha and the signs are not being followed follow it does say that you need a permit to have a game which requires the Nets so the signs aren't being followed understand thank you and we're just looking to limit our own liability as a board someone gets hurt down there when it's not a permitted use we are solely on the hook us yes whoever said no the answer is yes our attorney said it if we don't have an open permit for that use at that exact moment and someone gets hurt the Board of Education will be on the liability your attorney sat in the same meeting and that is the end of the that's it I mean it's that clear there's a permit it is the liability of the board of wreck and then it does fall under the roller hockey ring as well was told that's if there's no sneak up just letting it up remember there's opening for coaches I actually you know listen so B I'll join another in baseball so I appr coaches hey don't don't threat me with a good time right we need coaches Mr H you have to come up if you want to speak I just I have other things to talk about besides hoe no no no all all the things all the things you've already killed half my night so all right instead of writing my name allow yes great idea G Houston 235 Washington AV is this video working okay okay um non hockey business which is a switch for me thank you garbage for okay um concerned about Out of Towners in our schools okay I know it's been quite some time at least I know that we've done like a last year last summer a real serious where they got I I had to fix it so wait hold on let me just clarify so last summer we did a full districtwide re-registration and every summer any out of District student whether they go to Tech or any other school outside of horor they have to re-register every summer meaning a special placement every single student inest in that sofware invested a substantial amount in software to to assist in that process are these pens giveaways than well I I mean I had the pleasure of living near Lincoln schools and um you know I've had kids wrestling on my front yard fighting whatever but that's a whole other thing I've also noticed I mean you have tremendous amount of New York Plate cars dropping kids off you have Ubers dropping kids off I mean that just seems a little out of the ordinary that these are people that live in all I can tell you is we did a full like I said full child in the district had a re-register last year every summer any out of District child has to reister every single summer and like as was mentioned we uh uh invested in some software last year where we can actually track legally track uh if we have a report of someone living outside of Hawthorne we do an investigation through the software that we have and if you have particular license plates or things share them with us and we and it's Anonymous if anyone has Anonymous information it's never we never tell where we got we appreciate though yeah us I do want to Bruce is it BR congratulations I'm a little disappointed that Ricky didn't acknowledge my 28 years with the hockey but but I'm also disappointed you actually recommended this guy sorry okay um just just a couple things to poke fun at um unfortunately my the one picture of all the furniture that was piled up at linol for like three or four months all the desks and stuff I don't have that I do have like War grass you know I mean I'm almost would I be at a turn if I were to cut that grass on on Lincoln that for l I mean it's not it's not long now it's probably dead now because of the Heat and everything our maintenance staff will take care of okay um also leaving like utility knives laying around what is that a picture of exactly that's down by the um your shed by the hockey rink it's not there now but it was for for a couple days um as far as the hockey nets I did get a call from Joe Higgins and they've been returned not sure why they're laying down um but you have them for a month now we have a different terms we have a th000 a month $250 a week $250 a week or $33 a day which one do you want to why you looking at me like that right I'm kidding all right but I am disappointed because I did I did see them a couple weeks ago and the way they were kind of like stuff was thrown on top of them I haven't seen the Nets but I mean they were kind of like just thrown in your where is that a picture of this is inside the that shed that you built where the basketball courts used to be down by the hockey ring and how are you getting pictures from inside of the shed Mr I was looking for Mr Higgins two weeks ago his office is back in the back there and that's when I came across the Nets which I mean as much as everybody says I knew about it I did not know about that that's being taken and when I asked the mayor he didn't know anything about it I can assure you that Mr Dr spro called the mayor and the mayor had every inkling as to where the Nets were well they did not know I'm not I just want to make it clear once again did this become so adversarial and unpleasant for everybody that's not at all what we want to here and I'm not sure why that seems to be the desired outcome on the behalf of some in this room shouldn't we all be working together you you gave a nice Kumbaya speech last October 3rd and I'm extremely disappointed that there was no video of it I had people call me when was the meeting that you had your thing oh I have a video it's right on our YouTube channel well it's not it's I clicked on the list okay it's a different you I had it removed you you you found me out I'm removing all the things that have to do with it I mean in even the minutes of the meeting it was like two sentences you spoke Alex spoke Mr Blue spoke and several people of the audience spoke that was the minutes of the meeting I mean as far as being adversarial I mean Ricky did give you a key but for me to keep going down there and unlocking the rink it hasn't been locked for a couple weeks now but to keep going down there and unlock it so people can use it I mean it's meant for the public B that's your opinion and that's what we're trying to say and I'll say it again I'm reiterate you have to let the process go through because you're you're taking this from a personal stance on behalf of the the the team the organization that is not the case that is not the intent this is not a personal attack at you or the Sun Devils it has to go through the appropriate process for the desired outcome to way out the way we all wanted to however it's got to go through that process I I we got to leave it at that and because every time we keep going de deeper and we're we're saying we're not being adversarial but indirectly it's coming off that way when we're trying to lay a a token down to say like this is what it is you can call it I I would be there would be nothing that would make me happier for everybody because this is how I do things in my business I get everybody in the room when I want to call that thing that I'm not supposed to say out loud right BS right we get everybody in the room unfortunately we don't have that ability in this for to get all those people in the room but if we did we were able to maybe talk and and have a different conversation so because we can't it has to go through the appropriate process and that's what we're saying again we got to let the process go out but there's nothing nothing towards you or the sevs well I'm not taking it personal I mean I know it's not I mean it's and I blame the other half just as much to burrow I mean I know that I've heard all different both sides of the story and it was disappointing that they treated you guys that way all right and I believe when I did when I found this out I had a set of plans last year and I I gave a set to rcking just so he would have a set of plans for the new boards I mean I don't know why they were keeping it such a secret or whatever but and you like I said that I I can't help that but in the meantime we're the ones in the middle and getting stuck and it's and like Ed said it's frustrating you know we we would agree with that and like I said I mean we we did what we were asked we cleaned things up yes it was an niore but we were also told that we were getting new boards two years ago last year and I have no other comment about where it's at other than you guys met I appreciate it and I appreciate that some people actually stood up and said enough is enough let's get this done and I appreciate that um but it was last year actually it's about a one year anniversary with the rink being closed originally and um I mean there was I mean it's and this is a print of the email what could you just clarify what you mean by the rink being closed last year at this time the rink was locked up and again I mean the sad part is do you have a key right now Mr Houston to access do you have a key to access the ring yes okay I said that hasn't been locked in a while so which is nice you know but that's not nice that's not what we're asking and that's not what the board of wreck is asking either the board of wreck agrees it should be locked when it's not in use and if you have a key to access it and you can unlock it and I know that's a burden on you but that is what the original agreement you handed us says well I haven't that that was not discussed at the last Rec meeting they didn't tell me about lock in the rink because there are people that go in there and don't know how to SK can you can you kind of see where we're coming from when it comes to that we've seen and listen I get it young girls going skateboard just hanging out making not even activity nothing but but Mr Costello spoke about damage to the boards and and sometimes it's from use that's not appropriate and that can't be controlled unless it is under controlled use but this is what we've dealt with the last 20 years and I've never I I may have complained about it but I have fixed it not a big deal and the town I mean the town doesn't get involved as we're the ones that do the maintenance and what they give us some money to keep us happy like I said but it's just I mean not to be adversarial but I don't know how else you would look at it I mean if we close soccer fields would you be happy absolutely not okay but it's not we're not that's not what we're saying we're saying right we we really we're getting off topic here right because there's a process right to to your point that's like saying like if something was wrong for 208 years we're accepting the fact that it was okay that we did something wrong there's there's something that's come to light right that we cannot openly get into discussion about that we are we are actively negotiating with those other parties and working through but there's something that's come to light that that is not that simple as just allowing it to be open 24/7 that was not what it was intended for if you truly understand the agreement it wasn't there's legalities behind it just like you guys have insurance I'll give you a better analogy if you have a pool you have a pool yes okay you have a pool if you have insurance at your home and kids come into your home and use your pool you sir are liable as the homeowner well guess what it's our home it's our home that is a part of the district's property so there's legal matters that need to get worked through so that we can come and hopefully find an agreement between the governing bodies for us to move forward we are we are actively going through that as Mr Doyle said we are trying to find common ground and we're going to report back accordingly I know you wen't I appreciate it now I mean I know the original agreement doesn't really hold as my cousin V would say doesn't hold water or whatever said in that agreement it does say the burrow is responsible when it's being used by the residents it does and that's what I mean talking to Michael Pasqual that's what he told me that the burrow insurance covers it when it's being used by residents not the Board of Ed no through permanent use okay well like I said I'll have to give but but with that said even that is something that is being worked through right now for the betterment of the community and and again we approved the permit tonight I don't remember a summer permit being taken we're happy to just to clarify that there's no games this is just practice the games are going to be indoor down in at the indoor facility but again if we able to provide the permit I mean well that I appreciate we're not saying no we're assuming a forthcoming permit is coming for the season we anticipate that we we've already shared that that would be supported we we're not looking to be a barrier to the season we're just working out as Mr Taro said the logistics the legal side of it that's really what it comes down to no I appreciate that and like I said I mean just I mean there was something said at the border about well if the band's playing you can't be there not not playing practicing or if girl soccer is down there they said the scoreboard I'm like no we're not playing games we're just we're just practicing so I mean it's but I can I read your your approval and stuff and that's F that's okay like I said I mean it's we're crazy but we're not that crazy when it's this hot we don't go down there too longten so but we we will use it on you know whatever based on whatever you put in there I appreciate that but I will have to I have to talk to Michael pasal again and see what's going on with the insurance thing yes but I do appreciate sorry all your efforts in getting this deal done I heard bits and pieces of it um some official some official or whatever and it kind of is what it is but again I do I do appreciate it thank you sorry about the crack out 10 years ago any other public comment okay board members we will entertain all the comments General new business old business start with you miss Pon you were just looking at me so you got it um I just wanted to say that I worked really hard to become a board member and uh ran multiple times I'm a mom of three boys uh two have IEPs I'm also a special education teacher my oldest is huge on sports and I remember when the sun doubles was I feel like they just started makes me old but that's okay and it was huge and all the boys that played on the Sun Devils were the cool cute kids you know the popular K I don't know it was just such a good feeling and to go watch their games and um we were like the only town that had it it was so fun and so exciting and I just want to say I did not work so hard to get on this board to say no to our Hawthorn kids I am not here for that reason um but I agree with Marco that things are done behind the scenes I am not on that committee though they're very good about keeping us updated um but I think I don't know I'm speaking for myself but also I know these people up here in their hearts and no one is here to stop our kids from playing a sport um or to ruin them you know or put them on on the street so that they're rough housing on people's Lawns because I don't like hearing that and I have a middle schooler who is probably one of those kids I also want to say something about the um registration I kind of made a comment in there when you were talking about it because I was denied I'm like fourth generation Hawthorne um and so I thought that was pretty interesting I reapplied and that we were approved to uh continue to go to Hawthorne they were very thorough it was very thorough my name's hyphenated some things say mky some things say it's a pain but um yeah it was very thorough and I appreciate that because there were a lot of people that we found who were not living in Hawthorne or whether it was legally or even in the town um so that helps us because that's our tax money um especially students with IEPs who cost more money and lastly as a single parent my uh ex-husband lives in New York like you basically have like that's mine that's my kid that's my kid so as a middle schooler he was being dropped off by someone with New York playes um so I'm not saying that these kids are not out of District or whatever I'm just letting you know from my personal experience it was really hard to re-register them with this new program and two that makes sense why you'd be like why are there people being dropped off with New York fleets I'm only it's only one only one child out of however many but um that's it thank you to Roosevelt PTO for cleaning up the courtyard not only did we they raise a ridiculous amount of money it took us many years to buy a new playground um to tear down the old one that was all volunteer but then we also had a couple amazing people take time off their summer to come out clean up the courtyard and then repay it so now our kids have an outlet an extra outlet that they didn't have before in a beautiful Courtyard so that's it thank you thank you Miss K Mr car I'm good thank you Mr D I hope everybody enjoys the rest of the summer stay cool and the suppressive Heat and uh have some Faith we'll get through this issue and the next issue and the next issue and the next issue that comes after that that's all I got thank you Mr D Mr clo just want to uh congratulate Mr rer one more time Not only was he with us for over 10 years but he was very proactive as Mr SP as Dr SPO was going through the list of projects that you were instrumental in you know High School choir comes to mind broadcasting Studio I mean just a plethora of different activities that you were involved in so not only did you volunteer more than 10 years but you're a proactive board member so pleasure serving with you thank you thank you Mr Mr to I have ech go some of the same sentiments Mr C great to see you Bruce it's always a pleasure I always put a smile on my face so congratulations and uh just in general right I mean uh I know a lot of topics have been discussed today and I think the world that we're in right now some things are one extreme or the other and and and opinions and and feelings can get tested at times uh but I genuinely do appreciate everybody coming out right me you're passionate about something and you have a conviction about something it's important that you talk about it and you you share your opinions to get your voice heard and we hear you right and you know uh is a process and uh sometimes in a moment it could be frustrating um but we I will say for myself I genuinely appreciate everyone who takes time out of their day out of their evening to come out and show support for something that they're passionate about so I appreciate you coming out tonight thank you oh three comments for me first um I always like to when we see in the news exciting alumni stories we have Ethan Ramos who's an alumni um from Hawthorne he is wrestling in the Olympics this year the Summer Olympics so on August 8th if anyone wants to tune in great wrestler from our our yeah state champ for the Bears and he's representing Puerto Ric so that's exciting if we could support one of our own that's a we do um second I would like to thank president Goff um for the great job with the superintendent evaluation I know it's a lot of work and we have a we have a great superintendent so that makes a little bit easier but Abby thank you because I know it's a lot of work and everyone doesn't always know that just some cutting and facing and typing and no but organizing all of us behind the scenes too so thank you and then lastly uh to echo on some of the comments thank you everyone that came here tonight um similar to Erica I'm an alumni of this school system I am the only one up here that's not a parent but I I care about everyone in the district and as volunteers we want all the opportunities I can't speak for everyone but we want all the opportunities for our kids athletically academically their safety in every way um it has been an interesting process and without getting into any details I wish that it was more transparent not not on on all ends because of course I'm on Facebook and we see the comments and there are a lot of misconceptions if and I think Mr mentioned he heard from this person this or this person that I wish like Mr Taro said we all could have gotten into a room at one point and a lot of times the fingers were pointed and blamed in different direction questions but talking for hours with with our group here um it's always been in the best interest of our residents so I hope people know that we volunteer to do this um we do want what's best for everyone including their safety and hopefully like Mr Doyle said a resolution is coming that will be a happy one for all of us finally we all want it trust us and that concludes my comments have a good FR of July thank you Miss Aaron trout I just wanted to let the board know and also the public um if you don't have an incoming freshman Mr uh Fister has really gone above and beyond this year about getting information out to the the community as ahead of time as possible the summer is so difficult um so the last month of school he put out the freshman orientation date which is August 26th very exciting there is a student time and then there is a a parent time so I'm looking very forward to that um there was one other thing I wanted to say now I cannot remember what it was oh I also want to thank our athletic Community for they go above and beyond during the summer we have so many sports teams that are already in the thick of it um yesterday football got wet bulbed which it was it was too hot for them to practice and uh I mean I'm I'm not surprised but the commitment to making sure they're practicing safely you know a lot of communities say they're wet balding but they're not so it was in the middle of practice and they had to go home so I really appreciate that you know that the trainers and everyone who's involved in all of those things to to do and the best they can for all of our students because it was it was dangerously hot yesterday afternoon so they did the right thing and then this morning they were practicing at 7:30 instead um again I do want to thank everybody for coming you know I do speak for myself but collaboratively we are not coming from a place of adversary I think the fact that we have spoken about this for so long some we've been accused by some for speaking about it too much and taking our eye off of the ball um but because we want the right thing we did we're not making any JK reaction we're not saying no but the fact that we continue to engage in these collaborative conversations with the buau and with the board of w I hope proves that we are always trying to to to do what is right um and coming here is absolutely the right thing to do we are always welcome to anybody that wants to come and talk and ask and listen I know we're not normally very well attended um I love when we have people come people watch not that many people watch um but please come if you have a question we are here to listen and to answer if we can but as Mr joyle said some of this is legally pending which we are moving into at this point um but again I hope the length of the time it has taken for us to continue this conversation proves that we are committed to making sure that it's right and it's done right in any event I want to wish everybody a happy rest of July our students who are going away to college and and maybe going before our next meeting I hope they have a a safe college experience and that is it so be it resolved that the Hawthorne Board of Education convenes an executive session to discuss exent matters pertaining to pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation or matters of attorney client privilege be it further resolved that minutes of the executive session will be made available upon determination by the fourth disclosure of the minutes will not detrimentally affect the right or interest of the board and the need for confidentiality no longer exists entertain a motion to go into motion second second Min totaro motion seconded by Miss Aaron TR roll call Mr Taro yes car yes Mr clo yes Mr joyle yes Mr yes M SMY Colton yes Mrs do yes