good afternoon it is 1:30 and welcome to the town of Highland Beach Town Commission meeting today is Tuesday February 20th uh 2024 and it is 1:30 PM I'd like to call the meeting to order may we have the roll call please commissioner Goldberg yes commissioner Peters present commissioner David present vice mayor Stern present mayor Moore present Town manager labid present and town attorney Ruben present uh if we could have everyone rise for the pledge flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all um I would like to propose one change uh for the agenda and that is to move item 10A to just after uh item six public comments uh does anyone else have any changes to the agenda no no okay hearing no other changes may can we have a motion I move that we accept the agenda as amended second all in favor say I anyone oppose say nay motion carries unanimously okay moving on uh presentations proclamations we don't have any uh moving on to public comments item six anyone with public comment okay please come to the podium state your name and your address good afternoon um it's nice to see everybody here uh my name is janx paresi I don't live on Highland Beach I used to but I live at 780 Jeffrey in in bokeh why I'm here is because I'm a seven now this is my eighth year Turtle Ranger on your beach and it's been beyond a joy and to watch how this city has come to help us in so many ways has been fantastic but I'm here for another reason we have a problem on our beach and every Beach and it's bottle caps it seems inconsequential but I'm sure you all know because you're right here in the beach that it's a filthy mess uh at the end of season last year in October a woman ran up to me I had my Turtle shirt on and she said to me I just moved here and I said well welcome that's exciting and she said I didn't know that it was like a third world country on the beach and I said well it's not always like that it's been really stormy and we've had some major Tides they really do a good job but it hit me because I'd been picking up bottle caps for seven years um the problem with this problem is that it doesn't have to be a problem there's a solution when I went online to find out what that solution was I found out that the European Union had passed a law called 201924 and what it dictates is that every European all 27 countries in the EU will have to have tethered bottle caps on all of their beverages uh at a certain size by the by July 2024 so there's legislation in a society that we're very similar to um and it was done designed and done by two American companies cocacola and Barry Global I'm with a group called why is it okay YZ for the next Generations but why is it okay that two American companies are keeping their beaches clean but they won't do it for us and the reason is because they're not mandated they're not legislated and it really is not a gigantic thing to do they've proven that they could do it in Barry's uh propaganda piece or PR piece excuse me PR piece that they've done uh about this they talk about how Coca-Cola is such an upstanding citizen and I'm not going to argue that they're great however they have promised many things in the past one of the things that they've been promising is to tether all our c by 2025 globally they haven't even started it so I don't see that it's going to happen globally so what I'm trying to do is enshrine it in law if they say they're going to do it let's enshrine it in law so I come to the council or the commission here not because you're going to make the legislation for it but I'm going to take your resolution that you agree with this that this is something that can be remedied to the state to the federal I'm working with Mr moscowitz and uh haven't gotten a senator yet but we're going to take this all the way because it's something that can be done and taken off the list Coca-Cola sells 600 billion bottles of Coca day a year it's something outrageous it's $384 a gallon to drink cocacola so I'm thinking they can afford it maybe I'm wrong I don't have stock in their company but I think that they could afford to take the the environment ecologically Sound Decision and I come to you to ask you to support this initiative I have a petition but it's not a referendum so if you were so inclined to write something up Highland Beach supports the resolution to uh take this up I don't I'm not going to put words in your mouth but to take this up to a point where it could be legislated nationally I don't have if you have any questions okay no no questions okay thank you very much thank you any other public comments come to the podium state your name and your address and five minutes we could reset the class thank you y uh Tim Rolo uh you've seen me up here before last meeting and the meeting before last year other times my family's own property at 3400 South Ocean Boulevard just up the road in Highland Beach for over a quarter Century now my family also owns property in boa Ron and elsewhere in Palm Beach County currently my family has owned property from Boa Ron to Highland Beach to Del Beach to Palm Beach Gardens from time to time since the mid1 1980s that's a repeat of the public comments I made at the beginning of last uh your last meeting and and I I proceeded to compliment the commission and as a body because I had I'd come the prior meeting and I saw that Jack had said that he was disbanding his organization and I thought that was a good idea and so I was surprised to see him here last time saying he wasn't disbanding and and I I just want to withdraw my compliments for the for the commission that I made last time um you know I sat here and and watched a lot of you make condescending comments about a county commissioner and I thought that was inappropriate I've had some some issues with this commission and and the the prior mayor's commission where people were making public comments and they were cut off or I think I at the time I was scolded by the prior mayor not just me but another public commenter and you know there were times when the commission lamented the fact that not many people show up at the meetings and then people try to make public comments that are you know hopefully constructive and you know you come back with things like time's up and the prior mayor scolding and and it just doesn't make any sense to me to to be treated that way I mean last time Jack was given several minutes extra time right before me and then I was cut off at the F minute Mark without any criteria I'm not sure how you Mr Mayor I'm not sure how you decide who gets cut off and who doesn't but you know if you're going to give one person extra time I would think you would give everybody extra time um you know I felt necessary to refer the one County Commissioner who was here for the Milani issue a couple weeks back I felt necessary to refer her to your meeting and and I got to thinking about it and so I I I watched the meeting online myself and when I did it it just got worse I mean I I made my public comments my five minutes I went to the bathroom and while I was in the bathroom you guys were talking about how you didn't know what I was talking about and and I had sent you an email in detail referring you to a a link about all the comments made about Kenneth s director and his firm Becker and poov being substantially responsible for the the Surf Side disaster at least through the the settlement that was made uh the gentleman said that he his Association had been a part of uh had used Mr director for 14 years at his Association I don't think he has any idea the comments that were made in the ho8 talk link that I referred you to because they are not at all flattering to Becker and poov so in followup to to my comments last week I sent you another email all of you refer referring you to please read the HOA talk I have no idea if you did but if you did you should Now understand what I was talking about when I was talking about how you should really look at Becker and poov and those other contractors that were involved in the Surfside settlement as a part of your recertification process thank you any other public comments I absolutely was not Jack C 4511 South Ocean buot I absolutely planned on not coming up but I'm going to address my comments to this gentleman that oh there he is in the back uh I don't know who he is I don't know why he's referring to me uh I wish he was wouldn't would not uh in terms of what we do as a group that has been working in this town for the last five six years we don't need to consult you nor is it any of your business if you cared to be involved with us you would have been involved over the last number of years but please don't refer to me thank you any other public comments okay the public comments are now closed moving on to what was item 10A um new business application number 23- 2790 Frank and Laura torano public hearing consideration of application number 23- 2790 by Frank and Laura tryano for a variance from section 30-1 103d and section 30- 64 of the town code of ordinances is to create a lot with a minimum lot width of 68.6 Ft in lie of the required 80 foot minimum lot width for a single family dwelling in the residential multiple family low density rml zoning district for the property located at 4611 South Ocean Boulevard which is the west side of State Road A1A so town clerk could you please swear in any Witnesses for this this item by the authority vested in me as a notary of the State of Florida do you swear affirm that the testimony you're about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth thank you do any of my fellow Commissioners have any expart communication to disclose commissioner Goldberg no commissioner Peter how deep was the lot I know it's 68 ft this is just if you've had communication with any anyone um okay no okay how about you no no vice mayor I did um I did have a phone call with uh Laura Tano in April of 2023 and I also had an email correspondence with Laura in May of 2023 and that's it um so at this time I open for uh open for the public hearing um and town plan uh Allen if planner Allen if you could please present your recommendations regarding the application okay good afternoon for the record ingred Allen Town planner um on page 65 of your packets I provided you a background uh specific to this item I'll just go over that briefly and I do have behind you um an aerial of the proper in question this aerial is actually in your packets starting on page 73 but I have it up uh for reference purposes so if the commission recalls back on May 16th of 2023 you all did consider a request by Laura troano to approve the division of her property again at 4611 South Ocean Boulevard to separate the Lots now um the direction from the commission at that meeting was to have staff attempt to develop language that would address this type of situation now the code clearly states that you cannot divide a parcel and create a non-conforming lot um so um the town attorney uh took it put together a memorandum which is on page 79 and at the July 18 2023 commission meeting um the commission agreed that the matter would go before the board of adjustment and appeals that typically looks at variances and uh you all agreed that the applicate or that the request would would go um through the variance process and you did want the application or the request to come back to you for a final decision making so that's what is before you today um I will state that at the January 31st 2024 Board of adjustment and appeals meeting the board did recommend approval of the variance and that motion did carry five to zero um so again just to clarify the introduction that was given to the mayor this is a variance to create a lot which is going to be on the west side of A1A lot that lot does not um abide by the lot width requirement for the residential multif family low density zoning zoning District which is the acronym of rml supposed to be 80 feet they have 6806 feet according to their survey so that is what the variance is for um now the applicant has provided a survey for the proposed parcel on the West Side the square footage of that parcel will be 8,00 140 excuse me 8,187 square feet on the top of page 66 I did the density calculation for you so based on the rml zoning District the maximum density that's permitted which is six units per dwelling uh excuse me six units per acre you could basically do one unit right it actually comes out to 1.13 units there's no such thing as a 1.13 so it's one unit that's all that can be put on the lot again based on the current zoning uh the the maximum density for the rml zoning District now I do want to add that even though the the property on the west side of A1A is zoned rml again residential multif family low density you can do a single family residence when you look at the permitted uses table in the town code of ordinances it clearly says that you could do a single family unit in a multif family zoning District so I just want to make that clear because sometimes people think well why are they doing can you do single family multif family and our code you can so I just want to make that clear um um in the middle of page 66 I provided you the variance criteria this this comes directly from the code and on page 69 of your packets the applicant Miss Toriano she provides the responses to those criteria um I do add in the staff report that there are two other properties in the town again uh if you look at page 74 and 75 I provided you some Aerials of those properties let me see if I could do it by ah there we go these are the other properties these are similar to the troano property and that um you have two portions of a parcel on both sides of A1A they're directly across from each other these other two Parcels also have two different zoning districts and two different corresponding feature Lage designations as the chano parcel has and I will add that it's not uncommon to see one parcel with one parcel control number with two different zoning districts I seen it before so it's it's not uncommon there is an additional property that is 24 um excuse me 38 33 South Ocean Boulevard that's one right here pull that up this one right here this is also bifurcated um by A1A but you could see that the Western portion of the parcel is 150 feet south of the Eastern portion of the parcel um and all of these three properties they meet the property development regulation they meet the lot width requirements so if they wanted to come in tomorrow and split their Parcels they could do it without a variance because they meet the minimum lot width for their particular zoning district and they meet the other property development regulations whether it's minimum lot area what have you so they wouldn't have to go through uh this process um and uh I think that's pretty much the overview I wanted to give you miss Tano is here I'll be glad to address any questions that you might have on the request thank you I don't have any questions commissioner Peters any questions no I'm good too no questions um so were people specifically notifi I know we have it on this meeting and we had it on the um Board of adjustment and appeals meetings and so that those were noticed and all that but were there any other Communications to neighboring residents about right so for the variance uh you are required per code to send a notice out to everyone within 500 feet so a notice was sent out to everyone within 500 feet for the board of adjustment and appeals meeting as well as for this meeting and has anyone come forward with any I have not received any public comment uh personally any emails um so I have nothing to provide as far as public comment the town clerk has received anything as well maybe last minute okay so no no one is opposing this split again I haven't receiv received not okay good um I'd like to um so Mr Tana do you wanna present anything you wanna say if you do come to the podium but oh sure I could put it up it on okay there will be after presentations yes there okay okay thank you thanks angry hi uh Laura Triano nice to see everybody again um so uh what we did was we provided a it's not going oh there you go okay it's just a background and overview basically the same thing that um ingred just mentioned and that is that um uh I'm just kind of summarizing it when we went ah when I you all asked um Mr Rubin to provide language he was able to do so that allowed me then to request for a variance we I prepared the the the variance application it was then presented to The Adjustment and appeals board and everyone agreed that this could take place and and should take place so then as a review um everything all of the requirements of the variance application um have been met they've all been met up to this point and so the next step is to put the partiel split request into motion and that's that that if you decide to uh pass this um consideration then the next step would be to get an approval from I'm not really sure who the approval needs to come from either the commission themselves or from Mr Rubin I'm not sure but that would go with the partial split request that then gets presented to the county and then they have their requirements which are besides the approval from the commission is you know I have to provide a survey my taxes have to be paid and be current you know just a couple of other little things like that it's very minor actually it's really simple um but that has to happen by this Friday the 23 in order for it to take place in this calendar year if it isn't turned in by the 23rd of uh this the end of this week um then we have to wait in another year for uh for the parcel split to actually take place which you know wouldn't be the end of the world but you know if we could get the approval letter before Friday like say maybe Thursday if you guys decide to go ahead then that would get me in that you know meet the deadline and so basically [Music] um that is it and and I just really want to thank everybody for you know listening and providing feedback and allowing us to go forward with Mr rubin's recommendations and um going through the variance application process was an education it was great learned a lot so it's good so thank you everyone any uh questions from the commission to miss [Music] Tano no I don't have any questions thank you for um Coming before us and um using all due diligence and um having the process work for you thank you yeah just say the same thing I thank you uh presentation was great and I was glad we could help you out earlier and uh think we can do it again maybe awesome thank you have no questions and I have no problem with your requests either mayor no questions or problem thank you no questions or problem thank you I need to open it up for public comment oh go ahead um so I'd like to open it up for um public this is uh the public hearing so I'd like to open it for uh public comments so anyone okay come forward sir you do have to be sworn in but clerk will have to swear you by the authority vested in me as a notary of the State of Florida do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you Tim Rolo was just up here um I'm not sophisticated enough to know what the difference between the application being made here and maybe an application with a hearing before the the planning board might be but I was at the planning board meeting a couple weeks ago and they didn't allow any public comment at all not at least on the agenda it was all all removed from the agenda and I had to point out to the the attorney and the clerk at the time and others that I think that's the first time in the history of Highland Beach that there was no general public comment at the beginning of a a planning board hearing and I I have to think that it was maybe because of some of the comments I made that that prior Tuesday at your commission meeting I've been a supporter of the committee to save Highland Beach since I learned of its existence so the public comment has to be related to it's about the item I'm still I'm getting there I don't know if he has any comments like he he did I'm not sure why he would want to disassociate himself from me I've been a supporter of his candidates and his initiatives since the time I knew him and his predecessor I'm trying to make a public service announcement here I want to encourage the commission again to please read that entire HOA talk link sir sir it has to your comments must be directed to this item to the variance request they're they're relevant to this in the fact that the contractors who were involved with Surfside should be reviewed for any town do respectfully Sir with with the lot split that's being requested any other public comments for this item specifically okay the public hearing is now closed any final comments or questions no okay um is there a motion to approve I move that we approve the request for a variance by Mr Mrs troano seconded a roll call please okay so the motion is to approve application number 23- 2790 commissioner David yes commissioner Goldberg yes commissioner Peters yes vice mayor Stern yes and mayor Moore yes motion carries congratulations that's wonderful yeah thank you got before Friday yeah get it in before Friday yeah uh I think ingr will you just will sign off on the request I just Comm letter indicating that the board approved it as a recommendation the commission approved and M tro could take that to the thank you thank you excellent thank you very much moving on to ordinances there are none consent agenda um there are two items in the consent agenda does anyone need a presentation on either of the items or any discussion no if none if we could have a motion please I move that we approve the consent agenda second all in favor say I I I anyone oppose say nay motion carries unanimously moving on to item nine unfinished business um item a fire rescue implementation update okay at about 12:30 I receive the public notice from fot so you have it in your email box uh when you get home later um but with that we're still having the Thursday March 7th 2024 uh public hearings there's a virtual public hearing from 5: to 6:m we will have a registration link that'll be on our website shortly uh that'll allow you to link in and participate virtually from 5: to 6 and then on the same date Thursday March 7th 2024 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. right here in the Highland Beach Library community room at 3618 South Ocean Boulevard will have a in-person uh meeting so they will uh discuss the projects the parameters uh traffic impacts the public improvements it is an openhouse format so they'll be here with series of construction Engineers to answer any questions at the top of their form it looks like construction is to start in April of 24 uh with an anticipated completion in the summer of 25 hopefully early 25 not late but uh 2025 so you're talking about the Triple R oh okay because I thought we were on the fire fire rescue well I took off on B everybody in wanted to know okay should we knock off B now yeah we might as well I kind of just took off on that so so we're not wonder why Chief was up there I'm like you very excited to he'll be prepared to rescue during those periods um so are you can finish with your basically it's all there in person virtual questions about Item B okay so we will knock off item B now moving on to the fire rescue information LEL the fire chief with your construction update on your fire station as did the agenda thanks Chief appreciate that so construction update uh elevator is uh was delivered on time remember we had a couple of issues with the cancellations they delivered it last on the eth Thursday and the installation is ongoing so we making good progress the doors on the second floor is already put in the first floor we put in this week and then we'll put in the framing and all that stuff to get that moving the north parking lot the paving should start this week and then we'll put the curving in next week the concrete curbing next week flooring on station just about all done except for the uh dining area that's going to be done last uh we're looking to put the bathrooms and bunk room Cabinetry in this week and the the kitchen will be done next week so Cabinetry refrigerators and all that stuff kitchen will be done next week all of our doors inter interior doors have all been hung and everything is moving at a break neck speed towards our conclusion um we have a couple of uh a little bit of complication with the front apron uh we're concern about the angle uh going on to A1A so yes of Engineers and the the looking at how to mitigate that to make sure that the concrete's the right slope so the the engine doesn't bottom out we brought that up early during construction apparently this been uh we just have some concerns so we're going to take some time to review that I don't think it's going to affect our construction time very much but certainly we want that done correctly with the new A1A and all other stuff going on we want to make sure the angle is correct Staffing all of our positions are filled except for three uh two F five five paramedic positions are vacant and one of our drivers dropped out for personal reasons so we have to fill that vacancy we have candidates in place already interviewed backgrounds already done so we should be able to make those decisions promptly and get them online in time for our openings equipment wise on the consent agenda we had a two the furniture was on the consent agenda and the the Fire Equipment fire hose nozzles and all that stuff was on agenda so that's being ordered this week uh both emergency vehicles at 108 for p inspections we have the radius put into both vehicles uh the computers are ready to be installed as soon as they're delivered back here the last thing we want to do is to install the diesel exhaust mitigation system on the units and that's going to be done promptly like within the next couple three weeks so we're on schedule and uh moving in the right direction any questions the yeah at the um opening the rubbing ribbon cutting lot of the office will be there that we can meet them well we that's the reason why we set up for the 19th so we'll have everybody on staff and we'll have everybody in uniform so you'll get to meet them greet and then they'll be see everybody and uh we're going to send the save the date out to the general Community uh hopefully by this week and then with uh invitations to Paula good uh again if you have any specific directions or people you want us to invite or any things you want us to complete during that process please communicate that to the city manager's office and more happy to try to accommodate any we can excellent any comments thank you for the great news we are super excited can't wait so am I yes this is excellent excellent news okay item C building department recertification program update well good afternoon Jeffrey Miss building official town of Highland Beach and uh bring you up to speed with everything uh we have a total of 53 buildings in uh the town of Highland Beach that have been identified as requiring uh the Milestone inspections and 11 of those are not due yet which means that there are 40 two that were due 42 buildings okay um of those 42 buildings um three of them have received their certifications and we still have 26 more buildings to go through to do their to review their reports that have been fully submitted we had a little bit of a Slowdown on that uh between the holidays implementing a new software and then I was out uh with a a back issue uh for a couple weeks and other than that we have four buildings that we recently reviewed and resubmitted back to the uh associations for them to that verbage was missing verbiage was wrong they were just little things like that and so far we have and and the rest of them we have four buildings that just we just don't have the reports in we just just don't have them and we've been asking for them since the beginning um they were originally due uh last year they asked for an extension we gave them I believe a 90day extension till the end of October we still haven't heard from those four buildings at all um as far as submitting anything and it's all one Association so other than that that's where we stand we're in pretty good shape we expect to start ramping up and going a little faster now that our software is implemented and we will start um I guess reviewing these at a much faster Pace any comments nope thank you yeah what is the action on the four that have not responded we are moving forward with code cases but we're we're trying to work with them directly so that we don't we don't want to have that type of environment here but unfortunately we're at the point where there's just been no response to what we've been asking for and explaining so I I I don't understand because those buildings are they're undergoing their recertification now we just need the paperwork and I said this last month so we're just in the same place with them that's it so that's why I'm not overly concerned because they are undergoing the restoration process okay well great well thank you very much thank you moving on to discussion of Milani Park um as I've communicated directly with each of uh the Commissioners and we will be uh Teresa and I will be reaching out to set up our one-on-one meetings this week uh we're in continued discussions with the county trying to uh work that out again at our last meeting we did pass our resolution move that through I know a handful of residents are reaching out in setting meetings uh with the County Commissioner uh communicating their concerns and seeing if uh there's something different that can be uh achieved with the project um I think it's still a little early the county hasn't taken that up so I mean a lot of stuff just isn't there yet to say that what is the county going to do we've had the public meeting of an expressed intent of our commissioner what is envisioned by ourself and administration but I'm not sure the rest of the county commission's on the same page the only thing that's that can be done is what is stipulated in the court settlement I keep on telling everybody that that's what's allowed at this point nothing more nothing less until uh the parties can come to some type of agreement and amend that settlement judgment as such um starting this week and into next uh the mayor will be meeting with the County Commissioners to continue um moving our resolution and speaking to each of the uh Palm Beach County Commissioners to see you know here's what the town commission would like to see and the community would like to see and to see where each of those County Commissioners are so we can determine uh if there's some movement in some direction or another so um as the week this week goes on we'll meet with you to talk about some of our other uh strategies that we have in place if you want to continue on those and move off but like I say every day day there's an up every other day there's a down we're just kind of moving through that cycle um with the team and just slowly carrying that out so I mean our next step is the the one-on-one meetings Chief elected official to uh the county commissioner just to see what their position is from what this board this commission and this community has communicated back and see see where they're at really just to kind of take a better pulse of each of the district Commissioners and um again communicating our message that selling the property taking those dollars reinvesting those into projects of public purpose that serve more of the public um still has legs and see if we can't get them to bite and move in that direction yes so I'll be meeting uh with commissioner Woodward tomorrow and I have some meetings on the calendar for next week for with some of the other Commissioners um to explain a little further our you know how uh our position on this uh subject and uh I look forward to those and I I guess I would just want to say you know this is all part of the strategy um that has come out with uh with the professionals that we have brought on board uh this is all part of what they feel is the best course of action so it's not just us uh thinking this stuff up we are um following the advice of of the professionals that we are are working with um so I listened to the February 6th County uh meeting um and commissioner Woodward shared um her her uh impressions of of that meeting um and I guess you know some point of clarification you know they said uh they thought 150 people showed up to the meeting do you have a better count of how many people actually showed up to that meeting we're closer to 300 um because not only was this room full but also the Overflow room was overflowing so we had two rooms overflowing uh we also had the the Breezeway and then the main parts the library we had computers on in the back corner so we had people viewing at the entry point to the library sitting so uh we're comfortable more than 300 we created 300 stickers 300 stickers are gone as another measure um we did put a public records request in to get the public comment cards at least that gets us another gauge of how many people wanted to express their opinions or comments um so we're more around 300 um I think rich said a couple hundred so I think we're kind of all in the more than 150 for sure I'm closer to 300 I rich kind of stayed couple hundred broadly so we're kind of all in the same you know our our visual aspects of what can be handled I mean this room handles normally 99 people we are a standing room only so um yes I just wanted to clarify that it was much more than 150 people you know it was more like 300 people um there was also a discussion at the county meeting how many people were opposed how many people were in favor um it appeared to me that everyone the room was opposed it was very clear that everyone was opposed at the county meeting it was not made clear that almost everyone was opposed so I would like to clarify that as well as Marshall said everyone everyone I saw was wearing a sticker that said no park so I think that should be made very clear um and um uh and then the other point of clarify ification is how the 43 conditions of the lifeguard station the restrooms um the hund and something uh parking spots how that came about um at the county meeting um it is Con it was conveyed that it was part of a of a process that the town Commission in 1987 approved at the time Marshall could you give a little bit more background sure about how those 43 conditions came about and whether or not the town commission at the time was in favor of those condition yeah so the as we reconstruct those meetings the town was never in favor of the project the town had to through uh negotiations with the county through Court come to a mitigated settlement where each party had to let some things go but they had to establish a series of uses that were permissible for typical beach access Park and it was done through that settlement agreement between parties trying to get to a negotiated or a mitigated end of here's what's going to be done and that's why when you see in there there's all these conditions that have to be satisfied and I think you could see that you know we didn't want it because of a lot of the same concerns you know all those people in cars who's watching is it going to be a drain on our public resources which we believe it would be how do we get that help and that's why they came up with an attendant at a gate house so the place has to be staffed while it's open concern over the the rock formation a lifeguard has to be on duty um we also expressed a lot of concern over the artifacts and the historical significance of the site and that there should be some elements of protecting that you see that in there um as well so to say that the town just like came up with hey this is a great idea we want to approve this it was more of through a settlement proceedings that got to here's what what was going to be negotiated amongst parties no party we didn't want that if uh you know for those that recall back in 09 and 10 when a lot of that was going on um folklore you know the rooms were overflowing nobody wanted it a lot of the similar type of Articles um so we didn't want it but we were forced to it's you know uh maybe inappropriately said you know negotiating with at gunpoint is that you know while you agreed you agreed under uh uh mitigating circumstances that you kind of had to do it so there was a forced settlement between the parties to come up with that and that's where when we started when we got that notification in July of last year um they kind of triggered their start of the project they would you know instead of doing the five years they chose to start the project and that's what they're doing and as we knew that you know we were kind of Beyond I tell folks we're beyond the 12th hour you know this was you know 12th hour was 2009 trying to to get things settled now we're here they're starting it so you know threading the needles a little bit trickier um and you know we're pushing pushing that uh through as much as we can and to let the the public know we're pushing every button every level turning over every Rock we can to make something happen uh in our favor but again what can be built has already been established under court order so under a settlement agreement that's approved by the circuit court so that's what we all parties are obligated to live by at this point unless we come up with something else and again that's where you all post the resolution that uh even if we go back to the original discussion I have yet to hear anybody from this town the person that did support it was from bokeh in this town saying they want the park as you see it now some people say oh pocket park uh no parkings sure that might be a good thing but we're not there yet because we we got to see what these other District Commissioners are willing to accept um with that so we're pushing everything trying to negotiate with every part talk to everybody um I know there was you know as much as we're trying to work we wish commissioner Woodward would take up our argument for us as our district commissioner as nobody in town wants it that's our frustrations um and I think those frustrations are misconstrued but those are the ones that were expressed at our last meeting there frustrations that our district Comm commissioner isn't listening to us and the residents like we think they should so um that's our next step is having more and more conversations not only with our district commissioner but the others and see what that looks like okay so just to summarize this was never this situation we're in with this 43 conditions of the park was never supported by any Commission of Highland Beach it was a forced settlement upon us um and we have opposed it and um I'd like to hear if there are any public comments that could also um provide some background on how the residents whether or not there has been any support or what type of support there has been for this park throughout the years please state your name and where you're from Jack hel 4511 South Ocean bulog irland Beach I got involved in this in the early you know 20034 through that period I might point out to my knowledge the only other public meeting uh where the county was requesting information regarding malani Park besides the one that just happened was on June 5th 2005 uh I remember that evening because I had viral conjunctivitis and I had to to testify I had to put it in 16.5 so I'll always remember that evening it was at the Catholic church the church was jammed not one person spoke up for this from then on after that it seemed to kind of go in hibernation public was never involved in any of these uh different uh of the 42 things that were proposed so there was minimal public involvement down after that point so I would just point out that history to you uh but we had uh Chiefs well Chief we had from two different uh I believe that we had a second one but I don't remember who the uh which tribe it was but we had the seminal here protesting against it and we had a second tribe also that was here as well protesting against it so I would point that out to you but it was uh a very full house that night any other comments okay hi Tim Rolo I I don't really have a position other then I would agree with whatever the other Highland Beach folks like to do on Milani Park um my point was I guess the the condescending remarks about the commissioner weren't very productive now I I can understand where it came out of frustration and I guess you know sitting in the back here not really having a a position it just dawned on me that you know I I think they're I guess a higher authority than your commission somehow they represent more people and I don't know maybe that was lost upon you at the time and but you know they have other constituents to consider other than just the Highland Beach people I I'd also like to comment on some of the other unfinished business items if I could come back to the comments are only for this item so thank you very much okay leid Newman to houses of Highland Beach um the comment I have is I I was just wondering whether or not the issue has been raised about a a bridge raise to a walkway from the proposed parking area to the beach which would which would U minimize the traffic Crossing A1 in because if you have a 150 cars and two or 300 400 people going going back and forth it creates a risk to the people and to the drivers and to the traffic so I don't know if this has been raised but I'm sure it be really expens substantial cost whoers in this construction but I would make that a a a health issue a risk issue and and a delay of traffic issue so if it has been raise of I would suggest it be an issue that up there has not been any provision for any kind of raised Bridge just to answer that question any other public comments okay seeing no other public comments any other thing yes I um commissioner Woodward's uh reporting is very disappointed the language as you report the language that she used the misrepresentation really it was misleading about the population that was here opposing it I mean and the the language diminishes by misrepresenting it diminishes the import of the town's response and I would hope going forward um that it would not be so uh and it would fairly uh rep andac accurately reflect the town's position that's all yeah I would like to say there was I has to be 300 people here that was packed this room you couldn't even move in um and it was only one of them that was for it and that was a Boker resident um with commissioner Woodard I mean she represents Highland Beach um I learned as a politician you're supposed to listen listen to your residents um she's not listening to us not representing us um and I voted for her and uh I'll say it again I'm I voting for her next election even though she's supposed to represent us and what we want and she heard every voice here that was against the park and she didn't go back and help us so um if you want to say that's bad mouth in her that's uh I'm a voting for and I think not any uh resident of Highland Beach will thank you I agree that the mood and the feeling at that meeting were not accurately represented to the County Commission and we look forward to our mayor fixing that and letting them know exactly how this town feels and what I was hearing afterwards and during the meeting is that people don't want a parking lot if we could have a small Park without a parking lot that was not going to be a particular problem it was the idea of a parking lot and a lot of additional traffic that would create major tie ups and major safety issues Crossing A1A those were the big big items and also protecting the beach itself protecting the turtl nests and protecting the coral and Yamato Rock which has significance and needs to be protected from people walking on it and creating more issues and also the Indian artifacts those were all issues that were raised and that people have concerns about so yes I think the county needs to understand that that's where we're coming from is that there are safety and preservation issues involved thank you I think the actions that are being taken are appropriate I think your meeting with them individually is outstanding and I think the town and the commission at this point are taking the appropriate actions excellent there's another point of clar verification um so uh Town manager labid um it has also been communicated to uh to when you watch the meetings and at the public Outreach meeting that the only option here is the park that has been what has been con conveyed To Us by commissioner Woodward and by County staff now my understanding is that the contract States a park or the county sells the land and the Milani family has the right of first approval is that true are are those two options of the contract I would say yes now every litigator in town will kind of find a something in the middle but basically it's the park if the park is not to be built the county decides to sell it then the milanes have the right of first refusal to match the offer so it's a right of first refus refusal to match so they can go out and solicit a development and she has the right to match the sale of it um the purchase agreement does stipulate the sale was for a park that's why the Milani sold it they didn't sell it to them for them to build Workforce housing wasn't sold to them to build a waste transfer station it wasn't built for the coffee shop it was for a park and if a park was not to be built now what type of Park I don't think was exactly stipulated in the purchase agreement but a park yeah so if they do something besides a park they have the right to purchase that property back if they so choose but I guess what I'm looking for clarification can can the county according to that contract can they sell the property sure sure they can yeah that is not being communicated to us so what's being communicated contract they can because otherwise there wouldn't be a right of first refusal it would it would be move if they couldn't ever sell it then why would she have a right the Milani family have a right of person so I mean a lot of this stuff um it could be that the district commissioner or Administration don't want to sell the property and want to build a park that's probably what is holding at this point so that's our job is to say why aren't we contemplating this alternative why isn't that being communicated that that's I think that's what we're going to start doing is we started that formally if you will through a resolution the resolution was hey you know why not consider selling it and taking that money and reinvesting it in the shortages that they have in all the other Park system parks that serve a greater number of folks and greater concentrations of population they hold on to this this 30-year-old comp plant sliding statistic of per every resident so much beach access has to you know I thought Ron did a good job and when he was quoted saying so when the population doubles of the county then we're not making that because there's no more so we're never going to meet Target as we grow the target is arbitrary right so um but again we're not getting that you know we're not part of their inner communication Circle their day to-day activity between Administration and the County commission we're not parts to that our link to it is commissioner Woodward and she's telling us X we would like her to hear it our way and consider contemplating why and helping us move that message forward that's kind of where we're stuck at the moment um is seeing if we can't get others to understand why they wouldn't or why they could statements have been made that the property can't be sold for various reasons that has yet to been uh sub substantiated there was no documentation of some of those statements and we've asked for it have yet to receive it we're hoping if it does if it is true sure give us give us those records and then we'll put our heads back together and say well that's not a possibility then look at something else but until we you know cross over certain Bridges or a certain proof is given we continue on our strategy it's a good one I I think makes a lot of sense right especially when you read these articles there's 700 million do short on their Capital budgets over five Parks is 139 million short then why are you funneling you know all of this money into a park that's going to serve a lesser amount of individuals when you have these older parks that have a greater KN serve a greater number of constituents in the county that maybe don't have access to the beach park where everybody here has access plenty in South County you start from Palm Beach South there's plenty of Beach be and then you go north and it's almost all public beach moving through Juno and Jupiter that's all pretty much public through there so I'm not seeing the shortage but if there's Park serving other folks and that's where we thought that would be a good use of their funds you know or these other started projects on uh the unhoused or Workforce housing and these other places where you can really leverage dollars to accomplish these goals it's a good argument I I just don't no one said why that isn't possible no one said that's a terrible idea no one said that's a terrible idea I we next mayor that's what you're going to find out what what are we missing that that's such a lousy idea to leverage something that's going to be why build a I think um Mrs Sheeler said it why build a park where no one wants it that's a terrible idea it's a terrible idea for a park to build it where nobody wants the park use those dollars where people want Parks refund all and spam those dollars to serve makes a whole lot of sense but that's just one administrator speaking so um we'll find out right so this is my last question sorry making this to last so long but um at the February 6 meeting other Commissioners had asked for um what are they basically said what are our options with respect to this so um Bernard baxer they asked um those kinds of questions so I IM I you know so we asked for that information what's the op you know can you sell it so them asking that they're they're commissioner Woodward also has to respond to them correct as to well the staff they asked staff they didn't ask commissioner wood okay they asked staff so is who's the assistant County Administrator who used to be head of facilities and construction they asked her these questions what if what if what if so she has to present all the different options and the County Attorney has to provide the what if scenario I because it's all under a settlement judge judgment which is is not an attorney so like here we would defer to Mr Ruben they're going to refer to can't remember the county attorney's name to give those recommendations out as to what you can or can't do if it's that is what we're we would like to know some of that too right you know what are the what are the guard rails what are the options that are available to be creative moving forward until we get them everything should be on that table to a point of sale um and then if they say this and the County Commissioners say they would like to do is move forward with this or that that's different that they're choosing to move forward for policy reasons or District reasons not for legal reasons that binds them so so we'll be watching for the respon soon as we get an agenda item we'll find out what that is we'll communicate those out um get those reports back um you'll start hearing from everybody here over the next couple weeks so we start getting a clearer picture of what is what's going on U because it's just they don't openly communicate to us uh what's going on so I mean it's hard I mean county is a big big organization that works to keep its self functioning so administrators and staff are working with other staff members and their District Commissioners they're not outwardly telling okayy I'm going to call Marshall and see what's going on no they're not that that isn't on their radar screen so um we have to reach out to them and that's what we're do okay I have a question Marshall uh could you apprise us when the county at their commission meetings will be taking this up on the agenda I would have done it for the February 6th but it was a a report of the Commissioners like how we have at the end of the meeting so she just spoke to it and that's how it's the conversation and the questions came because a lot of them were like well this was contentious in 19 when we extended and that was Mr Bernard who was the mayor at the time commissioner MC Bernard soon to be I guess maybe Senator Bernard but he um you know he said this was controversial and he has a lot of running history on it and started asking a lot of really insightful questions questions that you would have all been asking what can we do what's going on with this what is the status where are we how come what are those options so those are the questions that kind of came out of but it wasn't a planned agenda item if we know when it's a planned agenda item then we can get ahead of it and meet and show up and be present um things of that nature so I will soon as I hear like it's going to be on the agenda we'll know and let everyone know let's go you know let's go to the meeting uh have those conversations let's go you know so let the public know no we're just going to keep it to ourselves no we'll let you you know everybody we put it out if you I know I can't call everybody I don't anyone's personal phone numbers but I'll put out the email blast right skender yep so we'll put it out there make sure everybody hears about it and uh that's how we'll start spreading the word our website this that and the other thing you know wish I had it here because then Rich could put it in the paper but we don't know those dates yet so any more public comments you want to come to the podium just wanted to add the the 300 plus people that were here also in attendance were the officers from Admirals walk and C Ranch which are located in bokeh and they are 100% that's hundreds of people that are against this okay thank you everyone so moving on uh to the Strategic priorities Plan update so I took your comments I hope so if I missed something this is where you tell me Marsh missed this um so basically I took everything that we had completed um in the Strategic priorities plan into the 23 list meaning what did we accomplish in three and some of those items I was able to pull out of um bigger projects like we had a whole bunch of Finance policy activities that were be done we accomplished the fiveyear financial forast model David completed that but we don't have the investment policy update huh so uh that's now is the holding strategic priority for David to take that next piece um well I didn't put it in here if you go to our website this kind of a Shameless plug if we go to our website to our budget we use that powerbi so we have an interactive budget tool now so you can go into departments into functional areas and see what the budget is and program percentages uh so we have more of a interactive resident citizen interactive budget instead of a a static um giving you an executive summary how you know how good it is and this what we did in this department you could kind of see the numbers broken down by function by Department by Enterprise fund things of that nature so we got those type of things done um and then also what I did in here uh like the old fire station we want to do something with I pulled that out of the larger fire implementation project because it's going to go separately um so that that item came out and is now a standing you know future project that we have uh listed um where it says new projects and initiatives evaluate the ordinance development process old fire station code enforcement board special magistrate those are the three that I I remember I check from my notes so if there are more projects we put those in so these things generally look good um my next step would be to if we want these projects put them into the uh appropriate sections um as we uh recall um uh strategic priority uh categories like organizational Excellence uh public infrastructure and resiliency Community safety and Community enrichment sustainability so those items will get plugged back in there and then we just got to pick what those ranks are those take Sur supl others or do they go to the total bottom when we get everything else done I'm guessing some of those would rise above but and a lot of the other projects that you see currently in the your priorities are Works in progress we are getting there almost to that which will become 24 uh Town signs almost there we got to get the permits from fepot you know so we're have it all in place just about there um Milani Park we don't know how long that'll go uh in coastal Waterway speed control we started a marine unit which was a bigger project now we're tracking data accidents speeds be building that case of evidence that we could use to go to FD um and say hey Army Corps we need to put in some greater speed controls so we have to build that evidence before they would even consider that so we're working on those um some things we haven't done um gas powered leaf blower regulations temporary sign ordinance um hadn't got to that Tower lease um well we did ex do the extension we didn't come up with a formal no formal policy discussions maybe there isn't maybe we just take leases as they come but we've pretty much handled that got the ex 30-year contract in place do we want to come up with a formal policy how many what are our conditions we could do that or we just shove it until we get another request from a a source a cellular company do you want to do this do you not um and go from there so I guess now would be when you tell me what you where we want to go with different stuff we have more projects so I guess I'd suggest we start on page 48 and maybe kind of go through the projects and maybe start um discussion if that's okay with everyone um I I'll just kind of start the discussion and then you guys just chime in so if we start on page 48 and the first uh strategic priority so the labor negotiations that yeah can we remove that yeah I don't know why that's okay so if we remove that and then the next one um is a strategic priority number two fire rescue implementation I would call that number one so that's probably our number one strategy I mean our number one priority um and then I'm just gonna kind of sorry I'm gonna bounce around but um what's numbered currently number 19 Milani park I think we should move that to the the second priority so maybe I'll just run through all my stuff and then maybe everybody else can comment and like this can be a run we don't have to get through this all today this is just kind of where discussing it and you know we're going to just continue to discuss this at Future meetings it's kind of a a work in progress I have a question sure now on page 54 we have um another list which is um this the same thing yeah so can you distinguish that exactly so 48 is just in in priority order all the Strategic priorities starting on page 54 is putting each of those priorities in their correct category so that's why I'm thinking let's just focus on page 48 which is just you know so we can talk about priorities and actually list of projects and then and then Marshall can put it into the right categor great great and again we do usually do it's not like we just do one project at a time but when when we look at dividing up resources and time and budgeting and how we move forward we kind of use this as our guide if you will moving forward where we're going to deploy resources or limited resources where do we start putting them in what gets more staff Focus things of that feuture and then the what's currently the fifth uh project the charter review amendments on page 49 if you could update those three points I think the vice mayor had um submitted uh the salaries instead of the three items that are there the items that the vice mayor um did mentioned last meeting the salaries the signing of checks the there was a third one I forget yeah the salaries it was also the uh check signing there was one more right or no is it just those two I think it's oh maybe it's just those two so those to replace those three I will add those details yes um the sixth project that's complete right so we can remove that I obviously those were taken out because they're taken out of the other on so either they didn't so maybe there's a version control issue my scrier error it's on me it's not in the formal report on the back end this is just this list so yes that's gone and then um number eight the Marine accessory structure and number 17 which which is the um seaw wall I guess I was thinking could we just consolidate those two we could there together okay um and then the 13th project the zoning District I mean I think we kind of H we say that's on hold I mean I I'd like to put that on hold for sure or maybe even remove it I don't know um definitely yeah I would remove it but I would would put it on hold for the time being maybe like a low super low priority the other things that are going on that's not wouldn't be at the top of my list right and then um so the intercal part uh Waterway number 20 that so that is about just continuing to monitor the speeds mmhm okay it's like data collection phase so uh the Marine unit team is you know we go out there we're monitoring how many tickets what type of tickets what kind of speeds we kind of create this because you have to have a record of problems for the FD and the Army Corps to start considering lowering speeds you have to have that we never have had it because we never were on the water so there was a section and Del just started their Marine unit almost at the same time time of probably 8 12 months later they didn't have any running evidence so we need to start building our what kind of problems are we having luckily I which probably slows this our presence has become the deterrent so what used to be an unabated or un enforced speed zone now all of a sudden the very North End you got Delray you got Highland Beach in the middle and Boke on the south people are catching on that we're we're present um and as we've staffed up we've been there more and more on the water and people when they see the just slow their speeds down they behave themselves if you will so Ju Just just a quick comment on that uh on the boat tour I learned something from the people that took us and that was that sometimes slowest speed creates higher weight and that ought to be considered when we look at this thing what the result of changing limits would be as well yeah and there's a big process you have to have a committee put together where there's those that are in favor of the reduction of speed along with groups of boers Anglers other type of sport recreationists that want the speeds at where they're at today so once you build start to build your case that they could put a committee together and you go through this whole secondary process and it takes for a long time you miss something you could be like eventura where it drops and you have to restart the process Jupiter had the same thing um where they got lost in the committee work yeah people who aren't voters don't realize that the current speed limits it's really pretty fast for most boats but that there are some boats that you can't bring down that low or you're going to have as you said a bigger weight than if they go a little faster where it's a little smoother so it it's not as simple as it sounds and I also so so I don't think we have consensus on reducing the speed is that what this mean this does not mean that right we we put it on because we wanted to look we had an interest in should we what is that process we had a contingent of residents that do want us to reduce that speed um but we don't have the information to support it so we're doing the data collection phase so it doesn't mean that we are in favor of reducing the speed this is just a study to look see present that information and in point of fact we have no authority over it it would have to be another body that would take whatever information we collect and analyze it right because we can't do this on our own the federal government would have to approve it's a federal Waterway so um for Commerce is why it was built right so it's a long process to reduce speeds or change speeds even though there's a especially once you go south of us there's nothing but speed zones all the way to Miami on the inter Coastal noake yeah there's not a lot of open zones for full speed it's just us so that's why a lot of people don't want to see speeds reduced because it's the only place to make up time at times too I've heard that too like you can move through Highland Beach before you're hit the bottlenecks I think that the study is very important I mean I've heard a lot of U opposing views about the speed uh most find it most comments to me was it's too fast as well as um not knowing but assuming that it's delorious to our sea walls with the wakes so um I think it's very important that we have it on the priority and that it's just it just doesn't sit there that we do the compilation of the data and pursue it as a commission we have a responsibility to do that I can add annual reporting to this so we can I would like idea since police aren't in the room we'll give them a task thanks guys good job and then the water tower lease I'd be in favor of removing that I don't know I mean to develop a policy but I don't know I don't know that we would just as it comes as people yeah I mean we we already approved a new contract and yeah if somebody else comes to us and it would just be an issue somebody else came and said GE we want to put a tower on your water tower and evaluate on a first come basis structural elements cost I don't think we need since there hasn't been a rush to there hasn't been put cell towers on the water tow yet I don't think we need to anticipate that and then I agree with the new project list on page 60 I think those three are all viable um projects and then I guess we had that public comment about the bottle caps and I don't know if we want to talk about the bottle you know whether or not we want to support a resolution I don't know if that is a priority or not or maybe that's just a it I know that it's a priority but I think that it's a good idea to do it it doesn't really cost us anything to do it yeah and if it can help to get something that passed in Europe which just from what this woman said sounds like an excellent idea because people will throw away a bottle but in an appropriate location but they open it and toss the cab and the cab is sitting there so if they're tethered then it's less trash sitting on the beach that somebody can step on and Overlook so yeah I I would be in favor of having a resolution saying gee this is we're weighing in on this do something federal government or state government do you know this is not such a terrible thing to pass yeah does it have any impact on our recycling of of the bottle well some are saying that that basically if you bottles don't have caps they can't recycle it so a tethered concept would keep the cap with the bottle which is the concept and then you could improve recycling I just somebody I know somebody said it I I I'm just repeating I don't understand why they couldn't recycle if there wasn't cap on somebody said that that doesn't make any sense our Natural Resource Board had that conversation logically that I think eventually if you're doing it for half of the world bever you're you're purchasing you're just going to do it to all of them because it's just when you have a threaded Loop you just have one lust thread and it stays on there bottle basically all it is it's pretty straightforward then you don't spill it if you know where the cap is you're not going to knock it over and wear it it'll probably frustrate what like the bars and stuff where they take the Caps off of it so you can't have it when you walk around maybe I don't know but I think it's just a matter of time it makes some sense I think they'll just get enough pressure but passing the resolution like you said sounds like a gray we don't you know no one likes caps on the beach we have a chance to to reduce that through resolution it's safe I don't think it has to be I'm with you I don't think it has to be a strategic priority just something bring back futa so I'm in favor of that so I don't know if you guys want maybe we go through each commissioner as there your comments any additional comments on the um anyone else I I have a um I have a question the okay I I see that Firehouse the Retro fitting that that's on there U I don't know where it would sit on the priorities I was also wondering about um has the town uh are we contemplating painting the other buildings to match the firehouse yep y we're going to do that progressively so probably soon as Chief's done making a mess with the fire station once we get pavement down in concrete because I don't want to paint Town Hall when it's dusty right right so Town Hall would be the next one because that's the most visual to the public walking coming in is to have Town Hall painted next that would be the next one and then we would move back to public works and then move to the library so over the next year it'll all get painted we were trying to get with the painters from the station to give us a quote um but now that we have the colors that are picked just a matter of um moving it forward so we're planning to do Town Hall next like right away and then we'll get to uh public works and then the library would be last just from a visual like you're not going to see it but Town Hall really needs it and needed it before this so it's a good idea to paint it now so so when we're addressing the parking a after the construction our construction is finished um You probably have this laid out as well but I just wanted to mention it so that everyone is aware um the parking U I'd like to know what we're doing with that everything in the premises of of the Town Hall property Landscaping mean to really kind of you know what we could because you're you're walking yourself into a perfect strategic priority which is proba a s master plan what we plan to do over the next 20 years because you're right when we're done we've lost 20 some OD parking spaces so when we have any type of higher attendance event or there is no parking here there just there is none I've worked with the church so we're making a great relationship with them to have a longer standing parking Arrangement just because we just don't have parking um but I think you know town hall is the original building um I know Kaufman Lynn had said they would do something for us pro bono so kind of looking at what we can do um but those are big referendum questions too like we could add parking by redoing town hall and putting structure up parking lower um it just depends on when what our appetite is and when you know because there that's considerable expense so you're saying that there is actually room uh to do a two- level or multi- level structure to facilitate we have to we have to knock stuff down we got to rebuild I the water plants fine the library we really missed the Mark we could have used a second floor because we have a lot of open space we could have used some of the space there or this could have been elevated because it's recent enough it's basically town hall is the last spot where you're going to get on ground parking cheaper grade parking is maybe 20% the cost of an elevated structure parking space right um so if you could do you know ground level parking and just build the building up a flight a stair you know one story up you know one it keeps us out of flood zone two giv us more parking and we have the space to go up we just don't have the space to go out so that's nice to I would like to see be covered parking we put Public Safety underneath there we could build a connection to the fire station so we're just building tall right next to each other and open up a lot of possibility it just comes at a unfortunately it would be kind of expensive it would be very expensive but it doesn't have to be tomorrow and it won't be tomorrow I don't think we have to actually have painting as a strategic priority that's general maintenance it's already in the queue for your Capital plan which I haven't included in here Sergio is giving me the update he's not here but he's getting the update so we could bring that to you can see the fiveyear yeah but I I think that would be helpful the question yes is right there it shows where that a future planning on what the town buildings will look like going into the future and to plan for the future I so I think I don't think it should be number one on the list but I think it should be in there you know after all if we're going to be uh I call it retrofitting that building you know it's for entertainment purposes Community enhancement so once we do that how do how do we make it compatible with our community taking part three miles many of them can't are unable or don't desire to walk that much or if there's an evening event don't go on a walk in the evening so I think it all fits in instead of doing one piece at a [Music] time that's itk you commissioner Peters any additional comments no I I think we covered almost everything in there and I like your water so uh I saw leak blowing that is that that was I've never seen a leap blower here so I don't so it's the um changing from the combustible to a electric so that there would be less noise and less um impact on the so we had the natural preservation board ladies come and explain the um detrimental impacts of the combustible gas powerered blowers and I think that's what that's about like mandating that on Highland Beach everyone has to to do electric and um have Electric Lawnmower yeah yeah much quieter right definitely yeah and it could be not just strictly outlawing but limiting times of use don't start too early if because I know that some people were saying like in the mornings I'm trying to or in the afternoons they have been gentleman over a prer aisle that would sit out on the second floor and in the evening I want to have a cocktail with my wife and all of a sudden all I hear is leaf blowers and dust and it's got to stop so we can you know enjoy you don't talk to him so but those were kind of some of the other issues is a Time Time structure then the exhaust and it's it is an issue it's something that should be potentially considered I don't see it being at the top of anything at this point that among other things buildings could do it themselves true yeah right so if a building or people in a particular building have an issue there's no reason they can't tell their gardeners to use electric leaf glowes so I'm not sure that right now it wouldn't be overstepping on our part we try to be a little bit of hands off in this town and not put too many owner and it's not that it would be no no restriction but we try not to go that far over yeah and it wasn't a huge series of complaints I mean there were some legitimate concerns that made the commission to a point we like we should probably put it on the list and think about it but it is it was like kind of our lowest priority kind of thing so but otherwise I I'm fine with all the changes you requested that it works we're not eliminating anything that hasn't been completed and yet we're just kind of rearranging them a little bit so that the order makes more sense I'm I'm good so I guess could you take the comments in revise it bring it back I'll even try ranking yeah if you could rank him see if I'm reading you all well and yes try to do my best to in put the new ones in its appropriate right numerical order yeah then only other thing I was something I just thought of that you know Leno was working on is we we always talk about all these physical records lelda and I are going to start tackling our directory or digital records that are been building for 20 plus years and if anybody has a lot of share drives in their workplace or at home you just throw things in there you save it you never delete yeah you never delete an employee six employees ago that were running a program left their and it's hey I got notes from 1997 and they like doesn't even format can't open it so uh we're g we got to work on cleaning those out too in a systematic fashion and move those out so we're gonna add that piece uh to the NBAs work item and uh go from there that makes sense okay great so we'll have it on a future agenda yep uh sounds good let's keep it going yep awesome I have a question with regard I was curious with regard to the home office is that an ordinance how did that get uh on our priority list uh unfunded mandates that's what we like to say at the local level but basically uh the state passed uh preemptions on regulating certain home businesses but in so doing they kind of got to the point of suggesting that we should have some regulatory framework or statutory that recognizes the validity to operate certain types or scope of Home OCC Pati whether it's a barber shop or a small law office but you can't you know do medical procedures at home so there are certain things I think ingred has got something she's ready to share with Len to kind of start working through that kind of satisfies the statute State Statute that was passed last year they've limited what you can regulate a bit i' I've done it for the other cities so I'll work with angry to get that it's not a huge deal it's just making sure our code matches up with with the state Grant okay moving along oh sorry oh I'm sorry public comment okay and just to uh repeat myself it must be related to um the Strategic plan yes uh Tim Rolo again so I commented on this agenda item at the last meeting uh by pointing you to the h OA talk link included within my emails to all of you on both January 20th and then again on February 8th uh I encourage you to read the entire HOA talk link that I sent you because it has some very important information and I I just again I'm here for a public service announcement I I want to tell you I'm here to help as your friend and as a friend of the community uh I think you guys prejudged me based on some um disparaging comments you may have gotten from one of your Leaders with within the town way back and I'd like to ask ask you to rethink your your judgment of me I hopefully this is us turning the corner in our relationship um because like I said earlier the HOA talk link discussion that I pointed you to related to Becker and PO aov is not at all flattering and it seems to me that a lot of of you are trying to defend Becker and poov I believe Miss David made some comments at the last meeting uh I think the gentleman from Dalton Place made some comments at the last meeting that he's represented them for 14 years that doesn't necessarily mean that he's done Noble work Mr how is this related to the Strategic plan I don't think this is related to plan you I was pointing you to the the fact that I think you should review all the contractors that were involved with the Surfside settlement that's a part of that link as a part of your recertification it's a it's a you know for Miss David to say that just because a huge number of Condominiums are represented by Becker and poov or by Mr director we're we're that's not doesn't mean it's not part of our strategic plan it's not your comments are not related if you're not reviewing the the it was a request that I made to review the the contractors that were involved in the settlement there's no reason for us to do that so okay thank you very much the other the other thing is that time's up time's up your agenda had called for public comments of three minutes per item Under The Unfinished Business and you just blew through all those and didn't allow any public comment okay time's up thank you okay moving along so you're not gonna allow public comment on any of those uh we have completed those items on on the agenda um thank you okay so moving along uh new business uh Item B uh approve the recommendation of the selection committee and authorize Town staff to initiate negotiations with the top five ranked firms in accordance with RFQ number 24-1 for continuing professional Consulting Services CCNA good afternoon skender coma management analyst for Town manager's office so last month on January 10th we received eight submittals for the RFQ 24001 as you over uh that was for continuing professional Consulting Services uh that includes engineering architecture landscape architecture surveying and mapping and maybe a couple others uh that I can't think of off the top of my head but it's all as defined by CCNA which is Florida Statutes chapter 287 section 55 that's the uh Consultants competitive negotiations act on February 1st we had our selection committee meeting uh selection committee com consisted of Matt well half the assistant fire chief Jeff Remis the Chief Building official offal and Sergio Gonzalez the deputy Public Works director they convened and shared their scores which led to the following rankings uh Baxter and Woodman came in first followed by Hazen and Sawyer Collier's engineering and design Craig a Smith and Associates and callfield and Wheeler those are the top five followed by keal AV Raman Associates and Raina engineering so I'm here today to present those rankings to you with the intent to get those authorized to initiate negotiations with those top five ranked firms uh in the event that negotiations fall through with any of those firms we will move on to vendors uh ranks number six seven and eight respectively any questions any comments no other than that we have had good success working with bter Woodland we have I was not surprised they ranked first yeah they we have hisory with them good history actually good history they're a little expensive so if they're listening let's keep those rates down but just to clarify we've been working with them since 2016 as they is that I believe so yeah eight years yeah and it's all been they were forly Matthews engineering they were acquired by baxer Woodman they're more of your larger scale civil uh engineering type firm so surveying uh engineering they do a lot of our field workor for water and sewer um you know they're working on the lift station number three Rehabilitation right now as well and how has our experience been since 2016 uh they've been good uh they've gone through some turnover getting some new folks in engineering is a difficult position to fill in South Florida so it's um like most um uh but it's been good uh but again they're willing to work with us on task orders negotiate their price find to you know sharpen their pencils when we're doesn't seem to match the scope so theyed do a good job working with Pat and but the products they deliver are are good yeah they've also good advice good civil advice yep sure is there something specific that we're looking for consulting services on at the moment so this is mandated by uh the Florida Statutes the CCNA one we are supposed to always have an active contract for these consulting services so we ran out of renewals we had a fiveyear with three one-year renewal and we just went out for the the you know the same five years with three renewals oh so it depends on the project sometimes we'll do an internal task order where basically we'll ask them to bid if they're interested on a special project and then basically when we need Engineers here are the five we go to for um and then usually over time we Define where their specialization is like we used to have Global Tech that didn't bid but they did all of our plant work they were great with scata equipment all the treatment system we had so we always kind of relied on them to to do that so we'll find our firms see what works there um some will be good with Bridge work some will be better with you know it just depends okay thank you um so I'd like to open it up for public comments any public comments hearing none the public hearing is closed any comments from the Commissioners not today thank everyone I'm good I'm good I would go with the top five and see how we get yeah yeah I'm in favor with going uh with the all who's been selected so if we could have a motion please I move that we authorize uh negotiations with the top five ranked firms for RFQ number 24-1 seconded roll call please yes commissioner Goldberg yes commissioner Peters yes vice mayor Stern yes and mayor Moore yes motion carries thank you okay thank you I'll see you soon with some agreement to execute okay thank you very much uh moving on to item C authorization to make a best interest acquisition for fire station number 116 Furnishings so this came up that um so basically we require uh findings of fact the biggest finding effect that time is of the essence with the fire station we need to get equipment in uh P gal who does our Architects you know Sam and Joby so they designed it work with this company this Furnishing company to create a list of Furnishings we need um but it exceeded the $50,000 of the purchasing policy so it has to come to the count commission approval and because of it exceeds that same amount it would normally go through an RFP process go see who could do it solicit match products that's totally going to miss the time of the essence of opening this this is tables chairs kitchen tables cabinets like anything we need to that's not screwed into the structure we need to purchase and acquire we looked at this with the vendor that currently does our office furniture these prices seemed acceptable reasonable so we're looking for a best interest it's in our best interest to go with the architect's uh specifications for equipment it seems to be on par with the cost that we'll see in the marketplace time is of the essence we need to get them basically a PO immediately so we can get the equipment and so the Furnishings delivered on time to open um and that's kind of where we're at um and we're hoping uh we could get your support on on moving forward with this any comments about I think within if this um this expense uh well it's necessary uh but if the pricing is within reason and comparable to what is out there then I would be for it I agree yeah so do I okay any public comments I don't see anybody's really here so no closing the public comments okay I'm also in favor so if we could have a motion I move that we authorize a best interest acquisition for fire station number 116 Furnishings yeah second roll call please yes yes commissioner Peters yes Vice May Stern yes and mayor Moore yes motion carried thank you very much moving along to the review of the fiscal year 20125 budget calendar so so here we go David and I favorite time of year budget season so um we just want to stay ahead of it we promised when we adopted the schedule last month that we get you a budget schedule um here's kind of what we're looking at for this budget schedule um uh kind of laying out the dates um for what's uh what's coming forward uh some of the newer uh wrinkles we had put in here I know that the faab has always asked to be earlier in the process than later uh they've continually said hey you guys are pretty much commission pretty much wrapped up the budget before it comes to the Fab so we're giving them an opportunity to move into the pro process earlier on after the commission gets the very first budget presentation the following week it would go to the Fab and then it would return back to the commission uh on the 23rd of July for the not to exceed millage rate and the tenative budget so it would give time for the Fab to uh uh go along with that we'll at that point also have all of the revenues from uh the county uh property appraiser again as you know the last day of May usually last week of May they give their estimated values and that will uh be plugged into our fiveyear model and then we can start working our way forward to see if uh what kind of headwinds uh that we think may be coming uh I know the state and their budget office is projecting through the Speaker of the House here in the State of Florida that we're running into potentially starting to get some headwinds economic headwinds so we could anticipate potentially some of the revenue slowing but that's Florida as a whole I think South Florida kind of holds its own a little bit differently so hopefully we don't hit them as hard or don't experience it as much now will we see another 13 14% of Revenue I don't know uh but um we may hopefully you know our our model to do well is 6% so if we come in half of last year we're in a good position moving forward with um the direction we've stipulated in that five-year model no millage increases moving forward with no tax rate changes just keeping it consistent U but we'll be able to find out so this is the budget schedule again the Fab's in I would ask if the commission wouldn't mind um their July meeting moving it to July 23rd instead of having one on the 16th and one on the 23rd we just do everything on the 23rd it'll give us a bigger break if you will for the summer break for vacations we always look to and it's just moving it back one week from the 16th of July to the 23rd um just moving at one Tuesday down and we can handle regular business and uh this as well we can again budget schedule's Dynamic if all of a sudden we come in and there's like zero property tax growth or something like that we may need a few more meetings to really uh uh you know take a good look at how we do things but um we're in a good position these are the dates all the way to the two uh September public hearings which are held at 5:01 um and then we'll be uh as of September 18th we'll have a budget in place giving us a couple weeks of room in case there is any late changes um we have tentatively in here budget workshops um we're pretty good at giving you a lot of detail early so we haven't needed the workshops as much um so we're hoping that we shouldn't see or need them but we have some room in August if a particular topic jumps off the page again I I don't see anything based on uh David's estimates that would jump off that page um but just in case a cost center changes uh we'll know but you know most of our uh expense is predictable on the labor side through the contract so we know exactly what's coming up so we should be in in in good shape it's just all the other stuff healthc care will probably go up we won't be blessed again with the zero but should be hopefully in an acceptable range um so we're anticipating good things so basically April May dep department heads start putting in the numbers which is their expense numbers they put in their wish list and then I come as a wet blanket we squeeze that down to reasonable numbers and then we uh move forward with a reasonable budget uh that meets the goals of the commission so I would ask you to please look at Wednesday September 18th the 501 meeting if possible either Tuesday or Thursday otherwise nobody Serv not to okay so no Wednesday um we might be able to move it back to the 19th but I have to check we are governed by two other entities we can't which is the school district and Palm Beach County we cannot have our public hearing adoption on the same dates um but I will look at that and bring it back thank you um see if maybe Teresa's watching and giving me quick text I see a text hold on usually she'll tell me nope nothing yet um so we'll work on that and see if we can't move that 18th date or even if we have to move it back a little bit further uh we can do that as well thank you any other suggested changes no I don't have any other suggested changes so we could have a motion to accept as amend or do we need do we need Mo do motion to accept it and moving the July 16th regular commission meeting to July 23rd okay okay so that's not on this calendar I'm asking that as part of this we moveed that July 16th down one week so everything's on July 23rd okay instead of having two meetings back toback weeks we just combine them into the 2 3D okay okay uh I move that we accept the fiscal year 2024 to 2025 budget calendar with the amendment to move our regularly scheduled uh July 2 July meeting from the 16th of July to the 23rd of July and the 18th do we need to mention the I'll come back with a DAT if we didn't move it we'll amend it at that I'll second all in favor say I I anyone oppose say nay motion carries unanimously okay moving on to commissioner comments commissioner Goldberg I don't have any extra comments today thank you other than uh uh Milani Milani Park well I guess I do have a comment um you know I I I think that um uh I I just want to bolster what every said as far as continuing the pressure continuing the discussion uh because this community is outraged by going what's going on um and and uh we're not being listened to uh and that's something that is absolutely not acceptable and I have full faith in our mayor uh will portray that before the county thank you yeah I I just kind of repeat the thoughts I just wish our mayor good luck took in the county legislators um and also I'm looking forward for April 19th for the ribbon cutting on new firhouse we should have a party yeah that's it thank you I agree and I think that I'm looking forward to hearing the comments from the other County Commissioners because at this point I don't think we know where any of them stand and they may well come up with all alternatives for us to work with them on and I'm hopeful that we can reach a meeting of the minds on something that will be acceptable to the county with their desire to have more public beaches and what will be acceptable to the people of this town and hopefully we can work together and come up with something that works for everybody and look nothing else thank you I I totally agree and I was at the BCA meeting this morning and Emily the president uh totally agrees with oppos she is just a comment she says she feels she would like to see just a Walkin benches uh uh for the community and and she would support that position great and I don't have anything else um so uh Town attorney anything from you no mayor nice to see you nice to see you thank thank you Town manager um nothing uh to add again just be on the lookout for messages F do scheduling um and again just reiterating we're working on everything related to Milani every angle every rock that needs to be turned over every person that needs to be talked to we're doing those things so want the public to know uh that we are and uh we're pursuing with all Vigor so excellent okay moving on to announcements board vacancies uh we have one for the board of adjustment and appeals board for an unexpired term ending September 21st 2024 upcoming meetings and events March 5th we have our next town commission meeting at 1:30 March 12th at 1 we have our code enforcement regular meeting and March 14th at 9:30 in the morning we have our planning board regular meeting there are no board action reports and with that it's 3:28 we can adjourn thank you very much everyone thank thank you