evening I'd like to call to order the Highland Park hybrid regular reorganization meeting announcement of our public notice the New Jersey open public meetings Act was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice and to attend the meetings of the public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in compliance with the open public meetings act the Highland Park Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting setting forth the time date and location to be submitted for publication to the home News Tribune and Star Ledger and posted on the board's website at least 48 hours in advance of this meeting members of the public who wish to address the board will be given the opportunity to do so before the board adjourns for the evening next is the pledge of [Music] allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] all next we'll report the final election results for the school board members we have Sarah H Pixley with a total of 1,662 votes Ethan schoolman with a total of 1,594 votes and Nicole Loria Dan with a a total of 1, votes they'll now be sworn in please refer to your oath for school board members and weed after me I do solemnly affirm I do affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey I will bear true faith and Allegiance I will their to Faith and allegiance to the same and to the government's established to the same and to the government's established in the United States and the state in the United States and the state under authority of the people under authority of the people and I do affirm that I possess and I do affirm that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education for the office of member of a board of education and that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform and that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability congratulations welcome oh before we move forward can I just remind of all board members and especially our new board members in order for the people to hear you at home you you have to talk really close to the microphone so that was fine cuz it was just the code of ethics but moving forward please just talk into the microphone directly thank you next we'll take roll call Mr hating here miss calan here Dr Coleman here miss Pixley here miss cruce here Mr schoolman here miss stel here miss bman here V here the next item on our agenda is to elect a board president um do we have any nominations I nominate Alison castle for president [Music] second do I have any additional nominations as there are no more we'll vote on president Mr batty yes Miss calan yes Miss Dr Coleman yes Miss Pixley yes Miss pruce yes Mr schoolman yes Miss stania yes Miss bman yes Miss vores yes congratulations I will now turn over the meeting to all [Music] right use a name t [Music] your the next item on the agenda is the election of the vice president do we have any nominations for the vice president I nominate Marilyn Bruce [Music] second Mr Bat yes Miss calan yes Dr Coleman yes Miss Pixley yes Miss pruce yes Mr scholman yes Miss Daniel yes Miss bman yes Miss warhe yes [Applause] congratulations the next item on the agenda is the discussion and signing of the code of ethics conflict of interest and the the code of conduct for remote meetings all of all the board members have an acknowledgement of receipt of the code of ethics and conflict of interest for school board members uh the code of ethics is part of the statutes of the New Jersey statutes and also part of the board policy um conflict of interest interest discusses how uh board members along with their families can cannot have um certain uh relationships with the board due to their membership as a board member um they can't have any financial gain uh as a result of their position as a board member and lastly the last page is Code of Conduct for a remote meeting since we still are utilizing the hybrid version uh we also adopted uh the New Jersey school board's code of conduct for a remote meeting so hopefully is that your leisure and sign sign that you've acknowledged the receipt and return it to me by the end of the evening okay number 10 is the approval of the annual board meeting calendar I moov that the Board of Education accept the recommendation of the superintendent to approve the annual board meeting calendar for the 2024 board year as per the attached second Mr B yes Miss calan yes Dr Coleman yes Miss py yes m Miss Cru yes Mr schoolman yes M danum yes Miss bman yes Miss gon yes we are tabling number 11 the approval of the school district calendar for more discussion number 12 is the delegate and Alternate to the New Jersey school boards Association I move that the Board of Education elect Marilyn brce as delegate and myself Alison cassal dun as alternate delegate to the New Jersey school boards Association for the 2024 board year second Mr B yes M cassal yes Dr colan yes Miss Pixley yes Miss Bruce yes Mr schoolman yes Miss stanel yes Miss bman yes Miss B yes number 13 is the delegate and Alternate to middlex County School boards Association I moved at the Board of Education elect myself Alison cassal dun as delegate and Marilyn Bruce as alternate delegate to the middle sex County School boards Association for the 2024 SCH board year second Mr batty yes M Alon yes Dr Coleman yes Miss Pixley yes Miss cruce yes Mr wman yes Miss Dania yes Miss bman yes Miss G yes number 14 is resolutions the board of I move that the Board of Education approved the following resolutions that the rules regulations and policy of the Board of Education are adopted for the adopted for the previous year shall be adopted for the current year that Robert's Rules of orders be adopted as the official parliamentary procedure manual to be used to conduct meetings that the official news papers of the Board of Ed be the home News Tribune of neptun New Jersey and or the Star Ledger of Newark New Jersey for the advertisement of meetings and legal ads and all other necessary public notifications all official notices shall also be placed on our District's website uh be it resolved that the following be designated at depository of school monies TD Bank and the NJ asset and rebate management programming be it resolved that the general operating accountant and payroll agency shall bear the signatures of the treasurer of school monies and board secretary together with that all of the president of the Board of Education and that the net payroll account shall contain only the signature of the treasur of school of monies I'm sorry treasurer of school monies and then be it resolve that the following checking account shall bear the signatures as listed below the um so for each school it's the principal and business administrator um an assistant administrator and secretary for student funds and then the business office is the board president treasur and business administrator the business office is for the uh sui trust account is the board president treasure and business administrator and for the High School athletic activities account is the high school principal business administrator and superintendent be resolve that the Board of Education authorizes Denise D Roa as our purchasing agent on behalf um to make purchases for goods and services on behalf the state of division of property purchas and property utilizing various vendors that have state contracts be it resolve that the Board of Education acknowledges Denise Roa business administrator and board secretary as a qualified purchasing agent be it resolve that the Board of Education authorizes the school business administrator to pay obligations throughout the year with review of the board of education at the next regular public meeting in the event that such payments of bills is required for the district to meet its essential Financial Obligations via resolves that board of education authorizes the superintendent of schools to hire a new staff in the absence of the board with formal approval being taken by the board of education at the next regular public meeting and be it resolved that the Board of Education acknowledge authorizes the use of the uniform minimum chart of accounts I'd like to move number 14 a through K second Mr B yes M Cal yes Dr Coleman yes Miss Pixley yes Miss Cru yes Mr scholman yes M Daniel yes Miss vman yes Miss VY yes for number 15 we have Board of wance um I move the the Board of Education accept the recommendation of the superintendent to approve the following appointments for the 2024 school year Denise D roa's business administrator and board secretary Denise r roza as BS business administrator as official representative in charge of Investments Brian Kowski as treasurer of school monies um affirmative action officers and public agency compliance officers for Highland Park School District Ain stolski and Denise Rosa dvora deer as the Director of Educational Services be appointed as the district's B for compliance coordinator Amy kopa supervisor of Educational Services be appointed as the district's homeless liaison dor deer director of Educational Services be appointed as the district's Ada officer Craig gerin the athletic coordinator be appointed as the district's Title 9 officer John Flanigan to be appointed as our integrated Pest Management coordinator at fesce management officer right to know officer indoor air quality officer chemical hygiene officer Denise s Roa be appointed as the public employees occupational safety and health design Craig gin to be appointed as the gender Equity officer dor deer to be appointed as the English as a second language program officer Brooke bone as school safety specialist Tara young as the district anti-bullying coordinator Tracy Maiden social emotional health and wellness specialist to be appointed as the anti-bullying specialist for partal elementary school Mark Lano guidance counselor at the middle school to be appointed as the anti-bullying specialist for middle school and Dana Peterson the guidance counselor of the high school to be the high school's anti bullying specialist Robert Mar maruka guidance counselor at Irving be appointed as the anti-bullying specialist for Irving be it resolved that St Peters University be appointed OED as the school Physicians that Denise D roza business administrator and board secretary be appointed as our open public records act officer and custodian of records for the school district that DMR architects of Hasbro heits New Jersey be appointed as the district architect of record that the firm willin Goldman and Spitzer of woodr New Jersey be appointed as bound Council Bond Council of record and vaness Vanessa hgen Brin Inc of Manasquan New Jersey be appointed as the a designated persons of record do I go to number be a resolved of the following organizations be designated as providers of services for staff members Equitable Linkin investment planning metti TI a a CF a Flac Harford Insurance credential Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield I'd like to move 15 um items a through double A and number what is that two numeral two I can Mr batty yes Miss celon yes Dr Coleman yes Miss Pixley yes Miss Bruce yes Mr schoolman yes Miss Danel yes Miss bman yes Miss yes okay following item is the president's report um I do have a president's report for tonight I think maybe though we'll do the appointments first and then I'll go back to that um all right so our appointments for our committees yes for the committee of curriculum and instruction I uh myself Alison celon will be chair um Dan batty Sarah Pixley and Jen vores for the committee on finance and Facilities the chair will be Marilyn brce we have Ann vman Ethan schoolman and Nikki stanel for the committee on personnel and Communications the chair will be Jen vores we'll have Nikki stano Marilyn Cru and Ann bardman for the committee on policy and regulations the chair is Marilyn Bru Jen Vorhees Monique Coleman Allison Sal did I get Jen Vorhees on that one okay um for the committee on negotiations I actually don't remember this one have it Marilyn Cruz's chair and it's Monique Coleman and myself and then for equity and Excellence we have Monique Coleman as chair Dan batty Sarah Pixley and Ean schan for the liais Santo Municipal drug and alcohol Alliance is Elizabeth asima the liaison to the burrow public information committee is Ann bardman the Lea on to the Highland Park Educational Foundation Maryland Bruce the liaison to the commission for universal access is Dan batty the representative to the public library is Michelle Rodriguez the Lea on to the special education parents advisory committee is Sarah Pixley and the leaz on to the parents of students of color it's Monique Coleman the liaison to human relations nickia phazon to the Board of Health Ethan scholman we don't have we don't have okay so we're going to and 1 16 and 17 while we were advised by the mayor that and um their team that they no longer have those and then the liaison number 18 to the HP athletic boosters is Jen bis for our uh president's report tonight we are going to review um basic roles responsibilities and structures of the Highland Park Board of Education um considering and acknowledging that most of us are relatively new board members we felt it was appropriate to do this at this time something that that I wish had been done when you know I had joined in a new member um so we created this in order to kind of just give an overview of how we work at the Highland Park Board of Education all of the information in this presentation was sourced from the New Jersey um Board of Education Association I think your control so the board's four main functions are to provide guidance through developing policies that govern school off options in compliance with state and federal laws and direction to the chief School administrator in making decisions and taking action that's our policy function our second function is appraisal we provide for the effective uh we oversight for the effective management of the district by employing and evaluating the chief School administrator our planning function is to provide a program of quality instruction to advance student achievement through the approval of budget curriculum personnel extracurriculars and professional development and communication is our fourth function to provide two-way communication between the community and the board so some things to note is that board members have no legal Authority except when sitting with other board members in a legally constituted meeting and individual board member cannot make decisions for the board take action for the board or speak for the board unless the the board has authorized them to do so board members cannot individually act on issues that are brought to their attention by the community but can refer issues through the chain of command um the New Jersey School Board Association quotes when the chain of command is used properly by citizens and board members Communications are improved and the Board of Education can act as final Arbiter on issues which have not been resolved at other steps in the chain um and so many times public public questions come to us and we will direct them first through teachers then principes supervisors and superintendents before they reach the Board of Education uh the superintendent's role is the chief adviser of the Board of Education executive officer of the school district and the educational leader of our community um she's responsible for administering the policies adopted by the school board and responsible for running the school system at is accountable to the board on how well it is run uh superintendent is also active in professional education organizations is familiar with current trends in education and takes the initiative in bringing worthwhile ideas to the attention of the board and to the community uh successful board collaboration requires or rather successful collaboration between the board and the superintendent um The Board needs to not take action without consulting the superintendent or getting getting their recommendations um we need to recognize the superintendent as the educational leader for the district and listening to him her them as such not confus the role of setting policy for the schools with that of running the schools and not surprising the superintendent and likewise the superintendent needs to keep the board fully informed at all times Implement policies of the board in the most effective and efficient man Manner and evaluate those results recognize the board as final Authority on the school district and conveying that recognition to the rest of the staff and not surprising the board um very often we are asked well what does it mean when we're workshopping an issue School boards sometimes Workshop or caucus during a meeting where they discuss issues in Greater detail but do not vote on the items um those will be labeled as only Workshop meetings but boards also may use a committee structure where were select members which total less than a quorum of the board often working with the superintendent or other key administrators study a the a specific issue and make recommendations to the full board for a vote um so by the time agenda items uh are discussed at the board meeting they have already sometimes been discussed at length in committee meetings we do use the committee system um which is set by our policy and bylaw this in this system our committee members work with an agenda of items the committee provides the full board and Community with committee meeting reports to keep everyone informed the more detailed the reports the more discussion um in the reports the more transparency there is with the rest of the board members and with the public committees only recommend action as it takes the majority of the board to approve an action and at times subcommittees are not always unanimous in their recommend commendations the full board can raise other issues the committee did not consider which would then be considered and decided upon by the full board adoc committees are sometimes formed for specific District initiatives um an example of this is the strategic planning committee which included board members along with Administration staff and parents and families um communication with the board there are two main ways public comment the Board of Education uses public comment to listen to the concerns but not debate issues or enter into a question and answer session or cross-examination between public and individual members the first public comment period is usually limited to 3 minutes it is in board policy that individuals State their name and place of residence if necessary further inquiry into a question or concern will be made and the superintendent Andor the board president will send a follow-up response another way to contact the board is via email emails sent to board H preschool. are documented as official Communications on the board meeting agendas if emails are only sent to specific board members or only to the superintendent they are not documented are on agendas the superintendent and or the board president or vice president responds to the emails but the whole board is notified of the response we share our responses with other board members in a Communications file unless otherwise requested by the cender um the goals that we are still currently working on um until June of this year are around Community Communications and community relations so we will develop and maintain communication that will inform and engage the school Community the board will remain aware and responsive to the community's values and priorities and engage in respectful and timely interactions with the entire community and they shall be attained through engaging the community in proactive communication through the district website and apps social media platforms district and school based Communications focused on transparency and relationship building and keeping the community informed about the work taking place in our schools through recognizing the achievements of Staff members and highlighting programs that are making a difference in our schools at our board meetings and then our second goal revolves around planning that we will work with Administration to support the pathway to excellent strategic plan for this year Guided by discussions with Central leadership team and the community with a focus on academic excellence and a safe and supportive learning and learning community Through ensuring the use of Equitable and inclusive practices in instruction and social emotional development the board will participate in a CommunityWide year-long strategic PL planning process to determine the long-term goals for the district in partnership with the New Jersey school boards ass Association don't forget our next meeting is January 17th and the board will work with the administration to create a 5-year plan for full day preschool for three and four-year-old students including the development of a plan for a referendum to provide needed facilities expansion and that concludes my report thank you Allison for providing that overview that's a new tradition now I think we need to I I think it's good to just remind everybody about who we are what we do how we function um because if and especially when new members join the board you get new audience right so you want to make sure that you're continuing to notify the public of of how things are run and and I think for me it's always helpful sometimes alend me a policy I'll say oh we do it because we have to like it's it's like it's not like we're not doing this because we're high in park it's a good idea we really because this policy or require to by L action so to me that's always helpful okay um that leads us to any old business any new business apparently uh at this point we will move to public comment the Highland Park Board of Education welcomes public participation and has reserved this time for your comments board policies number 0164 and 0167 establish and regulate the right of the public to participate in public meetings if there is any public comment um we'll start with in person first good evening we say congratulations to all of the new board members there's plenty of the appear whe nominated last year sorry sorry you have to state your name place of residence been uh Jo Sano North thirr Avenue here in Highland Park uh again congratulations and happy New Year and I'm looking forward to a to a a good year of uh successful you know decision- making on behalf of our children um I think it the first time I stepped up on this Podium um was on this topic and I'm just going to reiterate it because this is the Prime Time of the Season um I want everybody to set their alarm for 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning and I want you to look outside and I want you to see how the Sun still has not come up but yet this is the time that our children are expected to walk to school uh at barle uh it is incredibly unsafe and they're too many shadows and um I'm expecting my 10-year-old and 7-year-old to walk alone in the darkness while you know I'm not saying that we need to change the time for the high schoolers but the high schoolers get to sleep in another hour so this is a serious topic I believe that's what made me show up in the first place and why uh one of the many reasons my wife is now on the board to hopefully um take this seriously guys um you don't need to look at any more statistics it's been known for years that younger children need more sleep to succeed especially our Bal students especially with the issues that the middle school is already having you are just Paving the way for more problems down thead road so please take this in serious consideration statistics are there we don't need to wait and start coming up with a better plan for next year thank you and happy New Year good luck thank you any other public comment my daughter great you can just just your name is an and I would like to talk about the same thing um so I'm the 10-year-old of the family and I have to walk my sister to school and it's pretty dark outside sometimes and sometimes um I just don't feel like it's safe for me and my sister to walk to school in the dark and I think it's not fair that the younger kids have to stay like go to school earlier than the older kids because the older kids um should um we should be equal cuz we're all um people who need to have equal rights too so that's what I here to say thank you very much for your comment okay if there is no other public commenters from the room and we'll move online does anybody from our Zoom have a public comment seeing none I move to ajour Second all in favor I thank you see you next time