hello and welcome to the Monday February 26 2024 Hillsboro Township Board of Education meeting in accordance with the state Sunshine Law of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting of the Hillsboro Township Board of Education was provided on February 22nd 2024 to the Hillsboro Beacon and the carrier news Mr reer can we please take rooll Mr Davis here M Jackson here miss Craig M lenning beer here Mr Lee here miss nurse here miss stats here m Mr H here and Mr Marini here we have a quorum can we please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance United States of America the stands na God indivisible withy and Justice I would like to acknowledge the corresponden is listed and we will move uh directly to committee reports um are we ready for Education thank you Miss Jackson yep so um when we met um we did a um book adoption review um there are two books that will be on tonight's agenda and a new course proposal for conversational and compositional Spanish to um the rationale for the new course um is a general education course it's developed developed and geared towards students with IEP who may need a less complex 2-year language option in order to meet the language requirement for college uh we did briefly discuss the district calendar um and we spent quite a bit of time on the pride survey results with um Miss magio and the Empower Somerset Representatives Miss Taylor and uh Clarita and Mr Josh Wolf so um which was a very enlightening overview very well put together thank you M Jackson all right I will move on to the HR uh committee meeting uh I stood in as acting chairperson uh so reviewing those items um uh just as in all the other committees you'll hear me mention this again in governance we reviewed the district calendar um you know right now for those who aren't aware we've used all of our allotted snow days so I guess hope for no snow so it doesn't ruin spring break so fingers crossed um but we've I think collectively agreed not to make any changes um we did review a sick Bank leave request uh a general leave request um we talked about uh the Senate Bill S2 2434 um which is a way for schools to leverage something potentially to recoup some lost money from the S2 funding um there's no board opinion on that at this point in time but we may make a comment in the future um and then we did an update on hiring of referendum uh positions which is going very very well uh I think we have 10 of 20 staff Physicians hired and we have almost all of the building monitors we need four more four more on that so we 10 more staff and four more um monitors and that's it for the HR meeting and we'll move on to operations in U operations and finance uh primarily we we're talking about the beginning of the budget process and uh Mr eert U gave us a run through of how the budget is being built going through the numbers with a fine tooth comb and trying to find a way to arrive at a balanced budget uh at first glance uh there's quite a large deficit couple of million dollar whole in the process uh largely due to decreased funding those types of things from the state um but uh Mr eard has been going through along with Michelle and they've found a way to uh fill a lot of that Gap with adjustments and Corrections recovering funds from other years uh but that process continues and the budget will be ready to be presented on time thank you Mr Davis uh and I will quickly review the governance committee meeting uh also held at February 21st um we like all other committees reviewed the district calendar again um so no additional comments there we did discuss the upcoming board retreat on March 25th um basically the discussion there was basically we're trying to discuss what will be discussed at the board retreat uh I will be sending out a draft agenda to get feedback from board members and at our next committee meeting we will finalize the agenda for our board retreat um that's really what we have for that and last but not we had an informational update about the qac assessment there was an on-site visit um the executive County Superintendent uh to perform the review and it looks like everything's you know we're an exceptional district and uh passing scores so we'll get a final report soon May or June uh with the final final assessment but that was for all tents and purposes a successful visit and that concludes uh committee reports does anybody else have any questions or anything to add okay thank you all right um so board president report um just an update quickly um on our long-term District planning um we have one more meeting left which I believe will be a Sunday in April um and after that we will then have uh supposedly finalize our kind of high level District planning and that'll be able to be shared uh with the public so we're very excited and we want to again thank the public for their input in the in the planning phases and we'll have some great information to share with you soon and that'll conclude my board president report we'll move oh yes sorry all right I appreciate the reminder um we are actually going to be implementing two ad hoc committees uh we do have uh the first ad hoc committee which is going to be the activities fees subcommittee I know it's been a discussion point there was people up at the at the lect um commenting out last week we've had a lot of emails and ongoing discussion so we're going to continue with the same members continuation from last year that'll be myself uh Miss nurse Mr Lee and Miss stats and then we'll also be uh implementing a Communications ad hoc committee um we haven't finalized the members of that but we wanted to announce officially that those two will be put into the place um and we're just finalizing who will be on the communications ad hoc committee and that wraps up my report thank you Mr President it's wonderful to see everybody here uh last year when I became super intend in my first day was uh this board meeting where we recognized the the teachers and educational support Professionals of the year and I will be getting to you momentarily but I know everybody is really here for uh because they really want to talk some budget information um while I have a captive audience I'm going to take two minutes of your time to just mention that over the next couple of board meetings uh you are going to be hearing a lot about the budget and there's two things that I want to keep you in mind there's that structural hole which I've talked about for a long period of time uh that we need to somehow fix in Hillsboro largely do because of the state aid cuts and then there's things that we can do outside of that as well and what I wanted to point out was something really special that has taken place uh during the course of this year financially um and some things that you may not be really super aware of unless you read uh board um information in detail so so behind me you'll see there's 2324 additional funding opportunities since the approval of the budget now these are additional funding opportunities and what do I mean by that let me give you a concrete example if you have your electric bill at home and for some reason you don't have enough money to pay it and your friend comes along and says I'm G to give you $100 but you can only spend this on your water bill well you're kind of beholden to that you can only spend it on the water bill you still have that electric bill you have to pay so while what I'm about to show you does not fix the structural part of our budget um when people are normally in a budget hole it's like wo is me what can we do there's not much we can do because we're in budget trouble well let me go through some of the things that we did just this year so that everybody has a comprehensive understanding of what was accomplished in 2324 through advocacy and not just my advocacy but lots of people here as well as members of the educational Community talk to the state uh to get $62,000 restored from the state aid cuts that happened in this year's budget addition additionally on top of that we got $626,000 from the state budget specifically to address necessary safety concerns and upgrades at the Hillsboro High School auditorium of course we have to thank the taxpayers of Hillsboro for passing two referendum for our uh Security Department as well as to hire 20 certificated staff members so it's good that we did all of this but that's not all we have done we have hunted for every Grant and for every opportunity that we can for children in a whole variety of ways so what else have we done this year I'm not talking about the grants that we get every year title one uh that the schools get or Ida that all schools get for special education I'm saying what did we hunt and pec for so that we can deliver more for the children of Hillsboro the first thing and you'll find it on tonight's agenda we were awarded $310,500 last year before I was superintendent in Hillsboro I found out Hillsboro got zero and it was a goal of mine and Mr eert and Miss Le fever to make sure that we brought something home for Hillsboro this year we brought home a little over $300,000 earlier this year we were awarded a grant of 100 over $175,000 by the school Development Authority to help offset HVAC repairs at Hillsboro High School we rewarded over $221,000 as part of the food for schools Grant where our food services are going to be working with a local Farm in town make that connection where we could be actually serving and eating foods that are that are grown right here in Hillsboro Mr hler recently was able to procure $191,000 in Grants now granted that is payable in over four years to help improve our cyber security here in Hillsboro a couple of board meetings ago we procured $337,000 in Grants from the New Jersey learning acceleration grant for high impact tutoring for most of our third and fourth grade uh at mostly four third and fourth grade levels we have got play unified grants where we expanded High School soccer and an elementary Club we've got an Affinity Credit Card grant for concert attire and $22,000 from an invention land grant for stem PD so we have this budgetary hole but we are looking at a whole lot of different ways as to what can we still do for uh the students in Hillsboro advocacy work and not just mine a lot of you were involved in that too led to $1.2 million we have no entitlement to but we got it thanks to the taxpayers of Hillsboro we were given $2.8 million that's not something we were entitled to you the people of Hillsboro decided that that was good for schools and then in addition to that my my M my administrative staff and my teaching staff put together over $1 million in Grants during the course of this budget year to make sure that the students in Hillsboro are getting the things that they need we didn't have to do any of this we could have said wo is us we have a budget hole what are we going to do we didn't take that line down we're continuing to advocate for fair funding in Hillsboro and while we have unfair funding we're going to find other ways to do what we need to do for kids the one thing that I want to point out to everybody here is while we've procured this about $5 million in the course of one year it doesn't help fill our budget hole similar to the electric bill versus the water bill all of these things you can see what these grants are for and what this allows us to do is something we would not be able to do for children in our own individual budget so I thank you for all of your support when it comes to that I thank uh everybody who's been involved in the finances of this district and that putting together $5 million in a non uh building referendum you don't ever see that happen in a school district so I'm very proud of the work we've done here and if you weren't aware of that I just wanted to make you aware of some of the things that we are doing we will have continuing budget conversations about next year's budget over the next several board meetings but you can expect that we will be taking similar approaches looking for every dime we can get for the children of Hillsboro thank you for humoring me because I know you're not all here for this I know what we're actually here for today is the fact that we have a series of absolutely outstanding Educators um to be recognized today and even though uh some other educators are not being recognized today uh I've had the opportunity to uh get around to the schools on both school days before after weekends helping shovel snow with some of our custodia we have just people that go above and beyond in all uh positions here in the Hillsboro Township Public Schools it was the main reason why I wanted to come back here because I knew the boots on the ground beat any other school district I had ever worked for today I'm very happy to be calling up some principles uh who are going to help recognize uh the best of the best for this year when it comes to our uh Education Services Professionals of the year so the Board of Education we're honored to announce uh everyone and uh principles had to meet certain criteria in order for these professionals to be recognized and when I do put the person's name up I will be reading who you are uh what you do and then you and your principal can come up and meet president Marini and if all of the teachers can wait up there for a final round of applause for everyone and then we'll call the Education Services professionals after that congratulations to all of you these are well deserved so let's move into our teachers of the year uh we have a third grade teacher from Amsterdam Elementary School Lisa bratus sixth grade social studies teacher from mton Road Intermediate School sha L kindergarten teacher from Hillsboro Elementary School Shauna GUI industrial technology teacher from Hillsboro High School Eric Rosenthal health and physical education teacher from Hillsboro middle middle school Jennifer puritz third grade teacher from Sunny meat Elementary School saman morali resource teacher from Triangle Elementary School Maria Atlas second grade teacher from woodfern elementary school Andrea sass special education resource teacher from Woods Road Elementary School Emma meanie the reason why it's a pleasure to be the superintendent of these schools is because of the outstanding work that you do every day some of you I've worked with some of you I've just seen some of you I've hired multiple times I know that uh coming back here in Hillsboro how about a round of applause for our teachers of the year thank you teachers we will now be calling up our Educational Services Professionals of the Year principles you can just stay there if you want for your for your people an instructional assistant from Amsterdam Elementary School Lisa Burgess an instructional assistant from Aon Road Intermediate School Erica Club excuse me an instructional assistant from Hillsboro Elementary School bernardet Mertens all right I need to hear that again an instructional assistant from Hillsboro High School Mary Kesler a media specialist from Hillsboro Middle School Taisha Gau Barrera an instructional assistant from Sunny meat Elementary School nahal hammad an interventionist from Triangle Elementary School School Jill and Hanam a school counselor from woodfern elementary school Allison gelino a learning disabilities teaching consultant from Woods Road Elementary School Kristen Doyle there are so many outstanding Educators who do so many wonderful things but let's take a moment to uh give a round of applause for our Educational Services professional you know the final slide behind me says I touch the future I teach um it's also whatever kind of educator you are uh I had mentioned it doesn't matter what you do if you're an employee of the Hillsboro Township Public Schools you are an educator and you are involved in educating children and I appreciate everything that you do every day and I can't wait till the next time I come around to your schools and see the great things you're doing thank you for coming out tonight and well-deserved award uh we're going to take a f minute recess for everybody to celebrate with the the people that came to see them and then we'll continue the meeting in five minutes thank you continue the meeting um thank you for joining if you would like to you could please either take a seat or say your goodbyes maybe I need one of those principles to come up here and bang a gavl all right hello and welcome back we're back from our five minute 7 Minute 10 minute break whatever that one it being uh we are now going to move on to the approval of minutes uh 8.1 motion to approve public meeting minutes 2224 motion to approve special meeting minutes 21624 can I get a motion and second so move second any discussion I'm gonna have to abstain on both of those on both of those okay all right uh besides the exstension uh all in favor I thank you we will now move on to comments from the board public we very much welcome input from the public during board meetings there'll be 230 minute periods of time that the meeting will be open for public comment members of the public are invited to comment which they may do if they attending in person during the first public comment period members of the public May comment on any items that are listed on tonight's agenda before the board votes during the second public comment period members of the public May comment on any school or School District issue that a member of the public FS may be of concern to the residents of the school district bylaw 0167 before you say your comment you ask to provide your name and address there's a 30 minut limit on public comment please understand that our public forms are not structured as question and answer session SS rather offers opportunities to share your thoughts with the board in with the board of leaders misunderstanding or accuracy the board president or superintendent will address the comment there may be times a member of the public makes a comment answer a question about Personnel hiring decisions kindly note the open public meetings Act and the Privacy rights of public employees Encompass therein do not permit the board to discuss personel issues in public session all right seeing no nobody up at the podium we will close public comment before we move on to the action agenda are there any board members that have any comments just leave it open Miss STS uh I just wanted to uh comment on the uh new proposal for a proposal for a new course uh conversational and compositional Spanish 2cp and this is proposed to uh accommodate the meet the needs of uh students who are struggling in uh the existing Spanish 2cp so this is an additional uh CP course in at Spanish 2 level and uh I'm glad that we're uh addressing the needs of a population that um the only recourse if they were struggling would be to drop it um or not take it at all but and I invite to have a reconsideration of that same accommodation for students in other CP classes such as in English and math um where uh they don't even have the recourse to drop it they have to take uh three years of CP math uh four years of of C CP English and there's only one level of it and that we have struggling students um that uh don't have any recourse other than stick with it and fail or uh do very poorly um and just as other districts have uh two levels of CP and and the Spanish two CPS still satisfy the standards so just as other districts have two levels of CP that satisfy the standards for those respective courses um I think we should consider having another level of CP and in uh uh especially in English and math uh to accommodate the needs of our struggling students right thank you for your comment Miss D to follow up on Miss st's comments I would just wonder like what is the process for having that consideration I did not get a chance to read the minutes for education so how did these conversational and compositional Spanish to come to be um the teachers who typically teach um icr Spanish too um came together with Dr redwan and had a conversation um Spanish 2 icr is not being offered um many of the students tended to drop that course um and they were looking for a course that was conversational and compositional in nature they need to be able to speak and listen and read and write um and in in a more practical manner than the traditional learn grammar learn the literature learn the the um the whole cultural component of Spanish um and so that's how it came to be so it was from the staff who were noticing that is that right yes and what does icr stand for in class resource okay so is that a jet like is that class available to the like for everybody the compositional yes it's gen Ed course but it it'll be written into the IEPs of students who who need it so then for um a course similar to what misat has been advocating over the years what would that process look like to evaluate oh the same way this does teachers teachers meet with the supervisors to talk about a a you know a course that would be appropriate to bring forward to education committee you know that meets the standards that then gets can be approved um you know we were looking for a course that would be NCAA approved for any students who are also athletes so that they would get college credit for this as well from the from the board's perspective The Next Step would be to bring ideas to the education committee correct yes yeah the course proposals come up right okay so would that just be like here do we speak to Miss Jackson offline what would be the next so you said education committee but I understand that to bring it to an agenda we should speak to the chair but so I just I think what you're clarifying is can we bring that in or does it have to come from the teacher to recommend that course kind of the way this did or can it just be added to the education agenda we can bring anything for discussion to a committee meeting uh I think we frequently do that if if board members come to uh bring things that they want to discuss yeah okay okay so I guess I'm making that request I I'm just like I just want to be clear because I because sometimes it's like well we kind of talk about it and then like we're not really sure what the next step is so is this like a request but it's probably gonna be after budget season so like how does it get added to the agenda do we pick one now or should I just talk to El yeah I believe Miss Jackson is the chair of the of the committee who's who's right there and you can coordinate with her for whatever the next meeting is and it can be a discussion of the committee members cool I I just want to follow up that um this was uh on the agenda of the educ education committee I believe last year um that I had asked to be added but um I think the concern was about it uh about why we did not have standard levels even though my request was about um creating two levels of CP and now that it seems like there's been um uh an acknowledgement of the need for that just for Spanish too so um hopefully that can expand the consideration of that for uh other CP level courses yeah makes sense all right great all right uh so we seeing that I guess unless there's any other comments we can move on to the action agenda sure I would ask for the board's consideration in the area of Education to approve the following motions professional travel related expenses affirming the superintendent's HIV determinations curriculum writing staff for multiple language Learners wraparound program overnight trip field trip destination new books new course proposal as just stated submission of Grant application expanding access to climate change education and the New Jersey student learning standards through interdisciplinary Learning Community resilience and 10 motion to approve acceptance of the 2023 24 stabilization age as I mentioned in my report in the amount of $310,500 yes Mr Lee yes Miss nurse yes Miss stats yes Mr hio Yes except on 10.1 I'm voting no for the staff member traveling to Colorado and Mr Marini yes motion passes thank you in the area of Human Resources I'd ask for the board's consideration of the following motions approving retirements and resignations appointments for 2324 appointments for 2425 five approving leaves of absence transfer and changes in assignment change in employment status spring coaches mentors and buddies sixth and seventh period coverage extra coverage and improving student teacher uh can I get a motion in a second so move second any discussion seeing none we'll move to roll Mr Davis yes Miss Jackson um yes with a abstain for 11.2 11.2 you said um yes okay M Ling beer yes Mr Lee yes Miss nurse yes M stats yes Mr Hill yes Mr Marini yes motion passes in the area of operations i' ask for the board's consideration approve the following motions uh accepting monthly financials line item transfers Financial status monthly bills a proposal for an Eagle Scout project at Triangle Elementary School memorandum of agreement with ruter University approving second public bidding for HHS fire shutters approving out of District placements for 2324 approving disposal and sale of obsolete equipment and accepting a donation can I get a motion a second so move second any discussion saying n we move to rooll Mr Davis yes M Jackson yes M ly beer yes Mr Lee yes Miss nurse yes Miss stats yes Mr he yes and Mr mie yes motion passes we'll move on to the second public comment period we very much welcome every the public during board meetings will be 2:30 minut periods time that the meeting will be open public comment where members of the public are invited to comment which they may do if they are attending in person during the second public comment period members of the public May comment on any school or School District issue that the member of the public FS may be concerned the residents of the school district as per BW 0167 before you state your comment you ask provide your name and address there's a them in public comment please understand that public forms not structur as question intercession but rather offered as opportunities to share your thoughts with the board board beli there's a misunderstanding or in accuracy the board president or superintendent will address your comment May times a member of the public makes a comment or ask a question about personal hiring decisions kind not the public meetings Act and the Privacy rights of public employees and comass therein do not permit the board to discuss Personnel issues in public session my name is Tiffany mu and I live in Hillsboro I'm a public health professional and Hillsboro parent and I'm here to advocate for healthy school hours as I have described before a wealth of scientific research shows that kids biological clock shifts about two hours later during puberty early school start times prevent teenagers from getting the 8 to 10 hours of sleep they need middle and high school start times after after 8:30 a.m. lead to improvements in mental health physical health and academic achievement isn't that what we want for all our kids I'm not the only concerned resident who wants to see later school start times tonight I brought a community petition that urges you to adopt healthy school hours in Hillsboro with 305 signatures you may also have heard about a poll done last year by Fairley Dickinson University which found that a majority of New Jersey residents support later High School start times additionally the health year Somerset coalition's Community Health Improvement plan which is a strategic plan for health recommends later school start times to improve behavioral health for students I know that Transportation would need to be adjusted in order to change school hours fortunately we would not increase costs for the district if we rearrange the schedules of our schools and keep the same number of bus tiers we have now in fact when other school districts have implemented healthy school hours during their in-depth Transportation analysis they often find in efficiencies that can be corrected this could actually save the district money or allow us to bring back the courtesy busing that was cut several years ago and had a negative impact on many families as you continue to work on a strategic plan for the school district I would like to share the following quote it is from Dr Ken dragith a now retired superintendent who led the very first decision to start school later based on sleep research back in 1996 he said and I quote change is hard but if your job is to look out for students this is a no-brainer starting school later was the most significant and beneficial decision I made in all the years I was an educator Mr vulpi when you first spoke a year ago after being hired as our new superintendent you said that you wanted to be transformative this is your opportunity thank you thank you for your comment good evening Henry goodu Hillsboro Education Association um realize this is not question and answer but just want to pose this for a matter of clarification so if the questions can't be answered that's perfectly fine um but I would hope that the board ask about this as well in relation to the conversation that took place to the Spanish uh the new Spanish class that was approved there was discussion about writing it into IEPs but it is a gened class so I was just curious how that will function and how it will populate in the system for guidance counselors to see like is this a gened class that's open to all gened students is it a gened class specifically geared towards students who would typically have icr2 written into their IEP in which case is it really a gened class um so I just wanted to ask that question because I heard a couple different things being discussed and I didn't want there to be um misunderstanding as this kind of rolled out and became a new class um if we could just share like how students will enter into it what kind of supports they'll receive when they're in there and is this a conversational Spanish gened class open for everyone or is it going to be specifically tailored towards those students who typically would have an IEP driven class like icr2 which won't be there anymore so I appreciate any clarification that could be given on that thank you thank you for your comment hello Lea gab bis I live in Hillsboro in case you haven't heard heard on Saturday March 99th we're going to be having the Wizards game it's coming to town every two years it comes and this is the year I would like to just invite everybody you don't have to be a parent or a student at auton Road School everybody in the community is welcome to join come see our teachers and our staff play against the Harlem Wizards and you can look online for tickets find find it on Facebook or you can ask me um just everyone is welcome and it's going to be a great time hope you can make it thanks thank you for your comment okay seeing no others I will close public comment we'll move to board comment I think Rio um had a update yeah I just want to provide some updates on the action committee and some events that are happening within the high school so starting with the action committee specifically with bathroom rules I've been talking to several students within the high school and I've gained more insight and I was hoping to bring some solutions to our next action committee meeting within the high school which is actually in the beginning beginning of March including implementing some sort of alarm system or other aspects or other solutions that I'll talk about within the meeting and to talk about some events that are happening within the high school I want to bring attention to the international art showcase which is scheduled to happen on April 17th and essentially what that is it's a showcase that all the language Honor Society put together within the high school and it's a great way to see various cultures such as French Honor Society Spanish Honor Society and all the other societies just showcase the various cultures of their respective languages and it's a great way to see the various unique cultures of every language all right thanks for the update Mr Davis I would like to uh comment on something this is uh just a personal thing has to do with my own opinion has nothing to do with the board directly the disclaimer I'm just speaking as a as a citizen but um there's a uh a a piece of legislation a bill that was being offered in Trenton I believe it's called the the right to read or the privilege to read whatever it is and has to do with it really circles around the issue of communities parents whatever groups having objections about materials and books and things like that being presented in school and one of the provisions in the bill that was offered was to offer uh protection against prosecution on the part of school staff uh either in civil actions or other actions by members of the community so I and I think there was some action in South Jersey where parents are suing the school they may be suing the librarian for placing certain materials objectionable in their minds materials in the library and there was a bit of an outcry people went to Trenton to testify and things like that and the bill has been pulled back my understanding as of today is uh and Senator wicker was the sponsor who's our Senator and uh it's being reviewed for Amendment and and so on and I just want to point out that I I find the premise of this bill to be fundamentally disturbing uh in essence and and I'm exaggerating perhaps overexaggerating but uh the objection on the part of some community members and parents is that some of these materials that are being presented or promoted through the schools could be judged as being pornographic in their depicts according to Statute in the state of New Jersey and so in one way we could view this bill by Senators wicker and others uh as a way of protecting School staff from violating the laws that were put in place supposedly to isolate or to protect children from being exposed to such materials and so it seems to me that uh to propose that the answer to the situation is to quell dcent and to isolate or immunize school officials from being criticized or or having to pay a penalty for violating the law this this is something that one once this uh toothpaste gets out of the tube there's there's no putting it back there's no way of knowing where this kind of Licensing would end up with and what kind of horrible situations would unfold with with this being put forth and this board is has nothing to do with this directly I I just want to make these statements because I am deeply concerned personally that such a not motion would even be presented as as law here in the state of New Jersey uh I know there's contention if you will between the schools and the communities in some places I don't think the answer is to threaten to Quail members of the community and immunize School staff from criticism and complaint thank you thank you any other board members that want to make a Miss stats I just want to talk about the uh the High School Musical uh something rotten they just had a few performances this past weekend um just observing uh some of their rehearsals um the talent is amazing singing dancing um uh the the the orchestra pit the set the stage crew I'm sorry sorry if I'm forgetting anybody but it's it's also hilarious it's very enjoyable and people I know that have seen it from uh uh you know uh teenagers through uh those of us of a certain age um everyone seems to be enjoying it um for those of you who haven't seen it yet or if you want to see it again there will be two more performances Friday night and Saturday night at 7 you can get tickets online I and also at the door um but I also want to uh address what uh Mr Davis brought up um teachers are and well School staff in general um have been undergoing um lots of criticism some of it some of which is very disrespectful and at least to protect them from lawsuits I think it's minimum I there I think I welcome any kind of uh challenge or uh criticisms of what schools do um um but I do think people should be protected from lawsuits we have a teacher shortage and this kind of thing is just going to just going to uh expand that even more um not to mention a threat to uh censorship um I've heard people misuse the terms grooming pedophiles groomers uh accusing teachers School staff of of all that because of uh whatever the curriculum is um they're supporting all students they're not recruiting them to be any certain kind of member of the population they're just supporting them whoever they uh whatever uh the students May identify to be um and uh protecting them from lawsuits is a minimum thing but I welcome anyone to criticize curriculum or practices that are actually taking place not pure conjecture based on what's Happening elsewhere thank you thank you any other board members okay seeing your other comments I'll take a motion to adjourn so moved second All In favor hi thanks we'll see you in a couple weeks