[Music] uh this meeting is called to order and you will notice of this meeting was provided to the home News Tribune The Star Ledger and the Highland Park planet on January 23rd 2024 in addition notice of this meeting via Zoom was emailed to the home News Tribune The Star Ledger and the Highland Park planet January 23rd 2024 and was posted on the burrow website at www.hpborrow.com and on the bulletin board at Burrow Hall at 221 South fth Avenue Highland Park New Jersey and has remained continuously posted as required by law fire exits are to the left and the right of council chambers and as a reminder to everyone please speak into the microphone when you're speaking okay we have call please miss here Mr breter Mr Chin here Mr isor Miss ha Mr ha Mr leres here Mr Malay here Mr Perman Mr Stern cell Mr Williams here Mr Roger Thomas here Mr cassa Mr C here all right feel bad you got left all alone on that on the left okay uh let's do our review of our minutes first first up our minutes from our December 14 2023 regular meeting does anyone have any comments about those minutes I do go ahead uh December 14th uh page two uh there's on let's see the paragraph uh one two uh the paragraph that begins the bough issu the RFP I noticed that in this paragraph uh I believe the word combination was used instead of condemnation as in uh the burrow may use combination or eminent domain or uh decare it or title it as a non-c combination development I think that should be condemnation okay uh I would like to proceed with a couple few more things okay on page four um there is a on the second to last paragraph about the middle of the paragraph uh I'm not sure what is meant by the sentence records show that consistent with the timing of the conversion of ding to to an affordable unit 2078 comma various permits were issued for equipment and interior renovation I'm just very confused by that that random number in the middle would that be in 1978 perhaps that's meant to be but I wasn't there for that meeting so someone else is going to have to tell me what that sentence was supposed to read anybody trying find top page four about here oh okay would 2078 be a unit designation I don't know I'm talking about individual I can't remember whether or not there was a unit uh 2078 or if it's referencing a date that's misspelled so maybe what we can do is uh if you would like since that's really a little unclear we we'll defer the minutes to U December 4th you get it clarify all right uh continuing uh page 10 um the paragraph that begins uh Mr icorer pretty minor uh just to be consistent planner Chris should be plan cens it it does where I I see is it does anything else uh nothing else for uh the December 14th minutes page page 12 go on page 12 uh in the third fourth paragraph it says in the middle of the paragraph it says I have to be uh every cognant I think I think it's very cognizant yeah I'm sure that's true and as long as we're following along with that in the next paragraph where everywhere it says Chris's report or Chris's testimony we should make that or planner consens whichever since we're calling a planner consens okay anybody else okay for the uh March uh 14th minutes oh wait before we go on to the next set of minutes are we doing them individually or we're going no I think because of that One MA matter that we can't really determine maybe those minutes of December all right then on recommendation we'll get clarification on what that sentence is supposed to reflect from the meeting minutes from December 14th and we'll put on agenda for our next meeting we to get that clarified all right and then you have the next one is January the 11th all right so turning to our January 11th meeting 11th meeting minutes did anyone have any comments to those anybody okay then for our March 14th might be better just because there maybe different people different meetings why don't you have a motion to approve those minutes and we vote then for the to the March meeting all right then let's do that going back to the January 11 2024 minutes at this time I'll solicit a motion to approve those minutes so moved motion by second by Al then do a voice Vote or a voice vot's fine all right all in favor of approving the minutes I all right then any exensions any exensions and any NS very good now now we've got everybody covered the rain's got me all discombobulated all right turning to the March 14th 2024 minutes my comments on these are that my name references the as Rebecca all over them and while I appreciate that and embrace that I can be either chair person or his hand her up for consistency all right anyone else have any comments on those minutes yes go ahead uh let's see um January uh no March okay um yes uh my uh comments are on page two uh just to be consistent if someone is trying to search our minutes uh bunk Woods should be two words okay where about where about is that located it's a first sentence the second big paragraph yeah that's that that can be just changed that's more ministerial than anything else yeah um the other sorry the other comment I have is uh just being consistent across December March and January with either Daniel or Dan Stern Cardinal yeah it doesn't I mean I think they can be just changed I again pretty minor I think Dan's identity is is is who he is and I know he uses believe at least Dan as a format of his name if his full legal name is Daniel we can change it to that as his preference but again it's the same person and it's a m ministerial change that should be done can be done but doesn't affect the substance of the next agreed can move forward with those changes very good all right any other changes for the March 14th minutes all right seeing none I'll solicit a motion to approve the March 14th approve motion by Allan seconded seconded by Jeff all in favor I I any extensions any opposition all right motion carries moving on down our list the last thing on our agenda formal thing on our agenda tonight is the resolution of the planning board uh recommending the designation of the property identified on the Burrow's tax records as block 3301 Lots 27 through 75 as a minor subdivision and requests for waiver of submission requirements and let the record show that Mattel has joined us at this time just in time for our memorialization of the resolution sooud vote on whether or not the application was complete all right fantastic which Doug wolson was very surprised about I said take it up the Roger when he gets back all right so turning to the memorialization of our resolution does anyone have any comments as to the form that was circulated earlier anybody well I think it is an accurate reflection of the action that we took uh at the March 14 2024 meeting so unless anyone has any comments or opposition to that I'll solicit a motion to approve the resolution as written I so Move Motion by Alvin second seconded by by Allan we'll take a Voice vote please I'm sorry not a roll call vote thank you it would be only those members that were present and voted affirmatively on that matter which I think is everybody's here I was not at 14th meeting oh you were not oh you're right I'm sorry you're not so you can just abstain yes well he'll he'll up stain for himself when you do the or not it'll be chaos we Mr Mr Chin hi oh no wait weren't you obain it wait think that was me oh I'm sorry I heard Mr Chin then I confus hair okay ready yes thank you Mr H yes and I apologize for being late Mr leres yes Mr Malay abstain Mr croman yes Mr Williams yes Miss H yes okay all right Scott is not with us tonight so we can't ask him about all the latest gossip in town and at this time I'll ask if any members of the board have any questions or comments they'd like to bring up no your financial disclosure forms yes anyone who hasn't F out their financial disclosure forms it has to be done before the end of the month but don't wait till the last day of the month in case you're having issues with your laptop chargers or the internet or what have you it has to get done it's very easy happens quick but you got to get it done anybody else no okay at this time then I will open the meeting to the public for public comments if any members of the public wish to be heard y NOP seeing no members wishing to be heard I will close the public portion of the meeting and with that unless anyone else is any last minute things I'll solicit a motion to adjourn move to adjourn motion tojn second seconded all in favor I thank you very much everybody