##VIDEO ID:v-_WkAvS6N4## [Music] just a little bit of housekeeping council members please remember to announce your name your portfolio and speak into your microphone uh council member Phil George will not be here tonight he has some work obligations in accordance with this open public meeting act this meeting has been called to order no this meeting was provided to the home News Tribune the star Leisure and the Highland card planet on April 18th 2024 and was posted on the on the Bor Hall website at www.hpborrow.com and on the bulletin board of B Hall 221 South fth Avenue in Highland Park New Jersey and has remained continuously posted as required by law fire exit are to my right and left of council chambers can you lead us in Ali flag United States [Music] stand mayor Foster yes can yes counc George councilman H here council president here counc kiman here C mic herey Shaw here administrator her here now we're going to move to Awards and presentation and tonight we have a swear in of Sergeant Gano Columbo and officer Oscar um we are going to be com I'm going to be coming down to do the saring is so um chief [Music] Oscar dad come here family members yeah everybody can all [Music] right you swear yes hi I Oscar c i Oscar Cleaver Sor do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and impartially and impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of Office of the office of Highland Park of office of Highland Park police officer police officer according to the best of my abilities according to the best of my abilities I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and I will bear through through faith and I will bear through faith through faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the government established and to the government established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so so helping God here you go all right morning Oscar comes to us from middlex County College he was there for about a year and a half um he uh he applied once before and did an excellent job unfortunately at that time we couldn't hire him he came back for round two and he just blew everybody away and we're really excited to have him so again congratulations [Music] say hi everybody [Music] that's a great picture hio hi Gano Palo do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and impartially and impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of Sergeant of Sergeant for the burrow of Highland Park for the burrow of Highland Park Police Department police department according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability I Do fur solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith and Allegiance and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the government established and to the government established in the united states in the United States under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God [Applause] all take some [Music] pictures and this time we're going to take a five minute break council members and go out in the celebration um if Chief you have something to say Sergeant Palumbo came to us in 2012 he was one of the first officers that I trained uh when I was on the RO patrol officer we had a lot of really good times together uh I learned a lot from him uh I hope he learned a little bit from me um but uh the last few years he's he's really excelled he was in the detective Bureau uh and he really showed his character and he grew as an officer and I'm excited to have him on the road as a sergeant so thank you back our Refreshments outside please MERS let's take a five minute break and join the celebration right outside there's some refreshments outside please get up join us talk have fun tonight we have a proclamation that we're going to read um mom helping moms foundation and um council president is going to be reading this Proclamation because it's one of these things that's near and near one of the projects we've worked on for a very very long time mayor thank you so much mayor um for everyone here and for everyone at home uh September 23rd through 29th is uh National diaper need awareness week uh and this week draws attention to the issue of diaper need in the in the United States uh a sign a signature initiative of the national diaper Bank uh uh network uh launch in 2012 is to raise awareness um by working together and to to Ure that uh all babies have access to clean diapers and other basic necessities required for them to thrive and mix their full potential um one in two families uh struggles to provide enough diapers to keep a baby or H clean dry and healthy in the US and so we invite all of you to be involved and be part of this movement you can host a diaper drive you can volunteer to local diaper Bank uh you can request proclamations from elected officials uh and you can also uh and there are m way I know many local organizations and uh several of our passes worship uh are involved in um in diaper Banks uh so search them out and any one of us here would be would be happy to help as well so um I am I am pleased to read uh from the office of the mayor the proclamation uh whereas diaper need the condition not being able to afford a sufficient supply of clean diapers to keep babies and CS clean dry and healthy can adversely affect the health and wellbeing of children and their families and whereas National surveys and research studies report that nearly one in two families struggles with diaper need and 48% of families delay changing a diaper to extend the available Supply and whereas a daily or weekly supply of diapers is generally an eligibility requirement for babies and Todds to participate in child care programs and quality Early Education programs that enable children to thrive and parents to work and whereas many parents struggling with need before missing an average of five days of work each month due to an insufficient supply of diapers and whereas without enough diapers babies and there's risk infection and health problems that may require medical attention resulting in medical costs and parents may be prevented from accessing Child Care needed to go to work or school thereby destabilizing the family's economic prospects and well-being and whereas the people of Highland Park recognize that diaper need is a public health issue and addressing diaper need can lead to EC IC opportunity for the for State's families and communities and improved health for children thus ensuring all children and families have access to the basic necessities required to thrive and reach their full potential and whereas Highland Park is proud to be home to trusted Community Based organizations like the Highland Park Community Food Pantry that recognize that diapers ensure health and provide economic stability for families and just and and and distribute diapers to families through various channels and whereas through their work of of addressing diaper need diaper Banks play a critical role in supporting families improving infant health and well-being and advancing our local and state economic growth therefore the mayor and Council mayor Elsie Foster and the council do hereby Proclaim this week of September 23rd through September 29th 2024 as National diaper need awareness week and the burough Highland Park and thank the aforementioned diaper Banks their staff volunteers and donors for their diligent service to address this issue we encourage the citizens of Highland Park to donate generously to diaper Banks and diaper drives and to support those organizations that collect and distribute diapers to families in need with diaper need so that all of Highland Park children and families can Thrive and reach their full potential thank you very much and please reach out with any additional information there are so many ways to help thank you approval of minutes may have a motion to approve minutes as distributed August 13 2020 four regular and executive session councilwoman can yes councilman ha yes council president H yes kiman yes councilman pic yes Council report councilman Bon thank you mayor Jason B the chair of the recreation and arts committee um and I have a very brief report for matters within the uh field um so first off I just want to note that our annual summer outdoor concert series Park St included this past Thursday with the last uh concert cff West fall but also was our end of Summer Festival with kids activities for food trucks as well just want to thank him and the St Community Center for putting together another awesome um year of this Fun concert uh and to thank middx County for their support for these another year as well um coming up there's a fall lunch in Tuesday September 10th 12:00 p.m at the community center futur lunch dancing and entertainment provided by SP candy um lunch will be catered by T Subs with coer option available on request uh in terms of we have an abundance of fall Recreation programs open for registration uh including some adult program like adult Fitness yoga taii and fluid class Ellis then for the kid we have Youth Soccer basketball chess and flag football as usual part Youth Theater group course is build up almost as soon as it opened up um but keep an eye out on the waiting list if you know you never know if SL will open and then lastly just wanted to I mentioned this last time Arts commission is putting on a part poetry Festival plan for October 6 5 9.m more details to come but that should be event May that my report thank you council member Kim Johan thank you mayor my name is Stephanie kiman and I chare finance last month I mentioned the bur bur's most recent audit uh was up on the website to be reviewed by the public um which was a little premature it is uh now on the website you can um it can be found on the department Finance financial statements 2023 Municipal audit in your June through August water and sewer bill is in your mailbox reminder this bill reflects the new rate increase cost the burrow must pass on due to Middle sex water company increased purchase water and middle sex County Utility Authority increase to support the ongoing repairs and capital upgrades the anchor benefit is back again you should have received the benefit letter in the mail by now if you have not or your status has changed please visit www.nj.gov treasury back slash taxation back slash anchor for more details the finance department is currently looking for a tax assessor if you are someone you know is inter interested please visit the Burl website under the employment Tab and you can apply there more details there the next rent control meeting is scheduled for September 26 right here in council chambers at 7 p.m also check the um burough calendar to make sure there's no cancellations or anything have switched around I attended National Night out always excited to get a up close and personal view of our public safety equipment and good to see some of the neighbors and residents um and last week I asked for advice in our townwide Facebook group on the best way to attend a Ruckus football game from in town with my nemon old I receiv receiv so much great advice that I wanted to share what actually worked out for us and we decided to use micro Mobility Transportation AKA our V scooters and my husband put my son in his carrier on his back he fell asleep and off we went through the Carree Park since Johnson Park is closed for the games and through the greenway it was um amazing to use the B scooters from here over to Ruckers and back and um it was great Ruckers won their opening game so thank you everyone for input but um if you want to get over there I highly suggest using our V scools and hope everyone had a wonderful summer if you are anything like myself you've already ordered or picked up a pumpkin spice item and wishing all the students an awesome and safe uh school year see you all at Parts in the par this weekend that's my thank you counc member Hill hi my name is Matt H and I chare the economic development uh committee um so as uh as seie just mentioned arts in the park is coming it's coming it's coming it's coming this Saturday September um so please make sure everybody show up um it's a premier event of of the Season it is a wonderful opportunity to um um stock up on gifts for the entire year of um variety of different artists from all over uh the New Jersey and New Jersey and Beyond um it's a really great Community event um there's uh environmental uh Outreach there is um arts in the park there's a lot of clubs that are involved so if you're interested in being involved in clubs or organizations around town they'll have boo that are are set up it's a it's a great event that's September 8th and it goes from 11:30 to 4:30 and then right on the heels of that um will be the townwide garage band and garage sale band is more important than sale um there will be garage bands playing while you can pick out some of the um uh great things that um could use a second home for our garage that's September 14th and 15th um all throughout town uh more information on both of those of course you can go to main street.org uh the farmers market always continues um we wanted to give a shout out to council president Matt HS for refereeing or putting the fire host to the hot pepper eating contest um the other day uh that was last week um uh that was uh and shooting some very cool video of people turning their face off so thank you very much for that council president um so fun events like that at the farmers market are are always uh there it's just another great place another great part of of p park um uh so school is back in session or school's coming back in session so please you're driving around um watch out for kids uh make sure that they're um you know that you're recogniz if they're going to be out and about um and it's important to for them to be safe and then lastly just a big um congratulations and officer cever on recognition both fantastic officers really wonderful to have them with us in h thanks T Cana chair of the Health and Human Services um on a personal level I'd like to thank officer ncas um recently my debit card was compromised and quite a lot of money was taken from my account but thankfully when I was filling out the report he gave me a lot of good information to make sure that it not only doesn't happen again but to protect myself and get my money back so thank you very much for that also Welcome to our newest officer and congratulations to Sergeant Columbo I've had the unfortunate yet fortunate opportunities to see him in action answering calls not just at my house but other apartments in my complex and has always been outstanding now on to a more serious note um the Mental Health commission reminds us that se September is suicide prevention month a time to raise awareness of this urgently important crisis if you or someone you know has experienced a mental health crisis call or text 988 immediately according to the CDC nearly 46,000 lives were lost to suicide in 2020 alone comments and thoughts about suicide also known as suicide idoli can begin very small I wish I wasn't here or nothing matters but over time they become more and more dangerous warning signs to look out for are increased alcohol or drug use aggressive behavior withdrawal from friends family and Community dramatic mood swings impulsive or Reckless Behavior collecting saving pills or buying a weapon giving away possessions tying up Loose Ends like organizing personal papers or paying off debt and saying goodbye to friends and family research has found that 46% of people who die by Suicide had a known mental health condition several other factors that may put a person at risk of suicide include but are not limited to family history of suicide substance use intoxication access to Firearms a serious or chronic mental or medical illness gender although women although more women than men attempt suicide men are four times more likely to die by Suicide a history of trauma or abuse prolonged stress a recent tragedy or loss suicidal behaviors are a psychiatric emergency if you are loved one starts to take any of these steps seek immediate help from a health professional provider or called 988 to reach the suicide crisis Lifeline if you are onour a licensed mental health professional can help you assess the situation the community food pantry is open on the 2 and fourth Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. and again from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and the Saturday following Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. and the Highland Park food pantry is every Tuesday and Wednesday at the zone 6 center from 10: to 11:00 a.m. and both of those not only need diapers but also feminine hygiene products thank you mayor thank you con pres thank you mayor thank you for that Sarah um just wanted to Echo um uh Happy back to school week uh it's you we're we're special in having Park so we get a couple of extra days after Labor Day to uh kind of soak in the last days of summer but I just wanted to remind everybody to please be safe out there when driving on the roads it's about to get crowded out you know and um the the couple extra miles an hour gets you out of town no faster so please be careful when driving around particularly during school hours uh tonight we're doing a second read reading item 11a and hopefully the final passage that outlines the capital ordinance for Road improvements oh my name is Matthew h i CH the Public Works committee which is why I'm talking about roads um so item 11a uh is a capital ordinance for Road improvements on gram from fourth to fifth Avenues then South 8th from Banner to Woodbridge and then all Highland Avenue so if you're in those effective uh areas uh please know that uh your roads will soon be improved uh the uh Felton Avenue Tot Lot is uh is the restoration is is well on its way the new new new equipment uh and uh surfacing has been put in and uh the grass is now growing which is very exciting it's not quite ready for uh for public use guys we had a lot of rain in the summer that delayed a lot of the construction um you know every every day that it rain we would put off on every day but uh next up there will be uh seating uh tables and chairs and this is just part of the kind of larger network of uh passive recreational areas in our neighborhoods uh that the mayor identified uh as as a priority so we're really excited about this um tomorrow Wednesday September 4th at 8:00 pm on Zoom please join the environmental commission for the regular monthly meeting we will talk about uh neon to NE neon wait hold on neon conoids open space leaf blower action and more uh so what are NE conoids uh they're class of incest acides that are chemically similar to nicotine that are used to control harmful insects they're also among the most widely used in size and Crop Production protection and for veterinary purposes however they are also toxic to pollinators beneficial also tal insets and Aquatic inverte and why are we talking about them because we uh as a as as as a commission we also uh explore potential legislation at the state level that looks to address some of these harmful substances that might find their way into commercial products uh the high does not use uh this this particular substance but um it is an opportunity to take action on uh and support uh support state laws or propos state laws that would uh uh curve the use of harmful chemicals so that's the kind of thing that you can get from attending sustainable hland Park meetings or environmental commission meetings uh related thank you to camp counselor Amon Springer lifton um P Park High School grad and raised here in town for terrific stream exploration for the camp ciic engagement and environmentalist week um uh this uh this summer Mason will be joining us for the environmental Commission meeting tomorrow because uh when he led that exploration uh he's also environmental history major rors uh the campers um named these as yet named unnamed streams so we are looking forward to kind of hearing that report out and also uh you know really really including the feedback from the campers uh in putting their own promat on uh you know on on some of our some of our streams so that's really exciting um sustainable Highland Park join uh sustainable Highland Park and the Highland Park ecology and Environmental Group for our trash cleanups gloves bags and other supplies are provided cleanups are from 10:00 a.m. to noon unless otherwise listed and the location will be announced as the DAT approaches you're typically scheduled for the first Saturday and third Sunday of each month uh and you can go to sustainable Highland park.org for upcoming dates I believe the next one is Saturday October 5th uh if you have questions you can email Mark at HP news that's hpne gmail.com uh a reminder also while you know um the shrubs are still growing and we're still mowing our Lawns just because it hasn't gotten cold yet is to please trim your corner shrubs uh one of the most common concerns we get is sight line interference uh particularly uh on Corner properties where the where the shrubs have overgrown not only is it not only is an impediment for for vehicular traffic but more importantly uh when behavoral traffic cannot see it puts the it puts the life of The Pedestrian and cyclist in in in in danger so please trim back to the shrubs and make sure that everybody can see um uh and particularly on the sidewalks too sometimes when the shrubs overgrow there's not enough room for those um using a wheelchair or pushing a stroller uh or even or than two people to walk by each other so please be mindful of that and real quickly this year uh garbage collection uh it's midweek but I will still report on the garbage collection schedule for the week of uh September 2nd uh because bur officers were closed on Monday in observance of Labor Day uh there was no recycling or garbage collection on Monday uh today Tuesday uh there was a a collection business district North side and Triangle recycling collection tomorrow business district North side and triangle garbage collection so please make not uh on Thursday Southside recycling as usual and on Friday uh will be garbage garbage collection in the business district and the southide uh this week just to follow up from the Arts on the par um from the uh I think the reference of the townwide garage sale I'm sorry uh uh there the townwide garage sale is later this month and there will be a bulk pickup uh Tuesday September 17th and Thursday September 19th these are bulk pickups that you do not have to schedule for the rest of the year you do have to make an appointment this is leave your items out uh and um uh uh and and it will be it will be collected see if you can find a home for any of that stuff first or donated as well uh you know it always pains me to see so much good stuff just kind of end up in the trash uh but of course sometimes it's by necessity uh no appointment again no appointment is necessary and recycling will not be collected during the week of September 16th through September 20th uh I did want to Echo my congratulations to officer cler and Sergeant um Palumbo uh for for their service and uh thank you thank you administrative report B attorney report thank you I just have a very brief report I also want to say a big shout out to Highland heart Police Department for a great turnout at National Night Out and I want to thank all the sponsor and organization that's participated all the staff that made it all happen thank you so much um it was a a huge turnout and your support is always appreciated in that Al also in that vein um it's hurricane season it's fastly upon us and if you need information on how to be prepared and how to get ready how to stay safe in your home please go to FEMA or ready.gov they have lots of videos and they they explain to you what you need to have packed ready and prepared so if you go to ready.gov or to FEMA you can get all the information that you would need on being prepared prepared for the upcoming hurricane season also winter season I also want to Echo that school starts on Thursday and please slow down um the summer is now over the kids are back in school and you uh we need everyone to slow down and to keep each and every one of our children each and every one of us safe as we walk through town and also to you utilize the sidewalks as much as possible thank you and that's my report now it's time for public participation 21 minutes three minutes per limited per speaker on topic on this agenda comments from comments from those attending in meeting will be heard first followed by those attending Uno uh this is up for items on the agenda okay since I se seen that there's none is there anyone on Zoom I have no hands up I home me see there's no no further me I have a motion to close public participation second roll call yes order um we are I'm going to have the second portion of the oral comments um if you just wait for after the consent agenda you'll be able to get up thank youc H yes council president H yes councilwoman Ken Jan yes yes now it's time for ordinance requiring a second reading clerk please report an ordinance number 24293 cal ordinance providing for improvements to Highland a in the county of midi state of New Jersey appropriating 550,000 from the Department of Transportation Local transportation projects program therefore to pay the cost thereof has been duly advertised for consideration of passage on Final reading by title and affidavit publication or on file now it's time for a public hearing public hearing on this ordinance if you would like to speak on this ORD this ordinance please come to the microphone and add your comment those who are attended on Zoom may use the raise hand button any zo uh no zooms and I should have mention we have three attendees seeing there's no seeing there's no further may I have a motion to close public hearing and ordinance number 24293 councilwoman Cana yes councilman H yes council president H yes councilwoman Kim Chan yes counc pic yes may I have a motion to adopt or reject ordinance number 24293 second can yes councilman H yes council president H yes Council pan yes councilman ponic yes now I'm going to move to the consent agenda items for resolution I ask any member of council if they have any if they have any of the items that they would like to pull from the consent agenda for a separate reading or separate vote council members motion to uh mayor yes uh motion to table uh 12d uh that'll be heard our next council meeting okay the attorney the attorneys are reviewing the additional documentation that was submitted by bids therefore we will need to table resolution 24- 221 for consideration at our next meeting on September 17th May I have a motion to table Council yes councilman yes council president H yes councilwoman Kim Johan yes councilmanic yes may I have a motion to adopt or reject the following consent agenda items 12 a through 12C and 12E through 12 G councilwoman can yes councilman Hill yes council president H yes councilwoman Kenan yes councilman ponic yes now it's time to move to appointment to Safe walking and cying committee Nathan May I have a motion may have a motion to confirm councilwoman can yes and thank you for your volunteerism yes council president yes counc kiman yes Council yes now it's time for the second public participation three minutes for speaker on any topic subject to close to conclude at 9:00 p.m. comings from members of the public attended in person will be heard first followed by those members attend in on zo please announce yourself name and address hiber um I'm speaking because my understanding is that the crossing guards have been informed by members of the police department that they are seriously considering privatizing crossing guards um I understand that this has not been brought to the council but I that the police chief could answer questions about this directly in a public forum on what exactly has been communicated to the crossing guards um and I would hope that that could happen at today's meeting um just generally like what is the police what is the police department telling the crossing guards about privatization um and I'll also say that you know I have a son um who attends our public schools and that I am totally opposed to privatizing the crossing Ys you know privatization always works the same way right you're told you're going to get better services for less money what what ends up happening is the workers are treated badly the workers don't have the benefits they used to have they don't have the job security and for all that you get worse Services too so privatization is bad for our crossing guards and it's really bad for the kids and families who um walk to and from school every day thank you hi my name is Mich I am a resident at pil Park I have a daughter but she's not um old enough to be going to school yet but I do walk her in the stroller a lot and I heard reference four times so far from people um on this council meeting uh about references to pedestrian safety um and so just like my friend Buffy said um I am very concerned about uh pedestrian safety which crossing guards are a big part of that and I don't think we're going to get better Services if we give them less money less benefits and if they also if the current crossing guards we have now feel like their jobs are in Jeopardy which they have felt that way since they were told in a meeting the other week that this was happening and no clarification was given to them and in fact they um uh still are under the impression that this is what um the police department would like to have happen so if you really are concerned about pedestrian safety I would advise you to reassure your crossing guards that you prioritize them and you value them and that you don't want them to lose the meager benefits that they currently have I'm very good friends um with one of them and and um you know they this is their livelihood and this has been very distressing for them so uh I would hope mayor I don't know maybe if we can get clarification on this in this meeting that would be really helpful thank jry anyone on Zoom I do see a hands up S Baptist if you could just uh confirm your name for us and uh you may speak yes uh my name is s Baptist I'm a resident of Highland Park um uh in our burough Highland Park School crossing guards have been reappointed every year before the school year begins for the past few years however um you know this uh meeting uh tonight did not include uh the appointment of any crossing guards um despite as was just mentioned many references to pedestrian safety uh you know school starts in two days how can the children be going to school on Thursday walking through these intersections that are dangerous and some of them are even deadly um without the guidance of the experienced and trustworthy crossing guards that have been some of them you know Crossing children in this town for years thanks anyone no May that seems to be a last person okay um Terry I'm going to ask you to um I know you had a meeting so would you like to address this um subject of pressing sure I can and the chief is here as well oops oops I'm sorry sorry may I have a mo see that there's no further comment may I have a motion to close public participation soov roll call councilwoman can yes councilman H yes council president H yes councilwoman Kim Chan yes councilman pic yes okay now I'm going to ask the Chief and Harry to try to to address the subject of crossing guards sure I just wanted to report out we did have a meeting with a few of the guards today with their union representative and we explain where we were which was very early on and we've been contemplating such a move as this uh the issue about the appointments was raised in the meeting and it was simply an oversight um and we will get that resolved at the next council meeting um but there was already a kickoff meeting about the beginning of the school year a few weeks back um everybody was encouraged were counting on everybody to come out on Thursday app point at their their post so I think we cleared some of the air out in terms of where where this all uh fits um I'm not real comfortable speaking on behalf of the chief and police department on on some of the other questions that were raised but um we reassured them that this really is just exploratory at this point and we want to explore what the options are and we haven't even made a recommendation from a staff level to the public safety um so we're nowhere near that stage just to reaffirm basically there was a discussion um all the discussions are still within the Public Safety Committee nothing has been brought to the entire governing body at this point nothing has been brought to the administration level at this point it's just a discussion uh Chief would you like to add so the problem we're having is the same problem that just that every small town in the state micophone we can't find enough crossing guards fill all positions we have 14 crossing guard positions we have 10 guards um we have three that are in training they make training will be better but still for the next 20 hours they do their training the problem has every um some towns have solved this problem by private in as they say the crossing we heard about a solution us exp we are not even at the phase we can bring recation still learning whats do this if they can do it so there's no plans right now to do anything our cross than keep training and keep hiring until we F our spots that's pretty much Mee Crossings we are with them that we appreciate them um that if we do go to a company that's come in and manage The Crossings our primary go is that of sorry once we have cled public por he addressed no because because he's speaking to the question that was asked okay no he he addressed us okay I I understand that so what ends up happening here is so he shouldn't address US ma'am can I just finish speaking well I think you should talk to okay all right okay can I finish please okay please okay please stop interrup I'm saying I'm trying to explain some of the rules talking us okay I understand this okay I'm going give the first me you've been at okay this is what ends up happening first off what ends up happening is is that we have to public participation the first time when he spoke out loud into the into the quum we generally don't have people kind of just asking questions from where they're sitting they usually get up and we didn't see anything I let that go that was very big of deal this is a public okay excuse me excuse me ma'am ma'am this is not a comedy hour okay okay listen listen I'm trying to get to the end of this meeting and get your answers questions it's not funny is this okay for her to talk to one of your constituents this way just wanted to put that out okay okay ma'am ma'am ma'am this is not a back and forth we had public portion that was closed off EXC me canish wer can I please finish can I please finish I'm asking okay council president okay council president excuse me I'm trying to get this meeting into an order I don't understand why you're interrupting me I see escalation disrespectful okay council president honestly this is my job to do this and I would like to finish this we're going to start over no no no no we are okay we we're gonna have public portion was closed off that means there is no back and forth we're going to let the chief finish asking a question and then afterwards if you'd like to have a one-on-one with the chief you may but we need to just have the chief finish what he needs to explain and then after that then we have to ask for an adjournment and then the meeting is done thank you Chief you may please continue that's where we're at we're trying to see if this is a solution that's going to work for High Park and get all of our Crossing position fed for the whole year so the kids can cross saf for couple hours a day crossing that's it thank you G's no else close close Okay at this time um we're not going to call for a five minutes recess we're going to call for an adjournment of the meeting May all in favor I thank you all have a good night next meeting is September 177 in