taking not yes we're ready May would you like to proceed yes please good evening this is the meeting of the fal Highlands mayor and Council regular meeting on Wednesday March 6 2024 the notice requirements provided for in the open public meeting ACT public meetings act have been satisfied notice that this meeting was properly given by transmission to the Park Press and the two River times and by posting at the burough of Highlands municipal building and fining with the burrow clerk all on January 1st 2024 items listed on the agenda are subject to change please stand for the pledge of allegiance aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for stands nap with liy and Justice I will now do council member santes here council member here Council Melnick council president Shi here mayor Bulan here um first we have approval of minutes February 21st 2024 meeting minutes I'll offer I'll second council member santes yes councilman CH yes council president of sheski Mayor bran yes motion carries to approve February 21st 2024 meeting minutes next we have February 21st 2024 executive session minutes Aller them on second motion council member santes yes council member mellac yes Council presidi mayor bran yes motion carries to approve February 21st 2024 executive session minutes next we have introduction of proposed ordinance 0243 amending chapter 21 zoning and land use regulations part 7 flood damage prevention article 24 flood damage prevention section 21-12 permits um I will offer it this was uh based on the recommendation of our construction official and flood plane manager to amend these uh fees I'm looking for a second I'll second okay council member santes yes Council M act yes council president sheski yes mayor bran yes motion carries to pass ordinance 0243 on first reading with a public hearing to be held on March 20 20th 2024 next we have resolutions R 24076 approving change order number three for phase one sanitary sewer Improvement projects I'll offer and I'll second council member svantes yes Council member Chilla yes council president oesi yes mayor brine yes motion carries to adopt resolution R 24076 next we have consent agenda mayor would you like me to read the resolutions by title yes please R 2477 authorizing refund of tax over payment R 24078 authorizing the release of escrow for a land use board application R 24079 authorizing the execution of an agreement for snow removal Street lighting and reimbursement between the burrow Highlands and Gateway Plaza R 24080 accepting donation of a 2006 Jeep Liberty 4x4 from the county of MMO R 2481 authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract for Professional Services in connection with the FY FEMA assistance for to Firefighters Grant R 24082 authorizing submission of a Grant application for the FY 23 female assistance to fight a fire Fighters Grant R 24083 author um approving first aid Squad application R 24084 authorizing payment of bills I will offer it I'll secondary council member santes yes council member J yes council president Mesi I just one question the je is still functioning yes the 2006 yeah we we a couple of years ago we got a the charger for the first a Squad through the same the county donated one of their used vehicles to us okay yes Council uh mayor bruan yes motion carries to adopt resolutions r24 d77 through R 24084 next we have report uh other business before we do the reports uh we have um yes a new opportunity I will put it um I attended a meeting a few weeks ago with the folks from um to do a voting event here in town it would be in May uh from the uh 17th through the 19 19th on Sunday we're on the 19th uh there would be a series of uh motorized boats uh boat races uh that would Happ throughout the day uh they're planning uh they've already submitted all of their stuff to the um approvals and such to the Coast Guard and uh they are asking for our support to do um some events uh in and around either the parks or the beaches around town throughout the weekend uh mainly they're looking uh HBP has partnered up with um with this outfit that actually does this all over uh the country they've they we've been uh very active it's uh called the offshore power boo Association and um they do many events it brings a lot of people in a lot of people could be um they could watch from pretty much anywhere on the water or from the bridge or from Sandy Hook Sandy Hook uh they can watch from all over the place uh so it's kind of exciting uh like I said it's been done uh over the years in many other states and uh one of the clubs is the Jersey Shore uh boating boat racing and they wanted to bring it back to New Jersey so this is our chance to make this happen and um predominantly I think what they're looking for is sort of like an October Fest type event over in a Veterans Park so uh basically using that Park for that same type of thing where refreshments and uh food and giving the uh first aid Squad and the fire department Lions Club all of our local uh people local restaurants a chance to um to feed people and just have some fun and let them watch the B races there so um this is the first time that they're coming to town first time first time yeah uh so uh HBP and the Jersey Shore uh boat racing Club are asking for our support for this event it sounds like it could be a really interesting uh for us uh they're very excited I'm pretty excited I know Karen's very excited as well son's a chief it really looks like a great event and I think uh we should give him a shot and see uh see how it goes yeah um and then uh I guess we would look to do a resolution uh next meeting for next meeting but just now to just get everybody talking about it thinking about it look up these organizations um they really do a tremendous uh amount of work and Karen has some more information yeah um the uh the main thing that they need to get is the approval from the Coast Guard which the organization is not worried about but it still hasn't come officially through so we're kind of hbt is not advertising it yet or you know pushing it too much but there's a committee um formed for it uh the chief is on it I'm on it um Carlo aalo is on it uh Valerie montavo a couple of other people uh all the uh Marina owners are on board with it um they're not there's no problem with a wake that was what was raised at their meeting when the mayor was there as well too because these boats go so fast they're like out of the water and it's just a you know it's like a cigarette boat you've seen them the sailboat so not s boats speed boats I meant to say uh we'll be having a meeting at Pharmacy next week then we have a meeting every every week in April to make sure everything is going through and uh I just want to say that the way we came about this uh my husband's cousins raced their boats and they will be racing here and when he visited they visited a couple of times they just loved Highlands fell in love with it and this is how it all got started the last meet they had was at um Lake a pack on uh which went very well but they don't want to do it there because it's a smaller smaller place and they were looking they've been looking for a place in Jersey they were down in Atlantic City they were in Point Pleasant for a while but uh now they'd like to come here and uh I think it's going to be a great thing just another reason to come to Highlands we're going to stay here and have fun yes sure another thing that we were thinking about is having it before the season that way if people want to watch from Sandy Hook on the Bayside they can use all that Sandy Hook parking lot that they use our town for in the season but all those people can park over there in hook and then bring their beach chairs and uh and watch from from the Bayside Beaches they could be really great absolutely what what are the parameters it's on the uh yeah there's a map there's a map attached to your paperwork but it pretty much goes from the bridge to um U Sandy Hook Bay Marina and then Batman yeah and there's a different classes there's a smaller boats like a 17 18 uh uh foot long boats all the way up to 34 and they're VAR races and that will be on Sunday sat Friday and Saturday are meet and greet and hang out uh they also want to put a couple of boats in the parade in the St Patty's Day Parade to start to Jin up uh you know how many people how many people do you think that come well I heard today that uh somehow the organization it got out and the guy's been deluged already with speed voters requests they want to sign up to be onit so they're really think about it'll be like another Parade day if not more yeah exactly so uh yeah that's where we are and I shadow boxes from shadow box yeah to bring people into town to oh yeah and and uh I spoke with Carla just before the meeting and she said they're working on uh uh logos and U everybody sealed the town seal there's going to be seals on it a web page is going to be formed so it's all formed going into place and uh as far as the fishermen go well it will be uh striper season already of course the clammers are always working every day but they are far out into the river and every uh I think after One race they shut down for like 45 minutes and the Coast Guard that's what they will be doing is letting the boats that are boating or fishing or the climers coming in to go back and forth in between times there and that would only be on the Sunday Sunday of it so and so yeah those six races run from 11: till 4: and then everything in between as as Karen said they'll be shut down to will let allow any boting traffic through have a parking they park at Street we'll be parking all over they'll be parking all over they could yeah we're working that up yeah and also too uh on Marine Place P needs right next to our house there's room there room for three or four boots to park there as well too but it's uh Dave B Baker's Marina is going to be putting them in the [Laughter] water yeah that's true with the all right okay so then next up is uh report rep course so I'm delving a little bit more into other things that are just not all about projects that we're doing um so first off we're going to start off with the elementary school and uh on for February 13th the students participated in 100 days of school you're never too old to be kind uh they have also asked that everyone join the kids heart Challenge and that information can be found at wwwh heart.org slschools uh then you can just put in Highland's elementary school and then you can go from there uh the new HVAC is going to be installed over the spring break and the roof replacement is going out to bid soon they're expecting to be able to complete uh the new roof over summer break so it won't interfere with classes at all um and Henry Hudson News on February 1st Admirals basketball player Junior Jack Fitz p trcks scored his 1,000th point the team went on to win uh the class a central championship and they made it all the way to the semif files in the state tournament um but they did suffer a loss on February 29th uh the middle school girls also were had a really really great season and they made it to the championship on February 22nd sadly they lost that game as well but they got there it's been a long time since they did um it's not all about sports so check out uh the hhrs digital video channel to see uh student production such as the yearly lip tub and my favorite the hot sea where uh the students interview teachers while eating hot wings it's very very funny um then for around town starting off with Emergency Services calls answered in February first aid Squad was 20 the police a dropping 400 sorry 645 and the fire department 14 calls code enforcement we had four summons five warnings 14 reports 16 inspections nine permits and three opras answered our new building department for February had completed 62 inspections where 44 passed 11 failed and six were not ready permits issued were 36 for our DPW a big shout out goes to DPW for their efforts for clearing the snow for our two storms in February bur events uh please check the recreation page and also highum nj.com for event info remember Parade day is March 23rd uh for the sewer project uh the work that is being done right now is um uh from water Witch uh Recreation to Bay Avenue replacement of mains and laterals and the Force main uh they should be going back onto Bay Avenue between north and Atlantic streets that should be soon it was supposed to be this week but with all the rain that's sort of gotten jettisoned um in the spring we're looking forward to the updates at Veterans Park taking place and that's inclusive of adding picnic tables water fountain adding solar lighting upgrading the basketball courts and adding a Checkers and chest table um no real updates on these other things uh our community uh Community rating system coordinator is still growing strong she has identified uh quite a few properties where we can get our uh National violations lifted and uh get those off the bad list and uh for the last bit of of my report is starting off the year with the bang we got our first grant uh for $40,000 and that is a a fire department grant that's from uh American Rescue funds and uh this grant can be used for protective clo clothing cleaning and advanced cleaning equipment breathing apparatuses and uh personal protective equipment so we're starting out well early and that is my report there we go uh the only other thing I have to to add is I'm trying to I'm in the process of finalizing a meeting with myself and Stephanie from h2m for the uh residents on Central Avenue in that area there um before the roads get reconstructed so we're looking for probably March 18th a Monday right before the next council meeting from about 6:00 to 7 we're going to sit down in here and uh just go over some of their concerns and what we're looking at for Road restoration and I will uh keep everyone updated as to what goes on with it and that's for Ocean Beach and um Central yes Joe did you have anything else you want to add on to that our survey crew is dropping up forland Avenue so we're looking to get that survey released to ofensor and I start planning those improvements uh we are looking at starting around H April 1 bide Drive construction um and then looking for to sit down uh and discuss future Improvement part as so a lot of stuff iner I understand with the boats and a lot of stuff coming on we want be strategic with construction even that going on it and we'll discuss one okay perfect do anyone have anything else council member Mel at 719 Ju Just to um as you mentioned before when it comes to events right sure uh this coming Saturday we have the Guinness run at of the hook at 2 p.m and uh apparently 98 pre-registered people we have so it's going to be a successful one as the other ones that we have already and St Patrick's apparently we have over a 100 units have signed up already so Highlands get ready we're going to have a lot of fun that's all if no one has anything else to add I will open up the public portion individuals wishing to address the council shall be recognized by the presiding officer and shall give their name address and the group if any they represent although the council encourages public participation and reserves the right through his presiding officer to terminate remarks to in or by any individuals not in keeping with the conduct of a proper and efficient meeting if any individual refuses to conduct themselves in a proper manner they will be removed from the meeting the council will not during the public portion of this meeting discuss matters involving employment appointment termination of employment negotiations terms and conditions of employment evaluation of the performance of promotion or discipline of any specific or respective or current employee there's a 3 minute time limit for your comments it's kind of like instant replay um Joseph dor 102 Valley Avenue um with regards to the uh 14 North Peak Street project um Mr Galvin who was here at the meeting two weeks ago has contacted me and we've been in touch he has explained to me what's going to happen next um I don't know if anyone here has been informed as to what's going to happen next with regards to the uh land use Bo hearing case um he told me that that would be the next step that would need to be taken before any kind of enforcement could be even tried um so um so I had a conversation with him today and he explained to me all the parameters of that and so I'm I'm comfortable with all of that the only the only issue is is that my problem persists with the runoff in the water and as we're speaking it's happening right now um and I explained that this can go on for quite some time and um the uh the wheels of Justice roof move really slowly so but I have to wait I have to wait and until that happens and um I don't know if Mr faru has submitted anything since last August um has there been any anything that anyone knows of with the engineering department has he supplied any any documents that regardless of that the the the the L boort is going to force a hearing okay whether he's provided it information or not but that won't happen until May or possibly June and Mr Galvin said to check with ncy when that might be scheduled so um we'll probably have an answer for you uh on that probably later tomorrow okay we generally have a meeting um with the r use board and the attorney and the engineer a couple of weeks before so we plan our schedule a couple of months out right good so um that's where it's at and you know I'm just letting everyone know that that I know what's going on and I appreciate that um we're we're finally out a place where we might be moving this process along uh as as opposed to just going around in circles um so unfortunately though I'm going to have to wait perhaps it could be another whole year or so before anything's even resolved and uh we'll see once we get him before the board yeah but his his his his game is to delay delay delay and you know that's that's the game we're playing with and U it's just constant and I have been in touch with Mr baru over the weekend because of the storm on Saturday and so I texted him and told him what was happening and I also texted free old soil again and um I thought Mr faru was going to do some repairs on on Monday but that didn't happen and uh free old soil guy told me he couldn't get out till later in the week and he was in touch with Mr faru so I mean I just want him to reinforce the slope better than he has the sil fence and the hay can only do so much it's it's helping without it it would be 10 times worse but he needs to put more he needs to fix what gets damage and he doesn't do anything unless I call him and you know and it's always after the fact it's never before the problem URS sure so but anyway I just want to let everybody know what's happening okay thank you very much for your help absolutely thank you executive session executive session will be held following the regular council meeting prior to each executive session the fal Council will convene an open session at which time a resolution will be adopted in accordance with njsa 10 col 4-13 no formal action will be taken during executive session resolution to enter executive session be it resolved that the following portion of this meeting shall not be open to the public be it further resolved that private consideration is deemed required and is permitted because of the following noted exceptions set forth in the ACT PBA contract be further resolve that it is anticipated that the matters to be considered in private may be disclosed to the public at a later date when the need for privacy no longer exists I will make that offer all in favor I thank you motion it carries to enter executive session at 7:26 um executive ended at 7:46 I'll make a motion to adjourn the meeting I'll second all in favor I thank you meeting adjoined at 7:4 six