for e e e e e e e time e for e thank you everybody all right we ready to go all right all right welcome everybody good evening and welcome to the township committee meeting of May 28th 2024 Miss break please call the role committee woman hand here committee leani here committee woman Payne here Deputy Mayor tarelli here mayor Bing here administrator Ferrera here attorney Willard here please join me in a salute to the flag pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the for it stands one nation God indivisible lice for all all right so pleas uh so please be advised that in accordance with Section Five of the op open public meetings act chapter 231 of the public laws of 1975 notice of this meeting was made by the posting on the bulletin board at the Hillsboro uh Township Municipal complex and notifying the officially designated newspapers that this meeting would take place at the Hillsboro Township municipal complex tonight 7:30 p.m. on May 28 2024 uh now approval of the minutes may I have a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of April 30th 2024 so moved a second seconded all right roll call please committee woman hand yes committee leani yes committee woman pay I can't I wasn't here obain obain Deputy Mayor tiar yes mayor bring yes now reports from committee Liaisons uh committee woman hand thank you mayor all right I'm glad everyone's comfortably seated I have a lot tonight here we go Health Department um the next um this is great the household hazard waste drop off is June 15th at the um South County Public Works garage located on 410 roycefield Road road so please mark that on the calendar also radon tests get them why they last still available in the health department one per household it is also mosquito season um they do breed they do carry disease so please see the flyer in tomorrow's E news for tips on preventing them from breeding on your property and also on um Saturday June 1st is the Green living and health Wellness Fair it will be held on um again on Saturday from 8 to 11 and this is right here at the municipal building so excited about that may is um stroke awareness month so please know there is no better time to learn about the signs and symptoms of stroke um stroke can be caused by blockage of blood flow by a clot or blood vessel rupturing in the brain when someone is experiencing a stroke it is a medical emergency the best way to determine if someone is having a stroke is to refer to the B fast I love these acronyms they're very helpful if you notice someone experiencing any of these signs and symptoms it is vitally called 911 calling 911 when someone is having a stroke is important because um again time is uh is brain function so we want to get uh attention to them as quick as possible Recreation Department on a lighter topic um dive into the ocean of Adventure this summer with our sizzling lineup of programs from the W department they have something for everyone um you can dabble in art um they have adult classes as well um you could take swimming um tennis golf any of this fun stuff they offer stem and cooking as well um please see the 2024 summer activity guide for more information it's also going to be in the e- news tomorrow and the summer movie series and kickball with the cops is back um I'm telling you the cops were coloring now they're playing kickball they are fabulous please come and meet some of them um the record recation department is kicking off the summer movie series with the minions the rise of Guru highly recommend um seriously it's fabulous uh but wait there's more kids can also sign up for engaging game of kickball with the cops before the movie don't miss out on the laughs and memorable moments grab your popcorn and sneakers and let's make this summer one for the books register today for the movie kickball or both summer sports camp and Music Academy signups are in full swing again you can um do dunking basketball uh you can hit baseball um beautiful music all these different things um are available during the summer Sports Camp family fund day everyone should have this do we have the signs out yet not all right the signs are coming but this is like a sneak peek so family Funday Saturday June 29th at auton Road School come at 5:00 enjoy lots of you know music and entertainment there's food and music from Gypsy a true Stevie Nicks experience and um again shuttle buses will be provided from the high school starting at 5 o'clock mark your calendar and everyone let's go let's double cross everyone together let's do this come on yes this is audience participation for good weather we are going to have good weather this is going to happen there we go I'm not marry anymore it's guaranteed to be good weather it's we're not we are conducting a scientific study on if there's a difference between mayor uh leany and mayor Brit he had much greener grass we will we will see what let's see what the data has to say but we're goingon to have good we committ woman hand just double jinxed us and double blessed us no it's we're this is GNA happen um Social Services thank you pack 89 Hillsboro Township um community Assistance Network food pantry would like to acknowledge Boy Scout Troop 89 89 and there families who collected um donations for the food pantry clients the social services department received 36 shopping bags filled with assorted Goods um again any donation is is very welcomed please um and the food pantry will be celebrating 40 years giving back to Hillsboro families so um things that we are in need of right now so peanut butter jelly coffee dish soap laundry detergent deodorant shampoo can conditioner individual brushes tomato sauce diced crushed pureed tomatoes so thank you so much all right back to you mayor thank you committee woman committeeman Leon thank you mayor um first of all I know the mayor's going to speak off personally I'd like to thank all the residents who came out to the parade this past weekend to pay tribute to our veterans it meant a lot to me but I'm sure I meant more to them and it just shows what a great Community we have and I'm sure the mayor is going to add on to that but I wanted to take my my privilege as I could uh so uh early voting is starting for the primary so those who want to miss the rush uh preferred to vote in person you can do that uh at early voting it begins on Wednesday May 29th here in municipal building and it will last till June 2nd so that's Wednesday May 29th to June 2nd hours are Wednesday through Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Sunday 10:00 am to 6: PM no appointment as necessary um and for those who received mailin ballots there is convenient Dropbox just outside the main entrance of the municial building where you can submit your bout until 8:00 p.m. up to 8:00 P.M excuse me on Election Day and it would just be a good way if you were not sure about early voting how it works to do it for the primary so that you experience it when the regular election comes around as you know as a presidential primary is probably be very crowded so uh I actually went to do the early voting my wife and I and it's far easier um so I would highly recommend it um The hillsbor Business Association hopes to see you at their next Network event which will be June 28th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at The Landing in Hillsboro it's a great opportunity to mingle with other business owners and professionals and meet the mayor and Township committee the cost of attendance is $18 which is pretty nominal includes light appetizers and refreshments a cash bar will also be available visit the HBA page and and register on their website uh ribbon cuttings there was a couple uh new businesses that we honored uh HBA was um at two on May 17th physical and that's fyz i c l therapy and Balance Centers located at 220 triangle Road physical is unlike any therapy clinic you've ever been to before at physical the highly skilled compassionate team of physical therapists are 100% focused on achieving Optimal Health and Wellness for you so you can get back on your feet and living the life you want to enjoy Also we uh had a ribbon cutting at Vine Boro lounge and Liquors located at the Hillsboro prominade for those who know what that is that's where the Kohls is at 3:15 Route 206 they had a great grand opening event with many vendors and tasting Vine Boro offers a variety of beer Wine and Spirits they also May host tastings and future events uh so it's a other opportunity to support a local business that uh again is a backbone of our community and that's all mayor thank you thank you committee woman pay thank you mayor so committee leani stole my thunder a little bit but I did want to thank everybody who came out you guys were awesome at the parade this week and it was a really great event and um first time I was able to drag my husband to the breakfast so that was helpful um just as a reminder it's the you know for our fallen soldiers and it's really important that we continue to remember them and their sacrifices for us so onto my report uh for the police we have a blanket Drive uh Hillsboro Police are collecting clean gently used solid colored sheets and blankets to keep in the patrol cars for emergencies bins are in the front lobby of the municipal building here and also at the back of the building for where the police department is uh in their lobby area additional members of the police department will be collecting blankets at the Memorial Day commemoration tomorrow um and the green Green living and wellness Fair on June 1st blankets that aren't used will be donated to an animal shelter the blanket Drive runs through June 3D National Night Out the Hillsboro Police is uh hosting the second annual National Night Out on August yep no date thank you thank you uh on August 6 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. at Mountain View Park so the National Night Out is a national initiative with municipalities from across the US and Canada participating it's free and open to all attendees will witness live displays of police and emergency vehicles including can9 motorcycle and fire demonstrations attendees at the National Night Out can also participate in kickball with the cops and a dunk tank while taking home prizes in suvenir the event also offer also offers an opport to chat with local police officers and learn more about what it takes to protect the community local businesses that are sponsoring the event will also be in attendance with prizes and giveaways uh you can see the press release in tomorrow's e newss for um for more information also two coming up on June 15th is the uh second um quarterly veteran information session we will be having someone from the um VA in lions uh coming to speak to Veterans about the process how to get involved how to stay involved how to not be involved uh and everything in between we're also going to be supported with the vsso of Somerset County at that meeting that session is June 15th from uh 10: to 12 a.m to noon that's all mayor thank you committee woman uh Deputy Mayor chiarelli thank you mayor uh I want to reiterate and thank uh the thanks for the parade on Saturday and also thank the staff who you know for how many years now have put on a a great beautiful ceremony so um uh it was just a nice day great day for it and uh the turnout again from the from the residents was great um the building department be advised that the building department has a new inspection scheduling procedure applicants must submit requests through the sdl portal or by filling out the inspection request form and emailing it to the designated email no inspections will be scheduled over the phone any longer um engineering at Raider Boulevard there's a a new traffic signal turn arrow uh the engineering department wants to inform the public that the left turn arrows for each side of raider Boulevard at the route 206 intersection is now functioning that's right by the movie theater you can see the intersection there in the photo the left turn arrows make the left turn arrows will make left turns from Raider Boulevard safer the township asked for these traffic signals to be modified a few years ago and I know numerous residents were also asking for it so we're glad that it's that work is now completed and the project was fully funded by the dot so I'm sure some people will be surprised that there's actually a a left turn arrow but hopefully the message gets out uh in other do news the uh NJ do has approved the our plans for the brown AV project um that is the main access to Duke Farms or it's near the near the near the main access to Duke Farms so they they've approved the uh plans for the project so that it can go out to bid um and the project all things hold hold on track we start in August and hopefully have that New Road by the end of the year and I'm going to kind of jump ahead to resolution number one which is Duke's Parkway uh we're we're submitting a uh a a grant request to improve Duke's Parkway so these things are all tied together and and if we could make uh that work won't get done till 2025 but if we can get that Grant uh estimated cost of 750 Grand the the two of those will I think dovetail together uh as part of our Paving and capital program to take care of some of the issues with uh the roads in that area but brown brown a is the first big one um Public Works cleanup passes are still available through our community pass online system uh please take ADV Vantage of this great option if you need to get rid of some unwanted household items or miscellaneous brush or if you're just cleaning up your yard program takes place at our facility down the street traveling northward from auton Road Intermediate Schools it's on the right side more information regarding this program is available on the township website um for also from Public Works they want uh you to be aware of any new growth on trees that border the roadway in front of your property or that are on your property residents are responsible for keeping trees trimmed so the traveling public is not inconvenienced by low hanging branches this is a yearly issue that especially affects school buses mail trucks uh and pedestrians so please trim any lwh hanging branches uh if if you see them uh if you've walked through the front entrance at the municipal building you may have noticed something new there's a plaque depicting the history of the Koopa that is on display the historic Koopa stood on the old original municipal building which is now the site of the Department of Public Works uh the build that building was dedicated in 1934 and demolished in 2023 and the department of DPW salvaged the coua restored it I think there's lights over there and it's a nice display out front and now we have a uh little plaque that uh guess gives gives a little more of the history so stop by on your uh as you leave tonight um sustainability the sustainable Hill Hillsboro steering committee's arts in the Parks program is off to a great start uh with painting sidewalk panels at an van Middlesworth Park the program will bring color and creativity to Hillsboro Hillsboro's Parks so far 10 tiles have been painted with a variety of fun designs so visit the experienc Hillsboro page on the Township's website to see photos or stop by and Van Middlesworth Park take a look uh more projects are on the horizons uh for May and June and volunteers will be needed there's a variety of designs available to choose from that are that will provide you so so people don't have to come up with anything uh unless they really want to and they actually say no artistic skill is necessary so uh all materials will be provided through the grant that we received so contact Hillsboro sustainability office if you're in interested in getting involved in beautifying the parks and the last announcement is that may is ALS awareness month um ALS known to by many as L Garrick's disease is a progressive fatal neurod deener degenerative disease in which a person's brain loses connection with the muscles slowly taking away their ability to walk talk eat and eventually breathe every 90 minutes someone is diagnosed with ALS and someone p and someone also passes away from ALS uh every 90 minutes on average patients diagnosed with ALS only survive 2 to 5 Years From the time of diagnosis and ALS has no cure so people who have served in the military are more likely to develop ALS and die from the disease than those with no history of military service so it's something else to remember uh following Memorial Day uh securing access to new therapies durable medical equipment and communication Technologies is of vital importance to people living with ALS ALS Awareness Month increases public awareness of of people with als's dire circumstances and acknowledges the terrible impact this disease has not only on the person but on his or her family and the community and ALS month recognizes the research being done to eradicate this disease so may is ALS awareness month I know it's the end of the month but I don't ALS will never go away so that's uh that's it mayor thank you thank you Deputy Mayor all right so uh now just to go just to to finalize the memorial day again thank you everybody for being a part of that and we have a just a brief picture I think that's uh just to show some of the the township committee members along with Megan valo I think me it's it's really important to note as well too Megan valo who is a part of the the Girl Scouts and and she just does so much incredible work uh she's a very humble person too and it was a pleasure and honor to be able to explain all the great things that she's done in her life and she was the fourth female Grand Marshall in the history of Hillsboro Township so that's just a wonderful ful thing for her and she just represented Hillsboro incredibly well and the Veterans as well too and those who had lost their lives in service so I just think it was a really great day and just very very proud to be a part of that as this this whole team I think everybody here everybody on the day is very proud of our town and how we continue to support our veterans and and those who've lost their lives so thank you all for being a part of that also to assembly man Fran thank you for being there as well um so next we have HB summer baseball so uh we are had the opportunity to go down to and because I'm one of the coaches I got right on the field they had me go down on the field and uh do the bat challenge which against one of the assistant coaches matou Patel he cheated he beat me at the End by a nose as you'll see he was dizzy and I look at him four times no no I'm making excuses absolutely totally I looked at him four times and at last minute he stuck his head through he laugh at me he goes I got you and I said so he's a good guy we are we've been coaching together for a couple years and this was an opportunity for H for Hillsboro baseball league um to be a part of uh just be recognized as as as a great uh a great little Organization for our Township and the children had a wonderful time going on the field it was a big deal for them to go out there so I just thought it was great to just to show that because I was fortunate enough to be on the field with the kids so I thought I would show those pictures to the children that are also here today as well too so the boys had a great time um next slide please um Woods Road dunk tank so uh actually three of the five members of the township committee live essentially in the same area in the township um we'll get to that next one here um Woods Road I think both committee women their their children all went to the same school my children go to now in Woods Road Elementary School and the uh worship team which is the Home School Association put on a really great event for the kids uh essentially having a carnival and I was up in a duck dunk tank and uh one of our police officers I was teasing him for not being able to hit it so he goes over and you'll see he got me back pretty good and just slammed into it and just knocked me down into the water so he got me good he got me back cuz I was talking smack and he got me so um it was just another great event I'm just trying to do as much as I can to highlight in these pictures at least to show this is just one example of how all the schools are doing such a great job of trying to engage the children we're we're four years out of Co now essentially or from the beginning of covid and you could see we're try we've gotten back to normal it's just nice to see the kids engaging in a in a more normal fashion and it's just wonderful to see all that culture across all the different schools really growing so that's great I wanted to share that and then the other item I had I was invited to Miss Cal's third grade class at wood at uh actually this was uh this was at um Aon I think this was at Aon Road School um and um uh they I actually it's funny I came in tonight and they all wrote thank you letters for coming in I read every single letter and uh sent them a quick little video back thanking them so hopefully she shows them that tomorrow uh but I had the chance to read to the children and whenever we have a chance and we get invited and we go in and talk to the children so we thought that we would share this as well too um now on more pressing matter as it relates to our Master Plan update and this is what deputy mayor chiarelli has been leading um this is this is highlighting an age-friendly master plan and I'm just going to do a high Lev doit service but as we get through this Deputy Mayor as as the months progress he can get more into the details on this but Hillsboro Township is taking a novel approach to incorporate age- friendly principles while conducting its Master Plan update on May 14th the township committee adopted a policy resolution supporting the incorporation of age friendly design into all Municipal plans this Township is in uh the township is in the process of updating their master plan to articulate a vision for the future uh New Jersey as New Jersey's population continues to shift to include a greater proportion of older adults towns like Hillsboro that uh can uh conscientiously plan for the needs of their aging residents are taking proactive steps to ensure people can comfortably age in place for more information see the press release in tomorrow's E news I think this is just another great example Deputy Mayor talked about the turn signals on radar I think that's just one small example of how we're trying to think um for everybody to make this just a great place to live for everybody Norris Hill Farm raise your hand if you've been there great little farm right great great Farm nor Hill Farm is adding a weekly farmers market so they left Duke Farms and nors Hill is opening one up which is great cuz we want to stay keep it in Hillsboro and Debbie noris and family are doing a great job there um they're adding it to their schedule of community-friendly events taking it place on Tuesday afternoons from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. at their address at 1:20 South Branch Road in Hillsboro the farm will feature Wholesome foods and items uh item area vendors uh the purpose of the market is to offer fresh fruit and products to Somerset County and neighboring regions the market will take place rain or shine except for in the event of severe weather of course uh vendors include a company called pickle culture flounder Brewing Manville pastry shop crocus Deli barking good Bakery Aqua Sprouts farms and many many more we had a really nice meeting with them uh a couple days back end of last week and I think I think she said it was about 15 to 20 different vendors significant amount of vendors and we we'll we'll continue to highlight this too because it's great to have a farmers market in our town and last for me before we talk about staying connected happy birthday Hillsboro Township Hillsboro was created by Royal Charter on this date in 1771 this Charter was revoked and revised on September 12th 1771 we are 253 years old which is pretty cool we look good don't we for 253 years old so kids if you think about the younger like this is when George Washington and the Revolutionary War was happening you're living in a town that has some serious history so Hillsboro Township was incorporated on February 21st 1798 by the New Jersey legislature township act of 1798 a as one of New Jersey's original group of 104 townships portions of the township were taken uh uh taken to form the Burrows of millstone which happened on May 14 1894 and then Manville our Northern neighbor April 1st 1929 so pretty cool stuff it's just kind of need to just talk a little bit about some of the history we have here too and we'll be recognizing San Conor a little later on and his father is actually a mayor in Hillsboro in the 60s so we just have a lot of history here tonight uh uh stay connected as always you can stay connected with all with all events and more via the Wednesday mayor E news and Thursday's experience Hillsboro Bolton be sure to follow and like the hillsb official Hillsboro Township Facebook page Twitter which is X and Instagram tune in to the Hillsboro YouTube channel and sign up for Hillsboro alerts for traffic and emergency notifications all right now we're done hearing from us it's time to get down to some of the proclamations so I'm going to head on down with my non- elevator music here we go e it makes it really hard to turn it on I get it you can slide it to the top oh boy wasn't it better in the 80s when the TV just popped the side of it and it started working again all right come on up Jamie all right round of applause for Jamie please Jamie okay so Jamie criid is a senior at Hillsboro High School and is a member of Girl Scout Troop 6052 527 and earned her Gold Award congratulations thank you you're welcome so Jim's Gold Award uh uh project titled Hillsboro School District robotics implementation program Deputy Mayor would like that one he's an engineer he likes all that focused on working with the Hillsboro uh High School Raiders robotics team uh 75 Robo Raiders to implement six school-based first Lego League teams for students in Hillsboro Middle School the project took over 100 hours to complete with the assistance of the Hillsboro School District High School robotics team middle school and was successfully and sustainably implemented in Hillsboro Township Public Schools Jamie joined Hillsboro High School robotics team members with Middle School robotics students forging a new partnership between the programs creating a pathway from middle school to high school robotics good stuff that was great Jamie is the electrical sub team manager and Driver of the robot she has been the mechanical co-manager robot operator and lead of the international IBM stem for girls Canada initiative one more clap because that's that's a big deal good be you very nice now therefore be a Proclaim that we the mayor and the Hillsboro Township committee do hereby recognize and extend our sincere congratulations to Jamie crd for having earned her Girl Scout Gold Award an honor for both her and for those who have guided her we wish you Jamie the all the best in your future endeavors congratulations would you like to say anything sure yeah go for it um hi everyone I'm really proud of the difference I've made in Hillsboro as this is a project I've wanted to do since I was in Middle School um I'd like to thank my parents My Girl Scout leaders and all my advisers and also all the students that participate in my project because without them none of this would be possible um and I hope my project lasts a long time in Hillsboro and I know that so many students will benefit from it and I'm really happy about the difference I've made and she's a good public speaker good job all right do quick picture would you like anybody else in the picture as well to family sure yeah come on up Family come on up my girl tro yeah bring them all up bring everybody up everybody want we yeah sure we can do one with us and then you can do everybody else all right come on in how are you would you like the Girl Scout leaders come on in she would like the the whole cre the whole [Applause] thank you thanks so much congratulations time Sam [Applause] Conor here you go sir thank you good to see you okay so Sam connard is recognized for his many years of service on the agriculture Advisory Board the sustainable Hillsboro steering committee and the Hillsboro planning board Sam conard was the O is the was the owner and operator of Sr conard and Suns a farming operation of 1250 acres in Hillsboro that provides hay straw and Grains and has been in business for over 100 years that's what I meant by history it's pretty neat Sam served on the United States Department Of Agricultural Farm Service State committee was a founder of the Ruckers Cooperative education Advisory Board the Farm Credit East advisory Council and board of directors a Somerset committeeman for the hunters Farm Service Agency director of the New Jersey state Cooperative Association director of the dairy herd Improvement Association and on the New Jersey young farmers and ranchers committee CL it's that's that's pretty impressive locally Sam served on the Hillsboro Township planning board for two from 2004 through 2016 where he served as Vice chairman from 2008 and 2010 chairman in 2011 and agriculture Advisory Board from 2007 through 2023 where he was chairman all year served and was the inaugural member of the sustainable Hillsboro steering committee where he served as chairman from 2017 to 2021 and in his free time Sam enjoys in traveling and spending time with his grandchilden and his great-grandchildren now therefore pre Proclaim that we the mayor and the Hillsboro Township committee thank Sam Conor for his many years of dedicated service to Hillsboro Township boards and commissions and absolutely wish him the best wish him well in all his future endeavors congratulations thank you got it would you like to say anything sure you're a little taller than me so all right I'll I'll stoop down I just like to thank the mayor and the township committee for this Proclamation uh I encourage people Hillsboro get involved uh you always get out more out of it than you put in uh I really enjoyed over the years and the people that you meet uh I had the opportunity to work several people up here in the days and uh the employees of the township are fantastic so thank you again thank take a picture all right right in the middle go thank you very [Applause] much okay now to on on two very important topics so this is uh National Gun Violence awareness day please come on up who would like to hold a proclamation sure okay you're welcome okay so every day approximately 120 Americans are killed by gun violence and in 2023 there were 18,8 74 Gun homicides which was down 7% from 2022 Americans are 25 times more likely to be killed with guns than people in other high-income countries in January 2013 teenager hadia uh pelatin was tragically shot and killed family and friends commemorated her life by wearing orange in June which is from birth month a National Coalition of organizations has designated the first Friday in June as National Gun Violence awareness day now therefore be proclaimed that we the mayor and the Hillsboro Township committee hereby declare June 7th 2024 which is coming up to be National Gun Violence awareness day and renew our commitment to reducing gun violence pledge to do all we can to keep Firearms out of the wrong hands and encourage responsible gun ownership to help keep our children safe now be it further proclaimed that we in the mayther and Hillsboro Township committee here hereby declar June 7 2024 to be National Gun Violence awareness day and encourage all citizens to support their community's efforts to prevent the tragic effects of gun violence and to honor and to Value human life would you like to say something thank you so much mayor bring and the Hillsboro Township committee uh my name is Laura coin and my colleagues and I are here we represent the New Jersey chapter of Moms Demand Action for gunsense in America and on behalf of our organization I thank you for your recognition of the gun violence crisis in this country and your willingness to take a stand against it our group is a Grassroots movement of all citizens who are alarmed at the gun epidemic in this country as the largest gun violence prevention group in the US we're determined to work together to find ways to turn this around the measures that we take include many public education and awareness programs as well as building Partnerships with state legislators to pass Common Sense gun legislation having the public support of elected officials and legislators is so critical to Our Success so that's why we are so very appreciative of your um support and your recognition of this very important um stand so thank you so very much thank you God bless you guys thanks thank you and would it be okay if we invite Roy fman to come up and uh whatever you want to do sure absolutely he's been extremely support this use come come to me am I am I good at theend thank you thank you [Applause] okay another very important topic pride month 2024 please come on up you have another one coming up too um you want to come or you w yeah but we could you can come on up we're very proud of them absolutely come on up here would you guys like to hold the proclamation come on out yeah we can always have someone take your picture it's fine absolutely yeah it's all good yeah absolutely the month of June was designated pride month to commemorate The Stonewall riots which occurred in June of 1969 the Centers for Disease Control recognizes that lgbtq plus teens are at higher risk to be the victims of violence and have increased suicide rates Hillsboro Township is dedicated to fostering acceptance of all of its citizens and preventing discrimination of any form and bullying based on sexual orientation and gender identity our community is strengthened by and thrives upon the rich diversity of ethnic cultural racial gender and sexual identities of our residents now therefore be it Proclaim that we the mayor and the Hillsboro Township committee do hereby recognize June as pride month be it further Proclaim that we the mayor and the Hillsboro Township committee urge all residents to recognize the contribution by members of the lgbtq plus community and to actively promote the principles of equality and Liberty thank you for being here abely would you like to say [Applause] [Music] something I think we're good yeah we thank mayor bring in the township committee for recognizing pride month this June marks 54 years since Brenda Howard organized the first pride parade and nine years since samesex marriage was LE made legal throughout the United States however there is still work to do for LGBT lgbtq plus rights in the US and around the world and Hillsboro's recognition of pride month this June is a part of that we'll be decorating the trees in front of the municipal building with pride ribbons this Saturday June 1st at 2 p.m. happy pride month everybody else you good you good okay all right we can always let me use your phone too unless you she's anyway I think I think I'm y very [Applause] proud we leave okay so that concludes our proclamations and presentations congratulations to everyone who received one and thank you all for being here uh we will take a brief pause for those of you that would like to go home so we can finish out the remainder of our business uh we'll take a two-minute break two minutes two CH thank you you e e e e through 11 so moved a second okay comments from the day comments from the floor roll call please no pressure right committee woman hand yes committee man leani yes committee woman pain yes Deputy Mayor tarelli yes mayor bring yes all right public hearings now 202 24-5 ordinance amending chapter 143 of vehicles and traffic article 7 schedule sections 14330 schedule one no parking of the code of Township Hills of of Hillsboro to prohibit parking on Mountain View Road I forgot to put in your notes that you need make a motion open the public a motion to open the public hearing yes so move yes second second okay roll call roll call please thank you sir Comm Comm committee woman hand yes committee mapani yes committee woman pay yes Deputy Mayor tarelli yes mayor Bing yes okay moving to New ordinances now anything else or no no now we any discussion open discussion to the floor okay no I don't see any from the floor from the motion motion to close and adopt motion to close and adopt uh uh public 20 202 24-5 so moved second okay roll call committee woman hand yes committee P yes committee committee woman p yes dep mayor tarelli yes mayor B yes now introduction of new ordinances 202 24-11 ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled salary range ordinance setting forth the salary ranges for the classification set forth in said ordinance further consideration and public hearing will be held on June 11th 2024 may I have a motion to introduce ordinance 20241 motion to introduce may have a second second roll call please committee woman hand yes committee man leani yes committee woman P yes Deputy Mayor Chelli yes mayor britty yes claims list may I have a motion to approv claims list [Music] yes mayor BR yes new business I see none so we'll go to public comments for matters not on the agenda Miss break please read the statement regarding public comment the township committee welcomes input from the public please state your name and address and please spell your name for the record you will be given one three minute allotment for your comments please understand that this public forum is not structured as a question and answer session comments are to be addressed to the mayor again please keep your comments to three minutes thank you any comments from the floor nope okay seeing partially none none okay motion to adjourn I guess then right that's right all right may I have a motion to adjourn you guys want to keep staying it's only eight all moved second second thank you roll call please committee woman hand yes committee M leani yes committee woman pay yes Deputy Mayor Chelli yes mayor Bing absolutely yes yes it is 8:22 p.m. thank you all have a great [Music] evening adjourned