[Music] good evening ladies and gentlemen good evening evening good evening good evening CLK you please report on the certification of Mayor LC Foster council person elect Matthew her and council person elect Jason [Music] POI that the election of Elsie Foster as mayor Matthew h and Jason pelic as members of the bur Council of burough fin Park once they have subscribed to the O of office and Allegiance they are qualified to assume their Duty elected positions on the governing [Applause] body and now we're going to have what's a little technical difficulty and now we're going to have the O of office and the allegiance administer to Mayor elect Foster by congresswoman Bonnie Watson Colman and I'm going to ask my son Brandon my mom my partner ever to come up and help s me here BR in front that's a good way to put it repeat after me I I Elsie Foster do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially and justly and impartially and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of The Office Highland Park burrow mayor of Highland Park borrow mayor according to the best according to the best of my ability of my ability I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments and to the government established in the United States established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the author of the people so help me God so help me [Applause] God and now after my documents and now after my documents is signed my Council colleag my running mates are going to also be sorning by congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman councilman elec H and count can you please come up and his family I I Matthew h do solemnly swear to SW to solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially and Justus impartially and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of the office of Highland Park burrow council member of Highland Park burough council member according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear and that I will bear to true faith and allegiance to the Saint true faith and allegiance to the Saint and to the governments and to the governments established in the United States established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God thank [Applause] you and other c will be administered to council member El Jas this family please come up I I Jason Bic do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially and justly impartially and justly perform all of the duties perform all of the duties of the office of the office of Highland Park burrow council member of Park burrow council member according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear and that I will bear two faith and allegiance to the same true faith and allegiance to the same and to the government and to the government established in the United States established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help God so help me [Applause] go call to public open meetings statement this statement is called in order in attendance with the open public meeting act notice of this meeting was provided to the home new tribute The Star Ledger the Highland Park planet on December 6 2023 and was posted on ball website at www hpb.com and on the bulletin board of ball 221 South fth Avenue Highland Park and has remained continuously posted as required by law mom can you lead us in the pledge religions [Music] I pledge allegiance of United States of America stand indivisible andice for all and now I'm going to ask Pastor SE cidel for invitation [Music] first like to just say on behalf of the Reformed Church of M Park we are deeply we are so proud that somebody who grows closer to God and to neighbor with us week in and week out here in our community is now the mayor of our town really means a lot this whole processes let us pray almighty God you tell us we can come to you with whatever is on our mind you receive our adoration and Thanksgiving and also our asking and our pleading our desire to see your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven today as mayor Foster is sworn in as mayor We Begin by giving you thanks and praise thank you for being the Creator Redeemer sustainer of all things and thank you for the the ways these truths are realized in our local life thank you for bringing this little town found in the crowded state of New Jersey into being thank you for the ways it's been a sanctuary for so many of us a place set apart for us from diverse communities to practice giving and receiving love we thank you for the many decades that mayor Foster has lived here benefiting from the wisdom challenges diversity reasonability and kindness experienced in this town thank you for the ways that mayor Foster's family has grown in this place in educational settings religious settings Multicultural settings thank you oh God that you are God and that you shower all of us including mayor Foster with your blessings and oh God we thank you too for the ways that you raised up mayor Foster from among the community to lead it in governance thank you for years of commitment and engagement as a council member for the trials and tribulations the joys and exhilaration of leading thank you for mayor Foster's wisdom garnered not only through years of diligent learning on the job here but also by the wisdom garnered in interesting and meaningful professional settings regionally nationally and globally God we acknowledge too that mayor Elsie's leadership skills or confidence her fearlessness and her willingness to learn from others is not all the result of gifts that you've planted in her here in Highland Park or through her professional work her dear family here and in Jamaica have been the Bedrock upon which she's built her house and developed her wisdom and understanding and we give you thanks and praise for her family oh God as mayor Foster leads us this year and um into whatever after this we ask that you will continue to be her Guide May she take actions on behalf of the community that that are informed by her deep connection with you and may the fruits of the spirit love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness and self-control continually flow in your holy name we pray amen and now it's time for me to introduce my newly sorn council members Council council member har and council member hon [Applause] um we have a resolution that requires reading um clerk can you please report on 1-41 resolution to adopt Rules of Order motion to adop or reject I know we can't do that I forgot to talk about the go call can we have a call please mayor Foster herec here Council here Council here councilman here counc councilman here attorney here administrator here now it's time for me to introduce the newly sworn council member council member H and council member poy we have a resolution that requires a separate reading and that's resolution 1- 24-1 resolution to adopt Rules of Order motion to adopt so move second rcom yes Council George yes counc yes Council M yes counc yes resolution 1-4-2 resolution to adopt mission statement of the B of Highland Park motion to adop so move second roll call yes Council yes Council yes Council yes counc yes and now is that time for us for us to decide who is going to nominate our council president for 2024 Council woman can can now I nominate Matthew h it's been a pleasure to work with him the last 12 years every aspect of this town I'll second that R gu I'm very proud to be up here with us motion that nomination be closed so move second okay and now we're going to do a okay that's it resolution required separate reading resolution d143 resolution to establish 2024 standing committee motion to adopt motion to adop Second roll call counc yes counc yes counc yes counc yes counc yes okay and now it's time to hear a little bit of something from me it's time for the mayor's annual state of the Bor address and a motion to spread the minutes so move okay clerk do we need a roll call CLK do we need a roll call on this one roll roll call yes excellent message for 2023 and an even better one for 2024 yes Council yes council president yes Council yes consent agenda items for Resolutions may have a motion to adopt or reject the following consent agenda items 14 a through 14j sove second roll call yes yes yes yes houseing Authority member William rainwater and Ruby hope uh mayor appoint number 15 number 15 um mayor appointment to the following ABA coordinator Scott brusher Library Board of Trustees council rep Phil George motion to adopt so move second roll yesc yesc yes yes yes mayor appoints the following Arts commission John Maran Annie paa Arts commission Board of Health Sarah Kelly be Stevens Diane Hemley Sarat brusser Ethan schoolman Board of Ed CB DG advisory committee Deborah Morgan Edward Prince commission to universal access Dan Betty Boe member and Pat McKenna alterate 2 Community Response Team James H polos Bruce Nadler Susan winter Shelley an white rudola Giuliani Nancy wolf Alysa Kaplan Pamela poock Brian Dukas Officer Jason cver officer guy Palumbo Community Food Pantry Bruce Bruce Bush Susan Susan McKinnon lenette Pratt Kathy Lombardy Evelyn sadig Nancy Lord Lauren hornfeld Janice Janice B Miriam lewitz William Winfrey and Scott berstein to the Emergency Management Council Jame H poos Lieutenant satow Richard Chief Richard Abrams Marty kai gersan fire chief Norm Shamy fire department William Hines first aate squads Scott pressure code enforcement kathle Smith Health Officer Terry J Administration Christina Suka superintendent of school Michael wtz director of Public Works Kim mcra director of community services appointment to come to Public Safety Committee ja Vasquez ball rep Kim M Ro community service rep Terry J health insurance commissioner Michael workt DPW rep Richard Abrams DPW rep officer Brian omara PB rep Jennifer Jennifer Smith Mullins Library rep Emma vanon altimate insurance commissioner Edward Carson PW p dwa rep Nicole Huff teamers rep Norm Shamy fire department tour ethics board Jordan SEO Linda tandal Paul Emma Ros Chris Chris R M to Highland Park Giver Hood evlyn sedi James H poos William Winfrey Michael Buckman and Kamar Russo Highland Park fire department Solomon lefy Highland Park Wellness committee Dr Patricia Whitley Williams Dr Elliot Frank Dr Karen eel Avery Dr Bruce fiser Chris Woodard Elizabeth asosa Ashton barell Pastor Greg McLendon Aden Hussein Dr Norma father Abram Luther Josh Pensky Dr Cliff Lacy officer Lano Columbo Eric Gonzalez Rose berer Elena bone mental health officer Brian ran omara Karen jacobitz Nicole Huff social worker Dr Norma B Eliz Elizabeth asosa Ashton barell team Center coordinator Ken kessle Elana Bowman Ruth berer office of of Municipal Alliance officer Brian omaria Marilyn crce HP Board of Health careair Christina Suka Highland Park superintendant Karen Lane Board of Health Sac member Elizabeth asosa HPA rep Ashton Durell Youth Services Health rep Irene marks Kim MRA adult thre Haley Singh Hayden Singh mayor for Foster mayor Foster appoint Public Safety chair committee public information commission Anna van durman Board of Health recreational advisory committee Kate Pace Ryan Potter Kenneth hkin Andrea Alexander Nicholas cesis Deborah hair Alex Duncan Udi Davis Sean Harrison Jay Weinberg dog fine Mark Ruben Redevelopment Rehabilitation and Redevelopment screening committee Rebeca hir Rob Rosner wolf from Hofer Rebecca Han rent control board Todd murder as an alterate member tenant B chry advisory committee roseen baru Paul SAR aen Coffey Karen Swain Melanie mcdermit Christie R horn Marsha shiffman Margaret ingr kin R William solic sustainable Highland Park Paul Stow Irene rer Wendy Rosen Olivia Park Rosa De Lorenzo Irene Marx Tina Whit house Claudia faor Mark Lesco and Christopher Perez to the zoning board and Boards of adust adjustment Robert fleser alterate number one William W Winfrey alred alterate number two motion to confirm yes yes yes yes mayor's appointment are the following human relations commission Nikki santon Board of Health Library Board of Trustees Norman ker Michael rodri HB School Board rep Ronald ju mayor's designate planning board Matthew Hil class five Rebecca hen class five Robert prusher class five pedrick mle class one gu no confirmation necessary resolution required separate reading resolution resolution 1- 24-14 a resolution to appoint Council to the planning board council member Matthew h motion to adopt motion to adopt yes to ad second roll call counc yes yesc yourself it's okay yes someone just St it yes um 1-2 24-15 resolution designated council rep to the midex county cdbg committee councilwoman Stephy kingan motion to adopt counc yes yes yes yes yes resolution 1-46 resolution to adopt 2024 Municipal Municipal and water sore temporary budgets roll call motion motion to adopt motion yes yes yesc yesc yes and now it's time for me to sh share with you a little bit about our B and I'll start off by saying good evening good evening Highland Park even I want to offer a warm welcome to congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman assembly man Cara binic assembly man Stanley Senator dman and um for and my mayor in East bronet Brad Cowen who had to leave but he wanted us to come out tonight and good evening [Applause] all I choose my words very carefully when I say that because I deeply deeply believe that this role is a great honor and an exceptional opportunity and a true privilege so first and foremost I want to start my address with a heartfelt thank you you to the residents of Highland Park that have entrusted me with this responsibility it would not been I would not be in this position if it wasn't for the help of a few people who have given me this experience training encouragement and support to take this this role and this responsibility I am grateful to you former mayors Marl Frank Gail gr mler for your mentoring over the past two decades and especially over the past 12 months thank you I have grown immers and learned a whole lot from the constructive Partnerships I enjoy with my fellow council member council member George council member H council member H council member Stephanie Kim Johan council member Cera and council member Jason psik together we have accomplished a great deal as a team and I look forward for many more milestones in the year ahead I just want to say again thank you most of all I must press must express my heartfelt and humbly thank you to my family to my son Brandon mom to my sister Judy they came in from Florida to my nephew and my sons Travis and Tashan to my cousin Jerome that came all the way from the island of Grenada thank you to my Aunt Betty and my cousin Raquel my cousin Mna and all my family who took time out of their BC schedule to be here and especially my my to my partner edra you have enabled me to accomplish all that I have that in my work to in public service service that is important to me while fulfilling my dreams to be a trustworthy supportive and a loving daughter sister and mother you have encouraged me in every step of of the way in my journey from PTO secretary to councilwoman and now to Mayor thank you on this occasion of this on this occasion of the state of the Bor address I take a moment to celebrate our successes in 2023 take a look ahead of our big plans for 2024 and then conclude with just a couple more thank yous in Highland Park in 2023 the mayor and Council devoted countless hours and countless hours and great efforts to increase affordability maintain and improve infrastructure for our residents and create a sense of community in 2023 we kept our promise and welcome a new Supermarket Super Fresh to our town they are renovating the property the old Stop and Shop property now as we speak and quite frankly it needed a lot of work so another woohoo y the leaders of Super Fresh have told us that they expect that there our new Highland Park Supermarket will be open to the public by Memorial Day of 2024 that needs a [Applause] big we welcome a few new business to Highland Park including global global Grace Cafe Global Grace Market Anga Barbie fit studio and salonica great store we were excited to see new business move new business move to locations in town and help them grow their customer base it is it it is it is Delight to see the new energy at Elan Greek Delhi and restaurant and the park Med Spa and we are happy that two new business have announced plans to join us in our commercial community in 2024 and these business are Getty's restaurant coming into North Fourth Avenue and me to t cafe coming to Raritan near South First with an eye towards upgrade in service and infrastructure we implemented a b worldwide water replacement meter program made Improvement to many roads we also enhanced Recreational facility with pickle ball courts tennis courts and improved walking trails in Donaldson Park and have engaged in a thorough commercial and residential property revaluation process in 2022 we saw the fruits of our labor with lowered property tax in [Applause] 2023 the Woodbridge avenon neighborhood preservation program as also known as also known as the NPP program administered $7,000 in commercial facade and Technical assistant Grant to 10 business businesses installed 5 new streets mural near malamat mrock Park by local artists and hosted a handful of Outreach events to reach residents business and Property Owners worked on grants on this grant will continue into 2024 with thanks from our human relations commission for their partnership we brought communities together with flag raising events pride month juneth Caribbean Heritage Month Latina heritage month and an Israeli Independence Day we also drew the community together on a very short notice in early October for a prayer visual that brought out hundreds of people in response to the vicious attack on Israel Over the simcat Torah holiday [Applause] as we begin this new year we have a few top priorities we're looking to continue our effort to support gu guide and feedback as Super Fresh grocery store gets settled into Highland Park and a part of that support will take the form of a supermarket advisory committee I welcome community members who would like to serve on this community please contact Harry Blazer if you're interested in serving so you can reach Harry Glazer at hbo.com we are eager to see the completion of the Highland Park Public Library Renovations which has been made possible by by a construction Bond grant for renovation which also includes UD a complete redesign as well as new lighting furniture and Technology infrastructure upgrades this should be completed by Spring of 2024 the library also undertook further renovation which is funded by a generous Grant by the kushna Legacy project and supported by donors this Improvement will include new meeting room of upgrades and installation of an exterior porch porch on North 6th Avenue we will be devoting a lot of time this year a lot of time to Redevelopment of our downtown a lot of time to Redevelopment of our downtown following the plans we will put together this will be done with a considerable input from our residents and I just want to emphasize that a considerable input from all residents this plans call for a significant change changes to properties on Lower riton Avenue in the interest of creating more jobs greater variety of housing stock a broader diversity of business on our Main Street to accomplish this aim we will be working with the economic development team in MX County along with our representative in Trenton some for here tonight and in Washington DC to take advantage of funding opportunities and partnership and partnership possibilities at the same time we remain focused on enhancing the quality of life for Highland Park and creating a more and creating more options for recreation exercise and community activities we will be developing a a unified River Trail improving our open space and pocket park with the help of New Jersey Department of Transportation we will be addressing upper rtin Avenue that has been a signif that has had a significant High rate of accident I want to repeat this because this is something that is very important that we will be working with do to address the upper ritin that seems to be accident prone and with our state Partners to make sure that we can address that particular area with many traffic Comming devices we will also Advance the vision of creating a true Town Square by moving ahead with the plans to open a portion of the Block of South third avenon and riton avenon all this work will continue all this work we continue to invite the public and when never feasible to seek to incorporate their ideas into this plan as I look ahead to our work in 2024 I am quite mindful that our progress is built on real reliability integrity and dedication of our four borrow departments and their staff for 2023 as we look back at 2023 let me share with you some of the accomplishment that our staff did our fire department responded to 469 calls this past year everything from carf fires brush fires had hadous material calls to house fires they also regular they were also regularly present at major events and taught Public Safety practices in different schools during fire prevention month in hman Park thank you HP fire department our Police Department addressed 23,400 call for service in 2023 which included 1,100 responses to call from medical assistant and a 250 high visibility details they conducted 1,200 direct Patrols in the borrow this is very important they conducted 1200 direct patrols of borrow houses of worship in response to concern raise from International and domestic events thank you hbpd and I just want to give an extra thank you Cuz look in the back of the room it seemed like they're all here tonight thank you so much for coming our Department of Public Works collected residence and business stash and recycling 260 days in 2023 they also responded to calls of fall in tree branches down parine traffic concerns parth holes and other matters that presented a danger to the public when winter weather arrived they provide snow and ice removal for over 31 mil of rad roads Municipal parking lots public sidewalks in Highland Park thank you thank you DPW our first aid Squad was there for our residents when they encountered emergencies and get them fast and skills assisted as they needed it during 2023 the volunteered EX exercise professionalism discretion when address when addressing calls for help they too are a regular Presence at all our public events thank you Highland Park first aid [Applause] squad one one of the the offices that we offer is the office of Emergency Management o m and they are there when the call is made if there's a fire and someone needs assistance the office of emergency management along with our community response team are always there to assist residents no matter what the emergency or the crisis may be and I just want to say thank you so much to the Department of OEM and SE in Highland Park thank you for all you do I cannot begin to recount the many program and services overseen by the staff of our Highland Park Community Center for example responsiveness to challenges in town when staff and Shop closed in the spring of 2023 it was the community center staff that Rose to the challenge and quick develop a schedule of weekly bus trips for our seniors to area supermarkets over the past 9 months they have offered dozens of trips Ena enabling seniors to get their groceries and their much needed item they did so with so much care and compassion thank you Department of community service the Highland Park Public Library hosted over 7,569 people at three at 360 programs and Outreach events throughout the year at their location at the library as well as the satellites location because of our renovation programs they welcome over 6006 600 new members to the library in 2023 the library also circulated 102,5 49 items this this past year and the staff also answered over 700 references questions from our community thank you I'm in our public the staff in the Bor Clerks Office code enforcement for administration office and our tax and sore and water department interact with our residents on a daily basis addressing issues on a wide range of issues for residents and business needs and concern for many residents business owners and contractors these poor offices all based in ball are the very face of Highland Park and their professionalism and diligence makes a big difference in many people's lives thank you for staff when we talk about the team Center zone 6 affectionately called zone 6 we are talking about the effort of one parttime staff member Ashton barell and those efforts and those efforts are truly truly exceptional Ashton mentors dozens of teens each year provides them with topnotch vocational train training encounters with state and local government official business coach business coaching and other forms of support enabling these team to realize their potentials thank you Ashton okay I've said a lot of thank you but just one more I promise I promise Highland Park is blessed with dozens of residents who devotes countless hours by serving on our many boards commission and committees they address many vital concerns from urban forestry to sustainable environmental practices from Municipal communication to Intergroup relations from zoning and planning and public health from emergency responses to food aid for those amongst us with less means and so so much more thank you to all you amazing super amazing volunteers please give your when I reflect on the many positive stats staff services and volunteers of our town and I am Ed by how much it takes to keep things running well in Highland Park thank you we in the governing body realize that we stand on the shoulders of so many who are often doing some truly remarkable and are often unsung work to make our town safer healthier more cohesive more Forward Thinking and more compassionate and more invited while the mayor and borrow counsel gets the gets the pressure and the Applause and the high visibility it is the countless small decisions seemingly routine project and quiet Heroes that make this stwn the gem that it is so as we step forward into 2024 we realize that we're here we realize that we will have formidable challenges but with the commitment dedication of our ensal partners we are absolutely confident that we will succeed to to do great things for Highland Park in 2024 remember my tagline on my on my page says we are Highland Park a small town with a huge heart thank you and this time we pause to see is there any public comments or public discussion see that there's none we're going to conclude and I'm going to ask my favorite rabi to come up and give us the benediction MTO friends as we conclude this beautiful evening let's say a word of thanks thank you to Mayor Elsie Foster for being a true true leader and a great source of comfort and friendship to all of us we all live in stories thank you for making Highland Park a great story may God bless our newly inaugurated mayor Elie Foster council president Matthew Hurst and council person Jason pastelic together with all who serve in elected positions in our community our Guardian watch over all of you may give you strength in difficult decisions and comfort in challenging moments may God inspire you always to walk in God's ways Guided by principles of goodness and righteousness and Truth May God Prosper the work of your hands we add blessings to God for giving us life and sustaining us and for enabling us to reach this day may God bless Highland Park the state of New Jersey Jersey and may God bless America [Applause] amen and now with such great blessings from beginning to end I'm going to ask for a motion to adjourn second okay all in favor I our next council meeting is schedule for January 16th at 700 p.m. at Bor o Hall thank you all so much for coming and thanks for all your support looking forward to working with you throughout the [Applause] year