son e e e e e Happ e e e e e every think this is okay just real e e e okay everybody good evening and welcome to the township committee meeting of April 30th 2024 Miss lenzo please call the role committee woman hand here committee men Leon present committee woman pain Deputy Mayor chiarelli here mayor Brit here administrator Ferrera here attorney Willard here will you all please join me to the salute the flag pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America to the indivisible jice please be please be advised that in accordance with Section Five of the open public meetings act chapter 231 of the public laws of 1975 notice of this meeting was made by the posting on the bolletin board at the Hillsboro Township municipal complex and notifying the officially designated newspapers that this meeting would take place at the Hillsboro Township municipal complex at 7:30 p.m. today April 30th 2024 approval of the minutes regular me uh meeting uh minutes March 12th 2024 may I have a motion to approve the March 12th 2024 meeting minutes so move seconded all right roll call please Comm Comm woman hand yes committee Le Pon yes Deputy Mayor chiarelli yes mayor bring yes all right now reports from committee Liaisons we will start with committee woman hand thank you mayor all right here we go for the health department this is National Cancer control month so April is NA national cancer control month the Health Department has information including tips screening guidelines and local resources please see the health department for more information as far as the health action plan the Hillsboro Health collaborative has released a draft Health action plan to address the health needs and concerns of our residents So the plan is based on local health results and they identified five priority areas mental health and substance use chronic disease access to healthy food Community engagement and communication about resources so strategies include a mix of education and programming um policy systems Environmental changes so please see the mayor's e newss tomorrow for more information on how to submit feedback on this draft plan Green living and wellness Fair save the date um I don't know what you guys are doing on June 1st but um from 8 to 11:00 the Green living and wellness fair is an interactive event that brings together the Hillsboro Community and highlights local businesses and organizations that provide Health wellness and sustainability um programs that sounds like fun um all right Social Services the social services department is running a free 90minut smart driver Tech Workshop um describing the safety technology in newer cars I know we have a lot of young drivers in the audience so take note um this is going to be on Monday June 3rd unfortunately during school hours um 1:30 to 3 um in the side multi-purpose room interested parties can register in the Social Services office all right senior citizens chapter B will be accepting new members beginning in July the purpose of the club is to bring together um seniors senior citizens for General socialization and friendship through group activities the club Endeavors to obtain any benefit that will promote the good um the good and the welfare of its members chapter B meets on the second Thursday of every month in the multi-purpose room here at the municipal center residents age 60 and above are welcome to join and again please see the e- news tomorrow last but not least super exciting again save the date our Memorial Day veterans breakfast um is open for registration all Hillsboro military service Personnel are invited to participate in the salute to military service breakfast and to lead the Hillsboro Memorial Day parade and the commemoration program on May 25th it's Saturday um registration is required for the breakfast and can be completed online at the hill bbor Township parks and wre website or by calling the wre department and don't forget the parade will take place at 10:00 it should conclude by noon and following the parade um in the garden of Honor we will have a um commem commemoration ceremony and we have Hillsboro resident Megan Vallejo um is this year's Grand Marshall very exciting thanks mayor you got it all right committee man leani thank you mayor hello everybody it was rhetorical uh but thank you for paying attention you're awake yeah you did uh Hillsboro Township residents can now check their status of their building permits via a new smartphone app the sdl sdl portal app will enable users to fill out applications see Township news and special alerts check the status of their permits see photos of special events and read social media updates among other features and services it only takes it only makes sense for us to roll out new technologies so residents can access access Township news and services on their cell phones for those who know how to use them uh it is a convenient and modern platform for communicating with the community the stdl portter portal app is available now through Google iPlay or iPhone app store so AB it's just consolidating all our stuff into one app for people to uh get all the benefits that we offer you um and I'm sure mayor was big part of that CU he uses that phone like it's a whiz machine so I'm sure he's already on it uh the Hillsboro Township website lists all current solicitor license holders these are the people who were approved to Haw AKA sell or solicit door too Street to Street or place to place business in Township of Hillsboro as of April 26th of 20224 these are the only five that have registered Parker gleon of Power Home remodel Robert Foster of Power Home remodel James seol of Century 21 real estate Kimberly foe of handcraft items and Kevin Barona power washing you can report any unlicensed business soliciting in your neighborhood to the Police Department nonemergency number which is at 908 369 432 three please note that this doesn't include political or religious canvasing and just as a special note anyone that comes to your door not wearing an ID badge would be the first thing that I would I would suspect so be careful a lot of times they're just canvasing the neighborhoods and seeing who's at home what if you have a dog and I'm sure if you had any questions the police department can haveen but anyone that should come to your door to ask for anything should have an ID badge and ask for it for more than 60 years uh the US small business administration SBA has celebrated National Small Business Week which acknowledges the critical contributions of America's entrepreneurs and small business owners this year's National Small Business Week takes place from April 28th through May 4th Hillsboro Township recognizes the hard work Ingenuity and dedication of our business Community the Hillsboro Business Association is proud to assist the over 1,000 businesses in the Township in order to see them not just succeed but Thrive these businesses make a tremendous impact on our community and and economy are one of the reasons Hillsboro remains a great place to live work and visit for any business looking for support and resources contact the Hillsboro Economic and Business Development Office at 908 369 3533 and as a small business owner um I can attest that this community um is a direct result of the small businesses we are the people that employ your children um give to the Charities everyone that comes in looking for the little leagues and the softballs uh that give to the church actions um and provide the service that uh we uh we have here in Hillsboro so um we started this years ago shop Hillsboro stay in Hillsboro when I was on the edbc some 15 years ago and uh our um David was part of that and uh it is it is great uh for that we do as a Township support our small business so I thank you all for that but during this particular week make an extra effort to thank them for what they do for your community the HBA celebrated the opening of two new businesses to stay on the the theme of our small business on April 12th jump shot gym is now open at one Gill Court in suet 25 jump shot gym is a basketball training facility with shooting machines that allow you to get in over 1,000 shots per hour I'm tired already thinking about it which means no more chasing the ball each machine also has a tracking for your stats and customizable customizable drills for practice okay ladies back here I think we got a place to go right not that you guys aren't good anyway but can we get better and we had a great time trying out the machines so short to stop by I know the mayor was there draining some threes you know I'm not sure Caitlyn's distance but you know you look good yeah yeah but uh see the website at jumpshot for more information another one we uh that was attended by the TC was a brand new facility was building kids Kidz located at 133 Striker Lane the pre School focuses on creating a local community where children are challenged intellectually become empowered and interested in lifelong learning and engage in the Arts to accelerate the development of their confidence commitment and character the school takes children from infants to 13 years old and the location is the franchise first in New Jersey their website is congratulations to both businesses we wish them luck and success moving forward as they and for all that they hope to achieve and a couple more here I'm going to take a sip monster the spring 2024 issue of the experienced Hillsboro E Magazine is is now live this corly digital showcase will give readers a glimpse of just some of what makes Hillsboro Township an amazing place to live work and visit through features photos and other highlights you'll see a variety of events locations and activities hillsbor has offered year round the issue touches on Duke Farms gardening tips arts and creative activities and more see tomorrow's e- news and hillso T web link for a link to the latest issue and just a couple more here uh last week I uh I joined the residents to watch a movie uh by presented by the municipal Alliance it's actually the second time I've watch this video I watched it about three years ago when was offered it's called the first day and it's um a documentary by Chris Heron um Chris Haron is a uh ex-professional basketball athlete that uh suffered from drug addiction and alcohol addiction and has made his mission to go out and help the youth but by addressing it different aspect um often the addiction is focused at the end or Rock Bottom where someone might be today right now which I'm sure you've all seen plenty of those type of documentaries in this documentary the first day Chris Heron focuses on the first day the first day he he made a decision that negatively impacted his life and created him to go down that path um after the documentary there was an opportunity for those to present to ask questions and offer comments and I'll tell you that the room when this movie is playing is like you could hear a pin drop it is riveting and I I strongly encourage anyone with or without children to if you have an opportunity to watch this movie it is a 40 minute 35 40 minute movie that is as EMP powerful as anything you'll ever watch um so the misal alliance also known as bware are a volunteer group focusing on sharing information and resources that our community continues to operate with a stigma-free mindset and to assist those individuals who may be experiencing circumstances related to alcohol and drug addiction these conditions can be successfully prevented and treated in an environment that promotes protects the whole community's mental social and physical health now I will tell you that the town that the MU Municipal Alliance owns this video and will allow groups to borrow it whether it's a boy scout group a sporting Group whatever to to use it as a tool to get to your youth so it is a tool that is out there that I I agree I think that anyone listening that has um a church or anybody that might want to bring a group of people together to show this video it is it is worth the time uh and lastly uh burough safe Hillsboro Community collaborative de dedicated to mental health awareness and suicide prevention will sponsor the sixth annual Hope For Tomorrow mental health and wellness Fair on Thursday May 9th from 5:37 this event will take place at the municipal complex at 30 379 South Branch Road which is here the fair will can feature free food music games inspirational um makes and takes and plenty of free giveaways there'll be activities for youths of all ages and I'll end May with this since we will not meet again I wish all the mothers out there a Happy Mother's Day uh you guys are the hardest working people um and we I'm sure we have one here and another one in Norway but no works hard in the moms and uh they they mold our youth better than than men we'll we'll try and take the credit but it's all about the moms and uh I I wish every mother a Happy Mother's Day yep that's it mayor thank you sir Deputy Mayor Chelli thank you um so from the building department uh the building Department's web page uh is an excellent source of information so we encourage customers and residents to explore the useful tools provided uh such as tutorials for filling out permit applications links to PDF permit forms guides for popular projects a uh frequently asked questions section and access to sdl the sdl portal login to check the permit status the uh former mayor had talked about the sdl uh portal and that's something we've been using a lot um so take advantage of all these resources that the website has to offer uh if you have any interest in in starting up any any projects around a home um the engineering department has received an influx of questions regarding neighboring tree branches if a neighbor's tree branches overhang onto your property you have the right to trim those branches in a manner that will not impact the life of the tree these issues are considered a civil matter uh between private property owners and thus the township cannot really get involved in those uh if if need be we suggest obtaining legal advice or seek the advice of certified tree expert before trimming tree branches you should also have a survey of uh property pins in place to identify property lines if it gets to that point uh especially in case if there's a dispute on whether they are overhanging a property line or not when planting trees you should also consider uh the expected growth of a tree to determine if it's set back far enough from your property line uh also related to trees the on a more positive note I guess the public works department uh the DPW held a tree planting ceremony last week for Arbor Day and mayor bring read a proclamation recognizing the event uh the trees were funded by the Township's tree mitigation fund and planted by the parks department in open space near triangle Road this fund has helped the township tremendously when it comes to replenishing our tree inventory along with helping manage hazardous trees uh both the Department of Public Works and parks department do their best to provide quality Nursery stock of non-invasive variety and also remove dangerous disease trees that are threatening our safety uh I think that's the ashb beetle it's really devastating uh the trees around town um so we celebrated Arbor Day on Friday um sustainability Hillsboro has participated in the wand foundation's National mayor's challenge for water conservation for the past 5 years to date thousands of residents have pledged to conserve water in their daily lives through simple tasks like turning off sprinklers or fixing leaky faucets uh currently the program is on Hiatus this year but and will be revamped for 2025 but you could still take the pledge uh for the town at mywater and which will also show you all the ways that you can protect our natural resources and save money and lastly the Hillsboro Police Department uh would like to advise residents that now that it's starting to warm up outside more people are out walking and biking uh on our street stre and sidewalks and with that in mind the police department would like to remind drivers to be mindful of Walkers and bikers and uh also to be aware of your uh overall surroundings if you are conversely if you are walking or biking on the side of the road please also be mindful of your surroundings as well as approaching Vehicles so that's a word from the police department mayor and that is everything to report thank you sir all right that's actually a very good transition into uh my first set of comments so I just want to thank the police department too because we uh We Are One once again and and it's an honor for me to announce that Hillsboro continues to rank among the top safest places uh to live in New Jersey according to a report from safewise um we were now um ranked one of the 50 safest cities in New Jersey and we are ranked the fifth safest city in the state that's this year which is great last year uh from a comes from a small town perspective a different type of study was done New York Post had come out with it we're the second safest small town in the northeast of the United States that's how they measured it so we got some really great rankings I just want to thank the police department and uh take that a step further from what deputy mayor was saying so thanks back there you have one representation of the of the whole Force thank you um uh so we pride ourselves on all the Hillsboro Township has the offer and all those who live and work here striving to maintain a fiscal responsibility while maintaining a safe and attractive Community remains our goal and I think the safety component of it is is is incredibly critical uh skate park mural so uh we're going to we're going to um we're going to honor a young gentleman in in a little bit but brandan James wilky known simply as wilky and a number of his friends and and and family members are here um wilky to his friends in the skateboard Community has been honored with a mural at the skate park at Hills Bros and Van Middlesworth Park um uh wilky he he tragically passed away um in 2020 he was a freaking visitor of the skate park he was known for his infectious humor and his friends can attest to that and his ability to put a smile on the face of everyone that he met the mural also honors Roshan Ral Watson uh Ro was still uh performing ing technical tricks into his 50s he passed away in 2021 um ree belov uh beloved K9 member of the skan community is also included on the mural as well too so so they even they honored the the the the best the best friend four-legged friend so the graffiti style mural was created by Dan inoseni and Jordan gesco and who will be presented here tonight uh presented uh with a certificate of appreciation later in this meeting so thanks for thanks for doing that uh Interfaith Community this is a this is a this is a great opportunity that that that Mr Ferrar had started last year through Interfaith group um it's a way of bringing people together in Hillsboro under under under under the One Umbrella Hillsboro townships Interfaith Community Network recently partnered with the Pioneer Family Success Center to host to co-host flowers for mom so again another happy Mother's Day an interactive event where children made Mother's Day gifts while learning about stranger danger about 90 people attended the event uh one of several positive activities planed to provide Outreach and education through the Township's faith-based community and our faith-based community is very strong and I'll read off in a moment all the different groups that are part or or some of the different things that we have here organized in 2023 the uh the by Hillsboro Township administrator Anthony Ferrera sitting right there the Interfaith Community Network aims to have participating congregation share local resources and collaborate on some of today's most pressing issues including mental health substance abuse for more information about Hillsboro's Interfaith Community please see the press release in tomorrow's e newss uh we have the National Day of Prayer coming up Thursday May 2nd at 9:30 um 101st birthday celebration let me see what else here I can go through here so there's a number of different things I can talk about so Interfaith um then we National Day of Prayer which is Thursday May 2nd at 9:30 a.m. next slide right and then we also had the great opportunity to honor Donald Stern I don't know if you've heard that you know we've had a air a hill an airport that hasn't moved but we weren't sure where really fully where's it designated now the owner of the business is is is comfortable to say that that that Hillsboro Township is where that business is located so we officially now have the airport in Hillsboro Township and as part to commemorate that we honored 101y old B7 bomber War veteran from World War II incredible what they went through versus what what we understand so we had a chance to honor him and the airport as graciously flew him all the way around the Statue of Liberty and back and then um myself and our suzan caros who works at The Economic and Business Development Group we had a chance to get in a small prep plane as well too we flew over Hillsboro and I actually got enough flight time to F fly the plane myself over 206 I asked for that specifically so I can look at it from down and get frustrated after I looked at our beautiful land so uh it was actually uh it was a it was a very good experience and uh they do offer um flights they take two people and I'm not sure how much it is but they will fly around date night and do a do a nice flight around the uh Statue of Liberty if you wish uh you can take flight school as well too so I'm not going to promote them too much more but I think it's a really great opportunity to to Really differentiate our town uh I had the chance to sit down with the sunny me fourth grade students they sent me a letter a number of letters really good letters I mean almost so well articulated I thought the teacher did it and uh actually was them they really good questions so instead of answering them I decided to take an hour and a half on my day and sit with them and we they asked me a number of questions for an hour and then I had the chance to sit for 30 minutes um with them when they had a um what's that called they had a uh uh assembly a math assembly for all the children I had a chance to speak to them too so it's a great way to engage with the children take your child to workday I'm not sure what picture we have up there oh yeah here we go we had all little kids that was a really good today we had a chance to bring the children into to sit here actually where the judge was sitting here and he spoke to them about making good choices uh we went to the mayor's office about what does a mayor do as a committee person do then we went to the police department where we actually the children went in and out of the jail as well too we made talked about making good choices those types of things too so it was it was a really good opportunity for the kids to really connect with the town they went out and saw the big trucks and all that in the backyards in the back so it was it was really really really nice we honored Administrative Professionals there for Administrative Professionals Day just want to thank them all there there's a here as well too that that work within the township just a wonderful group of people and you know wherever you work make sure you honor those people because they're the gel that keep keep everybody together their culture right there uh coloring with the cops I have just a few more I'm almost done um coloring with the cops this is an event that we started a few it's been I think a few years back and um it's just a really great opportunity for I'm not even sure how many children were there did they did did Chief give you a number I think there was probably 60 or 70 kids there a lot of kids I think it was a Max of 75 something like that and I think they maxed out um the the police department bought them pizza and apple juices and the kids were here and they were coloring with the police officers and that's just a great way for the kids to start connecting with the cops and vice versa and really good conversations happened it was just a great connection just we have a great Police Department so thanks for doing that my kids love that stuff as they should opening day Hillsboro baseball league I threw a strike so I felt good about that I pitch batting practice for my kids so I I I you know I can say I can get that one so uh Hillsboro baseball league which is um baseball right now is one of those sports that is that is um is kind of normalizing used to expand and get a lot of people it's kind of gotten a little tighter now so and the cost for things is pretty extensive you know we use the county fields and all that it's not cheap so um the baseball league is working very hard at trying to get donations to keep the league going and it's going very well it's I think it's a very well well resourced League um they do a whole lot of work to try to make sure that the children have a great time so volunteers like myself and our friends are always trying to coach to try to help the kids out all right there any other slides that you have for me other than stay connected oh Tyler Bo yeah so Tyler Boatright this is really this is great so Tyler Boatright was hoping to get drafted um by the uh by he was hoping with it for any team but I really think he liked the Jets and the Giants they invited him in uh he's from Hillsboro Town should be graduated I think in 2017 um he didn't get the he didn't get uh drafted on draft night but he was invited by the Jets to their free agent mini camp so that's terrific that's really good news for us I had the honor of uh doing a quick uh uh impromptu video ask the mayor video about two weeks ago where I asked him some questions about himself and he wants to help give back to the community too so he's a great young man and hopefully he gets on the Jets we hope so right he's a New York team so we hope we get something so that's great um as it relates to 206 I'll have a more formal update over the next uh couple of weeks um but right now the p psng is uh moving poles continuing to move poles off of 206 so then they can move the wiring so then the road work and commence we are in constant contact with the state and the NJ doot and I promise you as as soon as I get an update which my goal is to reach out tomorrow the next day to get a little more information for them uh from them I reach out every week um and I'm my they're essentially in the old school term guys Rolodex it's the we're on the phone pretty pretty frequently so I will let you know as soon as I know more there but there is progress there happening as it relates to moving those Utilities in order for work to begin so as soon as I know more I promise you I will tell you we're all on top of it all right so you can always stay connected with all the news and events by subscribing to the Wednesday mayor's E news and Thursday's experience Hillsboro bulletin you go on the website you sign up for it it's really good stuff follow and like the official Hillsboro Township Facebook page X which used to be Twitter and Instagram tune in to Hillsboro YouTube channel and sign up for Hillsboro alerts for traffic and emergency notifications all right now we're going to do a couple of proclamations and honor you guys for doing some great work so I'm going to come on down and we will get going to the proclamations all right so first who do we have Proclamation one is going to be for get Nicholas Henderson it working here we on all right all right let's see here you go you mind holding that thank you so Nicholas Henderson as a Hillsboro High School school senior and member of the Boy Scout Troop 1776 has achieved the rank of Eagle Scout let's give him a round of applause that's that's not easy to do not easy to do n's Eagle Scout project consists of Designing prepping and installing 13 folds of the American flag at the Garden of Honor located here at the H Hillsboro Municipal complex the project took roughly 111 hours yeah wow to complete uh with the assistance of 28 volunteers that's great leadership experience for you Nicholas served as a patrol leader assistant patrol leader of activities assistant patrol leader of programming troop guide librarian and 2021 summer camp patrol leader wow that's great Nicholas is a member of the mock trial and istics club which I almost didn't get out and volunteers at blood drives Relay for Life and esy Nicholas is also a senior member of the Somerville School of Rock House band that performs at various venues both in state and on multi-state tours Nicholas serves as an example to the Youth of Hillsboro Township through his high level of leadership and community service and we're very proud that he's a member of our community thank you you're welcome now therefore Bri Proclaim that we the mayor and Hillsboro Township committee do hereby extend our sincere congratulations to Nicholas Henderson for having achieved the rank of Eagle Scout and honor for both himself and for those who guided him with the best wishes for a a bright future good you guys say anything so um yeah I I my project had to be expediated if you will um and Anthony knows this uh very intimately um so I started really thinking about the project um I'd say in December um and we wanted it in due to the uh subject matter by Memorial Day um so if guys know anything about planning a project that's quite the fast turnaround um so it was it was a uh it was a lot of work um it was a lot of communication between the various aspects and I'm really proud of myself for um getting that done few oh pictures here we go all right we'll stay right here in the midle what's going guys want to get in the picture Family come on midle all right next up is Michael Jordan she know she knows who she is come on up Francesca Shiro and I mean it she can play come on over here I bring my so here you go you got to hold it up you got to embarrass tonight this what's going to happen athletes don't like to embarrass so we going have to do it my boys go we watch them all the time and and I'm always yelling at the at the referees all the time to try to protect these guys she's I don't know she could just she sees the ball before it before it comes to comes close to her franccesco Shir a junior Athlete on the 2023 24 Hillsboro High School girls varsity the basketball team had a very successful season that's an understatement because of her hard work and dedication Francesca started playing basketball at the age of 5 years old and has played travel basketball for Hillsboro and for Princeton she current currently plays for United Francesca achieved 1,000 career points was named to the first team all Skyland conference all Delaware Division and the all NJ BCA [Applause] team Michael Jordan as a freshman Francesco is nam uh second Team all conference named player of the week in the Skyland conference and named the top 100 freshman in New Jersey Girls Basketball by again because that's just that's not easy to do clap for that's that's that's awesome that's I told you we're going to embarrass you cuz you deserved it as a sophomore Francesco was named to the first team All Conference named two times Scout on the conference prayer of the week and was awarded the 2022 John mullany uh holiday classic all tournament player award congratulations on that awesome we're done we're going to get to the we're done now therefore be a Proclaim that we the mayor and Hillsboro Township committee do hereby commend Francesca shirro for her exceptional achievements in basketball and we look forward to her senior year on the Hillsboro High School girls varsity basketball team congratulations you want to say anything or no she doesn't want to speak she just likes to score she's shy but she likes to score here we go all right all right let's do it you want your family up here okay what you cross over all right thank you're wel we got to come back there the whole the whole team come on crew the 2023 24 Hillsboro High School girls varsity basketball team come on up [Applause] all right who wants to hold this coach you want to hold a coach all right all right come on get in here get tight up here you go all right picture for formation right they don't know picture form all right so the 23 24 hillsb High School girls varsity basketball team had a very successful season because of their hard work and their dedication and the 2023 24 Hillsboro High School g v varsity basketball team are the group four section 2 state champions and the John molan holiday tournament champions give it up for him it's awesome awesome so cool all right so the 23 24 High School uh Hillsboro High School girls varsity basketball team consists of the following young athletes so I'm going to give you the mic and you're going have to say your name please sure whatever mileski na linesi Reagan B Isabella wufa Nia Johnson Franchesca shirro Grace bolina Sophia Roland Mar mchu Ariel Griffith Alexa Gaspar Bello Victoria liell Julia Al males Morgan [Applause] Bice do you want to do that again again you want to do it again Morgan B there you go there we go all right all right so uh the the girls basketball team was led by head coach uh Courtney tney and assistant coaches Nikki and uh enano and Brock Manning I get that correct there we go sorry therefore now be a Proclaim that we the mayor and Hillsboro Township committee do hereby commend the 2324 Hillsboro High School girls girls varsity basketball team coaches and the parents cuz you guys are everything you're supporting not only for their successful season but for their hard work their dedication their commitment to the sport and to those principles of good sportsmanship teamwork and academic achievement which the organization endorses congratulations all right let's get a picture how about that let's do that oh oh oh oh oh yeah sorry we'll take a picture and then we'll have the coaches say something if they'd like to say something get all right coach want to say something sure let's do it thank you mayor and thank you to the township committee for honoring us um it was a great season for us I'm very proud of these young women who uh battled through um our ups and downs and they really did a great job and towards the end of the season they made a hug run and I'm just proud of them all and we're excited for what's to come thank you all right you guys want to sit down you can if you'd like to Skaters come on up whoever's coming up come on up skaters I think the whole crew should come up let's honor come on let's get the crew who wants to hold this there you go I'm going to do a lot less talking on this one you guys are going to do share a little of your experiences all right so on April 19th uh 2024 I had the pride of honoring in and and what I mentioned earlier the young man that had passed uh of attending the ribbon cutting ceremony at an van Middlesworth park for the newly created mural and skate park if you haven't been there to see it this guy can paint man I mean this is really it's really artistic it's really really nice tonight we're celebrating acknowledging the efforts of artists Dean and inoseni and Builder Jordan gesco whose talents and Visions brought this mural to life for the Hillsboro Community I'm not going to say anything else because I think it'd be good for you guys to speak about your friend and what this means to you how about that you guys you guys get the get the mic well I don't know where to start because there's a lot to say but Brendan was a dear friend and uh it was it only made sense to put him in the mural and we had an opportunity to do so and uh yeah it's it's been a blessing to have the skate park in Hillsboro because there there aren't many around us so it's uh it's a it's a place where anyone can go and have fun so if you ever feel like you want to go you can through the season break a wrist would you talk about the America um yeah uh I guess a while ago I had done a mural of wilky and Trenton at a spot there but uh really we always wanted to do one at Hillsboro you know because that was really his spot so you know when Jordan approached me about the idea you know I was very psyched and I'm just glad I could give back to the community and do something to honor Brendan and just glad it you know people were psyched on it y thank you no you know the the the skater Community is pretty tight right I mean that's something that's always been like that even from the 90s it's always a really tight group of people that are that really work well together they they just they just good good group of people and uh it was just great to see you guys being able to honor your pal so God bless you guys all right [Applause] thank gotta okay okay and where where're and Erica ER where is yeah they're coming on up okay there you go all right all right so the members of the Adams are seers are here to present a donation check to the Hillsboro Community Assistance Network which is known as the can Hillsboro can is a Township organization that provides food and Necessities to Hillsboro families facing uh financial difficulties the can stocks canned and non perishable food items baby supplies household cleaning supplies paper products personal hygiene products pet food and cat litter thank you for being here and uh the mic is yours to share anything that you'd like to thank you would want to read that you want me to read this off sure that's Adams R seers gotcha Adams R seers is a community of enthusiasts who come together to celebrate model Aviation we're hobbyists who dream design build and F fly model aircraft of all sizes for funding competition we do this uh we do this because we enjoy the company of fellow enthusiasts uh we love flight and we love to see a participation in our hobby grow every year in February we have a swap meet here at the municipal building and we donate a portion of the proceeds to the Hillsboro Community Assistance Network to can we're pleased to present this year's donation of $350 our next week's swap meet will be on Saturday February 8th 2025 and everyone is welcome to attend if you or anyone you know is interested in model Aviation we'd be more than happy to get you started please reach out to us we could be reached via our club Facebook page Adam Adams R seers thank you very much that's a very very nice donation thank you for doing you know I I think uh I I I think we should uh we should connect these guys to the airport and do a nice event there so let's think about that let's do it let's let's let's we'll promote it thank you very [Applause] y want to close out those those presentations with just saying thank you for that donation there's some great things tonight but you know there are there are many people who are in need and that really does make a difference to a family so thanks for doing that that's a selfless thing to do thank you thank you so much um okay so uh this now concludes our proclamations and presentations congratulations to everybody uh you did a really nice job thank you for joining us this evening we're going to take a brief pause for those of you that would like to go home that's fine we're going to continue the rest of our official business we'll take a two-minute or you can stay or you can stay [Music] up um so where are you e e e e e e e e okay we are back okay so consent agenda items 1- 16 may I have a motion to approve consent agendas items 1 through 16 so moved a second second comments from the deis Anthony Mr Ferrer thank thank you mayor uh on consideration number one on the hiring of Mary top to the position of part-time master plan assistant um want to thank David Co planning director for be here tonight and also Mary uh with her experience uh we're excited her excited to be uh have her join Hillsboro Township and I think even no one more excited than the rest of us here but the deputy mayor leading the master plan uh he's very happy to be marry on board and I think uh David is as well so uh want to welcome her with her vast experience in this position and uh we look forward to some great things and an awesome master plan like in a month right I think 30 days I'm just kidding uh no pressure at all zero all those hours all those hours right away they didn't tell you that in the interview um on uh consideration uh number two on hiring Christine shinski want to thank liutenant noack for being here as well um Christine comes with um years of experience in multiple positions in the police department so stepping right in at as the uh Chief's executive assistant uh great person for that job and uh being able to step right in with the years of experience that she has in the PD so two great hires this evening and uh just welcome aboard and uh you guys will be starting really soon Christine you'll be here tomorrow bright and early and Mary I believe May 8th so um welcome aboard thank you thank you mayor any comments from the floor okay roll call please committee woman hand yes committee man leani welcome both yes Deputy Mayor chiarelli yes and welcome mayor bring yes welcome aboard all right so public hearings uh the first one we have here so the public hearing we have tonight is 20244 Bond ordinance providing various Township wide Road improvements in and by the township of Hillsboro and the county of Somerset New Jersey appropriating 9 million therefore and authorizing the issuance of 8,550 th000 in bonds or notes of the township to finance part the cost thereof may I have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance [Music] any discussions mayor I'll just say that we've talked about this prior we had to extend this out but this this is uh this bond norance is uh designed to help um ex uh our fiveyear or plan uh for Road repairs for this Township which are dily needed and this Bond will accelerate our ability to get these roads done sooner uh therefore in the long run saving us money because we don't have to repair the roads year after year so um it is really uh from a standpoint of both fiscally it makes sense and also from a standpoint of safety of our people on our roads it it it desperate needs to be done I think that's well said very good strategic decision in my opinion yeah it helps our it helps our DPW as well it's not just a capital program but it really affects the um operations at DPW okay any comments from the floor see none may I have a motion to close public hearing and ordinance 2024 d04 mayor oh yes later uh later yeah that's that's after this one yeah we're just finishing this here at the very end yep may I have a motion to close the public hearing and adopted ordinance 20 uh 202 24-4 so moved may I have a second second roll call please committee woman hand yes committee men Le Pony yes Deputy Mayor chiarelli yes mayor Bry absolutely yes yes introduction of new ordinances 202 24-5 this is just an introduction of the ordinance no discussion this evening for those in the audience ordinance amending chapter 143 vehicles and traffic article uh article 7 schedule section 14330 schedule 1 no parking of the code of Township of Hillsboro to prohibit parking on Mountain View Road further consideration in a public hearing will be held on May 28th 2024 may I have a motion to introduce ordinance 2024 05 don't moved a second second roll call please committee woman hand yes committee men the py yes Deputy Mayor chick gelli yes mayor BR yes all right claims list may I have a motion to approve claims list 202 24-5 Z moved second second comments from the deis comments from the floor not this one it roll call please committee woman hand yes committee men Leon yes Deputy Mayor chiarelli yes mayor bring yes no new business now this is the part where you guys can come up all right so public comments for matters not on the agenda Miss lenzo please read the statement regarding public comment the township committee welcomes input from the public please state your name and address and please spell your name for the record you will be given one 3 allotment for your comments please understand that this public forum is not structured as a question and answer section comments are to be addressed to the mayor again please keep your comments to three minutes thank you now's your time welcome good evening mayor ladies and gentlemen I know that that you're supposed to have updates on the 206 project I just wanted to say how it's affecting our business I represent gom's Music Academy the academy is owned by Donald Gom CEO um he is the drummer from the Grammy Award winning um hip hop band The Fuji and we have been trying to really get our business off the ground and I had written an email back in January if I may read it sure it's says good afternoon Miss ball I am writing to inform you about our concerns about the stoppage in the US 206 project first it has been affecting our business with the way the whole area has been left in such disarray [Music] um I'm sorry our driveway which was relocated is in disrepair the construction crew had told us that the driveway would be finished and repaved this was never completed the condition that it was left in has made it hazardous to cars coming in and out of our business it poses the possibility of damaging any Vehicles another concern is the safety of those coming in and out of the property the traffic is so busy that you either risk having an accident or you have to wait so long to make a left turn that you have to make a right turn in order to go Northbound again the other and perhaps biggest issue for us is the whole look of the area it is unattractive aesthetically unpleasing using to clients and we are hoping to have a ribbon cutting ceremony in the future and it would be nice to have the whole area looking better I'm sending photos for your review of the property and I have some old photos sure and she has updated photos this is Sheila hi hi Sheila and Mr Gom Hi how are you drum for the Fuji yes really just keep them I love those you can just give those to to the clerk that's okay very cool that's just so cool yeah that's really cool we have Community glasses here you're sharing they're mine that shows the closeness so my name is Sheila Jones I'm also um working with Mr G Gom at the music school I've been uh with the school for about two years now and I when I first started was before some of the construction when we had our own driveway and of course now we don't have that right and so a lot of times we've had incidents where we've had events at the school where we've had to go out to the street to kind of flag people because they're calling us on the cell phone letting us know how do I get there how do I get there how do we pull in so and we're constantly dealing with our existing customers we've had students that have been with us us up to 8 years we have students that travel as far as Pennsylvania New Brunswick uh Basking Ridge Somerville to come to the school because of the type of services that we offer is not just learning instruments but we also teach them St stage presence where we go out and find events and have our kids learn how to be a band learn how to work together and how to perform before different crowds and so it's really important that we can retain continue to retain these students and the parents are kind of just we have nothing to do with the construction right but they're constantly when is this going to be done when is this going to be done right so it has affected Revenue severely because some just kind of feel like you know we're coming in and out we're hitting potholes we share the driveway with the food bank and there are times when you we have to deal with the trucks coming in and out we have to deal with when they are you know ex um Distributing food when the cars line up and because we're sharing that driveway we are having our people just can't flow in and out because we have to go through their driveway go around then come in on our property and even in the back parking lot the driveway has can it's just a area that's all gravel so again once they come from the highway going through the potholes once they get in the back to come and park where we are are they're now on gravel trying to get to the parking lot so it's been kind of it's it's just been hard on the business and it's at the point now where we're like kind of doing everything we can to retain the students that we have I'm sorry you're dealing with that and we are adamant about and as Diane said you know with Don he has traveled the world yeah first class but when he decided that he wanted to give back he chose Hillsboro he it wasn't like it just happened and here's a space I'm going to start my business here but he chose this town and we have talked about how do we become part of Hillsboro how do we be do some Outreach here how do we do something for the students here the students that we have that are com coming from all these other towns and loving what's being offered to them the camaraderie of our kids you would think they were siblings MH that's great we have all naal alties and they operate as a group so we just wanted to share that with you tonight and thank you so much for hearing us thank you for for sharing this this is the the kind of feedback that we need to hear because I want to tell your story to the governor and to the dot because there's different entities in the state that are working on this project and frankly they're really siloed it's pretty bad so and it's frustrating me pretty significantly because it's been a challenge and so miss lenzo and miss break I I would like to set up and Miss break in the back I'd like to set up a meeting can we go can I go to your business and meet with you guys look at this we'll take pictures of it I want to tell your story to the governor's office and to the head of the NJ Dot and his chief of staff because if they can feel the emotion of that this is exactly what I need to help empower the town because we're we are completely at the mercy of the state DOT the shity company that is holding off on this project which they could start but they're refusing to do so and the governor's office they're it's not happening and on their end this is their Road in our town that's been paid for by federally fun of Grant so this should be done in my opinion I'm very frustrated by this so I'd like to set up a meeting with you guys at your business and sit down and have a conversation and we're going to figure out how we're going to tell your story and I would if you don't mind can we use some of your background and some of your previous as well too to kind of tell the story let's talk about that cuz we need to elevate that because I think what you're trying to accomplish as a business you're trying to help out too and that's that's that's that's what life's all about three little boys that's what life's all about trying to do the right thing for people and you're running a business too so it's unacceptable I'm sorry you're going through it it really annoys me that you're having to deal with it it is it's not your fault and we're going to try to help you out I I promise you do whatever can help you so much thank you for your time so much yeah and I and and from the bottom of my heart it's it's it's like Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome driving up down up up on 206 it's ridiculous yeah it's unacceptable especially in a state like this thank you for coming up yeah thank you thank you thank you very much it's a pleasure to meet you your music's great by the way than you got it all right any other any other statements from any public statements no sir okay may I have then a motion to adjourn so moved second seconded all right roll call please committee woman hand yes committee men Le Pon yes Deputy Mayor chiarelli yes mayoring yes it is 9 or what is it it 8:42 have a great night everybody yeah I'm going to cut hold in one second let's let's let's let's exchange information 100% e