Mary would you like to proceed yes please good evening this is the meeting of the burough Highlands mayor in Council regular meeting on Wednesday July 17 2024 the notice requirements provided for in the open public meetings act have been satisfied notice of this meeting was probably given by transmission to the ASP Park Press and the two River times and by posting at the burrow Highlands municipal building and filing with the B clerk all on January 1st 2024 items listed on the agenda are of change please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance pled of to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all I will now do the V call council member SES here council member CH here Council melik council president sheski here mayor buan here first we have clamation for Michael Roth good evening uh this Proclamation is recognizing Michael Roth's creative tribute to his wife to unify his street with a resilient Community effort whereas Michael Mike and uh Mary Anne Roth moved to Highlands in 2008 they renovated their home and lifted to the BFE so they were luckily not affected by Hurricane Sandy their home was often pointed to as an example for rebuilding after the storm and whereas they were married for 52 years until Maryann passed away at their Washington Avenue home on December 17th 2023 and whereas A Gifted Carpenter Mike often made decorations for their home among other projects the last thing he made for Maryann before she passed was a lobster boting their house number using reclaimed pallet wood Maryann remarked at the time that it would be great if Mike could make one for every house on their street and whereas in May of 2024 Mike sent a letter to his neighbors explaining the project of using the reclaimed palletwood to create a unique NAU artwork with their house number including its significance to his wife and every single one of them sorry agreed to participate um and whereas he completed the last one in June of this year and never asked for any type of compensation whereas Mike Roth is a man that has shown what it is to be a kind and caring Highlander and now therefore be it resoled in recognition of one man's thoughtful and heartfelt tribute to one of his wife's last wishes that the mayor and Council of The Bu of Highlands do hereby recognize Michael Roth Washington advocate for sense of unifying the community resilient use of materials and memor memorializing his wife in such an artistic fashion thank you [Applause] Nancy do you still have it with you yes okay [Music] [Applause] now I realize that most of you are here tonight for uh for us to honor Mike so if you don't want to stay for the rest of business today uh please feel free to uh go home and celebrate Mike thank you so much and thank you all for [Music] coming one I know sure sure you perfect perfect perfect and that also can we hold the um the sample too yeah why not of yeah [Music] that's oh I like it this is great okay perfect we got a okay shall we continue next we have approval of minutes June 19th 2024 meeting minutes I'll auor I'll second council member santes yes Council M yes council president shvi I wasn't here nope and mayor ban yes thank you next we have June 19 2024 executive session minutes all offer I'll second council member SES yes Council M yes council president Shi refus mayor bran yes carries to approve June 19 2024 executive session minutes next we have public hearing propos ordinance 0242 Capital ordinance providing for various Capital Improvements and appropriating 400,000 therefore authorized in and by the bur of Highlands in the county of MTH New Jersey uh this Capital ordinance uh for the $400,000 is for um the complete um uh new curbs and new sidewalks on L both sides of Linden AV as many of you know they're in dire need of replacement and so we are using money from our Capital fund uh to fund that project are there any questions from the council no are there any questions from the public okay then I will close the public portion and I will offer gladly this ordinance second council member santes yes Council m yes Council peski yes mayor bran yes motion carries 02412 pass on second and final reading next we have 0 2413 amending chapter 7A traffic schedule schedule I no parking of the code of the bur of Highland related to areas of No Parking On Lighthouse Road um for as long as anyone can remember this uh there's never been parking allowed on this road however it was never C ailed in our ordinances so we're just making that um making that official right now uh there's been as you know from the weekend there's a lot more people around so um there's uh there's more people going up to the twin lights and they're parking on the street and you can't get another car on the street nor God forbid an ambulance or a fire apparatus so that's why we are updating this ordinance is there any question from the council no are there any questions from the public regarding this okay then I will close public portion and offer that as well I'll second council member santes yes council member chette yes counc peski yes mayor buai yes motion carries 0 2413 passed on second and final reading next they have resolutions R 24137 amending resolution 24-19 which authorize the the placement of a non-binding ballot question on November 5th 2024 general election ballot regarding acceptance of the burrow Highlands of a federal flood wall project um this is an amending because there were a couple of typos that were found uh so we had to fix those typos before it could go to the county clerk and get added uh to the November ballot for um everyone to vote on and with that I will offer it I'll second council member santes yes council member CH yes council president chesy yes mayor Bulan yes motion carries to adopts resolution r24 137 next we have R 24138 authorizing the placement of a non-binding ballot question on November 5th 2024 general election ballot regarding support by The Bu of Highlands to explore tax relief by adding sebrite to the Henry Hudson Regional School District okay this one um as uh the clerk just uh explained is uh we've been working on this for a number of years now and we just uh really want to get some public engagement and what better way than a um National presidential election to get some public engagement here so we just really want to know should we proceed should we still keep on going to try to um to get sebrite to join into Henry Hudson now that last year we voted to um consolidate the three school districts into one school district and now we're asking should we be asking CBR to come in with us uh so that's what that resolution is about that two will go to the county clerk and will be put on the this November's uh ballot all all second council member santes yes Council M yes Council preski yes mayor buan yes motion carries to adop resolution R 24138 next consent agender mayor would you like need to read the resolutions by title yes please R 24139 burrow of Highlands participating in the New Jersey Coastal Coalition R 24140 approval to submit a Grant application and execute a grant contract with the New Jersey Department transportation for the Highland state aid application r 24141 awarding a fair and open contract for Lyon Avenue sidewalk improvements Project R 24142 authorizing the award of a non-fair and open contract for professional services in connection with the construction Administration and inspection services for the Lyndon Avenue sidewalk improvements Project R 24143 governing body certification of the annual audit r444 accepting donation of an octagon Bell roof guebo at hudy Park R 24145 authorizing an extension of the contract with downtown Network company for the community rating system coordinator R 24146 authorizing payment of bills I will offer the consent agenda I'll second council member svantes yes Council chac yes Council preses yes mayor bran yes motion carries to adopt resolutions R 24139 through R 24 146 next we have reports mayor okay I will start um let's start with the fun stuff in Henry Hudson Elementary news uh the cardboard vot rugata at se streak on Jun this the report for June by the way um the boat rugata was uh at the SE Street beach on June 9th and it was a great success uh the beach was was packed with parents and other community members cheering their Racers on uh graduation for was uh on June 17th and that was a great event where the sixth graders were able to show off their James T white projects uh they also showed them off at the Historical Society me meeting on June 27th um over to Henry Hudson News school news uh the eighth grade step up at the high school was on June 13th and the 12th grade graduation ceremony was on June 18th both were awesome um of our seniors at Hudson 53 seniors um posted many awards and Scholarships in the amount of an incredible $3.4 million dollar awarded from nearly 30 uh different colleges um other other seniors are headed to uh one to the Navy one directly to the police academy and seven are going straight from school to work for emergency services calls answered in June it was very busy month uh First Aid had 40 calls fire department had 28 and the police had a whopping 999 calls for service um code enforcement um summons there were 10 uh warnings five reports 13 inspections including re inspections was 16 permits 32 and Oprah requests answered was nine for the building department inspections we had 39 of which 31 passed four failed and four were not ready um there were also 19 permits issued from the construction Department grants won so far in 2024 is at 1,954 uh for burough events please check the recreation page on the burough website and also check uh the HBP uh Highland tomorrow night we have our um the summer concert series going on um what then we've got the Army Core project as we just said we are doing a non-binding uh resolution that will be on the ballot for November 5 uh you can see all of those project materials from the core on the highlands website uh for updates on current projects for the sewer large scale sanitary sewer project this is a replacement of sanitary sewer lines that were installed in 1925 um all non-conflicted sewer work on Bay Avenue uh that we are not going to be able to work on is going to get folded into the part two of this project um so planned for July you might have noticed already that local uh water witch has been paved um local Bay and North Street have been milled today and they will be paved tomorrow then uh sidewalk replacement and Paving of central beach in Ocean then planned for August the county is going to pave Lyon waterwood and Bay um upgrades to Veterans Park that uh the basketball court was milled and paved with the final Paving happening uh there's still left striping and the installation of the basketball nets have to go up and we are waiting for delivery on the solar picnic tables and solar lighting as also mentioned in uh at this meeting that it's part of the consent agenda was that the uh huie Park Gaz was over I want to say it was 31 years old and it was past its prime so we took it down on June 24th and a replacement uh was donated by a resident and we're expecting delivery in July it's already built it's just waiting at um at the place where they built it in Pennsylvania so as soon as a couple of shed orders come in they'll put them all together on a flat bed and bring it over um there's not really well the London Avenue curbs and sidewalks that is also something that we've been on uh today and we uh awarded it today and we are going to have our pre-construct preconstruction meeting on um Friday so we'll have dates on that and we will notice people well in advanced because as everyone knows it's a major artery in town it's going to take a couple of weeks to get done but we want to make sure that it's done before school starts um trying to see if we have any others um oh yes going down to our community rating system update and that's for lower flood insurance for everyone in town both the residents and the businesses and us as well the the town for all of our uh buildings that are down on the flood plan um the coordinator is setting up a meeting with FEMA 2 to discuss entrance into the first phase of the program and we had a workshop here on uh June 28th that was very informative I have a this report you can find on the website and there's a link to our YouTube channel where you can watch the whole meeting it gives a lot of information about how to build in the flood plane how to do updates in the flood plane it's it was a really really good meeting um and that is my report [Music] uh the only other thing I have to add is our new tax assessor has started GRE Hutchinson um he will for now continue with the Tuesday evening hours and he's going to look to expand hours uh in the near [Music] future a public portion statement please public portion individuals wishing to address the council shall be recognized by the presiding officer and shall give the name address and the group of any they represent although the council encourages public participation it reserves the right through its presiding officer to terminate remarks to and or by any individual not in keeping with the conduct of a proper and efficient meeting if any individual refuses to conduct himself in a proper manner they will be removed from the meeting the council will not during the public portion of this meeting discuss matters involving employment appointment termination of employment negotiations terms and conditions of employment ter um evaluations of the performance of promot motion or discipline of any specific or perspective for current employee there's a 3 minute time limit for your comments does anyone Mr Doran please one question just to clarify is Mr inv no uh as far as what as as yes yes well it's it's before the land just in general I I believe that most of you aware what happened theing the other night um I'm not sure that there's any answers here but it remains kind of inexplicable to me as to what happened at that meeting unfortunately not represented by my was not allowed to speak at that meeting fortune and the uh going to be heard again now in September which is another two months down the road [Music] just not just my resources but Town's [Music] resources [Music] unj and take I don't know if there's any answers here tonight what Happ there wouldn't be any answers at this it's completely separate board I know uh council president was there I I was not there because I was conflicted out due to the um the application being within 200 ft just I just want my my wife letter ask to dismiss the application because no new information was provided that was of the previous meeting it was given two months to to provide more information um so the consideration to dismiss was was was not there was no discussion it was not don't be a vote on dismiss just a vote on Poston and so I don't feel hearing and again I said not to speak he under the impression that move to the here I I just wonder if cuz when I came to the meeting Mr far showed up with his wife engineer and I said what you guys do and soon was just cuz I got call my at 4:00 turned out was it was either was miscommunication or I don't know I'm just here to express invent my frustration and uh exasperation and whatever I mean I can't get angry about it because it just takes too much out of it just sa that everywhere I go just spend even when iens now up Notch and I have to get more advice and and extra space and my property is still exposed to water the hill is destabilized and Tre soil is use this it's all over the world you can't even see where the sil V is failing or theil and you know I thought we get this done before har season but that's not going to happen and we're getting more severe storms and just just nothing seem to get in November will be 3 years since he November 202 I'm years than you L anyone wants to make any comments please do I would say that the next step that you're aware of is that he has to come to the August council meeting with what's demanded here he has to come to this body in August SE no that's Len's Bo he has never approached the council he has to come yes yes and he's never done that right I know that's what he should have that here in Prov yes so I I I mean why why how to get the extension there was no no basis on which to make that and I I do want to clarify I know they did reach out with initial plans and their Engineers have been in discussion with you Joe is that correct yes they reached out provided plans and we gave an assessment of the improvements uh as it relates to burrow right away but they haven't asked for but they've not asked for permission to build in the Burrow's right of way and that was a June 19th letter from Mr so they had two months to come at least apply to the board I mean the council the C had two months to apply for the permission to go the right way Mak [Music] for and they did not but they another two months to do [Music] so I'm in a different place yes you understand I do course I wanted to scream out of my seat I controlled myself cuz I was I wish I had just there will be a a YouTube video of that right yes yes we should all watch that sure interested okay thank thank you you could just give us your name and address for the record washing two questions dealer's Choice put on the street cleaners okay on the calendar so we know when they're coming so that we can move our cars off the street before they come you know like there must be someu set that sure um second question on Washington Avenue there used to be no parking signs that they took down when they were doing the constructions and I think I may have asked you about before what's the plan on putting them back up so I think I actually have some pictures there's some people that are parking on that um crushed cement which runs along the the marina the curb really isn't there anymore right so that we have sometimes people parking on the street and then on other side of the street and I have a picture that if an ambulance or a fire truck needed to get to the house it's either the Emergency Services through so you'll take care of it with PD and DPW okay there you go [Music] and anyone else have a question or comment okay then I will close public portion executive session executive session will be held following the council regular council meeting prior to each executive session the burough Council will convene an open session at which time a resolution will be adopted in accordance with njsa 10 colum 4-13 no formal action will be taken during the executive session resolution to enter executive session be it resolved that the following portion of this meeting shall not be open to the public be it further resolved that private consideration is deems required and is permitted because of the following noted exceptions set forth in the ACT attorney client privilege block 56 L 4 access East minutes be it further resolve that it is anticipated that the matters to be considered in private may be disclosed to the public at a later date when the need for privacy no longer exists I will make that motion I'll second all in favor I thank you executive session entered at 7:30 had Don motion to adjourn had Don been here I been curious about um meeting aded at 7:40 thank you I already off thank you meeting aded at 7:40 thank you everyone I gave the heads up