[Music] okay all right so let's call this meeting to order uh annual notice of this meeting was provided to the home News Tribune The Star Ledger and the Highland Park planet on January 23rd 2024 in addition notice of this meeting via Zoom was emailed to the home News Tribune The Star Ledger and the Highland Park planet on January 23rd 2024 and was posted on the burrow website at www.hpborrow.com and on the bullon board at Burrow Hall 221 South fth Avenue Highland Park New Jersey and has remained continu posted as required by law fire exits are to the left and the right of council chambers and as a reminder everyone please speak into the microphones when you're speaking uh today is March 14 2024 we are the Highland Park planning board uh roll call please sure miss H present Mr breter here Mr Chin here Mr E dorfer here miss ha Mr hail here Mr leres here Mr Malay Mr Perman here Mr Stern Cardel here Mr Williams here Mr Lynch here Mr cenza here Mr cotch here okay first up on our agenda we're going to review the meeting minutes from our May 11 2023 meeting which was on JSM at Highland Park LLC who is also our applicant here to um does anyone have any comments on the minutes that they'd like to only one um I noticed that we referred to Mr wolson by his nickname in the third paragraph hope that's not the right way to do uh where are we on the first page yes what line continuation hearing first okay oh you mean so douglas douglas or however else we're referring to people uh or Mr wolson right one one one of those things how about we make him attorney wison that way it matches attorney Thomas any objections to that might confuse me with my wife for presence would would have been appreciated as well all right uh anyone else have any comments to the meeting minutes make a motion or ready yeah motion all right motion to AC motion to accept the meeting minutes as revived made by Jeff second second seconded by Alvin uh this we can do all together all in favor I okay we're going to take a quick skip around on our agenda and quickly turn turn to our resolution p2241 in my pocket here all right so this is a resolution memorializing action taken by the planning board on December 14 2023 uh do any members of the board have any comments on the proposed resolution yes uh in the first paragraph it refers to track C and then a whole lot of lot numbers I you be helpful it had the block number in there excellent point it does it's after after after the locks within block oh no it's on the previous line up here oh within block 2202 fair enough okay okay all right seeing no more comments on the proposed resolution I'll open up the meeting to the public for comments on the proposed resolution if any members of the public would like to be heard on our resolution of our December 14 2023 meeting minutes seeing none I'm going to close the public comments on our resolution and solicit a motion to adopt the resolution motion to adopt motion to adopt that a second second seconded roll call please Mr breter yes Mr Chin yes Mr is dorer yes Mr ha yes Mr lerz yes Mr croman yes Mr Stern Cardel yes Mr Williams Miss H I will obain because I was not pres okay so our resolution is adopted very good that's going to take us to our new matters we have a hearing tonight from JSM at Highland park at LLC Gabriel Estates on their minor subdivision and request for waiver submission requirements and the applic come up BR my car anecdotally when I was a very young lawyer and my wife was still in law school she did come to me with me to the planning board meeting which she couldn't believe that I wasn't going to a bar back in the old so ladies gentlemen I am Doug Wolfson not withstanding Mr eor for his assistance and making the record reflected it's Douglas M initial K wson I'm attorney for JSM for those of you haven't seen me before um this is our effort I apologize would it be possible to just get the mic so that it's picked up on the video absolutely thank you very much thank you very much earli speaking I don't usually have people criticize my voice it's not it's being too low so um for those of you who don't know this is a continuing Saga of the buck Woods property uh this board granted an approval some time ago with a resolution um as you may or may not know back in the 50s and 40s people filed maps in order to divide there was no subdivision applications with planning board this property is one of those that has to use the legal term ailan lot lines based on 25 by 100 Lots all kinds of things that are not conforming and could never be built uh one of the conditions I believe that was imposed by Town's professionals was that in conjunction with resolution compliance that we moveed to consolidate which is really like a reverse subdivision to eliminate the lot lines and make the buck Woods property one lot upon which the buildings which the board approved would be situated that's really all we have to it tonight I have with me Mr alach who will explain from an engineering standpoint on behalf of the applicant what that means in professional terms as opposed to the way I described it so if you would be so kind Mr Ln just swear in or at Mr back do you sort a testimony about the get sport is the truth the whole truth is nothing but the truth I do um say your full name for the record please sure it's Ronald allenbach a l n b a and I would just ask you to confirm on the record before we start we sent in the notices and the uh affidavits and the White cards I spoke to Roger this yes Roger Roger all right thank you want make sure we have jurisdiction um from uh from the carry from the original uh submission which we had to withdraw because the notices W done on time Mr ALC why don't you just explain to the board and professionals what it is we're doing here yes thank you Mr wolon Mr Wilson indicated it's really a simple matter of uh when this these Lots were created some time ago there's 49 little individual lots a majority of of them are 25 foot wide Lots uh obviously the board is familiar with the the site plan that came in we have one large building on the entire site it's something that we probably should have done when we came in for site plan approval um but we didn't so now we're coming back to do a lot consolidation or reverse subdivision so we've already obtained a proposed Lot number from the bur assessor and simply what we're doing is just eliminating the 49 lots and creating one overall lot for the entire site it doesn't change anything about the site plan approval or anything it's just literally just getting rid of all those little lot lines in the middle um to just clean up the site itself as part of uh our approval process so no change in the footprint of the building no change in Access or internal roadways that's correct no change in utilities no before we get into the Fuller details of your application part of this is a waiver of certain submission requirements can you speak to those submission requirements because we have to address the completeness of your application sure um as indicated in your professionals letters obviously when you you submit an application there's a checklist requirement uh because it's just merely a consolidation we ask for waivers of all the other submission requirements that typically would go with referred to as a minor subdivision application uh so it's simply all the other details and plans and everything which I believe the professionals were comfortable with us not submitting it again because it's just a lot consolidation that doesn't affect the site plan itself uh or any anything that this board had already taken action on well let's take a moment then to turn to our professionals and get their opinions on the completeness of your application we can have a motion on that first Bruce yes I I agree with the request or would agree with the request for the waivers and find it to be complete thank you Chris I concur okay any questions for any board members about the request for waiver submissions for completeness of the application see none I'll solicit a motion to deem the application complete in this current form so moved motion motion by Sten have a second seconded by Jeff can we take a roll call please Mr breter yes Mr Chen yes Mr eisdorfer yes Mr hail yes Mr leres yes Mr Perlman yes Mr Stern Cardel yes Mr Williams yes Miss ham yes all right so so to get to the substance of your application I'll jump in unless you have anything more you want to add before I ask a question uh what is the plan for the easements that run across the different Lots so um as indicated in Mr K's letter there's there's a util several utilities that's are cut through the middle of the site um for a variety of utilities sanitary SE water storm sewer o cut through the site as some of the board members may remember um as part of our site plan approval we're relocating those Utilities in various locations the water and sewer are being located to the western side of the property rerouted if you will uh and as part of our Seline approval it was requested and we agreed to it as a condition that we would create new easements and deed them to the barrel for those reloca utilities so once those new utilities are relocated and the Barrow has accepted them uh the easements will be recorded and then we can go ahead and vacate the old easements that run what would run underneath the for Clos build thank you that that covers the sewer easement but you have everything you need to relocate the other utility easement but so we we're in the process of of vacating the AT&T easement because there's no there's no utilities on site itself so we're in the process of that um the utilities that will relocate in taste care sanitary sewer storm sewer and water are the three other utilities that currently cut through the site they're all being relocated because they currently uh run underneath the proposed building but your current proposed deed would preserve the utility easements and you'll just work that out later with the other easement holders obviously the sewer eement Highland Park but AT&T is the utility yes as part as part of the law consolidation easements aren't being changed or touched they're still remain in effect until such time that we're able to relocate them and then once the burough signs off then we could vacate the prior ements but they're there for now until such time that we vacate and the burrow has to agree and sign off on the vacation of those existing easements and we have prepare deeds and send them either to Roger or town attorney to you know review us to form sure I just wanted to know uh make sure that this wasn't going to affect the AT&T ement since they're obviously not here to comment on it and I don't want to step on anyone else's chose who isn't involved in your application understood does anyone else have any questions for the applicant the board comments anyone yes um the sols this report basically found different points and that then you s do the line through those points and that's that's how you how you Consolidated it I'm sorry you have six different points vertexes on the on your map there correct the boundary which is and the surveyor found those points and so you the surveyor only needed six points for the whole thing well no they when survey go out there as part of the original survey he's tying in several points throughout the neighborhood solsa had done the original uh boundary Topo survey for us years ago U this is simply using existing outbounds which is unchanged so all the meets and Bounds for those six points you referred to is unchanged we're simply just eliminating those internal lot lines that go through the middle okay okay then at this time I'll open up uh this matter to members of the public if there are any members of the public who wish to be heard on jsm's application for what is essentially a reverse subdivision see no members of the public who wish to be heard I'm going to close the public portion comments for this hearing and solicit a motion on the application just first so have you provided our offices with the draft version of the djf you do have copies so to with the survey yes yes so any any motion for approval be subject to final approval of the deed language with our with burrow counsel yes yes to make a motion the appliation oh yes first and the reports and the reports yes and subject to the comments and the reports of our professionals thank you when minor thing yeah on the the document called uh heed of consolidation uh you have uh planning board secretary me as Jennifer San Diego okay make sure it gets adjusted again the bur has to sign off on the final document so we'll make sure it gets adjusted I apologize for that Mr Lynch will the resolution assuming there's a vote of approval include in it a recitation of the completeness vote as well yes you always did that board always voted Roger always insists on having us review the completeness of an application first and in his in the spirit of him even though he's not sitting next to me I think you certainly have the power but it's very very rare that a board doesn't delegate to the professionals the determination of completeness so I just want since you went through the trouble of having a vote I just wanted to make sure since we don't have a letter from the engineering department that it's complete that that would be included in the resolution testimony on the record but they didn't believe them I believe them I just wanted it to be said out loud listen to our meetings we're very popular in town people need to know get incorporated into the resolution that we Weller that approved or it was deemed complete a had of approval ited no problem anyone have a comment or a motion I make motion just I just want to say as a comment um really appreciate U getting the the platting for some of the old 100y old plats the 25 100 foot Lots it's it's interesting history um and before zoning so us planners really appreciate seeing how towns grew with the N naturally occurring affordable housing 2500 foot Lots don't see that much anymore in New Jersey probably could St and see more of it I'll make a motion to uh to approve I had to get that I had to get that it for I appreciate it I had the maps laid out on my living room for I'm staring at them too all right motion to approve the application subject to deed approval and the reports of our professionals by Jeff have a second I'll second seconded by Alvin let's take roll call vote Please Mr breter yes Mr Chen yes Mr ier yes Mr hail yes Mr leres yes Mr Pearlman yes Mr Stern cardal yes Mr Williams yes Miss H yes thank you thank you very much appreciate it okay this time thank you very much for [Music] [Music] Scott your turn we actually got on that vacant lot the one they burn down I think they sold it the lot yeah that'll be good we seen did anyone else have any comments on all right seeing thatone I will open up this uh our meeting to the public one more time for comments on anything we have otherwise discussed on the agenda tonight seeing none I'm going to close once again the public portion of our meeting and at this point would anyone like to adjourn I move seconded all in favor awesome thank you so much everybody