e e e e e enforement board regular meeting on Tuesday June 11th 20124 at 1M please silence your cell phones Miss deart is going to call the rooll member loura member Kaufman Vice chairperson PLO chairperson scham here Town attorney lenan here thank you now you all rise say Al to flag the United States of America and to the Republic which stands one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all right approval of the agenda is there a motion to approve the agenda I'll make a motion is there a second all in favor say I I I swearing in the public for those giving testimony related to the case that you're affiliated with please stand and raise your right hand to be sworn in Miss deart please swear in those given testimony okay by the authority vested in me as a notary of the State of Florida do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing with the truth thank you okay approval of the minutes May 14 2024 are there any corrections to the minutes of May 14th 2024 hearing none may have a motion to approve the minutes of May 14 2024 I'll make a motion is there a second is there a second oh okay we need some okay all in favor say I I I unfinished business there is none so now on a new business case number cc24 d118 that's John jtr Scott on 2342 South Ocean Boulevard the uh violation alleged is the permit uh expiration of a permit install generator liquid propane to run kitchen and master um so do the board members have any expart Communications to disclose at this time I open it up code enforcement officer Adam the town is pulling this case from the hearing as the permit has been issued good great but we still have to do a uh finding a f a fine or no no well no I'm pulling the case is being that's even better okay next case case number CC 2412 that's Richard K and Cornelius J Jr and Mori arti and that's at the montere house on the eighth floor and the violation is uh an expiration of building permit install new electrical receptacles in the kitchen and baths has expired new electrical reciprocal in the kitchen and baths are there any expart Communications no I turn it over to Adam for okay uh the town's also pulling this case as the permit has been issued good okay on to number c case number CC 24- 86 that is Seth Fishman of 2575 Highland that's the townhouse is the Highland Beach uh let's see the violation is expiration of building permit and specifically it is an electrical sub permit has expired a sub permit do the board members have any expart Communications to disclose at this time I turn over the hearing to Adam osowski right my name is Adam osowski town of Highland Beach code compliance officer and I have been previously sworn in this is case number cc-486 the respondent is Seth Fishman the property address is 2575 South Ocean Boulevard 303s I inspected the property records on March 13 2024 the violation that remain as cited on today's agenda is 30-1 122b permit e 21- 0047 electrical sub permit has expired the notice of violation was served by posting on April 5th 2024 after certified mail was sent on March Mar 13th 2024 the respondent was given 23 days to come into compliance the permit was submitted on February 19th 2021 it is currently in the status of expired as the final inspection has not been completed I have had no contact with the respondent regarding this matter the notice of hearing was served by posting and certified mail sent on May 24th 2024 prior to today's hearing I reinspected the building record on June 3rd 2024 and the violation continues to exist I have submitted the following evidence which includes proof of service supporting documents and photographs the town recommends that the respondent be found in violation of the town code AS alleged in the notice of violation and be fined $250 per day for each day the violation remains after after the date set for compliance the town is asking to assess prosecution costs in the amount of $250 payable by the date set for compliance did you say 2021 it expired the permit was issued back in 2021 oh my and then it usually expires within six months of then oh okay um so yes it expired probably I'd have to check the records for the exact date but it expired due to the fact no inspection was called in okay is Seth fisherman here or representative you're the contractor for Seth fisherman you need to be sworn in before you can say anything um should we do that right now or can you stand please by the authority vested in me as a notary of the State of Florida do you swear or affirm that the test testimony that you're about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes I did thank you okay uh we still had some questions for Mr owski I believe did anyone anyone have questions so that was C the code has finished twice since get a whole from he has to contact the building department and follow through what their procedure is to get the permit corrected so you're asking for a finding that of a violation and then 250 for every day from when when is the compliance date well that's the board we're gonna give a compliance date yeah of does anyone have an idea I think 30 days is plenty two weeks yeah he's even worse that's fine I'll go with that what two weeks or a month whatever okay in the meantime um are there any other questions for Adam before we let the uh Mr chairman I'm confused um the permit was originally requested in 2021 correct correct and no work was commenced until this it no the work was done completed they did the work without a permit the per the violation we're here for is because the permit expired it never received the final so it expired in 2021 expired in3 new it yeah I I have to check the exact date that's what I was doing on the computer but it expired within six months after six months so we're talking about at least two and a half or three years of an expir permit at $250 a day no no no but we said today yeah okay we give them like two weeks to get it in order so if the code is changed they might have to pull a whole new permit right understood thank you okay I have had other expired permits that did exactly that they applied for a new permit and the new permit canceled out the old permit I gotcha all right well let's bring up uh Mr what is your name sir my name is Felipe Cortez Felipe Cortez and you're the contractor yes so I was hired to to do the job at Fishman so we started the job and uh fisherman you know sat had hired another like a contract manager that you know I'm telling you guys what I what I know about and you know I don't know if that's 100% true but it's what has been told me um so fisherman hire this guy named named alot uh he was the one taking care of the manage you know the management of the construction so some dispersements were done to us and we Advanced on the on the project and suddenly the disbursements or the payments stopped so we stopped working and it was found out that the monies that were being paid to alot were not being directed to the construction and he used the money for remodeling his own his own house I thought you gonna say a gambling junket or you know that would be EAS entangled a little bit more okay so he used the Monies to uh renovate his own house he sold that house and fisherman and him uh had some at the court they decided that the monies uh originated from the sale of this house would go to Astro to pay for the Finish you know for me to finish the job yep I was contacted by them I gave them you know an estimate to finish the job right but they never paid me and they never have yeah exactly I predict there's gonna be some civil cases going on here that have nothing to do with code enforcement okay but yeah but after that sat Fishman was arrested he was arrested and he is in prison now oh he's okay keeps getting better this good as what happens on TV I am I'm telling you what I know and I and I don't know if that's 100% okay I got a couple so so so if we find CES fisherman that's the least of his concerns really right right and uh now um I know that the money is in nro but I have never been contacted back to resume the job or finish it I got a question okay all right so the end line is this here's what we're looking at here we just want to know about the permit that's that's it who was responsible for renewing the permit when the permit expired what six months ago and I'm gonna say I'm just going to take a wild guess here that Seth fitman was the one responsible for that renewing that permit um and he he hired someone else and then he screwed everybody and now he's the money and now he's in prison but end line is we're keeping the eye on a ball here where we're looking at is was there a violation of the permit and you know I think there clearly was yes and uh I don't even think given time is gonna do anything here because he's probably doing 20 know knows I have uh what when did you start to work I don't recall it exactly was it in 2021 yeah it's been couple years so the expiration is 6 months after that no but I think I renewed the permit after that because we were in conversations oh this is you know and I was waiting the money to come purely litigation this is nothing to do with us so well yeah that's what I'm trying to say I mean if they want to put a lean on the property it's going to be on the property so I did look up there was uh at least one extension um REM so the permit actually expired April 27th of 20123 23 so one the year yeah about a year and a quarter it expired and they still been working on it no there hasn't been worked on well there's been nothing on that permit since April 27 2023 should even be um Ed this by the way this was what I found uh the building department has uh started using a new permitting building software so before yeah so it actually came into effect in February it actually just went 100% June 1st so I was trying to clean up along with permitting staff instead of bringing all the permits over whatever expired permit I can renew or close out so this was one that I found proactively due to the new uh software I don't understand how we can do anything I'm sure the what does the town want us to do the town has to foreclose on the not the town the uh if he's not paying real he's probably not paying his real estate taxes either as far as code compliances um we're just looking for a compliance time and if they don't meet that date that the board sets then a 2 50 a day fine know he's not going to meet it right I mean there not you can be firsted in line to foreclose okay so uh yeah I I I I don't know honestly what to do or how proceed yeah but my my licenses to tied to that permit so it expired it sounds like you need to talk with the building department to see what your options are as cont Jeff Remis that's the guy and Mr Remis will help you okay and Jeff Reis is in a conference until Thursday okay so I mean I pering staff might be able to help you but I recommend waiting yeah wait for him and uh and from where I know the money is in Astro his father was taking care of it I don't know exactly honestly what to do you don't know how long he was sentenced for either no I know I know that he's a veterinarian and he wasian yeah veterinari yeah and uh and he was making some uh illegal drugs to injecting horses so they could perform getting worse by the minute you know I I I know he's he's in prison in New York but know New York yeah well I'm going to see the horses in Okala right now my my niece is going to be riding them this is this is what I know and you know I came here just to understand what should I do what can I do you know I'm I'm glad to help and I'm glad to finish the job if I get paid so Bor the the contractor can meet with the building official um later this week and try and figure out what to do so far as his license being tied to this per as a contractor what his options are your action today is with the property owner and whether or not you feel like they should have more or less time to bring the property into compliance if the viol if you determine that the violation exists and then what the fine would be if they do not come into compliance in the time frame you set sure I think is your two weeks is very nice but I think probably we need a month maybe or no it's a waste of time it's not going to happen either way so might as well just go with the two weeks why don't you make the suggested motion seems like there's a lot of circumstances that we don't completely understand here like how long has he been in prison and for how long has he been ignoring the order to bring this into compliance a year and a month at least so do you know how long he's been in prison sir he was in prison I don't recall the exact date but it was the at the beginning of last year we were in conversations to to finish the job not with him with uh his wife or fian and uh and this is this is what I this is what I it's been like a year or so so since 2023 yeah may I ask you just as a point of information how much money does he owe you no uh the the total estimate that I gave them at that time to finish the job was about 9,000 $90,000 so how much does he owe you up until the point you stopped working the whole contract was for $175 oh so it's a big job so he owes you 19,000 no 90 90,000 he owes you 90 for work already done no no for to finish the job how much does how much does he owe you for work already done no that's that's paid off I stopped the job because you know it wasn't being paid it's really irrelevant to this proceeding because he sold the house and he flipped it so and he stole the money ESS the $90,000 is that just for the electrical work no no no no I am that's a whole jar yeah I the GC to the electric what we are looking at an electrical permit he's talking about the whole job value right no no but I'm sub permit right there a sub permit electrical sub permit the GC and I'm also the electrical mechanical and plumbing contractor okay so yeah all right I someone wants to make a motion third 30 days or two months motion you okay so this is a we're doing this as a a single violation even though it is probably multiple who knows I move that the respondents be found in violation of the town code code I'm not on here of the town code AS alleged in the notice of violation and that he be ordered to comply within two weeks okay two weeks uh and find to be fined uh up to $250 per day for each day the violation remains after this date set in two weeks for com uh compliance and uh assessed prosecution costs in the amount of $250 payable by the date set for compliance just a point of clarification the fine is $250 per day not up to oh yes $250 per day a day yes do we have a second I second yes we have a roll call Vice chairperson Perlo yes member loura yes member Kaufman yes chairperson yes thank you motion carries great okay thank you sir thank you I hope you get some closure with this yes um see here we're on to uh announcements right that's it y announcements June 13th 9:30 a.m. planning board regular meeting June 88 1:30 p.m. is the town Commission meeting and July 9th at 100 p.m. code enforcement regular board meeting that's the one we all got to put in our calendars let me just make sure I have it here probably have it already I'm sure seven no I didn't have it but now I do c meeting at at 1:00 one 2 and this meeting is adjourned at 1:23 p.m.