[Music] this meeting is called to order in accordance with the open public meeting act no this meeting was provided to the home news tribute the star leiser and the Highland Park planet on April 18th 2024 and was posted on Bor H website www.hpborrow.com and on the bulletin board of B Hall 221 South 5th Avenue in Highland Park in Jersey and has remained continuously posted as required by law fire exit are to my right and left of council chambers Mike can you lead us in the pledge of Alle Alle of the United States of America the for stands na indivisible liy and justice for all both close mayor Foster yes councilwoman Cana here councilman George councilman ha here council president H here Council woman Kim Johan counc here B attorney Shaw here B administrator H here uh tonight um I have a proclamation with which I'm going to present and it's um poty awareness week from May 20 20th May 2020 May 20th to May 26 of 2024 is known as poverty awareness week and it reads where as perid supplies are necessary products for each month for millions of people across the country and whereas National survey and re research studies have reported that two in five people who menstruate struggle to secure enough period supplies to meet their needs each month due to the lack due to lack of income and whereas the lack of period Supply known as period poverty can adversely affect the health and well-being of ministrators and whereas period poverty exacerbate the Vicious Cycle of poverty by forcing men trators to withdraw from daily life losing pay or missing educational opportunities and whereas menator struggle with period poverty risk of infections by using proxy products such as socks toilet paper or not even changing products as often as they need and whereas the residents of Highland Park New Jersey recognize the recognized period poverty is a public health issue addressing period poverty can lead to Economic Opportunity for the state residents and communities and improve health for people who menate thus ensuring that all people have access to basic necessity required to required to thrive and to refresh their their full potential and whereas New Jersey is proud to be the home of trusted based Community organization including Highland Park food pantry and recognizes the impact and the importance of of period product in ensuring that health and providing economic stability and distribute period product throughout its channels now therefore I Elie Foster mayor of the borough Highland Park do proclaim the week of May 20th to May 28th 2024 as period poty Awareness Week in the borrow of Highland Park New Jersey thanks to period thanks for period Thank you period Supply bank and staff volunteers donators for your dedicated service to ensure that the citizens of Highland Park New Jersey to donate generously to the per period Supply Bank product product drive and organizing and collect all the products the period products to to those who struggle with period poverty so that all in Highland Park residents can Thrive and reach their full potential witness therefore uh by my hand on May 20th 2024 and I do have a proclamation [Music] now I'm going to move on to approval of minutes may I have a motion to approve the following minutes as distributed May 7 2024 second Council can yes Council yes council president H yes councilman is com yes okay um it's time for um Council report and I'm going to take the First Leap on this Council report tonight and I want to start off by acknowledging two events that we celebrate nationally in our country this month one is Asian Pacific Islander month and um council member Stephanie King Chohan along with the human relations commission took an opportunity they made a great video so please when you get a moment go on the website take a look at the video as they in form and they tell about the contributions that API members of our community have made to not just Highland Park but to entire our entire State our entire nation and to the entire world um with that said this month is also Jewish American heritage month on the behalf of the borrow I'm pleased to acknowledge that may is Jewish American Heritage Month as President Biden shared in his Proclamation on April 30th for this occasion for centuries the preservation Hope and unshaken Faith of the Jewish people have inspired people around the world during Jewish Jewish American heritage month we celebrate the immeasurable impact that Jewish of the Jewish values contribution and culture to our nature to our nation's character and we recommit to realizing the promise of America for all Jewish Americans in 1654 a small band of 23 Jewish Refugee fled persecution aboard a sale into the port of modern day New York City they fought for Religious Freedom helped Define them as the Bedrock principles upon which our nation was built Jewish American culture have been tightly woven into the fabric of our country the Jewish American heritage month we honor Jewish Americans who have given given us upon the promises of our nation we celebrate the contribution the culture and the values they have passed down from generation to generation and have shaped who we are as Americans we remember that the power lies within each of us to raise to rise together against hate to see each other as fellow human beings and to ensure that that the Jewish community is afforded the safety the security and the dignity they deserve as they contribute as they continue to shine their light on America and around the world and that was from President Biden while I'm on my topic I'm going to continue I have some good news to share um Redevelopment news I know this has been long awaited I since last year I've been promised that we're going to do a shed and we're going to show what's going to be happen on track C that time has come and track C is from Second Avenue almost all the way up the South CL so it's South Second all way up to South thur and on Wednesday June 5th at 700 p.m. from 7: to 900 p.m. we will be having a charette at the Highland Park High School and um please come on out you've been waiting a very very long time for this so come out to hear what we have to say to see some of the the renderings that we have and we need your comments and support as we discuss the future of our downtown which as I as was one of my main campaign promises to see our downtown become a thriving environment with that said we're not just focusing on our downtown upper ritin we're going to be meeting in Trenton in the next next week to talk about the road diet on upper Raritan Avenue so um I'm looking forward to that discussion we have been in Long detailed discussion with do we're going to meet with them at their offices and along with um our Senate Senator dman and some of our state representative to discuss what is it that we're going to actually make happen on upper Raritan I can't wait because I have a lot to say um also in Redevelopment last meeting we talked about ubri um moving uh up to where the pnk building is well that has actually happened I'm excited to share with you that uis will be relocated to the pnk properties this development will bring about numerous upgrades to the old pnk building transforming into the into a beautiful space on Woodbridge Avenue and Woodbridge Avenue I felt has been neglected for a long time so it's great that something nice and substantive is going to be uh coming to Woodbridge Avenue stay tuned I'm excited about this project as well and I'm looking forward to share more as we move along last week I had the opportunity to attend the mayor's conference in Atlantic City and the mayor's conferences we are other Mayors we all come together we have conferences and we share ideas thoughts and what's going well in your town how can we learn from each other a great networking session and as I Network and shared and learned from other Mayors I have some ideas that I will be implementing soon because I think they will be great for our community to help our community grow and th keep posted I will be sharing more of that with you and um and that's um and that's my reports for now and at this point I'm going to ask for Council report and I'm going to start with council member Kim Johan thank you mayor um no report tonight but I did want to announce that the rescheduled meeting from last month um R control will be meeting this Thursday the 23d at 5:30 p.m the details for um the zoom link will is on the website as well.com thank you uh council member H thank you mad mayor as you all know my name is Matt and I am a big fan of hats before I begin my Economic Development report I must make a small Tang gentle retort the recent Highland Park wreck theater production of musle the musal susal was a fantastic production all involved deserve more than an honorable mention where I a Tony a ward voter I would certainly put them in contention my own son had a great role as third tree from the left a role requiring a certain gravity and depth but all of the actors from the cat to that Hort in the elephant to all the small members of Whoville along with their mayor to the birds and the monkey and a grumpy kangaroo or two this production me say again and again Yahoo thank you to all those who made it such a success but special thanks to theater leader one miss Tova hel who for which we are as a town are truly blessed thank you oh thank you for a wonderful day and an amazing play no one to more now on to more Monday matters of economic development concerns important yes but to do them in rhyme oh what a mess um I wanted to to uh the mayor jumped uh and and and and took most of my report that's okay fantastic news about the June 5th track C Redevelopment um uh we're very very excited to to get this Community conversation going um uh as the mayor said it's June 5th at 7 o'clock um and I just also wanted to say a big thank you to Terry and the entire professional team um for their hard work and of course the mayor for her leadership um to ensure that this is happening so thank you very much we're looking forward to it it's going to be a great event um next up uh the NPP uh also uh uh the neighborhood preservation program um uh we are looking at doing a couple of classic car shows on Woodbridge Avenue this summer um these are great events lots of towns hold them but sort of given the car Centric nature of Wood Bridge Avenue um we think it's a good fit for up at the MPP District lots of fun uh old classic cars coming up um we have some tentative dates of July 11th and August 22nd but a lot more details and a lot more planning are on the way but those are coming um more uh uh pressing is that um Main Street Highland Parks um annual downtown planting days are back um again it's this Thursday May 23rd from 3: to 7: p.m. um and Friday the 24th from 11: to 5:00 p.m. um so Main Street is responsible for putting in the planting on raron and Woodbridge Avenues um we have volunteers who come and they fill 150 downtown Planters um with beautiful plants and supplies um and flowers made by Main Street or bought by Main Street um so if you are interested in helping the plant just come by the Main Street park offices at T12 r Avenue look for everybody outside all of the plants will be outside um again R to shine it's the way they work um but come and pick up your plants I'll give you a planner assignment and you can come down and and uh and make a great uh addition to our downtown um couple things uh also uh last week there was a a great celebration for Israeli Independence Day ym um according to news reports we had about 300 people peacefully show up to celebrate um the birth of Israel um and I wanted to thank Central Jersey stands with Israel and peace of mind as the the co-sponsors and also to my colleagues councilman pers and Kim Chan who were able to attend thank you very much for that um as mayor said this is Asian-American Pacific Islander month and Jewish American Heritage Month um so thank you very much for your reports on those those are fantastic um auditions as well to our community and that's all I have thank you thank you cana thank you mayor this I'm Tara Cana Health and Human Services committee chair um the Board of Health and I would like to thank Jesse J crosson for his years of dedication as the chair for the Board of Health he was amazing during the pandemic keeping us up to date on all the latest um developments thankfully even though he stepped down as chair he is going to stay on as a valued member and we also thank s Kelly the new chair for stepping up and we're sure she's going to do just as good a job as Jay did the commission for universal access would like to remind everyone that while everyone wants the Felton Avenue top Park finished it is important and legally required that it is accessible to all our children in the community Highland Park has always been dedicated to this and we are going to continue to make sure that all of our parks are accessible to all of our children also Pat McKenna from the Comm is holding a training for American sign langing sign language um translators for textile um ASL um he's working with our community center on the dates and further information will be given as we get the dates um the mayor already mentioned the video for human relations so my next thing for human relations is on June 3rd they will host the pride flag raising at 600 p.m. and the Caribbean flag raising on June 10th and also both are at 600 p.m. and the June juneth flag raising on June 19th at 6m the Highland Park food pantry hours are the second and fourth Thursday of every month 9:00 a.m to 10:45 a.m. and again from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and the Saturday following the second and fourth Thursday from from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. at the community center the Highland Park gives a hoot Pantry at zone 6 team Center is Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. both programs take donations of period products and diapers and both pro programs are serving almost 400 families in our community the Mental Health commission wants to remind everyone that if you were in crisis please call 988 for help or text home hom to 741741 thank you mayor thank you council member thank you mayor uh good evening I have a brief report for tonight uh name is Jason I'm the recreation Arts committee chair um just a few updates uh first off just like I usually do right now I would like to provide a quick reminder that grocery store transportation is available through the community center um earlier today at the community center was the annual health fair um where over 40 people stopped in to get a variety of Health screenings for your charge um this coming Memorial Day on Monday um we be having our annual Memorial Day Parade uh which will start at 11:00 am. in New Brunswick be crossing the bridge around 11:30 a.m. and proceeding up to the Doughboy monument in town where a ceremony will be taking place at conclusion of um early next month on Wednesday June 5th there'll be a senior lunch Cornucopia Princess cruise trip um that sounds exciting um and lastly my report for tonight is also in June um will be a senior prom be a dancing the Stars event on Tuesday June 18th from 4: to 7M featuring dinner by Z Lisa with a kosher option available upon request and dancing entertainment and voting for 202 for senior prom king and queen and mayor that is all I have for tonight thank you Council pres mayor uh good evening everybody my name is Matthew p i CH the Public Works committee uh and being up here on this fine day it makes it even better uh I just wanted to just really express my enthusiasm about that um thank you to the economic development committee mayor um and Terry for completing the relationship with UB and transfer over to pnk that was an enormous amount of work I know so just thank you for that it's very exciting um you've heard this before but uh um I have to just keep um um banging this drum bulk pickup is underway uh so if you have bulk garbage if you have large large volumes of of bulk waste um bulk waste collection is by appointment right now pickups are scheduled during Wednesdays during the months of June September and October to make an appointment please call public works at 73247 9379 each household May request up to two collections per year uh and just a reminder this week after the towi garage sale Tuesday September 17th and Thursday sept September 19th there will be a townwide b collection where you do not need to make an appointment uh but you know making your appointment is always better uh and um you can find out more on the B's website www.hpb.com for cble materials what you can and cannot the dos and don'ts of leaving ways under your curb uh roads uh again potholes and crosswalk striping uh has has been underway in Earnest um if you see a poth hole our crews are out they're filling them uh sometimes it can't be filled overnight but they do get filled and they go on a list and that is what our Public Work scws are doing particularly on Wednesdays when there is no trash or recycling pick up and of course it's also weather dependent uh so there are a lot of factors that I don't understand either I don't understand why these Pooles take so long to to fill no we do and I just wanted to put that out there that that that that there are that they are being prioritized and they are known uh please report them on the Bor website www.hpb.com under report of concern um and uh uh just a few updates on 2024 Road projects which we've been asked in the past um we're looking at uh the summer and fall for North Fourth Avenue from Dennison Street to raran Dennison Street from North 2 Avenue to nor fth Harper Street which we've been getting a lot of questions about um between South first half all the way to South forth so that'll be a considerable uh search of roadway that has really needed to be repaired it's you know it's the old um concrete surfacing uh so that's a considerable project and then of course Woodbridge Avenue uh vulker Street to Fox Road and I would be in partnership with middle sex County I did just want to point to uh uh a thorn and I think in a lot of our sides the um uh the intersection of Woodbridge Avenue and South 11 is smooth now and that was a real problem area Sarah is happy I'm s happy please thank you know thank thank you for your patience happy yeah everybody's Tire rooms are happy uh thank you for your patience uh obviously this was you know this this was prioritized so we really appreciate our crw getting out there and taking care of that one uh and particularly you know just so you know you know there's there are long-term um plans for Woodbridge Avenue as far as Road repaving new tree plantings and everything you know ideally these these types of Municipal and County projects would always go hand inand but sometimes we really have to get out there make the repair and then just put them for the future so um that was that sustainable Highland Park uh there is a regular sustainable H par meeting tomorrow on Zoom at 7:30 tune in to learn more about our efforts to be good stewards of the environment as well as to get involved in our adopted drain adopted storm drain and community cleanup programs um there are community cleanup schedule for Saturday June 1st uh uh that's the area around kers uh the first aid Squad and surrounding streets meet at 10: a.m. um at the urban school on 11th Aven just right the front there on sou 11 and then um on Sunday June 16th uh sustainable hland Park in in cooperation with the Highland Park ecology and Environmental Group will be uh conducting a clean up on the trail along raran river parallel to South adal Avenue again 10:00 a.m. to noon meet at the entrance uh of Valley the Valley Place Trail that's at the intersection of South Adela Avenue and Valley place if you want to know more email uh sustainable Highland Park at Highland Park sustainable gmail.com and or check out sustainable Highland park.org for more resources and informative webinars on issues like backyard composting as well as the Ruckers environmental Steward program which trains volunteers on how they can take action to help solve environmental problems in your community um the there is Ju Just because we don't have we don't have a regular meeting so I just want to announce that there is a shave tree advisory committee meeting on zoom on June 12th at 7:30 please come out and find a link to the uh to the you can find a link at the calendar section at uh at the B website learn more about our ambitious tree planting schedule as illustrated by the buroughs 72 new trees uh recently added to our canopy two more items uh uh if you live on a corner property congratulations you have a beautiful Vista and probably a lot of great views of your neighborhood uh you also have a lot of sidewalk that you have to maintain so uh we definitely understand that you also might have some Landscaping uh particularly shrubs that uh you know with if if they're not being maintained are blocking sight lines intersections not only for cars and but but also pedestrians and cyclists sometimes it's really hard to see around those corn so it is the season when uh you know everything is vibrant and blooming and things are growing really fast so please uh please stay on top of your Landscaping particularly if you have a corner property around an intersection uh that's going to be critically important and uh everybody will be better for it and I just wanted to give a shout out to um Sue Winkler and Gary Kaplan uh for uh putting together just a magnificent and well organized program for porchfest this this uh past Sunday um I felt like I was on Beal Street in uh in in Memphis music was oozing from the buildings and the porches and it was so cool uh and it was just great to see so much talent in this town uh you know how many really quality homegrown uh bands there are and we're not just saying that because they're F here these are really really good so thank you our our administrative report thank you Mary have a couple items this evening uh first I just wanted to point out on the uh agenda tonight is the storm water ordinance introduction I just wanted to give a little overview none of the details but essentially we overhauled our ordinance to comply with d standards in I believe it was 2021 what these amendments reflect our new rules they promulgated in July of last year and we're under a deadline to get our ordinance in conformance so essentially this ordinance follows very closely the model guidelines that the department has put out there we're going to have to learn how to uh as well all the other municipalities in town but they apply primarily to Major developments uh uh in town so just to give you that background um wanted to mention one thing Matt that you didn't remember I get to say we very exciting we finally are moving forward on our safe roots to school projects uh which are and you'll have to think back they date back to 2016 and 2018 when we first conceptualized those projects and got awarded grants uh from the NJ doot well what I'm really pleased to say is we're now getting into getting through the final engineering phase of those Pro projects uh which which are primarily intersection enhancements to make it safer to walk uh and more accessible for everybody um fairly straightforward but what's really exciting to me is not only are we move forward but we're we're moving the two projects forward together so we're going to have a what's called a public information session on Monday June 17th between 600 and 8 PM uh to review various intersections which are all listed on our website uh that are uh part of this program uh where especially if it's near your home and they want to come and and and learn more about what's being proposed uh but it's very exciting because I'm getting the sense although I'm not holding my breath that the department really wants to get to implementation in this calendar year or early next year which wasn't the message I was getting previously so I just wanted to get because we don't have another council meeting uh until the 18th I wanted to make sure to announce that meeting and more details will come shortly um uh councilman George asked me uh to highlight the resolution regarding the library he was he's he's detained my work this evening um you'll see a award to another company uh MC group um this is a we had an issue with the bid that we awarded at the last meeting but we were able to go ahead to the next responsible bid in the that group so we're excited to work with them to get that project done I don't have information on timelines yet I hope to be able to report on that really soon um and the other thing he wanted me to mention was he was very happy to get a a quick ride in the new Fire vehicle over the weekend uh it appears to be a great fit for our community and has already been deployed uh a couple of times so that's my report thank you mayor thank you for attorney's report um oh I just want to highlight again that on Monday Memorial Day we start our activities here in Highland Park at 8:00 in the morning and it starts across the street at the police department and the fire department and we do so by laying reef at at spots various areas here in town I think there's six location where we lay reach so please do come out and do support because we have families that come out every year who have lost family members uh in the line of service here in town so it's very important that you come out and show your support for people who have given so much and last but not least East bronswick has the opportunity have of having a moving Vietnam memorial display and it's on displayed this entire month and anyone who's interested to see the moving Vietnam memorial display can can go to East brunwick Community Center to see uh see that in memories of of those who have given so much for all of us for the privilege that we all share of living in this country and now it's time for public participation um it's time for public participation 21 minutes alloted 3 minutes per speaker to any item on the agenda for people attending in person will be heard first followed by those attending on Zoom yes please come up announce your name and address there's no microphone see it oh side [Music] okay North Second Avenue okay on the agenda um I heard mentioned how Denison will be paved I hope it is sooner than later summer fall well Somerset County towns had many lawsuits when the potholes get very deep not just patches and then you have small car like an mg or something that breaks the front end the axle and for average neighbors there hitting all that on the front end should it's not a good thing for washboards block for how many years so that would be helpful I think to the buau Ander residence sooner the better um when you go forward to the Felton Avenue top lot 5-24 d154 what is a brail panel and in um storm water management you talk about NJ do wanting bike proof rates the storm rates being no more than Point half an inch I think the adaa is less than that because wheelchairs often have to go at the intersection too often where the grade is or nearby so that might be looked into if I had more time today I were to grab the book and double checked it but at the maximum half inch in between um management talks about dried well use are those still permitted in the in the country remember Jessica something F down a hole in Texas 25 or so years ago a toddler 18 months old they got her out after a week I think alive but how is it capped so that's coming up I know that's more for next meeting um will the storm water management go into the land use ordinance just a duplicate and oh Main Street is it normal 30 seconds that the salaries General expenses are almost not quite almost twice as much as the promotions 121,000 for promotion which is I thought what Main Street is about plus a financial aspect that I'm sure was thrown away and and 233 give or take for admission at Administration in general I find it odd but okay I'm too far and see you later thank you anyone else in the audience please come up to the microphone anounce your name and address hi my name is patri I'm not a resident of Highland Park I think I had met one of your councilmen at um the Highland Park Street fair I work with communs and Resource Center in the lead abatement and mediation program you R your bicycle um I wanted to introduce our program we have a program for on or four family homes that are built before 1978 for the free Le remediation and batement if they fall within income guidelines I brought materials if I could distribute to council and the mayor as well I wanted to get to the library to distribute there as well but this before I got here I can help you with that Mike bobish is here from on you yes please um you can distribute your material thank you um anyone else in the audience wishes to speak Terry anyone on Zoom I don't see Hands raised at home and we're looking at five members of the public on all right seeing there's no further comment may I move to close the public uh participation session ccan can yes councilman H yes council president yes councilwoman kiman yes councilman Pon yes sorry about that um ordinance requiring the first reading cler can you please report an ordinance number [Music] 24208576 June 18th and said here public hearing for June 18th roll call counc can yes councilman Hill yes council president H yes Council Kim Johan yes councilman P yes resolution requiring a separate reading may I have a motion motion to adopt or reject resolution 5-24 d149 resolution to authorize self-examination of Municipal budget in accordance with the njsa 44-7 and NJ njac 5-3 30-7 second councilwoman can yes councilman H yes council president H yes Council K yes Council St yes may I have a motion to adopt or reject the following resolution 5-24 d150 resolution authorized reading of budget by title only by title only so second Council can yes H yes president yes counc K yes Council councilman yes may have a motion to open the public hearing on the 2024 Municipal budget so second public hearing on Minister for Budget um if anybody at home would like to speak on the municipal budget please raise your [Music] hand and see no hands M okay okay see that there's none may I have a motion to close public hearing on the 20 24 Municipal budget motion EXA roll call councilwoman can yes counc H yes council president H yes councilwoman Kenan yes councilman yes may have a motion to adopt or reject resolution 5-4-1 151 resolution to adopt 2024 Municipal budget second roll call councilwoman Cana yes councilman h yesc president yes councilwoman kiman yes councilmanic yes may have a motion to adopt or reject resolution 5-24 d152 authorizing the reading of Main Street Highland Park budget by title only Council Cana yes councilman Hill yes counc president yes councilwoman kiman yes councilmanic yes may I have a motion to open a public hearing on the 2024 Main Street Main Street Highland Park budget second public hearing on Main Street budget Main Street hav park budget anyone wishes to speak can do so now no hands okay may I have a motion to close the 2024 Main Street Highland Park budget so mov second roll call councilwoman can yes councilman H yes council president H yes councilwoman Ken Chan yes councilman Pon yes may have a motion to adopt or reject resolution 5-4-1 153 resolution to adopt 2024 Main Street hav park budget motion to adopt second roll call councilwoman can yes Council H yes council president H yes councilwoman Kim Johan yes and thank you to the finance committee and all the professional Le your work on the 2024 Bud councilman yes now we move to the consent agenda may I have a motion to adopt or reject the following consent agenda items 13A through 13f second counc Cana yes councilman Hill yesc president H yes councilwoman kiman yes councilman ponic yes uh Now we move on to appointment to the Arts commission Ariana Ai and uh Community Emergency Response Team suzan Ary may I have a motion to confirm both of these members yes and thank you to all our volunteers councilman H yes council president H yes and thank you as well Council woman Kenan yes councilman P I would just like to graduate Ariana I've had the pleasure of working with her on the Arts commission she's been sort of an unofficial member for the past few months been attending meetings and helping play on various projects yes very well very well said and now it's time for the second public participation 3 minutes per speaker on any topic sub subject to close at 900 p.m. prior to work session PRI to work session no oh okay work session okay it's old school all right subject to close conclude at 900 p.m. um comments from members in person will be heard first followed by those attending on zo Second Avenue again okay I asked I guess it will we found out my question about the library was going to be how long is the warranty for this room so I think that will be looked into um executive session you can't go into I know the County Joint Insurance what does that have to do with us I thought we were Garden State of Municipal Insurance Garden State mayor would you like me to address yes attorney um at this juncture we can't go into any details it's turn client privilege but once the opportunity arises where we can make it public we will let every right now okay so then let's go back a year or there was litigation on ma' ma'am we're not talking any more about MC and executive session but if you have any other questions that you would like to sayate then we can try to see if we can answer them but anything to do with executive session not going to be a discussion six or eight months old so we'll never find out ma'am like I said and I'm saying the same thing I'm going to keep saying the same thing we're not going to be discussing anything Happ executive sessions attorney client privilege so what is the time limit two years exact attorney CL Pro can go on forever forever okay but I but I just told you right now right before that if there comes an opportunity where I can make it public it will become public that's it it's an insurance deal ma'am thank you ma'am that's it thank you thank you good for you okay months ago I asked her weeks ago about lithium batteries does anybody know that anybody walk across the street that any research are the lithium batteries in our bathroom scale in other places in the house subject to these sudden fire balls or is it only the rechargeable stuff in modern get back to me oh right okay is this in Robert's rules that we have to wait for some sort of comment from the I don't remember seeing that in Robert's rules um address could you speak louder okay so so during or petitions you are and as we've said the protocol before all the questions will be asked then we're going to close the public portion and we're going to respond to your questions everything we do is legal oh I've heard that before that's baloney okay ma'am thank you ma'am I'm just responding to your question you have a legal question not a sir but a ma'am thank you okay under um ordinance 24- 2083 and I stop and shop a month or so ago page three somebody said they didn't hear that that the ordinance talked about 35 full-time employees 15 part-time page three of that or your ordinance um 20 people for the construction job sales tax revenue it didn't say how long I pay for approximately $680,000 from that grocery store okay I guess there's no comment there but it's page three and four that somebody did um I talked to the mayor about faxes I don't know if it was this last July or the previous I sent to the clerk's office as I often do two pages two requests for information one went through they both went through my verification said two pages went through 30 second one was arrived and said that it was okay and you I came in and got my pieces only one was known by the deputy clerk she had no idea about the missing request that I had about the South Third Avenue closure the safety aspect so I made a third request it came through there is no report on what's happening on the North side when third is closed and we have a fire or whatever and also I sent the tax I never got to the tax assessor I sent the thank you and I called him and I thought huh I have point of order your time is up okay it's um thank you it's very mysterious that suddenly disapp ma'am thank you so much your time is up and we let you go over a couple seconds thank you we do have a hand up uh from someone at home Abby Stern Cardel you're next please your name and confirm it to you hi sorry yes it is Abby Stern Cardell I live on Harper Street um I have a couple of comments one is just I'm really happy to see you know some of these resolutions and things moving forward obviously I am excited about the Tot Lot those Street repairs um you know I want these all move forward as quickly as possible the library all of this is really exciting um I do want to make a comment about just the general um meeting format and public comment um I think it's really important I know there's been a shift but I think that we're setting you know an important precedent here in terms of how um how the public is being um allowed to to speak and I just wanted to make a request that um especially during the first public comment that we allow or that you allow I should say but you know the community has um the ability to speak a second time if there's no one else speaking within that 20 minutes um I you know whether whether it's necessary in that first public comment today or not I you know I'm not even talking about that but in general you know that's before the vote occurs and that 20 minutes is time for the public so um I completely understand the need to keep you know efficiency um these meetings have been very well organized late and respectful interactions um I understand the point of all of that but if there's time left in that 21 minutes I would respectfully request that the public be allowed to speak a second time um again I'm concerned about setting the president when we have really not that it's not important you know every issue but we have some big issues that come up uh in town and we have in the past and I know that doesn't mean we'd have to continue but we have allowed people to clarify their points make a second comment um we've had some really big things that are incredibly important in this town we've gone through so much you know kind of together as a town and I think it's really important that we continue to allow dialogue from the public um and again in this second portion you know it's totally reasonable to keep it to a time limit but if there's additional time within the allotted time I would ask that you again respectfully allow for a second comment within that period not a third and fourth I'm not saying to let it go on and on um but I really think that that's important to um have that interaction from the public especially prior to voting um um but again I'm very happy for everything that you voted on tonight and all the work that you're doing and moving forward with these um a lot of really great improvements in thank you that's all thank you so much I do see another hand just sorted out um Maran blocker re uh if you could just state your name and address for the record please uh 324 Lincoln Avenue and your name Marilyn blacher rice thanks my U okay my concern is um kind of a simple one um at the triangle of Madison Avenue and um forth on the North side um there's a little park there and my understanding is that that is maintained by Public Works um my question is I just don't have the history behind that Park but I've been walking my dog there for years there is some weird stuff there there's some like beads um a Halloween looking thing some sticks that were sticking up um pots I know someone's planting flowers I don't know if that's the town or someone else but could some someone EXP explain to me what those things are and why they're there I think it really does need to be cleaned up um the bushes need to be Trimm there are very dangerous trees there that could fall um they're very unhealthy um so I don't know I know I guess you can't respond but I'm very concerned about that Park and I think it needs to be cleaned up unless there's a reason a memorial or something that these beads and odd items are there thank you anyone else I don't see any other hands up there see there's no further comment may I move to close the public participation can yes Council H yes president yes counc Kenan yes councilman yes and um I want to start by apologizing in the first public session um Lois had did ask some questions about Paving and um the felt and Tot Lot and um I just want to address the the reason why there's going to be Braille on the pet the the Felton top lot if we want to make it accessible for all so the Braille riding will be on the the playground equipment so someone with a disability will have an opportunity to participate as well we want to make it for all abilities um the other one was she talked about storm water management this is something that we would have to get back to you on so Terry can we work on another storm water management the do the great uh the dry use and the land use and for look into that I think um but I just want to keep in mind this was a name dictated To Us by the state of New Jersey but we should understand can you repeat that because you you mentioned that earlier in the open of the meeting can you just go over that so your ordinance mirrors the guidance ordinance that the Department of Environmental Protection promulgated to the municipality so um we have no pride of authorship but we can certainly investigate some of the provisions further and another question was asked also about the warranty at the library the roof I don't know that answer but we can get back to you uh I I'll check with Mr Bish and get back to it some other time when he has all this documentation lithium that batteries I don't know any I just the only thing I know about lithium batteries when you're on a plane they say don't take them with you put them in someplace else but I think there there's no other warning that I'm aware of but we can also check into that not sure about the Stop and Shop has been closed for over a year so I don't know anything about that and any facts is that may have been sent in um I do there is one here that I I um lithium batteries she she um she asked about lithium batteries for the fire department and I think we can bring that to um our Public Safety chair for him to address any kind of lithium battery that you be concerned with over at uh over in public safety and I don't think DPW does anything with that no no I mean generally Electronics uh so you can take your electronics to drop off at at at DPW on Valentine um uh and I'm just looking so you know things like computer monitors desktop personal computers and laptops things with lith lithium batteries printers fax machines um you know it's not recommended to put those in the garbage because because we can we can see how there are there are hazards related the lows thank you for raising the issue and we we'll make sure that we put something together that's a little more explicit uh on the website related to to liquid batteries because we have had in we have had incidents in the past uh particularly you know with with empowered objects that have ended up in in our in our garbage street thank you and then um Marilyn asked about the pocket park over on North forth um by Falling Heroes way um just a little bit of history that street that area was named falling Heroes way we had a number of residents that had put Memorial momentos in that area but maybe it's time for us to go take a look a look at that M with take a look at that are with DPW and see if it needs a little bit of spruce up absolutely thank you to to the res yes uh council member um I just wanted to add that I I live at my dog goes to the same part so that um you know there are a number of different monuments there there's following Hillary way a monument to a Vietnam veteran from the town who who passed away um there's a bench um for that was built by one of the residents on Fourth um in honor of of his wife who passed away um and then there's a number of people in the res in in the area who who sort of Taken upon themselves to to Spruce it up on a regular basis so they plant flowers they plant um a variety of things um so it's it really is sort of a a small community pocket park that has um uh you know that that that people have sort of taken some ownership with them so I I I think that uh we can certainly have dgw take another um you know run over and take a take a look at it but there are a number of um folks who who who care about the park and have have put up their their own stamp on it so I think that's a good thing no I totally agree because Through The Years um before we even named it falling he was way did a whole dedication people were lovingly taking care of it so I hope that continues all righty um uh Council M can I just wanted to point out that the rail panel is something that the commission for universal access had recommended many years ago when they did a presentation for the council and mayor on accessible playgrounds and that was one of the things that was included and we're very happy that it's going to be in now awesome okay um executive session um we're going to go into executive session and it's potentially um may I have a motion to we're going to move into executive session may I have a motion to adopt or reject 5- 24160 executive session potential litigation M County Joint Insurance Fund second roll call Council can yes yes council president yes thank you councilwoman kiman yes counc yes may have a motion to adjourn this session and going to Executive session we will not be returning to open public session tonight executive second all in favor our next meeting is scheduled for June 18th at 7 p.m. but please do not forget about the June 5th at the high school our presentation our shet presentation thank you have a wonderful and safe Memorial Day weekend good night night