e e e e e e e to the video Hillsboro New Jersey one of the 100 best places to live don't take our word for it experience Hillsboro located in the heart of Somerset County there's something for everyone Community Parks hiking trails trendy eies indoor rock climbing and Adventure arts and performances did we mention top-notch dining we've got activities for everyone to keep you healthy involved and entertained come see why everyone is talking about Hillsboro experience our community experience our Farms experience our [Music] events experience our history experience [Music] Hillsboro okay guys like the new video good okay good good good good New Jersey all right one of the stuff you guys are in it all right so good evening and welcome to the township committee meeting of March 12th 2024 Miss break please call the role commit woman hand here committee leani present committee woman pay here MRI Ki here mayor Bing here administrator Ferrera here attorney Willard here all right please join me in a salute to the [Music] flag pledge allegiance to flag of the United States America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible justice for all that's how you good job that was awesome was the best salute in a long time that was fantastic we'll need you here every two weeks great job that's the way it should be I would go so far as to say better than the Boy Scouts let's not go there no all right you know what we got to let them know that it happened drop let's see whe that the challenge is accepted when they come okay we'll see how it goes but that was fantastic that was perfect perfect all right so please be advised that in accordance with Section Five of the op public meetings act chapter 231 of the public laws of 1975 notice of this meeting has been made posting in the bulletin board of Hillsboro Township municipal complex and notifying the officially designated newspapers that this meeting would take place at the Hillsboro Township municipal complex at 7:30 p.m. on March 12th 2024 now we're going to go to the approval of minutes may I have a motion to approve uh the number November 28th 2023 executive session minutes motion to approve motion a second technically actually I don't think they're eligible to vote either but they can they can moain you can't vote but yeah okay never mind okay or or we could we could ask our attorney Mr W what the best can they can can they make a motion you were there right yeah can they make a motion or no I wasn't there that's the point well it's been it's been and second so we're saying can they do that by members who were not in attendance at the meeting it's actually fine okay let's proceed proceed there we go vote on it right yeah got it good it okay so we have a first we have a we have a a motion and a second roll call please don't shake your head at me committee woman hand yes no you just abstain I thought he just said yes no you can make a motion but you can't vote just abstain there you commit in the p thumbs up yes committee woman pay abstain Deputy Mayor Chelli yes mayor bring yes okay may I have a motion to approve the January 2023 2024 meeting minutes motion to approve second motion to Second so there roll call please committee woman hand yes committee leani abstain committee woman pay yes Deputy Mayor chck RI yes mayor Bing yes okay may I have a motion to approve the February 13th 2024 meeting minutes so moved seconded John roll call please committee woman hand yes commit Pani yes committee woman Payne yes Deputy Mayor tarelli yes mayor ring yes all right may I have a motion to approve the February 20 20 uh February 27th 2024 meeting minutes so move second seconded okay roll call please committee woman hand yes committee P yes committee woman Payne yes Deputy Mayor tarali yes mayor bring yes okay now we're going to move to reports from committee Liaisons and receipt of reports petitions or Communications we're going to start with committee woman hand all right thank you mayor okay first of all happy St Patrick's Day I wore that also representing the Girl Scouts um there you go and um I hope I pronounced this right um radan mu muar please someone correct me if I said that wrong but happy Ramadan um from the health committee so there is a CO coloral cancer event so Hillsboro Health Department is hosting an event on March 26th from 3:45 to 4:45 at the library to discuss coloral Health very important especially for those of us 50 or over um free radon tests grab them while they last one Supply um or one kit per resident you can pick them up at the health department anytime um during operating hours Monday through Friday 8 to 4:30 Pharmacy Brown Bag great event especially if you have older folks um in your life with multiple medications um this event the resident can actually meet with a pharmacist um show them all the different medications and talk about um any interactions Etc and the flyer will be in the mayor's E news parks and wreck there is still time to sign up so if you have not signed up and you want to do something fun over the summer please um talk to your parents and sign up through the wreck department and this is new there's a yoga event and I know um Deputy Mayor Chelli did yoga with pets this is a little different but you can still attend if you would like um so this is a a new thing so in collaboration with um Avalon Assisted Living at Hillsboro they are doing a spring instrumental meditation and yoga series for not that you're senior but I brought it up because you did yoga but this is for senior um citizens and they could uh join an instructor to do medit meditative yoga um and this will be I'm not going to read all the dates we'll put it in the e- newss but there's a couple different um dates in March and April and May and they're themed and you can do meditative yoga for senior citizens it looks very fun um registration is required and uh the information will be in the e- newss and then last but not least Social Services Department is gearing up for yearly spring distribution so residents are asked to please donate to the um can food pantry again toilet paper paper toils deodorant Etc these same same things are needed um if you look in the cabinet and you've got some extras or if you're at the store and you think about it please pick up some and drop them off to can thank you very much thanks mayor committee man Leon thank you mayor um so pet owners uh you have until March 31st to renew your pet registration without incurring late fees the clerk's office is pleased with the positive results residents are experienced with the new online registration and payment system in addition to pet license registration residents can use their online sdl account for the other Township services including oaha requests alarm registration property registration and checking the status of building permits there are also links for recreation and Public Works programs registrations Etc making payments online and registering for Township alerts and I'll say from a personal experience I didn't realize you need a register your alarm until I had a false alarm and I was told why didn't you register your alarm you should know that so you do need to register alarm just allows the police to know uh your alarm system and your alarm company in case you're not there that they can reach out to you and and get a hold of you in case of emergency um the annual assessment postcards were mailed on March 1st calculations on property assessments were done annually based on market trends and reflect what you can sell your home for is important to note that assessed value can increase decrease or remain the same based on yearly Market values the assessed value multiplied times the tax rate produces your tax rate for the year please do not use the 2023 tax rate to calculate your taxes for 2024 the new tax rate will be announced uh once the budget is completed in late May uh Orly early April um it's says July here but we're going to have it done way before that and I'll say that again later job fair on uh Leap Year Day February 29th so if you missed it you got to wait four four more years to do it again the Hillsboro business associates hosted the second annual job fair there were over 20 businesses that came to share their open positions and opportunities of over 110 job Seekers the event was a huge success for both businesses and attendees to keep up to date for events like the like the job fair be sure to sign up for the experienced Hillsboro newsletter and lastly I'll have the first of the year spring social the Hillsboro Business Association is hosting a networking event on March 28th from 6:00 to 8:00 P.M at iron Peak Sports and events it will be a great night to mingle network with fellow business owners professionals and entrepreneurs in and out of Hillsboro here from our guest speaker this guy right here mayor Robert Brit and learn about the resources available to help you and your business succeed in 2024 the township committee and Hillsboro staff will also be in attendance looking to answer questions and connect with the public so limited seating is available though so please register ahead of time with the link on the HBA website or on tomorrow's ews and just as a uh second on the love to hear the kids come in and and say the Pledge of Allegiance it's it's it's probably the best part about being in this in this room is that here it's like very refreshing thank you very much that's all mayor thank you committee men committee woman pay yes sir sir I forgot my readers so we're going to try and get that thank you I love my voice thank you okay so don't laugh that I look like the man from up now but it's all good okay River Road construction the county will begin construction honor about March 25th on CR 567 River Road in Hillsboro from Elm Street to approximately 1,000 F feet north of Elm Street ironically where we had our calendar picture this work is anticipated to last approximately eight months with a full road closure and Detour Somerset County will be sending an updated two-e schedule once they receive it from the contractor but they will begin working on trenching the week of the 25th so residents are advised to anticipate road closures signs are being installed to alert the traveling public for the police and fire as Spring weather can lead to road closures the Hillsboro Police and Fire Departments want to remind residents not to drive around barricades in the roadways on the roadways rather there can uh there could be hidden but dangerous conditions ahead if you encounter a barricaded roadway turn around and find an alternate route veterans information s session there will be an information session for veterans on Saturday March 16th at 10:00 a.m. in the senior activities room here in the municipal building this event is free for all and open to Veterans and their families you don't necessarily need to come with your veteran if your veteran is older or incapacitated or serving overseas obviously please come women's History Month American women of every race class and ethnic background have made historic contributions to the growth and strength of our nation in countless recorded and unrecorded ways American women have played and continued to play critical economic cultural and social roles in every sphere of the life of our country by constituting a significant portion of the labor force working inside and outside of the home and by providing the majority of the volunteer labor force of the nation American women of every race class and ethnic background served as early leaders in the Forefront of every major Progressive social change movement and have served our country courageously in the military American women have been leaders not only in securing their rights to vote and equal opportunity but also in the Abolitionist Movement the Emancipation movement the industrial labor movement the civil rights movement and many others including the peace movement despite these contributions the role of American women in history has been consistently overlooked and undervalued in the literature teaching and study of American History March is women history month commemorating and encouraging the study observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American history thank you mayor right Deputy Mayor chiarelli all right warmed up uh good evening from the building department thank you mayor uh according to the electrical safety Foundation an estimated 51,000 fires each year roughly 500 plus deaths more than 1,400 injuries and more than 1.3 billion in property damage are as the result of an electrical malfunction it's highly recommended to use licensed electrician to address electrical issues or perform work at your house espec especially if you're not well versed in electrical work so I'm not I'm afraid of electrical work so I'll use licensed electricians um the engineering department wants to announce and advise the public that the NJ dot is installing left turn arrows at the traffic signal on both sides of Rider Boulevard at the rider Boulevard Route 206 intersection so going into the movies basically uh this will help with the flow of traffic for left turns from both sides of raider Boulevard Route 206 already has those left turn arrows in both directions so this is a welcome addition uh to the traffic to that intersection um Public Works uh the public works department has been receiving phone calls and email requests regarding drainage concerning uh drainage concerns after the significant rainstorms that have been taking place uh as previously mentioned it's crucial to help the town with the basic procedure to make water flow efficiently uh especially at storm drains in the street if you see a storm drain that's obstructed by leaves or litter please remove the debris or move it aside uh and and maybe let the DPW know the DPW has trouble managing more than thousands of these types uh all at once during a storm so uh I know when I walk my dog I'll kick him out of the way if I see it so uh um just you know do us a little favor uh DPW a favor if you do see that condition uh further many residents properties back up to Township owned land and Please be aware of your property lines uh and do not dump brush and grass clippings on Township property we've had instances where drainage easements have been blocked uh impeded by uh and impeded the flow of storm water by debris trees and and whatnot that's been thrown into these uh open Channel ditches um residents can participate in our annual cleanup program to remove any green debris that they have so please go to the DPW web page on the Hillsboro Township website for more information and see uh when you can get your ticket to uh bring your your green debris in uh to the dump um sustainability there's three topics here arts in the park sustainable Hillsboro has opened submissions for their arts in the Park event they're seeking help from the community members ages 13 and up to submit a design to paint the sidewalk at an van Middlesworth Park the design can be from the following categories Arts Community Pride Hillsboro history Sports and sustainability the submission deadline is March 28th and for information for more information contact sustainability office at 908 369 4313 a uh I think an application from the Girl Scouts might be in order you know so put that on your on your to-do list uh land link are you looking to farm land or or looking for land to farm do you have land available and are looking for a farm New Jersey land link is designed to help farmers and land owners connect through a database of Farmland available farming opportunities sought and land characteristics and production goals it's a great resource for anyone in the agricultural field and is operated by the Hillsboro based nonprofit Northeast organic farming Association of New Jersey so visit New Jersey land link for more opportunities there's the website up there for more information um and then this week we had a couple of ribbon cuttings with the sustainability office I along with committee woman hand and committee woman pain joined the staff from the ebdc uh in attending two ribbon cuttings the First on Friday was at the pickle jar the pickle jar Center uh at 315 roycefield road I don't remember how many courts there were anybody was it eight or or many there there was a lot of in pickle bow courts indoors they have rollup doors so they can bring in some fresh air from the outside uh it was really nice uh event um so if you're interested in pickle ball their busiest hours are from 9:00 to midnight by the way but uh oddly enough but uh it's open and it's a great spot um the second was Five Guys not to be confused with the pickle jar um the Five Guys unveiled their interior Renovations which is I guess the photo on the right um at their spot on 415 anwell road so we appreciate um and thrilled that both of these businesses we celebrate the these milestones and wish them best of luck and success in the future so it was a busy Friday afternoon um lastly the MUA our Municipal Utilities Authority uh once again is is uh is warning us about what gets flushed down the toilet uh sewer infrastructure is one of the most crucial pieces to Public Health So in theory everything is flushable I'm sure you know we're all guilty of that but not everything makes it through the system properly so uh avoid flushing things like diapers flushable wipes ironically uh paper towels dental floss hair cigarette butts cat litter cat litter expands and clogs drains so um again just be careful what gets flushed down the down the toilet um you know and this being women's History Month I think it's appropriate that you know we have a bunch of young women here and uh are being recognized tonight so thank you for coming and and you know the uh Pledge of Allegiance again was uh was a good one so thank you may thank you sir all right and thank you again for being here and also too I have a 2-year-old Grayson at home and he the yesterday actually when we got home um he was trying to flush a monster truck down the toilet so I understand what that is like yes we have locks on the doors everywhere now only because of you that we had to talk about that yeah I know no I just it's a very relevant story that just happened and my wife and I almost lost our mind trying to dive to stop stop him from doing it all right so um so first we're going to speak about Ramadan so Ramadan Mubarak to all who celebrate um wishing you a Ramadan filled with inner peace spiritual enlightenment and a deep sense of purpose as you embark on this journey of self-discovery and growth and for the girls here just a good example if you have friends in school that are going through it just know that they may be getting tired in the middle of the day because they have to fast from very early in the day to later at night so just bear with your friends and just be a good support system for them too because they're going through a lot right now and their bodies are changing and learning how to deal with the fasting all right so uh Grand Marshall for our parade that is coming up so good good person i' I've gotten a chance to know over the last few years Army veteran and Hillsboro Township resident Megan valo will lead our uh right one of you right it's F of you guys right she serves constantly so this is so welld deserved we are so happy so happy that she accepted the honor she'll lead our 2024 Memorial Day commemoration ceremony on May 25th as the parades Grand Marshall this long-standing tradition Hillsboro as our way of recognizing and thanking our veterans and military service Personnel all right um may may I apologize uh Megan really wanted to be here tonight just want to let everybody know she not only wanted to be here mainly for the Girl Scouts uh this evening but also because of your announcement but she had a concert for children tonight so she really wanted to be here but she wanted let everybody know that she was thinking about the Girl Scouts and appreciated the uh the he's saving me right now but she and I texted so I knew that thank you very much I appreciate absolutely no she she does what I do you have to go to your children's we have three kids and we she has few children so you're trying to be everywhere all the time and it's impossible so I'm just very happy that she's a part of it so we are grateful to have her as to lead our ceremonies this year as Grand Marshal Lieutenant valo is the Third Woman honored as Grand Marshall in Hillsboro history please see tomorrow's press release to more to learn more about Megan valo and her outstanding service to our country so that's one more time let's give her a round of applause cuz it's really awesome it's great and we'll make sure we send her the YouTube video tomorrow when it's ready to go so she can watch this so she can feel that she was here so um mobile MVC so by popular demand the New Jersey V Motor Vehicle Commission mobile unit is coming back to Hillsboro we asked them because it was so good they're coming back right um so sponsored by the nj1 16th District legislators sen Senator Andrews wicker assembly Roy F Roy Fryman who's here tonight thank you thank you assemblyman and assembly woman Mich uh uh uh Michel drulis the event will focus on issuing real ID licenses and renewing Vehicle registrations while all those Services require registration in advance handicap placard uh Acquisitions and license PL drop offs won't require an appointment so residents are encouraged to apply using the link provided on the Hillsboro Township website and in tomorrow's issue of the May's ews the last event uh filled up fast so don't wait to register for your real ID appointment and we're not kidding that happened very very fast it was like I got one it was quick you got one I got one okay so so we'll make sure we put that out on all the social media fors the best we can to make sure that people get it so Harlem Wizards I think they come every single year anybody here go to the Harlem Wizards yeah we were there that's my middle guy Christian that's why I was able to send the picture he this guy I forget the gentleman's name but he kept one of the basketball players kept picking Christian up and acting like he was going to dunk them because Christian was being funny so I thought that picture was cute and this is at the end when they shot the um the confetti out into the crowd which was really really cool I think we had hundreds of kids there so that was a really cool event and that was done at the high school and it was sponsored by the ays um uh the Home School Association or School Home Association excuse me and um that was just a terrific event so hopefully we continue to do that every single year to just get the kids involved next we have re Across America um it was my pleasure to be there along with I think everybody else here as well too had the opportunity to be there and this is myself sitting out in the hallway um drawing um uh Miss break got this picture uh we are doing some drawing I'm you can't see it but I'm very proud of how I can draw my middle guy is an artist Christian the guy was getting picked up I drew Mike wasowski which looked pretty good from uh moners Inc so um we had a nice time drawing to drawing with the kids and reading to them and it was just very nice so um hopefully that's something that we all can continue to do every single year because I think the children loved it and we loved it so uh next is blood donation Robert with Johnson Barnabas health and Hillsboro mayor mayor's Wellness Pro uh wellness program are partnering to host the blood drive on Thursday March 28th this year from 11:00 p.m. to 4 P.M at the municipal building please consider donating all donors will receive a free t-shirt most importantly girls when you as you get old this is really important thing to consider you know helping people do or convincing other people to do to because it could save a life it's a really great thing to do Girl Scout cookies we will talk about Girl Scout week this uh during our presentations so you're all here we're going to be talking about you don't worry this is that picture yeah this is this was I don't think Campbell were you in this one Campbell no you were that you were the one that the first one and then committee woman pay called me out and said am I getting paid for this no I'm not I'm just trying to help you guys make money every time I see you girls you can tell him no okay I just so Campbell Campbell was on was on my son Robbie's basketball team which we just won we were 10-0 they won the championship with the COO right I think it's kind of what we call it they were really good Campbell did really good she's going to get the most improved award for for on Wednesday night when we have our our little team pizza and um she did really really well um but I I got to tell you the the um I owe six bucks because she wouldn't come out on the court the last game for and she she she negotiated a box cookie so I ow $6 to get out there so all right she she pointed at me tonight she knows what she's doing so um but we have an equally important Girl Scout related event to share with you today it's cookie time every weekend Girl Scouts are setting up booths at various locations throughout town uh shop R is really really busy um I'm trying to remember what we was it Friday night at Lenny's Friday night at Lenny's that's another huge one look for the cookie time flyer and Thursday's experience Hillsboro for more information and support our Scouts and I think you guys wear cookie costumes too which is so cool that's awesome that's awesome yeah you wor it I know you did yep yep so all right so the last part here is before we get to the proclamations is stay connected as always you can stay connected with all the news and events by subscribing to the Wednesday mayor's E news and Thursday's experience Hillsboro bulton follow in like the official Hillsboro Township Facebook page X which used to be Twitter and Instagram tune in to the Hillsboro YouTube channel and sign up for Hillsboro alerts for traffic and emergency notifications all right so now we are going to do our two proclamations so you guys all ready all right all right let's do it they should get some extra credit because somebody knew that these are my favorites they do they do they do Recon yeah all right so we're gonna have Vishnu baharun vage come up first please did I get it [Applause] right try I'm trying yeah we go this one here here we go get to the middle there that right over here here we go see I have handlers that's important go with the bigger stuff the details not so much here we go so Hillsboro High School senior Vishnu bwat bwat has been nominated for the US Presidential Scholars Program let's clap that's awesome that's awesome that's really cool so candidates are selected from nearly 3.6 million students not 3600 3.6 million students um expected million right expected to graduate from the US high schools in 2024 Vishnu is the winner of several Science Olympiad competitions at Regional State and National levels is a biology Olympiad National semi-finalist he's also a two-time national German exam winner and awarded the New Jersey seal of batery again another clap I mean it's it's not it's incredible okay Vishnu is the founder and president of the Linguistics Club president of the neurobo club oh you're going to be a farmer guy huh maybe all right good an event leader for the Science Olympiad Club his volunteers through Boy Scouts service projects uh conducts public speaking and youth leadership I'm going to give you the mic we'll see how you do uh youth leadership workshops and organizes Youth Empowerment related speaker events now here's the best part now the therefore be a proclaimed that we the mayor and Hill par Township committee dueby congratulate Vishnu Bahar baharun for his nomination to the US Presidential Scholars Program that's how they wrote it down congratulations my friend thank you all right see what you [Applause] [Music] got all right so not going to keep it too too long but I do want to say that as a person who's been born and raised in Hillsboro for all my life it's a great honor to receive this Proclamation from the township um I just wanted to say that I'm very thankful to the township the mayor and the Comm comme and the public school district of Hillsboro for allowing me the opportunity to grow and providing a great opport a great place for me to develop as a better student as a better person thank you very much and he definitely passed a test for doing a great public speaking let's stay up here and take a picture take a picture you going to school yeah we you going to school still figuring that out they'll be Lu they're lucky to Mom and Dad you want me in a picture with them yeah family whoever you want to bring up those younger brothers yeah get them up here they're going to be embarrassed come on boys let's go come on everybody anybody else rest of the bring come we'll do this one then we'll make him come on anybody else want to come up first two R of come come on get Come [Applause] on B deal this is good in there you go there you go it just took one to Mo okay okay you know who's next how about you all get up here come on let's go let's go bring it up oh boy a lot there's a lot of you there's a lot of us all right of squishing girls get in there all who's the youngest BL who is the youngest how about the Daisy stand in the front and the daisies hold the proclamation okay all the daisies stand right in the front okay and you guys are going to face face over here I'm going to go here I'm read this off to you guys wow whoa best pledge allegiance ever I'm sorry it's awesome all right you guys ready here we go girl scout week is celebrated each year during in the month of March which always includes the Girl Scout birthday which is which day March 12th very good which commemorates the day of the organization was founded in 1912 by Juliet Gordon low and Savannah Georgia I was actually there I went into the building and watched it on the old black and white TV and watched how the First videos of how they got you guys to be a part of that it was really neat really neat girl scouting offers girls 21st century programming in stem so important as well as the outdoors entrepreneurship and more the Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey was formed in 2008 and capably delivers the optimal Girl Scout experience to over 28,000 young women and adults in Essex Hudson hunterton middlex Somerset Union and Warren counties are you guys ready now therefore people claim that we the mayor and Hillsboro Township committee do hereby applaud the commit the commitment girl scouting has made to support the leadership development of America's girls and proudly proclaim the week of March 10th through 16th 2024 as Girl Scout week right here we go with any of the yes yes I see you I felt your eyes on the side of my head you didn't have to so first I have to state that I am married to the scout master of 1776 so if you're going to throw that challenge down might have a problem in my house Girl Scouts of the United States has been serving girls for an incredible 112 years our organization has outlived 88% of the Fortune 500 companies present in 1955 in 112 years we have seen over 59 million women be part of our organization and today we are currently serving 1.1 million girls with over 800,000 adult volunteers I'm Tara Bren and with my co-manager Shannon Warner we are proud to serve Hillsboro with over 400 Girl Scouts and 350 awesome volunteers we are honored to accept this Proclamation celebrating our history our commitment to today's girls and all we will serve in the future our mission is girl scouting builds girls of Courage confidence and character who make the world a better place in everything we do we see girls exhibit the courage to try something new like rock climbing or boating the confidence to complete a high Award of bronze silver and gold and the character to serve our community with service all over our Township and we are always making the world a better place with projects to enhance our schools time with our senior citizens and cleaning up the community where we live as a leader of a group of four 12th graders please indulge me in a moment to assure you our four Ambassador Girl Scouts are prime examples of young adults who are going to change and contribute greatly to the world I will tell them from here take the courage confidence and character we instilled in you over the past 13 years and make the world a better place I'm proud of your accomplishments and know that you will do so we invite you to celebrate the Day with us as our founder Juliet Gordon low launched the first Troop of 18 girls in Savannah there is a quote from the 1913 Girl Scout Handbook which Juliet said the work of today is the history of tomorrow and we are its makers with Girl Scouts we continue to shape the future of young girls with Endless Possibilities inv valuable experiences and Priceless rewards thank you for your continued support of our organization anybody else guys ready for a picture yep okay it yep all right let's see all right everybody turn around look up front up front the picture right in the middle the midle come in ER former Scout ER tell me this midle coup perfect congratulations [Music] [Applause] girls okay so this concludes our proclamations and presentations uh a final congratulations to all the recipients I'm getting through this because you're all about to sit down but I'm going to say we're going to take a pref pause if you guys would like to go you can we can finish the rest of our business so we're going to take about a 3 or 4 minute break e e e e e e e e e e e committee you're only a child you don't count you'll have your time L I know sorry are the cameras running that was not on camera right I already thre Shades Bo guys deny my child yes I'm really a good mom okay tough all right so mayor appointments just for for procedural purposes I read them out correct yeah all right so number one moving James Vander valet uh vet to seat six from seat six to seat three on the environmental commission to fill a vacancy expiring on 12312 appoint number two appointing James Vander vit to seat six on the planning board to fill a vacancy expiring on 1231 2026 good okay mayor just as a point for the public this is the seat that uh is tied together with the EC and the planning board so seat three become seat six as the representative on the planning board from the EC so that's why it's done together and Mr Vander is a licensed lsrp lsrp site remediation professional so it's a great um great resource asset okay moving on to consent agenda uh items number one through 11 would anybody like to take these out of order or we're good to go may I have a motion to approve the consent agenda items 1 through 11 so move second comments from the de anybody comments from the floor coming up good evening Maria Janus 720 East fck Avenue Manville New Jersey I'm also a Hillsboro Township property owner block 86 slot 3 2155 Camp Lane Road um consent number seven resolution authorizing transfer of funds from planning and board of adjustment escrow accounts to the treasurer's account um there are um probably a few more but I'm going to mention the three uh Homestead 279 LLC Sherman tract Phase 2 Eminem and Weston Road LLC uh these are applications that are before the uh the uh planning board that haven't uh been approved yet and like Sher German tract hasn't even uh had a a public hearing yet so I I don't understand how is it they're getting um that there have there has been review work done uh and it's been completed and so now uh funds are being transferred uh why is that to the treasurers account mrar is any other additional detail there that's pertinent this is for the ones for the board of adjustment that you're particular so these These are planning board they're but they their Board of adjustment quarterly transfers um I believe uh that they also came in front of the board of adjustment in um looking for a decision based on the prohibit of warehouses in their zone so they came in for an appeal to the board of adjustment so therefore they had a supply some some fees for that okay yeah BL committee leani is correct unless uh attorney Willard has anything else to add I believe that's exactly what it is I'm sorry I again again we have a a standard resolution I think M Janice has asked questions before regarding this particular type of resolution um when an applicant becomes before our board they have to Pro post escros and when our professionals review those applications uh they bill against those escros so the planning department the engineering department and so forth uh for review of those applications for work they do in connection with it um they do do the review and then they build the escrow file and this is what those transfers would represent um if you have any specific questions Miss Janis regarding any particular entry I would suggest that you contact our planning department um they're here Monday through Friday okay but to what uh What uh committe man leani stated in regard to the warehouse applications that would be Homestead 279 LLC and Weston Road but the Sherman track Phase 2 Eminem that's not a warehouse uh application there has been no public hearing so but I believe there must have been an application submitted an application was submitted this past Thursday uh it was on the agenda and then shown that it was being adjourned so I don't know what's being done with that and so why is you know $637 being um um transferred again if you want specifics regarding the exact work that was done you can contact the planning department but once again when an application comes in the professionals review it and then they bill against that so there's a lot of work that goes on before the application gets heard before the board there's a lot of review that goes on before the application gets heard before the board um so who who would be doing that review uh for the planning department that would be Mr koise You' also have the zoning officer and um you also have the township engineer did you would you say billing officer I'm sorry zoning officer not billing officer zoning officer zoning officer oh zoning officer and the a Township engineer yes ma'am okay and also miss janc it says planning and board of adjustment so it's for both and again Sherman track phase two is what you're ask is still um in becoming in front of the board of adjustment but there is work being done that has that we've been doing the entire time to bring it to us okay so Sherman tra is also before the board of adjustment as well as the planning board no I said that this list said is both planning and board of adjustment so it's everybody right right I understand but yeah uh as far as I know the Sherman track phase two is supposed to be before the planning board not the board of adjustment they were actually supposed to be before the planning board last week and they moved the they uh postpone the application right right so they're not they're not before the board of adjustment they're before the planning board correct okay um consent number eight resolution authorizing the release of cash escrow and Engineering inspection fee scow for Hillsboro Village project uh where is this um Hillsboro Village project off of 206 down towards the Bell meat area towards the Bell meat area yep yep that's the end of the bypass yep right next to the byass not far from Iron Peak so why why is this one separate from the from the list that was on the on on on uh consent number um seven Mr Willis because because here we're actually returning the Asos the project is now complete uh the engine uh the uh they're indicating Mr Binger is indicating that the project is complete all his review work is done so now we're returning whatever balances left in the escrow account to the applicant because the project is complete all right project is complete okay thank you consent number 10 resolution authorizing refund of tax overpayments uh the majority of the um uh the name of the the the the P the the group that's getting or the firm or whatever that's getting a refund is core logic and there's two that are pretty uh substantial amounts $2 22,35 and the another one for $ 30, 959 as well as other ones who is core logic and why are they getting these refunds gotcha Mr Ferrar do you have any more detail on on core logic I know they're they're local group or Mr yeah Mr will would he refused so core logic is um U I'm I'm going to guess here but I'm pretty sure it's right uh core logic is a third party payer uh what happens is many many times when you have a mortgage you might have it through Bank of America whatever but Bank of America although you're making your mortgage payments to Bank of America they have a third party vendor set up that takes care of the tax account and then what happens is every time you make a mortgage payment part of your payment is going into your escrow account and then what happens is a company like Coral logic handles all that and then therefore they pay your taxes when they become due and a lot of times we see this because there's been a duplicate payment maybe the homeowner also paid or something like that happened and there's been a duplicate payment and that's why there's refunds still y so that can be even uh for amounts like 30,000 it can be an overpayment of 30 almost $31,000 for for taxes yes ma'am okay all right thank you thank you okay roll call actually can I ask one more question go for um because it's I actually had questions on this one too are these all residential or could these be commercial because those are large payments any could be they could be any so they give you a lot in Block there next to it yeah that's I just don't know what 183 is I don't know if anybody else is that's a would explain like the larger the larger amounts I said you don't study the block and lot map come on yeah I don't know I didn't memorize the block numbers yet um yeah but I think that's another reason to have Alicia here because I think it would be helpful for that explanation so okay okay thank you okay now roll call please committee woman hand yes commit leani yes committee woman Payne yes Deputy Mayor chick relli yes yes mayor Bing yes public hearings I see none introduction of new ordinances I see none claims list may I have a motion to approve claims list 202 24-3 second please I'll give you first I'll take second ladies first it is women's M we literally said both of the exact same time so comments from the Day comments from the floor Maria Janus 720 East f Avenue Manville um I think it's the oh well anyway first of all uh the supplemental checklist uh there is an amount for 1,190 54 that's going for the first quarter to the board of fire Commissioners why would that large amount be on the supplemental list and not on the regular list I'm freezing up here I can't so uh so that is the taxes collected quarterly taxes to the fire district and then we have to pay them their money that's collected um so they didn't want to wait till we vote on it so it's their money it's their tax money so we we wrote cut the check so to speak as a supplemental okay I'm not understanding tax money meaning when you pay your taxes there's a percentage that goes to the fire district one to two% okay so we collect the tax to the township all of it the county the state the uh bard of Ed fire Etc and then we once we've collected the tax we disperse the those payments to The Entity that it gets and the fire district gets that million whatever you said everything but the state mayor you 100% on except ex the state they get their own money they won't let me touch that not the state but but every time uh Municipal property taxes are paid as we all know part of that goes to the county part of that goes to County live County open space part of it goes to the municipality um and part of it also goes to the fire district and uh the overwhelming Park goes to the school board the Board of Ed and we are the collection agent uh when we collect all those taxes then we remit to those respective entities so payment for the um Board of fire Commissioners is that always through a supplemental check not necessarily not necessarily just depends on when the money is collected when our meetings fall correct okay so this is a first quarter payment uh is that the same payment for each quarter I don't know that for sure but I would imagine it's pretty close it's pretty close yes same percentage each month okay and then on the list of bills all funds I guess it's the first page uh there's an entry for uh Bernstein Eric M and Associates and it's just it says general Le legal blanket and it's for $1,844 181 and then another entry also uh uh General legal blanket 180 uh what would that uh payment Encompass Mr far we deal with them on a regular basis too with regards groups again we'd have to look at the backup for that U but those bills have been looked at by me they've been signed they've been certif c y yeah I mean looking at every single thing here but they've already been looked at and have to trust the professionals and the people that are sign them as well I'm sorry I it's yes they they've all been looked at and signed I i' I've reviewed them the CFO has reviewed them and then it goes to the committee okay but so then how do you find out what that what that covers because there's there's backup for each one that we're signing all right so if that were if that were to be Opera there would be records records be provided showing what what what was paid for all the Professional Services we have here yes yes Mr burn SM itemize bills would be back up thank you you got it okay so now a couple public comments for matters excuse me oh oh excuse me sorry we we need to vote y yep yep can't pay the bills unless you got that right roll call please commit woman hand yes Comm leani yes Comm woman pay yes Deputy Mayor Cher rally yes mayor BR yes okay new business I'm seeing none so public comments for matters not on the agenda Miss please read the statement regarding public comment the township committee welcomes input from the public please state your name and address and please spell your name for the record you'll be given one three minute allotment for your comments please understand that this public forum is not structured as a question and answer session comments are be to be addressed to the mayor again please keep your comments to three minutes thank you Maria janusek um U I attended the um January 25th planning board meeting uh and uh attorney Eric Bernstein has again been appointed planning board attorney and this is like the uh year 24 from for uh attorney Bernstein so I had asked if that's a renewal or if he has to apply for the position and he said that he has to apply for it it's not a renewal so I asked if he had a contract and he said um yes yes I'll sign it tomorrow which was surprising because I thought that if you have a contract that should be signed before you start work so attorney Bernstein had attended the uh reorganization meeting of the planning board and right after that reorganization meeting was the first meeting of the planning board and then this January 25th I think was the third meeting and uh attorney Bernstein had not signed uh his contract so I submitted an Oprah request and I received a copy that was signed but there's no date on it so I'd like to know what is the procedure with professionals who are hired by the township um do they have to sign a contract before they they start work for the township so again this is a comment section not a question and answer so I appreciate your comment oh that's my comment okay um so I just want to say from what I see my comment is that attorney Eric Bernstein attended three meetings uh at the reorganization meeting he uh administered the oath of office and I wonder if that was considered um um uh legal since he did not have a have a signed contract uh additionally looking at the signatures on that contract there is no elected official signing that contract and why I question attorney Bernstein's uh payments because um if his contract isn't signed by by an elected official how is the township paying him so those are my my comments that that there there there are a lot of questions that that that need to be answered in regard to uh attorney Eric Bernstein especially since he has been the attorney for the planning board 23 years this is his 24th year uh so I I I would appreciate some answers thank you um Mr Janice can I just ask you a question um was it signed by any board member the chairman of the board I'm sorry what did the chairman of the board sign the contct contract the chairman of the board signed it and someone else signed it thank you okay theair the chairman of the board is that's all I needed to know thank you okay but I'm just I'm GNA comment that the chairman of the board is Mr srra who also is not an elected official thank you okay it uh mayor just so you know it's the board's appointment not yours as the township committee so therefore the chair asss it thank you any other public comments for matters not on the agenda three minutes you have minute one minute left the board the the chairman of the board signs it but if Township funds are being uh used to pay uh attorney Bernstein and I know he has said that he gets paid from accounts from the applicants but he said that that's that's when uh there's a public hearing anything other than the public hearing during that meeting is paid by the township so I I I believe that an elected official should be also signing it so that money from the township can be paid to him thank you and we thank you for your thoughts on that thank you anybody else no okay all right since I don't see any other comments uh may I have a motion to adjourn so moved second second roll call please committee woman hand yes commit leani yes committee woman pay yes Deputy Mayor chiarelli yes mayor Bing yes happy St Patrick's Day everybody it is 8:30 3 p.m. on that clock right there have a good night everybody