[Music] okay good evening everybody and welcome to the township committee meeting of January 23rd 2024 Miss lenzo please call the role committee woman hand here committee M the ponent committee woman Payne here Deputy Mayor chiarelli here mayor bring here administrator Ferrera here attorney Willard here okay will you please all join me in a salute to our flaged United States stand indivisible justice so please be advised that in accordance uh with Section Five of the open open public meetings act chapter 20 uh 231 of the public laws of 1975 notice of this meeting was made by the posting on the bulletin board at the Hillsboro Township municipal complex and notifying the officially designed newspapers that this meeting would take place here at the Hillsboro Township municipal complex tonight at 7:30 on January 23rd 2024 so before we before we begin we'd like to take a moment of silence um we lost um two prominent members of our community very recently Tony Nataly and Don Sher um I to take a moment and and just read a little bit about them just to just to to associate um who we're talking about and the value they brought to the township and why we're taking a moment of silence because they really did make significant contributions so antonet Tony Natali was recently elected president of the senior chapter B and was an active in local groups and organizations including Millstone Valley uh columbiettes the Hillsboro recre uh Hillsboro Township Republican Club also Tony also served as a member of The Economic and Business Development commission Tony was an avid poker player and acted m a member of Mary Mother of God church and a love and lovingly volunteered with the somerset Regional animal shelter my new Tony personally and Tony was was um was empathetic kind aggressive a great leader she knew what she wanted and uh she was just a wonderful person all around so we miss her very much so um that's for Tony Donald Shear uh lived uh Sher lived a life of service as evidenced by his first 10 years of military service God bless him and thank him for his service during that time he served with the 119th Fighter Squadron New Jersey Air National Guard uh Battalion C 187th field artillery US Army and the US Army Reserve that's incredible Don was a lifelong member of the Hillsboro Fire Company too with over 42 years of active service volunteering his time to protect the community he was also an instructor at the somerset fire academy educating firefighters on proper techniques and procedures for handling uh life-threatening situations Donald remained active with the fire company right up to his passing so if we could all just take just maybe about 10 seconds for a moment of silence for both of those two wonderful people and um before I move on to any of the the reports that we have would anybody on the day us like to say anything about the the two people that we just mentioned because we I know we've known them and your fire your firefighter family anything you'd like to say uh Tony was always uh friendly she was a Spitfire um and it it came quite as a a shock with how quickly she fell ill and then and passed away so uh we went to her um her her ceremony on Friday and of course it snowed but we you know I think I don't know that she would have had it any other way in a sense uh so uh it was a nice remembrance for her and um yeah she was she was always uh someone to consult and um you know wasn't afraid on the ebdc she wasn't afraid to just walk into into an establishment and tell him to sign up so she really knew what she wanted and and uh you know will be missed and just from the fire Community we appreciate all of our First Responders I see we have a ton of um Police Department here today any of our First Responders are military we appreciate the selfless sacrifice that they give to their communities in our country thank you so much yeah okay so um well moving forward with the meeting this evening we will uh we'll do reports from our committee liaison and receipt of reports petitions Andor Communications we will start with committee woman hand all right I have a few committees the first one is Health February is heart health awareness month the Health Department is holding two blood pressure checks before and during the senior club meetings February 1st and February 8th both 11:1 at these blood pressure clinics Flyers will be distributed with information about the warning signs of heart attacks to keep um you healthy and your heart healthy the health department would like to remind everyone that heart attacks do not all feel the same some are sudden symptoms may go away and come back always call 911 If you experience any of the following symptoms chest pain or feeling of being squeezed feelings of indigestion or heartburn pain in your jaw neck back arms shoulder or stomach feeling like you can't breathe breaking out in a cold sweat or feeling lightheaded or feeling sick to your stomach or very tired please see the health department website for more information going to parks and wreck um safe sitter I see some young folks here in the audience maybe they would be interested if you are in grades 6 through eight and want to elevate your babysitting skills sign up for the rec Department's exclusive safe sitter training class on Saturday January 27th that's this coming Saturday attendees will learn essential Child Care techniques and safety protocols engage in hands on activities um reserve your spot now um and then the next one is a Princeton upen basketball game take advantage of the great great group rate and join the Hillsboro parks and wreck team where they watch Princeton men's basketball take on upin Saturday February 10th at 6 tickets are only $8 and can be purchased directly through Princeton Athletics all right spring Sports even though it's winter we are getting ready for spring we can see it in the future as soon as the snow melts um registration is now open for co-ed Spring soccer leagues and girls softball spring soccer is available for children ages 3 through 12 ages three through grade 12 and softball leagues are available for girls um K through 8 both leagues have a registration deadline of March 10th don't wait to register as they may hit capacity before the deadline Additionally the rec department needs coaches um they need volunteers so if you have thought about coaching and aren't sure what it takes um feel free to reach out to the rec department at 908 369 4832 I know both um mayor BR and I were both youth coaches it is extremely rewarding and it is fabulous so I would encourage all of you to consider doing it um and please see tomorrow's e newss and Department website for registration information and technology is has uh has arrived so we now have online field requests for the rec department um the field requests have gone digital organizations can now submit their request through a Google form that will help streamline um the the field and facility use requests organizations that are interested please email the rec department at Recreation hills- nj.org for more information one more we have social Social Services a big thank you um for social services recognizing all of the partners that contributed to the community Assistance Network the can food pantry to provide a positive impact for those in our community um home Home Wines and Marketplace Dan Tong Hillsboro Farm Doug and Lynn van news and the patrons and volunteers for their continued partnership and ongoing donations of bread and fresh produce items which are always um highly sought after to have fresh produce produce last but not least donations Social Services Department is in need of the following donations toilet paper paper towels deodorant conditioner toothpaste laundry detergent dish detergent and coffee items that we probably all have extra of in the house so look around if you have some unopen things please drop them off at can thank you so much thank you committee woman pay it's weird how fast we're moving through things tonight I like it yeah now we're going to move start um first message is from the courts you have the right to an interpreter the court will provide an interpreter at no cost for your court events if a defendant or a witness has limited ability to understand or communicate proficiently in English also if you need an Americans with Disability Act accommodation contact the municipal court for Arrangements also at no cost you can get in contact with the court at 908 369 3532 or at court at Hillsboro .org from the police in light of the recent snowstorms the Hillsboro Police Department would like to share the following reminders Township Code chapter 143-147 7.1 I feel like you're messing with me now requ requires all snow and ice to be cleared from a vehicle before driving flying ice and snow can damage other vehicles and potentially create visibility problems for other driver drivers snow should not be shoveled thrown or deposited into the roadway from sidewalks and driveways as per Township Code chapter 97-2 when clearing sidewalks and driveways please pile snow on the side of the driveway and do not throw it in the street and also make sure that your mailboxes are cleared cuz that's annoying for them too that's all mayor okay thank you Deputy Mayor chiarelli thank you uh hello everybody uh first uh Fire Company number two dinner I had the pleasure of attending the annual installation of officers dinner for Volunteer Fire Company number two station 37 um for those who don't know they're the ones that are right by uh right on 206 near Central Jersey nurseries um so that's station 37 and I administered their oath uh to swear in the the fire police uh fire commissioner Marian Fenwick Schaefer swore in the fire company officers including the new Chief uh Rob Gilda congratulations to all uh while I was there I expressed everybody's on behalf of the township and Township uh committee um our heartfelt thanks for Fire Company 2 and all First Responders for the work they do I heard several times that night that um you know the theme is everybody comes home and that's very important and um you know I hear I live right off at 206 and I hear the sirens going off frequently and I always wonder you know where where are they going I hope nobody's hurt and I hope everybody comes home so thanks again for everything that they do um from the administration office uh pet licenses are coming uh pet owners may have noticed that they haven't received information yet on renewing pet LIC licenses uh the pet licenses are now being handled by the clerk's office and we're in the process of moving to a new system which will include online registration so renewal letters should be mailed out by the end of the month and we'll include information on how to register and renew online and we had a discussion right before we came out here that my first job where I received a W2 was actually doing the pet license survey up in Roxbury Township so it's kind of come full circle now huh um Economic and Business Development child uh children's week uh if you're looking for uh if you're looking to get your kids involved in some activities after school programs educational classes or more and tune in to the Hillsboro Business Association Facebook page all week for children's week Hillsboro businesses and organizations dedicated to children will will be promoted throughout this event and you can find the HBA Business Association on Facebook at Hillsboro Business Association so look for them there there and there's a kid right there so he he obviously did not get on Facebook today um job fair the registration is now open for the hba's second annual job fair it'll take place on Thursday February 29th from 10 to 12:00 p.m. at the municipal building and it'll be four years before the next one right it's Leap Year I'm sorry okay but last last year's was was great uh there was an excellent turnout for that first one uh with more than 35 businesses and and more than 100 job Seekers attending and I know we placed some people into jobs which is a great thing uh if your business is looking to hire or if you are a Community member on the search for a new opportunity we encourage you to stop by the event is free for businesses and job Seekers the businesses have to be physically located in Hillsboro to participate uh if your if a business is looking to attend find the link to register at www. hillsbor bus.org and uh the last from the admin or economic is uh Coach USA and bus schedule update the for Hillsboro commun commun commuters please be advised of the updated bus schedule for the Coach USA service that leaves from the Kohl's parking lot effective January 8th so a couple weeks ago there's only one bus now leaving at 7 a.m. and then there's one bus leaving New York City that trip starts at 5:15 and arrives back at Hillsboro at 6:45 so it's one bus out one bus back you can see the new schedule on the Hillsboro Township website Facebook page and in tomorrow's ews couple more things here building department if you are replacing your HVAC unit your water heater air conditioner furnace boiler Etc you must notify the building department before starting the work once the department has received notification the work May begin uh your license subcontractor or contractor must submit the permit application within 72 hours of the initial notification and this procedure only applies to like like for like replacement of of hvic um me personally when engaging a contractor I would make sure that they know how to handle the permit process you know get them involved from the beginning we deal mostly with with contractors um the engineering department would like to inform homeowners that the New Jersey Department of Environmental protection has a blue Acres Program for properties that are impacted by repetitive severe flooding the blue Acres Program is developing a funding strategy to meet the strong demand for home buyouts in the wake of more frequent and severe flooding in New Jersey so please visit d. nj.gov blueacres for more information about this program and I believe the admin office is also contacting those properties that are that have already been impacted so we're reaching out proactively to to those homeowners but if in case you haven't heard anything please go to that website for more information Public Works we already heard about the snow uh Township Code chapter 14321 uh parking is prohibited on snow covered roads so whenever snow has fallen and the accumulation is such that it covers the street or Highway an emergency shall exist and no vehicle shall be parked on either side of any streets or parts thereof so that's what the code says uh the stated parking prohibit prohibition shall remain in effect after the snow has ceased and until the streets have been plowed sufficiently until the extent that parking will not interfere with the normal flow of traffic so please follow that code um it'll help the DPW to plow the roads efficiently and safer um and with a better quality job at the end and the last thing this is uh diabetes awareness so in early January earlier this month I met with both senior chapters A and B to introduce them to the Hillsboro's um diabetes awareness Center which is being developed through the health department and in coordination with the mayor's wellness program it's a proactive response to one of the chronic illness illness concerns that were identified in the 2023 Hillsboro local Health assessment Ser uh summary which present which was presented late last year by the Hillsboro Health collaborative uh the awareness Center will be uh a page on the health department website and will be a resource regarding diabetes to anybody involved with the disease whether you have type 1 type two or family members suffer from the illness so it'll be a resource for anybody and be on the lookout for more information on that as the year goes on thank you mayor all right thank you Deputy Mayor Chelli all right so I won't go too much into this but I did have the opportunity to visit the DPW team so what what Deputy Mayor and and committee woman um Payne had said earlier was the DPW group has been very busy over these past few weeks with regards to the the snow and with the rain and whenever you see those guys give them some space so they could do what they need to do and just thank them when you see them because they work incredibly hard they uh they're the ones that clean up Hillsboro and make it continue to make it beautiful so so give them a nice smile when you see them so next we have the Lewis Bay scholarship so Hillsboro Township is once again taking part in the New Jersey League of municipalities um Lewis Bay the second future Municipal Municipal leader scholarship competition as we've done in past years the township is team up with the Hillsboro School District to provide Hillsboro Juniors and seniors the opportunity to participate in this scholarship competition there's a lot of there's a lot of work that goes between the administration and the school to help our youth here which is great please see the township website or tomorrow's May uh mayor's e newss for the press release and more information on how to apply all right so the next one is ask the mayor so um we started doing these this year and uh I think it's it's a good way for for me to get out uh important information to you because I promised you when I became mayor about what 20 days ago or so um that I would keep you uh very much informed on all the major things that are going on in Hillsboro you have a right to know what's going on so this is a new weekly feature in the mayor's E news even if you follow us on Facebook too you'll be able to uh to uh to follow some of the videos that we put out they'll be frequent enough I will answer to my the best of my ability one answer at least one answer per week at least because we're getting a lot of questions which are good and I want to make sure I do enough background to give you exactly what you need to know so um you're going to see this slide almost all the rest of three 50 days that are left left in the year 340 days that are left this is this is our major Focus for the year um and as you see people are the center of everything that we do and you'll see when I present or when the team talks you'll see that what we do is we focus on people first and that's that's the Mantra that's the vision of what we're trying to accomplish in Hillsboro each and every day but these other five items are something you're going to see every single meeting and very frequently fiscal responsibility Public Safety infrastructure open space and new business ratables today I want to update you just on two of those items the first one being uh fiscal responsibility so if you don't mind going to that next slide for me so um this year uh typically in in government the the budgets go typically come out in the middle of the year we are anticipating the end of the first quarter into the beginning of the second quarter to actually have that process down in a good place so that that puts us in a very good financial situation this year so we can budget properly for the year so we're going to focus on budgeting efficiently we're going to uh long-term planning and value at the center meaning not just the values of how we live as people but the value of our town and how we put that first important that's something that we all really share very deeply and some of our major business objectives we have our uh 24 budget to be completed early to allow for crucial projects to implemented now townships that wait too long can't do projects towards the end of the year we want to get that done earlier so we can continue to work this year and really have a bang up year this year um Roi will be maximized in all capital and Township Improvement projects we're going to make sure that the money goes to the places that we think will make the most bang for the buck for you as residents and the next piece the Departments with the most critical needs will be elevated ated uh within the budget process and I think that's a very logical thing to do so you can expect fiscal responsibility so this is my first time presenting this slide with relation to fiscal responsibility and how we're going to think this year as a team as it relates to we uh how we lead the town next slide please and this is the last slide from me um before I close it out and I'm not going to go through every detail I I work in I I work in big business as well too outside of being the mayor and I typically like to put two or three things on a slide and speak to it but because it's your information for you and it's our tax dollars I thought it was important to share the direct details for you with some of the the good conversations we've had recently now we know um infrastructure is huge in every town and many towns are falling behind we have 206 going right up the center of of Hillsboro Township and if you've been paying attention over the past couple of weeks I've been pretty aggressive in talking with the governor and with the NJ do we're having very successful conversations I will say that the governor's office is very much interested in engaging with us and they're actually going to be joining us in February with our meeting with the NJ do to talk about how we can get 206 back on track okay so I'm staying on that and it's going to be very important because that impacts everybody impacts the police department because we have people who are driving in and out of Hillsboro who don't live here but people who live here there's so much infrastructure that's there um there are businesses that need help and the the governor knows that and I've spoken directly to him and his people a numerous times so um here are just high level elements that we're focused on so we launched the uh the accountability measures which I'm calling the get it moving the t is transportation the get it moving just to give it a py name so we can all see it um we've we've contacted State officials with regards to some of the impact of triangle Road Mr Ferrara is working on the updates with that now um not too long ago about a week and a half ago or so we sent numerous pictures of unsafe areas to the NJ do and to the governor um to his team to which they openly accepted that last note on the bottom is crucial the governor is very open to having these conversations so I have to give credit where it's too um we com we uh we sent them a complete list of areas that flood in Hillsboro because they asked for that proactively so what essentially what this is telling you is we are doing everything in our power to empower them to make smart decisions with data it's not just an emotion hey 206 isn't isn't work isn't back up on track we need it back on track it's no there are unsafe areas there are elements with on 206 that we need your help with and um all those parties that we've engaged with have been open to discussion so you will hear a lot of updates for me on 206 we hope to get that back on track as soon as possible okay so thank you for your patience with that but I'm telling you I'm eat sleeping and drinking it every day all right so thank you for that all right uh so last thing now it's stay connected so as always you can stay connected with all the events and more via the Wednesday mayor e newss and Thursday's experience Hillsboro bulletin be sure to follow and like the official Hillsboro Township Facebook page X which used to be Twitter and Instagram tune in to tv29 in the Hillsboro YouTube channel and sign up for Hillsboro alerts for traffic and emergency notifications and follow Hillsboro Township's Facebook page they put so much great stuff out on there follow it and you'll get great information so um at this time I would like to move on uh out of of the updates from the team and move into police promotions they're here for a very good reason not just to protect you but to to to to support their their counterparts may I have a motion to take consent agenda item item number one out of order so that we may proceed with the swearing in of officers I'll motion that okay I need a second please all second second okay roll call please committee woman hand here yes yes she's here and here committee woman pay yes Deputy Mayor chiarelli yes mayor bring absolutely yes all right so we're going to do resolution authorizing the promotion of Sergeant Jack Howard to Lieutenant and then Corporal Christopher gerardi to Sergeant so let's start with uh motion oh motion oh sorry may I have a motion to approve the consent agenda item number one I think we're going to say yes move y second all right so we got that all right comments from the deas any comments from the floor speak now or forever hold your peace congrats in advance roll call please again committee woman hand yes committee woman pay yes Deputy Mayor chiarelli yes congratulations mayor bring absolutely yes congrats all right now we will we will move on with swearing in of the officers I have uh liant Howard you don't know this is is this working all right good going to raise this there we go okay if you can hear me okay I just repeat after me I jack Howard I jack Howard do you solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the con stion of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established into the government's established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will impartially that I will impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of Lieutenant all the duties of Lieutenant according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations thank you [Applause] so Chief say something I'll say a picture [Music] congratulations congratulations [Applause] Jack Mr geraldi thought you tall how you doing brother good to see you congratulations this is a herd I have three I thought that was a lot good for you guys all right you know what have a move this out of the way so you get a better picture is that right if I move it out of the way or do you want it here you want it there for the recording okay sorry it's going to ruin your picture it's Anthony's all right so I state your name I Christopher geraldi do solemnly swear that I will support do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and that I will bear trth true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will impartially that I will impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the sergeant all the duties of Sergeant according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Applause] brother I'll sign both je would you like to uh take a picture and them yeah you good I just want to thank the mayor and the township committee for uh supporting and approving these promotions that are much needed in the police department uh you know it's really difficult because we have such great talent in the police department but you can only pick two guys to get promoted this time they're both excellent officers uh they're both going to make a positive impact on the police department and uh within the township and uh congratulations [Applause] guys and chief thank you making it for you know making it possible for all these guys to get these promotions you're the best leader they could have thanks man all right so okay we are going to start with a proclamation for all right Muslim this is uh the Muslim American Community uh recognition month is anybody here to accept the proclamation H there's supposed to be here no okay all right so I'll read it out myself then okay all right so the the Muslim religion is the second largest religious group in the world with 1.9 billion followers and 3.45 million in the United States including many in this town Hillsboro Township Muslim Americans strive to promote peace and mutual understanding between all faiths and identities while upholding the values and the principles of Islam the Muslim American Community has made significant contributions to the social cultural and economic vibrancy of our community adding to Hillsboro's diversity and prosperity Hillsboro Embraces the diversity represented in our communi and seeks to afford all residents the opportunity to better understand recognize and appreciate the rich history and shared experiences of Muslim Americans now the therefore be a Proclaim that we the mayor and Hillsboro Township committee do hereby recognize January 2024 as Muslim heritage month and encourage all residents to join in celebrating the many contributions of Muslim Americans all right little round of [Applause] applause I just I just will say that the wonderful thing about Hillsboro Township is that we are inclusive of every group every Creed from from all over the world and it's just it's a wonderful thing it's it's nice to grow up in a town where where you can see and experience many different things and I think this is just another great example of recognizing a group of people that deserve it as well too so thank you for your applause for that all right let's see okay so now we're going to do the minger Pavilion that group would we have here and I think we're going to be inviting up the the students everybody everybody that's here the students the teachers come on up any the teachers the parents want to come up I know you guys were in a picture the other day at the Mir at the uh come on up celebrate this opportunity this is yeah mayor it was a lot colder when we were there at the uh yeah it was cold the ribbon cutting for sure these guys painted the one of the coolest murals on the back of a uh on the back of the wall of minger Park it's it's absolutely wonderful so if you don't mind holding this go all right so the merer Pavilion mural project was completed by H Hillsboro High School art students yeah yeah I'm going to get you I got youall uh the project began with a POS they even spelled it out for me so don't mess it up the the project began with possible uh with a possible 5T X 8T area of wall and the students were intentionally not given any guidance as to the design supplies needed or coordination of the project tell their artsy they know how to they know how to think so we have uh Mishu Mish Mick parland and Kira you guys are uh Kira slipek and uh slipek Callahan and Miles schwark began creating this piece in June 2023 coordinating their efforts through summer vacation avoiding eight weekends of rain and continually providing updates to the township committee now if they just spelled your names out just regularly I probably would have read it but since they have phonetically it was harder sorry now therefore people Proclaim that we the mayor and the Hillsboro Township committee do hereby recognize all three of you and I'm not going to do it again all three of you for their artistic contribution to the Hillsboro Community there uh be it further Proclaim that we the mayor and the Hillsboro Township committee do hereby thank okay Mish Mishu Marissa yeah Marissa mcparland Kira sleck and Callahan and miles schwark for providing a symbol of Pride and inspiration while beautifying and incorporating the Arts into our community and we are very proud that they are members of our community thank you and sorry a I'm usually very good with names I'm telling you it's they phonetically spelled it it was I could just said your names but I'm going to let them speak in a moment take a picture with them first but I think the art that they did was so incredible they had just a small area and they expanded it to a point where it it's this whole scene how would you describe it what you quickly describe I would describe it as magical it's almost like you're walking into the trail basically um it's the whole thing is basically like a forest a magical one like I said um where there's mushrooms there's birds there's trees and rocks and crystals all these things that make that make it like a beautiful place to be and um I'm so happy to be a part of this project very good anybody else want to say anything or no you want to say something or who wants a bread um this project was a lot of fun to work on and it's absolutely Magnificent the amount of hours all three of us put in I think that you guys should all check it out we worked so hard and I'm very happy to be a part of this great great thank you this was a great opportunity for the art students to also highlight the trails that we have in Hillsboro I think our track team uses this pretty frequently to run by in practice too so it's it's a really beautiful place to be so how about we come up and take a quick picture [Music] here thank you guys very good Super Y there there two of them here there's three of them here in Super Sunday right there three Super Sunday ones I have three super on this oh this is the merger Park pavilion oops give them this the mus did I give them the wrong I they the wrong ones okay okay one second yeah hold on let's go back yep I'll take and I'll super now these are merer Park Y is this uh super Sundays yes all right cool all right everybody's beloved super Sundays come on up super Sundays [Applause] number okay we can do that okay all right now super Sunday's ice cream shop which I hope all of you had tried over the years we used to go there religiously it was beautiful super Sunday's ice cream shop was owned by Jane and Steve mches is closing after 25 years of servicing ice cream to Hillsboro I want to yeah go for it tell Bo we're retiring you're retiring yeah retiring oh wait a minute Sundays may stay open so super Sundays may stay open maybe that' be in the front of the patch and tap into tomorrow we'll see super Sundays has generously supported the community Through various fundraising events for nonprofit organizations Somerset Valley Playhouse schools Scouts families foundations including the well-known annual ice cream for be breakfast fundraiser benefiting steps together and the Spirit Week Sundays fundraiser for Hillsboro High School students super Sundays was recognized by allergy eats in the top 10 in the country in the category for allergy friendly dessert shops Jane and Steve have provided over 125 school students their first job how cool is that hold this I forgot to give it to you that's great that's great that's really cool I remember my first job that was that's cool now therefore be a Proclaim that we the mayor the hills and Hillsboro Township committee do hereby recognize that Jane and St and Steve mches for their 25 years of providing delicious ice cream and treats to the Hillsboro Community and for their community support and engagement we are so very proud that they've been members of our community for the past 25 years thank you guys for everything you did say anything like I said we're retiring we earn that hard work puts you where good luck can find you amen again thank you for our town we could not have done it without the support of our community every everyone behind us everyone in front of us we've enjoyed ourselves and we know this is going to continue it's just may not be with us but we're really happy so thank you thank you [Laughter] guys okay all right okay let's see alen sh number four eile sh am I pronouncing it properly okay okay okay so let's do this let's go here here you go Eileen a junior at Hillsboro High School has the honor of being New Jersey Junior of the Year Skyland conference Player of the Year and New Jersey Central player of the year for her Excellence on the volleyball court with the Hillsboro High School girls varsity basketball team let's clap forward with just that like that's cool that's really cool good for you good for you she has been nominated as the Skyland what what did I say oh I said I'm sorry oh my God I'm sorry volleyball they both jump right I'm just kidding I'm just I'm just joking got it she's been named as the Skyland first first team All Conference player three times I know I'm bit busy I've been working since 5:00 all right ien ranks within the top 1% of her junior class is a member of the Spanish Honor Society a participant in Hillsboro High School orchestra and is a treasur of Hillsboro High School orchestra Council I thought I had a busy day my gosh now therefore be proclaimed that we the mayor and the Hillsboro Township committee further commend Eileen for being named Skyland conference Player of the Year New Jersey Junior of the Year New Jersey Central Player of the Year and we wish her luck the best of luck in all of her future endeavors congratulations conrat you want to say something or yes I mean I've only been alive for 16 years but I've spent all 16 years in Hillsboro and I've enjoyed every single moment um I love the people I love the community and thank you so much [Music] [Applause] congratulations it's been night of Comedy hasn't it a little you want a selfie all right let's do it what do you want what do you want to back up this thing okay let's do it want selfie you want like a funny face you want like normal there you go there you go all right oh volleyball again volleyball not basketball all right here we go all right the 2023 Hillsboro High School varsity volleyball team girls team is the 2023 Somerset County Champions and group four semi-finalists the team had an undefeated season record of 10 to nothing congratulations on that that's [Applause] awesome the girls varsity volleyball team consisted of the following young Co athletes and coaches please come on up please come on up I'm going to hand you the mic you're going to introduce yourselves now this is your time to speak come on up come on come on up up here up here up here just went off how do I get this back on again it's not working is it working oh here we go come on up here come on come on come on come on come don't be shy here we know you but you go ahead again introduce yourself hi I'm Alina again I'm Courtney I'm Niha I'm Dia I'm vanana I'm aanka I'm patri cillas I'm Ava I'm Seria I'm McKenzie I'm Evelyn and I'm the proud coach of this crew right [Applause] here and they are 10 and0 which is awesome that that's fantastic now now therefore be a Proclaim that we the mayor and hillsb Township committee do hereby commend the 2023 Hillsboro High School girls volley varsity volleyball team coach and parents not only for the successful season but for their hard work dedication and commitment to the sport and to those principles of good sportsmen ship teamwork and academic achievement which the organization endorses that's right you got to get your grades higher than your scores right that's most important so congratulations [Applause] [Music] congratulations let's do it you get us in there is that good you want me to lay across the front do a selfie again good job good job [Applause] guys sustainable sustainable right Maris okay where's Marisol Marisol Perez all right come on up okay everybody so sustainable Hillsboro is a group within or Department within the organization that works incredibly hard not only with the environment but with the economic group they just work across the board to try to help create more sustainable value for the township and come on come closer come closer Marisol Perez is the winner of the sustainable Hillsboro logo contest so the sustainable Hillsboro steering committee selected Marisol Perez as the winner of the sustainable logo contest there are many creative submissions from artists of all ages marisol's beautiful design will be used to promote sustainability throughout the township for years to come so that's a long living thing that you did good for you the township committee thanks Miss K uh Miss Carlin Dunn for organizing her high school class to submit designs for the contest to learn more about the Township's sustainability sustainability efforts visit sustainable hillsboro.or thank you very much for doing this this is a wonderful thing and it's going to live I mean this is look how beautiful this is I think this is great it's sustainable yes it it is sustainable very good very good I like that mayor mayor yes sir I could just have uh Miss D and yes and also uh our sustainable team everybody employes everybody come up for a picture thank you this the next one is the plan okay yeah so Marisol would you like to take a moment and maybe explain how how and why you came up with this idea um sorry um I I'm sorry um I'm um grateful and I'm honored that you chose my design out of all um the other participants and I'm sure every other design was just as amazing as this um and uh it's this is like the first time um I've ever um participa in a contest and kind of won or had anything um and sorry I'm just honor um and thank you you're welcome you're welcome you're welcome very very good [Applause] job we need another person over here is that the way I thought so you keep in there can't behind it my face is frozen all right all right very good thank you very much congratulations all right okay let's see here one more item has a few items associated with it okay so every year we invite the public to submit their photos to Hillsboro to be displayed to be displayed in the township planner so if you get the calendar you see the different pictures this year we had many amazing photos to choose from and tonight we recognize the photographers whose photos were selected to represent the best of Hillsboro we thank you for your participation I'm going to ask all the different photographers to come on up we have Judith Fano yes there we go come on up we have I'll go to the next one here you go Judith I'll bring you all up at once everybody else come on up that that that that submitted picture that's here for we have Pete Cody Pete Cody oh I follow you on Facebook you do great pictures that owl you love that owl and I love foll that that's great you so much yep good stuff all right Helen Wong Miss Wong here no okay we'll put that right here you want to hold that one um Stephanie shaie shy no okay okay okay okay Sydney chiarelli there she is here you go s congratulations all right Edward Avalon what up Ed hey you can clap loud you don't have to be quiet this is the last one we're almost done here you go Edward good stuff buddy all right and then Denise ARA no okay well we got we got four out of the seven which is great um so so uh you know I'll hand this at each of you if you'd like to take talk a little bit about the picture but these pictures are absolutely wonderful and it does encapsulate and capture the beauty of our town so thanks for doing what you did i' like to speak a little bit about the picture you took um mine was the bottom left corner of the fox baby fox yeah yeah and uh I uh just saw it on the field sleeping and uh thought it looked cute so I took a picture of it that's good there you go I had the bridge next to the fox and the cover and I just thought about iconic spots in Hillsboro and I feel like that Mill and the bridge were pretty iconic so I just when took pictures of it well Hillsboro is a beautiful place and if you look around there's plenty of opportunities to take wonderful pictures of our uh of our Township I have June June was a Milky Way over River Road and out in Western Hillsboro where we live you can actually GL Glimpse the Milky Way on a nice clear night and I was able to capture that image and then the second image was December which was a shot here at the complex uh all lit up for the holidays and uh spent a few nights uh last year coming up and and doing the pictures of the of the complex to be submitted so thank you for the recognition mine was April the cherry blossoms outside this building um I think I was going to the library or something and just struck me how beautiful they were so and then I also have July which is just the flag I was sitting on my patio and I said wow look at that it just looked it just looked pretty to me so that's what I did yep yep we'll take a picture thank you for doing that guys where was your Bridge she's looking for Elm Street Bridge okay all right thank you everybody that will concludes this part of [Applause] it I think it was funny some of the answers of I just saw it and I took a picture of it and that was it I think that's hilarious I love it thank you and congratulations to everybody um so now I'm going to read off some mayoral appointments I'm going to read this from here so um tonight we'll be uh appointing uh Michael Foley as chairperson of the environmental commission uh will be amending the appointments to the recreation and parks committee as follows po Marini shall be moved to State 6 expiring on 1231 27 is that right and Tyrone Jackson may be moved to alt one expiring 12312 24 and thank you so much for your interest in willingness to serve our community Okay so yeah I think we we're going to take just a two-minute break and then we will get back to the regular meeting so if you'd like to step out and go home if you're not going to stay for the rest of the meeting that' be that's okay thank you everybody all right gentlemen in the back we're ready to go okay we're going to move on to consent agenda number 2 through 20 2 through 20 may I have a motion to approve appr the consent agenda items numbers 2 through 20 motion to you started motion to approve second okay comments from the deas comments from the floor okay seeing none roll call please committee woman hand yes committee uh committee woman pay yes Deputy Mayor chiarelli yes May mayor bring yes all right um okay so we went through that partyday so yeah that's out of order but um okay so uh public hearings no public hearings this evening we don't have any introduction of any new ordinances we do not have a claims list for this evening's meeting so public comments for matters not on the agenda Miss lenzo please read the statement regarding public comment the township committee welcomes input from the public please state your name and address and please spell your name for the record you will be given one three minute allotment for your comments please understand that this is a public forum and not structured as a question and answer session comments are to be addressed to the mayor again please keep your comments to three minutes thank you okay anybody like to make any comments seeing no comments All right so uh miss lenzo the proper procedure here then be to conclude our regular session MH correct yes and uh we have an executive session planned so we do have an executive session planed this evening Miss lenzo please read the executive session resolution whereas Section 8 of the open public meetings act permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas the township committee is of the opinion that the circumstances exist now therefore be it resolved by the township Committee of the township of Hillsboro County of Somerset state of New Jersey as follows one the public shall be excluded from discussion of here in after specified subject matters two the general nature of the subject matter to be discussed as follow discussed is as follows litigation attorney client privilege Warehouse ordinance litigation Hillsboro RB Lin Homestead Road Valley Industrial Partners litigation attorney client privilege k agapo versus Hillsboro three the township committee may take official action on those items discussed in the executive session upon completion of the executive session four the minutes of this discussions shall be made available to the public as soon as matters are under matters under discussion are no longer of confidential or sensitive in nature five this resolution shall take effect immediately okay thank you may I have a motion to enter executive session please I'll make a motion okay second second okay comments from the de anyone comments from the floor okay I don't see any roll call please committee woman hand yes committee woman Payne yes Deputy Mayor chiarelli yes mayor bring yes all right now we are in executive session so we are going to pause here out of executive session may I have a motion to come out of executive session I will make a motion may I have a second second roll call please committee woman hand yes uh committee woman pay yes Deputy Mayor chiarelli yes mayor bring yes may I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn what do I have to do well tell me you you don't have but just let the rec fles the coun committee went into executive session to discuss the mentioned litigation matters that were set forth in the resolution uh there's no action to be taken at this time uh therefore I think we need a motion to adjourn thank you Mr Willard all right may I have a motion to adjourn motion to adj Second all second roll call please committee woman Han yes committee woman Payne yes Deputy Mayor Chelli yes mayor bring yes have a good night everybody thank you 9:31