I don't meeting call order the time is 7 o' public portion of the meeting begins the New Jersey open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the right to the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public values at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this the business administrator board secretary has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the T the date time and place thereof posted on the bulletin board of Municipal Building communicated to the Herold news the record and filed with the clerk of the bu of Hawthorne roll call please Mr car pres Mr clo present Mr Doyle present M Aaron trout here M Moi Colson here Mr Poo here Mr shortway here Mrs zaro pres Mrs go here here please join me for the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all meeting regulations during each regular meeting two opportunities are provided for citizens to ask questions and to make comments during the first opportunity early on the agenda the meeting is open to the public for the purpose of addressing items listed for approval on this agenda only the second opportunity occurs just prior to adjournment when the citizens May address any subject matter that is pertinent to Andor directly related to the operation of the school district persons wishing to speak must upon being recognized rise State their name address and subject matter comments and questions shall be addressed to the board president or the presiding officer and shall be limited to 5 minutes per person the board mayor may not respond to issues raised by members of the public at the time they are raised but will provide a response if and when appropriate the board asks that members of the public be courteous and mindful of the rights of other individuals when speaking please note that the board will not respond to comments regarding students or board employees in light of the Privacy rights held by those individuals moreover the board discourages comments about such individuals and will not be responsible for such comments members of the public who choose to speak during this public session should carefully consider their comments since they can be held personally liable for any statements they make finally please consider please note that in accordance with the district policy the board will not officially comment or respond to any matter mentioned unless it can confirm the matter has first been brought to the attention of the appropriate School Personnel in an attempt to resolve the issue publicly heard agenda items only Dr Morell welcome back Morel 61 sorry parking I got R of your spot see I had a question about uh cni item um number three on page three um can you please clarify what the ngut funding is is that gr money or that state it's grant money and we've gotten before this is just a renewal and it pays for the audio books that that we have for our students so we we've had it for years this is just a renewal grant money Esa I know it's Grant I could find out exactly what grant money but I know it's grant money I can find out for you okay that was my only question thank you seeing as no one else we will be moving on to approval of the minutes for January 23rd of 2024 regular meeting public and private I'll entertain a motion motion second motion by Mr shortway seconded by Mr totaro any discussion roll call please Mr car yes Mr CIO yes Mr Doyle yes Miss AR TR yes Miss Moi Colton yes Miss Mr Palo yes Mr shortway yes Mrs ataro yes Mrs go yes I have no correspondence at this time Dr do you have any correspondence I do not okay reports we have our so we'll start with our auditor swier here today from Salan company so keeping update on the audit hello um every school every school district independent order done we completed ours a few weeks back and you get two reports to uh approve tonight uh first one is the order management report and there we have any finding the recommendations we'll list them down in here and you prepare corrective action PL to to fix those this past year we did have two Financial recommendations i' like a record uh the first one has to deal with grants uh we noted that there was there was no reconciliation between what was recorded on this District County record for Federal grant expenditures and what is drawn down for reimbursement on the state of New Jersey Department of Education office of Grant Management ewe system and the recommendation read that the district reconcile recorded on the district county records for Federal grant expenditures with what was drawn down for reimbursement on the state of New Jersey Department of Education Office of Grant Management ewe system uh you guys have several federal fedal grants that you have uh you spend money throughout the year and you draw the money down through the ewe system uh there is no reconciliation that we provided to kind of match up every expenditure to what was drawn down uh was the previous business Ministry that was here she made have something but there was nothing could have been provided to us so there no actual legation for us to to look at uh the second finding uh deals with your cafeteria uh we've had this finding in a couple of our districts uh it's been an issue over the last couple years uh the finding is that net cash resources exceeded 3 months average expenditures uh and the recommendation is that the district take appropriate action to ensure that the net cash resources do not exceed 3 months average expenditures basically what's happening is you have too much money in your cafeteria and federal government gives you guys subsid money they don't want you guys to have too much money around uh you guys build up too much Surplus in your in your food surface fund so they want you to spend that down one of the ways you can do that is to uh reduce prices or uh buy equipment or any charge you can put against C that will reduce your fund balance U those are the only two recommendations that we had during the year uh from a financial standpoint you had a unmodified opinion for your for your AIT report that's the best opinion you can get that means we feel all the records that we provided by the office were satisfactory condition uh and then physically you guys for once again sound uh you're able to increase your uh your C Reserve up to 3.7 million and your maintenance Reserve came in a little 2.5 million so fiscally guys end s any specific questions in regards to uh the two the two comments that you found the grant reimbursements that's basically just to add some context to it it's just not having a supporting schedule right we not there's anything wrong we would like to just be able to see a TI each dispersement back as opposed to so there's various you know three or four grow down each year for each Grant I able to match those up to the accounting record specifically and we couldn't do that because there's no reconciliation provided this maybe not one that we could project we didn't change ba so maybe they well and I I think I think Janine is already on on top of the situation you know by by end of this just we year we'll get back on just it's just to suppor sched okay great and the other one it's uh the Food Service one it's that's an that's a CO residual right I think it's uh AR aren't a lot of districts it was actually a comment two years ago I was going to say this is not the first year we've had that yeah you guys were barely over the limit in the federal government size if you're over the limit they have aing recommendation in the report so I think you're about $1,000 over so nothing nothing agre okay thank you thank you Mr switcher just so the board knows I Dro did ask if I thought we each needed a paper copy of the audit that thick booklet that Mr fer had in his hand and I did not think that we each needed one we did have if you want one we have three available well I it I mean I just what a waste of resources um but they do have copies available at the board office and and digitize if anybody wanted to see in person normally have them and then give them to need yes y if anybody wants that hand copy I believe we had three hard copies in the office yes this councelor is not present she she did share report unfortunately uh Brian is a little under the weather tonight so she asked me to share her report uh so she says good evening everyone I hope that you're all having a fantastic beginning to this week I'm so excited to share some fun news with all of you this month last week course selection of the 24 25 school year began for underclassman and eighth graders this will go on until mid April the sophomore class organized candy grams last week to celebrate Valentine's Day they uh these were a great success student council's blood drive will be on February 26th in the small gym it is open to all students 16 years or older uh with a parent or Guardians permission student council is also working on planning the upcoming spirit week and spring fundraiser and lastly the school store will open on Fridays with all sorts of merchandise all all under $25 be sure to check it out during lunch Spanish club is planning a club trip as well as uh particip for all participating members excuse me looking forward to uh Monday night March 11th the high school will host the winter sports awards to celebrate celebrate the winter season basketball winter track bowling hockey and our cheer teams and it will be in the auditorium at 7:00 p.m. and that's all I have for you guys tonight thank you as always and go bear in regards to my report uh I have a number of things to share tonight so first I just want to remind everyone that kindergarten registration is currently underway for the uh September 2024 uh registration uh is online it's on our district website uh so please that's where the process begins so we ask you to please visit our new website actually that went live today I'm going to talk about in a second um and on the top of the page there's a registration tab right at the the top of the new page and you can begin the process there and the schools will contact you to continue that process for kindergarten registration uh in regards to our new website our new website went live today we're excited about the new format which we feel is much more user friendly um as we go forward though if there are things that come up or questions or ideas suggestions with the new site uh please feel free to reach out to the building principal or to my office um you know willing to uh listen to your feedback on the new site um the new web address and email is Hawthorn schools.org um currently we're working on the process I never realized how many steps in getting this everything to point to your new web address right so we're almost there everything the new website is up and horth schools.org is active but we're just working with the old website company to have them point the old address to the new address so we're almost there but the new site is up and active and everything is updated on that site including the the agenda and the video uh links for tonight tonight's meum um emails for our staff will continue to be or going forward will now be athorn schools.org all right um however if people are still emailing the horn. K12 nj. us that will still be forwarded to the new email so so even if you're using the old email address those will be forwarded to the staff so teachers will get them myself they still will get those emails but we're encouraging everybody to trans ition to the hathorn schools.org website and web address okay um in terms of activities in our schools I have a number of things to share this month so uh as you know this is uh February is Black History Month so uh there I'm sure you've seen information from the schools and regarding uh Black History Month activities uh in our schools obviously that that is celebrated annually in February but we continue to uh incorporate activities throughout the school year uh in the high school m jonal does a great job each month uh of of uh honoring the theme uh and obviously this month in the library she's offering instructional materials resources she engages students with library books and displays bulletin boards informational materials daily announcements posted flyers and social media postings this month obviously related to Black History Month but every month she highlights uh the uh what is being celebrated that month and I want to thank Mrs DJ on the high school for all the work that she does throughout the year uh to support for uh these different um events throughout the year also in March as we get as we enter March we'll be celebrating re Across America and you'll be hearing information from the schools in regard to read Across America activities uh I know one of the activities that I enjoy participating every year is reading uh to the students in the schools uh and I know Washington school has already begun that uh with let's celebrate reading uh where they invite guest readers to read to classes uh in their school and I look forward to uh participating in that this coming week so again there'll be more information about re Across America in the coming weeks uh so stay tuned to those School announcements uh they'll provide information for parents regarding activities taking place in the school in terms of a high school update we're excited to welcome our new director of guidance Dr Deborah feifer she started today I stopped in to see her and I could tell you she was a little overwhelmed just getting herself settled but we're happy to have Dr Fifer as our new director of guidance um prior to becoming our director she was a school counsel for a number of years uh where she says she wore many hats and she says as a director now I'm truly looking forward to working collaboratively with the district students and families in a variety of ways I have a doctoral degree in educational leadership from month University and a master's degree in School counseling from SE Hall University fun fact I was born in Portugal and speak three different languages English Portuguese and Spanish and she says I'm looking forward to working with each and every one of you uh I am always a phone call away phone call or email away so look forward to uh uh getting to know Dr feifer and working with her throughout the remainder of the school year um some other highlights from the high school our high school downspout Dynamo Capstone team as you know every year we talk about our Capstone group and and the work that they're doing and every year they seem to you know be successful in this steam tank competition and once again uh the team comprised of Ryan carella Josh Duran Nathan Garing Jacob Hernandez and madrit valo have achieved extraordinary success their groundbreaking down spout Dynamo Concepts concept has propelled them to the regional steam tank competition where they're currently in the process of constructing the Prototype and devising data collection strategies all anticipation of the upcoming March competition so congratulations to those students look forward to hearing more about that uh a lot of high school updates are excuse me athletic updates to share at the high school first Jack lorer won the district championship at his weight class was also named the most outstanding wrestler Caleb Ambrose and cor mcsmith took second place and all three will move on to the Regionals this coming week want to congratulate our cheer team last weekend they competed in the co-ed division at the Mustang Mania cheer competition they took third place proud of that our cheer team I want to congratulate our bowling team who defeated West Milford in the first round of the njsa playoffs uh they will move on to the next round where they'll compete against Eastern Christian this Thursday so good luck to our bowling team at the high school as well terms of some Middle School updates just want to mention that leadership camp registration is now open for any students fifth graders entering Lincoln Middle School as you know the H Police Department runs a fantastic Leadership Camp uh every summer this year it's from August 12th to August 16th uh it's a week-long program is staffed by members of the horor police department as well as uh some of our staff at Lincoln Middle School uh and it provides opportunities for our students in the in fifth grade entering the Middle School to transition is a wonderful program all my personal but personally All My Children participated and hundreds of children have participated over the years and there are I can't tell you the benefits that they will achieve by participating in this program uh it is it is an absolutely worthwhile program I encourage you to participate if you have a fifth grader going into Lincoln Middle School uh registration is currently open uh and you can visit the hor Police Department website I know I looked on it today and there's a link there for registration for leadership camp uh so please take advantage of that opportunity also Lincoln Middle School held its school spelling be last week and first place went to Lily desant Runners up were Landon Riley and Robert bulmer so all will compete in the County Spelling be tournament later this month so congratulations to those students at Lincoln middle school and Mrs deor also shared that students have been enjoying their D days during their last dend day students worked with marshmallows and spaghetti to build the tallest tower or strongest and tallest tower we were quite impressed with the designing and Engineering that took place Mrs satino Den was able to build the tallest structure at a height of 33 in and during the next 10 day students will compete uh complete uh within Den uh within the den in a three minute minute to- win it challenge all right terms of elementary schools few updates from elementary schools first I want to congratulate some students who participated uh in the Pake County uh calendar contest that's an annual contest the poster contest every year that's run by pay County so this year uh I want to congratulate Kaylee Wagner fourth grader at Jefferson School um who uh was her artwork was selected as one of the 12 winning submissions this year so congratulations Kaylee she attended attended an awards assembly at the pay County Police Academy she received the medal t-shirt and certificate um and it says a few weeks later we received an official Commendation for kayy from the New Jersey state sener a way to go Kaye uh also we had two students at Roosevelt School who received honorable mention Avery bushoven and Nathaniel bushakis were recognized for their state county poster contest entries Avery and Nate were awarded honorable mention status at the ceremony and receiv received medals t-shirts and certificates so congratulations to all those students also at the elementary schools uh We've we've uh taken some opportunities for our middle school students to visit at our elementary schools through our Sidekicks program uh so that's been going on throughout the year and it recently took place again uh we have a approximately 50 students at Lincoln Middle School participating in the sidekicks program they visited the elementary schools to work with the fourth graders uh they talked about how to work towards your goals and be upstanding members of your school uh and of course our fourth graders always enjoy when the middle schoolers come down and visit with them as part of this new program so we're happy to have this new Sidekicks program and it seems to be going very well with our middle school students serving as mentors to our elementary students uh Mr pan shared at Rosevelt school that Miss tamario and the fifth grade anti-bullying crew shared their monthly good character video with all their classrooms and encouraged students and staff to show empathy during the month of February uh M bizar also coordinated with the anti-bullying Crudo award students with brag tags for various good deeds and Mrs tamaru as you know the board of aware she'll be transitioning to the high school to replac Mr Pomo on March 1st uh happy to have her the high school sth to see lead in the elementary school she's done a great job there but we're excited about her transition to HHS um and finally I just want to share that the fifth grade Roar program continues as always as it does each year at all of our schools uh recent lessons included conversations and activities on teamwork and peer pressure uh and as always we appreciate all that the members of the horor police department do for our students as part of this Roar program throughout the year they we have different officers at each building each Elementary School and they do a fantastic job with our elementary students to talk about numerous topics um last two uh first I want to uh I want to talk about the CJ Pride virtual job fair uh this is our second year uh partnering with a a group called CJ Pride it's the Central Jersey program for recruitment of diverse Educators so last year we participated in their job fair which was in March uh there's about 86 School Districts that participate with this group called CJ Pride we are one of them um I will tell you the job fair last year which was also held in March actually proved very beneficial to us we actually hired a couple of people from this this particular job fair so we're looking forward to it taking place this year March 21st uh we'll actually be uh participating in a virtual uh meeting tomorrow to set up our virtual job fair Booth uh and it really went very well it's an interesting uh format where you basically it's a real quick five minute five to 10 minute quick interview but you can the nice part about it is uh the principles can interview people and then send if they like them they can actually send them to me and I can interview them all virtually within a you know 15 or 20 minute period of time um so we were able to make some good connections last year we actually hired some teachers uh from this job fair last year so the job fair this year is on March 21st so we will be participating again uh we look forward to that job fair and lastly I just want to encourage all of our parents to review not only take a look at our new website but to review those weekly announcements sent by each of our schools as you know each School principal sends a weekly announcement every week with information about things happening in the school or upcoming events I encourage you to please take a look at those announcements there's a lot of good information in those announcements um and I know that some of the principles are also starting to share some some virtual newsletters or some electronic I should say electronic newsletters um so please take a look at those a lot of great information and that concludes my report thank you Dr spr I have one question about the we website conversion we talked about the like staff side the student side because that's their logins right like they all put in their emails as logins yes so has that been have they done that I think we're still Tam correct if wrong we're still logging in with our the students all have a student. hallor schools. email just like but because we didn't want to interfere with all the instructional apps that they're using during the school year we didn't change the primary name that will happen over the summer so next year they'll start logging so they're still logging in yes the same way yes yes are their emails still the same exactly like staff their Hawthorne and their new Hawthorne schools. email both go to that but they're still using the old way to log in exactly okay yes okay and that'll change in the summer once we're pass all the academic um you know calendar stuff and we can actually close out all the instructional apps then we can change that over okay and they'll like how will they be informed the students we'll notify them over the summer before um we make the change handle is just I mean I it's so long to remember I know they hav't saved in there but man I it's just it's a lot a lot of information thank you Dro for all that lovely information you're welcome curriculum instruction Miss Aron TR thank you madam president pursuant to the recommendation of the superintendent of schools the committee on curriculum and instruction recommends the following resolutions ci1 through ci4 on page three ci5 through ci1 on page four on behalf of the committee I still move move by Miss Aaron seconded by Mr Poo any discussion sure I know I've mentioned this before um the bcba services contract that we are approving I I think I could be wrong but didn't we hire a new bcba in District this year you talking about ci2 I'm sorry yes yeah that's for the extended school year program uh is it the same company we use for the school year uh I no not think we had we may the year but this particular one is for the extended school year I'm sure we do use them throughout the year um we do have a bcva but uh but this is this particular item is is for the summer program that's what specifically this is what this is only approving the summer for the summer we have to approve it now because we have to contract to secure them for the summer that's why we're doing early and there's no like minimum in the contract like let's say we're guaranteeing 30 hours or something no it's just as needed basis yes okay thank youcome I actually had a question on ci2 myself is there a maximum number of hours that we're putting on that contract I don't have the contract with me I we can look and this administrative St of 250 is that like a one time Fe yes okay um and I'm for ci6 I read this but then I just reread it a one to one assistant I'm assuming needs an aid and it's $50,000 for half of a school year so unfortunately so some of our students have on toone nurses this particular student has a Ono one personal care assistant sure so that's so it's beyond the scope of a of a typical one to one Aid situation because that is an extremely exorbitant okay no I know there's listen there's nothing we can do I just I didn't know so this person based on I it's based on you know beyond uh uh associates degree our professional I would assume there's something very um technical about what they're doing few students with personal care assistance um but this happens okay so ci6 and ci7 are two different positions yes okay yeah for two different students if you look at the file number I see thank you is there any other discussion just want to throw out there while we're having this discussion that these are the types of expenses that are not predictable and and budget busting if you will um and you know special is that way there's nothing we can do about it if it's the needs of the student then that's what that's what has to be done roll call please Mr clo yes Mr Doyle yes Miss arant yes Miss Moi Colson yes Mr Poo yes Mr shortway yes Mr Taro yes Mr PA yes Mrs do yes Personnel back to you Miss thank you the following resolutions are pursuant to the recommendation of the superintendent of schools P1 through p13 on page 5 p14 through p26 on Page 6 and p27 and p28 on page s on behalf of the committee I so move move by Miss Aaron trout seconded Again by Mr Poo any discussion it's right here glad to see that the uh guidance uh department is falling into place you know with all the shifts we've had yes also glad to see that we have a uh coach for a golf season coming up MH I was going to piggyback on that as well is that something that we think Mr Warner is going to be pursuing long term or just for this season I I don't know the answer to that I I know the coach kind of left last last minute um so I'm not sure if he'll do it for years to come or just for this year I was going to ask on that too is is that head coach yes they don't have assistance they don't have assistance volunte but they don't paid assistance that passion passion passion agreed any other discussion I'm happy to see that we're taking student field experience candidates that people are still pursuing this career um I'm just happy to see that we're welcoming more people into the profession roll call please Mr Doyle yes Miss Aaron trout yes Miss M Colson yes Mr Poo yes Mr shortle yes Mr Taro yes Mr car yes Mr CIO yes Mrs do yes finance and administration Mr CL thank you madam president uh action items pursu to the recommendation of Z Ando schools the committee on finance and administration recommends the fin resolutions on page seven F1 through F3 on page 8 F4 to f8 on page n F9 to f11 on page 10 F12 to F14 actually 82 on page 10 contining on to page 11 all the way to 88 on behalf of the committee I so move second move by Mr Glo seconded by Mr Taro any discussion roll call M Aron trout yes but abstaining on A4 Mrs M Colton yes Mr Poo yes Mr shortle yes Mr zaro yes Mr car yes Mr clavo yes Mr Doyle yes Mrs go yes claims back to you Miss Aaron TR busy day for me thank thank youie president go I have reviewed the bill list um in accordance with njac c6a colon 23-2 colon 11b C3 and C4 and it's recommended that the board approved the bill list for the month of February second move by Miss seconded by Mr clo any discussion roll call please miss m Colson yes Mr Poo yes Mr short white yes Mr Taro yes Mr car yes Mr CIO yes Mr Doyle yes Mr Aron trout yes Mrs do yes Mr Cho buildings and grounds thank you madam president pursuant to the recommendations of superintendent schools committees on buildings and grounds recommends the following resolutions on page 12 bg1 to bg3 on behalf of the committee i' so move second move by Mr totaro seconded by Mr Carr any discussion roll call please Mr Poo yes Mr shorttight yes Mr Taro yes Mr car yes Mr clavo yes Mr Doyle yes M arar trout yes Miss Moi Colton yes Mrs do yes committee and Le on reports Mr Carr I heard you have quite a happy legislative yep so uh Governor Murphy was very busy since December 21st up until today um following La been signed into uh following bills have been signed into law by Governor Murphy first being electric School Bus program appropriation makes supplemental appropriation of $15 million in fiscal year 2022 a budget to fund the first year of the electric School Bus program compostable food waste authorizes a school school to deliver compostable or anerobic digestable School waste generated by the school to another school as long as the receiving School accepts the waste and compost it in an inv vessel composting or anerobic digest digestion system grief instruction requires the State Board of Education to adopt and districts to implement New Jersey student learning standards pertaining to grief in the Comprehensive Health and physical education content area at its next required update of the standards the standards will be included in the grades 8 to 12 would address the physical emotional and behavioral symptoms of grief coping mechanisms and resources available to students the New Jersey doe is required to provide district with age appropriate resources to support implementation of the standards the vet teach pilot program established the vet teach pilot program in New Jersey designed to help address the educator shortage by helping facilitate teacher certification for the state's veterans under the pilot program up to foure fouryear public institutions of higher UC education selected by the commissioner of Education would enroll a 36-month teacher preparation program catering to Veterans who served in the armed forces on after September 11th 20 2001 providing School meals info to parents revises the type of information that must be sent to parents or Guardians at the beginning of the school year regarding the district school meal programs under legislation signed in September of 2022 school districts are required to provide in paper or electronic format parents with the school meals with application form this amends that requirement to specify that the application must be provided as a hard copy the new law also adds that districts must include a notice that an application to apply for School Meal programs may be submitted at any time during the school year and is required to be submitted annually security drills and students with disabilities require certain documentation of the needs of students with disabilities during school security drills and emergency situations as well as in school security plans the bill also requires staff training on the needs of students with disabilities and emergency planning more specifically the bill require all students and staff to fully participate in each emergency drill conducted to the greatest extent practicable and when appropriate utilize procedures for assisting in the rescue of persons unable to use the general means of eress to ensure the participation does not pose a safety risk that School Safety and Security training provided to School Employees in the current law address the unique needs of students with disabilities in the event of a fire drill security drill or actual emergency schools will require be required to make employees aware of anticipated supports such as those from obility medical and communication needs that will be required for these students and any services that must be provided under students indiv individualized education plans individualized healthcare plans and 504 plans that the building security dral guide and training materials developed by the commission of education and the New Jersey of office of Homeland Security include information on the unique needs of students with disabilities including protocol for accommodating those students School Safety and Security task force establishes a School Safety and Security task force to study and developed recommendations to improve School Safety and Security and to ensure a safe learning environment for students and employees will consist of a 17 member it will consist of 17 members including representatives of various government agencies education advocacy groups and members of the public with expertise in school security task force will be charged with developing recommendations regarding several school security issues including but not limited to the hardening of school perimeter and building entryways strategies to ensure the needs of students with disabilities are reflected in all areas of emergency planning and response measures and standards for architectural design for new construction transferring of county college credits to meet the EP require requirements this prohibits educator preparation programs from restricting the number of accredit accredited County College professional education credits that may be used to meet the teacher certification requirements of an educator preparation program except this may be required by the ep's accrediting organization qpa Award of certain contracts this permits certain School District contracts to be awarded by a qualified purchasing agent specifically the bill amends Public School contracts law to stipulate that a contract having an anticipated value in excess of $177,500 but below the applicable bidding threshold is not required to be awarded by a board of education and may be awarded by a purchasing agent that holds a qualified purchasing agent certificate temporary expansion of free school lunch permanent expansion of free School breakfast this new law requires school districts and non-public schools participating in the national school lunch program to provide free lunch during the 2425 school year to students who are federally eligible for free and reduce price lunch as well as students who are federally ineligible but who have an annual household income of not more than 224 of the federal poty level the bill additionally amends existing law to clarify that both public and nonpublic schools offering School breakfasts pursu to the Federal School breakfast program will be required to provide such Prospect breakfasts free of charge both to federally eligible students and to students who are federally ineligible but who have an annual threat household income amounting not to less than 186% and not more than 224 in the federal poty level eliminating the April budget vote eliminates the required public vote on school budgets below the tax living growth cap for to April districts the new law also creates start and end dates for board members board member terms of 1:1 to 12:31 for November districts and 51 to 4:30 for April districts rather than term starting and ending at an organization meeting the law further ensures that in a type two School District the school board may not conduct a meeting other than for the organization meeting between January 1 the organization date in districts with a November school election and May 1 in the organization date for districts with an April school election fasts of graduation requirement requires students to complete financial aid applications as part of the high school graduation requirements the bill provides that beginning with the 2324 grade 11 class and for two years thereafter a board of education or a Board of Trustees of a charter school shall require a student to complete and submit a financial aid application in a form prescribed by the higher education standard assistance Authority this requirement will serve as a prerequisite to the student receiving a high school diploma however student is exempt from this pre this requirement if the student is at least 18 years of age or the student parent or Guardian submit W form to the district uh or Charter School nonpublic school transportation consortiums establishes a non-public school transportation program to provide funding to cons to consortiums of non-public schools that will assume responsibility for mandated non-public school busing under the program non-public schools in one or more counties would be authorized to form a Consortium to assume responsibilities from participating school districts to provide transportation to and from the non-public schools or a A and L the school district chooses to participate in the voluntary program The District would disperse to the Consortium an amount equal to the Aiden L Transportation uh amount for each non-public school student For Whom the school district would otherwise be required to provide transportation or aiding Lo the Bill's Provisions will expire 3 years from this effective date also the commission of Education in consultation with the oversight committee established pursuant to the Bill's Provisions will be required to submit a report to the governor and legislature on the implementation of the program uh youth suicide prevention requires the New Jersey youth Suicide Prevention uh advisory Council to prepare a report regarding suicide prevention instruction in public schools the report will include but not be limited to identifying Suicide Prevention instruction currently provided to teaching staff members and students reviewing the effectiveness and sufficiency of such instruction identifying methods Public Schools may use to identify students who may be at risk for suicide or self injury identifying best practices in public schools for prevention of Youth suicide self- injury identifying opportunities to enhance access to mental health treatment in public schools findings and recommendations including legislative and Regulatory proposals in preparing the report the counc will develop a survey to collect data from local school districts improve private schools for students with disabilities in Charter and Renaissance school projects the council is required to submit the report to the governor legislature within 12 months following the enactment of this legislation almost done Innovative dual enrollment 2 pilot program establishes in the Department of Education a three-year Innovation dual dual enrollment 2 pilot program the purpose of this program is to offer participating students in grades 9 through 12 a guidance start to postsecondary coursework to the provision of targeted supports and lowcost courses in which students May simultaneously earn high school and college credits student Civic engagement permits excused absences for students who attend Civic events specifically the new law permits Public Schools pupils in grades 6 through 12 one excused absence to attend the Civic event each school year allow school districts to provide additional excused absences for such purpos purposes excused absence taken under this law would not be reflected in student attendance records parents are guarded as pupils who wish to use use an excused absence under this bill would be required to provide sign written notice of at least five school days in advance of the intended excused absence and such other documentation as the school district theme is necessary to prove that the P pupil meets the requirements for the excused absence youth disconnection prevention which will be a final one for the evening establishes the position of Youth disconnection prevention recovery onut person in the New Jersey Department of Education establishes the school disconnection prevention task force the onut person will be appointed by the governor serve with the pleasure of the governor and Report directly to the commissioner of Education the duty the duties of the omut person include collaborating with school districts to develop and Implement a Statewide strategic plan of action collaborating with a variety of governmental agencies to address the challenges facing student dropouts developing breast practices consistent with the recommendations of the school disconnection prevention task force advising commissioner on ways to prevent students from disconnecting from school and strategies for re-engaging students who have disconnected from school the task force established by law will consist of 25 members including the youth disconnection prevention recovery HS but person who will serve as the chair of the task force commissioner of the Department of Education Corrections labor and Workforce Development Human Services and Children and Families Secretary of higher education the executive director of JAL Justice Commission and 17 members appointed by the governor this concludes my report thank you thank you so much Mr far you have some water over there can I ask a question of course Joe do you have Mr car do you have a bill number for that Transportation bill it was right before um you mentioned about the suicide I do not no okay but I I didn't know if you mentioned it and I missed it so I could I'll I'll look it up thank you does that apply to us the way it it it sounds student of ours going to another school a nonpublic school right we do a right yes we do that for people who go to Catholic schools or already doing that put into legislation now so right I think it's already legislation I'm not sure I think what he's talking about is a Consortium like if a district wanted to group with a bunch of District surrounding districts they would get paid the a plus to transport another District student okay wait till your first month on bills well it has to be the right month cuz a m is not every month but yes we we are already doing that people change anything for us this but I had it last year so I and yeah I think it's twice a year twice year yeah year February and Jun febrary okay so it doesn't change anything for us hopefully it would lower the cost that's why I was asking I know how much of our money goes to Transportation other schools yeah that's right CR mind yeah I wonder what the logic is with the uh the one that you mentioned about the uh mandatory fast as a as a high school gradu graduation requirement you know the libertarian and me kind of buls at that right I mean have access to financial information if you don't need if you don't have any need for financial aid then why apply yeah why grant them access to that information but I'm hearing now again I'm not there yet but from what I've been researching some schools won't even release Merit information to you unless you have filled out the fast which is not related at all to financial aid that's a separate funding so it's they're they're sort of tie in your hands anyway as it is now if you want any sort of funding seems like sounds like an overreach if you don't have a need for financial aid Mr clo Finance at Administration thank you madam president the uh committee did not meet we had a uh ad hoc board meeting that uh took place in L of that uh we did get the notes I did have a conference call with Miss Murray and Dr SPO they were kind enough to go over the uh notes and uh add some context the audit update the fin that were discussed that's what we uh that's what was referenced in the meeting uh the payroll position interviews are complete uh not sure how much further we're there but U that was please yes thank you yes so uh M Murray conducted a number of interviews for our payroll position as you know we've been looking for sumary for that payroll position for about a year now um unfortunately we don't have someone to recommend that this time uh but we are we have one candidate who we're working with possibly recommended a future meeting uh the other candidates we didn't feel were viable candidates uh to move forward so there is one that's a possibility the candidate isn't 100% sure they're they're interested so that's that's why we haven't recommended anybody at this time but be honest there's not a lot of applicants out there there's not a lot of interest in that position um so if anybody knows someone we're we're actively looking uh and we're still working with with a company right now complete B All J's been working with them but um you know so hope I'm hoping maybe next month there's a possibility but right now we don't have a candidate to recommend is that that Zoom thing that you're doing I forgot what it was called oh Educators or most Educators yeah it's interesting it's a good question I have to look to see if there's maybe it's yeah we have a meeting tomorrow so you know what I'll inquire about that it's a good question I love that idea I think that it's like speed dating but for employees I think that's wonderful work that well so hopefully have more information next thank you so the Challenger that position continues uh there is a grant SDA njdoe merging grant that uh is going to cover some of the sidewalks which b& might might touch on uh but the number for that is 52478 again that's a grant to cover some side work uh budget update at this point the meetings are complete the committee expects to uh anticipate me meeting with Miss Murray uh at some point within the next two weeks uh like in years past the uh the idea is to um had a work session at which point the uh entire board can ask questions and go over the uh proposed budget um there's a grant that uh Miss muray is working on there's a reimbursement that's uh being processed it's a clean energy Grant uh we were granted a six-month extension and once uh Miss Murray is done with the budget which is uh currently taking up her the bulk of her time uh she will work on getting the uh the documentation needed for that but she was able to secure a six-month extension for that uh for that Grant and last but not least just want to extend our appreciation to miss Mur because she has a lot of her plate not only is it a new system uh she closed out the fiscal year as soon as she came in last uh over the summer uh qac and um just want to say thank you and uh we're glad that you're here and that concludes the report thank you Mr fio Mr Doyle I know policy didn't meet but I don't know if there's anything that you had to say nothing to report I do anticipate we will meet next mon okay uh Miss Aon trout back to you for Council aison and curriculum instruction which also didn't meet but anything else to that thank you madam president uh for Council I do not have a report from the last meeting there is another council meeting tomorrow evening so next meeting I will have more info to report um we did not meet I Dr Chona did share some notes I I can share um that we might begin working on a districtwide newsletter that would be mailed to um or sent out to everyone in the H community so that's exciting that what's going on in our schools will be really officially shared with everyone and we're looking into um some programs specifically focused on special ed and tier three students and I I we will have more information to share on that but the program sound pretty interesting Wonder Works and do math so hopefully something that if approved will be helping our students so thank you that concludes my reports uh myself for njsba uh just a friendly reminder that we have to fulfill our ethics disclosure I spoke to St last month when I said it hadn't got kicked back to me it got kicked back to me I put January of 23 instead of 24 and now I can't get back into the portal so it's a whole other layer has anybody else not is having the same issue or no just me okay it's say my time it is I don't know anyway it's my first time but like yeah I didn't I don't know why usually she'll provide you with the reason that it got kick back I like made a hard copy and scan that in I've tried M ways okay so we'll see okay fingers crossed not alone it's one of those things that is just a necessary evil but it's it's a giant pain um but February 28th is the absolute last day that we can submit those if we don't get them and we are there you know it does negatively impact the district so leave your helps out this year one more dat but it still says the 28th is the D dat so I don't know does it to the 29th I don't know I have the email from Karen SK 2 okay 29 and we'll do it on that I hopefully you can get back in um additionally I wanted to share some notes from the rink uh hockey rink ad hoc committee uh that met last week let me pull those up very briefly um we met uh the four members of the board that are on the committee are myself Mr clo Mr Taro Mr Joy we met with the committee um on the town side uh Mr Lane Mr both pascals Mike Pasqual the attorney and Bob Pasqual the president of the board of w and Mr Bruce Bennett a council member um the first thing that we did was the town had obtained we asked that to see more current rosters because they claimed that the rosters that we had dated December 1st of 2023 were not accurate The rosters that we had at time prior to the meeting showed that on the junior Squad there were seven Hawthorne residents and 13 out of town residents on the senior Squad there were eight Hawthorne residents and nine out of town residents so they did provide us with new and updated rosters that uh Dr sco did share with the greater board um the board of Rec will be working to booster to bolster The rosters they say that is a priority of theirs Mr pasal shared they believe the different participants their stating was related to the uncertainty of the Season uh they referenced a shared service agreement with North hen uh the board of wck has a shared service agreement with North hen historically through all of the other sports uh but but the rosters that we were given had uh varying towns Glenn Rock Ramsey North heldon students were on there East Handover Wayne Uh Richwood um were also lter also some of the other towns that were on there their stance is that the existing agreement that Mr Houston uh provided to us is indefinite in length our attorney does not share that same sentiment um our attorney pointed out that the original agreement same agreement states that only Hawthorne residents are entitled to the use of the rink they uh are looking to accommodate summer construction schedule the the bo the b side is looking to accommodate a summer construction schedule uh that would begin the day after school gets out uh and done well before the start of school in the fall they're looking to award a contract as early as possible they've redone their specs to lower their cost uh and are looking to save money uh and they have built in time to rebid if necessary they are looking to award a contract the 1st of May more so even in April uh I'm sorry Mr Mau was also present on the phone I forgot to include that Eric Mau was present on the on the phone I didn't include him in the list of attendees um they're looking to do it in April so that they can read it if necessary they want to be out to bid in mid-march the cost of estimates um to install are in the neighborhood of $150,000 they are looking to keep the project around $300,000 in total they are looking at a 3-week construction schedule from start to finish we did note that football starts on April 5th that was that's the first day after after that blackout week uh the engineer did their engineer did not say that it was not playable meaning that it is playable as it stands uh after this year but it would be more money to incur future repairs if they were needed they are paying to have the boards currently stored at the vendor I believe was it Minnesota Pennsylvania Pennsylvania no we were definitely told it was Minnesota because they a joke that it was close to Canada or anyway it was about $7,500 or $88,000 Mr presal said to store for 4 to 6 months the boards have been constructed and generally may be usable to someone else it just our attorney asked if they would be able to to sell them if they needed to possibly valuable to someone else at a discount um they did replace the boards that needed to be replaced Mr Eon did that uh the engineer pointed out what to be fixed and that was done not with the same kind of boards that were purchased the kinds of boards that were purchased are more of a plexiglass material um the current boards are wood and then they did get the okay again after that by the by the engineer to say that it was playable uh and then they briefly reviewed the timeline and scope of all of the town's facilities uh projects that they have going on so those are the notes from the meeting that I did share with you all uh we will be meeting an executive session this evening to discuss the terms of the shared service agreement if a future agreement does come to fruition the board will then share it publicly for approval but we will be discussing that privately this evening um and again please get those ethics disclosures in okay um Miss Moi Colson P County School boards uh thank you so we met on February first for the month um it was a round table uh online Zoom meeting uh the topics were my microphone's not on the topics were advocacy and special education it was really nice how they did it virtually um so we went to one group had a round table discussion and then um they would put us like in another Zoom room where we could uh go over some laws and and that list of uh legislation that you just did we went over um and their next event is March 11th you guys should have all gotten invitations for their unsung heroes which is when schools nominate a student um I heard it's a really wonderful thing uh and so hopefully someone from Hawthorne or everyone can go um you have to RSVP by March 1st I believe if anyone's interested um and then the next hybrid meeting after that inperson dinner is May 29th that's it thank you so much Miss colon Mr P T CPAC P thank you madam president a few things tonight uh Roosevelt has a Zumba night coming up on March 8th it's going to be from 7: to 8:00 pm in the cafeteria uh make reservations by March 5th if you want to participate it's it's very reasonable $3 for staff $5 for parents and guests uh they also have moris Tak out February 28th 10% give back night and um Urban Air trampoline and Adventure Park in South hackensac will be giv 20% back on Spirit Night February 22nd from 5: to 7:00 p.m. Lincoln middle school PTO has a 20% give back as well at Habit Burger it's tonight up until 11:00 so anybody watching you can stop watching and go get some food at hburg if you want um and additionally LMS will be having a taco Tuesday fundraiser at quordoba that um in the fairon prominade okay in the same area where the okay and that one's going to be on March 5th um so please try to make that one as well Jefferson School is is having their annual dinner dance again on March 7th and rounding off tonight for CPAC just another reminder that Cinco Deo May 5th is going to be the Color Run and I'm not at Liberty to promotee anything outside of the school district yet but a rumor has it there might be some bands playing at Short ways that evening so or that afternoon so um you can go do your Color Run get cleaned up and then go have some food and listen to some good bands my kids not sure yet that concludes my report thank you thank you Mr Po and last but certainly not least Mr Taro with buing in Browns who flew all the way back in Bahamas just to be here I did thank you Madam president yeah we did not all meet this month but the following are a few updates regarding various items throughout the district I think I mentioned last month we are waiting for the quotes from the town on replacing the sidewalk in front of BS the sidewalk replacement is being uh done in conjunction with the buroughs foror Avenue repaving project I'm not mistaken it was to the left side uh of the front of of the school right or the whole front the whole front EXC uh at the high school the generator was uh delivered I believe on February 16th although all the other generators have been placed not all have been connected uh once that's done we'll have PSC come in and certify all the generators uh also based on feedback from the Board of Education U meeting earlier this year uh we ordered a fence uh windscreen for Linkin uh play area as soon as it arrives it will be installed and lastly after after three uh three visits from the company the Lincoln Middle School scoreboard was finally repaired the company has replaced the radio antenna power supply and provided a new control panel and that concludes my report thank you Mr Cho public be heard at this time members of the public may ask questions or make comments on educational issues or School matters Dr Morell just misses us up here I no is that on Elma I think it is yes the light okay oh now it's on it it's green so green means on right um can I have an update on the new board building uh you know from where the accident happened yes question so uh we were we were waiting for the uh current owners not us yet uh we were supposed to close in January unfortunately because the AC is delayed the closing um they had offered to let us fix it but the money they were going to give us wasn't going to be enough to in my in our opinion the architect and the attorney's opinion to complete all the repairs so they are we told them to move forward with the repairs and as soon as the repairs were completed that we would then uh inspect it and then close but but until they complete those repairs we're kind of out of stance though okay so the there's really has been no final sale of the do correct okay um a question about as you continue with the transition from the old Hawthorne website to the new one yes um I don't know do you know if it's going to be like a some of the info pages are not on the new one and I just figured maybe they just haven't been transitioned over yet or I don't know like uh for example uh uh coming back to school on Monday we weren't really sure what the schedule was but then the new website didn't have it and then the on the high school yes I'm sorry on the um you know how they have the schedule and then when you went on the high school page currently the page was no longer working so um now it doesn't even exist even on the new page okay so it I you know I'm talk to I'm not rushing it but I know there's patience to well that but that's definitely a page that I know that I know my daughter visits pretty frequently to kind of remember what day the rotation is yeah no problem um just some uh suggestions if you may um you had talked about the CJ Pride uh virtual Affair yes um does the district also post jobs at the New Jersey school jobs website so we post them yes it's it's link through through Frontline it links to the New Jersey school jobs oh okay um because they also hold virtual job fairs so I just thought I throw that out to you okay um and it's the same same setup okay um and then the the other suggestion uh regarding the payroll position I don't know if this is an Avenue that has been looked into uh but reaching out to local colleges businesses um especially as we're gearing up for um kids getting graduating you might have some accountants that are interested in in heading into that so I just thought you know hit them up uh for that um and then the next one is um a pipe dream but I'm going throw it out there um since you're in the process of the uh budget uh process um if you can please consider um looking into a plan of developing of inputting air conditioning window units um at least in some of our classrooms where we know historically are the are the hottest rooms um just to bring some repe for some of those classes um I understand that in the past there has been studies uh in terms of cost and to do whole whole whatever you know I'm not talking about a full HVAC unit but if it could just simply be something for the window units especially um since I know in some of our buildings we do have brand new windows that should be able to support a window unit um so that's just something uh is on my wish list of things and I know how tight budgets are uh but that is something that um a plan could be put in place and that's it thank Youk than you Mor that suggestion about Al that Jacobs graduated as Pat Pat's work Ur than young little bit higher for you know she's looking for but that's a good point though you know don't think about our alumni yeah General comments and questions from the board related to The District or new business or old business we'll take anything just let us know what it is feel like starting on that side absolutely okay um I know Mr Blu brought up CPAC Color Run I wanted to mention that we met um January 24th uh it's all CPAC meetings more for the public are on Zoom uh they do ask that you pre-register but it's just it's just so nice to have parents to talk to and complain to and relate to you don't have to leave your home you don't need a babysitter for your kids it's easy and this past meeting they had a um someone come in and talk about this Leia and what that looks like uh also ADHD or ADD and how to help your child who may um be struggling um it was it was just really nice to talk to fellow moms um and have that support sadly it was only like six or seven people and that's usually that's like the most yeah it's usually only two to three um I don't know how to get people to you know we've talked about this so many I've talked about this so much in the past sitting in the public how to get people involved especially our students with disabilities whose parents maybe need a little bit some more support um so I just wanted to mention that if anybody's watching who has a student with a 504 um or an IEP or a parent who just needs some a little support um it's a really wonderful group of women that run it um and they're always there to support each other um think that was it are we allowed as a district to to promote those events like are they technically District events could our principles I'm just wondering if they could share the zoom links in the weekly newsletters if they share them with the schools because we do PTO events all the time anything they share them with us we share I we share Rec Flyers we share all kinds of stuff so if they share uh if there's particular meetings they want to share certain things or you know just send it to me and I can disseminate it to the principles and they'll put it in their weekly maybe maybe we can just talk to okay that that would especially if they have a presenter somebody specific even as I've been involved with CPAC for since we started up again 10 years ago and I didn't even know that each school has a liaison until two months ago uh till September when I volunteered to be Roosevelts Le on I didn't even know it existed and I wish I had um so I think there's a lot of great things that we're doing that people don't know about and that's one of I don't even know that they know meetings are happening so if we can get the meeting link information into a newsletter okay and we could share yeah absolutely any Flyers that come to me I share that with the principles and they put it in a we report so there something specific they want to share by all means we're happy happy to share that okay so you share with the leadership there that get the information I will I I will absolutely let them know um and then I just wanted to uh share another wonderful thing in town um also related to special education uh the be cave I don't know if the public knows this but they make t-shirts they do a wonderful job at it I um found out I think the first year they started and had used them for my preschool students in fairon and then um I partnered with the Roosevelt PTO for our fifth graders um and said hey let's use our our own people to make our t-shirts so they're going to be making our fifth grader t-shirts for their uh hopefully we get them for the class trip and then for the end of the school and I just think it's just I love that I love it um it's all in within hawor and we're helping out our kids um all at all ages at all levels um and then that leadership program just to basically say what you said U my two older kids went it's just an amazing uh week um I kind of had to push my two older Sons to go CU they thought it was going to be cheesy and then by day one they were like hooked they were like can we do this two weeks so I already signed L up cuz I'm gungho I think it's just such a wonderful program and something that another a third thing that I mentioned tonight that we're doing for our kids that um really is hawor and what we talk about our small community and the family and all these wonderful things were offering that hopefully is getting out to parents so they know about it and their kids aren't missing out yeah so thank you Mr car good thank you Mr sh yeah um excuse me congratulations to uh all the uh winter sports especially the uh wrestling team they actually as a team they made the state tournament again this year um Good Luck to the three wrestlers that Dr Sto mentioned earlier uh Caleb Ambrose corx Smith and Jack laer going to the Regionals and does anybody know what time habitburger is open till all right I'll go with you can we have our private meeting there okay sorry good Mr D uh comment slash uh I guess idea so I had sent an email out a week or two ago to everybody in the my apologies I think I forgot to include you drito but uh it's with regards to um you know how North jersey.com does the athlete of the week um they have a program for North Jersey student of the week um they do through all the high schools you know it's incumbent upon the administrators of each High School obviously to submit candidates um but I I saw it uh online I read about it looks it looks like a a wonderful opportunity for um you know if we're lucky enough to have someone win get that notoriety just like someone gets ath the week um brings attention to the district and positivity and and it can only help uh you know with uh our younger children coming up from the grammar schools and the middle schools to see a high school student getting that kind of not you know notoriety out of our high school so uh I know our my administrators are very busy at the high school but maybe it's something we can look into I don't know how labor intensive it is and what they have to submit but I'll forward you the email I had it had some basic information and I think a contact number I just High School is doing student of the month one for each grade level so perhaps even if they took that information and just nominated those one those four students start small and see where it goes yes or nominated since there are four students they pick they nominate one each week of the month they wouldn't have to do anything different they just what they're already doing one more email to send that's all and that's all I got thank you Mr D Mr thank you I also want to congratulate the senior athletes and their families uh good luck to our wrestlers moving on and also to the bowling team uh the other the other item I have is the uh unsung heroes are ha honor is going to be Max mles so thank you who is student of the month this month with my with my I sent the email I just got the email but I just I forwarded it's own important members just as we're sitting here fored you the email with the information for the event for the ceremony thank you Mr thank you madam president uh congrats again to the winter athletes appreciate you bringing that up again Alex and especially uh saw Jack L there that was awesome to see this week um so kudos to those guys and all the athletes also uh like Mrs M Colson said uh I too uh signed up my daughter already uh I saw that opportunity and I like jumped right on it the last two years I've I've gone and that's thanks to Mr CIO who's recommending me to go to it and uh I I recommend every board member if you haven't done so to try your best to take that opportunity especially the graduation day um it's it's just an amazing sight to see the camaraderie amongst all the students and uh that connection that bond that they built so I'm really excited for my daughter to join can't believe that she's a fifth grator already that's another story for another day and that Segways me because I know you spoke about Jefferson's dance on the 7th however there's the galp dance this Friday in my Swifty era is the theme I'll be going with my Travis Kelce shirt so any of the jeffan parents that are looking to go Friday see you there that's itra thank you um Mr cavio as you mentioned I was going to congratulate max mat um for being the unsung hero I think it's so awesome reading more about it it's so people know it's students who make the school a better place simply because they're part of it so max is such an awesome representation of Hawthorne um for us this year also on March 9th I don't think this event has been mentioned yet tonight but the marching band has a fun Riser dinner fish and chips dinner March 9th for everyone and then lastly this is this is an unusual comment I guess but just to highlight um an accomplishment of one of our alumni um a 2006 alumni Adam fats he yeah I'm a friend but just an alumni and a person in town um has a holds the Guinness World Record now so there are not many alumni I don't I think that that holds World Records but he um he's an army veteran and he's the first person with p Ary fibrosis and one lung to climb out kill and jaros so yeah and I know he's been like interviewed on the news and the the Town cast and everywhere but it's nice to celebrate our current students and also our alumni so wanted the public to know about it article I tapped into in case tapped into North Jersey like everywhere awesome okay goad just one other thing I think about the bear cave is there any way possible that the bard ofed members can pitch in to get shirts made by the BARC sure do Danielle forche is like amazing she'll do whatever you want basically you give her nice we I know we've talked about in the past do something exactly we can use that as a we can design something sorry no that's okay you still good all good okay uh ironically Erica when you mentioned um you know promoting and and Mr Doyle as well uh you know promotion promotion promotion right we always talk about it as I was giving my report um about all these you know K back nights I thought instead of me doing it here once a month sometimes it's too soon and sometimes like tonight it's almost too late for Habit Burger you know I was thinking maybe I'll start trying to get the information sooner put it on my own Facebook page maybe share it on some of the Hawthorne Pages um but not just for the givebacks night nights it's pretty much everything if the more stuff we can get out there the more people realize and even the general public not just people that have kids in District right now uh whether they have kids coming up in District or like myself we're already out um you're still part of the district right so even like give back nights you could be anybody if you like habitburger and you want to go there you can just feel like you're still giving back and helping out you know the school district so I think it's a great idea you know it's just a matter of how do we have you know the capacity to continue to put out information about everything that we do and where do we do it a newsletter considering that's going to be going out I think to the entire Community entire Community I mean that's something that you know even if it's a back page with a list of all the upcoming events you get a few extra people going to these events it's just a little bit extra you know you know knowledge and maybe funding or whatever so um I think that's all for tonight thank thank you um I would like to just piggy back off of a couple of things that were said this evening um you know obviously as a board of education our focus is on the education of students but it is the whole child that we you know we're trying to develop and as a mom of a junior you start trust me it hurts coming out of my mouth um you start to see how much the other experiences mean in the college application process my son is is a hero and cool kid mentor my daughter is a sidekick Mentor just all of those things along the way speaking about a Leadership Camp you know my daughter's in eighth grade she has been waiting until this year to be a Leadership Camp Mentor I mean you they can't get enough of it even after you're done going through it you want to still be involved in it um so those are the experiences that really build up the whole child and that that is very special and unique to auor and it's it's really meaningful now that I'm on the other side of it and you're looking for all those community service hours and just the things to put on your resume um the extra things that we provide to them really is is amazing um and I want to thank everybody up here for their commitment to continue to do that for all of our children um that that is all I have for this evening we are going into private session so be it resolve that the HW Board of Education convs an executive session to discuss exempt matters pertaining to uh contract negotiation as well as uh personnel and legal legal matters um the further resolve the anticipated executive session will be from 45 minutes in duration a public action May or not may not be taken be it further resolve that the minutes of the executive session will be made available upon determination by the board that the disclosure of the minutes will not detrimentally affect any right or interest of the board and the need confidentiality no longer exists entertain a motion to go into private motion motion by Mr coo seconded by Mr Carr roll call please Mr shortway yes Mr Zoro yes Mr core yes Mr CIO yes Mr doy yes M Daron trout yes m m Coulson yes Mr Poo yes Mrs B yes I also wanted to say thank you to a member of the community out there who's still trying to clear things up on Facebook when people put misinformation up