um good morning this is the meeting of the bough Highlands mayor and Council special meeting on Monday May 20th 2023 the notice requirements provided for in the open public meetings act have been satisfied notice of this meeting was properly given by transmission to the as Park Press in the Two River times and by posting at the burough of Highlands municipal building and filing with the bur cler all on November 7 2023 items listed on the agenda are subject to change please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I PL aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation of God indivisible with liberty and justice for all I will now call do a roll call council member santes council member chac here Council Melnick here council president oesi here mayor bran here we have a quum um first we have resolutions R23 221 authorizing Bond aggregating the principal sum not to exceed 8, 36,7 36 authorized by six Bond ordinances heret for adopted to finance part of the cost of various General improvements in the burrow Highlands County of MMO New Jersey into one consolidate issue of bonds and providing for the forign majorities sale and other details of said Consolidated issues and just to review this is just con consol validating um numerous bonds that we've had over the years into one getting a good rate and um that way we don't have I think it's six uh separate one just into one and with that I will make the motion I'll second council member chac yes counc melck just just question before and appreciate mayor the explanation but just making Mike um to the extent that is consolidating to a single bond in terms of financial had is it net neutral or is it advantageous or dollar amount iset Neal over time you know I agree that the principal going to be yeah it's going to go to the mammoth County Improvement Authority so it basically comes off our books we make a payment to the Improvement authority over the life of the uh of the term um the interest rate we had a meeting with the authority about a week or actually local Finance board um so there's probably about I want to say about $60 to$ 70 million total so we should get a very good rate on it moving forward terrific thanks very much and all yes counc preski Mike I have a question also I just want to make sure I get this because if you total all of the bonds that are uh listed here it adds up to more 8 million so some of them have paid down to the point that there are yes some we have been paying down okay so it sounds great yes I V yes Mayan yes motion carries to adopt resolution R23 221 next we have R23 222 providing for the transfer surplus funds oh I'll second there you go council member CH uh yes C Mel just uh one clarification is is this is a net neutral interaction so we had 160 it's still 160 no new no new appropriation of fund correct it's just go from one line item to another perfect thank you yes Council peski yes mayor bran yes motion carries to adopt resolution R23 222 next we have R23 223 requesting approval of insertion of $2,493 into the 2023 budget Revenue available from the municipal Alliance program grants I will offer it I will second it council member CH yes melik once again just this is an insertion of Revenue this is more money coming in and not more money going out correct we just got the grant per yes Council peski yes mayor bran yes motion carries to adopt resolution R 23223 next we have R23 224 requesting approval of insertion of 37,000 um the 2023 budget Revenue available from the American Rescue plan firefighter I'll second Council M CH yesc Mel yes C peski yes mayor bran yes motion carries to adopt resolution R23 224 next we have R23 225 authorizing payment of bills our offer I'll second Council M yesc Mel yes presi yes mayor bran yes motion carries to adopt resolution R2 23-25 next we have portions we open individuals wishing to address the council shall be recognized by the presiding officer and shall give their name address and the group of any they represent although the council encourages public participation reserves the right through its presiding officer to terminate remarks to and or by any individual not in keeping with the conduct of a proper and efficient meeting if any individual refuses to conduct themselves in a proper manner they will be removed from the meeting the council will not during the public portion of this meeting discuss matters involving employment appointments termination of employment negotiations terms and conditions of employment evaluation of the performance of promotion or discipline of any specific or perspective or current employee there is a 3 minute time limit for your comment do you have any comment that you would like to put on the record and if so where is the oh microphone is right there able okay if you could please give your name and address for the record can you please give us your name and address for the record so the clerk can enter it [Music] West secr just just curious um first of all the meeting is not secret it was advertised in the newspaper and online uh we had to do this meeting because we only had three members at our last meeting and any uh time that we need to um do a meeting that has um to do with the budget there needs to be four um uh council members present and we only had three oh of course and the video and the video online it'll be on [Music] YouTube that are coming ACR dictate that and there's people that in this room that know that stuffbody I yes I just keep an ey what you're doing we can't afford more taxation everybody in New Jersy knows that the book I'm C involved with it's called what is happened to 66 income tax with the manufacturing Powerhouse major corporations at your headquarters here what yes too much nonsense control starts that's all I got to say okay thank you just just P that sure back to work I have to okay build you know got the and it doesn't it looks like come down and walk okay thank you Tinker okay I guess that will conclude public portion I would like to note that council member santes are entered at 10:08 may have a motion a motion to adjourn yes I'll second all in favor I meeting adjourned at 10:10 thank you everyone you R for