Hillsboro New Jersey one of the 100 best places to live don't take our word for it experience Hillsboro located in the heart of Somerset County there's something for everyone Community Parks hiking trails trendy eateries indoor rock climbing and Adventure arts and performances did we mention top-notch dining we've got AC activities for everyone to keep you healthy involved and entertained come see why everyone is talking about Hillsboro experience our community experience our Farms experience our [Music] events experience our history experience Hillsboro I don't know you're there all right hello everybody good evening and welcome to the township committee meeting of February 27th 2024 Miss break will you please call the role committee woman hand here Comm leani here Deputy Mayor CH Ry here and we're out of order here committee woman Pay Here mayor breing here ministrator Ferrera here attorney Willard here all right please join me in a salute to the flag pledge algi to the flag the United States of America to stand na indivisible andice for all okay please be advised that in accordance with Section Five of the open public meetings act chapter 23 231 of the public laws of 1975 notice of this meeting was made by uh the posting on the bulletin board at the Hillsboro Township municipal complex and notifying the officially designated newspapers that this meeting would take place at the Hillsboro Township municipal complex tonight at 7:30 p.m. on February 27th 2024 so first we'll look at approval of minutes I do not see any so we will go right into reports committee one in hand all right from the health department we had the rabies clinic this past weekend February 18th many thanks to Dr schwark and Dr Harris for volunteering their time and professional expertise more than 100 residents and I'm assuming their pets attended um eating for good health presentation so the health department is announcing an eating for good health event a my plate you think of the plate a my plate presentation to discuss healthy eating habits will take place on Tuesday March 12th from 11: to 12: at the Hillsboro Township Library so mark it on your calendars for pharmacy Brown Bag the health department will be hosting a pharmacy y Brown Bag event it allows you to meet with a pharmacist to ensure that all your medicines are working together the way they should while reducing side effects so please see the flyer on the Hillsboro Township website and on the mayor's e newss for dates and information um from Parks and wreck we have the spring recreation guide so again dive into a world of blooming possibilities with our exciting spring wreck program shake off the winter blues if you were outside today you know what I'm talking about it felt great um this is a wonderful Outdoor Sports activity league and there's also stem workshops as well summer camp registration um summer camp registration is now open um never too early to plan for the summer the rec department is really working hard to turn up the fun dial and they are looking to um have people secure spots now so don't forget and last but not least summer bask basketball leagues the recck department is is announcing um basketball leagues for boys grade 4 to8 and girls grade 3 to8 um and again don't miss your shot you like that um register early to secure your spot um all activities you can find at Hillsboro njre recreation.org so sign up thanks thank you committee woman hand committee man leani thank you mayor I don't have nearly as many puns as as you have committee woman but uh first of all I'd like to thank the staff for putting together that video uh it really highlights a town that we all love and uh I'm sure there's a few things you've seen on that that youve attended or knew where it was and if you didn't make it a point to go find out where it is in town um for me just a couple uh the deadline for dog license registration has been extended for 30 days pet owners now until March 30th to renew their pet registration without incurring a late fee the clerk's office is pleased with the positive result results residents are experiencing with the new online registration and payment system approximately 500 residents have successfully registered their pets online via the sdl portal out of the 800 license issued so that's pretty good for first year kicking into technology screaming for us those who don't use it um in addition to pet license registration res can use the online sdl account for their Township services including op requests alarm registration property registration excuse me and checking the status of building permits there are also links for Recreation and Public Works programs that was just stated by Comm hand women hand uh making payments online and registering for Township alerts so again you have till March 30th to renew your pet registration uh property tax relief for veterans seniors and disabled persons I've been asked this several times over the years as I've been on the committee so for those who are able this is how you register Hillsboro tax offers reductions to Veterans and also seniors and disabled persons who qualify financially to learn more about these deductions please visit the Hillsboro Township website on the tax assessor's page or by calling our tax assessor directly at 98-369 8077 also please be aware that for seniors there is a senior freeze program also throughout the state that reimburses eligible senior citizens and disabled persons from property tax increases on their principal residences again find out more about this program and see if you qualify by visiting the NJ Division of Taxation website at nate. nj. US Treasury back taxation or I would just call 1800 882 6597 I'll say that again 1 1800 882 6597 and if you really have a difficult time please contact our staff here at the at the township and we will be happy to guide you in the right direction um so leap year is Thursday so if you miss it it's four years later uh the HBA second annual job fair is this Thursday February 29th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. here at the municipal complex if you're seeking any type of employment we encourage you to stop by to speak to over 20 hiring businesses is an excellent opportunity to see what positions are available for more information contact The Economic and Business Development Office at 3 908 369 353 33 or the HBA at hillsb br- nj.org so it is a free uh fair so if you're in looking for a job or know someone might be looking for a job but can't attend you're always welcome to come and try and collect some information and most of the businesses here are local to the area so it's not like you have to drive far if you find it position that you're interested in and then on February 22nd Township employees attended an anti-idling training presentation by ridewise in partnership with sustainable Hillsboro during the training it was discussed how idling your car negatively affects your health waste gas and money adds pollution to the environment and can damage your car engine employees were given resources on how to combat iink to help our community health and Planet you can view the slideshow at the township website at Hillsboro again sorry if I be it long Hillsboro d.org backboards backg green- team and see more tips ride wise.org and that's all I have mayor thank you thank you committee mapani committee woman pay thank you mayor from the police residents residents are reminded to protect themselves from becoming victims of personal property and identity theft in their vehicles keep your vehicles locked at all times remove all valuables especially personally identified items and keep uh I'm sorry avoid keeping garage door openers in the vehicles that are parked out outside if you must leave your valuables in the car please lock them in their trunk or glove box and keep your valuables out of sight um additionally on that the um higher-end cars today have uh your handles pop out when your car is not locked this is a very visual cue for people driving through your neighborhoods that is how they are breaking into your cars for the evenings and then on top of it you have your garage door openers inside the car so you've let them in so beware for the spring um forward residents are reminded to Spring Forward by turning their clocks ahead 1 hour um before they go to bed on Saturday March 9th this is also an excellent time to check the batteries on smoked and carbon monoxide detectors as we have all of our fire people here you're welcome uh additionally to um from our IGN uh inaugural really meeting I guess um one of the promises that I made to the community was was to discuss flooding and I want you all to know that I uh recently met with our Township engineer as well as our OEM and some other folks and um we're trying to move that forward we will be meeting with the county as well that's all for me mayor thank you committee one pay Deputy Mayor chiarelli thank you hello everybody um from the building department uh be advised that you may be receiving notifications about unpaid permits uh an unpaid permit application these must be paid and then the inspections can be scheduled uh if you're doing any work uh if a permit is voided due to non-payment and the work was done you may be required to reapply for that permit uh to complete the process so just stay on top of that paperwork if you're having any work done on your house uh the engineering department wants to advise owners of tow houses condos apartments and other businesses that road salt storage piles for winter deicing must be covered with tarps or other methods to prevent exposure to rain snow or storm water runoff this is a this is an njde requirement and municipalities must enforce these best management practices to help with the salt contamination in our streams rivers and other storm water facilities um Property Owners can go to njde for further information on the top on the uh topic um I think there is a website uh it's very lengthy and I'm sorry I'm not going to torture you with that but thank you look up Municipal storm water regulation program um it um so we may not have much more use for salt piles but um if just in case be aware of that that um requirement uh Public Works we're moving quickly towards the spring and registration is currently taking place for the Township senior curbside pickup program uh to register call public works department at 908 369 4313 prompt 6 the program program signups will end on Thursday March 28th and this program is available to seniors age 60 65 and older uh you can participate as a senior in the senior curbside program or the drop off program but not both so please de uh visit the Department of Public Works page on the Hillsboro Township website to learn more about that program and how to put um items out for curbside pickup or if you know somebody who needs it please uh encourage them to participate uh sustainability the sustainability office uh Hillsboro sustainable steering committee uh has submitted the first round of actions for the sustainable Jersey program uh total of 15 actions were submitted as part of the process and this will be the 13th year that Hillsboro has participated in the sustainable Jersey program and is looking forward to maintaining our current silver certification for the 10th year in a row uh for more information you can visit this sustainable Hillsboro website which is the same one that Sean said before did I so our website boards it's it's green- team for uh for our sustainable Hillsboro um so that's uh uh again we're looking to uh that's the new new new uh logo for sustainable Hillsboro so looking forward to to this uh program and the last thing I wanted to talk about is uh diabetes awareness Center that Hillsboro has is developed and will be pushing it's uh something that's near and dear to my heart I'm type one diabetic uh you know I don't I wear it as a badge of honor I think uh so I don't shy from that but I know some people who might um even for type two so we're going to be launching this website it's already designed it's going to be linked to the mayor's wellness program it's going to be on our health department website uh today there was a YMC a program for uh uh type 2 diabetes awareness so again we're we're pushing this program for anybody who has diabetes may have type whether it's type 1 or type two or pre-diabetes um anybody who knows a family member who's suffering from diabetes and wants some some information about how to deal with it so again we're it's a it's a good effort and we're we're uh getting ready to launch that website as a resource on our page and that's it mayor thank you deputy mayor Chelli so um I will close us out with just a few updates and then we will get to some proclamations for our for our youth wrestlers and also some of our First Responders that's the that's the big stuff so first I just want to let everyone know that I I attended the Apple monu ribbon cutting with committee woman hand it was it was pretty cool right it was they did a really nice job it's um not far from the YMCA area it's it's it's been completely updated um we were also there at the economic Business Development commission and we attended the uh the ribbon cutting for that um it was a great occasion it's the 18th location it's at 302 South Branch Road um the school strives to give students a modern montauri approach to Early Education and Empower young children to reach their full potential visit their website excuse me at Apple montor schools.com to see more about their programs congratulations to them and good luck uh to Apple montauri they did a really really nice job of updating that that building it was really cool we walked in they did a really nice job so if you have young children and you're interested give it a shot um the weos visit the mayor's office so I recently had some very special uh guest to come into the office now um uh the pack 1776 weos pack 1776 stop by to learn more about the mayor's job which is part of their earning um their merit badges for building a better world so they sat down and um they uh all three of the young of the three young boy scouts were asking their own questions they came up with and we had a good about 45 minute conversation about just leadership and life and and how and the impact positive impact you can make on people and then I even showed them where they live and showed them how large the town was and we talked about some really neat stuff so um so it was a really good experience for them and frankly for me too cuz I have three little boys that are not that old yet but good to see how they'll turn into hopefully one day like them so uh the next is the lwis Bas scholarship and important reminder that there is a little over week one week left to apply for the ls Bay 2 scholarship the deadline is March 8th see the application and more information on the Hillsboro Township website this is a smaller scholarship but it's just another thing that we do in Hillsboro to help support our youth it's just we if you take a look at our website it's it's we have an immense amount of support for for the Youth and this just another great opportunity through the township um now uh this next is a slide I'd like to share with regards to uh affordable housing so each Township committee meeting I I have our our our top items that we talk about when it comes to open space safety um fiscal responsibility um and and infrastructure and and this is one of the the main issues that um we have been talking about over the past few years and people is the other part so uh I just want to make sure that you're all informed I've been you've seen a lot of the esor videos to make sure everybody knows what's going on and you see some of the Articles and tap into in the patch as well too I'm trying to make sure that you guys have a have have a good insight into what's happening so here um affordable housing has been something that's been that's been hitting Towns over the past however many years it's been right how many years since you've been involved 30 years so um there mandates through from the state and and in my personal opinion is affordable housing is great for people who really need it so it's it's it's a great opportunity for people to find a place to live um but there has to be a very um there has to be an organized way to do it strategic way and the townships do deserve the right to uh to to have a say into how that works so I wanted to make very clear to the group so um just so you know the communication as to how we've engaged on January 9th we we we adopted a resolution where the um the township encouraged postponement of the affordable housing Bill uh we do we think think that the New Jersey state legislature and all others involved really need to take a step back and think a little bit more and really think about the algorithm as to how and where they put additional affordable hous units it gives the the township the ability to to speak up for itself as well too um uh uh February 5th I received a uh a letter or an email excuse me that should be more email from assemblyman Fryman uh asking for my input specifically as mayor as to my point of view on the seven bills there were about 75 pages in those bills and they were pretty heavy um so I engaged our our our our legal team our affordable housing uh legal uh to better understand what what um what was in those bills so we could we could respond appropriately and today we sent back a pretty comprehensive letter to assemblyman Fran giving him our point of view um which in my opinion still stands with we still need more time and we really do think the state and and those involved should take more time to make the right decision before uh they come down with additional mandates on our Township I think it's important so we are we do believe we reserve the right to uh speak on our behalf and that's what we're trying to accomplish so I just wanted to make sure that you all are uh informed of of of that specific item I'm not going to go into any other details with relation to some of the other great things that have gone on but that's that there we're going to stick with there um the final uh final three three items here for me so open space this is a big deal for Hillsboro Township we just added 402 acres to the Township's open space and that's thanks to a joint venture with Somerset County and this is Somerset County's largest open space acquisition in the past 20 years 20 years and this will add additional acreage to the sand uh Central Jersey largest Mountain Preserve so thank you everybody involved from the state to the Green Acres Program to the township for doing that it's 402 Acres that's not small that's a big deal it's located on Wertzville Road the township purchased the Hillsboro Golf and Country Club from the estate of Bryce Thompson the 4th uh the additional acreage increases Hillsboro's open space to approximately 13,000 642 Acres that's a big deal so and we're going to continue to look for opportunities to make sure we protect our land um next is liquor licenses uh Hillsboro is opening bidding for two liquor licenses you may hear this uh year after year year the plenary retail distribution uh liquor license is for establishments that wish to sell packaged Goods such as uh such as with a liquor store the plenary uh retail consumption liquor license is for establishments that will be serving alcoholic beverages such as a restaurant or a bar the initial bid for those licenses is $350,000 and there's two of them uh this is another opportunity to generate revenue for our Township it is also a way to attract new businesses we have a lot of people that want to come into Hillsboro to set up a business here I think you all need to know that and hopefully we have some great news this year Hillsboro Township is currently authorized to issue five distribution licenses which uh uh of which one is available of the 14 consumption licenses Allowed by the township two are available please see the press release in tomorrow's e newss for more information we just signed off on that so you'll see that tomorrow uh and as always you can stay connected with Hillsboro Township with all the events more via the Wednesday uh mayor E news go to the website sign up for it they do a wonderful job at capturing all the information that we that that that comes through Hillsboro Township um and THS 's experience Hillsboro Bolton I actually think the experience Hillsboro was part of the video right it's part of the title uh I you're you're seeing Hillsboro's becoming digital yeah we're kind of a a farm like town with Suburban but we're we're getting digital and and anywhere that we can to make sure you guys are informed and it also is a great way to promote the town to prospective um buyers or or or new businesses coming in be sure to follow and like the official Hillsboro Township Facebook page that's a big deal the more you follow the more you know Twitter and Instagram tune in to the at Hillsboro YouTube channel and sign up for Hillsboro alerts for traffic and emergency notifications okay so that's it from me as it relates to The Upfront now it's the fun time to do some proclamations and I'm going to walk down and this is the awkward silence moment when I walk down you all watch me I know I know I know elevator music great all right okay let's get everybody here for the girl rest the squad there go is this on is it on y everybody come on coaches coaches get out here come on coaches let's go just Pat it down you'll be all right mayor are they going to demonstrate a move on you I just do we need some math Madison might take me out she just won the championship too against girls and boys so Dad talk about it so before I before I read this I'm going to talk about a person for 30 seconds and he's going to get frustrated with me because um his name is Matt Campbell and uh we're good friends and uh I'm more the one that likes this crowd and he's the other way and but he's also one of the best people I know one of the best leaders I know we coach together on multiple Sports our boys play and now my son's play with his daughter and all that so it's we're very close Matt is one of the nicest people I've ever met he's one of the best leaders that I've engaged with and um honestly I I think it as much as the girls are doing an amazing amazing job this is about them tonight it takes adult leadership to step up and do the right thing and Matt does that every single day that I know him so he's just a great guy so if you don't mind just give me a round of applause for Matt all right he wanted to make it so Matt is such a good guy he only wanted to make it about the girls I wanted to take the first 20 seconds and make it about him CU he he really deserves it so the girls wrestling league was created in November 2023 out of the following five member towns North hunon Hillsboro the best uh Delaware Valley Hope Valley and Montgomery to provide a league wherein girls could wrestle against other girls it's competitive I'm just fooling around Matt Campbell a lifelong Hillsboro resident helped create the league along with other coaches the Hillsboro team consists of the following athletes now I'm going to ask all the athletes to say your name please Madison you take it in the other Madison Sophia e l Riley Delaney Callie a I coach Cali too Call's awesome she takes my six-year-old's Christian out she's tough all right so Matt saw the need for an all girls wrestling league and has received much support from the Hillsboro takedown Club Hillsboro High School wrestling wrestling coach reach Weinberger and Matt ker of the Hillsboro youth wrestling club standing right over there thank you gentlemen now let me move this out of the way so we can do this right these guys now therefore be Proclaim that we the May the mayor and the Hillsboro Township committee do hereby recognize the efforts of Matt Campbell and the inaugural Hillsboro all girls wrestling team of the of the Jersey girls wrestling league for creating a much needed league in our community and beyond all right would you like to say something I I just want to take a few seconds as well thank coach ker he runs an amazing youth program we've got kindergarteners all the way up to 7th graders here the high school is involved the high school coach Mike are involved from high school all the the way down to Recreation spending every single day of the week weekends all year long looking out for the kids so I just want to thank Mike coach Alec and Coach Lou whether it's a tournament all day in a Saturday Sunday practice Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday they're always there to support the kids I want to thank the parents that are out here these are long grueling tournaments that we're at you see your kids get put in very difficult situations to sit and say nothing um and most importantly these girls are tremendous athletes they have enormous Hearts they fight they learned so much out on the wrestling met I can't be more proud of you I know your parents and your friends and your family that are here can't be more proud of you there's so much more that you learn about life than just wrestling and it's it's amazing watching you grow and what we're going to grow this program into this really is the first program in the entire state of New Jersey that does this we are one of four schools that started this it's a really big deal uh girls wrestling is moving up through high school colleges and they're at the Forefront of it and we've got some really good good people but really good wrestlers here as well and thanks to Mayor bring who is supporter from the start in its entire effort so thank you you got it thank you want to do a picture come on down do a picture here you go call you want to stay in the front and hold this for us here you hold this one call you guys okay if C holds it all right she here we go all here we go Joe get in here get a picture up here that's your little girl here hold up there we go come on over here Cooper get up here come on take a picture come on come up close come on coming Joe get up here you want sit front hold on Grandma's go for it and Mommy good job good job [Music] [Music] okay good job guys good job is it still on yes okay okay may I let me ask committee woman hand to come down with me as well too yeah come on down yep yep yep so this is for our first responder firefighters and committee woman H's going to join me tonight because we're going to be reading this Proclamation off and I would like her to hand this over to her family because her daughter and husband are a part of the daughters and husband are a part of this I'm not sure all right so how about the uh the the the the top responders come come up front please who are being recognize this evening yep come on up bring them all up yeah bring them all up yeah come on [Applause] up so these guys are real heroes cuz these are the one people who run into the house and do what's best for best for us so this is a a really great proclamation to support everybody so I'll read the proclamation off first and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to going to hand off the mic to each of the firefighters to to to to name themselves so the Hillsboro Township committee inong with the board of fire Commissioners would like to recognize the top 10 responders from each fire company for 2023 the top responders served as examples of the highest standards of the Hillsboro Township Fire companies through their harism and willingness to help others the top 10 responders of the fire of fire company one two and three in the shanic include can I have those top 10 people say your name I'll start on this way and then you take the mic if it's you here we go uh Nick first and last name Joey yeah first and last name Joey Patty Gabe Daly dce Marvin Rick Arts Roy harowitz Matt hand ho hand Vince Li Sean house Tim Coyle Woods Road Firehouse Vince Patty Carl rolls Jimmy maritz Rob gild Bill rean Greg Kane Josiah Haron all [Applause] right I would just like to say not only congratulations to everyone here who got up in the middle of the night when they didn't want to when it was cold outside um when they were about to sit down for dinner um when they were you know about to leave and go do something fun with their families so not only thank you to all of you each and every day for what you do but thank you to all of your families for the sacrifices and when they give up that quality time with you and they do they want to be with you they want to be with you and we just we appreciate all that you do day in and day out thank you all right very good thank you do you want to um you want to just give a couple of those outs amantha and let them hold them so we can and I will just read this last part out to make an official Proclamation now there therefore be proclaimed that we the mayor and Hills perel Township committee do hereby recognize the top 10 responders of each fire company for their outstanding service to the residents of Hillsboro and extend our appreciation for the continued heroism and commitment to our community please big round of applause for our [Applause] firefighters all right people hold people open them up looks a little prct too late [Music] t we get running than you rning running good yes y she may have she may have taken [Music] okay so that this concludes our proclamations and presentations uh congratulations to all of our recipients thank you for joining us this evening we're going to take a brief pause and we can continue our business if you'd like to stay you may if not you'd like to get home and get to bed where's Cali but uh but uh we're going to take a two-minute break okay we are back 88:18 the second half of the meeting we're going to stay start off with mayoral appointments so I'm going to read off the two mayor appointments and then we'll move forward into the consent agenda uh we're going to be moving Bruce rwit rtz from alt one to seat 7 on the planning board to fill a vacancy expiring on 12312 and number two we're appointing Angelo Vitali to seat alternate one on the planning board to fill a vacancy expiring on 12 3124 okay is there anything else Miss break that I need to read off there with regards to that we're good to go okay great so consent agenda now we're going to move to the consent agenda we have items 1 through 20 um let's see do we have anyone that would like to take them off or out of order or we good to go one through 20 everybody you know what I I just have a question can I just clarify it's not that I want to take it off but um I just want to clarify that number 15 was the one for p um penon P penon just to clarify that the 48,000 in that comes out of the 75 that we approved in January so they were one of the contracts that um came through Jan 3D right and it was up to 75,000 I just is that 48 part of the 75 I just wanted Alicia to confirm or deny that's correct but Alicia can CF you can confirm that that range yes that's correct okay so it's it's not in addition to all right um that was my only that was my only question thank you okay no we'll just get move forward okay so may I have a motion to approve the consent agendas items 1 through 20 motion to approve second I will second okay comments from the de yes sir Mr Ferrara thank you mayor I just want to welcome Tracy Dunlap who is in the audience with us uh this evening along with um rhr manager harri fencer thank you for being here tonight uh we're very happy for Tracy to join as technical assistant in the uh building department so uh as I always say we go through interviewing process and as we go through interviewing process sometimes I might think that they are better fit somewhere else and that was the case here so we're happy that she's going to be joining the building department and going through the uh the the accreditation as a technical assistant for that certification uh down the road so welcome aboard thank you okay congratulations okay so roll call please committee woman in hand yes commit the P yes pay yes Deputy Mayor trelli yes mayor bring yes and welcome okay you can go home now yeah you may leave if you'd like okay not you you stay so public hearings I see none on this evening um introduction of new ordinances so uh new ordinance uh 202 24-3 ordinance authorizing participation in preservation of property with contribution in the amount of 1,450,000 from the township of Hillsboro open space trust fund to assist the county of sumerset and the purchase of the property identified on the township of Hill Hillsboro tax map as block 165 Lots 1 2 3 13 and block 169 lot three consisting of plus uh plus or minus 42 uh 23 acres of land so that's just an introduction tonight we are not going to be commenting on that that will come up in I believe in the next meeting um as we move forward but this is an introduction on March 26th on March 26 thank you March 26 May I have a motion to introduce ordinance 2024 d03 so moved second second okay uh roll call please committee woman hand yes comme leani absolutely committee boomman Payne definitely deput mayor chali yes mayor Bing absolutely just like committee man Leon it's mayor rest of my life are going to be called what it is it's all your my buddy you're my buddy you're always going to be mayor to me all right so uh uh 20243 ordinance authorizing participa participation in preservation of property further consideration and public hearing to be held on March 26 2024 may I did that I did that already we're going to go uh so we're already already pass it's a duplicate okay very good see look at that you you're so excit you want do it twice no I'm just trying to get through this so we can get home all right we're good to go and we have people in the back I think they may want to make comments I want to get to those guys so claims list may I have a motion to approve claims list 2024 d02 02 Z moved second all right comments from the de comments from the floor okay uh roll call please committee woman hand yes leani yes committee woman pay yes mayor T yes mayor bring yes all right new business I am seeing none um now public public comments for matters not on the agenda Miss break please read the statement regarding public comment the township committee welcomes input from the public please state your name and address and please spell your name for the record you will be given one three minute allotment for your comments please understand that this public form is not structured as a question and answer session comments are to be addressed to the mayor again please keep your comments to three minutes thank you no coming up up no okay doesn't look like we have any comments this evening May may I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn a second second all second okay John won that one sorry all right roll call please here committee woman hand here the P do it want a meeting yes she wants to stay I that's parliamentary procedure right there really yes yes Deputy Mayor chalii yes mayor bring yes okay it is is 8:25 p.m. have a great evening everybody thank you